#lbr its probably terrible
the-kipsabian · 2 months
be honest
is my writing worth anything
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mihrsuri · 5 months
I keep trying to write an update and then being embarrassed about it and feeling like I’m trauma dumping on people by updating and I just..I know it’s on me to manage my crap, I know. I am trying (not very well but I’m trying) and it’s just…I don’t know. I don’t even know.
#please know i have thought about hospital but hospital would#genuinely make it worse (like I cannot even tell you how much worse)#i think I’m legitimately just…having a trauma reaction on top#of a jewish trauma spike#and dentists and having to move (I may have cleaned till I shook today also my arm#does not look great#i feel like i don’t actually verbally have the words#(i have tried not engaging i have tried engaging they both feel awful)#(hashem i don’t know would you even embrace me would you…)#(it’s not a meds thing (I take meds for mdd and I know what that looks like and this isn’t it)#(it’s hard to explain the difference between CPTSD and like a panic attack or a depression)#(except that I feel like I’m so so tainted and not in my body or if I’m in my body I’m in my body somewhere else#abuse cw#i didn’t ask for this cptsd and no tshirt was offered#this will disappear probably#UGH#(i am seeing my therapist tomorrow i just..i know i need to reach out to)#(to like my current landlords and ask if I could just pay for a cleaning service to come in)#(i know i need to be like ‘unfortunately my CPTSD is Fucking Terrible Right Now and I need)#(just a bit of grace apologies)#(i do not want my parents to know i do not want that)#(aside from the fact that I am already a burden to them anyway)#a stupid flop of a person i am crying thinking about how i had plans for kids and a wife and travel and…I’m nothing#(everyone else is something I’m not I don’t deserve grace lbr)#it keeps running through my head how many people i thought loved me want me dead#and it’s like I can fake it so well#(i don’t know I may be like sending words to people)#to run through the steps of not being alone#i’m truly sorry i am always not taking accountability and playing the victim and clinging to people#to get reassurance i don’t deserve that its a good person it isn’t it isn’t a person
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catboyfurina · 9 months
this is tumblr so the answer is absolutely yes but i have to phrase it this way because i am a tumblrina.
do u ever think about how so many people would be perfectly satisfied working manual labor jobs if it werent for the exploitation of it... like if the jobs that Need Doing hired More people for Shorter shifts and paid them a Comfortable wage there would be so many people that would be into that. like SO many people in my experience talk about how nauseating the idea of an office job in a cubicle is and yet ! for some reason! the jobs that pay money are all that sort....
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
Skywalkers apart au! It's so precious that Anakin gets to be a dad, a rebellion general Dad but he gets to be there for at least one of them and Padme survives and gets to be a mom and maybe someday they get to meet and it's so good.
Also the concept of General Skywalker of the Rebellion feels like it has so much potential cause he was such a big figure in the Clone Wars, he was the Hero, the General, he could probably get the various splinter rebel cells (they were very divided in the early Rebellion) to follow him by sheer reputation and charisma. Imagine Anakin being at Hoth, like the attack is going along the usual Imperial imminent victory and suddenly an AT-AT has been thrown clear across the landscape and an announcement sounds out "General Skywalker has entered the field" cue Rebel Counterattack due to morale boost and Imperial Panic.
What happened to the 501st here? Did he go to the Venator's crash site where Ahsoka was during Order 66 what did he think when he saw all the dead folks?
Fun thought, Starkiller being the apprentice in this AU, means that Sidious has probably been comparing him to Anakin (in part because he's bitter he didn't fall, in other part cause it's great for fueling the darkside) for years so the first time they face off he's gonna be full of spiteful hatred (all going according to plan) before Starkiller gets styled on by the Skywalker, cause Anakin isn't crippled by the suit and that means he's still massively powerful in the force and skilled in the blade (Vader was too, but less than a whole Anakin), I could see Anakin pulling a Lightside version of the Rogue One Hallway scene against Stormtroopers (or even inquisitors).
Rebel General Anakin Skywalker would be an Imperial Boogeyman.
Leia would probably appreciate it for a while but also she'd get a bit annoyed about her dad's reputation and "Legend" and the fact that she's probably got that entire thing to measure up to, making her more reckless or foolhardy. That's a big shadow to live under.
