#latin swiftes on rep tour
9w1ft · 9 months
On the subject of the swift family crest- I googled the word Amans at the bottom- apparently it’s the Latin word for lover, but in the present tense. Upon further investigation though I came across the concept of Senex Amans, which is apparently a classical Greek/roman trope in their drama which has a very interesting wikipedia page detailing how the character is a very old man who is usually married to a much younger woman and mocked for how the younger woman is often off with a young handsome man under his nose- which reminds me of the wedding in the Man music video. The most interesting part of that however is that the given example of how one of the best known uses of this trope is the story of Januarie in the merchants tales, where the titular character January, the senex amans, is humiliated when his much younger suitor May runs off with his squire. “We can leave the Christmas lights up till January” becomes “spring breaks loose, the time is near- what will he do if he finds us out?” Idk what you make of this, and you’d probably be able to find more than I can but I thought it was very interesting- especially coupled with the line in ivy about “he’s gonna burn this house to the ground” and how the lover house burns.
hmm well, i do think it’s noteworthy that it’s present tense! i’m not sure how deep taylor would have went into history when choosing a word or if she just said okay crests often have latin written on them, what is lover in latin and then picked what she found. i think that striking a balance when considering to what extent she would do things is important and tricky. but, it’s always fun to poke around and learn things.
i think i’ve mentioned this before but i’ve come to kind of see the lover house as representative of one period of time for kaylor, maybe from the love lockdown until the love blackout? so like, 2015-2016.
there’s a house that blows up and shatters at the end of rep tour too with the tiwwchnt/wanegbt mashup and while i don’t have an opinion if they’re meant to represent the same house that has visually evolved for taylor over time i think that this does also represents the closing of a chapter in their story as it relates to the fans. shaking her head and locking the gates, taylor takes away the nice things from the fandom because they broke them and tells them, youll be lucky if you ever see us again.
i think sometimes things catch fire or blow up on their own and over time they shifted to choosing when to burn them before it happened. holding the lighter, burning the files, the house, there’s a continued imagery here i think, and it matches the kaylor timeline quite well i think in terms of hitting all the major incidents that shifted things.
and yet the crest persists. because the family persists! and these buildings hold memories but they’re all houses and not homes because for taylor home is where the heart is, and they carry their home in their heart and mind as they move from one hideout to another as necessary. sometimes it’s a gatsby mansion, sometimes its a trailer, sometimes it’s the lover house, sometimes it’s a makeshift pile of sticks in the woods and sometimes it’s the evermore cabin and sometimes it’s all these really big archways and it makes me wonder what kind of buildings are up next.. not that we would ever get to know of them before they were gone anyway.
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LATIN SWIFTIES KARLA & ANNIE GOT REP ROOM!!!!!!  They met Taylor some minutes ago. We’re SO EXCITED for them & we are so proud of this project and how it has helped them today! CONGRATULATIONS ON MEETING TAY! #LatinSwiftiesOnRepTour #LatinSwiftieOfTheDay @taylorswift @taylornation
@thirteenwinestaineddresses @littletownstreet13
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daayswiftie29 · 4 years
Me thinking why the quarantine was extended to June and I don't have money to go Lover Fest LA. 😢😥
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cleansavedmylife · 6 years
COSTUME REVEAL + My Story! Losing 100 pounds and overcoming life’s obstacles.
Dedicated to the person who got me through the darkest times in my life, @taylorswift.
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Here’s the meaning behind my costume. My entire outfit is based around the lyric “the monsters turned out to be just trees”. This lyric truly means so much to me. It justifies to me that all the negative people in my life, all the hardships I’ve had to overcome, and all the self-doubt I’ve had to endure cannot do any harm to me because I am an evergreen tree whose leaves will stay on all year long. 
My sign goes from black leaves to green to golden. The black leaves are symbolic of the harsh times in my life while the golden leaves represent where I am now, in the golden age of my life! 
The roots on my pants are also golden which continues the reputation theme throughout!
I’m really proud of this costume and am so grateful that my close friends were willing to spend a week helping me get this finished product. My birthday’s on Sunday and it just feels great to know I have such supportive friends.
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FYI this is pretty lengthy but for those struggling I hope it’s worth the read.
So here’s my story.
