
[GET] Learn Adobe Illustrator CC: Vector Knight Character
Learn the basics of Adobe Illustrator by creating a Simple Vector Knight character. This class is perfect for illustrators, graphic designers, game artists and anyone else who would like to learn a bit of vector art. Topics will include using basic shapes and color. This class is for beginners - intermediate. Follow along as we use simple vector shapes to create a simple vector knight character which can be used in your own designs, animations or video game projects. Project Title Create a Simple Vector Knight Assignment Create a simple vector knight character in Adobe Illustrator which you can then use for your own animation, illustrations or video game projects. Through this assignment you will learn: How to create a base character How to create base armor How to create details for the armor Deliverable Upload your finished vector knight character design! For bonus points, provide some screenshots of your process along with any tips you may have discovered during the making of your project. Feel free to try out different shapes to add some variety to your character as well! Resources I have included the .ai file for your reference.
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[GET] Polymer 3: Create Web Components with Polymer 3
So, do you want to learn Polymer 3? You have come to the right place, in this course I will teach you everything you need to know about polymer 3. Polymer allows apps that launch quickly, respond instantly and can be accessed from anywhere—on devices of all types and sizes, under any network conditions. Polymer is just great. Companies that use polymer: Google EA CocaCola Comcast Ing BBVA USA Today And many more Version 3.0 of the Polymer library brings web components into the mainstream, embracing JavaScript modules and npm. What will I learn? Well, we start off by installing everything we need in order for us to be able to use Polymer 3, don't worry if you are a beginner who has never used bash or command line, I explain everything you need to know Then we create our first simple web component - Article, This component is extremely simple but by building it you will understand how data binding works, how to install web components, how to add web components into your app, and basically how the polymer works. Then we move on to TODO list, this project is a bit more advanced, You will learn how 2-way data binding works, how to use web components like paper-input and paper-checkbox, how to use dom-repeat element, how to add custom functions to your web component and much more. The last project is the Image Slider, this application uses 2 custom web components, That works together, In this project, we will leverage the functionality of Javascript and make an actual slider that you can use on your website. Requirements: A bit of experience with HTML and Javascript Who should take this course? Anyone who wants to learn Polymer 3 Anyone who wants to create custom Web Components
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[GET] Graphic Design Theory : Color
Learn Graphic Design Theory in this New Course! Many people want to become designers but don't know the basic fundamentals of design at all. It can take years to piece together different ideas to truly begin to understand how it even works. but it doesn't have to be like that. By understanding the foundations of color, typography, layout, composition, branding, and other fields of study in the graphic design realm, you can propel yourself from a beginner to an expert, just by having the right education. You have found the perfect course for learning graphic design. It doesn't matter if you have no experience at all, this course was designed to teach you design theory in the most effective means necessary. So who can benefit from learning graphic design theory? The fundamentals of design are useful for a lot of careers, industries, and hobbies. It doesn't matter if it's logo design, web design, social media, user interface design, advertising, product design, printing, or t-shirts. This course will cover ideas that can be used in any niche! Each section goes into specific detail of the main principle being taught so that you get in-depth knowledge of that theory. This course will cover: The Basics of Color Theory in Design Seeing the World Through Color Color Mixing and Systems Color for Digital and Print Media Color Selections and Methods Color Harmonies and Meanings Creating a Mood Board with Canva Selecting Color for a New Design Creating a Duotone Effect in Photoshop and much, much more! Feeling lost? Don't worry, I am here for you! As they say, "Come for the course, stay for the community." Well, that's not the exact phrase, but you get what I mean. :) So what are you waiting for?! The time is now to stop procrastinating and begin learning graphic design theory so that you can take full advantage of everything that it has to offer! Enroll now in this course and get started!
