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444names · 2 years ago
list of ancient roman ruins + list of elden ring locations
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a bit vague but okay. just fyi, it's better if you learn a lil' bit about how markov chains work due to the blog being based on the same principle of generation, @northome
Aacha Aataco Academis Acadering Aftering Ailicall Aintop Alburbo Allus Altarsus Altusa Anctum Antic Anticle Apame Apamedica Aphrodius Aphrone Apollower Apollus Aporoling Aquellat Aquering Arted Artemples Assum Assummon Atargely Atinauric Atine Ation Auring Awated Azularge Baalbekaa Bacchur Bakhleh Baption Baroqueen Barrane Basemble Basemuir Basians Basianus Bathriye Beehin Beehiver Behin Belfrings Beneta Bested Bestill Blace Bomost Boufice Boufich Brida Brithin Buildinat Burbo Bustrewn Caeliefs Capiter Cariaco Cariyah Carria Carrow Castend Cavat Cavate Cavator Caveyard Celti Centurn Chayer Chbana Chelica Chelios Chelough Circulumn Clauding Claudium Clift Cloistor Coast Colche Colos Colum Columbled Communis Completer Conque Conserved Constreet Coring Courthage Covenia Coveside Crated Crystater Cybelem Cybeles Dakout Damastusa Deawat Deawated Deaway Dectuary Deeproba Derintop Derior Destargo Dester Dismall Divia Domin Dominular Dorsakes Dough Dragment Dumane Dumayn Dunerary Dunese Durifiedd Edden Ellus Elphaeum Endering Epher Ephere Ephest Espast Espastu Especial Estill Eteringe Evernal Exter Famon Faouq Finer Flamed Flaminot Fored Forlorne Forset Fortial Founds Fount Foura Fragona Frand Frenne Fries Fring Fringlead Froneta Funerva Funes Gadden Gaelid Gallona Gallonal Garria Gatefron Gater Gatine Gation Geneta Giana Giantle Golands Graveyar Groundere Grounta Grountain Grove Guart Guarthage Haded Hademi Hadria Halley Hallo Hamoused Harchapel Harrise Heightly Helid Hered Heretusa Hermes Hermith Hidde Hidea Highron Hight Hilineath Hiling Holder Holis Holissum Horner Horvated Humayn Hypsis Hypsists Impalazzo Impalmyra Impel Inseluvis Insules Inthin Isias Jania Janicus Kanatori Kfarottom Khird Konal Laied Laken Laskyard Lataco Lated Latill Lebane Lennels Limgrand Liter Litor Liurn Liurnic Liurnt Liurnus Livine Locally Locata Locateau Lonal Londone Lookoue Lordian Lucarria Maide Maint Maissa Marburnia Marcery March Marchapel Marsus Marth Mascum Megist Melic Merch Mersei Minula Minus Miragon Monwat Mornia Mound Mounds Mouseum Mtargater Muchedral Muchelid Multor Mused Mushad Méridge Namea Neighroad Nighront Nights Nighway Nokront Nokronter Nothe Nowfied Nowfield Nymphael Octagona Olden Oring Orior Orium Overn Oveside Parthbore Pasted Pastu Pering Philictor Plagues Plated Pollona Porolder Potainium Potains Prest Prestus Proba Probable Probabled Proot Proserva Punice Purics Puring Qouqa Rakhosn Realm Reastly Reciali Recipice Remaide Renturg Renzied Renzy Repost Restill Retus Reuse Revenus Revertemi Rison Rivery Romer Romercula Roserpina Rotto Rottom Rottombs Round Rounded Ruinsulis Sanawater Sanaway Sance Sancyra Scotlan Seconvery Seger Segeture Segetus Sella Serpina Serva Served Sevenia Sevenus Sfirst Shamid Shring Shrings Shunne Shunni Siofrage Siter Sitest Siturnice Situry Situs Smold Solate Sosians Sourch Sourt Spainside Stantiali Stants Starfa Stenhous Stial Stialight Stinal Stinean Stormcal Storren Strapost Stree Stroyed Structed Struction Substarge Substated Substater Subter Sugga Sules Surviver Suway Targo Templete Templeter Theast Thercula Thern Thero Thian Thindmill Thraeum Titury Toresenat Toring Torior Tormfoot Tormgated Toweretic Tunice Tunion Tunne Tunni Turkwat Tychelios Undtabled Unsiden Unusuallo Uppering Usements Useum Vallona Veral Vespecial Volcanon Volchesus Warmascus Weeprose Whichaped Whichayer Witchbib Writh Yantaint Yantinula Yelona Zaghous Zamorne Zebanor Zeusemuir Zeuseum
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revryebread · 4 years ago
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while I was putting together a graphic to explain which NPC is talking to us in blaseball, I realized that the microphone isthe Original Wyatt Mason.