Padme on the other hand is probably in a very different situation reputation wise, she was the senator for the new Emperor's home planet, she's the old queen of naboo from the Trade Federation attack, she's a founding member of one of the oldest discrete rebellion cells but that still leaves some stigma. She's probably so very worried about Imperial surveilance on her or Luke or the rest of her family, and it doesn't help that the Inquistorious has probably been sniffing around for a while.
ok this is a veeeeery long ask so i'm gonna have a veeeery long answer which is gonna go under this readmore:
YES!! yes absolutely! tbh i decided a while back he never gets an official promotion to general, everyone just calls him General Skywalker for so long that it sticks loll. BUT YEAH I mean working with a Jedi is rare and awe-inspiring enough for any rebellion cell but working with the hero with no fear??? half the rebels are wondering if they can interrupt this mission to ask for his autograph
its extra funny bc for the first few years of the empire he's lowkey depressed and like agh i failed the order republic AND my family i'm a terrible horrible no good jedi who nearly turned to the dark side and while he's having this spiral there's some rebel standing next to him pointing and pogging
and yeah he's SO useful in big battles like that!! he's half a legend, half a ghost story, given most ppl think he died in the Purge but here he is, enacting justice on the empire!! tho he does struggle on quieter missions (which happen a lot more at first bc gotta hide from the empire) that you cant just blaze into. its a difficult shift to go from clone wars general skywalker to rebel general skywalker
yeah 501st same as canon ): but OHHH MY GOD yes thats SUCH A PERFECT IDEA, Anakin going with Rex and Ahsoka to the site and mourning them all (and probably going into another depression spiral lbr)
youre so right lollll obvs leia loves the one up she has in an argument of "well my dad's general skywalker, beat that" but as u say she absolutely wants to live up to that (+ is a very independent/stubborn person and would like Leia Skywalker, not just "General Skywalker's daughter" lol)
AND YEAH ABSOLUTELY Padmé and Anakin's roles in this au are both so interesting (is that egotistical to say) bc they're these upside down versions of their clone wars roles, both very loud people forced to quieten down and be Discreet about how they go abt helping ppl. Padmé is really struggling hiding so much (luke's force sensitivity, her rebel activities, all relations to anakin) and trying to protect Luke while helping the Rebellion WHILE trying not to seem suspicious. a lot on her plate -- only made worse by palpatine keeping a close-ish eye on her, and she can't tell why (is it bc of luke? the rebellion? anakin? or is it just his old favouritism or patriotism being VERY inconvenient??)
on the inquisitors, obvs you don't see a lot of them on coruscant -- but padmé's SO scared abt ppl (MAINLY SIDIOUS WHO, YA KNOW, TRIED TO TURN LUKE'S DAD SITH) finding out abt him and she hates that she's making him repress this part of himself but what choice does she have???
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nerves-nebula · 1 day
i 100% dont think its happening like this but i like to imagine slash during Uno was like "Ah! Leo! The daddy's boy fuckface who hurts raph and everyone else too but im mostly mad about Raph lbr! And theres Mikey, the one who likes always getting his way and having fun at everyone else's expenses and also a fucking Brat! And Donnie!"
"Im worried about this kid actually. Uh. Hm."
It’s funnier than that imo
I’ve said before that Donnie and Raph have a weird relationship where they don’t have a lot of one on one drama or connection. I imagine them playing video games together or sitting in silence. In some ways they trust each other more with serious stuff than either of them trust leo or Mikey. but they aren’t as towards each other as provocative as Mikey or leo are.
They don’t bother each other the ways Mikey and leo bother them either, they’re kind of similar types of Tired Autistic Quiet Guy.
They’re both also kind of second place in a way. Donnie’s the second to last in splinters eyes, making him functionally irrelevant if it weren’t for his skill with technology. While it’s probably better to not be in last place, at least Mikey has obtained a certain level of “my dad has given up on me” freedom that Donnie doesnt. He’s ignored but not so ignored that he’s allowed to fuck up. Donnie is very much still afraid of losing the little respect his dad gives him.
And Raph is second to first place, making him a backup kid who needs to maintain all the abilities of the favorite but is only really paid attention to if something happens to Leo.
They’re both also in this weird liminal space of being responsible for crucial things in the house (hygiene, cooking, running water, fixing electronics) and being ignored. but neither of them spend much one on one time together until they all move out, because they’re each too busy and irritated and tired.
So really it’s just that Raph doesn’t talk about Donnie as much when venting to his pet. Therefore, Slash literally doesn’t think about donnie. like at all. He doesn’t necessarily like him but he doesn’t dislike him either. Donnie is basically set dressing in his mind lmao.