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[GET] Learn Soccer Betting from scratch A-Z Let's Beat The Bookies
The only course you need to learn soccer betting - terms, strategy, winning system, what are fixed matches and More! Do you know how much money is spent on sports betting? A lot.. According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), two-thirds of all adults will place at least one bet this year and the average household spends £166 per year on online betting. That’s 3x more than the gross domestic product (GDP) of Finland, Norway and Sweden. Combined! But, the vast majority of that money is waged by amateurs who lose more money than they make. Sports betting is not based on random chance and the enormous scale of the industry means that you are no longer just competing against the bookmaker, but other sports punters around the world. Like the stock market, sports betting is now a global marketplace and there’s a growing group of people that are able to turn it into their full time job. Stockbrokers use their skill and experience to read the market and then decide where to invest their money. Professional sports punters do much the same thing by following simple rules. It’s not just a game For most people, sport is just entertainment. That means that the way that sport games are talked about around you, whether in the media or down the pub, focuses on issues that aren’t as important to winning sports punters. That ranges from personalities and rivalries to the significance of a particular game. To be a winning sports punter, you need to put that emotion aside and look at sport in a different way. Winning punters aren’t concerned about whether a particular game will result in a title or cup victory. In fact, they are often not even concerned about which team wins the game. Sports betting tips and strategies that work! How do you go from being an amateur who loses money to a professional that wins? And where’s the best place to start? To answer those questions and help you on the road to success, If you want to take ONE COURSE to learn everything you need to know about soccer betting , take this course you can use the next time you’re thinking of placing a bet. Let’s dive right in!
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[GET] Photoshop CC 2018 for Beginners : Adobe Photoshop Course
What Will I Learn? You will have expert level knowledge of Adobe Photoshop CC in this course, whether you are a beginner, intermediate or have no previous knowledge of Photoshop. You will create a real world project to give you a general understanding of Photoshop and the different functions that you can do with it. You will be given a major overview of all of Photoshop's tools, filters, features, and workspace so that you can quickly begin working on your next project. You will achieve the experience and knowledge to take your Photoshop skills into your career, job, or freelance lifestyle at your own pace. Graphic designers, web designers, photographers, marketers, and whatever other industry you are in will be able to find useful information in this course. You will learn Photoshop's workspace and how you can edit it to your own workflow. You will learn how to work with images in Photoshop and edit them appropriately to your project. You will learn all of Photoshop's selection tools and how they can assist you as you edit. You will learn about layers and how they have revolutionized the way you can work in Photoshop. You will learn every type of tool available in Photoshop and how to use the most common tools. You will learn about type, fonts, and typography inside of Photoshop and how they function. You will learn the importance of color and even be given a brief lesson on color design theory. You will learn how to use alignment, guides, and grids inside of Photoshop. You will learn about all of Photoshop's many filters and features available to you. When you are finished, you will have a solid understanding of the Adobe Photoshop CC software. Requirements This course is for beginners or anyone who does not have experience with Adobe Photoshop CC and wants to learn how to use the program. This course is not intended for advanced users of Photoshop, though the course can be used as a reference guide to find the exact information on any feature that you'd like. You will need to have an active Adobe CC subscription and the newest version of Photoshop installed on your computer. This course does not go over the installation of Adobe Photoshop CC. (Photoshop CC 2018 is used in the teaching of this course.) You will need to have a Mac or PC with at least the minimum requirements for Adobe Photoshop CC. Information can be found on the Adobe website. You will need to have a working keyboard, mouse, and/or tablet to use Photoshop. Touch screens and other pressure sensitive devices will work, but are not covered in this course. Project files are available for download for each lecture. Make sure you download the appropriate files if you would like to follow alongside the course.
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[GET] Mobile App Builder: How to generate passive Income with mobile App
About This Class Don’t Overlook Visual Branding! Here is what you will learn; HOW TO CREATE EASY BRANDED IMAGES FOR YOUR SITE & SOCIAL MEDIA IN 7 EASY STEPS - FOR YOUR HUB Hub Graphics seeks to enhance your brands qualities and personality through visual means. You want your customers to have a positive experience when they come into contact with your business. This is Great for a Newbie or someone that needs to build your BRAND. I will teach you with the use of free tools to create your Branded Images for your HUB - Your Business HUB GRAPHICS The old adage says that we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, But we all do! ba626ac0 Visuals play an important part in social media branding. If each of your profiles looks like they’re owned by a different company, it creates a disconnect for your users. You want your branding to be consistent across all channels. This will help people immediately recognize your company no matter which site or app they’re using. In 7 Easy Steps Choose The Right Networks The 4 Ingredients of Social Media Success Using Your GRAPHIC HUB Psychology of Colors Easy & Quick Logo Design Putting It All Together Tricks & Tips Final Thoughts & Action Steps If you are not creating branded images to build your online presence, you are missing out on a very successful content marketing tactic. OK Lets Get Started: Grab a Pen And Paper and get ready to Create Your Branded Images for your Site & Social Media HUB in a few easy steps!
