#laurie laurence fic
roxygen22 · 5 months
Sick Timothee with fem reader as caretaker plz ❤️
Thanks to You
Summary: Fem!reader takes care of feverish Laurie
A/N: Decided to write using Timothee's Laurie as the main character because the time period makes fevers much more scary.
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Laure's restless stirring awakened you. You blinked, unable to focus since it was still dark out. You reached your hand out to place gentle, comforting pressure on his arm, as you often did if he was suffering a nightmare, but instantly drew it back in shock. He was putting off more heat than your fireplace.
You grabbed the oil lamp on your nightstand and raised the flame. There was a sheen of sweat blanketing his forehead and chest, though he was shivering like he had been out in the snow. "Fever," you breathed out worriedly.
You jumped out of bed and quickly set to work gathering supplies. You immersed a cloth in water and wrung it out to place on his forehead. You rubbed the herb poultice Mrs. March had shown you how to make onto the soles of his feet and covered them with socks. He shifted his head side to side, mumbling your name.
"[Y/N], [Y/N]," he muttered weakly.
You ran your fingers through his damp curls. "I'm here, my love. I'm here."
"[Y/N]?" Laurie's glazed eyes opened, but they never focused on you.
He's delirious, you thought to yourself. You looked out the window, countenance falling as you realized the blizzard meant you could not send for help. The whole town was snowed in. "You have to get better, Laurie," you stated as you cradled your slight baby bump with your free hand.
He became slightly more alert as the dawn arrived. You took the opportunity to get him to drink some water. He was shaking so much from the throes of fever that he could not hold the cup without spilling. You sat beside him to support his head and hold the cup to his lips. You were grateful to see that at least some water made it into his mouth. Exhausted, he flopped his head back onto the pillow and looked up at you.
"Y-you should k-keep your distance. You d-don't n-need to get sick, too," Laurie said through chattering teeth.
"Nonsense. Who else is going to take care of you, hmm?" You half-smiled, not quite enough to reach your eyes. You wet the cloth again and gently wiped his neck, chest, and arms. "Are you hungry?" you asked when you finished, but there was no response. He had already fallen asleep again. You surveyed the dark purple circles under his eyes and the pallor of his skin.
You rose from your perch by Laurie's side to start some soup for when he woke again. He came to about an hour later. You helped him sit up against the headboard so he could eat. He scowled when you attempted to spoon feed him. "Come on, now. You need to eat something to keep your strength, and I'm sure you don't want to spill hot soup in your lap," you chided. He rolled his eyes and acquiesced. You chuckled. At least he was feeling good enough to give you an attitude.
The food did him some good, because soon he wanted to get up and move around. You helped him to the front room to his armchair. While he read by the fire, you changed the damp sheets. It wasn't long before he was ready to lay down again. The two of you repeated this cycle throughout the day.
When night came once more, the fever ravaged again. You covered him with every blanket in the house and practically laid on top of him to warm him up. The shaking eventually relented, giving both of you a reprieve. You fell asleep sitting next to the bed, holding his hand while your head rested on your arm.
You woke to the feeling of a hand playing with your hair. You groggily raised your head and were greeted by Laurie's smile. "Good morning, my dove."
You smiled at the nickname and placed a kiss on his forehead. "Your fever broke," you said in relief. Tears welled up in the corners of your eyes. "I was so worried."
"I'm alright, thanks to you."
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cauliflowertree · 2 years
laurie laurence—all i want to say is i love you.
laurie laurence x fem!march!reader
summary: romance novel confessions.
word count: 1.1k
fanfic no. 043.
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laurie laurence always had a pleasant time with the march sisters—he considered them family, if he could so bold as to say so. but as he grew older, the other sisters began to notice a slight show of favouritism for the third sister, y/n. soft but lively in temperament, she seemed his perfect match. and they didn’t mind so much, for laurie was still very attentive to them, and they observed they would make a very fine couple should they choose to be.
he hadn’t thought he was quite so obvious with his silent affections, but he could not deny his countenance greatly altered when with her, though often he did not realise unless it was teasingly pointed out by someone else who had observed this alteration. let them tease, he thought, it mattered not to him.
he had quietly pined after the favourited sister for many months now, elongated, he felt, by the winter season which seemed to last many weeks longer than usual, which often forced him back home in the early evenings where his lack of company was greatly felt by y/n and the other march sisters.
but when summer finally absorbed spring’s showers, he was greeted with the adoring sight of y/n reading novels in her garden once more. from his window he could see her quite clearly, often getting distracted from his studies which could infuriate poor mr. brooke. laurie was never the most attentive nor obedient student, which was only exacerbated by this consuming infatuation he could not shake, nor did he want to.
as much as his love for y/n tormented him, it was the reason he found himself so eager to greet the day in the early mornings, the cause many of his smiles and happy moments. but as much as this was true, she was also the cause of many sleepless nights, reprimands from his tutor and grandfather for not paying attention and confusion in his life.
despite this uncertainly imposed upon him, as soon as his classes had ended for the day, he headed to the march household—he could wait no longer to tell y/n the truth about how he felt; the uncertainty must come to an end.
meanwhile, oblivious to the plan laurie was hatching, you basked in the soft sunlight while reading a romance novel you’d bought from town with all the money you’d saved up recently. it was a delightful read, though you were nearing the end already, having only started reading it a day or so ago.
“you pierce my soul. i am half agony, half hope,” you read aloud, feeling your heart pound in your chest, wondering what those words would sound like coming from laurie’s lips.
theodore laurence had a hold of your heart from the day you’d met, and thus far, he had not relinquished his grip for a moment. you were a little too shy to admit your fondness for the boy, but would accept in a heartbeat if he were to confess he felt the same way first. it was a difficult predicament, for the dread came in knowing there was a chance you would never know if you did not ask.
“‘would you, in short, have renewed the engagement then?’ — ‘would i!’ was all her answer; but the accent was decisive enough,’” you continued to read, feeling the butterflies in your stomach fluttering as you the confession upon the pages unravelled.
“‘good god!’ he cried. ‘you would!’”
so enraptured in your novel, you hadn’t noticed laurie creeping up on you from your garden gate, smiling gently as he watched and listened to you read another novel from your extensive collection.
“what are you reading this time?” asked laurie when he was close enough.
“oh! laurie, you startled me,” you laughed, clutching your chest.
“i apologise, fair maiden,” he bowed in jest. “is it shakespeare’s sonnets again?” he asked, nodding to the book in your hand.
“not this time, the author is a woman from england,” you replied, elated with the knowledge it was a woman’s words you were devouring page by page.
