#laszlo kreizler x bucky barnes
the-ravening · 9 months
Fic: A Suitable Course of Treatment (Laszlo Kreizler/Bucky Barnes)
Wrote a little Laszky PWP for @tales-from-a-maphia-don. Happy birthday!! 🥳❤️
Fandoms: The Alienist/TFATWS crossover
Pairing: Laszlo Kreizler/Bucky Barnes
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2k
Tags: Teen Bucky, age difference, dubcon, doctor/patient, period typical homophobia, conversion therapy but in a gay porn way, handjobs, PWP, glasses kink
Young Bucky is sent to Dr. Kreizler to be treated for his unnatural urges. As it turns out, the doctor has some unconventional methods.
Read on AO3!
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januaryembrs · 2 years
Januaryembrs 1k follower special
hello all! so seeing as I am about to hit 1k followers I’m going to be doing a little celebratory fic writing!
So all I wish for you to do is to send me a little drabble idea through an ask and I will write roughly 1k words for each (for 1k followers). The characters I will be writing for are any that are included in my masterlists including the ones I have not written for yet or who I have tagged as a x reader down below.
Please do not include any smut as I’m not quite comfortable writing it yet, and I still reserve the right to not write for any asks that make me too uncomfortable!
Thankyou so much to everyone who has followed me over the past couple of years, I can’t wait to write so much more for you all! ❤️❤️ THANKYOU ALL SO MUCH ❤️❤️ -stars
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baroness-brod · 3 years
Now that time, space and multiverse is fucked up I want you to consider Laszlo Kreizler x Bucky Barnes with both of them learning the future. I love old timey boyfriends.
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mahbonesmccoy · 3 years
The Baron's painter
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Chapter 1
Series Masterlist
Author's note: I used Laszlo's face as Zemo's for the sake of Visualization. This is supposed to be a one shot but I got carried away... Please do enjoy this fic! There might be some inaccuracies since I didn't put much effort to research but I'll try my best to do in the later chapters.
Wordcount: 2.5k
Warning: John walker. Misogynistic remarks. So much fluff, it could ruin your teeth from grinding it too much. Sexism. Smut in the later chapters.
Tags: @ultrarebelheart (I want to tag you cause this is actually for you)
CH 1.
For a woman of your standing and all the misogynistic remarks from certain people, you are a great painter and many royals consulted you to paint their portrait. Mainly princesses and Ladies in waiting. You were fortunate enough to be home-schooled despite your mother’s persistence to marry you off to someone wealthier than your father instead. You don’t exactly belong to a high class family but you are fortunate enough to be in the middle class where your father could afford to give you an education. Marriage wasn’t in your list and you certainly still wanted to explore the world and paint. You are lucky enough to have a father who understands your wishes and respects them. Most of the daughters in a family were sent elsewhere just for the purpose to marry and have children.
You are currently in London since a client had sent you a letter that requests your expertise to paint a family portrait. Of course you accepted it eagerly. Just as you finished your work in London, you wet back home only to receive another letter… From Sokovia.
“Dear, Lady (Y/L/N),
I hope you are well. A friend of mine referred your expertise to me regarding painting a portrait. He has spoken of your work as if you’re in par with Michelangelo. With that, I am compelled to hire you as my painter. I trust his judgement regarding your painting and I can’t wait to see you work in person. Write me back as soon as you read this letter if you wanted to accept my offer or otherwise. I shall pay all your expenses on your way to Sokovia and then back to Deutschland.
Yours truly, Baron Helmut Zemo.”
It’s your first time to receive a request from the country of Sokovia and you are absolutely thrilled to be there and so you quickly rush to your writing table to write a reply to the Baron. Of course, your mother is trying to convince you to stop what you are doing and be a proper lady but you are on fire with your passion of art. You’re just so glad your father tolerated you and didn’t force you to do the expectations of a daughter in the family.
“Baron Zemo,
I just came home from London when I first read your letter. I am thrilled to be under your employ and be at your disposal for painting your portrait. I will be travelling starting the 1st of May and be there as early as I could. I’d rather discuss the important details in person regarding the painting. I appreciate you placing your faith in my abilities, as men seldom employ female painters.
With regards, Lady (Y/N)”
Zemo had received your letter a few days later and is already looking forward to seeing you. His servants are already preparing his royal clothes. He delicately folds your letter and places it in a small box. His happy solitude was cut short when he heard someone coming in his office.
“I heard you hired a woman to paint your portrait. Really… A woman?”
Said Sir John Walker. One of his associates in business from America who’s currently, and unfortunately for Zemo, visiting him for business matters. Baron Zemo might be a Baron but he’s also engaged to business that involves selling gunpowder and supplying ammunition and, not to mention, he’s also a Colonel. Everyone feared him and everyone respects him immensely.
“What’s wrong with a female painter, Sir walker?”
John Walker almost scoffs at his question but refrained.