He doesn’t like what he’s heard about Mikey and Leo making Raphs life harder but he looks at Donnie and just kind of shrugs. If he was pressed he could probably say something about Donnie just letting all this terrible stuff happen to Raph but that’s an issue he has with everyone.
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Round 1 - Side A
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Propaganda below ⬇️
GOD girlie gets a vision of the past showing her the truth of her and all cookies creation, and chooses to keep believing the lies she was fed because she doesn’t know any other way
this girl SO TRAUMATIZED IT'S UNREAL. She's on the tipping point from cult victim to cult persecutor and it hurts sooooooo bad. So Cookie Run Kingdom Tower of Sweet Chaos spoilers but it's unclear what happened to her to make her join, or if she was born into it, or something else, but it *is* clear that she's completely unaware of modern society outside of the Order and is 100% convinced this is how all Rational And Correct people act (hint: It's Not) so she acts all confident and rational but she's actually paranoid as FUCK. She's constantly quadruple checking every single thing she does, every single thought she has and emotion she feels, to make sure it's in line with the Order's expectations of her. She wants that praise and affection SO BAD because everyone's literally SO connection starved!!! And to make it worse, she's sent on a mission to purge all the Cakes living around the Oven the Cookies & Cakes were created in, and on it she encounters the overarching antagonists (this is so in depth but it's literally a micro-plot the lore of this game is INSANE. Sprawling fantasy, political drama, CRK is incredible) and is made aware of the fact (along with the player, whom probably is flipping their shit) that THE COOKIES WERE CREATED BY THE WITCHES SO THEY COULD *EAT THEM.* So her entire life has been shattered but also she's still under the impression that THIS IS ALL SHE HAS. From her perspective it's either this or she becomes what she thinks is a terrible horrible evil worst person on Earthbread Ever. So she goes back and she's like Reverend Mother (real name) I found out the most horrible thing. And her superior is like Ah. *I know.* And she convinces her that she's learnt some horrifying secret that nobody else can know otherwise it'll hurt them too, so SHE STAYS AND GETS WORSE. It drives me CRAZY this place is so bad. This is in motherfucking COOKIE RUN KINGDOM. This game is so dark and graphic it's unreal. Also literally everyone in the Order is a girl for some reason and it's never explained why??? Do they not recruit men??? If they're self sufficient what do they do with the men??? Do they kill them??? Do they convince them they're Actually Just Girls But Different??? Neither would surprise me at this point like actually
hope she explodes
She’s a cookie nun belonging to an order that worships the witches who baked the cookies. She later learns that cookies were baked to be eaten and that all this time she’s been worshipping MONSTERS AND HAS A FAITH CRISIS. RELIGIOUS TRAUMA AF
I don’t remember if he was Catholic as a human (he was Irish like a few hundred years ago so probably) but his guilt complex as a vampire is so fucking massive it has to be Catholic lbr
well he's from 1700s ireland so. theres that. he's (for most of the series) the only vampire with a soul and he uses that soul to feel really guilty for everything all the time. he moves to LA and starts saving people from demons to try and atone for everything he did while he was a soulless vampire
he makes exactly one facial expression and its |:<
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behindthcmall · 11 months
☆ –– (priscilla quintana, she/her, cisgender female) who is AUGUSTA RIVERA anyways? ew. you don’t know about HER, we’ll bet you want to. they’re feeling 31 and WRITING IN A JOURNAL feels like a perfect night to them. rumor has it they’re OVER EMOTIONAL and GUARDED because they care, but they’re also LOYAL and FUN-LOVING in the best way. SHE works to make a little money as a(n) POETRY COLUMNIST FOR THE NEW YORKER. they’ve rented a place on cornelia street in the form of WOODVALE APARTMENTS. AUGUST (MUSE B) and THE LAKES (MUSE A) are the songs they could dance to the beat of forevermore. (ooc info: tee, 29, pst, she/her.)
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Hi loves, I’m Tee and I’m thrilled to be here! I’ve been creeping this group for a while and waiting for the timing to be right. I felt, as a huge Taylor fan, it’s my obligation to join (and fun fact, it’s my nine year anniversary today of being Taylurked!)
