#league oneshots
b3ach-bunn7 · 22 days
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a random number starts texting you and you decide to text back
Or, the bassist of your favourite band accidentally messages you and u fall in love
inspired by this fic 😆 and my fav band the driver era
band!au, no quirks, text form, eventual romance
September 18th
10:37 pm
Unknown: Ask Shiggy to grab me a monster on his way back
You: a monster?? are u 12…
Unknown: Shut up and ask
You: sorry I think you have the wrong number
Unknown: No I don’t
You: lowkey u do..
You: r u trying to hack me
Unknown: You’re still texting me so u would probably fall for it
You: okay ur still textjng me genius
Unknown: Texting*
You: Shut up.
You: okay don’t actually shut up
Unknown: Thought I was a hacker
You: maybe I wanna be hacked
Unknown: Is this flirting
You: maybe
You: r u really sexy
Unknown: Extremely
You: 😍 feeling bashful rn
You: why r u drinking monsters anyways
You: Wait am i actually messaging a 12 yr old
September 19th
4:03 am
Unknown: I’m not 12 years old
Unknown: I’m 24
Unknown: And i drink monsters for energy
Unknown: And because they r yummy
Unknown: And cheap
You: omfg you don’t need a separate text for every word
Unknown: Oh
Unknown: Didn’t think you’d be awake so late
You: well I wasn’t but SOMEONE is messaging me at 4am
You: also I’m 24 2
Unknown: Didn’t ask
You: kys
Unknown: Ok bye
You: pussy
You: why are u even awake so late
Unknown: I’m writing
You: omg 😳 are u an author
Unknown: Lol no
Unknown: I write music
You: OMG
You: even better
You: what do u play
Unknown: Bass
Unknown: And I sing kinda
You: kinda?
Unknown: I sing backup mainly
Unknown: Or lead if I’m feeling extra generous
You: generous?
Unknown: To please all my loving woman fans ofc 😫
Unknown: 😭💔.
You: literally throwing up alllllxover my room
Unknown: Weirdo
Unknown: Go to sleep
You: don’t tell me what to do 🙄
Unknown: Okay don’t sleep
You: lowkey have to I have uni tomorrow
Unknown: Loser
You: shush
September 19th
8:47 am
September 19th
2:30 pm
Unknown: Meanie 😢
You: i overslept because of you
Unknown: Were you up all night thinking about me
You: i dont eben know ur name
Unknown: Dabi
You: oh ur sooooo emo and edgy
Dabi: Shut up
You: nobody... understands you😕⛓️🥀
Dabi: You gonna tell me ur name or what
You: Y/N
Dabi: Pretty name
You: dont stalk me plz
Dabi: No promises
September 28th
10:02 pm
You: so if u dont go uni what do you do
Dabi: I told you i write music
Dabi: Am also in a band
You: wait are u like
You: successful
You: like do u make money from it
Dabi: Well yes
Dabi: Its my job
You: wait thats kinda cool
Dabi:  😎 
You: take it back so fast
You: do u stream ur music on like spotify
You: let me listen
You: whats ur band called
Dabi: No
You: mid name but i will look it up
Dabi: I dont wanna tell you
Dabi: Not right now at least
You: r u like super famous
You: am i messaging harry styles rn
Dabi: Im sorry i kept this from u for so long
You: is 1D cming back
You: plz
Dabi: Never
Dabi: Narry ruined us😔
Dabi: I have a sister
Dabi: But seriously I'll tell you one day
You: how do ik ur not lying about ur music 🤔
Dabi: [image attachment]
September 28th
You: [image attachment]
You: just creamed my pants
Mina: GIRL
Mina: you dont even know what he looks like
Mina: he does have sexy hands tho
You: sexy hands = sexy face
You: its litch science
Mina: ur so whipped and its been a week
You: uhm
You: ten days actually
Mina: ur not right in the head
September 28th
10:22 pm
Dabi: Did my incredible bass shock u to silence
You: i literally collapsed when i saw it
You: i like the blue
You: also ur tattoos are cool
Dabi: Thanks babe
You: mhm
You: yh
You: did they hurt
You: when u got them done
Dabi: Nah they werent too bad
Dabi: Worst was probs the ones on my chest
You: r u like alll tatted up
Dabi: I am
Dabi: That okay?
You: mhm
You: very cool
You: i want a tatto but im lowkey scared like
You: what if it hurts
Dabi: Ill get one with you
Dabi: Ill talk you through it
Dabi: Distract you from the pain
You: mhm
You: yes
You: very good
You: my roomates calling me ttylxox
September 28th
You: [screenshot]
Mina: oh babe this reads like a porno
October 11th
8:37 pm
You: [link attachment]
You: listen to this song
You: LOV is the best band eva
Dabi: LOL
You: its so good its my fav band
You: im seeing them next month
Dabi: Really
You: r u jelly
Dabi: Very
Dabi: If only i could be there
You: i think theres still tickets for sale if u acc wanna come
Dabi: You tryna see me in person?
You: mayhaps
You: ur just so mysterious
You: what if ur actually like a pedo
Dabi: The fuck
Dabi: I’m no pedo
You: okay cool
You: you can come to the concert then
Dabi: Seriously?
October 11th
You: [screenshot attachment]
Mina: UHM
Mina: YES
Mina: concerts are public so if he’s actually a creep you’ll be safe
October 11th
You: okay omg
You: shall we actually do this
Dabi: Yeah
Dabi: You got another month to figure out if I’m a pedo
You: now I deffo think you’re one
October 17th
6:45 pm
Dabi: Does this sound good
Dabi: [audio message]
You: that sounds really good
You: is that u talking at the end
Dabi: Yeah my roommate walked in
You: ur voice is so deep
Dabi: Sexy right
You: gosh so modest too
Dabi: I’m working on a new song but I can’t tell if I like that riff
You: u should like it
You: it’s very good
Dabi: Thanks babe
You: soooooo
You: can u show me ur band now 😁
Dabi: No 😁
You: 🤬
October 21st
You: what would u do if we meet irl and IM actually famous
You: like u pull up to the concert and I’m there but I’m actually like Jojo siwa or something
Dabi: I’d be a bit disappointed
You: u don’t fw jojo??
Dabi: No but she’s gay and I’d hope all my flirting was being put to good use here
You: hardee har
October 25th
You: I’m supposed to be studying but
You: I can’t stop thinking if halloweeen😝
Dabi: You going trick or treating?
You: i wish
You: unfortunately too old for that now
Dabi: Loser
Dabi: My little brothers 11 so I get to do it with him
Dabi: But I gotta act cool like I don’t wanna do it
You: can I borrow ur little brother on the 31st of October plz
Dabi: No weirdo
You: sigh
You: I’m going to a party at least
Dabi: Oh yeah
Dabi: What are u dressing up as
You: me and my friend are going as monster high girls 😁😁😁
You: shes draculaura and I’m clawdeen 😜
Dabi: Sick
Dabi: U have to show me when you do it
You: gosh ur so obsessed with me
You: but okay
October 28th
You: [image attachment]
You: the fit is ready
Dabi: Why aren’t u wearing it
You: im gonnna do the full reveal ON halloween
Dabi: Sigh fine
You: what are you wearing punk
Dabi: Punk 😭
You: LOL
Dabi: U can’t laugh
You: okay…
Dabi: You know that show curious George
Dabi: You said u wouldn’t laugh 😔
Dabi: I got him a little monkey onesie
October 28th
7:10 pm
You: [screenshot attachment]
You: when he’s a good older brother 😍😍❤️😝
Mina: okay bare minimum 😍😍😍
October 31st
6:00 pm
Dabi: [image attachment]
Dabi: Ur favourite childhood father figure
You: OMG
You: crazy how ur face is covered🙄
Dabi: You love the thrill of the mystery
Dabi: Let’s see ur costume
You: my party starts at like nine bruh 😭
You: im in bed watching movies
Dabi: Loser
Dabi: Imagine not trick or treating
You: u suck so much
Dabi: Ofc I do 😋
You: VOMIT 🤢
October 31st
You: [image attachment]
You: Mina.
You: look at his ARMS IN THAT SUIT
Mina: it’s bright yellow
You: his little brothers the monkey
You: IK
Mina: and he does look sexy in that button up
You: the tattoos🤤
Mina: love a man with a dark past 😍
You: god im so scared to see him
You: the concerts on the 10th
Mina: you’ll be okay babe Dw
October 31st
You: [image attachment]
You: it’s…. A full moon.. I feel myself… changing 🐺
Dabi: Woah
Dabi: You look hot
You: omg
You: thank u
Dabi: You’re pretty too
Dabi: R u wearing that to the concert
You: I haven’t decided yet
Dabi: U have to show me
Dabi: So I can find you
You: and how am I gonna find you
Dabi: You’ll find me
November 3rd
Dabi: [audio attachment]
Dabi: Listen please 😄
Dabi: What do you think
You: why r u acc good at this
You: yk it kinda sounds like LOV
You: I think you’ll like their music
Dabi: Girl I listen to them
You: GIRL???
You: sassy man apocalypse is alive and well
Dabi: Whos ur favourite band member
You: hmmmm
You: I like the drummer
You: himiko she’s so cute
You: but the bassist 🤤🤤🤤
You: Touya
You: need him in ways I can’t articulate over message 😳
You: uhm where did u go
You: did my thirsting freak u out
Dabi: No ur good
Dabi: I thought you’d like the guitarist
Dabi: Shiggy
Dabi: Every girl is obsessed with him
You: yeah but Touya is all emo kinda
You: I love it
November 8th
You: [image attachment]
You: fit check for the concert😜
Dabi: I love it
Dabi: Very Blue
Dabi: That’s my fav colour
You: that’s why I’m wearing it??
Dabi: Blushing rn 🤭
November 10th
6:30 pm
You: On my way! now
You: tf
Dabi: Can’t wait to see you!
You: im nervous
Dabi: Don’t be
Dabi: Im excited to see you
You: me too 😆
November 10th
Mina: be careful plz
Mina: there’s loads of people around but still
Mina: he could be a freak in disguise
You: I know babe Dw dw
You: I’ll keep u updated
Mina: good
Mina: r u gonna give him a biggggg fat smooch 🤤
November 7th
You: are you here?
Dabi: Yeah
You: omg
You: im scared
Dabi: Lowkey same
Dabi: But im so manly and strong so im actually not scared
You: LOL
Dabi: Okay wait
Dabi: I need to tell you smth
You: is this u telling me the pedo allegations r true….
Dabi: Before we meet u need to know
You: yeah what’s up?
Dabi: Idk how to say this without u thinking I’m lying but
Dabi: I’m Touya
You: uh
You: what 😅
Dabi: I just didn’t wanna tell you because I thought you might like
Dabi: Idk people r so weird about it when they find out
Dabi: And I didn’t want you to just talk to me because of that
Dabi: Especially when I found out u listen to our music
Dabi: I’m sorry I never told u
Dabi: Y/N? You there?
You: yeah I just
You: slightly confused
You: idk how to tell if ur lying or not
Dabi: [image attachment]
Dabi: Theres the face reveal you’ve been after
You: what the sigma
You: okay
You: woah
You: so I’ve actually been dming a celebrity
Dabi: You prefer me or Harry styles
You: you deffo
You: but I think you knew that from my messages from before
Dabi: Yeah i remember
Dabi: Dw you can articulate all the ways you need me after the show
You: haahahahhahaha
You: 😁😁😁 okay
Dabi: I have smth for you though
You: you do?
Dabi: Yeah
Dabi: Go to the back door where that scary security guy is
Dabi: His name is Spinner
Dabi: Tell him Dabi sent you
Dabi: You like them?
You: I can’t believe u got me flowers 😢
You: thank you!!!
Dabi: That’s alright
Dabi: Okay I need to go warm up
Dabi: I’ll be looking for you in the crowd
You: I’ll be staring at you too
Dabi: I said looking
You: same diff
You: wait hold on
Touya: What?
You: nm nm
You: good luck for ur show 😆
Touya: Thanks babe
November 7th
Touya: Toga
Touya: Toga
Touya: Toga
Touya: If I was gonna get a girl flowers what should I get her
Touya: Literally fuck off never say that
Toga: is this that girl you’re always messaging
Toga: and smiling at ur phone 🥺🥺
Touya: Fuck off
Touya: Yes
Touya: I’m so happy ur having so so much fun
Toga: I so ammmmmm
Toga: but why don’t u ask her what she wants
Touya: It’s a surprise idiot
Toga: okay well if u wanna be so really romantic u could get her roses
Toga: or maybeee tulips or lillies
Toga: she’ll like whatevs u get her
Touya: Okay
Touya: Thanks
Toga: that’s okay lover boy 😍🥰
Touya: Kys
THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITE OH EM GEE but it lowkey took longer than I thought it would… but i hope u all enjoyed 😁😁
also y/ns messaging is literally just how I message.. I fear this is the most self indulgent fic I’ve ever written
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Just an idea I wanted to get out of my head. A quick Dabi x F!Reader where he gets the (mostly) happy ending that he deserves, god damn it. I may expand on this at some point, we’ll see. Contains vague spoilers for chapter 390.
1.2k words
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You’re watching the coverage and you see the moment when Touya’s badly charred body hits the ground. You were supposed to stay away, to remain in the flanks supporting the fight, but you book it to his location; Endeavor and all the others be damned.
The Todoroki family looks on in stunned silence as you drop to your knees beside him, crying his name and begging him not to die. He can’t see you, but he can hear you, and he croaks a single, pained word, “…Doll…”
Your heart shatters.
