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margocooper · 5 months ago
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Яркая Лаватера Рубиновая Королева (Хатьма трёхмесячная (лат. Malva trimestris)) и белоснежная Лаватера Монт Бланк поздним октябрьским вечером. Bright Lavatera Ruby Queen and snow-white Lavatera Mont Blanc late October evening.
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enigmaticagentalice · 8 months ago
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summer flowers in my garden: the pink edit
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crudlynaturephotos · 11 months ago
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mothmiso · 10 months ago
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(1) (2) (3) (4) by Florent Berthéas
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fabiansteinhauer · 1 year ago
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Die Ova da Mulin und die Lavatera sind die beiden ersten und beiden letzten Nebenbäche des Inn. Sicher hat er auch später noch Nebenbäche, aber die beiden sind ihm gleichauf. Ihre Namen treten auf eine Art und Weise zurück, dass man das so sagen kann, dass sie zurücktreten. Man muss schon in den Papieren nachschauen, ob das so mit rechten Dingen zuging, dass der Fluss auch hinter dem Silser See, in den alle diese Bäche fließen, wieder Inn heißt und nicht etwa ab da dann Lavatera oder Ova da Mulin.
Ab da sind aber die Konkurrenzen geklärt, und irgendwann erwischt es den Inn ja auch, denn dass der Fluss ab Passau Donau und nicht mehr Inn heißt, das ist auch Rücktritt, ein harter Rücktritt - und am Ende des Inns will man wieder in die Papiere schauen um zu kontrollieren, ob das so seine Richtigkeit hat. Dazwischen, also vom Ende des Silser Sees bis nach Passau lässt sich aber nicht bestreiten, dass der Inn der Inn und nur der Inn der Inn ist. Der Inn ist schöner, wilder als die Donau, er ist vor allem das was sie nicht ist: ein Gebirgsfluss, der das ganze Jahre seine Farben wechselt, auch wenn er ganz grundsätzlich immer auch beim Grün bleibt, aber grün ist nicht grün. Er ist grün, nicht schlammig.
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pedroam-bang · 7 months ago
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Steve Don - Mallows (2023)
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fvbeers · 1 year ago
bij op bloem - bee on flower ( P1060253 tmc50 ) by Frans van Beers Via Flickr: herfst en terwijl de bloemen verschrompelen, probeer je warm te worden in een zwakkere zon - fall and while the flowers shrivel, you try to get warm in a weaker sun! c2: flic.kr/p/2p793pj
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espuor · 2 months ago
g. يوميًا
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liturgies in hazelnut cream with almonds—notes de prune noire, 385.
parte um · num caderninho com rendas e uma taça de sangue fresco ao lado, anoto todas as flores de cada mês.
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꽃,⠀⠀✿ް ⠀𝗃𝖺𝗇𝖾𝗂𝗋𝗈⠀⠀𑁧⠀⠀antúrio, áster, cravina, lisianto, azaléia, boca de leão, amor perfeito e petúnia.
sacros resplandecentes,  𝑓𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋𝖾𝗂𝗋𝗈 🌞📿ㅤ⃰  ✧。  ♡ lírio; kalanchoe; violeta; gardênia; pingo-de-ouro; gérbera; impatiens.
{ 𝚎𝚙, ❦ }   clássico───março;   narciso, papoula, angélica, flor-sangue, bromélia, lírios de calla, antúrio, forsístia e margarida.
flores de ˊ abril, ✿ ˋ ipê-amarelo; nemophila; marmelo-florido; lavatera; tagete; lupinos; canola; primula.
(  𝗆𝖺𝗂𝗈.   🦪 ⸰ 𓂋   𝟢𝟧  ✵♡  )   lírio-do-vale, hortênsia, lavanda, dália, crisântemo, peônia, espinheiro e flor-de-maio.
floração d. 𖥸 junho ──[...]⠀ zínia; ipê-roxo; verbena; buganvília; camomila; astromélia; capuchinha; alecrins-de-campo.
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heaveninawildflower · 6 months ago
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Lavatera Trimestris (1774) by Mary Delany (1700-1788).
Collage of coloured papers, with bodycolour and watercolour, on black ink background (1776).
© The Trustees of the British Museum.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license.
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margocooper · 2 years ago
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Розовые цветы Лаватеры меланж в каплях дождя. Август 23.
Pink flowers Lavatera melange in raindrops. August 23.
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llihell · 10 months ago
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Lavatera. Flat colors commission.
