#lau snippet
iamthepulta · 10 months
For that ask game I'd love to see a perspective flip of a scene from chapter 17, maybe from either mary or jamison's perspective :D Or a coffeehouse au would actually be a lot of fun, too. The Faire family business still sucks just as much but this time food service is involved lol
AHH THANK YOU!! GREAT IDEAS. I had to bang this out because I was so engrossed in what the hell might go through Mary's head. xD
If I get any ideas for the coffeehouse au, I'll do a snippet for that too!
It was a lovely Tuesday morning. Miss Ellen Farswallow had sent her a calling card for the morning, which promised several delightful little cakes. Her cook specialized in sweetmeats and Ellen loved showing them off.
Mary was just about to pass into the upper class neighborhoods when a little urchin ran up to her, coal-faced and snotty-nosed. Mary yelped and swung her purse when he reached for her sleeve. "Beat it, waif!"
The kid startled. "Mam, yer the O'Tylle fer Fairweather'n Co?"
Mary sighed, the sound sharp with annoyance. "Do you have a message?"
"Out with it."
He fidgeted awkwardly. "Uh- 'n Arth'r Faire wantsum. At Reysighl'ys'."
Mary sighed again. "Did he pay you? Truth now."
"No, m'm."
She tossed him a penny. "Now fuck off. And don't go grabbbing women's arms."
He scrambled away.
The cafe where Arthur was supposedly waiting wasn't far, but it was close to her residence and Mary grew more irritated from backtracking fifteen minutes on her day off. That was one thing she didn't like about Arthur; he had a terrible precedent for respecting time.
She slipped into the cafe. He'd taken a seat in the back, and she primly removed her bonnet before sliding into the seat. He hadn't gotten her a cup of tea either, which wasn't necessary because it wouldn't been cold by the time she arrived, but the bad manners needled.
"I know I look like I don't get out much, Arthur, but I do try and today is one of the few days where I do get to try, and you've called me here why?"
She'd been imprudent, and it was deeply satisfying to see the muscles in Arthur's jaw twitch. He set his coffee down. "Otto isn't ready."
"And… This concerns me why?"
He sighed and leaned forward. It was his pose of request. Unpleasant. "Send a letter to O'Malley about it when you're back in the office, please. It doesn't need to be immediate."
"Aren't you going back to the office?"
He hesitated. For a split second his eyes flickered toward the bar, and then his composure reformed. His lips pursed. "No."
This was the difference between her and Westlie, Mary thought. She knew how to read him. Requests were as close as he'd come to asking for help; which made them a treatise of equal partnership. He didn't want opinions, he wanted acknowledgement of this problem which was so important he'd dragged her halfway across West London to deal with it.
Arthur Faire had his pride, and she had her own. She eyed him with mild annoyance. "Why?"
"Is that any of your business?"
Typical Arthur response. Well, if you don't want to tell me, Old Man, go figure it out yourself. "Is that all?"
"Well." She pushed back her chair and lightly tapped the rim of his empty cup. "I think - if you cared what I think - you should go write the damn letter yourself." She curtsied politely. "Have a good day, Captain."
The cafe door shut behind her and she took a second to admire how regally she'd swept out of the situation. Sure, she'd write his letter if he didn't get around to it, but more importantly, it was a pity neither of Arthur's daughters had turned out like her or Relia. She'd met her several times. They ran in similar, if not concentric circles, and while she wasn't friends with the woman, it was easy to see why people liked her. She was a macaroon. Beautiful, delicious, and without much substance.
And likewise, Arthur was quite a simple man. There was a certain… standard, Mary mused, as she made her way back towards her original destination, that one had to maintain if one desired to stay… competitive in London. And while Westlie was very clever - she'd give her that much - somehow neither Arthur nor Relia had passed down their intuit for class.
It was funny really; at this rate she had more chance of inheriting Fairweather than Westlie. And to be clear, that had never been her goal. Westlie was just so incongruously bad at it that Arthur's faith eroded with every step she took.
Mary sighed longsufferingly and glanced at her watch. Quarter after the original time. Well, she was a working woman. Miss Ellen Farswallow and her little cakes would have to have patience.
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thehermitwitch · 9 months
Leo trembled under Donnie, jaw clenched as tears flooded his cheeks, the salty water leaving streaks amidst the dirt and grime. Donnie ripped his purple mask off his face, tying it above the elbow of Leo’s right arm. His own, feeling far too slow, despite the adrenaline gushing through his veins, anxiety making everything speed up, but his stiff limbs refused to catch up. 
It was just the two of them on a supply run. Not even far off from the city. There weren’t even supposed to be any infected. No spores floating invisibly. It was barely a 25 minute walk away. How could this go wrong, how?! 
‘It’s fine Dee, so what if I got bit, it’s fii--ne.’
Donnie’s fingers danced, wiggling due to stress. His lungs stop, start, stop, start. He can’t breathe properly. Leo’s pained rambling of insurances crowding Donnie’s ears. Staring hard at the discarded sword lying near Leo’s head. It won’t be long before the infection takes hold, changing Leo’s mood drastically with it. The limb needs to be cut off. But the katana is on its way to being blunt. It’ll take too long. There is no time for this. Thankfully the runners have been taken care of…  
Donnie’s broken gas mask burns in his lap.