He was your world and you were watching it slowly slipping away.
You plead for him to hang on while searching for a place to lay your hands. Even in his fractured state of mind, he knows what you’re doing and he’s afraid that you might take a lethal toll on your body by using your quirk to heal him. It probably wouldn’t even be enough to save him, you were bitterly aware of that, but it wasn’t going to stop you.
“I have to try, Touya! I love you! I love you so much! Please don’t leave me!”
He knew this. You’d told him countless times before, but even so, he’s grateful that these are the last words he ever hears. Knowing that he was truly loved tempered the pain of failing to accomplish his goal. He just wished that he could stay to love you longer, to give you the normal life that you deserved.
You pour every ounce of yourself into keeping him alive and the chaos around you eventually fades to black.
. . .
It feels like everything is over in an instant.
His eyes flutter open and he briefly experiences the same sights and sounds from the battlefield before realizing that he was somewhere else; in a brightly lit, sterile room. He didn’t recognize this place, but you were sitting beside his hospital bed, fast asleep while upright in a folding chair.
He’s so relieved to see you that bloody tears well in his eyes before spilling over onto his cheeks. You looked different, healthy, and no longer war-torn. How much time had passed?
He’s not entirely sure what he’s expecting to see when he looks down at his hands, but the fact that he has both is startling enough. It takes some effort for him to move his tired body. He touches his face and finds smooth skin where scars and staples had once been. Was he dreaming? Was he dead?
He quickly decides that he didn’t mind either option, so long as he got to stay with you. He watches you sleep for what feels like an eternity before finally reaching over to take your hand.
You were solid. Real. Warm. Familiar.
You wake to the sound of his hoarse voice and, for a second, you’re half convinced you must be hallucinating.
“Touya?” Your heart leaps inside your chest. You’d been praying for this moment for so long, having fantasized about it so many times that it almost didn’t seem real.
You throw yourself at him, pulling him into a fierce hug, which he reciprocates as best he can.
“Don’t cry, Doll,” he says softly while rubbing your back.
“You’re one to talk,” you sniffle, having noticed the crimson tears on his face. “Fuck, I love you so much, I’m so glad you’re awake.” You start sobbing in spite of yourself, “I missed you.”
He clears his throat, getting choked up as he squeezes you tighter, “I love you, too. More than anything.”
You enjoy each other’s company for a while, holding each other in comfortable silence, just as you always had. This man was your best friend, your lover, your fucking soul mate. You could have sat with him in silence until the end of time and it would have been more than enough just knowing that he was still breathing.
“How long was I out?” He asks quietly, expecting you to say a few weeks, or maybe a couple months.
You pull back to look at him wearing a sad smile, “Three years.”
“What!?” He blinks at you in shock.
You nod while squeezing his hand, “Just like Sekoto Peak.”
He probably shouldn’t have been surprised, it made sense considering his previous experience, though he was in much better shape this time around. His body looked damn near brand new, but he did still have some scarring on his torso, which would forever serve as a reminder of the pain and suffering he’d endured.
Over the course of the next few days, you explain how you’d found the best healers who’d survived the war to work on him. You also gently break the news about the villains losing and Endeavor still being alive, though he’d long since retired after issuing an apology to him and their family. You assure him that his efforts hadn’t been completely in vain, as society had made some changes for the better over the last three years, and the PLF was still working underground.
He takes his time processing all of this information, not quite sure how to feel. You help him through it, rarely leaving his side.
. . .
One week later, you walk into his room and sit on the bed to take his hand. He’d been doing well. You could see him slowly starting to envision a future for himself for the first time in years and you believed it was time to press forward.
“Touya, there’s someone very special who I want you to meet.”
He looks at you curiously, and with a bit of apprehension.
You smile fondly, “I think you’ll like him. He’s a lot like you.”
He narrows his eyes, but agrees to this meeting.
You step out and return a few minutes later carrying a small boy on your hip.
Touya knows as soon as he sees him.
His heart stops, his blood runs cold, and his stomach lurches. He tells himself that it couldn’t be possible, but there was no denying what was right in front of him, and the timeline added up.
“Mama!” The toddler says sweetly, beaming while tugging on the front of your shirt. He had a mop of white hair and big, beautiful blue eyes, just like his father.
He was the most precious and yet utterly terrifying little thing that Touya had ever encountered in his life. He stares at him in awe while fighting back tears.
You move to sit in the chair beside the bed and the boy suddenly takes notice of Touya. It’s rather endearing how the two gawk at each other.
“Touya, this is Seiko,” you say softly while ruffling his messy hair.
The look of pure love and devotion on your face as you gaze at your son—his son—makes his heart swell. His Adam’s apple bobs in his throat as he struggles to keep his emotions in check.
“The Sweepy Man,” Seiko says while pointing at Touya. “Mama, he ‘wake.”
“Yes, baby. He was asleep for a long time, but he’s finally awake. Do you wanna say hi?”
Suddenly shy, Seiko hides his face against your neck before mustering the courage to peek at the so-called Sleepy Man, whom he’d been visiting every day since birth. “Hi.”
“Hi,” Touya’s voice cracks as a single crimson tear escapes from the corner of his eye, yet he finds himself smiling. “Hi, Seiko. I’m…I’m your dad.”
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zoyasribbon · 10 months
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ೃ࿐ summary : The moments spent with your family, they are the most precious in your life, a pure delight that bring solace to your soul. And on this specific Sunday afternoon, this one, you are poised to savor every bit of it.
ೃ࿐ words : 0,7k.
ೃ࿐ genre : mature. fluff. suggestive.
ೃ࿐ warning : cute daughter-father moments, sexual tension.
ೃ࿐ author's note : Despite my deep disdain for Man City (while I do acknowledge Pep's genius football philosophy), I must confess—I find myself particularly attracted to some players... and a certain 6’2 Portuguese center-back has managed to steal my heart. Ugh, what can I sayyyyy, what can I sayyyyy.
You were drawn by the soft, deep chuckles emitted by your husband, guiding you towards the entrance of the living room, where you discreetly pushed the door ajar. 
There he was.
Dressed in his black Puma sweatpants and a simple, white undershirt, he was doing push-ups with your little daughter perched on his broad, muscular back. Her cheerful, high-pitched voice counted his progress as he effortlessly raised and lowered his body multiple times. You observed them tenderly: the pure joy and trust of your child blending with Rúben's extraordinary strength and patience. Home.
If he noticed you leaning against the doorframe, he said nothing... and you couldn’t help but admire his new three-day stubble beard, a bit more developed than usual, complementing his charming face. 
Suddenly, he twisted to one side, landing on the floor while effortlessly lifting your excited little girl with his sturdy arms before gently placing her on his firm stomach. A timid chuckle escaped your lips at this heartwarming sight. But this gesture didn't deter him from maintaining a somewhat intense gaze that met yours, igniting a fire within you.
"Go play in the garden, princesa. I'll do a few more and then join you," he murmured, planting a tender kiss on her forehead. As his words prompted her to dash out of the room, flashing you a mischievous smile in passing, the room fell into an almost oppressive silence. Only Rúben's erratic breathing and the sudden accelerated beats of your heart seemed to animate the space. 
He eventually raised himself from the floor, taking his sweet time to stand, his brown eyes never leaving your burning gaze for a second. 
Rúben's smile took on a different shade as he crossed the room to approach you, leaving only a few brief inches between you. His arms, marked by the effort, found support on the wooden doorframe, not far from your head, asserting his dominance in height. 
In the depth of his gaze, you discerned the glint of a tantalizing promise.
"You didn't have to stop, you know?" you innocently scolded, letting your right hand wander from his neck, to his left flank and to his hip. You made sure your nails lightly grazed his skin through the thin white fabric, intending for him to feel your provocation. As you did, you sensed a trickle of sweat dampening his shirt, clinging to his still-toned abs, evidence of his numerous push-ups. 
In just a few seconds, his body responded. Engulfed in goosebumps that hinted at desire, Rúben's eyelids trembled, and his Adam's apple bobbed. Though your line of sight didn't reveal it, you were certain that his fingers fervently clutched the doorframe, evidenced by the emerging veins on his glistening shoulders. 
He was on the verge of losing control. The mere thought elevated the corner of your lips into a sly smile, concealing the pleasure you took in this little teasing game. You must admit, you were very in the mood to play today. After all, Rúben simply had no business being so sexy on this delightful spring afternoon. 
Your right hand, still placed on his hip, dared to venture even further beneath the fabric of his black tracksuit to bring him even more closer to you and explore the skin of his lower back and his firm bottom, leading him to open his mouth slightly, letting out a timid gasp. 
Unable to resist the excruciating slowness of your caresses, he leaned forward, daring “Why? Do you want to keep watching?” he managed to inquire with an innocent tone, though mischief lingered within. 
His alluring, plump lips so close to yours beckoned, yet you resisted the temptation they promised... at least for the moment. You knew what he expected from you at this moment, but you just wouldn't comply. You were far too determined to win this battle. 
Nevertheless, the warm breath escaping his mouth was enough to slightly distract you. In that moment, you even forgot your somewhat disheveled appearance—your hair was in a messy bun, and you still had your apron on, still warm from the breath of the oven you had opened to check the crumb-topped salmon you were preparing. 
This seemed not to bother Rúben, whose gaze remained just as fiery and thirsty. His fingers sought revenge, gently sweeping aside a loose strand of hair that had fallen during your observation, trailing across your cheek, your neck, before finally resting on your nape. Then his entire hand delicately settled upon it. Your eyes were nearly completely mesmerized by the movement of his lips. Ruben's voice became huskier and smoother. “Or maybe you want a turn too."
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serxinns · 24 days
Hi! I was wondering if u can do a normal class 1a x reader platonic hc’s? Like readers quirk is like briar from league of legends and readers pretty sweet but scares class 1a a lil
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I haven't did fucking headcannons In a WHILE I hope you enjoy them!
Disclaimer I do not know much about this character so if I mischaraterize something then I'm sorry
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•ever since you transferred to Ua, they always thought you were a bit weird, especially when you 1st introduced yourself. It was a wild one.
•"Hello, the names y/n l/n and I think blood is tasty!" There was a sudden silence in the class a couple of sweat drops formed on some of the students while you just casually smiled like what you said was completely normal... oh boy it was gonna be a long but fun ride for sure
•your 1st ever companions were Mina and Denki the three of you matched each other's energy and chaoticness it was like 2 dumbasses and one less of a dumbass the 3 of you would get into the most shit like one time you convince Kirishima that he could be a hammer so you somehow got a big nail and test it out resulting in Kirishima knocked out and you 3 getting scolded by and yelled at by katsuki , making iida realizing he has to deal with an extra chaotic person now
• Next was Kirishima your victim I mean your friend you can count on Kirishima was quick to like you due to your lay loose and enthusiastic behavior making him want to be you at times two whenever the two of you trained together you were encouraged each other Kirishima especially and whenever he feels insecure you would encourage him and make sure he's a strong manly man he is! Yall two are just loveable idiots
•Shoto and you had a strange yet wholesome friendship at 1st. Shoto was uncomfortable and cold towards you, which you didn't mind, and you respected his boundaries, but it all clicked when he saw you eating soba. "You like soba?" You turned to face the expressionless boy with a bright smile. "Of course! I even like it with sesame oil, grilled chicken, and a yummy fried egg! Want some?" You reached into the fridge and handed him an extra soba pack and that's how your friendship began even without the soba he thinks ur a pretty interesting person to talk to even with your bizarre talks
"Omg bro you look like that penguin dude from sanrio!"
"I have a cousin name sanrio?"
•next was Ochako she's a tiny bit scared of you at 1st worrying you might get her blood (cough cough flashbacks with toga) but you quickly reassured her that you wouldn't do it without permission which makes her feel a bit better after a bit of time and communicating with each other she starts to feel a bit comfortable with you like would invite you to her room for advice and stuff and the two if you would go out at night to watch the stars with some other students like tsuyu or maybe Tokoyami her most favorite activity is to tell space facts to you (I hc her as a space geek)
•Momo was always your go to whenever you need help with a test and she acts like she's annoyed with it but she genuinely enjoys your company you may the studying sessions fun and interesting for her whenever there's a big test that you forgot to study about all you had to do was go to her dorm and give her the puppy eyes and if she sighs you know that's a instant she then help you study mostly you just copying her notes and make SURE you get a Good grade if not she's gonna make you test the test again untill you get a good grade but outside of studying she spoils you with gifts and more to show off to your other classmates and invites you and the girls for a tea party which ends up quite chaotic
•Jirou was your music bestie you and her trade music Playlists like it's Halloween candy you like cutely but with disturbing music types of songs while jirou like cozy, calm, and peaceful genre but she admits your types of songs are amazing! But you sometimes scare her with your type of music one time she overheard your headphones blasting some sort of innocent cheery music talking about "we'll be together forever!" She thought it was cute so she asked you what song it was and you told her the lyrics and..
"Hey y/n what's the title of that song is sounds catchy?"
"So you became the moon!"
"Awww that's sounds pretty cute whats it about anyways?"
"It's about two kids drowning in a frozen late and they became together in heaven!"
"...you know what that's probably one of the tamest songs you played knowing you I'll take it"
Yea let's just say she was used to your kooky creepy music but she didn't mind, as long as that song slaps she's jamming it with you!
