#last one may wiggle around but i think thats mostly it. others i would want to do but if were talking full runs then this would be my picks
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Ok game time which 3 series would you just DIE to get a run on ? I'm talking full creative control, can be as a writer or an artist + plotter if that suits your vibe best
My 3 are
Suicide Squad
Wonder Woman
Green Lantern Corps/Green Lanterns
(in that order)
#last one may wiggle around but i think thats mostly it. others i would want to do but if were talking full runs then this would be my picks#there are other things id ofc want to do though. a wonder girl (cassie) mini in addition to the ww run probably some superman stuff too#although idk him as well i do love him. maybe a mini there or even a prestige format book if i go crazy#would love to do a quick something with cass cain too ofc (me and the rest of this site lol). could probably figure out a plot to smth#longer if i thought abt it but would love to guest write a standalone issue or two for an ongoing of hers#what else would i want to do.... the sui sq and wondy are rlly the big ones bc ive thought abt that the most. glc ive thought about too but#to a bit less of an extent. ooh there was that bleez mini i plotted out during lunch once last year. think i had some sketches laying around#for that too.#who else would i do.... those are rlly the main ones atm. books i would write vs books i would read are definitely different though. there#are some pitches i would throw out but wouldnt know how to write at all i just know it could be done good somehow. like ik nothing abt#aquaman but i think its possible a wonder woman/aquaman story could slap#OR NO A WONDER WOMAN & SUPERMAN ONE I WAS JUST TALKING ABT THAT. dont call it that though ofc they should get a duo name in the same vein as#world's finest. and ofc 72848274 issues of bro time. anyways <33333333#also a not abt the rankings sui sq is higher than wondy which may seem crazy from a wondy blogger but 1. i do love them and 2. they need me#so much more. this subject is such an egofest for me bc ofc i think i could do everything perfect but like they need a good run soooooo bad#whereas id LOVE to do wondy but ik they would survive without me. anyways yeah <3#anyways on a totally unrelated not at all adjacent topic.... my askbox is always open btw 😘#also idk if my green lantern corps book would be called glc. may just hit the green lanterns vol. 2 bc who is stopping me really
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hi its me again ..
sorry to bother, just wanted to ask if you have any tips on how to start off a fic.. i have an idea ive been sitting on for ages and i have so much planned but i just... can't start it!! how did you start an insulting indifference...
oh man.... im so ass at giving advice.... but thank you for asking anyways! let's see.... this got long so im placing a read more
the way i write is very based on improvisation. i either go into a fic with a very very broad idea of what i want to accomplish, and let the story take me wherever it wants. if i think of something randomly that i want to write, then i go to the bottom of my word document and pound out about two to three sentences IN the moment or scene, just to set the tone. i typically end up hoarding about 3 or so pages of disconnected story moments or character dialogue. by doing this, i can also foreshadow events or make parallels that span across several chapters in the story.
work OUT OF ORDER!!! its fun!!! it keeps it exciting!!! there was one fic i wrote where the last chapter was the first ever thing i wrote for it, and so i had a better picture in my mind about how the entire thing would GENERALLY play out. i like to leave the details in the moment, which is where the improv aspect comes in. if you let yourself ride the tide of the story, you wont have to force it in certain directions as much. sometimes you have to correct its course, but mostly youre there to cruise along with the story thats coming to life!
think of it like... a bunch of big dots. and these dots are all connecting by lines. like a big web. everything in the dots are BIG STORY BEATS, and the lines are the exposition between them. the lines don't have to be straight, either. they can have loops, or wiggles, or tiny tiny dots of their own. it may not be as exciting as the HUGE dots, but its still necessary. then again, maybe it isnt! dont feel like writing a scene? skip it! trust in your readers' abilities to make inferences based on all the other context clues you give them in the text.
as you can see, i suck at giving advice HAHA. my brain is.... not very good at sorting the chaos into something tangible for others to understand.
if you have an idea, just run with it! write for the sake of writing SOMETHING. anything is a good starting point. ANYTHING. you can always go back and edit it later. write what you DONT want to write so you can get to the stuff you DO want to write.
i would also recommend never deleting stuff youve written. if you write a scene that you end up hating, cut and paste it into a separate document just for safe keeping. it might come in handy down the line, even if you never actually USE it. you might be able to look back on it and REALIZE what does and doesnt work about it, which will improve your tone and general skills for OTHER stuff you're going to write in the future.
and one of my favorite things to do in a story when im stuck is STEP OUT OF MY BOX. especially if youre writing from a single character POV. we've been following the story of a single person, but every single other character they interact with has been going through a fanfic of their own. what is happening to them? what are they saying? being told? experiencing? what would cause them to change their mind about something suddenly? or act irrationally? the best part about writing for humans is that they're flawed. all of them. so we can write them making mistakes and doing stupid things. it helps push the plot along. it creates conflict, WHICH IS INTERESTING. we love conflict.
find something you want to write about in a fic, then expand the world around it. when i started an insulting indifference, my goal was to write about Alejandro's trauma, Noah's mental health, and have them experiencing healing by mending their relationship with not only each other, but the world and people around them. and then it grew from there!!!!!!!!!
ok im done
i talked WAAAY too much about utter nonsense. i hope at least 5% of this was helpful to you. LOL!! thank you again for the ask!!!!
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i saw this screencap from the manga and knew IMMEDIATELY that i would have to write a lil headcanon of aone and his turtle. he is literally the most precious person who deserves the whole entire world.
i hope you enjoy reading it as much as i did writing it!
genre: fluff, wholesomeness, a whole baked bean, college!au pairing: aone x gn!reader word count: 2k warning: language
okay so you ended up being roommates with aone, futakuchi, and mai when you ended up transferring colleges last minute and needed housing
you saw that they had an empty spot and with time not being on your side, you decided to take the opportunity!! apt 205 squad!!
at first you kind of felt left out since they all knew each other from date tech but you soon warmed up to futakuchi since you had a few classes with him and mai because well-- you guys shared a room
HOWEVER!! one person you couldn’t seem to get close to was a man by the name of takanobu aone-- lemme tell u sumn about this Baked Bean
whenever you tried to interact with him, all he would do is 👁 👄 👁 or just Grunt in response
you were a bit discouraged because you thought he didn’t like you so you shied away from talking to him again :(
but futakuchi was quick to ensure you that was just his way of communicating and that he was actually really engaged in the conversation
“oh yeah, he’s a great listener-- i talk to him for hours and he just sits and listens”
“ok futakuchi-san, but have you considered that you talk Too much for your own good?”
he gave you the finger for that one
but omg the first time aone Spoke to you????? rocked ur mf world-- what the Heck!!
you were in the mood to bake some cookies and were looking for the big mixing bowls but you just remembered that futakuchi used it to try and make a baking soda volcano
why??? who knows but all you do know is that he put it ALL the way on the top shelf-- and for what????
but u know-- bein dumb as dirt u tried to use a swivel chair to try and reach for them
and of course it was all the way in the back like wtf curse these tall men--
and so you got on your tippy toes and right as you were about to reach it, Of Course the chair decided to turn
and u were 🤏🏼 this close to eating shit but thanks to the one-- the only-- tol angel baby aone, he stopped the chair dead in its tracks just in time for you to regain your balance
“are you okay?”
you were so shook (one from almost breaking your face and two-- AONE JUST SPOKE AND SAVED YOU!!!)
at first you just stood there blinking down at him with the bowls in your arms like hinata season 4, episode 15 - 15:37
he held up his arms to you and you blushed so hard because was he really about to carry you down????
but before your mind had anytime to roam, he pointed to the bowls and you realized with your real eyes that you were not the one to whom he was referring to
it wasn’t long until you got over your initial iron wall with aone (…. 😏) and he actually ended up being someone you hung out with on a regular basis
mai was always out studying for her practicals in the library while futakuchi… well.. who even knows what the heck that man is up to..
but ANYWAYS!! you guys would hang out mostly in the living room to watch TV, do homework and eat meals-- he always helped you with your math homework and you helped him with his architecture models!!
you didn’t really know what he liked to watch but he didn’t seem to oppose whatever you had on-- however, you Did notice that whenever you put on volleyball he stared very intensely at the TV only stopping when commercials came on
aone Always ate your home cooked meals without fail
literally such a sweet and appreciative boy as opposed to futakuchi who would complain but one time aone gave him That Look™️ and he shut right the fuck up
that day forward futakuchi ate all your meals like a good boy
aone has also become very protective of you-- in high school, he may have locked onto the aces of the other teams, but in college he locked onto his close friends to make sure they were safe
one time you guys got onto a cramped bus to go grocery shopping and all it took was this creepo man to just Look at you the wrong way for aone to stand right in front of you and shoot this man a death glare that said “if you even think about touching her i’ll put you into the ground”
but know this ladies, gents and my non-binary friends, we MOST DEFINITELY sit next to aone on the bus and engage in the best of conversations because tHATS WHAT THIS MAN DESERVES!!!!!!!!!
not to mention all the times he has saved you due to your clumsiness and overall single brain cell fueled activities
one fateful day you were sitting in the living room as you saw aone come home with a whole bag of groceries
he didn’t put them into the communal fridge so you were a bit confused as to why he took them straight into his room
you weren’t one to just bust in there to try and find out so later when you guys were eating dinner you asked him what he bought at the store
he listed off a bunch of produce and then said that they were for his turtle!!!!
you were all !!?!?!??? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 TURTLE?????? WHERE??? HOW LONG HAVE THEY BEEN HERE??? CAN I SEE THEM?
he goes on to tell you that he’s had the turtle ever since they all moved in!! but it never came up in conversation so you never knew until now
him and futakuchi rescued the turtle but when they tried to let them go, they didn’t go anywhere so they kept them!!
so after dinner you both quickly washed the dishes, and he brought you into their room to show you his turtle
you were honestly a bit nervous going into their room-- like what were you to expect??? was it going to be messy?? stinky?? clean??? were there any secrets????
but to your surprise it was fairly clean and simple-- even futakuchi’s side (which you assumed was aone’s doing)
you looked around his room to find all these old pictures of date tech on the wall, many of them with futakuchi and mai
there was even a photo of all the third years clinging to aone like koalas on a tree and though his expression was faint, you could tell that he was happy
it warmed your heart to see that he got along with his teammates and held these memories close to him-- they accepted him for who he was and that was more than enough for you
he also had plethora of architecture books on his shelves which made you wonder why he picked that major in the first place
but you shrugged it off as you looked over to his desk
there was a table next to it with an enclosure and a cute little turtle sunbathing underneath a lamp inside
you scurried over to the tank, getting down on your knees to get eye level with the animal while you slowly brought your face to the glass
the turtle was half curled into its shell, looking up at you as he gave you a slow blink
you could’ve sworn you felt your heart explode and melt all at once in that Exact moment
you looked up at aone with 🥺 eyes before looking back to reptile to see them poking their head out to fully greet you
you squealed internally as you wiggled your finger as your salutations
“do they have a name?” 🥺
“ichigo-desu...” (strawberry)
you thought your heart exploded before?????????????
oh bitch you felt like you were about to go into full blown cARDIAC ARREST MY G O D!!!!!!
“did futakuchi name them?”
“no i did…”
you literally hunched over, and leaned onto the desk for support as your heart was filled with his soft boy energy because there was no wAY!!! DID AONE JUST NAME THIS TURTLE ICHHHIGOOOO BITCHHH AHHH
but lowkey aone was also being filled with your soft energy and got all blushy-- but thank god you were too occupied by his turtle to notice
“do you want to feed him a strawberry? it’s his dinner time too”
you could not have said yes faster to this man
he went into his personal fridge and there you saw all the groceries he had earlier that day!! he pulled out a single strawberry before handing it over to you
he walked over to the tank and cautiously pulled out ichigo before placing them on the ground
HOWEVERRRRRR!! what came next you didn’t expect at all
he walked around so that he was behind you, gingerly reached for your hand and guided you to hold the strawberry out for ichigo
ichigo craned their neck in the sight of the fruit and started chowing down
and by God you hoped that aone could not hear your loud ass heartbeat and see your red ass face-- (you were surprised that ichigo wasn’t going after you since your face might as well have been a strawberry)
you two sat in a comfortable silence as you watched the little reptile enjoy his dinner
as ichigo drew closer to the leafy bit, you wanted to ask aone if he was allowed to eat that part
so you turned your head to the side to speak but immediately closed your mouth as aone’s face was only centimeters away from yours
you thought you were red back then???? bitch buckle up cause we’re reaching a new LEVEL of red
at that moment you were no think, no thought, head EMPTY as you just stared at his profile
all of his features were strong... the bridge of his nose, his jawline, his expression-- he himself was a strong man and you just wondered how all this soft, fluffy, wholesomeness was packed into this 192cm man
and just as you relaxed into this position
at first he’s so absorbed into his own conversation that he doesn’t even notice you guys in that position
but when he does??? it’s like those moments in animes where you’re all chibitized and you just have circle eyes and a blank expression o_o
you IMMEDIATELY come to your senses, releasing the rest of the strawberry and aone’s hand
if you could peace fade in this moment, you would’ve definitely flashed futakuchi a duces
but alas, you could not..
so you scrambled to your feet-- but not before thanking aone for letting you meet his turtle-- and RAN out TF of that room heart a BEEATTINN
from that day on, you visited aone and his turtle a lot more-- even going so far as buying things for ichigo!!
