#last edited: july 2nd of 2024
“I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
Season 7 FANON Speculation: Buddie Multi-Chapter Fanfic - Hiatus Reading: “I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
Chapter 29 is now available on AO3.
Chapter 30 will be posted by Tuesday, July 2, 2024.
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“I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
Currently 29 chapters completed: 1.248M Words; Rated: Mature
One chapter will be posted at a time.
Please note: Since Chapter 29 was so big, I had to divide it into two chapters, 29 & 30. On Wednesday, my plan was to post both of them at the same time this weekend, however, after I divided them, I needed to make sure the continuity was still there so that Chapter 29 would narratively flow directly into Chapter 30. Right now, I'm still proofreading and editing Chapter 30 but I didn't want to not post something today. Therefore, I'm posting one chapter today and I plan to post Chapter 30 by Tuesday, July 2nd.
Here's a snippet from Chapter 29 of an emotional conversation between Buck and Eddie.
“Amore mio, I’m leaving the 118!”
“Uh… what was that?” Buck whisper asks.
Immediately, everything starts happening in slow motion. As Eddie’s statement reverberates inside of Buck’s mind, his eyes widen, his smile fades and the air in his lungs evaporates. Now he’s nervous because he doesn’t understand what’s happening and even though he’s heard those words come out of Eddie’s mouth before, it’s been more than two years since he last said them and after he did, Buck was in a state of shock.
A few seconds pass and he figures he’s been quiet too long when he hears his husband call his name.
“I’m here but… Eddie, I don’t understand. Please tell me you didn’t quit because of me. I promise I feel better and I’m healing.”
Why is Eddie leaving the 118, again? 👀
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Fic Summary: Months after Buck and Eddie were hit by the same lightning strike; they’re still struggling with the aftermath of it.  But before they make their love confessions, they’ll spend time getting to know themselves as individuals first. Eddie learns to enjoy the simple things in life as he participates in activities on his own and with new friends while Buck learns the rest of the 31-year-old deep dark family secret about his conception and birth. Their journey to forever is still a work in progress but once they finally admit they’re in love with each other, everything that follows their love confessions will be cataclysmic.
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 - Eddie makes a new friend while Buck receives devastating news regarding the sperm donation he made for Connor and Kameron.
Chapter 2 - Buck does a lot of research to learn more about the abnormalities found in his red blood cells and Eddie starts a new therapy journey that’s all about him and not the traumas he’s experienced.
Chapter 3 - After more than a month, Buck and Eddie finally spend time together outside of work but it doesn’t end well and they part with a lot of uncertainty regarding their places in each other’s lives.
Chapter 4 - Eddie has a few realizations about his life which causes him to consider moving back to El Paso, TX while Buck continues to be reminded of his past which causes him to take an impromptu road trip across America.
Chapter 5 - Both Buck and Eddie have difficult conversations with their parents and Buck finally learns the truth behind the reason why his mother despised him while Eddie finally tells his mother about the way she tries to control him.
Chapter 6 - More than two weeks after Buck pushed Eddie away after suggesting they needed a break; Eddie decides to try again. Eddie’s there for Buck when he’s at his worst just like Buck was there for him when he was at his worst and he won’t let Buck give up.
Chapter 7 - After Buck’s mental breakdown, Eddie has his back the same way Buck had his when he had his own breakdown more than a year ago.  They share several vulnerable and emotionally intimate moments with one another and they begin to realize their small, sweet and caring gestures matter just as much if not more than any grand gesture ever could because these are the foundations of a long-lasting love relationship.
Chapter 8 - Buck, Eddie and Chris all have their own therapists and during their sessions, they reflect on their pasts while they’re in the present so they can prepare for their future together as a family.
Chapter 9 - Buck and Eddie are there for each other when Buck has to testify as a witness during the trial.  But by the end of it, they’ll both realize their individual and shared traumas are going to keep resurfacing until they talk about them, deal with the fact that they’re in love with one another and face the fact that they can’t live without each other.
Chapter 10 - As Buck and Eddie finally begin to confront their past traumas, they realize how much they need each other to fill in the gaps of their memories.  Additionally, the universe screams at them for what appears to be the one hundredth time so Buck can realize he doesn’t have to ‘find it’ because he already ‘made it’ and Eddie’s reminded tomorrow isn’t promised and he doesn’t have to die alone if he doesn’t want to.
Chapter 11 - A “virga” or dry thunderstorm is in the forecast but once the rain starts, the thunderstorm happening outside won’t be able to match the storm brewing inside between Buck and Eddie.  It’s the universe’s final scream and when the tumultuous winds begin to blow, they’ll have one last chance to hold onto everything they’ve built over the last six years or they’ll lose it all forever.
Chapter 12 - Buck and Eddie have always shared a deep physical attraction and an emotional intimacy that’s unmatched but now that they’re in a relationship, they’re learning how to navigate the romantic intimacy they’ve been waiting for six years to explore. The love they have for each other is a once in a lifetime, soulmate, love of their lives type of love that transcends space and time.
Chapter 13 - While navigating the newness of their romantic relationship, Buck and Eddie take advantage of every moment they spend together. As their individual lives, people from their pasts, time constraints and the possibility of losing each other again make attempts to interrupt and interfere with their journey to forever, they love, care for, support and hold onto each other even tighter to withstand it all.
Chapter 14 - Buck and Eddie can see the lights at the end of the tunnels regarding the results of Buck’s Cancer Screening along with everything else they’re dealing with. But are the lights they see exits to the tunnels or are they headlights on different runaway trains that are speeding towards them in an effort to interrupt their forever?
Chapter 15 - Buck and Eddie have known they were exactly who the other one wanted in a partner since they met six years ago when they agreed to have each other’s backs. They’re in a romantic relationship, they’re both preparing to ask the other one to spend forever with them and by the end of the seventh week into their relationship, together they will plan their most important and greatest adventure for their future.
Chapter 16 - As Buck and Eddie begin to prepare for their marriage ceremony that will take place in Rome, Italy in December 2023, they start planning their first international adventure as a romantic couple. Even though Chris is still the only person they’ve told about their relationship, several people who know them have already witnessed the love they share and as the days continue, others will witness it too.
Chapter 17 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to departing Los Angeles for their international adventure, a moment in time will remind them; life is fragile, tomorrow isn’t promised and every second of everyday should be cherished because everything can change in an instant. The result of that realization will cause them to hold onto each other even more.
Chapter 18 - As Buck, Eddie and Chris prepare for family gatherings before and during the Thanksgiving holiday, the “Santa Ana Winds” start to blow and all sorts of expected and unexpected familial drama ensues.
Chapter 19 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to their wedding day, the universe begins to align everything so that some of their parent and children's relationships are strengthened while others come to an abrupt end.
Chapter 20 - With only 14 days remaining until Buck, Eddie and Chris depart Los Angeles, CA traveling to Rome, Italy, for their first family adventure, an early morning conversation about “tying up loose ends” helps Buck and Eddie realize there are still several things left unfinished on their ‘To Do’ lists. The question is will there be enough time to complete all of them?
Chapter 21 - Buck, Eddie and Chris are finalizing their ‘To Do’ Lists, double checking their itineraries and packing their suitcases in preparation for their trip to Europe so they can board their flight that departs Los Angeles, CA on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 3:25PM.
Chapter 22 - While Buck, Eddie and Chris spend the first 8 days of their European family adventure in Italy, their primary reason for going will be fulfilled as well as several others they hadn’t considered or anticipated.
Chapter 23 - As the Diaz Family continues their Italian family adventure, they’ll say, “Ciao” or hello and goodbye to a lot of things almost immediately after they become an official and legal family.
Chapter 24 - After Buck, Eddie and Chris arrive in London, England on December 24th; the Diazes immediately start preparing to spend their first family Christmas together. During their stay, each of them will hear a few choice words that will be the life raft to get them home to complete their searches to be seen and to be found.
Chapter 25 - After spending more than two weeks in Europe, Eddie, Buck and Chris are back in Los Angeles and they’re getting ready to attend Maddie and Chimney’s New Year’s Eve party. During the event, they have plans to make two surprise announcements but the question is, who’s really going to be surprised, the Diaz family or their found family at the 118?
Chapter 26 - Buck and Eddie are once again faced with their greatest fear of losing each other but this time it could be permanent and if it is, then they won’t be able to spend the rest of their lives together.
Chapter 27 - After Buck resumes therapy, he’ll continue to face the fact that he “DIED” in March 2023 and during those sessions, he’ll learn about the 7 stages of grief. As he continues his healing journey, Eddie will be right by his side just like he promised and the Diaz family will start to deal with their three minutes and seventeen seconds loss as a family.
Chapter 28 - Two years ago, Eddie was asked, “What are you afraid of?”; twice, once by Frank and once by Buck but he only answered one of them without deflecting. Since that time, he’s been to therapy and him and Buck got married but the question resurfaces when Frank asks Buck the same question and Buck asks it of Eddie for the second time. However, when Buck asks, his reasoning will be about something else entirely.
Chapter 29 - After Buck and Eddie have an emotionally intimate conversation regarding their dreams, they make several decisions that will affect their future. When everything falls into place, they’ll realize one of those decisions will result in them no longer being work partners.
