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Marathi News LIVE Updates: महाराष्ट्रातील ताज्या घडामोडींचे लाइव्ह अपडेट्स
ट्रक आणि पिकअपचा भीषण अपघात, चौघांचा जागीच अंत; मृतांमध्ये बाप-लेकाचा समावेश बीडच्या मांजरसुंबा नजीक अहमदपूर -अहमदनगर मार्गावर पिकअप व कंटेनरचा भीषण अपघात झाला. या अपघातात पिकपमधील तिघेजण तर कंटेनरचा चालक जागीच ठार झाला. नितीन घरत, प्रल्हाद घरत, विनोद सानप अशी ठार झालेल्या तिघांची नावे आहेत.
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भारत के चंद्रयान लैंडर के 23 अगस्त को चंद्रमा पर सॉफ्ट लैंडिंग की उम्मीद
Chandrayaan News Update। भारत के चंद्रयान-3 मिशन के लैंडर के 23 अगस्त को चंद्रमा पर सॉफ्ट लैंडिंग की उम्मीद है। दूसरी ओर, रूस ने 10 अगस्त को अपना चंद्र मिशन लूना -25 लॉन्च किया, जो 21 अगस्त को चांद के साउथ पोल पर सॉफ्ट लैंडिंग कर सकता है। इस बीच चंद्रयान-3 मिशन को लेकर भारतीय स्पेस रिसर्च ऑर्गनाइजेश के पूर्व प्रमुख के सिवन ने कहा है कि भारत के मंगल मिशन की लागत बेशक कुछ हॉलीवुड फिल्मों की तुलना…

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रोजनिशी (Current Affairs In Marathi): 5th August 2023 (५ ऑगस्ट, २०२३)
✅भारतात लॅपटॉप व टॅबलेट यांच्या किंमतीत वाढ होण्याची शक्यता:
▶️केंद्र सरकारने टॅबलेट व laptop च्या आयातीवर निर्बंध घातला आहे.
▶️या अचानक घेण्यात आलेल्या निर्णयामुळे भारतात laptop व टॅबलेट च्या किंमती वाढण्याची शक्यता आहे.
▶️या निर्णयामुळे मॅकबुक्स,HP,Asus, Samsung,Acer तसेच इतर कंपन्यांना भारतात आयात ताबडतोब थांबवावी लागेल.Read more
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PM Kisan 19th New Installment Update News : शेतकऱ्यांसाठी अतिशय महत्त्वाची बातमी कधी जमा होणार पीएम किसान योजनेचा 19 वा हप्ता.

PM Kisan 19th New Installment Update News : नमस्कार मित्रांनो आज आपण पाहणार आहोत की पी एम किसान योजनेचा 19 वा हप्ता कधी जमा होणार व कोणत्या तारखेला जमा होणार हे आपण आज आपल्या लेखात पाहणार आहोत, तर मित्रांनो महाराष्ट्रातील भरपूर शेतकऱ्यांनी पीएम किसान योजनेचा लाभ घेतलेला आहे व अजूनही जे शेतकरी पीएम किसान योजनेचा लाभ त्यांना नाही मिळाला अशा शेतकऱ्यांनाही फॉर्म भरला तर लाभ मिळणार आहे तर चला आपण आज आपण आपले लेखात पाहुया की पी एम किसान योजनेचा 19 वा हप्ता कधी मिळणार आहे. PM Kisan 19th New Installment Update News
PM Kisan 19th New Installment Update News
तर मित्रांनो केंद्र सरकारने सर्वसामान्य लोकांसाठी ही योजना सुरू केली आहे. म्हणजेच शेतकऱ्यांसाठी ही योजना सुरू केलेली आहे, तर या योजनेचा लाभ म्हणजेच प्रधानमंत्री किसान सन्मान निधी योजना या योजनेतून सरकार दर वर्षी शेतकऱ्यांच्या खात्यात 6000 रुपये टाकते. परंतु आतापर्यंत शेतकऱ्यांना 18 हप्ते चे पैसे त्यांच्या खात्यात मिळालेले आहेत. आता शेतकरी 19 हप्त्याची वाट बघत आहे. PM Kisan 19th New Installment Update News