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crudlynaturephotos · 28 days ago
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mothmiso · 6 months ago
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Flowers (2) (3) (4) by Oleg Zhizhin
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mongpht · 2 years ago
Vil Schoenheit — language of flowers
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all the same but in my tweet (+ pictures)
red roses — symbolise passionate, deep love and the intention of desire. it is red roses that have the strongest, most languid fragrance, which distinguishes the queen rose from other flowers. they are a symbol of the true attraction one feels for another person.
pink roses — are a symbol of love, affection and admiration. light pink buds are associated with romance.
red dahlia — signifies a long-lasting alliance and loyalty, fidelity, friendship and kinship, nobility. dahlias symbolise moving forward and overcoming obstacles. legend has it that the dahlia grew in the place of the last fire that died out when the glacier struck: the flower survived under the ice. therefore the bouquet can be given as a gift to someone who has faced hardship to inspire them to overcome it. dahlia is a symbol of perseverance and determination.
cordyline prevents evil spirits from harming family members, keeps spirits in the grave and generally means peace and protection.
purple carnations mean capricious and demanding.
rhodanthe, also known as 'sunbeam' or 'pink paper daisy', is a genus of australian plants in the gnaphalieae tribe of the composite flower family. name rhodanthe comes from the greek rhodon (rose) and anthos (flower). there is a legend about the flower, which says that the girl had many suitors, but she did not like them. these young men were so full of love and desire that one day it got to the point where they broke down the doors of her house and broke in. this story made the goddess diana very angry, who turned the girl into a flower and her suitors into thorns to teach them a lesson.
pink hyacinthus — just emerging passion. in some meanings - the last tenderness.
red peonies are a symbol of love and the hottest feelings.
red or dark-pink phlox — mutuality, unity, sweet dreams.
violet lavatera — symbolized being swept away by romance or passion for someone, becoming consumed by the emotions experienced in the moment.
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silverstormsxx · 3 months ago
mlp x deltarune au idea
rainbow dash is kris
applejack is susie
twilight is ralsei
fluttershy is noelle
treehugger is berdly
flim n flam are spamton
Now onto the meat and potatoes...
fluttershy's version of the snowgrave route.
her iceshock equivalent would be "butterswarm." basically, she gets butterflies to swarm the enemy. when they leave, nothing is left but a pile of a red, dust-like substance.
her snowgrave equivalent would be "bughatch." it puts butterfly eggs inside of an enemy and then proceeds to hatch them, killing them in an instant as butterflies fly out of their corpse. (if you know which fanfic I'm referencing lmk)
her ring equivalents would be the teal rose crown, the lavatera crown, and finally.. the nightshade crown.
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askthezeldas · 3 months ago
*suspicious British man in a bunny costume shows up*
Hello Ladies~
*drops off flowers*
(Whats your favorite flower? Or what flower would you girls say represent you the best in your opinion?)
Flora: Oh, um, thank you.
Athena whispering to Fable: Should we really take those? I don’t trust them.
Sun: Regardless of whether those are safe, my favourite flower is an Ancient Flower! Sky brought some to me after everything was said and done.
Tetra: Bleugh. Don’t start rambling about him again, I don’t need to hear anymore disgusting detail about his eyes. Anyway, bomb flowers are probably my favourite flower.
Athena: Does that even qualify?
Tetra: It’s not a competition!
Athena: Then mine is also bomb flowers. Bombs that replenish on the battlefield? Hell yes.
Peace:…Those are quite useful flowers…I’d have to say their my favourite as well.
Tetra: Hey! You can’t just decide after I said my piece. You’ve got to have had something in mind before, right?
Athena: I don’t think it matters Mrs. It’s Not a Competition.
Flora: Well…Mine would have to be the Silent Princess. It’s a rare, delicate type but it represents connection and the wilderness to me. How it only thrives in the wild really resonates with me, and well, who I was.
Fable: We don’t have those but that sounds really nice. Show me a picture thing with that slate of yours later!
Flora, smiling: Alright. What is your favourite flower, Fable?
Fable: I really like the Blast Bloom flowers.
Flora: The…what?
Fable: You know, the large yellow one that shoots you up into the air?
Flora: Fascinating…You must show me later!
Dusk: Hmm…Pretty Flowers remind of simple times, the peace and calm and yet the warmth and bustle of town.
Athena: Pretty Flowers? You’re going to have to be more specific than that.
Dusk, irritated: Those are what they’re called.
Phantom, a bit nervously: Um, anyways, mine would have to be an item flower! They aren’t so pretty, but they have many uses.
Aurora: Item flower…I’m guessing one of its uses is giving you items?
Phantom: Yeah, but they also be blown away to activate switches!
Aurora: Cool! My favourite flower would be a Hyacinth. They…they represent being energetic. It’s…a comfort. Dawn?
Dawn: Lilies. I don’t have a preference on the colour, and I don’t have a reason for liking them except that they’re a beautiful species.
Mage: There doesn’t have to be a reason, right? I really like lavatera flowers, for the same reason you do. What about you, Echo?
Echo: I have to say, the Fairy Flower.
Mage: Fairy flower? That’s curious. Does it have magic?
Echo: I wore it and it made fairies appear for me more often, so maybe?
Flora: Interesting! I thought it was just sugar water that fairies tend to appear for.
Echo: And bottles. They really like going in bottles for some reason.
All Zeldas except Echo:…what?
Sun: Aside from that revelation, what about you Lullaby?
Lullaby:…Bomb flowers.
Tetra & Athena & Peace: Yes!
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