#league and shie hassaikai alliance
isabeauwolf · 24 days
You know, I've always wondered what would happen if the Shie Hassaikai and the League formed a proper alliance.
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Shigaraki said that they didn't have a healer in their party, which Overhaul could have filled that spot.
Overhaul needed more money and resources to speed up the process and manufacturing of his quirk erasing bullets and the serum.
Of course, their goals and both wanting to become the Underworlds new King made them clash.
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Still would have been nice to see, even an alternate timeline, if The Villain Won.
If Overhaul and Shigaraki had won.
It's not just me, right?
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Overhaul could have easily brought Magne back to life, and fixed Mr Compress' arm easily, if he wanted to. Hell, I bet he could have fixed the damage of their meeting spot as to not alert The Heroes.
He chose not to.
He wanted to let Shigaraki and the League know that he was a threat. It was a power move, but to be fair, Magne did attack Overhaul first.
They didn't know Overhaul's quirk which put them at a disadvantage. They didn't know his goal or intentions until after their meeting.
It was just a big mess.
Still makes you wonder, you know?
I've covered it before and heard it plenty of times, but you can notice that depending on who he's talking to and the air in the room, Overhaul will act accordingly. Match their tone or attitude sort speak.
If someone is blunt and cruel, he will fire right back.
If someone is clam and relaxed, he gives the same energy.
I could seriously go on and on about this birdman! X/////////////x I miss him so damn much!
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I'm sorry Shiggy, but Overhaul is still my favorite villain in MHA and Dabi is speeding flamed arrows into my heart, but you are still my 3rd fav Villain, I promise!
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heronoegg · 3 months
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yall aren't ready for my shie hassaikai AU where the League actually is in alliance with them but also Lady Nagant is there but also Hawks joins and Tokoyami is with him so he joins too cause @ssxdz2 keeps talking about Hawks and Tokoyami
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electricbathsalt · 5 months
To follow-up my last Hardcore Delusional take, I will be discussing the possibility that Chisaki being taken in by the Shie Hassaikai was actually planned. I’m not saying I necessarily believe this to be canon, just how I think it’d play into canon if it was. This post is long as hell, so simmer down and buckle up, if you so please.
Okay so, as was confirmed in chapter 419, Chisaki was in one of AFO’s facilities as a kid. Now the question to be begged is how he got out of said facility, when his quirk obviously holds a lot of power and potential, which makes it feel like AFO would’ve put at least some effort to keep Chisaki within his grasp.
So here’s the thought: He did. Chisaki didn’t truly escape the facility, he was just put into another one. Chisaki being taken in by the Shie Hassaikai was just to put Chisaki somewhere AFO knew about, so that his lesser project could be monitored and molded while he worked on his primary project, Tenko. Also maybe Chisaki proved a bit too rebellious/resistant? So AFO thought the best course of action would be to give him the false security of a new start so that he would be more pliable.
So, AFO got into touch with one of his contacts to take care of Chisaki in the meantime. And considering both the theory that Chisaki accidentally killed someone with his quirk when it manifested (maybe his mother) and also the likely dynamics of the facility he was in, it’d be relatively simple to introduce him to a parental/mentor figure who’d he then attach to and feel like he has to prove his worth to. Which, on top of this, said parental/mentor figure being some flavor of authority figure as well would probably deepen Chisaki’s feelings of admiration and respect towards them. And it needed to be someone who’d be able to easily blend someone new into their home without much suspicion, someone who has a life of secrecy, someone whose lifestyle would be a gradual immersion into crime, and who, behind the curtains, knows how to get people to look up to them and also subtly mold them to their desires. So basically, Pops (a Yakuza leader) was the perfect candidate.
AFO contacts Pops. They make a deal of some sort. Chisaki escaping and being taken in by the Shie Hassaikai is staged.
Now the actual process of Chisaki being in the Shie Hassaikai. Here’s where things get tricky.
They want Chisaki to feel indebted and loyal to the Shie Hassaikai and Pops so that he’ll listen to Pops and have the independent want to help the Shie Hassaikai however he can. They want to make it feel like the Shie Hassaikai are the only people that’ll accept him and care for him. That’ll make it easier for them to project their goals onto him, as they’re already pretty sure this mindset will start by itself in Chisaki’s head, and all they have to do is water it/not stunt it. Which leads into…
“I get that you’re trying to repay me for getting you off the streets, but ya always take things a little too far.”—Pops to Chisaki. One might say this is an argument against Pops negatively influencing Chisaki, but! I present: That’s simultaneously stoking the flames that it’s okay for Chisaki to feel indebted to him, BUT that it’s not okay for Chisaki to be too ambitious with it. If the Shie Hassaikai isn’t declining, there’s no motive for Chisaki to eventually agree to work under the League. Instead of harboring similar feelings of respect and indebtedness towards the LOV because they helped the Shie Hassaikai at their lowest, he’d most likely begin resenting them for “siphoning their spotlight”, or something along those lines, in the case that Pops would sign an alliance with the LOV, if that makes sense.
So yes, the idea was to get Chisaki to be devoted and hardworking, but to also keep him from doing anything too bold. The plan was that hopefully, he wouldn’t branch out too much, and when he did, Pops would simply smack his hand away.
Then Eri came into the picture. Something I think about but don’t really see anyone mention is how easily Pops remanded Eri into Chisaki’s care, despite her being dangerous in ways they didn’t yet know how to handle. Was he not at all worried Eri might accidentally kill Chisaki, too?
Anyway. Chisaki is appointed Eri’s caretaker. He’s assigned to figuring out what exactly is going on with her, and when he does, it doesn’t bode well for his begging-to-overflow ambitions that’ve been getting stamped down for years. He thinks up the quirk-destroying bullets + antidotes to make a monopoly on the market plan. He presents it to Pops.
Pops is decidedly not happy about this. That’s a plan that could completely ruin AFO’s (or so he thinks) and Chisaki is becoming way too enterprising and persistent with it. He finally decides to shut down the whole concept by using a fear tactic he knows will strike directly to Chisaki’s heart—threatening that Chisaki will have to leave the Shie Hassaikai if he considers anything like this anymore. (There’s also the idea that getting him to leave the Shie Hassaikai would make that yearning to be approved of/accepted have to get redirected somewhere else, since Chisaki currently seems the type to thirst for validation, which would turn him to the LOV/AFO more “naturally”. As a potential thought process behind Pops saying that)
This backfires,, to say the least. Pops had underestimated just how devoted (obsessed) and one-tracked (insane) Chisaki already was.
Now here’s the thing. It doesn’t seem very plausible that AFO wouldn’t have found out about Chisaki taking over the Shie Hassaikai—and he almost definitely did. Now here’s the other thing—that doesn’t necessarily mean he knew about the bullets. Especially since his inside source was taken out instantly after learning the specifics of it. Think about it: How did the initial meeting between the LOV and Overhaul go? I think if AFO knew about the bullets, he would’ve at least told Shigaraki, and Shigaraki would’ve told the LOV.
But backtracking, here’s some more quotes of Pops: “That again? You’re obsessed. Straying from humanity means the end of gangster chivalry, Chisaki. And people won’t follow such soulless heresy.” (Ironic on that last one), and another: “I can’t have you straying so far from our way of things.”
And finally, “If you don’t want to follow our way… then you should just leave.”
The language Pops uses can feel a bit strange or off sometimes, in the way that it feels a bit domineering/demeaning. Him ingraining it into Chisaki that he needs to “follow their way” could easily be written off as he just wants him to follow the Yakuza code of ethics, of course. But that’s the thing with pretty much everything Pops says. All of it could be seen as innocent, just as much as it could be seen as ulteriorly motivated. All of these could be genuine, but they could also be a means to try to keep Chisaki in place until AFO needs/wants him again. That’s the thing, ain’t it? It’s all ambiguous.
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shadowsandshapes · 1 year
FFTB | CH 12: Trojan Horse Tactics (Dabi/F!Reader)
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Summary: Shigaraki sells you to the Shie Hassaikai. But you're aware this is part of a bigger plan. All you have to do is keep your poker-face on. Contains: Explicit Language, Discussions of Abuse (Eri's Situation), Overhaul Slander (lmao, not serious), Canon-Typical Violence
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Getting the upper hand in a dispute or a fight often depends on how creative you are. Making do with what you have is an important skill to cultivate. So is finding value in things or people that, at first glance, don’t seem all that impressive. Something that looks like a problem can actually be a blessing in disguise if you figure out how to best utilize it.
 Shigaraki was very familiar with that concept. 
The second you divulged the details of your Quirk to him on that first day, he knew you were something special. Was he using you? Absolutely. But you were a willing participant in his deceit. You knew exactly what you were signing up for by joining him for this meeting.
Shigaraki lied directly to their faces. And you were in on the joke this time.
Well, not really. That was a bit of an oversimplification of the situation. He knew better than to lie outright during the negotiations with the Shie Hassaikai. Kai Chisaki was sharp, clever and dangerous. Lying to a man like that was a quick way to shoot yourself in the foot if you were trying to establish a good rapport. Overhaul had to trust that his alliance with the League was genuine. 
Bending the truth or omitting details was still fair game though. 
Tomura had already agreed to loan Twice and Toga’s services to the Shie Hassaikai. But there was one more piece on the board that had yet to move – you. Shigaraki desperately wanted you here as a part of the negotiations. The reason for that was gradually becoming beginning to reveal itself. You were a little impressed. Often times people poked fun at Shigaraki for his childish nature – but you had to admit, the man was quite clever when he wanted to be.