•Bakugo and you were fucking CHAOTIC rivals like yall two would never get along especially when the two of you 1st met you and bakugo would make a competition out of everything to the point he stopped paying attention to izuku at times which he doesn't know if he should be worried for blessed maybe both but the two of you will cause a storm one time yall wanted played Mario party with sero, and sato to see who was the best and it esuclated fast everyone in the class were rooting for you or bakugo even most of class 1b joined in on this making bets and momomeven making merch of this, shit was like a football game but unfortunately it was cut short by a angry aizawa with fuzzy bunny slippers with a hello kitty pajamas (don't even ask) but after thst night the two of you became popular
▪︎ but aside from then bakugo secretly respects you your determination and you wanting to give your all makes him admire that somehow so be bugs you everyday for now on wanting to see that determination again even the rest of the class started to notice and tease him about it which pissed him off
• Izuku isn't at all scared by you but rather is intrigued by your personality and quirk when you 1st introduced yourself he asked alot of questions about you, how your quirk operates, kind of quirk is it, do you drink animal blood-? He wants to know everything and you let him, you and him will chat each other's ears off about your favorite pro hero's and sometimes even go out to hunt for rare hero merch, you even helped izuku by participating in the black Friday event to get a all might themed ice cream maker that he has this day thanks to you if it wasn't for you punching that Karen, he cherished that ice cream maker to this day and even host ice cream parties here and there the two of you basically shared it
• But overall you were their chaotic sibing that are willing to protect, defend, and come to your aid even if it's your fault and out on the battle field you were a beast out there that one time when you, jirou, momo and denki, beat a bunch of villians you didn't know your arm was broken untill you pointed out momo and jirou freaked out while denki ran to get some aid but strangely you weren't bothered by it rather you were joking about it
Momo- "it's ok y/n help it's on the way stay put stay calm"
Jirou - just take deep breaths and count to 10-
"I wonder if I can sling it around will it spin freely"
Both- wtf-
• Yea you were a werid bitch but you were there werid bitch and they wouldn't trade you for the world
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prismuffin · 1 year
How do you think John Constantine would react to a Male Reader lighting his cigarette with John's lit cigarette?
They were just standing outside talking about the job they were on, and Reader goes to light his cig when he finds that he forgot his lighter. So holds the back of John's head to keep him still, as he gently touches the tip of his cigarette to John's. Moving away once it's lit, talking like it's normal for them both. Even though, it wasn't, and it was a clear sign of flirting.
OOP- no cause thats sooooo wait- 😭ok her cause I think that-
He’s staring you down like your crazy. Whatever was being talked about is forgotten. Slowly his brain starts catching up with him and he’s getting more and more flustered as the scene replays in his head. God forbid you’re maintaining eye contact while this is going down or he’s done for. Just gets loud as a defense mechanism and starts questioning what the fuck that was. You say you forgot your light and he just pulls out two immediately from his jacket. “You didn’t even think to fucking ask me you dumbass??” You shrugged and smirked because at this point his face was red and it was clearer that he was actually flustered and not mad. 100% can’t stop thinking about this even after you both are done hanging out.
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ayamago · 2 months
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Pairing: Jinx x Gender-Neutral Reader
Summary: In a world where the mere thought of her absence felt like losing a piece of yourself, you remained by her side. You walked in her footsteps until your own seemed to fade, drawn in by her chaotic spirit yet troubled by the idea of losing her.
Hi everyone, just a heads up, this was a drabble, so it might sound a bit choppy and all, but it was all in good fun. If I ever did write an Arcane story, I'd definitely go all out, but for now, enjoy this little piece.
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𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐏 𝐀 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐙𝐀𝐔𝐍, your legs dangled over the edge as your gaze stretched upward into the vast, cerulean expanse. The sky, paradoxically blue and melancholic, paints a somber backdrop to your solitude. Constellations, like fractured dreams, twinkle faintly, their stories etched in the cold darkness. The weight of your thoughts hangs heavy, pulling your head down even as you try to hold it high. Below, the world churns in shadows, but up here, you are alone with the silent whispers of the night, where the horizon seems both an end and a beginning.
Your mind drifts to thoughts of your old friend, a ghost from the past still buried deep within the trauma you carry. You remember her vividly—her striking blue hair that seemed to shimmer even in the dimmest light, and her piercing blue eyes that held both mischief and wisdom beyond her years. She was a whirlwind of energy, always a step ahead, yet somehow never leaving you behind. The nights spent whispering secrets under the stars, the laughter that echoed through the hidden corners of Zaun, all seemed like fragments of a distant dream now. The loss still stings, a dull ache that never quite fades, but up here, in the quiet embrace of the night, you allow yourself to remember. To reminisce about the friend who once colored your world in shades of blue.
Powder, that was her given name, fitting for a young girl whose fascination with tinkering led to explosive creations, even if they never worked as intended. She was a marvel in her own right, chaotic yet brilliant. But Powder ceased to exist after the Tragedy, giving rise to Jinx—a transformation that you struggled to fully embrace. You loved her deeply, having sacrificed much to remain at her side, but her evolution was as disorienting for you as it was for her. At times, doubts crept in about whether staying with her was the right choice. She was extraordinary, too good for this world, yet burdened unfairly by fate.
And her fears and worries only intensified in his presence. He ruled the Under City with all its darkness and allure, the very embodiment of malevolence. Yet, twisted as it was, he cared for Jinx in his own twisted way. You never trusted Silco; he was a corrupting influence who painted those who once cherished Powder as villains in her tale. Despite your efforts to steer her away from his influence, she was already lost to his sway. You knew this, yet you chose to stand by her. With a sigh, you shrugged, closing your eyes as the toxic winds of the city embraced you.
She ascended the stairs with a deliberate pace, drawing near to you while you remained oblivious to her approaching like a phantom. Her love for you ran deep, even if you couldn't fully grasp the intensity of her feelings. With her sister presumed dead and only Silco's words about it, you were now the sole anchor in her life, steadfast amidst the chaos and pain that threatened to overwhelm and break her.
She wrapped her arms around your neck, her fingers adorned with pink and blue nail polish catching your eye as you glanced down. You recognized her presence immediately, not just from the physical closeness but from the intimacy you shared. Feeling her embrace, you relaxed, allowing yourself a moment in her hold before she broke the silence with her words.
"Hey there, missed me, Toots?” She said, withdrawing her arms from around your neck and moving to sit beside you. Her blue eyes locked onto yours, waiting for your reply with an earnest and expectant expression.
As you gazed into her eternal blue eyes, you felt yourself drowning in an ocean of sadness.
How could you not miss her?
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bookishdreamer28 · 10 months
Heartsteel! Ezreal x reader
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"Ezreal stop I have to go" you giggled trying to get away from his grasp. 
"But baby I won't be able to see you for the rest of the day. I have to meet with the boys too today and just the thought that I won't see or touch you for so many hours makes me go crazy." He whined circling his hands around your waist. 
"Oh poor baby that must be so hard for you." You teased him, leaning back to him. 
"Hey it certainly is hard for you too! Come on, be honest. You simply can't resist me." He said and posed like he was a statue of a Greek God or something. 
"Oh you're back to being annoying again. Guess I'll take my leave." You made the move to stand up but Ezreal caught you fast and placed you on his lap. 
"Nah ah. You ain't going nowhere. Didn't I just say that I can't bear the thought of being away from you for even a minute? Just let me love you the way I know you like." He nuzzled his face in my neck and left small pecks there.
You sighed, enjoying the feeling. 
He then pulled back and turned me to him. 
He was quite for a moment. He was just looking at me, so fondly. In a way I have never being looked at before. 
"Do you have, any idea, how much I freaking love you?" He whispered, bringing his hand on my hair, brushing them gently. My heart leaped. This man is making me having butterflies in my stomach every day. 
"Hmm." I hummed, giving him a small peck on the nose. "But I love hearing you say it." I grabbed him, giving him small kisses all over his face. 
"I love you so so so much"
He chuckled, cupping my face, and kissed me. 
The kiss became a little more heated and we both got lost in each other's lips just like that. 
After we pulled away, he left a kiss on my forehead and looked at me. 
"So, how about we take it upstairs?" He growled,  hand gripping my waist. 
"Let me think about it....Nah I have to go." I tried to hide my smile, and once again, tried to get up. 
"Excuse me?! Heck no. You're coming with me you little minx. You can't get me all excited and then leave me in such a vulnerable position." He took me in his arms in bridal style. 
I laughed hard and rested my head on his shoulder. 
We went into our room and he gently placed me on the bed. 
"Can't blame you, I mean I'm irresistible after all." I posed in a dramatic way and Ezreal snickered. 
"You little minx." He said grinning and cupped my face, kissing me intensely again. 
A heartsteel post with my boy Ezreal cuz I'm obsessed with him and the boys 🙌 I'm going to post more of them at some point 💯
Thank you for reading 💕
all rights reserved. please do not copy, modify, repost, translate, or claim my content as yours.
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thefiery-phoenix · 5 months
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If you were to be kidnapped by the LOV, the league of villains, they would be watching you like creepy stalkers for a VERY LOONG time. It would be really infuriating for them to watch you doing the same boring things over and over again and again for days together. Won't you EVER get bored of living that bland vanilla life? You CLEARLY needed some spice in your life, at least, that's what THEY felt (Read, more like what DABI and TWICE felt. Shigaraki just didn't give a damn about you, that egoistical prick)
But no matter how much Shigaraki claimed that you were a useless spoiled brat, even HE couldn't shake off his feelings for you. Toga and Dabi would often tease him about it which would always result in a full fledged slapping war till mama Kurogiri tells the crybabies to CALM TF down
HECK, even KUROGIRI thinks you won't be so bad... When the other members of the LOV asked him to open up his warp gate and help them kidnap you, he resisted saying that you just needed some time. Even he was curious as to why most of the members of the LOV had suddenly taken an interest in you 
You were the prey, the victim they ALL fell in love with and the fact that they weren't controlling you yet and possessing you yet was pissing them TF off and was driving them INSANE
It won't be long before they kidnap you. You might be skipping along one day, looking like a happy cute adorable little chipmunk that's excited for something and suddenly, BOOM! Everything goes dark and fog and mist surrounds you (Cue the special effects and the dramatic evil chuckling and creepy organ music playing from the middle of nowhere) 
You would be TERRIFIED out of your wits to see Kurogiri just staring at you as well as the other members of the LOV as well (Well, of COURSE, who WOULDN'T be scared of out of their minds when you see villains glaring at you?) This is their chance to PROVE to you that you shouldn't place your faith and waste your breath on those pathetic no good hero scum who are useless most of the times anyway 
You would be gagged for a few days, chained and all. Dabi would have to deal with Toga's constant pestering asking whether she could make you bleed since she thinks you look cute and adorable in red and with blood all over you... Damn, this is scary
Crusty lips would be the MOST SCARIEST yandere, no doubt about that. He'd threaten you the most, show you the LEAST amount of love and affection, and basically, acts like a spoiled kid with the aura of a demon. He might even threaten to turn you to ash if you don't stop flinching away and turning away from him (SOMEONE HAND ME A KNIFE, I HAVE A CRUSTY RAT TO STAB!!!!! UvU)
That arrogant jerkface would LOVE to taunt you, call you all sorts of names and he gets some sick sort of pleasure seeing how HELPLESS you were under HIS control, poor sweet dumb little thing.... He wouldn't actually turn you to ash but seeing the way you squirm around from time to time just makes him feel so... aroused and gets all these crazy thoughts about you that'll be left to YOUR imagination ;)
Is Toga a yandere? BWAHAHAHAHAH XD Is that even a QUESTION to ask? She is the MASTER of all yanderes, and I honestly think she and Ayano Aishi from Yandere Simulator would be best pals and killing buddies. She'd swoon all over you and coo how cute you are in that sickeningly sugar coated voice of hers and say how beautiful you'd look in blood till Dabi pulls her away from you. When it's her turn to spend time with the LOV's 'pet' she's gonna literally POUNCE on you, trying to take your blood, tying you up and making you beg for more (HONESTLY, how TF is she NOT a vampire!!!???) She LOVES being dominant and unfortunately for you, you're her little plaything 
Twice is kinda chill AND DEADLY scary at the same time. I think he has a bipolar personality since one minute he's gonna be laughing with you and the next minute he's gonna do somethin dangerous towards you. This guy's really unpredictable and it's horrifying. You might be running into HIS arms for comfort AND yet, at the same time, you might be running away from him too like your hair's on fire. This dude's personality is so unpredictable, is damn scary.... TvT 
Mr Compress might just be the BEST yandere or captor you could EVER ASK for, PERIODT. He'd treat you well and certainly not like it when the other members try harming you in any way. He would never degrade you either. He'll take you to his room at night and show you all  sorts of cool magic tricks and slow dance with you like in those cutesy dramatic romantic movies. He'd stroke his thumb over your soft lips, caress your cheeks lovingly and say how cute and adorable and amazing you were and how he'd be your source of comfort from those overgrown morons with an IQ of a sardine tin can. He'll LOVE it when you're dependent on him and ONLY him and he would NEVER bring himself to hurt you like the others (Man, this dude is making me cry....)