 (as evidenced in it's tweets where it says "It's me, Wyatts" and the Bulletin referring to it as Microphone Mason) 
The Microphone has put three microphones up on the idol board and made a deal with Jaylen. The deal has made Jaylen non-lethal, which is good, and has put her debt in mic-text. 
 My theory, basing on a few separate things, is that Wyatt Mason Prime is calling out ot his friends to try and come back. Therefore- looking at the Wyatt's that are still on the tacos (the reasoning for this being the mic has tweeted "Friends" and then in the next tweet "Stick Together"), we should try and get them into the mic slots so they can call Wyatt back to his original body- NaN. I truly believe this will not harm anybody. 
The Microphone has never been malicious, and we know it's a former player. If we can get three of Wyatt's friends (the people still on the team who bear his name), we can call Wyatt back down to earth and save him.[3:41 PM]My reasoning for it not being Mason related, the mic has never tweeted the word "mason"
I don't think it's the wyatt's on other teams because "friends stick together"
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eallisnwndrlnd · 4 years ago
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Our first meal back home stateside...the one thing we missed like crazy...L.A. tacos!!!😋🥰 #latacos #losangeles https://www.instagram.com/p/CQvdsFjDQ0X/?utm_medium=tumblr
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95thsttacos · 5 years ago
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We are #14 in @eateratlanta! 2020 we are coming for that #1 spot. Nominated best Burrito in @creativeloafingatlanta 2018 Surf N Turf Burrito Shrimp Steak and Chicken burst with flava! #tacos #burritos #streetfood #latacos #atlanta #atleats #adairpark #westendatl #westviewatl #foodies #tacostandas #foodies #foodbloggersatl https://www.instagram.com/p/B6SBouRhRuO/?igshid=1ofdobvqkk5mb
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pandithepanda · 6 years ago
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When the taco coma hits 🐼💤 〰️ Taco coma vinyl stickers available! www.PANDITHEPANDA.com 〰️ #tacocoma #foodcoma #taco #tacos #tacosforlife #latacos #🌮 #vinylstickers #stickermule #stickers #foodies #foodiesofinstagram #stickerslaps #panda #pandithepanda #pandabear #pandasofinstagram #pandalove https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt0D9RTF4AH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1tbex66m72p1f
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keeptrucha · 7 years ago
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Book em
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tastekitchen · 6 years ago
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Whenever in LA, @guerrillatacos is a must-stop! #tbt #latacos #taqueando (at Guerrilla Tacos) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0WbC_Yg_3R/?igshid=8pxw9n753dp2
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garyalvarez · 4 years ago
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*1 Year Anniversary of the 'Rona Lockdown* A big THANK YOU to multimedia journalist and artist Lexis-Olivier Ray for joining PERSISTENCE OF SOUND via Zoom to share some of the music that inspires him and influences his work! 🎶✊🏽 Along with the music, Lexis-Olivier shared his experiences growing up in Connecticut, going to film school and throwing parties in NYC, photographing his cross-country road trips, writing for L.A. Taco, documenting LAPD violence against black & brown communities and so much more! Link in bio. #persistenceofsound #patchedin #missioncontrolstudios #fortheloveofmusic #lexisolivierray #lataco (at Long Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMT9fQWApW-x5jnkI6i6zG4EZmY9xnnD9th-rM0/?igshid=1bllolp0r68kg
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lahuesudatacos · 6 years ago
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Tomorrow @monkishbrewing we are serving with @seoulsausage Korean Tacos 2.0. Don’t miss out!! #lahuesudatacos #tacos #tacoporn #catering #events #popup #brewery #eatlocal #drinklocal ##laweekly #lataco #laweeklyfood #foodporn #foodie #zagat #latimesfood #thrillist #losangeleseats #lafoodie #buzzfeast #munchies #taqueando #koreantacos #seoulsausage (at Monkish Brewing Co.) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByQPcYgFj3h/?igshid=1ipvquau4ff0o
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dizkidd92806 · 3 years ago
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A billboard in San Francisco and Los Angeles (located at the intersection of Barham and Cahuenga boulevards, overlooking the 101 Freeway) is using the Uvalde shooting massacre to encourage people not to move to Texas. Reposted from @lataco Link in their bio for more. #LATaco #LosAngeles #Texas #SanFrancisco #Uvalde https://www.instagram.com/p/Chu8lg5PsSn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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muck-raker · 3 years ago
[text: "All the teachers were shocked when they quickly removed the body and admin told us to hold classes as usual." At this point, the faculty were under a mistaken belief that the body belonged to "a homeless man who died of natural causes."
