architvct · 11 months
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desmond chiam. 39. trans man. he/him. ┊┊ cerberus corp has been watching LYSANDER GOH. some of the public has dubbed them ARCHITECT because of ADVANCED EMPATHY gifted by OVERDOSING ON CHEAP SYNTHETIC DRUGS SECONDHAND. having been an extra ordinary since 2010, they’re doing a good job at hiding THEIR CERBERUS PAST & EVADING AGENTS. when they aren’t working their day job as an ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, they are fond of and are never seen without the pink jade anklet from a forgotten past. at first glance they seem CHARMING & INTUITIVE, though their close friends know them to also be DESTRUCTIVE & MANIPULATIVE. they consider themself a ANTI-HERO/VILLAIN.
TRIGGER: heavily detailed drowning & sa (minor)
name  lysander gohnicknames  laz | alias architect age  39date of birth  november 1stzodiac  scorpio place of birth  norfolk, va current residence  brooklyn, nygender  trans manpronouns  he/himsexuality  queer occupation  administrative assistant former cerberus agent
faceclaim  desmond chiamheight  5'11"tattoos  two (dragonfly upon his right shoulderblade. arrow on the inside of his bicep)piercings  intimatedistinguishing features  has a scar across brow where he fell on his collapse. minimal scarring for cosmetic procedures.positive traits  charming - intuitivenegative traits  destructive - manipulativelikes  cotton blends - hot baths/showers - psychology books dislikes  nosy cerberus agents - mistreating eldersfears  high doses of pharmaceuticals - blinding lights hobbies  watching older movies - collecting records habits  eating candy - cleaning hands - being barefoot
near death experience…  Much to his dismay, Lysander wasn't targeted. Some dumb punk was robbing his Father's shop and touched his hand during the exchange. Due to the distress and anxiety, the substance coursed through him much faster and he began to experience the symptoms much faster and much harder. He still thinks about how so many thoughts raced through his mind that he couldn't focus on what was happening around him. He was so scared. Oh. So. Frightened.
power…  ADVANCED EMPATHY. Over the thirteen years; and counting, Lysander has honed his control over emotions and how they manifest on psychological plane. It took him years to "pluck" a singular string of feelings from a crowd or push one desire to a group. Emotions ranging from verbal, behaviors, physiological, and neural. Hypnosis comes naturally. As a former asset of Cerberus, he has learned to create physical manifestations such as agony or confusion. The darker side of his emotions are tied to physical conversion of that raw emotion. Fuel enough rage and you'll feel the weight of it baring down upon you. It granted him the ability to hide from Cerberus this long. Anyone with a tactile sense of their surroundings can feel the density of the emotional aura- much like tendrils that allows him to "latch" to target(s). While in physical combat, he can bring himself to a tranquil state that empowers him. If you allow him to touch you, he's basically been given all the keys to dominate you emotionally. Given more time, he could potentially harness the energetic flow of emotions for himself. When it comes to his powers, some would say he "builds" a series of emotional responses. It feels like your favorite sensation; easing the light squeeze of his control. A sweet song. A gentle whisper. Perhaps a warm hug- or the comfort of silence. It's almost as if he knows it all within a fraction of a second. The best friend. Your worst enemy. Just keep him closer to the neutral edge.
drawbacks / vulnerabilities… Empathic Power Resistance (resistant), Indomitable Will/Psychic Shield/Empathic Shield, Empathic Shadow and Apathy/Psychic Immunity - all present great challenges when Lysander is attempting to "push" or "pull" a general emotional manifestation. He also lacks physical defenses while "locked" on a particular action. He can only influence a group of 10 or less or he will feel the crippling side-effects and potentially absorb too many emotions at once. In order to achieve a physiological result, he has to know the initial series of emotional load. Push too many emotions? He could easily drive a person delirious or knock them unconscious. While water can give him a great benefit, it also makes him more susceptible to emotional overload. Distance, enclosed spaces, perception, and confidence play a large role in how potent his abilities are and how tightly he can grasp them. Negativity or darker emotions seem to feed into a corrupt thought process. Often giving him a bit of a similar persona adaption.
cerberus corp…  He's kept his distance for so long. Someone would question why this one slip-up put him back on the playing field. It took them a year to figure out how he was evading them. Certainly they could use someone like him on their team. Apply leashes without even the slightest idea. Punishment? No negative consequences or waiting for adjustments. With the right training and the right direction, he could have rogue eos under their thumb. He'd trusted them. Allowed them to paint pretty pictures of a world that would never exist. Perfect smiles hid flawed agendas. He used his time under them to his advantage. Milked them dry until he burned every rug beneath them. Til this day, he still holds his former partners and The Corp responsible for not allowing him to grant his Father the last moment of peace before he unknowingly passed. One psionic beep put him back on the map. Still an investment Cerberus is willing to make?
codename… Architect. He's always loved breaking things down and rebuilding them. He used to believe it took one "brick" to steady a foundation. He still believes in that brick but he also knows what can be constructed and be demolished.
003.  EXTRA
Plot stuff for Mr. Lysander. A few ideas that I'd be more interested to see for him are:
* Some Agents he's familiar with prior to leaving Cerberus. This could be in passing or familiarity. Perhaps were invested in his wellbeing because they might've seen the personality shifts he displayed. * An Agent that he was frequently/deliberately paired with. Pretty much friends (conflicts included). Tried to get him the help he needed and defended him against the others before he ultimately left. Knew of his father's passing but was forced to keep him from finding out. * Someone he's been intimate with. Agent or Rogue EO. 99.8% identifying as male/masc. * Witnesses to his "incident". TLDR, Lysander killed an EO during a mission. Absorbing too many of the other's emotions, it fueled a bit of his own anger. Petitioned for demotion and observation. **OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS
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ashfilledsoul-blog · 6 years
Sometimes she got restless on her free nights. The safe space that was her sparring gym would feel just a little claustrophobic. Frenetic energy would push her outside into the slowly warming nights, the vampire making her way to the edge of the woods. Occasionally she’d just stand there staring, but tonight she had a bag of knives with her. Target practice against the aged trunks of the forest’s edge was oddly satisfying, and sometimes if she lingered long enough an Echo or a Boggart would show up, curious about the noise. Moving targets were always more fun, and even if she didn’t hit anything, it was a nice way to release tension.
Thunk. Tonight she’d had nothing but bark. Her dagger glinted in the moonlight as she pulled it from the likely offended trunk of a birch. She’d been stuck in this town for two years now...two years and it felt like she was half asleep, half desiccated. It would all be worth it though, if this shit with August worked out. Deciding she was done with target practice, Ash wiped the blade off on her pants and turned, intending to call it a night and head home. Instead she froze, frame on alert at the sight of a figure beside her bag of weapons. Eyes narrowed, she was protective of her things.
“Sneaking up on folks is dangerous in this town,” she offered, taking a step towards the male. “Can I help you with something? I mean, I likely won’t, but  you could ask.”
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sevenseasbulletin · 3 years
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PLOT DROP 001 - The North Star Goes Dark?
For days, the storm lingered just on the horizon; as if testing the might & will of the Port Vale locals, to see how long they could withstand the suspense of it’s impending force. When it finally hit, suddenly as if it had held back waiting, there was little warning of it’s approach other than cool winds and low clouds. The ocean had come for Port Vale with a vengeance, the waves reaching for the shore, hungry and greedy.
As suddenly as it had begun, the storm ceased and the clouds rolled out, leaving the town recovering from the damage of it’s rage. Victoria Wolfgang’s task force were busy through the storm, but in the ocean, there were more forces at work trying to protect the town; Reef Lockslan & Lazarus were in their hippocampi form, just out of sight of the humans (and undercover mer) helping from land. It was in the howling worst of the storm that Laz froze, hit with a wave of lost memories, fragments of a dark cave, unfamiliar voices... fuzzy and overpowering. Reef was able to keep him from harm, the ocean aiming it’s strongest tides to Laz, but they both could hear the voice in the water; come back. An argument between sirens Valentina Romanova & Elistra Smith ended as the storm hit, but on the way back to her apartment, a car slid due to the rain and came skidding off of the road, catching Val off-guard and nearly pinning her between it and the wall of The Starbeach Café, causing minor damage to the siren & major damage to the café. Elistra had her hands busy helping Victoria; she’d headed to the chapel to check on those seeking shelter, when she saw Quinn Darcy struggling in the storm. The Kelp Forrest Campsite had flooded, and Q was trying to make it through the knee-deep water when the strong winds pushed debris into him, the ocean greedy to pull him down & away. The siren got him to safety with some struggle, but they both would be sporting bruises & minor injuries in the days following. 
It wasn’t just the town suffering; on the outskirts, Emilia Acosta & Renzie Anand found themselves without shelter in the heavy rain by the castle ruins. The beaten path towards town was covered with water rushing to the cliffs, and Emilia nearly stumbled to her death over the decline of the rocks. As she started to fall, Renzie pulled her back to safety, but not before she saw something odd in the corner of her eyes; heads in the water, swimming expertly despite the powerful waves, as if they were part of the ocean itself... but then they were gone, off in the direction away from town. 
The day after the storm, the town came together with Mayor Xander Blackmore to access the damage to the town & ensure everyone was safe. The biggest news of the hour that morning? 
The North Star Lighthouse was back in working order, light brighter than ever. And the mysterious emerald pendant? Gone, again. Unknown to the town, Mellora Atoll had staged a break-in at the museum, trusting mermaids from the North Atlantic with the task of returning the artifact... but the storm had overpowered them, too, and the gemstone was now lost into the unforgiving sea. The superstitious locals whisper good riddance, the damn thing was cursed, the damn thing broke our lighthouse, good riddance! In general, the locals were happy to brush the recent events off and return to normal under the cloudless skies, storm in the past - but for those who know better?
It felt like just the beginning. 