“A woman belongs to her man. A husband. Her duty is to marry and provide children and you trust this woman to give you a perfect portrait to hang on the wall? Don’t be absurd, Baron. Men are skilled and better than women.”
Zemo is aware of the prejudice and too ahead of his time. His mother had taught him well to respect women and to treat them as equals despite his father being a Misogynistic himself. Either way, he looks at women so highly and as his equal… not some breeding doll to provide heirs.
“Yes you had said too much, Sir walker. But Sir Barnes from Romania spoke highly of her skills and recommended her to me. I’ll be the judge of her work and not you. I recall this will be your last day of visit, is it not? I shall provide the carriage for you so you could be on your way. Please tell Sir Lemar that the shipment will be on hold for a moment unless he pays me in advance.”
With a small huff, Sir walker bowed his head for the Baron before making his way out of his Manor. Zemo never liked Sir walker… He remembered how he treated that poor man who was offering him service to carry his lodgings. The Baron observed the man at his office window as he boarded himself in the carriage he had provided for him…
Your presence annoys me… This is much better than having you around for another few days…
His train of thoughts was cut short when a maid knocks on his door, serving him his usual tea.
“Baron, the maids are done preparing your clothes. We will prepare the whole room for the portrait painting afterwards.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Grey. Please tell your husband to prepare the horse… I feel like riding this afternoon.”
“Certainly, Baron.”
You are on your way to Sokovia now and the nature around never fails to soothe your soul. The greeneries, the colorful sky with a hint of violet, blue and pink is a sight you could never grow tired of. The Baron was kind enough that he had sent someone to fetch you in Deutschland. An elderly gentleman named Oeznik. He is really that serious in taking you to sokovia and al the expenses are all on him and you couldn’t even complain… Travelling is expensive despite the fact that you can afford it.
“Sir Oeznik, may I ask if you know who is the man that recommended the Baron of my Painting skills?”
“Ah, Sir James Barnes from Romania. He said you painted him once in America.”
Oh that made sense to you now. Sir James Barnes, the gentlemen who hired you to paint him and his close companion named Sir Steve Rogers. Both of them are sweet and a gentlemen and never gave an impression that they doubted your skills despite your gender. They were even more ecstatic when they finally got to see your finish product. Your thoughts drifted away elsewhere, longingly looking at the sky and nature with so much hope for your future. You’re so happy already and you couldn’t ask more. You drifted off to sleep eventually, not knowing it has gone darker and have arrived inside the borders of Sokovia. Oeznik softly wakes you up to avoid startling you and tells you that you had finally arrived at the estate of Baron Zemo.
“Oh forgive me, Sir Oeznik. I must have drifted off too long.”
“Travelling can be very tiring. I understand. Mr. Grey will be the one to take all your lodgings to your room. Mrs. Grey will take you to the Baron.”
Without further ado, you got out of the carriage. Despite being exposed to the lovely architectures in Great Britain, you couldn’t stop from admiring the manor. It was lit and bright like the Baron had a party prepared inside. Mrs. Grey, the maid, leads you inside and instructs you a few things around the manor while she’s guiding you to the office of the Baron. You didn’t exactly listen, too distracted with the statues and lovely decorations around the hallway. Too distracted that you didn’t notice that the maid led you inside the Baron’s office.
“Ah, you must be Lady (Y/N). The painter that James has told me about. Please do take a seat.”
You were caught off guard at that very moment and immediately bowed your head, softly apologizing from being distracted and take your seat near his table.
“Oh please no need for such formalities. I want you to be comfortable around here and treat me as someone who isn’t a royal. Where did you learn how to paint? James has told me your talent is remarkable that a number of royals actually seek for your expertise.”
“You’re too kind, sir… My father actually tolerated my passion for arts and insisted that I should have a proper education to be more intellectual. Despite my mother’s wishes to marry me off to someone, he supported and respected my decision. I learned how to paint very young and it’s actually my mother who taught me to paint until it became my passion and my work.”
Zemo drummed his fingers softly on his knee as he intently listens to you.
“Then your father must have understood that you are your own person and that no one is allowed to dictate you on how to live your life. Not even the mother who gave birth to you. Dinner is almost ready, and we shall discuss the details during supper. I know you feel exhausted so it’s best if we get into business.”
In Zemo's view, the psychological consequences of having a thoughtful father like yours are quite apparent. Because you are not burdened by the responsibilities of a daughter, your job is of excellent quality. You have nothing to be concerned about... He informed you what he wanted for his painting at supper and asked you how long it would take you to produce three portraits of him. It might take a month or two depending on your speed and how urgently he required the painting, but Zemo was not in a hurry. Everything that is created with art requires time. After supper, he bids you good night and Mrs. Grey shows you to your room upstairs, which is a wonderful guest room. Your previous guest rooms were not as lovely as the one you are now in, and you are grateful for the Baron. Before changing into your night clothes, you had peeled off all the layers of your dress and removed your corset. You relish the opportunity to sit near the window and eagerly gaze at the stars... You had the key to your whole existence in your hands, and that's all that mattered right now. Your mother isn't here to pass judgment on your decision not to marry. You simply hoped she wouldn't do anything extreme that would upset you.