“hey aone-san, did ichigo like the squash i cooked?”
“hey aone-san, does ichigo like the new hide?”
“look aone-san! he can’t grip onto the cherry tomato!! it keeps rolling around!”
many of your conversations went along like that and he always appreciated the amount of effort you put into them
he wasn’t a man of many words but did his best to make sure you knew that he was listening and engaged
at one point mai and futakuchi said that “he has spoken more words to you in these past few months than he has with us in 3 years”
you were surprised but also flattered by the fact that aone was comfortable enough to open up and have conversation with you
although it was a bit of a rough patch in the beginning, you were glad that you became a part of the 205 squad! it was you, aone, futakuchi, mai and ichigo against the world!!
#haikyuu imagines#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu#hq#hq imagines#aone takanobu#aone headcanons#aone x reader#headcanon#im simping for this man know that rn AHAHAH
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“A Blast from the Past...” (2/?)
Pairing: Poly!lost boys x Reader
Summary: The boys feast and chase downs local witch coven and it didn’t work out in their favour. Home was home but at the same time it wasn’t.
Warnings: language, innuendos
Word count: 1761
A/N: sorry it too so long I’m just catching up on fics now. Also can we appreciate this gif of Paul and Dwayne? 😍
"So you're telling me you are really from 1987 and some witch got mad at you and you came here is a cloud of red?" I repeated what david had told me, trying to make sense of it all, it didn't quite seem real but then again they are vampires and I have powers so what even is real anymore? I stay quiet trying to think of something anything.
"Don't forget we ate the witches whole coven." Paul chimed in, he seemed to be so proud about it but he just seems like a happy-go-lucky guy.
"What if I could help you find a way to get back? I'm not sure if I really count myself a witch per se but I can try find something?" I suggest, it's not the best idea but it's worth a shot. The boys all looked at each other seeming like they were having a silent conversation between the four of them.
"What's in it for you? Why do you want to help?" David lit another cigarette, blowing the smoke out as he leaned back into his chair. If was a fair question, what is in it for me? Nothing I'm just trying to help but was there really a need for me to answer?
"I can't think of anything at the top of my head. I mean while you are all sleeping during the day I can do something to keep unwanted visitors away so that another incident like earlier doesn't happen again?" Another silence in the room, I could sense that they were uncomfortable talking about anything in front of me considering we had just met, I would be uncomfortable spilling anything if I couldn't trust someone. I pull out my phone to heck the time it was nearly 5am and the sky was starting to brighten.
"Hey what's this thing?" My phone was snatched out of my hands by Paul as he eyed my phone, Shaking it, tapping it and putting it up to his mouth trying to talk to it like a walkie talkie.
"Hey give that back!" I jump to my feet and try to get it from him but he holds it above me so that I can't reach it. "Paul give it back!" He threw my phone to Marko as he did the same, I ran towards him then he flew up into the sky "that's not fair! Marko please!" I could tell David and Dwayne were amused buy this as I run between the two blonds.
It went on for a good few minutes however, Paul had landed in front of the entrance to the cave and the sun was just away to illuminate the cave. "Paul! Look out!" I run towards him again this time knocking him out the way of the sun rays, the rest of the boys hid where the rays wouldn't effect them but they were still in the same area as you and Paul. In other circumstances I wouldn't have been awkward at all but since I'm lying on top of the blond vampire it was more that awkward. Paul looked at me and wiggles his eyebrows at me causing me to roll my eyes at him and go try and get off of him.
"You're welcome for saving your ass being turned into a pile of ash." I huffed "now go, dont worry I'll keep anyone out of here in the mean time." With that they all crawled into a dark hole which I assumed their own sleeping space. If I'm being honest I hadn't even slept yet, I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I napped on the sofa? I would go to the small bed that I mentioned earlier but they tensed when I spoke about it.
Before I head off to sleep a cast a small little protection barrier to keep people out if they were to come near it would just look like a massive rock on the outside. I cuddle up on the sofa and slowly drift off to sleep.
I slowly awoke from my meant to be nap and I check my phone for the time I knew the boys weren't going to be awake since the sun was still up. It's 1:30pm I some had time to kill, I did plan on going home and getting something to eat maybe charge my phone for a little while before coming back and trying to think of a solution to sending the vamps back to their time. If I'm heading out I'll leave the little barrier up cause if I break my word they'll have my head for sure.
I headed to my home and greet my grandmother but she seems to be with a client at the moment so I leave her be and head up to my room to grab my computer and some spell books. I know it's cliche. My grandmother and I run a smoll café shop near the boardwalk, as well as a place to eat it's also a place for visitors or open minded people to come get a reading etc and we even sell small things like crystals, sage, candles etc all the good witchy stuff.
"Y/n, you were out late I didn't hear you come in." My grandmother startled me, I sigh in relief.
"I stayed at a friends house sorry about that, hey you may be able to help me." My grandmother looked at me and smiled. "How does time travel work? Are there any spells for it?" I chew the bottom of my lip, hoping she won't as me about why I'm asking her this to be honest she's smart and she knows all kinds of magic. However, she looked at me sympathetically.
"Oh honey, I know what this is about." Now I'm the one confused. "You want to time travel to stop what happened to your parents I know, but you can't change the past and if you do then you'll have to sacrifice something in return and suffer the consequences." She was way off I know this already i can't change the past but I need to send the boys back to their time, thats the same as time travel right?
"What about spells to send people back in time. Like to their time?" This stuff is confusing as heck.
"Why would you want to know something like that, honey?"
"I...it's for a book I'm writing about spells, I'm just curious." I am a terrible liar and she can see right through me. "Grandma, you are the smartest witch I know please tell me." She looked at me and I could see the cogs turning in her head if I wanted to I could tap into her mind as see what she knows.
"That isn't going to work sweetie, a witch always has a block on her mind so that no other beings can read them and I'm terribly sorry but there is no spell for that and there never has been." With that she leaves my room back down to the shop where she probably has customers waiting. I sigh in annoying. Bullshit. If there was no spell then how did the vamps get here there is always a counterspell. Nothing is ever permanent.
I finish grabbing all the books and my laptop then head downstairs to go back to the cave, it's 3:15pm the sun doesn't go down till 7ish this gave you roughly 4 hours to find a solution or do something else but you'd rather head back to the cave and keep watch there's no doubt gonna be some people poking around there and you have the best job in the world. Being a guard dog for a bunch of vampires.
Back at the cave you, sat down on 'David's' chair and proceeded to look through all the books you had about magic and spells, there had to be something here. Your nose was too buried in the books you failed to notice how quick time went by and still no sign of a counter-spell. Your book was snatched from your hands, startling you and you tried to calm your breathing as Paul flipped through the book and turning it every which way to understand the text. Which was stupid it was in perfect English probably words he isn't familiar with god bless.
"How long have you been reading the Mumbo jumbo? It's basically snoozefest." He tossed the book on the ground near the others and went flicking the through them all.
"I wouldn't expect you to understand and I've been looking through them for 3 hours maybe?" You answered, picking up the book you were trying to read.
"Really that eager to get rid of us?" Your eyes shot you the platinum blonde, he smirked at you as he walked towards you causing you to walk back into the wall.
"N-no." You swallowed thickly. "Last time I checked you wanted to go back home." You tried to rid your voice of any insecurity, probably failing miserably. David leaned closer to you.
"Last time I told you that's my seat." He stepped away from you and sat in HIS seat.
"It's not like you were using it." You huffed and muttered under your breath, this made him smirk more. "Paul could you stop tossing my books around please."
"I'm bored." Paul whined then latched himself onto you then Marko joined in.
"Let's have some fun, ayy Paul?" You looked between the two blondes as the face you a smirk and you broke out of their grips.
"Woah woahh woahh! And Don't look at me like that." You warned as you backed away from the group of vampires.
"Like what?" Marko pouted, you mentally cursed yourself and huffed.
"I'm not food! I probably don't taste good anyway so no biting I mean it." You warn again mostly at the two blondes who were sharing knowing glances.
"How would we know if you taste bad if we don't try it." You backed away from the boys then ran behind dwayne who was just watching, using him as a shield from the 2 blondes. "Like he's gonna help."
"Stay back! I have a Dwayne and I'm not afraid to use him!" This caused the boys to erupt with laughter.
"You're adorable." Marko laughed, you pouted and rolled your eyes.
"Come on you four, I bet you are all hungry anyway let's find you something to eat." You nod time the exit of the cave.
#the lost boys#the lost boys 1987#the lost boys fanfiction#the lost boys headcanon#the lost boys imagine#the lost boys x reader#david the lost boys#dwayne the lost boys#lost boys x reader#marko the lost boys#paul the lost boys#the lost boys paul#the lost boys david#the lost boys dwayne#the lost boys marko#poly!lost boys x reader#poly!lost boys
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Thor Corp: Initiation
After the events of the destruction of Asgard and the loss of life fighting Thanos, King of New Asgard, Thor Odinson, in a joint effort with the Avengers set out to make the Thor Corp; a group of humans, or near humans, under his direction. Trained by him to fight off threats to New Asgard and to join Thor on his adventures across the Nine Realms.
You and the other four Thor Corp members met in the rear room of Thor’s cliff top house. You had heard so much about him, but for all you could see, this house was a dump. The furniture was dirty, there was laundry piled in the corner, beer cans and take out boxes everywhere.
The other members could sense your apprehension.
“Don't worry,” said the oldest member. His name was Gudrik. That wasn't his real name. When you proved yourself Thor gave you a new name. His real name was Allan Frankson.
Thor was laying down some store bought martial arts pads. He was lining up the puzzle piece like edges. You had watched him push the couch off into the corner. He lifted it with such ease. The god of Thunder may not have been in the best shape of his life but he was still as strong as ever.
“All right”, Thor said, hopping up. “Now who knows why we're here.” He didn't give anyone a moment to respond. “We are here because it is Mister. Smiths six month anniversary with us.” He pointed to you. “He has gone through all the grunt work that I used to put you lot through.” There was a chuckle. You had been doing alot of less than heroic jobs. You returned Thor’s bottles and cans; paid his bar tabs, picked up his pizzas; anything Thor would ask of you. For six months. You only got to hear about him and his adventures with the other four while you did the dishes.
“Now before we go taking him off to Asaheim or Jotunheim, we gotta teach him some basic Asgardian Self Defense techniques. We all know what happens when we for get the basics right, Svar?” Everyone looked at the shortest, red haired red beard member of the group. “Remember Rule 9? Tell us rule 9” Svart sighed “Dont stick your head in strange holes in other worlds”.
Thor laughed. “We eventually got him out, and his hair grew back.”
“Come on over here Mister Smith.” Thor waved you next to him. You joined him. He put his arm on your shoulder. This was the first time you were ever so close to him, let alone he had his arm around you. You wanted this to be special, but the only thing you could focus on was the sour smell of his pit. You glanced at it. It was a sweaty busy mess of blond hair. You could swear you saw a Cheeto in there.
“Were going to teach Smith here today how to play Hrunkrinkuuu” Thor said. You looked up at him. “Hrunkrinku?” Thor held up a finger. He coughed into his hand, spitting up a wad of phlegm. “Ugh…” he stepped forward and wiped his hand on Gudriks chest. “No, that was just something in my throat. Were going to teach you Herunkirinkr. It’s a game to teach basic self defense. You mortals on Midgard here do a fine job replicating it with the Wrestling show on cable
“So we are going to wrestle?” you ask
“Kinda. Mostly. Yes. But with the goal to learn how to get your enemy into a position where you can finish them off.” He slapped your back and you almost fell over. “Of course I won't be finishing you off. Though I could. So easily. Just, snap. And you're gone. I won't though. Don't worry”
Thor didn't bother to explain the rules. He put you on one side of the mat and he took up the other. “First were gonna learn a real simple technique. Most of your foes are going to be stupid and there just going to throw themselves at you. We don't want you to be bowled over so easily. So this is a way to reverse a knock down in your favor. Come on” he waved at you. You looked at him and cocked his head. “Just try to run at me and knock me down” He said.
You shrugged but knew Thor wouldn't hurt you. You lazily jogged the few steps forward and attempted to tackle Thor. You cracked into his chest and gut and he fell to the floor. Your face pressed into his chest. You could feel his gut heaving bellow you.