When I was fifteen, I was in the worst place of my entire life, yet I didn’t even realize it. was living with my single mother at the time in my hometown Miami, Florida. In the span of eight years (since my parents divorced when I was seven), we had moved about twelve times. We could never afford to keep up with the bills, but we just kept on moving around until we could find some sort of stability. We spent almost an entire month with our running water cut off and we had to carry buckets of water over from the next-door neighbor’s house so that we could shower. After my parent’s divorce, I made an immediate connection with my step-mother. She soon became my second mother, one who gave me all the emotional support a kid needed growing up. When my mom spent long nights working two jobs to pay the bills, my step-mom sat with me to listen to Taylor’s songs, she’d cook my favorite food (fettucine alfredo), and she’d just listen to me talk about just anything.
But then when I was fifteen, she was gone. My dad and her suddenly split up and I went from spending half my time with her, to loving her through a phone call. I had lost the only stability I had ever known. Soon thereafter, my mom and I were evicted from the house we were living in and I was sent off to live with my dad and his new girlfriend, one who was everything but friendly. Gone were my home-cooked meals, bonding sessions, and overall emotional support. During this time, I made it to the weight of 285 pounds. I had high blood pressure and fatty liver disease. I’d find myself sleeping through the mornings to wake up to a cheeseburger and shake waiting for me in the fridge. Every morning. I no longer had nobody to talk to and was left to sink into my own thoughts.
As an obese teenager, I was usually the outcast in a group of other kids. I couldn’t run as fast, had to catch my breath after going up a flight of stairs, and was just seen as abnormal. That, along with my love for Taylor Swift among other pop stars led to me being a social outcast. This meant I didn’t really have anybody to turn to for help, besides well, Taylor’s music.
But as the months continued, so did my loss of self. It wasn’t until I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic that I knew I had to turn my life around before it was too late. All the negative people in my life told me I could never change my ways and that well, I’d be unhealthy forever. But Taylor told me something different. Taylor told me, “Today is never too late to be brand new”. And damn right she was.
I moved back in with my mom and I was determined to change. I completely changed my eating habits… in its entirety. I went from drinking two liter bottles of Coke-Cola and a bottle in Nutella in a sitting to eating grilled chicken and vegetables instead. I started walking every day until I found myself walking six miles every day. I joined a CrossFit gym and began to walk six miles and attend a CrossFit class every day. Before I knew it, I had lost ten pounds. Then twenty. Then forty. Until I found myself weighing 190 pounds, a weight I hadn’t been at since the sixth grade. I began shedding the skin that made me feel ashamed of who I was. The skin that caused me to feel like I wasn’t worth believing in.
My determination in school also helped me extremely and I was able to skip the eleventh grade and graduate high school a year early, becoming one of the top twenty students in my graduating class. I put all my drive and ambitions into becoming a healthier person and a smarter person. I was not going to let the person I was change the person I had the potential to be. Taylor always told me otherwise. Taylor’s music was like the best friend that understood everything without an explanation… she just always understood me. She gave me the pep-talks I wouldn’t have had otherwise. She was, in a way, the closest thing I had to someone who believed in me.
By the April of 2017, I was notified that I would be getting a full ride to an honors program at a local college to get my associates degree before transferring to the university of my dreams. I was entering college, a new person inside and out because of the changes I made in my life, which would have not been possible without Taylor.
Then in college I was given the opportunity to create a project for diabetes awareness and prevention in Miami, one that I never thought would go anywhere. I submitted my project to the Clinton Global Initiative for World Change and I was notified that this year, I would be getting an all-expense paid trip to travel to Illinois this fall to attend this world conference, and possibly be able to shake hands with Bill & Chelsea Clinton. I was wonderstruck. I still am wonderstruck. I can safely say that I am finally clean of all the demons that once lurked in my life.
And now, I can proudly say I rid myself of high blood pressure, fatty liver disease, and pre-diabetes. I just finished my first year at college and have a 4.0 GPA and am pursuing a degree in the chemical engineering field. And I will hopefully be transferring to the university of my dreams, Georgia Tech next year. I am the happiest I’ve ever been and I just want you all to know that no matter how dark the times feel, how hopeless you feel, you can overcome it. And you will come out stronger than ever. You’ll come out clean.
