#sunday soar
kayodekolade · 1 year
Dear High Performer,
Start your week powerfully with this week’s edition of Sunday Soar -
What I’m grateful for, the lesson I learned last week and what I’m looking forward to this week.
Please forward this along to your friends.
What I’m grateful for:
We made it to the month of April.
You and I are so lucky.
What are the odds that we would be alive right now?
Scratch that. What are the odds that we would even be born not to talk of being alive?
Some scientists have estimated that chance as somewhere in the realm of 400 trillion to 1.
400 trillion.
That’s a hundred thousand zeros on 4 billion.
If you could leap over 400 trillion hurdles to get born into this world,
Then what’s that thing that can stop you from being that high performer God has created you to be?
Seeing life as an opportunity and a precious gift;
A gift you did nothing to earn, could just be the motivation you need to make the most of the 2nd quarter of 2023.
Click the link below 👇 to watch the full video.
Lesson I learned last week
High performers are thankful.
The challenge though for high performers is not knowing the importance of gratitude;
It’s being grateful when the circumstances are contrary.
One of the things that triggers ingratitude is stress and fatigue.
Over the next 90 days one of your goals should be to keep your energy levels up...
So you can stay grateful and achieve those goals that really matter to you.
Do you want the juicy details to ‘Achieve Your Goals Faster through Gratitude?’
Of course, you do.
Click the link below 👇 to read the full article,
Goal Getting Masterclass on my blog.
(Bonus – Get your 90-day Action Plan template with the article.)
What I’m looking forward to
Last week I finished putting together the curriculum for THE 7-FIGURE PITCH masterclass -
Become the person who attracts premium clients in the marketplace and career space.
You know me by now that I only put together the best quality material for you...
Because you deserve the best and nothing less.
In about a week, you’ll get a sneak peek into this curriculum.
I can’t wait to hear what you think about it and for you to share your breakthroughs from using the insights.
I assure you; it’s loaded.
Talk more soon.
Thank you so much for reading this week’s edition of Sunday Soar.
I would love to hear from you.
Please drop a comment…
What are you grateful for?
What lesson did you learn recently?
What are you excited about in the new week?
Have a great week.
Much love to you and yours.
Your Coach,
#sundaysoar #sundaymotivation #gratitude #powerofgratitude #goalgetting
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vicsbasement · 8 months
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can't wait to soar (charlos, model!actor au)
chapter 1 - something we can build
chapter 2 - hey i'm just like you (a little messed up and blue)
chapter 3 - we could be so good
chapter 4 - a wandering heart
Charles didn’t cook, as Carlos would soon discover.
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soaringwide · 4 months
Okay I've finally made my intro video with a mix of random clips I filmed and some stock footage because those damn birds are hard to film with a phone...
I've spent so much time wondering about how to make this video. What to say. What story to tell. I ended up going for something simple because I think, as a person, I just prefer going to the heart of things. Maybe that's just the Swiss girl in me who hates blabbering purposelessly. Also hi here are some mountains i just had to.
Is it a good intro? probably not. but I think the tone is truthful and that's what I'm happy with right now.
Most people seeking tarot come from a place of difficulty, if not straight up struggle and pain, and I think it's important to be able to offer guidance in an empathetic and respectful; truthful but hopeful, way. Not to be overly positive to the point of feeding lies, but not needlessly harsh either.
This is what I aim to do here. To offer help and comfort, just the way I was offered so countless times. Because life is so chaotically, painfully beautiful, yet, it is also cruel and cold at time, and we all need a bit of support sometimes.
So if I can help someone find a simple nugget of hope, then I'm happy and content with what I do.
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magicalclown · 1 year
I don't know! But... I think it's the right thing to do.
Cure Sky being the hero she wants to be + Silly Kabaton bonus under the cut
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multiverseofmisfits · 2 months
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I almost forgot that it'll be tangerine's bday after a few days.
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fleetingtemper · 23 days
when you get lost
possessive unhealthy behaviors! heavily implied yandere
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you were only supposed to be gone for a few hours, doing shopping around the dreamscape. of course, sunday would be damned if he didn’t assign designated oak family agents to closely accompany you all day. you are, after all, mr. sunday’s precious darling.
but he could only blame the incompetence of these agents for losing you. he will have to punish their families quite severely, he thinks to himself. this could only be an act of treason, sunday reasons.
his wings twitch in annoyance.
“i suppose any good pet returns to their master after they’ve realized what an unforgiving world we live in,” he muses
and would he be the head of the oak family if he wasn’t always correct?
there you were, shivering in his doorway, dripping like a wet puppy.
poor (y/n), he thinks. how likely of you to be entranced by street performers and wander off like a child. stars fill your eyes, struggling to take in all the gleaming lights. you are enchanted by these sights for quite some time, until you realize you are lost.
suddenly, the world wasn’t quite as beautiful.
you shakingly walk over to sunday, looking up at him through tear soaked lashes. he tsks before brushing your hair out of your face.
“my dear, how ever did you get lost?” his gloved hand caresses your hair. “i’m afraid i’ve been so careless with you,” how could he let you, a poor, stupid thing, leave his sights again?
“you worry me too much, my dear”
“i’m sorry—“
he pressed a finger to your lips
“as the head of the oak family, i must protect all of my citizens. including you.”
“you best not leave the estate at all.”
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when jingyuan is informed of you never returning from your outing, he abandons the stacks of paper work at hand. he truly wonders if you just enjoy the punishment at this point.
you had fallen asleep at the base of a tree after a long day of entertaining friends and family. you just needed a break.
deep into your slumber, you felt a raindrop hit your face. groggily, you open your eyes to finally see rain puttering down upon your head. you curse silently before a loud clap of thunder surprises you. however, the thunder was quickly drowned out by the sound of hundreds of armor clanking towards you.
you rub your eyes, only to finally see yourself suddenly surrounded by cloud knights. your stomach drops. how long had you been asleep, you wonder anxiously.
oh no, jingyuan will be—
speak of the devil.
the cloud knights part to make way for the general himself.
the thunder crashing and downpour don’t feel as threatening now that he had shown up. and of course, with the lion.
he silently picks you up bridal style, and you do not dare fight it. you only just recovered your legs recently, after all.
“may i suggest that you take a nap in my sights next time?” ah, but he didn’t really mean that there would ever be a next time.
“yes, general.” you mumble
he gently, but firmly, takes your chin. “you need not maintain formalities, my love,”
“however, as your general, i do not wish to have to imprison you for high treason.”
your eyes widened. high treason?
he lowers his head until his lips are against your ears. “you are my spouse and it is your duty to be as such”
“you cannot absolve yourself of this duty for as long as the mara-struck live.”
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venti knew you were lost.
there was nowhere in mondstadt where you could ever wander off to where he wouldn’t know your every move. he admired your furrowed brow and how you chewed anxiously on your bottom lip. you were lost, indeed.
oh dear, it seemed as if you were about to walk through an area notoriously frequented by hilichurls and slimes. he thinks to himself that you’ll just have to learn your lesson.
he watches as the hilichurls take notice of you and alert the others.
he only watches as he watches one notch an arrow and lets it soar, narrowly missing, yet scraping your leg.
you yelp out in pain and he almost gets the urge to help you.
but maybe in a little while.
the anemo archon is amused by how you fumble to grasp your sword imbued with your (element) vision. he makes a face, revolted by the reminder of how one of his fellow seven had blessed you, his darling, with their power before he did.
finally grasping your sword, you swing at the hilichurls charging at you, knocking down a few. the pain in your leg makes it hard to fight but archons, you couldn’t afford to lose.
you stifle back groans as clubs bash against your unarmored back. you feel your head spinning from hours of dehydration and hunger.you swung violently at the monsters, not realizing the commotion your fight was causing.
how did that eye of the storm get there?
when you thought you had finished off the monsters, you felt a strong gust of wind knock you down. dirt and debris swirl around you, filling your lungs. you cough violently, eyes filled with fear at the storm in front of you. no way, you internally scream.
you reach for your sword but it is blown out of your weak grip several feet away. fuck, you had no option other than to crawl away.
just as you thought you were finished, an anemo imbued arrow soars past your head and right into the storm, dissipating it. you whip your head around to see venti, the drunkard bard you had befriended.
“are you alright, (y/n)?” he gazes at you worriedly. tears fill your eyes as you throw your arms around the bard, knocking him back onto the grass.
“t-thank you venti,” you hiccup, burying your head into his shoulder.
he rubs your bruised shoulder soothingly. blood stains his hands and he resists the temptation to taste you. how naive, he thinks.
to think you were so badly spooked by a little wind,
he couldn’t wait to see your reaction to dvalin.
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sayruq · 6 months
In a statement issued Sunday, Euro-Med Monitor stated that its field team is recording nearly daily deaths among the elderly due to Israel’s systematic and pervasive crimes of starvation and treatment deprivation in the Gaza Strip, especially in Gaza City and the Strip’s northern regions. The majority of these cases do not reach hospitals, which are only partially operational in northern Gaza because of the difficulty of access given the ongoing Israeli military attacks. Consequently, after dying at home, the elderly are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries.