आता हा हप्ता कधी मिळणार आहे, व कोणत्या तारखेला मिळणार आहे, ही शेतकरी ���ाट बघत आहे. तर मित्रांनो आपल्याला असे सांगण्यात येते की प्रधानमंत्री किसान सन्मान निधी योजना ही सरकारची प्रमुख मुख्य योजना आहे. या योजनेत भारतातील सर्व लहान मोठ्या व श्रीमंत किंवा गरीब अशा शेतकऱ्यांना या योजनेचा किंवा या योजनेतून आर्थिक सहाय्यक प्रदान करणे हे या योजनेचे मुख्य उद्दिष्ट आहे. जेणेकरून या योजनेअंतर्गत शेतकऱ्यांना प्रत्येक 4 महिन्यानंतर त्यांच्या बँक खात्यात 2000 हजार रुपये असे डायरेक्ट दिले जात होते. आता वर्षातून 3.हप्त्यांमध्ये शेतकऱ्यांना 6000 रुपयांची आर्थिक मदत दिली जाते, ही रक्कम त्यांच्या बँक खात्यात डायरेक्ट जमा होत आहे. PM Kisan 19th New Installment Update News
PM Kisan Yojana 18th Installment Update
प्रधानमंत्री किसान सन्मान निधी योजनेचा 18 हप्ता हा 5 ऑक्टोबर 2024 रोजी देण्यात आलेला होता, परंतु आता शेतकऱ्यांना 19 हप्ता कधी मिळणार व कोणत्या तारखेला मिळणार या हप्त्याची वाट शेतकरी बघत आहे. तर मित्रांनो 19 व्या हप्त्याचे पैसे हे फेब्रुवारी 2025 ��्या पहिल्या आठवड्यात जमा होण्याचे शक्यता आहे, मात्र सरकारकड��न अजूनही याबाबतचे कोणतेही नवीन अपडेट आणले नाही. आता प्रधानमंत्री किसान सन्मान निधी योजना म्हणजे पीएम किसान योजनेचे 4 महिन्यातून एकदा हप्ता दिला जातो, याचा थेट फायदा शेतकऱ्यांना होत आहे. PM Kisan 19th New Installment Update News
PM Kisan installment check
पी एम किसान च्या अधिकृत वेबसाईटवर https://pmkisan.gov.in तुम्ही व्हिजिट करा. त्यानंतर लाभार्थी स्थिती मुख्य पुष्ठावर जा इथे लाभार्थी स्थितीवर क्लिक करा तुमचा तपशील एंटर करा. ज्यामध्ये तुमचा आधार क्रमांक, बँक खाते क्रमांक, किंवा मोबाईल क्रमांक, असे समाविष्ट करा, तपशील सबमिट केल्यानंतर वेबसाईटवर तुमची हप्त्याची स्थिती दिसेल. PM Kisan 19th New Installment Update News
PM Kisan Yojana Apply Form
सर्वप्रथम तुम्ही पीएम किसान या योजनेच्या वेबसाईटवर जा नंतर नवीन शेतकरी अशी नोंदणी क्लिक करा. त्यानंतर तुम्हाला विचारलेल्या फॉर्ममध्ये आवश्यक तपशील जसे की लागणारे डॉक्युमेंट म्हणजे आधार क्रमांक, राज्य जिल्हा, आणि इतर संबंधित, किंवा वैयक्तिक आणि बँक माहिती, तिथे प्रविष्ट करा. जेणेकरून फॉर्म सबमिट करा, आणि प्रिंट आऊट घ्या. PM Kisan 19th New Installment Update News
India Jobs Finder
इंडिया का सबसे बेहतरीन चैनल उस पर हर खबर आपको मिल जायेगी..
Note- ही माहिती केवळ माहितीपुरती आहे. कोणताही निर्णय घेण्यापूर्वी तुम्ही संबंधित अधिकाऱ्यांचा सल्ला घ्यावा.
