#lcdp fic
Important question!
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depressopax · 9 months
HII could you maybe write something for Berlin like HCs being in a relationship with him, maybe with connections to the new show or sm.
(Im actually so glad I found someone who writes for this fandom bc there’s literally no one nearly 😭)
Berlin - Relationship headcanons
Thank you for the request!! <3 I'm happy to see more LCDP fans here omg 😭 Hope ya like it! :)
Smut version can be found here
Pairing: Berlin/Andrés de Fonollosa x gn!reader Genre: Fluff, headcanons Warning(s): Spoilers for LCDP. Cuss words, Berlin being a bit possessive, reader uses they/them pronouns Words: 1145 Summary: Being in a relationship with Berlin would include…  English is not my first language - lmk if there's any spelling mistakes so I can improve my writing! &lt;3
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Being in a relationship with this man would be a roller-coaster of emotions…
But you can’t really complain!
People see him as “cold and self-centered”, which is partially true.
BUT when he’s in love, it’s like his whole personality changes.
You are his whole world, and he will do everything to put his ego aside, and show you just how loving he can be.
And boy, he succeeds… 
When he first saw you, it was love at first sight, or at least for him.
He would find out everything about you, what you like to eat, what hobbies you have, and the places you like to be at.
He would just wait for you to approach him first, but it wasn’t that easy…
After a while, he stopped being stubborn and started talking to you.
Berlin would make sure you fall for him, and that would be his biggest goal.
He would take you on extraordinary dates and totally spoil you.
He prefers calm private dates, but wouldn’t mind going to a bar/nightclub if you like that.
Despite his sophisticated looks, he knows how to party. (That one scene in Berlin when he’s at the punk club LMAOO)
Seeing you hyped up makes him happy, so how can he not love partying with you?
The two of you having lazy mornings together. Berlin is a night owl, and getting him out of bed in the morning is a challenge.
He’ll also never let you leave bed. - “Just 5 more minutes, love! - “Are you gonna leave me, all cold and lonely in bed, huh?”
Berlin wouldn’t give up his flirting until you fall in love with him. 
Once that happens - he won’t shut up about you
Like, EVER.
He would drive Sergio and his other friends insane with how much he talks about you, telling them a bit too much about his love life… 
Berlin is the cheesiest guy you’ll ever meet, tbh.
And he takes that as a compliment.
He would write you love letters, send good-morning AND goodnight messages to you, and bring you flowers every now and then. 
Berlin is a man with many talents, and he loves impressing you, especially with his singing
Cheesy as it sounds, he even sings you serenades to express his love and devotion.
You’d have to put up with his weird and impulsive ideas.
Whether it’s planning a spontaneous trip, a heist, etc…
He needs someone to tell him to calm the hell down lol
As seen in the show, Berlin is very passionate and a bit unpredictable.
Being in a relationship is no exception.
Everyday with him is like an adventure, and he knows how to spice things up to not end up like a “boring couple”. 
His goal would be making sure the honeymoon phase never ends. 
He would make sure to tell you how amazing and good-looking you are EVERYDAY. 
He is not afraid to argue with you, but would rather admit he is “wrong” rather than have you be mad at him for too long. 
He’s not always good at reading your emotions and knows what you’re feeling, but tries to. 
It breaks his heart to see you upset, and will try to make you feel better. 
He can be rather possessive too. If someone stares at you for a bit too long, or flirt with you, he’s not afraid to show them that “you are his”.
He’s extra protective of you when you are around his friends. He wants to make sure you feel safe, and also that no one tries hitting on you…
Especially if you are shy, he’d be very close to you, smile at you when you talk and laugh extra loud if you say something funny. 
He makes sure your friends like him. 
He wants to make a good impression on everyone, but especially when it is your friends and family. 
Big fan of PDA. He’s a man that is not afraid to kiss you in public, and he practically never lets go of your hand when you’re outdoors together. 
When cuddling, he prefers being the big spoon. 
One of Berlin’s love languages is touch.
He enjoys having his hand on your thigh, giving your shoulders soft massages, and forehead kisses. He’s the type of guy to kiss your hands, too.
If you have long hair, he tends to fidget with it, running his fingers through it, stroking it away from your face and even braiding it.
Berlin definitely treats you like a god/goddess. 
But the relationship would also be challenging from time to time.
Berlin being a criminal does bother you.
Your fear is for him to get caught and end up in jail.
He’d have to reassure you a lot that he won’t get caught, promising you that he will be fine.
