dummyminhyuk-blog · 10 years
Send me a •3• and I will put my playlist on shuffle, write down the first line of five songs and give it to your muse as a poem from mine
"You reeled me in with your smile
 Even if everybody else leaves me, don’t do this to me
 A little less conversation
 Oh darling, don’t cross it. “
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geumheexai · 10 years
omg why did you publish this /HIDES FACE/
It's because I love you. -kisses all over your face- 
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ldxyoogeun · 11 years
ldxravi replied to your post:( AYYYYYYY welcome lmao )
[I need content--]
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ldxamber · 11 years
-deep manly voice- achoomnida.
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dummyminhyuk-blog · 10 years
vampire & faerie!
Vampire:Someone offers you a chance at immortality. Do you take it, and why or why not?
 I wouldn’t take it. Having to bear the death from all the people you liked must be terribly sad.  
Faerie:If you could get away with anything, what would you do?
 Run away to Hawaii. Also, I’d hug a panda.
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geumheexai · 11 years
ldxravi replied to your post:Do you have a cute vagina?
What — why is someone interested in your vagina. [` looks very very displeased ]
Because My Vagina is cute? -she shrugs and offers a sip of her milkshake-
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luamour · 11 years
◆◆◆ [ i think i still owe you that para oops OTL ]
It is alright dear and thank you very much!
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ldxyoogeun · 11 years
( AYYYYYYY welcome lmao )
[Hello sweet child.]
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ldxamber · 11 years
Slides! || Ravi & Amber
          Amber swung the bags from the convenience store. She and Ravi had been hanging out, as per usual for them. Honestly, not a lot of good happened when they did. Hence the one time they got lost... in snow. Genius, really that was. Laughing at some joke she had just made Amber glanced at the building where he lived.
          She laughed and pointed to the stairs. "Did you ever slide down stairs as a kid? Like, I would get pillows or cardboard boxes and go down." Then she glanced over at him, a look in her eye.
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geumheexai · 11 years
ldxravi replied to your post:c: !
[ sex: “no thank you” / “sure”. is that some weird push and pull or — ? cx ]
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luamour · 11 years
[ text ] Favourite dongsaeng kekeke~ You're going overseas?! Finally! Where are you going! [ text ] I'm totally gonna thrash you! >(
[ sms ravioli ] Well we were planning on going on a bit of a vacation but-
[ sms ravioli ]I don't know if we will be And please kiddo you're talking to a pro here
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kyungsooxld · 11 years
"This stays between us."
Kyungsoo watches as the other male puts up a book between the two of them so that Kyungsoo was unable to move his head far enough right to lay his head on the other's shoulder. He hadn't meant to fall asleep, but he hadn't had much sleep the previous night, and the hum of the bus and the chattering of people in the background was like a weird sort of lullaby that Kyungsoo couldn't help getting mesmerized in. 
Boldly, Kyungsoo pushes the book down. This bus was too crowded to get up, and not resolving the issue seemed like it would just make the ride more uncomfortable. But when he sees the look in the eyes of the other male, he stutters in his speech. "L-look I'm really sorry." His eyes turn sincerely apologetic. "I- I won't do it again, so you can put the book down..."
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ldxhyuna · 11 years
ldxravi said: I would love to! Well, mostly I’m interested in eating, but what do you want to buy?
I won't lie, I want to buy a new pair of jeans because I had to throw out an old pair this week. But if you don't want to come along for that, we could get some food and I could do the shopping on my own time.
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sullixld · 11 years
Hello! [` standing outside the university, he smiles and steps forward, handing her a flyer ] You're a student, right? I work at this cafe and we do deliveries, so if you ever need food at anytime, feel free to call!
{' Jinri stepped back in surprise at the sudden flyer coming right into her view; a small smile graced her lips as she reached out to carefully take the paper from the man while nodding her head. } I’ll be sure to do that, one can never be without food and all, but the deliveries are a definite plus. Are you a student here as well or just scouting out new potential customers?
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