"We all thought it was ridiculous to have students on campus but once the kids were there, it was a done deal," the sources continues. Once they learned the corpse belonged to a whistle blower in a Deutsche Bank corruption case involving Trump, they say, "It was even more odd that very little investigation was done and the entire area was quickly pressure washed."]
The person whose body was found this week on the campus of Wilson High School in El Sereno was Val Broeksmit, an informant for federal authorities investigating Deutsche Bank and its entanglements with former President Donald Trump.
Broeksmit was 46 years old, according to the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner-Coroner’s office.
“This is terrible news,” tweeted New York Times reporter David Enrich, who profiled Broeksmit and quoted heavily from the whistleblower’s trove of sensitive documents in a 2020 book.
Another journalist, Scott Stedman, wrote that Broeksmit “supplied me and other journalists with Deutsche Bank documents that highlighted the bank’s deep Russia connections.”
Broeksmit’s family reported him missing to the LAPD more than a year ago, saying he was last seen in Griffith Park on April 6, 2021 — though his Twitter account was active as recently as three weeks ago.
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gourmetcandle · 4 years ago
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Lunch time! BLT and a coke! ⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #Birria #Candles #Healthyrecipes #Swag #Instafood #Eeeeeats #Meatlover #Lataco #Tweegram #Candle #Amazing #Su #Noodles #Bestoftheday #Lunch #Foodblog #Dinner #Philly #Besttacos #Foodporn #Foodie #Instacool #Style #Gourmetcandle #Savorybreakfast #Foodpics #Comidamexicana #Food #Philadelphia #Tacos (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHT87aXhJYH/?igshid=furtppgt3d9u
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95thsttacos · 7 years ago
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Let me tell you! I think I made over a million tacos in the passed 3 years, in the city of Atlanta. We met and served all types of people and experience many life challenges while running a family business and kept rolling with the PUNCHES. Running a business is NO JOKE! However, we go hard everyday for our family & friends and wouldn't trade it in for the world. We are forever grateful for our supporters. @biggdras and myself curated our first art show 9 years ago when we first started dating and we are excited to announce our 2nd art show for our 3 years in business. We will be hosting @joystickgamebar 7.15.18 6pm Artist @cfluxsing @highoffmarkers @mateotheinker @quakesolo @artist053 There will be a $5 mystery box raffle. Giveaways An Art revealing from @Markers Merch for Sale $3 Tacos $3 Shots Dj (tbd) Please mark your calendars you do not want to miss this Arcade/Taco Theamed Exhibition of the year. #creativeloafing #thrillist #atlantaphotographer #atlantamagazine #atlantainfluencer #atlfoodtruck #artshow #foodbloggers #atlfoodies #foodie #art #arcade #gamebar #latacos
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mrbigsleeps · 5 years ago
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Pull up and try the best food in Los Angeles... On the Corner of Olympic and Georgia @beniyaki_la 👈🏽 #losangeleafoodspota #lataco #ubereats #grubhub #doordah #beniyaki #bestfood #beatfoodinlosangeles #lalive (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9DiW4EAt3f/?igshid=biqmhjr7gg4h
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tastekitchen · 6 years ago
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This place doesn’t need me taking about it anymore, but I can’t stop won’t stop! @mariscosjalisco is mandatory for us each time we’re down. #mariscosjaliscos 🐙 #tacomadness #lataco (at Mariscos Jalisco) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByLo_LoAK7-/?igshid=ascmvqu5xj4p
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garyalvarez · 6 years ago
A big THANK YOU to director Erick Galindo of L.A. Taco for inviting me to shoot this interview with actresses Mishel Prada and Chelsea Rendon of the hit series VIDA--season 2 now streaming on Starz! 🌮🎥✊🏽 Click on the link below to watch the full video... #lataco #vida #canonc100 (at Tacos Don Cuco) https://www.instagram.com/p/BybGkJNAxFj_Y1Z6VogqYwWW4TId3QDuwiuoU40/?igshid=103fnmipv0k25
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