Donnie stops breathing, as his ninpo turns his wooden bō into a wickedly sharp blade. The purple light makes Leo look even iller. Who just swallows and gives a small, wobbly smile. Fear swimming in his eyes.
Leo takes a shaky breath in via his nose, ‘I trust you Dee. I trust you.’
Donnie nods, his vocal cords also having shut down. He can feel a meltdown growing, but this is not the time and place for it. Focusing on removing Leo’s Mask from his face, slicked with sweat. Donnie clumps the fabric between Leo’s teeth, and delays the need to panic. It’ll be a bad one when it shows, but this is not the time and place for it. Time is of the essence. 
Donnie aims the ninpo blade, pushing a good chunk of weight onto holding Leo’s wrist down. The bite mark stares back, all angry and red. 
Donnie saws.
Leo screams.
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monsieuroverlord · 5 months
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NYX #1 Variant Covers have been released, and it looks like Laura is getting all three of them!
Variants by Roge Antonio, Stanley "Artgerm" Lau, and Todd Nauck
I also noticed this little snippet regarding what she'll be doing:
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Source here
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n0sewise · 7 months
Intern Watch 2k24
(aka posting a first draft snippet of my killugon and leopika The Office AU in the vain hope that it’ll motivate me to finish it)
The office had gotten three interns for the summer. This in and of itself shouldn’t have been notable, but watching the interns had devolved into something of a spectator sport, and Kurapika was not above participating.
It hadn’t started out this way. Kurapika worked in accounting, so he didn’t have much interaction with the interns initially. The first time they spoke, he’d been working on something requiring a great deal of concentration when he heard the distinct sound of someone delivering a sharp, swift kick to the photocopier.
“Come on!”
“Don’t break the copier, Killua!” Gon whispered.
“It’s an ancient piece of junk anyway,” Killua muttered. “Hey, pull up a video on YouTube if you’re not going to help.”
“What kind of video?”
And Kurapika couldn’t help but sigh right along with Killua as he stared at his fellow intern in disbelief.
“How to use a fax machine, genius.”
“Ohhh,” said Gon. “That’s a good idea.”
Eventually Kurapika lost his patience and abandoned his task entirely to show them how.
“That’s dumb,” said Killua. “Why not just send a pdf?”
“I don’t know, just send the fax,” he replied. “And please, do try to keep it down.”
“We will!” Gon called over his shoulder loudly, already trailing after Killua who’d walked away while Kurapika was mid-sentence.
Their third intern was a boy named Zushi, who Kurapika quite liked and was so polite and respectful that he nearly made up for the other two.
“That Zoldyck kid is a menace,” Leorio grumbled to him about a week later. Kurapika had taken to spending his lunch breaks outside on the bench between their office building and the walk in clinic, and more often than not, he ended up sharing the space with Leorio, one of the doctors who worked there.
He looked up from his pasta salad in surprise.
“You’ve met our intern?”
Leorio snorted. “Oh yeah, we’ve met. Multiple times.” He stretched out on the bench and Kurapika found that he didn’t mind when their shoulders brushed for the briefest of moments. Leorio went on, oblivious to the entire thing. “Stupid kids, the both of them. Came into the clinic right when we were about to close because someone watched a parkour compilation and decided to jump off the roof of the building and into some boxes three stories down.”
Kurapika had abandoned his lunch entirely, leaning in with open interest. “And this was Killua?”
“No! It was his batshit crazy friend, the one with the spiky hair, but it might as well have been with the way they were both carrying on. Zoldyck had him hoisted up on his back, and the entire time he’s demanding we shut everything down so that multiple doctors can tend to his friend— meanwhile the kid just has a sprained ankle.”
“Gon’s crutches,” Kurapika murmured absently, connecting the dots.
“Oh right,” said Leorio. “Gon. I’ve been calling them Thing 1 and Thing 2 in my head. Nice kid on his own, but Christ, what a mess. You would’ve thought he’d been shot with the way Zoldyck was losing his mind. Both of them in my office arguing over whose fault it was that he got hurt, and now I have to put in another order for cotton balls because Gon ate so many.”
“Wait, what?”
“Oh yeah, I didn’t mention that part, huh?”
Kurapika shook his head emphatically, knowing he was wasting his lunch on nonsense and needing to know the answer anyway.
“Yeah, so they’re both arguing over how it’s their own fault it happened, Freecss is trying to say it’s on him because it was his idea to go onto the roof, Zoldyck’s nearly in tears because he came up with the addition of jumping onto the refrigeration boxes; I stepped out of the room to get some crutches— and let’s be real,” Leorio grinned, “to give them some privacy. When I got back, the little shit was eating my goddamn cotton balls!”
“I’m not sure I’m following,” Kurapika admitted. “Why did Gon eat the cotton balls?”