I will be attending the reputation tour in Miami, Florida on 8.18.2018 and will be sitting in section 149, row 17, seat 17. I hope I can thank you Taylor in person for everything you’ve done for me. @taylornation
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Thank you, Taylor for being the only person who told me you believed in me. Thank you for showing me that I am worthwhile and that I am not damaged goods. Thank you for making me clean.
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I don’t know how to start this not-so little letter, I have many thoughts in my head, but I just can’t express them into words, the only thing I can say is. Thank You @taylorswift You came into my life in the most random way. I was already obsessed with Love Story when it was released but one day I found White Horse on someone’s USB I had a group project with in high school, I remember crying when I heard it and the MV was just heartbreaking, after that I looked you up and found not just an amazing singer and songwriter, but a beautiful and kind human being and since then I have been a fan. 
And maybe you heard this before but when no one was there for me, your music was, I felt you understood my heartbreaks, my happiness, my love, you helped me and gave me strength through your music.
2016 has been hard for me, I didn’t had any happiness I felt so empty, I had it “all” as many would said yet It didn’t made me happy or proud, I was numb to emotions, and sometimes I can see all crumble and don’t care at all which is not okay. But somehow this album, and seeing you truly happy has made believe again and not give up on my dreams despite of what people say or if it’s not the right choice for many, maybe is the right one for me.
December has changed me completely, and even if I’m scared that this happiness won’t last and I will go back to being sad, I’ll try to hold on to it and see the good in the little things and fight for what I want and how I want my life to be.
I’m Peruvian so I have never had the chance to see you live, but my hard work has payed off and I managed to buy tickets for your show in Tampa so it’s my first time seeing you!  ❤
Maybe this is too much to ask but it would really mean the world to me if we could hug, so I could thank you in person for always been there, for always having the right words, for being the fighter that you are. You have taught me to be kind to everyone, that is okay to be sad because at one point I’ll be finally clean, to taught me shake it off, to speak up, and many more things.
I’ll see you in Tampa  ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ 
PS: The little letter in the images is from 3 years ago when you were touring for 1989 and someone I met online did a book just in case she’d met you, unfortunately she didn’t so I put it here  ❤ 
PS2: I’m doing a countdown singing your songs on my twitter!
First one:  goo.gl/tsXu5q
Current one: https://goo.gl/o1gCFH
I love you
I’ll be in Section H, Row 15, Seat 1  ❤
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areweoutofthewoodss · 6 years
my costume is finally ready for Tampa! @taylorswift Are you ready for it?
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and Here lies Karen after the rep tour Tampa... cause there is no way I will survive it.
I’m looking forward to meet everybody in the concert so please if you notice me come and say hi!! You can find me at Sec E row 19 seats 17-18. @taylornation  @latinswiftiesonreptour​
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taylorkeepdancing · 6 years
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Hi Tay it's your mexican buddies Aner & Mara @getawaycarwith-taylor we are 2 of the 100+ latin swifties traveling to see you we can’t wait to see you on tour for the 1st time ever also our american friend @swiftytricia13 is coming with us! We can wait to see you in Dallas both nights!Love you! @latinswiftiesonreptour
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impressedbytaylor · 6 years
Matching outfits ✔️
Glitter ✔️
Chill nowhere to be found ✔️✔️✔️
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See you Saturday @taylorswift ❤️🐍🙊
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"Taylor Swift spent 12 hours in a studio" We are SO getting TS7 next year BUT IM STILL SO NOT OVER REP YET HOLD MY WIG
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melloresreand · 4 years
38 Facts About Reputation
1. Taylor started taking notes for her 6th album around June 2015.
2. Taylor knew very early on that she wanted to call her 6th album "reputation". She began seriously writing for it, so she constructed the album based on the album title. This is the first album she has done that for.
3. Taylor attempting to replicate any parts of 1989 but it would have been "ineffective", since that album has own entity.
4. "putatio" is actually a Latin word. The underlined word in reputation album means reckoning/calculating.
5. The first time Taylor felt she was really "onto something" with this album after laying down "I Did Something Bad". Taylor and Max were both in agreement that is sounded like anything in 1989.
6. LWYMMD was originally an emotional poem that Taylor wrote. The verses in their entirety exist in the poem.
7. The dancers had no idea what they'd be wearing on LWYMMD music video, when they arrived in the set. "This is the first and only time you'll see Taylor in crop top" Todrick laugh.
