#laughing so hard they curl into a cute little ball of happy on the ground
ariesbilly · 7 months
Can i also say 8,34,35,42 for the touching list 🥺👉👈
I made it fun :)
“Gladys really got you good.”
“Think she was aiming for you.”
“Yeah, probably,” FP chuckles, gently rubbing the warm washcloth over the giant splotch of blue and purple darkening Fred’s shoulder.
They had been out paint balling earlier; the boys along with Gladys and Alice. The girls kicked their asses, naturally, but FP had gotten some good shots of his own. Paintball wasn’t much of Fred’s sport. He always felt bad aiming even a fake gun at people, unless Hiram Lodge was involved.
They’re ailing their aching bodies in the bath now. Too grown to be sharing Fred’s tiny tub, but Bunny and Artie are downstairs watching tv so sneaking into their master bath isn’t an option, unfortunately.
Neither of them really mind, though. Fred’s more than content to squish himself between FP’s legs, and FP’s happy to have him there. It’s cozy, if a little uncomfortable. They can manage.
“You were a real hero today, though.” Fred smirks, trying to fight back the giggles. “Coming to my rescue like you did.” He gently traces over where bruises are forming on FP’s knees.
Maybe he had gotten a little carried away when he saw Gladys and Alice trying to double team Fred when he’d been caught out in the open. Maybe he had launched himself full bodied at Fred in an attempt to shield him, knocking them both to the ground, FP landing hard on his knees. It was the heat of battle. He doesn’t regret a thing.
“Hey, now what kind of man would I be if I didn’t protect my brother in arms?”
Fred snorts. “Oh, is that what we are now?”
FP leans forward, pressing a hard kiss to Fred’s bruised shoulder.
Fred just barely stops himself from squawking and alerting his parents to their whereabouts. Instead flings his arm back in a failed attempt to wack FP. Only really manages to send water flying everywhere.
FP only laughs, wrapping his arms tight around Fred’s waist and holding him against his chest.
All the fight leaves Fred. He lets himself relax against FP, head titling back to his shoulder.
FP doesn’t get like this often, touchy and playful and relaxed. Calm. But today was a good day, so he’s a little loosened up.
His fingers go to Fred’s scalp, scratching and massaging gently until Fred lets out soft little hums.
“Like when you play with my hair,” Fred mumbles, feeling good. “Can you braid it?”
FP’s fingers stop, his body going just the tiniest bit rigid. “I, uh. Don’t know how.” Says it quiet, like he’s embarrassed.
And Fred can’t have that. Not today.
So he sits up, doing his best in the tiny space they have to turn around. Almost knocks his knee to FP’s chin, but he manages.
“It’s easy. C’mere.”
FP’s hair’s not as long as Fred’s, but if he pulls at one of the curls it’s long enough to make at least a tiny braid, just to show.
FP watches Fred’s fingers work, kind of going a little cross eyed as Fred explains what he’s doing. When he’s done, the braid sticks out, too short to lie flat. Fred can’t help but laugh.
“You get the gist at least, right?”
FP stares up at the braid sticking from his forehead, brow furrowed and looking a little peeved. It’s cute.
“Yeah, sure.”
FP does not get it. Starts huffing and puffing on his third attempt to try and braid Fred’s hair, but his fingers keep fumbling and he loses track of what strand’s supposed to go where, and he’s honestly only succeeding in knotting Fred’s hair.
“This is annoying!”
“It’s fine,” Fred chuckles, taking hold of FP’s wrist when he throws his hands up in exasperation. “We can work on it another time. Water’s getting cold, anyway.”
“I’m gonna learn how to braid,” FP says, all determined.”
Fred smiles fondly at him. “I know you are.”
“I’m serious. I will.”
“I know, I believe you.” Fred kisses the tip of his nose.
FP’s pout doesn’t go away. “You’re annoying, too.”
Fred’s smile doesn’t falter. “Mhm, I know. Kiss me about it.”
FP does.
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chasesylvan · 1 year
Catch You Like a Snowflake
Pairing: Mountain/Dew
Read on AO3 if you would prefer :)
Dew whined, “But I don’t wanna!” he was acting like a spoiled child right now. Mountain was treating his packmate with a day out in the massive blankets of snow that fell on the Abbey grounds overnight.
“Come on, Dewdrop. This will be fun, and I’ll make sure you don’t freeze, you even have your body heat to keep you warm, I don’t, so I don’t wanna see any complaining, do you hear me, mister?” Mountain growled lightly at the ghoul who soon succumbed, “…fine, but only because I love you.” He went to find his winter clothing to make sure he stayed warm in case his body temperature decided to decrease on him. Moments later he walked out of his room looking like a giant fluffy marshmallow, “Oh my god, Dewy, you look so adorable!” Mountain went and scooped Dew into his arms and kissed all over his face until Dew was squirming his face away and nuzzled his face into the tall earth ghoul’s neck, blushing as red as a cherry.
“M’ not adorable.” Dew muttered into Mountain’s neck, sounding so small and vulnerable. Mountain loved this side of Dew, the side of Dew who wasn’t afraid to show his emotions to no one but Mountain, and occasionally Rain. “Aww, but you are, love, so cute and beautiful. My beautiful boy.” Mountain gave Dew a loving smile and placed a soft and gentle kiss to Dew’s soft lips and looked him in the eyes and nuzzled his nose with the smaller ghoul’s.
Dew blushed and wrapped his legs around Mountain’s waist and his arms around his neck. “How did I ever deserve you? Normally people would just scoff at me and give me rude looks, but you looked past that, and loved me. You don’t care about the things I do, you care about me.”
Tears started welling in both the fire ghoul and earth ghoul’s eyes, Mountain starting laughing softly, “This was supposed to be a happy day, you little gremlin.” This caused the little ghoul to start laughing and Mountain didn’t think he could fall in love with the ghoul anymore, but the small ghoul always proved him wrong. And he didn’t care whatsoever.
They eventually went outside, and Dew ended up loving it, until something happened.
He was hit in the back of the head by a snowball, he turned around and scoffed at Mountain, “Did you just throw a snowball at me?” He said, playfully, Mountain giggled. “So what if I did?” He said back, playfully as well. “Oh, you’re gonna get it.”
It went back and forth, snowball after snowball, until one snowball hit Dew in the balls. He dropped to the ground and curled into a ball and starting screaming dramatically, “Owww, Mountain! You’ve killed my future kits, how dare you.” He kept rolling around on the floor like a maniac until Mountain came to save the day and checked on Dew, “You’re being really dramatic right now, you know that? It didn’t even hit you that hard.” Dew sputtered and said “Yes it did! It’s gonna leave bruises on my basketballs, you dumbass!” He groaned more and more like a dramatic child who hit their arm on the edge of a table.
“Come on, drama queen. I’ll carry you inside and you can put an ice pack on it if it actually hurts that much, and I’ll make you some hot chocolate as well. How’s that sound, my love?” Dew perked up at the idea of hot chocolate, and groaned as he could still feel the pain and actually needed ice anyway, it was a pretty harsh throw, even Mountain had to agree. He picked Dew up bridal style and brought him back into the house where he saw everybody else chilling by the fire, some having hot chocolate and some reading books and a couple napping with the crackle of firewood gently swifting through the air.
“Hey guys.” Mountain announced as he walked by everyone and went to sit Dew on an unoccupied couch, and he once again groaned dramatically, “What’s wrong, Dew?” Aether asked. “Mountain pegged a snowball at me and it hit me in the dick, he’s killed my future babies.” Aether rolled his eyes at the dramatic comment and went back to reading his book. Mountain came back in the room holding an ice pack and paper towel and handed it to Dew who sat it on his lap and immediately relaxed at the coolness of it.
“You’re crazy, dude.” Swiss said, who was lying comfortably on blankets in front of the fire watching something on his phone. Dew snarled and replied with “You wanna feel the pain, asshole?” Dew got up from the couch and lunged at Swiss who immediately started protecting the jewels from Dew’s attacks, they started fighting until one of the ghouls had to physically pick Dew up and put him back on the lounge and scold him, “You do NOT lunge at people, Dew. No matter what anyone says, actions have consequences, so what you’re gonna do is sit on this couch until someone dismisses you, you’re in trouble, mister.” Rain, being the ever so stern one, put Dew in his place. Dew looked down at his lap in shame and said in a small voice, “M’ sorry, I’ll sit here and be a good boy, promise.” Rain nodded and went back to cuddle with Aether and waited for Mountain to return with Dew’s hot chocolate.
Mountain came into the room holding two mugs full of steaming hot chocolate and noticed how tense everybody was feeling. “Why is everyone feeling so tense and kinda upset?” Mountain asked out loud to the group, Aether answered with “Well, Mount, while you were gone, Swiss decided to agitate Dew and Dew replied with “You wanna feel the pain, asshole?”and so Dew lunged at Swiss trying to attack his balls, failed and so Rain had to grab Dew and now he’s in timeout on the couch waiting for his hot cocoa.” Mountain looked over to the small ghoul on the couch, pouting like a scolded child, and walked over to him and asked “Dewy, why did you decide to lunge at Swiss for?”
Dew whined and replied with, “Because he upset me! He called me crazy and so I wanted to make him feel my pain… and it got me in trouble, I’m sorry…” Dew looked down in disappointment, scared Mountain might be mad at him. Mountain quietly thanked everyone for making sure the little fire demon didn’t lash out and have a tantrum, and then storm off upset.
“Dewy, look at me.” The little ghoul looked up with glassy eyes and sniffled, Mountain kissed him on the lips and cupped his cheeks with both hands and said, “You can’t be attacking everyone, even if they make you upset. The best way to deal with that is to say “Whoever upset you, that upset me, can you not do that, please?” Can you do that for me next time, please?” Dew slowly nodded and replied with a small voice, “I will, promise. I promised Rain to be a good boy while I waited for you, have I been, Rain?” Dew asked, waiting for confirmation from Rain that he was well behaved. Rain answered, “Yes, droplet, you’ve been very well behaved for Mountain.” Dew smiled, a real smile, that the band haven’t seen in ages, hidden by rage and anger, Dew hugged Mountain and snuggled his chest while purring quietly, he pecked his lips and laughed softly. “Alright, Dew. How about you drink your hot chocolate, then we can go outside for some more playtime in the snow? And no dick shots! You hear me, Swiss?” Cirrus said sternly to Swiss. “Yes, mommy- I mean Cirrus.” Swiss said, chuckling nervously. Everybody’s eyes widened. “What was that, Swiss?” Aether giggled. Swiss quickly said “Nothing!”
“Oh my god, Swiss calling Cirrus Mommy? Never would have thought.” Rain said sarcastically and laughed. “I’m done my hot chocolate! Can we go back outside please, please?” Dew was bouncing around like a child with a sugar rush. “Yes yes, we can, baby. Have you got your winter stuff still on?” Dew made sure his coat was still on and his mittens and beanie. “Yep! I’m all good to go!”
“Alright then, let’s go!” Everyone filed out of the common room and into the winter wonderland, Rain and Swiss were building a snowman, Aether and the ghoulettes were making snow angels while Mountain and Dew were making snowballs for a massive snowball fight, but Mountain promised Dew that there would be no dick shots whatsoever. The little ghoul trusted Mountain and so they spent the rest of the day enjoying the winter with their bandmates, having the best time of their lives.
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stardewlily · 7 months
Winter Star Angel
A Stardew Valley one shot about the relationship between Sebastian and my farmer, Lily. Such a silly little piece of fluff but I couldn't help myself, I just wanted to write something sweet for Christmas! I know life is hard for many of us these days but I hope that everyone can find some peace and contentment these holidays, even if only for a moment. If you can, please cherish it, because those moments are so very precious.
Synopsis: Sebastian gives Lily a very special Winter Star gift
Cast: Original Female Character, Sebastian
Contents: Established Relationship (Married), Love, Romance, Fluff
Warnings: None
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Sebastian stopped reading and let the book he was holding fall onto his lap. He looked down at his wife and smiled to see her sleeping peacefully on his shoulder, her hands curled sweetly against him. Next to them Nyx lay curled protectively around a fluffy white kitten, the newest addition to their family, and his smile widened as his mind drifted back to the start of the day and the moment he had given Lily the first of her many Winter Star presents.
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Sebastian grinned as he stepped through the farm door and carefully laid a beribboned box on the table. He couldn't wait to see the look on Lily's face when she saw what was inside.
Before he had time to imagine further a consternation-fuelled streak in the shape of his wife came flying through the kitchen towards him and flung itself into his arms.
"Oh Sebby! Where have you been? I was so worried when I woke up and you were gone!"
He laughed and wrapped his arms around her. So typical of his Lily, he had woken as early and quietly as possible to pick up this gift from his parents, had been as fast as he possibly could, and she had still noticed his absence!
"I'm sorry, baby," he kissed the top of her head and stroked her back through the soft material of her dressing gown. "But it was for a good cause, I had to go fetch your present from my mom's."
She ceased her burrowing into his chest to look up at him with a quizzical little frown on her face. "From your mom's? But why wasn't it already here under the tree with all the others?"
"Well," he said with a smile, "this one is a bit special." Her puzzled expression increased as she looked at the box and he couldn't help but laugh again. Ah Yoba, she was so cute!
"I had to get my mom to take care of it for the night. Why don't we take a look? Follow me!" He lifted the box off the table and, nodding his head towards the living room, carried it through and set it down in front of the fire, sitting down cross-legged in front of it and holding out a hand for Lily to join him.
Confusion still firmly in place, a wide-eyed Lily took his hand and sank to the ground next to him.
"Go ahead... open it."
He fixed his gaze to her face, not wanting to miss a moment as she tentatively pulled at the ribbon that bound the box then lifted the lid.
A gasp left her lips as a tiny ball of white fluff with bright blue eyes, dark ears and a triangular shaped wedge of grey fur painting the front of its face carefully poked up its head and stared at its new owners.
"Seb… oh… it's adorable… I love it!" She let out a little sob as the kitten hopped out of its box and immediately made its way into her lap, purring and rubbing its head against her hand. "I never thought I'd have one of my own, they're so rare…" the sweetest smile lit her face as she looked up at him, eyes brimming with tears. "I can't believe you remembered."
"Of course I remembered," he said softly, heart melting as he reached out to cradle her cheek, loving her reaction, loving her.
It was one of the few happy memories Lily had told him from her past. Of the gentle Birman cat her grandmother had owned and how she had cuddled it endlessly as a child.
"I remember everything you've ever said. I put my name on the waiting list for one as soon as you told me. I know you never had a happy Winter Star thanks to your dad, Lily, but that all changes right now. This is just the start, I'm going to make this day so perfect for you!"
Tears ran down her cheeks as she gazed at him, stars in her eyes. "Oh Sebby…" she touched his face in return, "you're so sweet, you do know it's not your job to make up for every bad thing that ever happened to me, don't you?"
He smiled, took her in his arms and kissed her. "You're wrong, baby… that's exactly what my job is!"
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Sebastian kissed his sleeping wife on the forehead, remembering the sound of her laughter, the taste of her happy tears, the feel of her in his embrace. The only gifts he had wanted that day. He laid his cheek on the top of her head and sighed, stroking her hair fondly, his smile full of peace and contentment as he held her close.
Yes, that was his job. To make up for every bad thing that had ever been done to her. Even if it took him his whole life.
"You're my angel, Lily," he said softly as the decorations twisted and twinkled gently above their heads. "My Winter Star Angel."
~The End~
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Cute little page dividers by @chachachannah / Boring old plain green ones by me!
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daydreamingleclerc · 3 years
how about your baby wanting to run on the pitch after a game and be just like Mase by scoring goals!!
omfg i love this so much (i’m doing it with the twins idea i said about earlier 💓)
gonna do a whole load of actual fics with these babies if that’s what y’all want 💘
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just like daddy | mason mount blurb
the final whistle blew, and you jumped up with the children - eddie & elsie - happy that chelsea had won their game. they were still only little, barely just turned one, but elsie had already started to wriggle out of your grip to go and see her daddy.
as the boys were walking around on the pitch congratulating each other on their 4-1 win against man city - in which mason had scored a hattrick and got man of the match - elsie had already found her way past the players bench and onto the greenery, little legs wobbling straight towards mason.
a sea of awwh’s sounded from within the stadium as elsie wriggled her way between mason and reece, clawing at her daddy’s leg and pulling at his socks.
“hi baby!” mason cooed, grabbing the child in his hands and picking her up. she giggled when masons nose brushed against hers and her fingers curled around his cheek and she prickled her fingers on the stubble.
you smiled as you eventually met the two of them, weaving your way between mason, reece and ben with eddie in your hands, who was already pecking the grass off of ben’s shirt.
“hi, babygirl.” mason’s attention soon turned to you, long enough for him to leave a kiss on your lips before elsie longed for his attention by prodding at his cheek with the palm of her hand.
“congratulations on winning,” you smiled. there was a glint in his eye but quickly you frowned. “no. last time that happened they happened.”
the boys laughed, and eddie wriggled out of your grip to cuddle with uncle ben, and with a now free arm you wrapped it around mason’s back. he kissed your forehead and you squeezed elsie’s cheek. “she’s so proud of her daddy,” you admitted, “think she was the loudest person in the crowd, weren’t you bubbie?”
mason laughed and cooed along with elsie, although your daughter had other plans. she was the spitting image of mason, with a little crooked nose and deep brown eyes. her hands attempted to grab at the football in jorgi’s hand, and you smiled.
“i think she wants to score like daddy.”
with all her energy, the child wriggled from his grip and mason took the ball from jorgi with a smile. people in the crowds stayed behind and watched the cute gestures unfold as mason placed the ball on the ground.
elsie’s hands wrapped around his index fingers, and clocking what was happening, kai decided to set up camp at the goal line when there was no sign of a keeper anywhere on the field.
elsie’s little legs wobbled as she ran as quickly as she could, mason struggling to keep up with her after an exhausting ninety five minutes, and her little feet kicked against the ball; not quite hard enough to score.
“try again, sweetie,” mason cooed as he continues running with her. the one year old wobbled but mason was there to keep her steady, and as she got to the ball, mason hummed. “a big kick, as hard as you can!”
with that, she kicked it just passed the goal line, and kai had very obviously gone the wrong way, but the chelsea fans from behind the goal shouted and cheered, and mason bundled the little girl up in his arms and smooshed his face against hers, smothering her with kisses.
“she’s gonna be just like daddy,” you sang, picking up eddie as he clawed at your jeans.
“and he’s gonna be just like mummy.”