But don’t worry, he makes sure to keep that promise. 
His pet names for you: (My) love, honey, babe… 
His phone is full with pictures of you and you’re definitely both his home- and lock-screen. 
He has lots of money, and spends them on you, whether you like it or not. 
Berlin enjoys luxury and wants to give you a luxurious life.
His dream is to travel and see the world with you by his side.
If you don’t speak Spanish, he would offer to teach it to you. 
He is very overprotective and makes sure you keep a distance from his work. 
But he does enjoy impressing you with dramatic stories about his heists.
During his most difficult and dangerous heists, he will think of you and keep on fighting so he can come back home to you. 
When he’s away for a longer time, Berlin makes sure to text and call you with regular updates. But in all honesty, he just misses your voice.
Like I said earlier, he is an unpredictable man, and if someone is mean to you, yikes… - “Just drop it, Andrés!” “No, babe… I’ll have a ‘chat’ with them…”
Remember the throwback scene of Berlin and the man that made fun of his bow tie? 
Let’s just say, whoever insulted you will return to you and apologize, trembling and crying from pain and fright.  
…Berlin would just return to you with a smug smile, pretending like nothing happened… 
And act all clueless when you confront him about it. 
With you, Berlin is soft and passionate, but others view him as your “scary boyfriend”, a title he accepts with pride. 
To summarize… Despite Berlin's cold exterior, he is the complete opposite with you. He has so much love to give, and isn’t scared to do so. He will make sure to worship you and make sure you feel loved. All he wants is to spend his time with you, and give you the passion, excitement and devotion you deserve. Being together with him is definitely not boring.
I have such hate-love relationship to Berlin bruh 😭 Andrés in Berlin >>>>>>> LCDP
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oreo-cookies-fan · 9 months
Berlin quotes that made me scream MARTIN in my head:
Numero uno:
Andres: The love of your life is a fairy tale! I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, but … love just fades away. The only thing worthwhile is the beginning. That's the best part of love. When every song you hear reminds you of her. When you're having a meal together and all you do is talk. When everything she says makes you laugh.
Damian: No, no, no. Love is precisely what comes after all that. When the spell is over. Then, during dinner, you're happy to be quiet because you're at peace. To love someone, you must really know them. How can you love someone you don't know?
Numero dos:
(Don't know why the English version didn't translate this, but here it is:) Damian to Andres, while talking about how love ends and makes you suffer: You're a sick narcissist. Crees que estar a tu lado merece ese sufrimiento? (Translation: Do you think that being by your side is worth the suffering?)
Numero tres:
Andres: You see, I have become a fugitive of love. And what I'd really want, if I'm honest, is that it lasts forever. (...) my own experience of love is that it just melts away, you know? I realise the only thing I know, the only thing I've ever known about love is the beginning, but God, what I want, what I really want, is to experience a love that never ends.
((Damian: There's always an end.))
Bonus, because it's about Damian and his wife, Carmen, but it also hit like a line from a Berlermo gifset:
Carmen: Maybe you are the love of my life, but that doesn't mean we'll spend the rest of our lives together.
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dormarunt · 9 months
Berlin (2023) fresh, vague-ish impressions
All in all? Fun. Ridiculous in parts. Enjoyable. Did I mention ridiculous?
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TL;DR - Throughout the whole series, Berlin has a little devil on one shoulder (the thief in him) and a literal erect penis on the other driving all his dumbass decisions.
It's uncanny how much Berlin, with his high-tech creeping and immediately falling in deep and obsessive love reminds me of Joe from You. Although the relationship does provide with moments of hilarity and entertainment (and Camille looks so much like Tatiana I can't)
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Ralicia in this?
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Related, an actual quote from Berlin (2023)
Oh and Andres is still an asshole and a creep who believes in the bullshit he says. :)
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sorrydearie · 1 year
!: that classic collapse into someone’s waiting arms
(something something sickly victorian child)
“Repeat after me—”
“I’m not a fucking child.”
“—we do not touch the haunted dolls.”
“If they didn’t want people touching them,” Martín argued, “they should have put up a sign.”
“You mean on top of the rope fencing them off from irresponsible people with a death wish?”
Ah, fuck.
Martín hated to admit it, but Andrés had a point there. 
The corduroy rope was hard to miss, actually. Bright-red, it looped around the displayed dolls like a bold-faced challenge.
Strangely enough, the dolls were the only exhibits to be fenced off. All of the other artifacts in Señor Rodrigez Cabinet of Curiosities – dusty old ouija boards, monkey paws, and various occult paraphernalia – were suspiciously accessible.
