#last night murdered me
nouverx · 7 months
A very specific idea/scenario I have about Alastor's sleeping habits
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He barely even sleeps in the first place. He sleeps like only a few hours a week, in one go. He locks himself up in his room once a week, sleeps for 4 hours straight and that's it. And since he doesn't sleep much, each time he does he falls into a deep slumber and it's absolutely impossible to wake him up he's straight up passed out until he gets fully recharged.
He does this because the idea of being in a vulnerable position where anyone could do anything to him while he's completely defenseless is too unsettling for him, so he sleeps as little as he can and always makes sure he's locked up first, away from everyone else's eyes.
HOWEVER, one time he's playing cards with the rest of the hotel, and because he got unconsciously so comfortable around them, he accidently falls asleep on the couch during the game. Everyone is shocked because they didn't even know he actually needed to sleep (they always hear him walk around the hotel humming at night like an absolute creep so they just all collectively assumed he didn't need to sleep).
Charlie panicks a little because nothing seems to wake him up, but he's still breathing and seems fine, eventually they all just let him sleep there and keep on going with their card games since the noise doesn't seem to bother him. Charlie even put a blanket on him, and Angel initially wants to draw something on his face as a prank but in the end everyone agrees not to try anything like this, because who knows how the radio demon would react,,, could be dangerous.
A few hours later Alastor finally wakes up, immediately understands what happened and plays it cool like "Oh dear, looks like I passed out, too bad I couldn't finish the game :) oopsie" but internally he's SCREAMING
EDIT: greykolla was faster than me and made a comic about it it's so so good 😭 crying
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isogenderskitty · 4 months
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zu-is-here · 6 months
Um...can you draw more killermare comic please? i love them very much (´,,•ω•,,)♡
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I was never there
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mirrorhouse · 9 months
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This is a rather high-risk romance we've embarked upon, isn't it? Brings new meaning to the term 'strange bedfellows'.
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heleentje · 1 year
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For some unfathomable reason, Link liked this champion. Enough to be hurt by his actions and carry that pain with him for days on end. “What would you have me do? If I could bring back the dead, I would do so in a heartbeat. There is no part of me that does not mourn what happened—” “You killed my best friend!” Revali screeches. Zelda’s breath catches in her throat. How dare he— How dare he insinuate that she— “He’s my best friend too!” she screams. She is no longer Princess Zelda, or the Incarnation of the Goddess, but just Zelda, and one of the few people who knew her is dead in front of her, and now this champion dare accuse her of having killed him? “Do you think I wanted this? It was never like this, Ganon never acted like this! This wasn’t the plan!”
Moonlight (every single night) chapter 11
One of my favorite scenes I wrote for Moonlight, commissioned from the amazingly talented @blueskittlesart! This came out phenomenally and I'm so happy with it!!!
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Mystery Spot. Sam is on day 244. He's seen Dean die 243 times. He's chewing drywall, as it were. He can't deal with Dean's face anymore. His voice. His gestures. He hasn't slept in 143 nights. He hasn't had a minute without Dean. Leaves him out of his sight, he dies – new day, new rise and shine, shitty rock song and oh, he wants out, at least a break. Can't, though, can he. He's tried to keep Dean safe throughout the day. Tried that 243 times and failed every single day, same day, new day, same day, everyday.
So on day 244, something gives.
He's still got the sensory echo of Dean being fucking electrocuted on all channels of his brain when he's ripped out of non-existent sleep, same as always, and he boils over. Dean is tying his stupid fucking laces while singing and Sam throws his knife at him, hits the jugular and windpipe and Dean doesn't even have time to turn around before he's choking on his own blood. It shouldn't, really shouldn't, but it feels good for a second. Sam's actions have impact, even if it doesn't get them out; he feels like he's got steady ground under his feet for the first time in months.
Day 245, 246, same thing. 247 and he's lunging over onto Dean's bed in one big step, topples him flat onto his back and guts him navel to sternum, drops his head against his shoulder and almost laughs before he wakes up again.