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leetotters · 3 years
Hi! Can I ask for a long sugardaddy mob Tom fic? You’re first like blurb kinda did it for me ☺️☺️
mobsugardaddy!tom holland x reader
warning: daddy kink(he's a sugardaddy here lmao), curse words, oral (male recieving)
summary: basically request just short😔
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"Don't you fucking come near her again" Tom spat on the man's bloody face colliding his fist to his swollen eye one last time, he gripped the man's jaw making him let out a groan at the mob boss firm hold. "Don't go touching things that don't belong to you" Tom gritted through clenched teeth as the image of the man in front of him attempting to grope your ass played in his mind once more. Tom roughly drew his hand back, pushing the man's face to the mucky floor, he instructed his right hand man Harrison to finish up for him, knowing you would be fretting why he was taking so long.
Tom exited the back door of the pub, pulling out a handkerchief from his suite wiping the blood from his fists and knuckle, mumbling profanity words when he noticed his knuckles were bruised red. Tom made his way to his car, where he was met with the sight of you laid back in the car seat scrolling through your phone, your dress hiked up displaying your red thong that was surely doing a poor job covering your cunt.
Tom opened his door, sliding in his seat as he pulled his seatbelt over his chest, pressing the start button. "Hey babydoll, sorry for taking so long daddy had.. some business to deal with" Tom knew better than to tell you what he was doing, he knew you didn't mind his choice of work but he was smart enough not to get you involved.
You nodded your head acknowledging Tom, you kept your eyes on your phone screen skimming through dresses and jewelry you wanted Tom to purchase for you. "Ohh look at this Daddy" you gasped at the ivory satin dress with corseted details that exposed a fair amount of cleavage to Tom, he only smiled at you resting his hand on your thigh pecking your plump lips, "Looks lovely doll, you should add it to your cart" You beamed saying a soft thank you as he clicked the plus icon.
"So where are we going now" You inquired setting your phone on your lap, pulling Tom's hand from your thigh interlocking your fingers together, twisting the silver rings that adorned his fingers. "I was thinking that Italian restaurant you wanted to try" Tom answered pulling your hand to the steering wheel as he circled around the road.
"Yes let's go there, the menu is a bit pricey though" You stated earning a hearty laugh from Tom, "M'sure I can manage the bill darling" you rolled your eyes at his cheeky response but broke out grinning knowing he wouldn't give a damn about the cost.
After your extravagant dinner you went home your stomach full with the delicious full course dinner and your favorite dessert. "Tommy I think you're trying to get me fat" you whined poking your belly, pouting at Tom, he looked at you shaking his head placing his hand on your stomach giving it a gentle pat. "Course not doll", he pecked your lips focusing his eyes on the road as the light turned green.
When you arrived at Tom's mansion you got out of the car, handing your coat to the maid as Tom did the same telling her to expect Harrison to stop in later to collect some important documents, you made your way to Tom's room which was practically yours since he insisted that you had your own personal closet, the reason being you spent most of your nights here instead at the luxurious apartment he bought you.
"Doll I have to finish up some work so don't wait for me" Tom spoke walking up to his bed undressing himself leaving him in his button up shirt and his boxers. "No Tom it's a Friday night" you whined out like a child, wrapping your arms around his torso resting your head on his clothed back, your fingers fiddling with his pendant.
Tom turned around latching his lips to your pouty ones, "As much as I want to spend my night with you doll, I have some stuff to get finish up" You huffed pulling your lips from his as he tried to deepen the kiss as if he was going to finish what he started. "Well go ahead, m'not stopping you" You went to the bathroom taking your dress off leaving you with your thong and bra on, you thought Tom already left to go to his office so you began wiping your makeup off.
You glanced at yourself in the mirror making sure you got all your makeup off, exiting the bathroom ready to dress yourself for a lonely night with Netflix. Before you could bend to pick up Tom's trousers from the ground you were hoisted up in the air, your legs instantly wrapping around the middle of person as you let out a loud scream. "Sh doll" Tom quieted you, his hand holding the back of your thigh while his other stretched the fabric of your thong letting it go to slap against your skin making you yelp at slight sting.
"What the fuck Tom" you jeered pretty sure he should be in his office doing his work or killing a man for all you knew. "What doll did you not want to spend the night with daddy" he smirked seeing you attempting to clench your thighs together, he knew how much you loved the daddy title.
"Put me down Tom" You uttered trying to come down from Tom's sturdy hold. "What did I tell you about calling me doll" Tom quipped through gritted teeth not liking your tone and name you just used, giving you the chance to correct yourself, his free hand unclasping the hooks of your bra revealing your perky breasts.
You gulped answering him like the good girl you are for him, knowing tomorrow he was suppose to take you out for your daily shopping spree because of your good behavior. "Sorry Daddy" you mumbled eyes trained on Tom's shirt not daring to meet his gaze.
"Much better" Tom rest you down on the floor patting your ass as a little approval, you smiled up at him happy that he wasn't using his mean tone and you probably still had the chance to buy latest Chanel handbag you saw earlier. "Since you behaved bratty today why don't you show daddy how sorry you are" Tom spoke his hands tweaking your hardened nipple.
"Yes daddy, I really am sorry" you sunk to your knees, internally cheering that your grumpy self got him to give you his cock, you pulled his boxers down his legs, your finger tracing over the cross tattoo on his ankle. Tom's cock stood high and proud slapping his stomach breaking free from it's prison, you grasped his length your hand pumping his brick hard cock, vaguely dipping your tongue on his tip tasting his moreish precum.
"C'mon doll better start sucking or else I'll not buy that cute little handbag you so badly wanted" Tom lifted your hair pushing his cock in your mouth making you gag, but wasted no time suckling his length, your hands playing with his balls as Tom kept his hand in your hair pushing you deeper so you were now deepthroating him. "Just like that babydoll" he groaned thrusting forward inches away from his end.
You looked up at Tom through your lashes, your eyes glossy blurring your vision of his beautiful face as he came in your mouth, his hold of your head tightening eager to come all over the tip of your tongue, that was more than gladly to collect his come. "Yes doll swallow Daddy's come" He ordered, you didn't need to be told twice immediately swallowing the warm liquid.
"Open up babydoll" You opened your mouth showing him you swallowed just like he asked you to. "Good girl" he praised softly patting your cheek prompting you to close your mouth, Tom pulled his boxers up his legs tucking his now wormy looking cock in.
You were about to speak but was cut off by the ringing of Tom's phone which made you roll your eyes but you stayed quiet knowing better than to upset him. Tom answered his phone giving you his winsome smile before entering the bathroom to continue his call.
You changed slipping in to your satin ruffled two piece pajama set waiting for Tom to come cuddle, you clicked on Netflix playing Gilmore Girls once again even though you finished the series. You laughed at one of Lorelai jokes twisting the rose gold tiffany and co bracelet Tom bought for you a while back at the first three months in your 'arrangement'.
Tom exited the bathroom his smile long gone and replaced with a miffed expression throwing his phone carelessly on his dresser running his hand through his curls. "What happened To- Daddy" you asked softly not sure if he would want to reply to you or not. "Nothing doll just someone fucked up again" He groaned slamming his fists against the wall letting out an annoyed huffed.
You jerked up at the sound, standing from your spot on the bed making your way to him, gently pulling him in a hug kissing his forehead, his whole mood changing embracing you in his muscular arms pecking your nose snuggling closer. "What happened" you asked a few minutes after.
"Just this new guy fucked up, lost me thousands of dollars too, big dumbass" Tom scowled pulling away grabbing his coat from the leather chair, clasping his Rolex on his wrists, combing his locks. "I have to go see about this babydoll" Tom kissed your lips, "But tomorrow I'm yours for the entire day, me and my credit card" He laughed seeing the way your eyes widened at his last words.
"Yes okay daddy don't be long" You pecked him waving him out the bed room door, jumping on the king sized bed pulling out your phone scrolling through yet another site.
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Rabid (JJK x Reader) 🐾☁️💜🔞
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🐺Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
🐺Genre: A/B/O AU!, Werewolf AU!, Angst, romance, smut
🐺Warnings: alpha!kookers and his omega!reader, impreg kink, shifting, hybrid Au, werewolf Au, bangtan pack!, primal sex, biting, scratching, scenting, marking, knotting, size kink, strength kink, praise kink oh yes, protective boi kook, Jungkook asserting dominance smh, omega being the cute ball of soft cotton candy she is, fighting, blood, violence, injuries, best alpha doggo boi Jungkook, heart to heart convos, degrading names and not the kinky ones sadly, puppies, I repeat, puppies 🐶, omega!Jin, Omega!Taehyung, Beta Yoongi, Alpha Namjoon, alpha Hoseok, Beta Jimin, don’t worry Omega doesn’t automatically mean submissive oh boy Nop Nop, just read the damn thing it’ll make sense okay, Dead Dove Do Not Eat
🐺Summary: Jeon Jungkook and his Omega are a mates couple of Bangtan Pack. Recently, the sweet bubble they’ve created seems to grow weaker and weaker, as a feral pack attacks and kills wolfs left and right. Things take a dark turn, and for once, the big bad wolf is actually terrified. Terrified of loosing you.
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A pack's life wasn't always sunshine and rainbows, or comfort and protection.
Bangtan pack had learned that the hard way months ago, when Namjoons ex Mate had been violently attacked and killed. He'd mourned quite a bit, even though she'd been unfaithful and had refused to accept her own pups, leaving them with him and his pack as she'd continued her unbound lifestyle. It had still hurt him deeply- yet it was a thing that happened.
He got over it.
And he was happy again these days, as he watched Taehyung and Jin play with his two pups, who still weren't old enough to shift into their human forms. They would stay like that for a while longer, and sometimes Namjoon caught himself wishing that they could just stay like that forever- without having to worry too much about their human sides like he and his pack had to. But it would happen eventually, and he hoped they would grow up to be just as respectful and caring as the rest of his pack was.
Taehyung and Jin were, together with Jungkooks Mate, the only omegas of the pack. While you were the only one who would bear her own pups in the future, Taehyung and Jin took on the roles of caring for his children. He was glad he had them with him- he was not fit to be an only-father due to his alpha side. "What're you thinking about?" Yoongi, the pack's Beta asked from the sidelines, coffee in hand as he watched Taehyung and Jin play with the youngest of the pack, letting the young pups claw and bite their fur without much resistance.
"I'm glad things are returning to normal." He explained, and Yoongi nodded, when Jungkook and you stepped in from your recent grocery shopping trip. Namjoon laughed as the two excited pups immediately yapped and stumbled towards you, making you kneel down to greet them properly. He caught Jungkooks soft gaze on you immediately, already knowing that he would turn out to be a great father and alpha for his own litter in the future. "Everything okay out there?" The Alpha asked Jungkook, who nodded, although not too confident.
"We caught some scents near the borders when we returned, but it wasn't too evident. They probably only want to provoke again." He sighed out as he took the other plastic bags you had discarded next to you, placing them on the kitchen counter and sitting on the couch, next to yoongi. "Do you want me to patrol again?" He asked his leader, as he'd turned quiet and a bit thoughtful at his comment.
"No." He said, and Yoongi furrowed his brows. "If they want to provoke, let them. I'm not biting the bait." He explained, and Jungkook nodded, before he turned his head, having heard you shift. Namjoons mind eased up a little as he watched you, Tae and Jin groom the pups, motherly instincts growing more and more these days. "She'll be a great mother." He hummed, and Jungkook grinned, as if the praise was sent towards him. In a sense it was, because even though Namjoon had talked about his mate, he could hear his alpha inside his head.
ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ. ᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇsᴛ. ᴘᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ. ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴄʜᴏɪᴄᴇ.
You slowly detached yourself from them after a moment, walking over to Jungkook as you placed your head onto his thigh, careful not to interrupt the discussion he currently held with Yoongi. Almost as if on instinct his hand placed itself onto your head, large palm running over your soft fur, making your ears droop to the side a little to give him more room for his affection.
ᴀʟᴘʜᴀ ʟᴏᴠᴇs ᴜs.
Even though you sometimes disagreed with your omega, she was right on most occasions. You've had some small trust issues before you'd met Jungkook, being raised with the warning that Omegas were easily taken advantage of, you were wary of anyone around you. He'd slowly brought you out of your shell however, with promises you knew he'd keep and lots of understanding, communication, and affection. Nowadays, he could kick you around like he wanted, if he wanted to- you would still wag your tail and seek his praise straight after.
It should scare you, but you knew he would never let you down like that. He'd never betray your trust like that. Your whole pack would keep you safe.
ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ. ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ᴋᴇᴇᴘs ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀs sᴀғᴇ. ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ʟᴏᴠᴇs ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ.
Your head slipped from his thigh for a second as you'd almost fallen asleep, making Jungkook chuckle and Namjoon snort. You shyly laid down at Jungkooks feet, before he patted the space next to him on the couch. "Come up baby, you don't have to lay on the ground." He said, and you jumped up on the couch, halfway laying on his lap as he continued his talk, his voice lulling you to sleep.
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"Hmm.. so sweet." He humms against your neck, as you slowly wake up. His hands are already running over your naked stomach, upwards to cup your chest in his palm, enjoying the feeling of your soft skin underneath his fingers. His eyes are still closed, and he only rumbles out something that almost sounds like a purr every now and then as his lips curl into a lazy but content smile, his nose burying itself into your neck where your scent is strongest. He opens his mouth to run his canines along the skin, before leaving an open mouthed kiss there, making you squirm around a bit in his hold. He moves his legs to cage yours in, as he chuckles when you whine against him. "So soft.. so warm.." He muses, still not quite awake yet you notice as your own body still fights the clouds of sleep as well.
sᴜᴄʜ ᴀ sᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ. ᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ.
His alpha humms pleased inside his head, happy to have you close to him, satisfied to know you're in his arms. This is where he knows you're safe, where he knows nothing could happen to you.
He squeezes your breast a bit harder, before his thumb moves over your nipple, his deep brown eyes opening a crack to see your form next to him, relaxed and comfortable in his hold, and he feels proud. You're letting him see you so vulnerable, so bare of any form of guard up, you let him guide you however he feels fit for you, and his heart swells as your hands reach for his skin, desperate to feel him close, even though you already are. The times you felt self-conscious and shy at the mere fact you were naked were long gone by now. You felt comfortable around him, enough to know your bond is one without judgement. His eyes lock onto the bite mark still present on your neck, a prominent sign he carried as well, like a wedding band for humans, but way more final than that. It was as if he could see his future with you in the scar on your skin, and he loved every bit of it.
You suddenly playfully bite after his hand which tried to move some hair out of your face, and his eyes widen a bit at the gesture, making you open yours as well. The teasing glint awakes something inside him as you suddenly wiggle your legs around, trying to get on top of him as he grins, locking your legs with his as you whine, pushing at his chest as he chuckles. He grabs your wrist and tries to pin it down as you suddenly move your face to the side, nipping at his fingers without the intention to bite. "Hm, you wanna play?" He asks amused when you duck out of his grasp, only getting as far as laying your stomach over his side, legs still tightly interlocked with his. You claw at his back and he hisses for a moment, yet he doesnt seem mad about it at all as he moves his leg, giving you freedom. For a moment.
Before you can make it out of the bed he grabs your upper arm, pulling you against his chest as you hit his shoulder with the back of your head, now genuinely whining in frustration as he simply laughs. You struggle in his hold, uncaring of both of your nudeness and the way his prominent erection was poking against your lower back. You reach your arms over your head, trying to catch his skin with your fingers to claw at it, yet it only turns into your own demise as he simply raises his arm as well, palm easily catching your wrists and holding them above your head as his nose nuzzles against your neck teasingly.
You grin as he kisses and licks at your bonding mark, happily giving up your fight at this display of affection.
He finally moved around after throwing you backwards on the bed again, towering over your form as he roughly manhandles you around so you are placed on your stomach, before pulling your hips up, making you mewl as you instinctively present to him, making him groan as he leans down, his chest against your back as you could feel his erection between your legs. His hand reaches for your center, chest vibrating against your back as he humms approvingly when his fingers find you already wet and ready for him.
ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs sᴏ ᴘʀᴇᴛᴛʏ ғᴏʀ ᴜs. His alpha cooes. ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs sᴏ ʀᴇᴀᴅʏ. ᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ.
Jungkook lets his hand move a bit over your lower lips until he deems you prepared enough. His hand pumps his waiting length for a second, before he enters you quite roughly, sighing at the feeling of your warm walls around him. You felt like home, like comfort, like a safe space that only belonged to him.
ʙɪᴛᴇ. ʙɪᴛᴇ. ʙɪᴛᴇ.
He leans down his head, takes the skin of your neck between his teeth as he bites, before letting go, and repeating that action over and over again until he huffs against your skin in hot breaths. His one arm is hooked underneath your lower belly to keep you snug against him and positioned properly, while his other grabs at your chest roughly, making you mewl as he grunts, every thrust of his hips shaking your body a bit. You try to get up on your arms in front of him, as he suddenly leaves your breasts alone, instead grabbing the back of your neck before he pushes you into the pillows below, careful to let you breathe as you move your face to the side, blissed out expression showing him to keep going. His alpha slowly takes over, moves more to the surface as his voice is rough, low. You're not scared of him, however. You know, just like Jungkook, his alpha would never hurt you. Your Omega bathes in the praise he gives you, making you whine and gasp out when he suddenly slows down his pace, instead thrusting with more force and deeper into you as the sound of skin against skin echoes in the room.
"So warm.. So sweet.. So submissive.." He rumbles out as he mouthes at your shoulder, hot breath making your skin tingle as you grasp the sheets below you, your high slowly reaching its peak as he cooes. "Are you gonna cum little omega? Cum for your alpha?" He asks, and you simply not, drowsy mind having a hard time answering as he suddenly yanks at your hair, stopping everything for a moment as he keeps your head up, his face close to yours as he growls out. "I asked you a question Omega." He grits out. "You wanna play more little one?" He asks amused as you simply rut against his hips, making him growl as he picks up where he left off, his pace relentless as he chases his end, noticing the way you start to clench around him, needing him, wanting him, craving him just as much as he does.
"A-Alpha!" You groan out as you cum, and he bites down hard where your bonding mark lays, grunting out as he still thrusts without much rhythm, until you feel his warmth flood your walls. He sighes out, slowly growing lip against your back as his knot swells up, making you whine while he hushes you, moving a bit, careful not to pull too much as he spoons you, mouthing, licking, and kissing your neck and shoulder as your breathing calms down slowly. This is how you know Jungkook is back, the way he carefully moves the covers back over your bodies since he knows you get cold easily after sex, and the way he just.. doesnt say anything. He doesn't need to.
"Hm.. I can't wait for you to be filled with my pups." He humms out dreamily, drowsy and close to sleep. "All round and glowing. M' gonna protect you so well baby, gonna keep you safe and sound." He muses, and you nod, happily humming as your omega inside you rolls around in satisfaction.
ᴀʟᴘʜᴀ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴄᴀʀᴇ ᴏғ ᴜs. ᴀʟᴘʜᴀ ᴡᴀɴᴛs ᴜs ᴛᴏ ᴄᴀʀʀʏ ʜɪs ᴘᴜᴘs. ᴀʟᴘʜᴀ ᴡᴀɴᴛs ᴜs.