Probably because Señor Rodrigez knew very well that he'd built his empire on random trash.
Even so. Martín didn’t appreciate the snide comment. He wrinkled his nose, annoyed, and made a point to glare at Tatiana when she laughed at him.
Taking sides now, was she? 
Come to think of it, Martín wasn’t usually so hostile. 
It must be the creepy dolls, staring at him with their dead, beady eyes. Those porcelain faces with round, rosy cheeks. The irritably long lashes, like little spider legs…
It unnerved him. Creepy little fuckers.
“Anyway. I’m calling their bluff.” Martín waved his hand, dismissive. “You don’t actually believe that I’m gonna get possessed by a sickly Victorian child if I touch them? That’s ridiculous.”
The corners of Andrés’s lips dragged down. Just like they always did when Martín ‘disrespected’ the dead. Or the demonic. And, one notable time, the yetis. 
“Of course you’re not gonna get possessed,” Andrés clarified, matter-of-factly. As though Martín was slow or stupid – or both. “You’ll get cursed. Plunged into a life of despair. Bad luck is going to follow you around like a vengeful ex and you’ll be left with nothing. No money, no friends, no love life.”
"So no different to how things are right now," Tatiana chimed in, sticking out her tongue. Martín briefly contemplated pushing her into the display of cursed masks adorning the wall. How dare she butt into this?!
He glared at her. “You’re a nasty, disgusting, absolutely vile woman—”
Andrés gasped, and Martín frowned. What, was Andrés appalled by how Martín had spoken to his ex? They bickered all the time, it was kind of their thing.
But then Andrés grabbed Martín’s arm and dragged him close, eyes glued to one of the dolls displayed in front of them. 
“Did you see that?”
Martín blinked. “See what?”
“That doll’s arm just moved.”
“Are you calling me a liar?”
“I’m calling you easily excitable.” Like a hot golden retriever, trained to detect the paranormal. “Maybe the air conditioning ruffled her dress, or something. It is chilly here.”
Andrés shot him an unimpressed look.
“I think I’m knowledgeable enough to differentiate between a gust of wind and a real-life demonic presence.”
“You said that the last few times, too…” Martín trailed off, frowning. 
He hadn’t realized it until now, but Andrés was still holding onto him. His fingers were curled, tightly, around Martín’s bicep. 
It was… distracting.
He cleared his throat, suddenly flustered. 
“Whatever,” he said, playing it off. Like Andrés’s touch wasn’t burning him through his clothes. “The only thing scary about these dolls is their fucked-up eyes. So don’t go pissing your pants—”
It all happened so fast. 
He’d been eager to seem cool and unaffected, and so he’d laughed and thrown out his arms – and knocked over one of the stupid dolls.
It tumbled off its pedestal, frilly dress and laces fanning out like a broken parachute, before sprawling onto the floor in a heap of broken limbs and human ringlets. Its dead eyes stared up at Martín, unblinking. 
Tatiana gasped in horror. 
“Oh shit,” Martín said. “That’s not—”
Good, he’d meant to say, but the words got stuck inside his throat when Andrés grabbed his face, crowding him.
“What are you—”
They were impossibly close, just a hair’s breadth between them. Martín could make out the specks of amber in his eyes, like particles of starlight. He could count Andrés’s lashes, and marvel at the perfect dip of his Cupid’s bow…
Martín’s heart knocked against his ribcage like a fucking ping pong ball. 
“Are you all right?” Andrés asked, searching his face. “I told you not to touch the damned thing. Do you feel any different? Light-headed? Fatigued?”
His words were rushed, and for a split second Martín mistook it for worry. But he knew Andrés better than that, knew how to read the signs: the wide eyes, the hitch in his breath, the flush to his cheeks…
The bastard was excited. About Martín getting cursed. 
Hijo de puta. 
Had Andrés no shame? Did he not care if Martín died at the ant-sized hands of an Annabelle knock-off? What if it toddled into his flat at the dead of night and axe-murdered him in his sleep? Would Andrés get off on that?
Martín opened his mouth, ready to give him a good talking-to, but changed his mind at the last second.
Maybe he could use this to his advantage.
“Actually… I’m feeling a bit faint,” he said, wrangling his voice into a croak. He coughed too, for effect. Look at him – weak and wearied and miserable. The poor, unfortunate victim of a powerful curse. 
