#lazarus austin
am3ricanh0rrorwh0re · 3 months
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up, down, side to side, horizontal, vertical, oral, doggy style, prone bone, missionary, on the couch, in the bed, on a boat, on a plane, on a train, in a prius, in a 16-wheeler, in a pool, in a hot tub, on the neighbor’s lawn, in front of his ex’s house, in a garden, in the eiffel tower, in the panama canal, at all the 7 wonders, at disneyland, at disneyland in tokyo, in the murder house, at briarcliff, at the coven, at the freak show, at the hotel cortez, in roanoke, in the basement on the fucking pinky power table, in the outpost, in the lab, on a beach in p-town, at dunder mifflin, at x mansion, in his mom’s basement, in a library while stealing books, in the sex shop, in another mental hospital, at trump towers, in his apartment he rented me, at the police precinct, while traveling the CA coast, in somalia, in the 60s, on the street, in the international space station, any hole, any position, in the air, on the ground, under the ground, at the center of the earth, in all the oceans, on the table, on the counter, in a river, in a tree, on a highway, in a truck bed.
anywhere. anytime. any hole.
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nyxanarchy · 8 months
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Dark femininity web weaving.
/Goneril and Reagan by Edwin Austin Abbey edited on Pinterest/ The Erl-King, Angela Carter/ Elm, Sylvia Plath/ Lady Lazarus, Sylvia Plath/From a journal of love, Anaïs Nin/
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justbeers · 2 months
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positivexcellence · 3 months
Interview: Jared Padalecki on the ‘Walker’ Finale, What He Learned as an Executive Producer, and More
We got the chance to talk to Jared all about the Walker finale, what it was like being buried in episode 12, what he’s learned as a producer, and more.
Nerds & Beyond: Episode 11 was one of my favorite episodes, it was just incredible. What was it like having Genevieve [Padalecki] and Matt [Barr] back for that episode? Can you talk more about it?
Jared Padalecki: I mean, selfishly as Jared, I was thrilled to have Matt back. I adore Matt Barr, I love him with all my heart. It was so great to have him in Austin. Again, selfishly as Jared, I was happy to have Gen there and we brought our kids to set and they got to hold the markers and clap us onto a scene, which was really awesome.
Then selfishly as Cordell Walker, or as an actor, I got to do some weird, cool stuff that not a lot of projects give you the opportunity to explore. Damn, I mean, I’m kind of feeling this way right now… if I could go back and redo it… like if this never happened, how would I do it? How would I feel? What would it be? Would it be closure? Would it be even worse? Would it be just a further tease? There were a lot of storylines that I got to tell within that one episode. I felt really grateful for Anna [Fricke] and for our run on TV to be able to do. So, all around, I was just really excited to go play in that playground.
Nerds & Beyond: Then in episode 12, we see Cordell get saved by the team after being buried alive. What was that process like?
Jared: You know what’s funny, is that on Walker, I’ve done a lot of great, fun, kind of random or strange stunt sequences, like driving a truck full speed up a parking garage, and being in fight sequences in strange areas. There have always been these things like racing horses with Dave Annable around the barn… there have been times where it’s like, “Okay, well, there’s probably some danger here,” and they’re gonna come and say like, “Hey, do you feel comfortable? We’re gonna be here. Just say if it doesn’t work for you.”
That scene specifically was probably the most they’ve ever come up to me and been like, “Hey, sorry, we’ll have a straw for you. You can breathe. We’ll do this, we’ll do that.” They were really concerned. I am not claustrophobic, thank God. So, I didn’t have some of the concerns that a lot of the other producers, stunt coordinators, and safety coordinators did. I was like, “This kind of sounds cool, this is gonna look fucking cool.”
I actually talked to [Jensen] Ackles, because he had done “Lazarus Rising”, the premiere of season four [of Supernatural], where he was buried in a similar situation, and got his two cents on it. And I was like, “I’m kind of excited.” To have an episode like 411, you can’t just all of a sudden [go], “Oh, Cordell is back, here we go.” There needs to be some drama. There needs to be some cool stuff. It was one of the few things that I don’t think I’ve ever done before. I’ve done plenty of stuff in my career, but I don’t think I’ve been buried alive. And so I was like, “Cool, let’s go ahead and get this Boy Scouts badge.”
For the buried alive part, they dug a grave and they first buried me up to my shoulders. Coby [Bell] was having some back issues, he had been on a flight and he had just kind of tweaked his back. We’re like, “Well, Jeff Pierre’s here, so guess what, Jeff? You’re carrying Padalecki.” I’m 205-210 pounds, and that’s not an easy way to pull somebody out of a grave, there’s no leverage. But Jeff Pierre is a king among men. And, he’s like, “Alright, I got him.” So between Jeff and Coby, they lifted me out and wiped the dirt and blood off my face. That was exciting.
What I enjoyed less, was spending all day in that makeup because then we had the sequence where Captain James walked Cordell over to Cassie and Trey, and so I kinda just stayed in that makeup and outfit for twelve hours. The actual doing of the acting was amazing, but trying to go to lunch with all that stuff on your face… you don’t want to wash it off, it’ll take an hour back on. So it’s just sort of like, I want to scratch my face, I’m sweaty and hot and nasty. But all in all, I knew it was gonna be something that, until the day I die, I’ll be proud to have been a part of. So, you kind of grin and bear it.
Nerds & Beyond: That sounds intense, though!
Jared: It was yeah, it was, in a great way. It looked intense.