Anyways, this is Augusta. She’s still a slight work in progress, but here’s some basic info about her (more to be added as it's developed):
Name: Augusta Rivera. Age: 31. Date of Birth: TBD, I'm an astrology hoe that needs to let her cook before determining. Hometown: Cathedral City, California. Gender, Pronouns: Cisfemale, She/her. Sexuality/Orientation: Pansexual. MBTI: TBD, but most likely XNFP. Job: Poetry columnist at The New Yorker and MFA grad student at NYU. Residence: Woodvale Apartments.
Augusta is from Southern California and the daughter of Mexican immigrant parents.
She loves writing, especially poetry. She was definitely one of those teens who had a “deep” poetic Instagram/twitter/MySpace (she's a millennial, LBR here) account that was literally terrible and overdramatic. However, she’s been honing her craft and gotten to a point where she can’t see herself doing anything else.
As the story goes, she met James during a summer trip to New York to visit relatives that live in the state. It was a whirlwind romance in her eyes, and a special summer of firsts: first trip to her dream university (NYU), first time dipping her foot in the Atlantic Ocean, first head over heels love for another woman. It was very eventful for baby teenage Augusta, and when it ended, it lowkey ruined her life.
She's been trying to put that summer in the past, but it always seems to creep its way into her life, whether it's through her poetry or her trust issues.
Augusta comes off as very naturally fun loving and charismatic, but she's more what you'd call an introverted extrovert. She really shines when she's surrounded by people she trusts and loves.
She started her university career in SoCal, but her dream was always to end up at NYU. She was accepted there and got her butt on a plane so she could start working on her Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. She's making money through publishing work through the New Yorker (and realistically, she's probably another job too. TBD as I think of it.)
Wanted Connections:
The Folklore Love Triangle - If you're the Betty, James and/or Inez and we haven't chatted yet, you know what's up. Let us brainstorm the whole thing.
Literally anything/everything. She likely hasn't been in New York for that long (I imagine a few months, if that) but she's probably travelled there quite a few times over the years, so I'm open to plotting anything. Feel free to IM me and we'll chat.
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sllhouettedreams · 1 year
A LOT of people can relate to crowley because his doubt in God manifested as rebellion and apostasy. Ive not talked to a high number of good omens fans but i can't imagine a lot of devout christians are a hardcore fans of it (or neil gaiman in general lbr). Crowley is immediately relatable bc his religious trauma is made of the same stuff as most fans.
But aziraphale shows the other side to Doubt and that's just incessant faith. He believes in God's Plan even when he doubts it. Even when it hurts innocent people because he believes that god will do good.
As for the heaven and archangel side of things like..I think a lot of people blame aziraphale for the end of s2 without realizing that... both crowley and aziraphales relationship with heaven mirrors that of an abusive parent/family.
I mean we all saw gabriel tell (who he thought was) aziraphale to shut up and die. This was ONE instance we were able to see of Aziraphale being given punishment. He mentions in Paris about heaven admonishing him for 'frivolous miracles' when crowley asks him why he didnt just leave the prison himself. Like. there are so many jokes about 'paperwork' for being discorporated and well. Theres something to be said for aziraphale being more willing to deal with the aftermath of being beheaded and needing a new body than to unlock his cuffs and save himself and risk upstairs citing him again.
Then there was the whole gabriel bringing sandalphon to the bookshop and using interrogation tactics on him (blocking the exit, putting sandalphon at his back, etc). The angels are so quietly malicious- "there are no back channels, michael"- right before michael phones a demon in hell. Like!! They might be inept when it comes to humanity but they hide their cruelty so well.
Like. I dont really have the words to make this all convincing and proper or whatever and im sure someones said it before and better with more examples but like
If you think of both of them as a victim of abuse, it puts it all into perspective doesnt it? The effects of abuse are so different for everyone especially when its abuse from family. Aziraphale has only ever wanted to appease heaven and do good by them that when given the chance to do the most good he jumped right on it. Heaven has sunk its claws deep into aziraphale to use as a tool. And aziraphale doesnt even realize! Bc if he werent "doing good" then he'd have been cast out like crowley had been, right?!
And Crowley was completely cut off from heaven for asking a few questions! He remembers what heaven was like and thinks there are a number of similarities between the two. Hes been utterly convinced of his wickedness. He will not ever return not even with the promise of forgiveness. He HAS seen that heaven is "toxic" because of the absurd reason he was cast out in the first place. He was a starmaker who asked questions!! And god was what. Annoyed at being challenged?