“is it a novel?”
“yes, a romance novel,” you sighed happily. “it is fast becoming one of my favourites. oh, laurie, it’s utterly splendid!”
laurie sat beside you in the grass, fiddling with the green blades beside his feet. he listened to you talk fondly of this new novel you had fallen in love with, talking endlessly of some anne elliot and a captain wentworth.
“what is it?” you asked suddenly, feeling very self conscious of the intense stare from laurie’s eyes and his boundless silence.
“i’m in love with you,” he whispered without hesitation through a smile, almost in disbelief that the words had left his lips so boldly.
“what?” you scoffed, for such a declaration was not easily comprehended in the circumstances in which he had revealed it to you.
“all the while i have known you, i have been in love with you,” replied laurie, feeding off the courage he had unwittingly found. “i do not care that you talk too much, nor that you stay up too late reading by the dwindling candle light. i love that your hair is unkempt and that as soon as someone pays you a compliment you become bashful. i could not think of someone better to love. truly, i could love no one else but you.”
it was as if you were in a romance novel of your own, and the protagonist’s love interest was finally admitting his feelings in the last chapter of the book, letting its readers breathe a sigh of relief alongside their protagonist who had been waiting just as long to hear the words finally spoken.
“have i upset you?” asked laurie when you did not respond.
“no!” you cried. “you have only surprised me,” you laughed. “do you truly mean it, laurie!?”
“of course i mean it, dear y/n,” came his gentle response, which elicited a bright grin stretching across your lips as you tossed your novel to the ground, throwing yourself against laurie.
“i have been in love with you all this time too,” you revealed, hovering over his lips and revelling in the sensation of his arms snaking around your waist and over your back.
laurie could not speak, only match your joyous smile as he let the words you had spoken sink into his heart, down to the very bottom where he endeavoured to hold them forever.
he wetted his lips, lifting his chin up cautiously, to which you matched his actions before pressing your lips to his delicately—a chaste first kiss that neither of you wished would end. but you had all the time in the world for the number to grow and grow beyond count.
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requested by anonymous.
🏷 @sw34terw34ther @imabee-oralizard @mad-elia @velvetcloxds @natashxromanovf @ell0ra-br3kk3r @uwiuwi @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @krishavania @innerloverpainter @locke-writes
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clinquaant · 2 months
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101 PLOT BUNNIES / Dear Prudence, a Theodore Laurence Fanfiction
PRUDENCE POIRIER WAS ACCUSTOMED TO HIDING IN THE SHADOWS. With her father fighting in the Civil War, she and her mother occupied themselves with finding work so that, when the time came, their family could buy a proper home upon the patriarch’s return.
While scouring the streets of Boston, Prudence and her mother, Mabel, ran into James Laurence, a man who occupied a house larger than he could ever need with only himself and his grandson. After Mabel detailed her prowess as a housekeeper and her daughter’s green thumb for the neglected greenhouse he spoke of, Mr. Laurence gladly accepted the help with the condition that the two women would take up two of his empty rooms, in an attempt to liven up the house into a home once again.
Mabel was grateful that she had come across a genuine man such as Mr. Laurence, rather than being stuck in an unideal situation. Prudence, upon hearing Mr. Laurence’s mention of a family full of daughters that lived across the road, was ecstatic at the prospect of making new friends. What took her most by surprise, though, was the friendliness of Mr. Laurence’s aforementioned grandson.
Listening to her mother’s words of caution, Prudence kept her distance from the boy who seemed to have too-good of intentions. Until, letters with the salutation “Dear Prudence” began welcoming her in the greenhouse most mornings, written in what could only be his impeccable, product-of-being-privately-tutored handwriting.
Mabel instructed Prudence to be respectful, and how disrespectful would it be if she didn’t write to him back?
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strideofpride · 1 year
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my god this reminds me, of when we were young
a Little Women modern AU series
9k // rated t
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haaam-guuuurl · 11 months
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Little Women Amy x Laurie Ballet Modern AU
The March sisters grew up tripping over dance bags and discarded ballet slippers. Piano music and counts of eight were the soundtrack of their childhoods, ever since Meg first joined the ballet class at their local dance studio, every sister following her soon after. Careful Meg, spirited Jo, delicate Beth, and artful Amy all found their place along that barre, different tempers and styles united by effort and a love of dance.
Ballet brought them closer, brought them friends - most notably Theodore Laurence, Jo's partner and best friend - and even brought them their futures. All of them incredibly talented and dedicated, it was no surprise when the four sisters each found their way in the world of ballet.
Meg surprised everyone when, though gifted enough to pursue a profissional dancing career, she settled into a teaching position at the studio they'd all attended, happy to instead pursue what had captured her heart from the very beginning. None shocked more than Jo, however, who got as far as being offered a contract from a prestigious ballet company, but turned it down and turned away from dancing all together, pivoting into academics and other passions, seeking to make her own mark in the world. Beth remained in the studio, but fell in love with the music instead of the steps, finding an inclination for the piano in the corner of the room, and a talent for it unmatched among her artistic possibilities. It was only the youngest, Amy, who'd dreamed of becoming a prima ballerina since first stepping foot in a ballet class, that followed those dreams all the way to her place at a professional ballet company.
Though they'd all loved it, Amy was the one who'd wanted it, wanted it all, had ambition for it beyond the passion. She didn't only want to dance - she wanted to be great. That ambition carried her through her apprenticeship, through the corps, through being one of many and feeling like she'd never be good enough to stand out, all the way through to one of the coveted soloist positions. At last, a chance to be seen, to be exceptional! A chance she wasn't going to give up that easily, not even when she was cast opposite Theodore Laurence for the company's production of Firebird.
Laurie had been the closest friend of the March sisters, once. And though he'd cared for them all, Jo was definitely his favorite. She was his partner, his best friend, his beloved. And when she'd abandoned dance, she'd left him too. He'd envisioned them working side by side forever, spending their lives together. But that wasn't what Jo saw. It wasn't what she wanted. Though they'd always fit together so well, they couldn't understand each other in this, not really. So, Jo went on, and Laurie did too, signing with the furthest company that would have him, determined to forget all about Jo, and about their childhood.
Amy and Laurie had not seen each other for years. They'd gone on to different companies, in different cities, and only now, by chance, did they find themselves in the same place, Amy just promoted, and Laurie just hired. Though she was still new and eager to prove herself, he'd been a soloist at his previous company for some time, had grown comfortable and complacent in his position. The two had been pleased to see each other again after so long, if not also surprised, and it could've been fair to assume they would've worked perfectly well together, if not for that difference in their careers and dispositions.
