#last vid i promise!
hereticaas · 5 months
Sam talking about the differing POVs in the books and in the series
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robotpussy · 10 months
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robotpussy on the tewbe at 1am‼️‼️
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eteisvalssi · 15 days
Yks yö lainaa | August 30th 2024 | Kokkolan venetsialaiset
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belovedgamers · 2 months
Spent so long tryna find smthn you hadnt been sent but fuck it im gonna make you answer the same thing again w a diff answer + ofc. Smthn new (hopefully?) 🍬🧩
Appreciate me i opened the new ai function on my phone by accident while trying to get into the emojis for u
Joke’s on you, I love answering the same questions over and over, it gives me a chance to talk more :D
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Canary Jimmy is the new dadza. There, I said it.
On a note related to our mutual Lizzie love, I think Lizzie’s last life character is so interesting and one of her defining traits is selfishness. She wants to survive! She wants to live! She’s looking out for herself! I think she also set a precedent for how things in the Fairy Fort went after not telling the others she was the boogeyman, and that leaves room for some delicious analysis about her relationship with and protection of Big B.
She was also so efficient? Don’t get me wrong, she had her silly goofy moments, it’s Lizzie, but I think she often uses this to her advantage. The fact that she set up her list of goals and accomplished almost all of them in her last session? Incredible. Iconic. Lizzie is more dangerous than people give her credit for. If the bit is revenge, she will get revenge.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Oh Man. Let’s see.
No “written with chatgpt” tag only to see end of chapter notes say “I used ai to help me”?
Thank you for the ask! I always appreciate you don’t worry 🥰 I value your sacrifice o7
It’s my birthday! Writer’s truth or dare!
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rebornrosess · 1 year
THE BEAR: and when i’m back in chicago, i feel it.
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glorious-blackout · 1 year
'We Are Fucking Fucked' at Bellahouston Park part deux 💖
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kaidabakugou · 2 years
this next period im gonna get soon is going to wreck me bc i’ve never cried so much over random things like i have this past week lol
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link-sans-specs · 11 months
No sans specs in the new video today, but there might have been a peekaboo or two. Requires a second watch, or a third...
But how good was that?? Of course, it took one of their classic 'left turns' at the end, and then kind of again. 🤭 And while the story was maybe a little expected, the film-making was really really good. They must've had so much fun making this.
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prtygoth · 2 years
demolition lovers (or at least the beginning of it)
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pynkfairyheart · 5 months
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pairings: Onyankopon x black reader
warnings: fluffy, suggestive ending
inspired by this vid
“Ony” you called out as you walked into your shared home.
“In here” he called from the kitchen.
“Hi baby” you cheesed as you walked up behind him, your arms wrapping around his bare torso.
“Hi, mama” he lifted an arm, shifting his body so he leaned against the counter. Enveloping you into his arms so he stared down at you. “How was your day, baby?” he scanned your face.
“It was good” you sang. “It was a lil busy at the salon today, but I had a cancellation so I jus did my nails instead. look.'' you put your hand in front of his face. your long square shaped nails filled with gold sparkles and gold charms.
“They look pretty, baby. You’re so talented” he grabbed your hand admiring your work.
“Yeah? Plus, they go super well with the promise ring you got me” you smiled, your eyes looking up at him with pure adoration.
“They do” he chuckled, as he adjusted the ring he got for you last year when you started dating.
“Can’t believe i’ve had this for a year” you looked at your hand.
“You hinting you ready for me to get down on one knee? Cause if that’s the case just give me a month to have everything ready nd I got you mama” he smirked, pulling you closer so your bodies were touching.
“No that’s not what i’m hinting. m’just saying it’s probably time for me to get you one.”
“You should, I think I should get one. Whatchu think?” he held up his bare hand with a smirk.
“Yeah? Want me to get you one?” you smiled.
“Nah youn gotta get me one ma, I mean you can if you want to, but you don’t need to spend any money on one. we can wait til our wedding” he shrugged.
“Or I can just give it to you now” you said just above a whisper. pulling out a black velvet box, you gently place it into his hand. taking a step back to gauge his reaction. “Open it, baby” you whispered when he just stared at the box.
“What is this ma?” he looked up, his voice brittle.
“Just open it baby” you said softly.
With a shaky breath and even shakier hands, he opened the box. Inside a gold band with a rose engraved into it
“I wanted it to match mine, but if you want, we can make some alterations” you tried to see his face, your nerves rising as you watched him put the ring on. heart hammering as you watched him clench his hand into a fist.
“No this is perfect” his voice was raspy as he stared down at his hand.
“Baby?” you cautiously walked up to him. your hands gently caressing his face as he finally raised his head to meet your eyes. “Oh papa” you whispered as you pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. wiping away the tears that fell from his eyes. “It’s okay, baby” you soothed him, as you looked at the tight grip his teeth had on his bottom lip. “It's okay to cry” you hugged him tightly.
“This is…I don’t even know what to say princess. thank you” he sniffled bringing you into a hug once again.
“Of course, baby.” you sighed. “Look now we’re matching” you held up your conjoined hands. “Ain’t gon be able to tell us shit” you giggled.
“Nah they definitely not” he laughed along with you. “Ion know how im ever gonna be able to repay you mama” he shook his head, admiring the ring you got him.
“You don’t have to repay me Ony. I just wanted to visibly express my love to you pa.”
“I know, I know, it’s just…no one’s ever done this before. loved me the way you do.”
“Aww, well im glad to be the first” you pouted.
“First and last” he smirked. “Now I know you said I didn't have to repay you” his hands traveled down to her thighs.
“But i'd love to show you another way of how much I appreciate you.”
okayyy first fic everrrrr nd if anyone reads this please please pleaseeee give feedback, i am open to constructive criticism. also isnt that video just so cute<333 I've been thinking about it for so long
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bbulking1 · 6 months
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Guys, I'm so sorry for posting less videos for you, college's been so hard right now! But everything is fine!! Thank you all for your support on my gains ❤️❤️ I appreciate it a lot!
I promise I will post a whole lot more videos from now on!!!
I hope you all enjoy me (empty belly and hungry) trying some of my old underwear (the last one don't fit anymore on me... For my surprise! 😂). It's so hot recording these vids 😊
And of course it's +18 video showing all my body gains 😘
Hope you like,
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d1s1ntegrated · 3 months
shiggy with a s/o who’s equally as much of a loser as him :3 like they probably met in a discord vc (he’s the mod) or a league of legends match and he probably hates them at first and then gets a lil crush on them when they helped him mid-game or smth!!
thank u <3
hi love! i am working on a full-length fic where this is literally the entire plot omgomgomg, i'll post a little snippet here!
its still a wip so it wont be perfect but its first person perspective in this part, and i'm thinking of going back and forth between povs to show shig and readers sides equally.
also, reader is fem/afab, same age as shig, and alt. she has a quirk, too (not a healing one either).
this one does include quirks also! but it doesn't get into them for a bit, just a few convos.
some tags for the work entirely: slow burn, enemies to lovers, dabi x reader, shiggy x reader, reader is Not mentally stable, but no one else is either, the server is all the LOV and some others, incel behavior, boys being gross
i slide my headset off as we log off for the night and head to my bed, yawning as i climb in. i turn my lamp off and from my bedside table, i hear the infamous chime of discord as my screen lights the room. i groan and roll over, checking the message.
↪thx 4 playing tn, u weren't half bad
↪btw sorry for threatening to ban u for posting memes in general
i read the messages slowly and type out my response.
↪gg dude, and np.
↪promise i wont spam ur precious server w memes again
↪gn bro
i turn my phone back off and close my eyes, only to hear my phone go off again. i sigh, contemplating on ignoring it, but i lazily grab it anyways.
↪would u ever wanna vid call :)
↪u can say no. its ok
i frown at the message for a minute. this is the same guy who, about an hour ago, was screaming at me for not being fast enough in game, calling me a fucking pleb.
but other than that...he was funny. and nice to talk to.