Crowley got out because he was cast out, aziraphale hasnt been granted that luxury and wont take those steps bc who knows if the punishment will be a simple Fall or annihilation or outer darkness there doesnt seem to be any set standard. And also aziraphale still loves god and doing good and to fall would mean to be cut off from all of that to have to go to hell and do the exact opposite. If he can just change things, if he could get the other archangels to see,
Well he hasnt quite discovered that heaven works exactly how its intended to and would need to be torn down before it can be rebuilt into something like aziraphale wishes it to be
Idk i get why its easy to blame aziraphale but. Idk ive been where hes at. Like. Not specifically and angel trying to rewrite heaven but. As a child of religious parents who were also terribly abusive people. I think its unfair that people are saying he should grovel and is wrong and whatever. I dont think crowley would even want that....
Idk im just thinking v hard about good omens its taking over my life. This is probably incomprehensible im just. SAD bc i love both aziraphale and crowley and for aziraphale to be given so much shit when it isnt entirely on him just makes me emotional ok 😔
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softgrungeprophet · 7 months
watching that movie made me, overwhelmingly, feel extremely good about my own AU and the choices I make and the tone and so on and so forth—
not that I've been down on my AU but rather, it made me say to myself, maybe this dream sequence I've written, or that fight scene or whatever else, they ARE on-the-nose, and heavy-handed, and sometimes (lbr, often) melodramatic, and sometimes even purposefully disorienting, and maybe it is kind of goofy to have a set-up with a specific song matched to a specific scene, and also, maybe that's a good thing. maybe heavy-handed symbolism and telegraphing your intent rules, actually, and allowing yourself to indulge in something lengthy and specifically tailored to your own tastes does, in fact, own, and other people might love it after all, and maybe there is an audience for it somewhere, even (especially) if it's just a dozen sicko-mode comic book weirdos. maybe having a scene where (this one's mine) the villain blasts the righteous brothers' version of "unchained melody" out of the Citi Field sound system—directly referencing the fact that he dies at Shea Stadium in the comics—is great actually, and I should not worry about whether or not people might think it's stupid or w/e else.
and here's the thing, I'm not saying Madame Web is like fanfiction (though I'm not saying it's not), I'm saying it's like my favorite comics which I suppose could be a terrible indictment for some, knowing my taste in comics, but imo it rules because that's why I like Spider-Man, that's what I'm here for!! I do want movies that are like comic books! Yes! And that's why I write my AU, so it's like, extremely on the same page as what I'm doing which is... a very self-indulgent mid-2000s period piece that's unreasonably long but which (probably) requires that length to actually tell the story I'm trying to tell (albeit with a lot of detours in my case) (lol) and which is very much invested in the trappings of the fiction, its aesthetics, its sounds, its motions...
it just feels very, like—someone else gets it! you know? and in some ways the flaws kind of add to that? like... the bad CGI kind of makes it better??? but it's like, I do have this specific taste in comics, and so it's really fun to see a movie that feels like it was very much tuned to that specific wavelength, which is a wavelength that a lot of people don't like (or straight up hate) but which I fucking adore—
idk, it makes me giddy! it was very much the right movie at the right time for me, i think, just in being able to have that weirdly specific Vibe Connection lmao
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the-kipsabian · 2 years
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paperstorm · 2 years
Carlos is very much a caretaker and he couldn't be the only caretaker that TK needed in 3x13 is how I saw it and for someone who has terrible anxiety- it makes you feel like you're losing control and you spiral and that's where his passive aggressiveness kicks in. Not to mention, we were seeing everything from Carlos' POV so it was intentionally one sided. I love Carlos. He's very much an outwardly secure but insecure person, which is such a tell of someone who has general anxiety and why he's a control freak about things. He's flawed and it's so so human and he's so so lovely. They both really are.
WHICH- I have actually always had this theory about TK in the dinner table scene.
I always thought TK kind of subconsciously picked up on Carlos' anxiousness about not being able to help, despite his many efforts to telling him that he wants to. I always thought that TK came straight home to Carlos after the second meeting that day because he knew he had been kind of MIA (for very VALID reasons) and that Carlos had been waiting for him every evening and he WANTED that time with Carlos. He came in in a great mood, extremely affectionate (which honestly is probably every day for them lbr), ready for dinner since he'd been missing it a lot, and I think he was trying to kind of bridge that gap of being able to focus a lot of his recovery while also spending quality time with the person he loves most.