Chapter 30 - Will be posted by Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Chapter 31 - Will be posted soon.
Read chapters 1-29; they're available on AO3.
Continue reading on AO3
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blueberrybunic · 3 months
blueberrybunic's 100 followers event !!
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hello hi everyone!! we reached 100 followers on here, so, to celebrate, we're having another event!! this time, prizes will be separated into two categories: raffle entries, and editing entries!!
entries will be accepted from july 8th 2024 to july 21st 2024, 1pm CET!! this post got pretty long, so i'm putting the rules under the cut!! good luck to those entering, and thank you so much for 100 followers!!! 
if you're only boosting and don't want to enter the raffle, please say so in the tags! thank you!!
to enter the raffle, same deal as last time: likes & reblogs will count as entries! you may reblog this post up to two times per blog; reblogging to sideblogs will also count as extra entries! winners will be chosen randomly!!
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to enter the editing event, you will need to make something following one of these two prompts: dichotomy/opposites, OR a character associated with magic. 
you may make rentry graphics, pride/reply/plain icons, layouts, stimboards, moodboards - go ham! 
you are free to interpret the prompts any way you like. you may make up to two different posts entering your edits, and explaining your reasoning for your edits will grant you an extra entry for each (if you make two posts/edit sets, then you may get up to four entries by explaining both entries). please @ us and tag your post #blueberrybunic100 !! winners will be decided by preference. 
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you may enter both events if you so wish, but be aware that if you win the raffle, you won't be able to win the editing event, and vice versa.
prizes are as follows:
raffle, 1st place: 2 sets of layouts (6 icons, 6 banners) + rentry graphics (up to 3, depending on motivation and inspiration)
raffle, 2nd place: 1 set of layouts (3 icons, 3 banners)
raffle, 3rd place: 2 sets of replycons (approx. 18 icons)
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 edits, 1st place: rentry graphics (up to 3, depending on motivation and inspiration), 1 stimboard, 1 moodboard
edits, 2nd place: 1 stimboard, 1 moodboard, 1 set of replycons (approx. 9 icons)
edits, 3rd place: 1 stimboard, 1 moodboard
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milligramspoison · 9 months
Potential 8 Balls and Medleys for 2ourdust!
Originally did this for the first US leg as well as the EU/UK leg, doing it again for 2ourdust! Some special little additions will be here too :)
Note -> this is will include songs that have been already 8 balls! Based on the 8 ball contest, it looks like the 8 ball will be resetting once again! And medleys too since some songs that have debuted there. It will also include the setlist staples as those are songs you can enter in the contest as well :) EDIT: after the first show (February 28th) I have removed the setlist staples- any changes will be edited in :)
Lastly, credit to @starrynyxa for finding all of the potential songs!! Tysm! Here’s their post that showcases the songs in alphabetical order :)
Evening Out With Your Girlfriend
Honorable Mention -> was the first of many 8 balls on April 6th, 2024, it’s first performance since January 22nd, 2007!!!
Switchblades and Infidelity -> last performed on August 28th, 2004
Pretty In Punk -> has never been performed live (yet)
Growing Up -> last performed on November 7th, 2008
The World’s Not Waiting (For Five Tired Boys In A Broken Down Van) -> has never been performed live (yet)
Short, Fast, and Loud -> has never been performed live (yet)
Moving Pictures -> was in the TTTYG slot of doom on April 5th, 2024, its first performance since November 23rd, 2005!!!!
Parker Lewis Can’t Lose (But I’m Gonna Give It My Best Shot) -> has never been performed live (yet)
Take This To Your Grave
Tell That Mick He Just Made My List of Things to Do Today -> was in the regular set on March 22nd, 2024!!
Homesick at Space Camp -> not in 8 ball or medley, but had its first performance since July 16th, 2023 on March 8th, 2024!
Sending Postcards From a Plane Crash (Wish You Were Here) -> had its only live performance ever on March 12th, 2004
The Pros and Cons of Breathing -> was performed in the TTTYG spot on March 19th, 2024, it’s first performance since November 19th, 2007 AND its second performance ever!!!
Grenade Jumper -> last performed on February 20th, 2009
Reinventing the Wheel to Run Myself Over -> was in the TTTYG slot of doom on March 24th, 2024, it’s first performance since November 19th, 2007!!!
The Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes -> was in the TTTYG slot of doom on March 31st, 2024!!
My Heart Will Always Be the B-Side to My Tongue
My Heart is the Worst Kind of Weapon -> has never been performed live (yet)
It’s Not a Side Effect of the Cocaine, I Think It Must Be Love -> had its first performance ever on March 8th, 2024 during medley!!!
Love Will Tear Us Apart (cover) -> had its only live performance ever on June 10th, 2004
From Under The Cork Tree
Our Lawyer Made Us Change the Name of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued -> last performed on November 4th, 2023
Of All the Gin Joints in All the World -> last performed on June 23rd, 2023
Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner -> was in the medley on April 3rd, 2024!!
I've Got a Dark Alley and a Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth (Summer Song) -> last performed on August 6th, 2023
7 Minutes in Heaven (Atavan Halen) -> was the 8 ball on March 4th, 2024!
Sophomore Slump or Comeback of the Year -> was the 8 ball on March 1st, 2024!
Champagne for My Real Friends, Real Pain for My Sham Friends -> has never been performed live (yet)
I Slept With Someone in Fall Out Boy and All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me -> last performed on July 11th, 2023
Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part to Save the Scene and Stop Going to Shows) -> was the 8 ball on March 22nd, 2024, April 2nd, 2024, and April 6th, 2024!!!!!!! And in the 16 Candles spot on March 27th, 2024 and March 30th, 2024!!
XO -> was in the regular set on March 22nd, 2024!!! And April 5th, 2024!!!
Snitches and Talkers Get Stitches and Walkers -> last performed on January 30th, 2007
The Music or the Misery -> was the 8 ball on March 27th, 2024, it’s first performance since May 30th, 2006!!!!!
Infinity On High
Thriller -> was in the 16 Candles slot of doom on April 3rd, 2024!
“The Take Over, the Breaks Over” -> was in the 16 Candles spot on March 26th, 2024, it’s first performance since August 4th, 2023!
I'm Like a Lawyer With the Way I'm Always Trying to Get You Off (Me & You) -> was in the medley on March 11th, 2024 AND was the 8 ball on March 16th, 2024!
Hum Hallelujah -> was in the 16 Candles slot on March 29th, 2024!!
Don’t You Know Who I Think I Am? -> was the 8 ball on March 8th, 2024!
The (After) Life Of The Party -> last performed on December 1st, 2023
The Carpal Tunnel Of Love -> was the 8 ball on April 6th, 2024, its first performance since April 4th, 2008!!!!
Fame < Infamy -> last performed on November 7th, 2023
You’re Crashing, But You’re No Wave -> last performed on October 31st, 2023
I’ve Got All This Ringing In My Ears and None On My Fingers -> was in the medley section on March 4th, 2024, March 30th, 2024, and April 3rd, 2024!!
G.I.N.A.S.F.S. -> was the 8 ball on February 28th, 2024! And was in Heaven, Iowa’s spot on March 27th, 2024!
It's Hard to Say “I Do”, When I Don't -> has never been performed live (yet)
Folie à Deux
I Don’t Care -> last performed on September 7th, 2023
She’s My Winona -> last performed on July 19th, 2023
America’s Suitehearts -> last performed on July 2nd, 2023
The (Shipped) Gold Standard -> had its only live performance ever on November 2nd, 2023
(Coffee’s For Closers) -> last performed on July 1st, 2023
27 -> was the 8 ball on March 3rd, 2024!
Tiffany Blews -> was the 8 ball on March 11th, 2024, its first performance since September 19th, 2009!!!!
w.a.m.s. -> had its only live performance ever on August 2nd, 2023
20 Dollar Nose Bleed -> was in the medley on March 16th, 2024, it’s first performance since September 29th, 2013!!! And was in the medley again on March 20th, 2024!!
West Coast Smoker -> had its only live performance ever on July 30th, 2023
Pavlove -> was the second 8 ball on April 2nd, 2024, its second performance EVER!!!
Lullabye -> last performed on April 26th, 2009
Believers Never Die: Greatest Hits
Alpha Dog -> had its first performance ever on March 15th, 2024!!!
“From Now On, We’re Enemies” -> was the 8 ball on April 5th, 2024, its second performance ever!!!!
Yule Shoot Your Eye Out -> last performed on December 12th, 2023
Save Rock and Roll
Alone Together -> last performed on November 17th, 2017
Where Did The Party Go -> last performed on July 16th, 2023
Just One Yesterday -> was in the medley on March 13th, 2024 and March 22nd, 2024 (performed in a full piano medley with Daisy Grenade!!) and was the 8 ball on March 19th, 2024, marking its first full band performance since 2014!
The Mighty Fall -> has never been performed live (yet)
Miss Missing You -> was the 8 ball on March 20th, 2024!!
Death Valley -> last performed on September 12th, 2014
Young Volcanoes -> was the 8 ball on March 13th, 2024!
Rat a Tat -> had its first performance EVER on April 6th, 2024 in the 8 ball!!!!
