#league of legends cassiopeia
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league-of-skins · 3 months ago
Mythmaker Jhin (Legendary), Nami, Jarvan IV, and Cassiopeia (Prestige)
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notoriouslydevious · 2 years ago
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Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia by Qiubo Guo
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shythalia · 1 year ago
Now that's a human who was cursed into becoming a serpent-like monster if I ever saw one.
You know, Riot Games, if you wanted to have a sexy naga lady, don't write in her backstory about how her transformation was very painful & damaging. It said the serpent statue's venom burned her flesh.
Lore accurate Cassiopeia Or at least somewhat closer than her current design
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aurelion-solar · 3 months ago
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Mythmaker Jhin, Nami, Jarvan IV & Prestige Cassiopeia
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i love Noxus as a region because it's one of the most well-done things riot has done with their universe. this is a nation that was born under the command of a ruthless man and so it learned to be just as ruthless to survive. it values strength yes, but also bravery and loyalty. noxus is always hungry because it grew up starving and this reflects so well in the narrative that was built and the characters that live there. take leblanc for example, she is objectively a terrible person—she is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve her goals. why she does it? because she is scared that same ruthless evil man comes back, because she was under his command; because she knows him. so she wears the evil he left behind. take riven, a character that was molded for war and excelled at it, who never thought about why she did things and simply did them because she's never known anything beyond it. yet she repents, she learns, she grieves, and learns her hands can do things beyond killing. from darius to briar, from cassiopeia to talon, there is such a rich story being told about dominance and censorship and betrayal, but also resistance and brotherhood and vulnerability. i really hope arcane (or its next counterpart) tackles this aspect in the future
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avellanaslesbianas · 2 years ago
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Noxians! Funny bunch
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The Clash of Arcane and League:
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as a league lore enjoyer i’m genuinely worried by arcane only fans pouring in. and, more importantly, lore fanatics lashing out in response.
what i mean is—take a breather and read up on the existing lore, the journey’s 100% worth it, i promise. people who are immensely into it will also gladly take you on a journey.
i loved the “is she a girl kisser” meme and was a bit taken aback at the league community’s reaction. however, as a lore fan myself, i can kinda see both sides of this coin if it makes sense? you have something you care for DEEPLY and watching all the newcomers discover it is kinda… let’s be honest, strange. arcane already retconned a whole ton of shit (viktor’s entire backstory, singed/reveneck…) and i’m, at times, honestly worried what comes next.
let me give you a quick walk through current, good ol’ noxus (it’s very unserious):
to quote the rock: “it’s about drive, about power; we stay hungry, we devour”. that’s noxus. brutalist expansionist empire who will have SINGED commission literal NUKES for them to invade ionia.
if i’d expect SOMETHING from this (possible) series, it’d heavily concentrate on politics of noxus, conquering and WHAT it takes to stay in power (specifically what one’s willing to sacrifice/lose to conquer)—compared to that, the scheming in piltover was just the tip of the iceberg.
if piltover storyline had your panties hanging on a thread, noxus will blow you outta the water.
welcome to noxus, we have:
a coven consisting of a spider-woman, edward cullen coded (possibly) gay uncle, witch bitch MOTHER and half-transformed nagini
said coven is doing their damnest to keep mordekaiser (aka conqueror syndrome aka iron revenant) from coming back to power
said coven also made a weapon solely to keep mordekaiser in check, but rell (aka the living weapon) said “cya” and dipped
DRAVEN who is in love with DRAVEN and DRAVEN only (leeeeagueee of draven)
jericho swain (aka the man who shouldn’t be crossed aka the daddiest of daddies aka lucius malfoy looking motherfucker), general possessed by a literal DEMON
urgot who was tricked by swain into sailing to piltover where started a LITERAL FUCKING CULT
starcrossed lovers katarina and garen
sion who was literally such a beast he got REVIVED to fight for noxus on its battle for conquest (by aforementioned COVEN)
and lastly, the drunk hillybilly yordle kled and his trusty steed skaarl
go out there and explore what riot and fortiche have in store for y’all, you’ll like what they’re cooking 🧑‍🍳
ps: don’t take it as offensive, it’s amazing more people started taking interest in the lor lore and i’m happy to see it
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lonelybealone · 1 month ago
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Hi, hello, here are some of my latest sketches. Trying really hard to improve my skills (someday I will make progress)///
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bunbunpire · 5 months ago
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Snake lady I drew for NickyBoi’s art contest, I never sent it in tho because I was nervous even entering. Seeing now what everyone else posted I had ZERO chance xDd. Not to mention I was struggling to draw recently maybe burn out idk ‎( ꜆-ࡇ-)꜆
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tidescaller · 2 months ago
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THE BRIDGE BETWEEN Lunar Revel 2025 Cinematic from League of Legends
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nathilustra · 6 months ago
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"careful now, her words are poison."