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starsinthesky5 · 26 days
you belong with me (mini fic): hotel room || joe burrow x reader
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description: sometimes the need to feel each other is just too strong to resist
a/n: SURPRISE! a little bitty standalone type fic before we get to the angstiest fic I've ever writtennnnnn ;) horny hour came to WORK in this fic...
also woah? two fics from me in 1 weekend? and I wrote this in a day? what. so if this is trash, boring, or me yapping, that’s because I wrote this within the last few hours and im sleepy 😋 this was inspired by 2 requests! thank you, you know who you are💗💗
anyway, go check out the one if you haven't!
word count: 5.9 k
warnings: smut (there’s thigh riding in this one 😜), language
you belong with me series masterlist
"Oh, fuck," Joe whispered to himself as he opened the photos that you just sent him from your hotel room, the need to see you growing just like the tent in his pants as his hormones started to soar.
You both were away in Kansas City for the weekend ahead of the highly anticipated AFC championship game between the Bengals and the Chiefs on Sunday night. Joe had flown to Kansas City with the team as usual while he chartered a private plane for you that was a few hours behind him and he made sure that he booked you a hotel room specifically at the hotel that the team was staying at. He felt comfort in knowing that you were safe and close to him--you were just 8 floors beneath him--since you came to KC alone since his parents would be flying in early tomorrow morning.
Since you technically weren't allowed to see Joe and didn't want to go out in the City all alone, you found yourself absolutely bored out of your mind, not being able to find any entertainment or way to pass the time all alone. You found yourself like this a few weeks ago as well, the night before the first playoff game of the post-season, and remembered what you did to cure your boredom and entertain yourself and Joe.
Spicy Photos.
He loved them the first time so you knew he'd love them just as much this time. Maybe it could even become a 'night before a game' tradition?
So then, you found yourself half naked--only clad in a skimpy, lacy purple lingerie bra & pantie set--seated in front of the large body mirror and tapping away on your camera as you changed up your poses to show off the parts of your body that Joe was obsessed with (your thighs, your breasts, your ass, the crook of your neck where he liked to mark his territory).
Joe got your photos a few moments ago, and he was losing his mind. Especially because you were so close to him right now, close enough for him to see you. Or was he close enough for you to see him?
"Fuck, Y/N," he whispered again as the growing erection in his purple shorts was becoming more and more visible. He needed to see you so badly, he couldn't control himself. Not when you were this close to him. Last time, he was a whole half hour away so he was mostly okay, but this time...this time it was a different story.
Joe opened his camera and snapped a photo of the tent in his pants, a cheeky grin on his face as he went back to your chat and responded to your photos.
Joe: i miss youuuuu
You: i miss youuuuu too, if you couldn't already tell by the photos ;)
He then attached the photo of the tent in his pants, typed up a silly caption, and sent it to you, wishing he could see your reaction in person.
Joe: image 📸
he misses you too 😋
Your eyes widened as you opened the photo and saw what he had just sent you, the silly caption that he typed with it making you bust out laughing.
"There is no fucking way," you laughed to yourself as you flipped onto your stomach and laughed even harder into the pillow as you imagined Joe taking that photo and typing up that stupidly adorable caption.
"I can't believe he just sent me that photo," you smiled to yourself, still not quite used to this part of your relationship. How could Joe be so sexy and adorably silly at be the same time? You went back to the texts and quickly typed something up to make sure he didn't think you left him hanging, playing along with his silliness.
You: i miss him too 😪
Joe raised an eyebrow at your sudden straightforwardness but was amused that you were playing along with him.
Joe: you and that damn purple lingerie are reallyyyy doing something to me
He scrolled back up to the photos you sent him, tapping on one that showed off your beautiful smile but also gave him a good view of your perfect breasts. "Fuckk," he shakily breathed out while throwing his head back onto the pillow as he placed his hand on the tent in his pants, the pressure that was building becoming too much for him.
Joe was obsessed with your chest. Whether it was laying on it after a tiring workout while you played with his hair or it was him leaving little love bites along your nipple while he was sending you straight to heaven with each thrust, that was his favorite place to be.
He needed to feel your lips on him again, he needed to feel your fingers scratching down his back, and he needed to feel you.
He needed to see you right now.
Joe quickly went back to the chat, this time hitting the Facetime button instead of texting you. You immediately picked up, a grin growing on your face as you saw his adorable flushed cheeks.
"You're needy tonight," you giggled.
"I need to see you," he said while running his fingers through his hair and moving his curls back. "Like really bad. I can't do this,".
"Joe, you know I can't," you said as you sat up on the bed, his eyes falling down as your body came into the frame. You weren't in the lingerie anymore, but you were wearing a slinky tank top which showed off your beautiful breasts.
"Baby, please," he pleaded. "I can't,".
"If I get caught on your floor, it'll be hell for both of us. Probably me more than you since you're the star of the show and they can't really do anything because it'll hurt everything," you said while moving your hair back.
"Nobody will give you hell, you're my girlfriend. Everyone knows that now," he smiled.
"I know, but being your girlfriend doesn't give me a free pass to bend the rules that every NFL team has to follow," you sighed.
You wanted to see him so bad, but you were scared that you'd get caught and didn't even want to think about what the consequences would be. They had NFL players stay at a hotel the night before a game for a reason--home or away--and it was to prevent any and all distractions and to prevent them from partaking in activities that would release the energy they needed for game day. You both were already pushing it when Joe booked you a room in the same hotel he was staying at, the Bengals Travel Coordinators were not super happy about it, but Joe being Joe somehow convinced them to let it slide just this once.
"Do you have the Mascot suit on you by any chance?" he giggled, referring to the first time you joked about sneaking into his room by trying to pass as the mascot.
"Damn, I think I left it in my other suitcase," you pouted, a soft chuckle coming from his mouth in return.
Although he was laughing with you, he was still serious as hell about getting you in his room one way or another.
"Y/N," he said, turning serious again. "Please. I just need to see you for a little. I'll make sure you won't get caught,".
"And how will you do that?" you asked him, part of you wanting to hear him out.
"You can't come up the elevator because we have staff guarding the it up here so that nobody can come up here other than Bengals personnel, but there are stairs that connect every floor and my room is just 3 doors down from the stairs on this floor. I know that they make the rounds around my hall and the hall on the other side so you'll just have to wait for them to turn the other way," he explained.
"Why does this sound easier than I thought? Was this all I had to do to see him?" you thought, contemplating what you should do.
You would be lying if you weren't as turned on as Joe was right now. That photo he sent you made think some things and feel some feelings but you ultimately came to the consensus that you needed him right now.
Your brain was fogging up with thoughts of Joe. Thoughts of his lips pressed against yours, his hands massaging your plush skin, the dirty sounds of pleasure leaving his lips, the mere sight of him on the brink of coming undone. He was the only thing you could think about right now. With the way your heart was pounding in your chest and the way the heat was slowly rising up your body, you were either two seconds away from passing out or two seconds away from saying something that would really set you both off.
"Please," he begged again, a gush of wetness pooling at your core because of his husky voice.
"Fuck it," you whispered, you needed Joe. "I’ll be there in a little bit," you said as you got up and hastily searched for your clothes.
Joe immediately sat up on the bed, a huge satisfied grin on his face as a thrill shot up his spine. "I love you," he smiled.
"I love you too much, that's why I'm doing this," you giggled as you placed your phone down on the dresser and quickly slipped on your flimsy sleep shorts and tank top. "I'll see you in a few, okay?" you said to him once you picked up the phone again.
"Be careful," he said before you gave him a quick nod and hung up, then placed your phone back onto the table so you could slide your Uggs on. You grabbed your room's keycard and took a deep breath before opening the door.
About 10 minutes later, you were slowly climbing up the stairs as you were hot, sweaty, and out of breath. "W-what the fuck," you sighed as you stopped to collect your breath. "I need to go to the gym more," you panted, rolling your eyes when you saw that you were only on floor 7 and still had 4 more to go and you already climbed up 4 flights of stairs.
"Only for Joe," you laughed as you continued up the stairs. You wouldn't be caught dead doing this for another man, but for Joe? Anything. You'd move planets for the person that you've been in love with for 9 years if he asked you to, and you had the comfort of knowing that he would do the exact same for you.
Another 10 minutes later, you finally made it to the 11th floor.
"Holy fuck," you said while wiping the thin layer of sweat off your forehead, quickly crouching down once you saw one of the Bengals staff members through the little window in the door. "Fuck," you whispered as you peeked your head up to see if they saw you or not, which they didn't.
"Any minute now," you whispered, waiting for them to turn around and go down the other hallway.
You watched carefully for about two minutes, getting impatient as they took their sweet time before you saw them turn around and start walking down to the other hallway.
"Finally," you whispered to yourself as you stood up and quietly twisted the door handle, carefully stepping out into the hallway before gently shutting the door behind you.
You slowly walked down the hallway, counting 3 doors down from the stairs but realizing Joe never told you which door 3 doors down was his room.
You reached for your phone to text him but were met with an empty pocket. A frustrated sigh leaves your lips when you realize you left your phone on the table.
"Ugh. Left or Right?" you whispered to yourself as you looked back and forth between the doors. "This is like a game of roulette," you soughed. You eventually chose the left door, accepting that if you were wrong you would quickly leave the floor with your tail between your legs and go back down 8 flights of stairs to your room.
"Okay," you breathed out before making your hand into a fist and knocking on the door, in an uber-specific pattern.
Two quick knocks, "Knock-Knock", matching the start of the chorus with a steady beat.