Dancing Katerina, Amy was working hard every day to be great, yet also constantly feeling the sting of second best. Laurie's attitude was no help, either. As Ivan, he had a principal role and every advantage and talent one could have, but he seemed intent on wasting it, going through the motions every rehearsal and putting in only the bare minimum in his performance. He had lost his passion for dancing, carrying on mostly out of habit and duty, but he hadn't felt the same ever since Jo left. And Amy, in his arms, couldn't help but feel like a poor substitute.
The pair had been friends for years, before. Even clashing during rehearsals, they did get along well now, managed to become closer than before and have fun together. But this wasn't something they could move past. Amy finally had enough of it. She couldn't bear to see Laurie waste it all like this, throw away everything he had, while she was fighting for every opportunity. He wouldn't work with her, and he wouldn't work for himself. She came very close to quitting the production.
Amy had always been powered by her ambitions, but deterred by the knowledge of how hard it was to succeed in this business. If there was something she couldn't get past, if this was the best she'd ever get, if she'd only reach second tier, only ever good enough, and never great, then what was the point?
Surprisingly, however, Laurie heard her. Amy made him see what he'd been avoiding for years. He knew what he was doing. He knew he was wrong. He just didn't want to face his own pain, didn't want to change, to grow up, to truly leave it behind. But he also knew he had to. If he wanted to keep going, he couldn't be dragged back by the past.
And then there was her. He and Amy had become so close through the course of rehearsals. She had been the one to wake him up, and to see there's a future beyond Jo, to make him start to love dancing again. He desperately didn't want her to quit the show, to quit him. He wanted to be there, to be better for her, wanted to dance with her, wanted to be the partner she deserved.
Laurie committed. He showed up, for Amy, every rehearsal and every show after that. More than that, he worked hard on it, not just for her, but because he'd begun to feel passionate about dancing again. And in his revival, he made Amy feel it too. Though she'd never abandon her dreams, seeing Laurie like this made her remember why she loved dancing in the first place. Not just to be a prima, not just to be great, but to be an artist.
The two of them, dancing together, managed to get past complacency, past ambition, past insecurities. They managed to dance, to create something beautiful, to fall in love with it all over again. They managed to fall in love.
Amy and Laurie made each other better. They inspired each other, captured one another's hearts. They danced together, and together they shined.
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the-other-art-blog · 2 years
Do you please have some fanfic recs for Amy and laurie? Preferably canon compliant( book). I am craving for missing moments. I don't like the movie version where they weren't friends before. Because in books they were.
Please recommend some canon compliant fics. Thank you and sorry for being bother.
It's no bother at all, anon. Thank you for asking! It makes me so happy whenever I get messages.
And yes, Amy and Laurie were great friends since the very beginning! He always knew exactly how to make her feel better 🥹
I answered this question some time ago here (x) but it was only my Top 5. I think most of them are canon compliant, almost all of them
But! I'm adding more to the list here:
Glory in the flower by frankie_bell (This one is incomplete 😭, but if you want Amy and Laurie's friendship since childhood, this is it! The author is super nice so maybe you can leave her a comment asking about it?)
It reminded me of you by lauraschiller
The art of parenthood by Beth Harker (Beth_Harker), Beth_Harker (This author has a lot of good fics)
Spring breaks loose, but so does fear by lovelacegsl 
Not in so many words by therealchancewriter (The first chapter is very much in the LW2019 universe, but the rest is amazing!)
The other man by Tara R.A. Boomdiay
Visage through thine tears by Kamuela
Dedication by halosun
The Way Home by girlyswot
Raindrops and Roses by Missy
Metanoia by lovelacegsl (this one is a modern au, but it's very canon compliant if that makes sense haha)
I think those are all for now... I'll do a bit of self-promotion now😆
I've started writing stories in the 2019 universe, but now I only want to write canon compliant. Nothing tops canon!
Of artists and muses by Just_a_fan37
Skating Lessons by Just_a_fan37
Something blue by Just_a_fan37
The Laurences by Just_a_fan37
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clarkesyd · 1 year
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laurie was always by her side, especially now, and seemed to know precisely how she felt and what she needed without her uttering a word. they were connected in that way, so attuned to each other it appeared as if perhaps they shared a single mind.
read here
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loverangels · 7 months
I saw laurie Lawrence and i got so excited (i see no fics of him even though he’s like the perfect man even if he sucks sometimes.) i’m excited to see your writings <3
the way things go
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pairings- laurie laurence x fem!reader
summary- after over hearing laurie propose to your sister Jo, heartbroken you decide to leave to paris
warnings- angst, not proofread nothing else
'would you do me the greatest honour of making me your husband.'
Laurie's words seemed to replay and echo in the dull hollow walls of your mind. Your heart ached as tears dripped down your face . You were going to tell Laurie you loved him. You thought he loved you.
It was obvious now that you were wrong.
With a hand clamped over your mouth, you muffled the sob threatening to break out from your throat.
What made it worse was that he hadn't proposed to anyone else.
He proposed to Jo.
Anger simmed through you, overtaking the flow of your pain. You had asked Jo if something between her and Laurie had been going on and everytime she replied with 'don't be silly! Laurie's like my brother!' or 'laurie!? What possibly could make you think that!?' and brushed it off with furrowed brows and a disgusted frown.
But that didn't match up with what you had just witnessed.
Through the slightly ajar door, you walked down the hallway of lauries and his grandfather's house, hoping to speak to him only to be met with the sight of Laurie on one knee facing Jo, with a small velvet box holding one of the most gorgeous ring you have ever seen.
'would you do me the greatest honour of make me your husband.'
You held back your sob and flew down the stairs not caring if either of Jo or Laurie heard you.
You ran. Ran till you were in your bedroom, without a second thought, stuffing the rest of your precious belongings into your suitcase, filling it to the brim.
You looked around at your room savouring every inch before hauling your suitcase and down the stairs.
'you're already leaving so early?'
Marmees soft gentle voice called out from behind you, and you sighed turning around to face.
'should I get laurie to help you?'
A weak smile formed on your face, but you knew it was no use. Marmee could see right through anyone.
'no it's alright..I wouldn't want to bother him' your words came out more bitter than you intended to.
Soon without telling Meg, Jo, Beth, or Amy, you walked out of the door.
And to Paris.
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'would you do me the greatest honour of make me your husband.'
Laurie knelt on knee holding the velvet box to Jo.
Jo squealed and grabbed Laurie up, wrapping her arms around his neck.
'its perfect! It's time, we need to go tell the others!'