Nerds & Beyond: When you got the official call that Walker would no longer continue, what was that call like?
Jared: I did have some version of a heads up, but it still was like we didn’t believe it or understand it. The heads up was obvious when they put out their upfront list of shows they were intending for the ’24-’25 season, and we weren’t listed. You didn’t have to be a producer on the show to go like, “Well, this is strange.” There were obvious hints and clues both publicly and privately that kind of leaned toward, “This doesn’t look good.”
But the strange thing is that’s been my life, that’s been my career. Gilmore Girls was on the bubble for many years. Supernatural was on the bubble for many years. And the season three, season four, kind of world that TV shows live on, it’s like, well, if you do five or six, you can probably do twenty-five or twenty-six. But you’ve got to get to five or six. We all just kind of were like, “Well, let’s look at the numbers.” And, the show would air, it would be the most watched show on CW, and we’d be like, “Okay, cool. Brad Schwartz said if the performance maintained, then we’re gonna go again. Well, we’re maintaining, we’re still the most-watched show on the network.” We were worried privately, but then we were like, “Well, shoot, we’re fulfilling our obligation. Why would they possibly not pick us up?”
It’s really funny, I find myself talking about the show [and] I’m having a tough time saying canceled. I’m kind of saying, just, we weren’t picked up for season five, which I guess is one and the same. I’m finding it a bit easier to just say we weren’t picked up instead of saying we were canceled. Just semantics.
I didn’t find out officially until probably an hour before I made that post. So, I legit didn’t know officially until… I’ve learned in this industry until it’s official, it’s not official. We always joke as actors, It’s like, you get a job, and they’re like, “Well, how do you feel? Are you excited?” You’re like, “Well, yeah… I’ll be excited when I get my first paycheck.” When they aired me on television, I was the third or fourth Dean on Gilmore Girls. So, you shoot the show, you get your paycheck and then they recast and they shoot again, they get their paycheck, then they recast again, you get your paycheck. So you never really know, you kind of live in this limbo of like, “Well, is it gonna air? Am I going to be on more?” I finished the episode and I got the paycheck, but it hasn’t aired yet, so they can still recast me. It happens more often than I think people realize.
I maintained hope and to this day, sitting at the Side Step with John Patterson today, I still have this weird hope in my head. Like you know Wednesday [the day of the finale] is gonna happen, and they’re gonna realize how amazing the show is, how little they pay for it, and how high the quality is, and they’re gonna come to their senses. The way my day worked out, I think it was May 22 or 21, whatever that day was I made that post, I got a call from David Stapf at CBS and he gave it to me straight. He’s like, “Hey, man. Here’s the deal. Walker’s not gonna go season five.” I was sort of like, “Okay, thank you for calling me.” By the way, somebody like David Stapf doesn’t need to call me, his assistant can call me, he can send me an email, they can post it on his own through CBS channels. But he gave me the quality character move to go, like, “I want to call Jared. I don’t want it to be announced until I talk to Jared and ask him how he wants to announce it.” Then he said to me, “Hey, if you want to talk to Brad, he’d love to talk to you as well.” I was like, “Okay, of course. Yeah.” Brad and I have worked together for a year, and, you know, I was still super confused. I’m super confused now. So I was sort of like, “Okay, I don’t know what to say. My head’s kind of spinning, I leave in three days for Europe for a month. But yeah, I’ll absolutely talk to Brad.” So then David and I hung up, and it was a great conversation. I mean, he was very flattering of the show and the family we have and sort of himself seemingly kind of confused about the way it was all going down and the linear TV world that we live in. But he was like, “This is where we kind of sit,” and I just was extremely grateful for the conversation.
I called Brad and Brad kind of said the same. Brad reiterated, “Hey, dude, you know, you’ve been on CW since its inception. We’ll follow your lead here. Do you want to announce it yourself? Do you want us to announce it? Do you want to avoid it entirely, or do you want to be a part of it? We’ll go with your gut.” And my gut was, I have a great relationship with the fandom, to use a generic term, and I was like, “I actually would love to be the one that kind of says it.” So they obliged and I scrambled together a quick post, just being as honest as possible, and sent it out there. There was zero time between finding out and announcing it. It took me half an hour or whatever to try and figure out how to try and communicate how grateful I was, and how much love I had for everybody before sending it out, but it was a quick turnaround.
Nerds & Beyond: The finale has moments that seemed to leave the characters in a good space. Was that a conscious choice to sort of wrap things up on the off chance there wouldn’t be another season?
Jared: 100%. We talked, because at the time when we were shooting 12-13 which we cross-boarded, we didn’t know if we were picked up or not. We kind of assumed we were judging by the numbers and what we had heard from the network prior about if the numbers remained, and they did. It didn’t feel like it was something you could appropriately wrap up in an episode anyway. Like, we didn’t want to deliver a bad episode just for the sake of ‘wrapping up a storyline’. So I think what we wanted, not just if there would have been seasons five through fifteen, but if there would have been season four and done, was this idea that all the characters still had hope. I mean, it’s difficult to wrap up a TV show, right? You can do the whole they’re at a diner or you can do the whole ‘everybody dies’, but neither felt appropriate for Walker and the cast of characters. So, we kind of talked about what is something that if we end here, we’re happy with, but if we carry on, it’s seamless to go forward. And everybody, every character has something that we want to watch. So we left it there and there were back and forths. There were conversations, obviously, but ultimately, it came down to every character has something in their life that they can look forward to. They also have problems and that’s life, you have problems and you have opportunities, but I’m very happy with the finale.