Pause for 1 second.
One slow Knock "Knock", reflects the continuation of the melody.
Pause for 1 second.
Two quick knocks, "Knock-knock", follows the rhythm as the chorus progresses.
Pause for 1 second.
Two quick knocks, "Knock-Knock", ends the pattern in sync with the final beats of the chorus.
It aligned with the Chorus of the song "Night Changes" by One Direction, a song you and Joe were obsessed with back at OSU. A song you made a special knocking sequence to for times you showed up at each other's rooms unannounced for whatever reason. You made this special sequence up because there were times you didn't want to see other or hang out with other people, but you always wanted to see each other no matter the circumstance. This knocking sequence always let you both know who was at the door.
"Hm, that's ironic," you giggled as you remembered the Chorus of the song.
"We're only getting older baby and I been thinking about it lately, Does it ever drive you crazy just how fast the night changes, Everything that you've ever dreamed of, Disappearing when you wake up, But there's nothing to be afraid of even when the night changes, It will never change me and you,".
It did drive you crazy just how fast the night changed for you and Joe. Everything around you changed in the past 9 years--your ages, your careers, your lifestyles, your relationships--but the one thing that never changed was you and Joe.
And that was the one thing that was never going to change.
While you were lost in thought, you felt the door open as a whiff of air hit your face, your precious 6’4 boyfriend standing right in front of you.
"Oh thank god," you said, letting out a relieved sigh before you felt Joe grab your hand and yank you into the room, quickly closing the door before he leaned down and smashed his lips against yours. You were a bit taken aback by the intensity of the kiss, but it only took you 5 seconds to melt in Joe’s arms and lose your cool. His hands were firmly placed on your waist, the pads of his fingers massaging the soft skin of your hips, as he backed you both up to the couch across the room.
He felt the back of his knees hit the couch before he pulled away from the kiss and plopped down, spreading his legs extremely wide as he patted his lap for you to sit down. "Come here," he smirked, you gave him a quick nod before placing a knee on either side of his thighs and sitting down in his comfortable lap, the hardness underneath you making your hormones take over.
You cupped his face with your hands and pulled his face closer to yours, capturing his perfectly pink lips in another kiss. His hands landed on your waistline again, "Mm, I haven't heard that knock in years," he said in between the kiss.
"I had to let you know it was me," you whispered as you slid your lips to the corner of his mouth, peppering wet kisses up his jaw as his hands slid underneath the flimsy fabric of your tank top.
"I missed you," he rasped as you felt his other hand land on the back of your head, pulling you right back to his lips.
His hand then moved to the straps of your tank top, slowly pulling one down as he pulled away and moved his lips to your collarbone.
"Joe," you quietly moaned as you tilted your head to the side, exposing more of your neck for him to worship. You felt him attach his lips to his favorite spot on your neck, rhythmically sucking and biting the skin as he marked his territory--a special reminder to those who didn't know who you belonged to.
"Baby," you breathed out, grabbing his head by his hair and pulling him back up to your lips, your noses bumping into each other as your tongues tangled in each other's mouths. It was driving you insane, the more his hands moved around your body the more desperate to feel him everywhere you got. You wanted him to rip your clothes off and have you right then and there, but you were playing a risky game. If anyone walked past his door, they would 100% hear you two going at it.
His hands dropped down to your ass, kneading the flesh with his large veiny hands as he began to rock you back and forth in his lap. You instantly pulled away, taking note of how his big blue eyes were screaming 'fuck me' at you right now.
"Joe, we can't," you breathlessly said, his movements not stopping at your hesitance.
You feel him grab your waist again, scooching you over so that you are now straddling one of his thick, muscular thighs and not his lap. "Yes, we can," he whispered in your ear, heat pooling in your stomach as you feel his large thigh against your aching clit.
Joe continues to slowly rock you back and forth against his thigh, a tingling sensation all over your body as your clothed clit rubbed against his thigh; the flimsy fabric of your shorts practically had you bare against his leg. You leaned your head back as you let out a moan that was a little louder than you both preferred.
"Fuck," you whined at the stimulation his thigh was giving you. Joe lifted one of his hands to cover your mouth, "Shh, baby. Another one of those and this will be over a lot faster than we want, and it won't have a nice ending either," he warned as you looked back down at him.
You gave him a nod as you continued to move back and forth against his thigh, his purple shorts riding further and further up his leg because of your movements. The wetness from your core was seeping out of your underwear, and your rocking hips were spreading it along his thigh.
God, you loved his thighs. They were so thick and muscular and the perfect seat. Whenever you saw photos of Joe doing his typical man-spread, you lost it. The thighs were always the highlight of the show, not his face, not his arms, his thighs.
"That's it, baby," he said while guiding you back and forth, somehow enjoying this even more than you were even though he was receiving no stimulation from this.
"Joe," you whimpered, his big hand muffling your moan, feeling him bounce his leg underneath you which made your moans come out in short gasps. "J- Joe," you moaned again, your belly fluttering at the new movement.
You lifted your hand and moved his hand off your mouth, then leaned in and captured his lips in another kiss to hopefully stifle your moans.
Joe was taking part in a mental battle right now, trying to fight off the urge to take you to the bed in front of him and fuck you into oblivion. He needed to feel you more than he already was, but if he did you both would get caught very quickly.
Suddenly, an idea popped into his head that could solve your problems--the shower.
Nobody would be able to hear you both in the bathroom, especially with the running water.
He decided to hold off on that for a few minutes, allowing you to continue to do what you needed to feel your rapidly building high. He pulled away from the kiss again, lifting your head with his hand, "Look at me, Y/N," he whispered. His thumb stroked your bottom lip as he looked intensely into your glossy eyes, "Keep going," he encouraged, your movements getting faster against his thigh.
"Joe, I'm so close," you quietly whimpered, your clit pressed firmly against his thigh as the band in your belly tightened. You ran your hands up his arms, then gripped his shoulders as you continued to ride his thigh, your body starting to tremble on top of him as his cock grew harder at the feeling of wetness spreading along his leg.
"That's it, that's my fucking girl...you're so fucking sexy riding me like this," he whispered in your ear, his hands wandering along your body again as he pressed a kiss to your ear before lightly biting your earlobe. “Come for me, come on my thigh,” he whispered.
"Joe," you moaned loudly, dropping your head to the crook of his neck as you picked up the pace, your pleasure just a few seconds away. There was truly no place you'd rather be right now than the comfortable embrace of Joe's arms. This was your home. He was your home.
You bit down on the tan skin of his neck to stifle your moan, knowing that this one would be particularly loud as you let yourself go. "Mmph, Joe," you moaned as you felt the band in your tummy snap, your core gushing with wetness as most of it seeped out onto his leg.
"Fuck, Y/N," Joe breathed out, feeling a cool moisture pooling on his thigh as you quivered above him. "Baby, I need you," he whispered in your ear, your face coming back up from the crook of his neck.
"Joe, I- I told you, we c- can't," you choked out, aftershocks of your high washing over you.
"We can in there," he said as he motioned to the bathroom with his head.
All the hesitance and apprehension left your head about 4 minutes ago, so you honestly could not care less about what would unfold once you got in the bathroom. You didn't care if you got caught, as risky as that sounded. "Okay," you nodded, Joe immediately got up from the couch with you in his lap, his hands firmly placed on your ass as you wrapped your legs around him. You rested your cheek against his chest, whispering "I love you" to him in which he pressed a loving kiss to your forehead in return.
A few minutes later, you were in the bathroom, completely bare as the hot water of the shower was falling around you. You were pressed up against the cool glass of the shower door as Joe was spending some more time around your neck, especially at his favorite spot.
Your fingers played with his wet curls as you used them to pull his face back up to yours so that you could kiss him again. "We have to be quick," you mumbled in between the kiss. "I have to get out of here before lights out,".
"Okay," Joe nodded, his hands reaching down to cup your ass, hoisting you up as you wrapped your legs around his thick body. "Fuck, I needed this," he sighed as he looked deeply into your eyes again. "I needed you,".
"Well, it's a good thing I'm here then," you smirked before pulling him back for another kiss, this one way messier and needier than the others.
After another minute of attacking each other's swollen lips, Joe lined his rock-hard cock with your already-soaked core, thrusting all the way inside as you let out a loud moan and threw your head back against the glass.
"Ah, Joe," you hissed, the feeling of him filling you up all the way still new even though you'd done this quite a few times since December.
"Fuck, Y/N," Joe groaned as he felt your walls wrap around his thick shaft, his hips snapping into yours after a few seconds of getting comfortable.
"Oh my god," you cried out after you felt his cock grazing your g-spot, your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
"Yeah? You like that?" Joe panted in your ear after giving you another hard thrust which made him hit the spot.
"Yeah," you whimpered, his cock continuing to slam into your cervix, making you re-think your entire existence. The way he was going about this was driven by pure lust, love, and need. This was exactly what he needed right now, and you were giving it to him with open arms; and open legs.
You were the most addictive thing on this earth, he could never stay away from you and if he tried, he'd have withdrawals. For example, if you didn't sneak into his room, he would've had all this pent-up energy inside of him that would most likely turn into anxiety for tomorrow's game. But it wasn't, thanks to you.
For most, this would be a distraction. But for Joe, this was the best way to relax. The perfect way to collect himself, he just needed to be with you. You always made him lose his worries, lose his nerves, and make him calm down. You were exactly what he needed.