“Gotta say, I’m surprised you insisted on bringing an escort with you,” Chisaki started. “What can this one do? She don’t look like much but looks can be deceiving. I never know with you people. Telekinesis or a healing Quirk, maybe?” Overhaul’s casual dismissal of your appearance did sting a little but you shrugged it off. Chalk it up to his lack of social tact. This guy was a piece of work, wasn’t he? Not one to mince words for the sake of personal feelings. It didn’t matter – but fuck was it rude. You wondered how anyone stuck around long enough to stay loyal to him with an attitude like that.
“She’s lucky,” Tomura said – taking note of how Overhaul’s eyes widened ever so slightly at the revelation. Bingo. You were being dangled in front of him like a grand prize to be won. And it was working like a charm. The value of such a unique ability was not lost on the Yakuza leader. Having irrefutable luck on your side was a game-changer after all. Now all Tomura had to do was embellish the nature of your skills a little bit. “As long as she’s here with me – you can’t touch me.”
Bad things will happen if you do.
Shigaraki didn’t say that part out loud. The implication was that your mere presence was enough to keep him safe. In a way, he wasn’t wrong. The fact that you caused trouble for everyone else around you was a lie of omission. One that would undoubtedly come back to bite Overhaul should he decide to take Shigaraki’s bait.
You sat beside him, quietly watching the exchange. The role you played was much more akin to that of a piece of home decoration. Rather than Shigaraki’s witness – which was technically what you were here to do. He had instructed you not to interfere. Just to watch. So you did as you were told, observing as he sold you off to the Shie Hassaikai for the sake of the plan. His pitch had been pretty solid. You knew Shigaraki was leaving out the details of your Quirk on purpose. Without its obvious drawbacks – it’s a very powerful ability to have. One Overhaul wouldn’t be able to resist. You watched the man in question fidget and weigh the options in his mind. 
Every glance and gesture Overhaul made in your direction had your hair standing on end. High alert. The idea that you might be spending time near him soon turned your blood to ice. Your entire body and mind rejected his presence. Like he was invading something personal to you by just existing in close proximity. Cold and harsh – his eyes seemed almost clinical in their assessment of you. Chisaki took your measure in pensive silence. You knew what he was seeing. Nothing much. A harmless young woman he could bend to his will. That’s all anyone ever saw before you joined the League.
Go ahead – think what you will.
Overhaul’s dismissal of your personal strength of will would lead to the glorious downfall of the organization he spent years protecting. You bit the inside of your cheek as the urge to smile surfaced. The pain was enough to deter you for the moment, but it took no small amount of energy to keep your poker face on during the rest of the meeting.
“I want her too.” There it was. As predicted.
“No way,” Shigaraki’s objection was immediate. Pure bullshit, of course. You had to hand it to the guy – he wasn’t bad at playing pretend. The poor suckers had no idea they were being set up for failure. “She’s my insurance, why would I risk parting from her side? You’re taking a lot of liberties with your demands for a guy who killed one of ours. You’ve got droves of disposable thugs on your side but every member of the League is precious to me. The girl included.”
“I don’t want power like that where I can’t see it. The girl stays with us for a bit. Take it or leave it.”
A tantalizing ultimatum. Tomura pretended to be annoyed – hummed and hawed about the issue for a bit but ultimately relented. He couldn’t give in too easily. Dramatics made for such wonderful stories. “This is a big ask, Overhaul. I hope you appreciate the sacrifices the League is making for your organization.”
The man leaned back in his seat – satisfied golden eyes honing in on your face. You wanted to hurt him for looking at you like that. “Oh, I do. This is the start of a very fruitful relationship – I assure you.”
It would be. Just not quite for him.
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Inaction in the face of injustice is the worst kind of cruelty. 
It was unbearable to watch – the way they treated this little girl. What was her name? That’s right. Eri. 
You couldn’t recall anyone calling her that name with any kind of affection. What was essentially a basic human right was treated like a formality by these people. They used her blood to fuel the production of the anti-Quirk serum, experimented with it, and in return showed her no genuine kindness to speak of. 
It had only been a couple of days since you’d joined the Shie Hassaikai’s ranks but when the depth of their depravity was revealed to you, you were about ready to demolish the place. Including everyone associated with them and their disgusting experiments. The image of Eri strapped to a medical slab engrained itself into your memory, her whimpering cries of agony driving you crazy. She was helpless. Reduced to being nothing more than a lab rat when she should be outside, playing with other kids her age and enjoying life. Far away from whatever nightmare she had been trapped in. You stood at her bedside as the medical personnel concluded their test results and reported their findings to the big man himself. It broke your heart to play pretend in front of her. A child should be nourished and cared for, not poked and prodded for the sake of some grand scheme.
“Don’t touch her,” Chisaki chastised when you placed a hand on the girl’s shoulder in an attempt to soothe her pain. She flinched at your touch, recoiling – terrified eyes darting between you and her wardens. “Unless you’re looking to get killed, of course. People die around Eri, you know?”
The little girl sniffled. You clenched your jaw and bit the inside of your cheek.
People died around you too. Placing blame on a little girl and her Quirk was low. Disgusting behavior perpetuated by men too manipulative to care about anything but their own needs. Eri wasn’t responsible for the way her abilities worked – but Overhaul used this fear to his advantage to keep her obedient. The people in your past had done the same. You couldn’t call him out on it without blowing your cover though. That hurt the most right now. Despite the pain in your chest, you nodded, stepping away from the girl.
Kai Chisaki was by far the worst offender but the fact that no one told him to stop was just as sickening. 
Part of it was fear. 
No one wanted to be disintegrated over a dispute after all. Several of its members had already met a cruel fate in the short time you’d spent in their care. The Shie Hassaikai was nothing like the League in that regard. The League protected their own to a ferocious degree. They disagreed sometimes – but it was never a matter of life and death. Overhaul, on the other hand, destroyed opposition within his ranks without hesitation or remorse. You couldn’t stand it. The fake smile you were forced to wear whenever he was around tasted increasingly bitter. Toga and Twice were delegated to doing other tasks while you were left to decorate Chisaki’s arm, so you didn’t even have them to rely on.
He was still under the impression that your Quirk worked by proximity after all. The closer you were to him – the more he would benefit from your Luck. What he was doing to that girl was unforgivable. It took a lot of restraint on your part to let him touch you at all. Those were the hands of a monster in human disguise. A man so quick to sacrifice the life of a child for personal gain. Kai Chisaki made you feel sick, violent and angry. Each time he dragged you along to do his bidding, all you could think about was slapping the back of his head with something heavy or sharp. Preferably to a lethal degree. 
You wouldn’t shed a tear if the bastard never got back up again.
Patience was key though. Shigaraki had made that very clear. When the time was right, you would pull the rug out from under the bastard. For now, you waited and played the part of the obedient piece of arm candy. Sticking to his side, you followed Overhaul like a shadow. As long as he was under the impression you would make him Lucky, you would be kept safe from his volatile tendencies to deconstruct his underlings for every minor mishap. 
Still, when he finally dismissed you to do private business, you were grateful. Finally able to breathe freely again without him looming over your shoulder constantly.
You were even more elated when you spotted your fellow League members lounging around in one of the underground rooms of the compound. Toga and Twice had been kept busy doing menial things, though neither of them had the displeasure of being carted around by the big boss like you had. Their presence was enough to make you sigh in relief. You found comfort in them – your strange little family. Seeing them turn their heads to greet you, smiling, never failed to make you feel grateful for the gift you’d been given.
“Hey look who it is!” Toga waved you over with a smile. “We were worried about you, you know? Having to spend all that time with Overhaul must suck…”
“Tell me about it,” you said, flopping down onto one of the couches. “The guy’s nuts.”
“He’s not too bad – Can’t stand him!” The duality of man, or rather the duality of Twice, still caught you off guard sometimes. Like right now for instance: you couldn’t imagine anyone calling Overhaul not too bad. Still – his comment coaxed a laugh from you regardless. That was something you sorely needed after spending time in Eri’s prison cell – sorry, medical room.
“How’re things on your end?” you asked, keeping your question vague enough so any listening ears would not suspect foul play. “Everything going smoothly?”
“It’s okay. I’m real bored though. Nothing exciting ever happens around here. Someone should shake up the place, y’know? Have a little fun.”
You laughed at Toga’s interesting choice of words, nodding along in agreement. Now – wouldn’t that be something? “I know what you mean. I almost miss setting shit on fire with Dabi.”
Giggling as she cupped her own cheeks to soothe her blushing skin with cool hands, the blonde leaned on the side of the sofa to observe your face. “You just miss that flaming asshole, period. Admit it.”
“I do miss him. Once this is all over I can’t wait to see him again.” Your eyes drifted from your companions for a moment as you thought of reuniting with him, a small dusting of pink rising to your cheeks. His promise still rang in the back of your head.
“That is so cute!” Toga was positively beside herself with glee. The girl’s face was flushed bright red as she kicked her feet and giggled. It was kind of flattering to see her be so excited about your relationship with Dabi. “Let’s hope we can wrap up this job soon s–”
Your conversation was cut short when the twin doors swung open, clattering against the wall with great force. Its hinges groaned and creaked, buckling under the sudden impact. 