Back at it on day 248 and they fight it out, in the few seconds before Dean notices the knife it almost feels like they're kids again, sparring first thing in the morning, and then Sam slices his femoral artery. He's going for the liver the following day, soft and squelching, and the next heat of the moment iteration has him sticking sharp metal into the left side of Dean's neck and out the right.
He goes a little crazy with it when he finds out how easy he can hold Dean in a headlock, chokes him into unconsciousness and it's quiet for the first time in a long, long time, and when Dean's eyes start to flutter open after half a minute, he makes it quick and painless. He trails the knife over his stomach the next time before sliding it in, for the feeling of deliberately doing something just for the sake of doing it, the illusion of control.
At one point he holds him for a while with his back flush to his chest and feels a hammering heart through the back of his ribs, shushes into his hair before ending it. They repeat that one, because Sam likes the sensory overload it throws them in; he can still feel his own heart jumping in his chest every time before they start again. Sam's pressing soothing kisses to Dean's head, and they just land a little lower with each passing day until he's got a racing hot pulse between his teeth and quick breath against his cheek. Dean doesn't even notice Sam pulling the knife the last few times until it's in him to the hilt.
On day 280-something Sam wakes up and notices Dean's off-tune singing doesn't make his blood boil anymore and the idea of having big green eyes pinned to him in a mix of anger and pleading kind of turns his stomach as it should. So he nods, greets Dean's rise and shine, Sammy with a sleep-scratchy hell yeah and makes a new plan for keeping him alive till Wednesday.
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puppyeared · 1 year
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Muwduw dwones
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dronebiscuitbat · 2 months
Give Me a Reason: Chapter 4 - "Tessa"
Uzi came home from school that day exhausted, both socially and physically. And was ready to jump for joy when she realized her dad was still at work. Leaving her to have the house to herself. Although she shouldn't have been been expecting anything different, Khan almost lived at his job; installing security systems for JCJenson.
The rest of her classes were normal, not counting her Computer Literacy class which she shared with N and he'd done what he'd done all day, sit right next to her and just… talk. Sometimes she didn't even have to reply and he'd still take it as an answer and keep talking to her. It should have been annoying, but it never felt that way.
But even though it wasn't annoying, it did drain her social battery to the point that it was empty, and now all she wanted to do was rot in her room watching anime. Plus… she had something squirreled away for when she had the house to herself.
She threw her backpack down by the door and ran at a dead sprint to her bedroom, where she kicked off her boots and hoodie and threw herself onto her bed with a content sigh. Although it was broken by a loud mewl, Salem; who had been taking a nap on her bed, had been interrupted and wasn't exactly happy about it.
“Sorry buddy, just had a long day.” She reached up to scratched the black cat's chin and he purred, seeming to accept it as an apology, he licked her face with his scratchy tongue and she immediately grumbled and jerked away.
“Ew! Sandpaper licks!” She yelped to herself and lifted the cat up in her hands, dangling him in front of her face before she sighed and buried her face into his fluffy underbelly and sighed. Salem didn't react in the slightest, only bleped.
“You know what sounds good right now buddy?” She pulled back and asked him, a smirk on her face as she shook him gently.
“Breaking into my stash, hell yeah.” She stood up and sat the poor cat down, who only returned to his previous activity; napping.
She looked around like she was afraid someone was watching before heading over to her desk and opening the bottom drawer, at first glance, it was full of nothing but old folders and sketchbooks, but a quick brush of her hand reveled that the drawer had a false bottom, that she quickly removed and pulled out a baggie of dried, green leaves, a lighter and material to roll a blunt.
A gift for herself, bought with allowance she'd gotten from her dad. She'd been rationing it all summer, knowing she'd need it way more during the school year and now she had no more reason to wait.
It didn't take long for her to roll up the paper into a blunt and light it up, reveling in the smell that permeated her room almost immediately, she stuck it in her mouth and took a huff, some of the static that had been building in her head all day dissipated as she gave a relaxed sigh.
Now, what was the best thing to watch while high…?
Tessa’s car pulled into the front of the school exactly fifteen minutes after it ended, it was a dark grey, like wet slate, and a pristine little BMW sedan that had never once been damaged.