“To make Killua laugh,” Leorio said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “The kid was so upset, convinced he’d gotten the other one nearly killed— and if I’m being honest, with the amount of times I’ve seen them for stupid shit over the past few weeks…” He trailed off, scrubbing a large hand over his face with a groan. “If they were regular people they’d probably both be dead, but the two of them are weirdly indestructible, so it wasn’t a big deal, except now I’m out like half a jar of cotton balls.”
Kurapika blinked. “Are you certain he ate them? That seems...“
“Yes, Kurapika, I’m certain he ate them. I walked back in time to hear, ‘Killua, Killua, don’t be sad! Look how many of these I can fit in my mouth!’ And then the little fucker swallowed them when I tried to stop him.”
“Oh,” said Kurapika. “That’s…that does sound like them,” he sighed.
He didn’t give the interns much thought after that because Leorio wanted to know if Kurapika would like to get dinner sometime, and his brain promptly short circuited at the thought of going out with the hot doctor from next door.
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maddiewritesstucky · 2 years
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
Thanks for the tag @dharmasharks 🥰
I have a million things in my WIPs right now, some of which haven’t been touched in months, so I’ll just share the titles of the ones I’m actively focussing / working on at the moment (no points for guessing which one I’m most frustrated with right now 🙃)
- guess I’m going there
- James 1:14-15
- please for the love of god finish it
- Lau challenge
Tagging (with no pressure!) @dreamsinthewitchouse @fandomfluffandfuck @sparkagrace @stevieschrodinger @rillils @sweeterthanthis and anyone else who wants to play!
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
hi! I’m still alive. By the way.
Leo hat sich gerade so eingekriegt, (und die Überreste des Kleids sicher unter seine Matratze gestopft) wenn jemand an die Tür hämmert. Für einen Moment spielt er mit dem Gedanken das es Vater ist – vielleicht ist Donnie doch spontan ein Rückgrat gewachsen, und er hat es ihm erzählt, flüstert eine dunkle Ecke in seinem Hirn – aber die Schläge sind dafür zu schwer. Wenn er die Tür aufmacht, sieht er direkt in Raph’s grimmigste Miene. 
“Ich weiß nicht was für eine Laus dir über die Leber gelaufen ist,” fängt er an, und Leo versucht nichtmal sein Augenrollen zu unterdrücken, “aber Splinter isst heute mit uns. Genau wie du. Jetzt komm bevor es kalt wird.” 
“Ja, ja. Du musst mich nicht hetzen.” 
Leo has just barely calmed down (and tucked the remains of the dress securely under his mattress) when someone starts beating on the door. For a moment, he plays with the thought that it’s father - maybe Donnie did spontaneously grow a spine and told him, a dark corner of his brain whispers - but the knocks are too heavy for that. When he opens the door, he looks directly in Raph’s most pissed-off face.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with you” he begins, and Leo doesn’t even try to suppress the eyeroll, “But Splinter is eating with us today. Just like you are. Now come before it gets cold.”
“Yeah, yeah. You don’t need to rush me like that.”
in the original, if i were to translate it very literally, Raph says “i don’t know what lice walked over your liver” which means “I don’t know what’s ruined your mood” and i didn’t really know a good English equivalent for that, (again, translating off the cuff) so that line is a little awkward. German sayings are fun. Leo is also being extra bitchy here. Because she is a normal well-adjusted individual, trust me.
Side note, do you think leo might address splinter using Sie (formal you) instead of just du (informal you, reserved for anyone you’re close with and for children), at least within training? It’s a fun thought to me, even if it might not be totally accurate.
I ended up losing sight of this project for a while, which happens often with things like this. I have not finished a proper fic in wayyy too long now. I think i actually sent the last snippet right around the time i had my finals - including English, which funnily enough included a section where you had to translate stuff so even though i didn’t do any actual studying towards that exam, i still ended up practicing that. The official trick to being good at school: be insane about ninja turtles.
AUGHASDGHSDGHA HIII omg its the fic in german again.. it's RETURNED !!
SOO cute they are having. Family dinner (Evil)
in the original, if i were to translate it very literally, Raph says “i don’t know what lice walked over your liver” which means “I don’t know what’s ruined your mood” and i didn’t really know a good English equivalent for that, (again, translating off the cuff) so that line is a little awkward. German sayings are fun. Leo is also being extra bitchy here. Because she is a normal well-adjusted individual, trust me.
i KNOW there's an idiom that works here but i can't remember it. my first thought is like, "i don't know who shit in your stir fry" which is DEFINITELY NOT a common idiom, but the "who X your X" format is pretty common i think.
I DO think Leo would use a more formal way of addressing Splinter. he often calls him sensei or sir to his face, so if it's like that then yeah that's in character.
The official trick to being good at school: be insane about ninja turtles.
this is so funny cuz it's literally true. do you have any idea how many times I included TMNT in my projects last year? and I'm doing it again rn !!