You had a peaceful slumber for the rest of the night and by 7 in the morning, one of the servants had woken you up and served your breakfast. As much as you are grateful for her service, you couldn’t help but tell that you could have gone downstairs yourself to eat breakfast at the dining room.
“It’s okay, Lady (Y/N). The Baron instructed to serve your breakfast in bed since he had matters to attend early in the morning and could not join you. He assumed you must be very tired from your trip yesterday.”
“I see… Thank you. And please just call me by my name without the title. I’m no longer a Lady. I’m just a painter now.”
Your compassion is appreciated by the servant, who smiles. Nowadays, servants are rarely treated with respect. You had readied yourself to look respectable and presentable after breakfast before savoring the prospect of visiting the magnificent garden while the Baron was absent. It appeared to be considerably more lavish than your own garden, and you might easily get lost in the maze of flowers. You close your eyes, take a deep breath, and listen to the birds singing... Bliss.
You didn’t know that the Baron is behind you, giving you a little bit of time to unwind before clearing his throat to announce his presence. You turn around quickly and greeted him with a surprise tone in your voice.
“Forgive me… I didn’t know you were there, sir.”
The baron, who was beaming warmly at you while you were apologizing and lowering your head, thought your humility was really endearing.
“Please, again, no need to bow. My garden rarely received any visitors and you are free to roam around the manor. The whole estate might give you an inspiration for the painting. Speaking of painting, when do you want to start?”
You softly chuckled, quite surprised at the prospect that a client is actually asking you when you are ready to paint him.
“I should be the one asking you that, sir. I could begin now.”
“By all means… But first I must get ready before we begin. I hope that your sleep and breakfast is excellent?”
“Yes, I feel well rested and full. Thank you, sir.”
Zemo guides you back inside then to the room where he desired to be painted first. A room brimming with family artifacts. Crowns, swords, jewels, and this one purple mask that you find peculiar. You arranged your canvas and art equipment, ensuring that everything would be ready when the Baron arrived. And as soon as he did, you recalled what your mother had said...
One day you will be looking at a man and you couldn’t help it but feel your world slowing down. Time will come that your heart will scream at you no matter how hard you resist this new sensation. This feeling. You find yourself stuck on your spot and couldn’t blink your eyes. After all, we are only human. I hope that time will come soon…
And, by God, the moment had arrived... You find the Baron already attractive but seeing him dressed in regal garb makes him 10 times more so. Oh, you were terrified... terrified of the emotions your mother had warned you about. You immediately clear your thoughts away from that and focuses on the matter at hand. The painting. Clearing your throat, you instruct him where he should be standing and posing and then you begin your work. The more you stare at him, the more you notice those moles on his face, the lovely beard, and the perfect and honey-coloured eyes. You wonder how soft his hair is… Your cheeks are suddenly tinted with pink and you are thankful that the huge canvas is covering your face. Now that you had painted his shape and his pose, you told the Baron to take a rest from standing.
“Thank you, Lady (Y/N). May I see your initial work?”
You wanted the final work to be a surprise but you think the Baron might wanted a few changes in the portrait so you decided to let him see it.
“Good lord… You managed to paint all that fast? The initial work looked good enough for me.”
James Barnes was true to his words regarding your skills in painting. He will definitely hire you again after this…
“You’re too kind, sir.”
Many royals had praised you before, but the Baron's comment made you feel... strange. You feel very much appreciated, and you get the impression that you are in the limelight, with the crowd roaring for you. You take the risk of gazing at the Baron when he is staring at the initial painting. He's right next to you... Even your closeness to him made you feel something. Your gaze returns to his face.
Oh you are beyond from stepping away right now… You fancy the Baron.