A small group of individuals made their way into the rec room, your eyes widening when you recognized one of them. And subsequently the rest of the trio as well. Toya Setsuno glared at you over the edge of his plague mask – a glimmer of recognition festering into anger. You knew what that look meant. He remembered you from that night and brought back-up. Two other members from the Eight Bullets covered his flank. None of them looked happy to see you.
Toga glanced at you and grinned, the reflection of light against the knife hidden in her cardigan gleaming against her pale skin. You shook your head quietly – discouraging her from engaging with them. Waiting for you to say the word, her fingers brushed over the handle of the weapon. Resting there until someone made a move. Magne’s shadow loomed over your shoulder in that moment. You knew very little of the woman whose shoes you had filled – but you did know one thing: Overhaul was the reason she was no longer with the League. He had killed her without hesitation and Toga held that grudge tight to her chest. She would maim them to protect you. Merciless in her quest to prevent another sister from vanishing. You had to remind her that Overhaul would not let them hurt you. Trusting in the idea that Shigaraki was right about his interest in your Quirk. 
Despite the faith you had in your leader’s plan, the tension in the room was palpable and, for a moment, you feared the gig was up. Then…
“Boss wants to see you in the lab,” Setsuno said, almost barking the sentence in your direction. “Don’t make him wait.”
You glanced at your companions and nodded. Twice and Toga say nothing but begrudgingly accept your departure. They kept their eyes on the trio by the door as you passed them by. Whatever this was – you will handle it. Despite your outward confidence, leaving your friends behind with the Eight Bullets did make you feel uneasy. 
As capable as you knew they were, you couldn’t help but want to stick together.
A buzzing in your pocket distracted you from your oncoming confrontation with Overhaul. He could wait two more minutes, couldn’t he? You fished for your phone as you made your way toward the lab. Smiling, you stared at the text displayed on your home screen. A message, reading loud and clear:
Unknown Number heroes gathering outside, omw D
9:38 ✓✓
This charade wouldn’t last much longer now.
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A/N: Very plot-heavy chapter~ my apologies! Don't worry, Dabi will be back soon, my beloveds (:
Taglist: @kelin-is-writing @dynamars @dabislittlemouse @simpysheep @ohnoitsthatonekid @tonysttank @dabislittlesluttyprincess @when-you-are-just-done @dabislittlebeaniebaby @themythicaldisaster
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the-final-sif · 4 years
Okay, so I think I’ve got a solid timeline of events for villain!Katsuki
Katsuki leaves UA just before the provisional license exam, he’s at the point where he no longer things the hero system can be fixed without outside intervention. He’s done with how the media acts, he’s done with the blame being shifted to victims based on their quirks, and he’s done with the lies he’s been fed all his life.
Prior to this he started researching and planning what actual change would look like and require.
He meets up with Dabi, who’d only let the rest of the league know about the bet a few days prior. He was curious if Katsuki would keep his word or not. Dabi prods Katsuki gently, saying he knew the kid took honestly seriously but he’s still kinda surprised to see him go this far over a bet. Katsuki replies explaining it’s more than the bet. He talks about what he’s seen, and the failure of hero society to change. It’s more than enough to convince Dabi.
Dabi brings him to a secure location, then relays information to Shigaraki. Shigaraki is hesitant, he’s surprised Katsuki came back to them, but when Katsuki explains his side of things, and with Dabi vouching for him, Shigaraki decides to let him in. He can understand what it’s like to fall for hero society. He did for awhile too. Katsuki just needed more time on his own to realize that.
There’s an introduction period, the league is still figuring themselves out and most of them are hesitant to trust Katsuki. It’s about a week before he’s properly reintroduced to everyone and gets the sense that they’re not headed in any particular direction.
After that week, Katsuki decides “fuck that, I’m going to do shit, y'all are coming along” and since Shigaraki doesn’t really have anything better in mind, he decides to go along with Katsuki’s plans.
UA started panicking as soon as they realized Katsuki was gone, but nobody really knows what happened to him yet. Since he took all his stuff with him, all signs point to him having run away.
Izuku refuses to believe that, and most of the class holds out hope for awhile, but as no evidence turns up, more of them start to think it might be true and start discovering the amount of harassment and guilt he was facing.
There’s about a month and a half period in which Katsuki focuses on getting the league in shape. During this period, they do a forcible take over of the Shie Hassaikai.
Overhaul is killed, Eri goes under Katsuki’s care, and the league is established as a much more powerful force.
The Hero Commission is starting to get nervous, but not overly so. Not yet.
After this month and a half, Katsuki makes his first public appearance as a villain.
He’s in an updated version of his costume, most of it has stayed the same, but he’s added what looks like muzzle to the costume that covers his mouth. The muzzle actually functions as face shield/oxygen system so he can move at much faster speeds safely.
Katsuki’s villain debut is a full scale attack by the league on the Hero Commission directly. An event meant that the Hero Commission had gathered in a relatively accessible location, and the villains take advantage.
Importantly, Katsuki is enforcing a policy of limiting needless harm or deaths, because it ruins their message. The league reluctantly agrees, so they’re being a bit more careful than they were before. However, they’ve still got a hit list for this party.
The list consists of officials who they have confirmation deliberately manipulated polices or actions of heroes at the cost of people’s lives, all for some private gain. They do a lot of damage, and manage to kill 7 people on their list.
Katsuki’s first kill happens here. Previously, he’d managed to defeat Overhaul, but wasn’t quite able to kill him. He just wasn’t ready.
Shigaraki took care of it for him, and told him it was fine if he needed time to learn to kill. He was kind and understanding about it in a way that was genuinely weird to Katsuki. Not only because this was all about murder, but it was the first time in his life that he failed and an adult supported him rather than punishing him for his mistake.
At this event, one of the people he takes down tries to appeal to him by offering him a position as a hero to save themselves, and that pushes him over the line. He ends it quickly.
The league escape afterwards, and footage plus eyewitnesses confirm Katsuki was there, and he didn’t say a word to anyone he attacked.
UA, the Hero Commission, and the media collectively assume / sell the story of him having been brainwashed. It’s the only thing that doesn’t make them look horrible.
Aizawa has been weighed down by a lot of guilt during all of this. He should’ve done more, should’ve reached out, but he’d been waiting for Katsuki to come to him. He’s tried to find Katsuki, but Katsuki has purposefully avoided facing him in battle as Aizawa is one of the few people he doesn’t feel like he could hurt or allow one of the other villains to hurt.
The attacks start getting frequent over the course of another month, primarily targeting the people behind the scenes of the heroic’s system, with a lot of other targets of corruption along the way.
On his third attack, Katsuki has his first run in with Izuku, the first of any of his classmates to face him in battle.
Katsuki refuses to speak a word to him, despite the fact Izuku heard him giving directions to Toga, and the two clash.
Katsuki manages to pull ahead in their fight, but he’s distracted from their fight by someone caught in the crossfire. He diverts course to protect them. Izuku was so hyperfocused on Katsuki he didn’t notice the person. It throws him off enough that Katsuki is able to win their fight complete his goal.
After their clash, Izuku’s finally realized Katsuki isn’t brainwashed. Given what happened, he can only assume it really is Kacchan making all these choices, which leads him to reflect on why.
 Between slowly uncovering what Katsuki was suffering through, and watching Katsuki’s actions and their very real impact, Izuku finds himself struggling with the idea of heroes as well. Most of Class 1-A and society as a whole really are.
Shouto & Izuku talk, and Izuku confirms that it really is Katsuki. Not a brainwashed version of him.
At the end of their conversation, Shouto assumes that because it’s really Katsuki, they’re gonna go join him. He defects, and is a bit surprised when Izuku doesn’t follow him right away.
Dabi almost has a heart attack over this, but he can’t really judge.
Shouto is accepted into the league after he and Katsuki talk and he apologizes for not having done anything. Katsuki doesn’t blame him for it, as he understands Shouto had no real sense of what was okay.
Eri gains a new older brother, and she could not be more delighted.
During this period, after the first attack, Hawks was sent in to infiltrate the league. Katsuki can smell the commission on him from a mile away, but tells Dabi to kind of let Hawks in anyways.
The league begins slowly working Hawks out of the Commissions control, before finally after about three months, Hawks realizes how shitty they are and defects properly.
A big part of this happens after Hawks finally comes to terms with the fact that Katsuki isn’t brainwashed, and after Hawks meets Eri and realizes how happy and safe she is with her new family vs how he felt at that age with the Commission.
By the end of that three months, a number of other class 1-A kids and a few kids from 1-B have dropped out of the hero course, or in some cases, UA entirely. The public at large has started to become more disconnected from the hero system as they start to see some of it’s major flaws. The Commission comes under more and more questioning and is seriously losing power.
During this same time, you’d expect to see an increase in crime, but you actually see the opposite.
Katsuki has been very careful and forged an alliance with the MLA such that they’ve been able to crack down on certain types of crime (domestic violence, quirk kidnappings, sexual assaults, etc) while also steadily funneling money into getting social services in theses areas.
This means that you start to see less crime, people feeling safer and more secure, even as the hero commission and system is crumbling.
All of this comes together after a year or two of solid in the form of the government submitting to a major reform driven by figure heads planted by the MLA, but only after the league manages to eliminate the last key figures standing in their way.