Save Rock and Roll -> last performed on December 12th, 2023
We Were Doomed from the Start (The King Is Dead) -> had its only live performance ever on November 29th, 2013
Art of Keeping Up Disappearances -> had its only live performance ever on November 29th, 2013
Hot to the Touch, Cold On the Inside -> had its only live performance ever on November 29th, 2013
Love, Sex, Death -> last performed on June 14th, 2014
Eternal Summer -> had its only live performance ever on November 29th, 2013
Demigods -> had its only live performance ever on November 29th, 2013
American Made -> had its only live performance ever on November 29th, 2013
Caffeine Cold -> had its only live performance ever on November 29th, 2013
New Dreams (cover) -> had its only live performance ever on September 13th, 2013
American Beauty/American Psycho
Irresistible -> last performed on March 7th, 2023
American Beauty/American Psycho -> last performed on November 3rd, 2023
The Kids Aren’t Alright -> was the 8 ball on March 7th, 2024 and April 6th, 2024!!!!
Jet Pack Blues -> last performed on August 6th, 2023
Novocaine -> last performed on March 27th, 2017
Fourth Of July -> was the 8 ball on March 29th, 2024, it’s first performance since March 22nd, 2017!!
Favorite Record -> had its only live performance ever on July 15th, 2023
Immortals -> last performed on September 7th, 2023
Twin Skeleton’s (Hotel in NYC) -> has never been performed live (yet)
Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea -> last performed on August 18th, 2019
The Last Of The Real Ones -> last performed on July 29th, 2023
HOLD ME TIGHT OR DON’T -> last performed on May 7th, 2018
Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) -> was the 8 ball on March 26th, 2024, it’s first performance since November 4th, 2018 AND Mania’s first ever 8 ball!!!!!! And was the 8 ball once again on April 6th, 2024!!!!
Church -> last performed on April 30th, 2018
Heaven’s Gate -> has never been performed live (yet)
Champion -> last performed on December 6th, 2019
Sunshine Riptide -> has never been performed live (yet)
Young and Menace -> had its performance since October 10th, 2018 and it was in medley!!!
Bishops Knife Trick -> had its first performance ever on April 5th, 2024 in the medley!!!!!!!
Past Life -> has never been performed live (yet)
Footprints in the Snow -> has never been performed live (yet)
Wrong Side of Paradise -> has never been performed live (yet)
Lake Effect Kid
Lake Effect Kid -> last performed on October 10th, 2018
City In A Garden -> has never been performed live (yet)
Super Fade -> has never been performed live (yet)
Believers Never Die, Volume Two: Greatest Hits
Dear Future Self (Hands Up) -> last performed on December 6th, 2019
Bob Dylan -> had its only live performance ever on August 5th, 2023
So Much (For) Stardust
Heartbreak Feels So Good -> last performed on March 16th, 2023
So Good Right Now -> has never been performed live (yet)
I Am My Own Muse -> was the 8 ball on March 24th, 2024!
Flu Game -> has never been performed live (yet)
The Kintsugi Kid (Ten Years) -> was in the medley on March 24th, 2024 and the 8 ball on March 30th, 2024!! And was also in the Stardust slot of doom on March 31st, 2024 and April 2nd, 2024!
What a Time To Be Alive -> was in the medley on March 19th, 2024, March 24th, 2024, and March 29th, 2024!! And was the 8 ball on April 3rd, 2024!!!
Miscellaneous (solo material, demos, collabs, etc)
Explode by Patrick Stump -> last performed on November 11th, 2011
This City by Patrick Stump -> last performed on November 11th, 2011
Dance Miserable by Patrick Stump -> last performed on November 11th, 2011
The “I” In Lie by Patrick Stump -> had its only live performance ever on November 11th, 2011
Run Dry (X Heart X Fingers) by Patrick Stump -> was in the medley on March 26th, 2024, Patrick’s first performance of the song since November 11th, 2011!!!
Cryptozoology by Patrick Stump -> last performed on October 12th, 2011
Greed by Patrick Stump -> has never been performed live (yet)
Everybody Wants Somebody by Patrick Stump -> last performed on November 11th, 2011
Allie by Patrick Stump -> was in the medley on March 1st, 2024, its first performance since November 11th, 2011!!!
Coast (It’s Gonna Get Better) by Patrick Stump -> last performed on November 11th, 2011
Bad Side of 25 by Patrick Stump -> was in the medley on March 16th, 2024, Patrick’s first time performing it since November 11th, 2011!!!!!
People Never Done A Good Thing by Patrick Stump -> has never been performed live (yet)
When I Made You Cry by Patrick Stump -> has never been performed live (yet)
Mad At Nothing by Patrick Stump -> has never been performed live (yet)
Saturday Night Again by Patrick Stump -> last performed on July 30th, 2011
Porcelain by Patrick Stump -> last performed on November 4th, 2011
Spotlight (Oh Nostalgia) by Patrick Stump -> was in the medley on March 31st, 2024, it’s third performance of all time!! Was also in the medley on April 2nd, 2024!
Cute Girls by Patrick Stump -> last performed on November 11th, 2011
Love, Selfish Love by Patrick Stump -> last performed on August 22nd, 2011
As Long As I Know I’m Getting Paid by Patrick Stump -> last performed on May 8th, 2011
Big Hype by Patrick Stump -> last performed on August 22nd, 2011
7-9 Legendary by Fall Out Boy -> unreleased song, had its first performance EVER on April 6th, 2024 in the medley!!!!!!!
A Nice Myth by Fall Out Boy -> released when FOB was known as Fallout Boy back in 2001, has never been performed live (yet)
Austin, We Have a Problem by Fall Out Boy -> unreleased song, has never been performed live (yet)
Beat It by Fall Out Boy feat. John Mayer -> a cover of Michael Jackson’s Beat It, was last performed on November 18th, 2018
Bounce by The Cab -> co written by Patrick, has never been performed live by FOB (yet)
Check Your Phone by Cheap Cuts feat. Pete Wentz -> a feature Pete did at the very beginning of the pandemic, has never been performed live by FOB (yet)
CYAN1DE by nothing,nowhere. feat. Pete Wentz -> a feature Pete did last year (2023), has never been performed live by FOB (yet)
Deep Blue Love by Patrick Stump -> a song Patrick recorded for the movie Spell, has never been performed live by Patrick (as a solo artist) and FOB (yet)
Electric Touch by Taylor Swift feat. Fall Out Boy -> a feature FOB did for Speak Now (Taylor’s Version), has never been performed by Taylor and FOB (yet)
Fellowship of the Nerd by Fall Out Boy -> unreleased song, has never been performed live (yet)
Ghostbusters (I’m Not Afraid) by Fall Out Boy feat. Missy Elliott -> song for the 2016 Ghostbusters movie, has never been performed live (yet)
Grow Up and Be Kids by The Cab -> a song Pete co wrote, has never been performed live by FOB (yet)
hand crushed by a mallet (remix) by 100 gecs feat. Fall Out Boy -> remix featuring FOB, has never been performed by FOB (yet)
Hand of God by Fall Out Boy -> a very beloved unreleased song by fans, has never been performed live (yet)
Have I Got a Gift For You by Patrick Stump -> a song Patrick did for the movie Black Friday, has never been performed live (yet)
I Got Nothing, But You Got Something by Fall Out Boy -> unreleased song, has never been performed live (yet)
I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) by Whitney Houston -> FOB recorded a cover for Spotify, but has never performed it live (yet)
I’ve Been Waiting by Lil Peep & iLoveMakonnen feat. Fall Out Boy -> a feature FOB did, has never been performed live (yet)
Lake Shore Drive by Aliotta Haynes Jeremiah -> Patrick covered the song during opening night of Tourdust, has not been performed since June 21st, 2023
New Dreams by Naked Raygun -> a cover FOB performed with the og artists themselves in its only live performance ever on September 13th, 2013. It also appears on the PAX•AM Days limited edition vinyl as a bonus track
One of THOSE Nights by The Cab -> Patrick does additional vocals in the song but has never been performed live by FOB (yet)
Open Happiness by Various Artists -> Patrick did this with Cee-Lo Green, Brendon Urie, Travie McCoy and Janelle Monáe for Coca-Cola, but has never been performed live by FOB (yet)
Roxanne by The Police -> FOB did a cover of the song that only appeared the Director’s Cut physical release of TTTYG, as far as I can tell, they haven’t done a live cover of the song yet (yet)
San Diego by blink-182 -> Patrick co wrote the song but it has never been performed live by FOB (yet)
So Sick by Ne-Yo -> FOB did a cover of the song at the BBC Live Lounge. I can’t find the exact date, only the year- the last time they performed this was around 2006
Sober by blink-182 -> another blink song that Patrick co wrote, but had never been performed live by FOB (yet)
Star 67 by Fall Out Boy -> another beloved unreleased song by fans, it’s never been performed live (yet)
Summer Days by Martin Garrix feat. Macklemore & Fall Out Boy -> a feature that FOB did, has never been performed live by FOB (yet)
Colorado Song by Fall Out Boy -> a TTTYG demo that was released on the 20th anniversary vinyl, has never been performed live (yet)
Jakus Song by Fall Out Boy -> another TTTYG demo that was released on the 20th anniversary vinyl, also has never been performed live (yet)
We Don’t Take Hits, We Write Them by Fall Out Boy -> an unreleased song that has its only live performance dated as July 7th, 2004 (as far as I can tell, this is the only time it’s been performed)
What’s This? by Danny Elfman -> a cover FOB did for Nightmare Before Christmas Resisted, has never been performed live (yet). The Nightmare Before Christmas is also notably one of Pete’s favorite movies
Spidey and His Amazing Friends -> the theme song to the show of the same name written by Patrick, had its first performance ever on March 22nd, 2024!!!