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abybweisse · 1 year
Hey Aby - I was wondering, what do you think will happen after Snake and Finny's arc? So far it's taken for granted (or at least it seems that way) that the story will pivot right to Sebastian and o!Ciel in Brighton. But what if it's not the case and instead we'll be catching up with the Undertaker, r!Ciel, the Midfords and Tanaka (and his possible flashbacks). Do you think that the story might take another stop in this way before o!Ciel and his butler's long-awaited return?
Breaks between assignments?
Well, at the end of the assignment in Yorkshire, we did get a short break to see Polaris make his report about Heathfield's arrest and the facility's destruction. Mey-Rin and Ran-Mao seem to have dealt with their assignment quickly, like in just a few days. This could be why Undertaker and our earl don't seem too worried. They might not even know that the other facilities are also already under attack... because those attacks are taking longer.
There was no break between Wiltshire's Athena Sanatorium and Norfolk's F. O. L. Orphanage. In fact, we ended up with a major cliffhanger about Lau's and Baldo's predicament.
It's possible that, after Snake and Finny's assignment in Norfolk, we might get a scene or two for Undertaker and real Ciel getting caught up on what's happened/happening in both Wiltshire and Norfolk.
It's also possible we return to Wiltshire for a bit, since we never actually saw Baldo, Lau, and the others escape. Are they really heading for China? Do they get confronted by Polaris or someone else before they can leave or get far enough away? Will the reapers secure Layla/Al for them to analyze, or will someone step in to fight them before they can leave for the reaper realm?
We could break to see what some others, like Soma, Sieglinde, the Midfords, etc., are doing, but I somewhat doubt it. A short break to the reapers might be slightly more likely.
What I really doubt will happen is a break to our earl and Sebastian, since it could ruin part of the surprise of their assignment, if we see snippets of it while they get updates from others, like Baldo or Mey-Rin. Chances are, our earl and Sebastian won't get updates about what's happening elsewhere until near the end of their assignment, since everything is supposed to be happening at once. And cutting to them near the end of their assignment would give away too much about what they're doing/dealing with.
Probably why we don't know about Baldo and Lau. If there's major action about to happen to them or with their assignment, it'll be happening at the same time as when the situation gets rough for our earl and Sebastian. I also expect the last assignment we get to take the longest or be the hardest. Both physically and emotionally difficult, especially for our earl. And that assignment in Brighton should end with taking our earl's team -- what's left of it -- into the next (possibly last) phase of this fight.
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darkmaga-retard · 16 days
U.S. and China Form Unexpected Crisis Task Force
Lau Vegys
Sep 03, 2024
I’m seeing storm clouds gathering on the horizon.
I don't have a crystal ball for the timing or what will be the lightning strike that sets it off. It could be another pandemic, a systemic financial crisis overwhelming our fragile system, or something else entirely. But whatever it is, it’ll cause a huge panic event in the markets.
Last month, while traveling from Buenos Aires, Argentina, back to our green refuge in Asuncion, Paraguay, I stumbled upon some news from Bloomberg that added weight to these apprehensions. It highlighted a recent meeting between senior officials from the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) during their two-day discussions in Shanghai, China. Here’s a snippet:
China’s central bank said a meeting in Shanghai produced an agreement with the U.S. Treasury to appoint contact people to deal with any future “financial stress events,” a rare example of the world’s two biggest economies seeking common ground.
“Appoint contact people to deal with any future financial stress events”? This is just a fancy way of saying they're setting up a panic room for when the financial disaster hits the fan.Storm Warning
But is this good news? "Seeking common ground" definitely has a positive ring to it, after all.
Definitely not.
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thatgirlonstage · 20 days
We passed a milestone today lads
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The two Kuro fics I posted today are tiny--originally prompt stuff I did for friends in a discord server--but, yknow, it's all fic. I liked them enough to want to save them so I hope they bring some other folks a tiny bit of joy. And I am throwing myself a tiny handful of confetti for finally having more Kuro fics than anything else (even if Voltron definitely still has more total words haha)
(If you would like to check them out: there is a snippet of Lau & Ciel and an amuse-bouche of Sebaciel)
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barananduen-blog · 8 months
WIP Tag Game
😊Tagged by @clj-art-blog
"Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs."
These are all art WIPs. You will find that my nomenclature is very boring.😅
Gebreel 01 (it's an OC)
LDK 06 (fanart: Li Daikun)
Nacar 01 (OC)
ChongZi-MuyuChongZi 03 (fanart: ChongZi)
MuYu 02 (fanart: ChongZi)
MuYu 2023-09-14 (fanart: ChongZi)
QueenLau 01 (fanart: The Legendary Life of Queen Lau)
WWLQ 01 (fanart: Wan Wan Lei Qing)
WWLQ 02 (fanart: Wan Wan Lei Qing)
flower - felicia amelloides (flower study)
Toxxik 01 (OC) - ✅ [answered]
Water 17 (OC) - ✅ [answered]
Water 22 (OC)
Alternatively, you can ask things like "What ever happened to the first five Lidaikuns?" or "...Waters 18-21?" Which, honestly, is the type of question I'm asking myself after putting this list together.😂
Look at what cdrama has done to me. It used to be all OCs.😂
I'll tag whomever wants to do this, artist or writer or whatever. You're coming up with a *Ignis voice* "New Recipeh!"? Let us know!😆
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clericofshadows · 8 months
7 snippets, 7 mutuals
got tagged by @rotschopf-thedrow :D ty!
tagging anyone who sees this and wants to participate!
