#last page is ones i just added who don't have code yet
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fr-thrice · 2 years ago
boosting my Elderbrook tab again, an old dragon fodder rescue! they're sorted by ID and have a simple bio code by me. there's over 100 dragons who are all so different, below is just some.
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most are listed on the AH, but I am happy to send dragons over for 10g or some food or whatever if you'll be nice to them. Just send me a message or CR and I'll take em off the AH :] 👍
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whiteboardartstudios · 9 months ago
Goodbye, Gendaen
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fan art for @mtqcomic
Thoughts and LONG ramble under the cut! (includes spoilers!!!)
A while ago (like last week maybe?) I realized that I've been following this comic for almost a year, and I still haven't drawn Mysta yet! I figured that with the recent end of Chapter 3 and that *huge* lore drop (I was NOT expecting that oh my goodness the theory wheels are turning in the void that is my brain) now would be a pretty good time to draw her! So that's where this came from! :D
I thought that it would be fun to draw Mysta looking sort of like a knight? Partially because it makes for cool posing and composition but also because I think that if she was in D&D she would be a paladin due to the whole "Hero sent by Destiny" thing (I considered sorcerer or warlock as well, but her moveset is mostly melee at the moment so I thought that paladin fits better. Plus this opens up the possibility of Gendaen being an Oathbreaker paladin, depending on how that whole situation with the Crimson went. (also now I kind of want to put the main cast of mtq in D&D even though I don't actually know a lot about D&D ToT. I think Eth would be a ranger maybe multiclassed into something magic-related, because rangers have a favored enemy mechanic that gives them advantages on fighting a certain type of enemy, which could be Crimson enemies for D&D Eth. Yele is (kind of obviously) a druid because of the whole dryad thing, and Zaïl is definitely giving rogue energy to me.)) Anyways, D&D-related sidetrack aside – hello??? End-of-chapter-3 lore drop? (/positive) I have SO many questions. First of all, what happened to convince Gendaen to switch sides? For someone who allegedly spent his entire life trying to cleanse the Crimson, it would've taken one heck of a worldview-upending revelation to get him to join it. With the information we currently have, it seems pretty clear that Gendaen isn't mind-controlled or corrupted or anything – not just because of the reasons Eth gave in page #169, but also because from all the interactions we've had with Nelun Soma'o/Gendaen, he seemed to be pretty chill? I pointed out in my first fan art post that it doesn't seem as if Nelun Soma'o is being built up to be a villain character and is instead more of an antagonist with a slight mentor role, and I think that still kind of holds up now. Gendaen definitely wants Mysta to help him and/or the Crimson with something, and as Yele said in that recent comic, things aren't really adding up. I'm still slightly suspicious of the Order of Learning as well (insert person pointing at conspiracy theory board meme here lol), since you would think that if Gendaen and Eth are really close then Gendaen might have told Eth about the whole Crimson situation, right? On Page #250 (which is marked as 150??? probably a typo but idk) Gendaen says that he didn't want Eth to be roped into this whole situation, which could be a reason for keeping him in the dark – though if he knew Eth really well then he might have suspected that Eth wouldn't just let him disappear and would go searching for him. Another possible reason (in my theory) if the Order is evil or something and Gendaen learned something that he shouldn't have learned, maybe he knew that Eth wouldn't believe him because of his loyalty to the Order? I may just be connecting random dots and calling it a picture here but *something* is going on and until we get more clues on what that may be, I'm sticking with this theory lol :P EDIT, I was rereading Gendaen's character sheet and it says there that he has a strong code of honor and fights for the underdogs (not the exact phrasing but it's close). 👀 does that mean the Crimson is in some sort of underdog position? 👀
Anyways back to the drawing a little, I gave both Gendaen and Mysta a sort of braid-like element in their designs to sort of tie them together a bit visually (Mysta's is on the sides of her head, which is kind of hard to see so I added a little ribbon to show that parts of her hair is tied back, and Gendaen's is in his golden hair accessory thingy). I think that there's definitely some sort of correlation between Gendaen's disappearance/switching to the Crimson and Mysta being sent to Sol Ybberia, and I also think that both of them are going to play an important role in whatever happens in the future, hence the braids (to show that their destinies are kind of intertwined, as the two Heroes of Sol Ybberia). I also thought that it would be fun to put Gendaen in a stained glass window instead of actually physically being present, because up until the Nelun Soma'o reveal, all the things we know about Gendaen are basically all from Eth's recollections of him, which for me definitely paints a bit of a "Character haunting the narrative" kind of vibe. I also think that with the Nelun Soma'o reveal, the somewhat glorified (for a lack of a better word – I think Eth might be a little biased when it comes to Gendaen, considering that Gendaen has been missing for about 5 years, if my math is correct? 5 years feels like a long time to me and I think that if a person important to me has been missing for that long then my impression of them would definitely start warping to how I want to remember them/who I wanted them to be and I might start unintentionally ignoring the things that doesn't quite match that image in my head. Speaking of/case in point, Eth's reaction to the Nelun Soma'o reveal!) image of Gendaen that we had got thrown in a metaphorical blender with our idea of the Crimson at the time, and it just makes things a whole lot more complicated in a very interesting way. (If you look at the bottom right of the image you can see Nelun Soma'o's cloak coming out of stained-glass Gendaen's cloak, which I thought would be a fun little detail to include). Hence, the stained glass is kind of the "perfect Hero who disappeared to advance the plot" Gendaen and we can see Mysta kind of splitting the glass with her Rotted Fork from a composition point of view, referencing that huge lore bomb she dropped a couple of pages ago and how that changes our (or at least my) perception of Gendaen as a character entirely. I really do like the plot twist, as I think it makes Gendaen a more 3-dimensional character with more complicated motivations and narrative significance, as before I mainly knew him as "predecessor to Mysta" and "one of Eth's sources of motivation", but now he my understanding of Gendaen also extends to things about Gendaen himself and not just about his role in relation to other characters (for example, "Gendaen is helping the Crimson for reasons currently unknown" or "Gendaen is planning something that involves Mysta??? and he's in the Void??? And apparently Mysta is supposed to jailbreak him out at some point in the future?" He definitely has something planned behind the scenes, I don't know what it is and I want to find out).
MORE THINGS about Gendaen (can you tell that he's my favorite character at the moment ToT), what's up with those last words? If I'm correct (and I think I am, I scrolled all the way back to the page where the gods were introduced just to check this ToT), Nomù is Compassion? How is compassion related to Gendaen's alliance with the Crimson? I mean, when you think of the Crimson, compassion definitely is NOT the first value that comes to mind. Right now it seems that to me, Gendaen's plan with Mysta and the Crimson and the Void is connected to Nomù somehow? (the "I won't disappoint you" is definitely interesting). I don't have a lot of thoughts or theories on where this might be going, I just thought that it was something interesting to metaphorically chew on for the next while. It definitely seems like it has some sort of narrative significance, at least.
There might be more things that I wanted to talk about, but I can't really think of them off the top of my head right now (it might be due to the fact that it's currently quite late in my time zone ToT I am sleepy) so that's all from me for now :D (Also dropping the version of the drawing with just the lineart here because I think it looks really cool)
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I hope you have a really nice day and/or night! :D
*a starry rift in space opens up in front of me and I faceplant into it like it is a mattress* (gotta make that dramatic exit!) [Image ID: The first image is a colored and rendered image of Mysta from the Mysta's Terrarian Quest webcomic standing in front of a stained glass window of Gendaen. She is holding the Rotted Fork spear from Terraria, and she has a determined expression on her face. The stained glass shows Gendaen with his back turned to the audience, and one closed eye is visible. His cloak is flowing to the right of the image, where it emerges out of the stained glass as it fades from green to dark grey. Crimson vines, green trees, and white clouds surrounds Gendaen in the stained glass. Outside of the glass portrait, real crimson vines are creeping along the stone walls that the portrait is on, framing the portrait and Mysta in the middle. A red light source is shining down from the upper right corner of the drawing. End ID.] [Image ID: The second image is a work-in-progress version of the first image without any color and only some minimal shading, with all shades being in monochrome. Mysta's lineart is noticeably darker compared to the line art of the background. End ID.]