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[DIS] 50% OFF Life in the UK Test Course with IELTS Listening and Speaking
MEGA UPDATE 2018: Full access to extra 5 hours of new lectures giving you a complete solution to the Life in the Uk Test To become a British citizen, you must pass the Life in the UK Test. 1 in 3 immigrants fail the test. This unique course is guaranteed to help you pass the test. In this introduction course you will gain new knowledge which will help you prepare for the tests. What topics will you cover? The values and principles of the UK What is the UK British History Modern Britain The UK government, the law and your role What will you achieve? Understand the knowledge necessary to pass the test Prepare for the test Learn new vocabulary Improve Speaking, Listening and Writing Who is the course for? This course is for anyone preparing for IELTS Listening and Speaking and the Life in the UK Test. It's useful to anyone who would like to improve English and learn about British values, history and traditions. With this course you will learn new words and gain knowledge. And with premium video tutorials, you will memorise the information quicker. Plus you get to practice with real teachers your listening and speaking skills. Remember, the secret of success is to repeat, repeat and repeat. You will also get FREE access to the Official Study Guide text. This course will also help you improve your writing. By following a series of video dictations, you will better remember the knowledge necessary to pass the test. METHODOLOGY (a secret to your success) Direct Method Guaranteed results, fast progress and immediate speaking – these are just few reasons why you should start learning English with Say OK now. What is more – you will get an exclusive UNLIMITED access to for you to use 24/7 from the warmth of your home. Why do we use the Direct Method? From our knowledge and experience of the Direct Method, we can assure you that it is the quickest and the most reliable method of teaching English and remembering new information. What is it? It is a direct method created specifically to enhance your comprehension and speaking abilities in a pleasant but intensive atmosphere. The question-answer format of the lesson ensures that you are actively involved in hearing and using the language to a maximum. The teacher keeps the lesson moving swiftly in order that you learn to understand English at its natural spoken speed. Speed is essential: A language is normally spoken at 180 words per minute. Say OK Online School teachers speak to the student at about 240 words per minute in order to make it easy for the student to understand English outside the classroom. Do not think: A language reflex comes from the mouth and not the brain. The student must learn to speak and understand without thinking. Mechanical repetition: A quick reflex can only be developed by mechanical repetition. The more you repeat, the quicker you finish: If the student repeats everything many times, he will finish his studies much more quickly. Dictations: The dictations in the Method consist of themed passages, which cover all the recently learned vocabulary. Certificate: At the end of the course, each student obtains a Completion Certificate.
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[DIS] Procrastinator Eliminator - $9.99
Do you procrastinate? Unfortunately most of us do and procrastination kills dreams. It is easier than ever to find information on how to get healthy, happy and successful. But information is not enough. You need to act on the information! The person that can stay productive and avoid procrastination will be the winner of the 21st century. Period. The skill to turn your dream into reality is a skill that will affect everything that you do. During 5 weeks you will learn everything you need to get more things done and avoid procrastination. Implement what is in this course and you will become unstoppable. I have personally used this material to build a million dollar business and set up a lifestyle business that I can manage from anywhere in the world. I dont know what your dream is. But... I know that the bridge between dream and reality is taking small, daily steps. Unfortunately, our work stations are also the same tool that we access social media and all the entertainment in the world. A click away. This makes procrastination a major problem that we need to deal with! In this course you will learn a unique method that mixes technology, psychology and time management strategies. Use what is in this course and success is inevitable.