He kisses the back of your neck one last time before he settles for another round of sleep.
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"I don't feel good." You said at dinner once, and Jungkook immediately perked up at that.
"What do you mean? Are you sick?" He stressed, his overprotective nature coming to the surface as you scratched your neck, sheepishly shaking your head.
"No no, its not that!" You reassured him, before looking at Namjoon. "I mean, the entire situation. I know it's calm these days, but I don't know.." You admitted, and Jin placed a reassuring hand on your back.
"I get it. I guess it is a little weird." He said, and looked at Namjoon, who seemed in thought about the entire situation. Things have calmed down over the last few days, however, that was no reason to breathe out in relief. Things just calmed down so sudden and without any cause, that it made you feel as if something was off. It wasn't just you who felt like that but the entire pack, you knew this.
"We'll keep you safe either way." Jungkook promised from across you, and you nodded, continuing your dinner.
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Things did not turn out well.
When you smelled the intruders, Jungkook had already gotten up from his spot in the front yard of your home in the woods, together with Namjoon and Hoseok already looking out for anyone getting close. It happened suddenly, when Yoongi shouted, shifting immediately as a wolf attacked from the sides.
The rest was utter chaos.
Everyone, you included, shifted into wolf forms, biting and clawing away at the strangers who seemed to snicker and laugh at everything going on. It was as if it was a game to them, as if they were playing- yet there was nothing playful in their nature, as they bit hard on Hoseoks leg, making him yelp as Taehyung jumped to help him. You were no fighter, so you did the only thing rational to you.
You immediately went inside, grabbing the first pup by his neck before you carried him underneath the stairs, rushing into the living room to get the other.
ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴘᴜᴘs sᴀғᴇ. ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛ ᴘᴜᴘs. ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟᴇᴛ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ɢᴇᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴜᴘs.
Your omega was just as shaken as you were as you curled up around them, trying to soothe them the best you could as something crashed in the living room, heavy paws making its way towards you. You immediately positioned yourself in front of the terrified kids, which have scrambled into the smallest corner of the storage space under the stairs. Growling menacingly you tried to appear fearless in front of the dark grey wolf in front of you, who simply snapped its jaws at you. You ducked away from him, before you snapped at his leg, biting down hard before he managed to get a grip on your neck. You yelped as his teeth broke skin, but couldn't utter a sound as he pulled and pulled on your scruff, loosing grip before he bit again, another wound forming as you tried to desperately get out of his hold.
Another wolf joined in through the broken window in the kitchen, yapping like an excited hyena at the view of your fighting as he joined in, nipping and pushing you around with amusement as you tried to get them off of you, or at least keep their attention on you for as long as possible, so they wouldn't hurt the youngest.
The first wolf simply threw you down as you again bit his leg, tasting iron on your tongue as the stranger clawed at your backleg, biting and bruising skin as his teeth pulled mouthsfull of fur away from your body. The tufts of softness flew around in the air around you like feathers in a mere pillowfight, yet there was nothing sweet and innocent about this. You yelped out again, loudly, as you felt the skin around your backleg rip between the jaws of the stranger, making you immobile as the strangers suddenly decided to let you be, loosing their fun in you. You took this chance to scramble back to the terrified puppies, hiding them as you weakly curled up around them, your back facing away from them as they shivered, hiding underneath your bloody fur in desperate need of warmth and comfort. You wished you could soothe them, but you couldn't lift your head, blood sticky underneath your body as you tried to stay awake.
They snarl something along the lines of 'leaving the alphas bitch' alone, as they snicker outside, making you feel even worse than you did before.
You knew that Jungkook saw you as more than a mere Omega meant to please him and raise his offspring. You knew that he wasn't blinded by his instincts, and even if he was, his alpha was such a sweet existence which fit your own omega so well that it sometimes made you cry. You fall into a slumber, a vision of your past consuming you whole, as if to comfort your broken body.
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"..y. Baby?" He asks you, as your head snaps up from where it rested on your palm. He smiles at you with slight worry, as he points at your pancakes in front of you. "Your food's getting cold baby." He says, and you blush as you look down at your plate, barely touched at all.
sᴛᴜᴘɪᴅ ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ. ʏᴏᴜ sʜᴏᴜʟᴅɴ'ᴛ ʟᴇᴛ ғᴏᴏᴅ ᴏғ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟᴘʜᴀ ɢᴏ ᴛᴏ ᴡᴀsᴛᴇ!
He sighed in front of you, moving the plate towards him as he cuts a piece, holding the fork towards you with an almost teasing grin. "Looks like I'm gonna have to feed you the old fashioned way." He says, and you take the bite as he grins his signature bunny smile. It makes him look so soft and happy, the way his eyes crinkle at the sides and his nose scrunches up. "Can't have my baby starve." He continues, as he cuts another piece. His alpha is weirdly happy about the situation.
ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ ᴍᴜsᴛ ʙᴇ ᴡᴇʟʟ ғᴇᴅ. ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ ᴍᴜsᴛ ʙᴇ ʜᴇᴀʟᴛʜʏ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ.
He hates to do it, but he knows its necessary. "Whats on your mind?" He asks, and he visibly sees your shoulders slump down, as if he'd just taken your favorite book away. "I can see something is troubling you. Please talk to me." He asks. I want to help you, he wants to say, but he keeps it at his words as you slowly take a deep breath.
"They're saying things about me." You start, as he frowns.
"What things?" He asks, voice now a bit more serious. He knows who 'they' are- he knows that you talk about your classmates. He hates to see you being bullied, yet it happens, and you had told him again and again that he can't interfere, not so close to your graduation. You just want things to be done with.
"You're not gonna like 'em." You start, and he nods.
"Probably not. I promise I'm not gonna set your school on fire. But you need to talk to someone about it, and if not me than maybe Jin or Tae-" He continues, until you cut him off.
"Whore." You start, as his eyes widen. It seems as if he's frozen in time for a moment, before his gaze is on you again. "They.. they say I'm.. that you only keep me around because-" You try not to get too riled up as you recall their words. "-because I'm an omega thats good to fuck. Because I'm brainless, and the brainless ones are the best because they don't talk back and just choke on-" Jungkook cuts you off as he holds your hand.
"Stop." He mutters, and you simply look at the wooden table of the small restaurant you both are sitting in, as he sighes. "You're so much more to me than your body." He explains, and you melt under his gaze. "You're my mate, my partner for life, you're the part of my soul I didn't even knew I was missing." He continues, as he holds out another piece of sweetness in front of your lips, as your teary eyes gaze at him. "Their words mean nothing, okay? I love you. And only you." He says, as you take the bite from him. "You could ban me from your vagina for the next years to come and I'd still love you." He mutters playfully, as your cheeks redden.
You really do feel loved.
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Jungkook had heard your first yelp loud and clear, and it threw him so off guard that he lost focus for a moment, giving a wolf opportunity to jump up on him. He fought him off with a bit of effort, trying to get inside the house as he became more and more desperate as your cries reached his sensitive ears, making him grown more and more feral in his state of mind.
ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ ɪs ʙᴇɪɴɢ ʜᴜʀᴛ! ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ ɪs ɪɴ ᴅᴀɴɢᴇʀ! ᴡᴇ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛ ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ!
His alpha is restless, pretty much yells into his ears and he swore he would, he swore he would get to you but he couldn't. There were too many.
After a moment of seemingly endless fighting, Namjoon snaps the neck of another alphawolf, successfully ending the attack as the rest of the rogue pack leaves with whines and tails between their legs. Jungkook breathes for a moment, before a certain smell reaches his nose. He locks eyes with Namjoon, who had seemingly noticed it as well, before the big black wolf dashed into the house, stopping dead in his tracks at the scene of the trashed living room and open kitchen, blood and fur scattered around as the irony smell gets almost too much for his sensitive nose.
He can't see you, however.
Your blood and fur show him that you didn't hide successfully, and his heart races as he walks through the mess that is the main space of the house, before his ears catch the whimpering of pups.
There, underneath the stairs in the corner you're laying down. Your back is facing him, blood and saliva staining your fur, as you barely breathe. The pups, smelling the familiar pack, scramble out from underneath your paws, crawling over your body as they rush towards their father, who eagerly inspects them immediately. Jungkook has absolute tunnel vision in that moment however, as he noticed your lack of movement.
He's moving on pure instinct at this point, delicately grabbing your scruff as he carefully pulls you out of your hiding space, but not fully out in the open. He whines and whimpers at your form, limply laying on the ground as you barely breathe, making him restless as he walks from one side to the other, unsure what to do. His mind is in a frenzy, alpha going crazy, as he nudges you every now and then with his snout, silently begging you to get up. He gets pulled away from this however, when he noticed Jin walking towards him. He knows he's no threat. He knows he's pack. But he's not himself in that moment.
ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛ. ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛ. ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛ.
His alpha growls at him, and he does the same, as he scrambles to stand above your form, tail standing diagonal being him as his ears tall as he growls out low and dangerously, for the first time actually showing intention to attack his own brothers. Jin stays still as everyone watches from their spots, witnessing for the first time how their pack member turns against them.
'Jungkook-' Jin tries to communicate, but the younger alpha continues to growl, feet never standing still as he seems restless. As if he doesn't know what to do. He looks like a young wolf in that moment, scared, confused, and painfully upset. His smell is bitter and strong, sending of a warning to everyone in the room as his ears start to slowly droop.
'Protect. I have to protect. Don't- don't come here-!' he sends off, tail slowly moving downwards as he starts to feel the exhaustion in his bones. He slowly but surely moves around again on weak legs, laying down close to you as he leans his front legs over your body, licking your fur as if that would magically heal you.
'Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!' He chants over and over again, every word growing more and more high pitched and choked up as Taehyung lays down in sadness, feeling his brothers emotions full force, as well as everyone else who can't do anything but watch the young alpha fall apart. 'wake up..' he begs, burying his face into your bloody fur as he finally gives in. 'Please.. don't leave me.' are his last words, as his mind fades.
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Jin is quick to shift, as well as Namjoon and Yoongi, who immediately move the larger and heavier wolf off of you, before Taehyung can take you away with Hoseok. Jungkook slowly shifts back unconsciously as they lay him on the couch, no one having enough energy to bring him upstairs. Jin tends to his wounds as Taehyung and Hoseok bring you up the stairs into yours and Jungkooks room, as you slowly shift, making Taehyung gasp as he now sees the extend of your injuries.
There are cuts and puncture wounds all over your skin, scratches and bruises already blossoming. Your leg is the worst, open flesh gaping as he has to swallow, telling Hoseok what he needs in order to tend to your injuries.
Moments later, Jin steps into the room as well, helping his younger omega brother to care for you the best that they could before an actual doctor could take a look at you tomorrow.
"She'd told us something was off." Namjoon said with his head hanging low, arms scratched and bleeding as he watches from the doorway. "I should've listened to her." He continues, before Jin cuts in, not looking at his alpha as he continues to wash you gently.
"Self-pity won't help anyone in this situation now, Namjoon." He says, no real bite in his tone as he keeps his voice gentle, exhaustion evident however. Taehyung helps him wring out the wet cloth he's using to clean your skin, as he continues. "Things happened, and now we have to deal with the aftermath. We'll get through this, but only if we don't loose our heads over this." He explaines, the image of the youngest alpha not leaving his mind. "It's bad enough we have two of us down- her and Jungkook." He explains, as Taehyung voices his worries as well.
"Do you think he'll snap out of it?" He asks, as Namjoon chimes in.
"He has to." He says, and Jin turns around for the first time, lower lip bruised from a cut he'd received.
"Namjoon, don't be so harsh on the kid-" He starts, but gets cut off by his leader.
"He's not a kid anymore Jin. He's a full grown alpha that needs to get himself together." He argues, as Taehyung starts to defend his brother.
"No, he's a boy who almost lost his girl tonight, have some common sense!" He whines out, a low growl hinting in his tone that catches Namjoon off guard. Even Jin seems surprised. "We all accepted it when you grieved. So let him heal as well- you can't expect something like this to just go past him." He explains, as the alpha sighs.
"I'm a horrible leader, am I not?" He asks, and Jin smiles along with Tae as he answers.
"No." He answers, with a comforting gaze. "Because you listen to your pack. And the best leaders do exactly that. They listen to their pack, learn from their mistakes, and admit them if they happen." He humms, before opening his small kit to get out some cotton balls and desinfectant.
Namjoon simply nods, hoping that his oldest Omega is right.
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Jungkook awakes rudely from his dreamless sleep as he finds himself on the living room couch, dressed in comfortable clothes. For a moment he hopes everything had been a dream, but his aching bones and the mild smell in the air tell differently. He sits up, noticing the now cleaned living room, and the window that had been fixed with wooden planes for now. He can smell the rain outside as Jin steps down the stairs, locking eyes with Jungkook who immediately scrambles up, rushing towards him. "Where is she? Is she okay? She's okay right? She's fine right?" He rushes out, and watches past the eldest as Jimin thanks a stranger in a white coat and familiar hospital clothing. He doesnt listen to anybody as he moves past them upstairs, almost tripping as he opens the door to see you asleep underneath your covers, a butterfly stitch above your eyebrow. His eyes glaze over as his mind begins to fog, his feet moving him as if on autopilot as he walks towards you, unconsciously shifting.
Jimin wants to scold him to leave you alone, but the doctor shakes his head. Jungkook is so careful that even Yoongi who has joined the scene seems surprised. He moves as if you're made out of eggshells as thin as paper, carefully placing himself next to you above the covers Head resting on your stomach as he simply relishes in the mere fact that you're breathing. He barely fits on the bed made for two humans, but everyone lets him.
Jimin softly closes the door, before everyone walks downstairs.
"Is there anything we can do to help him?" He asks the doctor as he puts on his shoes. He sighes.
"Not much, I'd say, let him be close to her. It would only make them both more anxious if you keep them apart from one another." He explains, as Jimin and Yoongi bid the man goodbye and a safe trip home. Closing the door, Jin sighs, sitting down in the living room after folding the blanket Jungkook had slept under. Namjoon walks into the room, his arm still bandaged as he asks about the mated couple.
"Is he okay?" He asks, knowing about your condition already. "I've never seen him like that." He humms out, and Jimin shrugs.
"I don't think anyone ever has." He exclaims, and Namjoon nods, before taking the blanket from jin.
He carefully walks upstairs, opening the door of their room as Jungkooks ears perk up, the rest of him unmoving. The older alpha smiles sympathetically at his younger brother, closing the door behind him as he slowly walks towards them both. "Is that okay?" He asks carefully, as Jungkook simply closes his eyes again, a silent way of agreeing him this close. He drapes the blanket over the large black wolf, careful to tuck you underneath it as well as he sits down on the mattress, close to your hip. "She's gonna be okay." He said, as he looked at your sleeping form, Jungkooks head lifting itself to reposition. He sighed out a breath as the alpha chuckled. "Don't get huffy now pup. She's a strong one." Jungkooks eyes move to look at the elder one, and he sees something in it that Namjoon has not seen many times. Fear.
Namjoons eyes turn gentle as he looks at you for a moment, before he humms out. "You did well."
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When you walk downstairs, the entire kitchen grows silent, and you look up to see them all looking at you. Jungkook starts to choke on his food as he coughs, legs of the chair he is sitting on scraping on the tiles as he rushes towards you, carefully taking you into his arms as he holds you close. He breathes in your scent as he suddenly chokes up, violent sobs shaking his shoulders as he cries against your neck, tearfully kissing your bonding mark as you simply pet his head, smoothing out his hair as you try to calm him down. The rest of the pack has a similar expression on their faces, as Jin stands up to get another set of dishes and cutlery for you. Jungkook helps you down the last two steps as he leads you towards the kitchen table, uncaring of his still tear stained face. He sniffles, and Taehyung gives him a napkin with a teasing grin. He simply takes it, wiping his nose before he grabs at your hip, setting you onto his lap as you try to sit down on your chair.
He doesn't continue eating as he simple rests the side of his head against your shoulder, holding you close as he breathes in your scent. His alpha slowly calms down as you eat and move around, proving to him that you were actually there, that you were alive and well enough for now.
ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ ɪs sᴀғᴇ.
You thank jin as he pours you a cup of tea, when you turn towards Namjoon. "How are the pups?" You ask, wondering where they are as Namjoon smiles proudly.
"They're safe, and asleep upstairs." He says, and you nod, taking a sip of the warm beverage. "Thank you, by the way." He says, and you raise your eyebrows. "You did very well Omega. They're only safe thanks to you, and I owe you everything for it." He grows serious as you chuckle.
"It's my part of the pack Namjoon." You explain as you pick up your cutlery to stuff some rice into your mouth that Jungkook didn't finish. "I did what I had to." He humms in appreciation, as Jungkook silently rubs his cheek against the fabric of your sweater, the scent sending him into a mindset of pure comfort. He doesn't listen to anything being said, and you simply rest a hand on his arms that held you close to him. He noticed how cold they are, and immediately scrambles a bit to remove his zip hoodie, uncaring that he's only wearing a T-Shirt underneath as he placed the warm fabric over your shoulders.
ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ ɪs ᴄᴏʟᴅ. ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ ɴᴇᴇᴅs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴡᴀʀᴍ. ᴡᴀʀᴍ ᴀɴᴅ sᴀғᴇ.
You chuckle a bit at the gesture, and Taehyung does the same. "He's gonna be like that for quite a while I guess." Yoongi comments, eyes holding a soft look as he watches the young alpha with you.
Jimin smiles as well as he places some meat onto yours- or more like Jungkooks abandoned- plate which you thank him for. "Let him be. I can't imagine what he must've felt like." He says, as you nod, before taking another bite.
"Let's see how long it takes for Y/N to grow tired of that man-pup." Hoseok comments, making everyone snort but Jungkook, who lowly growls, without much seriousness behind him. It sounds more like.. he's offended. He looks over your shoulder at his pack, as they all start to laugh, you included.
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The night is warm and cozy as Jungkook notices how you grow restless. You slowly gather pillows and sheets, blankets and clothing into the bed as he watches you tiredly. He wonders what you're doing for a moment, until he sniffs the air for a moment, eyes widening.
ᴘᴜᴘs. ᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴜᴘs. ᴡᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ɪᴛ.
His alpha is proud, and his soul swells as well as he helps you nest, holds you close as he can't stop his smile. His palm rests protectively over your stomach during this night, as his alpha howls in happiness.
ᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ. ᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴜᴘs. ᴏᴜʀ ғᴀᴍɪʟʏ.
And Jungkook couldn't agree more with his alpha in that moment. He couldn't wait to complete his family.