Dabi couldn't care less at first when he saw you. He thought you were another little plaything for his use and he'd toss you away like a Kleenex after you were broken. And yet, something about you just attracts him to you and that's actually pretty terrifying. If Dabi's in a bad mood, you better start saying your freaking prayers since this man takes sadism to a WHOLE NOTHER level, it's a question now, who's more of a sadist. Dabi or Shigaraki? If he's in a good mood, he'll just ask you to shut up and cuddle with you and rub some gentle circles on your back
To piss Crusty Face Handyman even MORE, he'll make you sit on his lap during meetings while Shigaraki's gonna be damn pissed at BOTH you and HIM and that'll jus t make the prick Dabi satisfied. Sometimes, he won't be so bad to you, otherwise he's gonna make you do all sorts of things you're uncomfortable with and he's gonna be like your WORST NIGHTMARE in HUMAN form. He and Shigaraki might even TAG TEAM when it comes to your punishments and they CERTAINLY WON'T be your favorite yanderes, that's for SURE
Oh JESUS... when it comes to Spinner he's like the MOST SOFTEST yandere EVER just like Mr. Compress. He LOVES showering you with love and affection, and he's just so pure, he can't EVER hurt you... OMG, MY HEART!!!!!....
He CERTAINLY feels bad with Compress when the league uses you as their personal stress toy and hence, they're the ones who'll actually take care of you and treat you with such gentle care and tender love. He'll be one who'll actually make you happy, by sneaking food for you when the league tries to starve you since you were being bad, talk to you about the things you like and care about, won't EVER touch you inappropriately since he DROWNS in his respect women juice and feels really bad since he can't help you escape. This boi is so PRECIOUS, IMMA DIE FROM A CUTENESS OVERLOAD!!!!!!!!!!
Kurogiri will be like the parental figure and whenever the punishments get out of hand like the villains trying to touch you inappropriately and all, he'll be there to stop in no time. Though he's a villain, he cares for you just like Compress and Spinner. He won't hesitate to punish you, but his punishments will just be a bit tamer than the ones the others give. His punishments will be something like him just ignoring you for a few hours and all that. He'll make sure to take good and proper care of you and feed you and on time and ensure you aren't malnourished. He'll talk to you about the current things going on around the world and honestly... he ain't so bad
In my opinion, Stain is a chivalrous guy. He won't torture you, EVER nor will he ever invade your personal space. He thinks you're cute and adorable and he'll compliment you oh just a DOZEN times a day. Like Kurogiri, he ensures you're safe and all right and after a harsh treatment with the Terrifying Trio (aka. Stabby blood rat, crusty chicken nugget and BURNT chicken nugget) he'll be there to comfort you and wipe your tears away and gently hold you to sleep after he tends to your injuries. If you're locked away somewhere, he'll at the very least try sneaking some food for you and telling you that you're strong and you'll be able to cope with it and gently encourage you
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ladymarycrawley · 1 year
Pampering night - John Stones
Not based on any request but sth I felt like writing because I was in a fluffy mood plus I've been missing that goofy tall man way too much 🥰
Warning: none, a lot of fluff
Tag list: @prideofpd @masonxomount @johnstonesfc
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Small things are what make life worth living, or what make it a little more bearable at least.
Going back home after a long day at work, looking forward to a hot shower was among those little things aforementioned: that new rose scented shower gel waiting for you in the cubicle as well as the new hair mask you bought a couple of days ago made you eager to go to your nest.
When you inserted the key in the front door's lock to open it you were met with darkness and silence, meaning John was still out for training.
The first thing you did was taking off your shoes, a little satisfied moan following that gesture, as you left your bag on the armchair at the entrance where you would usually leave your things.
A couple of minutes later you tested the water's temperature with your hand and you smiled when it got warm enough for you to hop in.
Secondly you went upstairs, entering your bedroom where you got rid of your clothes ready to have your well deserved shower.
You walked in your bathroom and turned on the faucet to let some warm water roll down as you took your phone to message your boyfriend to let him know you were home.
Needless to day you took all your time to wash your body and your hair, humming to the pop jams that were serving as the perfect soundtrack for that relaxing moment. You were all by yourself meaning you could sing out loud in peace, not worrying about bothering anyone and that made you feel so free.
As a natural consequence you didn’t hear when John came back home, an hour after you more or less. He smiled when entering your shared house as the sound of music mixed with your voice reached his ears.
The Manchester City player left his duffle bag downstairs near yours and walked towards the kitchen to get a glass of water, before following the noise that welcomed him and that would have led him upstairs.
When he got there you got out of the shower and turned off the music, wincing when his tall figure met your glance.
"Hello there"
"Hi…you were so quiet I didn't hear you coming back"
"You're too busy performing your own concert" He giggled, thinking about the 80s tune you were singing your heart out to, while getting closer to your lips.
You whined against him as he kissed your lips sweetly.
"How was your day?" You asked him as usual, walkingto where your divider was to discard your bathrobe on the floor and put on one of those big t-shirts you would usually use as pajamas.
"Yeah good, nothing special…" He answered absentmindedly while abandoning his body on the soft surface of the mattress underneath him. "Kinda tired though"
You popped your head to the side to catch a glimpse of his long legs dangling down the bed.
The only thing you had to get rid off was the towel you had wrapped around your head as a turban but, before that, you walked closer to the bed and slowly lowered your body over his to kiss him on the lips.
"Poor baby boy, it seems like you need some good pampering…"
John knew you too well to know what that pampering you were referring to meant and it was some skin care ritual you were keen on doing every now and then.
"I don't need any masks, thank you"
"The vitamin C one I got the other day would be perfect for you"
"Y/N" He huffed.
"I love you, remember that" You whispered, planting another peck to his lips as your towel fell from your head, causing his face to be covered with the cloth and your wet hair.
"Sorry babe" You laughed, trying to throw your hair back.
"I've read wet hair on your face count as a mask"
"What?? Not my fault you haven't been keeping up with the latest beauty secrets"
You got up from him to go and dry your hair, leaving the trail of perfume of your shower gel behind you. It was a pleasurable feeling, you felt so light and so careless and that was exactly what you needed to unwind.
Getting back to the bathroom your stare fell on the giant mirror before you where you could see John's figure getting up from the bed and scrolling a bit through his phone before taking off his jumper and dragging himself around the room shirtless.
The sound of the appliance in your hand thankfully covered the loud gulp you emitted at that sight: it was stronger than you, even after a fair while together you couldn’t get used to the perfection he embodied. He felt so good to be true
You sighed and turned off the hair dryer to enjoy his loving cuddles, covering both his hands with yours.
On his part he was a little shit because he knew how you felt and didn't lose any opportunity to tease you.
He got closer to you to stand behind your body. To balance himself he pressed a hand on the counter before you and the other one on your hip bone as he placed his lips on your neck, to be more precise on the spot where your neck met your collarbone. 
"Are you ready to go back playing?" You asked him, referring to his injury. 
John nodded, brushing his nose against your jaw.
"Might be back for the game against Leipzig"
"That's great baby!" You squealed, turning to face him and cupping his face with your hands to kiss him. "So you need a mask to go back on the pitch in all your glamour, ready to defeat your opponents, blinding them with your hotness"
He rolled his eyes knowing full well he couldn’t resist you much longer, he had to give in to the skin care menace.
He stood there, hands on his hips looking kind of hopeless, waiting for you to apply the fabric mask on his face.
"John love, can you bend down a little? Can't reach it"
Every little thing that highlighted your height difference never failed to make him laugh and so he did that time too.
"Gonna sit down" He chuckled while walking backwards towards the the edge of the bed where he sat down to let you do your work. "is this height okay for you, little one?"
"Yeah, thank you" You muttered, a little stung by his jab.
John found you adorable when you got all annoyed and grinned, squeezing your bum affectionately.
"I have to shave actually, can I do it later?"
"No! You should have done it before the mask!"
"I'm still on time! You haven't applied anything yet on me face"
It was now your turn to roll your eyes as you already had the fabric thing in your hands, ready to put it on his features. 
"Go ahead then" You bumbled, moving to the side so he could go take his razor. "You don't have to shave, you want to"
"Babe -"
"You know what I think about your beard"
"And you know what I think about it too"
As he was busy doing his thing, you wasted no time and in the meanwhile and applied your lotus flower eye patches under your tired eyes.
You were nothing but perfect in your eyes: two people madly in love doing small ordinary, almost unremarkable things together, made special by the love that kept you together. 
That moment no doubt would be impressed in your mind forever but you also wanted to have something material that would have helped you reliving it in the future too so you took your phone to snap a picture of it: John brushing the razor against his upper neck as you wrapped your left arm around his chest, bright pink patches on, holding the phone with your right hand to take the picture.
You smiled looking at the final result on your screen.
"Look how cute we are" You gushed showing him the picture. "Gonna use it as my lockscreen"
John didn't like the idea of you "displaying" your love at the whim of indiscreet eyes, someone that could spy on your private world that was for the two of you only.
"Come on, you once put an x-rated pic as your lockscreen!" You whined referring to a particularly hot photo session where he would use the one he took of him biting on your bum.
"It was just a joke! I put it just to mock you and removed it soon after"
"Yeah just in time for Rúben and Kyle to see it" You grumbled quite bothered by that event.
John, on his side, found it sort of amusing and started giggling "Well, it means I succeeded in taking the piss"
"Ha ha how funny…come on, the mask is waiting for you"
While you were keeping your eye patches posing you basically pushed John to sit on the edge of the bed to apply that damn mask on his face.
"Ok so now you'll keep this for the next 25 minutes and shut that pretty mouth of yours up"
You both had to keep it on for 25 minutes so you took advantage of that time to chill out on your bed: you got seated with your back against the headrest, your legs stretched out as John would use you as his pillow, resting his head on your upper body.
That posture together with the gentle scalp massage your fingers were applying on his head, made him release all the tension built up in the last weeks and ended up falling asleep. The little snores coming out of his mouth brought a genuine smile to your face and removed his phone from his hands. You kept on moving your hand through his curls. 
Those small things were what made your life worth living, having your favourite human being by your side to share them with was an added value that felt like the biggest gift life could ever give you.
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toaspireintodarkness · 3 months
"Welcome to the freakshow."
League of Villains x reader?
⚠️TW: Blood, vomiting, neglect/abuse, implication of murder ⚠️
I have no idea what this is-- I had this idea and it just-- yeah.
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You could hardly breathe. Blood was all over your hands, splattered all over your clothes as if you were a painter just getting done with a masterpiece. But what you had done was far from a masterpiece. You hadn't meant to. It had just happened—
Oh, face it, you had meant to.
You couldn't take the way they treated you. You couldn't take the way you were treated as if you were an abomination to human kind. It wasn't your fault you were brought into this world. It was their fault. You didn't ask for this life. Ha, you were better without it! It was a living nightmare that never ended. A maze you were stuck in, always turning to the monsters lurking in the shadows.
But now you were the monster.
You were in some strange place, a warehouse that hadn't been used in a decade or more. Dust bunnies lined up in armies, waiting to attack and you wouldn't be surprised if there were spiders and God only knew what else was in here. There was a smell, one that conflicted your nostrils. It tickled your nose, freeing it from the metallic and morbid smell of the crimson staining your body. Cigarettes were one thing, but the faint smell of cup ramen was making your stomach churn in ways it should not. You staggered for a moment, leaning against a palete of old bulk products. You rested your forehead on your arm, your throat tightening as a burning sensation crept up your throat.
"Who the hell is there?"
The voice was low and rough. If a corpse had a voice, that's what it would be. You couldn't answer though. Not without emptying your guts everywhere. 'Oh god, what have I done,' was the only thing running through your head. You should've just ran away. You didn't really need to end their lives, did you? Did they really deserve it?
"Crazy, go check it out."
"Why am I—"
Suddenly, everything it was blurred out as the only thing you could hear was the sound of your own vomit pouring out like a waterfall. Only difference was that it was not pretty and serene. You hadn't even noticed that an ash blond girl, she couldn't be no older than seventeen, was staring rather curiously. Her piercing yellow eyes were dancing over your vulnerable form, her lips curling into a smile as she took in the sight of all the blood.
"Is that your own, or someone else's? Did you kill someone? Oh, look at your hands! You killed someone!"
You killed someone.
You killed... them.
You emptied more out of your stomach, choking back on it. "S-sto–" You gasped for a breath of air. Mucus had filled your nose. You had no choice. It was the matter of survival. The matter of your sanity—or did you even have sanity anymore?
"Toga, I asked what the fuck is..." The rough voice had trailed off before staring at you as well. To him... you looked pathetic. You had blindly found one of the most wanted villain groups while running from whatever the hell it was. He gave a sigh an stepped closer, avoiding stepping into your vomit. His hand grabbed the back of your head, jerking it back so you had to look up at him.
He had darkened turquoise eyes that were small in comparison to his eyes, lacking any light at all. His skin was split by deep purple burn scars that was hanging on by staples that so desperately needed changing. His black hair spiked in every which direction, but it didn't look as though it had gel. The right side of his nose had three piercings, and his lobes were pierced along with the top outer part of his ears.
Now, he did look like he would be a monster lurking in the dark.
"How did you find us?" It was a simple question. You should've been able to answer, but your throat was still sore from emptying your stomach. You still couldn't breath properly.
"I don't think they meant to!" A man wearing a black and grey mask piped up, peeping around the palete. He then pointed an accusing finger at you. "They're a double agent!"
"Shut up!" The burnt man narrowed his eyes at you. His eyes were scanning yours, and while he expected something to be underlying the fear and guilt, he found nothing. However, that didn't mean you were to be trusted. His grip on you slackened. "You need to breath. You'll asphyxiate at this point." You shook your head, and you tried to calm down. You would get to a certain point before what you had done flashed back before your eyes and you were back to gagging.