And you almost said 'No' to coming up to his room, pathetic.
A few minutes later, Joe leaned back a little and leaned down, sucking your nipple into his mouth as he rhythmically rolled his hips into yours, making sure that he touched every spot on your body that he loved.
"Don't stop, Joe. Don't ever stop," you cried out, feeling your second high building in your stomach as he continued to pound into you. You ran your nails along his back, lightly digging into the skin while Joe hissed around your breast at the burning sensation he was feeling.
After a few moments of showing your perfect breasts some love, he moved back up to your face, "Y/N, you feel so good," he moaned.
The sights and sounds of his flushed cheeks, tousled & wet curls, and open-mouthed moans drove you insane.
You felt your legs starting to burn from the rough thrusts of his cock, also because of what transpired on the couch earlier. "Babe, I'm close," you panted as you gripped his broad shoulders.
"Hang on for me," he softly whined, picking up the pace of his deep thrusts which sent you straight over the edge, your walls tightening around his veiny cock.
"Oh my fucking-," you moaned before you felt the tip of his cock hit a spot he hadn't hit before, causing your orgasm to rip through your body like a strike of lightning. "Joe!" you screamed as you grabbed his wet curls and tightly pulled on them.
"Y/N," Joe panted as he dropped his head to the crook of your neck, your walls convulsing around his twitching cock. "Fuck, I'm," he choked out, his orgasm begging to be released.
"I know, I know," you soothed as you rubbed his back while coming down from your high. "I'm here," you said while kissing his reddened cheek. "I'm right here,"
A few more thrusts later, you felt him let go as your walls were coated with warm spurts of his cum, Joe continuing to whimper and moan into your ear as he felt his high come over him. "F- Fuck, you're incredible,".
"I love you," he panted, trying to catch his breath as he gently let go of your legs and set you back on the ground, your knees buckling as you fell right into him. "Woah, I got you," he smiled as he wrapped his arms around you.
"I love you," you giggled as you clung onto him, the hot water falling on both of you making you feel even more refreshed than your previous orgasms.
About 10 minutes later, you both dried each other off and made it out of the shower. You slipped your clothes back on before brushing your wet hair in the mirror while Joe changed into a fresh pair of shorts behind you, your eyes widening at the red scratches on his back.
"Oh, shit," you gasped as you flipped around to look at his back. "I'm sorry,".
"No need to say sorry, princess," he smiled. "I like it when you leave a mark," he winked.
"But the guys are probably going to give you shit for it," you frowned. "They'll see that those are fresh and figure it out,".
"If the guys find out, they'll be too busy bitchin' about how it's not fair for them to not be able to see their girls before a game to care that you broke about a dozen league rules," he laughed. "Besides," he added as he placed his hands on your waist and flipped you around so that you were facing the mirror again. "I left plenty of marks on you," he said while resting his chin on your shoulder and moving your wet hair to the back to show off your neck, a prominent purple love bite on your neck with a few small, faint ones scattered around it.
"Good thing I brought extra concealer," you giggled as you felt Joe pepper kisses along your neck.
"Mhmm," he hummed as he looked back up and met your tired eyes in the mirror. "I still can't believe you actually snuck up here. We should do this more often next season,".
"Woahhh, slow down, Burrow. I had to climb 8 flights of stairs to get up here. My legs are about to snap in half and I have 8 more flights to go down to go back to my room. This is def a once in a once-in-a-blue-moon deal," you nodded. "Stairs are not my thing,".
"Fine," he sighed, earning a pleased smile from you. "I'll be looking forward to the next time we get to repeat this little rendezvous, though,".
"I know you will," you winked before looking up at the clock, seeing that it was almost time for you to make your sneaky exit. "I should get going," you said as you flipped around in his hold.
"Okay," he nodded, tucking your wet hair behind your ear.
"I'll see you at the game tomorrow, okay?" you nodded.
"Yeah," Joe nodded again while giving you a soft look with his eyes.
"I want you to know that no matter what happens tomorrow night, I'm so proud of you, Joe. You've truly had one of the best years since you've been in the league and regardless of what goes down tomorrow, you did your best and went above and beyond. I love you so much and I'm so happy and proud of you," you smiled while you cupped his cheek and pulled his face down to press a kiss to the crown of his forehead.
"Thank you, Y/N. That really means a lot," he said while letting out a deep breath. "I love you. Thank you for being here," he said while leaning in for a sweet, purely innocent kiss.
"I'm always here," you said against his swollen lips after you pulled away.
After a few more minutes of saying goodbye to each other, you took a peek outside the hallway to see if the coast was clear; which it was.
You stepped outside into the hall, slowly and quietly inching towards the door to the stairs before you heard a familiar voice call your name behind you. "Y/N?" the deep voice spoke up.
"Fuck. Ja'marr," you whispered to yourself, instantly recognizing the voice and turning around.
"Y/N? What the hell are you doing up here?" he loudly said as he walked closer to you.
"I....uh....," you mumbled, not being able to come up with an excuse for why you were on this floor.
"Wait a second," he said as he looked at your wet hair, the purple spots on your neck which you clearly couldn't cover since your makeup was in your room, and your blissed-out facial expression and glow.
"Ain't no fuckin' way," he said, bursting out laughing as he realized he just caught you in a walk of shame. "No fucking wayyyy,".
"It's not what you think," you nervously shook your head.
While you were attempting to come up with an excuse, Joe opened his door because he heard a ruckus outside and decided to see what was going on, but he froze at the doorstep once he saw both you and Ja'marr look back at him.
"Oh my god," he said while laughing harder once he saw Joe's wet hair matching your wet hair. "You two seriously...right now...at the team hotel...oh my GOD," he said, his entire body shaking at how hard he was laughing.
"Ja'marr please don't tell anyone," you begged as you looked over at Joe.
"Joe, you do realize she probably just broke about a dozen rules by doing this, right?" Ja'marr asked while looking back at him.
"It was actually my idea," Joe said while scratching his neck, his cheeks turning red out of embarrassment.
"Man, why you so fuckin' horny lately?" Ja'marr shook his head, a laugh coming from your lips as you saw Joe's cheeks turn even more red. "I get you have a hot girlfriend and you're making up for 9 years worth of sex, blah, blah--not to be weird--but damn Joe, keep that shit in your pants till you get home," he lectured.
"Yeah, Joe. Keep it in your pants," you teased as you gave him a wink.
"Y/N, please. Spare me," Joe playfully rolled his eyes. "Maybe save the lingerie pics for when we get back home then,".
Your jaw fell open at his lack of filter considering you were with Ja'marr right now.
"Okayyy, I don't need to be a part of this conversation," he laughed. "Yall can have your lovers quarrel later. We have 5 minutes before lights out and the staff comes to check the rooms, Joe. So Y/N needs to get outta here or you're both fucked,".
"Well, I was just leaving until you stopped me," you huffed.
"Well, your secret is safe with me...for now," he grinned. "Yall owe me, remember that," he said while pointing at you two.
"You got it," you laughed as you gave him a salute. "I'm gonna go now," you said while looking back at Joe, a small smile on his lips as if he was enjoying this situation.
"Bye, Y/N," Ja'marr waved like a little kid.
"Bye, Ja'marr," you laughed before looking back at Joe.
"Bye, J. I love you and remember what I said earlier," you said while shooting him a loving smile.
"I love you too, and I will, " he smiled while giving you a small wave.
"Man, are yall still talking dirty right now? For real? 'Remember what I said earlier?' No. Joe don't need to remember whatever the fuck you whispered in his ear while going at it," Ja'marr said with a disgusted look on his face.
"That's not what I-...you know what? Never mind," you said while throwing your hands up and turning around to open the door to the staircase, a smile tugging at your lips as you heard Ja'marr and Joe laugh behind you while you closed the door behind you and slowly made your way down the stairs.
"Man, yall are really something," Ja'marr said when he walked back over to Joe's doorstep.
"What do you expect me to do," Joe shrugged. "I've been after her for 9 years. Let me have my fun with my girlfriend,".
"Have fun, but don't have too much fun," Ja'marr laughed as he patted Joe's shoulder and walked back to his room.
"That's considered too much fun? Please," Joe whispered to himself while turning around and going back into his room. "We're just getting started," he said with a content grin on his face.
--The End--
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roosterforme · 1 year
The Younger Kind Part 17 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You manage to help Bradley calm his nerves before his preliminary court appearance. Even just five minutes spent with you feels better than anything else. But when he sees Meredith again, the resentment and fear return. And he still can't help but dwell on why exactly she's so determined to get custody.
Warnings: Angst, fluff, swearing, and age gap (18+)
Length: 4400 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more!
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On Sunday night, when you were getting ready for bed, you dodged a phone call from Greyson. But a minute later your phone rang again, and this time it was Bradley. You answered it immediately. 
"Hi, Daddy."
Bradley's soft groan through the phone had you grinning. "Princess. I miss you, baby."
You flopped down onto your bed with the phone clutched to your ear. "Okay, Bradley. But you can't just say that right now when I can't even come over and see you."
He hummed into the phone, and you closed your eyes. You'd been there with him last night after Noah's party. You'd had his mouth on your body while he hummed just like that. But you wanted him around you all the time now that you had it in your mind that he could be yours for real if it weren't for Meredith. There could have been a label on this.
