#lastame anime
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nijigasakilove Ā· 1 year ago
Man the final lastame Thursday šŸ˜¢ šŸ˜¢ canā€™t believe we are really at the end here.
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Very sweet that Pride made Kemet and Sefec the official royal carriers. Very well deserved after everything theyā€™ve been through.
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This mf Val was really getting into the Pride feet licking šŸ˜‚ that wasnā€™t just a sign of respect lmao he so real for that.
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Extremely rare Pouting Pride šŸ˜
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ā€œArthur is the perfect knight Iā€™m delighted to have him next to meā€ omg pride be careful youā€™re gonna make my boy Arthur faint. Iā€™m sure that one comment right there made all the training Arthur went through worth it.
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Entire first half of the episode had me dying man. Between Val trying to rile up Arthur and Stale, to their duel to Val grabbing Prideā€™s hand, the fan-service and banter were great. Even a blushing Val! After the stressful last few episodes, itā€™s great to just see everyone getting praised and having fun.
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Working together Arthur and Stale were able to take down Gilbert. They always work better together. A perfect duo.
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ā€œIā€™m genuinely happy we met. Iā€™m glad you two are by my sideā€ šŸ˜­ šŸ˜­ I need a second season. I have all the books and will start reading ASAP, but I want more of the anime as well. Such a great character story and one of my fave female MCs.
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The ā€œrealā€ story only really got going at the end. I was surprised they didnā€™t bring up the ā€œorderā€ who were behind the cave incident. But a great finale nonetheless, teared up during that last montage. Iā€™ll miss this show so much.
Full Review is up on myanimelist as usual.
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oddingram Ā· 2 years ago
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this is such a BL moment out of context
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isekaiscreencaps Ā· 1 year ago
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madame-helen Ā· 2 years ago
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cassdoart Ā· 1 year ago
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P is for Pride from The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen! I love my gunslinger villainess sm
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tetrix-anime Ā· 1 year ago
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Higeki no Genkyou to Naru Saikyou Gedou Last Boss Joou wa Tami no Tame ni Tsukushimasu. (The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior) - Episode 12 Preview [Final]. Premiere: 21 September 2023
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apparently-artless Ā· 1 year ago
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ugh my heart (ą²„ļ¹ą²„)
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closebracketcolontee Ā· 2 years ago
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cospinol Ā· 1 year ago
*finally* finished with summer anime four weeks into the fall season, OTL... not much of an isekai log this time around since i didn't watch the vending machine one or either of the ones with no clear gimmick or fucking mushoku tensei, but nonetheless here's my Bad Genre Is Still Bad check-in for summer '23 anime:
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^ slim enough watchlist that i included eiyuu kyoushitsu on the basis of it being maou/yuusha bs even though that parameter for the category would technically include helck, which will not be featured in this post because i actually like it. not much to say about eiyuu kyoushitsu in and of itself (it's an episodic comedy with no single element of huge offence, but enough minor annoyances stacked up with no mitigating factors at all WILL net you a 2/10 eventually. also don't put the demon lord character in the intro if he's not going to be in the show i am so serious i can't keep getting fooled like this) but the fact that i hated it as much as i did IS a little microcosm of the larger pattern of the season, which is that i was excited that there were so many magic academy light novel adaptations because that ecological niche seemed to get naturally-selected out of existence around the time of the isekai boom and for some reason i remembered its golden age fondly...? anyways, liar liar also closed out at a 2/10 for an accumulation of annoyances with no redeeming qualities, and i dropped nanatsu no maken halfway through the season for getting on my nerves. lesson learned
and seija musou & okashi na tensei are both the most intensely Nothing To Write Home About that this genre can get, just operating on different skill levels - seija musou is almost fascinatingly amateurish with no tone, pacing, or even a gimmick to speak of (it may try to trick you by briefly dipping its toes in the concept of an rpg setting where all healers are evil(?) but don't be fooled, a solid third of the runtime is dedicated to the protagonist raising his stats by fighting zombies in a basement alone) but has no actual annoyances (aside from its minor obsession with the running gag of ostensibly funny nicknames - turns out that the principle of 'you can't give yourself a nickname' also applies to light novel authors' self insert characters) annoying enough to drop it down to a 2, while okashi na tensei is competently constructed, with at least a little thought given to its actual themes, some fun political scheming, and about as good a core cast as you're going to get in one of these (lady brioche my beloved...), but no strengths strong enough to bump it up to a 6. i'd watch a second season of okashi na tensei but i imagine i would leave with as little to say about it as this one
andddd i've been watching lastame at a pace such that i'll be lucky to finish it before the end of the year but my preliminary review (assuming it doesn't completely overhaul its established formula in the second half) is an easy 7/10 (no more no less), nice to see an otome villainess reincarnation story where the premise isn't completely incoherent and/or actively in contempt of its own genre for once, ok cast, good character design, suwabe playing a grimy bandit character with a heart of gold, etc
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nijigasakilove Ā· 1 year ago
Weekly pride appreciation post
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olier-ffbe Ā· 1 year ago
Damas y caballeros fue un placer ver este anime con ustedes. La verdad me gusto este anime porque a pesar de que la waifu es la protagonista no usaron la clĆ”sica formula que les encanta meter que es la protagonista waifu mas amigas waifu igual a yuri pasivo. Como les encanta meter esa formula donde hay puras waifus sin personajes masculinos y puro yuri pasivo como aburren con eso por eso ya no veo animes de ese tĆ­pico gracias a Dios esta serie no fue una de ellas. En conclusiĆ³n es una buena serie, me gusto el desarrollo de la historia y como se desenvolvĆ­an los personajes. Un anime que recomiendo y le doy un 10/10. El anime se llama LasTame. #anime
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isekaiscreencaps Ā· 1 year ago
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nijigasakilove Ā· 1 year ago
Lastame Thursdays! Just one more left :/
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Being able to amplify magical abilities is a really cool introduction to the series and makes Kermet really important to the story. The irony of someone that powerful being dumped in a literal trash heap and abandoned. A literal diamond in the rough. Imagine how powerful Gil, Arthur or Staleā€™s abilities could be with his touch. Crazy stuff. That scene of them earth bending out of the cave was really cool lol.