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margridarnauds · 4 years
002 orleans, 001 peyronan, lets GO
001 | Peyronan
when I started shipping it if I did: Funnily, it went under my radar for YEARS, because I. Did not care about Lazare at ALL. Did not even L I K E him. And the 1789 fandom, as a whole, was VERY anti-Ronan. You could not say ANYTHING positive about Ronan at that time. Then, during a stream of Zuka 1789 in June 2017 (THREE YEARS. WHAT THE FUCK? HOW HAVE THREE YEARS PAST?), I was like “Oh? O H? O    H  ?” and so It began. I started off with the idea of creating a contained series of drabbles, highlighting the two of them over the course of the musical. The idea was that it would essentially be PWP, disconnected, plotless, researchless, no feelings involved, no softening of Lazare, and would probably end at Ronan’s death. But, as I began working the concepts further, I realized that wouldn’t work, and within a few months of beginning the project, I started to call it “The Abomination”, due to it warping far, far out of my control. These days, a LOT of what I’ve written ties back to those original ideas for The Abomination, and a lot of the concepts used in Between the Waves started there (Printing Press being one of them.) 
my thoughts: THE BOIS. THE B O I S. My favorite totally canon ship. The two of them really do balance one another out really well, they’re the classic fire and ice combo (though, underneath Lazare’s ice, there’s fire, and underneath Ronan’s fire, there’s ice.) Ronan’s character arc begins and ends with Lazare, and there’s SOMETHING about him going to Paris with this idea of “Okay, I’m going to kill the Comte, take back my lands, and dance on the ashes of the old world” and then meeting Lazare and being like “...okay, new plan: Save this fucking disaster from himself”. There’s something about his arc going from hatred to love. And could this be done with Olympe as well? Yes, it could be. But, for me, I like the full circle happening with Lazare, since he did start this. Both of them have a Hell of a lot to learn from one another, there’s going to be a lot of grappling when it comes to establishing equality, a lot of sniping back and forth, but I also do think, legitimately, they could make one another happy. (And, Hell, even if they didn’t, that doesn’t mean it can’t be a fun ride.) 
What makes me happy about them: The general idea that the Comte de Peyrol, a cold-hearted, professional guard dog who probably never really even THOUGHT of love as something he could have, could melt for this revolutionary, no matter HOW slightly, enough to risk everything for a relationship. That, despite everything else, Ronan could love him back. That, even if only for a few months, they got to be HAPPY with one another. 
What makes me sad about them: The ending. The things that were left unresolved. It’s doubly sad in, say, the PLP universe, where Lazare really DID love Ronan with his entire heart, but Ronan really died without KNOWING the extent that Lazare was invested. And that Lazare will have to live the rest of his life, HOWEVER long that will be, thinking of how he destroyed the one person who ever gave a damn about him outside of what he could do for them. 
things done in fanfic that annoys me: Given that the fandom mainly consists of me + the various friends I’ve kidnapped into the fandom, there really ISN’T all that much? Like, I feel like the 1789 fandom, as a whole, is a fairly chill space (knock on wood.)
things I look for in fanfic: Existing is a lovely start. 
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I don’t MIND Camille/Ronan, Ronan/Olympe, or Olympe/Lazare. They aren’t FAVORITES in the same way, but I would probably read fanfic for it. And I have read fanfic for Ronan/Robespierre as well. 
My happily ever after for them: Lazare chooses to leave the Army after realizing that it’s destroying him, the two of them escape the worst of the Revolution together and go away, either to London or America (I. Doubt. That someone as high profile as Lazare could slink away to the country like a ton of other aristocrats did.) They live together more or less openly, Lazare deciding against taking a wife for convenience’s sake, and society is left to deal. In theory, they keep two separate bedrooms, but in practice? Yeah, that peasant boy is spending all his time in Lazare’s bed, and Lazare has no complaints. 
who is the big spoon/little spoon: See, I WANT to say “Lazare”. This has been my official stance for YEARS. That Ronan routinely cuddles up to Lazare (who had a very difficult time admitting that he, in fact, needs cuddles), and Lazare pulls his arm over him, protecting him, since we KNOW that Lazare tends to feel a deep sense of duty re: protecting the things most important to him, whether that’s the Crown or Ronan. BUT CONSIDER. BIG SPOON RONAN attacking from behind and Lazare getting to feel safe and secure for ONCE. 
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Ronan likes Lazare reading to him. Lazare has a very warm, smooth voice, when he isn’t barking out orders. Ronan loves getting to cuddle against his shoulder or on his lap, Lazare stroking his hair with one hand and holding the book in the other, letting his voice flow over him. Lazare will sometimes (gently) chastise him for not listening to a single word he says, but it’s worth it to see Ronan at peace (and, in the case of at least a few of the works, it isn’t a particularly great loss, anyway.) 
002 | Orléans
How I feel about this character: Thotty, ambitious bastard who should NOT be this charismatic and yet somehow IS. Also right for a solid 60% of the musical. I’m trying to articulate all my thoughts but they are just variations on “SON” and “PROBLEMATIC”. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Margrid Arnaud. Arnaud, Margrid. The sister of Marie Antoinette. Street Gremlin. I can KIND of see Antoinette, in a very, very odd way. Less “I love you so now I’m going to destroy you” like the Hungarian did, more “We were friends, there were Undercurrents to it, Things happened to make them have some mutually hurt feelings, and being stung like that set up this Mood for things later on.” 
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I’m actually really interested in Louis & Orléans, as a relationship. Like, they were COUSINS. Something went deeply, deeply bad in their relationship at some point, and it totally ruined both of their lives. In another life, they might have been closer, but, with a throne between them....there was really no other way for it to end. 
My unpopular opinion about this character: The LOVELY thing about a fandom that consists of, like, three people on a good day is that IT’S MY SANDBOX. But, one thing that I do think is that it wasn’t really a straightforward Mnaipulator-Manipulatee relationship with Margrid. She signed on knowing fully well that she would get her hands dirty, Orléans TOLD her as much, and she wanted it, at the time. It didn’t really benefit him to conceal what they would be doing. The two of them just happened to drift to two different places over time. I’ve seen a certain....tendency to baby Margrid over her choices, because she DOES have a traumatic backstory, but...she can still be rather reprehensible as a human being herself. In the early stages of the musical, HE’D be more likely to hold her back from doing something awful as opposed to vice versa. I also do think that...he didn’t GO OUT intending to supplant Antoinette. That was formed after years of seeing her bungle ruling the country. You can even see it in M cast when Antoinette turns down Rohan’s attempt to make nice, where he has this very distinct “Oh....she DIDN’T....she did” face. That isn’t the face of someone who’s THRILLED that things are going according to plan, that’s the face of someone who’s realizing that there’s only one way for this to happen and for France to remain in one piece, and it’s for him to take the throne. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: The problem with Orléans, as a character, is that at least in the Toho production, I DO think he’s fairly well done. It’s hard for me to REALLY see....what I wish could have happened. Because you kind of realize that there were only ever a few ways for this to end, and as the musical progresses, the available options just get narrower and narrower. It isn’t GOOD, but like....you UNDERSTAND how it happens. I do wish that he had more scenes with Margrid, obviously from a self-indulgent ship perspective. Not even in terms of “canonical makeout session” (since I almost feel like a canonical makeout session would ruin it), but in terms of him finding out that Marie was her sister and that THAT was where he went wrong, but also....I’m not sure how MUCH it would have ended, and there’s something to be said for the tragedy of him just never KNOWING why she betrayed him. That hurt, furious look on his face as he’s led away really is probably the best place to end their relationship on. I would have loved to have seen their second meeting, after Hébert convinced her to take the job, since it would have REALLY given a ton of groundwork for their working partnership and would have given them the chance to discuss their kind of disastrous first meeting.  Obviously, I would hope that he gets his head screwed on properly and he runs off with Margrid to America, where they end up living peacefully for many years and having children who are spoiled absolutely rotten, along with his other, legitimate children, who also flee to America. Philippe, being himself, naturally ingratiates himself to the new country, becoming very active in politics, and upon his summoning of his dear friend the Chevalier de Saint-Georges to America, the cause of Abolitionism is given a massive head start. It isn’t entirely France....or London, where Philippe’s heart will always lie, but it’s a nice existence, and his ego is suitably stroked by the American fascination with royalty. (He and Laz still have at least one near-duel, which is halted by their respective significant others.) 
my OTP: Morléans. Shockingly. 
my cross over ship: Never 5get @lochley fucking selling me on Marie/Olympe/Orléans. 
a headcanon fact: Part of why he has his ongoing snipefest with Fersen is that he’s bitter that Fersen was able to fight in the American Revolution while, in his case, after the Royal Family tossed him to the wolves after the Battle of Ushant, he was forced to remain in France and sit it out, and someone as active as Orléans could barely STAND it. (Also, along with Ronan, has SOME form of ADHD. He has a lot of plans, and one LARGER plan, but when it comes to things outside of that one larger plan? Yeah, he scurries around, chases after whatever seems good in the moment. It drives Margrid up a WALL.) 
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playitbyear-laz · 5 years
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Yoooo, first of all I just want to say THANK YOU! I’m overwhelmed by the support and feedback I’ve received from my initial promotion of this project. I promise to keep the banter to a minimum in future posts as I want to keep the conversation about the music, but I really couldn’t help but express my gratitude to everyone who showed love this past week. Until now, I haven’t had an ideal outlet for me to share all of the low key tunes that I keep in my music library. I’m excited to share more with you as the weeks go by and to involve some friends & fellow music curators in the process as well. Until then, I present PLAY IT BY EAR 001.
                                        001 Curated by laz 
                            Spotify Apple Music SoundCloud 
Good Energy - Brandt Orange
WHERE: My homie Hector (@_whatthehecktor) first introduced me to Matt aka Brandt Orange’s music about 3 years ago and his discography has been in constant rotation ever since.
