ashencreature · 7 years
Faltering ฯElla & Vivienneฯ
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“I miss Mother and Father, Ella.” Vivienne whimpered, a tear falling down her cheek. “I don’t know if I can do this much longer. I know we promised Mother we’d be strong, but I can’t. I don’t know if I believe anymore.” 
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magicgodmother-a · 7 years
@lcpapillcn liked ✧ for a youth starter
She hurried down the small path and only glanced up when she ran into someone, eyes widening while she quickly picked up the papers she had been holding. ❝ I’m terribly sorry, I was just in a hurry and I didn’t look where I was running... I promised I would leave these by evening and I suppose I was focusing on my things and I really don’t understand why I’m telling you all of this because let’s face it, it wasn’t that interesting. ❞ 
Julianne chuckled softly and shook her head before slowly offering her hand. ❝ I’m Julianne or the girl that ran into you, whatever you feel like calling me but I am terribly sorry, sometimes my head is upon clouds so to speak. ❞
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maitretmaitresse · 7 years
      @lcpapillcn continued from x
spinning gears count the time, ticking minutes that pass by. a certain agitation hidden in its veil. good honest country girl ponders silently, conflicting matter punctuated by a soft wrinkle that appears between golden eyebrows.
abrasive crowd moves on up and down the streets, nonchalant glances cast towards her way. among faceless bodies, the center of her attentions. a small shop humbly existing among imposing buildings and their crystal chandeliers. she can hear the familiar sounds from inside, the all so missed scent of herbs and tea as vivid as any memory can be. yet she has too much of a cargo to look after. packages, bags and boxes piling around like an intrespassable wall.
gaze turns back to a near door, silhouettes equally familiar move on the inside. their laughter bursts like thunders in the sky and she knows madame and the girls would soon be ready to move on to the next shop.
one solely desire still rings in her mind, repeating itself, and the face staring back at her seems to be her only hope to accomplish it. ❝If you could be so kind as to watch over my cargo. I promise I won’t be long. I’ll be right across the street on that shop.❞
                Beatrice could hardly believe her luck at her young friend’s approval. Were she the sort to do so, the Good Lord above would have been thanked a thousand times over for the trust of a stranger. In a kinder woman, one could write this off as the joy of the virtuous.
                The Thénardiesse was not this sort.
                The smile on her cracked, heavily made-up lips widened in mock graciousness, gloved hands clasped in front of her despite the searing hot weather. Beads of sweat ran down her powdered face and shook away as she nodded eagerly, a few wayward curls sticking to the ugly mess congealed on her worn face.
                                  “Of course, mon amie, it’ll all be right here when yeh get back.”
                Already her eyes scouted out the pile of shopping and trunks, darting from one bit of shine to another, like a particularly kleptomania-inclined magpie. They flashed back to Ella, however, so as not to arouse suspicion before the girl too off. To think, she’d only been leaning against the boulangerie waiting on unsuspecting tourists to pickpocket and now she’d make off with enough to feed the family for a month! And perhaps pay for a new pair of shoes, and a dress for little Éponine…
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              What is a Diva without a Voice? - Accepting
          Honeyedvoices and prettied words could only do so much damage control. La Carlotta’svoice had disappeared from her throat, and it seemed that nothing but time wasgoing to bring it back. Even though it was the off season - one must respectGod’s blessings, no matter how small - she was less than pleased.
          Ulbado wasa dear to her, of course - she’d received several bouquets of flowers just thatmorning. But not even his sweet nothings in her ear could make her feel better,carrying around a chalkboard like a common schoolgirl. The doctor warned thatif she tried speaking before her voice recovered itself, she might permanentlydamage her vocal chords. If anything was going to ruin her career, it was notgoing to be her own devil-may-care attitude!
          It wasstill dreadfully painful to be wounded so.
          A walk toclear her head was in high order, and the park was so close. An umbrella hungbeneath one wrist elegantly, chin held high beneath her veiled hat. She made astark contrast against the gray Paris streets, clad in her saturated pinks andviolets. Much of her stipend went towards wardrobe, but it was an expense shehad no difficulty validating.
         She letloose a huff as she collapsed onto a bench - one which she quickly defended,since it didn’t make any use of her aching throat save air escaping her lungs -and let her head fall onto an open palm. With the threat of rain, the park wasclearer than usual - more’s the pity, as Carlotta was one who enjoyed peoplewatching.
         Nothing wasgoing to go her way this week.
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againrisen-blog · 7 years
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            ‘  go  left ...  well ,  i  know  what ’ s  waiting  for  me  if  i  go  left .  i ’ ll  be  ‘ anya  the  orphan ’  forever .  but  if  i  go  right ...  ’
@lcpapillcn // s.c.