कृपया ही माहिती वाचण्याच्या अगोदर तुम्ही बाहेरूनही माहिती तपासून बघा.
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Maharashtra Unfiltered: Raw Politics, Daily Delivered – 19 November 2024
Maharashtra’s politics are full of excitement right now as the state gets ready for the 2024 Assembly elections, which are set for November 20. This election is very important, and there will be a tough race between the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the Congress, and their partners, the Shiv Sena groups and the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP). This election is a big deal in Maharashtra’s political history[2, 3] because over 4,140 candidates are running in 288 districts.
Important Politicians and Parties
There are important people on both sides of the election:
The BJP is led by Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, who has made his group in the Shiv Sena a key partner. Shinde’s government has put a lot of effort into building up facilities and progress[4].
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Congress: Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra are in charge of this party, which wants to regain ground in Maharashtra.
Uddhav Thackeray’s Shiv Sena (UBT): Thackeray is running on a platform of social justice and regional pride. He wants to get his party’s power back after it broke up with Shinde.
Ajit Pawar’s NCP faction: Ajit Pawar, who is now deputy chief minister, is also a major candidate. He leads a group that has traditionally had a lot of power in Maharashtra politics[3].
Important Changes
As of today, November 19, 2024, politics are very heated, with people running for office at the last minute and making last-minute plans. The opposition coalition, called the Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA), is trying to take power away from the Mahayuti alliance, which is run by the BJP. Both groups have gotten national leaders to help their campaigns, so the stakes are high. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah have been working hard to get people all over the state to back the cause[5].
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Important Groups to Keep an Eye on
Several groups are being closely watched as possible predictors of the overall election outcome:
1. Worli: A big election with Aaditya Thackeray (Shiv Sena-UBT) running against Milind Deora (Shinde group) and Sandeep Deshpande (MNS).
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Baramati is a traditional base for the Pawar family. In this fight, Ajit Pawar is up against Yugendra Pawar, who is backed by Sharad Pawar.
3. Kopri-Pachpakhadi is Chief Minister Eknath Shinde’s district, where he is running against Kedar Dighe. This election has personal stakes for both of them [3, 4].
How Elections Work
The upcoming elections aren’t just about parties; they also show problems in society as a whole. There are now over 96 million registered voters, including almost 2 million people who are voting for the first time. This change in the population could affect how people vote, especially younger voters who are becoming more worried about things like unemployment and the economy[2].
Also, claims of election fraud have come to light, including claims that cash was given to voters to change how they voted. Law enforcement agencies across Maharashtra have seized large amounts of cash and illegal gifts, which raises worries about the fairness of the election process[5].
What this means for Maharashtra
The results of these elections will have long-lasting effects on how Maharashtra is run and what policies are made. A win for the coalition led by the BJP could strengthen its grip on power and allow it to keep working on its growth plans. If, on the other hand, the MVA is able to take back control, it could mean a move toward more progressive policies that focus on social justice and regional growth.
All eyes will be on Maharashtra tomorrow, November 20, as people get ready to go to the polls for what looks like it will be one of the most important elections in recent memory. The findings will be made public on November 23. They will not only decide how local governments will work in the future, but they will also set the stage for national political alignments before the next general elections[2, 3].
