#bc i cannot tag all seven of them that feels illegal
chockfullofsecrets · 3 years
Critical Role: The Opposite of Cuddling
(Read on AO3)
Rating: Gen
Summary: And maybe it wouldn’t be too bad, but - “That’s not gonna work,” he says, feeling a little bad as her face falls. “I’m way too ticklish for that.”
Jester’s expression rebounds at lightning speed. “Caduceus! You’re ticklish?”
“Oh. Yeah,” he grins.
Dome cuddles don't quite work out, but the Mighty Nein make do.
Wordcount: 1.8k (it would be short if it wasn’t supposed to be a snippet fic aaa)
A/N: maybe i am just in the mood for cuddly gang tickles. maybe so. 
“So,” Jester is proselytizing, brandishing a diagram from her sketchbook into dubious faces, “if we cuddle up around Caduceus just like this it’s going to be super soft and comfy and warm until we get out of this stupid weather! Any questions?”
Caduceus puts his teacup aside and leans down to peer at the sketch. It’s really good, especially the faces. She must have drawn it while watching them sleep last night.
And maybe it wouldn’t be too bad, but - “That’s not gonna work,” he says, feeling a little bad as her face falls. “I’m way too ticklish for that.”
Jester’s expression rebounds at lightning speed. “Caduceus! You’re ticklish?”
“Oh. Yeah,” he grins. It feels good to see her happy, tail flicking as she clutches her sketchbook in clear delight - after two days of nonstop freezing rain, even her forceful cheer has been wavering. “It’s nice, sometimes, but not when we’re, you know. Sleeping.”
“So I could tickle you right now and you wouldn’t be, like, really mad at me?” Jester presses. She’s scooting towards him as she asks, practically trembling with excitement. It’s awfully cute.
Well, it’s been a while, but he can’t say he’s not a little eager for the contact. He ignores the looks from the rest of their group and flops back onto his bedroll, wriggling a little to get comfortable. “Yeah, that’d be good.”
“Um,” Beau says from somewhere behind him, a little strangled. Oh, right.
“We’re not keeping people awake, are we?” he asks, craning his neck to the various edges of the dome people have settled in. “Anyone set on sleeping right now?”
Beau makes a face. "That's not the weird part, Duceus."
“They can help!” Jester chirps, and then she’s cuddled into his side and wiggling tiny tiefling claws above his belly. “Oh, Ca-du-ceus!”
She’s pitching her voice as deep and scary as it can go. It’s not very far. “Yeah?”
“Where’s your very worst tickle spot?”
He laughs. “Telling you that feels like a bad idea.”
“Then I’ll just have to fi-ind it!” She tugs his shirt up with one quick move, and he barely has time to feel the cold before she’s latching onto his sides and burying her entire face into the downy fur on his belly. “Ooh, you’re so soft and warm! I want to cuddle you forever, Caduceus.”
It tickles, but just a little - honestly, he’s more amused by her. “Can’t say I’ve heard that before,” he chuckles, reaching out to poke gently at her side. “You’re not bad yourself.”
She squeaks, pulling her head up just enough to gasp at him. “Oh my gosh, Caduceus, did you just tickle me back? Guys, you have to come help me!”
“Nah, I’m good,” Beau snorts.
Jester lets out a massive sigh and flops back down onto him, and for a pleasant minute or two it’s just her nuzzling into him as he watches raindrops pelt off the amber dome overhead.
Then there’s a rustle, and some clinking, and before he can do anything more than lazily twitch one of his ears in the direction of the sound Yasha’s upside-down face pushes into his field of view.
“Do you mind if I join?” she asks in her quiet way. “I don’t want to overwhelm you.”
Jester springs upright, grabbing happily for her hands. “Yes! Join us!”
Caduceus echoes her, snorting out a quiet laugh as Jester regains some of her energy and starts to scribble her way up his sides. He doesn't have any quiet siblings - Yasha reminds him a little more of the mourners, so it’s always nice to see her reach out. He's good at appreciating that sort of thing.