Nerds & Beyond: How do you feel about Cordell’s decision to take a leave of absence and take his family on vacation?
Jared: I think it’s been a long time coming. I think it’s a great statement on mental health and work-life balance, and it’s something that I’m kind of in the process of thinking about myself right now. Twenty-four years in the industry and nineteen years as number one on the call sheet, it takes a lot out of you and you sacrifice time with your kids, with your spouse, with your friends, with yourself. And I think it can at times not only be beneficial, but it can be necessary. So, I was proud of Cordell for making that decision, and I was excited to see how he came back after he had some time, but that’ll live in our imaginations, I suppose.
Nerds & Beyond: Cordell has made such incredible character growth from the first season to now. What has been your favorite part of getting to play him over the last four seasons?
Jared: What I really loved about Walker, and Cordell specifically, is that we got to see somebody who was flawed and who made mistakes and was humble, who tried. Sometimes he was a little slow to learn, but ultimately he tried to learn, he was eager to learn, eager to humble himself and be humbled around people he loved and trusted. So, that was a good reminder in my own personal life of like, “Hey, when someone says something a thousand times, maybe just listen, give it a shot. Why not?” You know, life happens… and it’s about what to do, what we can do better, what others can do better, how to ask, how to accept help. And so Walker remained as open-minded as a flawed human being could remain. I really appreciated that.
Nerds & Beyond: Do you have a favorite memory or moment from this last season?
Jared: Gen and I, during the ceremony/funeral scene in 411, had our kids there. Just the way it worked out, they hadn’t been able to be there a lot even though ironically, it was shot in Austin. But we shoot during the school year so they’re in school, or even season one, it was the COVID protocol. So if you weren’t vaccinated and didn’t have a mask in season one, it would have been that they’re twenty feet away in a mask, swabs up their nose, and wouldn’t have been a great experience anyways. So by the time 411 came and Anna [Fricke] was there directing and you know, she created the characters in the show, that was really special.
I think the speech that Cordell gives at August’s graduation was one of those moments… we’re at Storm Ranch, hadn’t been there all season, and the majority of the cast was there, and we got to hang out and laugh. It was this beautiful night in Austin, Texas. It was just one of those feelings… I had that feeling every time we shot a dinner table scene or breakfast scene where when we got everybody on set… it was just a great time and we did work I’m really proud of. It was just great to see everybody’s face and everyone working together cohesively, so I think those two, just offhand, stuck out to me the most.
Nerds & Beyond: After the news of the cancellation, were you able to take anything from the set?
Jared: Yeah, I took some of the clothes that meant something to me and a four-season show, several changes a day, there were racks and racks and racks of clothing. I went back to certain things that really are kind of like hallmarks for me. I have Duke’s outfit, I have his Texas Rangers hat, I have that blue suit I wore with Twyla, I have a few things that really just meant a lot to me wardrobe-wise. I have my boots, I have a couple of cowboy hats, and set-wise I have the Texas mug from the Side Step and I grabbed the pool cue from the Side Step. I was laughing, in season one or two, I brought my own pool cue from home to use in the show, and then I think I went home and forgot that I’d taken it, so I was like, “I donated one so now I’m just taking it back.” I have a few little knickknacks that are special to me. One of the things that I received as a gift was my Ranger belt. I wore it all the time and it was both the bane of my existence because they’re not super comfortable, but also just something really special. That will sit on my desk in my office forever. I also have my Ranger parking Cordell Walker little emblem that I’ll put somewhere in my garage.
Nerds & Beyond: Walker was your first Executive Producer gig. Is that something you want to continue with further?
Jared: That’s kind of all I’m interested in. Acting is fun and can be fun at times, but I love the nuts and bolts of it, of trying to figure out several characters, how it all works together, how it all affects each other. I would happily just EP forever. I think acting is a bit more of a commitment. Again, I don’t not enjoy it. It’s fun, I love it, but I like exploring scenes. I love trying to go through different iterations of characters or their motivations, figuring out why they would make the decisions they make.
I would love to keep developing. You know, if a role comes up that makes sense, and it’s exciting or it’s somebody I want to work with, or a project I’m excited about, or a director I’ve never worked with that I want to then, yeah, call me up and I’ll see if Gen doesn’t mind watching the kids for a couple of weeks, or a couple months. But in the meantime, I like reading a book more than telling people what book I read, if that makes sense.
Nerds & Beyond: Everyone I’ve talked to about Walker has said that it has an exceptional set atmosphere. A lot of people attribute that atmosphere to you, as well. Why was it so important to foster that kind of environment where there’s a real work-life balance?
Jared: That’s the intense loss I feel. As much as I love Walker, the character, and Walker, the show, I feel a deep loss about what happened that didn’t make it to a television screen. The relationships that were built and fostered, the work atmosphere… I think over many years and almost 500 episodes of television, I’ve seen firsthand how a toxic atmosphere doesn’t save time. The more you yell, the more you gripe and bitch, and blame doesn’t mean that you’re gonna go faster and higher quality. Set people up for success, and hopefully, they set you up for success also. And then all of a sudden a day that could be twelve hours is nine hours. Like, “Wow… I’m home three hours earlier.”
