#le Pen
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kropotkindersurprise · 4 months ago
September 7, 2024 - Over 100.000 people took to the streets in demonstrations in more than 130 cities and towns across France to protest liberal president Macron, with support from fascist Le Pen, handing the position of Prime Minister to the leader of the right-wing party that came in fourth place in the recent elections. He did this to make sure that the nominal winners of that election, left-wing party NFP (Nouveau Front Populaire) are kept out of France's government. Macron said that the NFP's crazy ideas, such as raising taxes for the rich, are a threat to the national stability of France. As always, liberals will choose to join forces with fascists before ever considering working with socialists. [video]
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sissa-arrows · 6 months ago
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The tweet says “Jean-Marie Le Pen, 96 years old, is in a “deeply deteriorating” health. He doesn’t remember who he saw the previous day and can’t concentrate more than a couple minutes. He also suffer from a heart failure.”
Ya Allah please today is the anniversary of the liberation of Algeria it’s a perfect day for this torturer and murderer of Algerians to die. It’s also perfect because that way he won’t get to see his party ruling France and we will get to celebrate.
So please please have him die today.
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mali-umkin · 7 months ago
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17.06.24, métropole lilloise.
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kick-a-long · 6 months ago
So the article blames a “divide” over antisemitism between macron and the antisemitic leftists for far right le pen gaining ground. let’s blame who’s really at fault, the fucking leftists who would rather everything burn down than walk back the obvious antisemitism and xenophobic violence and hate they have been spreading around for months.
All of which will hurt both Jews and Muslims because the far right also hate Jews but they outright have said they want to deport Muslims specifically for not “assimilating” and like promoting terror or something? In any case both of us are screwed if the far right keeps getting away with it.
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femsolid · 14 days ago
L'Ă©tat de fascisme de la tĂ©lĂ© française c'est quand mĂȘme quelque chose. L'obsession des musulmans, du voile, de la dĂ©linquance et de l'immigration, la bashing contre la gauche, l'invitation constante de fascistes sur les plateaux, et surtout le vocabulaire!
En 2012 sur internet il y avait la faschosphere qui nous traitait d'islamogauchiste, qui faisait des faux tracts Melenchon "vive les arabes" et le représentait avec une barbe d'islamiste dans des memes. Bon. Ok. Que des nazillons fassent ça, c'est attendu.
10 ans plus tard, c'est des grands journalistes connus qui, Ă  la tĂ©lĂ©, utilisent exactement ces termes. Le mot "islamogauchiste", un terme neo-nazi, est utilisĂ© sans gĂȘne, sans crainte, sans contradiction, comme si c'Ă©tait normal par, je le rĂ©pĂšte, des grosses tĂȘtes de la tĂ©lĂ©, animatrice, journaliste etc.
Pujadas qui dit que le RN n'est pas un parti d'extrĂȘme droite sur France 2 et ça passe crĂšme. Un parti crĂ©Ă© par des SS et dont des militants ont, cette semaine encore, sacagĂ© la maison de Melenchon et notamment taggĂ© des "vive marine PD", des croix gammĂ©es et des "on ta trouver, nique les arabe" sur ses murs. On notera que les "français de souche" ne savent pas aligner une phrase sans faire 15 fautes. Et quand les journalistes politiques dĂ©cident de dire que la France Insoumise l'a bien cherchĂ© au lieu de condamner ces actes, ça fait peur.
Et la normalisation de ce parti neo-nazi, à la lumiÚre de la diabolisation de la gauche lambda traitée d'antisemite pour un oui et pour un non, de danger pour la démocratie etc, c'est le retour du "plutÎt Hitler que le Front Populaire."
De mĂȘme, quand on dit Ă  des dĂ©putĂ©s de la France Insoumise que leur Ă©lectorat c'est les arabes, les islamistes, les musulmans, c'est du racisme totalement dĂ©complexĂ©, tellement decomplexĂ© que personne ne relĂšve ! Zemmour invitĂ© partout tout le temps, Naulleau qui Ă©crit un livre pour dire que MĂ©lenchon est un antisĂ©mite malade mental et homosexuel refoulĂ©, et Onfray qui ajoute que c'est un homosexuel "passif" mais... mais on en est lĂ  quoi... c'est ça les intellectuels français?
T'as pas besoin de porter MĂ©lenchon ou la France Insoumise ou mĂȘme la gauche dans ton cƓur pour te dire que les mĂ©dias français sont devenus une machine Ă  propagande fasciste. Si bien que quand une personne de gauche les contredit, les journalistes sont choquĂ©s car ils ont pas l'habitude et que du coup pour eux la cause est entendue : tout le monde pense qu'il y a trop d'arabes en France. LĂ©a SalamĂ© qui demande Ă  MĂ©lenchon que faire contre les quartiers "islamisĂ©s" et lui qui rĂ©pond qu'il ne pense pas qu'il y a des quartiers islamisĂ©s, elle en a les yeux qui lui sortent de la tĂȘte. Elle y va jamais dans ces quartiers et pourtant pour elle c'est un fait qu'il y a des quartiers entiers d'islamistes en France quoi. Hallucinant.
Bref. Je dis ça parce que j'ai pas de télé depuis plusieurs années et j'ai fait un rattrapage YouTube ce mois ci et j'en reviens pas de l'état des lieux. Et dans ce contexte de propagande intense je trouve que le score de la gauche aux derniÚres législatives et le score de Mélenchon aux présidentielles est tout simplement un miracle.