Yasha smiles shyly down at the both of them as she pulls his head into her lap and starts to play with his ears. “These are so soft,” she marvels. “Are you ticklish here?”
His ears have always been one of his siblings’ favorite spots to tease him with, and apparently they haven’t gotten any less sensitive in the last ten years. “Yeah,” he gasps. “Heh - just - hehe - a little bit.”
There's a frustrated groan off to his right. “Okay, I’ll bite.” Footsteps track around to his side, fleet and quiet, and he waits patiently for a flash of blue cloth to cross his gaze. “But only ‘cause ears are a fucking weird spot and I want to see if this works on you.”
Beau crouches by his side and curls her fingers loosely. “I’m gonna punch you,” she warns. “Probably not that hard, but don’t tense up.”
He nods as best as he can while tilting his head to better let Yasha worry her fingernails at the backs of his ears - he’s not sure if he could feel more boneless if he tried, right now.
The heel of her fist strikes him right in the middle of his chest, fingers clutching around something intangible - that something scurries its way down every nerve he has, and he coughs out a startled laugh before he can help himself. “What was that?”
“Payback for growing lichen on me back at your house,” she quips, but her eyes are narrowed in clear concentration. “Okay, ears, ears… wrists? And knees? And - fuck, man, your entire back? Really? Jes, let’s flip him over, this is going to be good.”
Well, that’s unexpected.
“Wait - ha!” Caduceus yelps, squirming as fingers start to pry their way underneath him. “Hold on now-”
He’s bigger than both of them by far, but they’re strong and not above tickling the backs of his ribs until he starts to squeal. "You're so thin, Caduceus!" Jester exclaims, hooking a finger into the tender gap between two bones and wriggling it mercilessly - his back arches entirely without his permission, letting Beau pry him another inch off the ground, and he whines defensively. "We have to feed you more!"
They get as far as rolling him onto his side before Beau loses patience and starts prodding smugly at his spine. “Your ki is pretty shivery around here, Duceus,” she teases. “Trying to hide your worst spots, huh? Bet you thought we weren’t gonna take this seriously.”
Caduceus is too busy laughing to deal with - any of that, really, especially when Jester slings herself over him so she can reach his back too. “I’m - ahaha! aaa! - oh, that tickles!”
As if in direct response to his babbling, a small weight bundles into the back of his knees. He curls up reflexively with a strangled shout - it’s Nott, cuddling up to him with a shivery sigh as an invisible hand starts to pinch at his kneecaps. “You’re right,” she crows to Jester. “He is soft.”
It does feel nice, being buried under this many people and tickled till the marrow of every bone in his body shivers, happy and helpless, and when Fjord finally sits in front of him and presses a questioning hand to his shoulder Caduceus doesn’t resist the impulse to clutch his hands and pull him in closer.
Fjord comes easily, huffing in quiet amusement as Caduceus buries his face in him and Yasha and wriggles like a freshly surfaced earthworm. “You alright there?” he drawls. “You sound like they’re trying to kill you.”
Nott snorts from somewhere near his belly. “We should stop, then, we’ve only got the one cleric.”
Everything abruptly derails as Jester launches herself towards Nott and, from the sound of it, kicks Beau right in the face - there’s wheezing, and then shouting, and then the telltale sugar-sweet scent of Jester’s healing magic.
Caduceus holds very still. "Is everyone okay?"
"Yeah," Beau confirms, mangled. He can practically picture Jester frantically squishing her cheeks around as she checks for damage.
A typical tickle fight, as far as the Clays are concerned, just with a different smell - the Wildmother's healing tends more earthy. Even though they’ve stopped tickling, Caduceus can’t help but laugh.
He’s not sure if he imagines Fjord fluttering light fingers along the insides of his wrists as he catches his breath, but by the time he wheezes out one last fit of giggles and rolls himself back over everyone seems to be keeping a respectful distance, if a good deal closer together than they were at the beginning of the evening. “I think that went pretty well,” he says, pleased.
“...so you’re stupid ticklish,” Beau says dryly, scrubbing a bit of dried blood from her lip. “No cuddling Duceus while he’s trying to be unconscious, message received.”