If you’ve made it this far, hello! And ty for taking the time to look at this!
I’ll give you a treat for sticking around 🫶
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Because it's FE race day today, here is the Formula E grid of 2024 US motorsport number ones edition. Enjoy 😊.
Lucas Di Grassi (11st August 1984) - Ray Parker Jr - Ghostbusters
Sam Bird (9th January 1987) & Edoardo Mortara (12th January 1987) - The Bangles - Walk Like An Egyptian
Sebastien Buemi (31st October 1988) - Phil Collins - A Groovy Kind Of Love
Jean-Eric Vergne (25th April 1990) - Sinead O'Connor - Nothing Compares 2 U
Robin Frijns (7th August 1991) & Antonio Felix Da Costa (31st August 1991) - Bryan Adams - (Everything I Do) I Do It For You
Nico Muller (25th February 1992) - Right Said Fred - I'm Too Sexy
Stoffel Vandoorne (26th March 1992) - Vanessa Williams - Save The Best For Last
Norman Nato (8th July 1992) - Sir Mix-A-Lot - Baby Got Back
Oliver Rowland (10th August 1992) - Madonna - This Used To Be My Playground
Jordan King (26th February 1994) - Celine Dion - The Power Of Love
Jake Hughes (30th May 1994) & Mitch Evans (24th June 1994) - All-4-One - I Swear
Nick Cassidy (19th August 1994) - Lisa Loeb & Nine Stories - Stay (I Missed You)
Pascal Wehrlein (18th October 1994) - Boyz II Men - I'll Make Love To You
Nyck De Vries (6th February 1995) - TLC - Creep
Jake Dennis (16th June 1995) - Bryan Adams - Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman?
Kelvin Van Der Linde (20th June 1996) - Bone Thugs-N-Harmony - Tha Crossroads
Max Gunther (2nd July 1997) - Puff Daddy, Faith Evans & 112 - I'll Be Missing You
Sergio Sette Camara (23rd May 1998) - Mariah Carey - My All
Joel Eriksson (28th June 1998) - Brandy & Monica - The Boy Is Mine
Jehan Daruvala (1st October 1998) - Aerosmith - I Don't Want To Miss A Thing
Dan Ticktum (8th June 1999) - Ricky Martin - Livin' La Vida Loca
Sacha Fenestraz (28th July 1999) - Will Smith ft Dru Hill & Kool Moe Dee - Wild Wild West
Paul Aron (4th February 2004) - OutKast - Hey Ya!
All added to this playlist 😊
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rabbitechoes · 2 months
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wow, very slow news week right guys? oh well, at least it was a pretty eventful week for new music! i kid, i'm exhausted on both fronts. there were plenty of great tracks released this week and plenty of new projects announced that i'm incredibly excited about. here are my thoughts on some of the most noteworthy tracks that dropped this week!!!
to see last week's post, click here!!! also feel free to follow me on rate your music and twitter <3
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"Le Risque" - King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard
◇ released: July 9, 2024 ◇ featured on Flight b741 (not yet released) ◇ genres: boogie rock, glam rock
Eclectic and busy rockers King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard have returned with a new single that sees them diving back into their boogie shoes. It's fun and it has a silliness to it that makes it hard to hate. This groovy instrumentation paired with the misanthropic lyricism is pretty cool too. This song also features the band's drummer, Michael Cavenaugh, on vocal duties for the most part and he holds his own very well. Adds a bit of a different flavor to it. I'm still playing catch-up with this band - I still need to listen to their stuff from the last few years - but I'm looking forward to take a flight on Flight b741!!!
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"The Answers to the Questions" - Chrystabell & David Lynch
◇ released: July 9, 2024 ◇ featured on Cellophane Memories (not yet released) ◇ genres: dream pop, trip hop, ambient pop
Chrystabell & David Lynch have returned with a new single leading up to their collab album coming in a few weeks. "The Answers to the Question" has that same atmospheric quality as the previous track, but it's a lot less desolate sounding. There's a bit of a trip hop flavor to it that freshens things up a lot. Chrystabell's layered vocals are haunting, they're as chilling as they are beautiful. The subtle lulls in the instrumentation are pretty signature in both Lynch and the late Angelo Badalamenti's style and I'm glad it's present here. I'm curious to see how this album will sound on the whole. I'm a massive David Lynch fan so obviously I'm excited, but I'm also hoping the pair aren't afraid to implement new sounds throughout the record. I don't want this to be a complete retread of the musical tropes Lynch and crew have played around with for decades. I'll probably still enjoy it, but I'll be a little disappointed.
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"Fortnight (Acoustic Version)" - Taylor Swift feat. Post Malone
◇ released: July 9, 2024 ◇ genre: folk pop
The day after Billie Eilish overtook Taylor Swift as the 2nd most listened to artist on Spotify, God Queen Swift conveniently dumped one of the many exclusive alternate versions of a song from her most recent record onto streaming services everywhere. This has been a controversial marketing gimmick behind The Tortured Poets Department where Swift will release exclusive alternate editions of the album with an extra iPhone demo or acoustic version tacked on at the end. This has allowed her to game the charts ever since the album dropped. I'm not denying it's an incredibly successful record, it just feels scummy. Perhaps the most egregious example had to be when Charli xcx's album BRAT was geared to debut at number one in the UK, but before that could happen Swift released an exclusive version of her album for UK fans only. It all feels targeted. It's clear Swift and her team care about metrics and accolades, they'll do anything they can to get them even if it means obstructing the success of those around her.
Which, longwindedly, leads me back to this acoustic version of "Fortnight" which leaves me without much to say about the actual music. It's only here to boost her streaming numbers, because being 3rd most listened to artist in the world seemingly isn't enough! I wasn't a big fan of this song anyway and this acoustic version doesn't change that. It's hard not to be extremely cynical about this whole thing. This is music that feigns having a genuine heart, but it's really only a ploy for record-breaking chart success by any means necessary.
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"Key103" - Floating Points
◇ released: July 9, 2024 ◇ featured on Cascade (not yet released) ◇ genre: progressive house
Sam Shepherd, Floating Points, has announced a new album coming later this year as well as this new single "Key103." This week I finally got around to listening to his album Crush from 2019 and I loved it. That blend of IDM with real instrumentation is just a match made in heaven. These new songs, however, see him leaning more into the dance and house side of things to very great effect. This is an absolute jam. It's punchy as hell and has a groove that just gets you. That glitchy bridge that segues into the synth switch-up is exhilarating as hell. I'm beginning to notice that nearly everything Shepherd touches is impeccably crafted and this track is no different. I'm super excited for Cascade.
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"Gold Coast" - Moses Sumney
◇ released: July 9, 2024 ◇ featured on Sophcore (not yet released) ◇ genres: neo-soul, alternative r&b, alté
Moses Sumney is coming back with a new EP on the way in a few weeks and "Gold Coast" was released alongside that announcement. Sumney's work always has impeccable production and that's on display here as well. His vocals are heavenly, but I sometimes wish they had a bit more weight to them - luckily "Gold Coast" balances the heavy and light very well. He sounds fully in control here. I also love the little Latin guitar flourishes throughout, it really adds some nice depth to the track. Looking forward to see what else he has in store on this Sophcore EP.
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"She Rained Down" - This Is The Glasshouse
◇ released: July 9, 2024 ◇ genres: indie rock, noise rock
To commemorate the one-year anniversary of As Small As Ants, This Is The Glasshouse has released this stripped-back noisy version of his song "She Rained Down." That record was one of my favorites from last year and even though at times it wore its influences on its sleeve, there was enough heart and craft behind it to outweigh that. His songwriting was also a big highlight and that shines through on this track in particular no matter if it's the album version or this one. The demo is very different, but I kinda love it. It's noisy and at times it reminds me of a lo-fi version of a Strokes song. Really, really digging this one and I'm anticipating whatever comes next from him.
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"Forever Young (Live at Seattle Centre Coliseum, Seattle, WA - February 9, 1974 (Afternoon))" - Bob Dylan & The Band
◇ released: July 9, 2024 ◇ featured on The 1974 Live Recordings (not yet released) ◇ genres: folk rock, singer-songwriter
Bob Dylan is releasing a 27-disc box set containing "every single surviving soundboard recording" of his and The Band's prolific early 1974 tour. This was the same tour that made up the Before the Flood album, one of my personal favorite Dylan live albums. This rendition of "Forever Young" from the tail-end of the tour is fine. I love Dylan, but I can't say I'm so much a Dylan nut that this kind of box set appeals to me. For archival purposes it's pretty cool and it's always a treat to hear Dylan and The Band make magic together - I just don't see myself sifting through over 29 hours of material looking for hidden gems.