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nolongerbe-blog · 7 years
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❝ I take it to-night’s merriment has encroached your soul; i have not seen your smile fade every time i have caught glance of you. ❞
▋ / canon juliet for @lcpapillcn
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cindrborn-blog · 7 years
❛ Is there something going on that you need to tell me? ❜
⎡  @lcpapillcn !        question sentence starters: accepting  ⎦
Other than the fact that this was weird? Being here, with Ella in a pristine and bright castle instead of Eleanore and in their dirty, dusty shack was downright strange for her. There were so many things that she wanted to say, wanted to scream—why didn’t you look for me? Why didn’t you want me?—but no words came out. Instead, she gritted her teeth and balled her hands. 
“Just thinking about how my mom would like this blueberry tart,” Mila answered, knowing exactly what effect her words would have on her birth mother. “She used to tell me that blueberries were her favorite before we were sent to the Isle.”
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ashiidanza-a · 7 years
"now tell me your story, my little friend."
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“hold onto your metaphorical hat, my pretty friend! you will have trouble believing any of my story!”
a warning seemed appropriate given the wild tale he was going to relay: it wasn’t every day a talking frog told you he was really a prince tricked by a man of voodoo! that was certainly a story one needed to brace themselves for, and fortunately this young woman didn’t seem to be the kind that would just laugh at him and call him a liar.
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mxdam-a · 7 years
📝 (PLS
margarethe actually leaves ella out of her diary entirely! it’s part of how she rewrites the narrative of her life/family in order to suit her purposes. there’s also definitely some Symbolic Stuff going on in terms of margarethe recording what she values, and how she deliberately chooses to obscure and devalue ella by making her totally invisible in a record of her life. if you were some future historian trying to glean deets of margarethe’s life from her diaries you could be decently convinced that there was no stepdaughter at all. however, ella is mentioned in some much earlier stuff on ella’s father, where margarethe has written down his name/his wife’s name/ella’s name, and made notes of a few small details she knows about them–probably an entry she made the first time she met ella’s father in a friendly, social setting.
send me a 📝 and i’ll tell you the kind of stuff margarethe has in her diary about your muse. ; @lcpapillcn​.
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chngexfheart · 7 years
.“So this is why you’re not allowed near sharp pointy objects.”
Stabby Starters {{ Selectively Accepting }}
{~🌹  There is a soft chuckle that rumbles out from between slightly clenched teeth as he holds the injured appendage under the water as he watches the crimson substance slowly start to discolor the otherwise clear liquid. 
  Hissing slightly as the smile soon faded and he starts to lightly clean the wound before wrapping it haphazardly in a towel. Never before has he been so…utterly clumsy, most especially with a knife. 
      “I am not normally as much of a klutz with the knives but tonight it appears as if I’ve been getting into the liquor again as my hands aren’t as steady.” 
  He laughed lightly, though the gash can still be felt through the bandage it causes a small twinge of pain to course through him. That is going to bleed through the make shift bandage soon. 
      “I better, go tend to this, don’t want the master to yell at me for getting blood all over the kitchen.”      🌹~}
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maitretmaitresse · 7 years
💧 - Bring my muse some water after they haven’t drank in three days
         Distress Memes - Accepting
          Pierre Thénardwas at his wits' end. When he'd run away those few short weeks ago, the concepthad been so simple. All he had to do was pack the few things he could claimbelonged to him on this earth - which was to say, that which he had stolen,along with his baptism records - and find the nearest city which housed arecruiting officer. If only he'd been a bit taller last year, they might havebought him as 18. But now, he was five foot eight - and only 15 - and they'dhave to believe he was old enough to enlist. At least as a drummer, if not afull soldier yet.
          This allhinged on his not dying before he reached one of those cities, of course. Threefull days without the barest hint of water, and he felt as though he was dying.His flask ran dry a few days prior, and the lad himself was in utter shambles.Clothes torn, throat dry and raw, eyes much the same. Coming across an estate,he could only hope that they had a well nearby - or if they'd be stupid kindenough to take pity on a political pilgrim.
          Glancingthrough the gates, he spotted a young lady and nearly yelled out in relief.Instead, he kept what little composure he still had to his name and called outpolitely, but urgently.
                       "Bonjour mademoiselle!" Whether his voice cracked from his ageor affliction was up for debate. "Might I ask for some help?"
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“Where I come from, ghosts are not to be taken lightly.”
            Seriously Guys Go Watch Crimson Peaks - Accepting
             "Icould say the same, Signorina. But I doubt that what we are dealing with is aghost." The brush ran through her fatally tangled hair with a noise whichsounded far more painful than it was. She glanced back at her new friend in themirror, winged eyes even more striking than when seen from the audience.
            "Ghosts don't tend to attack the company's leads." the poisonshe spat was bitter as herbal tea with none of the benefits, "Or demandsalaries which double mine."