Since so many heroes have either fallen from grace, stepped back from the system, or been killed in certain cases, Izuku ended up as an unwilling symbol of peace due to his connection to Katsuki.
Izuku is tasked by what’s left of the heroics system with stopping Katsuki from killing the final major figure whose all that’s standing in the way of the reform.
Izuku, in the end, makes the active choice to step aside, giving Katsuki the key he was given to the room so Katsuki can get to the person to kill them.
Izuku finally decided that he’s had enough of this too, and he’s done defending a broken system based on ingrained ideals that don’t add up.
Aizawa is watching inside the room up in the rafters, he’s stayed a hero of sorts but still functions like he did before.
Inside the room, Aizawa had the chance to cancel Katsuki’s quirk and stop him from killing the person. Instead, he chose to close his eyes and let Katsuki go through with it.
Katsuki looks up to where Aizawa is once it’s done, and Aizawa realizes he knew he was there the entire time. He hops down out into the open and speaks plainly as he always did.
“I’m sorry.” Is all he can really say. There’s so much he’s sorry for. For not speaking up. For letting Katsuki be put through so much. For letting him be driven to this.
Katsuki looks at him for a long, long moment, before he finally looks away and shrugs his shoulders. For the very first time in years, he speaks to a hero. To the only hero who ever tried for him, even if it wasn’t enough.
“S'okay. The problem was bigger than you every could’ve fixed.”
“I should’ve tried. I should’ve done more.”
Again, Katsuki needs a moment to consider that.
“Yeah. Probably.”
There’s silence for a few moments, and then Katsuki’s radio crackles to life. Dabi’s calling him back.
They share one more glance, and Katsuki turns on his heel and walks out.
Aizawa watches him go. There’s nothing else for him to do. His right to change this story ended when he failed to speak up all those years ago.
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lemongogo · 3 years
hi hannah :> i dont mean to ask such a time consuming q but im tryna wrap my head around bnha rn. after the whole kidnapping of bakugo, the lov went into hiding right? in that dusty old building where dabi was on the best up bedframe right? so then after that shiggy made it his mission to defeat machia bc of the doctor ??? im sorry if this is too much im trying to rmr the series 😭
hi !! hopefully u dont mind a shorter answer this time around, but yeah , you've p much got it ! the transition from kamino -> mva just serves to mark the league (and namely, tomura's) growth as they scramble for money, allies, resources, etc. after afo's arrest.
but yea, the bar gets raided and they go into hiding,, twice recruits overhaul which leads to the shie hassaikai arc and ends with them retrieving the quirk bullets (but w no more resources than they started with). so they go off and complete menial tasks that arent rly elaborated on, until they come across gigantomachia (who kurogiri had been sent to find during the shie hassaikai arc but was subsequently arrested). its at this point ujiko warps them to his lab to explain the goal of tomura's succession, part of which includes gaining gigantomachia's alliance (to eventually weaponize against the heroes & prove his ability to inherit afo).
since gigantomachia only acknowledges afo as his true master, this leads to like . a month long battle btwn him and the league , to no avail. i thinkkkk this is when the meta liberation army takes giran hostage & kickstarts the heart of mva. i don't really rmbr why they target him, but i think it has smth to do with the fact that he's a broker and they deal w black market weapon and costume distribution, so they assume he has info given his association w the league.
the mla (redestro and the meta liberation army, sry for all the acronyms </3) then tell the league they have giran , blah blah, and shigaraki decides that they'd be better off using gigantomachia to destroy deika city (mla base) , to which they can then "defeat" gigantomachia after , when hes all exhausted and shit. and then as u know, mva ends with shigaraki defeating redestro / the meta liberation army and gaining gigantomachia's approval. its from here they , with all of their newfound money & resources , have sushi party (<3 <3) and start prepping for the war arc as the paranormal liberation front
^ anyways. all this to confirm what u just said, AHAH. im so sry if u were looking for like. actual specifics .. i can go more in depth w the mva arc itself if u want , but i kinda left it out since its an entire convo on its own u know
the manga also time-jumps a bit, so in case u were wondering, the pro hero arc (high-end nomu + dabi vs endeavor and hawks) happens while shigaraki and the league are fighting gigantomachia (right before mva). this is bc dabi says he's going to pursue his own interests , so ujiko offers the hooded nomu for a test run . he joins back w the league right before they attack deika city tho !
but yaa.. love them<3 sends u off w this cute panel of tomura
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stillness-in-green · 3 years
My problem with the plf war is that we get little to no information on the regiment advisors
God, ain't it the truth. I mean, I have a lot of problems with the PLF War, but that was certainly a prominent one. Like, I told myself when Taser Face lightning dude got unceremoniously no-sold by a high-schooler and effortlessly one-two'd by Edgeshot and Midnight that, well, if nothing else, maybe we could assume that all those nameless advisors were there to give the heroes some vaguely significant faces to fight while the named characters with more build-up would escape to have more prominent and narratively significant fights at some later point.
But if Trumpet, Geten, and Re-Destro all get off-paneled and arrested, what exactly was the point of the advisors, then? Like, a few of them have escaped, we know, but other than the one who killed Midnight, there's no particular reason to be invested in the fights with them later. It's not like they even got portrayed as a real threat, for all that they were billed as "stronger than the average hero."
Mind, Edgeshot of the Top Ten Billboard Ranking is by no measure an "average hero," but what does that matter, when you're not going to let any of them fight and beat an "average hero"?
Also too, dramatic tension in your fight scenes aside, I continue to be irked that we got all these characters that the League had three and a half months to bond with, only for it to come to nothing. And look, three months doesn't sound like a lot, but the League themselves had only been together for two months when the Shie Hassaikai arc kicks in, Magne gets killed, Compress maimed, and this pisses off the rest of the League so much they scuttle an alliance and maim the man responsible in return.
The League isn't even together for all of those two months! Their early meetings are much more sporadic; they all split up to lay low for a while after Kamino. Three months with the people at the mansion would be much more prolonged contact! I'm forever salty that the fandom just assumes--with little canonical reason to do otherwise--that those fourteen weeks just meant nothing, that not one single League member got invested enough in the cause they were building, the people they were seeing in regular meetings, to spare them so much as a thought.
I can only hope we'll get more of them back later; given their focus on Re-Destro, I find it unbelievable in the extreme that any number of escaped advisors would just let the man stay in prison--not after having lost Destro to prison the same. (Assuming, of course, that Geten hasn't hijacked the contents of an ice machine to break them out already.)
Thanks for the ask!
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The Villains’ Interpersonal Relationships
// This is just kinda how I picture them acting around each other when they’re not really working. It’s 98.5% personal speculation, so be aware that you don’t have to think the same about this. //
// Honestly, I just sat at my computer at 3 am when I should’ve been doing math and wrote these down as they came to me. //
~I’ll start with the Shie Hassaikai~
Tengai and Rappa can’t stand each other, so they stay as far apart as possible when they can help it.
That being said, Tengai feels a sort of responsibility for Rappa’s actions, so he tries to stay aware of what Rappa is doing at all times.
Setsuno, Hojo, and Tabe are practically inseparable.
This is best illustrated when Tabe drags his friends to the kitchen to get a snack, rather than going by himself.
Hojo will straight up throw hands with whoever tries to hurt Setsuno and Tabe.
When Setsuno is upset, Tabe goes out of his way to make him smile.
Rappa and Katsukame are either at each others' throats or punching someone through a wall for insulting the other. There’s no in between.
Hojo and Nemoto get along well.
Sakaki actually really respects Nemoto for how put together he seems. Still thinks he needs to loosen up a little, though.
Nemoto is jealous of Hari for how close he is to Overhaul
Hari ignores this to avoid conflict
Nemoto always tries to “correct” the others (especially Hari) when they do something he thinks Overhaul wouldn’t like. It’s mostly little stuff that doesn’t really matter.
Basically Nemoto just really wants Overhaul to notice him (poor bby)
It’s an unhealthy relationship, someone please help him.
Setsuno, Tabe, and Sakaki are a little bit scared of Rappa and Katsukame (can you blame them?)
Tengai sometimes feels like a failure for letting his life get to this.
Tengai enjoys talking to Hojo, Hari, and Setsuno
Hari often gets frustrated when trying to brush his hair. Usually has Overhaul or Tengai help him.
Rappa and Irinaka get on each others’ nerves
Irinaka secretly wonders why certain members of the Hassaikai *cough cough* Rappa *cough* are still around. Knows not to question his boss, though.
Setsuno and Sakaki drink together.
Nemoto sometimes vents to Hojo.
Actually, everyone vents to Hojo. He’s a good listener, and less likely to make a harsh (but usually true) statement about your life choices than Tengai.
It sometimes bothers him, but he doesn’t really say anything about it.
Hari, Nemoto, and Setsuno are secretly always worried about Sakaki
He’d probably cry if he found out that they actually cared about him.
Nemoto has a soft spot for Setsuno
Katsukame is the furthest from a morning person that someone can be.
Tengai is in charge of getting him up.
Katsukame is *slightly* insecure about his size. He covers it up with aggression. This sparks the majority of the fights between him and Rappa.
Katsukame is actually pretty close to Irinaka (and not just when he gives smol Irinaka piggy-back rides). Katsukame may or may not be a little jealous of him because he can downsize whenever he wants to.
Rappa and Katsukame can sometimes be protective of each other, though they’ll never admit it.