8. Tayor and Jack finished the LWYMMD song at Jack's house.
9. Taylor and Ed wrote "End Game" on July 13, 2017.
10. The car ride in, in the "End Game" music video is a Lamborghini Aventador.
11. Taylor and Future recorded the parts of "End Game" in Atlanta's Tree Sound Studio.
12. The airplane at the end of LWYMMD music video has "TS6" on it.
13. Taylor Swift played the entirety of Reputation for Joseph Kahn.
14. The sign on hotel desk in Delicate music video say "Hotel Delicat".
15. "Dancing With Our Hands Tied" was written in early 2017. Taylor was back in L.A after not being photographed for months. She went to the gym and as she left paparazzi were taking photos her and shouting at her weight.
16. A fan asked Taylor what a giant snakes were called on the rep tour, and Taylor seemed reluctant to tell her, but said the cobra's name is Karyn.
17. The wristband in rep tour are programmed to form different shapes in every songs, e.g (❤, 👑 and moving 🐍).
18. Taylor said she didn't mean to place "Delicate" as track 5, but after she completed the tracklist, she thought to herself, "Oh! I did it again..." 5th track is the emotional and vulnerable song.
19. Reputation Sold more copies in its first day than any album sold in a week in 2017.
20. When Taylor began writing and recording the reputation album, the goal was to kill the 1989 and create something entirely different.
21. Taylor first to reference an alcohol in her song.
22. Taylor Swift wrote the lyrics of "Dress" a full year before recording it. There's an actual Dress taylor inspired about the song.
23. The baby voice at the start of the song "Gorgeous" belongs to Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds' daughter, James.
24. If you noticed the repeated mention of things being "gold or golden" accross the album... It would take you in RED era, from Taylor wrote in the liner notes of RED that she thinks "Real love shines, golden like starlight".
25. Taylor said reputation is "very linear" in this timeline. It starts out with "rebellion and anger and angst" before she falls in love and changes her priorities...
26. Don't Blame Me is about "crossing the lines" for an older boyfriend that being addicted in love and crazy.
27. So It Goes... is about a good girl turning to a bad girl which is the edgier side of Taylor Swift.
28. On the shoulder sweatshirt Taylor wore on the reputation cover with stitching that forms 5 peaks-interesting given Taylor has released 5 albums before reputation, though likely a coincidence.
29. Call It What You Want is a song explaining about her disappearance from the spotlight. The song is about someone who loves her even when she has been painted in a bad light.
30. Scott Borchetta's favorite song in reputation is "Dancing With Our Hands Tied".
31. Mama Swift's favorite song in reputation is "So It Goes..."
32. Gorgeous was one of the first song Taylor wrote in reputation on September 2016. It took her a few weeks to write, starting on a guitar and moving to piano.
33. The line in ...Ready For It? "Burton to this Taylor" refers to the relationship between Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor, which was tumultuous and highly publicized.
34. "...Ready For It?" draws some interesting parallel with a movie Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton (named in the song) starred in called boom! In the 1986 film, Taylor plays an older serial-marrying millionaire, and Burton plays a younger man. They meet on an island.
35. "reputation" is Target's biggest music pre-sale of all time.
36. Taylor said she can't honestly picked a favorite song from reputation album.
37. Getaway Car is a song about failed relationship that was doomed in the beginning. Referring to her ex boyfriend Tom which the romance ended so soon.
38. At the Nashville reputation Secret Session, Andrea left the room and Scott covered his ears during "Dress".
3 Years of reputation
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Hey! I’m Mabel from Mexico. I’m a psychologist and I currently work in an organization that helps women by providing them reproductive rights and help to reduce violence against them. Taylor Swift inspire me day by day! Constantly talking about feminism, cats or taylor swift💜
Heeey Tay @taylorswift please follow Mabel @stickwithtaylor she’s one of my fellow latin american swifties, she’s amazing and so dedicated last year she traveled from mexico to usa for rep tour, I’m sure you’re gonna love her blog, go check it out!
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Today’s Latin Swifties of the Day are.. VALERIA AND FERNANDA who are traveling to Glendale, Az from Mexico!