"When I manage to get the shit show that is my life sorted out, you can come over anytime you want," he promised. "You can have some playtime with Noah before he goes to bed, and then you can have a different kind of playtime with me." You could literally hear the smirk in his voice.
"Can I wear my crown for both kinds of playtime?"
Bradley sighed and said, "Absolutely. It's hanging on my bedpost, just waiting for you, Princess."
You closed your eyes and thought about how adorable Bradley looked when he had been wearing the green crown you and Noah had made for him. "How's Noah?" you asked softly. Because you truly missed both of them.
"He's fine. Asked for you all afternoon when I let him eat the ants on the logs you left for him."
Your heart soared and ached at the same time. "I wish I could come over tomorrow night and spend some time with him. With both of you."
Bradley was silent for a beat. "I talked to Tracy right before I called you."
"Your lawyer?" you asked, suddenly alert and worried. 
"Yeah," he replied, his voice raspy with frustration. "I'm scheduled for a preliminary court appearance on Wednesday afternoon."
You sucked in a deep breath and sat up and gripped your phone to your ear. "Bradley. Will Meredith be there? Does Noah have to go? Can I do anything? I can skip my classes." You could barely even breathe as you waited for his response. It was just a few more weeks until you graduated, and you were trying to end with top grades, but you'd skip if they needed you. 
"No, I don't even want you to worry about it, okay?" he asked. "I'm just telling you, because I want you to know what's going on. Penny is going to watch him for the afternoon, and I'm going to use some of my vacation time."
"Do you think things will be settled on Wednesday?" you asked, heart pounding at just the thought of Meredith being around Noah again. You ran your fingers down your arm which was mostly healed as you shuddered. 
"I'm hoping, Princess. Will you call me tomorrow night?"
By Tuesday evening, Bradley was a nervous wreck. After he put Noah in bed for the night, he called Tracy to go over a few last minute items. She was always very calm with him, but he had been assured that she could turn into a bulldog if the occasion called for it. 
"What else do I need to do before tomorrow afternoon?" Bradley asked. They would be the last hearing for the day, and he already had a plan in place for Penny to watch Noah so he wasn't late for daycare pickup.
"Just prepare yourself to see Meredith, and stay calm. I'll be with you the whole time," Tracy promised. But when Bradley ended the call, he paced around his house and out onto his back deck in the darkness. 
He had too much energy. He needed an outlet. All week long, when he started to get like this, he had cleaned his house. Now everything was spotless, almost like the nights when you had been over to watch Noah. The nights when he had gone out with women from the dating app.
"You're so fucking stupid," he told himself, walking back inside to the kitchen and locking the door. He could have been in a relationship with you for a month now if he had just stopped trying to deny the way he felt. He could have saved you the pain of having to listen to him lie to your face.
Bradley knew nothing else was going to make him feel the way you always did, so he grabbed his phone and called you.
"Hi," came your soft, breathy greeting, and he was already smiling. 
"Princess," he replied, taking a calming breath. "If you're busy studying, or you need to-"
"I'm not," you promised. "I was planning on calling you anyway. You okay? Ready for tomorrow?"
Bradley walked back to his bedroom and peeled his tee shirt and jeans off. "Yeah. A little nervous." He didn't need to elaborate more than that for you to understand, and your encouraging words were right there.
"You can do it, Daddy. You'll do it for Noah, because you love him so much, and he deserves to be with you." 
Bradley could feel the warmth of your words wash over him. He should have told you what was going on with Meredith from the start. 
"If I were there, I would help you relax," you added. "Ease your nerves for you."
"Oh yeah?" he grunted, settling on his back in bed. "How would you do that?" 
You laughed softly. "Remember how much you liked it when I went down on you on your living room couch, Daddy?"
Bradley closed his eyes and let his head sink into the pillow while he thought about your glossy lips wrapped around his cock. "Yeah, I remember. You gave me the best head of my life, and you broke my year long dry spell."
When you moaned his name, his cock twitched for you. "And you remember how relaxed you were when I was done with you?" 
Bradley pulled his briefs down so his cock was standing at attention. "I just remember being shocked as hell that my kid's hot babysitter called me Daddy and let me cum in her pretty mouth."
You giggled as Bradley started stroking himself. He put you on speakerphone and pulled up a photo of you. He was a mess for you, he really was. 
"You know what I love, Daddy?"
Bradley groaned and slid his hand down his length while he looked at the photo of you in your crown. "Tell me."
You sighed softly and said, "I love the way your cock feels on my tongue. Big and velvety soft. And so heavy." 
"God damn it, Princess," he moaned. Your voice really got to him, every single time. He could almost get hard for you when you were simply asking about his day, but when you were spewing out dirty talk like it was no big deal? He was fucking ready to go. 
He expected your voice to be tentative, but you sounded bold. "Are you touching yourself right now?" 
"Of course I am," he grunted. "You're talking about sucking me off."
"But I didn't even mention how much I loved burying my face against your skin and smelling you while I kissed your balls."
He kept stroking himself as he rasped, "If you're trying to get me off, it's working."
He could practically hear you smile as you whined, "Next time, just cum all over my face."
It was the picture of you in the crown that was really doing it for him, because he could imagine it so clearly: your tongue catching ribbons of his cum while you laughed and lounged back naked on his bed.
"You want me to make it messy?" he asked, panting harder as he jerked himself off. 
"I want it everywhere. Dripping off me."
"Fuck!" he cursed, and then his eyes were squeezed closed as he was coating his own abs with his cum and thinking about you licking it up. He was virtually sure you would if you were here and he asked you nicely. 
"Did you make a mess, Daddy?"
"Yes, baby. I really did."
"Next time, I'll clean you up with my tongue."
Bradley sighed as you told him you missed him and asked him to call as soon as he could tomorrow. You really had managed to help ease his stress, and you weren't even here. He couldn't help but think of how much better he would feel if you were. 
"Morning, bub," Bradley whispered as he scooped his son out of bed early on Wednesday morning. He held him close while Noah buried his face against his neck. "I'm taking you to see Penny for the day."
"I want my babysitter," Noah whined, and Bradley held him a little tighter. 
"Me too, bub. Hopefully one day soon she can be here a lot more often."
That seemed to make Noah perk up a bit as Bradley got him dressed. And then He held Noah on his lap while they both ate bowls of cereal. Bradley didn't want to let him go as his nervous energy about the court appearance returned. He just knew he was going to want to rage as soon as he laid eyes on Meredith. But he would have Tracy with him the whole time. He needed to remember he didn't have to do any of this alone. 
On the way to Penny's house, Bradley stopped at the coffee shop with Noah, and the barista started making both of his drinks right away. And then she made a fuss over how cute Noah was while Bradley used the sharpie to write the appropriate names on both cups. Then he drove to Penny's house, and he hustled Noah inside as quickly as he could. Because he saw that your car was still at your little house down the street. 
"Thanks, Penny. I can't tell you how much it means to me that you're willing to help me out right now."
Penny kissed Noah's cheeks and shot Bradley a surprised look. "I'm more than happy to help out anytime, Bradley. Honestly, Noah is so sweet, he reminds me of how Amelia was!"
Bradley just laughed and handed Penny a bag of some of Noah's things. "Well, regardless, I appreciate it. Especially this week."
Penny eyed him closely. "I know your usual sitter isn't available during the day. This is really no problem at all. Just call me later. And good luck today."
Bradley swallowed hard and ran his hand over his khaki uniform. "Thanks." Then he gave Noah one more kiss on the cheek.
He ran back out to the Bronco. Your car was still there. He quickly drove down the block, and when he parked in front of your house and grabbed the cup of coffee that said Princess with a little heart next to it, he saw your front door open. You were wearing your navy blue scrubs, and you had your tote bag of books, and Bradley's heart was pounding. 
When you looked up and saw him standing at the end of your sidewalk, your lips parted in surprise. "Bradley!" It was half laugh and half gasp, and you just dropped your bag and rushed toward him. He held your coffee out in his left hand as you collided with him, wrapping your arms around his neck. "What are you doing here?" you asked, kissing his cheek and his lips and his mustache.
"I missed you," he whispered, his voice deep and raspy as he held you close with his right arm. "A lot." He kissed you harder as you ran your fingers through his tidy hair, most definitely messing it up. But he didn't care one bit.
"Where's Noah?" you asked against his lips. Bradley smiled, because you always wanted to know where Noah was, you always wanted him to be safe.
"I just dropped him off with Penny."
Your cheek came to rest on his chest along with your palm. "You brought me my coffee?" When he hummed and handed it to you, your laughter made him smile. "Thank you, peasant."
"You're welcome, baby." You looked up at him, and he kissed your forehead before you took a sip. 
"Wait, why are you in your uniform? Are you wearing that to the hearing?" you asked, running your fingers along his pins and straightening out his nametag.
"I'm working until lunchtime," he replied, taking your hand in his. "Then I'll change into my suit to go meet Tracy."
You just nodded up at him. "You have nothing to worry about. And if for some reason things don't go your way today, Nat told me she has your back no matter what. She's actually a little scary?"
"She's very scary. I tried to tell you that when you met her."
You pressed your face against his uniform shirt and murmured, "When I met her, I thought she was your date, and I was jealous."
Bradley froze with his hands on your hips, and a smile found its way to his lips. "Really?"