He made his knees buckle and slumped forward, as if overcome by a dizzy spell, and Andrés’s arms opened for him. He drew Martín close, encouraging him to lean against him. Just like Martín knew he would. 
Andrés made a cooing sound. His breath tickled the hair at Martín’s temple. 
“Let’s get you out of here,” Andrés said, stroking Martín’s back. “The doll’s power over you will only grow stronger if we stay here.”
Martín nodded, and let out an afflicted moan. For good measure. 
From the corner of his eye he could see Tatiana hiding a smirk behind her camera. Martín couldn’t bring himself to care. Not as long as Andrés kept his arms around him, as long as he allowed Martín to tuck his face into the crook of his neck, and held him close.
Nothing mattered, as long as Andrés gave Martín his undivided attention. 
He’d milk Andrés’s sympathy for all it was worth. 
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@nharidy : "We like making Andrés suffer so much, we should give him a period."
Me: "Funny that you're saying that because I once had an idea for a fic where Andrés and Tatiana switch bodies."
@nharidy : 👀
Me: 👀👀
Happy Berlermo Day!
“You let him fuck you in my body?”
Andrés had just entered the room, wrapped in a towel, and turned to Martín, betrayed.
“You told her?”
Before Martín could say anything, Tatiana interrupted him.
“He didn't have to tell me anything, if you two horny idiots are stupid enough to leave a condom wrapper lying around”, she said, holding up the evidence. Andrés looked at her, standing there, glaring at him – in his body. Man, that suit really looked good on him.
“You left with my body. What other body was I supposed to sleep with Martín with?”
“I left to find a way to reverse this! Which I did, by the way, while you two were here acting like animals."
“Well, if you’ve found a cure, why are we wasting out time arguing? You can turn us back and have your body to yourself again.”
Tatiana grinned his grin, suddenly seeming perfectly at ease, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“I don’t think so.”
“What?” Andrés asked, looking over at Martín who seemed to be equally confused.
Tatiana shocked her head, still grinning.
“I don’t know if you noticed, but you’re bleeding. And I really hope for you two that Martín wasn’t that careless with my vagina."
“I would never be careless with Andrés.” Martín said immediately, while Andrés instinctively looked down at his legs, catching a drop of blood running down the inside of his thigh with his fingers, the sticky liquid annoyingly collecting under Tatiana's nails. He looked up at Tatiana, still dumbfounded. He knew Martín hadn’t hurt him, he was sure he would have felt it.
Tatiana was smiling.
“Honey, I think you’re on your period”, she said, her tone overflowing with mockery. That bitch. Just because Andrés had used those words a few times when she was having mood swings, didn’t mean they were funny now.
And when Andrés, trying to keep himself from bleeding on the floor with his hand between his legs, looked over at Martín, the love of his life – his soulmate – the bastard was laughing at him.
“Well, what more reason do you need to take your body back then? I’m clearly not supposed to be in this position.” He said, exasperated.
“You know what I think?” Tatiana said, walking over to him slowly, gently taking hold of the towel he had wrapped her hair in and removing it from his head, leaving him completely powerless as she pressed it between his legs for him to hold. “I think you’ll be good at this. You were apparently great at taking a dick with my pussy. So I think you’ll be splendid at bleeding out my insides for a few days.”
He looked at her, incredulous.
“You want to force me to have your period?"
She laughed.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t know it was such a horrible thing for you. If you think you won’t be able to handle a little bit of blood, of course I won’t force you. I always save you and can take it from you."
Ridiculous. This was ridiculous. As if Andrés was scared of bleeding a little. He just didn’t think it was his job – he wasn’t put on this earth to carry children, so he didn’t need to experience bleeding out a potential one.
Martín, meanwhile, had sat down on the bed to laugh, and Andrés could not believe he was being made fun of like this by two people he had always treated well. Well, he would show them they were wrong.
“You can’t really think that. No one has to save me. These few days will be no problem for me."
Martín grinned.
“You’re not complaining, Martín?” Tatiana asked. “You do know how insufferable women get when they’re on their period, right?”
“Oh, I know.” Martín said. “But I don’t have to worry. Because Andrés isn’t a woman. He won't come screaming at me because he has nothing to wear."
Andrés laughed. Maybe he was beginning to find this funny after all.
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natures-marvel · 2 years
A fic by yours truly because...
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A Glass Onion AU feat. Faux murder mystery turns into real murder and a loud gay detective showing up to solve the case!
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blockbusterberlermo · 2 years
Hi there, Berlermos!
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Haven't you had enough of this eternal long rest?