EDIT: Forgot to add image ids, they're here now TwT
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sentience-if · 2 months ago
So I finally read chapter 5 and the interlude... And I'm recovering from the revelations. I also used this chance to actually think about my MC's name, and I'm quite content with it.
So, I named him Esmond. It basically means "grace protection". Now, I think it does fit with the religious aesthetic of the game (although the 'grace' part of the name may mean grace as in graceful, and not on a religious context, although I doubt it matters much). And after the reveal of who Io is, I think it makes even more sense. I also like it because it's old fashioned, yet doesn't feel out of place amongst the other characters. And I like it better than the original name I had used (I wrote about it a while before, I used Richard the first time I played the game). I must admit I did make a list of names and I was checking how they sounded with Io as a last name. I like how Esmond Io sounds well enough, although Io is a lot more limiting of a last name that I expected.
Before I forget, since I'm speaking about names: have you considered adding suggestions on the page where we write Io's name? You don't have to, but it could be helpful to people like me who obsess to much on how to name my MCs in a way that fits the world... I know it shouldn't mess with the code much, at least depending on what method you end up using. I understand if you don't want to, however. So no pressure.
Now, for the reveal... I wasn't expecting it, but it does make sense to me. It just makes me wonder what are angels and demons in this setting. For instance, we know is a post-apocalyptic setting. Therefore, is it logical to assume its inhabitants may have specific terms for certain things that do not align with the terms we would use. Furthermore, we don't know when, how or why the apocalipse happened. However, with the reveal of Io's nature I can't help but think a lot of the most mystical elements of the setting are actually technology that the average person wouldn't comprehend as such. As is, Io may not be necessarily a robot (after all, there are too many scenes that suggest a biological composition, not just a synthetic one). But Io may also not be what we would conceive as an angel.
That is to say, angels may be machines, or part machine. Maybe they are machines with a significant organic component to their design. Not necessarily in a cyborg way (a combination of a living being with technology), but rather as a machine built with flesh. It's clear that some sort of coding language is in place, which suggests some part, or the entirety, of the brain is synthetic. But there are also moments where the texts refers to a purely, human like, organic kind of experience. Although there is always a chance Io, angels and demons are very advance machinery.
Also... The reveal of Io being an angel feels so adequate for how I was playing my Esmond. It truly is a very angsty playthrough, now that I think about it:
1. Esmond is hugely dependant emotionally on Val. Like, as clingy as possible. He is very thankful for Val's help and assistance, and cannot see himself without Val. And it all makes sense given what happened on the Interlude. It was so fascinating, and so cute. And makes point two (below this) even more deliciously interesting.
2. Esmond is significantly more faithful, if you will, than Val. At least, he feels a really strong connection with faith. So there is a conflict there with Val. Now, so far, both seem able to live with it (well, until Val dissappeared), but there's that.
3. Esmond is in love, or at least has a crush on Dane Constantine. And the confrontation, the asking about why Connie hates him... It was wonderful. I loved that scene. Because it meant Esmond had to confront both how Connie never really saw him as someone separate from Val. But also how he himself may have an issue with it. Esmond is not Val... But isn't he so clingy that, seeing him as an extension of Val, makes a whole deal of sense?
4. Esmond is very friendly with Ira. But he doesn't harbor feelings for them. So, Esmond feels conflicted because he likes Ira, but also is insanely jealous.
So, overall, I'm really happy with what you have written. And really excited for what it is to come. Guinefort also intrigues me, and I need to know what has being going on with their mind and Io.
Also, I must admit. I have no idea what/who the God from below (is that the term? I apologize if it's not) is supposed to be. A part of me expects it to be some sort of super computer or something, but it also doesn't feel right. So I don't know.
Anyhow, have a nice day!
I've thought about adding name suggestions, but that would require me to sacrifice so many entries on my Good Names List and im too selfish lmao
re: angels - something I've tried to be really careful with is that the characters only know what they know. there is no omniscient narrator. Not to bring up Ancient Aliens (derogatory) but they've got that whole trope of 'ancient people called the aliens gods and magic because those were the words they had at their disposal'
also hiiii esmond it won't get better <3
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daz4i · 1 year ago
Top 5 Nikolai moments (I miss seeing you gush about him)
i miss gushing about him too ;-; so thank you for the opportunity >:3 it's unironically very good for my health. and sorry for the late reply hehehe 🥺
under a read more if it works bc it's. long (added pics and they take a lot of space :P) also tw for ig some slight gore and blood?? bc it's nikolai lol
1. one of my most favorite lines in the entire manga tbh:
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he is the only one who gets me . also what happens next is extremely hot (he gets cut in half) (dw it's coming up later in this post)
2. bird speech:
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he is the only one who gets me pt 2. also love seeing him be genuine. in the anime his voice acting is SOOOOOO good it's unreal. also he is so beautiful without his eye cover. look at him
3. the thing that came right before it:
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1 god he is so hot when he stabs and goes insane (sorry for the horny on main it will happen again) 2 i just love the duality in this entire scene. this is my take but i think he does feel guilty for killing as he says afterwards, but part of his guilt is because he does enjoy killing and inflicting pain, so his words here^ are genuine, but are in fact his guilt speaking, he just exaggerates his enjoyment, and later expresses his guilt in a more direct way
(also this scene is so much better in the manga, i love his cartoonishness here, the blood splatters, the lines covering his face etc. the anime was very underwhelming in that regard)
4. arm moment (not in the manga yet ;0)
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again. stellar voice acting. a very emotional moment, most emotional than we've ever seen him, and he seems so conflicted too! with the new context the most recent manga chapter added to what comes before this moment, it makes it clearer where some of his conflicted feelings come from, as well. i already wrote a whole analysis of this scene on the day the ep came out lol i won't get into it again
5. a two frame combo >:3 (easier to take from the anime. also i think they were well adapted!)
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me when i'm normal and well adjusted. and gay
this is kind of a sequel. it was my original #5 bc i straight up forgot abt that^ somehow but it's the same scene so it counts. and i love this frame so so much you have no idea
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along with fyodor's jesus imagery and nikolai essentially betraying him. what if i went insane and started biting people. this frame means so much to me you have no idea.......
also bonus frames that just don't have as much emotional impact but i wanna share them bc i love him and this is a post for me to gush about nikolai after all:
this entire page <3 he is such a good actor (unless you subscribe to that one theory that he actually died here and was written back into life with the page or smth. idk) (+ small cameo from my other main bsd f/o teeheehee :3)
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unironically one of my fav frames in all of bsd just bc he's so pretty. and i love the ?. you're so right king keep on speaking your truth with no fear.