"Yes, really," you told him, hiding your face close to his armpit and making him laugh. "I had a big crush on you, okay?" 
"I love that for me," he said, kissing the top of your head. "Princess, I need to leave, and you need to get to class."
When you looked up at him, all he wanted to do was carry you up to your bedroom and spend the whole day there with you. "You'll do great. Call me later, Daddy."
After one more kiss, Bradley waited for you to leave first before getting in his Bronco and heading to base, desperately trying to keep his mind off of Meredith.
By the time he was walking up to the San Diego superior courthouse in his suit, Bradley was a nervous wreck. And as soon as Tracy saw him, she must have known it. 
"We can do this," she promised as soon as he reached her. "I'm ready to go, and as soon as we get in there, you'll be just fine. This is our preliminary hearing."
Bradley took a few deep breaths and looked at some pictures of you and Naoh together before he turned off his phone and stashed it in his pocket. "You're right. And the sooner we get this over with, the sooner I can get back to my normal life. I just know I'm going to be a lot more nervous if the judge wants Noah to come next time. I hate putting him through this. But I'm ready."
"That's the spirit," Tracy told him with a nod as she took him by the elbow and led him inside the building. "We will handle everything as it comes. We're a team, and we're going to do this together."
"Together," he repeated, because as soon as he was inside, he saw Meredith and her lawyer in the hallway. Bradley's breathing grew shallower, and he had to swallow against the desire to run back outside. She wanted to take Noah away from him. She suddenly wanted their son after so many years of avoidance. She wanted to ruin Bradley's life. 
"You're fine," Tracy told him, her voice sure and steady. "Let's wait on this bench." She pushed Bradley down onto the wooden seat as his mind swirled with worry. 
Meredith wanted the only thing Bradley really had that he was unwilling to part with. He wasn't going to be okay with shared custody or visitation. He wanted her gone. He wanted Noah to associate someone better as his mom. He didn't want Meredith to have any access to him, especially not after the way she tried to fuck with Bradley through you and Noah. 
"It's unacceptable," Bradley muttered, turning to look at Tracy where she was sitting very calmly next to him. "She doesn't get to ruin everything I care about."
"Just keep repeating that to yourself."
And so he did. When he made eye contact with Meredith, she scowled at him. He couldn't fathom for the life of him why she was doing this now, but Tracy had been correct. It didn't matter why. Meredith and her lawyer would spin everything to look like Bradley was keeping Noah from her. The facts didn't matter much at the moment. He just needed to block her from getting to Noah.
"It's time," Tracy told him, once again leading Bradley along with a gentle hand on his arm. He tripped along with her, and then he was inside a small courtroom in front of a judge in robes. He stood quietly next to Tracy, waiting. It felt like they had been waiting for a very long time. 
"What's going on?" Bradley asked quietly.
Tracy leaned in closer. "We're waiting for Meredith to join us." 
Great, now she was just being difficult to really mess with Bradley. She was seriously holding this entire process up now? Unreal. It was a real shame she wasn't in here yet, because Bradley was pissed off and ready to go.
A few more minutes passed, and Bradley saw the judge check her watch for the third time. Right as she opened her mouth and turned toward the bailiff, Bradley spun when he heard the door open. Meredith strolled inside the courtroom, and Bradley could see her seething lawyer in the hallway on his phone just as the door closed. 
"What the hell?" Bradley muttered, but Tracy elbowed him in the ribs, because Meredith strolled right up to the bench to the judge.
"Your honor, I would like to request a continuance." 
Judge Greene just stared at Meredith for a moment before responding with, "No. I will not allow a same day continuance. Does that mean you'll be representing yourself today?"
Bradley could see Meredith's cheeks pale as she took a deep breath. "Yes, I'll be representing myself today."
"Perfect," Judge Greene said blandly. "Mr. Bradshaw, please approach the bench with your counsel."
Bradley and Tracy walked up to stand next to Meredith, but Bradley was struggling to figure out what happened to Meredith's lawyer. Maybe Tracy would be able to figure out what was going on? Bradley wouldn't have come here today without a lawyer in his wildest dreams.
He realized he wasn't paying attention when he heard the judge ask Meredith, "Will you be finding counsel before the custody hearing?"
"Yes, your honor."
"Then for the time being, the minor will stay in his current living situation, and any further arrangements will be determined at trial one week from today."
Bradley sucked in a deep breath. Noah wasn't going anywhere right now. Or hopefully ever.
"Dismissed," Judge Greene said, and Bradley watched Meredith turn on her heel and practically run for the door. 
"What is going on?" Bradley asked, but he felt a little better as Tracy smiled at him as they made their way into the hallway where Meredith was nowhere to be found.
"I'll find out," Tracy told him, typing a note into her phone at such a rapid pace, it was making Bradley dizzy. "But it's definitely making you look more stable and better organized than Meredith."
Bradley ran his fingers through his hair. "Simply because I showed up with you and kept my mouth shut?"
"Yep!" she said, still typing away.
"Then you're worth every penny."
Tracy laughed and pulled a water bottle out of her briefcase and handed it to him. "You look a little pale. I need you to stay focused. This could all be over by next Wednesday, especially if Meredith shows up alone again, asking for a same day continuance." Tracy rolled her eyes as Bradley downed the water in one huge gulp.
"One more week?" he asked, thinking about you and Noah and pizza and popcorn on the couch. 
"If we're lucky. But just be prepared to bring Noah. Judge Greene may want to speak with him either in the courtroom or privately. And it's best if you don't try to coach him ahead of time. Let him speak his mind."
Bradley took some deep breaths and nodded at Tracy. "Right. Okay. One more week." 
Bradley was exhausted after he climbed in the Bronco and loosened his tie. He turned on his phone to text you, but he thought better of bothering you while you were still on campus. He'd been in the courthouse for less time than he had planned for, and Penny had texted him a few minutes ago.
Had to check on an issue at the Hard Deck. I have Noah with me. Meet me at the bar whenever you're finished. 
So Bradley made his way toward the beach as he listened to his favorite song that reminded him of you. He wondered if you'd think he was ridiculous if he made you a whole playlist. He kind of wanted to make you a playlist of songs that made him think of you. 
He was making a mental list of some songs as he strolled into the bar which was technically not yet open for the day. And then Bradley's eyes settled on Noah where he sat on top of the bar, playing with two of Penny's bartenders. His sweet son who would hopefully never have to be around Meredith. 
"Should we draw another dog, Noah?" Helen asked, sketching on a cocktail napkin while Missy got Noah a cup of water. 
"My babysitter gets me coloring books. Do you have crayons?" he asked, eating plain carrot sticks and drinking the water.
"Hey," Bradley said with a smile as he strolled toward the three of them. "Looks like you're having fun."
"Rooster! Noah is precious!" Helen gushed, straightening out her skin tight Hard Deck shirt. 
"He taught us a cute song about dinosaurs," Missy added, ruffling Noah's curls. 
Bradley grinned. That was the song he always had in his head now, the song that you taught Noah. "Where's Penny?" he asked, kissing Noah's forehead while he drew all over the dog Helen had made for him.
"On the phone," Missy said. "She shouldn't be much longer."
"Do you want a beer?" Helen asked. "Or something stronger?" Bradley was tempted to sit and have a beer while he waited for Penny. But then Helen added, "Damn, Rooster. You look good in a suit."
"Thanks," he muttered, definitely blushing as he slid onto one of the stools. "I guess I'll take that beer." He reached for his wallet and started to dig out some cash, but Helen's hand found his and folded it back up again. 
"It's on me," she said with a wink that had Bradley a little flustered. She was flirting with him. 
"That's not necessary," he replied. "Especially since you and Missy have been helping Penny watch Noah."
But Helen rolled her eyes as she filled a pint glass with Bradley's favorite kind of beer. "You can just leave me a nice tip. Or your phone number."
Bradley really looked at Helen as she shot him a smirk. She was somewhere between your age and his, and she was working for Penny to help pay for school. He supposed she was cute, but she just didn't look like you. He was very much into you. 
When she set down the beer, Bradley thanked her and took a sip. Then Noah handed her the cocktail napkin he had scribbled all over.
"Oh, wow, thanks Noah," she said with a laugh. "This is great."
"Thanks," he said, climbing down onto Bradley's lap. "My babysitter is a good colorer, and she's a Princess, too. And she's our favorite, right daddy?"
"She sure it, bub," Bradley told him, giving him a hug and feeling so much relief that this could all be done by next week. He never wanted to stop hugging his child. 
When Bradley looked up, Helen was gazing at him with pursed lips, but then he heard Penny's voice.
"Bradley! How did it go?" she asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Should know more by next week," he replied. "How was Noah today?"
"Absolutely perfect," Penny promised. 
"He can hang out with us any time!" Missy called from the other end of the bar. 
"He sure can," Helen added with another wink. "Because he's as sweet as his dad."
Bradley finished his beer as he shook his head and laughed. He left enough cash to cover the beer and a tip, and he scooped Noah up in his arms. "Thanks again for today," he told Penny as he and Noah waved to both bartenders. 
"Call me if you need me. Noah is welcome with Amelia and I anytime."
As Bradley kissed Noah's face on the way out to the Bronco, Noah asked, "When can I see my babysitter?"
Bradley was feeling pretty good now as he buckled Noah into his car seat. "You know what? Why don't we call her when we get home and ask her."