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hheavenlysinful · 3 years
come here kitten~
✘a.s x reader
heyy! i really love your writing and i wanted to send in a request! i was thinking maybe a cute scenario where the reader’s quirk is shapeshifting. and one day while she’s in a cat form aizawa takes her home, just thinking she’s a regular cat. but after a while she has no choice but to turn back into a human! i thought that would be cute to write about. :) thank you!
wc: 1.5k
✘ slight angst, fluff, usage of “daddy”, slightly suggestive (no smut)
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YOUR mind was fuzzy, your lithe body trembling with extreme fatigue. it had been a long time since you held your quirk up this long. the last time had ended poorly, with you being bedridden for almost a week. you hoped this time would be different. but as you awkwardly rested on your paws, too tired to hold your head up, you knew that was a false hope. but you had to keep your quirk going if only to keep the tiny ounce of dignity you had left.
you diverted your gaze from the muscular man who leaned on the wall beside you, looking out into the mellow clouds that covered the sky. it had been raining for quite a while now, refusing to stop even for a second. your groan came out as a choked purr as you rolled around on the soft mattress. for a man who never slept, the bed was perfect and so soft. your gaze flitted to aizawa, draped in a loose t-shirt and even more loose sweatpants. you didn't know a cat could blush.
your quirk wasn't unique, or at least not mind-blowing compared to quirks like all rights or aizawa. it was a simple shape-shifting quirk that allowed you to morph into any living creature you had touched. it was great for snooping around unseen and undetected and was even usable in fights, but the consequence for overusing your quirk was just too severe for you to handle. the long, dreaded nights, filled with fevers and chills made you want to jump off a roof. but you loved your life and the people that came in it. especially a certain sleep-deprived teacher who didn't even spare you a glance.
you had known aizawa since you were in high school, had continued to be by his side far after those youthful days. and though aizawa had changed dramatically you still couldn't help but feel that magnetic pull that just kept you in. but it began to dull soon after. it was a curse, you thought, how even after the months of silence, one glance at him had you running right back. you felt hopeless, yearning for a person who you never have. but you were happy that he was starting to come back in your life, after the long bout of no communication.
it had been a random occurrence, the rare time that aizawa ever left the house. today had been crap, to say the least, papers missing, villains being for bold than before. today...today just wasn't your day and it took all your effort to not cry out in annoyance and frustration. but you had waited patiently, like the good hero you were, biting your lip as tears began to form on your waterline. maybe it was the sullen weather or the lack of warmth in your heart, but you headed to a place that often brought you comfort: the playground.
it was old and rusty, almost forgotten, but you still loved it. and although you were far too big to fit in the small little tunnels, you just couldn't help but feel nostalgic when you glanced at them. long-buried memories of you and aizawa flashed in your head, small raindrops starting to drop from the clouds. you paused. the gods it seemed had just granted you a chance to cry.
you focused all your energy in your head, willing yourself to perform one more task before you weep. and in a sudden flash, you were on the ground, looking up at the gigantic playground. your little paws trembled as you clawed your way up into a tunnel, instinctively curling into a ball.
being a cat was much easier than being a human, especially when the small pitter-patter of raindrops masked the quiet whines of sadness that came from your body. you stayed there for a while, letting of quiet mewls as you cursed the universe for its awful tricks. loving someone who would never love you is hard, especially when you can't let go because they were never yours to have. it was truly awful, something you wouldn't wish on your enemy.
small footsteps at you quiet, your body jolting up into a defensive stance, although you didn't know what a kitten-like you could do, other than run away. but when you peered out of the tunnel you swore at the sky once more. for the universe had once again pulled your leg.
you had spotted him first, the long, black hair and sleep-deprived eyes were too distinct. you bit the urge to sprint away, especially as you watched him look around, such sadness lingering in his eyes.
you jolted at the slight sound, hissing as aizawa's looming shadow covering your entire body.
"what's this?"
his hair was pulled into a messy bun, something you had never seen him where. and holy hell he was fine.
it felt odd having such thoughts as a cat, but you couldn't help it. his mere presence was enough to make you melt.
you purred as you hesitantly walked to him, nudging his arm with your nose.
"you must be hungry," he thoughtfully said as he reached forward picking you up. you squirmed at the sudden change in height, clawing his scarf to stay still. he laughed silently at your squirming figure.
"you can stay with me for the night," he hummed, another sear of heat flowed through your body as you awkwardly sat in his cradled arms. but you purred, resting your chin on his bicep. surely this wasn't a bad thing.
"should i text her," your head snapped up, suddenly jerked back into present time. you purred in confusion. aizawa, to his credit, had involved you in one-sided conversations, often ones where you wanted to answer so bad.
"there's this woman..." he paused as a soft smile painted his lips, "she's amazing and kind, and beautiful."
a surge of jealousy shot through your veins, a hiss echoing into the room.
"but, i pushed her away," he laughed helplessly, running a hand through his hair, "pathetic right?"
"no, you're not pathetic, i understand," is what you wanted to say, but you settled for a small meow.
you tensed as your name left his lips,
"i wonder how she is, i bet she's happy. she's always been a happy one."
"no, she's not happy, she misses you too. and she wants to be with you and hug you and everything. and she wants you to know she's stupid too, for pushing you away and not trying to talk to you. she...she loves you."
you hated that you were a cat. able to hear every word, but not say anything back.
you knew...you knew somewhere in your heart that there was only one choice. and only the universe would know if it was the right one.
you took a deep breath in, loosening your body and releasing the energy you had kept in from your transformation. it felt comforting, the feeling of human skin of human flesh.
you watched aizawa's face morph from sadness, to shock, to worry, to surprise.
and if you weren't in his bed, wearing your form-fitting hero costume, you would have laughed your butt off.
"hi?" you waved, turning your body away from aizawa's sight. a blush bloomed on his cheeks, dulling away the previous signs of shock.
you would have walked to him, but fatigue was taking over your body. you could almost feel the fever that was about to consume your body.
"what are you...what are you doing here?" he motioned wildly at the bed and his room.
"...you brought me here," you snapped back half-heartedly.
"you were the cat." it was more of a statement than a question.
"you," he pointed to you, "were the cat who i talked to you about...you."
you nodded, unable to form coherent words.
"...did you mean what you said?" he quietly asked, walking towards you oh so slowly.
"which part?" you muttered, averting your gaze from intense eyes.
"do...do you..." he sighed, "do you love me?"
you nodded.
he leaned forward, as he did when he picked you up at the tunnel. he grabbed your shoulders, groaning in relief as he leaned his forehead on your shoulder. you stuttered as you gripped his shirt, heart beating erratically.
"shouta." his voice was grim as he spoke, "call me shouta."
"call me shouta, or daddy, or whatever you're into," he muttered into the crook of your neck, the warm air made you shiver.
"s-shouta what," you asked incredulously, gripping his shoulders harder.
"oh god, y/n just stop," he groaned, "stop acting so innocent, kitten"
the sinister way he murmured the pet name was enough for you to understand the true meaning behind his words.
what had you gotten yourself into?
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littlepadika · 3 years
it’s the steve anon hehe!!!! ahh that sounds so nice 🥺 i’m not really fussy. maybe like a colombian summery sundress kind of vibe? i like the legal!! age gap stuff, innocent reader who is such a juxtaposition to the stuff he sees at work... that kind of thing :) but no pressure ofc just a suggestion 💗
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Darling, you are not annoying me!!! I love getting messages 🥰 Would you like an anon name or just "steve anon"??
My savior complex is awakening🌅. YES INDEED we love dark characters getting attracted to innocent reader! To your second point, Connie was a nurse and i could definitely see (imagine Steve is single) that he would be attracted to a nurse reader who is always patching him up. I read a lot of Steve fics for inspo and I had a hard time choosing which idea to go with but here it is... I hope you likie😘
Warnings: fem!reader, legal age gap, neighbor!steve, Steve is single in this, fluffy, meet cute
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"What the hell do we do with it?"
"I don't know... just let it go? There are tons of strays in the city."
"No, man, we can't." Steve frowned looking down at the helpless creature. It was cowering in the house Javier and Steve just raided. It seemed to be abandoned, the poor thing. It was on the mutt, maybe only 30 pounds. It looked up at them both with big sad eyes. Steve picked it up without much of a fuss. It seemed to relax in his arms, licking his hand. "I'll bring it home and see if I can find someone to take it."
"I think it's a female." Javi bent over to inspect.
"You would know." Steve rolled his eyes.
"Shut up." Javier gave his partner a playful shove. "You owe me ten dollars if you end up keeping her."
"I won't. Just until I find a good home." Steve gave the dog a scratch.
He spent a whole afternoon taking photos and scanning them onto the advertisement. Javier teased that Steve should have gone into the arts. He posted the signs around his apartment complex and his office building.
About a week later he got a call.
"Hello?" He answered.
"Mr. Murphy?" Your light voice answered. "I saw your ad. I'm interested in the dog."
"Oh great!" He looked down at her, curled up on the rug by the sofa. "Um..." He tried to think of how one goes about giving a dog away. "If it's alright I'd like to ask you some questions, you know, see if it's a good fit."
"Sure. I live in the apartment building. One floor down. Is it okay if I just come by later today?"
"Yeah sure."
Steve couldn't help but feel a little sad at the prospect of not seeing the sweet girl again. She was well behaved, though a little skittish.
You arrived an hour later. You had seen Steve around the building. He stood out with his blonde hair and blue eyes. People whispered that he was an American spy like James Bond. He certainly looked the part in your opinion. You'd be lying if you said you were only interested in his dog.
"Come on in." Steve let in. "I'm Steve Murphy."
"Pleasure." You shook his hand and introduced yourself. He was much taller than you thought he would be. You had to crane your neck to look up at him. His blue eyes were piercing, shinning from some internal source. You blinked rapidly under their brightness.
"And this is... the dog!" Steve went over and picked her up.
"Does she have a name?" You asked, finding it odd Steve was just referring to her as a dog.
"No. I found her a few weeks ago. There was no tag or anything."
"Poor baby." You cooed, letting her sniff your hand before petting her.
"Yeah. She's trained and all that. Really quiet most of the time. She gets scared at night if there's a loud noise or something."
"I can't imagine what she's been through out there all alone. Until one day the nice man rescued you, right?" You used an infantile voice reflexively when speaking to the dog. You didn't see the way Steve swallowed harshly when you referred to him as a nice man. He wanted to hold onto that as long as he could.
"Can I hold her?" You asked holding out your arms.
"Oh right. Sure." Steve let you take over. He felt his heart melt watching you nuzzle the little dog whispering endearment into its fur. It had been so long since he'd seen decency let alone innocence like you. You would be the perfect owner for the dog.
"You're right she's so quiet." You set her on the ground watching her go back to her favorite spot by the sofa.
"So you live in the building?" Steve asked trying to make small talk, trying in vain not to admire you in your pretty dress. The way your tits were accentuated by the sweetheart neckline. He tried to remember the last time he’s spoken to a woman without an ulterior motive. "I haven't seen you around."
"Yeah. I'm working most nights at the hospital so... that's probably why."
"Well stay safe out there. It's dangerous." He warned, his eyes darkening as he thought of the attacks around the city. He would be devastated if you were caught up in those. His shift in demeanor was not missed on you. You wanted to run your hands over his face until it softened. You wanted to ease whatever pain was going on behind those cerulean eyes. He was staring at the ground with his jaw clenched. You tentatively placed a hand on his bicep, feeling it tense under your touch.
"I'm always careful, Mr. Murphy" You blushed a little when he turned his intense gaze on you. "It's good though..." You withdrew your hand reluctantly "for the dog because I can spend all day with her. She can sleep while I'm gone."
"Right." Steve nodded trying to get back to the matter at hand. He definitely did not think about pulling your warm body against him. "Well, I think you're great for her. So... you can have her."
"Yay!" You clapped your hands together bouncing on the balls of your feet. He laughed softly at your little happy dance. "How much?"
"Nah it's a good fit. It's free."
"Are you sure, Mr. Murphy?"
"Steve." He corrected you.
"Steve." You repeated with a grin.
"I have dog food and everything. I'll just give it to you." Steve opened a cupboard and you frowned when you saw it was practically empty. He's out being a hero and not eating anything! That just didn't sit right with you.
"Can I at least make you dinner or something?"
"I wouldn't say no to that. I'm a terrible cook." Steve rubbed his mustache absentmindedly.
"You're really busy so it's understandable." You come to his defense. "We can head to mine and I'll make something real fast?"
"Sounds great. I'll bring the beer." He grinned boyishly. "Do you like beer?"
"Love it." You assured him.
"Come on, girl." Steve patted his thigh calling to the dog on the floor. She perked up trotting over to you both. "Ready to see your new home?"
The dog became your connection. Steve would check on her while you were at work. He would accompany you on walks to the dog park when he had the time. He started having dinner with you most nights, offering to drive you to the night shift. When you inevitably kissed him on your sofa, the dog lying on the floor between your feet, he kissed you back. Domesticity became a habit and for once he didn't let his fear talk himself out of it. You named the dog Angelita. You explained it meant "heavenly messenger". Steve thought this was fitting because Angelita brought him to his heaven, to you.
My masterlist
Permanent Taglist: @ajeff855 @what-iwish-you-knew @kirsteng42 @fan-of-encouragement @sleep-tight1 @pascalisfairyy @ceniington, @prettypedros 🧁, @pascal-rascal424 @axshadows @prideandpascal @frenchyjuju
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
Girls' Night (My Hero Academia)
Primary Universe
Summary: During an innocent trip to the fridge for a drink, Todoroki inadvertently gets cornered by the girls of Class 1-A, who are more than a little curious to see for themselves how ticklish he really is.
A/N: I mean...come on, is this not the cutest idea ever? I loved writing this one! Ticklish Todoroki is one of my favorites. Enjoy! ^^
Word Count: 1,344
“Girls, wait, I…” Todoroki stammered, looking up at the five – well, six, though he technically couldn’t see Hagakure – faces looming above him. “W-Why are we doing this?”
“Because it’s adorable!” Hagakure replied in a high-pitched squeal of excitement. Around her, the others nodded their agreement.
“But I thought this was a girls’ night.” Todoroki blushed as his arms were pulled above his head, Momo straddling his waist. “I-I’m not…”
Uraraka giggled. “Relax, we’re not going to torture you. That’s not our style.”
“No,” Tsu agreed. “We saw you on the bus and thought it looked like fun.”
“So we decided we wanted to see how ticklish you are for ourselves.” Jirou nodded toward Momo. “Although this one already got to test it.”
Momo blushed and looked away, a small smile on her lips. Todoroki opened his mouth to protest more, but that’s when he felt fingers in his underarms and poking along his ribs, and he couldn’t help but giggle, clenching his fists.
How had he gotten into this situation? He’d been minding his own business, heading downstairs to grab a can of Coke from the fridge to help him power-study tonight. He wanted to get all of his work done early so he could enjoy spring break, which had officially started as of the end of today’s classes. But somewhere between his getting to the kitchen and his leaving it, the girls – who were all camped out in the living room for a slumber party, complete with pillow forts and a lot of snacks – called him over for a moment, and that had led to him being pinned to the floor at all of their mercy, knowing full well he wouldn’t be able to hide how sensitive he was from any of them.
All of it was embarrassing and flustering, and yet…he knew he would have a lot of fun, too.
“P-Plehehehehehease be cahahahareful,” he said, squirming instinctively. The girls pinning his arms down held him even firmer. “I’m r-reheheheheally ticklish.”
“We can’t wait to see it,” Jirou teased, scribbling her fingers along his ribs and sides, smiling when he couldn’t hold back his stream of giggles.
Momo moved next, trailing her long nails over his open belly and waistline, making him twitch and grin widely, trying to hold back but failing miserably. Jirou continued working on his upper torso, while Uraraka and Tsu managed his underarms. All of the tickling was light and bearable – for now.
“Come on, Todoroki,” Mina teased, grabbing his knees and squeezing. “Let it out. We won’t judge.”
“Yeah, we think it’s super cute!” Hagakure added from somewhere behind Yaoyorozu. “Right, Momo?”
“Um, yeah.” Momo blushed, but kept up her gentle, teasing tickles.
Todoroki replied merely by continuing to giggle, twitching and jerking at each new ticklish touch, his smile so wide it almost hurt.
“I’m not getting any reaction here,” Mina hummed. “Where were Deku and Bakugou tickling him that made him laugh so hard?”
“I think it was here, wasn’t it?” Tsu asked, digging a little harder into his underarm.
Todoroki let out a loud yelp, his smile widening. “P-Plehehehease be careful!”
“Oh~ So it’s your armpits, huh?” Jirou teased, nodding at Uraraka. “Get him, you two.”
“No, wait! Please, wait – NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!” Todoroki tossed his head back and laughed, trying his best to wiggle even a bit but going nowhere fast thanks to the weight on his arms and hips keeping him firmly where he was. “NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! PLEHEHEHEHEASE!!”
“Awww!” The girls cooed in unison, only making him blush and laugh harder. “Look at him! He’s so ticklish!”
“This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen,” Jirou chuckled, using her earphone jacks to wiggle into his lower ribs while her fingers focused on his upper ribs. “Tickle, tickle~”
“STAHAHAHAHA – PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!” Todoroki cut himself off from saying “stop” just in time, letting out a loud squeal when Uraraka and Tsu started kneading into his armpits. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!”
Momo blushed furiously at the sight before her, though she was enjoying it immensely, if the huge smile on her face was any indication. She bravely reached under his white t-shirt to scribble along his bare skin directly.
“PLEHEHEHEHEASE, IT TIHIHIHIHIHICKLES!! GIRLS, PLEASE – NONOTTHERE!!” He suddenly screeched, arching his back as much as possible, nearly bucking Momo off of his hips. All of them stopped, surprised. “Nononono, please not there, not that! It tickles too much! Please!”
“Not where?” Uraraka asked, genuinely confused until she saw Mina’s grinning face behind Momo, pointing dramatically to the half-and-half hero’s feet. “Oh, I see. Are your feet really ticklish?”
“T-They’re…yes, they’re extremely ticklish,” Todoroki admitted, struggling beneath their firm hold but still going nowhere fast. “Please, d-don’t…not there!”
There was a long silence as the girls looked among themselves, seeming to debate what to do. Finally, Uraraka, Tsu, and Jirou left their places at his upper body and crawled over to join Mina and Hagakure. Momo stayed where she was, continuing to straddle him and pin him in place.
Todoroki brought his arms down gratefully, but five of the six girls being so close to the spot he’d just begged them not to tickle was making him nervous. “Girls?” He felt weight on his shins, keeping him from moving his legs whatsoever, and his heart began to race anew. “N-No, wait, please, not there, I beg you!”
“It’s okay, Todoroki,” Momo said, smiling sweetly at him. “It’s just for a minute.”