↪for sure, we can tmr.
i type out a half-assed response but feel a ping of excitement inside of me. i fall asleep with my phone on my chest, waiting for a reply.
i wake up around 1pm, the daylight searing through my curtains. i feverishly reach for my phone, only to find it flung off the bed. i drape myself off the side to reach it, eager to read any messages.
i flit through the random notifications, only to find disappointment. i open up discord, wondering if maybe i just fell asleep with my phone on, but there's no response from him. i see him active and type out a message, ultimately deleting it. if he wants to respond, he will.
i haul myself out of bed and head to the shower, leaving my phone behind, slightly jaded knowing i was left on read. i let the warm water wash over me, soaking up the few minutes of peace before i exit and get dressed. i continue ignoring my phone until i hear a ping. i rush over to it, feeling slightly embarrassed that i'm this concerned already. i open discord again, expecting a message from him, but it's not there. instead, a string of messages from someone else sits unopened. my brows furrow and i open the dm confused.
↪u played ovw w us last night right
↪u should play again tn w me, pretty.
again this is just a snippet >_< but i hope it tickles some anticipation ahhhhhhhhh. ik there isnt a lot sorry ;-;
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constellationclarke · 29 days
Hadestown today for Grace and Dónal's final performances was actually insane. The energy was electric, every single performer on stage gave it their fucking all as though it was also their last performance too, right off the bat everyone was already emotional, the crowd was wild and cheering insanely loud at the very beginning, all the emotional moments were 10x more tender. Dónal's last If It's True was actually fucking crazy it was a showstopper to the point that when it ended not only did everyone applaud like usual but everyone stood up for a grand standing ovation. (Also I was sat next to his parents!! When everyone came out on stage at the beginning his mum stood up and waved and clapped for him, I was so emotional!) During Promises when Eurydice says "You finished it" about Orpheus finally completing his song the whole theatre erupted into cheers and applause (that never happens in that moment). When Grace has her big note at the end of Wait for Me (Reprise) the cheering and applause was so loud. The audience was just electric like never before, the cheering and applause for every single song had such a different and more intense feel to it than any other day. When Orpheus turns around and loses Eurydice the whole theatre held its breath and you could hear a pin drop when Hermes starts singing the finale. Melanie started it so so quietly and solemnly and tragically and it was so beautiful. Everyone on stage was crying when they came to take their bows and Madeline got a moment of appreciation since she's taking over as Eurydice. Dónal and Grace had extended applause moments. Everyone was a sobbing mess during We Raise Our Cups, both audience and cast alike AND!! The rest of the cast (swings and understudies) came out during the song to raise their cups as well!! And then Melanie asked everyone to be seated again and called all the tech team out to stage too, taught us a call and response she'd like us to keep in mind from a storytelling tradition back in Trinidad and Tobago (sorry I can't remember it rn I was too much of an emotional wreck!!) And then she gave Grace and Dónal respectively a beautiful heart felt genuine lovely speech and goodbye, there was not a dry eye in the whole place. She asked everyone on stage to create a path and then sent Grace and Dónal off with a rhyme and the call and response she taught us, and they walked off the way Orpheus and Eurydice would have walked out of hell together if he hadn't turned around!!!!!, and they stopped at the top just before the exit to wave bye to everyone and honestly there's probably loads I'm missing out on but I cried too damn much to be able to have the mental capacity to even formulate thoughts so if anyone else was there today and has anything to add please do so!!!! 😭 it was an insane time and I'm so so glad I got to be there and experience it, it was pure magic. I got this vid of the bows and you can see how emotional everyone was but had to cut it off as We Raise Our Cups started because my hands were shaking so much (I have a full vid of the song from months ago tho if anyone wants to see it just search on my blog)
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matan4il · 1 year
As I promised to update, I'm back from the hospital and I'm okay.
Food was starting to run out (only had enough left for about half a day), I really didn't want to go to the store when it's dangerous to be away from the bomb shelter, but had no choice. Got food, but there's no bottled water to be found anywhere, exactly when Israeli citizens were instructed last night to stock up our bomb shelters with enough dry food and bottled water for at least three days.
The number of confirmed dead is officially at 900 (still not final), the number of wounded is at over 2,600, the number of kidnapped is at least 150. The number of terrorists who breached Israel's border and massacred civilians on Saturday is estimated to be at least 1,500.
I mentioned Mor and her grandmother already, but I felt like hearing her telling their story is important enough to share this vid. Testimonies like this are coming out in incomprehensible numbers.
Since the beginning of this war on Israel on Saturday, five independent terrorist attacks were attempted and stopped. Thankfully, no one was reported to have been murdered, though there are casualties.
In Egypt, a soldier guarding tourists (likely inspired by Hamas' massacre) opened fire at a group from Israel. He murdered two Israelis and their Egyptian local tour guide. At least one more person was also wounded in this terror attack.
There have been rockets fired into Israel from the north by Hezbollah (while Hamas fires thousands of rockets from the south) and there was also a breach of Israel from the north by another terrorist organization named Islamist Jihad. During this, Israel's northern citizens were instructed to lock themselves inside their homes. All of the terrorists who infiltrated Israel from the north were killed, but so was an Israeli commander, Alim Abdallah. He was supposed to finish his army service this coming Sunday. May his memory be a blessing.
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On a personal note, my former boss' son was killed (may his memory be a blessing. ז"ל), and one of my colleagues has been kidnapped and is held hostage in Gaza.
Another personal story is that of Lior Asulin. He was a talented soccer player. Among other clubs, he played for an Arab team and helped it become Israel's soccer champion. He was murdered at the music festival that he went to in order to celebrate his birthday, and where at least 270 young people were butchered (ז"ל).
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There's news from other countries about anti-Israeli demonstrations where the massacre of innocent Israelis is celebrated, in Australia the pro-Palestinian demonstrators shouted "Fuck the Jews" as well as "Gas the Jews."
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In at least one protest a pro-Israeli demonstrator was beaten up:
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And already there are antisemitic incidents, where Jewish establishments outside of Israel are being targeted.
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Countries whose citizens are known to have been kidnapped or murdered by Hamas in the attack on Israel:
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(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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yelena-bellova · 2 years
Twenty Years Later: Joel Miller x F!Reader - Chapter Thirteen
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Chapter Thirteen: Carry You Home
Plot: Ellie and Y/n do their best to save a wounded Joel and survive on their own.
Word Count: 8.6k
Warnings: canon-typical violence, language, blood, injuries, hunting, reference to smut
A/N: Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy…these chapters suck to write for 2 reasons…1: D*vid. 2: We’re getting so close to the end that I want to cry 😫 I’m going to miss this show so much!!
As always, this series is 16+ and I will not be adding anyone to the taglist if your age/range isn’t in your bio. Gotta look out for younger eyes 👀
I hope y’all enjoy this blend of fluff and angst and laughter. I’m going to try to get 14 out on Sunday, but no promises. Read on!
“Protect him.”
Tess’ dying words had echoed through Y/n’s mind more times than she could count. The sentiment had travelled with her across the county, an ever-present passenger on their journey.
And now they were haunting her.
Ellie and Y/n had managed to get Joel into the basement of an abandoned house, laying him down on an old, dank mattress. Unfortunately, he had woken up by then and was feeling the full force of his wound.
“I know, I know,” Y/n tried to soothe him as he screamed, bent over his abdomen. The tourniquet had done a subpar job at stopping the bleeding. If it had been a river, now it was a stream. “Hold still,” she looked to Ellie, “Press down on the wound. Hard.”
Ellie had found an old towel in the kitchen upstairs and tore off a strand.
“Squeeze,” Y/n instructed Joel, who was already squirming in pain, “Hard as you need.”
Joel had lost enough blood for the world around him to spin, the only things in focus were Ellie and Y/n’s faces.
Y/n nodded to Ellie, who pressed down on Joel’s wound, causing him to choke on his own breath. His hand shot out, reaching for Y/n’s arm and crushing it in his grip. She turned her face downwards to hide the grimace of pain.