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noforkingclue · 3 years
Whumptober 2021 Masterlist
Day 1- All trussed up and still nowhere to go (dark!Zemo x reader)
Day 2-  Talking is overrated (Doc Ock x reader)
Day 3-  Sticks and stones may break my bones but... (dark!10 x reader)
Day 4-  Trust Fall (dark!Zemo x reader)
Day 5-  I’ve got red in my ledger (Dhawan!Master x reader)
Day 6- Touch and go (Doc Ock x reader)
Day 7-  My spidey- sense is tingling (dark!Zemo x reader)
Day 8- Comfort (Thomas Thorne x reader)
Day 9-  Rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated (Doc Ock x reader)
Day 10-  Oops, I did it again (Billy Butcher x reader)
Day 11- Just keep swimming (13 x reader)
Day 12- It’ll be fun, they said (Thomas Thorne x reader)
Day 13- That’s gonna leave a mark (Billy Butcher x reader)
Day 14- Under Pressure (Bucky Barnes x reader)
Day 15-  Feed a cold, starve a fever (dark!Zemo x reader)
Day 16- On a need to know basis (Jason Todd x reader)
Day 17- Field Care 101 (Bones x reader)
Day 18- The doctor is in (Missy x reader)
Day 19- Just a scratch (Jonathan Crane x reader)
Day 20- Lost & Found (Dark!Zemo x reader)
Day 21- That’s where the blood’s supposed to be (Billy Butcher x reader)
Day 22- They made me do it (Dhawan!Master x reader)
Day 23- You Break it, you buy it (Dhawan!Master x reader)
Day 24- One down two to go (Dark!Bucky x reader)
Day 25- Hide and Seek (Thomas Thorne x reader)
Day 26- You will go down with this ship (Zemo x reader)
Day 27- I’m fine, I prom... (Doc Ock x reader)
Day 28- It’s not just in your head (Dark!12 x reader)
Day 29- All work and no play (Dhawan!Master x reader)
Day 30- Digging your grave (Klaus Hargreeves x reader)
Day 31- Hurt & Comfort (Laszlo Kreizler x reader)
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darksideoftheshipps · 3 years
Multifandom ships
Part 2
Adam Jones x Tony Balerdi (Burnt 2015)
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Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes (Marvel)
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Helmut Zemo x Bucky Barnes (Marvel)
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Steve Rogers x Helmut Zemo (Marvel)
( how can you see Zemo like it rough)
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Helmut Zemo x Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes (Marvel)
( yeah polyamory hate love ) :')))
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Dr. Laszlo Kreizler x John Moore (The Alienist)
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James Hunt x Niki Lauda (Rush 2013)
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Bucky Barnes x Brock Rumlow (Marvel)
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nocapesdahling · 3 years
Nocapesdahling’s Masterlist
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Hello, and welcome! Thanks for visiting. Please click below to check out my stories!
Cooper Howard x Lucy MacLean:
- We Gladly Feast (M | Ongoing | ao3)
Rose’s side of the family isn’t exactly management material. They’re creepy and they’re kooky, mysterious and spooky. All together ooky really. Too bad Hank Maclean has no idea what he’s in for when it comes to his wife and children. 
Or in which Lucy is an Addams and the Ghoul is the most beautiful thing she’s ever seen.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
One Shots
- Sunlight (18+ | 8.1k | ao3)
Lucy MacLean can’t bear to watch her brother suffer from his illness any longer and decides to take drastic measures. She only hopes Lord Cooper will answer her devotion with a boon of his own. 
Or in which Lucy MacLean would offer anything to her god to save her brother, even herself.
- The Professors Howard and MacLean Appreciation Society (T | 6.5k | ao3) (Features Dane x Maximus as well)
In which Dane and Max are lucky enough to get two classes in a row in the same room, which are taught by Professors Maclean and Howard respectively. There's definitely something going on between the two professors, and Dane is determined to find out what.
Helmut Zemo:
- As the World Falls Down Series (17+, Helmut Zemo x GN! Reader) (On Hiatus)
You are the head of Research and Development for your squad in Sokovia and also serve as its handler. Your leader is the esteemed Colonel Helmut Zemo, your best friend though you’ve often sometimes wished that it could be more than that.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
One Shots
- Sweet (Helmut Zemo x GN! Reader)
You own a bakery and develop a crush on your new regular.
- One Night (Helmut Zemo x GN! Reader)
You long for Helmut during the day, but the nights are when you miss him the most.
- Cousin Helmut (Crossover with the Addams Family)
Helmut Zemo is an Addams, and his family couldn’t be more proud of him.
- Life Eternal (18+, Prequel to Cousin Helmut. Crossover with the Addams Family)
Helmut Zemo is an Addams. When an Addams falls in love, they fall fast and they fall hard. After the loss of his Heike, he never thought he would love again. Until he saw you. 
- Signs (Helmut Zemo x GN! Reader)
Prompt: “Because I fell for you, isn’t it obvious?”
- Insubordination (Helmut Zemo x GN! Reader)
Colonel Helmut Zemo is your commanding officer, and oh how you hate him.
- Appraisal (18+ Dark Fic, Soft!Dark King Zemo x F! Reader)
King Helmut Zemo rules all, his reign absolute and unchallenged. When men bearing his livery steal you from your home with no regard for your mother’s screams or your attempts to fight back, you know there will be no escape. Not from him.
- Under the Cover of Darkness (18+, Soft!Dark Zemo x GN! Reader)
Baron Zemo has amassed quite an art collection over the years and it’s enough to draw your attention. After much surveillance, you don’t know which work you’re going to steal, but know you’ll have plenty of options to choose from. Little do you know that he’s been watching you too.
-  Helmut Zemo & John Wick (Crossover)
Steve Rogers:
One Shots
- All of Me (Pre-Serum! Steve Rogers x F! Reader)
Steve Rogers, the man you want to spend the rest of your life with, is going to war and you don’t know what you’ll do without him.