        She threw thebrush back in the vague direction of one of her storage box, overwhelmed withhair ribbons, bobby pins, and other trinkets. She may have remembered thestruggle of past first ladies' disrespect to the chorus girls and stagehands,but never once did it pass her mind that the same could be applied to her.
        Ah well, shewas only one woman. It was still better than the rats' nest that was the corpsde ballet's preparation room at the end of the night.
        Carlottarubbed at her grease paints, the harsh chemicals dissolved in lye soap and thenstained the basin. As she did so, a few bruises popped up from those"accidents" which kept befalling her. She grimaced as she glanced atone on her arm, quick to cover it up in a thick layer of French chalk. Vanitywas a major contributing factor to her street appearances, but the need tocover these ugly spots was at least an equal one.
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ashencreature · 7 years
In town with Anastasia and Drisella. Madam wants the veal and potatoes for dinner. I should be back soon, then we can start cooking. 
I’ll try to bring your favorite snack back. 
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charmingisms · 7 years
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The ride back from the front lines was long and hard, Kit's body ached from lack of sleep and long hours of riding, and his stomach grumbled for food.
Yet the moment he rode into the palace courtyard, all Kit wanted to do was to see Ella.
Swinging down from his horse, the king eagerly searched the crowd of grooms and servants for his lovely young bride.
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cindrborn-blog · 7 years
nature aesthetics—
bold the natural aesthetics that appeal to / apply to your muse.  repost, do not reblog.  feel free to add any natural features you see fit !
fluffy white nimbus clouds. dark grey cumulonimbus clouds. rainclouds.  a hurricane. light spring breeze. a sherbert-colored sky at sunrise. hazy yellow skies. deep blue ponds of fresh water.  blankets of sparkling snow. tornado winds. monsoon flooding. rich orange sunsets. soft, purple clouds at dusk. heavy hail. the rumbling of thunder. icy sleet. gentle snowfall. moss-dusted tree bark. pink sunset clouds. grey winter skies. navy blue skies in the daytime. cool mist in the morning. leaf-bare trees. giant ocean wave. the full moon. a cracked, dry desert. rolling hills of prairie grass. sweeping waves of briny seawater. rocky, steep ravines. rippling canyon walls. spindly, cave stalactites. creeping green ivy. lush canopies of leafy trees. dense, white fog. a peaceful creek of clear water.  flowering cacti dusted with dew, catching light in the morning sun. a bubbling, hot pool of volcanic sulfur.sharp, grey mountainsides. fossils nestled in chunks of rock. a white sand beach. dark water. deep imprints of animal tracks in the dirt. soft, squishy moss. uniform rows of birch trees in winter. delicate mushrooms popping up in spring from beneath the decay on the forest floor.  tumbleweeds jerking in the faintest wind across the desert landscape. light rain. white feathers fluttering down from flocks of doves in the sky. summer wildfires. a mixing of hot and cool air before a storm. silent lightning in the static of summer heat.  a windy blizzard.  thick flakes of snow tumbling down from the sky.  a tree standing alone in a barren field.  a desert of loose sand and tall, orange dunes. a pure blue sky. a river of molten rock. a grove of flowering trees. twisting, mangled roots sticking up from the muddy ground. bitter, cold winds.  tumultuous skies of stormy clouds. branches of lightning ripping across the sky.  a foggy swamp.  the tree-bare foothills of a mountain range.  sandy brown cliffsides. rocky coastlines. the violent shaking of an earthquake. the mysterious sound of ethereal trumpets in the sky. the lights of the auroras borealis and australis. a black sand beach.  a lone tropical island in the reef of shallow.underwater volcanic vents.  a herd of migrating mammals. tree branches growing heavy with ripe fruit.  light streaming down through the clouds.  a field of lush grain wading peacefully in the summer breeze. the sound of insects and frogs teeming in the night. natural diamonds nestled in coarse desert sands. a frozen lake. the sea salt scent of the air right above the ocean. the rippling of water as fish dive down under the surface to hide. the warmth of the seaside sand in the tropics. the quaint of a spider’s web balancing dew on its threads at dawn.
STOLEN FROM: @lcpapillcn
TAGGING: @12thson, @crownedbenevolence, @starwishing, @ofuninhibitedcharm, @lxstpriincess
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mxdam-a · 7 years
5.What is an aspect of your muse’s canon material or canon existence that you never had the opportunity to explore but really want to?
so much! i’d love to really dig into her relationship with anastasia and drisella, for one thing. i’d also love to kind of get my teeth into the relationship between her and ella’s dad. i know how these people function to margarethe sort of, emotionally/symbolically, but they’re people in their own right, with thoughts, feelings, individuality… stuff i can’t explore on my own!
questions for muns of canon muses! ; @lcpapillcn.
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