Halloween is fast approaching - ghosts and ghouls, witches and vampires and all creatures of night, rats, bats and the blackest of cats - may they all inspire you to make it terrifying memorable for Berlermo this autumn!
Bring on a goth, spooky, slasher or supernatural autumn - this last week of October, let's all join forces for Berlermo Spooktober!
And whether it's something like The Haunting of the Toledo House, Corpse Groom (at his 6th wedding) or some Gentlemen Vampires, bring them all between (October 24th and October 31st) in the Berlermo Spooktober collection.
Join us in a new fandom event with your art and fics to make this 🦇Halloween🦇 the spookiest you've ever seen!
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veterveter · 2 years
Happiest of birthdays to the most dearly beloved @sorrydearie !!!
I have written for the occasion, yet again ill-advisedly. For being lovely & being my friend, you get the *checks notes* angst you pitched to me. There is fluff there though, if you make it to the end. (It's like a reward.)
So it takes Andrés a month before he cracks, all because it becomes tiresome, in the end. To tell Martín a story, and repeat it, and repeat it, and repeat it. To watch their plan turn from a near-complete masterpiece to a work still in progress, to witness their greatest discoveries become undone.
#Happy 🎉 birthday 🎉 I hope you have a wonderful one!!#favourite girl - the girl - 🍀💖✨#look I may go ahead and be the first to admit that this story was above my skill level and resources / w.e. but I still wrote some stuff#berlermo#lcdp#the 'strange stylistic choice informed by the themes' of this one is the immediate repetition of certain phrases - like an echo#yes that was indeed a choice I made and I stuck to it#also mileage may vary on whether my incredible disinterest in all side character etc. is a choice or a flaw#to me it's just how I like it ✨ yolo thankfully there's other people in the fandom who'll write that stuff because I likely won't#I'll eternally be nostalgic for that time you taught me to tell a story in 600 words it seems a skill I lost and now I just#[música romántica] is my cause of death would you believe I actually rewatched parts of S3 for this too wow#also - since this is my blorbo show and tell - at the start it's mostly evenings and at the end it's mornings yish thematic choices#this one has a title so short I might actually be bothered to type it out and idk how I feel about that#I tried to stick to the timeline and then I gave up don't mind me it's not my fault that parts of it mismatch and others don't spark joy#technically I should've probably edited this more heavy-handedly - at least 3 or 4 k could stand to go - but I didn't have the resources#it's all yolo in this house tonight okay#my fics#I am actually so honoured that I can write something for your birthday do not even look at me but it means a lot to me basically
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lyliah7 · 11 months
Welp I.... posted a fic? It was written 3 years ago and I'm not really in the fandom anymore but I felt like posting it so here it is
If you're in the mood for angst and depressed Raquel it might interest you 🤷🏼‍♀️
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meanderings0ul · 1 year
ciao, ciao, ciao - by meanderingsoul (ao3) - a fic set at the Toledo house pre series 1
Some nights the shaking made his injections too fucking difficult to manage. If there was any decency in the world it would realize how counterproductive this was and limit the shaking to better times of day. There was little decency in the world.
As it was, he may have to give it up soon as a lost cause tonight, risk doing it in the morning. More of the others would be around in the morning though, whining for their turn and stumbling around in the hallway. And no one could see this.
Of course someone knocked right when he was trying to line up the needle again.
“Occupied,” he grumbled. Andrés wasn’t going to open the damn door for one knock.
“Open up Berlin.”
He may have used the code name, but that wasn’t the “Professor’s” voice. It was definitely his terse little brother speaking.
(read the rest)
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blorbosexterminator · 2 years
I have unfortunate news. I regret informing you that this Ramadan will not see the promised Telenovela "A Parisian Tale". There is nothing to blame but my complete mismanagement of time and the audacity of the people who pay me to do work asking me to do work.
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depressopax · 6 months
hey! Are you good? Hope so!
So I don’t really know how this requests work, and I’ve read the rules you wrote so I’m so sorry if I do something wrong, if you can of course, could you do some fluff/comfort with Sergio Marquina from La casa de papel? Something like she risks herself for him because of a mistake that the guys did from inside the heist, and as they were the only ones out there and he was working with something else, she goes and solves the problem herself, but she puts herself in risk and Sergio is super worried but feeling loved and wanted at the same time.
Even if you can’t do it thank you for your time and attention anyway, have a good day!