WHY: Matt’s songwriting reminds me so much of Frank Ocean. That explanation alone should be enough reason for you to tap in. 
Time - Sebastian Mikael 
WHERE: IG story - Andres Uribe (@andres.j.uribe)
WHY: This is one of those songs that can instantly set the tone for a romantic night. Fellas, you’re welcome. 
Twisted - CVIRO & GXNXVS
WHERE: Not entirely sure, but I believe a Zane Lowe radio show had something to do with me finding this track lol 
WHY: 90′s R&B sound using tons of modern production elements. Can’t get any better than that. 
Don’t I Ever Cross Your Mind - Barbara Mason
WHERE: Heard this song playing @Goldline in Highland park. Have your Shazam app ready whenever you visit this spot (s/o Larry aka @predakon).
WHY: Just a fun track to groove to with a catchy hook. 
Come On - Charlie Bereal
WHERE: The good good homie (yes two good’s) N8 (@n8mandreza) shared this one in the whip while we were driving to get Chik Fil A lol. Expect many of the tracks that show up here to come from him. 
WHY: Super funky with a groovy bass line. Reminds me a lot of Thundercat.
Chandelier - Shoreline Mafia feat. Curren$y
WHERE: IG Story - Tristan Galindo (@tristangalindo_) 
WHY: Shoreline Mafia is a no brainer if you’re in the mood to turn up or just feel good in general. This song encapsulates that feeling for me every time. 
Mob Ties - Tedy Andreas feat. ICECOLDBISHOP
WHERE: Had the pleasure of working on a week long intensive camp last year with the record label ‘Keep Cool’ (@keepcool) where I discovered ICECOLDBISHOP. 
WHY: Both Tedy and ICECOLDBISHOP snap on their verses and the beat has that vibe that makes you wanna cruise around just for the sake of cruising around. 
Goodbye Kisses - Joe Hertz feat. Pip Millett
WHERE: Stumbled upon a gem during my trip to Tokyo last year called ‘Wrep Bar’ and the DJ opened his set with this song. 
WHY: Pip Millett’s voice is just buttery, jazz-y goodness. Production captures everything good about a classic future bass track.  
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jasmineaysh · 4 years
http://www.pinktherapy.com/sites/Juv-Dina-Ki-in-Dire-Tv01.html http://www.pinktherapy.com/sites/Juv-Dina-Ki-in-Dire-Tv02.html http://www.pinktherapy.com/sites/Club-Brugg-Zen-Liv-kij-Tv01.html http://www.pinktherapy.com/sites/Club-Brugg-Zen-Liv-kij-Tv02.html http://www.pinktherapy.com/sites/Laz-BVB-in-dir-Tv01.html http://www.pinktherapy.com/sites/Laz-BVB-in-dir-Tv02.html http://www.pinktherapy.com/sites/gandu-sev-v-Che-On-vbc03.html http://www.pinktherapy.com/sites/gandu-sev-v-Che-On-vbc04.html http://www.pinktherapy.com/sites/gandu-sev-v-Che-On-vbc05.html http://www.pinktherapy.com/sites/Video-Paris-v-Man-direct-nbo-05.html http://www.pinktherapy.com/sites/Video-Paris-v-Man-direct-nbo-06.html http://www.pinktherapy.com/sites/video-Ferencv-v-FCB-Dtr-03.html http://www.pinktherapy.com/sites/video-Ferencv-v-FCB-Dtr-04.html http://www.pinktherapy.com/sites/Ferencvárosi-tc-Barce-él-tv-01.html http://www.pinktherapy.com/sites/Ferencvárosi-tc-Barce-él-tv-02.html http://www.pinktherapy.com/sites/rb-leipzig-istanbul-basaksehir-tv01.html http://www.pinktherapy.com/sites/rb-leipzig-istanbul-basaksehir-tv02.html http://www.pinktherapy.com/sites/cof-P-Ma-tv-001.html http://www.pinktherapy.com/sites/cof-P-Ma-tv-002.html http://www.pinktherapy.com/sites/cof-Ren-Kras-tv-001.html http://www.pinktherapy.com/sites/cof-Ren-Kras-tv-002.html
https://cds.nyu.edu/sites/Juv-Dina-Ki-in-Dire-Tv03.html https://cds.nyu.edu/sites/Club-Brugg-Zen-Liv-kij-Tv03.html https://cds.nyu.edu/sites/Laz-BVB-in-dir-Tv03.html https://cds.nyu.edu/sites/gandu-sev-v-Che-On-vbc02.html https://cds.nyu.edu/sites/Video-Paris-v-Man-direct-nbo-04.html https://cds.nyu.edu/sites/Ferencvárosi-tc-Barce-él-tv-03.html https://cds.nyu.edu/sites/cof-P-Ma-tv-003.html https://cds.nyu.edu/sites/cof-P-Ma-tv-004.html https://cds.nyu.edu/sites/cof-Ren-Kras-tv-003.html https://cds.nyu.edu/sites/cof-Ren-Kras-tv-004.html
https://wemapp.eu/sites/Juv-Dina-Ki-in-Dire-Tv04.html https://wemapp.eu/sites/Laz-BVB-in-dir-Tv04.html https://wemapp.eu/sites/Laz-BVB-in-dir-Tv04.html https://wemapp.eu/sites/gandu-sev-v-Che-On-vbc06.html https://wemapp.eu/sites/Video-Paris-v-Man-direct-nbo-03.html https://wemapp.eu/sites/video-Ferencv-v-FCB-Dtr-06.html https://wemapp.eu/sites/Ferencvárosi-tc-Barce-él-tv-04.html
https://www.iadt-dentaltrauma.org/yuio/rb-leipzig-istanbul-basaksehir-tv03.html https://www.iadt-dentaltrauma.org/yuio/rb-leipzig-istanbul-basaksehir-tv04.html https://www.iadt-dentaltrauma.org/yuio/Video-Paris-v-Man-direct-nbo-01.html https://www.iadt-dentaltrauma.org/yuio/Video-Paris-v-Man-direct-nbo-02.html https://www.iadt-dentaltrauma.org/yuio/video-Ferencv-v-FCB-Dtr-05.html
http://schedule.tsu.ru/sitex/gandu-sev-v-Che-On-vbc01.html http://schedule.tsu.ru/sitex/video-Ferencv-v-FCB-Dtr-01.html http://schedule.tsu.ru/sitex/video-Ferencv-v-FCB-Dtr-02.html
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rvlethewcrld-blog · 7 years
masterlist of muses’ sexualities whaddap
ruby rose: asexual homoromantic
pyrrha nikos: pansexual/romantic
winter schnee: bisexual demiromantic
eliza: asexual/romantic
minette: asexual homoromantic
sans: asexual biromantic with a preference for girls
malachite: homosexual greyromantic
momswap!lapis: homosexual/romantic
paige: pansexual recipromantic
bee: asexual/romantic
panty: pansexual aromantic
vivi: bisexual/romantic
ayano aishi: bisexual greyromantic
lord dominator: homosexual demiromantic
marceline abadeer: homosexual biromantic
joyce byers: bisexual/romantic
symmetra: homosexual/romantic
sombra: homosexual/romantic
fareeha “pharah” amari: homosexual/romantic
carrie white: asexual biromantic
nikki ann-marie: homosexual/romantic
pidge holt: asexual/romantic
neptune: pansexual homoromantic
mimikyu: nonsexual
satsuki kiryuin: bisexual/romantic
cecil gershwin palmer: homosexual/romantic
clara and mia bulhamet: asexual/romantic
e-001: nonsexual
jason “jd” dean: bisexual heteroromantic
elizabeth “eliza” schuyler hamilton: pansexual/romantic
amanda: homosexual/romantic
phyllis greyson: asexual/romantic
dough: homosexual/romantic
laz: homosexual/romantic
samantha “sam” warren: homosexual/romantic
anastasia: homosexual/romantic
sarifah: bisexual/romantic
nefti and wadjet: asexual/romantic
aaleyah shadid: bisexual/romantic
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x0ura · 6 years
Split - Entry: #001 (”Fun”)
"Hey, man, you should totally [insert dangerous thing/action]"
"Uh, why? Isn't that a bit like... not good for my health?"
"But it'll be fun! Don't you want to try it?"
"It's come up as an intrusive thought before, Laz, but that's no reason for me to do it now."
"You're no fun."
"Sorry wanting to stay alive is boring to you."