Basically, they’re ~bros~.
Tengai acts like he hates his job, but he kind of likes having friends.
Somewhere along the line, Rappa started focusing less on beating Overhaul and more on being a good friend to the others.
Because he was in a street gang as a kid before becoming a fighter (I’m 74% sure it’s canon), he sort of missed that particular sense of friendship and camaraderie.
Still 100% wants to beat Overhaul, it’s just on the back burner for now.
~Now, the League of Villains (...this post is going to be so long)~
Canonically, Twice and Toga are friends.
Twice likes Toga because she accepts and  is kind to him regardless of his flaws, and Toga likes twice for pretty much the same reasons. (Kinda random but I hate when people ship them because she’s 17 and he’s like 30 and I ugghghhgghhhh)
Dabi sees Toga as a little sister and would do anything (within reason) for her.
He sees Twice as a brother and will sometimes discreetly distract him from splitting by talking to him.
As much as Dabi likes to tease Spinner and Shigaraki, he’d stand up for them if anyone else tried to hurt them.
Dabi won’t admit that he’s gotten attached to anyone though, and will act offended if confronted with evidence.
Twice is almost overbearingly supportive of everyone in the league.
Besides Toga, Spinner appreciates it the most. It helps him take his mind off of other things. Big Sis Magne.
Even though they’re not as Stain-obsessed as him, Spinner really appreciates his fellow league members. Finally, he’s found people who not only accept him, but think he’s cool.
Mr. Compress and Kurogiri like to have intellectual discussions when everyone else is asleep or busy with something else.
Mr. Compress sometimes helps Kurogiri at the bar.
Mr. Compress likes showing his magic tricks to Twice, because it’s not hard to get an amazed reaction from him.
Shigraki is secretly really grateful for the league. As friends, not just tools to accomplish a mission. He tries to hide it, but Dabi picks up on it easily. Dabi never says anything because he’s in a similar situation.
Those two understand each other in a weird way.
Shigaraki has also grown to appreciate and respect Kurogiri more than he did when they first met.
Whenever Shigaraki has to ~deal with~ someone, he tries to take it outside so Kurogiri doesn’t have to clean up the ashes.
Kurogiri genuinely cares for everyone in the league, especially Shigaraki. He doesn’t outright say so because emotions make Shigaraki nervous.
When Mr. Compress loses his arm, everyone sort of drops the act for a bit to make sure he’s okay.
Even after he has his prosthetic, everyone still acts concerned for him and tries to make him as comfortable as possible.
Mr. Compress has always been more independent than not, so it embarrasses part of him to have everyone fussing over his injury, but a larger part of him is touched and enjoys their attention.
Spinner is also accommodated a bit because he was the closest to Magne. He stays in his room for a while, so Kurogiri, Twice, and Toga alternate between who brings him food.
Dabi even stops teasing him for a while. He knows how it feels to have to leave loved ones behind subtle Touya Todoroki reference.
If Shigaraki feels it’s been too long since someone checked up on Spinner, he’ll force someone to. He says he only cares because he can’t have non-functioning league members, but he really does care about Spinner.
~How about a weird AU where the league and Shie Hassaikai eventually join forces and don’t try to kill each other everytime they meet.~
Overhaul and Shigaraki share leadership responsibilities, but not well.
Most executive decisions are actually made by Kurogiri, because he often mediates their arguments. Despite being a part of the league, Overhaul respects his level-headedness, and in return, Kurogiri keeps Overhaul’s goals in mind.
Spinner carries a subconscious resentment of Overhaul, both for killing Magne, and his indiscriminate disregard for human life that goes against Stain’s ideals.
Spinner doesn’t like to talk to most of the Hassaikai, but he gets along well with Setsuno, Tabe, and Hojo.
Twice is the only sparring opponent that Rappa consistently holds back on. He’d never forgive himself if Twice got hurt because of him.
On one occasion, Toga got ahold of Sakaki’s sake. She didn’t like it but she drank enough to cause significant  trouble for everyone else for a while.
Hari and Dabi hang out sometimes.
Shigaraki and Overhaul have the potential to get along. Like, if they were drunk and locked in a room for a while, and one of them kind of opened up about his past, they’d find out that they have more in common than they thought. Afterwards, they’re still both prideful little gremlins, but they’re more willing to cut each other some slack and move on from an argument. I’m not saying I’d write a oneshot if you asked but I’d totally write a oneshot if you asked.
Dabi and Rappa like to prank Nemoto.
Nemoto doesn’t really like the alliance, but wouldn’t dare disagree with Overhaul.
Nemoto appreciates Kurogiri’s honesty.
Kurogiri eventually comes to care about the Hassaikai like he does the league.
Irinaka displays a surprising amount of patience with Katsukame (though from him, any amount of patience is surprising).
They can sometimes be protective of each other, though they’ll never admit it.
Tengai likes Kurogiri because he helps keep Rappa in check.
Nemoto and Mr. Compress gossip about everyone else.
Tengai, Hojo, and Kurogiri are the stoic introvert dream team.
Toga actually gets along with Irinaka. At first, Irinaka found her annoying because she likes to put him on her lap whenever he’s in his small form, but he grew to like her enthusiastic demeanor.
Sakaki likes Twice because he can clone sake bottles, and all of his good qualities (read: all of his qualities) are amplified when he’s drunk.
Katsukame finds most of the league annoying because they make noise and often interfere with his sleep schedule. Kind of likes Toga’s spunk though.
Like Spinner, Toga’s also still upset with the Hassaikai for killing Magne, but she grows to associate that event more with Overhaul than anyone else.
Setsuno brings out the sweet side in Toga, and she can often be seen comforting him and/or making death threats to his ex.
Dabi likes to hang around Sakaki, because he’ll sometimes drunkenly offer him alcohol.
Tabe and Hojo are slightly suspicious of the league’s motives for the alliance, but they appreciate Toga’s care for Setsuno.
Tabe and Twice are friends. They just are. You can’t convince me otherwise.
Hojo and Dabi have a habit of making really awkward small talk. If one walks into a room the other is in, rather than ignoring each other or starting an actual conversation, they’ll talk about the weather for 15 minutes.
To the people who actually read this whole thing: are you okay?
Now that I think about it, if y’all want to request fics of some (or all) of these boys (and girl) just being wholesome and caring about each other go right ahead
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phoenixkaizen · 4 years
Which Fic Should I Do First?
Space Between - Erasermic, When an video reveals the U.A. traitor as Present Mic, his mate Shouta Aizawa and their sons Katsuki and Shouto witness the entire thing and are left shattered. A butterfly effect starts as corruption and cover ups are revealed in hero society as a new threat comes after Omega heroes and heros in training. U.A. ends up with an unlikely alliance comes forward to aid the heroes against the threat. Shouta also realizes that Hizashi may not of betrayed hero society, and it hits closer to home than he would like when he discovers why Hizashi is working with the League. Omegaverse. (Side pairings of DekuTodo and ShinBaku - I thought about ShinTodo and DekuKatsu but that’s still up for debate) 
--- This one is a ‘traitor” Mic AU, based off of the original concept for Love The Way You Lie’s vigilante arc. Also Katsuki is their biological son, Shouto was adopted when he was a baby, and their daughter is Eri. (mostly cause I don’t want to write the Shie Hassaikai arc and c’mon... it’s Eri xD)
Walk Away - Erasermic. U.A. starts to crumble when Present Mic reveals himself to be aligned with the League of Villains. Shouta Aizawa is forced to learn the truth of his own childhood and marriage as Hizashi reveals the dark truth surrounding hero society and his distain for heroes. With distrust in heroes, Hizashi moves to take back what was rightfully his. His mate, his kids, and maybe even a few of his students while he's at it. Omegaverse. (Side pairings are the same as Space Between)
-- Villain Mic AU where Aizawa has a connection to the villains he didn’t know about, Endeavor is NOT having a redemption arc or trying to be a good father (sorry guys, no good Endeavor for this one), Katsuki is their biological kid and so is Eri. Aizawa ends up adopting Shouto. 
Beautiful - Erasermic: Shouta Aizawa never could seem to catch a break. After yet another incident, he is left in the body of his female self. With no idea if it's permanent or if it will wear off, he is now stuck as a female as they try to figure something out. Hizashi keeps teasing him, Midnight is enjoying have a girl around her, Class A is making it worse for him, and Shouta is completely done. It seriously couldn't get any worse for him. Could it? 
---- Not Omegaverse for once! Holy crap xD, anyway a self-indulgent genderbent fic of Aizawa where I torture him by means of his students, Hizashi and Nemuri. Including a random ass moment of Endeavor not knowing that he is talking to Aizawa and ends up completely flustered. Cause why not xD
Chasing Cars - Erasermic. When Shouta Aizawa is attacked on a routine trip to the mall with his students, he is turned back into a teenager with no memories. With no clues to what kind of quirk he was hit with, U.A. keeps the incident underwraps and brings Shouta back to U.A. Hizashi Yamada now has to cope with his husband not remembering who he is as the pro heroes work on trying to reverse the quirk's effects. Concerns arise when the League of Villains discover Shouta. Omegaverse. (Side pairings include BakuTodo, DekuShin, MomoJirou)
--- Another self indulgent fic of deaged Shouta Aizawa and angst on Hizashi’s end. Mostly cause I cause all the angst to Shouta. It’s Hizashi’s turn. This is also a Soulmate AU cause that plays a keyrole later. 