Bucky Barnes:
One Shots
- Winter Wonderland (Bucky Barnes x GN! Reader)
Work has been stressful for you lately. Luckily, Bucky has the perfect idea to distract you. 
Clint Barton:
One Shots
- My Christmas Arrow (17+, Clint Barton x GN! Reader)
Clint challenges you to a holiday archery contest, and whoever wins gets to claim the prize of their choosing.
- Fire Escape (Clint Barton x GN! Reader)
Prompt: “For the most part, I am, in fact, an idiot. But I fully admit to it, which should count for something.”
Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton:
One Shots
- Morning Serenade
It’s a typical morning in the Barton Barnes household when Clint decides to introduce Bucky to some modern music.
General Headcanons:
- Thor and Loki as café owners AU
- Rick Flag Alphabet (18+)
- Snippet of a The Suicide Squad Apartment AU
The Witcher
- Geralt of Rivia SFW Alphabet
- Logs on the Fire (17+, Geralt of Rivia x GN! Reader)
You spend the winter at Kaer Morhen with Geralt.
Final Fantasy VII
- Wolves (Cloud Strife x F! Reader)
You're a fighter in Don Corneo's Colosseum, and one day come across someone unexpected.
The Sandman
- Call it Dreaming (Morpheus x GN! Reader)
You’ve been stressed out lately and haven’t been sleeping as much as you should. Fortunately, Dream is here to make sure tonight is different. 
The Alienist
- Put That Pen Away (Laszlo Kreizler x GN! Reader)
You come across a man writing in books in your bookstore and have to put a stop to it. Yet you can’t help but think he looks familiar and for a book vandal, he’s surprisingly charming. 
-  Stay Awake (Laszlo Kreizler x GN! Reader)
Prompt: “Can you stay? Just for tonight, please. I don’t want to be alone with my thoughts.” “‘l’ll stay for as long as you need.”
Squid Game
- Caught (18+, The Front Man x F! Reader)
You’re Jun-ho’s police partner, who infiltrated the island with him. When the Front Man is looking for the intruders, you reveal yourself in the hopes of keeping Jun-ho safe. Little did you know that he was safe all along.
Top Gun
- Hold My Hand (Gen Fic, Pete “Maverick” Mitchell & Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw)
Bradley Bradshaw grows up without his dad, but his mom and Uncle Pete are there every step of the way. Snapshots of Bradley’s life told from his POV. 
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marvelmusing · 3 years
I was going to post a list of all the ideas in my drafts and ask you guys what I should work on. But....
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As you can see, the list is quite long already and this is only half of it. So if I don’t post for a while it’s because I am slowly working on everything whilst also coming up with new ideas.
I’m also going through writers block with smut, which is annoying because at least three fics would nearly be finished if I could write the smut. But my asexuality keeps reminding me that sex is weird and shouldn’t they get to know each other better before they do it??
So if anyone sees something on this list that they really want to see, let me know and that might give me the motivation to finish it.
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hardlyinteresting · 3 years
Updated Masterlist May 29, 2021
Master List
Laszlo Kreizler Helmut Zemo Bucky Barnes Carter Baizen Chris Beck Hal Carter What does _____’s house look like? 
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lovie-barnes · 3 years
someone pls someone send/give me the motivation too finally finish my first oneshot, i beg!! Its in my drafts and ive started but i just need a push and some help too finish it🥺
would anyone read if i started writing?
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the-ravening · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you @zsparz and @six-demon-bag for tagging me! ❤️
1. How many works do you have on ao3? Only 12, because I am a baby writer.
2. What's your total ao3 word count? 86k
3. What fandoms do you write for? Winterbaron, or more accurately, Zemo/everyone
4. Top five fics by kudos: Let's do a top 3, since top 5 would just be like half my fics.
Something Sweet to Eat (142 kudos) Extremely underage Halloween fic, bunny boy Zemo shows up trick or treating at Bucky's house Adopt, Don’t Shop (123 kudos) Omegaverse, bratty teen Zemo is for sale at an Omega kennel and Alpha Bucky goes shopping Gift-Wrapped (113 kudos) This was the first fic I ever posted (just a few years ago) and I'm still pretty proud of it. Just a silly Winterbaron rimming PWP, but it's hot
5. Do you respond to comments? I try to, I always mean to, but I think I'm a bit behind right now. I know there are some amazing comments on Home to Me from last year that I still haven't replied to and I feel bad about it all the time.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably Under Lock and Key (what a mess we’ve made), the Heinrich/Helmut Zemo dadcest fic I wrote for @ex0rin where I followed her hurt/no comfort philosophy of leaving him on the floor crying.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I don't know if I really do happy endings? I have PWPs where the happy ending is they both come, if that counts. 😅 Let's say... Ink Kissed (with violent precision) where tattoo artist Bucky gives his client Zemo a dick tattoo, and Zemo ends up quite happy with the tattoo as well as the rest of the service.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I've only gotten one or two of the world's mildest hate comments. I guess my ships are sufficiently niche that no one cares about them.