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[GET] The Forex Daily Trading System by Laz L
UN to Watch and EASY To Understand... MODULE #1 - Forex Basics: Video 000: This Video is an overview of how our forex course will work for you. Video 001: How To Download an MT4 trading station demo. How To Open A Demo Or A Live Forex Account. (Live account not required for the course!) Video 002: How to add indicators to your charts. Video 003: How to add Expert Advisors to your trading station (MT4). Video 004: In this Video I explain what the header menu is used for. Video 005: In this Video I explain the short cut icons. Video 006: Understanding how to use the Market Watch Window. Video 007: In this Video I go over sections of the Terminal. The terminal is where you will see all your live orders and live trades in action. Video 008: How to use MT4 Templates and Create your own. Video 009: Understanding how to use the Options section of your trading station. Video 010: Understanding how to use the Broker Data. Its not something that many of us tend to use. This section is ideally used for those who are creating Forex Robots that trade for them automatically. Video 011: Understanding how to use different time frames. Remember this! The higher the time frame you use, the more stable the outcome will be. 1 min to 15 minute charts tend to be used for Scalping or to perfect entry points / exit points. "The #1 Reason For Losing" Video 012: Understanding what Leverage is. In this Video I go over the options of using Leverage. Trading too high of a Leverage is one of the #1 key's of losing all your money! Video 013: Understanding the basic concepts of Money and Risk Management. Video 014: Understanding how to project your earnings. Video 015: Understanding which times of the day to trade. Video 016: Just a heads up to be cautious on Forex Forums. Forex Forums are like walking on broken glass! You'll get cut if you don't tread in the right place! forex trading course module 2MODULE #2 - Forex Indicators: Video 017: Introduction to Module 2. Congratulations. Now we have the basics down. Let's start stepping it up a notch and show you how to apply indicators to the charts and how to locate buy and sell opportunities. Video 018: Using the Accelerator Oscillator Indicator. The Acceleration/Deceleration Technical Indicator (AC) measures acceleration and deceleration of the current driving force. Video 019: Using the Accumulation Distribution Indicator. Developed by Marc Chaikin, the Accumulation Distribution Line is a volume-based indicator designed to measure the cumulative flow of money into and out of a security. Video 020: Using the Alligator Indicator. Alligator Technical Indicator is a combination of Balance Lines (Moving Averages) that use fractal geometry and nonlinear dynamics. Video 021: ADX - Average Movement Directional Movement Index. The Average Directional Index (ADX), Minus Directional Indicator (-DI) and Plus Directional Indicator (+DI) represent a group of directional movement indicators that form a trading system developed by Welles Wilder. Works extremely well in larger time frames. Also works well to work out when to close trades on lower time frames. Watch the Video to understand its complexity, and how I have simplified its use. Video 022: Awesome Oscillator This indicator has probably got to be one the most difficult ones to use on its own. However later on I will show you how to use it properly. Video 023: Using the Bears Power and Bulls Power Indicator. Bulls power and Bears power; the bulls and the bears struggle defines which way will the price move. Video 024: Using the Bollinger Bands Indicator in Forex Trading. Bollinger Bands are a technical trading tool created by John Bollinger in the early 1980s. Great in combination with Candle formations. Video 025: Using the Commodity Channel Index (CCI) Indicator. The Commodity Channel Index (CCI) is a versatile indicator that can be used to identify a new trend or warn of extreme conditions. Video 026: Using the Demarker Indicator. Video 027: Using the Envelopes Indicator. Envelopes; there are quite a few ways to use the envelopes indicator, in this Video I show you one method how you can locate buy and sell opportunities and the techniques used to reduce the number of losing trades. Video 028: Using the Fractals Indicator. The Fractals indicator is a pretty good one to use. It depicts supply and demand levels, and is also handy to plot Elliott wave analysis onto your charts as well. Video 029: Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Video 030: Using the Moving Average Convergence Divergence Indicator. MACD; Moving Average Convergence Divergence, its as the name sounds. This indicator will allow you to find convergences and divergences in the markets. Convergences when found you can expect the market to drop. And vice versa for any divergences found. Video 031: The Momentum indicator is another indicator that you can use to find overbought and oversold levels, and you can use line studies for breakouts. Video 032: Using the Money Flow Index (MFI) Indicator. Money Flow Index; the money flow index is another overbought or oversold indicator. Video 033: Moving Averages The moving averages is a lagging indicator some people tend to use it to find which direction the trend is going in. "Reduce False Signals..." Video 034: Moving Average of Oscillator Osma as it's better known is similar to the moving average divergence convergence indicator. In this Video I go over some some areas to spot those buy and sell signals and ways to reduce false signals Video 035: Parabolic SAR The parabolic SAR basically means "stop and reverse". As the name sounds when the market goes up it stops and then it reverses. Sales page : http://www.daytradingcoach.com/forex...ng-course.html
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theoutlierdjournal · 7 years
Mencapai Inklusifitas SDGs no 6 bersama Zakat
Sdgs belakangan ini menjadi suatu hal yang sangat menarik untuk dibicarakan. Tidak hanya pada tingkat pemerintahan namun juga anak muda diminta untuk berperan aktif dalam mencapai 17 sasaran dan 169 target sdgs yang telah disahkan semenjak bulan september 2015. Sdgs memiliki poin yang lebih komprehensif dibandingkan dengan mdgs, namun waktu pemenuhannya sama dengan mdgs yaitu selama 15 tahun kedepan.
Tentu target-target seperti ini dibutuhkan dana yang cukup besar juga mengingat poin-poinnya merupakan “peningkatan” Dari apa yang sudah terjadi pada hari ini. Saya tidak tahu persis seberapa besar uang yang pemerintah gelontorkan untuk mencapai target sdgs ini, namun setahu saya, pemerintah tidak memiliki alokasi khusus, karena sdgs ini disinergikan dengan program pembangunan, sehingga hampir seluruh uang memang digelontorkan untuk mencapai target sdgs.
Saya sendiri penggiat sdgs nomor 6 mengenai universal access terhadap air dan sanitasi. Saya hanya mengetahui dana yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapai universal access tersebut dengan dana yang tersedia pada pemerintahan hari ini memang sangat jauh sekali. Untuk akses air sendiri, dibutuhkan dana 245 triliyun sedangkan dana yang tersedia hanya 33.8 triliyun. Untuk akses sanitasi, dibutuhkan dana sebesar 254 triliyun sedangkan dana yang tersedia hanya 35.6 triliyun rupiah. Betapa ketimpangan jelas terjadi. 
Kemarin saya berkesempatan berdiskusi dengan bang hudzaifah hanum, alumni asrama ppsdms yang sekarang menjadi anggota divisi perencanaan dan pengembangan baznas, beliau memaparkan betapa potensi uang zakat sangat besar apalagi untuk mencapai target-target sdgs. Sesungguhnya, target sdgs juga selaras dengan nilai-nilai islam dimana dari ke-17 point sdgs, secara garis besar gerakan zakat berfokus pada 11 isu yaitu pemberantasan kemiskinan, menghapusan kelaparan, peningkatan kualitas kesehatan, pemberian pendidikan yang layak, kesetaraan gender, air bersih dan sanitasi, energi, pertumbuhan ekonomi, mengurangi kesenjangan, perubahan iklim, dan kemitraan. Baznas bersama undp juga sudah mengeluarkan booklet yang membahas pemanfaatan uang zakat untuk mencapai sdgs, silahkan di unduh disini. 
Bang hanum memaparkan tentang zakat secara umum zakat memungkinkan adanya mekanisme redistribusi harta secara non-transaksional dan redistribusi tersebut secara definitif ditujukan kepada orang yang secara kapasitas lemah, yang masuk dalam 8 asnaf mustahik. Bahkan zakat menjadi satu-satunya uang “yang diwajibkan dikeluarkan” Atas perintah agama. Beliau memaparkan bahwa tidak ada kewajiban seperti itu dalam agama lain, persepuluh dalam katolikisme diambil, tapi itu untuk gereja, sedangkan protestan malah tidak ada kewajiban definitif dari bibel-nya, hanya universalitas tentang kedermawanan.
Memang, pada zaman dahulu, zakat diserahkan secara karitatif, atau langsung begitu saja kepada para mustahik. Namun, di zaman yang masalah sosialnya semakin kompleks ini, zakat sebaiknya disalurkan untuk program sosial, yang kuncinya adalah membuka akses layanan dasar, yaitu, kesehatan,pendidikan, dan kemanusiaan. Air dan sanitasi merupakan bagian dari kesehatan, sehingga sangat diperbolehkan penggunaan uang zakat (atau yang lebih luasnya ziswaf) untuk peningkatan akses terhadap kebutuhan ini.
Mengingat pentingnya hal ini, semnejak tahun 2015 majelis ulama indonesia (mui) telah mengeluarkan fatwa nomor : 001/munas-ix/mui/2015, mengenai  pendayagunaan harta zakat, lnfak, sedekah, dan wakaf untuk pembangunan sarana air bersih dan sanitasi bagi masyarakat indonesia (fatwanya dapat diunduh disini ya). Sebenarnya hal ini bukanlah pengetahuan baru bagi saya, karena semenjak mendalami masalah air dan sanitasi di awal tahun 2016, saya pertama kali belajar kepada laz (lembaga amil zakat) harfa di pandeglang yang memang mengelola uang zakat untuk peningkatan akses air dan sanitasi. 
Memang mui mengeluarkan fatwa tentang hal ini? Salah satu alasannya karena dalam buku fiqh klasik, masalah thaharah menjadi bahasan paling utama yang secara implisit menggambarkan concern agama terhadap masalah kebersihan. Apalagi, mayoritas masyarakat indonesia merupakan agama islam, sehingga, peran zakat memang sangat krusial disini. 
Ketika kita berbicara mengenai zakat, maka kita juga berbicara mengenai 8 asnaf penerima zakat. Yusuf qardhawi memang tidak secara spesifik mengatakan bahwa penerima zakat haruslah agama islam namun mayoritas masyarakatlah yang berhak mendapatkan zakat. Sehingga, tidak terjadi masalah, semisalkan uang zakat dipakai untuk peningkatan akses air dan sanitasi di daerah indonesia yang non-muslim, namun kembali lagi kepada prioritas, apakah tidak ada daerah lain yang berpenduduk muslim lebih banyak dan sama-sama membutuhkan?
Namun yang perlu digarisbawahi adalah mengenai penggunaan uangnya. Permasalahan sanitasi khususnya di indonesia bukan sekadar karena ketiadaan fasilitas, namun tentang perilaku masyarakat. Sehingga, sebaiknya, uang zakat tidak sekadar dipakai untuk membangun fasilitas namun juga kepada hal yang memiliki efek dan dampak jangka panjang yaitu edukasi mengenai perubahan pola perilaku masyarakat terhadap kebiasaan buruk mereka. Program stbm (sanitasi total berbasis masyarakat) memang disebut sebagai salah satu program terbaik saat ini untuk merubah pola perilaku masyarakat karena mereka diminta secara aktif untuk terlibat dalam program dan juga perubahan perilaku memang scara natural dari masyarakat itu sendiri. 