'wait I need to look presentable' Laurie joked before dusting his clothes off and fixing the rough state of his hair.
The pair soon went to Lauries grandfather and told him the news.
He was ecstatic.
They spent an hour with lauries grandfather, before trampling through the thick mount of snow to tell marmee and the girls.
'is she here?', Laurie asked marmee.
Marmee sadly smiled, 'shes already left to the train station'
Laurie felt his heart drop to his stomach.
'shes already left to Paris, if you're lucky the train might not have departed yet due to the snow storm.'
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You sat on one of the benches at the train station, the bell jar in your hand, as you read impatiently waiting for your train to arrive.
Soon the call of your train was made.
You grabbed your suitcase and bag, holding the book with our arm.
As you began to struggle as you attempted to haul your suitcase and bag on the train, you felt arms grab your suitcase and a familiar voice.
You turned around to see Laurie, his hair sticking in all directions, and his face flushed from the snow.
He grabbed your hand and pulled you away from the train.
'what were you thinking? You were just going to leave? Without telling the girls? Without telling me?' his voice was strained and raspy as if he had been screaming.
'laurie I don't have time for this- the train its leaving!' you harshly ripped yourself from Laurie's grip, attempting to chase the train down as it slowly departed, only to be in his hold again.
He held you against his chest.
'youre not leaving. You cant-why?'
You struggled to find your words.
You looked at him million answers as to why. Why? 'why? Really Laurie why? You know exactly why!' you held a finger to him accusingly as you jabbed him in the chest 'you- what happened to us? We were so close. I love you Laurie. That's 'why?'.' Laurie's jaw dropped as you continued. 'i love you and I thought...' your voice trailed off as you swallowed the lump in your throat frustrated. 'i thought you loved me to. And I went. I went to tell you but you already proposed, I was too late. You love her.' your voice dropped with jealousy and anguish.
'what?' Laurie asked his brows furrowed as he bit the inside of his cheek 'who are you taking about? I love you. Only you.'
You were confused. But didn't he propose to Jo? 'laurie I saw you... I saw..but you proposed to jo.'
Lauries faced changed. His eyes widened as his mouth slowly formed into a grin before he started laughing.
'laurie it's not funny!' you exclaim, yet also finding yourself trying to hide your smile, pushing him away playfully.
Laurie grabbed your hands, enlacing his fingers with yours.
'god, i was practicing to propose.' he chuckled ' I was practicing to propose. To you.'
'oh.' was all that left your mouth but it was nothing compared to the whirlwind of emotions in your stomach.
'so what do you say? Will you be my wife?' he asked grinning as his hands revealed a small velvet box holding the same gorgeous diamond ring.
'yes!' you beamed at him, your cheeks flushed as he slid the ring on your finger.
As laurie quickly embraced you, his chin on your head as you wrapped your arms around your torso, Laurie chuckled,
'i can't believe that after all that practicing this is the propsosal.'
'well I guess that's just the way things go.'
a/n I hate this so much but idk if it's just me 😭 I hope it's okay for you guys!
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strideofpride · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Little Women Series - Louisa May Alcott, Little Women (2019 Movie - Gerwig) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Theodore "Laurie" Laurence/Amy March Characters: Theodore "Laurie" Laurence, Amy March Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Missing Scene Series: Part 2 of my god this reminds me, of when we were young Summary:
Because Amy March, Jo’s little sister had always been more than that, even when he wasn’t paying attention.
Or, a missing moment or two between Laurie & Amy.
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cannibalizedlove · 4 months
Since ur wanting requests what if i requested one where its laurie laurence x cowboy! Reader where laurie laurence doesn't quite like guys and has the whole attitude where he's like "two men together r gross" Bc its the 1800s but the reader has this like very attractive southern accent and flirts with laurie so much to the point laurie just melts and falls in love? Could either be smut or fluff! (I came up with this idea from a southern show I was watching lol)
This is probably the cutest request because I love cowboys and Laurie, so I hope you enjoy as much as I did! I made this one a longer one, just because I love the idea so much and wanted to create more <3
Voice like whiskey.
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Information and warning — much longer fic than usual, slow burn, male reader, cowboy reader, internalized homophobia laurie, laurie being a little rude jerk, the march sisters are included, grinding, making out, alcohol, pure gayness.
You were the March sisters younger cousin, and had been popping in for holidays since you were a young child.
Even though you were never around except for birthdays and Christmas, you would always send your earnings home to the girls.
Marmee would always ask you to stay, how she had the extra room and how the girls would love to be with you — but you always had to decline, the dirt roads and cattle called for you. She always thought your work was admirable, so she never pushed.
Soon, Christmas had rolled around and it was time to go see your family. With your boots muddy, your hat containing your messy hair, and dirt on your face; you knocked on the door, greeted by the smile of sweet Amy.
“Oh my beloved, Y/N! You’re finally here for us!” The girl exclaimed, throwing her arms around you and hugging your chest.
“Amy! Oh how I’ve missed you, darlin’” You chuckled, ruffling her hair and embracing her tightly.
“Where’s the others, I have much stories to tell about the trails, damn horse ran off cause of a snake, funniest thing!” You shook your head, patting Amy on the back before looking around for the other sisters you desperately missed.
“Well, Meg is at the fabric store, sewing some dress for some stupid dance I wasn’t even invited to!!” Amy grumpily replied with her hands on her hips, rolling her eyes as she continued; “Beth’s upstairs reading her music, you know how she is.. Oh, and Jo’s out in backyard with Mr. Laurence.” Amy said his name in a singy-songy voice.
You looked at the young girl with confusion, shocked at the new name, had Jo fell for some man? Impossible you thought, she’d never settle down and throw away her freedom for some boy.
“Mr. Laurence? Who in the Lords name is that.” You asked, making your way to back door as you tracked mud throughout the house, something Marmee would scold you for later.
“Oh, hes a fine young gentleman, you’ll like him!” Amy giggled, sitting down in the living room as she watched the fires flames grow with amazement.
You made your way out back, watching as Jo— and who you assumed was Mr. Laurence — rough housed.
“So when are you plannin’ on greetin’ me, you rascal?” You called out to Jo, watching affectionately as she laughed and smiled playing with her friend.
“Y/N! My boy!” Jo announced, pushing Mr. Laurence off of her and into the cold grass.
She ran to you, wrapping you in her arms with a tight squeeze. “I’ve missed you dearly. I can’t wait to hear about the trail stories!”
The Laurence descent watched with a cocked eyebrow, dusting his fancy winter clothes off as he approached you.