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m. my cover photo. also one of my most favorite frames in the entire manga. also one of the most me coded frames that isn't dazai lol
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my boy in his cryptid era
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another moment i prefer in the manga sm and i had a very vivid image of how it'll look and sound in the anime and i was kinda disappointed it didn't end up happening (tbf. other nikolai scenes DID end up looking exactly the way i imagined they would lol)
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me when i'm having an identity crisis and letting it out on my cat:
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ok the last one ik you may be sensitive to bc it is the most gory thing here so i'm giving you a warning to stop scrolling here
(unless you wanna see anyway in which case this is just a warning to prepare you <3)
and another line to actually take up space
this is my equivalent of sfw sasuke
okay there we go:
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i need to eat him so fucking bad
and that's all i have to share i think <3 might've ended up using like 80% of his screentime here ngl. worth it. i love him sm
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wattiedevlog · 25 days ago
Games Production (Feb 5th)
An Overview
This week was about consolidating everything I did last week, getting the assets I was waiting for, and improving Star In The Making (the game) and Workflow Toolkit (the Unity Plugin/Tool Project).
Star In The Making
The person I'm commissioning finally managed to get back to me - and gave me the songs; I had to ask a friend who knows a lot about mixing to touch up one or two of the songs to ensure all of the volumes matched, as one of them was louder than the rest. I now have 4 out of the 5 total songs for this project (and OST I will release on SoundCloud, Bandcamp and Spotify as a part of my Post-Production Module)
The tracklist is supposed to tell a story for this game.
Here are all of the songs! Feel free to listen to them (and give your feedback!)
Tracklist (could be changed):
Celestial Prelude
Star In The Making
Into The void
VOID (Cosmic Echoes?)
I am very proud of this so far. The final song hasn't been commissioned yet, but will be the star leaving the void, and entering a new world.
Balance Changes
I made some balance changes for Star In The Making as I felt the game took too long.
Normalisation Factor: 12,500 -> 10,000 (leading to faster games)
Difficulty Factor: 0.55 -> 0.65 (black holes grow more with less points)
Minimum Pull Radius: 0.5 -> 0.6 (black holes start with a little bit of power)
Here's a visual difference in growth - measuring from 0 points to 500.
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More features to come, like my planned pick-ups.
Workflow Toolkit
I managed to get all translations for English, Spanish and Dutch, and consolidated them all on my Localisation Sheet - a good way to express this data (and I will be able to script and auto-export in the future)
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These have been added to the toolkit itself and are now fully compatible with these three languages.
I managed to talk to my cousin (who is Portuguese), and she thankfully agreed to translate these strings into Portuguese (EU); I will have to wait for week three to get all of them, though.
I also fixed one or two issues with the Workflow Toolkit (UI bugs regarding localisation).
Due to security concerns, I also reworked the previous "BUG REPORTING" and "FEEDBACK" pages for the Workflow Toolkit; I felt that having discord hard-coded webhooks in your project is unsafe and looks unprofessional. I opted to have a Google Sheets feedback page for both.
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Unfortunately, I lost the ability to upload log files, but I feel like this is far more professional.
Note, This modification was started during the last week of last semester, but I have fully finished it here.
I also fixed countless issues with the website for both mobile and PC viewing - here's a before (left) and after (right):
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I also converted the base64 encoded SVG background and put it as an actual file, which greatly optimises the project.
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I also removed some unused CSS.
Some other improvements were backend optimisation for both the website and the project.
I used Rider's built-in tools to refactor and re-format the code; I did not do much else on this project this week due to focusing on wrapping up the other two projects.
Performance Evaluation
[ I consolidated last week's work very nicely, getting integral assets created and polished (mixing and mastering for songs). I am quite proud of this, as I have something to listen to and share with the world.
I am also proud with my improvements to the website, The changes I made won't bring new people, or be stunning for the user, but the optimised website allows it to just run faster, and more efficiently - making them more professional. ]
[ I can tell that I am struggling with project prioritisation, QuickBlock has been taking a backseat for a while, which does indicate that next week, I need to push the project further, even if it is just a tiny bit, as I don't want this project to be sidelined, and my focus diluted. ]
I am happy with this week's work overall though, I pushed Workflow Toolkit quite far with the improvements, and Star In The Making's soundtrack will open up some new doors (like potentially putting these songs on Spotify, Soundcloud and/or Bandcamp)
Action Plan
Next week, I need to focus on bringing up QuickBlock to a respectable place, even if I don't do much on the project, something needs to be done, and ideas that were discussed in the Game Design Document will need to be planned and researched as I don't want this project falling even further than it already is.
I need to also continue refining the website's UI to something I'm happy with, potentially adding a custom .404 error page to make sure users are able to navigate back to the website if they type something wrong.
GitHub Pages (the hoster I'm using) has it's own .404 error page, but it is quite "boring".
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I will also ensure that if signs of burnout appear, I will sort them out first, by diverting attention from hard, important tasks, to less critical, but more "fun" tasks.
0 notes
drawpaintwritemakethings · 4 months ago
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Good morning. 
The other day I listened to an interview with Robert Skidelsky, member of the House of Lords and classic example of Refined Old British Guy. At one point in the (cheery) conversation he listed his Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse as ...
1) nuclear war 2) environmental collapse 3) pandemics 4) our dependence on networks
... and it was that last one that caught my attention. He talked about modern networks as these strange creations our lives have become enmeshed within, that we both rely upon and are vulnerable to. We don’t understand them. And when they fail, we are undermined, damaged or ruined. 
And then I couldn't stop thinking about networks, and how they are everywhere. And how so many of them are maddening, crumbling or unsound these days.
Take simple networks, like the people in your life. Not like it used to be. Think about how you grew up – inside a certain, easily-defined physical world of family, neighbourhood or town, school, friends and perhaps teams or clubs (I had a paper route, so my network was a bit larger, but kids don't do that anymore). With grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins as the occasional, second-tier outliers. These days the extended family unit is now more likely a single family unit. Or single parent family unit. And while we might have greater access to 'friends' online, this is like trading a horse for a picture of one. Or a windswept sea for a wading pool. No danger, no depth, no wind in one’s hair. With the added injury of social media not even pretending to be about anything social any longer, just another delivery system for bursts of entertainment and advertising. An algorithm serving flotsam. On Threads, for example, I see artists complaining about this every day, how Instagram no longer shares their work, even among their followers and peers. How something that was once useful as a tool is no longer worth the effort. Or, put another way, is shit. And I'm only seeing these comments on Threads because it's new, and Meta hasn't figured out what to do with it yet (read: how to turn it into shit).
And what kind of connection do you feel to the network of your workplace, where everything is run by a corporate-woke HR dealing in the meaningless currency of awareness days and mandatory culture training, and half the labour is remote, and your position sits somewhere between tenuous and disposable? Do you feel future-proofed? And how many of you feel like the institutions you work for no longer know what they're about, or are managed horrendously, or not at all, and are stable only in a lethargic sense, as if sleeping, or slowly drip-by-drip failing?
And then think about the matrix of electronic networks in your everyday life, draped over you like extra skeletons or skins. Computers and tablets and phones and entire star systems of passwords and cards and codes and keys. Endless, endless screens. And sometimes these systems work and sometimes they don't, and things break and things are badly designed, or designed with malevolence in mind. Navigating the kind of electronic maze you'd expect to find in a Kubrick fever dream, just to locate the page where you can check a box and press save. 
Your email full of phishing and scams. Every second photo you see doctored or faked or generated by A.I. News items that you have to look at like Columbo. Your kid who corrects you on language but can't find their way out of the neighbourhood without an iPhone and Google maps. Not that they go anywhere anyway. Economic networks that seem designed to blow up every so many years. Supply-chain networks that can break anytime. Government networks that operate like the Forbidden City, cadres of mandarins sending emails to each other, having meetings about meetings, but wholly unable to actually do things. Build things, make things. The best they can do is mail out $200 cheques to everyone. 
It seems to me that I used to live in a system where you had to find the right person to get or do the thing, which was a certain kind of skill (relationships, knowledge, etc), whereas now it's about finding the right system to game for the big payday (influencing, shamelessness, etc). 