Selain masalah paradigma program, masalah kurang maksimalnya pengumpulan uang zakat menjadi hal yang perlu didiskusikan lebih lanjut pula. Mengutip dari perbincangan bersama bang hanum, beliau mengatakan bahwa, penelitian beik (2012), potensi zakat mencapai 217 triliun rupiah per tahun, dan wibisono (2016) potensi zakat itu 1,7% dari pdb. Tapi faktanya, realisasi pengumpulan zakat nasional masih rendah sekali, hanya 3,8 triliun rupiah di tahun 2015. Dua penyebab kurang maksimalnya pengumpulan zakat, pertama,  masyarakat masih tradisional berzakat, langsung diserahkan ke mustahik yang akhirnya tidak ada dampak pemberdayaan dari zakat. Kedua, pengelola zakat baznas daerah dan laz belum melaporkan pengelolaan zakatnya ke baznas.
Mengintegrasikan zakat dalam pembangunan merupakan upaya menciptakan paradigma pembangunan yang berpihak kepada kelompok masyarakat miskin dan lemah. Hal ini bukan sekedar memberikan santunan-santunan yang bersifat asistensi untuk mengurangi dampak-dampak kemiskinan. Melainkan, jauh melampaui itu, mengarusutamakan zakat dalam pembangunan berarti menciptakan sistem pembangunan yang berkeadilan bagi seluruh rakyat indonesia. 
Sebagai penutup, bang hanum memaparkan bahwa mengelola zakat bukan sekedar mengelola uang sebagai an sich. Tapi zakat adalah tentang paradigma. Kalau zakat dilihat sebatas uang atau sumber pembiayaan, maka paradigma zakatnya akan hilang. Jika demikian, zakat hanya akan jadi substitusi government budget saja. Padahal, zakat ini seharusnya jadi paradigma yang mempengaruhi pengalokasian government budget. Bukan sekedar prasyarat penerima donor. Tapi positioning zakat sebagai mitra budget pemerintah.
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lukyrouf · 7 years
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Zakat memiliki kedudukan penting dalam Islam setelah kewajiban sholat. Saking pentingnya kewajiban zakat, Allah Swt. sangat memuji kepada orang yang menunaikan dan mengancam dengan hukuman dunia dan akhirat bagi orang yang meninggalkan dengan berbagai daya dan upaya. Allah SWT memperingatkan,”…dan orang-orang yang menyimpan emas dan perak dan tidak menafkahkannya pada jalan Allah, maka beritahukanlah kepada mereka (bahwa mereka akan mendapat) siksa yang pedih, pada hari dipanaskan emas perak itu dalam neraka jahanam, lalu dibakar dengannya dahi mereka, lambung, dan punggung mereka, (lalu dikatakan) kepada mereka: ‘Inilah harta bendamu yang kamu simpan untuk dirimu sendiri, maka rasakanlah sekarang (akibat dari) apa yang kamu simpan itu’” (Qs: Al-Taubah: 34-35) Salurkan Zakat Anda Melalui Bank Mandiri Cabang RSCM 🏧 122-001-7101984 A/N Yayasan Cinta Dakwah . Terdaftar Izin Lembaga Amil Zakat (LAZ) No 01/SK-UPZ-Ponpes/BAZ-KABSI/V1/2017 . Ingatkan Sahabat, Teman dan Keluarga Kita Untuk Menunaikan Zakat . Follow Yayasan @CintaDakwahID 💟✅ Follow Yayasan @CintaDakwahID 💟✅ Follow Yayasan @CintaDakwahID 💟✅ http://ift.tt/2t8ITiD
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margridarnauds · 6 years
1789, ronan/laz, and laz | terra nova, wash/mira, mira
I bet you were wondering if this was ever getting done. Here, have some of my slightly sleep-deprived thoughts. 
Favorite character: Lazare de motherfucking Peyrol, for all of his (4) scenes.
Least Favorite character: You’re probably expecting Artois or Ramard. True, Ramard is absolutely noxious in the French version and…there in the Takarazuka version, but he has his moments, and he’s pretty adorable when he tries to rescue Olympe from Artois. Artois, while being….Artois, is pretty magnetic as a villain due to being played by Miya Rurika and managing to steal the show right out from under everybody’s feet everytime he’s on stage. No. The real threat is someone far more unassuming, someone that floods every moment he’s on the screen with dread. Someone who refuses to take no for an answer. Someone who DEFINITELY DID NOT HAVE AN AFFAIR WITH THE QUEEN OF FRANCE. MOTHERFUCKING FERSEN. The actress who plays him has such a phenomenal voice in the Takarazuka version and does so well with it that it’s hard, but Axel von Fersen is a dweeb and deserves at least one Peyrol Certified Bitchslap™. (Also, in real life, HE WAS A PLAYER. AND A BIT OF AN ASSHOLE IMO IF YOU READ HIS LETTERS, BUT THAT WAS PRETTY NORMAL SO I CAN EXCUSE IT. BUT HE WAS A PLAYER.) Now, I know this is 1789 and history is dead (poor, poor historical!Artois), but Fersen just…doesn’t really add anything with his presence. He’s there, he’s bland, he ups the already unfortunate heterosexual quotient of the show, and then I try to move on. And, also, while I am a member of the Slap Ronan Mazurier Club, I also think that GOING AFTER A HUNGOVER PEASANT. ARMED WITH A STICK. WHEN YOU HAVE A RAPIER. ISN’T GOOD FORM. Oh? He insulted your girlfriend? SO’S EVERYBODY ELSE, DUMBFUCK.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Laz/Ronan, Solene/Olympe, Olympe/Ronan/Lazare, Necker/Artois, Marie Antoinette/Olympe (in the sense of an unrequited thing that helped her to grow; not so much as an actual relationship)
Character I find most attractive: Solene. Like, was that a question? Thank you, final, ongoing proof of my bisexuality. 
Character I would marry: Olympe or Solene
Character I would be best friends with: Olympe, though I’m not sure how she’d deal with my sense of humor. I would say “Charlotte” but I’m not sure re: the age gap there, though she seems to be fine trailing along behind Danton. 
a random thought: I’ve been going over Solene’s scenes a lot for my WIP, trying to scoop out what characterization I can, and one thing that was really striking listening to the Takarazuka version is this mixture between power and insecurity. Like, she’s obviously deeply hurt by Ronan hurting her and, even though I don’t LIKE a lot of what the Zuka version did to Solene for various reasons, I do like that they have it as being DIRECTLY addressed to Ronan as a call-out. So you have her staring at him and saying she’s been abandoned and she didn’t have a choice while also talking about how Ronan’s entered her realm and how the men “submit themselves” to her. Like, I would never want to gloss over the harsh realities of a prostitute’s life at this time because it was REALLY dangerous, especially for a woman like Solene who seems to be working independently, without the (somewhat dubious) protection of a Madame or pimp, but she does seem to find a way to take some power in it that she would never have found as a farmer’s wife. I’m really glad that, despite the fact that this production really sanitized Solene (which, it’s to be expected; it’s Takarazuka), they still were able to bring in some of that grit. 
An unpopular opinion: The thing with 1789 is that opinions that are unpopular with one section of the fandom are popular with another and vice versa, as small as this fandom is. Ronan Mazurier is an idiot, but I don’t ABSOLUTELY hate him and I can actually like him, especially when I’m writing him and ESPECIALLY when I’m writing him outside of canon. “Je Veux le Monde” is interesting not just because Solene is being badass (she is!), but also because of the way the show utilizes violence even while the lyrics of the song condemn the bloodlust of revolutionaries like Ronan. Even though I can like both versions, the Takarazuka production saved the show. Peyrol’s troops on pillars during “Nous ne Sommes”>Dancing Table Robespierre. I will never understand the appeal of Salieri/Lazare as a ship. As much as I utilize Kinky!Lazare, I’m not really fond of Sadist!Lazare, since it robs him of a lot of whatever nuance the French production gave him (It’s not much, but I’ll take it). I think pretty much every production we’ve seen thus far did a cop out by not showing what really happened on July 12 instead of just “Bad Royalists attack poor protesters” (I’ll give a hint: It involved rocks. Thrown at the cavalry.) As much as I like Solene and Lucille Desmoulins as friends (WOMEN. BEING FRIENDS. IT’S A MIRACLE), it makes literally no sense why a middle class girl like Lucille, enamored with Rousseau, would casually befriend someone of such a lower class, especially when, at this point, she’s Danton’s mistress and a former (?) prostitute. Okay, I think I’ve said something to piss off every section of the fandom, Mission Accomplished. 
My Canon OTP: This comes with a CANON? Oh God, the French version more or less nixed this but Marie Antoinette/Louis were adorable historically and I will do literally everything in my power to bring that into fics. It seems like, despite being in an arranged marriage, they were deeply, passionately in love with each other and those last few years really brought them together. Also, on the other side, Lucille/Camille Desmoulins are…heartbreaking, historically. They loved each other so much and, when he died, she basically lost the will to live. Some of her last reported words before they took her to the scaffold were, “They have assassinated the best of men. If I did not hate them for that, I should bless them for the service they have done me this day.” They left behind a son, Horace, just a year old.
My Non-canon OTP: Laz/Ronan is the Ultimate OTP for this one.
Most Badass Character: French!Solene fucking shit up is my sexual orientation. In productions where she isn’t there, then Lazare, by sheer virtue of the fact that we see him most in combat situations, he seems to be the only officer in Paris who ACTUALLY DOES HIS JOB instead of dicking around in Versailles, and he climbs out of The Pit to shame revolutionaries.