“Ah, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” Ellie cursed as Joel writhed beneath her hands.
“Keep going,” Y/n ordered, blindly reaching a hand out to push Joel’s shoulder into the mattress, “Honey, c’mon, I need you to work with us.”
Joel winced, digging his head back into the bed. Out of all the injuries he’d sustained over the years, this was the worst. Not just because of the searing pain stabbing through him, but because it was the one that was going to take him out.
He was dying, and neither Y/n nor Ellie could stop it.
They both ignored the word.
“Leave,” Joel strained through it again.
“He’s lost a lot of blood,” Y/n stated, watching Ellie’s hands, “He’s gonna say some weird shit.”
“Go,” he continued.
“Shut up, Joel,” Ellie’s breaths quickened in quiet panic.
“Take the gun-“
“Joel, shut the fuck up,” she yelled.
“Ellie,” Y/n said forcefully, the girl’s hands were slipping. She pushed them off and held the rag down on Joel’s wound.
With a last surge of strength, Joel reached out and grabbed Ellie by the collar, yanking her to face him.
“You go,” Joel whispered, “You go. You go north. Y/n-“
Y/n shook her head, shutting out the reality of their dire situation. “Stop,” she said without looking up.
Joel was undeterred, “You go to Tommy.”
“Stop,” Y/n gritted out, her hands hanging over his stomach with no plan of action. She wasn’t even sure what there was to be done. At best, she was only stalling Joel’s death by a few precious minutes.
When she finally dared to look up, her gaze fell on Ellie, whose eyes were misting as she stared down at Joel. He shoved Ellie back, releasing her from the burden of caring, and let his arm fall at his side.
Joel managed to turn his head, letting his eyes wash over the woman he loved, had never stopped loving. Kneeling over him and covered in his blood, he thought back to how she’d looked the night they’d first met. Her eyes untouched by cynicism, her laugh deflecting no hidden pain, her smile striking him like lightning and giving him a new pursuit in life; to bring enough joy to her life that her lips were forever turned up.
Now he was going to break her heart. Again.
He thought of their last night together, spent cradling each other’s bodies underneath the sheets in Jackson. How his skin had remembered the feel of hers the moment they touched, how his lips had recalled the roads they used to travel across her like he would an old hometown street. Though bathed in the tears of their sins and all they had lost, he had been reborn at the first kiss. He had a standing reservation in hell, but he could go knowing he’d felt the touch of an angel.
“Rose…” Joel strained out, the word tasted like sweetness.
The four letters burned in Y/n’s ears, sending a new wave of fear through her. “No,” she finally looked to Joel, “This isn’t how it happens.”
“Rosebud,” he pushed with a surprising calm to his tone.
“Joel, no,” Y/n fought to keep her sobs down, “This is not how it happens. It’s not.”
Joel’s hand shakily slid up her arm, needing to feel her as he told her, “I love you.”
Y/n squeezed her eyes shut, the strength of her grip on the towel faltering as she forced them open to look at Joel. Despite his impending death, there was a peace that filled in the lines of his face, one that only graced those who were on their way out.
“No,” Y/n whined, her voice unable to carry further than the distance between them. She reached up to stroke his hair, taking his cheek in her other hand, “This isn’t how I want to hear it, Joel. Please.”
Once he’d said it, he couldn’t stop. He was making up for twenty years in twenty seconds. “I love you. I love you…” Joel drew a shallow breath, “You go. You take her,” his stare gripped her, nearly choking the will out of her, “Go.”
For as prominent as Joel’s abandonment had been in her life, Y/n had done her fair share of leaving. She had left Sarah’s body, at least it had felt like leaving, when they’d sought shelter in the triage clinic. She had left her parents, panicked at what she had done, in the spots where she’d taken their lives. She had left Tess to die the worst way a person could, even if she was only following orders. Her life had been one abandoning after the other, and now she was being asked to abandon the love of her life.
In her haze, Y/n hadn’t even remembered Ellie was there. It wasn’t until she felt Joel’s thick coat being slipped over his body that she realized the girl was making her choice. She would decide, for once in their time together, to heed Joel’s words. And as her boots slapped against the stairs, she was also making Y/n’s choice.
Unable to force the words she felt like a sweet sickness inside her soul, she dissolved into tears, pressing her forehead to Joel’s. She didn’t think even if they’d had twenty years ahead of them that she’d have ever found to words to describe the depth of her love for Joel Miller. It stretched two decades of euphorias and tragedies. It was stronger than her hate or his violence. It was forgiveness and redemption and all-encompassing in its triumph over the worst of their persons.
Y/n sniffled, nudging Joel’s nose with her wet one and letting her mouth hover over his as if she could breathe life back into him. Joel took it, letting his eyes fall shut and savoring the the last of her lips he’d ever feel.
Joel had spent twenty years trying to detach from who he’d been, his old skin a constant reminder of all that he’d almost had. Y/n had spent twenty years trying to find her way back to her humanity, desperate to redeem herself. Without ever knowing it, they had been running back to each another, one step at a time.
Protect him.
Perhaps Y/n had only kept her promise to Tess in the beginning out of obligation. But now, now the words were as true as if they’d come out of her own mouth.
Joel had left her once.
She’d be damned if it happened again.
Y/n broke from Joel’s lips, rushing to her feet and bolting for the stairs.
From Joel’s point of view, it was the last he’d ever see of her. There was a duality that Cordyceps had forced on anyone who prioritized survival over anything else. Joel had meant every word with the force he’d said it, he wanted Y/n and Ellie safe. But he also knew he was dying, something that, despite all he’d wished over the years, he wasn’t ready to do yet. He had Ellie, this beautiful, unexpected gift of a child, who depended on him as if she was his own. And now he had Y/n, the miracle that he’d let slip through his fingers, returning to him with the same perfect timing she’d first appeared to him. He wanted to stay, to cherish and protect them like the man they made him feel he could be again. And if that wasn’t in the cards for him, he at least wanted to hold their hands as he faded out.
As Joel watched Y/n head up the stairs, he let a single tear fall down his face. He’d had one last night, one last kiss, and one last ‘I love you.’ It wasn’t a lifetime, but it would have to be enough.
When Y/n got to the stairs, Ellie was nowhere to be found. Was she already saddling the horses? Was it that easy for her to let Joel die?
“Ellie,” she called through her tears, bursting through the door, “Ell-“
The girl rushed past her, one step ahead, raiding cabinets and drawers.
Y/n felt herself breathing for the first time in an hour.
“What do we look for?” Ellie hurriedly asked.
“Something,” Y/n flung a empty cabinet door open, “Anything. We need to get the wound closed up.”
They searched high and low, in every room, until they met in the kitchen. Ellie dove for a set of drawers while Y/n scoured more cabinets.
“It won’t open,” Ellie groaned, pulling against the handle.
Y/n ran over, squeezing her hands next to Ellie’s and tugging with her. “Pull,” she breathed, the two of them shifted all their weight backwards.
The drawer’s internal mechanism released, the momentum they’d built throwing Ellie and Y/n to the ground. The contents were scattered from the drop.
“There’s nothing here,” Y/n panted, on the verge of frustrated tears.
“W-wait,” Ellie breathed, her hand sliding across the linoleum floor to grab something. She held up a rusted needle and thread to Y/n.
“Yes,” Y/n gasped, she took the supplies into her shaking palms. She wished she hadn’t used the last of her own days before, but they could make do with what they had, “Yes, this’ll work.”
Stumbling to their feet, they ran back through the door and down the steps, bringing salvation with them.
Joel was trying, trying to hold the rag to his wound, hoping it made his death a little less painful, but his strength was fading. His whole body shook with shivers, even his lips trembled from the cruel mixture of shock and the cold. He could feel himself slipping away, so much so that he was convinced the thudding footsteps he heard were hallucinations.
Y/n and Ellie kneeled down on either side of him, their faces illuminated by the last bit of light peeking through the clouded basement window. His saviors.