Dear Taylor, my name is Fernanda but everyone calls me Fer (I’m the one with the bangs) and the one on my side is my sister Valeria (Vale). We also have a younger sister (Camila) who loves you very much too. Honestly, I’ve had too many dreams where I meet you and you hug me and I have the best day with you, but I know it’s not real because you speak to me in Spanish haha. I’ll tell you a story: once upon a time in Las Cruces on February 1, 2007 we went to a George Strait concert where a beautiful young lady was the opening act (in case you haven’t guess, it was you). I don’t know if it’s because I was 6 years old and I liked to imagine things, but I remember you with angel wings. In 2008 when Fearless came out we fell in love with your music. We had a big old computer where Vale and I used to watch your videos and we were in love with Love Story and WANTED A DRESS AS BEAUTIFUL AS YOURS. In my elementary school graduation I wanted to look just like you, so I begged my mom for a blue dress like the one in “Our song” but we didn’t find it so we had to make it. The first time we saw Wonderstruck in a store I literally dropped to the floor in excitement. Imagine how we were feeling when we saw you again. In Mexico there is a tradition that when you have 15 you host a great party with a great dress and many guests, but when I was a little girl I wanted to go to Disneyland because my family and I loved that place, but after meeting you, bye bye Disneyland. Now my new dream was to meet you. We couldn’t go to the Fearless Tour, the Speak Now World tour or the Red tour. My sisters and I watched it on TV and we put it on pause and we took pictures and then uploaded them to facebook with captions like: “Here in the front row of the speak now world tour”. Our dream was to be one of those lights we could see there and to be screaming and singing along to the songs. It wasn’t until August 17, 2015 that our dream came true and our parents gave us tickets to the front row for The 1989 World Tour concert in Glendale. IT WAS LITERALLY THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE. When you sang “welcome to New York”, my sister and I started crying like crazy (I’m not lying) and we really seemed to be having a heart attack right then and there. We cried, cried and sang like never before. I’m a very shy person who is ashamed of everything, but that day I was a new Fer, more outgoing, not caring what people thought of me. This was a difficult year because of the money, but we decided to go back to one of your concerts regardless of whether it was the last seat of the stadium. So we saved money and we were able to buy tickets to go to Glendale on the Reputation stadium tour. We were so happy and we started a big countdown on Instagram to see you again. Thank you for being the person you are. You are our inspiration and our example to follow. You are like my older sister. And I love you. The truth is that at night I pray to God for you and your family, and I tell him that if he wants, one day he can give me the opportunity to take a picture with you and hug you. I love you very much and I hope one day I’ll be able to tell you this in person. YOU’RE THE QUEEN OF OUR HEARTS ❤
You can find Valeria and Fernanda in:
Show: Glendale, Az // Seats:  Sec 446, Row 21, Seats 1-2
Instagram: falery13 // Tumblr:  falery13
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daayswiftie29 · 4 years
Yesterday 2 years ago, I had the opportunity to get tickets for Reputation Stadium Tour in Houston, even when my travel was 18 hours in bus (I’m from México), I’m actually had no words to describe how much fun, happiness and love I felt seeing the beauty of Taylor and having like ASMR with her softness voice. In company of my twin flame.
I just want to say: Thank u so much Taylor, bc u gave me the best day of my life, I know that even when LoverFest isnt in course, every swiftie will see you soon.😭🌷💫💖 @taylorswift @taylornation
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Last night at work one of the girls out the back had the reputation album on. After two songs I was like ok maybe it's a coincidence, then after three I stormed in and was like 'DO YOU LIKE TAYLOR SWIFT!!?' She goes 'I LOVE TAYLOR SWIFT' after I finished work I stayed till 11:45 pm talking to her and we spoke about music, lyrics, how intelligent Taylor is and how kind and generous she is. She's from Latin America and she got to see Taylor live for the first time on the rep tour. Loved her before but now she's practically my best friend.
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SANTA CLARA, LEVI’S STADIUM (May 12, 2018) – Masterpost
Below you can find everything about this specific tour date – videos, reviews, impressions, pictures… Also, you will find links to other awesome masterposts people have made. This will be a constant work in progress and I will continue to update this post. If I missed something important, please feel free to point it out and I will update.
You can find this materpost, as well as those for other dates, on Reputation Stadium Tour page on my blog. Enjoy!