HIII! Thank you for the request!  Sorry it took a while, but here it is!  I changed some things up, but tried keeping to the suggested plot.  I hope you like it and thanks for your patience!  Have a good day! <3
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I did it for love
Fandom - La casa de papel
The Professor/Sergio Marquina x gn!reader
Pairing: The Professor x gender neutral reader Genre: Hurt/comfort Warning(s): Spoilers for LCDP! Injury, guns, Berlin being a jerk lol, cuss words and insults. Reader is referred to as "Athens" and is gender-neutral, goes by they/them! Words: 1.5K Summary: After The Professor dissapears, Reader is dissapointed and tries dealing with the hostages alone. English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 || AO3 link || Masterlist || Request ||
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“What happens if the plan goes south?” The others grunted at the question.
“Athens… Por favor! Have some faith in us.” Berlin chanted with a smug grin. 
How you wish you could erase it from his face. Instead, you turned to look at the Professor. He adjusted his glasses. 
“If it would go south… I’ll be there to guide you all. Remember, I’ll be one call away. And you have Berlin to handle whatever dangers you might face.”
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I’ll be there. - One call away.
24 hours have almost gone by without a sign of life from the Professor. Shit is escalating. With arguments, disagreements, Berlin’s cruelness and Tokyo’s pathetic attempts to overpower him, together with Denver and Rio, the crew is totally fucked. 
You don’t know what’s worse - the fact that the plan is falling apart, the Professor's betrayal - or the fact that you, despite all- feels worried for him. You want to be angry, you should be angry. Still… The worry grows. Did he get arrested? Is he hurt? Why the hell isn’t he calling?! With determined steps, you walk into the office that is used to communicate with the Professor. Berlin is the only one allowed to keep in touch with him. But the plan is going south. Berlin has lost his mind, so has Tokyo. Who gives a damn if you break one rule? So you call him on the red phone. You wait, and wait, and wait… You repeat the same procedure three times before slamming the plastic phone back in its place. 
When leaving the room, Berlin stands outside the door. He’s leaning against the wall and looks smug.
“Athens. Are you sneaking around?” 
But you don’t have the energy to reply. As you walk off, he grabs your arm. 
“Let go!” you hiss.
“You tried calling him, didn’t ya?” 
“So what? At least I’m not sleeping with a hostage! I haven’t killed anyone, fuck! I haven’t raised my gun once. I have followed you, and the Professor since the start. But you? You and the others?” You laugh and shake your head. “No. You just had to ruin it. And now? The Professor is gone.” 
Berlin's grip around your arm tightens and his face twists into a look of pure madness. 
“I’m in charge here, Athens. Know your damn place.” he hisses right back at you and for the first time you feel threatened by him. 
Suddenly… Gunshots. And the scream of frightened hostages.
Berlin lets go of you and for the anger towards each other fades. Disagreement asides, you have a job to do. Together, you grab the guns and run. 
Is this the time when I’ll have to use the gun? You think and hold it out like a shield  as you run straight into the room where the hostages are kept. 
Arturito you idiot.
A confused and angry Denver's stands with his arms in the air and a gun to his head. Without thinking twice you sneak down the stairs. You must look wild, with fury in your eyes and a raised gun. Of course no hostage dares to warn Arturo about your presence.
“Drop the gun, Arturito.” He flinches when realizing someone’s behind him. His few seconds of fright is all it takes to regain control of the situation. 
“You ok, Denver?” 
“Yea, thank you, Athens. Let’s deal with this son of a bitch.” you both stare at Arturo. 
How he got the gun, you don’t know. But this could've ended poorly. Really poorly. Just as the situation is under control, it happens. “Athens!” Denver yells and raises his gun. You turn around, and suddenly something slaps into the side of your head.
A sharp pain courses through your body and you fall. 
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“Athens? A word, please.” The professor had said to you, after class. The others left and you stayed. 
“Yea? What’s up?” 
You both sat down and the bearded man looked at you. 
“You’re worried. About the plan”
“Well… Yes, I am.” you had admitted. “No offense, Professor, but… What if something happens? And what if you don’t answer the phone when we need you, for some reason?”
“If that happens, Berlin will take over for me. Do you trust me, Athens?” A nod in reply. “My top priority is safety for you and the others. I promise to get all of you out. Okay?”
He smiled reassuringly at you and from nowhere… A warm feeling spread through your body. You’d never had him smile at you before. That day, you’d been at the Toledo House for two months. Professor saved your life and ever since he took you under his wings, you felt something towards him. Something besides friendship. 