I have a few misc WIPs I'm working on :)
icy nights, icy lights - Nyx/Kaidan, Noveria
Kaidan traced the lines of black ink on Nyx's arms, wondering what inspired the art. Wispy lines reminiscent of magic–or biotics even–were painted on the muscled arms, weaving together with the long since faded scars of war that also made their home on his skin.  Perhaps they were a sign of his biotics, a way of showing them off without being able to do it himself.  What would they feel like, alongside his, joining as one, combining mnemonics and dark energy to control the battlefield?  Or will he ever know them beyond secret moments of pleasure, flashes of blue held back by years of control and a custom amp and implant designed to keep him safe? Kaidan hated that he didn't know the answer.  A dark part of him, the jealous part that came about after learning about Nyx's history with Hackett couldn't help but fill his veins with cold ice. Hackett may not be a biotic, but he was probably more acquainted with Nyx's biotics than Kaidan will ever be. 
2. face your own enemy - Regis/Kaidan/Zaeed, continuation of my Citadel DLC write-up
Regis wasn’t impressed. “I don’t give a fuck who you claim to be. I’m Admiral goddamn Shepard, not you. You can be your own person!” He sneered, an ugly look that marred his face, twisting his features. “You’re the prize I want. It’s time I had my turn.” Kaidan stepped forward. “And you want to kill us so no one remembers Admiral Shepard.” “Ah, so you aren’t just a pretty-faced idiot,” he taunted. Zaeed stepped forward behind him, getting closer to Kaidan. The clone pointed at his husband. “And it looks like someone needs to put down your guard dog. I don’t like it when they bite. In any case, a personality change caused by the traumatic death of his little cult? Easily explained.” “It will never work,” Ashley said, raising her voice. “Too many people know Regis. You’re just setting yourself up for failure.” “Really? How unlikely it is that he’s surrounded by people he could have so easily killed. All three of you were so close to dying by fire and brimstone, and yet you continue to follow him.” His gaze landed on Ashley. “And you continue to fuck him.” He leered at his husbands. “He made such a terrible mistake in keeping all of you alive. Should’ve left you two to burn on Virmire. And let him burn in the flames of his own mistakes.”
3. LOTSB - Regis/Kaidan/Zaeed, my LOTSB write up.
“You… died in that armor,” Vasir stated, echoing his earlier words.  “How the hell did she get it?” “You tell me, Vasir,” Regis spat, dropping the remnants of his scarf on the ground.  “Take whatever you need, Wren, for your dossier.  I need some fucking air.” There wasn’t exactly a private place to go, so he walked over to the balcony next to the bullet holes.  Zaeed joined him, leaning against the barrier.   Regis moved closer, the shoulders of their armor touching.  “Zaeed, I am going to be the worst goddamn hypocrite right now.” He shrugged.  “Don’t feel like you have to apologize for goddamn Zorya again.  None of us expected to see that.  What a fucking–” he shook his head.  “Don’t even have the goddamn words to say how angry I am on your behalf.” “She has to have my dog tags.  My ring.  God, she tore that off of my corpse!  Cerberus didn’t have the full armor…” Regis swallowed down bile.  “I felt violated before, but this?” He let out a shuddering breath.  “This is unforgivable.”
4. wanna get caught? - Kaidan/Zaeed, PWP exhibitionism and sick!Regis who is tired of their mothering and wants them out of the house.
Zaeed pulled him into a familiar alleyway not far from their apartment, quiet, dark, free of foot traffic. “You goddamn tease,” he growled, pushing him up against the wall, dimly lit by the neon lights of the strip just outside the entryway. “Is this why you wanted me out of the damn house?” Kaidan only laughed, tangling a hand in his hair as he started kissing at his neck, leaving biting, stinging little marks. He got Zaeed exactly where he wanted him. Riled up, horny, and desperate. His favorite Zaeed. A little teasing sitting side by side in a booth was just enough. A hand on a thigh. Leaning on his shoulder and teasing him with a kiss that turns into a nibble. A trip to the bathroom to prep himself with a plug, knowing Zaeed recognized the slight change in his gait. Another reason why Kaidan enjoyed going on dates with only Zaeed. He indulged him and his kinks oh so well, both loving the thrill of being in public. Almost out of sight. Almost out of mind. One stray look is all it takes for them to be caught.