There’s a chorus of agreement from all but one - Caduceus looks around and spots their final member for the first time since they sat down for dinner, nose buried in a book and ears suspiciously red.
He hasn’t moved an inch all night, even to escape the noise, which leaves him only a few feet away from the rest of them. Caduceus gets the feeling he’s about to regret that. “Oh, I’m sure there are those that have it worse,” he grins. “Right, Mr. Caleb?”
Caleb’s gaze snaps up over the edge of his book. “Ja,” he rushes out, strangled. “I mean - nein - of course I am not - I am just trying to read here-”
Jester doesn’t wait for him to dig his grave any deeper. “Oh my gosh, Cay-leb, are you super ticklish too?”
Caleb stuffs his book back into its holster and holds a hand out preventatively, reaching with panicked precision for a strip of leather tied just above his knee with the other. “No, I am not-”
“Oh, no you don’t.” Fjord rocks backward and reaches out with one broad hand, latching onto Caleb's wrist, and Caleb promptly abandons all spellcasting to kick at him like a startled rabbit.
Despite that, he reels Caleb in gently, scooping him into a neat little ball before he heaves him into the middle of their little circle and squarely on top of Caduceus. “I think we owe you a nice, long thank you for this lovely dome, don’t we?”
There’s a moment of silence as Caleb presumably thinks about how easy it would be to kill them all in this enclosed space. “This,” he says, as severely as he can with his feet in the air and hair in his eyes, “is the opposite of cuddling, and if you do not leave me alone then tomorrow night I am going to make all of you sleep in the rain.”
Even the seasoned homebody in Caduceus knows that’s the exact wrong thing to say to a group of damp and grumpy adventurers - if the mood in the dome was mischievous before, it takes a steep dive into outright evil.
Beau cracks her knuckles. “Yeah? Let’s see what you have to say when we tickle you again tomorrow.”
And if Caduceus laughs as Caleb gives one startled owlish blink and then scrambles to hide as much of himself behind Caduceus as possible - well, that’s not from the tickling at all.
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jacksallys · 4 years
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okay let’s go lads hm so. i was tagged by @httpsgfg + @heartbreakweatherharry. thank u very much for the tag!!! so… this is It. Her. She. A wall of,, albums. i tried to like ?? do this as if. it was if u could only listen to seven albums for the rest of ur life what would u listen to… so. yes interesting !!
okay so,,, in order ?? enjoy some fat rambles (or. as my mam so lovingly calls it cunt waffling x) about my slightly not shite (it is kinda shite tho) taste in music!!! yes. i put a read more for ur own benefit this is a long post,, sry if u read this shit <3 anyway !!! also forgot to put a link to the website so here it is !!
1. sounds good feels good by 5sos
i feel like it would’ve been actually slightly illegal if. i,,, a 5sos stan blog didn’t include a 5sos album in this!!! sounds good feels good is just… that bitch?? so many bops. so Under Appreciated. honestly i think if i only had to listen to one album for the rest of my life it’d be this one not gonna lie
2. (what’s the story) morning glory? by oasis
okay so. cheeky bit of oasis ur welcome. i don’t even think this is my favourite oasis album however… morning glory and champagne supernova… that is all i’m going to say on the matter
3. 21st century liability by yungblud
oh my god i cannot !!! physically talk abt how much i love this album it’s just ? incredible. no skips none at all. 10/10 very impressive. if u haven’t listened to it + u have absolutely no idea ?? who dom is then,, listen to it dare u <3
4. i like it when you sleep by the 1975
am not typing out the full title cause i’m a lazy cow but !!!! it was very difficult to pick just one (1) 1975 album to include in this bc i didn’t want to make it all ?? of their albums bc that’d be boring but… i think this would be my favourite. possible. there’s no girls which is my favourite song what a tune crushed they didn’t play it live when i saw them in feb rip but !! love me??? somebody else???!? The Sound. let me tell u i have never in my life heard a song live that sounds more incredible than. the sound by 1975 that’s it that’s. peak concert experience right there lads i will take no,, 2nd opinions or ever change my answer and that is that!!