“See, this is a bad spot to be in. But with a little twist here.” Thor rolled his legs back and with a grace and speed counter to the way he looked, you felt his legs wrap around your shoulders. He pulled you off him. He didn't let you go though. His powerful legs slid up to your neck and held you in a scissor lock. When the world stopped spinning you were looking up his back side.
“Simple as that.” He gave his legs a playful squeeze. “If you work out like me, you can even pop off a head or two when you have them between your legs here.” he squeezed a little more and you slid up till your face was near flush with the seat of his pants. “Course you gotta get them real far up there. Also we wont be popping off heads today. But we do need to have a way to end the match. Any idea smith?” He asked. You had not played this game before, but you knew that in most martial arts you just had to tap out. You reached with your free hand and gave his gut a tap. Three times. “Oh. No. Thats not how this works. Tapping if for safety. Asgardian warriors do not tap out unless they are about to die. Here we go until humiliation” Thor said.
Humiliation? You thought.
“Any suggestions lads?” Thor asked the other four
“Kiss the moon.” said Gundrik. “Thats a good one for a scissor lock. All you gotta do it bend the knees and stomach a little” Thor said. He bent down and your face was pressed into his ass. He held you there a moment. “Remember to not do it too fast. They need to know it happened, plus you need to give everyone a moment to laugh at him” There was a few chuckles then Thor uncrunched. You could still smell the sweaty funk from his pants.
“There is a variation to this. Mr Smith, as you know I have been working to get back into shape. This means in addition to exercise a proper diet. I have carefully picked a diet high in legumes, lentils, fresh beans, both green, black and red, and as luck would have it last night I crushed an entire thirty case of Miller Lite and for breakfast I devoured an entire container of sour cream that I had left out on the counter” As Thor described his diet there was some soundless laughter from the four other men. You tried to think the last time you even bought sour cream. It was a week ago and it had been on the counter since that night.
“Oh man. You cant be serious, your not really going to right?” you struggle trying to get free, but Thor’s legs are far too powerful.
“See mates, you know you have a good humiliation move lined up when your opponent starts to struggle.” Thor gave a little chuckle. “I like to call this humiliation Thunder Gods Kiss”. Thor crunched again. Despite your protests he very easily pressed your face between his cheeks.
“When you perform this one, you should let your opponent stew a bit at first. He may be holding his breath.” You heard Thor say. You sure were trying. If Thor was about to do what you thought he was going to do you didn't want to take any risks.
“Now after he has had a good few seconds you can feel his struggle start to wane. That is your cue.” Thor raised his hand up high. He pulled down as if he was pulling an invisible lever.The room was shook with a hefty, wet, thunderous rolling blast. You could feel your face vibrate from Thor’s fart. It was stunningly long. You tried to hold it off, but the force alone blasted its way up your nose. The smell was like a garbage dump at low tide in mid July heat. Just when you thought it was over an after shock hit. Your ears were ringing. You could hear the flabby echoes.
“Now same as before, you want to let them stew a bit to give it maximum effect. You can also” He squeezed his arse cheeks and gave a wiggle “Put a little wiggle on it” Thor let you out. Your face was slick with sweat. You feel like you went Ten rounds with The Might Thor, when in reality it was just one of his farts at close range.
“Now to finish you ask” He cleared his throat and looked over his shoulder at you. “Have you had enough or shall I give you a second helping?”
“Meeuu?” You try to speak but you’re senses were still fried “That wasn't a yes.” Thor reached back with his hands and pulled down the hem of his pants. This time when he pressed your face into his ass he did it slow enough for you to take in the pale,rotund, blond-hair-forest that was the crack of his ass. You slipped between his sloppy cheeks and he did it again. You could hear him grunt, summoning up another fetid blast. This one was just as worse as the one before. Even expecting it your body was unable to deal with the powerful stench of the God of Thunder. He released you again.
“Hungry for more?” “No..please..no more.” You blurt out. The room erupted in laughter. “Hah. Weakling” said Svart. Thor pointed his finger at him “Don't speak lies; he took two blasts. Svart here pukes when I had his face in my Arse. ‘Please Mr. Thor, please. I can’t stand the smell’ he cried. Literally he had tears in his eyes because that year I was on an all onion diet” Svart looked angry, but the others laughed. “Please…. Fresh… air…” You said. Thor was still holding you dangerously close to his ass.
“Oh right” he released you and stood up, pulling his pants back up. He helped you to your feet and slapped you on the chest.
“Now you are officially part of the Thor Corp. I shall name you: Torquil Thorson”
You cheer weakly. Your legs were still weak.”No more shit work?” You say. Thor nods. “No more farts?” Thor let out a laugh that shook the house. “Oh no. Now that I know you can take it with out being killed I wont need to hold them in around you. You have years of farts to look forward to! Now… who wants to go on an adventure?”
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MLQC : Smothering
♡ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━♡
*aka , a boobie face dive !
Victor :
-Its only the softest of Victors that will act so shamelessly vulnerable to you
-You’re sitting on his lap with your arms around his neck as his hands caress the soft skin of your exposed thighs. You had a day off and decided to visit him on his lunch break at his office
-A few hours before on a quick phone call asking his permission to visit (he’s a busy guy) his usual sharp tounge was much diluted. He gave quick but vauge reassuring statement that he was just a bit stressed and had a lot on his plate for the week; risky decisions, rocky investments, many many under developed plans, all under the responsibility of himself.
-You know your smart and strong victor will get through it somehow, just like he always does, but thats not always an easy side to see when you’re experiencing it in first person. You just wanted to give him a moment to be vulnerable, relaxed, and securly cared for, something he’s constantly deprived of in his CEO role.
-As you pull his face closer and closer for cuddles , he relaxes his head and leans it into your shoulder. You stroke his hair leaving random kisses whenever you get the urge.
-There isnt much talking, just the two of you appreciateing each others warming presence
-The hand once on your thigh has risen to completely hold you in his arms, locking you in place.
-You take this as an invention to hug him tighter, elongating your body until his head finally falls into the perfect spot
-He lets out a small huff-like chuckle, letting you know he’s onto your shenanigans.
-“Feeling better already i see ?” You giggle into his hair while circling your finger around his ear, tracing patterns down his neck.
-“ ...m..dummy”
-His harsh words are very opposing to his actions. His grip around your waist becomes tighter as he burrows himself deeper into his personal pillow
-The comfort and warmth wraps his mind in pink hearts, allowing him to forget his pressing struggles and stress. Being near you is like a sip of wine to him , sensualizing and god damn intoxicating
-He’ll slowly move his face back and forth, in and out, up and down, until he finally realses a small groan of satisfaction
-Being a accomplice to his healing feels amazing, but the current undivided attention to you and your breast is indescribable
-He’ll stay like that for a while, just pushing and rubbing against you...
-He can’t allow himself to get too wired up at work though , this is only his lunch break after all
-The slight shift in his pants once he feels your nipples begin to harden against his face knocks him out of his trance
-“ahh I can’t do this now”
-He doesn’t move, just turns his head and leasurly lays on them for the remainder of his break
-At home though? Boyyyyyy
-Your low V-neck shirt would have been pulled down immediately to expose yourself to him, breast spilling out resembling a 4 course meal
-Victor prefers his hands to your breasts though, he loves to grope and toy with your nipples. He doesn’t have a good view to watch your reaction to him if hes face-deep
Lucien :
-HE is a looker
-We’re all very familiar with his intense gaze stairing problem
-You’re both sitting upright on opposite sides of the plush floor matt in his reading room, pillows densely outline the edges for support and comfort while you two peacefully enjoy each other’s company
-Well, you were
- Just as you’re turning the page of one of the novels you found laying near by, you see a pair of familiar black pupils from above the pages
-You lower the book to better see the man glaring absolute holes into you. The corners of his lips lift into seemingly innocent smile, the smile that softens his whole face, thins out his eyes, and hides his much more vulgar intentions.
-“Can i help you sir ?” You playfully spat trying to hide the gentle blush creeping onto your cheeks
-Your remark seems to have caught him off guard, but he quickly fixes his face. He lowers his book and gently places it to the side, his thin black-framed glasses following suit.
-“Actually...” his tall thin frame is crawling twords you, you feign resistance, lightly kicking your legs to keep him away. His large strong hands grasp them immediately, keeping them in place long enough for him to slip himself in.
-And now there he is, layed on top of you with his head under the arms thats still holding your book whata attention whore.
-His head rests on your lower stomach hiking up the him of your shirt. You know he’s up to something, but his current good behavior is enough to lower your suspensions for now. Him cuddling onto you while you read is actually very peaceful in itself. He looks comfortable and delicate, so you let him be.
-But that doesn’t last for long
-You can feel his warm breath on your stomach ascented by soft pecks and kisses, leaving trails just beginning to go above your belly button. His hands grab the rim of your shirt pulling it over his head, creating a personal space for just him and the beautiful view underneath
-“Lucien!” You giggle as his kisses gradually travel higher up, getting wetter and more passionate with each contact of skin
-“Hm? Something wrong? I prefer it under here..” and with that, he’s face planted.
-The distractions have your book strown to the side after you’ve long lost interest
-Lucien likes to play.
-He’ll dip his hands in periodically to help with his little experiments, pressing down your nipples to watch them pop back up.
-But mostly, he’ll hold your body from the outside as he helps himself to as much titty as he wants
-He loves the good old-fashion smother. His face absorbed by boob. Since you’re laying down, He’ll use his hands from the outside to push up all the extra boob fat
-Lucien, the actual kitten, will leave nips and bites on the supple flesh inbetween his face-dive sessions. He just absolutely adores the whole act, having someone he loves and admires so vulnerable and exposed to him and his desires makes his heart soft and dick hard
-Is he lightly thrusting his hips against the matt ? The world may never know
-Lucien does this often tho, maybe second in place to kiro
-From daily hugs to cuddle session, he can’t seem to keep to loose himself to his desires.
Gavin :
-Ooooh blushy boy
-You LOVE teasing him, the way he quickly turns his head to redirect his attention when he’s flustered is beyond satisfying, the butterflys you get knowing what you (unintentionally) do to him is :,)
-So the element of surprise is something he hates but you love
-He’s sitting on the edge of the bed, just chillin on his phone waiting for you to finish up whatever you were doing in the other room when BAM
-“Gavin ~ i missed u ~”
-You pull him into a smothering embrace, his face and your chest having an intement moment together
-You hold his head firmly aginst you while softly stroking his hair, letting some fingers down periodically to trace along his ear
-Gavin groans but shows absolutely no signs of resistance probably to hide his blushing face
-His face feels great agaisnt your chest, you begin to move them side to side to create a bit of friction for yourself
-You hear him release a low exhale at the action as you respond with a soft giggle
-Once Gavins done acting all tsundere he finally surrenders, pulling you closer by hugging at your waist, softly shaking his head in your breast
-Shit he may even grip a titty with one hand as he continues to press against the other
-Gavin lives to please you, so its not long after his attention will go to pinching at your nipples and nipping them with his teeth through your shirt
-When you look down to check on him, you meet the gaze of his blushing face and low amber eyes looking up at you and fuck
-Its time to get down to business :)
-Gavin loves to mark you, so sucking his ownership into one of your most delicate and personal places is his specialty
-He also loves to smother while he fucks you or you fuck him
-When he’s close he’ll bury himself in your chest and fuck you like the dirty dog he is ;)
-he nasty
-so shy...but so naSTy...
-Kiro absolutely loves it
-Kiro is just a boob guy in general?
-White tank top + your nipples pressing through = suckle session
-Like lucien, he loves to lay down on top of you and just... play
-Its rare you both have a day off at the same time so you usually spend it having a lazy day together, after all, working is exhausting
-You’re cuddled up on the couch watching your favorite feel-good show together, one of his favorite things to do with you since he gets to use his most favorite pillow
-Actually, Its just you watching the show.
-His arms are wrapped around your body pressing you as close to his face as he possibly can
-“mmmm miss chips is my favorite pillow~”
-“wahhh your boobs are so great”
-We can’t expect this vocalist to be shy about his feelings for you, he’ll spit little praises at you regularly as they come to his mind
-He’ll lay on each one, then in the crevis of your breast so he can push them together to completely surround himself. His hands will get a good grip as he paws and gropes at them
-Can he breath? The world may never know
-He’ll die a happy death tho
-Loves to wiggle his face back and forth and feel the jiggle
-He gives them so much attention you begin to think he might have a boob worshiping thing?? Not that you’d mind ;)
-His face and free boob massage feels absolutely great, his tinted cheeks and wet blue orbs stairing up at you is enough to make the anime steam blow through your head
- *thought bubble* fuck fuck fuck hes so cute...