Minds are meaning-making machines, but when that meaning is defeated by bad networks, people feel helpless. Or unhappy. Or angry. And then they behave badly. 
Which is great for elections, isn't it? All over the world the incumbents are either losing or taking a beating. While our Canadian federal election probably won't happen until the new year, the outcome is already baked in (the guy that no one likes anymore will lose to a guy who no one likes much either). 
Meanwhile my American friends go to the polls tomorrow. What has that election looked like? What have been the big ideas? Oh wait, there were no ideas. It was Faux Democracy versus Fake Fascism. The Stage Managed Candidate versus The Orange Villain. It's awful, seeing Bernie Sanders out there stumping for Harris. But he has to, because Trump is such a stupid, Big Gulp swindler, who will run a government that looks like Wrestlemania. 
Oh, he doesn’t mean what he says, he says a lot of crazy stuff. All I care about is that when he was president the economy was better. He’s not capable enough to do all that dictator stuff. The people around him will keep him in check. I don’t like him as a person but maybe we need a gangsta. And so on. I’ve heard enough of this kind of thing to think that he will probably win on Tuesday.  
But, just like with the Martian on Bugs Bunny, there will be no ka-boom. There will just be loads of vulgar incompetence, obvious criminality and mock-Christian culture war pornography. Some rich people will get a tax break, certainly, and in the background all the unstable, pernicious networks will continue. 
Until the day they don’t.
Good luck to everyone tomorrow, djb
Information networks straddle the world. Nothing remains concealed. But the sheer volume of information dissolves the information. We are unable to take it all in. — Gunter Grass
This Tinyletter (yes, I’m still calling it that) has been brought to you by the vanity license plates …
… with a big thank-you to Meg F!
E / T / C / E / T / E / R / A my Etsy store / my Big Cartel store / my Instagram / Kiss Me Deadly, original ending / We are undone, prepare to die. / kid dances to impress / you need to wellness / donkey loves chicken
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irarelypostanything · 6 months ago
"Mandatory Fun" vs. Play
I'll try to do a little more tl;dr this time. My last post was long-winded, even by my standards.
Some people say I'm soft-spoken. Maybe that's why I write. When I write, I get to feel like everyone is equally loud.
Here's the definition of play:
engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose.
"the children were playing outside"
20 pages into "Play: How it Shapes The Brain...", by someone who studied it academically for decades, and the definition is similar. It has to be voluntary. It has to be intrinsically motivated. It's kind of like play = flow + intrinsic motivation.
Why do I care? Well like I write last time, maybe this is it. Maybe "play" is the key to happiness and success. The problem I have right now, at least in the tiny bit of attention I have given the book thus far, is that I think the premise can be misattributed.
Let me try to think of an example. The book cites the example of how JPL tried to hire the most talented engineers with the best grades. They weren't great at problem-solving, it turned out...their knowledge was too academic and theoretical. They realized that the best metric was people who actually problem-solved for fun. So they started instead looking for people who did things like reverse-engineer in their free time.
The problem? That's basically the same thing software engineer managers have tried. It's not wrong - in fact, it may be a better metric than what we currently do - but it breeds an environment in which people get the notion that to succeed as software engineers, they need to spend every waking moment coding. Some companies look for this, but some individuals push back.
In the case of JPL, maybe some of those engineers didn't do things like reverse-engineer for fun because they had other hobbies. That isn't to say that it was wrong to hire based on that criteria - just that it starts to say something a little more obvious. People who enjoy things are going to be better at them. If you're hiring an animator, and you find someone so passionate about their craft that they continue to draw outside of work, then they're probably really good.
To reign it in, I heard two people in a software engineer podcast lament that they are putting a bias on young people. This is because young people typically don't have families yet. Their job can be their sole responsibility.
The next thing to address with "play" is that the definition can get murky. The author of this book, during an interview, said its best thought of as a state of mind...so if an Olympian truly enjoys running then that can be play. But a key criteria is intrinsic motivation. Is anything truly purely intrinsically motivated? I think the author himself would probably say no, and that's why the definition is meant to consist more of simple guidelines. Running can make you fit. Scrabble can improve your vocabulary. That doesn't mean running and Scrabble are never a form of play, ever. The author seems to be going more for a negative definition. Writing, for example, can be a form of play even if someone also does it for a living. But if they hate it and are absolutely just doing it for money, then even League of Legends isn't play if the person doesn't find it fun.
...for example, I don't. I plan to revisit it one day just to remember what it's like to be yelled at by four people.
Voluntary play seems to be very effective and even makes employees productive (ie the optional ping pong table). "Forced fun" does not get the author's stamp of approval.
I can't help but end with Facebook, which I recently added to get Facebook integration on the Fair Oaks Kiwanis site. I just don't get it. Everything seems like "mandatory fun." The stories that you can auto-create. The reels that you can't hide no matter how hard you try. Obviously it IS optional, and therefore obvious play. But I don't see why they made these changes.
0 notes
tripthelightfandomtastic · 3 years ago
The responses I've received from my Jake fic, Edge of Darkness has been so incredible! I haven't written any smut/fic/fluff for fandom since my one direction days so I'm glad to see y'all are jiving with it. I have a Josh story I did previous, Snow Angel, its my only other gvf smut fic I've written so if you haven't read that one yet, maybe go give it a read!
So a bit of FAQ:
1: I have another story I have I want to write for y'all next, another period piece BUT very different time and place, not related to this last story.
2: I really do not like to be tied to making part 2's to any of the things I like to write. I like getting all of my ideas out at once in one grand take, these take ages to write anyway and my last two stories are about 15 to 17 pages long. BUT I do have an idea for a part 2 for Vamp!Jake but I do not have any plans for any series or adding second parts to any of my stories unless I have an idea I'm really attached to.
3: If you want to be added to my tag list for any of my new stories please let me know! I thought I'd just write one story when I made Snow Angel- JMK, but y'alls feed back for both of these stories makes me so happy and writing lately has been really cathartic and fun, especially since I haven't written in ages.
4: I HAVE NEVER BEEN GOOD AT TUMBLR! I haven't messed with Tumblr since high school so like 2010-2014? I just learned today how to add "keep reading" to my last two stories, I apologize I thought that was something Tumblr did to long stories, not something I had to kinda know how to "code"? So please be patient with me and please let me know if anything is funky or anything I can do to fix my stuff.
5: I am a 25 year old woman with a 9-5 big girl job so I do all my writing in my spare time so these stories take a while so I don't want to try and figure out a schedule for stuff to come out but hey it'll be a fun surprise for all of us, but I will try to give y'all like a 24 hr window heads up to get you excited! I like to be cryptic bc otherwise I'll spill it all!
6: Lastly, I adore hearing from y'all! I will be open to any requests y'all have, but that does not mean I'll be writing all what is suggested but I'll be picking some nuggets of gold for inspiration. Let me know what you wanna read and what gvf boy you wanna read about! I'm in Josh's lane but Jake is my cheat lane so that's usually who I have ideas for but I do plan on writing more than just the twins. I'll credit your idea and give it all I've got for ya!
You guys are amazing ily so much!
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verbosebabbler · 3 years ago
Remaining Module Notes: ZampanioSim North
Debugger > farragofiction > ZampanioSimNorth > static > js > Modules > Building.ts There’s several notes here written as if there was a playable game part in ZampanioSim North, with movements, and enemies chasing you, and getting artifacts. Not sure. Here’s a comment.
//JUST for game mode, don't risk leaning on this too much ///example "You see several math equations floating in the air as you get acclimated to the CLASSROOM. // There is a model anatomy skeleton in the corner. There's a huge map of Zampanio on a wall." //"there is" or "you see",or "there's" is going to be added by the system. don't worry.