5. youngblood by 5sos
is she deserving of this spot… no. however i won’t Deny that there are some bangers. lie to me?? valentine?? talk fast??? more?????? name a single skip i dare u u can’t. plus the overall Aesthetic and vibe of this album?? so cohesive it’s perfect. shit i take it back youngblood is deserving of this spot !! that is that. youngblood has rights u heard it here first
6. folie a deux by fall out boy
there’s an accent somewhere but i’m too lazy to google where it does so. sorry not sorry,,, not gonna lie originally mania was gonna go here bc the amount of times i’ve listened to that album in the past month… it’s Illegal but. sadly this Person said no maddie + mania rights 2day !!! i could not find Her so. folie a deux it is. also an amazing album but not quite on the level of mania for me for some reason
7. the ride by catfish and the bottlemen
if u haven’t heard it… listen to me and then. try and question why it’s here. that’s all
also some (very) honourable mentions are!!!
mania by fall out boy
divinely uninspired to a hellish extent by lewis capaldi
don’t panic by all time low
i love you by the neighbourhood
vices and virtues by panic! at the disco
dunno who to tag as per usual so… @ashesonthefloor​ @clumsyclifford​ @talkfastcal @compulsiveidiota @boomerangbassist @lunarvices + @clumsy-w-ur-heart okay !! seven people seven albums that’s good enough lads i don’t want to tag anymore people (but also. if u see this and u haven’t been tagged ur more than welcome to say that i tagged u!!!) yes that’s it this is the post sorry she’s long !!! i have. a small habit of rambling <3
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aquickstart · 6 years
i was tagged by @nickyklosed in these two games so i’m doing them together ok !!! also tHANK i love these
1. rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs!
a - age: twenty (20) years of age and nobody asked how i feel about that so we just tryina cope
b - birthplace: moscow, russia
c - current time: 10:02pm
d - drink you last had: black tea (duh)
e - easiest person to talk to: idk like my sister and my best friend i Guess 
f - favorite songs: wrong question i obsess over songs for days and then never put them on ever again, but i guess when we’re high by LP and pioneers by bloc party and seven nation army by the white stripes (aye) and wild heart by bleachers and house of gold and chlorine by top and you just cannot ask questions like that. it’s illegal
g - grossest memory: hmm idk maybe that one time someone actually kissed me. that was definitely gross would not recommend
h - horror yes or horror no: nope thanks
i - in love:  nah
j - jealous of people: oh yeah 100% definitely
l - love at first sight or should i walk by again: i can’t say love at first sight doesn’t exist bc it does for some people, but not for me. so the latter.
m - middle name: don’t have one
n - number of siblings: a whole three sisters
o - one wish: i wish they had at least one bottle of yellow hair dye somewhere in toronto right now because my sister’s been to at lest five different stores and so far none of them have it. i am so miserable
p - person you last called: my mom ofc
q - question you’re always asked: how do you like toronto (or canada) so far? and before that i don’t think a lot of people were concerned with me sbdjvbsd
s - song you last sang: fun fact i just lost my voice two days ago so that’s fun, but probably babylon by 5sos or something like that when i was packing in my dorm room
t - time you woke up: 11am #blessed
u - underwear color: dark grey
v - vacation destination: L O N D O N or just england in general but london would be perfect. i miss this city a whole damn lot
x - x-rays: wdym? like last x-rays i had? my chest probably, for my medical exam so they could make me a permanent resident (some fucking day lmao)
y - your favourite food: it’s almost scary how not picky i am actually. food is way down on my list of priorities in terms of taste, like sure i like sushi and pizza and russian food etc but i don’t think i have a favourite.
z - zodiac sign: aquarius
2. rules: put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs
victorious - p!atd
one for the money - escape the fate
whatever you want - p!nk
hurricane - halsey
i don’t know why - imagine dragons
daniel in the den - bastille
surrender - hurts
нимфоманка - монеточка
missing you - all time low
this town - niall horan
i’m tagging @minyxrd-03 @palmettto @minyardxva and also anyone who wants to do this !!!!!
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