5. nothing will shine as bright - Kaidan/Zaeed, post ME2 prologue, Zaeed meets the Alenkos (i've been working on this for ages rip)
He found himself halfway over to the barn where he and Regis kept their motorcycles. He thought back to the damn helmets Zaeed had made for them, not even knowing about their hobby but wanting them to share in his. Yet another thing that had in common. Yet another thing that would’ve made their relationship great. Footsteps crunched the leaves behind him, and he whirled around to see Zaeed, hands stuffed in his jacket pockets. “Wasn’t about to leave you alone.” “Leaving me alone probably would’ve made them judge you even more,” he sighed, leaning against the wall of the barn. “I’m sorry.” “I wouldn’t make them the damn bad guys yet,” he said softly. “Just worried about their son who lost the love of his life and is shacking up with a guy damn near twice his age.” “Well, I’ll give them more to talk about.” Kaidan unlatched the door of the barn and headed inside. “Let’s go for a fucking ride.”
6. the SR-1 - Part of my Subject Zero!Kaidan series, primarily Regis/Zaeed.
It had been two fucking months.  Two months without hearing anything.  Sure, they’ve gone long stretches of time without talking to each other.  Normal in their line of work.  Not always able to send a quick message, especially with Regis’s N missions that typically required radio silence. But Kaidan’s mission was recon.  Typical UNC bullshit.  And a bit of a training venture for some new biotic recruits, as Kaidan had cemented himself into being an instructor like Regis if a need arose for it. It shouldn’t have been anything to worry about.   It never should have ended like it did. A whole squad, gone.  No sign of struggle.  No sign of battle.  As if they were never there. Nothing to give any sort of hope.   Two months since their last communication, well-wishes and ribbing about trainees and so much love.  And nothing after.   No investigation turned up anything useful.  Everyone lost hope day by day.  But Regis never did.  Zaeed never did, vowing to use what he could to look into it himself.   The Normandy was his only chance.
7. a beginning - Nyx/Kaidan, the aftermath of their one-night stand that turned into more.
Kaidan wasn’t quite sure what to think about the man lying in the bed a couple of feet away from the bathroom, watching him with those deep purple eyes that said a lot about him.  Gene modded, clearly, with a deep hue that contrasted his rough exterior.  He had to have been at least in his fifties, if not more, the skin marked by both war and natural aging. But one thing’s for sure, Nyx knew how to charm a man, even one that wasn’t normally for one night stands. “Doing okay in there?” he asked, making no move to cover himself up, turning towards him with a grin. “Just thinking,” Kaidan replied, dampening a washcloth with warm water, testing it with his hand before wringing it out.  “Dangerous,” he teased, running his hand down his chest, toying with those pierced nipples–and what a fucking surprise that was.  “Penny for your thoughts?” He was thinking about a lot, actually.  About how he thought he saw a flash of light blue rimmed around his eyes while he fucked deep into Nyx, pressing his weight into him, keeping a steady gaze on him, watching for any reaction that wasn't complete pleasure.  Biotics from a man far too old to be part of the first gen, much less any other stable gen.  Far too pure to be a trick of the light.  But maybe it was.
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grelleswife · 2 years
POSSIBLE BARDLAU MOMENT BEFORE BARDLAU EXISTED: Remember when they had to wear the flowers to escape the po po and afterward Sebastian was like "Ugh yuck ew ick flower yuck I'm a BUTLER not a pretty princess-" while Bard was like "speak for yourself, I look pretty (◡‿◡✿)"
Bard, stressed but stylin in his cute little peony headdress:
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Lau, appreciatively checking his new partner out:
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Seb’s snippet of dialogue about being too manly to pass for a woman always rubbed me the wrong way, however. I understand him being a stickler for upholding his butler’s aesthetic, but why the heck would demons prattle about conformity to pointless mortal gender norms? Yana can’t draw him like this and expect me not to think he’s pretty.
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Come on, sensei! If we can have flip phones in the Kuroverse’s version of Victorian England, Sebas deserves creative outfits that are gnc af, hair ornaments and all. 😤
Mini-rant aside, this Bardlau scenario pleases me immensely! And it would be really sweet if, after they got together, Lau established a tradition of giving Bard peonies on their dates, as a nod to that fateful night when the Phantomhive chef caught his eye. 🌸
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mariaofdoranelle · 9 months
Happy new year 🎊
Any laus update? It's so long since you posted, is it everything good?
Nonnie hiiii happy new year to you too!! 🎊❤️
I’m good! I’m having lots of family time (between social battery breaks) and binge-reading kindle unlimited books (i’m currently addicted to annika martin). There’s some catching up for me to do over here, and i haven’t done a lot of writing lately either, but my boyfriend did give me a bed desk for christmas. It’s time for me to put it to use, huh? 😆
“Why would I be upset? Because you’re too good for my idiot cousin?”
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commander-krios · 1 year
If you're still taking the snippet asks, how about 😭, 🧠, and 🎶?
Of course! I love talking about my stupid WIPs lmao putting a read more due to length
😭 share a snippet that will break our hearts
A Revanderous WIP this time around, during the fight on the Star Forge when the team realizes that Malak was defeated and the Republic are bombarding the Forge.