Ellie threw Joel’s coat off of him, catching her breath as she reached for his hand.
Y/n leaned down, interlocking her fingers with his other hand and brushing the hair from his face. She pressed a determined kiss to his clammy forehead, willing him to stay alive a little bit longer.
Joel would never admit to them just how much he’d wanted them to stay. He summoned what was left of his strength and tried to squeeze both of their hands, letting them squeeze back. They were going to fight this, and they were going to do it together.
Ellie reached for the towel and peeled the cloth off Joel’s wound. The bleeding had slowed, but was far from stopping. They had to move fast.
In the midst of their panic, Joel softly reached for Ellie’s cheek, pulling back halfway when he lost his strength. It was a moment none of them noticed in their mad rush.
“Honey,” Y/n began, pressing one more kiss to Joel’s skin, “We gotta get it closed up. It’s gonna hurt like a motherfucker,” she moved Joel’s hands to grab her forearms, “So you fuckin’ squeeze, and try to stay still for us. Okay?”
Ellie quickly thread the needle and tied a knot. Y/n wished she could spare her the pain of having to stitch Joel up, but Y/n was the only one who’d be able to hold him down and keep him relatively calm.
“Keep going,” Y/n directed Ellie, “I’m gonna try to keep him still, but you don’t stop, even if he moves.”
Ellie nodded, apologetically seeking Joel’s eyes one last time before turning to his abdomen.
Y/n put both her hands to Joel’s shoulders, bracing herself for what was to come.
“Go,” she said,
Joel let out a sickening groan as Ellie thread the needle, the pain giving him strength enough to squeeze Y/n’s arms so tight, she couldn’t help but wince. In his daze, he could sense he was hurting her, but couldn’t fight past that which his own body was bringing him.
Tears sprung to Y/n’s eyes as she forced Joel down into the mattress, taking the searing heat in her shoulder as a good thing. It meant Joel still had enough fight inside him to push through.
“I know, I know, I know, I know,” she muttered as Joel threw his head to the side, trying to hide his grimaces from Ellie, “I know, honey. Just hang on.”
Joel’s vision was going dark around the edges, the pain dulling all his senses. The only thing strong enough to cut through was Y/n’s voice.
“I’m here,” Y/n assured Joel, his eyes fluttering but fighting to look at her, “I’m here. I got you.”
“It’s stopping,” Ellie announced, still hard at work.
Y/n wasn’t able to sigh in relief yet, Joel had finally lost the battle and had slipped into unconsciousness. She’d expected it, but it didn’t mean she wasn’t still filled with dread.
It only took Ellie a few more minutes to finish sewing Joel’s wound, Y/n helping her to tie a clumsy knot at the end. They dabbed and tried to clean the blood off him as best they could before laying his shirts back down. When they were done, they slid off their ankles and onto the concrete, watching the rise and fall of Joel’s chest.
“Is he…” Ellie began before realizing it was a stupid question.
Y/n was fighting off the same thought, wondering if their efforts would be enough, or if it was a losing battle.
“I hope so,” she whispered, it didn’t matter to her if fate was calling Joel Miller home. She would rage against it regardless.
The next hour was spent waiting and watching. Ellie, eventually, went upstairs and collected their backpacks.
Y/n kneeled above Joel’s head, her hands resting over each of his ears. She combed her fingers through the ends of his hair, not trying to wake him or soothe him further into sleep, but simply providing what little comfort she could to both of them.
Ellie clunked down the stairs with their packs and sleeping bags, depositing them on the floor. She had spent the last three months watching Joel and Y/n fight, and the last week watching them drift back together. This was new. She hadn’t seem them vulnerable, on the verge of losing one another when they’d finally found some sort of peace. She didn’t have twenty years of experience, but she understood why Y/n was hunched over, cradling the man, who didn’t even know she was there.
Ellie settled against the wall, working up the courage to speak. “How’d you guys meet?”
It was perhaps the only thing said in the moment to make Y/n smile. “At a bar,” she answered, remembering the night like it had just passed, “A guy hit on me, couldn’t take the hint that I wasn’t interested…Joel threw a punch, Tommy threw the next…” she nearly laughed, “Then they threw him out.”
“So…he’s always been like that,” Ellie commented.
Y/n soothed a thumb over Joel’s cheek, the skin was so pale it almost brought on a fresh batch of tears. Or maybe it was the reminder that they’d once lived in a world where violence wasn’t a necessary evil. Where Joel’s laugh was an every day occurrence. When he kissed her as if it was the last time he ever would, with the end nowhere in sight.
“No,” she whispered over the lump in her throat, “He wasn’t.”
Ellie sensed she was getting to close to shattering what was left of Y/n, and she couldn’t do that. She needed one person left to look to, to hold her hand through these impossible problems. She rubbed her hands together anxiously, nearly choking on the words she wanted to say.
Y/n dragged her eyes away from Joel to look up at Ellie, “What?”
Ellie drew a shaky breath, “Riley. She was my…she was my friend,” she rubbed her knuckles together, “She got infected and…”
All of Y/n’s longing told her to stay with Joel, not to move from her spot, no matter what. But her duty was to both him and Ellie, and she knew where she was needed at the moment. She inched her hands off of Joel’s head and crawled over to Ellie, coming to sit next to her against the wall.
“I knew Riley,” Y/n admitted, hugging a knee to her chest.
Ellie’s eyes widened, “You did?”
Y/n nodded, “She only joined a few weeks before…” she trailed off. Marlene had been the one to find them, Y/n had been back at base. But she’d met Riley, had even tried to take her under her wing before the fatal night at the mall. “She was fucking fearless,” Y/n shifted gears, “And fun.”
“Did she ever mention me?” Ellie asked after a beat of silence.
“No,” Y/n replied, looking over her arm to Ellie’s expectant stare, “I think she wanted to keep you safe,” she cracked a smile, “Bloodthirsty demons that we are.”
Ellie’s lips turned up the slightest bit, but they fell just as quick. It was one of the first times she had allowed herself to grieve her best friend, and there was something about the setting that made it all hurt worse. Across from her, Joel lay on the brink of death. To her side, Y/n was sitting with her in worry and in comfort. The last two people on the planet that she loved.
Y/n’s maternal instincts caught the change in Ellie’s demeanor just before she broke. She slipped an arm around her shoulders as the first tears fell, Ellie willingly sliding into Y/n’s side and curling her face into her body. It was the first time Ellie had allowed anyone, apart from Riley on that dreadful night, see her fall apart, and Y/n didn’t take it lightly. She pressed a kiss to the top of the young girl’s head, reminding herself that the journey had started out the two of them, and if even if tragedy intervened, it would end with the two of them.
Deep into the night, Y/n stayed awake, telling Ellie she’d press on until morning. The girl needed a break from the world.
Joel stirred a few times, letting out a moan or blindly reaching to clutch his wound. Y/n was there each time, holding his hand and soothing him back to sleep. Around what Y/n guessed was 3AM, he stopped slipping in and out and just stayed out. His ragged breaths, creating a steady rhythm in his stomach, were the only thing reassuring Y/n that he was still alive.
While Ellie was awake, Y/n held it together as best she could. But under the cover of dark, she allowed herself to fall apart, her fear for Joel’s life swallowing her whole.
“Do you remember that trip we took to the beach?” Y/n whispered, hanging over Joel’s head, stroking a hand over his hair as her other one cupped his cheek, “For our anniversary? Sarah’s graduation?”
In her weaker moments over the years, Y/n had drifted back to the memory. It was the last time she could remember feeling truly free and yet it was also the first time she remembered feeling tied down. Stuck in the space between Sarah’s dad’s girlfriend and a parent, between Joel’s love of one year and his potential wife. She wanted them both back; the liberation and the duty.
“Remember that night?” Y/n asked Joel’s unconscious form, she’d always wondered how she could recall the exact feel of the hotel sheets. The exact trail of her skin Joel’s lips had traveled. Which of his t-shirts she’d been wearing. “I made you promise that…” Y/n trailed off, bristling, “It sounds so fucking stupid now.”