Yeah you're right??? Its definitely implied that Carlos has been waiting for him night after night and then that time TK is sitting there alone and maybe that's why he ended up looking at photo albums and that just made everything so much worse. He's so heartbroken in that scene, it's just devastating. And definitely scares Carlos a lot, and triggers that moment for him of "oh .... I can't fix this."
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cicaklah · 11 months
Question 4 and 8 (interpret how you will) for the Star Trek ask
From: infant-rind
4. favourite alien species
its either the romulans or the cardassians, which is actually in itself a lie, it IS the cardassians, I will never not be cardassian trash, the most fleshed out alien species alongside the bajorans thanks to ds9, but the bajorans are interesting, the cardassians are sarcastic failed imperialists who refuse to go away, every cardassian is different in the best way and they all interact, their society feels the most developed, as a failed-state military dictatorship, it is the least planet of the hats star trek race, while also being SUPER iconic looks-wise. Also Garak is my favourite trek character and Dukat my favourite villain, and not only are they the species there are slurs about, there are two of them (cardis and spoonheads).
that said i DO like romulans. they're vulcans with personalities and horrendous government, another failed-state military dictatorship, whats not to like????
8. Which captain would you most want to serve under?
lets workshop this in real time because my singing teacher hasn't turned up for my lesson:
kirk - great age of exploration, regressive in terms of what came after, the sexism makes this a no. I like the uniforms but I don't really have the legs for the miniskirts. if they have a space historian they probably have a space economist, so I might get to elope with a space allegory of some historical economist, which honestly would suck as econs are not known for being hotties, though I'm sure me and space keynes would be very happy together.
picard - this is probably the boring answer, since you'd be on the flagship in a time of moderate peace, you'd definitely survive wolf 359, and likely survive the dominion war since the enterprise wasn't involved, cool missions, nice ship, awkward uniforms for a lot of it though.
sisko - it would be an honour, ds9 is my favourite and he seems a good boss who makes good decisions. this is definitely the correct answer. better uniforms. more option to wear terrible 24th century civvies. Likely to be the kind of place lieutenant cicak, space economist would end up working lbr, economics is more of a starbase job.
janeway - i would not want to be lost in the delta quadrant with limited replicators, also she makes absolute batshit decisions. Probably my favourite 24th century uniform though.
archer - he seems pretty fair but I'm not going to choose 22nd century over the 23rd or 24th. Also how do you fucking pee in a jumpsuit.
aos kirk - i'd be blinded by the lensflares AND the horny, sign me up. Uniforms okay. no need for an economist because this world hasn't been thought out enough, but that's okay.
georgiou - she seems such a nice captain I think it would be amazing to serve under her, as long as I got out before binary stars. uniforms aesthetic but jumpsuits are a no.
lorca - statistically you gotta serve under a bad captain of the week at some point, and at least he's only really around for maximum six months. Also he's hot and amoral and makes really terrible decisions AND at some point we'd end up in the mirror universe and we'd have to wear THAT uniform. but it would be better than the jumpsuit
pike (disco variant) - he's so good at being captain even when the disco is a trashfire of epic proportions, 23rd century me would have requested a transfer to the enterprise asap
saru - absolutely not, saru is a terrible captain.
burnham - I would be terrified to serve under her but I'd also have made some bad decisions in my life to be 1000 years in the future. The uniform does get better? but also it still sucks.
rios - complex, I love la sirena but rios doesn't have crew. captain rios of the stargazer??? I choose not to accept picard s2 as canon.
freeman - cerritos actually would be excellent, I would HAPPILY serve under freeman. good uniforms. chill ship. dominion war over. pre-romulan crisis. fun times, important work that's not too important, canonically statistically the horniest ship in the fleet.
pike (snw variant) - OH CAPTAIN MY CAPTAIN what a time to be alive. Amazing uniforms. Minimal sexism. back to back hotties. Good command decisions. Musical episode. Exploring!!! period of peace following brutal klingon war. enormous quarters. sign me up.
shaw - you know what, I WOULD serve under shaw, shaw is a good captain who got absolutely clusterfucked by picard, riker, baby picard, and seven, the titan-a seems like a nice ship, and I'm old enough I wouldn't get borg semened.
seven - ditch baby picard and I'm there. even if the enterprise-f is fuck ugly. the uniforms are good, turn the lights on, lets have some fun.