“I c-can’t handle – NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!!” Todoroki quickly lost his composure once again, throwing his head back with hysterical laughter as more fingers than he could count scribbled and scraped along his bare soles, sending him into fits of laughter he hadn’t even known were possible until now. He desperately tried to grab at anything he could – the couch, the coffee table, the girl straddling his hips – but all he could manage was to flop around like a fish out of water and laugh so hard he thought he might run out of breath.
“STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!” He pleaded, pounding the ground weakly as he rolled from side to side, the ticklish shockwaves sending more sensations through his body than he could handle at once. He was losing his mind. “PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!! I CAN’T – I CAHAHAHAHAHAHAN’T TAHAHAHAHAHAKE IT!! GIRLS!! MEHEHEHEHEHEHEHERCY!!”
Momo watched his face carefully, judging whether he could breathe, whether he was truly in distress, whether he was having fun or not. For a short while it looked like he was enjoying himself despite his hysterical pleading, but the instant his eyes went from happy to panicked, she put an end to his ticklish torture.
“All right, girls,” she called over her shoulder, “that’s enough.”
The others stopped instantly, willing to follow her lead, and they all climbed off of him and sat back, letting him curl up into a ball on his side as he let out some leftover giggles.
Uraraka put a hand on his shoulder gently. “You okay?”
“Y-Yeah, I’m fine,” Todoroki replied breathlessly, still chuckling even as he groaned into the carpeted floor. “You girls are ruthless.”
They all giggled at him.
“If it’ll make you feel better, you can hang out with us for a little while,” Momo offered. “We have snacks. It’s the least we can do.”
“I don’t want to impose on your girls’ night,” he replied, sitting up. “Plus, I have studying to do.”
“Studying?!” they all cried, aghast.
“But it’s spring break!” Mina exclaimed.
Todoroki couldn’t help but laugh all over again. “Relax, I’m not going to study the entire break. I just wanted to get a little bit done tonight so I can enjoy the rest of the week off.”
“Well, before you do that, why don’t you watch an episode of an anime with us?” Jirou suggested, handing him a bowl of pretzels. “It’ll help you feel better for what we just put you through. Then you can study. Sound fair?”
Todoroki hesitated, then accepted the bowl and popped a pretzel into his mouth. “Just one episode,” he agreed, and all of the girls squealed in excitement and queued up the show, settling in to watch.
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heroloverangel · 3 years
Cloud City
We interrupt your regularly-scheduled filth for some surprise Sad Boy Hours.
You’re six years old when Oboro Shirakumo drops into your life. Quite literally, in fact.
It’s your first day of school, and you’re terrified. Your family only moved to this city a few weeks ago, and you haven’t had a chance to meet any of the other kids in the neighborhood. So here you stand in the school yard, shyly watching from behind a tree as your new classmates play together. You’re lonely, but too nervous to approach them. Your tiny mind is on the verge of a breakdown and you can feel the sting of tears in your eyes. “Don’t cry,” you whisper to yourself. “I’m not a baby, don’t cry.” You sniffle, but your train of thought is interrupted by the sound of a twig snapping above you.
There’s a boy floating on a cloud several feet over your head, one hand grasping a branch to keep himself steady. “Hi!” He grins down at you, and you look back with wide eyes. “I’m Oboro! Wanna be friends?” You gawk up at him; you’ve never seen a quirk like that before. Even his hair looks like a fluffy cloud in the breeze. 
“Okay,” you agree after a few more seconds of confused staring. Your new friend gives you a thumbs up, immediately loses his focus, and the cloud dissipates underneath him. Both of you scream as he comes crashing to the ground, landing on your back. You’re rewarded with some impressive scrapes to both your knees, and him with both his front teeth knocked out. You’re inseparable from that moment on.
You’re the best of friends through elementary, but things begin to change once you hit middle school. It’s cute when you’re six and happily tell your parents that you’re going to get married when you grow up. It’s just awkward when you hit puberty and start to discover that your feelings for your best friend suddenly aren’t so cute anymore. The two of you grow apart with separate friends and different interests, but still make it a priority to walk home together every day. 
“High school admissions are due soon,” he points out during one of these walks. It’s been storming all day, and the two of you huddle under the same umbrella in a half-hearted attempt to stay dry. He’s hit a growth spurt over the years and towers above you now; it’s hard for both of you to stay out of the rain if you’re not nestled suspiciously close together. “You figure out where you’re applying yet?”
You shrug, stepping wide to avoid a puddle that he ignores. “Probably just Endor. It’s close, and they’ve got a pretty decent reputation.” You nudge him with your shoulder. “You’re going for UA, right?”
It’s never been a secret that Shirakumo wants to be a hero, and there’s no doubt in your mind that he’ll be great at it. He stops walking and you look at him, surprised to see his expression so discouraged.. “Yeah, of course. You’re not? Their general studies class is supposed to be one of the best, too.”
You glance away. “Too much pressure, I think. And it’d be hard, going to school in a different city where I wouldn’t know anyone.”
“You’ll know me.” You’ve both had a grip on the umbrella, but now his fingers wrap tightly around your hand and squeeze.
“Oboro…” You’re not used to him having such a serious look on his face, his eyes wide and unblinking as they stare into yours.
“Come with me.” It’s not an order, it’s a plea, and your chest feels tight at the thought of disappointing him. You swallow hard and nod. It won’t hurt to apply, you think. You probably won’t even get in.
Shirakumo pushes a stray strand of hair out of your face and leans down to press his lips against yours. Your first kiss isn’t perfect; his neck is bent at an uncomfortable angle to make up for your height difference, your nose bumps awkwardly into his as you shift, a car drives by too fast and splashes both of you with frigid water. Still, when he pulls away his smile is as warm and bright as the sun. You’ll gladly follow him to UA. You’ll gladly follow him to hell and back if it makes him happy.
He’s accepted into the hero course without a problem, but you make him promise that he’ll go even if you fail. You’re more shocked than anyone when you open the envelope to find an acceptance letter welcoming you to UA, and you finally allow yourself to feel excited. You’ll be going to the best school in the country, and you’ll be there with your favorite person in the world. For the first time you won’t be in the same class, but you’ll still be close enough to watch him reach his dreams. 
The first few weeks of high school are a whirlwind of chaos before you settle into a routine. You have to be at the train station before dawn; every morning Shirakumo meets you outside your house, still half-asleep and groggy as you walk. You split something simple for breakfast most days while you ride. When you’re lucky enough to find two open seats together, you can manage a well-deserved nap slumped against each other’s shoulders. Your classes are tough but with enough effort you manage to do well once you form a study group going with the other girls in your class. They’re friendly, and they’re both impressed and jealous to learn that you’re already dating a hero student. They swoon when he appears at your side on the first day of school to buy you lunch, and you can’t help but gloat just a little at your good fortune.
The hero course is even busier than general studies, and you don’t get to see much of your boyfriend during school hours. It’s nearly a month into the term before he catches sight of you at lunch again and practically sprints over, flanked by two classmates you recognize from the stories he’s told you on the ride home every day. “Guys,” he grins and throws an arm around your shoulder. “This is my girl! The one I’ve been telling you about.” Your heart skips a beat at being called his girl, and knowing he’s been gushing about you to his friends. Yamada’s a bright, loud ball of energy when he introduces himself, while Aizawa barely mumbles his name and looks like he’s been dragged over against his will. They both seem nice, and you’re happy he’s found some good friends to work with.
Everything goes surprisingly well for your first year at UA, and your second seems like it’ll be just as good. It’s late one night, several months into the school year, when you’re woken by a tapping at your bedroom window. This isn’t the first time Shirakumo’s snuck you out of your house, but the window gets harder to crawl out of every year and you’re glad that graduation isn’t too far off. “Hey, come look at the stars with me. They’re really pretty tonight.” It’s not like he needs to give you the excuse, but you can see he has a point.
Ten minutes later you’re laying on a cloud together, floating a few feet over the power lines in your neighborhood. It’s cold up there, and you cuddle together for warmth as you watch the stars overhead. You know more about the sky than him, and he’s happy to listen while you point out a few things above you. A chilly breeze blows through your thin pajamas and makes you shiver, and he pulls you in closer to share his heat. “Was all of this just an excuse to get me alone up here?” You laugh, kissing his smiling lips.
“Not all of it,” he jokes with a smirk. “We’re past the halfway point this year already. Just one more, can you believe it?” You curl up close and listen to him chatter about his big plans for the future. You’ve heard this all before; he’s always so excited about the idea of opening that hero agency with Aizawa and Yamada. “I figure we’ll do the sidekick think for awhile, work up some solid experience, y’know? Then it’ll be smooth sailing when we break off on our own after that. Four, maybe five years?” You nod, running your fingers through his familiar fluffy hair. “And then once things settle with the agency, we can get married if you want,” he announces with only the faintest blush betraying his nerves.
“Oboro, what?” You bolt into a sitting position, gawking at him with wide eyes. Sure you’ve thought about the future you might have together, but the two of you have never talked about it before. “You can’t just spring that on me out of nowhere!”
He folds his arms behind his head, totally unconcerned. “It’s not really out of nowhere, is it? You know I’ve been in love with you since we were six, right?”
This boy is ridiculous. “Me too, but still! Isn’t this a little sudden? There���s so much more to talk about if you want to get married.”
He shrugs. “Like I said, it won’t be for a couple of years. We’ve got plenty of time to talk it over.” He grabs your hand and pulls you back down to rest your head against his chest. “I’ll wait for you, as long as you want.” You stay like this for a few minutes, mulling the proposal over in your head. “Just think about it for a couple years, okay?”
Slowly, you nod. “Okay.” You’re already warming up to the thought of marrying him. You’re seventeen, and you’ve been together for eleven years now. You can give him another five. Or ten. Or fifty, if that’s what he wants. In your heart you already know you’ve decided on an answer, and you murmur it into his ear later as he’s helping you climb back through the window into your bedroom. He’s beaming with happiness as he kisses you goodnight and flies off. You’re too giddy with love to sleep the rest of the night.
If you’d known what was coming only a week later, you never would have said goodbye. He promised to call you after his internship the night before, but it wouldn’t be the first time he’d fallen asleep instead as soon as he got home. You’re not worried until he doesn’t show up in the morning to walk with you, even after you call him twice with no answer and wait until the last possible minute to leave on your own. You arrive at school just as the final bell rings, and it’s a bit of a relief when you catch a glimpse of Aizawa looking even more tired than he normally does. They must have had a really tough time on their patrol, you assume, and Oboro just decided to take a well-deserved day off.
Your day is uneventful until lunch, when you hear your name called to the office. The principal sits there with your homeroom teacher and the counselor, all of them looking grim. A lump forms in your throat; you’ve got no idea what you could have done. “You wanted to see me?”
“Yes. We understand that you’re particularly close with Oboro Shirakumo from the hero class.”
You nod. “Yeah, we’re dating. Um, actually we’re kind of engaged now, I guess?” Your stomach drops at the sad expressions facing you. “Did...did something happen? I haven’t seen him all day. Is he hurt?”
Nothing in the world could have prepared you for the answer. “He was killed in an encounter with a villain yesterday. I’m sorry for your loss.”
You want to argue, insist there’s been some mistake, but the words don’t come. A sudden sense of numbness sweeps through you as it sinks in, and it feels like everything within you shuts down. Your brain doesn’t process the voices offering you sympathy and compassion. Your lungs refuse to take in air. You’d swear that your heart itself stops beating in some attempt to defend itself. You’re not even aware of your movements as you stand and leave the room while your teachers are mid-speech. You need to get out of there. You need to be alone. You need to breathe, but you can’t. You’re on autopilot as you rush down the empty hall, if you can get up to the roof there’ll be fresh air-
Completely blinded by your grief, you collide hard with another body and almost fall before hands grab your shoulders to steady you. “Sorry,” you gasp through the lump in your throat. “I just-” You blink back your tears and stop when you recognize him. Up close, he looks even worse than usual. His eyes are red and hollow, the dark bags under them could pass as bruises. It’s obvious he hasn’t slept all night, you can practically feel the exhaustion radiating off of him. “Aizawa,” you croak, your voice cracking on the syllables. He doesn’t say anything, only gives your shoulder a squeeze, and something inside you completely breaks.
“Oboro, he’s...” is all you can manage through your tears. You fists ball into Aizawa’s jacket as you sob against his chest, and he doesn’t stop you. He knows there’s no comforting you; the only thing he can do is let you use his shirt as a tissue while you mourn. You’re vaguely aware that a bell rings to resume class, but you ignore it. You can’t bring yourself to do anything except cry until there’s nothing left, and he stands there holding your shoulders to keep you upright. It’s the best way anyone can help you right now.
An eternity later, you wear yourself out. Your throat feels raw, your eyes are burning, and your fingers hurt from the grip you’ve had on his uniform. “Thanks,” you manage out, and he nods silently. He’s not the most exciting, but you’ve always liked Aizawa’s calm personality as a match to your boyfriend’s unstoppable energy. Your own emotions are a train wreck, and you don’t think you could handle being around anyone else after that news. “I’m glad he had you,” you muse out loud.
“Thanks,” he says awkwardly with a shrug before fixing his wrinkled jacket. “You should get back to class.” Aizawa walks off before you can think of anything else to say.
You don’t go back to class. The other students have noticed something’s off, and rumors are beginning to spread around campus already that there’s a new, empty space in the hero course. You grab your bag and head for the exit as fast as you can, ignoring everyone else along the way. You spend the rest of the week at home; your parents allow it once they learn what happened. It’s a struggle to get through the first month without Shirakumo’s presence hanging over you like a cheerful little cloud, and the rest of the year doesn’t get any easier. Your friends do their best to console you, but it’s a losing battle when you feel his absence every minute of your day. It’s all too familiar, too easy to see the missing piece that’s been a part of your life for so long. You transfer to Shiketsu for your final year, where no one knows about Loud Cloud and you aren’t stuck going through a routine that’s been irreparably broken.
It’s an uphill fight. You force yourself to do well in school, because it’s what he’d want for you. You throw yourself into work and establish a good career, because it’s what he’d want for you. You make yourself move past your loss and date other men, because it’s what he’d want for you. By the time you’re 31 you’ve got a divorce under your belt, a sad excuse for a social life, and a cat with fluffy white fur; you loved him the moment you laid eyes on him. You’re not entirely satisfied with how your life has turned out, but it could be worse. You can go entire weeks now without thinking about him. Sometimes you wonder what kind of life the two of you would have, but you try not to dwell on those thoughts. 
You’ve had the day off and have spent it happily lounging around the house. You treat yourself to lunch and settle on your couch to watch a movie with your beloved cat when an unfamiliar number pops up on your phone. You answer without a second thought. “Hi, if you’re out of noodles, I can just get rice instead. It’s fine.”
There’s a beat of silence before the man confirms this is the correct number. You don’t immediately recognize his voice, but you’re sure you’ve heard it somewhere before. “I’m not with a restaurant. This is Aizawa, from...from UA, when we were younger.” You can tell he’s choosing his words carefully, and he continues. “We need to talk. It’s about Shirakumo.”
It’s surprising how hearing his name is enough to reopen wounds you thought healed years ago. You swallow nervously, fresh dread pooling in your gut. You can hear how hoarse your voice is when you answer. “Okay. I’m off today, if you want to meet.”
You’ve got a very bad feeling about what you’re about to learn.
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chockfullofsecrets · 3 years
Critical Role: The Opposite of Cuddling
(Read on AO3)
Rating: Gen
Summary: And maybe it wouldn’t be too bad, but - “That’s not gonna work,” he says, feeling a little bad as her face falls. “I’m way too ticklish for that.”
Jester’s expression rebounds at lightning speed. “Caduceus! You’re ticklish?”
“Oh. Yeah,” he grins.
Dome cuddles don't quite work out, but the Mighty Nein make do.
Wordcount: 1.8k (it would be short if it wasn’t supposed to be a snippet fic aaa)
A/N: maybe i am just in the mood for cuddly gang tickles. maybe so. 
“So,” Jester is proselytizing, brandishing a diagram from her sketchbook into dubious faces, “if we cuddle up around Caduceus just like this it’s going to be super soft and comfy and warm until we get out of this stupid weather! Any questions?”
Caduceus puts his teacup aside and leans down to peer at the sketch. It’s really good, especially the faces. She must have drawn it while watching them sleep last night.
And maybe it wouldn’t be too bad, but - “That’s not gonna work,” he says, feeling a little bad as her face falls. “I’m way too ticklish for that.”
Jester’s expression rebounds at lightning speed. “Caduceus! You’re ticklish?”
“Oh. Yeah,” he grins. It feels good to see her happy, tail flicking as she clutches her sketchbook in clear delight - after two days of nonstop freezing rain, even her forceful cheer has been wavering. “It’s nice, sometimes, but not when we’re, you know. Sleeping.”
“So I could tickle you right now and you wouldn’t be, like, really mad at me?” Jester presses. She’s scooting towards him as she asks, practically trembling with excitement. It’s awfully cute.
Well, it’s been a while, but he can’t say he’s not a little eager for the contact. He ignores the looks from the rest of their group and flops back onto his bedroll, wriggling a little to get comfortable. “Yeah, that’d be good.”
“Um,” Beau says from somewhere behind him, a little strangled. Oh, right.
“We’re not keeping people awake, are we?” he asks, craning his neck to the various edges of the dome people have settled in. “Anyone set on sleeping right now?”
Beau makes a face. "That's not the weird part, Duceus."
“They can help!” Jester chirps, and then she’s cuddled into his side and wiggling tiny tiefling claws above his belly. “Oh, Ca-du-ceus!”
She’s pitching her voice as deep and scary as it can go. It’s not very far. “Yeah?”
“Where’s your very worst tickle spot?”
He laughs. “Telling you that feels like a bad idea.”
“Then I’ll just have to fi-ind it!” She tugs his shirt up with one quick move, and he barely has time to feel the cold before she’s latching onto his sides and burying her entire face into the downy fur on his belly. “Ooh, you’re so soft and warm! I want to cuddle you forever, Caduceus.”
It tickles, but just a little - honestly, he’s more amused by her. “Can’t say I’ve heard that before,” he chuckles, reaching out to poke gently at her side. “You’re not bad yourself.”
She squeaks, pulling her head up just enough to gasp at him. “Oh my gosh, Caduceus, did you just tickle me back? Guys, you have to come help me!”
“Nah, I’m good,” Beau snorts.
Jester lets out a massive sigh and flops back down onto him, and for a pleasant minute or two it’s just her nuzzling into him as he watches raindrops pelt off the amber dome overhead.
Then there’s a rustle, and some clinking, and before he can do anything more than lazily twitch one of his ears in the direction of the sound Yasha’s upside-down face pushes into his field of view.
“Do you mind if I join?” she asks in her quiet way. “I don’t want to overwhelm you.”
Jester springs upright, grabbing happily for her hands. “Yes! Join us!”