Sooo if you can’t tell #1 im a cancer and #2 im about to start my period so my boobs are soooo sensitive right now, these scenarios are all i can think about ~ Thank u sm for reading !!! You can comment your thoughts or stance of the accuracy, Check out my other works under the mlqc tag :) -myk
#love and producer#mlqc#mr love#mr love queens choice headcanons#headcanons#headcannon#mr love headcanon#kiro#lucien#gavin#victor#mr love queens choice#otome#elex games#imagine#imagines#mr love headcannons#mr love headcanons#headcanon#lucien headcanon
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Episode 4(SWAP)- “I'm happy if anyone goes but these bitches' mouths are sealed”-Raffy
I prayed for a swap... and now I'm regretting it. Honestly, kind of got tribe swap fucked. There are 4 original tribe members and then... me and Owen ALONE WITHOUT ANYONE FROM OUR ORIGINAL HOUSES. So... the odds are NOT in our favour. Hopefully maybe we link up with Juls and Chips and potentially set ourselves down as a four.. but also maybe that four isn't tight and I can wiggle these hips into a majority somehow. Straight off the jump you can tell that Landen/Matt are probably close. They have the same interests, same age, and both don't shut up so.. I can see it. I've played with Lily in the past and she's lovely. We weren't exactly very close and she got robbed by a twist but.... hopefully we can try and pick up where we left off. Chips is... lacklustre. I know when I hosted him he was a busy man.. so maybe it is different here. I AM ALSO OBSESSED WITH JULS. So hopefully she's just as obsessed with me and we can work together but I do see similarities in our games and she's someone who when I saw cast reveal I instantly knew I wanted to work with. Honestly, I know the odds might be stacked against me but.. I'm gonna work harder than a hooker on a busy night to get everyone here to love me and keep me around. PS: I miss Jacob ALREADY.
heyoooo WE MADE IT TO A SWAP!!! so basically hufflepuff was the last in-tact tribe standing, meaning we had all 5 players remaining while slytherin had 3 and gryff/raven had 4, meaning a swap right now COULD work well in our favor, and it did, except for meeeeeeeee my ENTIRE tribe (with the exception of me) got to STAY on hufflepuff, meaning I am alone but not only am I alone, every other person on new gryffindor still has someone from their original tribe and the split is 3-2-2-1, so no one tribe has a majority that overpowers the tribe as a whole since theres 8 people, but I don't have someone to fall back on as much as they might because they all have someone in a similar situation as them. HOWEVER, I did get swapped onto a tribe with jacob and jules who are two REALLY good friends of mine, I have known jacob for like 5+ years, and jules and I were a final 2 actually jacob's big brother series (sry we voted you out again sammy :c) so i am hoping i can find solace in them and maybe their relationships can also become my relationships? but its still scary to be the only person of your og tribe because just by process of elimination you could be easy pickings, so come tomorrow, as its still the night of the swap and most everyone just went straight to bed, i need to get boots on and work some social magic. But i wanted to make this confessional to give my first impressions of how i feel about my new tribe mates! we'll just go in alphabetical order autumn - she seems really cool, she turned it out in selfie scavenger hunt for her tribe which was awesome and hopefully we as a tribe can winning due in part to her dedication, all i know about her is that she played crossroads with jake p who i know and that she WON i think she's fairly well known in the community and its partially if not mostly for her good gameplay? she strikes me as the quieter but more strategic type, shes not gonna make big huge moves but shes gonna set herself up perfectly to make those undetectable moves that no one really sees and then she gets to the end and you think what did she do?? and then you realize when she blows you out of the water with her utr gameplay, but also who knows dan - DAN!! me and him played ts manhattan beach together, which was... a time, we were not really on the same side i believe we voted together a few times and worked together for the sake of making a move but neither of us were ever in the others inner circle until the back to back rounds where WE WENT OUT!!! i voted with him as the only person to do so when he left at final 7, which i dont think he believed in the moment but has since realized thank goodness, but i wanted him to stay in that game and maybe voting with him even tho it got me 6th right after and us ending on a good note actually was a good thing? what i know about him is, he is SMART, but i think he lets it show a little much, he seems passionate and very into the game and when things dont go his way i think he struggles to see the logic outside of his own, which makes sense the guy is really smart im sure if he believes something is wrong he has a reason to but it can make working with him unless your undyingly loyal to him a piece of work. if my memory serves me correctly i believe i tried to pull some fast ones on him in mb, where i lied and voted differently or maybe blindsided him a few times and then tried to damage control that and it caused distrust when the time came and i WAS being honest. so my gameplan now is if i end up wanting or needing to work with him (the jury is still out on that one as its like 2 minutes into the swap) but if i do work with him i want to be as upfront as possible and i want him on my good side at all times, like i said he's passionate so he has a FIERY side and i dont wanna be on the receiving end of it. joanna - me and joanna played tashirojima together and..... i may have blindsided her a couple times too.. maybe this is a wake up call for me, BUT ANYWAYS, we played together and we're aligned but i was playing the middle and then i chose the other side and she tried to vote me out and then i worked with her again and then i turned on her again and then i made final 3 and then she voted for me.. so now that we're all caught up, she's a good player, she is very smart and extraordinarily strategic AND loyal, but i dont think she takes to dishonesty very well, not personally but just in the game, i think she sees a clear smart and she'll do what she needs to make that move happen and she's fairly good at it from what i've seen and heard. My other point with her as opposed to dan, we played but ended up on different terms, i voted her out and then she voted me to win, so i think we're fairly informed on how the other plays and that could work against me BECAUSE I WAS SO FLIP FLOPPY IN TASHIROJIMA but hopefully i can bandaid it up and say oh i've changed im tired of stressing every vote i just wanna be loyal find a group and play out with the people i trust yadayadayada which i DO maybe not RIGHT NOW but i do!! anyways im getting away from my point, she's smart, i'm smart (kinda?) it will either bring us together or drive us apart its all reliant on how she feels, personally i would like to work with her bc i do want to be loyal but i want to be in a group that is also LOYAL and also WORKS, i dont wanna jump on just ANY ship, i want to be on the BEST ship, the one that's gonna sink LAST, when all the other ships are capsized and fully submerged. so we'll see how that goes nicholas - i do not know nicholas much at all, i haven't heard anything about him before this game nor during this game, he seems really fun and nice though, i appreciated his intro video it was chill, as for how he plays i have no information on that but i think him and jacob worked together or at least got to know each other so maybe i can get some info on him from jacob we shall see...... raffy - similarly to nicholas i do not know the guy unfortunately, i got a tidbit of info from an unnamed dr guest who was not fond of him, not a very good start BUT i am not going to let that influence me, im still going to go in with an open mind when i talk to him tomorrow and hopefully i have a different opinion and he's really cool! but yet again we shall see as for jacob and jules who i mentioned above i wanna touch on them a little bit because the dynamics there are much more complex, 1. jules is my number 1 in this game, i adore them, i love them, i will do anything for them, BUT thats how i played candyland and jacob HOSTED THAT, he knows how we played individually AND TOGETHER, but more importantly, he knows how CLOSE we are, and if you wanna hurt one of us you take the other out, i dont know if he would DO THAT but he might which leads me to my 2nd point... 2. i have voted jacob out of like every game we have played together lol. BUT I NEVER WANT TO !!!! i love jacob, he's wild and polarizing but he's a good friend just a good person all around but when he plays he can be emotional and in tashirojima i made a move against his number 1 and i didnt want it to divide us but it did because he wouldn't talk to me, so when i had planned to wiggle back in with him he didn't allow me to and i had to vote him out for it sadly, and then in 2020 our last game together, he was practically dead in the water and did himself no favors with how he handled situations with sammy so while i would have voted with him if it meant saving him (sorry sammy) that was not on the table so i had to vote him out, and it literally sucks EVERY TIME, because i love jacob but him in games always puts me in those positions and i hate it, and i told myself i dont wanna do him dirty, well i never WANT to do him dirty, but im going to try and actually avoid a situation that puts me between a rock and a hard place one of which being having to vote him out. but yeah so while i trust those 2 there's some things that could come out of the woodwork that may not be good for him but hopefully i can prevent those or get around them. its not very long into this swap so i may be overthinking and being paranoid but aha ha haha .. ha haa. *raven symone voice* YEP! THATS ME! ok anyways i could be very off in this "assessment" if you wanna call it that but i was bored and its 3 am so i wanted to confess, here's to making it to a swap!! WOOOOOO
OWEN AND I ARE FINALLY ON THE SAME TRIBE, YAY!!! I'm really sad that Kevin is now on a different tribe and all alone but hopefully he can work his way into a good alliance or something. That would be a really hard spot to be in. Also when I play these things I'm bad about just talking to a handful of people and not talking at all to others but I am being VERY SOCIAL this came I messaged the people that hadn't messaged me already and I want to keep up a conversation with everyone, I NEED to keep my social game strong and start thinking about endgame.
so the tribes swapped last night and before you ask, YES i was blessed, YES i got the right house. i was sorted onto hufflepuff as i deserve, because we are the best house, and i got 4 pretty cool new people on my tribe. oh i also happened to get 3 other hufflepuffs which is great for me because it means i am in the majority :D that was such a marshmallow move, and now i don't have to worry all too much about going HARD on social play or anything like that i can just sort of chill, remain a UTR threat, make new pals, and stay on the right side of things via being in the hufflepuff majority. i'm also well positioned here i think as i have max and juls in sort of weeb trio, but ruthie/lily/myself had a sort of agreement max would go if puff lost. on top of that jess seems really funny and i think we'll get along, i might have a harder time with chips and owen but we'll see because they seem nice. (just not sure if they're people i'd personally bond close with, but that may just be because they're newer to me! it's all a mystery!) i'm also obviously very tight with juls, i love her a lot and we were close in 2020 and will continue to be close here! she is the definition of the word legend and i would throw my own game away for her, yes i would. i already have and i'll DO IT AGAIN! overall this is a tribe of really strong competitors and i can't wait to keep making marshmallow moves, *badgerin* the gryffindors, and ignoring the ridiculous idol hunt that's probably going on COMPLETELY while i vibe.
I really like my new tribe. It feels like a good, diverse cast of OG tribes. I think I might lean towards aligning with those in Ravenclaw because they will have the numbers with only two. Autumn and I can be those 2. I am so glad to have Autumn with me as well. She will easily help the most out in any challenge. Also, I feel like I can trust Dan, but I am going to hesitate for now.
So this swap was pretty okay? I would have preferred Owen over Joanna hands down, but having 3 people from the OG Ravenclaw is kinda cute. My plan is to really focus on building relationships with the people outside of the OG Ravenclaw, specifically with Kevin and either Jacob or Nicholas. I have played with Autumn before and she gets top 5 without even trying, so she is definitely on my radar of someone to try to get out before the merge. She is a great player and I would prefer to not have to fight against her for a better resume at the end. Also, on top of my idol, I found a risk/reward kind of thing that I will likely only tell Jules about. I want to drive home the point that me, owen, and her are my end game people. I am worried that Jules is close with Jacob irl and in this game because I don't want to risk her spilling the beans. I might think on that plan a little more before I put it into action, but honestly I probably will tell her. The power is only activated if I am willing to lose my vote at a tribal council. Honestly if we lose this comp, I might need my vote just to establish trust with people, so if I'm able to save it until the merge and then lose my vote when I have individual immunity, that would be ideal. Gotta check on the rules for it though.
It’s been a while since I’ve given an update and a lot has happened. I’m not sure if this is a blessing or a curse, but I managed to make it on a tribe with 4 original Hufflepuffs. Insane to say the least. Immedietly I felt very relieved. It’s nice to know that the people I’ve gotten to know and built some level of trust with during the first tribe would continue with me for the tribe swap...but idk. It could be a disadvantage in the long run by people associating our loyalty to one another. But I’m hoping the positive relationships I built with this tribe and in the great hall would take the target off of me if I can make it to merge. The odds of that feel good since I’ve been able to avoid tribal for this long, but I’m scared that the first tribal I attend sends me home. I really do like our new tribe but so far I’ve really only had good thin to say about this cast! People have positive attitudes even in such tough times and literally everyone is hilarious! I find myself laughing often! As far as who I can trust most, at this point it’s Ruthie. She is the only one who is deliberately said that she has my back. And I feel the same way. Hoping no one sees us as a power duo, but we shall see. I also think landen has been fairly honest with me about his opinions of the cast and that he hasn’t played with very many people. Throwback eep to when I told him I only know 2 people in the cast but it’s really 5! Ugh that’s gonna haunt me I can feel it when 3 out of the 5 people I know are now on our tribe. Eep! Any who, I’m really nervous for Kevin and hope he does well! I felt like we got along really well on the original tribes. With him being the only hufflepuff on the other tribe, I’m worried he is the easy target. Got my fingers crossed and hoping for the best.
i do be lying doe.....i do be lyin......