I certainly cannot take credit for it. I mean, I’m sure I had a heavy vote in that arena. Kim Manners said something to Jensen Ackles and me many, many years ago. I think it was season one. In a True Kim Manners attitude, it was something like, pardon my French, “I spend more time with you fuckers than I do my wife, my kids, our dog, and my home. So if I’m not having a good time, why the fuck would I be here?” And it just made sense. No one’s holding a gun to our head telling us, “Hey, you better go act.” So if you’re not having a good time, then, “Hey, go find something and I wish you well. And if I’m not having a good time, then what am I doing here?” So I think we all reached that place on Walker.
I loved the Supernatural set, and I love it to this day and I hope we get to see each other again. The Walker set was just even more of a family. We’re all at home, we all went through horrible, horrible situations as far as people getting sick or in car accidents or pandemics or strikes, and everybody just felt like family.
Nerds & Beyond: You can tell just how much of a close-knit family you all were, so I can’t imagine how hard that loss is. I know it just finished airing and you’re not that far removed from it yet, but looking back, what are you going to take away from your experience on Walker?
Jared: It can be done. I think that’s going to be a message that sticks with me in all aspects of my life, til the day I die. It can be done. Surround yourself with good people and positivity. When you start thinking about like, “Oh, I’ll never be able to do this. Oh, this will never happen.” Walker was proof that it can be done. When you allow yourself to… I’d rather trust and have my heart broken than never trust and never fall in love. I trusted Walker and I fell in love and it was gone too soon. And it will be, to quote Jeff Buckley, “the tear that hangs inside my soul forever.” But, it can be done and it reignited my belief in people and storytelling. Best idea wins. Be honest and be humble. So to your point, I’m still fresh off and I haven’t yet really swallowed all my feelings and emotions enough to digest them, but just thrilled that we proved it could be done. And we’ll always know it.
Nerds & Beyond: Be proud of it, for sure. I love that there’s been a theme in the last few episodes about not being sad that it’s over, being glad that it happened.
Jared: Yeah. I’ll take that as well.
Nerds & Beyond: Fans have built an incredible community within the Walker family. Is there anything you’d love to say to them?
Jared: So many things I’d love to say. First and foremost, thanks for the trust. Thanks for the passion. I know that when Supernatural ended a lot of our Supernatural family trusted enough to kind of come give Walker a try. I feel like maybe after Supernatural ended many probably felt that it was gone too soon, but they trusted that life went on and came over and it’s really special. That’s where I find myself right now.
And so seeing their example, I’m just grateful. I’m just a guy who happens to act, and it’s an honor when someone’s interested in what you do creatively. Thank you, now and always.
Nerds and Beyond
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hiswordsarekisses · 6 months
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“I know this is difficult to hear when our Sunday songs and sermons continuously force feed us lines about breakthrough; but us getting what we want at the last minute is not the gospel.
Yet, many songwriters and teachers read their bibles and walk away with this as the overarching theme.
Our western "breakthrough theology" has diluted the authentic miracle working power that exists in the good news of Jesus.
Without a doubt, God has the supernatural power to change our circumstances, but that is a significant sub plot to the core message of the gospel, which is that God has the power to supernaturally change US.
We'd like to think that Christ always shows up at the last minute. I wish that were the case. In fact, He's kind of known for being late!
So much so that the body of Lazarus started to smell.
The televangelist will tell you "He's always right on time" and remind you that Lazarus was raised.
But where was Christ when Stephen was being stoned to death? I'll tell you. Christ was right there filling Stephen with His spirit, empowering Him to utter his final words "Lord, don't blame them for what they have done."
It's a rarity we consider this moment a miracle, but it's one of my favorites.
When a man in chains can rejoice in His suffering, that is a breakthrough.
Where was Christ when I was beaten, thrown down the stairs, and drug across the floor by my hair? He was there, using what the enemy meant for evil as His pruning sheers to bear much fruit in my life.
I've met some people with stories of suffering that make mine look like a walk in the park, yet they are some of the greatest image bearers of Christ that I know.
Keep praying for the instantaneous. Keep praying for physical healing. Keep praying for "and suddenly" moments. God DOES move in this way in the natural realm, but when He does not, let's remember that He is still working miracles deeply inside of us.”
~ Austin Ludwig
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youngveinsworld · 1 year
the young veins at sxsw
On 19 March 2010, the Young Veins played a set at the Dirty Dog Bar in Austin, Texas, as a part of South By Southwest (SXSW) film and music festival.
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^ Photograph by Flickr user roblynn529
Several old friends of Ryan and Jon were also playing at SXSW that year. Jon reconnected with his former 504 Plan bandmate Tom Conrad (more info about it in this post). Travie McCoy and Patrick stump also both played at the Dirty Dog bar on the same night that the Young Veins did. According to this website, the lineup was:
9:00pm - The Young Veins 9:45pm - Travie McCoy and the Lazarus Project 10:15pm - New Politics (a Danish band that was signed to Decaydance) 11:00pm - Patrick Stump 01:00am - Hole
Both Travie and Patrick were newly solo artists in March 2010, as both Gym Class Heroes and Fall Out Boy went on hiatus the year before in 2009. This SXSW show was Patrick's first performance as a solo artist, where he debuted some new songs that would go on to be on his 2011 solo album Soul Punk.
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^ Travie and Patrick at SXSW 2010. Photographs by Dan Boczarski.