[1] https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/topic/maharashtra-political-crisis
[2] https://www.financialexpress.com/india-news/maharashtra-elections-2024-live-updates-mahayuti-mva-maharashtra-government-formation-election-rally-campaign-speech-roadshow-bjp-congress-shiv-sena-ncp/3667888/
[3] https://www.businesstoday.in/india/story/maharashtra-assembly-elections-2024-bjp-congress-uddhav-thackerays-shiv-sena-and-eknath-shindes-shinde-sena-clash-for-288-seats-spotlight-on-9-key-constituencies-454256-2024-11-19
[4] https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/maharashtra-politics/news
[5] https://www.businesstoday.in/india/story/maharashtra-assembly-election-2024-check-polling-date-time-exit-polls-result-counting-details-454259-2024-11-19
[6] https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/cash-chaos-ahead-of-maharashtra-elections-crores-in-a-car-water-stream-and-allegations-fly/article68782098.ece
[7] https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/editorial/crowd-of-confusion-on-the-maharashtra-political-scene-polls/article68846189.ece
[8] https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/maharashtra-assembly-election-5-maha-battles-among-288-seats-to-watch-out-for-key-constituencies-and-candidates-101731989475836.html
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नवी मुंबई के स्पा में महिलाओं से जबरन करवाया जा रहा था देह व्यापार, पुलिस ने तीन महिलाओं को किया रेस्क्यू
Sex Racket busted in Navi Mumbai: महाराष्ट्र के नवी मुंबई में पुलिस ने एक स्पा सेंटर पर छापा मार कर तीन ऐसी महिलाओं का रेस्क्यू किया है, जिन्हें देह व्यापार में धकेला जा रहा था। यह कार्रवाई महाराष्ट्र पुलिस के मानव तस्करी निरोधक प्रकोष्ठ (AHTC) की एक टीम ने खुफिया जानकारी मिलने के बाद की है। मानव तस्करी निरोधक प्रकोष्ठ (एएचटीसी) के सीनियर ऑफिसर पृथ्वीराज घोरपड़े के अनुसार उनकी टीम ने एक गुप्त…
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मुंबई में घटी मराठियों की आबादी, नए प्रोजेक्ट्स में आरक्षित हों 50 फीसदी घर, उद्धव सेना ने कर दी नई मांग
Creative Common परब ने जोर देकर कहा कि यह कानून शहर में मराठी जनसांख्यिकीय को बनाए रखने में मदद करेगा। प्रस्तावित विधेयक में कहा गया है कि डेवलपर्स मराठी लोगों के लिए आवास इकाइयाँ आरक्षित करें। लोकसभा चुनावों में अपनी हालिया सफलता से उत्साहित महा विकास अघाड़ी (एमवीए) ने एक बार फिर मुंबई में ‘माटी के बेटे’ की घटती आबादी का मुद्दा उठाया है। यह तब हुआ है जब शहर विधान परिषद और महाराष्ट्र में आगामी…

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महाराष्ट्र सरकार राज्यातील रिअल इस्टेट क्षेत्राला मोठा धक्का देण्याच्या तयारीत,परवडणाऱ्या घरांना चालना देण्यासाठी सरकारचा मोठा निर्णय I Real Estate News
राज्याच्या गृहनिर्माण धोरणात महत्त्वपूर्ण बदल करण्याचा सरकारचा विचार ..

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Team scrapping by Pakistan giants after humiliating defeat; "If you can't win, at least..."
Rashtrasanchar News:Ramiz Raja on Pakistan Defeat : On Saturday The World Cup match was played between India and Pakistan on 14th October. India defeated Pakistan by 7 wickets in this match. After that, the former legendary players of Pakistan, who were singing the songs of Pakistan team before the World Cup, are now trashing the team. Rameez Raja has also impressed the Pakistani team.
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Recruitment of contract workers in the state has begun...
Rashtrasanchar News:Mumbai | Maharashtra News - It was announced a few days ago by the state government that 75 thousand seats will be recruited in the state. Not only this, the process of recruitment of talathi and health workers was also started. But while this process was going on on the one hand, on the other hand, the process of appointments on contract basis started on behalf of the government. Contracts were given to some private companies for this. That is why it is seen that there is an outcry among the youth across the state.
#latest news#Recruitment of contract employees#maharashtra#marathi news#rashtrasanchar#कंत्राटी नोकर भरती#ताज्या बातम्या
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Marathi News LIVE Updates: महाराष्ट्रातील ताज्या घडामोडींचे लाइव्ह अपडेट्स
भाजपविरोधात इंडिया आघाडीचा भविष्यात मोठा प्लॅन, कॉंग्रेस प्रदेशाध्यक्षांकडून उद्देश स्पष्ट भारतीय जनता पक्षाबाबत हेच ‘इंडिया आघाडी’चा एकमेव उद्देश आहे. त्यासाठी आम्ही एकत्रित लढणार असून, गुणवत्तेनुसारच जागावाटप केले जाईल, असे काँग्रेसचे प्रदेशाध्यक्ष नाना पटोले म्हणाले.