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"Patterns" - Laura Marling
◇ released: July 10, 2024 ◇ featured on Patterns in Repeat (not yet released) ◇ genres: singer-songwriter, contemporary folk
Laura Marling has returned with this gorgeous new track and a new album on the way. "Patterns" is a simple, clean, and very pretty folk cut that just surrounds you. She says she wrote a lot of this album while adjusting to becoming a new parent and you can absolutely hear it. There's this serene existentialism to it all, like a reflection on not just your own life but also the new life that you have brought into the world. This track is simply gorgeous. Marling stated that each of her albums have acted as "time-stamped chapter[s] of [her] life" and also that she's approaching this new album with an entirely new perspective. I really loved her last album, Song for Our Daughter, and after hearing this new single I can't wait for Patterns in Repeat.
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"Image" - Magdalena Bay
◇ released: July 10, 2024 ◇ featured on Imaginal Disk (not yet released) ◇ genres: synthpop, dance-pop, chillwave, nu-disco
I had a feeling we were on the cusp of a new Magdalena Bay album and here we are!!! Imaginal Disk drops next month, but we're getting our second taste of the album in the form of "Image," an expectedly incredible synthpop cut that shows a pop duo at the top of their game. This has everything you want in a synthpop song. Arresting production, addictive hooks, and a palpable rhythm. The two verses are opposite each other and it adds to the song - and seemingly the album's unique concepts. There's this anxious feeling underneath it all that only reveals itself on repeat listens. This is without a doubt one of my most anticipated albums of the year now. I came to the realization, and hopefully it doesn't age like milk, that Magdalena Bay are the best pop act of the decade thus far. Nothing has disproven that for me yet!
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"Call It Love" - Nilüfer Yanya
◇ released: July 10, 2024 ◇ featured on My Method Actor (not yet released) ◇ genres: indie folk, singer-songwriter
I somehow missed a whole single and album announcement last month from Nilüfer Yanya, but I'm here now for this new single! "Call It Love" has her scaling things back while not sacrificing a good groove. It's a song Yanya says is about being able to "fully trust your instincts" - you can hear it. There's a conviction to every word she delivers here. The instrumentation is light, bar the hazy synth riffs, but Yanya is a very commanding presence. Can't wait to listen to this album in full.
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"Snl" - Mustafa
◇ released: July 11, 2024 ◇ featured on Dunya (not yet released) ◇ genres: folk pop, singer-songwriter
I really enjoyed Mustafa's debut album When Smoke Rises from a few years ago, but ever since then he's regrettably flew under my radar ... not anymore though. He has a new album on the way along with this new sinlge "Snl" which is just incredible. One of the prettiest songs I've heard all month, the acoustic guitar and subtle percussion are just beautiful. His vocals and lyrics all feel so seamlessly confessional. Like catching up with an old friend. Absolutely loving this track and I need to listen to his other recent singles sooner rather than later.
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"Woman's World" - Katy Perry
◇ released: July 11, 2024 ◇ featured on 143 (not yet released) ◇ genres: dance-pop, electropop
Katy Perry is lost. She's had nowhere to go for the longest time so she's retreating back to the formula that people knew her most fondly. She freshens things up here and there, making a song that at least sounds like it could've been made in 2021 or so. She's never ahead of the curve, she's simply standing there. "Woman's World" has the flair of one of her early pop hits, but it feels so hollow. The ironic neoliberal feminist aesthetics seeping over the music video and the song's sentiment - all the while being written and produced predominantly by men, most notoriously her old collaborator and alleged sexual abuser Dr. Luke. An attempt at irony that turns into something even more sinister and gross. Certainly is a "Woman's World" to one Katy Perry isn't it? This is empty slop and I feel sorry for anyone dumb enough to eat it up uncritically.
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"American Fever" - JOBA
◇ released: July 12, 2024 ◇ featured on unnamed JOBA album (not yet released) ◇ genres: progressive pop, art rock, glam rock
2024 seems to be the year every former BROCKHAMPTON member starts pumping out their solo material. I can't say I've been crazy about all of their solo efforts as of late - despite me being a massive fan of the group when I was a teenager - but this new single from JOBA is a real treat. Totally unexpected sound, it feels almost like a glammed up Billy Joel piano rock track. He carries himself with so much swagger and confidence that really elevates "American Fever" to the next level. Both Kevin Abstract and Matt Champion have taken unexpected turns in their solo sound, but none match the sheer energy JOBA displays on this track. If this is a sign of where he goes from here, this upcoming project of his might be one you can't miss.
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"Pray For Me" - Mustard
◇ released: July 12, 2024 ◇ featured on Faith of a Mustard Seed (not yet released) ◇ genres: drumless, spoken word, gospel
Mustard has been thrown properly into the limelight recently following the use of his beat on Kendrick Lamar's proverbial dancing over Drake's grave track, "Not Like Us." He also was featured at Lamar's Pop-Out Concert on Juneteenth and made a big impression there as well. He's gearing up for his own solo album soon and this new single "Pray For Me" isn't what you would expect from him at all. A 10-minute drumless track that has him reflecting on how far he's come. Mustard hasn't been an "unknown" by any means, but this really feels like a turning point for his career and he seems to recognize that too.
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"Death Valley High" - Orville Peck & Beck
◇ released: July 12, 2024 ◇ featured on Stampede (not yet released) ◇ genres: alternative rock, country rock, rap rock
I was left disappointed by the first volume of Orville Peck's Stampede project and it's looking like I'm gonna be disappointed by the rest of it too. This new duet with Beck is a style clash in the worst way. It's like they're fighting for your attention, it's like mixing oil and water. It sounds like they're not trying to match each other's freak and instead trying to snuff each other's respective freaks out. This is a mess. I've been disappointed by Beck's new stuff for years now, but I don't want Peck to be dragged down by this any longer than he has to. Get Stampede over with ASAP.
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"Still What I'm Looking For" - Mac DeMarco & Ryan Paris
◇ released: July 12, 2024 ◇ genre: soft rock
When I was in high school, like a lot of weird indie kids, I became transfixed with Mac DeMarco. Having grown up a bit, I mostly look back at his stuff in a bit of a novel sense. His disappointing Here Comes the Cowboy album made me lose track of him a bit and his recent work hasn't wowed me that much at all when I have heard it. This new track, a collab with Ryan Paris, is a pleasant little number though. Sweet and to the point. It feels like DeMarco isn't too concerned with evolving his sound, he likes being a weird reclusive guy who pops up every now and then for a vibe. This doesn't make me excited for his new material, but hearing his guitar licks activated a very specific part of my brain that hasn't been activated in so long. I'm like a sleeper cell agent and my mission now is to re-listen to Salad Days and This Old Dog and become an insufferable indie guy once more.
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"고통없이 (Painless)" - Parannoul
◇ released: July 12, 2024 ◇ genres: shoegaze, noise pop
Korean shoegaze artist Parannoul has dropped yet another incredible single in the form of "Painless." "Gold River" from a few months ago was one of his strongest tracks to date and this song also deserves that distinction. He seems to be on the verge of something incredible. He's become an even more excellent songwriter, crafting melodies that stick out even under the waves of noise overtop it. His songs leap over any language barriers and just hit as close to home as possible. He's had an incredibly fruitful few years and he doesn't seem to be losing steam anytime soon. I adore this song and if there's a whole album full of songs like "Painless" and "Gold River," it could very well be his strongest album to date. Potentially one of the best of the decade so far, I'm serious. If you're not on the Parannoul train at this point, what are you waiting for?
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ thanks for reading :3
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psssst. i made a discord server called COSMIACORD ... if u wanna join and have fun, talk about music, play fortnite, or whatever here's the invite :3 https://discord.gg/rsHMenTU
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happy-tori-friends · 4 months
Birthday Headcanon List
As promised I finished the birthdays today. Somehow a lot of them ended up in the same months. RIP to December, not a single representive.
Flippy/Fliqpy: October 2nd, the day Party Animal aired, and the only date that will have a reasoning related to a specific episode. Fliq just considers it his own birthday as well. He doesn't really care though - having the same birthday is just more convenient for him, because he already sees himself as the same age as Flippy. It's just easier to keep track of.
(Some consider it to be in late May because of Hide and Seek's air date / Party Animal was uploaded to YouTube in late May too + it being said he was a gemini somewhere, but... it's my fic series I do what I want. I also. chose this because I jokingly made a Fire Emblem Awakening avatar of him and picked this date because I didn't know at the time. I have the gay mod. He married Lon'qu before I stopped playing.)
Lifty and Shifty: May 24th. You two can be late May geminis, juuust like me. (I love projecting onto the faves :]) This one's based off Vibes rather than anything else, but it does mean Oblivion started after this date because they're already 19. Probably starts right after their birthday? I know I have to do some editing already but when I get a concrete timeline I may have to edit one line in the first work? I might just edit it to where Shifty doesn't mention how old they are in the first place anyways.
Splendid and Splendont: April 28th, national superhero day! ...Yeah. This is the route I'm going, for the sillies.