“No matter how much I hated you,” Y/n slid her thumb against Joel’s cheek, “I couldn’t hate you enough to stop loving you. I tried, my g-“ Y/n chuckled softly, “I tried so fucking hard. Couldn’t do it.”
Her tears were building now, the more she exposed, the more the threat of loss became real.
“I waited twenty years, Joel,” she whispered, her throat tightening up on her, “Twenty fucking years, not knowing if you were dead or still hanging on. And then I got you back,” she sobbed once with nostalgic joy, “I got you back. And I can’t lose you before I get to love you again.”
Y/n lowered her head, dropping her lips to Joel’s ear, her voice barely audible, “Because I do. I love you. I love you so much it…” she bit back a cry, not wanting to wake Ellie, “It fucking hurts. You can’t just…you can’t just come back to me and then leave. You can’t do that to me. To Ellie.”
“I need you to fight,” Y/n begged, tears freely flowing down her cheeks, “I need you to fight so fucking hard, you need me to carry you the whole way to Utah, and I will. I’ll do it. I just need you there.”
Y/n choked on her sobs, digging her forehead into the mattress and letting them shake her. All her losses in life had been so sudden, she’d never had to watch a life hang, the pendulum swinging between a second chance and death. It was tearing her apart.
She wiped the snot and tears away on her jacket sleeve, the same sleeve that was painted with Joel’s dried blood. She leaned back over Joel, pressing the gentlest of kisses to his forehead. Y/n had heard stories of miracles, of voices at hospital bedsides being the thing to bring people back from death’s edge. She’d lost faith in that sort of thing after the loss of her family, but in the throes of worry, nothing was off the table. She’d stay up all night, telling Joel how much she loved him, if there was even a chance it would reach him.
For two days, Ellie and Y/n kept watch as best they could. With no medicine, there was little they could do to help Joel’s, now infected, wound.
Y/n finished up feeding snow to the horses, moving robotically from the garage to the basement. She hadn’t gotten more than maybe two hours each day. It didn’t feel right to rest when Joel was clinging to life.
She came downstairs to see Ellie kneeled next to Joel, placing one of their last pieces of rations on his chest.
“He wouldn’t want you doing that,” Y/n said softly.
Ellie sniffed away the cold air, “Yeah, well…”
If the terrible series of events was doing anything, it was showing how deeply they cared about each other.
“I’m going to go out real quick,” Y/n announced, heading to pick up her rifle, “Try and find us something to eat.”
“I’m coming with you,” Ellie jumped to her feet.
“No, you’re not,” Y/n replied, “You’re gonna stay here and watch him.”
“I can’t fucking do anything for him here,” the girl gestured down to Joel’s body, “If I can hunt something then…”
Y/n already knew what she was trying to say, she was desperate to feel in control of something. Hunting was a great way to make you feel like you had some power over the world.
“Okay,” Y/n sighed, “Twenty minutes.”
Ellie moved across the room to grab Joel’s rifle while Y/n crouched down and kissed his forehead.
“We’ll be back soon.”
The two of them filed up the stairs, both of their hearts unsettled at leaving without Joel. It was one thing to see someone with no fighting skills or survival techniques be taken down, but to see someone like Joel battling for their life was a quick way to make someone feel entirely exposed. And Y/n could feel the full weight of the responsibility they’d shouldered together the last three months.
Y/n drew her rifle into postition as her and Ellie exited through the front door, Ellie struck a similar stance. They moved down the driveway into the street, scanning for footprints in the snow that didn’t exist. They’d made the right decision to hide in the abandoned neighborhood.
Ellie and Y/n made their way to the forest, trudging through the snow and huffing patterns into the cold air.
“Remember what Joel taught you,” Y/n instructed, keeping her voice low to not spook any animals, “Regardless of what your instincts tell you, pull slow.”
Ellie’s eyes were already drifting ahead, having spotted a white rabbit thirty feet away from them. She glanced over to Y/n, who nodded for her to go ahead. Y/n felt better keeping her gun aimed at the space around them anyway.
Just as Ellie was setting herself up, the rabbit ran off. Ellie took off charging the way it had run.
“Ellie,” Y/n gritted, the worst thing to do when tracking an animal was to chase it.
Ellie tripped on a branch, falling face first into the snow.
Y/n came over and extended a hand to the girl, pulling her up to her feet. “Word of advice…if an animal’s running, you don’t go after it and make more noise.”
“Yeah,” Ellie exhaled, wiping the snow from her face, “I got that.”
“Come on,” Y/n hitched her rifle back over her shoulder, “Ten more minutes.”
The two of them walked a little further, eventually hearing a clicking noise that sent them both reaching for their guns.
Ellie hit Y/n’s arm, guiding her attention to a patch of trees providing shelter to a full-grown deer. Y/n gestured for her to take the nearest log and the shot. It felt like a good idea to keep Ellie as distracted as she could and maybe give her a much needed victory.
Heeding all of Joel and Y/n’s advice, Ellie lined up the shot perfectly and-
The deer wailed, limping away into the depth of the forest.
“No fucking way,” Ellie muttered.
“Come on,” Y/n pulled her free hand and the two of them sprinted off after it.
There are certain moments in life that, with hindsight, stick out as forks in the road. If Person A hadn’t have made it to Point A, then Person B wouldn’t have found them and both their lives, good or bad, would be forever altered because they didn’t meet.
Y/n and Ellie couldn’t have known what they were running straight towards.
They tracked the blood trail of the deer 1/4 of a mile before hearing two male voices. Y/n threw her arm out, catching Ellie and holding a finger up to her lips. The two of them drew their rifles and very carefully stepped around the snowbank. Sure enough, there were two men standing over their now dead deer.
Y/n inhaled to speak.
“Don’t! Drop your rifles! Now!” Ellie yelled.
The two men carefully removed their guns from their backs, the taller of them keeping one eye on Ellie and Y/n.
“Turn around,” Y/n ordered, her gun locked on the tall man, while Ellie took the shorter one.
“Any sudden moves,” Ellie threatened, deepening her voice to make her words more convincing, “I put one right between your eyes. Ditto for buddy boy.”
Internally, Y/n grimaced. Ellie was going to get them killed with a poor imitation of Joel.
“You two are quite the hunters,” the shorter man said, his hands held in the air, “We didn’t even hear you coming.”
“Flattered,” Y/n replied, unimpressed, “But this is where you two walk away with your asses still attached and we take what’s ours.”
“Okay,” the man said, making no effort to move.
“Just go!” Ellie impatiently yelled.
“A-all I ask is ten minutes of your time,” the man continued.
“Did you not get that that was a warning?” Y/n muttered, extending her foot ever so slightly to make it look like she was taking a step closer.
“Please,” the man didn’t budge at her non-verbal threat, “Just ten seconds. My name is David. This is my friend, James. We’re from a larger group: women, children, and we’re all…very, very hungry.”
“We’re from a large group too,” Ellie lied, drafting the lie quickly in her head, “Also hungry.”
David sighed, “Well, even so…” he gestured to the deer, “Ya can’t drag this back just the two of you.”
“We’re fine,” Y/n finished the conversation. The world was dead, yet somehow misogyny was still alive and well…
“We’re not asking for charity,” David clarified, “W-we can trade you for some of the deer. What do you need? We have…boots-“
Ellie’s rifle lowered ever so slightly, her voice coming back to its childlike pitch, “Medicine? Like, for infections.”
“We do,” David replied, surprised they’d hit on something so fast, “Back in our village. You’re welcome to follow us.”
“Yeah,” Y/n wasn’t so quick to believe that it was just that simple, “That’s not happening.”
Ellie picked up her gun-slinging persona again, “Buddy boy can go get it. He comes back, you get half the deer. Anyone else shows up, I put-“
“Put one right between my eyes,” David finished for her.