Charli XCX – setlist
Camila Cabello – setlist
Taylor’s set:
…Ready For It? video 1 – video 2 – video 3 – video 4 – video 5
I Did Something Bad: video 1 
Gorgeous: video 1 – video 2 – video 3
Style: video 1 – video 2 – video 3 
Love Story/YBWM: video 1 – video 2 – video 3 – video 4 – video 5 – video 6 
Look What You Made Me Do: video 1 – video 2 – video 3 – video 4 – video 5 – video 6 
End Game: video 1 – video 2 – video 3 – video 4 – video 5 – video 6
King Of My Heart: video 1 – video 2 – video 3 – video 4
Delicate: video 1 – video 2 – video 3 – video 4 – video 5 
Shake It Off: video 1 – video 2 – video 3 – video 4 
Dancing with Our Hands Tied: video 1 
The Best Day: video 1 – video 2 – video 3 – video 4 – video 5 
Blank Space: video 1 – video 2 – video 3 – video 4 – video 5 
Dress: video 1 – video 2 – video 3 – video 4 – video 5 – video 6 – video 7 
Bad Blood/Should’ve Said No: video 1 – video 2 – video 3
Don’t Blame Me: video 1 – video 2 – video 3 – video 4 
Long Live/New Year’s Day: video 1 
Getaway Car: video 1 
Call It What You Want: video 1 – video 2 – video 3 – video 4 – video 5
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together/This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things: video 1 – video 2 – video 3 – video 4 – video 5 – video 6 – video 7 – video 8 
Other videos: I love you Mom – …cause she’s dead – reveling in screams of the crowd – fireworks – Why She Disappeared – Andrea and Scott singing during Don’t Blame Me – walking through the crowd – Taylor backstage – Andrea crying during “The Best Day” – Taylor walking to the stage – couple dancing to “New Year’s Day” – compilation – here’s to my mama - beautiful crowds
Social Media/Fun stuff
doors are officially open – Grace Helbig was at the show – Grace lost her brain tonight – she’s been a star for a decade and in that decade no one has ever paid to meet her
Oregon Live - Taylor Swift meets Ashland boy inspired to walk by ‘Shake It Off’ - May 16th - article
The Bull 98.7 - 7 Reason You Need To See Taylor Swift’s Reputation Tour - May 21st - article
REP Room/meeting Taylor
Latin Swifties – Taylor pretended to beat us up with glow stick – TN upgrading fans – she told us she worked on this tour for 14 months – she thanked me for allowing her to keep doing this – she started shimmying – she’s so amazing – surprise song is request from Camila – her hug was the best thing – I was bawling – I cried on her jacket – inside REP room – Finally! The story behind the burning chair – Taylor and Andrea worried for my knee (backstory) – she called me a loyal fan – she is just soooooo happy – when she was talking about Joe’s family – what she said about Joe’s family – she looked me in the eyes and asked if I was happy – rude question to Taylor about her weight – she is much more beautiful in person – stadiums try to rush them along to kick them out
REP room stories: shesdeadswiftie – xiwantyourmidnightsx – sadtragics – qarly_13
Pictures with Taylor: jonathannormanla – stackersss_ – yourfaceinalocket – brookefreia – jadaarodriguez – heldyourpride – xthedinasaur – frenchsodamonitor – shesdeadswiftie – letsgetout-ofthistown – jazyscott – macey.cook – chuffy10
All the updates on REP room from this night in Santa Clara HERE and HERE.
Taylor, her team & friends
Taylor’s social media – See you tonight, Santa Clara – Thank you! (Santa Clara night 1 review) – Taylor reblogging video of Camila singing “Love Story” – 110,000 thank you’s to the 110,000 people who came to see us – Love you guys - Happy Mother’s Day
Taylor’s quotes from this show – Delicate – Delicate 2 – DWOHT – The Best Day – LL/NYD
Taylor’s family – Scott filming Taylor
Charli XCX – there’s three are having the time of their lives – final list of her top 10 Taylor songs
tswiftnz – pictures
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repts-1989 · 6 years
The 38 Facts About Reputation
1. Taylor started taking notes for her 6th album around June 2015.
2. Taylor knew very early on that she wanted to call her 6th album "reputation". She began seriously writing for it, so she constructed the album based on the album title. This is the first album she has done that for.