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Daily Yoshitsugu villain appearance. Dude has been a villain in like 4 shows this week alone lol. I was hoping weā€™d get more info on ā€œthe orderā€ as the episode title hints, but other than their cloaking ability and the voiceless other dude we didnā€™t get much. This was more of a Val and the kids backstory than anything.
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Their backstory was as sad as youā€™d expect. Not even having names :/. Nice seeing how close they grew to Val over those 3 months, but as I was watching I couldnā€™t help but ask ā€œis nobody gonna buy these kids some clothes?ā€ Val had them with him for a while and started giving them some food but damn get these babies some new clothes man lol.
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Ironic that Prideā€™s order is kind of the reason they got taken in the first place. If Val couldā€™ve fought back things may have gone different, but then again it all worked out in the end because they saved more kids and Pride still jumped in after Val to save him. Which was really heroic btw. Sheā€™s never content just passively watching things play out, always wants to do her duty and protect even the least of her subjects and I love that.
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One more episode šŸ˜© canā€™t wait to see how they wrap it up. Then itā€™s onto the LNs. Would love a second season especially since the story is only really now starting
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nijigasakilove Ā· 2 years ago
Weekly pride appreciation post, sheā€™s so gorgeous
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nijigasakilove Ā· 1 year ago
DAMN insane episode. One of my faves by far.
Brilliant plan to infiltrate the slave camp by using Gilā€™s age down ability. Not like anyone would recognise Pride as she was a couple years ago.. right? šŸ˜‚
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Sefec may have had harsh words to say about Val at the start, but she and Kermet clearly really care about him and believed heā€™d come for them. All of them are tsunderes šŸ˜‚
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I loved Stale and Powellā€™s interaction. Really nice full circle moment with Stale saving someone else the same way that Pride saved him. The impact that Pride has on people and the culture of the kingdom is my fave part of this series.
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Pride whipping out the sword and going full badass was cool too. Was not expecting her to help out that directly. Sheā€™s not just a pretty face. If push comes to shove she will get her hands dirty and I love it. My queen fr.
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Things quickly went south with the rescue operation so itā€™s a good thing the knights were there to help clean things up. But it looks like thereā€™s way more to this simple operation than meets the eye. And based on next weekā€™s preview I think weā€™re finally going to meet some bigger overarching antagonists. Looking forward to that
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nijigasakilove Ā· 2 years ago
Lastame Thursday! Another really good episode.
Arthurā€™s ability is actually really OP. Thereā€™s a massive difference between being able to heal plants and being able to heal anything lol. Very convenient for the plot, but hey, Iā€™ll take it. I also like how this is the first decision Pride has made without thinking about how itā€™ll affect the future, just do whatā€™s right in the moment
Gilbert and Marie deserved to live happily ever after with all the stuff theyā€™d been through so Iā€™ll take a little bit of plot contrivance for that.
Gilbertā€™s punishment is actually not as light as it sounds imo. Having to serve the kingdom as long as he lives means that even when Marie dies heā€™ll have to stick around. Thatā€™s probably when heā€™d be ready to end his life. Lowkey kind of fucked up, but I guess it is way better than executing him or imprisoning him like Pride could have.
Plus he got to kiss Prideā€™s leg and feet so he won in the end fr.
That aged up Stale was cool. I actually thought he had jumped into the future since he can teleport wherever. Gilbert being able to age people up is kinda wild.
And a good old fashioned pillow fight to let out stale and Arthurā€™s frustrations. Thatā€™s one way to feel better lol.
Great ep
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