“Hello. I’m Laurie.” The boy said flatly, he was a bit taller than you, pale, and overwhelmingly handsome.
“Why, I’m Y/N, nice to meet you. This your boyfriend Jo?” You teased, elbowing her shoulder with a grin, resulting in a slap on the chest and a groan from you.
Laurie didn’t know what he was feeling, your eyes had a fire he hadn’t seen before, your hat casted shadows on your face that perfectly carved it like a statue. Your voice was like whiskey, he thought, but Laurie was refusing the drink.
“Who’s this Jesse James rip off..” Laurie whispered to Jo, taking a dig at your stereotypical attire.
“Laurie, this is my cousin, he’ll be staying with us while the holidays are going on. Y/N, this is my neighbor, Mr. Laurie Laurence.” Jo explained in an announcing speech.
As the day wore on, you found yourself trying to talk to Laurie more and more, each time he’d blow you off. This caused a pang in your heart, but you knew your charm had never let you down.
During dinner you had taken a seat next to him, and spread your legs enough to make the two of yours knees touch. This connection made Laurie blush, but never once moved his knee; a good sign you believed.
You told the stories about the cattle running off, and how your horse got spooked by a rattle snake leaving you in the middle of the trail.
Some of them would earn an under the breath laugh from Laurie, but most would result in a scoff and eye roll.
This cat and mouse game only made you want him more.
The girls were in the living room, Marmee had went to bed early, and you two boys were in the kitchen. You poured yourself a glass of rum, and offered Laurie one in good manners.
“No thanks, Billy the Kid.” Laurie huffed, leaning up against the kitchen island, the opposite side of you. The whole night he had been taking jabs at your country twang, your dirty boots and roughed up clothes.
Each time you felt like dropping the whole thing more and more, hell it was the 1800’s, men weren’t allowed to be together. There wasn’t a point in the hopeless flirting, you knew it wouldn’t work, yet you craved for him to feel the same.
“Come on, lighten up, old boy.” You playfully hit his arm, leaning against the island, taking a sip of your alcohol.
“Stop flirting with me. I don’t swing that way.” Laurie spat, and you felt your heart drop.
You knew from the beginning, but hearing it out loud was a pain much worse than the idea of it.
Laurie watched as the color drained from your face, and felt an overwhelming sense of sadness.
Laurie was sure he was straight, he believed women were gorgeous and his grandfather always told him he was going to marry a woman.
Yet, all that was thrown out the window with you. You were so charming, and as much as he led on that he thought your outlaw attire was ridiculous, he thought your tight jeans with that belt were extremely tantalizing.
All you could reply with was a nod, you took your drink into the living room and joined the sisters in their activities.
It didn’t last long before you decided to wallow in your tears in the comfort of the Marches guest room.
You made your way up the stairs, entered the room and shut the door, quietly sobbing against it. You hated this, you wanted to be ‘normal’, you wanted to have a wife and live comfortably, but it just wasn’t in the cards for you.
You had stripped down to your boxers and dirt stained shirt, laying on the bed with your head in your hands, when a knock broke you out of your trance.
“Not in the mood, Amy.” You yelled out, just wanting to be left alone in your hour of rejection.
“It’s Laurie.” A beautiful voice from the other side of the door called.
‘Is he really here just to make you feel worse?’ You thought. How stuck up could one man be! You were expecting more insults to be spat out by him as you opened the door.
“What can I do for you.” You asked coldly, only to look up and see tears in the taller males eyes.
He let himself in, sitting on the edge of the bed with his hands awkwardly rubbing against his knees.
“I’m sorry for how I’ve acted. I’m.. embarrassed of the truth I guess.” Laurie said quietly, like he was ashamed to even speak privately about it.
“Embarrassed about what, Laur?” You sat next to him, his eyes tightly screwing shut as he smelt your attracting musk.
“You can tell me, if its about ear-“ You were completely cut off, Laurie grabbed your face, smashing your lips into yours and pulling you closer.
He greedily grabbed for all of you, he needed you like you were his oxygen source. He crawled ontop of you, sitting on your lap and licked your bottom lip, asking for entrance, when you graciously accepted his request, he dug in like a starving man.
Your tongues fought for dominance but ultimately, you won. Needy moans escaped from his pretty lips, and he grinded down on your growing bulge.
His entire body was heating up, his mind was melted, all he knew was your mouth and he was obsessed with it. Laurie didn’t know if it was the rum, or your taste, but he was completely drunk off of it.
When you pulled away slightly for a moment to catch your breath, Laurie backed away, his face a shade of bright red that you could see even though the dimly lit room.
“I thought you didn’t.. swing that way.” You asked in shallow breaths, touching your lips in a complete state of shock.
“I don’t know. I just know I want you. I’ve never felt this way before.” He said, hiding his face in his hands, afraid of ruining everything.
“That’s okay, Laurie-Darlin’. We’ll figure it out together.” You held his face in your calloused hand, keeping his eyes on you.
“Just come here, country boy.” He pressed his lips against yours once again, a softer more gentle approach than before.
Your voice was like whiskey, and he was finally accepting the drink.
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riordanness · 1 year
— main masterlist ->
here is my main masterlist for all of my fics on this site!
i will obviously be trying to get this updated every time i post a new fic <3
disclaimer,, i haven’t posted very many fanfics on tumblr yet, so some of these masterlists are currently empty.
enjoy!! 🤍
(coming soon!) masterlist.
percy jackson masterlist
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— percy jackson
pick up lines
my tears ricochet
wildest dreams
mi amor
things percy would say to me if he was real
i wish you would
bad blood
false god
sparks fly
burning it down
— walker scobell
slow motion, double vision
— leo valdez
— percabeth
the way i loved you
— jason grace
start of something new
today was a fairytale
— luke castellan
— carter kane
— will solace
he was sunshine
the summer i turned pretty masterlist
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— conrad fisher
pretty things
— jeremiah fisher
outer banks masterlist
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— rafe cameron
— jj maybank
once upon a time masterlist
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— peter pan
— killian jones
better than revenge
spider-man/peter parker masterlist
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— peter parker
coffee… at midnight
he isn’t you
peter parker headcannons
— tom holland
heaven knows
the chronicles of narnia masterlist
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— edmund pevensie
just a man
— peter pevensie
the maze runner masterlist
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— newt
would’ve, could’ve, should’ve
say don’t go
— minho
— thomas
miscellaneous masterlist
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— peeta mellark
tolerate it
— coriolanus snow
— finnick o’dair
— rodrick heffley
— hiccup haddock
bad blood
out of the woods
— ravi singh
you are in love
dear reader
timothée chalamet masterlist
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— willy wonka
sweet nothing
nightmare dressed like a daydream
safe and sound
electric touch
for a moment
all i’ve ever wanted
— timothée chalamet
chocolate like this
— laurie laurence
champagne problems
i think he knows
— nic sheff
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hiddleswiftt · 1 year
I love your fics and I saw you wanted ideas so here I am. I thought maybe you could do a Taylor inspired fic for Laurie with Love Story maybe with like a ball or something?
ooohh! yes! I’ve been waiting on a laurie fic request for a while now!
maybe with another march sister reader??