Pete Wentz did not attend the show but posted an explanation on his blog several days later, explaining that he had wanted to see Patrick and the Young Veins but had feared his presence overshadowing his friends' music:
Sucks that I feel like i even have to address this, but i have had so many people hitting me up about that i will. people saying i left austin before patricks show or was there and just didnt go. first off: i was in a completely different part of texas the night before last san padre (sp?) djing a spring break party (spring break wooo!) and then i flew to dallas to meet my family and fly home. i was in austin at south by southwest a week ago and flew home the night after i hosted an event. even if i had been in austin i would not have gone to the crush showcase. why? not because i wouldnt want to see all the bands (young veins and patrick included). but because i think the media would have scrutinized me being there- like i was still trying to steal patricks spotlight, like i was trying to make it about me (theres a reason im not sending this through twitter- this is for the fans). while all the shit going on with fall out boy is hard for me. i completely support the other guys musical endeavors. we were friends before the band and we will be after. i think its ridiculous that the media keep trying to pit us against each other. i got the chance to watch the show on cruddy youtube quality video and it still looked and sounded great to me. im okay being made out to be the villain. maybe i am even the villain. but dont make it seem like i hate one of my best friends.
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^ Ryan at SXSW 2010 photographed by Dan Boczarski.
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faegoddessog · 1 year
 Seventy Two Hours of Bliss Ch. 2/41
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Chapter 2: Behind Your Closed Door
Chapter Warnings: (18+), Masturbation, Talk of Casual Sex
Series Masterlist
Series Summary:
You are neighbors with Austin Butler on the Gold Coast of Australia just prior to shooting Elvis. You become just friends because he is taken. However, after he is single again, you both find out just how attracted you are to one another and things get unrelentingly hot.
SERIES WARNING: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only,  here there be lemons.
Authors Notes: I started writing this while remodeling my kitchen, so that informed the slightly quirky narrative. It starts slow, but once it heats up, it is on fire. I have tried to pull facts from RL as much as I could, but obviously there are some assumptions and flat out dreamy wishes wishes involved here. Naughty stuff begins about Chapter 4, so stay tuned!
Chapter 2: Behind Your Closed Door
One night, a couple weeks after you meet, you and Austin are talking about your favorite books during dinner.
“Have you ever read Robert Heinlien?” you ask him.
“Like the movie Starship Troopers?” he asks with a curiously worried look.
“Oh lord, please no. I mean yes, but that movie was not… good. There are a few background bits that are indicative of his worlds but… ugh.”
You talk about your favorite book, ‘ Time enough for Love’. About world building he does and the idea of equality, albeit through the lens of the 1960’s. You tell him how his ideas of a matter-of-fact, casual approach to sex really shaped your ideas about it in your formative years. When he asks what you mean you reply:
“Ok, for instance. In the beginning of the book, the main character, Lazarus Long, is in the hospital. He’s the oldest man in the universe, like 2000 years old."
Austin looks at you with slight disbelief.
"Yeah, it’s Sci-fi," you wave away his concern, "He was born in the early 1900’s and has basically done everything and wants to die, which, by the way, is a right that HE built into their society cuz he is the founding father. But they feel he is too important. Much of the book is about his memoirs as they try to get him to agree to being rejuvenated."
Another 'what the heck' look from Austin.
"Again, Sci-fi, suspend that disbelief sugar," you tease him. "Anyway, the book has some misogynistic undertones that were true for the time… , which I’m sure you have come across in your Elvis research."
Austin nods.
"But anyway I digress. There are two nurses in something like full hazmat suits and they have no idea what each other looks like or even each other's gender. But there is a spark between them as they interact over the care of Lazarus. One of them invites the other to 72 Hours of Bliss. This is a society agreed upon practice of 72 hours of no-strings-attached glorious sex, exploration, fun and just leaning into that happy new person energy. And after the time is up, if they want to enter into something further, it’s fine. But if not there are no hard feelings and they part ways as friends. It’s just good sweaty fun. It’s honest and open and there is no ‘trying to get you into bed' games. All parties know and agree to the terms, no mind games or bullshit.”
You close your eyes, head titled back a touch and take a big breath in, “Bliss,” you say with a breathy exhale.
There are a couple beats of silence. You open your eyes tirade over and look at Austin. His full lips are slightly parted. He is staring at you a little intrigued. He blinks and nods his head.
“I see. And have you….?” he rolls his wrist, palm up in a 'keep going' motion.
“What? Have I had 72 hours of bliss?" your hand on yoru chest, "sadly no, I’ve yet to find someone who actually groks it and that I’m actually attracted to.”
“Groks?” he has one eyebrow up.
“Oh sorry, that’s from Heinlein's banned book, Stranger in a Strange Land….You see there is this man who was raised on Mars by Martians and he ends up being like a messiah with superpowers…..”
The two of you talk books and stories into the wee hours. He goes home and you think about how much you wish for those 72 hours with Austin.
The next week, Austin invites you to join him at a casual dinner with ‘Tom and Rita’, just as friends. You assume these are people from his movie set.
He knocks on your door at the appointed time to ‘pick you up’. You are wearing a sundress, short sleeved open-front sweater and little comfy flats. You curled your usually natural hair into some beachy waves for the evening.
He looks you up and down nodding, “you clean up nice,” he says with a smile.
“You do too, Daddy-O,” you giggle. He has on slacks and a tailored short sleeve button down reminiscent of the 50’s, just like his hair.
You take the elevator a couple floors up and he knocks on the door. The door opens and you realize ‘Tom’ is freaking TOM HANKS!
You keep your cool, although barely. You have always thought celebrities are people too, and you figure that they might enjoy just being treated like average people now and then.