“Tessa!” N gave her a wave as he came up to the passenger window before opening the door, throwing himself clumsily onto the plush leather of the seats, a feminine, accented voice giggled at his entrance.
“Have a good first day then?” The woman driving the vehicle asked, she was a young thing, 23, with shining green eyes and long brown hair held in two separate small pigtails near the front and a proper bun in the back, right now, she was dressed in her work attire, a white labcoat partly stained with something unknown and a green dress shirt underneath. Black slacks and weathered, black leather boots.
“Yeah! I mean… I got a little lost in the halls. But I met someone who was really nice! She let me sit beside her and ramble! Oh! And she really liked your tuna sandwich! And! She let me borrow a-” He suddenly stopped his excited talking, his eyes going wide as he realized.
“Aww biscuits! I forgot to give Uzi her pencil back…”
Tessa threw her head back and laughed, before shaking her head and beginning to pull out from in front of the school.
“Uzi? Like… the little submachine pistol?”
“Mmhm! She's cool, she has purple hair!” N smile got wider as he framed his face with balled fists. An energy which seemed to bleed into the woman driving, because her smile grew as well.
“You think she's pretty don't you?” She asked, smirking while lifting one brow up, driving through the small town of Copper, it used to be a mining town, but now it was the home of one of many JCJenson appliance factories.
“T-Tessa!” N's face filled with blush his eyes growing wide as he suddenly gripped the seat underneath him.
“What? Do you?” Tessa’s smirk grew wider, as he voice took on a teasing tone, if anything his blush grew worse as he leaned forward, his hands moving forward to clutch the air in front of him.
“I-I, No! We've only just met! Don't do that!”
“Oh but you were blushing! You have a little crush? On your first day?” Tessa loved her little brother, she did, but lightly teasing him was also something she took great joy in, he was always so animated with everything he did.
“No! Tessa stop that! I don't have a crush on her! I just thought her hair and piercings looked cool!” He crossed his arms and looked away from her while his blush cooled.
“Oh I know, Nathaniel! I'm just teasing you!”
N grumbled, while he knew that, he didn't really appreciate it, how could he have a crush on someone he just met? That was weird wasn't it? Sure, he thought her hair was pretty and her laugh was fun, but those were so… shallow. He was more into personalities, not any kind of physical attribute.
Tessa made a left, off the main road and onto a gravel one, leading into a wooded, secluded area, with it being the middle of spring, the trees all along the long driveway were in full bloom, little white flowers breaking up the hues of greens.
N always liked this part of the property the best, it still held all of Copper's natural beauty, instead of the perfectly manicured hedges and color coordinated flowers of the manors garden. Speaking of…
Tessa stopped in front of a huge wrought iron gate, the only entrance to the tall, spiked fence that led to the rest of the property, Tessa leaned out of the window to press a button on a large stone pillar.
“It's me, let me in.” She sounded tired already, but the voice on the other side was about to add to it.
“Mrs. Elliot requires all passengers to be acounted for, young master Tessa.”
“Oh for- it's Nathan! He lives here!”
The voice on the other end didn't respond, but the gate did open. She sighed and N just looked at her sheepishly.
“You know Mr. And Mrs. Elliot only want our safety, that's just them keeping everyone safe.”
“From what, were not in the big city anymore, I don't think anyone even knows this place exists.”
He didn't have an answer for that, so he just rested his elbow on the door and watched out the window as the Elliot Manor came into view.
The entire building was painted white, with plenty of windows in a style that portrayed it's age, there was a fancy, two door garage on the bottom floor, a fountain and a garden both in the front and in the back. The driveway went from gravel to newly paved cobbled road, which Tessa went over to pull into the garage.
“Alright, we're home!”
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Posting one Murder Drones meme a day until Episode 5 drops, Day Eleven.
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edgelordfluffs · 6 months
Why are people still arguing about Nuzi? Y'all know they have a 20 minute long makeout session in the middle of the church next episode, right?