Most Epic Villain: I firmly believe that one of 1789′s biggest sins in that they’ve never quite latched onto a firm villain. You’ve got Peyrol, you’ve got Ramard, and you’ve got Artois, but as far as serious, developed threats? It’s hard. But look, we all know I hate fucking Artois. I truly do loathe the little bastard. BUT. He’s also pretty damn iconic and Miya Rurika is obviously having the time of her LIFE in the role. Every single moment of “Je Suis un Dieu” is iconic because she’s finally been released into the wild. Like, the Extra Unmasking scene with a cloak, nailing that goth aesthetic? The fact that he declares himself a God IN THE CHURCH OF SAINT DENIS, the church of Paris’ PATRON SAINT? Casually using Ramard as a footstool? Putting on an ENTIRE SONG as a way of telling Ronan to shut up? The way he strides along the stage like he owns the place? Highkey flirting with Fersen? Iconic. He’s thoroughly despicable in every single way which makes the scene where Olympe points a pistol in his face so damn satisfying. And, the thing with Artois? HE WINS. The Royal Family will be killed, all of the young, idealistic revolutionaries we see here are going to turn on each other and die young, and Artois will take the throne, though he’s eventually yeeted off of it after six years during the July Revolution, with his successor, Louis Philippe, inspiring Les Miserables and Charles dying in exile. Still, for all intents and purposes, he gets exactly what he wanted, though you have to wonder if, eventually, so much loss and death of everyone around him, including his favorite mistress Louise de Polastron, won’t tear him apart. (I know, I know, Takarazuka Charles is an actual demon, but let me hope.) I’m really, really curious to see what the Toho cast is going to bring to the table, since it looks like we’re getting a VERY aggressive Laz, a slimier Artois, and a borderline heroic Ramard.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Ronan/Olympe in its pure, canon form; Danton/Solene (I have many, many issues with that one and Solene’s position in general, since we all know Danton’s a fuckboi who will eventually abandon her, hence why for once I prefer the French version where their relationship is seemingly a one-time thing); Charles/Lazare is interesting to play with as a part of Laz’s backstory but not something I’d want going forward because there’s no way that one can end well for Laz. He’s going to be stuck in the same patterns time after time again and he’ll remain loyal to a system that will eventually screw him over out of love for someone who lacks the ability to love him and who will use and manipulate him until the end. You could argue that he 100% deserves it but, tbh, my main interest in him is seeing if he can do better.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I feel like every single character in 1789 (with maybe the exception of the Printing Press Bros, who work best as side characters) was screwed over. Olympe in the Forbidden Ending of the French version, shot down for Ronan’s angst (But, hey, final proof she’s a lesbian), Marie Antoinette in the French version, Louis XVI in the French version for the Throne Room Scene alone, Solene in any production not getting a really solid arc or characterization (and, in both Japanese productions, being watered down), and, tbh, I also feel like Laz really got the short end of the stick. I talk about the man a lot, but that’s mainly me filling in the blanks. It’s pretty damn obvious when you look at him as a character that he was added in at the last moment because the producers were shitting their pants over Matthieu Carnot’s contract after they wanted to stunt cast Louis Delort from the Voice. 
Favorite Friendship: The Printing Press Bros, as per history. Such a pity that one of them is going to turn on the other two... On a less tragic note, I like French!Olympe’s relationship with Charlotte and wished that it got more screentime. 
Character I most identify with: The very, very specific version of Lazare de Peyrol I’ve projected on in my mind. A lot of my character building for him comes from me more or less writing out what could have been for me and taking it up several notches. A lot of his little quirks (pacing around, for example), I take more or less directly from me (though you will notice that in the French Maniaque, even in the toned down one where he’s at the back of the stage, he’s always in motion, so I didn’t take it out of nowhere.) He and I both (according to my headcanons + the general age for a lot of officers, with could be preteen-14) were put into this position at a young age where we had to be adults, so the experience of childhood was really stunted in a way (note: This is also a BIG part of why I identify so much with Bres mac Elatha). As someone who was raised in such a conservative town and who parroted a lot of those views for years until I broke out of it, I also really get why he thinks the way he thinks and have a pretty vested interest in getting him out of it. I also really do identify quite a lot with Solene, specifically the French version where she and Ronan don’t have that reconciliation. It’s painful, but, in my experience, that’s a little more true to life in the sense that there are these family members who you never quite understand or get along with and who you think you’ll get one of these days, but that doesn’t happen and you’re left really trying to come to terms with that. That feeling of being abandoned, focusing more on the practicality of the Revolution, etc. I can definitely understand, as well as not really being able to trust anyone afterwards. 
Character I wish I could be: I mean, the problem with 1789 is that almost everyone you love is going to be dead in five years. I would normally say Solene; I do want a tenth of the badassery of “Je Veux Le Monde,” but I definitely don’t want the sheer amount of dark shit that she goes through. Olympe probably has the best chance of escaping, I like that sparkle cloak, she’s also very loyal, and and gets to slap Ronan (literally the best part of the French version), so maybe her?
(Note: All of the following has been done under the [correct] assumption that these two are in a full romantic relationship throughout the musical)
When I started shipping them: About a year ago, watching the Takarazuka version with subtitles
My thoughts: The OTP. They come from completely opposite experiences and completely change each other’s lives and ways of viewing the world, for the better and the worse. 
What makes me happy about them: Peyrol loves his boyfriend so much, he remembers his name after NEARLY A YEAR, he is basically completely infatuated within EIGHT DAYS of them being reunited (the length of time, roughly, between Maniaque and the comment about “The Comte de Peyrol’s affection”), he buys him coats, gets him a place to live, and lets him get away with things that no other human being could conceivably get away under his watch. Hell, in the French version, EVEN OLYMPE KNOWS, as shown by her dream and Ramard saying, “Monsieur de Peyrol, he’s yours. Do whatever you wish with him.” I think that if they’d ever had more time to be a couple, they would have really grown with each other a lot and learned to work past their quarrels, getting this really strong foundation with one another, finding a peace with each other that they would never have found in the outside world.
What makes me sad about them: Everything with this pairing is pain if you go with their canon ending. LIKE, Peyrol loves Ronan to a truly ridiculous degree, lets himself feel probably his first human emotion in possibly DECADES, and then Ronan dies. And, worse, in the Takarazuka version, he dies at Lazare’s hand. And over something that was purely because of Laz’s own pettiness and rigidity. (There was literally no reason for him to order his troops to fire on Papa du Puget, except for that he saw he was losing and decided to take one last shot at someone he deemed a traitor.) In all likelihood, since Laz is…Laz, he probably never told Ronan he loved him, thinking that everything he’d done was good enough when NO it wasn’t while simultaneously thinking that Ronan probably loves Camille and the others more than him, so Ronan probably spends his last moments thinking his boyfriend had just used and discarded him. And, the worst thing for me is that, while the French version seems to have a bit of a reconciliation in the afterlife, with the two of them embracing, in the Takarazuka version you can see Lazare looking at Ronan and then, when Ronan gets up there with him, turning his back. Which is probably just as much because the stage is actually rotating but, with a shipping lens….it’s depressing, since I tend to headcanon it as Laz being so guiltstricken by what he’s done that he can’t even look or speak with Ronan. 
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: As I talk about in more detail below, Creepy Crawly Lazare is a no. I think a lot of fics really take the power imbalance between them at face value and just go off of that, WHICH IS FAIR, given there are severe power imbalances, but such a big part of the relationship for me is also that, if we assume that Laz is willing to have an affair with a revolutionary, we have to assume that he’s completely, utterly smitten as well, and that, while Ronan’s too much of an oblivious walnut to realize it, Laz is completely emotionally compromised by him. He might have the social and economic power over Ronan, but Ronan also has him wrapped around his finger to a truly magnificent degree. (Which, if you look at Nous Ne Sommes with that lens, it becomes a matter of Laz really trying to convince himself that he’s still Old Lazare, still devoted to the Crown, that no, he’s not in love with him, and he ends up with a bodycount while still utterly failing.) And, also, I feel like Ronan post-Bastille VS Pre would take the relationship very differently. Like, in many ways, I think that if they kickstarted their relationship a year or so after the musical, you’d be looking at two very different people in a very different situation, with the scales tipped in Ronan’s favor. 
My wishlist: Interactions? More interactions? Them to reinstate the original Maniaque? The ending to be revised so that it includes the first gay, interclass wedding while Artois throws a temper tantrum in the Church before being taken away by the Swiss Guards? Alright, in all honesty, if I can’t completely tear the original to shreds to give me the 100% gay version of 1789 I deserve, then I would like more scenes between the two of them, not even necessarily as more than rivals, but showing them as being linked to each other, like how the French version has him in the back during La Rue nous Appartient or how the Takarazuka version has him there during the Act 1 finale (which took La Rue’s place). I like the idea of Peyrol always kind of being there in Ronan’s mind as this looming threat. I would love to see Peyrol getting something more than just a couple of songs, because the fact that he’s not there for Ronan’s escape is just...odd to me. Like, is he asleep? On vacation? At Versailles? I would like to see him actually *react* to Ronan’s escape more, since that also makes him look bad. I’d like to see more of Peyrol’s concerns, seeing the mob growing, seeing Ronan getting involved in it, and having an “Oh God, What Have I Done?” moment, even if it doesn’t stick. I’d like a moment between the two of them when they realize how much they’re becoming like each other, as the Revolution takes bits out of both of them. On a noncanon level, I wish that there were more opportunities for them to work together as a pair. 