2 minutes later
to leak or not to leak to joanna...that is the question...maybe i wait....i dont want them to think they can vote me!
14 minutes later
lemme take some time to praise the hosts and this game!!!!!!! cause i ain't doin confessionals enough LMAO!!!! wow the level of originality...the level of harry potter inclusion....the idol search... ugh its amazing i LOVE it, yall did an amazing job with putting in harry potter but not like TOO much that people who don't know it might get overwhelmed? also yall are just a joy to talk to in my confessional!!! love this, never been so into a survivor game -- this is literally the first game where i've remembered to idol search EVERY day (well, almost EVERY day but STILL!!!) and idk. im so glad i'm playing this!! idc what placement i get as long as i make it to merge!!! thank you hosts!!
I am kind of disappointed on how things turned out for the challenge. I really didn't want to have to go to tribal especially because I do not think that I have established myself well on this tribe. However, I did a good job on the challenge so I hope I can stay for it. No one has been saying a name. Autumn did mention that one of the J's should leave. I think it should be Jules because she did so bad in the challenge. Well, either way, I'm happy if anyone goes but these bitches' mouths are sealed
Winning feels SO GOOD! I really like my tribe. Everyone has been kind of quiet. Surprisingly even with Owen here I talk to lily more and she is currently my strongest connection in the game. I’m not sure if it is going to stay that way but I kind of hope it does! We’ll see what happens haha
Everything was super quiet and then everything started happening all at once. Now I'm in three different alliance chats and nothing seems super solid. All I've heard if Raffy or Autumn and I'm guess Raffy is going? I don't want to vote anyone out, I like everyone, but I'm not aligned with Raffy and I don't want it to be me, so I'm going where the numbers are going I think.
Entering this tribe swap, I had definite concerns as Jacob and I were in a minority position by default. However, somehow Kevin was in a minority of one, so I capitalized upon that and reached out to him! Granted, he was someone I enjoyed speaking to from the start, so minority position or not, I wanted to align. Secondly, I reached out to Joanna. She and I immediately hit it off, and if the vibes and aura I am getting from her is true, I think she’ll be incredibly loyal and fun as a ally! Dan, Autumn, Raffy, And Jules have all reached out to me as well. Dan is someone I have enjoyed conversations with for sure, but I do not see myself necessarily staying diehard loyal. I actually adored Autumn and I’s conversation, but I have to be wary of them! They are strong in competitions, and I do not want that. It’s pretty humorous that I think removing challenge threats means I’ll be able to win more challenges, because I suck. Jules and Raffy are who I vibe with the least, but I also remember Jules screwing me over in the ETC mini, when she played into the Hive Mind and basically allowed me to be targeted simply for being an outsider. I am not going to target her simply for that reason, I believe in forgiving the past and leaving games behind, but I do not trust her so far. Personality-wise, we get along! I decided to form the 4our alliance of Kevin, Joanna, Jacob, and Myself. I believe this will be a loyal core to what could be a stellar alliance! I suggested Raffy and Autumn, so I am hoping Raffy ends up being the plan, which seems likely. In the future, I would like to target Autumn-Jules-Dan in that order, although I am open to switching the order. I do think I have some level of control strategically and socially over this tribe, but I cannot get cocky! I have to be humble and take the journey one step at a time. Raffy, in a game of social connections, just like our puzzle, you cannot slide by without talking to others. My vote is for you. x nick
Whew! I made it to the tribe swap!! And I'm a Hufflepuff now! My ACTUAL house! Don't have to spy anymore. https://media1.giphy.com/media/LsKyE4J9PGjIc/source.gif
Anyway - the people featured on my original tribe are: Me & Juls Cool. She's already been open with me about who she wanted to vote off from the previous tribe so I think we can work together still. From the previous Ravenclaw tribe: Owen Um... boo? I don't know, honestly. He just NEVER has or ever wanted to work with me or even really speak to me in any ORG we have ever played. I would like for this to change and will try but yeah I don't know. From the previous Slytherin tribe: Jess Yay! I wanted a chance to play a game with her. I hear she's cracked out of her mind almost all of the time in games. I am here for it! I hope I don't ruin our game relationship by saying too much or the wrong thing! From the previous (and still on) Hufflepuff tribe: Lily, Ruthie, Landen, Max Yay to pretty much all of these. The fact that they all self-identified as Hufflepuffs means that they are my people! I want to pal with all of them. Anyway, as far as game stuff goes Jess asks me how I feel about the game and I tell her that it's been alright and that our first vote was someone who asked to go and that we haven't really been playing this game. Then I said I hope we don't go to tribal because I think I like pretty much everyone. https://media0.giphy.com/media/5tlq0pRndGu8U/source.gif
Then I made a huge faux pas... I said that if we went to tribal hopefully someone who was original Hufflepuff would go. And gave no context. So I guess I gave her bullets to have me killed at a future tribal if it's a "anyone but me" situation. Our challenge was not for reward. We had to do a bunch of puzzles. I suck at jigsaw so I decided to do slide puzzles. I have no mouse and apparently not having one slows me down exponentially. I did the worst at my puzzle. Our tribes tied. We won tie breaker because EVERYONE ELSE is good at puzzles! Final topic. Idol hunt. Still a fail. Went to the lake. The selkie would not speak with me. I think we're in love. https://media2.giphy.com/media/oBfiN3ZSuUEdq/source.gif
I guess I will vote Jacob if Autumn wants to lol
hi it’s me nichole.. um. smiles. i don’t really know what to say um.. we won! woohoo! another melodrama victory, i’m hoping everyone likes me as much as i’m thinking because :flushed: yes she has a social game.. yes she’s thriving.. i cant get anything in the castle so that’s cute. only hints but is that shit gonna click? No.
hi!!!! so we lost sadly. i did rly rly good on the maze so im proud of myself. tribal seems to be easy enough as we were deciding between raffy and autumn but then raffy decided to throw my name out so i think he's going unanimously now. ill be getting a vote which is cute but idc. once hes gone i defff want autumn out bc im in an alliance with everyone but her and dan but at least dan pms me a good bit!
HERE'S THE GOSSIP - I'm so happy we swapped! I would've been heartbroken if we lost and I had to vote out another Ravenclaw, so this is best case scenario. On first glance tho i look mega swapfucked.... all three of prior tribe members separated from me? But honestly, I think that puts me in a better position. Not only can I make new connections, but I won't be targeted for being a block of three. PLUS? I LOVE being on a tribe with Juls, Lily, Jess, Ruthie.... I'm truly THRIVING rn!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chips hasn't talked to me much. Max is okay but seems kind of fuckin crackt. And I like Landen a lot so far! So we're in a good spot. And a puzzle??? whew, this was my week xo Praying my Ravenclaw babies are okay, and I'm going to work on building maybe a counter-Hufflepuff alliance with Juls Chips and Jess if we lose!
ok I only have 5 minutes to write this so we will fully get into the tea later but to recap: 1. God gave me Kevin because He knew what was about to come next 2. the kids are all voting Raffy and only Jules had the heart to tell me 3. I too am voting Raffy because I don't have time to be on the bottom of the tribe and I think there's some fuckery going on 4. all HELL is breaking loose in the tribe chat 5. I got caught in a lie so I've already had to start an apology tour 6. I still have a headache lmao There is so much that needs to be said but all I'm gonna say is Raffy giving me a good laugh helps our goodbye be less bitter. He is genuinely great, was really understanding about it all (and me having to think long term instead of being loyal) and I want better for him. I also want better for myself since my own tribe has been usurped from me? but I digress. Raffy needed to pop off cause they lied to him and me the entire day so what did you expect. I have a lot of his mess to clean up now but hey I have time on my hands. Long live Raffy I will try to do right by you
0 notes
This is a long trip my friends. If you would like the TLDR Please click here!
Tick, Tick, Tick...
The last time he had checked the clock, it was 2:55AM...
Tick, Tick, Tick...
3:00AM on the dot, he’d watched the numbers tick over. There wasn’t even really a ticking sound in his room, (just the pitter patter of rain,) it was a digital display after all, but he could hear the ticking in his head. The red glow from the display, and the full moon that snuck under the closed blinds, the only things that illuminated the room, and yet, he was awake as if it was midday.
It had been like this the past few nights... weeks... months. God, had it been that long since he’d not been able to sleep at night? Things had been different since May, ever since the end of the whole P-1 Deal. When he’d... really started to have to think about things. Yosuke was sure he’d found his resolve already, but entering a Cram School, and actually trying to focus on his school work, the stress piled on quicker than he could have ever expected. Hell, he’d faced down a Goddess, been dead, or however dead it was when Izanami had thrown them into the Yomi, but...
There was a rustling sound as he shook his head, no. It was fine, everything was fine. Sure, a business degree wasn’t really what he wanted, but it was better than nothing, and it was like, following the family tradition, business was a good, stable choice.
Reliable, that's what he was. So it made sense to take a stable, reliable path in life.
“...Nothing to be worried about.” He spoke, quiet, to no one. There was nothing to be worried about. At all. Tugging his blanket closer, brown eyes would snap shut, scrunched up, curling himself up into a small ball. There was nothing wrong, at all, so he could sleep.
...He couldn’t sleep.
“Fine,” he thought, “I’ll prove it to myself that everything is fine.” Throwing the sheets free, the teen stood, clicking on his lamp and pulling open the doors to his closet. Eyes would fall on the bearsuit that sat within, right, Teddie was in the other room tonight. His parents had all but adopted him now, this meant he spent most of his time here as a human, rather than a talking suit. Maybe it was habit that kept Teddie placing the suit in Yosuke’s closet rather than his own. But it caused Yosuke to pause for a moment.
Maybe this... wasn’t a good idea. When had going into the T.V alone ended up good for anyone? Kidnappings and... his heart pounded for a moment. It didn’t hurt as much as it used to, but thinking about Saki was still... painful, and it likely always would be.
He could always wait... wait until his Partner was back in town. They could go in together and sort this out. He wouldn’t judge him if -- Nothing was wrong. So there would be nothing to judge him for. But he’d humor him. Be there for moral support.
But how could he actually start admitting that he’d never.. found it easy to summon his Persona in the first place? How everyone seemed to have this... bond with their Persona, while he and Jiraiya... it always felt like a battle to just summon him, and he could always feel how much the Persona hated being summoned, especially through the whole P-1, the only time he’d even felt like his Persona was actually willing to do anything was... when he and his Partner fought...
No, he couldn’t go with anyone else this time. This was something he had to do himself. Everyone relied on him, it was better if they thought nothing was bothering him and kept focused on their own futures. They had more things to be worried about than Yosuke.
Digging into his sock draw, he’d slide back a small, hidden compartment, digging out twin kunai for the first time in months, swinging one around in his hand for a moment, letting the memories of its weight flood back to him. Just... through the T.V in the living room. Sure it wasn’t exactly safe to go into one that wasn’t in Junes, but he could make his way to the exit, if he assumed right, and he was pretty sure he did, everything felt pretty relative in location. It wouldn’t be that long of a walk, and with everything being sorted out the way it was, it would be easy enough to see the way.
Jacket was thrown on over his pajama top, and, before heading into the living room, shoes were taken from the doorway, socks dragged on as he hopped his way around, and then... More hesitation, his hand reached out, almost touching that flat screen, eyes glancing back to the staircase. Teddie can make exits... maybe he sho--
No. He had to get to the bottom of his on his own.
The ripples, that falling feeling. It was comforting in a way... a very strange way. The way how his body now moved automatically, twisting to make sure he landed on his feet, the jolt going through his body, not quite used to the landing without shoes. But they were still in his hand, along with his kunai, and it was only habit that caused him to slip his fingers into the jacket of his hoodie and slowly slip on glasses. It wasn’t really needed anymore, what with the fog all but gone, but it felt... right. If he was in the T.V then, glasses were on.
Settling himself on the ground, shoes would be tugged on, and then, he started walking. Thankfully, now that everything was mostly peaceful, the only Shadows that wiggled towards him were ones that were easily taken care of with a slash of a blade, no need to really exert himself.
It was strange, finding the T.V World so quiet. So used he was to having the chatter of his friends around him, and so it didn’t take him too long to slip headphones over his ears, turning on music to a familiar tune, his thoughts not really focusing on the subject of the song however, just putting one foot in front of the other, a low breath leaving him as he saw the familiar pink spotlights of the Marukyu Striptease. At the very least if he can follow those he’ll work out where the Entrance Stage was from there.
One foot after another. One Shadow felled after another. There was no need for Jiraiya yet... yet. That was what he was here for, at the very least. But first, he wanted to make sure he was near the exit. Heart was beating hard in his chest, it really had been a bad idea to go in through his own living room T.V, but it was easier than trying to sneak out completely without being noticed. He was sure he had heard a light switch on the moment he had slipped through the T.V. Or maybe that was just his imagination. A hopeful thought?