Austin introduces you as his neighbor and new friend. Both Tom and Rita shake hands warmly, you are sure your hands are vibrating with nerves. You hand Rita the little bouquet of flowers you brought as a thank you. You try really hard not to fangirl and don't ask for selfies with them. They are delightful to you and the conversation is great all evening. It’s true what they say about Tom being the nicest guy in Hollywood.
When Rita hears about what you do she is intrigued and asks lots of questions about how you manage it all. You hadn’t planned for this to be a business meeting, but this is how you get jobs! You tell her the things you contract out, which is mainly sheetrock and any major electrical. You show her pictures of the upscale places you have done.
“We want to remodel the kitchen in our home in Greece. I love supporting female businesses, especially in male dominated industries. Let’s meet up and talk about it, maybe tomorrow?” She says, looking at Tom. He nods his head while taking another bite.
“Sure, you can come down and see what I’m doing downstairs,” you offer.
You leave with a potential job opportunity and what feels like a new Aunt and Uncle.
Once you are in the elevator you turn to Austin, “You could have warned me…. You didn’t say it was fucking Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson!!”
“Oh shit, didn’t I tell you I was working with him? I thought you knew, he says eyes wide.
“NO, you most decidedly did not. You owe me Austin,” you poke him in the arm.
“Oh god, I am sorry. Yes I owe you. But damn you handled that amazingly. I didn’t have a clue,’ e his impressed.
“Well I figure even famous people want to be treated like people. If they hire me I will completely forgive you. It could really open some amazing doors for me.”
The elevator dings and the doors slide open. You walk to your door, pulling keys out of your clutch. He gently grabs your elbow. Sparks flash through your skin.
“Hey, thanks for coming with me, you are the best dinner date. And I really am sorry,” he flashes a shy, but winning smile that makes those sparks turn into fire in your core.
“It’s ok Austin, I’m not actually upset," you place your hand on his arm, "I should have known after your ‘Denzel’ name drop," you tease, trying to ignore your arousal.
He laughs and looks down, “you are never gonna let me live that down are you?”
“Never., you laugh, “And now I have ‘Tom and Rita’ in my arsenal!”
He shakes his head, looking down, “I suppose I deserve it.”
He raises his eyes and catches yours in a sexy gaze. Your breath catches in your chest and all teasing and laughter dissipates. You realize he is brushing his fingertips on your arm. You can feel that heat at your core rising into your face as you blush and can’t look away from him.
FUCK. FUCKFUCKFUCK.. You could press this, says your naughty demon side. You should invite him in, see what happens. You could let me off this leash and lure him into your bed…I mean, he touched you first… is still touching you in fact.
Shut up, shut up SHUTUP! hehasagirlfriend FUCK! But you know how cheating can eat away at a person. He is too sweet and kind. You can't make him feel that way. You really like him as a person and have come to value him as a friend. It would make it awkward, he’d stop talking to you.
No matter how much you want to climb onto his lap and ride him until you both cum? Naked skin slapping together, his hands on your tits. Your mouth on his…. SHUT THE FUCK UP SUCCUBUS!!
“I had, um.. better...“ you stutter and point to your door.
He inhales and nods, breaking eye contact and the spell. Pulling his hand away he brushes it nervously through his hair.
Suddenly you realize that he wasn’t aware until just now of how he was stroking your arm, how much he had turned you on with just his eyes and his fingers. He wasn't sure what to do or say now.
You take a big breath, reach out and grab his hand reassuringly. “Thank you for inviting me, I had a great time. Goodnight Austin," you smile at him.
He smiles, grateful that all seems ok between you two, “Goodnight.”
You open the door casually and wave to him as you shut it behind you.
"HOLY FUCK" You hit the door with your back, pull your dress up and slide your hand inside your wet panties. Rubbing yourself to climax while thinking about riding him. You secretly hope he is still outside your door, listening as you cum, moaning his name.
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gentlyepigrams · 11 months
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The Woman & The Dragon stained glass made by Anika van der Merwe in Lazarus 2 Brewing Co., Austin, the scene captures a mother with her child being pursued by a seven headed dragon, it is twenty feet (7,3 m) in diameter and weighing nearly two tons.
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mollyannice · 2 years
Some random Jason Todd headcanons/theories
1. The Lazarus Pit rips away your internal filter that stops you from acting out your intrusive thoughts. It was worse with Jason when he first brought back because he has always ran on instincts to survive.
2. Jason knows about the 4th wall. He doesn’t break it for 3 reasons. They are: 1. people will think he’s crazy that he thinks there are people watching/reading the world he lives in and everyone’s actions so best not to say anything. 2. He is a drama snob and is very opinionated against breaking the 4th wall. 3. The audience voted to kill him, why in the hell would he give us the pleasure of him joking around with us, when members of us the audience killed him. If I could canonically write for dc in a DC Vs Marvel crossover (won’t happen) is pair him with Deadpool and have them both drive each other up the wall by Deadpool trying to break 4th and Jason stopping him from doing so culminating with Jason breaking the 4th wall calling the people who voted to kill him off. Leading from then in out every 4th wall breaker not breaking 4th wall if interacting with Jason and the 4th wall breaker characters always standing between Jason and the audience in some way as if a protective barrier.