“That’s right,” Ellie finished, sensing that at some point, she should have let Y/n take over the talking.
David turned to James, leaving his hands hanging in the air, “Alright, go talk to Howard. He’s got a case with some penicillin. Bring back two bottles and a syringe.”
James looked stunned at David’s request, as if killing the two women was the obvious option.
“It’s not code, James,” David added, “Do as I said.”
Y/n’s rifle remained trained on James, waiting for him to make the right move. The man kept his eyes on her the whole time till he could safely jog back into the forest.
“Ten steps back,” Ellie ordered David, her and Y/n marched the man backwards, “Keep going.”
Once he was past the deer, Ellie kneeled down to pick up David’s rifle, unloaded the cartridges while Y/n kept her aim fixed on him.
“That your dad’s gun?” David asked, “He the one who’s sick? That’s why you two are out here on your own?”
“This is not a Starbucks,” Y/n bit out, “We are not chatting over a latte. All you need to know is that one wrong move, and your village goes hungry a hell of a lot longer.”
The words hurt Y/n as she let them fly, she didn’t feel cut out for Joel’s intimidation tactics.
“Well, look, uh,” David looked behind them to an old cabin, “It’s a four mile round trip back to our settlement. It’s gonna be…a while before James gets back. I have some oil and matches in my pack, we could,” he gestured to the cabin once more, “Take shelter. Start a fire.”
It wasn’t the most obscene idea, Y/n thought. She didn’t plan on lowering her gun at any point, and if Ellie and her were going to make the trip back carrying half a deer with them, they needed to save the strength the cold was stealing from them.
“You bring him with us,” Y/n decided, nodding towards the deer.
David nodded back, a smile on his lips that Y/n couldn’t decode. She just knew she’d seen the same expression on the wrong kind of men before.
David tended to the fire he’d started in the middle of the cabin’s living room, sitting back down and warming his hands. Ellie and Y/n sat across from him, rifles aimed and ready to silence him.
“You know, you two really shouldn’t be out here on your own,” David said, his voice soft and concerned.
“Says the man with two rounds pointed at him,” Y/n remarked.
David shrugged, “Fair enough. So what’re your names?”
Ellie frowned, shaking her head in reply.
“It’s hard to trust strangers, I know,” David stated, “But I honestly mean you no harm. And for what it’s worth,” he opened his hands, “There’s room for you two in our group, if you want.”
“You’re inviting us to join your Hunger Club?” Ellie retorted, “Thanks.”
“It’s true, we’re hungry,” David admitted, “But we’re still here. I’m a decent man, just tryna take care of the people who rely on me.”
Y/n gave a nonchalant shrug, “Okay, so you’re the leader of a ragtag group of survivors. That’s nothing special.”
“Wasn’t my choice, it was theirs, but” David replied, “Yes.”
“They “chose” to follow you?” Ellie replied, “Is this some weird cult thing?”
One half of David’s mouth quirked up, “Uh, well, you sorta kinda got me there, I am a preacher, but just pretty standard Bible stuff.”
Ellie smiled to herself and glanced up at Y/n, who had already tuned out of the whole topic.
David looked between the women, “What?”
“The whole world ended, and you still believe that shit,” Ellie replied.
“I actually started believing after the world ended,” David corrected the girl, “Before that, I was a teacher. Math. Taught kids about your age.”
“So you went from teacher to preacher because, what? It fuckin’ rhymes?” Ellie fired back at the man.
David nearly laughed, “Yeah, exactly.”
Ellie smiled, just a little bit, keeping her aim on David but loosening it. He didn’t seem like much of a threat to her. Y/n, being older and having seen a lot more shit, was less convinced.
“But seriously,” Ellie prompted him to continue his story.
“Well, I found God…after the apocalypse,” David told them, watching Ellie more than Y/n, “Which is either the best time or the worst time to find Him, hard to say. But when the Pittsburgh QZ fell in ‘17, Fireflies and FEDRA…I left with a few others, and th-that’s how I ended up with our flock.”
“This is a long fucking way from Pittsburgh,” Y/n replied, perhaps it would have been a comment coming out of anyone else’s mouth, but it was an accusation from hers. There was something about him she didn’t trust.
David chuckled, “Yeah, we’d settle somewhere and then raiders would come, so we’d move again. And as we wandered, we picked up new people along the way until…” he glanced around him, “We ended up here.”
“Well, your luck had to run out sooner or later,” Ellie commented, the choice of words wasn’t lost on her or Y/n.
“Hm? Luck?” David rearranged his face the way some pastors did before jumping in the pulpit, “There’s no such thing as luck. No, I-I-I believe everything happens for a reason.”
Ellie and Y/n both shared a restrained smile, dodging the attempted sermon like it was a bullet.
“It does,” David insisted, grinning back at them, “I can prove it to you.”
“Okay,” Ellie agreed to his attempt.
David sighed, settling into his makeshift seat a little deeper. “We didn’t expect this winter to be so cruel. Nothing’ll grow. Game’s been hard to find. So I sent four of our people to a nearby town to-to scavenge what they could and only three of ‘em came back. And the one that didn’t was a father. He had a daughter just like you,” David pointed to Ellie, “And her dad was taken from her.”
Y/n slowly connected the dots, one step behind David but ten ahead of Ellie.
“Turns out…he was murdered,” David continued, “By this crazy man. And get this, that crazy man…was traveling with a little girl and a woman.”
Y/n was up on her feet, eye peering through the viewfinder, instantly.
“You see?” David smiled unsettlingly at Ellie, “Everything happens for a reason. James, lower the gun.”
Ellie spun around on her heels, both her and Y/n finding James returned, his handgun aimed straight at Ellie. They switched positions, Y/n’s weapon trained on James and Ellie’s on David.
“She is the one that killed Alec, isn’t she?” James asked.
“She didn’t kill anybody, neither of ‘em did,” David corrected, “Lower the gun.”
James and Y/n squared off, Y/n’s breath hanging on the edge of her lungs, just waiting to pull the trigger and release. Reluctantly, James lowered his pistol.
“Did you bring the medicine?” David asked his friend.
“Yeah, but-“
“Throw it to them.”
James hesitated, “David…”
Y/n’s back was turned to the preacher, but his silence indicated his seriousness. James reached into his pocket and tossed the small package at Y/n and Ellie’s feet.
“Back up,” Y/n said from between her teeth.
James did as requested, moving away from the medicine. Y/n moved closer to the man, letting him stare down the barrel of her gun while Ellie grabbed their trade.
“I know you’re not with a group,” David called, his voice creepily calm, “You won’t survive for long out there. I can protect you.”
They didn’t need to hear any more. Y/n fell behind Ellie, keeping her gun trained on the two men while the girl made a run for it. She thought to shoot them, be done with the whole thing and ensure their safe getaway. Except David had talked too much about his position in their town, they’d have twenty people after then instead of two. It was easy math.
As soon as she was certain David and James wouldn’t pick up their weapons, Y/n bolted into the forest after Ellie.
They made it back to the house, sweaty and out of breath.
Y/n shoved Ellie through the front door, fearfully scanning the street once before shutting and locking the door. When she got in, Ellie was already making for the basement, where Y/n followed her to.
“Are they gonna find us?” Ellie panted, sprinting down the stairs.
“I hope not,” Y/n replied, wishing she could give her more assurance they were safe.
Joel had barely moved since they’d left, his head having lolled to the right a little. Y/n knelt down at his shoulder, picking up a piece of rag to wipe the sweat from his brow. His body was working overtime to beat the infection.
“How the fuck do I do this?” Ellie loaded the syringe with the first bottle of penicillin.
“You put it either in the wound or around it,” Y/n instructed, an invisible question mark appearing at the end, “I don’t know, I’ve never dealt with a wound like this.”
Ellie considered her options, rolling Joel’s bloody shirt back and getting a good look at the gash. “Fuck it,” she muttered, just before inserting the needle in the middle of his wound.