My entry for NickyBoi's snake lady art contest yipeeee
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league-of-skins · 2 years ago
Cassiopeia, the Serpent’s Embrace
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League of Legends
Original Cassiopeia
Desperada Camille
Siren Cassiopeia
Mythic Cassiopeia
Jade Fang Cassiopeia
Eternum Cassiopeia
Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia
Coven Cassiopeia
Bewitching Cassiopeia
Wild Rift
None Yet
Legends of Runeterra
None Yet
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shardikart-blog · 1 year ago
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they make a nice adventuring party. drawing for nickyboi art contest
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zileans-big-cl0ck · 1 year ago
Hii, if ya feel up to it could you write some comforting headcanons for Yasuo and Talon? They need some good hugs but honestly what league champion doesn't
(if you feel like writing for others too go for it, I like to read anything you make)
✦–Comforting them headcanons.✦ (SFW)
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✦Hurt/comfort, because they also deserve a hug. A lot of hugs. Every single one of them.
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✧ prompt: ✧ hurt/comfort.
✧ champions: ✧ Talon, the Blade’s Shadow; Yasuo, the Unforgiven; Cassiopeia, the Serpent’s Embrace.
✧ reader: ✧ gender neutral.
✧ author’s note: ✧ oh, dear readers and anons, you don’t even know how appreciated I feel whenever you send me some positive energy or compliments, haha! Every time it’s so adorable, I couldn’t feel any better. Thank you for everythig, especially since english is not my first language, so. I basically have no idea what I am doing. Ah, but apart of this anecdote, the reader is really into self care, but I think it shouldn’t be a problem since we are doing a comforting post.
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✦Talon, the Blade’s Shadow.
He left his blade by the door, because he would never want you to see it in the comforting space of your home, begrimed with blood and disgustingly obscure.
He has lost his prey. His target fleed - he failed; he didn’t manage to complete the only merit of his life that he truly named his own, his passion and devotion, the thing he has been created to do.
If he fails in something so elementary, a thing fankled into his soul and his whole being, an aspect pierced into his heart, then what is his worth?
You spotted his inconvenient posture imidiately, sensing an unnatural twist in his mood, so used to his everyday harshness, enriched by a little bit of sweetness towards only your person. But this time he was different - apathetic with stilted aura of dullness around. Talon let himself tiredly slide on your shared bed, ignoring you just because of the guilt that has been oppressing his heart.
And you, instead of letting him perish alone, you offered him your silent comfort - just yourself by his side. You sat there, your head on his shoulder, gentle touch of your hand on his back, maybe even the tip of your fingers making little circles, massaging.
You asked him what happened, though for the most of the following time you remain quiet, relishing the moment, only you two as the centre of the universe.
But he still felt the enveloping sensation of the failed mission, a feeling he had never experienced before; he has dishonoured his sacred mission. Should he be allowed to feel comforted after a mistake so unforgivable? If he could, he would wear the disgrace as a punishment, visible and vociferous, so everyone would see his shamefull attempts to find comfort in someone else, unworthy of it and pathetic.
Talon was always a mysterious person, but you were like a stronghold for him - it wasn’t a long time until you heard these thoughts of his vocalized out loud, honest and brutal. He murmured them into your ear, while you listened silently, cherishing this sacred moment of his true, intimate self, the person behind the blade.
His thoughts seemed like a form of self-flagellation, noxious and malign. Something pitiful that made your eyes wet, little droplets settling on your eyelashes.
You couldn’t listen to him anymore, saying those denigrating and disgusting statements about himself. All it was untrue, made from the years of abandonment and loneliness, and you were positive to cure it.
But how many times more will you hear him saying that his name doesn’t matter? That as an assasin he is not a human being - he is just a blade that cuts efficiently, deeply and terminally.
“I couldn’t wish for a better person in my life than you, love.” You beggined with you voice brittle, like you were telling him a unconfronted secret. “There is nothing that could make me feel even slightly different. I love you the same amount, as you should love yourself.”
Your words were prosaic, menial. But these were honest promises of adoring him countlessly times, endlessly and for eons, until he comprehends the feelings you wanted him to nurse not only for you, but also himself.
And at some point Talon chuckled, though it wasn’t a sign of joy - it was depressing, unnatural. He tried assuring you that it wasn’t a problem big enough to enwrap you, his beloved one, in - but you could sense his poignant sadness running through his body, just like you could feel his pulsing heart or heavy breath.