Had Me At Hello - Erasermic. During a trip out with Class 1-A, a villain targets Omega Hero Shouta Aizawa. His husband and Alpha, Hizashi Yamada steps in to protect him and falls victim to the same trap that Shouta had been caught in. In the aftermath, Shouta and Hizashi end up back as teenagers and are taken in by U.A. with suspicion that the villain will attack again. Now, Shouta and Hizashi have to navigate their lives as teenagers and having forgetten the last sixteen years of their lives. Omegaverse. (Side pairings undetermined: debating BakuTodo and ShinDeku or DekuTodo and ShinBaku or ShinTodo and DekuKatsu)
--- If you’ve ever seen my fic “Never Be The Same”, it holds close to the same concept of deaging my two leads. Shouta and Hizashi. Basically, they have to relive their high school life. I was debating using an accident with Eri to cause this but I changed my mind on it. 
You Found Me - Erasermic. When Shouta Aizawa goes missing one night during a night out with the teachers, they are left stomped on his disappearance. A month later, he resurfaces during Sir Nighteye's operation against the Shie Hassaikai. The only difference, Shouta doesn't recognize Nighteye despite working with the man before. Using foresight, Nighteye discovers that Shouta is with the Shie Hassaikai and is the caregiver of Eri while getting the girl's location for their rescue operation. With the raid in full swing, they discover that Shouta has no memories at all and doesn't even know his real name and he believes Eri is his biological daughter with Kai Chisaki. Omegaverse. (side pairings: BakuTodo, Chisaki/Aizawa, DekuShin)
--- Spin of the Shie Hassaikai arc in which Chisaki decides to kidnap Shouta and use him against Eri. It does contain Chisaki/Aizawa for a little but it’s Erasermic beginning and endgame.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
Only over by my dead and cold body (Not again)
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"You hand over Kurogiri and Toga as workers for the Hassaikai and we're set." He said nonchantly at the leader of the league in front of him.
You furrowed your eyebrows while looking at Chisaki... what did he had on mind exactly? First this thing about projects of bullets running through the underground now a alliance with the league of villains?
What was happening with him and the Shie Hassaikai..? Everyone just refused to let you know of the things, and Chisaki always brushed your questions off...
You were worried about him... a lot. Yet, he refused to let you know of the things, and you were pretty sure that he forced teh others as well to not speak a word.
".. fine. You have the two." The blue haired man rasped before pointing at Chisaki "But Kurogiri would be a higher price, so I want someone from the yakusa in my league."
Chisaki arched one eyebrow of his before his eyes widened a bit when Shigaraki pointed nonchantly at you, standing up right besides his couch.
"Your partner for Kurogiri." Everyone in the room widened their eyes in shock.
"THE HeLL YoU WanT WitH BoSS's-?!"
"Shut up Mimic." Chrono hissed while Shigaraki let out a cold laugh.
"Don't need to hide. Everyone in the underworld kinda already knows about Overhaul's little play thing. It appears sometimes on the news paper and in teh internet." He took his foot out of the couch to straigh his back just a little while he pointed at you again.
"Her quirk happens to be like a second life similiar in a video game... Am I wrong miss?"
You widened your eyes at that... how does this man know about your quirk?
With the silence Shigaraki allowed himself to continue, smilling like a maniac at the way Chisaki's eyes were open wide looking at him... his composture of the big and bad yakusa boss was completly gone like he expected at even mentioning the girl...
"It's quite curious, how does it feel? Being able to return back like just in one of those games where you can kill the character over... and over... and over again? Yet, they still are alive somehow.. always coming back some way... until there is the game over."
Chisaki felt his heart drop to hsi stomach while Shigaraki talked... this man knew his weak point apparently...
"You're planning to tell her about it?" Chrono asked after both of them left Eri on her room to rest a bit after the experiments.
Chisaki didn't answer, a hint for Kurono to explain a bit more correctly his question.
"I'm talking about (Y/n). Overhaul." The man stopped abruptly on his walking, gloved hands twitching before turning into fists.
"What about exactly, Chronostasis?" He grunted, but this didn't convinced Hari that he was calm about the issue.
After all, if he was on his childhood friend's shoes he would be pretty much a miserable bag of nothing but sadness and sorrow. He even considered you a friend and was sad about the whole thing, imagine Chisaki.
"Two things. Her condition?"
"... If I tell her she is just going to give up." He say it a bit hushed before returning to walking out of the base "She is tired of even living... pretty much sure that if she got the knowledge that if she dies or lost too much blood is for real this time... (Y/n) would be thanking the heavens."
"You think so? She fights a lot though to remain here... even if her efforsts are in vain..."
"Imagine being killed more than one hundred times and just keeps coming back. Of course she is tired... tired of everthing." He pressed the buttons and the exit was open for both.
"Right... you have a point." Both walked in silent before Hari brought the another issue. "What about the bullets? Commented something with her? How they are made and such?"
He sighed before the secret door closed, both now back to the normal house.
"(Y/n) knows about the market. I can't hide this from her... but how they are made I can't tell."
Hari arched a eyebrow, surprised at seing that Chisaki is hidding something from the woman he loved for years and trusted his soul to.
"You saw how Pops reacted." He spoke suddenly "I can't and won't tell her yet... Both share some commons believes, and (Y/n) would probably freak out and not understand at first..." his hands turned into shaking fists as he glared at the ground "Telling me that she would prefer to die than letting me do such a thing with a brat. I can just imagine it."
Chrono felt a bad feeling growing on his gut while Chisaki spoke... not only you is tired of these, imagine Kai who had to see most of all of your deaths and just waits for you to be back..?
"... I would like this to remain in silence Chrono." Chisaki sighed, placing his gloved hands on his pockets while returning to walking "My angel can't know much about my plans, neither anyone in this building is allowed to speak much details about it. Understood?"
Hari responded with a 'yes sir.' Seing Chisaki walk away in the hallway while he still stood there and took his mask off with a sigh.
He had a real bad feeling about this. But Chisaki was doing this for the yakusa... so it would work... he hoped.
"It would be interesting to have her. Just to know exactly how her quirk works." He lifted both of his arms up in a dramatic way "Imagine that? Being able to die and return back. I'm sure you would understand and wouldn't mind some... human experiences, right?" He lowered his tone of voice while staring at Chisaki behind his hand "Overhaul?"
This time he almost regreted telling his plan for Shigaraki, Luckily you weren't in the room when he talked about the girl... but now you just had that wary expression.
"H-Human experiences?" You sluttered before Chisaki lifted up abruptly, even making you, Chrono and Mimic flinch a bit.
"You know when you or any of your subbordinates can lay your filthy hands on her?" He growled while shigaraki also stood up to glare at him.
"Only passing through my cold and dead body. Shigaraki Tomura." He growled the words animalistic while you sended a worry look at Chrono whose showed you a bit his gun to tell silemtly if anything he would shoot.
"Them I guess maybe you will want another." Shigaraki rasped out "Because without her, there is no Kurogiri in this place."
You went to step in, knowing how much Chisaki has been working for this, but his arm blocked you from coming any closer as he grunted his words.
"Then we get Twice. But her? Not even look anymore. Understood?"
Shigaraki smirked devilish, knowing thhat he got exactly what was this arrogant bastard weak point.
"Sounds like a deal... Overhaul."
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alexthegamingboy · 5 years
Toonami Weekly Recap 11/16/2019 (The Forge Edition, Week 2)
My Hero Academia Shie Hassaikai Arc Season 4 EP#65 (02) - Overhaul: Overhaul appears at the League of Villain's hideout to propose an alliance, but Tomura's unease violently delays the plan. Meanwhile, Izuku enters Hero-Work Studies, and with help from Mirio, sets off to apply for Sir Nighteye's agency, who was All Might's former sidekick.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind EP#04 - Joining the Gang: After evading Black Sabbath's attacks, Giorno deduces that the Stand is vulnerable to sunlight and must stay within the shadows. Koichi is also targeted after witnessing the lighter being relit, but he realizes that Black Sabbath is remote-controlled, possessing the same type of arrow that created his Stand. Black Sabbath traps Giorno within the shadow of a tree, but Giorno uses Gold Experience to wither the tree, exposing the Stand to the sunlight and causing it to vanish. The next day, Giorno visits Polpo, who admits him into the Passione organisation. While there, Giorno turns one of Polpo's guns into a banana, leading Polpo to accidentally shoot himself when he tries to eat it. Koichi respects Giorno's wishes not to inform Jotaro of what happened, keeping Giorno's plans secret. Later, Bucciarati takes Giorno to meet the rest of his Stand-wielding team.
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba EP#06 - Swordsman Accompanying a Demon: Placing Nezuko in a box he carries on his back, Tanjiro travels with her to the town where young girls are vanishing at night. There he meets Kazumi, whose fiancee Satoko vanished the previous night. Kazumi takes him to where his girlfriend was last seen and Tanjiro begins to track the demon's scent. Kazumi recalls how he was beaten by Satoko's parents, who did not believe Satoko had simply vanished and assumed he had done something to her, realising that Tanjiro is a member of the Demon Slayer Corps. Night falls as Tanjiro continues to track the demon. Another young girl is abducted from her bed, which Tanjiro notices, deducing that the demon travels underground in a liquid medium. Tanjiro and Nezuko fight together against the demon, which has morphed into three separate entities and is capable of "Blood Demon Art" — special spells that demons can use should they gain enough power. Tanjiro recalls Urokodaki informing him of the thousand-year-old progenitor of all demons, as well as the only one who can turn humans into demons: Muzan Kibutsuji.