"I think this was their first kill," Toga gushed. "I remember my first kill. It tasted so–"
"Not helping, Crazy!" Dabi had to skitter back upon bodily fluids leaving your mouth to avoid it getting on him. He sure as hell didn't want to get covered in vomit. He bent over, though cautious of the disgusting liquid that layer the floor. "Listen to me. Whatever reason that you had to do it, you had to do it. It was you, or them–hey! Listen to me!" Dabi grabbed your shoulders, pushing you against the palet and holding you up. "Society will run over you. You did what you had to. You stood up for yourself. You defended yourself. Sometimes we gotta do things that we don't wanna do to survive. It's how our fucked up society works."
You had stopped leaking tears and the nausea had slowly faded, leaving nothing but the raw feeling over your body. You mustered the smallest nod. You still didn't speak—you didn't trust yourself to. Dabi released you, taking a step back. He even checked his shoe to see if he had stepped in one of your puddles, and thankfully, he hadn't. "So you were just running away and found us. Fucking coincidence," he breathed the last part.
"I think it's great! They could be one of us, dont'cha think, Dabi?" Toga reached forward and grabbed your wrist, pulling you to her. You tried to be mindful of not stepping in your own mess as you were pulled into a tight side hug. "Look at'em! They're so cute! Especially covered in all of that blood, it really makes you stand out," Toga gushed. "Do you wanna join the League? You'll fit in great!"
"They'll fit in great alright," Dabi remarked. "Shigaraki will have them dusted the minute he finds out that they can't kill without having a breakdown." Toga's grip tightened.
"But it was their first time! You can't tell me that your first wasn't emotional!" Dabi's stoic gaze said it all. "We can help desensitize them."
"You're annoyingly persistent." Dabi's gaze went back to you. "What do you think about heroes?" The way that 'heroes' fell off of his tongue was icy. It was sour as if he had taste of something bitter on his tongue.
What did you think of heroes?...
You looked down at first. The blood had dried and stained your hands. Over the years... heroes had a chance to help you. All of your teachers did. Your friends had the chance to help, even. The one store keeper on the end of the street who always gave you a discount out of pity. Your neighbors who heard everything that went on, because walls were paper thin.
Dabi was right. You had stood up for yourself. For once in your life, you had stood up for yourself. You had gained your long deserved freedom. You were free as a bird... and despite the crimson substance on you... you couldn't help but to feel relief. You felt happy. You even let out a bittersweet laugh, raising your eyes to meet theirs.
"They've never done anything for me... so why should I care about them? All they care about... is themselves." Dabi had the smallest smirk form, though it only lasted for a brief second as Toga did a small dance and cheered before latching onto you again.
"We're gonna get along just fine!" Dabi started to turn, taking a step away before looking back over his shoulder.
"Welcome to the freakshow."
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b3ach-bunn7 · 25 days
Ur wish is my command 🛵
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Never a dull moment when you hang out with Dabi and the rest of your friends
No quirks au, pining, LOV as high schoolers
part 2
“Move up.”
You shuffle to the left as Dabi plops down next to you. You’re currently all shoved onto Shigarakis couch, half watching the movie on his Tv and half chattering about whatever. You’re squeezed between Dabi, whose eyes are looking at the TV but not really watching, and Toga, who’s flicking through a Teen Girl magazine, absentmindedly filling out the questionnaires on the back. Shigaraki is sprawled on a loveseat, eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he plays some game on his switch. Twice is leaning on the arm of the chair next to him and giving very unnecessary tips that Shigaraki does not need. Spinner is lying down on the floor. You think he’s exhausted after his football training, but he’s usually sleeping any time you guys hang out, so you’re not too concerned.
You don’t really look like you fit in with this friendship group. They’re weird enough as is. Spinner has this weird obsession with amphibians and bright clothes. Shigraki always has gloves on because of his bad eczema and he’s always scowling, and Toga’s cute aesthetic completely opposes her love of all things gore and violence that she’ll tell to anyone who’ll listen. And Dabi, whose face was more metal than skin from all the piercings he has. That, and the mystery that surrounds the burn scars that litter his skin.
All in all, it was a pretty rag tag group. You were glaringly normal compared to them. No weird habits or affinities, but none of you cared. You can’t even remember how you joined their group but you know you don’t regret it. Some of their activities weren’t exactly your forte. You do walk away whenever they decide that spending money on stuff is too much effort, or when they’d rather stay in an abandoned parking lot half the night then get in bed for school. But despite all of that, you always meet them halfway. Shigaraki’s parents are never really home and so you always find yourselves lounging around his house every other day. You watch movies, order pizzas, finish your homework. Whatever you feel up for.
Today, your eyes are trying their hardest not to flit to your right. Dabi is so close to you right now. His thigh is pressed into yours and it’s so warm. You’ve learnt that that is always the case. You remember one night after a party he’d walked you home. Even through the layers of your coat and dress, your arm gripping his had heated you up against the cold autumn air.
You adjust your position and he glances at you, but he doesn’t move. If anything he gets closer, bringing his arm up behind the couch to rest behind your head.
“Guys, would you say I like my men edgy but fun, or preppy but unique?” Toga hums, biting the end of her pencil.
“Don’t care.” Shigaraki mumbles.
“Rude. I think edgy but fun.” You say.
Twice frowns, shaking his head. “No, don’t you remember that Deku guy you liked? He was definitely preppy but unique.”
“No, he was more like. I don’t know. A nice guy.” Spinner ponders from the floor.
“He was a pussy.”
“Dabi, don’t be mean, he was nice!” Toga whines.
Dabi just rolls his eyes and you giggle. You lean forward to read the page she’s on. Apparently, Toga is about to find the ‘guys she’s totally in tune with’. You point to one of the teenage boys imprinted on the page, all fake smiles and box dye hair.
“He looks like he could be totally in tune with you.” You wiggle your eyebrows.
Dabi leans forward over you to get a better look. You can smell that woodsy and smokey smell that always follows him.
“He’s too emo.”
“You’re one to talk.” Toga mutters, and Dabi smacks the back of her head.
Toga sighs and abandons the page and keeps flicking through the magazine. You yawn. It’s only seven pm but you’re tired. You’d stayed up all last night with Dabi on the phone. It was sort of a tradition the two of you had. You’d watch a movie together, the two of you counting down to sync up your Netflix on whatever movie you were watching. Somehow, you’d stayed up talking all last night. It wasn’t unusual for that to happen but after a long day at school it’s all adding up. You lean your head against the back of the couch on Dabi’s arm.
“The movie not catching your fancy?” He asks.
You smile slightly. It’s something stupid and full of violence, the kind of stuff both of you hate. “No. It’s awful.”
“Of course it is, Shiggy picked it.” Dabi rolls his eyes.
You go to grab the remote and Dabi does too. Your fingers touch, only for a second, but the heat blooms in your hands. You both apologise, clumsily, but Dabi picks it up regardless and starts flipping through channels.
“Hey, they have a truth or dare page! Let’s play!”
It’s a testament to how bored you all are that that catches your attention. Toga slides down on the floor and spinner and twice join her. Shigraki looks unbothered but he still turns his switch off and sits up. You and Dabi stay on the couch. Funnily enough, despite the extra room, the two of you don’t move, legs still pressed up against each other.
“Truth or dare? A bit childish, no?” You whisper quietly enough that nobody but Dabi can hear you.
“What, you scared?”
“Shut up. I’m scared of nothing.” You flex your arms and Dabi smirks.
“It’s been ages since I’ve played. Isn’t there meant to be a forfeit if you don’t do the truth or dare?”
Dabi nods. “Yeah, usually.”
“What’s ours?”
“You have to kiss me.”
You turn your head away so he doesn’t seen the flush on your cheeks. Flirting is nothing you’re not used to with Dabi. Any woman he speaks to is unfortunately a victim of it. Despite his whole punk ‘don’t talk to me’ look, Dabi is undeniably attractive. There’s something so obvious about it. Like if you look at him for just a second more than you’d think to, it would all jump at you; his soft hair, the bright blue eyes, and that boyish grin. So you’re not really fussed by all his flirting. You’ve been there, done that. It’s Dabi at the end of the day. Nothing means anything with him.
“You wish.” You push him away as he pouts his lips at you.
Toga claps her hands. “Okay! Who’s going first?”
“Me!” Twice springs up from his seat, excited. “I pick dare.”
“Daring choice! Okay, so. Go onto instagram and like every highlight of the first person that you see.”
Twice was not happy about that, considering the girl that popped up on his page was apparently ‘someone he was interested in’. But his mood lights up quickly once Toga passes him the magazine so he can ask a question.
And you carry on like that, getting through the group. Shigaraki reluctantly plays a ‘Kiss, marry, kill’ with some of the less attractive teachers at UA, Spinner eats a spoonful of sriracha.
“Dabi. Your, fuck, it’s your turn.” Spinner fans his face while Toga giggles at him.
Dabi waves off the boos from the rest of your group. Spinner hushes them and reads the first truth on the page. “If you had to marry one person in this room, who would it be?”
He doesn’t hesitate in the slightest. Your name slips off his tongue like he didn’t even mean it to. His face looks surprised for a split second before he glances around the room.
“Uh, okay. Your turn to ask a question.” Spinner hands him the magazine.
You’re still slightly dumbfounded. So is Toga, because she is narrowing her eyes at Dabi very suspiciously. He notices her out of the corner of his eye and raises a brow.
She says your name questioningly. You look down at your lap because the loose thread on your jeans is suddenly very interesting.
“Do I need to explain myself or something?”
Toga sighs, propping her knees up and leaning her head on them. “No, you’re okay. It’s your turn.” She leans her head up and it thumps against your leg. You run your fingers through her bangs and she smiles.
“Truth or dare?”
“Hm. Dare.”
Dabi grins. “Daring choice.” Toga sticks her tongue out at the horrible impression of her voice. “Wait, which one do I pick?” His eyes flit over the page of options.
“Uh, we’ve just been going down the list. I think we’re on number four?” Twice says.
Dabi nods. He opens his mouth to speak, but then he stops. Clears his throat, and tries again.
“Kiss the most attractive person in the room.”
You groan as the others start cheering.
“Finally, this is getting interesting.” Shigaraki laughs.
“Don’t get too excited, she’s not kissing you, Shiggy.” Dabi scoffs.
“Fuck off.”
You huff. “Why do I get the creepy one?”
“Hey, I’d gladly kiss someone than eat what I had to.” Spinner grumbles, still nursing a bottle of water.
“Okay. Okay I’ll do it.”
They’re all looking at you expectantly. You know who it’s going to be. Of course it’s going to be Dabi. You’re sure they all know it too, because the others are just looking at the two of you on the couch, giving no other signs of being ready for a kiss. You swallow once. Turn to your side and he’s already looking at you so intensely. The corner of his mouth lifts up slightly.
“Let’s get this over with.”
“Aw, don’t act like you don’t love this, baby.”
You decide that instead of telling him to shut up you’ll do it instead. You grab the scratchy materia of his stupid band tee he always insists on wearing. It almost hurts when your mouths meet, and his hand immediately cups your cheek, warm palm almost covering your whole face. You’re sure the kiss isn’t meant to last this long, but you feel his teeth bite your bottom lip and you have to push away before you start moaning in front of your friends.
You break apart, breathless. Dabi’s lips are red and look freshly kissed and you guess you must look the same. You feel your face heat and you turn to look at the others who are all looking with different degrees of shock and smugness (the last one being Toga).
“Right.” You grab the magazine from his hands. “It’s Toga’s turn?”
The rest of the night goes by quite quickly. You all soon grow bored of truth or dare, which doesn’t get any more exciting after your kiss. Which you can’t seem to stop thinking about. You and Dabi immediately fall back into normalcy but something niggles in the back of your mind. It was just a kiss, but. Does Dabi kiss everyone like that? It must explain why he gets around so much. If a man kissed you like that you can only imagine how he can do everything else to you.
But you try to ignore that. Focus on the fact you’re braiding Toga’s hair or maybe listen to the story Twice is telling you about someone at his work. Someone orders a pizza and you bug Dabi until he passes you a slice. He gets the cheesiest one in the box, like he knows you love, and you grin your thanks.
The night ends swiftly after that. You all help Shigaraki clean because that’s the only condition he sets if you all use his house as a hangout spot. Toga catches a lift with Twice and Spinner leaves on his bike. Which just leaves you and Dabi. You stand on Shigaraki’s driveway, your foot kicking a rock on the floor.
“You walked here?” Dabi asks, shrugging his coat on.
“Yeah. Regretting it now.”
“I’ll walk you.”
He just makes a noise, gesturing for you to start walking. The night air is cool. You wish you’d worn something warmer. You can’t complain though. You love autumn. The leaves crunch beneath your feet, streetlights illuminating the path. The sun is just about set, and the sky is orange, pink, purple.
It's moments like these that you’ll know you’ll remember forever. It’s weird. You remember random things like an old lady you saw on the bus home one day, the slice of red velvet cake you’d bought at some random cafe. Little, irrelevant things that you can’t help but store. But moments like these, where the setting sun catches on Dabi’s skin, and your hands brush close to each other that they almost touch, you don’t think you could ever forget.
“You going to Hawks’s party next week?” He asks suddenly.
“Uh. I guess so.” You say.
Dabi quirks a brow. “Don’t sound too excited.”
“It’s not that, it’s just.” A breeze blows over and you rub your arms. Curse short-sleeved shirts. “His parties get too crazy for me. But I haven’t seen him in ages so I’ll probably go. I miss him.”
“Mhm.” He says, suddenly standoffish.
“Are you going?”
“I guess. I just miss Hawks ever so much.” He raises his voice so it’s all high pitched. You glare at him.
“I do not sound like that, you weirdo. And I do miss him. He’s so busy now that he started playing on the school team.” You shiver slightly.