“Do you trust me?” you had asked. He seemed startled and adjusted his glasses whilst nodding.“Of course I do, Athens.”
“You’re a good person, Professor.”
He blushed up.
“Uhm, thank you.” 
“I mean it.” 
During those two months, the two of you had built a connection. Both could feel it, but denied it. Mainly because of the “No relationships” rule. But you couldn’t help it. You wanted him. When you moved closer to him, he didn’t say anything. But when you leaned forward…
“Athens.” His voice was firm. 
“You know the rules.” He stood up and tried meeting your eyes, but eye contact was the last thing you wanted. You looked away in shame. 
He sighed and walked closer again.
“It’s ok. But I don’t feel the same. I’m sorry.” he turned to leave the classroom, but then added. “You’re a good person, Athens. And I trust you. Don’t you forget that.” 
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He hurries back to the hideout. That was a close shot. Sergio had gone back to the Toledo House to plant some false evidence for the dear police force. But he didn’t expect that he’d almost get caught. When he enters the room, the phone is ringing. He’s ashamed. It’s been 24 hours. 
He, the mastermind of the heist, left his team to fight alone. He hates himself for it.
My top priority is safety for you and the others. I promise to get all of you out. Okay?
That’s what he once told Athens. They probably hate him now, all of them… But the thought of you hating him, that hurts. He picks up the phone.
“Berlin.” “Where the hell have you been?” his half-brother hisses on the phone.
“I had to fix some things. Sorry.”
Berlin sighs.
“Alright. Well, shit is going down here. The hostages tried escaping. They wounded Athens.” 
Sergio almost drops the phone. Athens. Athens. 
“Are they ok?!” 
“Will be. They’re unconscious right now.” 
Berlin continues updating him about the situation at the Royal Mint, but the Professor, the mastermind behind the heist, and the calm man with a plan for everything - isn’t listening. He’s thinking of you. Your smile, laughter, and the confession… And now, you’re wounded, all because of him. He broke his first rule, because at this very moment he realizes he indeed likes you.
More than a friend. 
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After giving Berlin and the others instructions on how to handle the hostages, he scrolls through the security cameras, to keep the team updated in case he sees something shady. But his eyes remain on the camera showing the room you’re in. He just wants to see you wake up and make sure you’re ok. And finally, you blink your eyes open. At first, you feel a bit disoriented. Then the memories come back. The hostages. As you sit up, the room spins and you have to lay down again with a grunt. You hold yourself up on your elbows and take deep breaths. The back of your head feels sore. 
Sergio almost throws himself over the red phone as he sees you’re awake. When the phone rings, you pick up.
“Professor?” “Athens…” He whispers, letting out a loud sigh in relief. Guilt washes over him and he rubs his forehead. “I’m so sorry”
“It wasn’t your fault. I was acting reckless.” “I promised I’d be there, Athens. And I wasn't…”
“Alright then… We’re both idiots.” 
He laughs at this, and without realizing it, he’s crying, too.
“But I’m the biggest idiot.” “Can’t argue with that, Prof.”
“I’ll make it up to you, somehow. I promise.”
“Are you ok, Prof?” He can hear the worry in your voice and it both flusters him and makes the guilt worse. You just got injured by a damn hostage, but worried for him?
“I’m just glad to hear your voice.”
The silence is comfortable.
“I should go back and help the others…”
“Athens. No. You need to rest.” 
“But I-” but when you sit up, everything spins again. “...Ok.” “I wish I was there right now. To protect you.” Sergio realizes what he just confessed too, and how it might come across. But he doesn’t care. He means it. 
“I’ll hold you to your words.” 
With that, Sergio finds the strength and motivation needed to be a good leader again. He’ll get you out of the Royal Mint. You and the others. And after he’s done that - He will never let you go.
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Thanks for reading! If you've made it this far - Please check out my very first chapter fanfiction! I'll link it down below. It would mean a lot to me, if not to read but to like or share! Thank you. <3 Take care!!