Debugger > farragofiction > ZampanioSimNorth > static > js > Modules > Player Confirms the existence of a game portion in the North section, hard to find. I don't know how yet.
Also, there's a character that is known as ‘Bringer of Order’ named ‘Jeffery’. This brings at least thematic connection between the “Jeffery’s Tapes” and “Dionysus and the Pirates” stories from the North’s Rabbit Hole. Dionysus mentioned themself as Madness, and they will be there when man dresses in the garb of Order. With Jeffery now associated with Order, it juxtaposes these two characters and explains the presence of these two otherwise disparate stories in the same Rabbit Hole.
//this is ONLY useful for the actual game which is purposefully stupid hard to find. :)
“Shambling Horror With Your Face” "It is a monster. It is you. You're a monster."
"JR NOTE: its an order player” "Jeffery" "Bringer of Order" "They are a character in a video game. They were only just born. They have no memories."
//very deliberately any kind of apocalypse besides order is chaos. order has definitions, chaos does not.
//is it unspeakably cruel that all the npcs are players just like you who are killed seconds after they spawn //and replaced with hollowed out dead eyed doppelangers? //yes. //its also extremely //EXTREMELY easier than doing it right.
Debugger > farragofiction > ZampanioSimNorth > static > js > Modules > Skill
This will be under the readmore, but there is a list of nine special items that aren’t procedurally generated like the other items of the game, each of these with special properties. Notably, there is an item described as a razor, but its effect doesn’t seem the same to the one used by the Eye Killer. 
Debugger > farragofiction > ZampanioSimNorth > static > js > Modules > ThemeStorage
Not actually listing them here, but here in the code is a big master list of all word associations made in the code. I’ve listed several for the intro dropdown menus, but there’s a lot here. Like associations on associated words and it’s all just a lot of words.
"An ornate but tarnished silver mirror, with a 9 carved onto the back. It reflects everyting but faces.  If you shatter the mirror you can never be photographed again nor can anyone who photographs you. No image of you or those you affect can be created past a certain skillpoint, as well. The shattering does not last long.":"An ornate but tarnished silver mirror, with a 9 carved onto the back. If you take a picture of it it will permanently crack and all effects from it will be dispelled. Mundane means will no longer prevent anyone previously effected by it from being photographed and in fact cameras will go out of their way to document them."
"A crumbling leather book with seemingly latin script, with messily torn pages.  There is an 8 embossed onto the back. If you tear one its pages everyone nearby permanently can not be written about and any writing about them is erased. Additionally, everyone but the tearer dies instantly.":"A crumbling leather book with seemingly latin script, with messily torn pages.  There is an 8 embossed onto the back.  If you repair any of its pages, or add new pages to it all knowledge erased by it is permanently restored and can not be erased again by mundane means. People will find themselves drawn unnaturally to this restored information and it will be very easy to find.")
"An old bronze coin. There is a theater mask on one side, and a 7 on the other. Anyone who possesses it physicaly will go unremarked. They will be perfectly expected and normal wherever they are.":"An old bronze coin. There is a theater mask on one side, and a 7 on the other.  If you render this unrecognizable as a coin (such as melting it down) all previous owners of the coin will be able to retroactively be remarked on. In the present and future, they will stand out horribly in crowds."
"A highly polished brass sextant. There is a 6 carved onto the main knob.  When activated via twisting the main knob, anyone possessing the sextant is temporarily unable to be located by any means, even observation. Anyone within range besides the activator is instantly killed.":"A highly polished brass sextant. There is a 6 carved onto the main knob. If you unscrew the knob, anything previously undectable (by *any* means) is now somehow more real than anything else. More visible, louder, with a stronger scent/taste, etc."
"A simple matte black cloak with a 5 embroidered on the back in shiny black thread. Anyone who wears it finds themeselves permanently considered to be a stranger to their friends/family/enemies who forget they ever existed. Any connections they make can not move past ACQUAINTANCE without being reset. ":"A simple matte black cloak with a 5 embroidered on the back in shiny black thread. If you dab the blood of someone who once knew you well onto it all bonds obscured by it are restored and improved. Mere casual friends now know and think about their target as much as someone they grew up with (for good or bad)."
"A dull straight razor stained with blood, a number 4 is etched onto the side of the blade. Stabbing it into flesh causes a wound that no one can acknowledge but the wielder. Even the smallest cuts can result in bleeding out/death by infection as a result. ":"A dull straight razor stained with blood, a number 4 is etched onto the side of the blade. If you clean and sharpen it all wounds on any prior victims of it are now incredibly visible and it is immediately obvious to all who see them how to best treat them."
"A simple glass milk bottle with a 3 emblazoned  on it. If you put a scrap of paper with something written on it, everyone will forget that concept or fact.":"A simple glass milk bottle with a 3 emblazened on it. If you fill the bottle with liquid to disolve the paper/ink inside, all information inside will instantly fill the minds of everyone in the world."
"A faceless theater mask with a 2 on the inside of the forehead. If you wear the mask you can make a copy of any person you see that is a SHAMBLING HORROR WITH THEIR FACE. The HORROR will stalk them eternally until they can catch them, kill them, and replace them.":"A faceless theater mask with a 2 on the inside of the forehead. You cannot stop the SHAMBLING HORROR WITH NO FACE that stalks you. Even if you may be able to disrupt the DUO MASK in the real Zampanio, you can not here. It is your own fault."
"A tattered cardboard book filled with signatures with an ornate serif '1' embossed onto it. Your signature is already in it. You do not remember your name. No one does. You are only PLAYER.":"A tattered cardboard book filled with signatures with an ornate serif '1' embossed onto it. Even destroying the book will not restore your name to you, PLAYER. You are not real. None of this is. But you're the one insisting we all pretend its a game. This is your fault."
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manonamora-if · 3 years ago
Tumblr media
Jam Progress Day 5
Total Word Count: 8.486 (+ 1534)
Twine Count: 1.850
Coding Status: UI (90/95%?) - Story (1-5%? - I don't know how long the story is yet)
What has been done today:
Finished the scene before last for MC day 1. This one had a lot of options, and I think I covered everything. Still need one more scene before MC goes back to bed. So almost done.
Got bored of that and started the proofreading/coding of the first passages after that. Really wanted to see how it read in real-time. Coded 3 story passages + the title page. Spoiler: it looks awesome I am so happy.
Some coding required adding more macros/mess with the JavaScript a tad.
Finally settled on naming one more character (and nothing else yet)
What needs to be done:
Reveal the cast? (I need to figure out who they are first + how they look like too.)
Finish the UI (see x, though not a priority anymore)
Write the whole thing (+ proofread)
Code the whole thing
Test the whole thing
Gameplay: Linear story with basic Choice/Consequence mechanic; no Romance (maybe some Friendship/Trust status?) and limited cast.
UI: futuristic/spaceship-vibe, focus on Web version. Potential post-jam update for mobile optimization
Character creator (new): I don't know yet how far the characterization of the MC will get. Currently have Name and Pronouns (He/She/They). I am trying to figure out if other characteristics are actually relevant to the game or not. If not, I might keep it with these just basic ones. Players can always imagine their MC to look however they like.
GAME POST | TAGS (x, x, x) | DEMO RELEASE : End of Jan.
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aph-mable · 2 years ago
Part 4 coming your way now. I'm having a lot of fun adding to this! Also I can't figure out how to @ people so some help will be nice to keep them updated.
Jack for his part did speak to his kids on who 'uncle Vinnie' was, leaving out the more gory parts though, only giving the bare bones of what they' needed to know. Such as how uncle Vinnie was why Pa wasn't around, how he would do anything to gain power and keep it, doesn't matter if your family or an allie, if you get in his way your at risk of being dead or worse.