Suddenly, you feel something warm envelop you. Dabi places his jacket across your shoulders. The warm leather immediately warms you.
“Aw. You’re such a cutie.” You grin, slipping your arms into the sleeves.
“Fuck off. I’ll take it back.”
“You wouldn’t.”
He doesn’t respond to that so you know you’re right. The sleeves fall over your hands and you flap them in the air. You always forget how much bigger Dabi is than you. Even now, he’s almost two heads taller, even with his horrible posture.
“You look stupid with that on.” He says.
“I’m warm, though. Sacrifices have to be made.”
Soon enough you reach your door. He watches as you fumble for your house key before brandishing them out your bag. You go to take the jacket off and he waves you away.
“S’fine, just give it to me tomorrow.”
“If you’re sure. It’s kinda cold out.”
“I’ll be alright.”
You both stand there then. Just looking at each other. Part of you thinks that maybe you should bring up the kiss. Is it worth bringing up? Did it even mean anything? You decide against it, only because that soft look on his face is so rare that you don’t want to do anything to ruin it.
“Thanks for walking me home, Dabi.”
You tilt your head slightly. “Who?”
He smiles slightly. “It’s my name.”
“You can- You don’t have to call me Dabi. You can- if you want. I don’t really care.”
You think he does care. Very evident by his stammering, something you don’t think you’ve ever seen him do. It’s cute. You don’t look into why he’s given you this privilege. You’ve heard Shigaraki and maybe Toga call him Touya before, but some part of you always knew it was a line you shouldn’t cross. Not anymore, though.
“No, I want to. Touya.”
He breathes heavily. He’s looking at you the way he was before he kissed you on that couch. Your eyes dart to his lips, and you know he saw, because he does the exact same.
“I- I should go. Goodnight, Touya.”
He nods. “Night.”
You lock the door behind you, hang up your keys. You’re not ready to ruin your friendship because of a look. A truth or dare kiss that probably means nothing.
The leather of his coat feels sticky on your skin as you walk yourself to bed.
God I’m such a sucker for dabi in everyday normal setting…… teenager Dabi…..
Part two is posted !
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illusionsdelusions101 · 2 months
heyyy! could you write about alejandro garnacho x singer!reader who writes a new song (espresso by sabrina carpenter) and everyone teases him and calls him whipped because of the lyrics? thank you smmm❤️
Espresso~ Alejandro Garnacho
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A/N: not proof read so spelling mistakes!!!
Now he's, thinkin' 'bout me, every night oh, isn't that sweet?
I guess so.
You were a popular singer, going on tours and making big apperances in shows, but you still lived back home in Manchester. Part of living in Manchester meant that your family was big Manchester United fans. You would go to matches as little as 5 years old. But when Man Utd won, it wasn't the cheer of the stands that brought you the overwhelming happiness, it was the celebration between the players and their loved ones, specifically, their partners. You wanted to marry a footballer (from man utd ofc) to celebrate the wins and feel the warmth and happiness of the win together.
I can't relate to desperation, My 'give a fucks' are on vacation
You were on vacation in Argentina when you met the young football star, Alejandro Garnacho. He still had his old brown and bushy hair, but still the same guy you have today. You asked him for his autograph and he did the same to you. Both chuckling out of nervousness and excitement, he asked you to dinner and hang out with his old Aregentinin mates, of course, you said yes.
And I got this one boy And he won't stop calling
Garnacho and you started dating after your vacation in Argentina. After a couple of months, you released a song called "Espresso" Many people wondered who did you write this about, why did you write and honestly, you were in no rush to answer them. You had everything figured out. But when Garnacho heard "Espresso," he called you imeadiately.
"Is Espresso about me?"
You chuckled at the excitement you heard in Garnacho's voice. "Yes love, it is." You smiled and shook your head, even though he couldn't see. "Really?" You hear his voice rise. "Yes." your jaw starts hurting from smiling. "Does this mean we're telling the world?" He says seriously.
When they act this way I know I got 'em
After going to a couple of Manchester United games and his blowing kisses to you after he scored some goals, people eventually connected the dots. For those who didn't, the pinned post on your Instagram page of you two kissing explains it.
"Awe! Our lad is whipped!" Harry Maguire points out as the Man Utd changing room blasts your song. "You getting reddddd Alejandroooo?" Martinez teases Garnacho. "Shut up.." he mutters. "He's so blushing!" Rasmus laughs and hits his shoulder. But, to be honest, Garnacho has you. So his teammates can tease him and call him whipped all they want.
Is it that sweet? I guess so That's that me, espresso
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themainreactor · 7 months
"I don't think this was the original plan... Oh well."
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In which a suicidal boy gets kidnapped by his scary yandere girl stalker. He could care less and doesn't mind dying, however she cares and it confuses her why he doesn't. So she brings him with her into the League of Villains and for once in his life, he can say that he's genuinely felt... At least okay.
"You need help, y'know that right?"
"I know I just... I don't want help."
"How do you expect to get better then?!"
"Well I'm not really excepting to get better, I wasn't even really expecting to live this long."
"Why are you like this?!"
Y/N was kind of... Strange to say the least.
Y/N's not even sure why he can't just be normal, he wants to be but he can't help but feel like life would be better without him being there. Even if he doesn't try to gain attention, he still somehow does.
Whether it be bullying at his school, his parents disappointment in him, his friends leaving him because of how much his mental state is hurting them, or even him bothering the police and ambulances.
So he decided after a while to just stop trying to die because it makes it so much worse when he doesn't succeed and everyone gets frustrated. He got better over time... Well at least it took him about three years to convince everyone of that. At least people felt less worried and went back to their normal lives.
Yet he still seems to attract trouble.
So that's why he's not entirely surprised when he wakes up in an abandoned house one evening after his nap with a crazy looking girl kneeling at his feet. The walls were all graffiti'd, there was no furniture and it was already clear that the girl had some sinister intentions.
"You're awake! Hi there cutie!" The girl yells, happily jumping around before kneeling right back in front of him. He's not entirely sure what's going on and what's even worse is that he's pretty sure he recognized her.
"You're... That girl... You killed that boy in my school" He states, only to get a giggle and a nod as if that didn't matter whatsoever. Already that was the worst impression someone can have about another person.
She was probably going to kill him too and honestly he didn't mind, he just had a nap so at least he would die refreshed.
"Yep! That's me! That was my first love but you're my favorite so far!" She yells, gushing before placed her knife right against his neck.
"Y'know... You'd look even cuter with your blood all over you."
He only raised his eyebrow before activating his quirk, causing her to scream and drop her knife.
His quirk was emotion, he could control, level out or amplify an emotion in a person. He amplified fear in her, so that's why she was now shaking on the floor.
But now he actually felt a bit bad for her.
She was a freak, he could understand that much and he didn't blame her. Everyone called him a freak too. Plus, It was flattering since no one had ever been a freak for him, although it was concerning. What was he doing to gain her attention? Did she know where her parents were at?
He struggled with the zip ties that were tying him only to get one to snap and let go of his wrist. He sighs, turning off his quirk and watching as she cried and choked on her own spit. But she seemed more calm even though she was still feeling the lingering fear from before.
"So what do you plan do to me?"
"No! Not anything bad! I just... I wanted some of your blood..."
"Why? Don't you have your own?" Y/N chuckled.
"...Yeah... But I want to be like you! I... I want to become like you because I love you!"
"... You don't even know me-"
"Yes I do though! Your name is Y/N, M/N, L/N! I know that you're really strong and that everyone at your school is scared of you! They think you'll take advantage of them with your quirk but I know you wouldn't do that! I also know that you used to date a girl And she left you for your best friend!"
"... And you know this all... Because?"
"Because I followed you and I like watching you at school and at home! Y'know if you want I can kill the girl and that fake friend of yours! Would you like me to do that?! It doesn't matter anyway!"
He just looks at her again, worried about what she meant. She loved him, so she was going to kill him... That made no damn sense.
"Just like the boy... Y'know we were confused, no one at school thought you'd do something like that. You were always that sweet and happy girl... Why'd you kill him?"
"I hated pretending that I was normal! But that's all anyone saw me for anyway! For example, is my home! Or it used to be my home." She mumbles and Y/N looks around the graffiti'd walls, it looks like it was once a girl's room.
He almost forgot what her house even looked like.
"I... I was born a monster, someone who couldn't live without hurting the people she loved... So... I want to become a really strong girl, someone who can make my own path and become those I love!"
"... That's why you want my blood?"
"Yep! I want your blood! You're so pretty and interesting at the same time! I want to be just like you! I love you!"
"How do you know you love me?"
"I just know I love you! You make my heart beat really fast and I want to kill anyone that hurts you!"
He remembered him and his mother bidding her family goodbye after they moved. He could recall how they came to comfort them even though most people hated them. People blamed them for not raising their daughter right but they probably tried to. He never saw them in a bad light, he always felt like they had tried.
He doesn't say anything as she tried to explain herself more, he just watched her. He knew that in this position she could still try to kill him. Now that he thinks about it though, he didn't really want to live. No one would be worried about him killing himself if someone else killed him.
He didn't have to pretend to want to live anymore... Just like she didn't have to pretend to be normal. So finally he gives in, silently handing her his wrist. She looks at it, confused before a hopeful smile came on her face.
"You... You want me to have your blood?!"
"Instead of stalking me, you should have just asked, you would have gotten it faster."
"... Really?"
The girl just looks at him, she's not sure what to say. With all the people she's killed and loved, never had any of them offered her something like that.
Why was there no hesitation in his voice?
He was definitely extra special, she couldn't possibly kill him now.
"... But why?"
"You'll be doing me a favor... I don't really want to live believe it or not, although I assumed you already knew that."
She did know that he dozed off a lot and that he seemed bored and sad sometimes but she doesn't like how unusually calm he was, it was unnerving how he didn't seem to care about the dire situation he was in. She wanted to kill him and he wasn't even trying to escape her.
So quickly she grabs onto his wrist, using the knife to only make a small cut. She didn't even try to drink the blood or save it, she just wanted to see if he would actually let her or if he'd even care. He didn't flinch and it made it worse so she groaned and started to cut the zip ties off of his other hand and his ankles.
"You good?"
"No... I don't want to kill you anymore."
"Damn, am I that boring?" He playfully asks, hoping to actually get her to reconsider what she said.
"You really want me to kill you?!" She yells
"Yeah, why not? In fact, please do, I wouldn't hold it against you, really." He shrugs before she almost growls at him. She had some canines that were definitely sharp, like a dog or even a vampire.
"No! I... I can fix you."
"... The hell does that mean?" He looks at her, suddenly worried that she was one of those fantasy medieval romance novel girls.
Those types of girls and women scared him because they could care less. If you even remotely resembled their book boyfriends, they would try to marry you.
"Do you know that hero killer Mr. Stainy that was on the news recently?!"
"Um... I don't think that's his name but sure, yeah the hero killer."
"I also want to be just like him! I want to be able to live in a world where I can be free."
"... Hate to break it to you, I don't think you can do that when you're killing people." He chuckled, gaining a cute giggle from the girl.
"I know that, silly! So, that's why, I'm going to join his group."
"His group? What group?"
"The League of Villains."
"... Aren't they their own group?"
"I don't know but I want to be like stainy! But I want to be like you too so why don't you come with me? I know you're bored with your life so help me with mine!" She happily jumps.
"... So... You're not going to kill me?"
"Nope! We should take you back home!"
What? What was wrong with this girl? Was she bipolar or what?
"... Okay... You still want my blood?"
"Yeah!" She smiled.
And with that she grabs his wrist before actually biting it and sucking the blood out of it.
"Ow... Y'know you still have time to kill me, how do you know I won't call the police and tell them that you're here?"
"Because you're too sweet for that!" She replies after letting her mouth pop off of his wrist. She was probably right though, he wasn't going to call anyone on her.
"Now, why don't we get some sugar cookies and you can go home? I know those are your favorite and I'll definitely get you when I find a way to continue my life plan!"
"... Alright..."
"I love you so much!"
Y/N doesn't respond, but he carefully eyes the harsh bite mark that was now on his wrist.
This was probably a bad idea. After all, how was he going to explain this to his mom?
Honestly, he didn't mind.
"Are you sure you're okay with being left at home?" His mother asks, placing her luggage in the van as her husband gets the car started.
"Yeah, I'll be fine." Was all he said smiling at his mom as she came over to hug him.
"If you start to feel scared or depressed please call me before you do anything."
"Mom, I think I'm fine, it's been like three years since I last tried anything like that."
"I know but still, that shouldn't even be a last resort okay?"
"Alright mom, now stop worrying about me and enjoy your honeymoon!"
The mom gives him a quick hug again before entering the car. The husband just waved at the boy since they still weren't on the best of terms, but it was good enough that they were cordial with one another.
The boy waves the car away as they drive off, and as soon as the car is out of view, he walks right back into the house.
He yawns, happy that he had the house to himself. Until he didn't of course.
"JEEZ! WHAT THE HELL?!" Y/N jumps, dropping the bagel he grabbed from the counter onto the floor before groaning. It was the girl, Himiko Toga. It had been about a month since she had kidnapped him before taking him back home and she literally found every spare minute to invade his privacy when his mom and step dad weren't around.
"... Oh... Hello."
"How are you doing handsome?!" Toga yells, quickly hugging Y/N from behind before jumping onto the counter to sit down in front of him.
"Just fine... How'd you even get in the house?"
"I broke through your window."
"... Did you break the window?"
"No silly, I just popped the screen open and then unlocked the latch before popping the screen closed once I got in!"