(tumblr deleted my first draft so i have to re-write!)
laurie laurence x march sister (fem) reader!
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description - you have been friends with laurie (along with your sisters) since his mother passed away. laurie was the lonely boy who was living with old mr laurence who lived opposite the march house, and ever since he started hanging around with you and your sisters, you’ve started to have feelings for him. six years later, you are travelling around europe with aunt march as her companion whilst you are studying and completing your acting classes. you and aunt march are invited to a ball in paris and someone in particular is on the list for you to dance with for the night! - i tried to make it similar to amy and laurie’s story but the reader wanting to be an actress rather than an artist like amy!
you’ve always loved laurie. always.
even when he had feelings for one of your older sisters josephine (or jo).
you’d be the one sitting aside, especially during your eldest sister meg’s wedding, while you watch jo and laurie dance. amy would reassure you that you’d be okay as you sit with her and beth (as she continued to struggle slightly from trying to get better from scarlet fever).
when beth got scarlet fever, laurie was always around for you. when you found out about it, jo and meg told you to stay with aunt march until beth is well again.
“i don’t want to say with aunt march! id rather catch scarlet fever than stay with her, the poodle and the parrot!” you’d wine as you put your head between the pillows of the couch while laurie would insist for you to stay with aunt march.
he was very persuasive, but in a kind way.
he wouldn’t tell you to do something if you didn’t want to. but this was serious. the spread of scarlet fever was serious. it wasn’t a joke anymore. you just about understood that.
laurie told you he’d come and see you, and you suggested for him to bring either the carriage or the phaeton, which he did, just to make you happy.
whenever laurie came to see you, you’d be dancing dramatically (as you would usually) wearing aunt march’s feathered things. you’d smile at him when you realise he’s been standing at the doorframe of the room watching you.
you’d show him things such as aunt march’s wedding ring (which you told him that she was too fat to wear anymore - he’d snigger at you quietly when you said this), the golden bracelet that was for the only child she ever had (until it died unfortunately…) or perhaps anything else you had found amongst aunt march’s house while she was napping.
you would show laurie the will you’ve written, since you thought you’d be the next to die to scarlet fever. laurie sat with you in confusion.
“from y/n m/n march, this is her will and testament for those that may die after her,” laurie read, “for my sister jo, i give her my..”
in this case the list went on.. and on..
laurie looked at you, “y/n.. you’re not going to die! you’re not even sick!” he tells you, trying to reassure you that you were going to be fine.
then you look across to him, and slump down next to him, “i know.. it’s just a precaution! i will some day.. we all do!” you tell him.
there’s a silence between the two of you. then you finally pluck up the confidence to ask laurie to write something else on your will.
“laurie? i have one more thing for you to add?” you ask him, “i want all my curls cut off to all the men who had loved me!”
you seem a little dramatic, but laurie laughs at you slightly and quickly scribbles it down on the will for you.
“if you want to look horrific in your coffin, y/n, go ahead!” laurie tells you, laughing as he finishes writing your comment on the will.
it had been a year since and you had been travelling around europe with aunt march as her companion, while you completed and studied your acting classes.
you and aunt march were set to attend a ball in paris! you had changed a lot since you left home so aunt march suggested that you should start looking towards marriage now that you are properly of age now.
you had met a man named fred vaughn back a few years ago (he’s a friend of laurie’s) on the lake one summer. aunt march suggested for the two of you to marry, but you were unsure, and you thought that you wanted to make your own match.
you arrived at the ball venue in paris. you looked stunning. one of the best dressed probably..
as you entered the venue, you were given a card which included 6 men that wanted to dance with you for the evening.
you glanced at the names on the card briefly (except for the first - which you headed to first).
gregory lance - the first gentleman on the list. wants to dance “the saraband” with you. so you headed towards him for the dance.
as you quickly got through each dance, you finished your fifth finally. you said goodbye to david molesey - who was your fifth dancer, and looked down to your card again to find your sixth and last dance of the night.
you looked down to spot a familiar name on your card.
‘6. theodore laurence - lancers’
you smile and start to look for laurie, not realising that he was already staring at you from the doorframe of the room.
you smile at him and you decide to meet each other half way.
you hug him straight away, trying not to let you or laurie ruin your look of the night. “laurie! what are you doing here? i thought you were in london with your grandfather!” you said, smiling at him.
he smiles at you, completely in awe of you of how beautiful you look, “well.. i guess i am needed here just incase you need anything, y/n march!” he said, “and you look so beautiful! i almost didn’t recognise you!”
you blush a little and slap his arm softly, “yeah yeah.. what have you been up to, laurie?” you ask him, “anymore of the gambling and the drinking?”
he laughs slightly, “no.. no.. none of that recently, y/n!” he tells you, then you remember something that didn’t do laurie any good recently.
“im so sorry jo turned you down, laurie.. im so sorry.” you tell him, looking at him, making sure he’s okay.
laurie looks back up at you, “don’t worry.. im not..” he said to you, smiling at you and taking in the view of you, then he remembered that you both have a dance together, “miss march? may i have this dance?”
laurie takes your hand in his, leading you to the middle of the room to start the dance. you nod at him, “one often does at a ball, laurie laurence..” you tell him, giggling at him a little.
he smiles at you, as you both walk and start the dance. the dance has become more easier for you both.
you remember when you were younger, probably about five years ago, you and laurie were stood in the laurence house dancing. beth was playing the piano, meg was constantly flirting with mr brooke and jo and amy were giggling at you two while we continued to step on each others feet as you both danced.
oddly it was the same dance that were to start dancing at the ball just then. it was a familiar feeling that you hadn’t seen or talked of in a long while. the nostalgia rushed back to you both immediately.
it felt just right.
as the music and the dance stopped, there was a sense of something between you two.
you invited laurie to talk with aunt march and a few others. a lot of aunt march’s friends thought you and laurie were married!
you just shut your mouth and didn’t say much after that.
you decided to have a break and walk outside to get some air on the balcony. it was getting slightly too warm in the building so it was good to escape for a few minutes.
you didn’t notice laurie behind you, so it shocked you for a moment.