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Rashtrasanchar Newspaper: A Voice for the People

Introduction Rashtrasanchar is a Marathi-language daily newspaper published in India. It is one of the most popular newspapers in the state of Maharashtra, with a circulation of over 1 million copies per day. Rashtrasanchar is known for its comprehensive coverage of local, national, and international news, as well as its strong focus on social and political issues.
History Rashtrasanchar was founded in 1962 by a group of journalists and social activists. The newspaper's mission was to provide a voice for the people and to hold the government accountable. Rashtrasanchar quickly became known for its fearless reporting and its commitment to social justice.
Editorial philosophy Rashtrasanchar's editorial philosophy is based on the principles of freedom of the press, democracy, and social justice. The newspaper believes that it is its duty to inform the public about important issues and to hold the government accountable. Rashtrasanchar is also committed to promoting social justice and equality.
Content Rashtrasanchar covers a wide range of topics, including:
Local, national, and international news Politics Business Economy Social issues Culture Sports The newspaper also has a number of regular columns and supplements on topics such as health, education, and agriculture.
Impact Rashtrasanchar has played an important role in shaping public opinion in Maharashtra. The newspaper has exposed corruption and injustice, and has campaigned for social change. Rashtrasanchar is also a respected source of news and information for the Marathi-speaking community around the world.
Challenges Rashtrasanchar faces a number of challenges, including:
Financial constraints Government pressure Competition from other media outlets Despite these challenges, Rashtrasanchar remains a strong and independent voice for the people of Maharashtra.
Conclusion Rashtrasanchar is a leading Marathi-language daily newspaper that is known for its comprehensive coverage of local, national, and international news, as well as its strong focus on social and political issues. The newspaper is committed to the principles of freedom of the press, democracy, and social justice. Rashtrasanchar has played an important role in shaping public opinion in Maharashtra and is a respected source of news and information for the Marathi-speaking community around the world.
Additional information Here is some additional information about Rashtrasanchar newspaper:
Rashtrasanchar is published from Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur, Kolhapur, Aurangabad, and Nashik. The newspaper has a website and a mobile app where readers can access its content. Rashtrasanchar also has a strong social media presence, with millions of followers on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Rashtrasanchar has won numerous awards for its journalism, including the prestigious Ramnath Goenka Award for Excellence in Journalism. Rashtrasanchar newspaper in the 21st century The media landscape in India has changed dramatically in recent years. The rise of social media and the internet has led to a fragmentation of the audience and a decline in the readership of traditional print media outlets.
However, Rashtrasanchar newspaper has adapted to the changing media landscape by expanding its online presence and launching a mobile app. The newspaper has also invested in new technologies such as data journalism and artificial intelligence to improve its reporting and storytelling.
Rashtrasanchar newspaper remains an important source of news and information for the Marathi-speaking community in the 21st century. The newspaper is committed to its core values of freedom of the press, democracy, and social justice.
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"Sajid Nadiadwala encouraged me to not quit politics and become a film producer," says Raj Thackeray at the Yek Number trailer premiere.
The trailer launch for Rajesh Mapuskar's Marathi film Yek Number was a star-studded affair. Aside from the debuting pair of Dhairya Gholap and Sayli Patil, industry heavyweights such as Aamir Khan, Rajkumar Hirani, Ashutosh Gowariker, Avinash Gowariker, Sajid Nadiadwala, Warda Nadiadwala, Abhijat Joshi, and Sajid Khan were present. Raj Thackeray, the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena's chairman, produced the film under the label Sahyadri Films, which is handled by actress Tejwawini Pandit.