Pop: May 16th, national barbecue day. Predestined to love doing it.
Cub: September 9th, national teddy bear day.
Cuddles: April 4th, international carrot day.
Giggles: August 19th, national bow day.
Toothy: August 22nd, the second national tooth fairy day. This was the last one I did and the first date is already someone else's birthday.
Petunia: March 21st, national flower day.
Handy: March 11th, national tool day.
Disco Bear: July 2nd, national disco day. In New Zealand. Doesn't matter where though, as long as it's somewhere. First one I noticed not being America specifically.
Flaky: June 10th, anxiety awareness day.
Nutty: November 4th, national candy day. I considered Halloween but I think this fits a teensy weensy bit better.
Sniffles: February 28th, national science day in India. Surprised there isn't one in the USA.
Lumpy: January 25th. Moose day.
Lammy: October 26th. I wanted more variety, haha... This is the date of hug a sheep day in 2024.
Mr Pickels: November 14th. That's national pickle day. I figured he could be included because why not.
Russell: September 19th, talk like a pirate day.
Mime: April 17th, world circus day. (According to some sources, at least. Some say the third Saturday in April, some say the 17th.)
Mole: February 2nd. Groundhog Day. It's not the same, but they made Resetti do it in Animal Crossing. He'll never see his shadow, though.
Cro-Marmot: January 1st. For some reason, I think this is funny.
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tunalad · 2 months
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[2nd of August 2024] tvnalad - Helen's Tapes Volume 1: Hometown
Okay, so this is a much bigger project than usual. Tt's an album with a game accompanying it! (It's more of an "interactive" audio visualiser, actually). The project revolves around Helen's audio cassette diary, where each tape captures her thoughts and experiences.
https://tunalad.itch.io/helens-tapes (the game)
I'm going to yap a lot in this post, so I just want to mention that there's an actual story going on here. This album was also initially intended as a "portfolio piece". I'm trying to get a job as a game composer since finding a developer job has been super challenging for me.
This project is an ambient album inspired mostly by the earlier Silent Hill games (and older games in general). The idea was to use similar techniques they used back in the day, like using sample CDs to make ambient and trip-hop pieces. While this album has a lot of that workflow, I also wrote many parts myself—so it's not all just samples! There are even some tracks with no samples at all.
The original plan was to create random ambient music and call the tapes "Helen's Bakery Vol. X", but that felt a bit uninspiring. I came up with a story early in the project, so I went with it. I won't go into any details about the story here; it's for you to discover! Plan is to tell the story in 5 volumes.
Last year, I started mapping for Quake 1 because I wanted to get back into game development. So I had the idea to create a map inside Quake, take a screenshot, and use that as the album cover. While working on that map, I made multiple locations and sceneries, so I decided to go all in and create visuals for each song!
And that's where the game part came in. I initially planned to edit the video to look like someone recorded themselves "playing the game", but it felt more convincing to make an actual game and record myself. The development took a bit of time (all of July, to be exact), but that was mostly because I didn't plan everything out from the start. I've made the game moddable too, so people can create their own "volumes" and view them in the game!
To experience this project, you don't have to download the game—you can just watch the YouTube video and get the same story. The Bandcamp upload doesn't have a way for me to share all the visuals made for the album, but it does have higher-quality audio and no background hiss.
And yes, the AMBIE logo is Dolby parody xd
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jovianjournal · 2 months
January 2024 (comics edition)
Here's the second part of my January reading wrap up! some manga/comics/graphic novels
Kobito no Shiita to Karigurashi no Mori / Shiita et la forêt des minuscules -- Yuki Kamba, French translation by Raphaële Gippon
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A cute adventure manga about little guys (gender neutral) traveling in the forest. The art and the worldbuilding is more interesting (to me) than the plot, but to be fair it's for a younger audience. Although sometimes it gets a little eerie. Actually it reminds me of the horror comic Beautiful Darkness by Kerascoët. The characters are very little and the world is very big and scary.
Also i have no idea how i'm going to talk about series i've read across several months.
Tiger Tiger Vol. 1 -- Petra Norlund
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the physical version of the first chapters of one my all time fav webcomic. Delicious art and fun adventures. please go and read all of it right now.
2 dome no koi ha usotsuki / 2nd love Once upon a lie -- Akimi Hata
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I borrowed the volumes from the library one by one and read it really slowly over the course of several months. Incredibly mediocre. A generic josei manga about... what was it about? a 30 year old woman trying to get over her first love by dating a younger guy (who's the first love's little brother). Frankly forgettable.
Ava's Demon Vol. 2 -- Michelle Fus
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It was the month of reading the physical version of beloved webcomics i guess. Please also go read all of it right now.
Alexander, the servant and the water of life Vol. 1 -- Reimena Yee
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Another webcomic, not as beloved. i love historical myths retelling, this one was okay. but please go read it right now. (i really want to love Reimena Yee's work but everytime i read one of her books im a little disappointed)
Le fils de Pan -- Fabrizio Dori
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the sequel to one of my all time favorite comics. Greek gods and goddesses in modern time, just fucking around. I have a special place in my heart for this series because the main character, Eustis the faun, really reminds me of my dead drunk artist uncle (the one that died 15 years ago, not the one that died earlier this year)(yes it IS weird that it happened twice)
Short Box Comic Fair 2023 //
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Last year during SBCF i bought a truly unreasonable amount of comics. I'm pretty sure that, as i write this in July 2024, i've read all of them, but it took : a while.
Grief Log -- Snowlattes
Exactly what it says on the tin (for some reason i can't find any trace of this comic on the internet)
The Body from the River -- Riotbones
Dnd vibes, people in the town guessing who was the person found dead in the river
The Hawk and the Rabbit -- Lalage
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Fun fairy tale with a gay wizard and pretty art, can't ask for more
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alexsfictionaddiction · 7 months
The Women's Prize for Non-Fiction 2024 Longlist is here!
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I'm sure that long time readers of my blog or followers of my Instagram will know that I have been following the Women's Prize for Fiction very closely for the last few years. I was really excited to discover that they were launching a sister prize celebrating non-fiction written by women (because it definitely tends to get lost in the very male-dominant sphere that is non-fiction). I am not a big non-fiction reader but as I get older, I have found myself becoming more interested in it. I think I'll always be a much bigger fiction reader but there are some genres within non-fiction that I am fascinated by, so it made sense for me to take a look at what the inaugural Women's Prize for Non-Fiction longlist had to offer.
The Women's Prize for Non-Fiction is open to non-fiction books written by women in English and published between 1st April 2023 and 31st March 2024. I believe it follows the same rules as the Fiction prize, in that books have to follow a narrative and that translated books are not eligible.
So, here are the 16 books on the first ever Women's Prize for Non-Fiction longlist!
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Intervals by Marianne Brooker. Published by Fitzcarraldo Editions on 28th February 2024.
Thunderclap by Laura Cumming. Published by Chatto & Windus on 6th July 2023.
Shadows at Noon by Joya Chatterji. Published by Bodley Head on 13th July 2023.
Wifedom: Mrs Orwell's Invisible Life by Anna Funder. Published by Viking on 17th August 2023.
Matrescence by Lucy Jones. Published by Allen Lane on 22nd June 2023.
How To Say Babylon by Safiya Sinclair. Published by 4th Estate on 3rd October 2023.
Some People Need Killing by Patricia Evangelista. Published by Grove Press on 2nd November 2023.
Code Dependent: Living in the Shadow of AI by Madhumita Murgia. Published by Picador on 28th March 2024.
Eve: How the Female Body Drove 200 Million Years of Human Evolution by Cat Bohannon. Published by Hutchinson Heinemann on 12th October 2023.
The Britannias: An Island Quest by Alice Albinia. Published by Allen Lane on 19th October 2023.
All That She Carried: The Journey of Ashley's Sack, A Black Family Keepsake by Tiya Miles. Published by Profile Books on 13th July 2023.
The Dictionary People: The Unsung Heroes Who Created the Oxford English Dictionary by Sarah Ogilvie. Published by Chatto & Windus on 7th September 2023.
Doppelganger: A Trip Into the Mirror World by Naomi Klein. Published by Allen Lane on 12th September 2023.
Vulture Capitalism: Corporate Crimes, Backdoor Bailouts and the Death of Freedom by Grace Blakeley. Published by Bloomsbury on 14th March 2024.
A Flat Place by Noreen Masud. Published by Hamish Hamilton on 27th April 2023.
Young Queens: Three Renaissance Women and the Price of Power by Leah Redmond Chang. Published by Bloomsbury on 11th May 2023.
So, there's the longlist. There is a good mixture in terms of theme and I'm sure a lot of people will be excited about that. I'm afraid that for me, I'm really not very interested in many of them. I have copies of Eve and Some People Need Killing, so I'll be reading them. I am also interested in Doppelganger and Wifedom but they're both very expensive in all formats at the moment, so I'll see if I can get library copies. However, almost all of the others just aren't speaking to me!
The shortlist will be announced on 27th March and the winner will be announced on 13th June, which is the same date as the winner of the Fiction Prize. So, I imagine the award ceremony will be a very big celebration of women's writing, which is always an exciting event.