He really didn't want to scare his family but it was nessary to know how much trouble they were in. The only good news was that they had two days to prepare for a possible shit show and he planned to make sure no matter what happens his family will come first.
Making sure everyone was on the same page he set out a plan for how the meeting will go. They made two code words, first for the kids to get the hell out of doge; 'get going'. The second was to ready to pull out what weapons they had in case Uncle Vinnie wanted to slaughter them; 'blaze it'.
For this meeting they needed to act and look proper, Suits and dresses level.
Jazz and Maddie wore dresses that could help hide a weapon or two, both aqua blue. Ellie wore a white dress with black flowers on it, making her look cute but deadly too.
Jack, Vlad, and Danny wore black tie suits, Danny needing some extra help since he still wasn't that good at putting together a tie.
As they were getting the last finishing touches to their plan ready Danny's mind was working out something that was confusing him a bit.
"Okay so.. uncle Vinnie is dad's uncle, dose that make him our great uncle?"
Ellie chrips in with a small giggle, "he's our grunkle Vinnie!" This dose make Danny smirk while the others just shook their head.
"Yeah you could say that but Dan-o, Ellie pie, don't say that to him at all okay?" Jack smiled softly while gently holding their shoulders.
"Okay dad" "Yeah will behave in front of him dad" both Danny and Ellie chimed together.
Once all the escape routes were mapped and weapons loaded the Fenton Family filed into the GAV and headed to Jack's old 'house'.
When they arrived and entered the 'house' which was a mini mansion they were greeted by multiple mobsters and goons, all armed and eyeing the family members with suspion, Uncle Vinnie definitely had grown his 'family'.
A older man with a grey hair and handlebar mustache lead the way to boss Vinnie's office, looking similar to a butler if it wasn’t for the firearm by his side.
When they were allowed in Jack froze as he saw his Uncle Vinnie for the first time in years. He sat alone at a large desk, no one else was in the room besides him and that scared Jack since he knew this man, no monster was showing he didn't need an army to handle them alone.
Vinnie sat at his desk with hands folded with his chin resting on them, life had definitely didn't treat him well, scars covered his hands and face, his eyes gleared like blue fire coals, his hair was pepper black and grey while it was tied back. The man was hunched over until the door behind the family closed, only then did he stand up, showing his height was just as tall as Jack's.
Jazz made sure Danny and Ellie was behind her while they were trying to crain their necks to see Gruncle Vinnie better as he stepped around his desk and glared at Jack.
Vlad and Maddie were by his side, ready to fight when given the word.
It was only when Jack flinched was when Vinnie stone face smirked. Taking out a cigarette and lighting up as he finally talked.
"Well Jackie, I'm surprised to see you back here, after all you made it clear you didn't like how things were going. What made you come running back here?" Vinnie's voice sounded like gravel scrapping a chalkboard, making a few more family members flinch themselves.
Yet Jack stood tall and made sure his family stayed behind him ae he spoke back. "Your right, I wouldn't be back unless there was no other choice, but that doesn't mean you get to threaten them or send people barging to my house, we had a deal."
"Hm yes, the deal. Well I say that deal had ended the moment you showed your face back here, but maybe we can make a new one hm? A more productive deal once I know what kind of shit your running from because I know for a fact you wouldn't come here unless it was worth lives Jackie." The older man's voice somehow turned darker as he growled his nephews name.
With a defended sigh Jack cleched his fists as he looked his fathers murder in the eyes, "fine you want to know what we're running from? Let's just say the government has a new department that's after my family, and these guys make the lunatics in Arkam look like saints."
This made Vinnie looked surprised before his face darkened, glancing at the two children hiding behind the second firey haired woman he let out another growl.
"I want to be told everything Jackie, no secrets. In the mean while, your little spawn can leave the room for us to have a proper grown up talk."
"Alright, and you promise they'll be safe?" Jack voice softened.
"Long as they stay within the building no harm will come to them." The mafia boss promised.
"Dad I'm staying, I'm an adult too here" Jazz cuts in. Maddie was about to protest but Vinnie put up a hand. "The young miss can stay then, any other protests?", no one spoke so it was mostly settled.
Jack moved towards Ellie and Danny, pulling them into a hug as he whispered, "keep your ears open for us calling out, other then that Stay in the building but don't make it easy on them". With that Jack pats both their back as the door opens and they were taken out of the office.
Turning back Jack stood up as his uncle had a shit eating grin.
"Now, let's talk business."
Danny and Ellie looked at each other as they were shoved out of the room, given a fairly easy mission; stay in the building but cause chaos to distract everyone.
Grinning they went off to find the nearest person, finding two mafia guards leaning against the wall looking tired. Taking the lead Ellie tugged at the one with short blonde hair, useing her puppy dog eyes as she spoke sweeter then sugar.
"Can you play with us? We're bored." Ellie fluttered her eyes as Danny came in from the side. "Yeah mister were bored, our dad is busy with Gruncle Vinnie."
Hearing their bosses name made them freeze up and look at each other, questioning everything in their life as these two kids were begging them to play. Trying hard to weigh their options of if they will get killed if they did or didn't do as their told made them sweat pretty hard.
Finally after a minute of begging the blonde gangster finally agreed to one game, only one. After all what can a sickly teen and his little sister do that can cause any harm?
Danny grinned while Ellie jumped a bit. "We want to play hide and go seek" they said at the same time.
"Alright but I'm only counting to 20" the blonde sighed.
Once he closed his eyes and started counting slowly the siblings bolted to find a hiding spot, making sure multiple people were watching as they ran.
Once done counting other members just lazily pointed to where they saw the two ran off too, it was cheating but the kids were also making it pretty easy.
By the time he entered the room they had snuck in he saw lady Lily reading her book, she barely looked up at the blonde man as she pointed to the wardrobe across from her.
"Their in there Charlie" she said in an unimpressed tone, like come on be creative.
Yet when he opened the wardrobe doors neither kid was there, both adults looked confused until they heard giggles and feet running down the hall. Quickly the man Charlie went after them.
This went on an hour, every time he got close to their hiding spot they two would suddenly dissappear and be heard going somewhere else.
The other mobsters seeing their co-worker struggle trying to find two kids were funny at first until they realized that if they lost the two brats it would be their heads rolling, so very quickly they got about 15 people looking for them.
The moment one mafia lady heard giggling in the walls it made them freak out more. Very quickly it turned into a goose chase just trying to figure out how the hell they were getting into impossible places.
Only once Danny and Ellie were sure the whole mafia crew would be looking in the wrong places did they decide to walk the halls normally and explore the place.
When they reached the living room there was a tuxedo cat crossing their path, Ellie happily picked him up and saw his name was Alfred. Looking more closely they could see a mini camera on the cats collar, but Danny made the quiet motion to hint to keep it a secert.
Now happy that had messed with everyone the two sat on the couch and started to give the cat they found the best pets of its life.
When they heard people coming towards them did Danny and Ellie climb into the ceiling, taking Alfred the cat with them as they shimmy back to Gruncle Vinnie's office.
"So, let me get this stright." Vinnie rubbed his eyes as he leaned on his desk before glancing back at Jack. "This GIW are after the majority of your family members due to them having a ecto gene that's a weaker version of the meta gene, but since they don't fall under the meta protection act they are planning to unethically do experiments on them that makes the joker look sane? Fucking Jesus Jackie no wonder you came running, at least I have the standard of only torturing when nessary not as a standard practice."
"Yeah I know, which was why I was willing to risk being found by you or even the owls if it meant we had a chance to live. That doesn't mean I'm not going down without a fight."