9. Do you write smut? Yeah! Do I write anything other than smut? No.
10. Craziest crossover: I've only written one crossover, A Suitable Course of Treatment, Bucky Barnes/Laszlo Kreizler from The Alienist, which isn't crazy at all because as we all know, Laszlo has Zemo's face. (If it counts, I once started a Dir en grey x Sailormoon fic where the band members magically turned into Sailor Scouts, but I did not ever get far on it.)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, the aforementioned Adopt, Don’t Shop was co-written with @violenciorp and @tales-from-a-maphia-don, because Vio lovingly bullied us into it, despite me and Mel ostensibly not being into Omegaverse.
14. All time favorite ship? I've jumped ship a lot over the years, but it's gotta be Winterbaron, since this is the ship that finally got me writing and posting and getting really involved in a fandom.
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? The first serious attempt I made at writing in this fandom was this teen Zemo necrophilia thing, and I wrote the necro part but none of the plotty stuff leading up to it. I still dream of finishing it, in an abstract way where I have no motivation to ever work on it.
16. What are your writing strengths? I think I'm pretty good at rhythm and flow and making my prose sound musical? That's something I focus a lot on and I tend to read aloud while editing to make sure it sounds good to my ear.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Probably plot and dialogue, and figuring out how to include technical details of things I know nothing about. But most of all procrastination, my arch-nemesis.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I personally avoid it, because I find it annoying to have to look up the translations in the middle of reading. I prefer to just say they're speaking in whatever language but write the dialogue in English.
19. First fandom you wrote in? J-rock RPF in the early 2000s, but I mostly just did a bit of RP and never got far with any fics I started.
20. Favorite fic you've written? Sometimes it feels like every new thing I post is my new favourite, haha. But I thiiiink my fave has been Something Sweet to Eat since I wrote it (the Halloween fic mentioned earlier), because it's probably the most self-indulgent thing I've written to date. I am truly the main audience for that fic and I'm very happy with it.
No pressure tagging: @violenciorp, @tales-from-a-maphia-don, @thepiper0fhameln, @ex0rin, @unlikelymilliner, @evenmyhivemindisempty, and anyone else who sees this and wants to join in!
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neoarchipelago · 3 years
Just realized I'm at 698 followers... Anyone interested in some HeadCanons/ blurps requests when I get to 700?
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fuddlewuddle · 3 years
Next up in my ‘Bucky collects Brühl characters’ verse… did someone call for a doctor?
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mahbonesmccoy · 3 years
The Baron's Painter
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Chapter 2
Series masterlist
Author's Note: I have the time to write the second part of this fic real quick. A lot of you seemed to like the first part so I decided to continue this. Enjoy reading!
Warnings: Sexism, Misogynies, Mentions of death, a sprinkle of sensual scene at the very end of the chapter.
German beta'd by @fleckeshummel
Word Count: 2.1K
Tags: @sapphiredreamer26, @ultrarebelheart (let me know if some of ya'll wanted to be tagged)
You have a photographic memory which greatly helps your painting process and would render your client less stressful from trying to sit still just to capture their visage and physique. After you had painted everything you need to paint, you didn’t require the Baron to do the same pose and you just asked him to sit down so you could look at his face for smaller details and the Baron is more than happy to comply. The stretch of silence between the two of you compels him to indulge you in a conversation while you’re doing your work since he had noticed you seemed tense since you begin painting his first portrait.
“I don’t mean to be inquisitive, Lady (Y/N) but… have you been engaged once?”
Hearing his voice sort of brought you back to the present. You’ve been thinking about the prospect of falling in love and get married and it daunts you so much. You lean a little on your right, tilting your head a little further to look at the Baron.
“Oh, do ask away if you have questions! I don’t mind being slightly interrogated, given my choice of life”
You gain a soft and loud chuckle from the Baron, and you smile behind the Canvas upon hearing it.
“Well… I was once engaged. Far too young. I was 16 and the man was willing to give my family a huge dowry in exchange for my hand in marriage. They accepted it without thinking about me, but I had my ways to end that horrible ordeal.”
While the Baron listens to you, he glances at his family heirlooms and his thoughts drifted away as he imagines a younger version of yourself being a little minx in ruining your own engagement.
“Wouldn’t that be too scandalous for your family?”
“Oh, it is scandalous…” You pause, leaning on your right again to look at the Baron, wet paint brush tucked on your right ear. “…and I love it.” And then you continue to do your painting again.
The Baron himself did something scandalous in his younger days and he smiles fondly at the memory of shocking his mother during a party… but he has learned his lesson and have grown mature after that. Not everyone is pure as white.
“How did you end your engagement?”