What do you think of the longlist? Will you be reading any? Have you read any? Should I pick up any that I don't think I'm interested in? Let me know!
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comfortlesshurt · 21 days
August 2024 Stats Update
Hoarded some more data this month, fellas! I had a few overnight trips, so there were some days I couldn't get data, but it shouldn't be a big deal. This is all for funsies.
Discussion of AO3/FFN stats under the cut if you want to avoid! If it really bothers you, block the #stats update tag.
Main goal: VLD word count greater than Spider-Man. Current progress: 48,364/100,258 (48.24%) Not too worried on this one since I have a LOT drafted that should start posting in 2025.
Time period: July 31st, 2024 to September 2nd, 2024
I missed getting data this weekend, so I went through the 2nd of September.
I broke 12k kudos near the end of the month, so that's cool to me! I missed it this month, but I'm also gunning for 250k hits.
Published word count delta: +5,287 across one new work and one existing works (basic edits on that one)
Work subscriptions delta: +4
New hits: 3,310
New kudos: 179
Comments delta: +21
Works bookmarks delta: +38
User subscriptions delta: -3 (I suspect the updates every other day for my Augusnippets fic finally scared away some Spider-Man subscribers. Sorry, old friends! Also, technically it's -4 because one of those subscriptions was my own side account to help me confirm I'm running my experiments as expected later.)
Background info: this month, FFN finally fixed its email alerts, so I was surprised to see not many people leave after getting spam updated on every fic I've posted this year.
User favs delta: +3
User alerts delta: -1
Published word count delta: +4,938 (A bit more words to add TWs to a fic, but still less because I edited an old fic on AO3 and haven't updated it on FFN yet.)
New profile views: 37
New reviews: 1
New story views: 888
C2 delta: 0
Story favs delta: +8
Story alerts delta: +3
Single-Point AO3 Data: September 1st, 2024
Newer Fic Achievements
I'm happy with all of these! I know VLD isn't super popular anymore, so it's surprising to see such good conversion rates on these. All of these are top 10% for hits/day and kudos/day, but I don't think that's significant since they're all posted so recently and the other fics are being dragged down by 2000+ days since publishing.
5 Times Lance Doesn't Matter: still holding a top 10% comment and bookmark conversion rate.
Smiling 'cause you're used to it: top 10% of comment and subs and top 10% of conversion rates for subs, comments, and bookmarks.
Chemicals, chemicals in my brain: top 10% for subs and bookmark conversion.
Nowhere to call home: top 10% of comments, top 10% for subs and comment conversion. Top 10% for number of AO3 tags used. Honorable mention for getting bookmarked multiple times and they're ALL private bookmarks. (This one is a shameful one to enjoy, apparently!)
Top 10% by...
5 Times Peter Struggled with Spider Metabolism
Nowhere to call home
5 Times Lance Doesn't Matter
Whump Bingo
We are the reckless
None of the other stats really changed since last month, so I won't add 'em here this time!
Skipping the all-time stats as well because those don't change as much in the span of a month! I'm thinking those are more worth checking out every three months, so we'll check again at the end of October maybe.
Experimental Phase
I wanted to get some base control data before I moved on to this stage, but as of now, I've got about 90 recent days of standard data (posting as I typically would). Now, it's time to design experiments, but I'm going for a single-blind situation, so you won't see exactly what I'm testing until I'm done testing to avoid skewing results!
Overall, not a super exciting month as far as stats! But that's okay because it was a great writing month. Hopefully I'll have something more interesting to report at the next stats update!
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wallfloweringthoughts · 3 months
about me and this sideblog
me: 25, she/her, femme lesbian, audhd, dx bipolar
main blog: @wallfloweringfemme (note it is nsfw)
purpose of this blog: to share random thoughts and feelings as I try to heal trauma, and how I’m doing that - i will use content warnings if needed
things i am working to heal:
❤️‍🩹 fear and shame rule so much of my life
❤️‍🩹 i feel so much shame, both about who I am and who i am not
❤️‍🩹 i think my attachment style is fearful avoidant- caused by a combination of early childhood attachment wounds (anxious part) and then extended trauma later in my teenage years (avoidant part)
❤️‍🩹 i am a psychiatric survivor
❤️‍🩹 i feel dysregulated a lot of the time and struggle to regulate myself. I also experience burnout fairly regularly.
❤️‍🩹 i keep people at a distance to protect myself and have big guards up emotionally, which ends up making me very lonely
❤️‍🩹 i have a (unhelpful) core belief that vulnerability, whether emotional or physical, is inherently unsafe
❤️‍🩹 i have never been in a romantic relationship before and although there are many factors in this, my discomfort with vulnerability and intimacy is a big factor
disclaimer: I am just a human being! I have gone to therapy about some of these things before but am not currently in therapy. i have put a lot of work into my healing journey so far, so im not at the beginning but i still have a way to go
tags: as i post/rb more i will work out best tags to use and edit this post. feel free to let me know any tags you’d like me to use
please note: i don’t expect to share details of my trauma because i don’t think it will be helpful to anyone. But if i ever decide it would be helpful, such as in terms of releasing shame, i will use clear content warnings and only share in a very vague way
Last updated: 2nd July 2024
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kayodekolade · 3 months
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There is no tomorrow
Dear High Performer,
Start your week powerfully with this week’s edition of Sunday Soar🦅 -
🙏What I’m grateful for,
📕The lesson I learned last week,
👀And what I’m looking forward to this week.
⏩Please forward this along to your friends.
🙏What I’m grateful for
Have you ever heard of the term, ‘inflection point?’
I came across it last year when I saw the show, Pantheon.
If you’re a sucker for sci-fi like me, then you need to see it.
An inflection point is a turning point.
A point of significant change and transformation.
If you’re curious about how giving can transform your life…
Then you definitely need to read my latest blog post on the transformative power of giving.
Click here 👇
Lesson I learned last week
It’s the middle of the year and what’s going through my head is…
That famous line by Apollo Creed in Rocky III.
“There is no tomorrow.”
Concerning those goals we want to achieve, it’s helpful for us to remember…
“Yesterday is in the tomb. Tomorrow is in the womb…
The only place we’ll ever be is today.” – Mike Murdock
In this special Masterclass, you’ll be supercharged with…
8 reasons why you need to overcome perfection paralysis, just do it and take today.
Watch the video 👇
What I’m looking forward to
Tomorrow, Monday, July 1st by 6pm WAT, I’m hosting…
A special 1st day of the month breakthrough session.
In that session we will look at strategic insights that will help you…
Achieve more while working less.
This is your opportunity to transform your results in the 2nd half of 2024.
Click 👇 to reserve your spot.
Do me a favor and copy this link https://bit.ly/breakthroughmonthly
And send it to a friend as a special invitation.
The 7-Figure Pitch Seminar is coming up next month. Can’t wait to see you there at this year’s edition. More details coming soon.
Thank you so much for reading this week’s edition of Sunday Soar.
I would love to hear from you.
Please drop a comment.
Have a great week.
Much love to you and yours.
Your Coach.
#dearhighperformer #sundaysoar #mondaymotivation #thereisnotomorrow
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tera-91 · 3 months
Mid-June Rant
Im not sure when Ill post this.
July 2nd is when 2024 will be half way over. Even though as I start to write this post it is only June 1st. It feels like Ive spent half of the year already. Like Ive wasted half of the year.
Or rather I cant shake off the last half. When 2024 began I felt like it was Spring oddly enough. Like a new beginning. The first quarter went by and I kept doing the same thing over and over again. Then April hit and I decided to turn my world as I knew it upside down.
Wow that sounds dramatic.
Not really.
Just that I needed to make a change.
My first thought was to go back to school. To do something that I could make what I was in a week in a day. In reality it would probably take me a couple of days. Which wouldn’t be bad. I would more than double my income. The only problem would be that it will take me about 3 and a half years to get there.
That is quite a while to stay at a job that, deep down, I wasn’t happy. I get that it cant be great all the time. But everyday. I would go into work, either pissed off that I was there. That I felt like I was wasting my time. And if I wasn’t mad, or frustrated. I certainly was watching the clock and ready to walk out of the door.
The manager that was directly my boss I guess, was a inconsiderate jackass. But the other one I feel so much respect for. This manager wants to see if things can be talked out with the other manager. But even if that’s the case I feel like that one is such a vindictive tyrant. I don’t want to work for them. I just don’t know how to tell the other manager. Theres nothing else I can do. Nothing else I want to do.
I feel like I need to make a change.
But I have no one to talk it out with.
My friends say that I should take a break. My family is just wishy washy. I should do what I want. I wish I could talk to my dad. I feel like he could understand my brain better. The only other person that gets it is my sibling. Although we got different versions of neuro-spiciness. My sibling has quite a different choice of words for that manager though… I would rather not repeat.
Im not sure how many times Ill tell myself that I need to take a break. To make a change before I actually believe it. Or rather before I actually do something about it.
Im not sure how many days its been since I wrote any of the previous stuff. Ive been doing a bunch of little things.
I feel like Im less stressed, I looked in the mirror the other day and realized, my shoulders were more relaxed.
Ive gotten a few things done. I got at least 3 videos made. I edited audio on another to come out hopefully soon. Ive written a little more.