It had been an hour, maybe more. He wasn’t sure, other than his feet were starting to ache, but, at last, he found himself on the familiar trackways of the entrance, giving a small sigh of relief, gazing at the drawn out shapes on the floor. He’d never really looked at it before... the image of all those bodies, lined out like police murder scenes, all in a target shape.... it was ominous. Whose creation was this anyways? It had been here when they’d come in the first time, but Saki and Yamano had obvious places. That apartment block with the creepy room, Konishi Liquors and the shopping district. It could have maybe belonged to Adachi, but he had that twisted Inaba like place beyond Yamano’s room. Heaven could have been made by either Nanako or Namatame when he really thought about it.
...Was this place supposed to belong to Teddie or someone else?
Taking a moment or two to shake those thoughts free, that really wasn’t what he was here for, it was something he could think about later, he had... something much more pressing right now. If he could summon his Persona, then everything was fine, he’d have proven it to himself, and he could go back home and go to sleep.
Clearing his throat, blade would be spun in his hand, and voice would call loud and clear.
But nothing came.
His heart started to beat harder and faster in his chest, shaking his head a little, no, this was okay, it had happened with that whole deal with Shadow Labrys, maybe it was just that happening again? Sure. Thats what it was.
Louder, clearer he yelled, but nothing came.
“Jiraiya, where are you goddamn it?!” Now, he was just getting frustrated, that thought pushing back his fear for the moment or two, or it would have...
“You can keep screaming all you like.”
Spinning on his heel that that god damn familiar voice, blades drawn and a battle stance taken as brown eyes met golden yellow, the face he saw the one that was mirrored back to him each morning when he brushed his teeth.
“What are you doing? Coming in here on your own, feeling the way you’re feeling? You’re a goddamn idiot.”
No. There was no fucking way. This... this was some kind of joke, or maybe he had just fallen asleep and this a nightmare, that would have been great. Wake up any time now Yosuke.
“Y-You are not real.”
His own voice didn’t seem so sure about it, but there was a jab forwards with his blade of good measure. As if tempting whatever this was to come closer, to get a taste of his blades.
“I’m very real. You know that. You’re being even more of an idiot, Yosuke. Come on, quit it.”
The Shadow didn’t even sound angry or taunting, rather it sounded, disappointed. Like Yosuke had done something to offend it, or let it down. Like Yosuke’s very words had cut it like a knife.
“Quit what? You--” He stopped himself, it wasn’t those words, but it was a variation on that phrase. “You can’t be my Shadow.” Was the quick rephrase. That seemed, safer than saying that particular line. Though, if this wasn’t his Shadow like he was claiming then there would be no fear in saying it, right? That thought did not stop the feeling like his heart was in his throat.
“...Yosuke, don’t say anything you can’t take back. We’re here because you’re worried, aren’t we? Who better than to talk it out with than yourself. Do you need me to start?”
“Shut it.”
A heavy sigh came from the Shadow. “Fine, I’ll start. You don’t know where your life is going, it feels like everyone is leaving you behind--”
“I said shut it!”
“-- You dont even know what you want to do with your life after school, you’re gonna go for that business degree, but you dont wanna be a corporate drone for the rest of your life, you dont want to be like your Dad.”
A slash was made at the Shadow, but it was easily dodged, and there was nothing but hurt on the beings features. It was all lies, all of it. He didn’t... he didn’t feel that way. He loved his Dad, no one was going to leave him behind, they were friends.
“You don’t even know if there's even a point studying for your Entrance Exams, and you want to start skipping out on going to that Cram School. It’s boring, even more so than you expected it to be. Everyones got it all together, but you. Chie is gonna be a cop, Yukiko is gonna take over the Inn, Kanji is gonna take over the textiles shop, and with his talent likely become some famous toy maker or fashion designer, Rise is already back to being an Idol, Naoto’s got her detective work, Teddie has his own studies, his own decisions on protecting this world, and our Partner he’s going to do whatever he puts his mind too. Because he’s perfect. And you hate him for that.”
“I do not hate him!” Spittle left Yosuke’s lips, quite literally spitting those words. How could he hate him? They were best friends, they were--
“Right, it's not just hate, is it? You have another feeling for him that's more than hate. Something you’re so afraid to admit to feeling.”
Another slash is thrown the Shadow’s way, trying to hard to get it to shut up. Kill it. get rid of it. Why won’t it die already?!
“Be quiet!”
But the Shadow dodged just as it had done before, stepping to the side, that same, sad look on its face. This can’t have been his Shadow. His Shadow was all taunts and snarky comments, it didn’t pity him. He didn’t want anyone to pity him!
“Yosuke, you can’t keep living like this. Are you going to let yourself be stuck in a position forever that you don’t want? Is it that hard to admit these things? It’s okay, you’re not the only one to have felt this way. To feel like your life is going nowhere, to feel things fo--”
“There is only one way this ends well Yosuke. Please, just stop it, I don't want this anymore than you do. You don’t have any reason to be afraid. No one is going to stop liking you because you’re afraid of your future. Because you have an--”
“You’re not me so stop talking like you know everything!”
The words left his lips before he stopped himself from it, but, it would be fine, wouldn’t it? This wasn’t his Shadow, not in the slightest, and, for the first few moments, it was fine. Nothing happened, there was no seeming swelling of power, the Shadow in front of him didn’t shift and change into anything else, that weird form of Jiraiya, it just... stood there.
What happened next, changed the course of Hanamura Yosuke’s life forever. Standing there staring at his Shadow, he was not expecting the kunai that suddenly appeared within its fingers, nor the attack that came. Faster than expected, so much faster than his own movements, it was all he could do to attempt to deflect and dodge, his own feet stumbling over one another as he attempted.
“Ah!” The first hit landed, a slice on his upper arm, and after that, it was just one slice after another after another, glasses flown from his face and stepped on in a singular movement, crushing under both pairs of feet. The Shadow was on a rampage, much different to the one that had happened the first time. Another slice, this time, it curved down his left forearm, and didn't stop, moving down to his side and abdomen, deep. So deep he stumbled and fell. So deep he dropped his own weapons to clutch at his side. So deep he was losing consciousness.
That night, another body could have been found strung up in an antenna or a power line, and that was the young boys fear as the being with his face straddled him, weapons dropped and a stranglehold taken in favour of them, the air slipping from Yosuke’s lungs.
“If you’re not going to use your life for anything, I’ll do it instead.”
Yosuke wasn’t in his bed. Teddie was sure he had heard someone up and around, and at first he had assumed maybe someone was using the bathroom, before it clicked to him that both Yosuke’s and Mr. and Mrs. Hanamura’s bedrooms had Western style ensuites. He was sleepy, and it was early, but something wasn’t settling well in his stomach, something whispering at him that something was wrong. So he had gone out into the hallway, switching a light on, and, thats when he’d found Yosuke’s door open, and him missing from his bed. Not only that, but his shoes missing from the doorway. It was a quick jump into his suit and then into the T.V in the living room after that. He could get into the T.V World quickly to move around that way. But the moment he had jumped in, he could smell Yosuke in there.
He ran, as quick as his little feet could take him in that direction, but it took far too long, and the scene that had greeted him when he finally made his way to the Entrance was... he wasn’t sure if he had bones, but bone chilling was the only word he had for it.
Kunai were scattered on the floor, blood splatters and drips covered the painted floor, slashes had pulled parts of it up slightly. His glasses lay shattered and broken, like they had been stepped on... and Yosuke lay in a puddle of his own blood, limply grasping at his side, breathing heavy and fast...
All Teddie’s worry, his summoning of Kamui, and the need to tend to that horrible wound caused the bear not to notice the off smell that hung around his friend, nor the dull glow of gold yellow that settled in his eyes...
#ORIGIN | How the Shadow Gained a Body#HEADCANON | The TRUE Self#oohhh okay its done#how long ago did I make this blog?#two months ago?#it took me two months to finish this.#almost 3000 words...
22 notes
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lost 5
“Hey punk you there?!” Bucky shouted as he walked a small ways into the jungle. The sun had only been in the sky 2 hours but Steve insisted in going out early, hoping to find tracks from the fleeing omega from last night. Unfortunately so far they had found nothing, not even after splitting a small ways to try and cover more ground. A muffled call comes from up in the tree, forcing Bucky to look up, craning his neck uncomfortably. Up high in the tree he can see the blond tuff that’s Steve’s hair through the leaves, it moves as Steve makes his way down. “I’m coming now! Can’t see anything!” Not that Bucky was surprised by that. With a frustrated sigh he looks around from the base of the tree. Not only had the two spies gone missing, but now they have no idea how friendly the omega is and if there’s other’s. Dropping down heavily besides him Steve wipes an arm across his forehead that’s dripping with sweat already with the humid heat. “There’s nothing, I can’t even find anything to give us clues on Natasha and Clint. Why would they go so far...? “ with a sharp narrowed gaze Steve turns to him. “I think there are more out there Buck. We have to be more careful...” Nodding, Bucky keeps looking around the trees in a futile attempt to find anything new. “We need to get off the beach Steve, look for a more defensible spot. We’re to out in the open out here like this.” “I know. Where can we move to though Buck? We have no idea what the area is like. We need to scout out in small groups. Look for any possible places to set up.” “You sure spitting up, even if only into two groups, is wise? I say we should stick together punk.” “It will slow us down Buck...” “I rather be slower but better chances to live punk..” Sighing Steve nods in consent, together they head back to the beach to pitch their plan to the others. On the beach Thor and Tony were trying, and failing, to catch fish from the sea. “Tis much harder than I thought would be...” “Shut up Thor...you’re barely even helping!!” With a frustrated growl Tony glares over his shoulder at the mostly useless god. Thor stood on the beach as he kept causing to much disturbance. Rubbing a water wrinkled hand over his face to try and compose himself, Tony turns his attention back to catching something. “Any luck there Tony?!” He heard one of the super soldiers from the beach call out. Not bothering to turn he waves a hand to tell them to bugger off. Keeping still he finally sees a small school of fish and guides a net, thats already in the water, around the fish and after a quick count, pulls it tight. Shouting in triumph he pulls the net up and makes his way to shore. Proud of his 7 fish he’s managed to nab. “Take that nature!! I got them!” Laughing joyfully he hands the fish to Bucky. Who took them away to properly prep them for them all to eat, being the best with a knife. “So did you two find Clint or Natasha?” Looking at the super soldiers Tony anxiously asked for the other two teammates. “What about Bruce?” “Sorry Tony...we couldn’t find any tracks for any of them. We want to ask all of your opinions on an idea me and Buck came up with.”
Moving as a group, they all moved to where Bucky is gutting the fish and settle in a circle so everyone can hear. “We think we should move off the beach, find a better spot to take shelter” Steve looks around the group making eye contact with each of them. “It’s to dangerous to stay out here-“ “What about the other’s?!” “Tony...they are all smart, they will be able to find us, we can leave clues around to help them. But there are creatures on this island that we have no clue as to what they are. There are potentially other people out there as well. We need to try and get better baring’s. At least find a more reliable source of fresh water rather than waiting for rain.” “Our captain has a point friend Tony...” Grinding his teeth Tony nods knowing that he’s out voted. “I just...we should try and stay in one area, optimise the chances of them coming across us...” Fists clenched tight Tony looked up at Steve with a glare, letting it be known that he hates this plan. “However, you’re the Captain...” “Tony...don’t...I’m trying to decide what’s best here...” “Sure thing Cap” With a frustrated look Steve shook his head, rubbing the back of his neck. At least Tony hasn’t outright refused to move. “Tis is a hard decision friend Tony but it’s the safest for us all” Nodding curtly at Thor, Tony feeds the fire more wood, nursing it to get bigger. Ready to cook the fish he caught. After eating the fish and scattering the fire remains after letting it burn out, they pack up what they can. Making piles of useful scrap metal for Thor to carry, Bucky carrying any large rope like cables and tools. Steve and Tony are left to carry any luggage that they may need and other supplies. Making their way into the jungle, slowly walking as a group, determined to find camp. “Tell me why again, why couldn’t we have left our crap on the beach?” “Because Tony” hefting the load a bit Steve responds without turning around. “The others on this Island may try and take it.” “...ok thats a good point...” Chuckling Bucky looks back at the genius, a stick in between his teeth to keep his mind occupied. “I think the heat is getting to you doll” Blushing at the teasing tone, Tony wink’s at Bucky. “Nah, it’s your ass thats distracting me babe~” Laughing lowly Bucky faces forward again giving his ass a small wiggle causing Tony to laugh. 3 hours pass with only short breaks to drink and piss, taking a systematic route so as to make sure no hidden paradise is missed. It’s at the end of the 3rd hour that they come across a clearing, more accurately an old camp site. Broken down rudimentary huts are in a small cluster. The floor is littered in plant foliage and what was once benches and baskets around the centre of the cluster. Possibly the fire pit thats now grown over and filled up with weeds. None of the huts look liveable as parts have rotted and fallen away due to elements, others look like they have been purposely destroyed judging by the few knife marks they can make out. Cautiously, the group walk into the clearing. “What the hell happened here...” Tony muttered under his breath as he bends down to investigate what looks like a...bone? “A massacre is what happened here.” A smooth British voice speaks from behind the group. Twirling around, dropping their burdens, the super hero’s get into defensive positions. Pausing when they see Loki standing there. Dressed in a simple green tunic that dirtied with sweat and mud, supple leather trousers and similar material boots. A shit eating grin on his face, long once lustrous hair is ruffled and dirty, at odds with his usual pristine appearance. “Brother...? I thought you dead!” Shocked Thor moved forward as if to engulf his brother in a hug, but stopped short unsure how it would be received. “I am fine brother, a few scratches and bruises but in one piece.” Moving towards the group Loki looks around the camp with distaste. As if it has personally offended him. “Please do not tell me you plan to stay here?” “Good to see you too Loki, what do you mean there was a massacre? Have you seen Clint, Natasha, or Bruce?” “I’m afraid not my good captain, as for the massacre- follow me and I’ll show you why I know that” Turning he heads off back into the jungle, clearly expecting the group to follow him. A small walk from the camp they come to yet another clearing. “Damn...this is a party that’s gone terribly wrong...” Swallowing thickly, Tony looks around the clearing as they have all frozen at the edge of it. The entire clearing is filled with bodies. Or rather. Skeletons of once dead bodies. Taking a deep breathe, Steve took a few steps, carefully, into the clearing to look around. Who ever these people where, they had gone down fighting. “Things just keep getting better and better...” muttering Bucky joins him his eyes clouded with concern. “Looks like we were right to leave that beach Stevie...that native we saw...could have been part of a group that did this...” “Native?” Confused Loki looks between them all for an explanation.