3. Jane Austin is his favourite author because it was Catherine Todd’s favourite author. He reads her to remember the good, more sober moments with his mom and because the books are very different from the life he lives. Other authors he likes Frances Hodgson Burnett, Mary Shelley, Louisa May Alcott, Mark Twain, Alexandre Dumas, Charles Dixons, Casey McQuiston, Xiran Jay Zhao and so many others
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the look of love
by @jaded-of-mara for @spncoldesthits
a supernatural/Austin powers fusion
rated T
Dean Dangerous knew what he had to do. "He'll be back to theaters near you soon enough. Call Ketch: it's time to implement Project Lazarus."
why you should read it:
Because Austin Powers' lines sound exactly right coming out of Dean's mouth! Read this for the witty dialogue and the clever references to both Austin Powers and to the 80s. Also for Meg!
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fiiyerotigelaar · 1 year
austin called sylvia plath “my hero” and i’m like. not in those words. more in the sense that my greatness is overshadowed by my melancholia and sickness and i am inseparable from my misery and i am lady lazarus incarnate and if a man ever asks me to tell him about sylvia plath and i do and i recite the fig tree passage from the bell jar to convey my fears and claustrophobia of where i am in life and he condescends and undermines me by reducing her down to “my hero” i am going amy elliot dunne in this bitch
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am3ricanh0rrorwh0re · 2 months
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pherryt · 2 years
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the look of love
by @jaded-of-mara for @spncoldesthits
Rated: T Ship: Destiel Words: 3930 Fandoms: Supernatural/Austin Powers fusion
Summary: Dean Dangerous knew what he had to do. "He'll be back to theaters near you soon enough. Call Ketch: it's time to implement Project Lazarus." Readers Notes: One Twist after another and a blast from the past too! AND MEG! Proving difficult to deal with, as always. Definitely made me laugh (hope she still got away though)
Also, please forgive me, but I have no idea what a deflated waterbed looks like so I pretended it was an air mattress.
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quasar1967 · 2 years
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Cinefantastique #154
13th Warrior: Retelling the monster clasic "Beowulf," director John McTiernan and star Antonio Banderas take on tenth-century Vikings. The Haunting: Phil Tippett on devisng visual effects in the remake of Shirley Jackson's and Robert Wise's classic. Blair Witch Project: Artisan Entertainment releases the Sundance sensation, a no-budget horror film destined for cult status. Mystery Men: Universal's effects-laden superhero parody is based on an obscure comic. Deep Blue Sea: Director Renny Harlin on his high-tech shark killer thriller, as medical research meets Jaws. Iron Giant: Brad Bird directs the children's classic by British poet Ted Hughes, with the promise of a pure cinema kick. Animating "Tarzan": Disney's animation realizes Edgar Rice Burroughs' hero as movies never could. Wild Wild West: The reinvention of the '60s TV show as summer movie eye candy. Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me: Director Jay Roach on spoofing the Bond formula in the return of Mike Myers' randy superspy. Muppets in Space: Producer Brian Henson on the magic of the Muppets in the high-tech world of movie making. Inspector Gadget: Music video director David Kellog on filming the cartoon fantasy live action. Stigmata: Rupert Wainwright on directing Tom Lazarus' unique horror script for MGM. Babylon 5: Crusade: The doomed series-the sequel to Babylon 5-premieres on TNT. Star Wars, Episode One: The Phantom Menace: Still reeling from the unprecedented build-up of the newest Star Wars, our interpid reviewer shares his views.
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Who has been nominated for a NTA Award?
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The NTA longlist was unveiled on Tuesday 21st May.
New Drama
A Gentleman in Moscow
After The Flood
Baby Reindeer
Criminal Record
Fool Me Once
Interview with the Vampire
Mary & George
Masters of the Air
Mr Bates vs The Post Office
Murder Is Easy
One Day
Red Eye
Renegade Nell
The Couple Next Door
The Long Shadow
The Marlow Murder Club
The Reckoning
The Sixth Commandment
The Tattooist of Auschwitz
The Woman in the Wall
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Drama Performance
Adeel Akhtar, DS Sami Kierce, Fool Me Once
Aidan Turner, Glenn Lapthorn, Fifteen-Love
Ambika Mod, Emma Morley, One Day
Anna Próchniak, Gita, The Tattooist of Auschwitz
Anne Reid, Ann Moore-Martin, The Sixth Commandment
Arthur Hughes, Matthew Shardlake, Shardlake
Ashley Jensen, DI Ruth Calder, Shetland
Ashley Walters, Dushane Hill, Top Boy
Austin Butler, Major Gale 'Buck' Cleven, Masters of the Air
Brenda Blethyn, DCI Vera Stanhope, Vera
Callum Turner, Major John 'Bucky' Egan, Masters of the Air
Cliff Parisi, Fred Buckle, Call the Midwife
Cosmo Jarvis, John Blackthorne, Shōgun
Cush Jumbo, DS June Lenker, Criminal Record
Danielle Macdonald, Helen Chambers, The Tourist
Daryl McCormack, Detective Colman Akande, The Woman In The Wall
David Tennant, The Fourteenth Doctor, Doctor Who