Im exploring more.
Once I finish writing this Im going to tackle some things again. Try to get more done in my Roman story series. I hadn’t planned on making it a series but I ended up starting 4 stories with Roman for some reason, I don’t feel like I connect a whole lot with his character in comparison to Virgil. Then one day I was out with my pups and a thread appeared in my head. Connecting these 4 stories but I will have to make an additional one to make a 5 story series.
If youre interested in that, hopefully I wont make you wait too long for it. Im just struggling slightly as when I started the first one it was going to end differently so Ive been trying to add and shift things as I go.
I think I have a little bit of a block going, not necessarily in coming up with the story but to actually sit and write it. My brain is struggling to figure out which to tackle first.
Do I write? I have a bunch of different things that I need to write.
Do I record? I’m having a bit of an issue with my voice at the moment but I can at least prepare things to record.
Then there is the issue of income. I know logically at the moment I am lucky enough to have the option to step away from my source of income due to issues. But it is going to be a problem, I just don’t know how soon now. I have a medical thing going on that I will need to spend a not so small amount of money on which was not an issue prior to when I decided to take this path.
So I do think of that. Once that is hopefully taken care of in the real short future I will be able to tackle two things that I have a potential to get income in. Do I set up a patreon? It would be something to potentially help right now. I have applied for several jobs and have had at least 1 interview so far.
Part of me feels silly for thinking this. I mean I did decide to do a thing and this is the consequence of taking that action. But at the same time, I don’t regret making that decision.
Ill try to write the Roman stories but if that doesn’t seem to work I think I will try to get a little editing done.
Right so a few days later and I’m still in job limbo apparently. Certain things happened in recent days. Didn’t get any of the Roman stories done yet.
Going to work on that and everything else that I need to work on.
I just need to do stuff as I have time. It doesn’t matter if I know I only have 5 minutes or if I jump on it and only get to spend that amount of time on it.
Off to make a list of things that I need to get done. Maybe if I have a visual representation of what is on my mind it will help.
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pythonmelon · 5 months
I've self determined to start finishing and releasing some smaller projects ang setting more deadlines so the next projects up for completion are:
Vics Big Little Burger Guide Fuck or Die, a one on one ttrpg The Mini Vegan Halloween Cookbook The Macon Halloween Festival The Last White Elk
These don't have set dates but what DOES are:
The BATS! Zine, intended completion by July 2024
Retraux: The Genre Savvy RPG 2nd edition for October 2024
A Bent Neck cyoa game for Halloween 2024
And a speed dating sim for Valentines 2025
Of course this is all subject to change but these are the current plans
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whileiamdying · 7 months
Jalilvand’s “Beyond the Wall” wins big at Iranian Film Festival New York
February 3, 2024 - 17:59
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TEHRAN-The winners of the 2nd Iranian Film Festival New York (IrFFNY) were announced on the last day of the festival, which was held from January 25 to February 2.
This year’s edition of the festival presented a selection of acclaimed and award-winning films from one of the world’s most vital and distinguished national cinemas. From the total of 20 feature and short films presented at the event, five titles won the festival awards, ILNA reported.
“Beyond the Wall” written and directed by Vahid Jalilvand was the big winner of the festival as it won the Special Jury Award and also shared the Audience Award with “Subtraction” by Mani Haghighi.
The third and latest film by Jalilvand, “Beyond the Wall” is about a blind man named Ali who attempts suicide, but is interrupted by his building concierge; he then tells Ali about an escaped woman, named Leila, who is hidden in the building. Ali becomes determined to help Leila.
The film stars Navid Mohammadzadeh and Amir Aghaei, who both worked with Jalilvand in his previous film “No Date, No Signature,” which won the Orizzonti Award for Best Actor and Director at the 74th Venice Film Festival. The other members of the cast include Diana Habibi, Saeed Dakh, Danial Kheirikhah, and Alireza Kamali.
“Beyond the Wall” had earlier received several nominations at the 79th Venice International Festival and Asia Pacific Screen Awards.
The other movie that won the Audience Award, “Subtraction,” happens in downtown Tehran where Farzaneh, a young driving instructor, spots her husband, Jalal, walking into a woman’s apartment. When she confronts him, Jalal claims he was out of town for work. He decides to check out the building for himself. There, he meets a woman who is the spitting image of Farzaneh. Her name is Bita. Stunned, the two compare family photos: Bita’s husband also looks identical to Jalal.
Navid Mohammadzadeh, Taraneh Alidoosti, Ali Bagheri, Saeed Changizian, and Gilda Vishki are in the cast among others.
The Best Film Award went to “Empty Nets” by Behrooz Karamizade. An Iran-Germany co-production, it tells the story of Amir and Narges, who have found genuine love in their coastal hometown near the Caspian Sea. However, to gain the approval of Narges' wealthy family, Amir requires a significant amount of money urgently. Faced with limited options, he secures a job at a nearby fishery, embarking on a perilous yet profitable venture involving the illicit smuggling of black-market caviar.
Hamidreza Abbasi and Sadaf Asgari play the main roles in the film that won the special jury award at the 57th Karlovy Vary International Film Festival in Czech last July.
“A Childless Village” by Reza Jamali received the Artistic or Technical Achievement Award. As suggested by the title, the funny film-in-film comedy is about a small rural village, where no children have been born for a while and all the men assume that it is the fault of the women. 
Two decades ago, old filmmaker Kazem came to this remote rural village to make a documentary about the barrenness of the village women. But the village women wanted to protect their dignity, so they stole and burnt the footage.
By today, the villagers have found out that the men are sterile and there is nothing wrong with the women. With the help of his assistant, Kazem tries to record some interviews with the infertile men to unfold the truth in a new movie, but this turns out in many ways to be a Mission: Impossible.
The Best Short Film Award was given to “Nietzschean Suicide” written and directed by Payam Kurdistani. 
A suicide pharmacy owner tries to delay the suicide of the only midwife in his city until after his pregnant wife gives birth. Out of his efforts comes a novel suicide method that can revive his customers’ will to live.
Sal Galofaro, Tabassom Ostad, and Rory O’Brien play in the 15-minute flick
The Iranian Film Festival New York aims to unite two strands of Iranian moviemaking – the classic art-house Iranian cinema beloved by cinephiles around the world and new cutting-edge works that showcase the adventurousness and daring nature of younger Iranian directors.
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champion-ion · 9 months
[Game of Dice] Character Rerun Guide
Every few months or so, we have a character rerun for a new character that released about 3 months or so prior to that rerun, along with a 2nd character. *Based on looking at Captain Dr. X's rerun last year in July 2023, it looks like it's about a year or so since original release for the 2nd character. But that could just be a guess on the one character, it doesn't seem to have any obvious reason for who the 2nd is.
This is a guide for how the rerun works for upgrading the returning characters.
This guide was made during the character rerun of Saint Violet and Beautiful Alice, due to myself already owning Beautiful Alice prior to this rerun, on January 7 - 10th, 2024.
Character Packages
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The packages available for purchase during a character rerun event. The first package provides the two characters in a selector and you can choose one of the two. The character appears at a random grade from 5* to 6P (with 6P being the least likely to appear [see image provided above]). The upgrade star piece package is for obtaining 1 star piece per package bought. An infinite number of this package can be bought but the cost adds up*. *See Upgrading Character for continued information.
Upgrading Character
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During the event, you can random refine the characters who are apart of the event (in this case, Saint Violet and Beautiful Alice). During the event, the random refine will guarantee it's just that character you're random refining instead of a different random character. (Outside the event, it goes back to regular random refine.) Random refine will only provide the same grade starting at 5Diamond or has a chance of going up to any grade that's above 5D (6* to 6Platinum) If you want a guarantee of going up, it requires the upgrade star which requires upgrade star pieces. (Read below.)
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The upgrade stars available in Craft that require upgrade star pieces (requires purchasing a package, seen in Character Packages). I'm gonna list the prices overall in USD for the 6P upgrade star only (as in my opinion, that is the only upgrade star you should ever get). Saint Violet's 6P upgrade star requires 6 upgrade star pieces which is $180 (rounded up, before tax). Beautiful Alice's 6P upgrade star requires 5 upgrade star pieces which is $150 (rounded up, before tax). *I do not recommend doing this method for upgrading a character, due to the price. This is just my opinion, but I like to make sure people can save money.
Transcending Character
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*6P Space Pirate Anthony pictured for transcend due to my Beautiful Alice only being 6G. Transcending a character requires 500 topaz (during holo) for the first transcend (1k topaz outside holo). Every transcend 2nd and on for that character requires one (1) Transcendent Elixir per transcend. Chance of Growth appearing goes up each time you attempt a transcend. It's still kinda random chance.* - Example: I got Prince Ion to 6P+ a few months after his original release, and I got Captain Dr. X to 6P+ in 2 tries on his original release. It's a gamble. Attempting Growth for a character is available always when that character is at 6P, so do not worry if you don't get Growth that soon. *Due to an update (most likely due to a new law in South Korea, noticed around mid March 2024), percentage chances are now shown. For the character evolve, tapping View Buffs reveals all buffs available to the character as well as the percentage chances. (Edited June 12th, 2024)
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