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[DIS] $1 Udemy courses if you buy directly with Bitcoin
3-time best selling Amazon author with some of my books used in universities and high-schools across the country. - 10+ years in entrepreneurship - 10+ years in SEO and marketing - Coached over 1,000 entrepreneurs When you enroll in my courses, you get: - Personal care and attention: I host regular office hours for my students and reply to 99% of student questions within 24 hours and my goal is to reply within 1 hour. - Instructor with deep expertise, proven success and knowledge that is both theoretical and practical. I care deeply about student success, and I am committed to it. I go out of my way to help students in my courses succeed at whatever they are working on, whether it is planning, starting or growing your business. More about me: I am also the creator of top entrepreneur mobile apps with 2,000,000+ downloads, host of a popular business and marketing channel on YouTube with 2,000,000+ views, successful affiliate marketer, serial entrepreneur in many other fields. I have a BS in Computer Science from SJSU, and after working as a software engineer, I wanted to take a bigger role in the businesses I worked in, and that is how I got into business and marketing. Today, I am one of the top online marketers out there, and a successful entrepreneur. What I am interested in now when it comes to business: Personally, I am a personal productivity and emotional intelligence geek. I geek out on things like motivation, building healthy habits and creativity. Some of my own favorite topics that I teach: I have seen any of my students succeed in Amazon eCommerce. Selling on Amazon can be very lucrative and I love seeing my students do well. I also teach many SEO topics that I myself use all the time. They include link-building, keyword research and using other sites like YouTube, Amazon, and even freelancing sites like Fiverr as search engines to get discovered when people are searching. My interests outside business and entrepreneurship: - I like playing soccer, chess, dabbling in philosophy, lots of different music (one of my dreams is to start writing songs and poetry for them), and I am always daydreaming of finally getting a dog (a rescue from a shelter, of course). I am also trying to become vegan, albeit with moderate success so far.
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[F4LT] Web Developer Course: learn to built websites and JavaScript
This course covers everything you need to start you career as a web-developer: from absolute zero knowledge to being able to create resonsive websites and write your own JavaScript code. Plus you will receive free lifetime hosting for your portfolio website - you can use it as long as you like!!! This comrehensive course is aimed at students with no previous experience with Web Development or programming at all. You don't need a university degree or any paid software, everything can be learned for free with free software and a few hours of your time. This course includes: Lectures Projects Exercises Slides Downloads Readings Real-world projects! Taking this course will help you achieve your dream of becoming a web developer, and you will be ready to build mobile-friendly websites to a highly professional degree using up to date web technologies within a few weeks from now. Gain a good understanding of the following concepts: HTML5 Bootstrap 4 CSS3, including Transitions, Gradients, Transformations and Animations jQuery, because almost every website on the planet uses jQuery JavaScript Basics and Advanced concepts Responsive web design Web development This course is one of the hardest work I have ever done and it took me almost a year to plan, to film and to edit.This course is the accumulation of all of my years working, learning, and coding. You are going to learn actual practical skills that we'll give you confidance in your abilities to learn, understand and apply your knowledge on real world projects. You will first learn the basic concepts, and straight after that apply them in practical examples. You'll learn theory on practice, this is the most efficient way possible. By the end of the course, you'll have all the tools and practical knowledge necessary to build web applications, launch your own portfolio website and try your luck with job interviews or as a freelancer and kickstart your career as a Front End Developer!