tldr: sisko, pike (snw), freeman, shaw, picard (tng), lorca
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foxboyclit · 11 months
for the OC asks
36 & 54 for chen'astra & ang'dra (i crave murder gays lore) (also i hope i remembered their name spellings right it's been a minute TT_TT)
42 for iphis
15 for nydalla (totally not asking this one bc i want to know if she ever, noticed or not, sings to Iphis, bc I imagine she can do Formal Drow Fancy Dancing tbh)
36: What are they like as a partner?
if you thought its anything other than terrible youre sorely mistaken. Ang'dra refuses to do any chores because she knows it pisses Chen off, she mocks anything Chen has the audacity to enjoy, she's 'left' for a few days because she knows it sends Chen into a complete meltdown multiple times, also she can cook but only makes food for herself
Chen brings people home and purposefully gets caught to get back at her (and because shes addicted to hate sex), will start an argument in public,(loud enough for everyone to hear and exaggerated to make Ang'dra look worse, as well as straight up lying ie "you should've thought about that before sleeping with my sister!"), and lures Angr'dra into the bedroom for an 'apology' that just ends in multiple stab wounds. in her defense, she should know by now that one of Chen's talents is hiding knives in minimal clothing.
54: What does your character want, and what do they need?
they simultaneously want each other dead and to keep each other alive as long as possible to torture her as much as possible. Chen thinks if she can finish off Ang'dras House she can pull herself out of this mess and become the favored daughter again but she's too codependent to actually commit.
what they both need is a restraining order followed by intensive therapy, but Lolthites dont believe in therapy lbr
42: What’s the dumbest thing your character’s done?
him and Nydalla got matching tattoos while blackout drunk because they thought it'd be funny, and they still do. because its a lower stomach tattoo not a lot of people know (they mightve also gotten slightly better cover-ups later on) but its their little inside joke
15: Can they sing? Can they dance?
she can and does sing to Iphis! i mentioned in an earlier ask game that they'll sing together while working on their own things too. its usually a song from the theater shows they go to. and youre 100% correct about them Fancily Slow Dancing, and she probably knows some complex moves to show off at parties
based on this ask game!
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fearlessinger · 2 years
Hello, grieving Adrien stan here.
Do i need to read all the pjo and heroes novels to fully “get” trials of Apollo books? I was never that interested in greco-roman myth or those series as a kid when they were super popular. also I haven’t read a proper book in an embarrassingly long time. Nevertheless I’d like to give a chance if they’re as great as you say.
unrelated,a while back I had half a mind to watch smallville do you know if its worth it?
hey Anon, first of all, my condolences. I’ve been there too.
Second: no you absolutely do not have to read any of the previous novels to understand/appreciate TOA! I am a big proponent of the “TOA first” reading approach in fact (tho obviously you won't have to go back and read the rest of the saga afterwards either), and I’ve already written a little primer for fellow readers who may want to start directly from TOA like I did, based on my own reading experience and the knowledge gaps that I found myself having. I will add, given what’s your reason for wanting to check this out, a few caveats:
this story is not a romance. It's about abuse, emancipation and self actualization. It’s also simultaneously a redemption story because
this Adrien is older (like 4000+ years older lol) and both his personal history and the amount of character development he underwent before the story even starts reflect this. He’s had time to grow up, fuck up very badly in ways that his upbringing explains but does not excuse, and this story is also the story of him coming to terms with and figuring out what he can do about that.
He’s also an incredibly unreliable narrator, and not in the ways you’re led to expect (if you’re familiar with the Adrien The Liar meta know that it’s as much - at this point probably more lbr - about Apollo than it is about Adrien, except for Apollo you gotta multiply it for like 10000). Which means you may have a hard time recognizing him for a while (I think when it really clicked for me was between book 3 and 4). Or maybe not, bc apparently some people clocked the similarities since the very beginning
it’s all so cringe. You’re a fellow ML (ex) fan so I'm sure you can appreciate some quality cringe but I feel compelled to give a warning anyway. I love it, and I don’t think a story like this about a character like this could have been told any other way because (among other reasons that I won’t say bc I’m already spoiling enough) nobody who cares as much and earnestly as Apollo does could ever be Cool ™. But yeah. The narrative style either works for you or it doesn’t bc it’s 100% not a bug but a feature.
Last but not least, if you think it might be easier for you to digest a whole book series in audio format, I’ve been told by multiple people that the TOA audiobooks are really well done.