3. Taylor attempting to replicate any parts of 1989 but it would have been "ineffective", since that album has own entity.
4. "putatio" is actually a Latin word. The underlined word in reputation album means reckoning/calculating.
5. The first time Taylor felt she was really "onto something" with this album after laying down "I Did Something Bad". Taylor and Max were both in agreement that is sounded like anything in 1989.
6. LWYMMD was originally an emotional poem that Taylor wrote. The verses in their entirety exist in the poem.
7. The dancers had no idea what they'd be wearing on LWYMMD music video, when they arrived in the set. "This is the first and only time you'll see Taylor in crop top" Todrick laugh.
8. Tayor and Jack finished the LWYMMD song at Jack's house.
9. Taylor and Ed wrote "End Game" on July 13, 2017.
10. The car ride in, in the "End Game" music video is a Lamborghini Aventador.
11. Taylor and Future recorded the parts of "End Game" in Atlanta's Tree Sound Studio.
12. The airplane at the end of LWYMMD music video has "TS6" on it.
13. Taylor Swift played the entirety of Reputation for Joseph Kahn.
14. The sign on hotel desk in Delicate music video say "Hotel Delicat".
15. "Dancing With Our Hands Tied" was written in early 2017. Taylor was back in L.A after not being photographed for months. She went to the gym and as she left paparazzi were taking photos her and shouting at her weight.
16. A fan asked Taylor what a giant snakes were called on the rep tour, and Taylor seemed reluctant to tell her, but said the cobra's name is Karyn.
17. The wristband in rep tour are programmed to form different shapes in every songs, e.g (❤, 👑 and moving 🐍).
18. Taylor said she didn't mean to place "Delicate" as track 5, but after she completed the tracklist, she thought to herself, "Oh! I did it again..." 5th track is the emotional and vulnerable song.
19. Reputation Sold more copies in its first day than any album sold in a week in 2017.
20. When Taylor began writing and recording the reputation album, the goal was to kill the 1989 and create something entirely different.
21. Taylor first to reference an alcohol in her song.
22. Taylor Swift wrote the lyrics of "Dress" a full year before recording it. There's an actual Dress taylor inspired about the song.
23. The baby voice at the start of the song "Gorgeous" belongs to Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds' daughter, James.
24. If you noticed the repeated mention of things being "gold or golden" accross the album... It would take you in RED era, from Taylor wrote in the liner notes of RED that she thinks "Real love shines, golden like starlight".
25. Taylor said reputation is "very linear" in this timeline. It starts out with "rebellion and anger and angst" before she falls in love and changes her priorities...
26. Don't Blame Me is about "crossing the lines" for an older boyfriend that being addicted in love and crazy.
27. So It Goes... is about a good girl turning to a bad girl which is the edgier side of Taylor Swift.
28. On the shoulder sweatshirt Taylor wore on the reputation cover with stitching that forms 5 peaks-interesting given Taylor has released 5 albums before reputation, though likely a coincidence.
29. Call It What You Want is a song explaining about her disappearance from the spotlight. The song is about someone who loves her even when she has been painted in a bad light.
30. Scott Borchetta's favorite song in reputation is "Dancing With Our Hands Tied".
31. Mama Swift's favorite song is reputation is "So It Goes..."
32. Gorgeous was one of the first song Taylor wrote in reputation on September 2016. It took her a few weeks to write, starting on a guitar and moving to piano.
33. The line in ...Ready For It? "Burton to this Taylor" refers to the relationship between Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor, which was tumultuous and highly publicized.
34. "...Ready For It?" draws some interesting parallel with a movie Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton (named in the song) starred in called boom! In the 1986 film, Taylor plays an older serial-marrying millionaire, and Burton plays a younger man. They meet on an island.
35. "reputation" is Target's biggest music pre-sale of all time.
36. Taylor said she can't honestly picked a favorite song from reputation album.
37. Getaway Car is a song about failed relationship that was doomed in the beggining. Referring to her ex boyfriend Tom which the romance ended so soon.
38. At the Nashville reputation Secret Session, Andrea left the room and Scott covered his ears during "Dress".
@taylorswift 🔥❤️🔥 #1Yearofreputation
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