“y/n? are you alright?” he asked you, finally catching up with you and standing next to you on the balcony.
you smile up at him, “yes.. yes.. im fine.. i just needed some air..” you tell him.
you notice two boats on the ocean near to the venue, as you both stood on the balcony. the boats were close together. laurie caught you looking at them, and swiftly looked back at you to admire you.
“those boats are pretty close together.. as if they are on the same path..” you mumble to him.
laurie smiles and takes your hand in his. this gets you to look up at him. “y/n.. are we on the same path?” he asks you.
you suddenly look from the boats to laurie, who had now taken your hand in his. you looked into his eyes. you both knew exactly what you wanted.
“i guess we are, laurie…” you finally admit, as you start smiling at him.
you both stand and admire each other for a couple of seconds, then laurie begins to hold your waist, now leaning into you slowly.
as you both continue to stand on the balcony, you and laurie lean in together for a slow but passionate kiss.
you bring your hand to his cheek, and continue to kiss. the two of you felt alive at this point. more alive than you both have ever felt, ever.
you knew you should’ve told him how you felt years ago, although laurie was in love with jo at the time. gladly, you didn’t think that was the case anymore.
laurie loved you. and you only.
you loved laurie. and laurie only.
you both moved away from the kiss, laughing and sniggering still as if you were still children. you both knew that you weren’t children anymore, since time and your childhoods have gone so fast, and you both had nothing you could do to change that.
you were just happy in the moment. the moment you were continuously picturing for years. you never thought it would ever happen, but here you both were. in that moment together.
you notice something different about him that you didn’t see before.
“laurie. you grew out your hair!” you say, playing with it a little.
laurie laughs at you slightly, “i guess you could care for it?” he says, now looking at you.
you smile at him happily, “always, laurie… always!” you say, kissing his cheek.
suddenly someone with a letter on a tray walks to you and laurie. you pick it up swiftly and open it, making sure laurie stands by you though it, as you think the letter could be what you think it could be.
you read the letter. you were right.
you stand next to laurie and sob into his arms.
“it’s beth…” you say as you put your head into his chest, letting laurie hold you.
you let laurie read the letter. it’s from marmee, clarifying beth’s death.
you weren’t as close to beth as jo was to her. but you did have your fun times. especially that same moment when you, laurie and your sisters were in laurence house together, as beth played the piano while you and laurie would attempt to dance but instead you’d be treading on each others feet.
although you and beth weren’t as close as her and jo were, she still was your sister.
it was as if you planned out her death, as if you planned out your own with the will you wrote and told laurie about a few years ago.
it took you a couple of days to get through beth’s death. you were still in paris, you told marmee you’d come home as soon as possible.
you had a mix of feelings about what could be happening between you and laurie and thoughts of beth, and the fact that you weren’t there to support her when she was dying.
you stood on the balcony of the home you were staying in with aunt march. aunt march wasn’t doing so great herself either. she was falling ill now.
laurie came to see you that same day. he wanted to talk about the relationship you had but he was unsure whether you were okay to talk about it after hearing about beth’s passing.
“i keep remembering that will i wrote when beth had scarlet fever..” you remind laurie, as you both stand together.
“you bequeathed me a plaster horse, if i remember correctly.” laurie thought, as he looked at you.
“i had my death all planned out.. all rehearsed in my mind…” you say, trying not to cry, “i had beth’s all rehearsed and ready too… thought it would.. tear me open.. or burn me down like a house. but now im just frozen!”
laurie took your hand in his again. “ill come and see you everyday, y/n…” he says, admiring you but also making sure that you’re okay.
you look up at him, slowly twiddling your thumb with his, “promise me?” you ask.
he looks at you again, watching you twiddling your thumb with his, “yes.” laurie told you, now reaching into his pocket for something.
you wonder what he was looking for, so you decided to look out at the view from the castle balcony.
it took him a few seconds to find what he was looking for. he brought a black box from his pocket, and showed it to you.
you turned back to him and looked at the box. you were stunned.
“so.. y/n.. could we make it last forever?” he said, opening the box to reveal the engagement ring inside.
you were taken by surprise that laurie wants to marry you. you smile widely, and nod at him, letting him put the ring on your finger confirming your engagement.
you and laurie were on their way home from your long trip around europe with aunt march. aunt march had briefly found out about your engagement to laurie before passing out, and being taken home with aunt carrol and her daughter florence, who had been your other company before laurie arrived.
as soon as you arrived home, laurie helped you out of the carriage to find meg, marmee, father, amy, and jo (slowly) running out to greet you both.
marmee (with her good eye) noticed a ring on your finger. funnily enough, it wasn’t the same ring that laurie gave you a few days ago. it wasn’t the engagement ring.
you smiled down at the ring, and then looked back up at laurie.
“that’s not an engagement ring!” marmee says, realising something.
you and laurie smile at each other as you notice marmee admiring your ring.
“it’s a wedding ring!” marmee says, pulling you into a large hug and kissing you on the cheek, while father shakes laurie’s hand to congratulate us both, and to thank him for marrying you.
you smile at your mother again. “i cant quite get my glove over it!” you laugh, then moving to laurie to give your ‘husband’ a kiss on the cheek.
the hustle and bustle around the march house after yours and laurie’s return and the surprise of your marriage spread amongst the house. especially to mr laurence (laurie’s grandfather), who had told him to go abroad after jo turned him down.
you were happy. both of you were.
turns out that jo was falling in love with the professor she met at the boarding house in New York. she arrived home a week after yours and laurie’s return after being out in town and the professor was waiting for her.
you knew she was in love with him. jo knew you had always been in love with laurie.
you kindly persuaded jo to tell professor bhaer how she felt about him, and from soon after that, all your sisters and yourself were in love.
you all sat together, you and laurie at the piano as laurie played and you rested your head on his shoulder, meg and john with kitty and minnie, marmee and father and finally jo and bhaer.
it just fitted together so perfectly.
please don’t copy my work! <3
(let me know what you think of this fic by giving this post a like, follow and a comment!)
— h4uerkings
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navybrat817 · 2 years
January Reading List
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Hey, lovelies! Here are the fics I had the pleasure of reading and reblogging throughout the month of January. Please show these writers some love and heed the warnings for each fic. Remember, you are responsible for your own media consumption. Banner by yours truly and divider by the talented @saradika.
If any writer does not wish to be included in this list, please let me know.
Love, thanks, and happy reading!