David Jonsson, Luke Fitzwilliam, Murder Is Easy
Dominic West, Charles, Prince of Wales, The Crown
Eleanor Tomlinson, Evie, The Couple Next Door
Ella Lily Hyland, Justine Pearce, Fifteen-Love
Ella Purnell, Lucy MacLean, Fallout
Emilia Fox, Nikki Alexander, Silent Witness
Ewan McGregor, Count Alexander Rostov, A Gentleman in Moscow
Gary Oldman, Jackson Lamb, Slow Horses
Gemma Whelan, Detective Sergeant Sarah Collins, The Tower
Georgie Glen, Miss Millicent Higgins, Call the Midwife
Idris Elba, Sam Nelson, Hijack
Imelda Staunton, Queen Elizabeth II, The Crown
Jacob Anderson, Louis de Pointe du Lac, Interview with the Vampire
Jamie Dornan, Elliot Stanley, The Tourist
Jared Harris, Hari Seldon, Foundation
Jason Watkins, Simon, Coma
Jenna Coleman, Liv Taylor, Wilderness
Jennifer Aniston, Alex Levy, The Morning Show
Jeremy Allen White, Carmen 'Carmy' Berzatto, The Bear
Jessica Gunning, Martha, Baby Reindeer
Jing Lusi, DC Hana Li, Red Eye
Joanne Froggatt, Dr Abbey Henderson, Breathtaking
Jonah Hauer-King, Lali, The Tattooist of Auschwitz
Julianne Moore, Mary Villiers, Mary & George
Kane Robinson, Gerald 'Sully' Sullivan, Top Boy
Katherine Kelly, Emily Jackson, The Long Shadow
Angela Van den Bogerd, Mr Bates vs The Post Office
Kris Marshall, Humphrey Goodman, Beyond Paradise
Leo Woodall, Dexter Mayhew, One Day
Lesley Sharp, DI Hannah Laing, Before We Die
Louisa Harland, Nell Jackson, Renegade Nell
Luke Newton, Colin Bridgerton, Bridgerton
Martin Short, Oliver Putnam, Only Murders in the Building
Michelle Keegan, Maya Stern, Fool Me Once
Monica Dolan, Jo Hamilton, Mr Bates vs The Post Office
Ncuti Gatwa, The Fifteenth Doctor, Doctor Who
Nicholas Galitzine, George Villiers, Mary & George
Nicholas Ralph, James Herriot, All Creatures Great and Small
Nicola Coughlan, Penelope Featherington, Bridgerton
Nicola Walker, DI Annika Strandhed, Annika
Oliver Jackson-Cohen, Will, Wilderness
Paapa Essiedu, George, The Lazarus Project
Peter Capaldi, DCI Daniel Hegarty, Criminal Record
Ralf Little, DI Neville Parker, Death in Paradise
Reese Witherspoon, Bradley Jackson, The Morning Show
Richard Armitage, Dr Matthew Nolan, Red Eye
Joe Burkett, Fool Me Once
Richard Gadd, Donny Dunn, Baby Reindeer
Robert Carlyle, Robert Sutherland, COBRA: Rebellion
Ruth Wilson, Lorna Brady, The Woman In The Wall
Sam Heughan, Danny, The Couple Next Door
Sam Reid, Lestat de Lioncourt, Interview with the Vampire
Samantha Bond, Judith Potts, The Marlow Murder Club
Selena Gomez, Mabel Mora, Only Murders in the Building
Siân Brooke, Grace Ellis, Blue Lights
Sonequa Martin-Green, Captain Michael Burnham, Star Trek: Discovery
Sophie Rundle, PC Joanna Marshall, After The Flood
Steve Coogan, Jimmy Savile, The Reckoning
Steve Martin, Charles-Haden Savage, Only Murders in the Building
Suranne Jones, Amy Silva, Vigil
Timothy Spall, Peter Farquhar, The Sixth Commandment
Toby Jones, Alan Bates, Mr Bates vs The Post Office
DCS Dennis Hoban, The Long Shadow
Tom Hiddleston, Loki, Loki
Ukweli Roach, DI Jack Caffery, Wolf
Vicky McClure, Lana Washington, Trigger Point
Wunmi Mosaku, DI Riya Ajunwa, Passenger
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Shows and individuals are nominated in the longlist for the 2024 National Television Awards. This year is so competitive 😉
Posted 22nd May 2024
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[ad_1] Lake Value Market modified arms in a transaction that reinforces the recognition of retail. Dallas-based Vista Property Firm purchased the 200,000 sq. foot strip mall, at 6034 Azle Avenue in Lake Value, about seven miles from downtown Fort Value. JLL represented the undisclosed vendor. The staff that negotiated the deal consists of Barry Brown, Chris Gerard, Erin Lazarus, Keenan Ryan and Ben Pollack. Lake Value Market is 93 p.c occupied and anchored by Kohl’s. Different tenants embody Marshalls, Burlington Coat Manufacturing unit, pOpshelf, Lane Bryant and Tub & Physique Works.  The property is close to the interchange of Loop 820 and Jacksboro Freeway, which stretches from downtown Fort Value northwest to Jacksboro. The 5-mile radius across the property has a inhabitants of 176,000, with an annual common family revenue of $91,378, in keeping with a information launch from JLL. As costly debt has slowed transactions in different sectors of business actual property, builders are nonetheless putting offers for retail property. Retail has confirmed to be a comparatively protected funding amid the turbulence of the workplace and multifamily markets. As a result of there’s been little or no new retail growth within the final decade, availability is low, and retail rents are stronger than ever.   Within the fourth quarter of 2023, common asking lease was $20.05 per sq. foot. The most well liked submarkets have been central Dallas, north central Dallas and outlying east Dallas, the place common asking rents ranged from $24.11 to $26.85 per sq. foot. Vista Property Firm makes a speciality of buying, growing and redeveloping retail properties. Vista owns greater than 30 different retail properties in DFW, together with Westminster Plaza in Dallas’ College Park neighborhood and Woodbridge Crossing in Wylie. In line with Vista’s web site, the corporate additionally owns properties in San Antonio and Austin.  Learn extra [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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