One-Punch Man 2 EP#06 (18) - The Monster Uprising: Lightning Max loses his fight with Suiryu, and Genos gets a message concerning a lot of monsters around the tournament. Snakebite Snek beats his opponent Benpatsu, and the announcers get messages of a lot of monsters and plan on evacuating the audience, but Bakuzan convinces them not to. Sourface beats his opponent Jakuman, but they part on good terms. Sourface excitedly tells "Charanko"/Saitama that he won, but Saitama had gone to the bathroom. When Saitama faces off against Bakuzan, Bakuzan sadistically describes how he will destroy Saitama, but when Bakuzan touches Saitama's wig and states that he would knock Saitama's "hair" off, Saitama comically punches him out of the tournament in one hit, impressing Suiryu. Genos manages to kill all but one of the monsters-the last one, the Demon-level Awakened Cockroach, barely escaping. With Genos' back turned, he is suddenly attacked by a Mysterious Being. Some of the Hero Association members find Pineapple and Mohican, and they learn that Waganma was captured, but not Narinki. Meanwhile, Do-S successfully manages to brainwash all of Fubuki's henchmen, but Fubuki repels them back. Do-S says she's attacking Fubuki so that she can face Tatsumaki, but Fubuki tells her that when she's hurt, Tatsumaki will know. Right on cue, a monster lands in front of Do-S with Tatsumaki arriving. Do-S orders Fubuki's mind-controlled henchmen to attack Tatsumaki while she flees, but Tatsumaki easily knocks the henchmen into buildings. Tatsumaki gives a lecture to Fubuki that surrounding yourself with henchmen will cause you to become weak before flying away. Suiryu and Sneck face off, with Suiryu casually avoiding Sneck's strikes and questioning his reasons for fighting. He taunts Sneck by telling him that he is ineffectual as a hero, and that he sought power with no particular agenda, with his nonchalant attitude enraging Sneck. However, Suiryu knocks him out with a single blow, musing that no matter what happens, the truly strong will always survive. In the post-credit scene, Garou sees Watchdog Man, Saitama is in the bathroom, and a Dragon-level monster named Gouketsu is revealed to be the one who defeated Genos. Amai Mask's concert is attacked by monsters, a group of monsters are attacking a hospital where Mumen Rider and Tank Top Master are at, a monster named Nyan looks for Puri Puri Prisoner, but the prisoners reveal that Puri Puri Prisoner escaped prison to fight against the monsters, and two monsters named Gyoro Gyoro and Orochi have captured Metal Knight.
Dr. Stone Kingdom of Science Arc EP#13 - Masked Warrior: With their base ingredients obtained, Senku and the others begin producing the other elements for the antibiotic. Needing alcohol for the remaining elements, Senku ends up joining the others in the Grand Bout, which offers alcohol for the winner. Upon arriving in the village for the Grand Bout, Senku is greeted by Ruri, who appears to know his name from somewhere. Magma's henchman, Mantle, kidnaps Suika, ties her to a tree and tells Kohaku that Suika is drowning, prompting Kohaku to run off even while knowing he's lying. As Kinro faces off against Magma in the first round, Suika, managing to escape her captivity and noticing Kinro struggling with his vision, gives him her mask, allowing him to see more clearly and beat Magma.
Fire Force EP#16 - We Are Family: Giovanni sends the two Knights of the Ashen Flame, Flail and Mirage, to kill everyone at Vulcan's workshop. He then finds and attacks Shinra who is on lookout in the forest. Giovanni immobilizes Shinra with a massive electric shock and arranges to have him evacuated. Outside the workshop, Arthur takes on his knightly persona and destroys the multitude of Knights of the Ashen Flame but they are illusions created by Mirage. However, when faced with an illusion of himself, he becomes transfixed and is beaten by Flail. Vulcan tells Sister to leave with Lisa and Yu, however Lisa suddenly reveals that she has been working for the Evangelist and is after the key to Amaterasu which was created by Vulcan's family. Meanwhile, Giovanni bypasses Arthur and enters the workshop where he demands the key from Vulcan and critically wounds Yu to force him to talk. However, Vulcan denies any knowledge of the key and Giovanni loses his temper, repeatedly bashing Vulcan's equipment.
Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma Totsuki Autumn Election Arc EP#19 - The Chosen One: The contestants and rules for the Autumn Elections are announced, in which the sixty selected contestants are split into two groups which they must top in order to advance to the tournament phase. Megumi is approached by a girl named Miyoko Hojo, who was interested in her shokugeki with Shinomiya, but becomes disappointed when she hears she was helped by Soma. After learning the first dish of the elections is a curry dish, Soma and Megumi pay a visit to Jun Shiomi, an instructor and Polar Star alumna who specializes in curry and spices. Using Jun's theories on spices, her assistant Akira Hayama, who is also in the elections, demonstrates that preparing the same ingredients of a curry dish in different ways can yield drastically different results. Wowed by the powerful flavors of Akira's curry, Soma becomes determined to beat him in the preliminaries.
Lupin the 3rd Part 5 Enzo Bron Arc EP#22 - Answer Me, Zantetsuken: PeopleLog has stirred doubts within Goemon about whether Lupin sees him as an equal partner, but he still rejoins Lupin, Jigen and Ami to infiltrate the headquarters of Shake Handz on Olig Island in the Republic of Maul. Ami initiates a massive DDoS on the Shake Handz network system to mask their movements, but Enzo has anticipated this event and executes a counterattack. Goemon, left behind to cover the team's retreat, is challenged by Enzo, who fans Goemon's lingering doubts about his relationship with Lupin. Just as Lupin and Ami are about to liberate Fujiko, Goemon intervenes, demanding a duel to clarify things between them. The confrontation leaves Lupin critically wounded, and Ami pleads with Enzo - whom she knows to be her father - to save Lupin's life.
Black Clover: Elf Tribe Reincarnation Arc EP#95 - Reincarnation: Hundreds of years ago, a young Licht receives his four leaf Grimoire. Patry, a younger elf, asks Licht about rumours that humans are planning to attack their village but Licht assures him there can be peace. Licht saves a human woman named Tetia and meets her brother, a Light magic user who also possesses a four leaf Grimoire. He suggests combining elven magic with human magic tools to create a peaceful elven/human society. Licht and Tetia eventually fall in love, conceive a child and plan to marry. On the day of the wedding the elves are murdered by a Light magic spell, leading Patry to believe Tetia's brother was the murderer. As Patry dies, he sees a distraught Licht cast a forbidden reincarnation spell. Patry awakens centuries later in the body of William Vangeance and realises he is the only one who fully reincarnated. He retrieves a four leaf Grimoire and uses it to reincarnate Rhya, Fana and Vetto into suitable human bodies while passing himself off as the real Licht. To resurrect the entire elven race, Patry began his search for all the magic stones stolen from the elven village. In the present, Patry sacrifices Sally, Rades and Valtos to fuel the resurrection spell while Yuno completes his transformation into an elf.
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veroxina · 5 years
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@velocties​   said   :   ❝  i don’t have to answer that.  ❞     /   /     no   longer   accepting.
“       guess   you    don’t    want   to   work   with   the   league,    then.       ”       such   a    cocky    threat    for   a   mere   child   against   an   experienced   criminal   with   a   quirk   like   his  ;     easily    does   she   hold   the   leagues   alliance   to   the   shie   hassaikai   over   his   head,    as   if   it   were   a   treat   meant   only   for   a   pet   that   behaved.
”       please   answer   me,    overhaul,    i   just   wanna   know   how   your   quirk   works.    it’s   important   for   the   league   to   know   our   . . .   allies   quirks.       ”       daitens   rage   was   hidden   well   behind   a   small   smile,    shown   better   by   shaking   hands.    it   wasn’t   the   league   she’d   been   looking   out   for  ;   no,    she’d   begun   working   alongside   shigaraki   only   recently,    prefered   to   follow   all   for   ones   example   and    manipulate    from   the   shadows.    his   quirk   would   be   useful   to   the   villain   once   he   finally   stopped   playing   games    &&.    escaped   from   kamino.
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narcoanxlysis · 5 years
@bcdtouch liked for a starter!
        shigaraki tomura had become a regular sight at the prefecture ever since the shie hassaikai allied with the league of villains. the mere thought of said alliance left a bitter taste in nemoto’s mouth; but he wouldn’t question his master’s decisions, it was not his place to do so.
        that didn’t prevent him from privately disliking shigaraki, though.
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        “ good evening, “ he greeted their ‘guest’, voice light and relatively pleasant despite the bitterness digging its claws into his chest. “ i’m afraid master overhaul is away on business today. is there something i could help you with ... ? “
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officialotakudome · 4 years
New Post has been published on Otaku Dome | The Latest News In Anime, Manga, Gaming, And More
New Post has been published on https://otakudome.com/my-hero-academia-season-4-review/
My Hero Academia Season 4 Review
With season 4 closed Midoriya Izuku and the the rest of Class 1-A finish their latest heroes in training adventure. This time they tackle the Chinese mafia and have a school festival. Izuku also meets number one hero student of UA Mirio “Lemillion” Togata and a girl who can erase quirks.