Y/N groans a bit, scratching his hair before handing her a new bagel and picking up the one he dropped on the floor. He could just eat it off the floor, it's not like the floor was dirty since he helped his mom clean the entire house yesterday.
Was he still going to eat it? No, he wanted to die but he didn't want to contract a disease while he was at it.
"Guess what!?"
"I found someone who'll help me get into the league of villains! You should come with me tonight! Oh! I also drew a picture of you and me!" Toga excitedly yells before jumping off of the countertop and rushing upstairs.
"Um... Alright." Y/N mumbled before yawning and grabbing another bagel to eat. It was only about a few seconds that she came rushing back down with her small but cute cat backpack unfortunately covered in small amounts of someone's blood.
"Here, look!"
Y/N looked at it for two good seconds as he tried to comprehend what the hell he was seeing. As surprisingly good as her drawings were, why did it have to be him like that?
He had to refrain from pushing the sketch book out of his face. First off, what type of memory did this bitch have that she could draw him from scratch. Secondly, this was the most non safe for work thing that he's ever seen, he's not used to this shit because he's only watched porn once and it was by accident.
"It's..." Y/N looked at the giddy girl, mentally applauding her courage in showing him this with a straight face, as if it wasn't basically fan art sex.
"It's nice."
"You really think so?!"
Toga starts kicking her feet, content that Y/N liked the picture she drew. So she just watched him for most of the day and she doesn't even know why he keeps her around. After all, she could try to kill him when he wasn't looking... Oh wait, he wanted to die.
Toga sighs before looking up at the ceiling in boredom. She was excited to bring Y/N with her to the league but she was a bit worried that they wouldn't take him nor would he technically be a villain anyway. Would he be willing to kill someone if they made him?
"So, before we go to see if you can get into the league, we should go to the store and buy you a really cool villain outfit, something that's cute but also screams badass-"
Y/N chuckled at her as she kept rambling about clothing items. Honestly he didn't care, as long as at some point he died. Maybe that was a bit too far to think but he really was tired, he barely had the energy to get up in the morning and brush his teeth and that was every single morning.
"So what style of clothes do you like?"
"Um... Surprise me, I don't really mind."
"You seem indecisive."
"Well I am."
"About the whole league of villains thing?"
"Don't you want to be a villain?"
"No... No, not really." He shook his head, being fully serious about it. However it wasn't like he wouldn't try it. I mean, he literally had nothing to lose besides him mom and his life, and his mom was very capable of protecting herself.
"... Well do you want to be with me?!"
"... I mean... No... You're kinda crazy."
Toga just huffed, crossing her hands in front of herself whilst pouting. Y/N walked off into the living room, noting that Toga grabbed a knife and tried to stab his shoulder before he activated his quirk.
Why was she like this? She must have actually been bipolar or something.
"I don't know why you keep wanting to stab me at the most inconvenient times." He mumbled, barely paying attention to her once again distraught figure on the floor before he just sighed and turned off his quirk.
"Hey, you're okay." Was all he said, gently patting her head before looking at the time.
This made him think of why he couldn't have just left his quirk out of a situation like this? He could have died that way, he could have been killed and missed that opportunity because of his reflexes.
Whatever, he'd die eventually.
Toga didn't say anything as she stood up, just slowly hugged Y/N again since she didn't really care about whether or not he used his quirk on her. Y/N hugged her back before letting go just to let her know that he wasn't mad at her. Sure the quirk was annoying but she knew all too well that he was too sweet to truly harm anyone.
"So... Will you come with me tonight?"
"... Sure, why not?"
"Thank you! Thank you so much Y/N-kun! I love you, I love you!"
"... Okay..."
"What do you mean I need a body count?" Y/N questioned the supposed villian broker named Giran, grimacing at the man in front of him. There was no way this man was actually going to let him in The League of Villains at all if he hadn't killed people yet?
Sounds biased.
"Well I guess we can forget that for now but have you killed anybody at all? What's your quirk? Abilities? You got any props to show us? Anything at all that could determine that you'll be a good addition to the league?"
He couldn't even answer the question at first, almost all of his attention was being taken by the barbequed man standing on the side. Why did he genuinely seem like he was tweaking out? He was probably not a normal human to begin with, he must have been born into this villain trade. This had to be some bloodline Taugarian stuff.
"After all, I have good business with the league and I wouldn't want to ruin it."
"... Why didn't you tell me? I would have prepared a bit better." He grumbled, glaring at Toga when he turned her direction.
"Well the union already said I was a good pick! Sorry, I didn't think about it even when I said that I'd bring you!"
Y/N just sighed when Toga hugged onto his arm, quietly eyeing the burnt guy that kinda had some sass with his stance. Clearly he was impatient and didn't want to wait for this.
"Well... I haven't actually killed anyone yet, except for my dad. I hit him with a bat when I was younger and he died of blood loss, but I don't think that really counts since it was an accident." He starts, already cringing at how strange his own voice sounded.
This was annoying and embarrassing.
"My quirk is emotion, I can control people's emotions basically... But I don't really have a prop to show-"
"Oh! Me! Me! You can use me! You wanna use me?!" Toga yells really quick, jumping in front of him all excited like.
"The hell?" The burnt guy asks, almost wanting to gag. He didn't really like this crazy lovesick girl and it would be really annoying if he had to be in a villain group with her. He didn't know much about the boy, except that he was most definitely a rookie who probably just wanted attention.
He'd just burn them later if they annoyed him too much.
"Um... How bout no?" Y/N starts, gently grabbing her by the shoulders and moving her to the side of him instead of in front.
"We gotta go soon so when you're done talking with the crazy one and attention hogging dude, can you let me know? I'm already tired of this." The burnt guy scoffs when he gets a finger pointed his way by the guy, so he just decided that he was ready to leave until he was stopped.
He may or may not have had a sudden heart attack by the alleyway door but for some reason he couldn't move and he didn't like it one damn bit.
Why did he suddenly feel like he was absolutely worthless? He felt useless in so many ways and it was one of the most painful things in the world. All his trauma just threw up at him all at once.
"That's rude y'know? You should respect the guy when you're the one taking up his time." Y/N scolded, moving his index finger up in the air which caused the guy to just start crying.
He just cried, it actually made Y/N kind of nervous since it seemed like more than just his quirk. It sounded so broken, he would rather hear someone scream than sob the way this guy was weeping.
"That is so cool Y/N! What emotion are you using now?!" Toga asks.
"Sadness." He replies, his eyes still on the grown man. He only just now noticed that him crying had actually opened up the burn wounds around his mouth and eyes.
"Basically I overwhelm the brain with the chemical that causes a particular emotion before forcing it onto the body." Y/N explains to the guy, turning off his quirk so that the burnt guy can breathe.
"... That's... Scary actually and it's perfect, Even though the union didn't pick you, you'd be a great helper for what the league of villains needs. The dude you just messed is named Dabi, You're in."
"Oh My Gosh Y/N-kun! Do you know what this means?! You and I are going to be hero killers! Just like Mr. Stainy! Oh man! I love you so much!"
"... Cool... Thanks... Hey um, Dabi right? Sorry about that-"
"Shut the hell up." Dabi growls, standing up and holding one of the burn marks closed right under his eye. He didn't even bother wiping the tears away because it wasn't gonna do him any good. He was already embarrassed, and this dumb ass kid scared him.
If he could dominate and control an emotion that quick and that effective with almost no drawback, what the hell would be able to stop him?
"Yeah... I-I kinda deserve that, I'll shut up, that's fair I guess."
"Shigaraki! Your league of villains has been the talk of the town this last several days." Giran comments as he opens the door to an abandoned bar. This seemed like a really terribly way to start a conversation if you ask Y/N.
"Word on the street says you're about to start something big-"
"And? Who did you bring?"
Rude. All Giran does about it is chuckle before waving the three of them inside. Toga almost squeals, hugging onto Y/N's arm before letting go and walking in. This was most likely a bad idea.
As soon as Y/N enters he knows this is an annoyingly bad idea. This dude with the hand for a mask was the leader of this whole thing? He looked like a skeleton, when was the last time this man ate?
"So it's really you huh? I've seen you in pictures but i gotta say, you're way grosser in person." Dabi starts, tilting his head to the side.
"Wow it's the weird hand guy! You're friends with my hero stain right? Cool, let us join the league, we wanna be in your group!" Toga yells, blushing as she once again grabs a hold of Y/N's arm
"... Kurogiri, get rid of these three, I can already tell their exactly the kind of trash I hate. A girly brat, some weak mute boy and a guy with no manners." The man named Shigaraki, pointing his finger at them.
"I'm not mute." Y/N chuckles, almost using his quirk on the man just because of his bluntness. It was pissing him off more than he'd like to admit.
"Now, now Tomura Shigaraki, They came all this way. The least we could do is here them out, give them a chance. Besides, this broker is respected in the underworld, they're bound to be valuable assets." The weird purple smoke guy called Kurogiri states.
He kinda reminded Y/N of that fire bartender in the Undertale game.
"Like em or not, you still owe me a finders fee in cash. I suppose I could introduce the three of them before I go." Giran mentioned.
"This one looks like an adorable high school girl right? But she's actually the suspect in a series of deaths where the victims all bled out. So far her name and face have been kept out of the media."
Danm, Y/N almost forgot just how dangerous she was and what she was guilty of.
"Toga, Himiko Toga! Life is too hard and I just want to make it easier to live in this dumb world. I want to be Mr. Stainy! I wanna kill Mr. Stainy! Oh c'mon Mr. Handy man please let me join your league of villains!" She greets herself, letting everyone in the room know just how crazy she was.
"You gotta be kidding me, is she crazy?"
"Well she can hold a conversation, for the most part at least. C'mon, she can be useful."
"Yeah, in fact I was gonna be her next victim before she asked me to come here." Y/N answers, looking at Shigaraki with a very serious expression.
"... What?" Shigiraki looked at the boy and he almost took his hand mask off in surprise. He honestly would have expected that the kid wanted to be here with how calm and blunt he was.
"It's a long story... Well not really but it's not relevant to the topic right now."
"And this guy," Giran adds, pointing his cigarette towards Dabi. " hasn't committed any flashy crimes but he's taken stains ideology to heart."
"I don't like this, is your group really dedicated to the hero killers mission? I can't imagine you are if you're going to let this little psycho join." Dabi grunts when he refers to Toga.
"Grow up, at least she can introduce herself." Y/N grumbles, already realizing that him and this Dabi were probably not gonna get along all that well.
"Yeah, I actually agree with him. She may be a psycho but she can actually talk to people." Shigiraki comments, waving his hand in the general direction of Y/N and Toga. "Don't just stare, what's your name?"
"Right now I'm going by Dabi."
"No I want to know your real name."
"I'll tell you when you need to know it, in any case, my new purpose is to carry out the hero killers will."
"That wasn't what I asked you, patchwork. Jeez why's everyone so hung up over Stain."
"Okay I'm not that smart, " Y/N starts, hoping to understand something about all of this. "but why the hell do we need to carry out the hero killers wish when he's not dead? Isn't he just in prison? We should have our own wish if it's our group right? Not live off the back of someone else's wish, or am I missing something here-"
"Shut up." Shigiraki growls as he stands up.
"It's all I ever hear about, every, damn, day. It's really pissing me off!"
"No, don't do it!" Kurogiri yells.
The hell was he doing?
"WE'LL KEEP THE BOY, THE TWO OF YOU ARE DONE!" Shigaraki yells, throwing his hands in their direction. Dabi does the same in Shigaraki's direction.
Y/N pulls Toga back before she can do anything or get hurt, but not before grabbing her knife to possibly stab the dude's hand. Y/N hasn't killed anyone but that doesn't mean that he doesn't know how to fight.
Before anybody's attacks land anywhere, Y/N watches as purple smoke engulfs their hands before they are placed somewhere else in the room. It was like a portal of sorts.
"Please calm yourself Tomura Shigaraki."
Why does this dude keep stating his first and last name like it was some title?
"If your desire is to be realized then we must increase our numbers,"
Y/N sighs, not paying anymore attention to the conversation before taking out his hand along with the knife. He hands the knife to Toga who felt it was right to suddenly Koala hold his back.
"I'm outta here."
Y/N moves himself out of the way of the pissed off leader of the league of villains. He's not sure how he feels about him, maybe it's not all that bad but he didn't really like how that ended.
"Where are you off too?"
"Shut up."
"I try to make it a point not to complain about my clients but he's too young and far too immature." Giran sighs.
"Really thought he was gonna kill us from a sec!" Toga gushes before jumping off of Y/N's back.
"Yeah, he looks like he needs to be in a psych ward like you Toga." Y/N added on, ignoring the surprisingly weak punch Toga gave to his shoulder.
"That guy makes me want to vomit."
"I've only known you for like thirty minutes and I think I can tell that everything makes you wanna throw up."
"What'd you say?"
"I said-" Y/N starts, ready to repeat himself again.
"Shut up! No one asked you anyway!"
"Okay patchwork."
"I said okay patchwork, I'mma keep calling you that too."
"I hope you drown!"
"I was hoping for that a long time ago dude."
"I can't believe we're actually in the league! Oh my gosh this is gonna be so cool! I can't wait! And it'll be even better with you Y/N-kun!" Toga yells, blushing to herself as the both of them sat on top of a building.
"How high do you think I'd have to jump to crack my skull?"
"... What?"
Y/N turns to Toga only to be graced with a small smile concealing her worried expression.
"... Oh sorry, I wasn't trying to scare you."
"No, you didn't scare me... I just... I think it's about two stores high."