Caduceus echoes her, snorting out a quiet laugh as Jester regains some of her energy and starts to scribble her way up his sides. He doesn't have any quiet siblings - Yasha reminds him a little more of the mourners, so it’s always nice to see her reach out. He's good at appreciating that sort of thing.
Yasha smiles shyly down at the both of them as she pulls his head into her lap and starts to play with his ears. “These are so soft,” she marvels. “Are you ticklish here?”
His ears have always been one of his siblings’ favorite spots to tease him with, and apparently they haven’t gotten any less sensitive in the last ten years. “Yeah,” he gasps. “Heh - just - hehe - a little bit.”
There's a frustrated groan off to his right. “Okay, I’ll bite.” Footsteps track around to his side, fleet and quiet, and he waits patiently for a flash of blue cloth to cross his gaze. “But only ‘cause ears are a fucking weird spot and I want to see if this works on you.”
Beau crouches by his side and curls her fingers loosely. “I’m gonna punch you,” she warns. “Probably not that hard, but don’t tense up.”
He nods as best as he can while tilting his head to better let Yasha worry her fingernails at the backs of his ears - he’s not sure if he could feel more boneless if he tried, right now.
The heel of her fist strikes him right in the middle of his chest, fingers clutching around something intangible - that something scurries its way down every nerve he has, and he coughs out a startled laugh before he can help himself. “What was that?”
“Payback for growing lichen on me back at your house,” she quips, but her eyes are narrowed in clear concentration. “Okay, ears, ears… wrists? And knees? And - fuck, man, your entire back? Really? Jes, let’s flip him over, this is going to be good.”
Well, that’s unexpected.
“Wait - ha!” Caduceus yelps, squirming as fingers start to pry their way underneath him. “Hold on now-”
He’s bigger than both of them by far, but they’re strong and not above tickling the backs of his ribs until he starts to squeal. "You're so thin, Caduceus!" Jester exclaims, hooking a finger into the tender gap between two bones and wriggling it mercilessly - his back arches entirely without his permission, letting Beau pry him another inch off the ground, and he whines defensively. "We have to feed you more!"
They get as far as rolling him onto his side before Beau loses patience and starts prodding smugly at his spine. “Your ki is pretty shivery around here, Duceus,” she teases. “Trying to hide your worst spots, huh? Bet you thought we weren’t gonna take this seriously.”
Caduceus is too busy laughing to deal with - any of that, really, especially when Jester slings herself over him so she can reach his back too. “I’m - ahaha! aaa! - oh, that tickles!”
As if in direct response to his babbling, a small weight bundles into the back of his knees. He curls up reflexively with a strangled shout - it’s Nott, cuddling up to him with a shivery sigh as an invisible hand starts to pinch at his kneecaps. “You’re right,” she crows to Jester. “He is soft.”
It does feel nice, being buried under this many people and tickled till the marrow of every bone in his body shivers, happy and helpless, and when Fjord finally sits in front of him and presses a questioning hand to his shoulder Caduceus doesn’t resist the impulse to clutch his hands and pull him in closer.
Fjord comes easily, huffing in quiet amusement as Caduceus buries his face in him and Yasha and wriggles like a freshly surfaced earthworm. “You alright there?” he drawls. “You sound like they’re trying to kill you.”
Nott snorts from somewhere near his belly. “We should stop, then, we’ve only got the one cleric.”
Everything abruptly derails as Jester launches herself towards Nott and, from the sound of it, kicks Beau right in the face - there’s wheezing, and then shouting, and then the telltale sugar-sweet scent of Jester’s healing magic.
Caduceus holds very still. "Is everyone okay?"
"Yeah," Beau confirms, mangled. He can practically picture Jester frantically squishing her cheeks around as she checks for damage.
A typical tickle fight, as far as the Clays are concerned, just with a different smell - the Wildmother's healing tends more earthy. Even though they’ve stopped tickling, Caduceus can’t help but laugh.
He’s not sure if he imagines Fjord fluttering light fingers along the insides of his wrists as he catches his breath, but by the time he wheezes out one last fit of giggles and rolls himself back over everyone seems to be keeping a respectful distance, if a good deal closer together than they were at the beginning of the evening. “I think that went pretty well,” he says, pleased.
“...so you’re stupid ticklish,” Beau says dryly, scrubbing a bit of dried blood from her lip. “No cuddling Duceus while he’s trying to be unconscious, message received.”
There’s a chorus of agreement from all but one - Caduceus looks around and spots their final member for the first time since they sat down for dinner, nose buried in a book and ears suspiciously red.
He hasn’t moved an inch all night, even to escape the noise, which leaves him only a few feet away from the rest of them. Caduceus gets the feeling he’s about to regret that. “Oh, I’m sure there are those that have it worse,” he grins. “Right, Mr. Caleb?”
Caleb’s gaze snaps up over the edge of his book. “Ja,” he rushes out, strangled. “I mean - nein - of course I am not - I am just trying to read here-”
Jester doesn’t wait for him to dig his grave any deeper. “Oh my gosh, Cay-leb, are you super ticklish too?”
Caleb stuffs his book back into its holster and holds a hand out preventatively, reaching with panicked precision for a strip of leather tied just above his knee with the other. “No, I am not-”
“Oh, no you don’t.” Fjord rocks backward and reaches out with one broad hand, latching onto Caleb's wrist, and Caleb promptly abandons all spellcasting to kick at him like a startled rabbit.
Despite that, he reels Caleb in gently, scooping him into a neat little ball before he heaves him into the middle of their little circle and squarely on top of Caduceus. “I think we owe you a nice, long thank you for this lovely dome, don’t we?”
There’s a moment of silence as Caleb presumably thinks about how easy it would be to kill them all in this enclosed space. “This,” he says, as severely as he can with his feet in the air and hair in his eyes, “is the opposite of cuddling, and if you do not leave me alone then tomorrow night I am going to make all of you sleep in the rain.”
Even the seasoned homebody in Caduceus knows that’s the exact wrong thing to say to a group of damp and grumpy adventurers - if the mood in the dome was mischievous before, it takes a steep dive into outright evil.
Beau cracks her knuckles. “Yeah? Let’s see what you have to say when we tickle you again tomorrow.”
And if Caduceus laughs as Caleb gives one startled owlish blink and then scrambles to hide as much of himself behind Caduceus as possible - well, that’s not from the tickling at all.
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felswritingfire · 3 years
April Brain Rot #13
9. Cabbage
7. "You're a terrible liar."
16. Celebratory Hug
Toddler!Sebek Zigvolt x Toddler!Reader
Summery: Feelings are hard and Lilia is having too much fun with Sebek's crisis
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Lilia smiles, watching as the children milled around and mindlessly playing with each other and the toys that are scattered along the floor. “Aren’t they cute, Malleus?”
The taller of the two nods, a soft smile on his face as he spies you waddling about, holding a tiny poof ball of a kitten named Grim. “Yes. Very.”
“Not just little (Y/N), silly.” The old fae remarks, but the peaceful smile never leaves his face. He watches as you toddle over to the tiny pool that sits in the middle of the room, holding your hand out to a sniffling Azul- the chubby octomer grabbing hold of it and whining to you. You place Grim down, snoozing away despite the volume of Azul’s whimpering, and reach up to wipe away the inky tears. You coo at him, pressing your face against his, making him giggle. You pull away from him as soon as he calmed down, the twins coming to say hello and touch your clawless hands with their clawed ones. Floyd tries to pull you into the water but (much to Lilia’s and Malleus’ relief) Jade stops him. You wave to them and pick up Grim before making your way to Leona, who had shoved himself into the corner, laying with his face to the wall.
The old fae watches as Ruggie and Jack both nuzzle against you as you hand Grim over to Ruggie to hold. “You know,” he smiles at how Leona immediately looks at you when you press your hands against his back. “We never have to worry about the boys when they’re around. It’s wonderful. But...”
“But?” Malleus parrots, following Lilia’s gaze to where a little green haired toddler glares at the beast babies, his chubby fists curled into his shorts. “Oh.”
“They do have a way of gaining admires, don’t they?”
“Seems so.” Malleus’ eyebrows raise as he watches Sebek stomp over to you and grab at your arm, pulling you after him. Ruggie, Jack, and Leona hissing and growling and a little Grim yawning as he finally begins to wake up.
“‘Bekie-” you begin, having trouble keeping up with his pace.
“They’re trouble!” He declares, placing you next to a sleeping Silver in the little foam castle. “I don’t trust them!”
“B-but they’re my friends.”
“You should get better friends.”
Your lip wobbles. “I don’t like you talking about them like that.”
“It’s true! You should get better friends! Those ones aren’t worth anything!” He begins to shoot into a long winded tangent as he tugs at your arm to sit down with him, but you pull away, whimpering.
“N-no, they aren’t. You’re being mean, ‘Bekie.”
Sebek is stunned for a moment, seemingly incapable of speech before his round cheeks flush and he huffs. “No, I’m not!”
“Mm-hm. Right now you are.”
“Am not! You’re just dumb!”
You take a step back, your lips wobbling harder and your eyes turn watery. “‘Bekie… I don’t want to play with you.” You whisper, toddling out of the castle’s door with a drooped head and sniffling.
He stares, mouth agape, before he puffs out his cheeks, eyes shimmering with unshed tears as he crosses his arms and turns his back to the door. “Why’d they leave?”
“Because you were being mean, Sebek.” Came a sleepy reply.
“I was not! She’s dumb for trusting them-”
“So that’s what happened.”
A yelp escaped the two boys and they whip around to see Lilia smile at them, laying on his stomach and holding his cheeks in his hands. “Hi, old man.” Silver said after calming down.
“Hello, little one!” Lilia turns to look at Sebek, who shifts in his spot awkwardly. “So, you got mad at (Y/N) for having friends-”
“Dumb friends! They’re dangerous and not to be trusted!” The boy is quick to climb to his feet and walk over to Lilia. “My grandpa said that I had to watch out for suspicious people and those people are suspicious!”
Lilia bursts out laughing.
“It’s not funny!”
“You’re a terrible liar, Sebek.”
He sputtered. “I’m not lying-”
“Are you sure it’s not because you're jealous that our little (Y/N) isn’t paying attention to you?”
A screech leaves the boy making Silver jump and Lilia let out another round of laughter. “No! That’s- I- no!”
“Ah, so if Jack and (Y/N) were to get married you wouldn’t have a problem with it?”
“No! They can’t do that!”
“But why? It’s not like you have a crush on her or anything.”
Sebek looks down, his features a mess of confusion as fat tears rolled down his face. “I-I don’t want them to marry anyone… because… because…” He sniffled and a shuddering sob leaves him.
Lilia sighs, his smile softening as he pats Sebek’s spiky hair. “You know, you really hurt their feelings? If they’re important to you, you should treasure and respect them, silly boy. Now, after you calm down go and apologize to them.” Lilia pulls a tissue from his back pocket, holding it to Sebek’s nose.
Sebek nods, blowing into the tissue. “O-Ok…”
“Good!” Lilia slips out from the opening, sitting on his calves and giving Malleus a thumbs up. He sent one back with one hand while the other patted your head. You looked up at him, clinging to his pant leg. “Is ‘Bekie gonna be ok?”
He smiles down at you and nods. “Of course, little starlight. He’ll be out in a bit.”
You nod. Before looking back up at him and asking: “do you think he’ll like my gift?”
He looks down at the little ring pop in your hand. He laughs. “I do believe so.”
You smile up at him until you hear a familiar loud voice yell your name.
Sebek runs toward you with his arms splayed out, almost tripping on his own little feet as he cries. “I’m sorry! You aren’t dumb!”
You sniffle and run towards him with your arms out, “I’m sorry too! You’re not mea- oof!”
The two of you collide and tumble to the ground, crying.
Malleus herds the children waddling to join you two (namely Kalim, who he almost didn’t catch in time as he tried shooting past him in a white and red blur) out of the room to give you two some alone time. Lilia stands watch with a hand over his mouth, his face scrunching up in an effort to fight off the urge to squeal at the display.
You gasp, pulling away to dig through your pocket. “”Bekie! ‘Bekie! I- um- I got-” you present the ring pop to him- “I got you this!”
He stares at it before his face flushes a deep red and he looks you in the eye. “Yes!”
Lilia lets out a high pitched squeak that dissolves into a roaring cackle at the way you blink. “What?”
But Sebek isn’t listening, instead choosing to rip the ring pop out of the package and slip it on his ring finger. He nods with a happy smile and flushed cheeks. “I will treasure it always.”
“You’re supposed to eat it though?”
Malleus walks back in to see Lilia doubled over, screaming: “my stomach!” and a Sebek arguing: “you can’t eat a wedding ring!” He chooses to walk back out with the children in the hall.
<The Next Chosen Characters>
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Thank you for reading!
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pascalpanic · 3 years
Pilot’s Hands (Frankie Morales x f!reader)
Summary: Frankie takes you up flying in his helicopter. You can’t help but focus on those goddamn hands of his.
W/C: 2.4K
Warnings: SMUT (18+), finger penetration/fingering, language, lots of dirty talk and innuendos, please forgive the multiple puns I made, a singular smack to the ass. afab reader. talk of flying in helicopters and being rlly high above the ground. reader is nervous about heights.
A/N: Frankie smut is the best smut. This was requested by @notabotiswear!! I hope it’s what you were feeling, love!
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Your hands grip the chair as the helicopter slowly lifts from the ground. There’s an urge deep inside of you to jump from it now, while you’re low, so that nothing can happen, that you can’t be lifted up. You want to scream and shout and rip these headphones from your ears and make it all stop, but you don’t. You grip the seat even harder and squeeze your eyes shut as you feel the pressure in your ears start popping and changing.
The anxiety eases instantly as you look to your left. There sits Frankie, guiding the helicopter. He looks absolutely fucking gorgeous, as usual. Today he wears a warm flannel over a t-shirt with his favorite beer’s logo. On top of his brown waves, which were extra unmanageable this morning, sits his favorite ball cap. He’d spent an unhealthy amount of time picking out just the right outfit today, since it was technically a date.
You smile a little at how focused he is. There are lines of concentration between his two thick eyebrows, his stubbly jaw clenched in concentration. His large hands navigate around the dashboard, controlling the massive machine as it pushes you up into the sky. It’s soothing when he’s the one doing it.
Frankie has always talked to you about his love of flying. It’s something you’ve never quite understood. He talks about it like it’s beyond any other experience. Flying is his happy place. He’s never more content than when he can control the big machine and soar through the sky. You’re the opposite. Flights usually required you to take an anxiety med and pass out. The feeling of being so far above the ground makes you panic and fills your brain with the worst possible scenarios.
There’s something better about it when the man you’d trust with your life- are trusting with your life- is the one piloting the machine. He sneaks you a smile as he notices you staring, but in an instant is back at the controls. You giggle and lean back in your chair, enjoying the view. Frankie’s got you.
The ascent continues. You’re still gripping the sides of the chair with all of the force your hands can create, and the anxiety seeps in. You close your eyes and force yourself to focus on your breathing. Even this high in the air, Frankie is your solid ground. You reach over and grab his thigh, knowing his hands are too busy to hold. Your fingers dig into his leg, but it’s no distraction.
Finally, Frankie slips one hand beneath yours and laces your fingers together. “Open those eyes, baby,” he asks, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. “We’re at the cruising altitude.”
Your eyes open and are filled with nothing but blue sky surrounding you. Looking to the sides, you can see your city surrounding the two of you. Everything looks so small. You’re unconsciously beaming, and when you turn to look at Frankie, he’s grinning back. “Cool, right?” He asks with an equally big smile.
“The coolest,” you nod in agreement and laugh. It’s astounding, really.
“Just one second, babe,” he tells you and drops your hands, pressing some buttons and flipping some switches. His hands are skilled, flying across the controls with practiced ease. His voice is smooth and even in tone as he talks to someone in his headset. He continues even as he talks to the controller, reaching over you to hit a far button.
He’s good to just steer now, you can tell, and you wrap both of your arms around one of his. He signs off from the call and looks over at you, then down at the arms on your hands. “You need something to hold onto?” He asks, leaning over and kissing your head briefly.
“You look sexy flying,” you chuckle and slide your hands down to his, holding it happily as you look around. “You’re just… so good at it,” you shrug and look around the cockpit.
He laughs softly. “I wonder how it happened,” he teases, pulling his hand back to he can use it to navigate. “Are you okay? Sure you’re not too anxious?” He asks. His eyes aren’t on you- they can’t afford to be right now, while you’re in the air- but his words are sincere.
You nod, beaming. “I trust the pilot more than I ever have.”
He shakes his head and smiles, adjusting his cap before flipping a few more switches. “You just keep telling me, okay? Let me know if you wanna be done early.”
“I think I can handle thirty minutes in the air, watching you be all cute and smart.”
“Smart? I don’t know about that one, baby,” he shakes his head but smiles down at the gauges he checks.
For a few minutes, it’s silent between the two of you. The hum of the engine and the spinning blades fills the space between you. You’re content to look around while Frankie pilots the two of you, snapping photos. At one point, you sneak a few photos of him, giggling at how cute he looks. You lean over and kiss his jaw through the stubble, which makes him grin and blush slightly. “Babe, I’m working,” he whines, but it’s all teasing, you both know. Frankie loves nothing more than some physical affirmation.
You chat quietly when he has the time to do so, when the machine doesn’t require as much of his attention. He’s fantastically skilled at multitasking, you notice, which makes you smirk a little. He’s so fucking good at what he does, those calloused hands dancing around the dash like a skilled piano player reciting a sonata, like an artist creating a masterpiece. And you suppose, to Frankie, flying is like an art.
“Do you know any tricks?” You ask at one point.
Frankie nods. “I can do barrel rolls and shit. I don’t think you’d want to feel that,” he chuckles, his hand resting on top of yours, which sits on his thigh.
“Oh fuck, not now,” you laugh softly. “But that’s really cool.” And hot, your primal brain, the one that seeks the best mate, tells you.
As the time in the air dwindles down to a stop, Frankie once again has to pay full attention. You return to your previous position: gripping your chair. Your hands aren’t as forceful now, far more trusting of Frankie and his skills. You can even look around as the world grows bigger and bigger as you approach it. Not long after, the helicopter lands, and you let out a deep sigh of relief. “Wow,” you laugh, a little bit of anxiety still in your voice. “Now I can tell you everything that I wanted to say in the air.”
Frankie looks over at you, tilting his head in confusion. “And what was that, exactly?”
“That you look so fucking hot,” you grin at him. “You do, really. You know what the fuck you’re doing, and that’s hot. And your hands, you’re so good with them,” you muse as you pick one up and play with the thick fingers attached.
This time, Frankie’s smiling. “Oh yeah?”
You nod happily. “Mhm. Just look so good when you’re using them. Makes me think of other things they’re good at.”