As for Smallville… well, the show as a whole is definitely… an acquired taste 😅 It’s so dumb in so many ways, and not self aware enough to make up for it. I have an incredible fondness for SV, and for its version of Clark & Lois especially; I’d dare say it is still my favorite modern interpretation of their dynamic on screen to date, but it took the show a while to get to the point where their relationship took center stage (S8-9-10, basically. This is after all technically a superman origin story) and it was a very bumpy ride. The show has some truly terrible writing mixed in with the brilliance lol. But yeah go for it if you feel in the mood! Fyi Lois Lane only gets introduced in season 4 which is also one of the show’s best, most enjoyable & silly seasons imho so if you’re on the fence you could try beginning from there (I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to figure out what’s going from context clues).
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amandragora · 1 year
i have a crackpot theory/hypothesis/idea about zelda lore
spoil-y like stuff for totk under the cut. Talking about the goddesses, the triforce, etc. 
Soo, Ganondorf in totk mentions that the Zonai were once thought to be gods, and with the three dragons (Dinraal, Farosh, Naydra) I’m willing to put on the table that the ‘golden goddesses’ were these three zonai, who opted for immortality to act as guardians after they were finished their work.
I’m also slapping on the table that the Triforce exists as a power source, not some side effect of a creation myth. It was created by the Three to power something, and continues to do so so long as it exists in the world, no matter in what way. (inside people, split apart, broken to pieces). So long as it exists, it continues to do its job. (And to be fair, it probably wasn’t meant to be wielded by people lmao)
And its job, as we see in a game where the Triforce was destroyed (ALBW), is to stabilize the land. Without it powering whatever its powering, the land literally crumbles away into the abyss. Or, you know, the depths.
In totk we see a massive underground area that seems beyond belief as to how shit isnt falling down into it. Like I know cave systems exist, but there are tons of mining-- mining that was presumably done or managed by Zonai. 
And who knows, maybe the initial Zonai mining bullshit w/the Three unearthed something Terrible. Like, you know, Demise and his demons. So to keep the entire ‘world’ (the continent above it lol) from collapsing, a machine (that’s totally just a big temple lbr here) was made with the Triforce acting as the ultimate battery. 
And then Hylia was created and/or tasked to protect/manage the Triforce, which Demise was like ‘Hmmm unimaginable power...i want that’.
Anyways who knows, maybe the act of making the Triforce drained the three of them so much so that it was either forsake their minds and choose immortality on the small chance that they can revert someday or just...die and never know if they were successful in their creation
Maybe I will sit here laying in bed kicking my feet dreamily thinking of a scenario of Before Everything with the Four Of Them (Din, Farore, Nayru, Hylia) dealing with shit. A backstory for Demise and how he became demon king. A question of whether mining in the depths Was Actually Worth It Or Not. 
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marmett · 7 months
7 and 17 for Cherish and Gethan, 12 for Gethan, 14 for Cherish
7. do they collect anything (gems, bottles, keys, etc)?
cherish: oh boy does he ever. cherish is TERRIBLE at managing his finances, but the main thing he collects are instruments! he favors the lyre, the one depicted in game is a seven string lyre, but he has a 27 string lyre harp, and a stool lyre w/ ten strings (ive also seen it referred to as just ancient greek lyre). he also has a lute and a couple woodwind instruments, but he def prefers the stringed instruments. hes also a talented vocalist, so he likes to be able to sing and play.
gethan: i dont think gethan has hobbies outside of being a weirdo. he collects dead things to do necromancy on, and deadly poisons. for evil reasons, probably.
17. how do they celebrate their birthday?
cherish: before the events of the game, its def tavern crawling. he gets so fucking smashed every time (more than usual) its a mess.
gethan: i dont think gethan has a birthday. i just think he spawned into existence and then got kidnapped by myrkulites and became even more fucked up than he was originally.
12. their companions are gossiping about them behind their back! who is it and what are they saying?
after moonrise, there is defff a lot of gossip abt whatever he had going on w/ ketheric. did u fuck that old man, gethan?!
14. do they have any inside jokes among their companions?
the other companions (its mostly astarion, lbr) make snarky comments abt how wyll and cherish always have some wild story that relates to whatever is going on. wyll always tells the truth abt his stories, but ngl 70% of what cherish says is a lie. they dont even learn that cherish isnt his real name until act 3.
[ask me about my OCs!]
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