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[GET] CSTE Certified Software Tester Test by Wilskill Technologies
Are you ready to pass the CSTE Certified Software Tester Certification Exam Use this course to gauge your readiness level for the actual exam. These practice tests will help you know if you are ready to take the exam, or identify if you need to spend more time on any of the exam topics. These tests cover material from each of the exam topics. With time limits on each test, you will learn time management for the real exam. What you get from this course 120 UNIQUE practice questions CSTE Certified Software Tester Certification Exam Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam. 100% verified answers and explanations to each question. After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam. Official Exam Details Exam Name : CSTE Certified Software Tester Certification Exam Total Questions : 120 Type of Questions : Multiple choice Time Allowed : 180mins Passing Score : 75 (135 of 180)
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[GET] 1Z0-982 Oracle Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud Test by Emposes Solutions
Are you ready to pass the 31Z0-982 Oracle Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud Test Use this course to gauge your readiness level for the actual exam. These practice tests will help you know if you are ready to take the exam, or identify if you need to spend more time on any of the exam topics. These tests cover material from each of the exam topics. With time limits on each test, you will learn time management for the real exam. What you get from this course 80+ UNIQUE practice questions 1Z0-982 Oracle Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud Test Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam. 100% verified answers and explanations to each question. After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam. Practice Exam Details Exam Name : 310-052 Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE 5 Test Total Questions : 80 Type of Questions : Multiple choice Time Allowed : 120mins Passing Score : 75 (69 of 80)
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[GET] MA0-100 McAfee Certified Product Specialist-ePO Test by Wilskill Technologies
Are you ready to pass the MA0-100 McAfee Certified Product Specialist-ePO Test Certification Exam Use this course to gauge your readiness level for the actual exam. These practice tests will help you know if you are ready to take the exam, or identify if you need to spend more time on any of the exam topics. These tests cover material from each of the exam topics. With time limits on each test, you will learn time management for the real exam. What you get from this course 150 UNIQUE practice questions MA0-100 McAfee Certified Product Specialist-ePO Test Certification Exam Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam. 100% verified answers and explanations to each question. After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam. Official Exam Details Exam Name :FC0-U51 CompTIA IT Fundamentals Certification Exam Total Questions : 150 Type of Questions : Multiple choice Time Allowed : 480mins Passing Score : 75 (135 of 150)
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[GET] Learning Strategies for Children: The Complete Masterclass
Would you like to help your child to learn more effectively and discover which kind of learning strategies fit best for them? Then this course is for you! In this course, we will cover a two dozen learning strategies, discover which type of learner your child is and improve your child's memory immensely. But what exactly are we going to cover in detail in this course? Learning Types, Personal Preferences & Basic Learning Strategies - Which kind of learning type has your child. Is he or she a auditory, visual, kinesthetic or reading/writing learner? Or dies your child have problems with productivity cycles? If you do not know the answer to these two questions, you need to enroll today! Learning strategies for children from age 0-3, 4-10 and 11 and over - We will cover more than 50 learning strategies that will help your children to save and retrieve information more quickly. I will help you to improve your child's memory and it is my goal to help your child succeed. We will in this regard talk about strategies like the palace technique and many more! After completing this course, you will be able to: Teach your child how to apply 50+ learning strategies that we cover in this course Learn how to use the Palace technique in order to improve your child's long-term memory Know more about the Richard Feynman learning strategy Know how to figure out which kind of learning type your child is Know about natural productivity cycles and how to use them for your child's advantage Help your child to improve grades in school and fight the fear of going to school While other courses leave you confused and only give you a glimpse on self-discipline, this is an A-Z guide - the complete learning strategies for children masterclass! Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, that's why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO RISK BUT EVERYTHING TO GAIN! It’s time to take action. This offer won’t last forever. Go ahead and click the 'take this course' button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling! Yours sincerely, Leon Chaudhari - instructor -
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[GET] AWS SysOps Administrator Associate Practice Exams Sampler