“You’re going to get us killed, Ordo!”  Canderous ignored Onasi’s frustrated shout, punching a hole through the last of the droids, desperately trying to follow where Revan had disappeared. The enormous durasteel doors mocked him, his hands bleeding under the force of his blows. “We need to get back to the ship.” Juhani’s clipped voice reached his ears as she flew through the air, slicing a droid in half with her laser sword. “Canderous, you must come.” “Not. Without. Her.” He growled, whirling on the others, ignoring the throbbing pain of his hands. He was capable of holding his weapon with broken bones and pain would pass. If anything happened to Revan- A hand clamped down on his shoulder, holding him in place. Jolee, the old man. He was gazing up at Canderous out of a wrinkled face, intelligent eyes regarding him as if he was as fragile as glass. “I understand, son. But we can’t do anything for her now. It’s up to her.” Canderous glared at him, refusing to be pitied. Refusing to believe that the woman that had destroyed the Mandalorians, that had led Sith against the Republic, that had saved them all was going to lay down and die… then Jolee was losing it in his old age. Shrugging the hand away, he stepped away, prepared to throw anyone off who would attempt to stop him. Then his gaze caught sight of the tiny twi’lek girl who stood beside Onasi, her brown eyes wide as she watched the argument. A sigh escaped his mouth. “Take the girl, get out of here.” “What the karking hell are you doing?” Onasi asked as he turned back to the doors. “You’re not getting in there. And even if you could, the Sith and droids would kill you.” “I have to do something.”  Revan would never leave him behind. If she couldn’t get to a ship, then they’d die together. Two relics from a violent past dying a violent death. Canderous wasn’t sentimental, but the thought was almost poetic.
🧠 share a snippet where the character realizes something important
A happy moment where Vexx realizes he might be in love with a princess
Sunbeams shine in from the windows of Sade’s room, leaving bright spots along the dark rugs. The curtains had been pulled wide upon the first sighting of the sun, leaving the room warm and comfortable. Vexx shifts slightly, the blankets bunching around his waist, and he tightens his arms around the soft figure wrapped around him. Brown curls tickles his chest as she breathes easily, silently, and oh so perfectly fitting here with him. She exhales, her breath cooling him in the warm room. She moves, not away from him, but instead her leg hooks over his, her fingers brushing along his ribs.  “Are you awake?” He asks, feeling her responding giggle, breath puffing against his cheek.  “What was your first clue?” When Sade lifts her head to look at him, he is again awed at how beautiful her eyes are. Honey mixes with gold and green, a beautiful kaleidoscope of colors. She smiles, her hand settling against his chest, where his heart is. Freckles dance across her nose, across her cheeks, a perfect compliment to her dark skin.  Vexx is always surprised at how much she resembles the Solar Queen, with the dark skin, freckles, the curly dark hair. But her eyes, those are all Fenris. Vexx glances away, heart clenching at the reminder of who she is and the things he needs to protect her from. Things that once upon a time, he was going to aid. “Very funny.” He says, ignoring the painful reminder of what their reality is like. With deft fingers, he tickles her until she laughs breathlessly, face flushed. “You aren’t as clever as you think.” She flicks his nose affectionately, eyes dancing with laughter. “You’re right. I’m cleverer.” He moves quickly, tossing her to bed so he can hover over her, large body and arms a protective cage. “You are a menace.” He leans in, pressing kisses against her collarbone, her neck, her jaw, enjoying the little gasps that each touch brings out. “You love it.” She manages to let slip, arching her back as he trails kisses across her chest. He loves her. And at this moment, with just the two of them, nobody else matters. Not her family, not Zovack, not even the goddamn galaxy. Because she is his. And he knows without a doubt that he is hers.
🎶 share a happy moment. ANY happy moment. You must have ONE.
Astrea and Damon, morning after Episode 7
Standing at the edge of the bed, she put her hands on her hips, watching as Damon lay among the blankets, not a stitch on. “Are you going to lay in bed all day?” “I like my view.” He smirked as he tucked his arms behind his head, eyes roaming her body with no shame. With a frown that was just her trying not to smile, Astrea grabbed a pillow from the floor and threw it at him. He caught it before it smacked him in the face and laughed, tossing it to the side.  “You’ll have to try better than that, Princess.” Another pillow followed the first, this one managing to glance off the top of his head before landing in the windowsill. Astrea covered her mouth, giggles bursting from her at the sight of his wide blue eyes, completely shocked that she managed to catch him off guard. An evil smile curled his lips and quicker than her eyes could catch, he was across the bed, grabbing her by the hands before shifting his weight backward. They tumbled back into bed, Astrea directly on top of him. “Damon!” He laughed, rumbling deep in his chest as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tight against him. She reached out to brush his hair out of his face, smiling when their eyes met. The hard lines of his face softened as he watched her, eyes sparkling with emotion she’d never seen before.  She liked it when he smiled.  His fingers danced over her sides, tickling her until she was breathless. “I know of a lot better ways to spend our morning. They don’t include clothes or leaving this bed.”
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thecrofttomb · 2 years
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Tomb Raider Reloaded Blasts Onto Mobile This Month
CDE Entertainment and Emerald City Games have finally revealed the release date of the anticipated free-to-play roguelike arcade adventure Tomb Raider Reloaded, which falls exactly on Lara Croft’s birthday, February 14th! The game will make its way to Apple and Android mobile devices, as well as Netflix’s own games service, in which subscribers will be able to play without any ads or in-app purchases.