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Despite my general headcanon that Laz is GAY GAY GAY, I do lowkey ship L/O after the finale, mainly courtesy of The Bernese Affair. I also lowkey, lowkey ship him with the random peasant that appears on his arm during “Pour la Peine,” played by Alan Grall, who was understudy!Ronan. Generally, however, I don’t think Lazare could be with anyone after Ronan. For once, he tried to put his heart in with his duty, and it failed miserably. Tbh, in any continuity where Ronan dies, I don’t really see Laz as surviving for much longer. He could throw himself into the Princes’ Army, fighting against the Revolutionary Forces, he could face the mob and die on the lantern, or any other combination of factors (as you saw in the Solene WIP), but I really don’t see Laz lasting long after this one. I think the version we’d see of him post-finale would be broken in a way that we’ve never really seen him broken and, the worst thing is, he wouldn’t have anyone to confide in. In a world where Laz had died instead of Ronan, in theory, if Ronan would TALK to her (unrealistic), he has Solene, maybe Charlotte, Camille, and Olympe. Hell, Danton probably wouldn’t even care and would at least try to get Ronan laid, get him out of the house, etc. even if Ronan would be absolutely miserable company. Laz doesn’t have that. He has his men, and they more likely than not follow him out of a mixture of respect and fear. As a result, I see him trying to bottle his life with Ronan, trying to keep it to himself, and eventually destroying himself over it. Ronan…I have a hard time seeing with anyone else. Definitely not Olympe. Camille, maybe. Robespierre, maybe, though either one has….problems, historically. And, tbh, I think they’d be too tame for Ronan. Look at the two people he’s paired with: A Royal Officer and the Queen’s Governess. He literally can’t seem to go for a relationship where they’re on the same team. (Yet another reason to kinkshame him). I’d honestly rather have him realize the Revolution is going to shit and travel back to the country where he, idk, rolls around in dirt for a little while to forget his troubles. (Note: In the Takarazuka version, you have Ronan committing himself to a life alone without Olympe and, even if this is a moment of Ronan being Extra…I think there’s a bit of truth to it. Ronan feels things in extremes: Love, hatred, grief, and I suspect that he would be inconsolable. Like, his initial reaction to his father’s death was to IMMEDIATELY get out of the area and swear vengeance, which I have my own headcanons about BUT, the point is, he’ll want a new start, outside of Paris, and I think he would throw himself into it with the same fervor he threw himself into the Revolution. Which actually parallels nicely with Artois swearing himself to celibacy after Louis de Polastron’s death.)
My happily ever after for them: The two of them manage to convince each other to run away from the Revolution together, going to England, Italy, or literally anywhere else bordering France. They both grow as human beings, with both of them moving increasingly towards the center. Laz leaves the Army and begins the process of healing himself and getting his individuality back, with Ronan occasionally napping on his shoulder while he’s practicing on the harpsichord. They don’t have children, but do have several animals (that Laz claims are Ronan’s), including at least one black kitten that SOMEONE (Read: Ronan) names Artois for its imperious manner. Olympe and Solene occasionally stay with them, with Solene and Lazare calling a truce for Ronan’s sake. The Mazurier siblings reconcile. They all deal with the trauma of the French Revolution together, as a family. Sometime after the heat of the Revolution dies down, probably around 1804, they go back to France, where Ronan helps Laz deal with his past and the trauma associated with it. By this point, society’s more or less accepted that they’re married and, with the decriminalization of homosexuality in 1791, there’s not all that much they can do except for, like, not inviting the socially awkward aristocrat to their salons. Oh, the shame. Peyrol will have to console himself by banging his boyfriend in every room of his chateau. They all outlive Artois.
Lazare de Peyrol
How I feel about this character: He is my aristocratic gay disaster son who needs to CHILL and commit 99% fewer homicides.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Ronan, Olympe, Charles (as part of his Tragic Backstory, unrequited), Happiness, the Whip, the Coat, Marat’s Printing Press, Louis XVI (as an unrequited thing pre-Ronan, instead of Charles). I could also be persuaded to ship Robespierre/Lazare, though I don’t think it’d ever really be a major thing since, tbh, they don’t have the same kind of history/attachment that R/L do.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: The sad thing with Laz is that we really don’t get any real relationships with him, besides his men and their attempts to get him to hook up with Ronan (which I read as mainly them thinking “HEY! If he gets laid, maybe he won’t have us flogged for every minor infraction!”) Charlotte as a sort of ward for Laz is a disaster waiting to happen, but it’s something that I think has a lot of potential in the sense that he’s never really HAD anyone to protect before and then there’s this street urchin who is more or less feral BUT she has her uses and eventually Laz is basically the equivalent of “I’ve only known Charlotte a day and a half but if anything happened to her I’d kill everyone in this room and then myself.” Which, Peyrol picking up ANOTHER stray. The good news is that Charlotte’s out of the danger stage as far as when i think Peyrol would have the most trouble dealing with kids, since she’s old enough that she still has a sense of independence, though I think they’d clash a lot as far as Laz wanting her to be A Proper Young Woman while Charlotte is…Charlotte. Also, on the reverse side, I like the idea of Papa du Puget (in a verse where Laz DOESN’T TRY TO KILL HIM) forming a sort of father/son bond with him.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Creepy Crawly Laz is a hard “no” for me. It’s not just that he’s more often than not portrayed as creeping on the wrong person, but it’s just…not anything in keeping with what we’ve seen of Laz thus far. I can’t see Laz as being the one who’s really forward in his relationship with Ronan, or really with anyone. I tend to headcanon him as more or less gray ace, with a strong focus on his work before he meets Ronan, which is part of why he reacts so STRONGLY to him. Like, he was minding his own business, doing his job, and then this PEASANT comes in and upsets everything and makes him feel tingly feelings that he’s really not used to. TBH I have a hard time imagining he’s even kissed someone pre-musical. (Okay, Takarazuka Laz I have an easier time with, but still.) And so he tries to put him in his proper place but…that doesn’t work well and then suddenly the peasant wants to kiss him and ABORTABORTABORT but it also feels…somewhat nice and, oh, that’s what the tingly feelings are. Consider that his opening lines to Ronan in Maniaque basically consist of, “Your father is dead and you’re an idiot. Also, do you want to betray your friends and become my trophy twink because I can arrange that?” That is not someone who’s experienced in any way. Like, he probably cries during their first time together and Ronan’s just there like “…Peyrol, Peyrol, are you alright? Did I do something wrong?” And meanwhile with Ronan we (unfortunately) know he’s very *physical* when it comes to people so, the second he realizes he’s got the hots for his father’s killer, he’s going to just…go for it. And then probably angst later. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish we’d gotten more development with Laz in general, given that I think he has a lot of potential. Obviously, my ideal version of 1789 would be a romantic drama with Peyrol/Ronan and Solene/Olympe as our two cross-class relationships, with Ronan and Lazare potentially being the comic relief in the background. I would really like to see him go through an actual arc in the musical, with him reacting to the events of the Revolution, with Nous Ne Sommes being him having a sort of breakdown (which is how I’ve always personally interpreted the “Let it Go Lazare” video), which leads up to the Bastille. I like the idea of him gradually losing control over everything, with at least some of his men deserting, so that the position between him and Ronan gradually flips. (Personally, I’ve always liked the idea of “Nous ne Sommes” being about not just the revolutionaries, but about his own troops as they feel torn about firing on their own people and are increasingly resentful of their commander.) I would like to see some closure to Ronan’s revenge plot against him, even if it’s Laz being cornered by the mob as the Bastille falls. It’s kind of why I truly enjoy having R/L in mind for the Takarazuka version, because even though Ronan is shot down by Peyrol in the end, you know he’s probably managed to do exactly what he’d set out to do: Destroy him completely. And he did it without even really trying. There’s a sort of dark, dark irony to that one. 
My favorite friendship for this character: If I’m not going fully on poly with Ronan/Lazare/Olympe, I tend to still like Olympe and Lazare to be friends, as he probably has more in common with her than anyone else in the cast, seeing as they’re both devoted to the Royal Family, come from military backgrounds, have ties to the Bastille, and distrust the mob. I think it’s really important for Laz to keep up that relationship and to have someone like that to commiserate with. 
My crossover ship: Not a full-on ship, but I really like Wash and Laz’s friendship in the TN crossover. I like that you have these two military figures, both dedicated to their leaders, finding some common ground, I like that Laz finally has a superior who actually gives a damn about him and is supportive and encourages him to be a human being, I like how they both support each other in their disaster relationships. For the first time in his life, really, Laz has someone who is in his corner, so he doesn’t have to deal with this on his own, someone who acts as a mentor to him and really pushes him to be a better human being and a better officer (and who is willing to use the spray bottle on him when he contemplates homicide). Like, they both keep each other in check insanely well? Also, I miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight lowkey ship Lazare/Chauvelin from the Scarlet Pimpernel, mainly because he was played by Ronan’s actress at one point and CROSSOVERS + It’s another revolutionary and Lazare has a Type. And I also lowkey support Saint Just/Lazare in the sense that I think they would have an absolutely HILARIOUS dynamic given that SJ was fantastic when it came to military stuff and had a noted love of music and Laz is….similar, but on a different side. Like, you’d have SJ complaining about the officers not doing anything and Laz would be like, “See? See? This is what I’ve been say-What do you mean ‘abolition of privileges?” And then they’d bond over, like, balloons or telegraph wires before remembering they hate each other and SJ is highkey in love with Robespierre. Also, I strongly feel like at some Laz tried to propose to Oscar de Jarjayes as a way of showing how very heterosexual he was and. She knocked him on his ass. It was probably the closest he’s ever come to being sexually attracted to a woman (Not counting the Polyamory AU where he’s bi, but still).
Terra Nova
Favorite character: Wash
Least Favorite character: Lucas Motherfucking Taylor
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Wash/Mira, Jim/Malcolm, Maddy/Skye, Mark/Josh, Lucas Taylor/A T-Rex’s Jaw...you know, the standards
Character I find most attractive: WASH. 
Character I would marry: Elizabeth, because we know her family’s rich and she’s insanely smart and caring. (Actual Josh Shannon quote: “Rachel, please don’t fuck my mom”). 