Joel’s breathing quickened, his abdomen clenched a few times at the sensation, breaking through his unconsciousness. Y/n was there, pressing a kiss to his slick forehead, ready to hold him down if he woke.
“Okay,” Ellie said under her breath as she extracted the needle.
“Good job,” Y/n reassured her, “Penicillin’s fast acting. He should start to improve.”
“H-how do you know that?” Ellie asked, placing a worried hand on Joel’s forehead to test his fever.
The truth was, Y/n didn’t know anything. She was floating on a life raft in the middle of the ocean, adrift from any and all sense of safety. But she wanted to take solace in medicine, in the science of twenty years ago that a little dosage could stitch the body back together. She was choosing to believe.
“I don’t,” Y/n replied honestly, stroking Joel’s hair and peering up at Ellie, “But I have to have faith in something.”
“What, like the guy who wants to kill us?”
Y/n nearly bristled, “No, not exactly. I don’t believe everything happens for a fucking reason,” she looked back down at Joel, her lips quirking upwards briefly, “But some things…some things, definitely. And I don’t believe that we’d go through all the hell we have just to lose now…”
Ellie sighed, nervously rubbing her hands together as she watched Y/n tend to Joel. It came so easy to her guardian, to care for both her and the man who had abandoned her. Ellie’s walls remained so sky high, she wished that she could simply surrender to the warmth in her heart without fearing it as weakness.
She walked around to the other side of the mattress, sinking down onto its edge and laying down next to Joel. She carefully placed her hand on his chest and rested her head on his broad shoulder.
Y/n knew it was difficult for Ellie to open up, that the connection they’d formed back in Boston was like some eclipse that only came every hundred years. She’d watched Ellie slowly peel away at Joel’s defenses, until it was impossible for either to deny they cared about one another. Y/n wished desperately that Joel was awake to return the gesture, to encourage her vulnerability.
There wasn’t enough room on the mattress for all three of them, and Y/n didn’t dare ask Ellie to move an inch. Instead, she brought Joel’s hand up to his chest and laced her fingers through his. She rested her forehead just above his heart, the soft thudding against her skin filling her body with hope that he’d keep fighting. That he wouldn’t leave them.
Joel, slipping in and out of consciousness, wasn’t aware of much going on around him. But somewhere in his slumber, he could sense the warmth that was wrapped around him. He wasn’t chasing any white light, calling him home, but he chased the heat, leaning his head into it. He knew he was safe, so long as he could feel the warmth.
But there was no improvement the next day.
Joel’s wound had stopped bleeding, but his fever had yet to break.
Y/n knelt over Joel’s abdomen, sucking the second dose of penicillin into the syringe and injecting it. He didn’t so much as make a sound, that worried her.
Ellie sat on the edge of the bed and watched, waiting for some miraculous transformation to occur that would make Joel shoot straight up and return to his normal, grumpy self. If Y/n was honest with herself, her sleep-deprived mind was also waiting on something similar.
“Thought you said it was fast acting,” Ellie remarked, more bitter with the medication than Y/n.
“It is,” she answered, she was fucking exhausted, “But it’s not magic. He took a fucking…” Y/n let her hand fall against her lap, “Whatever it was. That doesn’t heal overnight.”
They didn’t want to say what they were both thinking.
“Come on,” Y/n sighed, rising to her feet with a groan, “Let’s go serve breakfast.”
The two of them filed out the garage, Y/n going to lift the squeaky door and Ellie carrying out a bucket. They gathered handfuls of the freshly fallen snow and brought it back to their horses, it was all they could offer them.
Y/n looked out on the neighborhood, her fingers nearly twitching in anticipation. They’d left tracks on their way back from the woods. If David decided to come after them, it might not be hard to find them. Then again, if he was a preacher, he could have subscribed to the believe that God might exact some sort of revenge on them rather than dirty his own hands.
“What are you thinking about?” Ellie asked, coming to stand by her side.
Y/n sighed, not wanting to consider dying any more. “How tired I am of fuckin’ snow.”
“You and me both,” Ellie remarked.
Without another word, Ellie leaned her head against Y/n’s shoulder. Y/n interlocked her fingers with the young girl’s and they stood in silence, drawing strength from one another.
A flock of crows cawing, flying away from something, broke their peace.
“Get back inside,” Y/n ordered, stepping into the street and following the direction the birds had fled from.
“No fuckin’ way,” Ellie argued, chasing after Y/n. It was wasted breath, telling her not to do something.
Y/n led them through a line of trees, staying low as they walked along a wooden fence. Through the shrubbery and snow, Y/n could spot several bodies a few hundred feet away and the tips of the rifles they carried.
Neither of them dared to say a word, Y/n pushing Ellie backwards and hurriedly sneaking them back across the street to the house. They ran into the garage, quickly and quietly shutting the door behind them, before bolting through down to the basement.
“We gotta draw them away,” Ellie said, on the same wavelength as Y/n, “If they’re after him.”
“We ride back towards the university,” Y/n finished the thought, if there was a fight to be had, that was the best battleground.
Ellie slid across the basement’s floor, smacking Joel’s chest and shaking him by the arm, earning a gasp in return.
“Joel,” she urged, “Joel, wake up.”
“Joel,” Y/n called, she was already grabbing her rifle, “Joel, come on. Wake up!”
“He’s not fucking moving,” Ellie panicked, running off to her backpack.
Y/n took her place, grabbing Joel’s face in her hand, “Joel, I need you to fucking wake up. We need you. Now.”
Everything hit Joel’s ears as if he was underwater, three layers of sea between him and the words. The familiar voices were speaking urgently, in desperate tones. He found the strength to open his eyes, two tiny slits offering him a blurry view of Y/n.
“Keep them open, Joel,” Y/n urged, “Keep them open for me,”
Ellie returned with Joel’s knife, placing it in the hand across his chest, “Okay, okay, look at me. There are men coming, okay? We’re gonna lead them away from you, but if anybody makes it down here, you fuckin’ kill them. You got it?”
Joel’s eyes were beginning to glaze over again.
“Joel,” Y/n slapped his cheeks a few times, feeling him slipping from them, “Do not fall asleep right now. Stay the fuck awake.”
In the end, there was nothing else her or Ellie could do. David was coming and they had to act fast.
Y/n pressed a final, urgent kiss to Joel’s brow, before leaping to her feet with Ellie, praying that he was weakened rather than dead when they returned.
“We gotta block him in,” Y/n said as her and Ellie ran up the stairs, “Grab the china cabinet.”
The two of them maneuvered the hutch in front of the basement door, blockading the entrance as best they could. They ran out to the garage, quickly saddling both their horses and shoving the door back open.
“You ride in front of me the whole time,” Y/n ordered as she mounted her horse, “And if I go down, you don’t stop. You ride back to Tommy, got it?”
Ellie was ready to argue to the death on the point, “I-“
“You ride back to Tommy,” Y/n repeated, feeling the weight of what she was telling Ellie to do. It was the same one Joel had felt two days before.
Ellie rode out first, with Y/n bringing up her rear. She had her pistol off its holster and the rifle across her back, ready to do whatever necessary to keep Ellie and Joel alive.
They rode out the backyard, cutting past a few houses before coming out on the end of the street David and his men were creeping down.
“Hey, motherfuckers!” Ellie yelled just before her and Y/n began to fire. Ellie was shooting to warn, Y/n was shooting to kill.
As soon as the first bullets flew, making the men jump, Y/n and Ellie galloped off the same way they’d come from the university. Ellie listened and stayed ahead of Y/n as they rode. With each foot they gained, a new surge of determination flooded them both that they could make it. Y/n rotated on her horse and prepared to take another shot-
One well timed bullet to Ellie’s horse sent the girl flying, landing harshly in the snow. The horse’s failed body tripped Y/n’s animal, she clutched the reins as she was thrown off, rolling into the snow as her spooked horse ran off.
“I got ‘em,” one of the men yelled.
“El,” Y/n grunted, belly crawling to Ellie, who managed to roll over onto her back. She was in a daze from the fall.