Take your career and salary to the next level with an AWS SysOps Administrator certification! This is a free sampler of our upcoming AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate Practice Exams, which is the complete version with 325 Unique questions in 5 Practice Tests. The AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate ( SOA-C01 ) is consistently among the top paying IT certifications, considering that Amazon Web Services is the leading cloud services platform in the world with almost 50% market share! Specifically designed to validate the technical knowledge of SysOps administrators, systems administrators, and those in a DevOps role who create automatable and repeatable deployments of applications, networks, and systems on the AWS platform. Some people are using brain dumps for the AWS SysOps Administrator certification exam which is totally absurd and highly unprofessional because these dumps will not only hinder you to attain an in-depth AWS knowledge, these can also result with you failing the actual AWS certification exam since Amazon regularly updates the exam coverage. Please also note that these AWS practice tests are not brain dumps and since Amazon shuffles the actual exam content from a question bank with thousands of questions, it is nearly impossible to match what you can see here with the actual tests. Again, the key to passing the exam is a good understanding of AWS services and this is what our AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate practice tests are meant to do. This AWS SysOps Administrator Associate Practice Exams Sampler course is for anyone who is looking for a study material that: Simulates the actual, and the latest AWS SysOps Administrator Associate certification exam Has 2 Practice Tests with 65 questions each with a 130-minute time limit A total of 130 Unique questions to help you pass and even ace the AWS exam! Has full and comprehensive explanations on each question. Has complete Reference Links so you can check and verify yourself that the answers are correct. Contains a Test Report to track your progress and show you which Domain you need improvement. Mobile-compatible so you can conveniently review everywhere, anytime with your smartphone! Has a better value than the official AWS Practice Test which is worth about $30 but only contains about 20 - 40 questions. Clear and Error-Free Questions! Each item has a reference link that can validate the answer but you can also post to the QA section so we can discuss any issues. These AWS SysOps Administrator Associate practice exams are designed to focus on the important exam domains such as Monitoring and Metrics, Security and Compliance, Networking, and Deployment and Provisioning, hence, the aforementioned topics have more questions than the other domains/knowledge areas. The number of questions on each topic are carefully selected based on the domains listed in the official AWS SysOps exam guide. There are a lot of existing AWS Practice Tests in the market, however, most of them contain both technical and grammatical errors that may cause you to fail the actual exam. There are also official certification practice exams provided by AWS but these only have 20 or 40 questions and cost 20 or 30 USD -- a price that is comparable with having these 130 Unique and Timed Amazon Web Services practice questions! We gave a considerable amount of effort to create and publish these AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate practice tests, including the laborious task of checking each item for any errors. We are confident that this will significantly help you pass your exam. All the best!
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[GET] Concept Kids Photography: 100 Creative Photoshoot Ideas
By Enrolling in this course you are going to get a Pinterest Mood Board with 100 Creative Photoshoot ideas separated by each idea. We will talk about using mood boards, Pinterest, and and the benefits as a Photographer. We will talk about the hundred different ideas so you can have new ideas for your next photoshoot. This course is great for Photographers that want ideas for photoshoots to have creative pictures in their portfolio. Categories include: Sports/Hobbies: Those are shoots that feature either a sport or hobby the kid might have. Creative Wardrobe: Involves dressing up to match the concept. Either in costumes or outfits that match the theme. Home/Creative Location: Are concepts based on around shooting in a home. They are also concepts that include going to a specific location to shoot. Some are related to outdoor category but are more specific on the place you have to go to shoot that. Holiday/Season: Concepts revolving a special holiday or a season. Animals: Involves shootings with animals in the pictures with the kids. Special Effects: Those are ideas that involve some sort of special effect either in editing or how you shoot it. These are the hardest ideas to pull off. Outdoor: Those are shoots that include shooting outside somewhere. Fun/Creative: Those are concepts that are mainly fun or creative. These are the ideas that didn't fit a category above so you can see it as the "other" category. When you sign up for the course you will get a message on Udemy with the link to the mood board with the hundred ideas.
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[GET] Prezi 2018: Prezi in a Flash!
A BRAND NEW course from Prezi Expert, Robin Pierman! Prezi is the New Way to Present! Use Prezi to create an engaging visual presentation to use in place of Microsoft PowerPoint or Keynote. You will impress your audience with exciting visuals as your presentation zooms through three dimensional space. Present in any sequence you want and include as much detail as you like. With Prezi, you can adapt your presentation to suit any audience. Too Busy for a Comprehensive Survey of the Software? This course is designed for busy professionals looking for a quick and simple introduction to Prezi Next. No extra bells and whistles. Just the basics presented quickly and clearly. At the end of the course you'll have the knowledge and skills to create and present your own custom Prezi presentation. Break Free from Conventional Templates! Set yourself apart from the competition by creating you own custom template. Let others rely on the trite built-in Prezi templates. Express your creativity by starting fresh with your own original ideas. Plan, Polish, Publish, and Present Start with the end-product in mind. Organize your thoughts and plan the perfect way to communicate your message. Then dazzle your viewers with choice colors, fonts, and images. Protect your privacy or share it with the world. Finally, learn the simple way to present your finished product and wow your audience.
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