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dormarunt · 28 days
What things are worth (42856 words) by DorMarunt Chapters: 7/7 Fandom: La casa de papel | Money Heist (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Berlin | Andrés de Fonollosa/Palermo | Martín Berrote Characters: Palermo | Martín Berrote, Berlin | Andrés de Fonollosa, Lisbon | Raquel Murillo Fuentes, Original Characters Additional Tags: other minor La Banda characters, Alternate Universe - College/University, With a pronounced hint of canon, poor rich kids, TW: the 2000s, no beta we die like berlin, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Rating will change, Daddy Issues, Dream Fuckery, mentions of depression, super healthy family dynamics (tm), Recreational Drug Use, technically there was only one bed, Nippple piercing (past tense), Cemeteries, Martin "yes but NOT LIKE THAT" Berrote, Two Truths and A Lie, bisexual king Andres, not the only bisexual around
Summary: Martin earned himself a fresh new start as a university student and he tries to decide what he wants to do with his life now that he's finally free of his father's influence (…he is, isn't he?) And on the very first day of school, during the first class, he meets someone who may just end up helping him figure it all out. Or, university-age Berlermo meet, and everything is exactly as it seems!
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evendale · 10 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged in this by the lovely @once-in-a-blue-moon-rising. Thank you! 😊 It's nice to revisit my fics, it's been a while.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
1,014,041 words. Yikes 😂
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Most of my works are in the La Casa de Papél fandom. Before that, I was in the Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries fandom. I also have a handful of ficlets in the fandom for the Stormlight Archive books by Brandon Sanderson.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
My top 5 fics by kudos are all in the LCDP fandom, and they're all +100k words.
Number one is 'The White Queen', a Regency romance AU. It's got almost double the amount of kudos than the second-highest fic.
'Personal Relationships', a canon-compliant AU.
'Back to Galicia', a movie star second chance AU.
'Safe House', a witness protection program AU.
'Tell Me What You Like', a collection of canon 'fill the gap' smutty scenes.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I used to 😅 I used to love spending a lot of time writing elaborate and personal responses to comments, and I in fact met several of my best fandom friends through comment conversations! However, over time I just simply didn't have the energy for it anymore. There are still a bunch of super lovely comments on the last chapter of my last fic that I really should have responded to, but I simply don't have the mental space. I do feel bad about that 🙈
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't write angsty endings. I love angst in the main fic, but I'm committed to HEAs :)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably 'The White Queen', where I spent about 50k words describing just how happy they were 😂
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've had a few nasty comments, but they're absolutely nothing compared to the vast sea of incredibly kind, lovely, and supportive comments I've gotten. I've been very lucky.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
My earlier work is almost entirely smut 😂 It's funny to see my later fics evolving into containing more and more plot, and less and less smut. I wonder how my readers felt about that 😂 The smut is explicit, but I've always tried to keep it tasteful.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I haven't written any crossovers yet. I'm usually obsessed with only one piece of media at a time :)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes -- I discovered a few years ago that one of my LCDP fics had been stolen and put on Amazon for money! It took ages to explain things to Amazon (because I didn't own the characters) and to get it taken down. It was a very icky feeling.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, I've had several requests from people who wanted to translate my fics into Russian :)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, and I don't think I could. I love to brainstorm about plot with a friend or beta reader, but I couldn't actually share the writing process. I'm too much of a control freak 😅
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
If we're only looking at the first 2 seasons of LCDP, then Serquel. However, the subsequent seasons partially ruined them for me, so maybe I'd better choose Phryne and Jack from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My only unfinished fic on AO3 is 'Tell Me What You Love' in the LCDP fandom, but that's more a series of vignettes that I kept open in case I wanted to add more. It wasn't really meant to have an ending. That said, I don't think I'll ever add to it anymore.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, I think. I also think in general I'm a clear writer who gets to the point without too many flourishes or detours.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
For a long time, I felt like I couldn't come up with any kind of original plot, but I think I got better at that over time. I'm still pretty bad at descriptions, though. I just want to get to the action and dialogue, and I forget that my readers are not in my head and can't see the characters or surroundings like I do :D
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I wouldn't include more than a few words of phrases sprinkled through the dialogue.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. I was all of 26 when I first discovered fanfiction!
20. Favourite fic you've written?
That's such a tough choice 😅😅 If I absolutely have to choose, then I think 'The White Queen'. I was really just writing the exact fic that I wanted to read myself with that one. I had so much fun with it, I was so inspired that the chapters literally flowed out without any effort, and I got the most amazing response to it from the fandom. It will always be extra special to me 😊
I'm not tagging anyone in particular, but if you see this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged! :)
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He leaned in closer, and the man’s breath hitched.
“I will kill you.” He whispered.
He was fully ready for him to start squirming.
“I know.” He uttered back, a slight tremble in his voice but his body still, pupils expanding like a pacing heart. “I’ve been thinking about it ever since I first read about you.”
The third and final chapter of my Spooktober fic "A lover in the story" ✨ A slasher for Valentine's day 💕
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