You promised him to dedicate to him all of your time, just to assure Talon in his human ability to make mistakes, even so meaningful; to help with his low esteem, even if he firmly disagreed to have anything to do with the mythical term of the mentioned ’low esteem’.
You wrapped your hands around him, tigh and lovely, planning on imprisoning him in a cage made of adoration from someone, who could gave him the comfort he deserved.
Talon left his blade by the door as a symbol of rejection - he rejected the person beyond this place, the one who covered his face with a hood, exchanging him for a more relaxed one, the one made from flesh and honest feelings, the real ones, the right ones, and the absolutely normal ones.
✦Yasuo, the Unforgiven.
As we know, Yasuo escaped Ionia after the unfortunate tragedy that led him despair.
He was lost and longing for a company, though he stated out loud that he didn’t want anyone nerby - he was still too fragile, still in shock of the brutal act he allowed himself to do, bewildered, horrified by himself.
He didn’t want to hurt another human being again. He didn’t want to accompany yet another person, only to betray them nor to give up on them. Another loose would be too painful, too demolishing.
For them, of course. He thought he could handle all of this crushing on his mind.
But Yasuo wouldn’t survive seeing his acquaintance being betrayed by him, once again.
He wasn’t eager to befriend new people here, in Bilgewater; he didn’t seek anyone particular. You found him by yourself, and soon became his only comfort in those times, only way to drift his depressing thoughts away.
And even though it was admirable, your acts of desperate tries, as he considered you as the most valued person in his life, you knew he shouldn’t be feeling so much pain. It could broke even the toughest weilder. His nailed heart pulsing right in his chest was aching and trying to free itself every time Yasuo bestowed you with his deep, sad eyes.
He suffered in silence, though he claimed that you were the only cure for this desease that was gutting his body.
You could name this curse - it was guilt in its purest form. And you were determined to free Yasuo from it.
At some point, he must have opened himself before you, render a vivisection of himself, show you his insides and the putridity that has enveloped his heart and soul. Something you should despise, scream and shout at the sight of, bewildered and cheesed.
But instead of pushing him away as he expected, almost desired, instead of feeling overwhelmed by the emotions he had dropped on your shoulders, you hugged him tightly, the words of comfort pouring from your mouth.
”That wasn’t your fault.” ”You regret this, and you are not the same person you were back then.” ”That was an accident.” ”You are always there for me - let me be here for you now.”
So he declaimed the weight of the world like a poem. About his past and his brother, who has lose to his blade in the accident. You cried with him, mixing your own tears with his own, brushing his problems and concerns off.
You couldn’t even imagine how deeply was he hurt. But humans tend to crawl for the concept of empathetic co-suffering; it makes them feel understood and is crutial when it comes to comforting, therefore it was enough for him: getting the heavy burden off his own mind, sharing it to the world, admitting that he had commited something unforgivable.
You forgave him, though he has never hurted you. But any mercy given from a human being was a relief for Yasuo.
✦Cassiopeia, the Serpent’s Embrace.
Cassiopeia didn’t need your comfort. She despised it. It made her look pathetic and weak, even if she already looked miserable as half a serpent.
But she was a proud woman, a lover of many in her halcyon days of glory. Everyone longed for her and everyone needed her like an antidote for a deadly poison. It was a desire not in a lovely, romantic way, but in a frantic, melodramatic and amusing form of begging for sparing a life.
She manipulated the whole nation of pathetic Noxians into her hands, toyed with them on one of her palms, treating those little figures like ants, just simple pawns on the board that she created from her life. She would be considered infantile if anyone knew what a little mouse wanted to adhere to her, hug her scaled waist and tell her that… she deserved love.
Of course she did! You should have seen her when she was still human, not an abomination, just a twisted figure of her past self.
”No, I am not thinking like this of myself, little mouse. Do not approach me, we can bargain from a distance-”
She would admire your confidency with honesty, if only you weren’t so… clingy. Your hugged her in a devoted way that spoke without words - that you will always follow her as her dearest worshipper, even if she turned into something more fearsome than a half-snake. Even if she turned into a sculpture, you would attend her every day.
Cassiopeia indeed had to admit to herself, in her own convoluted way of a serpent, that your confession made her feel better. Like she had one person that was truly her admirer, not just another human she led on and wrapped around her claw, ready to allure and use. And that her little mouse was kind of adorable; more like a pet, but at least a faithful one.
It was a change of perspectives for her, a phenomenon that made her smile softly, her hand slidding from the top of your head to your back, where she pushed you closer, admiring and loving.
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aurelion-solar · 2 months ago
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Mythmaker Jhin, Nami, Jarvan IV & Prestige Cassiopeia Promo Art!
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thomas-jefferson-miku-binder · 11 months ago
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gender and the women(?) of league
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