“Being young, I was sort of straightforward and rather cruel. I… find marriage rather constricting and I don’t want to be a housewife for the rest of my life. Even now. With that fear, I used that as a leverage that what I did is justified. I know the man well enough that he was having incestuous relationship with his younger sister. No wonder why she sends daggers of stares when he offered the dowry to my parents. I told my father about it and instead of me exposing him, my father exposed him. No one would believe a young girl… They would call her a liar and in need of medication.”
He thought that was a close call and is glad that you made it out of that situation. It’s a relief that your father believed you too. The world needs a kind of father like yours who doesn’t have any gender biases.
“I agree. Marriage is rather constricting when your partner doesn’t have any affections for you or the other way round. At such young age, how did you come to be so open to the prospect of being independent?”
“I read too much of romantic books before that I have come to understand that the perspective of the men regarding what a woman should do as their wife sounds disturbing enough for me. They have their both hands on their neck, pinning them down on place and treat them like they only provide pleasure and heirs.”
“So, you’ve given up on marriage? On finding love?”
You feel your body go stiff when he asked, taking a pause from doing a small stroke on the canvas. Now that he asked, you are sort of unsure now…
“Yes… But it was in the past. Let's just say I'm finicky and terrified. I'd rather be certain.” And then you continue doing the delicate strokes on his face, painting the perfect angle of his nose.
Zemo couldn't say he blamed you fully. These days, finding love is difficult, and men frequently look down on women... Women like you, who are independent and free-spirited. The men he had known for much of his life despised independent women and preferred to be married to a meek and obedient spouse.
“I was married once…”
He suddenly expresses himself. He doesn't want to be overly nosy, so he chose to share some of his personal experiences so that the conversation won’t be one-sided. You listened carefully, letting him know that you are listening too.
“She came from a wealthy family and was planning to marry me as soon as we reached the appropriate age. I like and adore her... Despite having a lavish lifestyle when she was younger, she admitted that she felt imprisoned in our marriage and that being a Baroness is too much for her. Of course, I couldn't figure out why... Was it my fault that she was so upset? It turns out that society has shaped her by putting pressure on her to be a nice wife who would provide an heir for me. I believed I had done everything I could for her benefit and comfort. She changed dramatically when our son came. She's becoming more animated and loving, and I couldn't be happier. I adore her, and she, in turn, adores me. Everything works out for both of us in the end, but then... something awful happens.”
You stopped painting a long time ago because you were so absorbed in his story. You're just sitting in your chair, your paintbrush tucked behind your right ear as usual.
“Their carriage fell of the cliff while I was waiting for them to come back home from visiting her parents. It took me days to find their bodies… I should’ve been with them. I should have spent my time with them instead of my work.”
Your mind was too empty to form comforting words and so the silence between you returned once more. Realizing that the time had pass way too much, you decided to give yourself a break and continue the painting tomorrow or later.
“I think the painting could wait for now. Why don’t we take a break?”
“Oh yes I’m rather famished now.” His customary demeanor has returned, and he rises from his chair, his back somewhat hurting from too much sitting. “I’m sure Mrs. Grey and the Servants had prepared lunch for us already. Shall we?”
The weather of Sokovia right now wasn’t that hot so the servant had prepared their lunch outside of the balcony where their Baron and you could take some fresh air while eating. As usual, Zemo had receive an ample of letters from his associates and you are quite surprised that one of the maids has given you a letter and a letter opener.
“For you, (Y/N).”
You beamingly smiled at the servant whose name is Wanda, appreciating her calling your name without your title.
“Thank you.”
While the Baron is busy reading some of his own letters, you took one Turkish delight from the table and secretly gave it to Wanda before she left. Now… back to the letter.
“Meine Prinzessin,
Ich hoffe Du bist bei guter Gesundheit. Two fine gentlemen visited our home, asking for your whereabouts but I told them you are in Sokovia under the employment of the Baron Zemo. One of them requested you to paint his soon to be wife named Peggy Carter and if I’m not mistaken… This gentleman named James Barnes knew the Baron personally. They will be waiting for your response. Bleib weg von Ärger, mein Liebling.
PS. Ich hoffe, das du bald heiratest und Kinder bekommst. James Barnes schien ein perfekter Kandidat zu sein.
When you read the last section of your mother's letter before folding it again and continuing your lunch, you couldn't resist but roll your eyes. The rest of the day is splendid, and you are currently watching the Baron prepare his horse himself for an afternoon ride.
“Why don’t you join me, Lady (Y/N)?”
His offer is a bit daunting since it’s been years since you have ridden a horse.
“I'm afraid I'm going to embarrass myself. My horseback riding abilities are a little rusty right now...”
“No, you won’t. I have a feeling you’re rather good at horseback riding. Would you like a side-saddle?”
You frown a little, chuckling when he mentions the side-saddle.
“I’m no royal. I could ride a horse with my legs spread apart. Goodness me, these people and their annoying conservative customs…”
The baron let out a small giggle from your little complain, not taking any offense from that.
“Your mother will faint if she hears that.”