Vinnie nodded while taking one last drag, trying to figure out how to spin this into his favor, after all Jack, Maddie, and Vlad were brilliant minds and knew had to make weapons that could put more than a dozen people out of business.
Just as he was figuring out what to say a meek knock came to the door, growling Vinnie stared daggers at the door. "Enter."
Charlie comes into the room shaking as he rubbed the back of his head. "Um hi boss, hm we have a small problem."
"Well spit it out, I don't have all night" he said with venom.
"We lost the brats.."
"What!" He shouts as he storms over.
Charlie stuttered out his next words, "they had begged to play hide and go seek, b-but every time we got to their hiding spot it was like they vanished into thin air boss! Luka swore she heard them in the fucking walls!"
Vinnie had to blink a few times while glancing at Jack, they were definitely his kids.
"Shit." While he was trying to think of a strategy to find thoes two brats he noticed Vlad coving his face and coughed a bit, looking concerned until he stared up at the ceiling.
"You two, get out of there now!" The white haired man called, and like a magic trick a part of the ceiling tile was opened and out popped two black haired kids, the girl clinging to a cat no one had seen before. The younger one dropped into Vlads arms while Jack caught his boy.
Vinnie stared in disbelief for only a moment, this two, a sickly boy and a rumpus girl out matched his whole mafia by playing hide and go seek. They were playing with them!
Regaining his composer he made note of how easy someone else could use the ceiling as a hiding spot, then went back to looking at the odd family in front of him, trying to gain control over the situation once more.
Then an idea came into his head, an idea that made him smile ear to ear.
"You know what Jackie, your kids seem pretty talented and with the whole ecto gene I have a feeling that's part of it. So I'll make a deal, your family stays under our watch for their protection and in exchange we will mostly live you alone long as you make us some weapons on occasion."
Jack's face darkens as he holds his son close, he was about to protest but Vinnie cuts in. "I mean it would be shame if batman hears about them right? He already doesn't like metas, finding out there are sub species hiding in Gotham that's wanted by the government? It would be ashame if he found out some how. Or heven forbid the Owls finding out, your youngest daughter would be at the right age wouldn't she, or with how your boy is it would be easy for them to grab them both in the middle of the night. So how about it? We protect your family, and you help us be more weapon independent, hm?"
Gritting his teeth and squeezing his child closer he let out a growling sigh. "Fine, but you got to keep to your end of the deal."
With that Vinnie clapped his hands and nods, "Sweet, now let's go have some dinner."
End of part 4, side note I would listen to the poka Cancan during the kids scene to make it more funny.
Jack Fenton is From Gotham, a Headcannon
CstSo, Jack Fenton, Big, caring, Dad Shaped Individual who cares about Family and his Profession and would more than likely choose family if things went Funky. The Guy who has ran through multiple walls and is capable of fighting Ecto beings BARE FISTED and winning. This guy, who just looks at the mayhem around him and goes “Ah, a peaceful day.” while Maddie is losing her entire god damned mind. You can only really get that sort of attitude about chaos in a few places, and I think Jack was born and raised in Gotham, and furthermore, I think his parents generation of Fentons lived in Crime Alley. 
The IDEAS this gives me, like in a reveal gone sideways with the GIW finding out Jack takes Danny and hides out in his childhood romping grounds and the people just go “Oh Hey, Jack’s back.” and they just melt into the underbelly of Gotham, no one really the wiser and the GIW constantly losing vehicles and Agents to the meatgrinder that is Crime Alley.
Give Me Jack Fenton who has SEEN SOME SHIT, Give me Jack Fenton who has DONE SOME SHIT. This man knows how to do a lot of things and the legality therein can get very Sketchy. Then give us the glory and horror of Gothamites slowly emigrating too/immigrating from Amity Park and it’s just like, That Explains A LOT.
I ran away with this, I shall now tag folks who I think would like this.
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topicprinter · 5 years ago
Mad because your users keep clicking on that submit button three times a second? Or because they're calling in bugs while they're not using your product correctly?You are responsible for your product and how it's used, not the users. One of the best things about being a developer is that you can create. In order to bring your ideas to life, you ramble on some keys and watch how they turn into screens, functionality, business rules, and hopefully; pure value.In my 16+ years as a developer, I've listened to a lot of developers, makers, and entrepreneurs that complained that their app was being misused, how the user doesn't get it, or how users are causing all kinds of bugs. But to be honest, we as makers need to take responsibility for what we make.This article will show you 5 ways to take control of the product creation process so you don't have to blame the users for doing things wrong. It's time to stop pointing fingers, and take responsibility.TL;DRWith creation comes responsibility. Take responsibility and don't blame your users for crashing your solution or showing you its bugs.A Magical AnalogyImagine there is this magical place, a magical forest if you will. It is packed with beautiful things like rainbows, unicorns, and stuff. But as with any place, unpleasant things lurk there as well. Poison plants that can make you sick for days, and little flesh-eating beings that smell fear and can throw themselves at you.You are called The Wise One by people near the forest since they know you created the magical forest many centuries ago, and know everything about the magical forest and the creatures and plants that reside there.People come to you for when they need something to help their sick kid to get well and know that you can get the medicine from the magical forest. When someone went to the forest and got attacked by a vile creature you are the first one that will be notified by the small unichipmunks that live in the trees about such an event.Now replace "magical forest" with your application and magical things with useful features.Can you guess what the evil things are?Yup, it's those bugs that crawled in your product. And inconsistencies in your interface. And those assumptions about users, their needs and behavior that you neglected while building your product...You are Responsible; Act AccordinglyYes Ma'am / Sir, YOU, the creator, are fully responsible. When you create something and people have accepted your creation in their lives, you become responsible for what you've created.This counts even more so for applications that you are charging hard-earned money for.When people purchase something from you, its because they expect value from it (or they just wanna donate to you, mostly value is the reason). They also expect that you, the creator, provide value to them by giving support.One of the most frequent sounds that you'll hear from people who built a product is that support becomes a huge part of their time spending after they launched a product that starts getting traction.Some of the most common reasons why people need support (based on personal experience on implemented solutions):Users don't understand the functionality and/or interfaceThe app contains bugs that prevent users from using it properlyThe app doesn't take into account actual user behavior (IX) and throws off users that are using your appWhen you've put a lot of work into a product, you hopefully are proud of what you've created. And it sucks when people are negative about it.Even worse, if you know that your product works but your user refuses to operate it as designed and wants to do things differently, that can be a frustrating moment. But it DOES mean that your product is off somehow.So don't take grudge out on your users. They are the valuable input source that resonates with whatever product you've built. And their input and feedback is the pure gold in product development countryHow To Take Control?Let's find out about five ways that will help you to get in control of how your app is anticipated and used by your (future) users.1. Talk With People 🗣The uttermost efficiënt way to get in control of your users and minimize the delta between assumptions, expectations, and reality is...Talk. With. Your. Potential. Users.Not to. But with them. Converse. Engage and discuss. It's that simple. It isn't easy, but it IS simple. You need to get out and gain insights from talking to users.First off, talk about people's struggles and daily issues. Check if their pain points are related to the solution that you have in mind. And find out how they are coping with those issues now and here, where your solution isn't around (yet). The sooner you get feedback without biassing your users, the cheaper it will be to change things and finetune your solution's angle2. Verify Your Idea 🐒After you've been interviewing and researching the problem, you probably have a heads-over idea of how the solution is going to operate.After you've been interviewing and researching the problem, you probably have a heads-over idea of how the solution is going to operate. In order to take responsibility, you need to find out if your solution is the right solution for your users.At this time, where you've probably put together your idea - whether it be as wireframes, sketches on paper or an interactive Mockup - you can take your solution for a test drive. No code involved yet, so testing this and noting what people think is missing, weird or not clear is useful as heck for your solution. This will help you to understand if your solution fits the need of your (potential) users.If you can somehow