That was the first time anyone had answered him a question like that before, and of course it had to be the crazy blood stealing girl.
"Hey... Y/N-kun?"
"Can you call me Himiko?"
"... Why?" Y/N inquired, wondering if he was being caught in some strange trap by her again.
"Well because I love you and it's just that I don't want to see you die yet. I want to be there for you like you were there for me before and I want you to love me too."
"Um... I was never there for you though-"
"Yes you were! You were always there, someone that was always consistently in my life!"
"... Is that because you were stalking me?"
"I wouldn't call it stalking, I'd call it a romantic walk that you didn't know you were doing with me!"
"Oh... Alright." Y/N sighed slightly, letting you ye girl hug him as he looked down at the people below. Everyone was just walking around, trying to get the last of what they needed so that they didn't have to stay out too late.
None of these people would be prepared for something like the league of villains... So why was he partaking in this? He was one of these citizens, one of these people.
"Do you love me Y/N-kun?"
Y/N briefly turned to look at Toga once again, her sick and flustered smile looking right back at him.
"... No... I don't love you Himiko."
Toga nodded her head, accepting the answer for what it was before looking up at the sky. The stars were very pretty when there weren't many lights.
Y/N though for a bit more about this whole thing, not sure why he was agreeing to this. Sure he didn't value his life all that much but he had family, he had people that cared about him, and he had people he cared about.
But there was something about this that made him feel excited and energetic about it all. He can't remember the last time he felt so much thrill being near a person that could kill him.
It was always him that was trying to kill himself, not someone trying to kill him. No one had ever tried to kill him before.
It was exhilarating.
Heck, the guy wasn't even really trying to kill him, he was trying to kill Dabi and Toga and yet he had pulled her out of the way to protect her. It seemed like he'd really enjoy being a villain but at the same time, he could be a pretty good hero.
He must have been a villain or a hero in his past life because even with that sudden stress he felt so calm, like nothing had even occurred and he wasn't bored like he had nothing to do either.
If this villain thing didn't work, he would try to transfer into a hero school like UA or something like that, though that was setting the bar higher, it was something.
He actually didn't feel like killing himself right now.
"Hey.... Himiko?"
She didn't respond and when Y/N looked at her, she was asleep, resting her head against his shoulder.
"I don't love you... But I think I like you, I'd like to be a villain as long as you're there." He mumbled, gently placing his hand on top of her head.
How did he even let an evil and crazy yandere girl swoon him into joining her in a group of other evil people?
He's not sure but at the moment, he doesn't mind. He'll figure out the details later.
Wow, he's actually feeling pretty okay right now.
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inlovewithgreta · 3 months
can you write more fics for Greta please? I hardly see any and I need some to help my obsession with her😩
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Red Wine Supernova - Greta Gill x Inexperienced Fem!Reader
A/n: First off, thank you anon for requesting Greta!! It's been too long since I've written for her and I must say, writing this gave me an idea for a little two parter, so stay tuned! There's not smut in this, as I want to start writing more than just smut all the time.. However, that just makes you look forward to a spicy part two! ;) xo
Summary: A night out at a bar starts something new.
Warnings: None! Just Greta being her lovey dovey fluffy caring self!!
Word Count: 2.1k
Taglist: @shslbunnylover @bellatrixsbrat
© Do not copy, repost, or modify any of my works.
Your eyes had been on the redhead for most of the night, admiring the way her dress hugged her precious curves. Her curled hair that framed her face perfectly. The way her hips swayed back and forth as she danced to the music.
You couldn't help but to stare, after all she was the most beautiful woman you have ever laid eyes on. The bartender filled your glass to the brim as you were leaning against the bar, the bittersweet red wine hitting the back of your throat as you gazed ahead.
Of course Greta knew you were watching. She always did. Her eyes were always scanning her surroundings. She had to. It was instinctual.
Her smirk only grew when your eyes fixated back on you, catching you staring at her. Yes, you were cute in her eyes. It wasn't just your looks she admired, but your personality. You were sweet, caring, were nice to everyone, and you were just her type. How could she not feel a slight pull towards you?
But she didn't know if you swung for the other team. She had been curious, but the way your eyes were always fixated on her, the blush that would creep onto your cheeks when she winked at you, and the subtle hitch of your breath whenever she would just barely graze your skin, had piqued her interest.
You hadn't realized the woman moved while you were lost in your thoughts when a familiar voice snapped you back to reality.
"You're staring again," she stated, leaning herself against the bar right next to you.
"Oh- I'm- so sorry.. I didn't realize- you're just- I'm sorry-" You shut yourself up with a swig of your wine, your incoherent babbling causing Greta to chuckle.
"It's okay," she smiled, taking the glass from your hands. "It's quite flattering," She hummed when the wine hit the back of her throat. Greta pondered for a moment, eyeing the drink in her hand before focusing back on you. "Sweet... like you." Her voice lowered, ensuring you were the only one that could hear her.
"I- that's- thank you!" Your eyes fixated on the tongue darting out to lick the remnants of the wine from her matching crimson stained lips. The redhead couldn't help but slightly raise her eyebrows at catching you not only staring, but blushing too.
Greta's smile only grew wider. You were flustered. Because of her. It only fueled the fire she had started to flame. She couldn't keep guessing any longer, her sight now set on finding out if you really were into women.
"How about we take this conversion back to the house, hmm?" She set the now half empty glass onto the mahogany bar. "It's getting quite late, and I don't want us getting in trouble for breaking curfew."
Greta had a point, you didn't like getting in trouble, and didn't want to ruin your chances of being on the team.
So with the nod of your head, Greta led the two of you out of the bar and into the cool night air. You couldn't help but shiver, the wind immediately cooling your heated body.
Greta's hand immediately went to your arm, running her hand up and down your arm. Her touch immediately grew heat in your body. It was electric, and your body only ached for more.
The redhead easily hailed the two of you in a cab and silently made your way back to the house. Greta of course sat right by your side, smiling to herself when she no longer felt you shivering and leaning into her to keep yourself warm.
As the two of you entered the quiet house, Greta immediately went to the stairs but stopped when she noticed you still lingering in the doorway.
"C'mon, it's warmer in my room and I'm dying to get these shoes off." Her voice was sweet, assuring, and you couldn't help but follow in her footsteps.
She thought it was cute how you followed behind her without a second thought. Like a lost little puppy, eagerly searching for a new home.
Her bedroom was indeed much warmer, allowing you to relax as you crossed the threshold. Greta immediately leaned over her small vanity, nimble fingers discarding the golden loops adorning her ears.
"Now whose idea was it to all wear heels tonight?" you grumbled to ease the silence, perching yourself on the edge of Greta's bed to relieve your feet of the similar ache the redhead was also feeling.
"That would be yours truly." She raised her hand, turning her focus to you. Greta leaned back against the vanity, easily sliding out of her own shoes while maintaining eye contact.
"I should've known," you joked, fingers fumbling to unhook the straps holding the heels to your feet.
Greta still had her sight set on you, forcing herself not to smile at your unsuccessful attempts to free your feet from their restraints.
Your eyebrows knitted as you focused, huffing a piece of stray hair out of your face as you were bent forward. Dark eyes couldn't help but notice the fair amount of cleavage your dress showed as you bent over, the new sight only intrigued Greta more.
Giving you mercy after many, many seconds, the redhead sauntered your way. You were so focused on your small task that you didn't hear nor see the woman move until she was on her knees at your feet.
"Would you like some help?" she asked, causing you to freeze at her sudden closeness. Your head darted up and was only mere inches away from her own. Her floral perfume invaded your senses. It was magnificent.
"I- no.. I-It's just a silly strap, Greta. I can— there's no need to help.." You had to tear your eyes away from the woman to avoid more blush to appear across your features. Her smile only grew. It was so easy to fluster you.
"Honey, you're struggling. Let me help you, okay?" She asked once more, tilting her head slightly.
You pondered, but knew you were getting nowhere so you sat up straight and allowed Greta to wrap her hand around your ankle to hold you still as she used the other to swiftly unbuckle your clasps.
She was soft. Gentle. Almost cradling your ankle as she freed your foot, allowing your heel to stumble onto the wooden floor.
The air was silent, but your head was loud. Her touch was invigorating. She was so gentle with her movements, smooth skin brushing against yours that helped you relax against her touch.
Her thumb caressed your other ankle as she did the same as the first, holding you still as the other shoe slid from your foot. You hummed at the feeling, your feet instantly feeling better.
Greta didn't move. She didn't remove the hand that held onto you softly. Her own mind was louder than yours, screaming at her to make her move on you.
So she did.
Soft digits left your ankle to roam up your calf, eliciting a quiet gasp from you, but not quiet enough to be unheard.
"Greta..." your voice was soft, quiet, and at the mention of her name, she stopped her movements.
Dark eyes looked up at you through lashes, lust no longer hidden behind dilated pupils. She was doing her utmost best at holding herself back.
"Do you want me to stop?" She kindly asked, tilting her head to the side as her eyes scanned your face for uncertainty.
You pondered for a moment. You didn't want to get caught, as women like you were not accepted in society. That's why you've never explored anything with another woman before. You could get kicked off the team, sent away, or even worse. But the way Greta was looking at you, so kind, loving, and caring, made all those what if's disappear.
"No," you admitted, with a small shake of your head. "Please don't stop..." You swallowed a nervous lump in your throat, "Just—" You struggled to find words, as the hand that previously roamed your calf, slowly passed your knee, but halted once more just at the base of your dress covering your thigh.
"Just what?" She asked, giving you time to find your wording. Greta didn't want to push you. Not wanting to take it too far without your consent. She wanted you to tell her what to do, ensuring you were comfortable by letting you make the calls.
Unbeknownst to you, Greta would do anything for you. Say it, and she would do it without a second thought. You had power over her, something nobody ever did until you came into her life.
"Just— Greta... please kiss me first," you pleaded, almost in a whine, and the redhead's smile grew even bigger. She shook her head with a small chuckle in response.
"All you had to do was ask," Greta admitted. She had been dying to kiss you, to taste you, feel your lips on hers. But she needed your permission first.
And now that she had it, she wasn't about to let it go to waste.
The redhead slowly stood to her feet, her tall figure towering over you, but only briefly before she sat herself directly next to you. She was slow to bring a gentle hand to your face, caressing the smooth skin over your cheekbone before leaning in.
Your breathing picked up, nerves washing over you as she grew closer. But then she stopped, scanning your face once more, as if asking for permission.
With a small nod of your head, and your lips twitching into a smile, Greta finally closed the distance.
Her lips then met yours in a tender kiss. You thought her touch alone was intoxicating, but now there was something more. Her lips were soft, plump, and gentle.
She tasted of wine with a subtle hint of cherry, which you could only assume was from her crimson lipstick. Your hands flew to Greta's hair, tangling in curled locks to deepen the kiss.
Greta's free hand fell to your hip, gently pulling you into her lap. You hummed at her warmth, feeling yourself relax further into the woman's body.
"Is...this...okay?" She asked between kisses.
"It's perfect," you reassured her, breaking the kiss to not only catch some air, but to gaze adoringly into caramel eyes. Your thumb swiped across the smudged lipstick across her plump lower lip. "But I—" You stopped yourself, not wanting to ruin the moment.
"But what? Tell me if this is too much," she said, searching your face for any kind of answer.
"No that's not—" you let out a shaky breath, turning your focus to the wall to avoid her piercing gaze. "It's just that I've never... Greta I've never kissed another woman before. I've never actually been with anyone before.." You could feel your cheeks burning at your confession.
"Sweetheart," Greta's digits fell to your chin, turning your face to look back at her. "It's nothing to be ashamed of. I'm honored to be your first." She smiled sweetly, eyes dancing with admiration. "Thank you for telling me."
"Was it— was I... bad?" You didn't even know why you had asked, as you didn't want to know what the answer was, so instead, you resorted back to babbling. "Because if it was— I'm so sorry. I'm not that experienced in this stuff! Forgive me if it was—"
Your words were cut off with another kiss. A more serious kiss. Greta was pouring all of her emotions into it. Reassuring you with no words, but instead, an action. An action that got you to stop talking badly about yourself.
Fingers left your hips to cup your cheeks, before she had broken the kiss. She left you with one quick peck before you both smiled.
"You were perfect," she cooed. "Are perfect," Greta corrected herself. "I'm glad you told me. I know it must've been hard."
You nodded your head at her words, not finding the courage to use your voice.
"But, you know what this means?" She asked, looking at you with a sparkle in her warm chocolatey eyes.
You shook your head with visible confusion.
"I get to teach you everything I know," she beamed. Greta didn't miss the way your eyes lit up at her words. "Would you like that?" Her thumb lovingly ran across your cheek as she cradled your face.
"Very much." You could feel your cheeks burning, and you were sure they matched her crimson coils.
They did.
And Greta thought it was the cutest thing she had ever seen. You were so innocent and sweet, in dire need of reassurance and love. And part of her just couldn't wait to give that to you.
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knightbun · 1 year
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As a follow-up to my other robot post that made it big, I made a favorite character bingo exclusively about characters that are robots/AI/etc. It was fun! There were a few I wanted to include but didn’t end up doing so, this was mainly my personal favorites. Feel free to fill this out, I wanna know how many of these guys people know
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vaguely-concerned · 30 days
sitting here with my head in my hands over just how much coalecroux is exactly tfgraves except tf incidentally happens to be a warlock alligator (a minor detail that changes surprisingly little overall tbh). I stand humbled once again before my own immense and unspeakable predictability
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