“Oh, she has fainted many times because of me. And I think her heart managed. She first fainted when she saw my father teaching me how to ride a horse and drive a carriage.”
The servants, unbeknownst to you, were chatting about the Baron's mood swings. The Manor is typically dimly lit, but now that you've arrived, everything appears to be brighter and lighter. It was the first time in a long time that he ate outside on the balcony. He never eats there since it reminds him of his departed wife, and the staff were taken aback when he asked to have lunch there. He didn't usually allow them to offer Turkish delicacies, but now he's asking for more Mr. and Mrs. Grey were overjoyed that your presence had brought a smile to the Baron's face.
The whole horseback riding is full of tension for you. You kept sneaking looks from the dashing Baron, hoping that he wouldn't notice. It’s hard to accept that you are, indeed, smitten to the man. He never judges you nor be little you for choosing this life instead of marriage and it made everything so complicated for you. You'll never find another man like Baron Helmut Zemo. It's unlikely that you'll meet someone like him.
The two of you ended up having early dinner afterwards and he had asked the servants to join in… Mr. and Mrs. Grey smirked at each other, assuming that something must have happened between the two of you as he rarely invites servants to eat dinner with him.
Now that supper is finished, you find yourself sitting next to the large windowpane once more, watching the sky gradually darken, and then you hear a tiny rumble of thunder from afar, announcing that it's about to rain. When you were a youngster, you were terrified of thunder, but your father took you out to play in the rain. You knew your father was an eccentric, but you're glad he is because you wouldn't be the woman you are now if he wasn't. You take your bath towel and robes, smiling at the notion. You haven't done this in years, and now is the perfect moment to recapture the joy of playing in the rain.
It began to rain severely as you made your way to the opulent Maze Garden. Before placing yourself in the rain, you placed your bathrobe and towel somewhere dry. The heavy, cold water on your skin felt great, and it jolted you awake. A childish at heart, you started to spin yourself with your arms spread apart, your head tilted upwards to welcome the cold rain. You thought everyone is asleep in the manor… but you are quite mistaken.
Zemo recently changed into his night clothes blew his candles off when he heard something outside his window. His room is facing his Garden, giving him the perfect view of you in your nighties, soaking wet under the rain. Out of respect, he immediately shut his curtains as quickly as he could before he could see more… Slightly a little bit of hypocritic on his part, he lifted the curtain a little to look at you again.
To him, you look like someone who came out of a man’s dream. Perfect and pretty. Not just your physique but the toughness of your mind slightly arouses him. For now… the only thing he could do is watch and admire you from afar. Of course, he noticed the stolen glances during the horseback riding, and he indulged himself pretending that he didn’t know at all. You’re just…. Too good to be real.
Ich hoffe, das du bald heiratest und Kinder bekommst. James Barnes schien ein perfekter Kandidat zu sein
- I hope you will soon be married and have children. James Barnes seemed like a perfect candidate.
ich hoffe Du bist bei guter Gesundheit
-I hope you are in good health.
Bleib weg von Ärger, mein Liebling.
-Stay away from trouble, my darling.
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noforkingclue · 3 years
800 Followers Writing Prompts Masterlist
i find broken things interesting. maybe that’s why i like you so much So, I’ve hit 800 followers and have decided to open my inbox for writing prompts again! I had a lot of fun doing it last time and here is a list of everything I’ve written so far!
Billy Butcher
I know you love me, but it’s not the way I want to be loved
You see the good in everything. That’s why I like it when you look at me
I’m scared of what you’re becoming
You’re so worried about losing me you’re missing everything in front of you
Bucky Barnes
Can’t you stop running for one second
Every time you look at me, I feel invisible
I've been wrapped in my sorrow for so long, I'm afraid I feel too cold without it //  I'll be here. when you're ready to talk
Laszlo Kreizler
I find broken things interesting. Maybe that’s why I like you so much- dark
I envy anyone who has the privilege of being loved by you- dark
Ninth Doctor
As long as I have you, the rest doesn’t matter //  I won’t hate you. I know you think that’s what you deserve but it’s not
Tenth Doctor
You’re not alone. I’m here
I’m scared of what you’re becoming- dark
Twelfth Doctor
You’ll always have a home with me- platonic
What happened to you? //  I’ll still be here when you wake- platonic
Loneliness is a slow and cruel poison
You see everyone so clearly. Except yourself- dark
I’m not giving up on you, not ever- dark
I thought I’d never see you again- dark
Don’t look at me like that- dark
It doesn’t always have to be you, you know?  Your shoulders aren’t the only ones that can bear the weight of the world
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marianne-zemo · 3 years
Hi everyone, this is my blog dedicated to Marvel, I'm gonna post my own writing here but I'm a beginner so all coments/tips/constructive criticism are more than welcome! You can also send me prompts and fic ideas for these characters 👇
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Helmut Zemo
Tony Stark
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Sam Wilson
Bruce Banner
Niki Lauda
Laszlo Kreizler
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