record, register or at least note what was tested and how it was done, you are letting users perform monkey testing for you. By writing down how things are reproducible, you can fix these issues by creating a new version with updates or added (or removed) functionality.Key to make this a success is to instruct people that are going to test your product that they need to keep in mind what they did and give them a construct on how to register their findings.Not surprisingly, automated (AI) monkeys are emerging as online services as well. See Monkeytest.it if you'd like to run a free monkey test.3. Cover Common Usability Issues ✅Once you've established a nice functional prototype (you're not done, but using the 80/20 rule, you've got a stable version) you are probably going to start creating your MVP or a prototype of your application.When you do so, the last thing to take into account is the most common user interactions that lead to issues and problems. This comes down to implementing best practice stuff like: - input checks - self-explanatory screen setups - guidance user-interface elements - consistency between labels, buttons, etc.I won't be listing the best practices here as the internet is bloated with useful content regarding them. Just Google for "common usability issues" and you'll get a nice list.Just stop getting mad at users because they're clicking that button two (or ten) times in a few nanoseconds. It's human nature to do things like that. Stop freaking out about it!4. Test Your Solution 🕵🏻‍♂️Test Driven Development (TDD in short) and Business Driven Development (BDD) are techniques that have increasingly become popular in the last decade.By defining tests that orchestrate how your app should work (TDD), or by even writing down business rules and defining the tests beneath them that enable those rules (BDD), you can make sure that your app's code functions properly.When you're working on fixing bugs, building in some of the user's feature requests that you decided to be of value for your product, you can be in control by writing tests that will focus on those things.ie: Someone reports an issue and the origin seems to lie in the fact that the user is able to get past a validation that is necessary for your app to function correctly.You fix this by: - writing the appropriate test(s) - changing the code to make all tests go green and fix the issue - you deploy to productionTest Strategy In its simplest form, defining a valuable test strategy isn't really that hard. But you need to do it the right way, else it is just a farce that implies you're improving quality while it doesn't cut it.I've been a systems test coordinator for a Dutch bank besides being a developer in their IT department. There, I learned the ropes on setting up test strategies, and there are two things that define 90% of it:the highest risk areas need the most/best testing effortthe aspects of the subject under test that matter most help defining how testing is setupRisk AnalysesThis is all based on the following formula:Risk = Likelihood x Impactie: Twitter-based sign-in functionality on your login page might not be used all that often. So the estimation for the likelihood could be low or medium. But if it doesn't work chances are that people are leaving your app and start ranting on Twitter about it. Thus this would make the impact have a value high.Take a look at a common risk matrix:According to our estimation, the Twitter sign-in functionality would be placed in the top center area of the matrix, making it a high priority.If you do this for all the aspects like functional parts, business rules, etc. you get a nice overview of where your priorities should be at.Quality AttributesThere are lists of quality attributes available online (like this one on Wikipedia) that can help you decide what aspects are most important for your product.ie: Your online blogging platform might be valuing security, maintainability, localizability, and durability as the most important aspects. If so, you can work on setting up tests that make sure that those aspects are working correctly. Think of security testing sets, unit tests for everything that's medium priority or above on the risk matrix to support maintainability. Or tests like load tests to test if your solution is durable when 10000 users will use it in a single hour.Discussing testing on its own goes beyond the scope of this article, but you can find out more about these things by Googling. With the two concepts of risk analyses and quality attributes you at least know about some basic concepts that can help you take control of both your app's functioning and quality.5. Make Giving Feedback Easy 🤗In order to prevent people from raving around the internet about how awful your app is, you need to be open for feedback.You need to open up both in a personal and a technical sense.Personally Accepting FeedbackAccept that people will always have remarks, misunderstandings, issues, and bugs. And thank them for wanting to ventilate those to you.Ignore the input that is vile and disturbing or downright a-social and focus on real user feedback and constructive responses.If you have a mindset that appreciates feedback people can truly open up you will be amazed at what you can learn from it.![Embrace user feedback and go with its flow](https://thepracticaldev.s3.amazonaws.com/i/938dyb9j4qyrsl9duhrt.gif)Technically Making Feedback easyWhere it used to be all email-based feedback, the internet nowadays provides some awesome technical ways for lowering the barrier between product makers and product users.Chat functionality The quickest technical way to open up for users is to integrate chat functionality like Tawk.to, PureChat, etc. They provide widgets that you can add to your site and that lets users leave a message or interact with you when you are online. Realtime chatting can be a true win-win situation if you can afford to take some time for short interaction cycles with the users of your product.If you want a more formal way of interacting you could use service desk enabling solutions that let people send in issues on their own.Service desk tools Bigger businesses might use service desk tooling and issue tracking software to register issues and bugs. Think Jira, Zoho Desk, just to name a few. Or get an open-source variant for free like Bugzilla.Feature request & voting By letting your users register feature requests and lobbying for them amongst your users, you can have a community-orchestrated feedback mechanism that can show you what features are considered most important. By enabling services like Microsoft's Uservoice or a free (custom hostable) open-source variant Fider, you can let your users add feature requests on which other people can vote and respond. I've seen some amazing feedback from​ users to parties like Microsoft. It also prevents that you have to answer the same requests over and over again, thus lowering the effort needed from your side.There you have it. Three technical ways of opening up to your users and embracing their feedback.Please note that simpler solutions like chatting might be interesting from the get-go, whereas more formal interaction like bug reporting and feature requests are probably more suitable when your user base is going past the tens of users range.Embrace your user's feedback. It will make you smarter, more humble, and help you to aim for the right problem at the right angleTo ConcludeIn this article, I've shown you several ways and moments of the product development cycle where you can take control of any abuse, misusage, misunderstanding or plain pestering that you might experience from what appears a user taking down your beautiful product.The five ways to take responsibility for your product as mentioned in this article are:By talking with (potential) users early on, you can check if your idea will form a proper solution to a problem / a need to a wantBy monkey testing your sketches, wireframes or mockup you can find out about the biggest roadblocks and learn from the people that are checking out your solution early onA lot of common problems have been thoroughly documented online. Check out about the most common user interaction issues and make sure you have your answer to those implemented in your solution. This is a quick win that will save you a lot of worries when you consider them while building your prototype or MVP versionWhen you have a usable version available, enabling interaction and providing guided means for users to send feedback to you is golden. This will often prevent them from ranting online and will give you a heads-up about issues. By using feature request solutions you can even let your users give you insights on their wants and needsUsing a testing strategy, you will be able to see where you need to put in your efforts regarding quality assurance and testing user scenarios. Basing it on risk analyses and the most important quality aspects of your solutionThere you have it.There's no point in pointing your finger 👉🏻 towards your users when something breaks just because they aren't using it as you intended it to be operated.As a maker, *YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE * for the success of your product and the value that it provides. Users will always manage to break stuff or use it in ways you could never have imagined​ before.So take control, and take advantage of the tips and pointers so you can embrace the user and what they got to offer.Building value for the user is best done when coöperating with your users.Take care and keep building #valuefirst solutions.![The end of the article Don't Blame It On Your Users](https://thepracticaldev.s3.amazonaws.com/i/v43nd6fke1td909vqaec.gif)This article was originally posted on Shipharder.comDisclaimer: I am not affiliated with the products mentioned in this article in any way.Edwin Klesman is a 16+ year developer who loves building web/mobile apps and helping others in doing so. Check out [EEKAY ONLINE](www.eekayonline.com) to see what I'm about
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