Y/n reached back for her rifle, scrambling to her feet as the crunch of boots began to surround her. She raised her gun at the first set of men, firing one bullet through one of their legs and sending him to the ground. She wasn’t quick enough to swing behind her and avoid the butt of one of their guns being driven into her head.
“Fuckin’ bitch,” the man muttered as Y/n fell.
It was a battle to stay awake through the dizziness, but Y/n managed to get to her knees, shielding the men from getting any closer to Ellie.
“Do it,” the same man who’d clubbed Y/n decided.
Even though they were her last moments, they didn’t feel like it to Y/n. She reached beside her to grab her pistol and cocked it. After twenty years of fighting, she wasn’t about to stop just because death and her were face to face. Not for Joel and certainly not for Ellie.
A shot fired into the air stopped the situation from escalating any further.
David came forward, standing over Y/n and Ellie. He cocked his head towards two of his men before Y/n, his disciples each grabbing one of Y/n’s arms and dragging her back.
“No,” she screamed, kicking wildly as David kneeled down beside Ellie and reached down to take her pulse, “Don’t you fucking touch her!”
David glanced up at Y/n, nearly amused by how aggravated she was. He removed his hand from Ellie, holding it up where she could see it. “Two of you with me,” he ordered, “Drag the horse,” he moved to pick Ellie up.
With all her strength, Y/n slammed her boot down onto one of her captor’s feet, causing his grip to loosen in the agony. She freed her arm and punched the second man at his temple, making him stumble backwards. “No!”
Y/n marched forwards, shoving David’s hands off of Ellie’s body, “She’s my fuckin’ kid.”
David watched every move, thoroughly evaluating the woman in front of him. He removed his hands and stood to his feet slowly, adhering to her demand.
Y/n brushed the loose strands of Ellie’s hair off her wet face, the sight of her unconscious nearly incapacitating Y/n with fear.
“The rest of you go door to door,” David continued his orders, “You so hungry for vengeance? Deliver it.”
Y/n’s head had barely turned before she caught herself. It was better for them to think Joel was up and about and that she had nothing to worry about. Internally, she felt fear spread to the very tips of her fingers.
David began to lead the way as Y/n lifted Ellie into her arms, beginning the two mile hike back to David’s community. She didn’t know what fate they were being marched towards, but she knew one thing.
She’d burn down the whole fucking town before she let anything happen to Ellie.
TYL Taglist: @bachiracore @stolenxkissess @kayleezra @the-wistful-reader @allthesesonsofbitches @goth-detectives365 @trippovert @rh1nestonecowg1rl @emiliaserpe @khaleesihavilliard @frietiemeloen @gracie7209 @dorck26 @thegirlnextdoorssister @alanis-altair @mariwinns16 @whosscruffylooking @endofthexline @alexiaricciardo @eonnyx @pedrosmexicangf @scarlettequinn @ao-sleepy @toinfinityandbeyonce2 @deanlovescassie @turmoil-ash @sorrowjunky @kpopslur @xxlilyxx90 @midgetpottermills @presidential-facts @scoopsnini @tubble-wubble @jamesdeerest @burninggracesandbridges @star-wars-lover @lucyhotchner @cococola-cocaine @witheringhqarts @fall-writes @alwaysdjarin @xxmoonn @emilia-the-artist @wand-erer5 @boneyarrd @lizard-zombie @themultifandomofmadness @cassidylea123 @paleepeaches @mxltifxnd0m @kettlekatie @ultimate-cinephile @gloryekaterina @caramelkatsukis-bitch @whovianayesha @memeorydotcom @deadunicorn159 @get0ut0fmyr00m @siriuslymooned @emmyeed @superbreadsoul @hellu-people1 @ourautumn86 @inas-thing @noraapple05 @givemylovetoall @luvwanda (tags cont. in comments)
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jackhues · 2 years
ferrari?! - charles leclerc
request: hii I loved your wolff!reader x charles ig concept could you please write more of them<33
requested by: anon : )
notes: trying out some new things, hope you guys like it, and pls don't be silent readers!! thanks for requesting <3
join my f1 taglist!
part one
pictures are not mine!
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liked by scuderiaferrari, lucawolff, pierregasly & others
y/nwolff - charles has got dad's approval, ferrari on the other hand... also, luca's a pain, i don't recommend having older brothers. check out the full video on my youtube! tagged lucawolff
pierregasly: did you guys take him on vacation to tell him?? -> y/nwolff: we needed him to be a little bit happy. i had no idea how he was going to react
lucawolff: older brothers are goated -> y/nwolff: i'd like to return mine
y/nisqueen: the pinky promise 🥺 liked by y/nwolff
charles_leclerc: so am i allowed to be in his vision or will he destroy me on sight?? -> y/nwolff: you can be in his vision lmaoo -> charles_leclerc: really? -> lucawolff: don't listen to her, she's lying -> y/nwolff: go away luca! but just to be on the safe side charlie, you should probably be near me so that his (nonexistent) anger dies down -> charles_leclerc: this isn't boosting my confidence -> userone: charlie 🥺🥺
usertwo: this is the toto content we signed up for!
userthree: luca and y/n are the best siblings on this app, love them!!
userfour: bestie, when's the new music coming?? liked by y/nwolff -> y/nwolff: we'll see 🤭
conangray: why is this the funniest thing i've ever seen?? liked by y/nwolff -> oliviarodrigo: it's true, he hasn't stopped laughing for twenty minutes
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liked by userone, usertwo, userthree & others
f1newsandmore: Toto Wolff and Charles Leclerc spotted before the race. After the video of Toto reacting to his daughter, Y/N Wolff, dating Charles Leclerc, we're all dying to know just exactly what this conversation was about. tagged charles_leclerc, y/nwolff
userone: toto explaining to charles that he's not good enough for y/n while he's with ferrari -> usertwo: and charles zoning out the second he heard y/n's name liked by charles_leclerc
userthree: i'm so invested in this entire thing -> userfour: aren't we all??
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liked by mercedesamgf1, lewishamilton, oliviarodrigo & others
y/nwolff: dad, i promise i'm still a mercedes girl 📷 : charles_leclerc 🤍
lucawolff: says she's a mercedes girl, tags a ferrari boy -> y/nwolff: if you took the pictures like i asked, you'd get the creds
charles_leclerc: the ferrari bracelet is saying otherwise -> y/nwolff: charles!! shh!! -> userone: LMAO! y/n's fighting for her life and charles out here exposing her
lewishamilton: mercedes >> ferrari -> y/nwolff: LOUDER FOR THE PPL IN THE BACK!
landonorris: mclaren >>> -> y/nwolff: boo 👎👎
y/nisqueen: YOU LOOK STUNNING! liked by y/nwolff -> y/nwolff: mwah 🥰
y/nwolff has posted on their story!
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caption: 🤍
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liked by lucawolff, conangrey, pierregasly & others
charles_leclerc: date night! (with toto's approval) tagged y/nwolff
y/nwolff: can't believe you didn't post the vid of me throwing you in the water -> charles_leclerc: i need to at least try and look cool on social media love -> userone: no one cares if you look cool! we wanna see the vid! liked by y/nwolff -> y/nwolff: don't worry, i gotchu -> charles_leclerc: i'm concerned -> lucawolff: no one told you to vote yes when she asked if she should make a yt channel -> charles_leclerc: y/n literally told me to -> lucawolff: this is where being a simp gets you -> y/nwolff: get out of my bf's comments or i'll post the vids from your last bday party -> userone: I LOVE THIS!
lucawolff: is no one gonna ask for my approval??! -> y/nwolff: no -> lucawolff: rude -> charles_leclerc: you literally covered for us for months, the approval had been given -> lucawolff: oh yeah -> usertwo: lmaoo luca tryna start shit but it didn't work!
userthree: time to pack my bags and sleep on the highway
userfour: they're so cute!
userfive: god, when will it be my turn?? 😭😭
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part one
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