“Aye, a native saved us from a giant beast last night.” Humming Loki seemed to mull over this information. “Loki, have you come across any safe places to take shelter?” Turning back to him Steve quickly gets out o the clearing. The whole place feels creepy, he just wants to get out of here.
“Of course, where do you think I’ve been staying?” scoffing at them as if they are imbiciles, Loki walked away again leading them in a new direction. 20 minutes later he leads them to a cave opening.
“In here, there’s a waterfall inside for fresh water” Quickly the group get inside. Walking down a narrow walk way for about three meters, they stumble into a sudden rounded chamber, high above they can see the sky through a natural occurring skylight. On the far wall opposite the entrance is a crystal clear small waterfall with a small pool at the bottom. A tiny stream leads away into a hole in the wall allowing the excess water to filter out.
“Oh thank god!”
“You’re very welcome~”
“Shut up rock of ages...”
Grinning like a lil shit that he is, Loki winks at Tony who’s giving him an unimpressed look. Gratefully, they all move to separate areas dropping their stuff and collapsing onto the ground. Thor moved to the water’s pool to start collecting water in empty bottles for the group and passing it around.
“Thankyou for showing us this place Loki, I’m glad we found you.”
“As am I Captain. There’s a lot of dangerous creatures out here. Some are even able to become near invisible in the trees to catch unaware prey. There will definitely will be safety with numbers.”
“You met some of the creatures here? Can you tell us anything about any of them?”
“Unfortunately not, Most of the time I have had to run.” At this he holds up his left wrist, showing his magical restrainer. “Without being able to use magic I have no means of defence. Only advice to always keep watching your back. A lot of the creatures here hide up in the trees.”
Cracking his joints Bucky sits by Steve humming in thought. “ Must be to avoid that beast from last night, if I could I would stay up high from that” Nodding his agreement Steve looks down at the small dead fire pit that Loki had made in here.
“We best find the others quickly...”
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My final countdown began 2 weeks before the big day and all the crazy was coming to a head. Every worry became a serious thought and then ever thought became a nightmare. By the time the wedding got here it is a wonder that I didn’t lose my mind and call off the whole darn thing. Never in my life would I admit to a soul that I had some doubts and they where all about me.
The spiritualist we choose to perform the wedding stopped by to discuss what he wanted done to the are of land that needed blessings. I was suffering through a mandatory that night so there for the conversation is second hand information but non the less disturbing. The kind and gentle man was some what confused of my heritage. He was informed by my mother that my real father was a white man that lived near the Jersey shore and not the Native American man that I claimed. My betrothed laughed a hearty laugh and ashore him my father lives across the street from us and was indeed invited to the celebration. The spiritualist left jolly as alway, or so I was told, I’m sure he had questions about me and my mother.
It defiantly had me asking questions about the past and every other childhood mystery leading up and into todays world. I was always told my father cheated on my mother a lot. She in turn just walked away with the clothes on our backs. My memories from back. then are in short snap movies. I can remember lying on the floor and rolling off of a crochet blanket on to some nasty green shag carpet. To this day I hate shag carpet! That was the first house and people where totally amazed when the rooms, mostly mine and the livening room where described so vividly. My next description was of an apartment complex. I was three then and that life experience was short lived. The rooms where small and most of the people my mother met where not nice. Then the little country town of Delmont NJ. I turned four years old when we moved there and thats when the white man became my step father. We lived there until I was sixteen. Not sure why this is important other then I almost sent that man an invitation to my big day. Yes, it would have been out of spite.
Every time I turned around a mandatory was awaiting. Younger co-workers always having a reason not to stay always kept me cycled to the top of the list. Employing my cousin to handle all the things I didn’t have time for was indeed a good move. She designed the decorations, wedding cake and all the little things that made the day special. She totally loved the idea that my day was a fantasy day programmed in my head for as long as I could remember. As the day came closer that made me nervous as well.. Again my mother. That part of the family is not high on my mothers favor list and I wasn’t to sure how she would handle seeing them at the wedding.
My maid of honor, a high school friend was planning to drive hours away just to be in my wedding. This filled me with great joy. She had stayed with me for a few weeks the
year before and me being the undying loner was happy when she landed her own place and became independent again. She still took care of my son and we had female bonding fun time. When she fell in love with her boo and moved away. I missed her immensely. I really did enjoy the company and late night talks. Every one needs to talk every now and then. I had so much I wanted to say to her and was extremely elated when she said she was coming home for me. Then it hit me, of all my friends my mother doesn’t like her a bit. Only two of my friends have had the wrath of my mother laid upon them. The first one speaks to me but really doesn’t have the time for me and now my maid of honor will be enemy number one in her sights. Ohh boy
I never felt so loved in my whole entire life as people from all over the the southern side of the U.S. said the would attend our little shing dig. Which by far was growing into something huge. The introvert in me was screaming out with mad hysteria and the adventurist was jumping for joy. Everything was coming together, the invitations showed up and where mailed out. Some people asked for a invite as a keep sake. That made me giddy. Never had I felt such positive energy.
The last free single day for my man and me was a Friday and thats when my cousin came over to decorate. She turned the back yard into a flower garden with huge butterflies gliding around. Yes, the where fake but in my imagination the where alive and could fly away with any and all misgivings. My paradise, soul calming place to regenerate after a bad day in the outside world would soon be invaded by family and friends that would celebrate our union together. Making my paradise even more special for me. A Buzz rule is this place is the neutral spot and everyone gets along here. Therefore I vowed to meditate and pray about my mothers new negativity and all will go well. Soon time would tell.
As my nerves of steel started to unravel so did I. The girl did not show to style my hair. The wedding planner / cousin thinks fast on her feet. She called her daughter and asked if she could squeeze me in. Her daughter is a hairstylist and one of the best in this area. She has gotten so good that you must make an appointment to see her. I’m so filled with dreamy air I don’t keep appointments. I used to see her every week now I’m lucky to see her in passing. She took me in between customers I just had to wash and dry my hair and she would do the rest. As always she did an awesome job.
I get home with a haze of smoking tires behind me. Thank God the cops around here are never around when I’m late. The wind has picked up and has blown some of the table decorations down. My maid of honor isn’t here yet and I wonder to myself is this when the dream ends. I wake up in a moment of Broken dreams that are scattered by the wind to the four corners of the world. Then people start showing up and wondering why I’m not dressed yet. Neither is my Groom. He is in his world cleaning this and checking that. Not a worry in the world. That is him, Mr. Laid back because it all comes together in the end. He stabilizes me and I breath and it is good. My maid of honor pulls in and now it is time to get dressed.
We wiggle into dresses with a non stop chatter of everything missed since the last time we spoke. Love and excitement spike the air around of as we describe are betrothed as make up is perfectly applied to our faces. A cousin comes in to the room with photographer in tow and begins to help me with my gloves while threatening him not to take any pictures of her. He doesn’t listen well and captures all the activity in the room. My cousin states the people are hungry and when is things going to start moving along. I’m ready, the flower girl is here looking extra adorable and the ring bearer is in the living room practicing holding the pillows with the rings on them. Ahh the husband to be is in the trenches cooking and not getting ready. Calming his nerves with work I’m sure. The door opens and closes, the bathroom door bangs shut and the sound of running water. There he is and I have his clothes in the bedroom with me. The room breaks out in laughter and with eyes closed someone puts his clothes in there with him on the dressing table. Life will be good.
A few minutes later the water has stopped and he is dressing while walking out the door. Only a man can get away with that. My posse regroups in the kitchen and we hear the change in music. The kitchen door swings open and I walk through I see the God son to my maid of honor and his date. Their eyes went wide with happy little lights dancing in them. I almost started to cry but then I heard someone say beautiful and my back went straight. Then I smiled instead feeling better then any other time in my life. The camera’s went wild while people murmured and gasped at my crew and myself. I knew my best girl was in pain as she struggled to walk and stand still for pictures but her smile was genuine and she glowed in the May sunshine. I thanked God for her presence and prayed for some relief.
The sacred circle was ready and blessed the smoke blew in circles through the air and it had a sweet smell to it. I watched as my soon to be son finished preparing the fire and tobacco for all the people that needed to offer it as they prayed for us. I stood still and watched all the friends and family that would soon be mine offer their prayers for a long, healthy and strong marriage for us. My heart filled with joy then sadness when I realized my family wasn’t present. The man chosen to give me away if my real father did not show wasn’t there either. Breathing deep and trying to maintain my calm. Deciding to break another rule and give myself away. Then I hear the spiritualist preacher ask who was going to give me away. Trying to be strong I answer me and stare at him eye to eye. He responds, this is the one rule you can not break.
My mind reeled in fifty different directions and my heart pounded in my ears. This was it! My day would be ruined and it was my fault. The tears started to build behind the eye sockets when I heard a squeaky voice whisper out. The man in the blue shirt. Was that my voice I wondered as I searched the faces on all those people I didn’t know and the few I had just recently met. I locked eyes with the youngest son of the man I so desperately wanted to marry. He stared back with determination and mouthed the word, Who? A deep breath and out came the name of a co-worker. I guess you could say he is like a brother, we had times of laughter, crying, and anger. There was always respect and always forgiveness. Maybe even love in a family kinda way.
The look on his face was priceless as his eyes grew wide and his mouth fell open. His face turned four shades of red when everyone started clapping for him and he took his place next to my side. I looked at my soon to be husband and we both smiled. The calm flooding into my soul would be instilled there permanently from this day forward.
The rest was a blur. We inhaled the sacred smoke that cleansed our hearts and soul. We received blessings from the great provider. We both got palm pricks and hands tied together making our blood mingle and binding us together forever as one. We where introduced to the world as husband and wife then I was welcomed in to my new family.
This day, our day was beautiful. The skies where blue and the breeze kept the heat down until night. A sprinkle of rain here and there are generations past with kisses and blessing to bestow. We all met new people and mingled, laughed and had a great time. The fake flowers and butterflies attracted real butterflies well in to the next day. My dreams have come true and may the fairytales never end.
The Big Day My final countdown began 2 weeks before the big day and all the crazy was coming to a head.