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
Just One Night by @jobean12-blog
New Year's Day by @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
Last First Kiss by @jadedvibes
Dark Side of the Moon by @sgt-seabass
Not a Fan by @buckyalpine
When Your Kisses Climb by @slyyywriting
Though I Have Never Read It by @tuiccim
Jewel Encrusted by @nocturne-pisces
Everyone's Watching Him (But He's Looking at Her) by @writing-for-marvel
Just One More Night - Part 1 by @tumblin-theworldaway
Fun Turns to Fear by @cherryredmurdock
There's Really a Wolf by @flordeamatista
Delicate by @bucksangel
Forever by @callingsergeantbarnes
Positive Vicissitude by @targaryenvampireslayer
That Walk by @bucky-barnes-diaries
Blackheart by @onceuponastory
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Bucky Barnes x Reader x Steve Rogers
Haze by @sweeterthanthis
Saved by @doasyoudesireandlive
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Bucky Barnes x Reader x Sam Wilson
A Smile and a Smirk by @late-to-the-party-81
The Chase by @targaryenvampireslayer
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Hal Carter x Reader
Black Crown by @sgt-seabass
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Lee Bodecker x Reader
No One Special by @springdandelixn
Out of Line by @dreamlessinparis
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Steve Rogers x Reader
Chef's Kiss by @cockslutpadalecki
Surprise, Surprise by @late-to-the-party-81
On the Hunt: One Step Ahead by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
Alpha Steve Headcanon by @foxgloveprincess
Recognition by @labella420
Safe and Sound by @qu1etwolf
Witch View by @buckets-and-trees
Pretty Flowers for a Pretty Girl by @witchywithwhiskey
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Andy Barber x Reader
Sweet Treats by @sunshinebuckybarnes
Unbind Me by @ghotifishreads
Kill Bill by @geniedetails
Wherever You Will Go by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor
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Ari Levinson x Reader
Don't Tempt Him by @luxeavenger
Sleepy Hollow by @onsunnyside
The Chores by @theycallmebecca
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Jake Jensen x Reader
Happy Father's Day - Jake Jensen by @justalonelyslytherin
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Lloyd Hansen x Reader x Ransom Drysdale
How I Disappeared... Part 2 by @jtargaryen18
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Lloyd Hansen x Reader
Formation by @ronearoundblindly
You Don't Wanna See Me Bratty by @honeystevie
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Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Attention by @agentofkrypton
Discretion by @inklore
You'll Never Go Down to the Gods Again by @the-iceni-bitch
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Miscellaneous Characters x Reader
Mourning (Wanda Maximoff) by @late-to-the-party-81
Silver (Laurie Laurence) by @darksideofthecocoamoon
I Want Out (Max Sharper) by @mickeyhenrys
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330 notes · View notes
swanimagines · 11 months
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Laurie Laurence
Jo March
Amy March
(Any of the other characters don't have any requests written nor pending as for now, so I'm unable to have serieses for them as AO3 requires you to have at least one oneshot written to be able to add it to a series, and I can't promise serieses for characters who don't have requests pending/I have no ideas of my own for them)
For anyone who's concerned, THESE ARE NOT ONESHOT COLLECTIONS, they are made using AO3's "series" feature.
If you want to be informed about new fics for Little Women or its individual characters, create an AO3 account and subscribe or bookmark any of those serieses listed above. There are buttons at the top right corner for those, or on top on mobile. I do not do Tumblr taglists anymore.
Also, if you're wondering, requests are ALWAYS open and you're welcome to leave one or multiple. Just remember to read my rules and pick a request type from this list.
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jomiddlemarch · 7 months
Fic title ask (please):
The Taste of Lime
Let Winged Fancy Wander
Thanks, dear @nervousladytraveler!
"The Taste of Lime" is a Little Women AU where Meg has already encountered John Brooke at the first party where Jo meets Laurie. After Amy loses her pickled limes and Meg gives her the rag money, she meets John Brooke while she's in the Laurence conservatory and explains she had to give up her plan of refurbishing her bonnet since she didn't have the means to pay for new ribbons after giving Amy the money. John praises her for being so considerate and manages to give her a compliment that makes her blush. A small package is left for Miss March the next day, without a card or return address. Within it is a length of bright green silk ribbon.
Snippet: "I'm used to making-do and Amy isn't," Meg said, finding herself confiding in the serious, dark-haired man who listened so patiently. "Though I must admit, I don't care to look shabby and my bonnet's a disgrace."
"Let Winged Fancy Wander" features Eloise Bridgerton, inspired by Lady Whistledown, trying her hand at a three-volume novel, complete with Gothic extravagances that she can't bring herself to continue because they seem too silly. Various members of the Bridgerton clan weigh in on drafts and passages, but Kate gives the best commentary, such that Eloise gives up on the book and Kate takes it over, writing a version of her own story, complete with her romance with Anthony. He does not feel they are adequately disguised and is not amused.
Snippet: "Who will be able to tell? Anyone, anyone at all! You've made me as Lord Anton Tonbridge fall into a duck-pond and come out dripping, which no member of the ton will forget happened, though I don't believe any of them were quite so enamored of the way my shirt 'clung to every sinew,' for God's sake, Kate!" Anthony said, working himself up into a shout. It was adorable.
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10 characters in 10 fandoms
Tagged by @alexagirlie (love you 😘)
In no particular order—
1. Timothée Chalamet. “But Maggie, that’s not a character, that’s just a dude!” Yes I know, shut the fuck up I love him
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2. Katara. She’s a bamf.
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3. Lee from Bones & All. Honestly if he ate me I wouldn’t even be mad about it, at least I’d get to look at him as I died and also his lips would touch my skin which is miracle regardless of the context
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4. Eddie Munson from Stranger Things. He’s yummy, okay, don’t @ me
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5. Laurie Laurence from Little Women, bc he’s a total drama queen and I love him for it, also AmyLaurie is what got me into RPF to begin with and none of my fics would exist without it, soooooo
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6. Paul Atreides, my delicious disaster boy. How I love him.
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7. Hal from The King, yes I know he’s based off a real person, but he’s a murderous drunken king and I’d like to have his heirs thanks, next king is Jewish cause I fuckin said so
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8. Daenerys Targaryen, bc she’s the queen we should’ve had.
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9. Stiles, my beloved
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10. Simon Waite from Harrow Faire by Kathryn Ann Kingsley, here is a fanart I asked someone to do for me, you can view her linktree here
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Tagging, uhhhhhh @softhecreator @cocoamoonmalfoy @boomhauer and if anyone else wants to you can consider this your tag and just say I did it lol
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