He’s a little red, but he grins. “Really?”
“You know that. I’m never quiet about how good you are with them, am I?” You tease and laugh.
Frankie’s face tinges with red, and his Adam’s apple bobs hard with a gulp. “Don’t do this to me yet, baby,” he chuckles and shakes his head. He removes your headphones once the blades have stopped rotating, then his own, and unstraps the both of you.
Frankie gets out then helps you down from the chopper. One of the other men who works at the field comes over to say hello, and he snaps a photo of you and Frankie for you.
The picture is perfect: the blue skies in the background contrast the dark metal of Frankie’s helicopter. He has both arms around you, and you have one hand pressed to his chest. You’re both grinning, both wearing flannels and each in one of his ball caps: you stole one this morning before you left his house.
He walks away after you both thank him, and Frankie leans in close. “Gotta get some shit done in the hangar. Won’t be more than ten minutes. Go wait for me in the car, baby girl,” he murmurs in your ear. He gives you a little smack on the ass, which makes you start to scamper off.
You grab his keys from his pocket, then toss a flirty smile over your shoulder as you walk to the parking garage.
Twenty minutes later, you’re sitting shotgun in Frankie’s truck. He removes his cap and runs a hand through those curls before putting it back. You watch it, noticing the way the knuckles bend and fold. He looks over at you and notices the expression on your face. “You still thinking about them, baby girl?” He asks with a growing smirk.
You nod, the wetness in your panties growing. “Mhm. Think you could pilot me?”
Frankie rests a hand on your thigh, tracing circles into the skin. “Unzip those jeans for me, baby. Let’s find out.”
You’re in a parking garage, and no one else is around. It’s early on a Saturday morning, but the risk is just as exciting. You do as he says, and Frankie slides his fingers beneath your panties.
The pads of his ring and middle fingers start at the top of your folds, tracing down the damp skin until they reach your entrance. “Fuck,” he groans at how wet you already feel. His fingers swirl around just millimeters inside of you, taking the wetness and removing his hand, bringing it up to your mouth. “Gotta get them ready for me first, honey. You’re already plenty wet, but I wanna make it good for you.”
You oblige and take his fingers in your mouth, sucking on them dutifully and moaning around them. They’re so thick and strong, and the thought makes you spread your legs wider. “Good girl,” Frankie almost growls before bringing his fingers back down to your entrance and slipping them inside of you.
You cry out, your hand gripping the side of your seat once more; this time, it isn’t from anxiety, but from pleasure. They scissor you open slowly, those thick digits reaching deep inside to that spot you can never quite reach with your own. “Ah, fuck,” you whimper as the heel of his palm grinds against your clit. “I was thinking about this the whole time we were flying, Frankie. Your fingers and how good they feel inside me.”
He bites his lip, curling his toes in effort to not get hard right here and now. As much as he loves doing this, loves the risk, this is all the two of you can afford. It’s too late: he’s already got a semi tenting in his jeans.
“Yeah? That’s what you were thinking, dirty girl?” He almost purrs, his voice deep and desperate. “I’m trying to keep us from falling and dying, and all you could think about was how good it feels when I do this?”
As he says this, his fingers curl deep inside you and brush against your g-spot. “Fuck, yeah,” you nod, panting now. You’re sweating, probably through your t-shirt, but you don’t care. It feels too good. One hand of yours grips his wrist, as if it could keep him from pulling away. As if he ever would in the first place.
“Such a good girl, so wet for me,” he groans as he forces himself to stop his hips from bucking into the air, against nothing. “I could do whatever the fuck I wanted to you and you’d let me, couldn’t I?” He murmurs. “You’d even let me fuck you in that helicopter. No anxiety when you got my dick inside you, huh?”
You nod. “You could, yeah,” you groan, your other hand digging into the leather seat. “Anything you want, you got it,” you nod. “Feels so good, anything you do does.”
He smirks. “Maybe I’ll have to try that sometime, huh? Have you keep my cock warm while I fly?”
“Anything,” you repeat breathless, shuddering beneath him. The heel of his palm grinds harder into your clit and it’s all too much. “Frankie, baby, gonna cum, almost there.”
“That’s it, baby girl,” he nods, working his fingers harder. “Cum for me,” he demands, and who are you to disobey such a wonderful order?
Your walls clamp down hard on his thick fingers, the pleasure overwhelming you. “Frankie!” You cry out, head falling into the headrest of the seat.
Everything in your body is pulsing, desperate, pumping red-hot blood that feels like it’s infused with some kind of illicit drug to produce such a high. You whine his name again and again until it’s all too much, and you squeeze his wrist gently, asking him to be done.
He complies, tracing his fingers through your folds before they press against your lips again. “Clean me off, baby.”
You nod and take them in your mouth, lavishing them with your tongue the way you would with his cock, which you’re now growing more and more desperate for.
He pulls them out with a pop and dries them on his flannel, smirking over at you. “Goddamn, honey,” he murmurs as he looks at how wrecked you are just from his fingers. Before you can say anything, Frankie whips the truck into drive and peels out of the parking spot.
The sound of squealing rubber startles you, making you jump and squeal as you button your jeans and zip them. “Frankie!” You gasp and smack his arm. “What the fuck was that?”
His eyes are dead-set on the road, determined not to look at you, not to detract from his mission. “I’m getting us home as soon as I physically can so I can feel that around my dick,” he says, teeth grit in concentration.
He’s rock hard, you can see, and you offer a soft rub into his crotch. “Oh, baby,” you chuckle excitedly, staring at the road ahead of you. It’s going to be a long ride home for the two of you.
It’s safe to say that your anxiety over flying has lessened.
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @softly-sad @blo0dangel @luxurybeskar @binarydanvvers  @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @lv7867
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nanaminsonyfans · 4 years
✨Wing Beifong✨
Masterlist✨ Request Rules
Request; Hii could I anonymously (you dont have to tag me in the post) request a Wing Beifong Fluff? Maybe where the reader and Wing are a fresh couple and are practicing metal/earthbending together? ☺️ and the Korra Team and his family mention how cute they are?
A/N; I had a lot of fun writing this! I hope you enjoy this!
Warnings; fluff and slight cursing?
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Being the younger sister of Mako and Bolin was rough as it is. Two overprotective brothers? Check. Being babied for being a girl AND the youngest? Double-check. Anything you can think of, stereotypes and all, that’s them. However, everything changed when you met Korra. Your brother’s never let you join the Fire Ferrets for their pro-bending things, so you were just a groupie. You also had Earthbending so even if they wanted you, you really couldn’t join anyways.
But you met Korra, and you were so happy to see a strong girl, and she’s the Avatar? Hell yes! You were on team Avatar, Mako always argued that you shouldn’t be allowed to go on their dangerous missions, but Bolin and Korra always disagreed, plus you had Asumi on your side now so it wasn’t a problem. Haha, you’re outmatched Mako >:)
Which leads you to where you are now. Zaofu of the Earthkingdom, looking for the new Airbender. Bolin and you were so excited, so many Earthbenders and Metalbenders! You never tried Metalbending, Bolin taught you everything you knew so if he didn’t know it, you didn’t either.
You were enjoying the tour that Suyin Beifong was giving you of her home. “And these are my youngest, Wei and Wing. They’re playing a game they invented, power disc is what they call it.” Suyin explained, causing you to walk over to the railing to water. They were twins but they could be easily told apart by their smiles. ‘Oh god, was I staring too much?’ You were snapped out of your trance when you heard a buzzer go off and the twin you were staring at on the ground.
“Good job Wei!” Suyin praised one of her sons, earning a small cheer from him. “Wing almost had me, but he was making goo-goo eyes at the girl.” Wei laughed as he pointed at you. Your entire face went flush with embarrassment as did Wing’s. “Shut up Wei!” He hissed and punched his brother’s shoulder, Mako was already grabbing your arm and dragging you off. Both of your brothers made threatening glare at Wing, Mako holding a ball of fire in his hands and Bolin just cracked his knuckles.
You huffed and tried to pull away from them as they dragged you away, well mostly Mako. He was the eldest and always tried to protect you both no matter what but, Bolin could take care of himself and why couldn’t you?
“Mako! Let me go!” You huffed and pushed him away with a grunt. Korra stopped and was at your side. “Yeah, Mako. She is allowed to have crushes.” She scolded. “Crush?! I do not!” You argued, turning bright red. At this point everyone had stopped, staring at you and making the embarrassment worse. “Ugh, we are here for the Airbender! Not to talk about my brothers destroying my love life!” You argued and started to storm off. “Y/n!” Bolin called for you but stopped. “Trust me, she just needs space.” Suyin stated in a motherly tone. The boys reluctantly nodded and carried on.
You had bumped back into the twins as you were exploring. You bumped into Wing and fell to the ground. “Oh spirits, I’m so sorry.” He mumbled nervously and helped you up. “Oh no it’s okay, honestly I should be sorry. I caused you to lose that game right?” You excused as you took his hand and stood up. “Oh well, it’s hard to resist looking at a pretty face.” Wing smiled, soon turning pink when he realized what he said, you did as well.
“Your Wing right? Where’s Wei?” “Oh, he went to brag to our dad about wining because I got distracted.” You giggled softly and then realized he didn’t even know your name! “M-My name is Y-Y/n.” You mumbled shyly and looked down at your feet. “Y/n is a lovely name.” Wing chuckled softly and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. “So are you a Firebender? I assume since your Mako held some fire at me.” He laughed nervously.
You shook your head with a smile. “No, Bolin and I are Earthbenders. Mako is the only Firebender from my mom’s side of the family. My father is from the Earthkingdom, Ba Sing Se. That’s all I know, Mako and Bolin don’t tell me much about them. I was too young to remember.” You shrug as you start walking again, him following suit. “What do you mean?” “Oh! My parents were killed. I was really young at the time, only like three or two.” You shrug.
“I’m sorry.” Wing said softly, glancing at you now and then. “Don’t be!” You said with the most gorgeous smile he had ever seen. “Well, to change the subject, do you Metlbend?” “Oh no. Bolin taught me everything I know, and he can’t Metalbend so I can’t either. Watching you though, it was very enchanting! The movements were so graceful from you two. Bolin and I do street style, fighting dirty I guess you could say.” You shrugged and looked over at him, the stray hair curled on his forehead looked so cute. “I could teach you if you’d like.” Wing offered with a smile. “I’d like that!”
That morning was eventful. Since your clothes were a little bland and dirty, Opal lent you an outfit that she didn’t wear. It was the usual Earthkingdom garb but not a dress, since you weren’t really that ‘ladylike’ anyways. It was the usual loose-fitting pale green shirt and dark green pants. When you walked into the dining room for breakfast, you sat by Wing. Mako and Bolin were LIVID. 
Like, why are you sitting by the guy that was checking you out yesterday? Mako being his usual self was glaring. You noticed this, and Earthbended the ground to hit him in the shin. He let out a grunt and you just smirked happily. 
“Wei, Wing! Are you doing another power disc game today?” Suyin asked, earning the attention of everyone. “Um, actually...I’m gonna be teaching Y/n how to Metalbend.” Wing said with a smile. “That’s great! I’m going to be teaching Korra as well. You should join us, Bolin.” She smiled as your brother. “I can’t actually Metalbend. I’ve tried before and couldn’t- Ow Mako..” Bolin whined the last part but sighed. “I guess I’ll try..” He grumbled.
The teaching went really well! Both you and Korra seemed to be naturals. Bolin obviously didn’t want to be there but Mako requested that he go to keep an eye on you and Wing. Currently, Wing was showing you positions for bending. He was telling you jokes and you had little giggles as you moved with him. It was a fun time and Korra stopped to watch with Bolin and Suyin. 
“Doesn’t Y/n look happy?” Korra said with a soft chuckle. Suyin hummed in agreement, “I haven’t seen Wing this happy since he was a child.” The mother gushed, sighing softly. “I know, it’s cute.” Bolin admitted with a grumble. “I’m happy for her, but Mako is being his overprotective self over our babysis.” He sighed softly and looked down. 
You and Wing started to get closer the more time you spent in Zoafu. Then Korra was almost kidnapped. You were terrified when Wei, Wing, Suyin, and Lin sat they were going to attack from the top. What if they got to the Beifong’s, your heart would be broken. You hadn’t confessed your feelings, neither did Wing but it was pretty obvious that you and Wing liked each other more than friends as you lead on.
“Are we in the clear?” Wing’s voice rang through the radio. “No, not clear.” Mako said but they went anyways. You were crying at this point, scared that they would be killed and so would Korra. Your mind was going a hundred miles a minute until you say that they were safe. You practically jumped into Wing’s arms when you saw him. “Thank the spirits you’re okay. I was so worried!” You cry as he hugs you back tightly. “I was worried about you. Still being down here. I was safer up there, plus you know I’m strong.” Wing whispered against your hair and squeezed you tightly.
“Shut up…” You sniffled and got on your tippy-toes to kiss the Beifong boy. You felt his smile through the kiss, which caused you to giggle. He spun you both around happily as you kissed. When you both pulled away you realized all eyes were on you. Mako was giving Wing his best death glare. “Mako…” Bolin started but Mako just shook his head and put his hand on Wing’s shoulder. “Just take care of her.” He mumbled with a small smile before walking away. 
Bolin was freaking out but in a happy way. “OHMYGOSH you guys are soooo cute!” He gushes with Opal and Suyin. Suyin gives an approving smile as Wing wraps his arm around your waist. Everyone seemed to think you were the cutest couple ever. You were also a very badass one but we’ll get into that later
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ayybtch · 3 years
You’re Worth A Perjury Charge
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
Part of A Mutual Weirdness
Summary: Bucky finds a kitten outside of your apartment and brings him inside. You make him be a responsible adult and take the cat to the vet to find out if it's microchipped, but Bucky is so head over heels for his newfound furbaby he’s willing to risk legal repercussions. 
Word Count: 2,422
Warnings: None! Bucky being absolutely adorable with a cat
A/N: So I didn’t previously have a tag list for this series, but I started one for my Wanda fic and a couple people asked about it for this so I’m starting one! Let me know if you’d like a tag! Additionally, you don’t have to have read the part before this but it’s a little funnier if you have given that the script is flipped between them. 
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“Uh, Bucky, what the hell is that?” you ask, eyes wide at the wet ball of fur poking out of Bucky’s leather jacket. 
Bucky looked down at the little white cat, smiling as it meowed softly. “I found this little guy by the trash cans downstairs. It was raining so I couldn’t just leave him there.” 
You stared at him in disbelief.  “If that’s where you found him, how do you know he isn’t one of my neighbors’ cats? I get wanting to get him out of the rain, but the heart eyes you’re giving him makes me think you want to keep him.”
Bucky frowned at you, “Of course I’m keeping him. Look at him, he’s soaking wet and looks half starved! Clearly, he’s not being taken care of if he does belong to someone, so really I’m just doing everyone here a favor by taking him in.” He glared at you as you started to laugh.
“Oh, I can just see the headline now: ‘Former Winter Soldier Locked in Cat Custody Battle’. Some little old lady who just adopted this cat - ” you laughed too hard to speak for a moment, “- is going to go berserk and sue you for everything you’re worth just because you like her cat.” 
Bucky huffed and opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off by the cat meowing. The smile on his face as he stared down at the little bundle of fur made you melt, though you did your best to hide that fact from Bucky.  
Bucky nodded along attentively as the kitten continued to meow. “I know, she’s being so inconsiderate of your well-being, isn’t she? She’s worried about some little old lady suing me over you. Well, guess what? She can sue me all she wants, I’m not letting you go. Even if I have to lie to a judge and say ‘I plead not guilty in case of the missing cat. Please ignore the gentle meows coming from inside my jacket - ” He paused again as the cat continued to meow. “Mhm, you are absolutely right. You’re worth a perjury charge.” 
What on Earth was happening here? You are the animal crazy one, not Bucky. Yet here you are, being the reasonable and responsible adult in a situation involving an animal. The irony of the situation hit you and you couldn't help but chuckle. 
Your laughter eventually died as you noticed the heart eye expression on Bucky’s face. He was already completely enamored with the kitten. Sighing, you knew you needed to find a middle ground and fast. 
“Bucky, baby, would you at least be willing to take him to go see a vet? We owe it to whoever might own the cat to see if there’s a microchip. If there’s not one, we can get a check up on the little guy while we’re there and make sure he’s good to go.” 
Bucky stared at you suspiciously for a moment before responding. “What do you mean ‘good to go’? You don’t mean to get rid of him, do you?” 
You shook your head. “No baby, I just want to make sure he’s okay so you have a happy, healthy kitty in your life.” You almost didn’t get your sentence out before he was squishing you into a hug. A small gasp escaped his lips and he pulled away abruptly.
“I could’ve squished the baby! Are you okay?” Bucky pulled out the cat and examined him anxiously. A small squeak left the cat, confirming he was okay. 
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While he agreed that a vet visit was in order, the new challenge was figuring out when to take the cat. Bucky refused to take him back into the rain, claiming it was going to make him sick. You conceded and agreed to let the kitten stay until the weather broke. That was all Bucky needed to start trying his hardest to convince you that he should keep the cat regardless of what the vet said. Every time the cat did anything cute, Bucky was gasping and pointing out how cute he was. He almost started crying when the cat pounced on a random sock laying next to the coffee table, swearing up and down he had never seen a more precious sight in his life. 
The number of pictures Bucky was taking of the kitten as he explored the apartment was hysterical. Any time he took an exceptionally cute picture, he immediately sent it to you. You currently had 18 unopened messages from Bucky, each one a different picture of the cat. You finally had to put an end to it once the kitten curled up on a pillow in the living room, settling down for a nap.
You tugged on Bucky’s hand and led him over to a barstool and gestured for him to sit. You made two sandwiches, handing one to him once it was done. The two of you ate in silence. It wasn’t until you were almost done eating that you spoke.
“You know, it’s kind of refreshing having you be the one that’s animal crazy for a change.”
Bucky smiled at you sheepishly. “What can I say, you’ve rubbed off on me.” His voice was teasing as he spoke, but the slight blush on his face suggested this was all just as unexpected to him as it was to you. A second silence fell over you, but this time he was the one who broke it.
“So what should we name him?” he asked, pulling out his phone and scrolling through the new pictures on his camera roll. 
You sighed and put your head in your hands. “Baby, I know you’re excited but remember what we talked about. We don’t know if he belongs to anyone yet. Let’s not go getting ahead of ourselves.”
Bucky sighed and nodded slightly.
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Four days later, the two of you walked into the vet’s office hand in hand. It was the earliest appointment you were able to make without it being an emergency and you were worried that the extra few days did nothing but increase Bucky’s attachment. The kitten was adorable, you couldn’t deny it. There were times you thought about how nice it would be to finally have a little furry companion but you refused to keep an animal that could belong to someone else. 