As soon as your phone rang, you were scrambling to answer it. "Bradley! What happened today?!"
But you heard Noah's sweet voice instead. "Hi! Can we sing the dinosaur song?"
"Of course!" You sank down to sit on your stairs as you and he sang the song together, and you could hear Bradley's laughter in the background. 
"Helen didn't sing it right," Noah said. "And she kept talking about daddy's suit."
You closed your eyes and imagined how good Bradley must have looked in his suit. If his officer uniform was any indication, then it must have been so sexy.
"Wait, who's Helen?" you asked, and you could hear Bradley taking the phone from Noah.
"She's a bartender at the Hard Deck," he replied casually. "I picked Noah up there. And guess what."
"What?" you asked, crossing your fingers.
"Trial date is set for next Wednesday. And Noah is staying with me until then."
"Really?" you asked, jumping to your feet. "That's so soon!"
"Yep," he replied, voice raspy as he added, "but Noah and I are both dying to see you, Princess. Can we stop over this weekend?"
You looked around your sparsely decorated house and tried to imagine entertaining Noah here. You weren't even sure if the three of you would fit on your couch, unless you were cuddled up on Bradley's lap.
"Sure," you told him with a smile. "I'll stock up on some coloring books. It'll be fun."
"We can't wait to see you."
Princess is always taking care of Daddy and Noah. Wish she could have babysat him for Bradley that day. Hope you enjoy your fic, @beyondthesefourwalls And thank you @mak-32 !
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milksnake-tea · 16 days
more sunday character study practice <3
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Thinking about Sunday, who used to sing his sister to sleep.
Back when his strides weren't so wide, when his shoulders weren't so stiff and when his eyes weren't so dim. Back when it was just him and Robin, exhaustion wearing down the both of their small bodies, huddled in their shared bed with the stars - real stars, not the artificial glimmer of the Dreamscape - gazing down upon them.
Into the cold night air, he'd sing, a wordless melody crafted from what little memory he had of his home and his mother. He'd sing the notes of her embrace, the swells of her smile and the trails of her love. He sings without restraint, for he sings for his sister and the family she barely remembers.
He sings less as he ages. Robin is the singer now, taking to the skies on a sparkling stage. He is left to support her from the shadows, from behind the stage, watching her soar from the earth. Occasionally, he finds him humming a tune or two, only this time, it is not the song of his mother that he sings, but his sister.
As a young adult, the melody begins to die. He can't remember some of the notes, and the image of his beloved mother begins to fade. Work swamps him, and the role of Bronze Melodia is not an easy one to fill. Hearing the plights of humanity, both small and large, wears down on his voice.
When he realizes he's singing once more to his sister's songs, he stops himself. His tune has become off-key.
Years pass, and he has stopped singing altogether. The strings have been retuned to speak, to command, to console. The trill of the songbird is quieted, forgotten.
The catastrophe of Charmony Festival comes and goes, and he is cast away. With nowhere to go, he becomes a wanderer, traveling from planet to planet with no goal or destination. He meets new people, sees scenery that the Dreamscape could never hope to replicate, and witnesses, for the first time, the world of the awake.
During his stay on a planet he doesn't remember the name of, a child walks up to him. To them, he is not Mister Sunday of the Oak Family, nor is he the traitor of the Asdana System. To the children, he is just Sunday, or, to some of the mischievous ones, he is the "weird bird man".
The child tugs on his sleeve, the other hand rubbing at their eyes. They can't sleep, they tell him. It's too cold, the dark is too scary, and they miss their mom.
Sunday smiles sympathetically, and opens his clipped wing for the child. He picks them up - they are so small and light and frail, like glass - and cradles them against his chest. Above, real stars gaze down on them.
And he sings once more, a wordless melody.
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reblogs w comments are appreciated !!
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ceruark · 4 months
I love how you write Sunday, he’s so interesting to me. He seems like a person that genuinely loves others and has compassion, yet also sees himself as different from the rest of humanity imo. He has to be the one to save the rest of the world. Sunday has so much yan potential I feel like it would be easy for him to fall into controlling habits even if it means his darling is unhappy.
OP you understand the yandere Sunday vision...
As you said, he has to be the one to save the rest of the world, and of course that sentiment applies to his darling more than anything else.
He knows you're unhappy with him, that you're mourning the life he took you from, but it's all for your own good. He needs to keep you close, in a place where he knows you can't take flight— not because he doesn't want to see you soar, but because he's terrified of the inevitable fall.
He has all the means to keep you where he wants you: power, status, and influence— not to mention the twisting labyrinth of a mansion he lives in, or the brainwashing capabilities of the Harmony. Of course, he doesn't want to resort to such extreme measures if he doesn't need to, so the classic manipulation tactics will do just fine. Surely, you don't want to upset him; you know the warfare he was born into and what it took from him, the immense pressure he was raised under, and how lonely he feels with Robin away all the time.
You know how his heart beats only for you, how he holds you just a little too tightly because he knows no other way to express his boundless love. For a long time, you're not privy to his controlling habits because his love is so pure, if a little intense.
And if you do start to question just how pure it is.... well, that's what the more extreme measures are for.
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kayodekolade · 3 months
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There is no tomorrow
Dear High Performer,
Start your week powerfully with this week’s edition of Sunday Soar🦅 -
🙏What I’m grateful for,
📕The lesson I learned last week,
👀And what I’m looking forward to this week.
⏩Please forward this along to your friends.
🙏What I’m grateful for
Have you ever heard of the term, ‘inflection point?’
I came across it last year when I saw the show, Pantheon.
If you’re a sucker for sci-fi like me, then you need to see it.
An inflection point is a turning point.
A point of significant change and transformation.
If you’re curious about how giving can transform your life…
Then you definitely need to read my latest blog post on the transformative power of giving.
Click here 👇
Lesson I learned last week
It’s the middle of the year and what’s going through my head is…
That famous line by Apollo Creed in Rocky III.
“There is no tomorrow.”
Concerning those goals we want to achieve, it’s helpful for us to remember…
“Yesterday is in the tomb. Tomorrow is in the womb…
The only place we’ll ever be is today.” – Mike Murdock
In this special Masterclass, you’ll be supercharged with…
8 reasons why you need to overcome perfection paralysis, just do it and take today.
Watch the video 👇
What I’m looking forward to
Tomorrow, Monday, July 1st by 6pm WAT, I’m hosting…
A special 1st day of the month breakthrough session.
In that session we will look at strategic insights that will help you…
Achieve more while working less.
This is your opportunity to transform your results in the 2nd half of 2024.
Click 👇 to reserve your spot.
Do me a favor and copy this link https://bit.ly/breakthroughmonthly
And send it to a friend as a special invitation.
The 7-Figure Pitch Seminar is coming up next month. Can’t wait to see you there at this year’s edition. More details coming soon.
Thank you so much for reading this week’s edition of Sunday Soar.
I would love to hear from you.
Please drop a comment.
Have a great week.
Much love to you and yours.
Your Coach.
#dearhighperformer #sundaysoar #mondaymotivation #thereisnotomorrow
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blackexcellence · 2 years
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#BlackHistory365 Art Round-Up ⬇️
Elsa Soares via @rodrigoincolors
"This is Elsa Soares. She's one of the biggest names in Brazilian music and considered a matriarch of Brazilian black artistry. BBC named her the voice of the millenium and she was one of the most important and loudest voice against racism, LGBTQIA+ and women rights, among other social causes. She's died yesterday at age 91. This is a very simple, but sincere tribute to her. May you rest in power!
Please, listen to her music and search more about this great woman."
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2. Portrait of Sarah Forbes Bonetta by Hannah Uzor via @fyblackwomenart
Portrait of   Sarah Forbes Bonetta by  Hannah Uzor
Sarah Forbes Bonetta  was an Egbado princess of the Yoruba people in West Africa who was orphaned during a war with the nearby Kingdom of Dahomey and later became the slave of King Ghezo of Dahomey. In a remarkable twist of events, she was liberated from slavery by Captain Frederick E. Forbes of the British Royal Navy and became a goddaughter to Queen Victoria. She was married to Captain James Pinson Labulo Davies, a wealthy Lagos philanthropist.
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3. Marian Anderson by @novva
I’ve always wanted to do a series on black classical singers for BHM, so here’s a sketch I squeezed in this week—a tribute to the great Marian Anderson!
Marian Anderson (February 27, 1897 – April 8, 1993) was an African-American opera singer and contralto. In 1939, after the Daughters of the American Revolution refused to allow Anderson to sing to an integrated audience in Washington, D.C, then First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and her husband President Franklin D. Roosevelt arranged for Anderson to perform an open-air concert on the Lincoln Memorial steps on Easter Sunday, April 9, 1939. She was able to deliver a critically acclaimed performance before an integrated crowd of more than 75,000 people, and a radio audience in the millions.
Read more about her accomplishments here, and donate to the National Marian Anderson Museum here.
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Remember: tag your history & trailblazers art with #BlackExcellence365 for a chance to be featured!
And keep your eyes out for next month's theme... 👀
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moonsaver · 7 months
Yan!Sunday isn't someone who likes the spotlight.
I mean, it's obvious, even his normal character seems to be one that works behind the scenes, pulling taut strings until they snap one by one.
But Yan!Sunday leaves no exception, even when it comes to adoration.