Alongside the announcement, the team shared a brand new trailer featuring our beloved heroine in cinematic action sequences and snippets of gameplay footage.
Tomb Raider Reloaded takes players on an action-filled adventure as they jump into the boots of groundbreaking hero Lara Croft on her swan-diving, cliff-climbing, back-flipping quest to obtain the ancient Scion artefact, clearing ever-changing rooms filled with new and familiar enemies as well as hazardous traps and puzzles. Along the way, they’ll acquire run-specific boosts alongside permanent rewards, like XP modifiers, runes that improve Lara’s stats, and manuals used to unlock and upgrade her outfits, such as her fan-favorite bomber jacket. 
As players progress through each level, they can stack perks to enhance Lara’s abilities, and even craft weapons to upgrade her arsenal.
As a love-letter to the franchise, the game is set to delight old and new fans of the saga as it features iconic Tomb Raider locations, namely the City of Vilcabamba, the Lost Valley, and St. Francis’ Folly; memorable characters, from the likes of Winston, Kurtis Trent, Anaya Imanu, and Werner Von Croy; along with artefacts, outfits, and more.
Also making a return is the lovely Keeley Hawes, the British actress that lent her voice to our adventurer in the LAU trilogy and the two spin-offs—Guardian of Light and Temple of Osiris. If that wasn’t enough, it was revealed back in the 25th anniversary celebrations that the legendary voice actresses Shelley Blond (Tomb Raider), Judith Gibbins (Tomb Raider II, Tomb Raider III), and Jonell Elliott (The Last Revelation, Chronicles, The Angel of Darkness), will be reprising their roles as Lara and players would be able to chose their favourite between them all.
This connection to the series’ long-lasting legacy is reinforced by the game’s soundtrack, which includes orchestral recordings of classic Tomb Raider themes, spearheaded by musician Tina Guo—who made her solo debut in Peter Connelly’s The Dark Angel Symphony album.
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Tomb Raider Reloaded will be available worldwide on the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, and Netflix Games Service on February 14th. For a limited time after launch, all players will receive an exclusive golden version of Lara’s iconic dual pistols, like the ones you can see above.
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mykpopwire · 24 days
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SEGi University & Colleges recently made history with its inaugural musical and carnival extravaganza, the SEGi K-Pop Soundwave. Held on 24th August 2024 at Campus Piazza, SEGi University, Kota Damansara, this groundbreaking event attracted an impressive crowd of 4,500 attendees, including recent school leavers and current university students.
As a major milestone for one of Malaysia's leading private higher education groups, the festival featured international K-Pop sensation BamBam of GOT7 alongside popular local acts. This vibrant celebration not only showcased top-tier performances but also underscored SEGi's commitment to blending educational achievements with unforgettable experiences.
The festivities began at noon, welcoming students from various universities and final-year secondary school students to SEGi University's main campus grounds. Attendees were greeted by a lively atmosphere complete with carnival games, engaging activities, picture-perfect zones, stilt walkers, and a diverse selection of delicious bites, setting the stage for the festival's main event.
The show kicked off in true SEGi style with special performances by the university's very own student body, highlighting the talents within the institution. Local acts Saixse and Ezra Kairo took to the stage first, including a special performance of their collaboration track, "Anak Helang". They were followed by Dolla, Malaysia's hottest girl group, who commanded the stage with their dynamic moves and powerful vocals.
The excitement reached its peak with K-Pop star BamBam, who delivered a high-energy set featuring his latest hits. Known for his charisma and skillful dancing, the GOT7 member held the crowd roaring with enthusiasm as they cheered for their favourite songs.
The event concluded with a high-energy finale as DJs Blink and Nahsyk took over, bringing their infectious grooves and incorporating K-Pop tunes into their sets, providing the perfect ending to the SEGi K-Pop Soundwave.
"The SEGi K-Pop Soundwave has been a vibrant celebration of diversity, blending global and local music, offering a wide array of cuisines, and bringing together students from all walks of life. As an educator, it's inspiring to see the next generation embrace the future with such openness. This event marks a historic moment for SEGi University & Colleges, and we're immensely proud to have hosted it on our campus grounds. Welcoming students into a world that celebrates both global influences and local traditions has been a privilege. This festival isn't just a celebration of their achievements - it's a unique introduction to the multifaceted world of higher education and the next phase of their lives." - Ms. Stella Lau, Managing Director of University, Colleges, & K-12 at SEGi
This high-energy musical and carnival event would not have been possible without the generous support and contributions of its incredible sponsors; HeeBee Beauty, Hyatt Place, Ming Hing Aluminium, Sinn Huat Synergy, Menang Engineering, TanahMas Construction, YOF Consult Engineering, and LEGENDARY. They played a key role in making SEGi K-Pop Soundwave an unforgettable experience.
Watch the snippet of the event here!
Thank you SEGi University for the invitation
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