Once the three of you arrived, you were checked in promptly by the receptionist and were led into the exam room by an overly peppy vet-tech a few minutes later. Once inside, she gently grabbed him out of Bucky’s arms and made kissy noises at him as she began her portion of the exam. 
Watching the kitten refuse to hold still during the weighing process was amusing to say the least. He kept moving around and trying to jump off the scale. It took several attempts, but she was finally able to record his weight. She fared a little better while taking his temperature given she was holding him, but the kitten still wiggled trying to escape her hold. 
“I wonder why he’s being such a spaz right now. He had no issues with me holding him yesterday. At least, none that I noticed.” Bucky paused and turned to face you, confusion written on his face, “Did he give you a hard time when you held him?” 
The vet-tech chimed in before you had the chance to respond, “He’s probably just decided you’re his person. Cats are a lot like people in that they pick their person and trust them to do things they don’t trust anyone else with. He doesn’t know me, so it makes sense he’s being a little fussy.” She set the kitten back on the exam table and he jumped into Bucky’s lap.
Bucky stared down at the little bundle of fur that was now purring as he rubbed his face against Bucky’s stomach. His expression was a mixture of shock, joy, and love. 
For the first time since Bucky had walked in with the cat, you truly contemplated helping Bucky keeping him even if he was microchipped. He was going to be crushed if this cat belonged to someone else. Your stomach twisted at the thought. If we can’t take him home, we’re immediately going to the animal shelter and Bucky can pick out as many cats as he likes, you thought. 
A knock at the door pulled your thoughts back to the room. A new woman in a white lab coat walked in with a smile on her face. “Good morning everyone, I’m Dr. Brown. I hear you guys were lucky enough to find a cat, is that right?”
Bucky nodded and looked down again at the cat with a smile, “Yes ma’am. I found him in the alley next to our apartment.” He carefully picked up the kitten still laying on his lap and handed him out to her. 
Dr. Brown smiled again as she reached out to grab him. “Why hello there handsome, how are you doing today? I’m gonna check to see if you’ve got a microchip which won’t be too bad, but I may have to give you a couple of shots -” her sentence was cut off by loud meowing from the kitten, almost as if he understood what she was saying. 
She chuckled before continuing, “I know, I know. Shots aren’t fun for anyone. But let’s find out about your microchip and finish the rest of the exam and see if they’re needed before we start complaining too much.” 
Bucky reached out and gripped your hand tightly as she set him down on top of the exam table. She held a small rectangular device just above his shoulder blades for a few moments before setting it down and continuing with the exam. She spent the entire time talking to the cat as she went about the exam. She checked both of his ears and his mouth before moving on to checking on the various limbs in his body. Once the exam was complete, she turned to face the two of you.
“Well, good news on all accounts. Mister Man here is a perfectly healthy kitten. He looks to be about 16 weeks and is in great shape all things considered. He does not have a microchip though, so that leaves us with some options moving forward.”
You let out a sigh of relief you didn’t know you were holding in. Bucky remained silent, though his grip on your hand grew slightly tighter. Dr. Brown didn’t wait for a response before continuing. 
“If you want to keep him, we’ll microchip him and start giving him his first round of shots today since we don’t know if he’s had any so far. We’ll also send you home with a little goodie bag with some treats, a small toy, and a packet with some basic information about caring for a new pet. If you don’t want to keep him, you guys are free to go and we can take him to a shelter from here. Fostering is another option if you’re not interested in keeping him but also don’t want him to go to a shelter.”
Bucky, who almost seemed to be in a daze after hearing there was no microchip, was suddenly brought back to life. “We’re keeping him,” he said firmly. The smile on his face was contagious and soon everyone in the room was smiling just as wide.
“Very well then, let me go get what I need so we can finish up here. I’ll be right back,” she said. You waited for her to leave the room before turning to face Bucky. 
“Well, since he’s officially yours now, I think it’s finally time for you to start thinking of names.”
Bucky chuckled, “Yeah, about that... I kind of already named him. I decided on a name after you went to bed the first night he was in the apartment with us.”
You faltered for a moment, unable to hide your shock. “O-okay. What are we calling him?”
“Alpine. It seems like a good name for a cat.”
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Twenty minutes later, you and Bucky were walking out of the vet's office feeling lighter than you did when you first walked in. Bucky was beaming as he looked down at Alpine, who was now officially his according to the paperwork stuffed inside his jacket. His joy was contagious and you were starting to feel the same sort of excitement Bucky had been feeling ever since he came across the poor thing in the alley. 
“So what do we do now?” you asked, moving closer to Bucky. He wrapped his free arm around your waist and thought for a moment. 
“Well, now that there are no foreseeable perjury charges over a cat in my future, I think it’s probably time to focus on my newfound fatherhood.” 
You groaned as he spoke, “Does this mean I’m going to have to put up with Dad jokes from now on?” 
The shit-eating grin on Bucky’s face answered for him. 
The walk back to the apartment was quick. The two of you spoke occasionally, but mostly enjoyed the quiet comfort of just being close to the other. Once you arrived at your apartment building, the doorman greeted you. You were ready to wave and keep walking, but Bucky held you back.
“Hey man, could you get a picture of the three of us? We just adopted this little guy and I’d like a picture to commemorate it,” Bucky asked, letting go of you to pull out his phone. The doorman nodded and took the phone.
Once he was done, Bucky thanked him and the three of you finally made your way back to the apartment. As soon as he was inside, Alpine jumped out of Bucky’s arm and made his way to the couch. He curled up in what was now officially his spot, making your heart swell. You turned to see if Bucky noticed, but he was too focused on his phone. 
“Already sending pictures of Alpine to Steve and Sam to brag about your newfound fatherhood?” you teased, arms wrapping around his middle as you spoke. He shook his head no and remained focused on the phone. Just as you were about to ask what he was doing instead, Bucky turned his phone around so you could see his screen. 
You were stunned, completely unsure of how to respond to what you were seeing. Slowly, you opened your mouth and tried to find the words, “Bucky, please explain to me how our cat already has a verified Instagram account?”
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Moe Moe Mallekei Kyun~
In which Malleus and Cater go to a maid café, and shenanigans ensue.
... I’ve been wanting to write this for a long time.
***Warning: mild spoilers for Malleus’s PE Uniform personal story!***
Imagine this...
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Two bodyguards fell into line, saluting simultaneously to their vice dorm leader.
“We just finished combing through the prime gargoyle locations around campus,” Silver reported. “Unfortunately, there was no sight of Malleus-sama to be found. The accounts of the various students we interviewed also corroborate that the Young Master has not recently been spotted in the area.”
“I see. Thank you, Silver.” Lilia sighed, cupping his cheek in one hand. “Hm, this is a bit odd. Wherever could he have wandered off to this time?”
At that moment, a ping! sounded off. Lilia fished his phone out of his pocket and, with one glance at the screen, his expression softened.
“You don’t suppose some dastardly villain has… kidnapped the Young Master and is holding him for ransom, do you?!” Sebek’s eyes nearly bulged out of his skull at the thought. “If that is the case… THEN WE HAVE FAILED AS MALLEUS-SAMA’S KNIGHTS!!”
“Now, now--let’s not jump to conclusions. Even if that were true, I’m certain that Malleus would be able to easily fend off assailants on his own. Perhaps he has simply lost his way, or headed off campus to run an errand.”
“... Without warning us in advance?”
“I would have happily accompanied the Young Master wherever he went--EVEN TO THE ENDS OF TWISTED WONDERLAND ITSELF!!”
“Kufufu. Malleus is still young at heart. Let us allow him this moment of independence, just this once. He will find his way home eventually.”
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“Welcome home, my masters!!”
Malleus skidded to a stop in the doorway—for beyond it laid unknown territory. The interior sported cream walls, with fairy lights, streamers, and paper flowers strung up. A number of tables and chairs, populated with people, were set against flowing white curtains.
Young ladies flitted about, balancing trays of food and drinks, cameras, and microphones. Each wore the same outfit, consisting of a frilly headdress, an apron, and a black dress with lace trim and ribbons.
And now, one of those uniformed girls extended a hand to him and a warm, welcoming smile.
Malleus frowned and turned to the orange haired young man beside him. “... Diamond. What is this strange establishment you’ve brought me to?”
“Mm? It’s a maid café,” Cater chirped, glancing up from his phone. “You said you’ve never been before, right?”
“Well, yes… However, when you invited me to join you for an outing, I did not expect this to be our destination.”
“It’ll be fine~ We’re already here, so let’s get seated!” Cater insisted cheerily, ushering the fae through the door. 
“Right this way, my masters!” The greeter giggled and led the way, eventually stopping at a vacant table set for two. As the duo slipped into their seats, she handed them menus and moistened towels. “We have a wide selection of special services and delicious dishes for your enjoyment!”
Malleus hesitantly flipped open the (very pink) menu and ran his eyes down the page of available items. Along with the expected offerings of desserts, savory foods, and beverages were odd listings: massage, ear cleaning, karaoke, game, arts and crafts, picture, spoon feeding, live song and dance...
He stared quizzically at Cater, who seemed to be taking everything in stride.
“I’ll take a plate of omurice! How about you, Malleus-kun?”
He stared back at his menu, trying to make rhyme or reason of the unique names. What in the Great Seven was a Pyon ❤ Pyon Sunshine Bar…? Or a Lucky☆Happy☆Cookie? Malleus’s brows furrowed in both concentration and confusion.
“I… I shall have the local specialty, whatever that may be,” the fae prince declared at last.
“Excellent choices! And would you like a bunny, or a kitty?”
“You hand out animals at this eating establishment? Is that not a health code violation?”
“Aaah, Malleus-kun, she doesn’t mean real rabbits and cats. Look--you’ll see when she brings them, okay?” Cater laughed awkwardly. Then, turning to the waitress, he held up his index finger. “One of each, little lady~”
“Of course!” She scribbled down a few words on her heart shaped notepad before prancing off.
“... Diamond. Are you certain this is the fabled maid café of which you spoke of?” Malleus asked, folding his arms. “I find it difficult to believe that every patron here is descended from a high class lineage. Furthermore, the servers are wearing attire entirely unlike that of a traditional household servant.”
Cater blinked once, twice—then chuckled.
“Maid cafés are like normal cafés. Anyone can go to them to play pretend and chill for a while! The difference is that the waitresses are dressed cutely and offer fun services. Singing, dancing, playing games—that kinda thing!”
“I do not understand.” Malleus swept a hand at their surroundings. “The purpose of this establishment is merely for… amusement?”
“Yup! People get tired of the daily grind sometimes, so they go to places like this to see cute stuff and just take a load off.”
“I… I see.” Malleus tucked his thumb and forefinger under his chin. “We do not have anything like your maid cafes in the Valley of Thorns.”
“You don’t? What sort of things do you do back home for fun, then?”
“I was not allowed to venture far from the palace grounds. Most of my time was spent indoors, studying spells or honing my magical abilities.”
Cater inclined his head. “Oooh, right! Because you’re a prince and all, you weren’t able to do much—but hey! Things are different now! You’ve got Cay-kun to show you a good time!”
“Ah, yes. A ‘good time’...” Malleus attempted at a smile, which came out more wary than he had intended.
“Thank you for waiting!” a girlish voice chirped—their waitress had returned, wearing a tray of food in one hand and two headbands in the other. “Here is your omurice and Nyan ✨ Nyan ✨ Kitty-chan Parfait, plus one pair of kitty ears and one pair of bunny ears!”
She handed Cater his dish—a bed of ketchup flavored fried rice, sealed by a wobbling omelet and garnished with a sprig of parsley.
“Mm! Smells delicious. Thanks a bunch~” Cater grinned, winking at his server.
The maid giggled and placed Malleus’s dessert before him, along with the headbands.
“Would you like me to draw or write something special for you on your meal, master?” she asked, gesturing to Cater’s omurice.
“Sure thing! Could you write ‘Mallekei’? Oh, and a couple of hearts would be cute, too!”
“As you wish!”
As the maid set to work, Malleus marveled at the sight of his parfait.
Colorful scoops of ice-cream, granola, and sliced fruits were layered inside of a tall glass cup. A generous crown of whipped cream and a drizzle of strawberry sauce topped it off. Sticking out from the whipped cream were two wafer triangles and dots of chocolate candies, forming a cat-like face.
How adorable.
… But not adorable enough to be spared.
“Thank you for the food.” The fae raised his spoon to demolish the poor parfait kitten—
“Stop, stop, Malleus-kun!!” Cater cried, frantically waving his arms. “N-Not yet!!”
Malleus lowered his spoon with a frown. “Food is meant to be consumed, Diamond. Is there an issue you have with my table etiquette?”
“Well—no, but…” Cater played with a lock of his orange hair and sighed. “There’s certain rituals we need to do first!”
“Rituals? Oh, my apologies. I was not aware. Please proceed with your regularly scheduled… rituals.”
“Ahaha, you’re a quick learner! First thing’s first, let’s put on our headbands!” Cater swept up the cat ears and passed them over. “Here, to match your parfait! I’ll take the rabbit.”
Malleus gingerly nestled the cat ears on his head, copying Cater’s movements. It was a bit tricky maneuvering around his horns, but somehow, he managed.
“Oh!! Those ears suit you so well!” the waitress said, glancing up from decorating the omurice. Carefully placed splotches of ketchup spelled out ‘Mallekei’, hearts and little sparkles littering the space around the boys’ combined names.
“... Do they?” Malleus doubted it.
“They do!!” Cater reassured him with a laugh. “Ne, ne, miss! Can you take our picture so my friend here can have a souvenir to take home with him?” 
“Certainly!” She replaced the bottle of ketchup and hurried off, returning shortly after with a polaroid camera. “Are you ready, my masters?”
“Ready, Malleus-kun?”
“Hmph. Of course. I will have you know that my posing abilities have improved considerably since our last encounter. Do not underestimate me.”
“Oh, that’s great! You’ve been practicing! Then… on the count of three, we nyah, okay?”
“... What is ‘nyah’?” Malleus inquired, his confidence suddenly waning.
“Eh?” A blip of surprise crossed Cater’s face. “Like, y’know… nyah!”
The influencer curled both of his hands into balls and made a pawing motion at his friend. “Now you try!”
“Like this?” Malleus mimicked him. He was more stiff—definitely not as practiced—but the general motion was still recognizable.
“Very good, master!!” the waitress gushed, raising the polaroid up. “On three?”
“1, 2, 3… Nyah!”
A flash went off, sending stars into Malleus’s vision. As he rubbed the daze out of his eyes, Cater’s voice called out to him.
“Are you okay there?”
“I am well. There is no need for your concern,” the fae insisted. “This ritual… it is more confounding that I took it to be.”
“Eeeh? It’s not meant to be hard or anything. Just relax, relax!” Cater paused before adding, “It’s part of the ritual’s requirements! You need to be nice and loose for the last step!”
“What is this last step?”
“We need to cast a magic spell to make your food taste extra tasty!” the waitress declared cheerily.
“Hoh?” A smirk found its way onto Malleus’s face. “That can easily be arranged. Allow me to do the honors.”
He put his hand before his parfait, an eerie green glow emulating from his palm. The sinister light engulfed his dish and Cater’s, sending them floating midair. Radioactive ice-cream and omurice hovered above their heads, causing both Cater and their maid to recoil in shock.
Other customers stared at the spectacle from their own tables. One man’s jaw dropped, the forkful of spaghetti bolognese in his mouth clattering onto the floor.
“You, who provides sustenance to the masses, become that which is delici—“
“H-Hold on a sec, Malleus-kun!!” Cater practically leapt over the table to seize his friend’s glowing hand. “Not that kind of spell!!”
Eyes wide with surprise, Malleus allowed his magic to settle down. The parfait and omurice gently floated back onto their table, and the maid sighed with relief.
“Is there a different spell needed for this occasion? I assure you that I am well-versed in practical magic—you need only speak its name, and I can conjure the proper…”
“No, no! It’s—“ Cater casted a look at their server and nervously chuckled. “Ne, Maid-chan~ Think you can give us a demonstration of the right spell?”
“Yes, master!” the girl, ever professional, flashed a perky grin. “Please watch carefully!!”
The maid set down her polaroid on the table. She then arched her fingers into C-like shapes, thumb extended straight. Pushing her hands together, she formed a heart and aimed it in the direction of the boy’s dishes.
“Moe moe kyuuuuuun!”
“What an odd spell. In all my years, I have never heard of such an enchantment…”
“Well, there’s a first for everything, right?” Cater flicked one of his floppy rabbit ears. “Plus, it should be no problem for the great Malleus-sama to pull off this spell, right?”
“This is child’s play,” Malleus’s laugh was like the earth itself rumbling. His lips quirked into a small smile. “You will join me in performing this sacred ritual, will you not, Diamond?”
“Of course~”
“Very well.”
They made hearts and thrust them upon their meals. And together, they uttered those three magic words.
“Moe moe kyuuuuun!!”
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“Welcome back, Malleus,” Lilia greeted. The vice dorm leader nonchalantly hung from the ceiling, his raven and magenta bangs suspended midair. “Did you have fun on your outing?”
“Lilia. You knew?” Malleus slowly shut the door behind him, chasing away the cool air of the night. He spoke softly, knowing that sounds carried in the dusty hallways of Diasomnia and could disturb its residents.
“The wonders of modern technology,” Lilia trilled, expertly landing beside his young master. He brandished his phone in a gloved hand, a text message displayed on the screen.
hey hey lilia-chan! gonna steal malmal-kun for the day~ he’ll be back later, but do me a solid and keep it a secret from s&s til then, ‘kay? thnx!! (✿˶˘ ³˘)~♡
“It looks as though I have been exposed.”
“There is no shame in making new friends. In fact, I’m proud of you for expanding your horizons.” Lilia beamed. “Though what a shame it is that I was not present to grab a few pictures. Hopefully Cater fulfilled that task for me.”
The ancient fae tilted forward in his toes and peered up at his prince. “Soooo? Where did you sneak off to?”
“Fufu. Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“My. Is that any way to treat the man that kept Silver and Sebek from hunting you down?” Lilia teased, wagging a finger.
“Such loyalty,” Malleus smirked, hands on his hips, “deserves to be rewarded.”
He produced a polaroid photograph from his breast pocket and presented it with a flourish. The image, forever captured in time, was that of Malleus and Cater—the former with cat ears, the latter with bunny ears—with hands balled to resemble paws. Cater cheekily winked, while Malleus looked slightly bewildered.
The edges of the polaroid were dotted with stickers—smiley faces, flowers, and hearts. Marker had been used to scrawl on whiskers and blushes over both boys’ cheeks.
Overall, cutesy—overwhelming so.
But the Malleus and Cater in the picture were happy.
Their eyes shining like jewels.
Nyah-ing their hearts out.
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