During the event, Raj Thackeray recounted an obscure story of when he chose to leave politics and how Sajid Nadiadwala's advice helped him. "In the year 2000, while I was a member of a different party (Shiv Sena), I became dissatisfied with the political situation and chose to take a step back. I felt I shouldn't remain in politics. I believed I'd gradually abandon politics. I used to have regular meetings with Sajid Nadiadwala. "I met him and decided to start a film production company," he explained.
Thackeray went on to say, "Then one day, Sajid Nadiadwala inspired me to return to politics. He told me one thing: "Raj bhai, I am a producer, so I understand how a producer works and what he needs to do." I will not be able to watch Raj Thackeray perform all of that as a producer. You remain where you are. Filmein toh banti rahegi." Then I came back into politics, and things started happening."
Thackeray explained how, after all these years, he finally entered film production and collaborated with Nadiadwala Grandson on the film. "Now, today after all these years, I started a production company," he informed me. "And while doing so, I met Tejaswini Pandit, and Sajid Nadiadwala was always present. Marathi cinema has produced several excellent films. However, given the success of films from other regional industries, it is critical that Marathi films reach that level as well. That is how the film Yek Number came about.
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Maharashtra Unfiltered: Raw Politics, Daily Delivered – 22 November 2024
The political scene in Maharashtra is very tense right now because the state is waiting for the results of the November 20, 2024, assembly elections. The votes will be counted on November 23, and both the Mahayuti union, which is in power, and the Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA), which is in opposition, have a lot at stake [1, 5]. Important Political Events Setting of the Election The Maharashtra Assembly elections are very important because they are a race between the Mahayuti alliance, which is made up of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the Shiv Sena, which is led by Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, and a part of the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) led by Ajit Pawar. The MVA is made up of the Congress, the Uddhav Balasaheb Thackeray group of the Shiv Sena, and another group of the NCP led by Sharad Pawar. This election is especially important because it comes after a rough time when political alliances and realignments have changed many times, leaving many voters disappointed [1, 2, 3]. - Advertisement - Guesses Based on Exit Polls As of today, exit polls show that the Mahayuti party might win, with predictions of between 178 and 200 seats out of 288, while the MVA is expected to get between 82 and 102 seats [4, 6]. However, some polls show that there may not be a clear winner in the assembly election. This could mean that there will be a lot of intense talks and more political maneuvering after the results [2, 3]. Conflicts within the company There is already fighting going on within both of the main groups, even before the counting starts. For example, there is disagreement over who should be Chief Minister if either party wins it. The head of the Maharashtra Congress, Nana Patole, has said that the MVA government will be led by the Congress. Other MVA leaders, like Sanjay Raut [7][8], have spoken out against this claim. This disagreement shows how competitive politics are in Maharashtra and also shows how tense things can get within party partnerships in general. 1 Voter Participation and Turnout - Advertisement - About 66.05% of eligible voters showed up to vote in this election, which is higher than in previous years and suggests that people are more interested in politics [1, 4]. This rise in participation could be due to a number of things, such as successful campaigning by both alliances and a growing desire among citizens to have a say in how their government runs in the face of economic and social problems. What this means for Maharashtra’s politics The results of these polls will have a big impact on the way politics work in Maharashtra. A second term for Mahayuti could strengthen the BJP’s grip on the state and Eknath Shinde’s leadership. On the other hand, if MVA is able to take back power, it could mean a comeback for traditional parties like Congress and change how India’s voters will vote in the future [5, 9]. - Advertisement - How People Feel The public’s mood seems to be mixed; many people are angry about the unstable government and shifting allegiances that have been the norm in recent years. People are paying more attention to candidates than to parties because they don’t trust political systems [6]. This change could make future elections less predicted because voters will put the honesty of each candidate ahead of loyalty to the party. Bottom Line All eyes will be on November 23, because Maharashtra is about to get poll results that could change everything. It’s not just the choices voters make that will affect local government; they could also have an effect on India’s politics as a whole as parties change their plans to meet the changing needs of voters. In the days to come, it will be very important to see not only who runs Maharashtra but also how its people interact with their democracy going forward
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