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
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whatever og text i had in mind for this post about ko shibasaki looking like sayama in this movie is completely cancelled on account of utsumi (this character)'s first name being kaoru and i only found this out cause i was looking up her name just to be sure when making this post
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like jesus christ i legally have to make this post now
#snap chats#they literally never say her first name in the movie. i think lol LIKE WHEN I FOUND OUT I WAS JUST 'NO FUCKING WAY'#i do have to be tbh and say her face /is/ a little more round than sayama's#and its absolutely predominantly because of how her bangs and wardrobe are so close to sayama's that i think she look like her#BUT I CAAAANT THE WHOLE MOVIE I WAS JUST THINKIN ABOUT SAYAMA... i miss her...#OH RIGHT THE MOVIE THOUGH noooo fuck you this movie was so good it actually made me want to write a summary for it LMAOOO#LIKE I LIKE WRITING SUMMARIES BUT IVE JUST BEEN SO LAZY ABOUT IT WITH THE PAST FEW THINGS IVE SEEN BUT GOD.#ignore the fact i finished this movie two hours ago i was too busy fiddling with a card holder kit but. ill make a post about that next--#THIS MOVIE THOUGH NOOOOO IT WAS SO GOOD //SCREAMS AND YELLS AND DESTROYS A SNOWGLOBE//#god the part where ishigami and yukawa are walking by the homeless and it just lingers on an empty spot.. LIKE I THOUGHT I WAS WACK#CAUSE I WAS LIKE 'hang on wasnt there a guy there last scene' and obviously there was since the shot lingered right#BUUUUTT WHEN IT WAS REVEALED DOWN THE LINE SHUT UPPP I LITERALLY YELLED IM SO GLAD. my roommates arent home..#on god i thought the movie was gonna end with utsumi and fukawa's convo from the beginning#and i was gonna make a gaf about how fukawa was acting irrationally because he was too in love LMAOOO#BUT THEN IT KEPT GOING AND. im so glad it did. ishigami valid tbh#id also cover up and take blame for AND ACTUALLY commit murder for a girl if she said hi to me and made me lunch while i was trying to kms#while fukawa and ishigami were talkin that first night tho i just thought of after the rain.. lol... maybe the mangaka was inspo'd by that.#anyway. this movie was great. it reminded me of sherlock but if it was directed well and actually let you solve the mystery too#CAUSE WHILE I WAS WATCHING THERE WERE POINTS WHERE I TOO WAS JUST 'hang on' AND I JUST POCKETED THE INFO FOR LATER#i kicked and screamed when ishigami was talking abut how he formats his tests LIKE I SAID 'oh you fucking slipped'#when ishigami called and told her he had a white envelope in there bitch i knew it was gonna be the stalker letter i YELLED#LIKE I LIKE HOW THE MOVIE SETS THINGS UP SO ABUNDANTLY. IT'S FUN SEEING IT FIT IN THE MOVIE LATER ON#the twist of there being two bodies was so fun tho cause at the start of the movie i was sure two murders happened the same night#so when it was played off as just one i was like Oh. Ok. im still stumped on how he snuck a body out of the apartment#but yk what one detail is like. whatever in comparison to the rest of the movie being fun to watch#god im running out of tags POINT IS. PLEAAASE watch this movie if you got two hours#ive left some minor warnings on my Watchlist doc but there's nothing. TOO extreme ??#i mean there's an aforementioned suicide attempt but aside from that it's nothing too grotesque. for an rgg fan ig#ok bye i have to ramble about the card holder i got <3
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togepies · 5 months
"And yes, we are also actively working on bringing Crossplay and a Photo Mode to Baldur’s Gate 3, but the work required to bring these to you means that these additions will likely be further down the road." xx
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lucifer · 5 days
my dreams have been absolutely insane lately. very vivid as well.
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fishpondpages · 6 days
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they're in love
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43sol · 1 year
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lunapii lunapyon my beloved below cut is terrible joke 😬
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rukafais · 10 months
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Wip for a Kimmuriel piece that has a song attached to it. Saving it as a treat to motivate me to do more work though....
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