Character I would be best friends with: Maddy Shannon
a random thought: This is the kind of thing we’ve talked about, but It’s such a pity we got a conglomeration of four different scripts rather than one solid script. I can understand not going full on grimdark, but there are still so many traces of it throughout the script (the casual usage of torture, INCLUDING BY JIM), that it’s a pity they didn’t have the guts to do it. Even if they didn’t go through with the Cursed original script, they’d have done well to just stick to one coherent script with a solid idea of where they were going. Taylor: Antihero, villain, or Santa Steroids? Jim: Relatable everyman or hero? (ALSO: THEY SHOULD HAVE KEPT THE ORIGINAL REASON FOR HIM BEING ARRESTED.) It’s like everybody on the writing team had a different idea about the characters + Colony and what they were going for, with traces of that darkness edging in but never being addressed. The over-the-top dystopia of the original is, tbh, more than a little corny, but so is the “Taylor is always right! The government does surveillance on you because it loves you! You have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide! Love Big Brother! Look, Taylor interacting with children! Have you ever heard of a dictator who hangs out with children?” thing that the final product had, especially given that this is so very clearly a post-9/11 world where questions about state authority are STILL going around and things like the Patriot Act are still deeply controversial.  Obviously, character development is a thing and I would LOVE to see a gradual slide, but looking at where they went with what they had planned, I don’t see how they were going to pull it off, especially given that all they’ve really mentioned about S2 was that Taylor was going to go insane, which doesn’t seem to take into account his pre-existing authoritarian tendencies. (Also, the fact they just brush it aside as him being “crazy” feels deeply eh to me, since it seems like such a narrative cheap shot and more than a little unfortunate from a mental health standpoint.) There was so much they should have been building up to and bringing in from episode one, and they dropped it. I think, in the end, there were a lot of things that really damned the show in the end, potentially not fatal on their own, but I think that was the original sin of it, in a sense. If I’d been an executive looking the show over and deciding whether to renew or not, I’d not have hesitated over cancelling the hot mess, as enjoyable as it is. 
An unpopular opinion: None of the canon relationships were well done and it’s better to pretend that literally everyone realized they were gay post-finale. Also, GIVE ME MY DARK VERSION OF PARADISE LOST WITH DINOS DAMMIT. 
My Canon OTP: ........................................
My Non-canon OTP: Wash/Mira, even though it’s canon in my heart. 
Most Badass Character: Uh? WASH? Now that she’s gone, the Colony is fucked, which is obv. the real reason the show was cancelled. Also, Mira, surviving in the wild for as long as she has and putting Taylor in his place when he’s like, “I WAS HERE A WHOLE MONTH WITHOUT MY X-BOX.” And Mira’s like, “Bitch, where do you think we’ve been the last few years? At the Ritz?” 
Most Epic Villain: I’m not giving Lucas Taylor the benefit of this. Mira, but I don’t really see her as a villain. If they’d ever had the guts in a later season to call out Taylor’s bullshit, I think he had the potential to be FASCINATING, as Jim comes to terms with what he is, turning against someone he considered a boyfriend, and breaking free of following orders (or, you know, just assigning his role to Wash. That would work too.) Lead the audience in with talk of Utopia, “the ends justify the means,” then steadily deconstruct it with Taylor becoming more and more paranoid after the season finale, losing faith in his dreams, committing more and more atrocities and continuing to justify them. 
Pairing I am not a fan of: Anything? In? Canon? Lucas/Skye in particular. 
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): All of them? But also, LET ! WASH ! GET ! CHARACTER ! DEVELOPMENT ! And Skye deserved a hell of a lot more than a half-baked spy arc and romance arc with Josh, especially given her connection to Taylor (which, I’ve said this before and I’ll say this again, if anyone’s taking down Taylor and we’re forced to admit Wash is dead, IT NEEDS TO BE SKYE WHO TAKES HIM DOWN. NOT JIM. SOMEONE WHO’S KNOWN AND LOVED HIM FOR YEARS.) We needed more of her relationships with people in the colony, especially Wash since Wash doesn’t really have *connections* and, if you’re going to toss away a character like that, you need to emphasize how much is MATTERS. And calling her “Alycia” every chance you get isn’t the same. Showing Skye mourning would have been a good step. And, tbh, I will always feel like they did Mark a disservice by cutting out his role as a Sixer spy and just making him Maddy’s Bland Straight Love Interest. The actor did a pretty good job selling it, and yet, in the end, all that made it the screen was oatmeal. You could have had an opportunity for a genuinely riveting Sixer Spy plotline, tying him and Skye together as friends and (reluctant) conspirators, while also giving some solid conflict to the characters, but they tossed it away. And killing Mark off in the finale would have made a lot more of an impact than Wash because the audience has SEEN him forge that (bland) relationship with Maddy, sees him joking with her little sister, and then fridges him. Like, you want to show you’re not playing around? DO THAT. RAISE THE FUCKING STAKES. 
Favourite Friendship: Wash/Taylor. I def. tend to view them as long-time comrades who have a lot of deep respect for one another and who trust each other unconditionally. That’s why, no matter what happens, that friendship breaking is going to be so painful. They’re really one of the only solid ties that they have to the past on Ter Noa, and, eventually, the past has gotta die. 
Character I most identify with: Maddy Shannon. 
Character I wish I could be: WASH. 
When I started shipping them: During our TN streams, thank you very much. 
My thoughts: Definitely not a ship I came in with, especially since the writers seem to have a phobia over female characters talking for more than a minute at a time when absolutely necessary, but definitely one of the most interesting pairings insofar as chemistry and potential is concerned. 
What makes me happy about them: These two work so well together on every level; they really match each other well even as they have that kind of conflict that makes a ship investing. You have these two complete badasses in love, angsty, but still staying true to themselves. 
What makes me sad about them: They have so few interactions on screen; we never really get anything with them aside from the one (beautiful) interaction. Also, despite what they both might want, their loyalties for the foreseeable future are so bound up that, even if they meet up occasionally, they can’t pursue a solid relationship (WHICH. OH. IN THE CROSSOVER. RONAN FEELING BAD THAT IN A WORLD WHERE SEEMINGLY EVERYTHING’S POSSIBLE, SOME COUPLES STILL CAN’T BE TOGETHER.)
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: WHAT FANFIC? Making Wash and Mira straight is obviously a no go. 
Things I look for in fanfic: To exist someplace besides my computer hardrive. 
My wishlist: TALKING? 
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I don’t have any ships for Mira outside of Wash, tbh. If she’s with someone, it’d have to be someone who could match her and would be willing to deal with her rough edges as well as uncovering that little chink in her armor. Elizabeth Shannon would be an interesting choice there, I suppose. Wash...Reilly could work, as someone who’s military as well, though I’m not sure Wash would date someone under her command. Elizabeth Shannon’s still an option there, in the sense that I think she could get Wash to SLOW DOWN and also still has less of a tolerance for Taylor’s shit (the second he comes for her kids, it’s over.) 
My happily ever after for them: Wash eventually realizes that Taylor’s doing Some Dystopian Shit and falls to Mira’s Sixer Wiles, the two of them work together to take him down and then, using some leftover Lucas Bullshit, they re-establish contact on Earth, snatch Sienna, and then go back to Terra Nova where they reunite the Sixers and the Colony as one united group. The Sixers get a full pardon for what they’ve done, or at the very least a highly commuted sentence. They also raise Leah and Sam as their own, with Sienna thrilled to get two new siblings (they also make regular trips to Earth to see Leah and Sam’s grandparents, who are THRILLED to see them but are also mildly intimidated by Mira sharpening her knives in the dining room.)
How I feel about this character: Very problematic but I also love her and am totally on her side VS Taylor. 
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Wash, Alycia Washington, Lt. Washington
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Sienna. It has to have been a pretty strong mother/daughter bond to get Mira to basically bend Heaven and Hell for her, and it’s a pity we never really got to see it in person considering it would have really helped to humanize Mira further. 
My unpopular opinion about this character: THAT FUCKING SCENE WHERE THE WRITERS IN THE COMMENTARY CALLED HER “ALMOST SYMPATHETIC.” NO, BITCH. SHE IS SYMPATHETIC. I’m really along the same lines as you where I have a really hard time viewing her as a villain. Anti-villain, maybe, but, given what goes on in the Colony (torture, martial law, etc.) I have a hard time not rooting for her. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: That the episode with her and Taylor was replaced with her and Wash. That relationship has so much potential to be fascinating, not just as far as shipping but just in general. Like, even if I didn’t headcanon them as Sad Exes, that “Still doing Taylor’s dirty work?” Shows that they go way back, that there’s this connection there, and Mira offers Wash an alternative to what she’s got on the colony, even if it’s one she can’t take. They work well as rivals and foils for one another as two people who are both military, both very driven, but happened to wind up on different sides. I also really wish that we’d gotten to see more of Mira and what’s going on with her at a given point. I really would have liked to see if she has any mementos of Sienna or something like that. Flashbacks to her on Earth, maybe, or an episode from the perspective of the Sixers. Just something solid as far as establishing her and who she is outside of just “mean Sixer Lady”. ��
Favorite friendship for this character: Sixers? Have? Friends? In all honesty, Mira strikes me as the type who avoids attachments, because they’re not here to make friends, they’re here for the money and then to get the Hell out. She’s pragmatic like that. I think she wants her people to respect her, but, ultimately, she’s there for the mission. (Oh, like another military idiot I have a soft spot for.)
My crossover ship: Not a full out ship, but I’m really intrigued by how her and Olympe will get along in the crossover as the Revolution has to team up with the Sixers. Because with Olympe, she’s very easy to underestimate (which is why I think Lucas Taylor is going to fail miserably). Unlike Mira, who I think projects herself as more of a hardass than she actually is as a way of keeping control, Olympe makes herself deliberately softer and more demure than I think she really is as a way of keeping control because that is how you do things in the 18th century. She keeps her head down, keeps her wits about her, smiles, and then darts away from the trouble (namely, Artois). In terms of personality, she’s very nurturing and kid-focused, whereas Mira’s more like Laz in the sense that she has a goal that she wants to achieve and she kind of goes for the throat. Her actions towards Leah show that, while she loves Sienna, when it comes to kids, she’s not above being harsh to a child if she feels it’s necessary. Again, it’s all about the mission to her, getting the money, and then going. So you have these two people with very different approaches to life from very different time periods having to get along for the greater good. 
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