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massive-spirit · 11 months ago
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rotor25 · 8 months ago
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vincentreproches · 9 months ago
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depassement · 1 month ago
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"Bz les fascistes / Nique le RN"
Brive-la-Gaillarde, 28 septembre 2024
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whitepolaris · 6 months ago
Please pray for the new French leader!
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head-post · 6 months ago
Le Pen to clash with Macron on Ukraine, defence issues
No matter how unfortunate the upcoming snap parliamentary elections turn out for Emmanuel Macron, he has always had to take comfort in the fact that he will remain president until 2027 – with all the sacrosanct foreign policy and military powers that entails, POLITICO reports.
However, his right-wing opponent Marine Le Pen is signalling that if her National Rally party wins the prime minister’s post, she will not be content to let Macron set the country’s strategic course through the presidential prerogative, which traditionally covers hot topics such as Ukraine, defence, diplomacy and the choice of EU commissioner.
This struggle for core powers is sparking fierce debate within France and terrifying France’s EU and NATO partners as the 68-million-strong nuclear-armed country looks set for a period of instability. Assumptions from the US to the Indo-Pacific that the president’s powers will simply be unchecked on the international stage after the election may prove unfounded.
France has experienced periods of co-rule before – when the president and prime minister belonged to different parties – but it was always a fairly straightforward co-operation between parties with similar worldviews. This time, a right-wing prime minister – perhaps Jordan Bardella of the Rassemblement Nationale, ahead in the polls – will blow up the political order.
On Wednesday, Le Pen gave the clearest indication yet that she intends to snatch any shred of power she can from Macron if her party wins a strong enough majority in parliamentary elections.
In explosive remarks, Le Pen dismissed the title of France’s commander-in-chief as an “honourable title” and said the real power, particularly over the budget, lies with the prime minister’s government. Le Pen told daily Le TĂ©lĂ©gramme:
“Jordan [Bardella] has no intention of picking a quarrel with Macron, but he has set red lines. On Ukraine, the president will not be able to send troops.” 
Macron said earlier this month he was “finalising” plans to send military trainers to Ukraine, and tensions with Russia are likely to take centre stage in the debate over France’s strategic direction.
Macron pushing for Thierry Breton
Ahead of the first round of voting on Sunday, Le Pen is also raising the stakes on EU policy after her party challenged Macron’s right to appoint France’s next European commissioner, a role traditionally seen as a gift from the president.
The European commissioner is a hugely important role for France, and Macron wants his candidate to be given a large economic portfolio that would allow Paris to put its priorities – such as strengthening European industrial champions – at the top of the EU agenda.
According to five officials, Macron is pushing for Thierry Breton, who has promoted Macron’s vision for defence and industry, to continue as French commissioner.
Bardella, however, insists it will be his government that will choose France’s commissioner in Brussels, saying this week that the appointment will be one of the “first decisions” they will make.
If the Rassemblement Nationale does not win enough seats to form a government, it will still be the largest group in parliament and will be well placed to reject government laws it does not like.
Strong constitution
On Thursday, Macron’s allies invoked legendary World War II leader Charles de Gaulle, former president and founder of the Fifth Republic, to hit back at Le Pen.
Armed Forces Minister SĂ©bastien Lecornu said “the constitution is not ceremonious” and quoted de Gaulle as saying the president was “responsible for France” and “responsible for the Republic.” François Bayrou, leader of the French centrist party MoDem, allied to Macron, said:
“You are profoundly challenging the Constitution.”
Naturally, the devil is in the details. According to the French constitution, the president is the head of the armed forces and in charge of French foreign policy, while the prime minister runs the government and thus domestic policy. But a closer look at the division of powers between the president and the prime minister turns out to be a much more complicated picture. The budget, as Le Pen pointed out, is indeed the most important leverage over many policy areas in the National Assembly. Eric Landot, public law specialist, said:
“It’s super complicated, there is no clear boundary. The president is the chief of the armed forces, but Article 21 says the prime minister is responsible for national defence.”
According to Landot, Le Pen is wrong when she says the president’s role is only “ceremonial” – but there are many ways the prime minister can clip the president’s wings. He also said:
“If the president wanted to send soldiers to Ukraine on support missions, a government that disagrees with that policy, could block the government decrees and say: ‘No, I’m not signing that. The constitutional ambiguity would block decision-making.”
Read more HERE
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notesfromachair · 5 months ago
Let's Talk About Excellence
You don’t really want to read about an old racist running for POTUS, right?  I mean, it’s tempting.  We get it Elmo His idea that you’re either this or that and if you assert the reality that you are both he calls you a liar, or a lunatic or disrespectful to the this or that of yourself you are not asserting at that moment. For example, in my case there are some rooms where I’m gay (Note: Or,

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trump666traitor · 6 months ago
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memenewsdotcom · 6 months ago
France elections
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johnwarsen · 6 months ago
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  “le projet de tri sĂ©lectif de Marine le Pen”.
je remets ici ce dessin d'un caricaturiste allemand de 2022 qui ne fait plus rire grand monde.
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ecrisettaistoi · 7 months ago
Clowns sans nez rouges
Leçon de démagogie offerte,
cadeaux de ci de lĂ ,
mesures exceptionnelles sorties
du chapeau,
- ici, bientĂŽt le ruissellement -
engagements fermes
en accéléré,
promesses des messes
la majorité est un poulet
qui court, désarticulé,
avant le soubresaut fatal.
La vie dissolue de la RĂ©publique
ne vaut pas celle de GĂ©rard Floque.
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