My Hero Academia is a 2016 shounen anime series, it is produced by Bones and licensed by Funimation. It is currently available for streaming and home media in English.
Editor’s Note: Near complete to complete spoilers for My Hero Academia season 4 may be present within this review. 
Midoriya faces new challenges as he continues his growth as a hero in season four.
Season four of My Hero Academia contains two canonical arcs; the Shie Hassaikai and school festival arcs. The former follows a villain named Overhaul who has a quirk that allows him to disassemble and reassemble anything he chooses in anyway he chooses. The second involves a school festival being planned by Class 1-A in an effort to renew their reputation after having recently been viewed in horrible light due to their consistent appearances within dangerous situations with pro heroes. Thus affecting the school’s reputation as a whole. A villain by the name of Gentle Criminal and his partner La Brava who had been gaining fame online plan to use the festival to become famous villains.
The UA students aide the pro heroes in a battle against a mafia.
THE GOOD: In the first episode of season four a reported is scouting UA for the next All Might after theorizing that his successor is a student there. He eventually learns that this person is in fact Midoriya but keeps it a secret. Following the filler episode, a villain by the name of Overhaul meets up with the League of Villains for an alliance after tricking Twice. After offering the League an opportunity to work for him and his group Shie Hassaikai. Tomura disagrees and a battle ensues resulting in the death of Magne and Mr. Compress suffering a major injury. Overhaul and his group leaves giving Tomura time to reconsider. During this time Midoriya and Class 1-A are taking hero work studies all except Bakugo, Shoto, and surprisingly Inasa Yoarashi who are forced to take provisional classes. In hero work studies the students work alongside pro heroes learn to adapt to perfecting the use of their powers within real-world danger. Midoriya attempts to team up with Torino, but he’s too busy instead suggesting he team up with All Might’s former sidekick turned pro hero Sir Nighteye. Midoriya meets UA’s top three heroes including Togata, Tamaki Amajiki, and Nejire Hado. Togata challenges and effortlessly beats the class in a one vs group fight. Midoriya & Togata bond over their love for All Might and similar inspirations for heroism. Togata reveals that he is being taught under Sir Nighteye getting a meeting between him and Midoriya.
Upon seeing Nighteye, Midoriya is met with instant hostility. Due to Togata having originally being planned as the successor for One For All ultimately being usurped by Midoriya. This along with Nighteye’s vision of All Might’s impending death caused a rift between the two with the duo going their separate ways. Nighteye challenges Midoriya to grab his stamp in order to be approved to join his work study. Midoriya fails, but gets the work study anyways by slightly impressing Nighteye. Nighteye also states that this is to further prove that Mirio Togata is the true heir of One For All. While out in public for their work studies Mirio in his Lemillion gear and Midoriya as Deku patrol the city and encounter a girl with a horn on her head. Midoriya takes note of the girl’s fear and opts to protect as Overhaul appears filling Midoriya and the girl with terror. Under Togata’s guidance he and Midoriya let the girl go with Overhaul instantly regretting their decision. Nighteye reveals that he is apart of a team of pro heroes currently investigating Overhaul & Shie Hassaikai who is using the horned girl Eri’s quirk to develop quirk erasing bullets. Having feel they failed as heroes upon their initial meeting Togata and Midoriya swear to save Eri at all cost. Overhaul is unveiled to have purposely injured the original leader of Shie when he disagreed with his methods promising to return him to health upon his goals having been reached.
The other students of Class 1-A also doing their work studies get involved with a raid on the Shie Hassaikai headquarters which was unveiled when Nighteye tailed a member of the group buying a toy for Eri. The Big 3 and a pro hero named Fat Gum among others also join. Fat Gum being Red Riot’s pro hero for his work study bonds with Riot who was starting to lose confidence in his abilities. As the raid begins the heroes are forced to split up with much of the battle taking place outside of the HQ, Fat Gum & Red Riot are split up from the group and encounter Kendo Rappa & Tengai Keiji. They battle in a two on two fight and Red is easily overpowered by Kendo’s powerful arms who’s also being backed up by Tengai’s shield quirk. As Fat Gum takes most of the punishment he’s secretly absorbing each blow and storing it for an all-out attack. Red remembers his past with Mina Ashido and his failure to aide their classmates in a villain attack pre-UA while she took action. Resolving to never stand by again Red recovers and takes a barrage of Kendo’s attacks giving Fat the time he needs to unleash his counterattack before going unconscious. Meanwhile the League of Villains who earlier decided to join Shie are actually plotting to destroy them from within and during the raid they sabotage the group by insulting Irinka; a member of Shie who could merge his mind and body with nearly anything including walls and separated the raid group doing so.  
Nighteye and Midoriya reach Overhaul who’s holding Eri hostage while planning his escape. Nighteye faces off against him but is gravely injured in the battle. Nighteye notes that he foresaw a vision where Midoriya is killed by Overhaul in their battle. Overhaul was in a fight with Lemillion who separated from the group earlier reaching him first. Lemillion also lost his power from one of the bullets while protecting Eri, but fought until he suffered a severe injury from Overhaul. Midoriya was tasked with getting Lemillion & Eri to safety, but with Nighteye incapacitated he’s forced to fight Overhaul himself. Midoriya struggles to keep up with Overhaul’s power, but resolves to save Eri and the two escape outside after the heroes from the front of HQ attempt to lend a hand. Overhaul relentlessly pursuits Midoriya and Eri who uses Eri’s quirk to momentarily unlick One For All’s full 100% power defeating Overhaul after gaining a hang of it. The pro heroes arrest the Shie Hassaikai members except for Overhaul who was taken by the League of Villains where Tomura decays a badly beaten Overhaul’s arms and steals the quirk erasing bullets. Overhaul screams terror realizing he can’t heal Shie’s leader. Eri is placed in the care of UA under Aizawa & the Big 3’s watch. Nighteye is recovering from his wounds, but ultimately succumbs to his injuries dying happy to know that his visions can in fact be changed. 
New heroes make their debut in season four.
Eri is recovering from a fever due to her powers and is being watched over by UA. Meanwhile Class 1-A has been receiving resentment from other students due to their consistent involvement in pro hero/villain danger. The class decide to hold a school festival to recover their reputation as well as boost the overall reputation of UA. Each student takes on different tasks such as decorations, designs, and talents including a musical performance by those who are trained to play instruments. Initially refusing to join Bakugo, who’s a known skilled drummer decides to help out with the festival mainly to show off. As preparations for the festival are underway new villains have been making the waves online by the name of Gentle Criminal and La Brava. There online presence slowly gained prominence on social media. Gentle was once trained to be a hero, but failed and became a regular citizen. He met up with a classmate who became a pro hero and didn’t even recognize Gentle causing him to become a villain. As a villain Gentle was ignored before he partnered up with La Brava who fell in love with him during his first attempts to gain fame and used her tech skills to increase their awareness online.
The UA students attend Nighteye’s funeral and Eri wakes up but she hasn’t stabilized. Eri asks to see Togata and Midoriya and says she felt guilty over all the trouble she caused, but Midoriya attempts to reassure her trying to make her smile. Midoriya plans to use the festival to get Eri to smile. Meanwhile Bakugo and the others training under their provisional classes must learn to win the hearts of the younger students, eventually winning them over by combining their quirks to create a makeshift theme park for them. With the finishing preparations for the festival underway Midoriya runs one last quick errand before encountering Gentle & La Brava. Initially disguised Midoriya finds them out and learns of their plans to use the school festival to become famous villains. Midoriya chases after them and is nearly beaten by Gentle when La Brava activates her quirk to give him a power boost. But he’s able to subdue them in time for pro heroes to arrive. Gentle takes the fall for La Brava who impresses the pro heroes with her tech skills. Midoriya is nearly late for the festival but makes it in time. Togata is by Eri’s side as she begins to enjoy herself and finally smiles following the musical performance by Class 1-A. The class regain the respect of the other students when the festival ends. During the Japanese Hero Billboard conference Endeavor is revealed as the number one hero along with Hawks as the number two. The citizens are noticeably wary of Endeavor being number one due to his questionable history as a hero. It is revealed that Hawks is possibly aligned with the League of Villains after meeting with Dabi. A high-end Nomu attacks the city and nearly kills Endeavour as Hawks saves nearby citizens. Endeavour with Hawks’ support is able to defeat it and gains the admiration of the people after nearly giving his life to protect them like All Might. Midoriya has a dream of the past One For All owners including All For One’s brother. They shake hands and he awakes to his arm glowing.
The class of A-1 meets top student Mirio Togata.
The fourth season of My Hero Academia is a high octane of animation quality (a Bones trademark), voice acting, and music. The source material is done an incredible amount of service in animated form which rivals the biggest of budgets. Ace character development and growth along with excellent world building continues the stellar portfolio the franchise has become known for.
My Hero Academia’s stellar character development continues.
THE BAD: Outside of some animation problems here & there and some censorship you’d be hard pressed finding much issues with season four of My Hero Academia. 
Midoriya reaches a glimpse of his true power in season four.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: My Hero Academia’s more often than not unmatched quality continues to put it’s anime adaptation several steps above other shounen. With a rare ability to develop an entire cast of characters the series almost never misses it’s stride and continues to ride on high. Otaku Dome gives My Hero Academia season 4 a 90 out of 100.
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