The frequent visits you somehow always manage to make, scrounging up money from who knows where to afford all those tickets to Robin's concerts, meet-ups, fancalls, etc.. it's cute. Your devotion is almost admirable. Robin starts to recognize you more as a friend or acquaintance than a superfan, which is a great feat for someone like you – a measly fan who managed to get through from constant meetings and relying on a superstar's memory.
It isn't a surprise when you're invited by The Oak Family to Penacony for the Charmony festival, when it arrives. Imprompt shows, coincidental fan meetings as both Sunday and Robin work for the festival eventually leads you and Sunday to meet. It's almost unfortunate for you, things go awry at the last moment. Ticket prices soar the moment you reload the page, the line brutally cuts off right before you for the autograph signing, and the cameras just don't work whenever you want a photo.. it's comical to Sunday, in a way.
Of course, just as it is his responsibility to look after his sister, he talks to you, subtly scrutinizing your body language for any suspicion. It's not uncommon for creeps to appear in Robin's huge audience. He manages to flag you clear, however, when you talk about her in such a lively and innocent manner. It's almost as if you'd been her childhood friend. Something about it is so endearing to Sunday.
Hmm.. since he's taken such a liking to you, why not let him help you out a bit? You may have not been able to scrounge the money for Robin's new concert at the last minute, but don't worry, he can take you backstage, and let you see her performance from a completely different angle. He's family, he can get you to many more places than your fan-title. Soft chuckling as you mention almost losing your ticket because the page decided to glitch at that very moment, you just had to go bankrupt during the payment, and your phone ran out of battery that moment you were in the middle of one of Robin's best performances. It's cute. Spend some more time with him, too, won't you? He's a brother of hers, surely you'd be interested in knowing him, too?
Secret entries to Robin's backstage or VIP rooms turn into imprompt escapades, playfully and softly laughing as he leads you with a firm grasp of your hand somewhere peaceful, a large contrast to Robin's bustling concerts. The night air is cool, serene and quiet, much like Sunday. The night falls and remains in darkness to let the stars shine brighter. And Sunday tells you this over a quiet moment between you two. He never liked the spotlight, bustling crowds, loud noises.. people.
Unfortunately, your meetings came to an abrupt halt. At least.. it was unfortunate for Sunday. Your eyes always lit up at the end of the night, being able to meet Robin and talk about just how amazing her performance was, how happy you are with the opportunity to meet her again, and that you're so glad she remembers you. The spotlight belonged to his sister, and he was more than happy to let her have it.
But.. if it meant your eyes were for hers, it just never settled in him well.
Surely, there was a single admirer for the darkness of the night sky? The vast, velvety black expanse that held stars with the edge of it's fingertips? A single one.
His entire sky craved you.
And.. well, his sister has everything, doesn't she? She's quite generous too, like you said. Perhaps she'll help him out, just this once?
Suddenly, all your VIP tickets seemed to no longer matter. Shifted to waiting rooms where Sunday just so happened to be, backstages were empty and almost desolate, Sunday being the only "staff member" there, guiding you with his familiar firm grip on your hand, always back to that place where he shared that quiet moment with you.
The moments only got quieter and longer,however.
Sunday took notice of it, far before you did. Awkward, polite laughing trailing off into poorly hidden disappointment, the stuttering of your tongue as you try not to mention Robin again, the polite smile on his face telling you it's okay to start over, but never stop trying. The constant, slow push towards him instead of your favorite singer, seemed to only cause a repulsion between you two. He was extremely bitter about it.
Of course, he wouldn't dare take it out on sweet Robin. She's just an amazing singer, he doesn't dare blame her – she's admirable in many ways. But Robin doesn't miss the undertone bitterness that carries the flow of your name on his tongue.
Eventually – Robin stops meeting you. She stops looking at you in the crowds. She refuses autographs, fancalls, etc..
It does break your heart. A little.
Why don't you go to Sunday? He's family after all. He can help you reach closer. The walk to where she is, is not that long. Accompany him for a while, will you? Let him keep the firm grip of his hand in yours. He'll fix everything.
And when your excited face morphs into disappointment once again, as both of you fail to find her after her concert is just perfect. Let him comfort you, hm? He's very understanding.. and quiet. He listens to you so well. Perhaps.. being with Sunday isn't as bad as you thought? Maybe.. instead of searching for Robin over and over, you'd like to spend time with him instead. No one can comfort you better than Family, right?
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lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 13 - Owl
@jegulus-microfic July 13, Word count 517
James’s owl, Iris, was a very busy owl. Not only did James use her, but so did all of his friends. Sure they could use the school owls, but Iris loved taking letters to Remus’s mum, Peter’s gran and Sirius’s orders to Gambol and Japes. She’d come back with boxes of pranks that Sirius shared with them all. But the most interesting person to borrow her was Regulus Black. 
James had caught him in the Owlery, late one Sunday evening, attempting to attach a rather thick envelope to one of the school’s barn owls. The owl was having none of it and kept nipping at his fingers. 
“Ouch!” Regulus yelped and sucked his finger into his mouth, soothing the sore skin. “Rude!” The owl hooted indignantly at him, ruffled his feathers and took off up to the rafters and refused to come back down. 
“Important letter is it?” James asked from the doorway. Regulus spun towards him, his wand slipping into his hand. James put his hands into the air, showing he didn’t mean any harm. Regulus slowly lowered his wand, but James noticed that he didn't put it away. 
“It’s none of your business,” Regulus snarled at him as he tried to coax another owl down. 
“You can borrow Iris if you want,” James said as he whistled lightly and the beautiful short-eared owl dropped down onto his outstretched arm and nibbled his finger affectionately when he held it out to her. “I thought you had an owl?” James suddenly remembered. Regulus had a huge Eagle owl like the rest of the Black family members. Regulus’s eyes dropped to his letter. 
“Eros is too recognisable,” He murmured so quietly that James almost missed what he said. 
“As long as it isn’t to someone dangerous, Iris is all yours. She loves delivering letters. Don’t you sweetheart?” He asked the owl, she hooted happily and fluffed up her feathers. Regulus looked down at his letter again. 
“It’s for Andromeda,” He whispered, keeping his eyes down. James beamed at him. 
“Oh, Iris knows where she lives, she’s been there before. Seriously, you can use her anytime,” James reached out and took the letter from Regulus. He tied it to Iris’s leg and took her to the window. He looked over his shoulder to make sure Regulus was okay with it. Regulus clenched his jaw but nodded his consent. James lifted Iris up, and she flew off into the dusk. 
They watched her fly until the gathering darkness swallowed her. “Come on,” James said, turning to look at Regulus. “I’ll walk you back to the castle. Regulus rolled his eyes but followed James out of the Owlery. 
They walked back across the lawn side by side in silence. James opened the entrance door for him and they entered the castle. “Goodnight,” James called after Regulus as he headed towards the dungeons. 
“Night,” He said back, rewarding James with a small smile. James felt his heart soar, and he walked the long way up to Gryffindor Tower with a spring in his step and a goon grin lighting up his face.     
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madeforstarker · 5 months
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《 Prompt: sexidents / sex accidents 》
"Fuck, so tight, kid," Tony moans into Peter's mouth as he thrusts his fat cock inside Peter, the younger man beneath him was already cock-drunk and hazy, with his doe eyes dark and dilated as he lets out mewls that makes Tony's ego soar.
"Sir— oh, so good! Uh, uh– fuck—" Peter babbles incoherently arching his back off the surface, Tony could feel the kid's blunt nails digging into his shoulders and it motivated Tony to fuck the kid harder, he lowers his mouth and takes Peter's nipple in between his teeth as he bites while he digs his cock deeper inside Peter.
"You like that, kiddo? You like my cock so much— fuck— I'll give you my cock—" Tony's dirty talk was cut off when he reared his head back hard, the back of his head thumping harshly against the roof of the solid metal lab table, how the fuck did they end up fucking under a lab table anyway?!
Tony lets out a pained groan and Peter's coherence came back as soon as he heard Tony's groan, the kid scrambled carefully, his cock slipping out of Peter's hole as the younger man cradled his head, Peter gasps when he touches the bump, "oh my god, Mr. Stark! You're bleeding! Fuck— we need to— oh god, we need to get you to the med bay!" The kid exclaimed worriedly.
He really couldn't keep up, his eyesight blurring at the throbbing pain behind his head. He could feel Peter dressing him and practically carrying him to the med bay before he passed out the moment they entered the sterile quarters.
Tony doesn't know how long he was out but the moment he fluttered his eyes open, he could see his younger boyfriend's pouting lips and red cheeks, arms crossed over his chest, "hey, kiddo, how many hours was I out?" Tony called out, Peter was instantly beside him despite the blush and pout.
"Only you, Tones."
Tony stiffens at the voice, he doesn't look at the direction where the voice came from, he looks into Peter's eyes, "am I dead or did I just hear Platypus?" Tony murmurs, Peter huffs and helps him in an upright position, "he forced me to tell him the truth," the kid says with an embarassed tone. The groan Tony lets out was audible as he finally looked at his best friend who had a wolfish grin on his face.
"Only you would get a concussion from fucking your boy," Rhodey commented with a teasing grin, Peter groans beside him, and Tony just wants to activate a repulsor and charge at the Colonel six ways to Sunday.
In Tony's futile defense, accidents happen, even in sex!
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