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BALDUR: -This is a bit of a sight, as it turns out. His door is wide open and there are some boxes outside of his room, with various labels written in very careful script. The sound of shuffling and scurrying inside can be heard-- quite a bit is left in his room to go through, and baldur MAY have had a bit of a hoarding tendency, now that he's left to examine his belonginsg in details, but the whole process has been strangely invigorating to him. A lot of old memories. A lot of good memories, too. Currently, he's looking inside of a big chest full of various trinkets he's collected-- some beach glass, bottlecaps, and rocks and bits of wires he found particularly interesting, and also probably thought were magical. He seems to be doing some digging, occasionally setting aside a few things in various little piles.-
STATIK: =There is a small skip to her step as she ambled down the hall, more cheerful than she has been in a while! What a week, honestly! She slowed once she was in sight of the boxes and approached them, bending over at the torso to read the labels. Poking her head into Baldur's room, she smacked a hand on the doorframe, leaning up against it.=
STATIK: yo baldy! are you spring Cleaning? ...autumn Cleaning?? whatCha doin?? ⚡
BALDUR: O-O -JUMP a little as he hears the smack on the doorframe, turning away from his tiny-pile building to face the door.-
BALDUR: have definitely surprised me
BALDUR: also
BALDUR: but maybe also incidentally yes
BALDUR: incidental to the other thing i am doing which is not cleaning o-o
BALDUR: but more of an
BALDUR: reorganization
BALDUR: and removal
BALDUR: ... to a different place
STATIK: =short wave of the hand as she pretty much invites herself in, squatting down in front of one of the piles he had laid out.=
STATIK: ohhhh i get it ⚡
STATIK: you got too muCh stuff so youre finally taKing the next step ⚡
BALDUR: you could say that
BALDUR: and i am
BALDUR: also maybe storing myself
BALDUR: in a different house o-o
STATIK: liKe down the hall different? ⚡
STATIK: or dirt ground different? ⚡
BALDUR: dirt ground
BALDUR: i think
BALDUR: maybe sort of like
BALDUR: under the dirt ground different oxo
BALDUR: i am going to stay on avalon for a little while
STATIK: =Her brow rose= this isnt another one of those things, is it? where youre planning to bury yourself alive or something ⚡
BALDUR: O-O is that a thing people do
BALDUR: its more like a cave BALDUR: with amenities
BALDUR: and without bears
BALDUR: no bears in the cave
BALDUR: just me and my things and my amenities
STATIK: sometimes! ⚡
STATIK: people do funKy things if theyre dared-- ⚡
STATIK: so youre going ⚡
STATIK: with all your stuff ⚡
STATIK: and all yourself ⚡
STATIK: in a prepared destination from whiCh you do not intend to return? ⚡
BALDUR: well
BALDUR: kind of yes oxo
STATIK: =why is there a churning in her belly? She's going to distract herself by picking up an item from one of his piles and turning it over in her hands=
STATIK: you Can baCK out of dares any time, oKay? ⚡
STATIK: it doesnt matter if people Call you ClucKbeast, if you dont wanna you dont have to ⚡
BALDUR: its not like that
BALDUR: i mean
BALDUR: i do not mind it if people call me things like that
BALDUR: because i have been for most of my life
BALDUR: and likely will continue to be myself despite all efforts o-o
BALDUR: that is ok though
BALDUR: have you ever visited the forest
STATIK: BALDY no no no ⚡
STATIK: dont just taKe it, dude! ⚡
STATIK: even if its true it's still rude ⚡ KC
STATIK: =She's running her thumbs over the thing now, and eventually uses one hand to place it back in the pile.=
STATIK: onCe or twiCe ⚡
STATIK: oCCasion doesnt really Call for it ⚡
BALDUR: -it's smooth beach glass. Pretty, and probably came from some kind of brown bottle.-
BALDUR: there are many things out there
BALDUR: spirits and entities and things i have been searching for traces of since i was
BALDUR: able to see things o-o
BALDUR: it is amazing out there
STATIK: =absentmindedly begins putting the beach glass in rows, organizing them through the color spectrum.=
STATIK: oh so you see grim grinnin ghosts now? is this a new thing that happened when you were away? ⚡
BALDUR: with a camera though O-O
BALDUR: do you want to see the pictures
STATIK: =she glances up and she looks....pretty skeptical.=
STATIK: ....sure..... ⚡
BALDUR: ouo -he GESTURES HER OVER as he pulls out his camera and begins excitedly bringing up the album of pictures he's taken.-
BALDUR: -there are definitely some strange images to be seen... shadowy, humanoid shapes. Glowing auras around unfamiliar-looking people and strange plants. Luminous balls of light that look a good deal like will-o'-wisps. A photograph of a human-looking woman with feline eyes and sharp fangs...-
STATIK: =squints as she peers closer. She was fairly sure at least most of these were photoshopped but the last one of the human-looking not-quite-human woman...=
STATIK: what the aCtual heCK ⚡
STATIK: =the last time statik swore around baldur, sirius scooped her up like a field mouse and bopped her on the head=
BALDUR: do you like that one o-o
BALDUR: i think her name was lyra
BALDUR: she invited us to a dance
BALDUR: and when we awoke she was gone
STATIK: =she glanced back and forth from the photo to baldur=
STATIK: sure you werent short a few Caegars? ⚡
STATIK: or a Couple Kidneys? ⚡
BALDUR: o-o i dont think so
BALDUR: but if we were
BALDUR: then she left no scars or marks
STATIK: =runs her hands down her own face= youre luCKy you werent spirited away into the inner worKings of a blaCK marKet where youd never be heard from again!! human Christ, baldur! ⚡ ⚡
BALDUR: oh wait was that a bad thing
BALDUR: would
BALDUR: there be a black market in a forest oxo
STATIK: i have no Clue and i wouldnt Know beCause my faCe isn't on a milK Carton! ⚡
STATIK: but if there were, a deep darK spooKy forest is where i'd have my base of operations ⚡
BALDUR: its not that spo-oky
BALDUR: once you get to know it ouo
STATIK: =stares at him slightly slackjawed=
STATIK: nope, still spooKy ⚡
STATIK: AND it maKes you smell liKe outside ⚡
BALDUR: like pinewo-od and grass
BALDUR: isnt it nice ouo
STATIK: sure, if i were a woodland Critter ⚡
STATIK: =despite this, she's smiling=
STATIK: if i were a rabbit or a woodpeCKer, maybe ⚡
BALDUR: you would make a pretty go-od rabbit though o-o
STATIK: =wiggles her nose like said rabbit=
STATIK: i would? ⚡
STATIK: are you trying to entiCe me in order to lure the unsuspeCting into the deep darK foresty jungle where we Can meet all Kinds of people like your ghosts and my organ thieves? ⚡
BALDUR: well maybe a little bit
BALDUR: i would mostly just say that its an invitation to visit sometimes though ouo
STATIK: you really ARE leaving ⚡K'I
BALDUR: ...yes
BALDUR: i was
BALDUR: packing things
BALDUR: but then i found this and
BALDUR: i thought it would be nice to make all of these into something
BALDUR: for everyone else
BALDUR: since ill be gone a while o-o
STATIK: i Keep deCiding youre suCh a weirdo and then you do something sweet n thoughtful liKe this ⚡
STATIK: you told siri yet? ⚡
BALDUR: ... no
BALDUR: i was hoping maybe i would have something to give
BALDUR: when i do
STATIK: =She laughed, but it wasn't a mean one=
STATIK: you Know you Could give her a used napKin and she'd still Cherish it beCause it was from you ⚡
BALDUR: but thats gross oco
STATIK: ehehehe ⚡
STATIK: just sayin! ⚡
STATIK: when you say youll be gone a while, that also means youll be baCK, right? ⚡=stares at him with her eyes=
BALDUR: yes o-o
BALDUR: the future is a mystery
BALDUR: but my intent has power
STATIK: upon your return are you gonna be an all powerful guru ⚡
STATIK: liKe that one historiCal human figure aChieving enlightenment to the highest degree? ⚡
BALDUR: that is a lot of pressure to put on myself i think o-o
STATIK: oh right ⚡
STATIK: =pats him heartily on the back=
STATIK: totally forget what i said there ⚡
BALDUR: i will come back with pictures though o-o
BALDUR: that seems appropriate
BALDUR: right
STATIK: but ⚡
STATIK: how Can you Charge your phone ⚡
STATIK: if youre in the woods? ⚡
BALDUR: oh um
BALDUR: im going to have a generator O-O
BALDUR: i like the wo-ods but i do not think i would survive if i was completely isolated
STATIK: =pats his back again= yup.... ⚡
STATIK: good plan! ⚡
BALDUR: thank ou
BALDUR: i guess ill be returning quicker if it turns out to be miserable
BALDUR: but i dont think itll be like taht
STATIK: =people are LEAVING and she doesnt like it!=
STATIK: maybe! i guess youll have to see! ⚡ KD
STATIK: youre not staying all by yourself out there, are you? ⚡
BALDUR: sort of o-o
STATIK: .............................
STATIK: ghosts dont Count ⚡
BALDUR: there are other alive people in the forest
BALDUR: but i am not staying with them o-o
STATIK: you mean the Cat human who surprisingly didnt harvest your organs when she had the ChanCe? ⚡
BALDUR: no-o-o-o
BALDUR: i mean
BALDUR: other forest dwellers
STATIK: ....rabbits? ⚡
BALDUR: kikiyo and kougah
BALDUR: i am just not staying with them because
BALDUR: of stuff that happened
BALDUR: ok i guess you know about the stuff that happened
BALDUR: i understand your reaction
BALDUR: the situation is
BALDUR: complicated
STATIK: you need to find a roomie who is not one half of them ⚡
BALDUR: .........
BALDUR: anyways
BALDUR: its just going to be me mostly for a while
STATIK: so is KiKi gonna be the one to CheCK in on you every so often? ⚡
BALDUR: yes ouo
STATIK: at least theres that ⚡ =glances over at the boxes=
STATIK: are orChid and aunt rose gonna help you with those? ⚡
BALDUR: orchid is
STATIK: well ⚡
STATIK: youre gonna be missed by a bunCh of people ⚡ C8
STATIK: =trying not to be emotional=
STATIK: i bet your familys gonna miss you lots ⚡
BALDUR: yes i suppose
STATIK: DUH of Course you are! ⚡
BALDUR: i appreciate it
BALDUR: it is going to be a worthwhile experience though
BALDUR: i have already learned a lot o-o
STATIK: liKe what? ⚡
STATIK: some wilderness survival, i hope? ⚡
BALDUR: which things to avoid
BALDUR: to not be consumed o-o
STATIK: what about building a fire? ⚡
STATIK: =deep voice= winter is Coming ⚡
BALDUR: now i just know youre being silly
STATIK: but it is! ⚡ KD
BALDUR: that is
BALDUR: actually accurate yes
BALDUR: there will be a fireplace though o-o
STATIK: but what if you run out of matChes or your lighter breaKs? ⚡
BALDUR: ill have to go to town i guess
BALDUR: and get new ones o-o
STATIK: but what if the snow is too deep? ⚡
STATIK: or what if theres a blizzard? ⚡
BALDUR: ... o-o
BALDUR: gosh
BALDUR: i dont know
STATIK: friCtion ⚡
BALDUR: oh ok
BALDUR: i guess that oxo
STATIK: i thinK you'll be fine as long as you have emergenCy matChes ⚡
BALDUR: i will put that on the list o_o
STATIK: oh heCK dont looK at me like that ⚡ DK
STATIK: you Know what? ⚡
STATIK: =she pulled a thing from her sylladex and handed it to him=
STATIK: sparK igniter ⚡ KD
STATIK: i niCKed it from ruleus's lab and left an iou ⚡
STATIK: it's been about =glances up at the ceiling= two sweeps? ⚡
STATIK: but i have a feeling you need it more ⚡ C:
BALDUR: oh my god
BALDUR: thank you O-O
STATIK: youre welCome! it would suCK if you suCCumbed to the elements, and i really dont wanna see that happen ⚡ 8D
BALDUR: yes i think we are in agreement
BALDUR: i do not want to succumb o-o
STATIK: great! im sure sirius will be pleased to hear that is not in your plans ⚡ C:
BALDUR: has she been ok
BALDUR: ive been kind of busy a while o-o
STATIK: well ⚡
STATIK: she freaKed out when you went missing and didnt answer anybody, but when it turned out you were oKay she freaKed out less ⚡
STATIK: and then more reCently she freaKed out when mom told her sillys got Knifed at a party ⚡
BALDUR: yeah um
BALDUR: that was kinda dumb of me
BALDUR: what
STATIK: hahahaha yeah it Kinda was! ⚡
STATIK: =she nodded= he totally landed himself in the hospital ⚡
BALDUR: thats
BALDUR: is he ok
STATIK: well...no ⚡
STATIK: but from what i hear he's alive so theres that ⚡
BALDUR: maybe it was a
BALDUR: gentle stabbing
STATIK: it was an assassination stab ⚡
STATIK: silly just got in the way ⚡
BALDUR: who was
BALDUR: assassinated
BALDUR: supposed to be
STATIK: oh some friend he met there ⚡
STATIK: shes important i guess? ⚡
STATIK: i dont Know muCh about her ⚡
BALDUR: do you know her name o-o
STATIK: 4 Chan? ⚡
STATIK: something like that ⚡
STATIK: i dont remember ⚡
BALDUR: thats
BALDUR: thank you anyways oco
STATIK: youre welCome! ⚡ CK
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