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starzpsychics ยท 1 year ago
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Focus like a Star: Sharpen Your Mind and Manifest Your Dreams. Let's explore the power of focus, a potent tool that can help you navigate the cosmic chaos and manifest your wildest dreams. Direct your mental energy with unwavering precision. When you focus, you drown out the noise, silence the chatter, and zero in on what truly matters.
Share your favorite focus tips and tricks in the comments below. Let's help each other reach for the stars, one sharpened mind at a time.
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kanakkupillai2007 ยท 1 year ago
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In the world of business, success often boils down to unwavering focus. ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿ’ผ At Kanakkupillai, we believe that every entrepreneur, every business owner, and every individual striving for success has the potential to be a true warrior in their field. It's not about superhuman abilities; it's about channeling your energy and determination with precision. ๐ŸŽฏโœจ Stay focused, stay committed, and achieve your goals. ๐Ÿ’ช
#KanakkupillaiWarriors #BusinessSuccess #FocusMatters #EntrepreneurshipJourney #BusinessGrowth #StriveForSuccess #LaserFocus #AchieveYourGoals
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fitness-trending-content ยท 2 years ago
Following Your Dreams is not easy... ๐Ÿ’ญ https://newsinfitness.com/following-your-dreams-is-not-easy/
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vinestaff ยท 2 months ago
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littlebigmouse ยท 4 months ago
Sure, episode 7 doesn't really have much time to spend on Ekko's disorientation in this new reality and everyone else's reactions to it. But I have to respect that the writer's solution to this was to make AU Ekko pretty mentally unstable.
From Powder's perspective, she startles him, he throws something at her, becomes hostile, tries to defend himself with a screwdriver, and then just starts staring into space and goes nonverbal while giving clear signs of a panic attack, and Powder and Benzo's reaction to that is a benevolent and casual "One of those days, huh?"
Given where they leave off, and pick up in the Last Drop again, it's implied Ekko has his crisis the entire way over, and probably didn't react much to either of them the whole time. When Claggor and Ekko remain at the table while Vander and Powder have their conversation, Ekko is ignoring Claggor and drawing repetitive circles over his notes and constantly clutching his head in pain. Right up until he gets up, which is when Claggor finally reacts to what he's doing but is waved off easily, and stumbles outside throwing up in a dumpster. And no one seems to notice or care about him acting weird or being in pain.
Everytime he says something off-colour or outright concerning it's met casually or chalked up to his sleep deprivation and imposter syndrome. Man's dissociating like nobody's business and everyone just claps him on the back in understanding. If that's normal for AU Ekko, or everyone thinks that's normal for AU Ekko, that's uh, pretty concerning actually.
I mean, given context clues and Powder's conversation with Vander, all the kids (or at least Ekko and Powder) withdrew pretty heavily and keep themselves on the down low. I assume they both blamed themselves for Vi's death to some degree and became overly cautious and more quiet. Powder prefers to support her siblings similarly to how Vi did, but there's fewer problems to solve with violence as they grow up (and they all know how that ended) so Powder plays emotional support and prefers to stay in her familiar bubble (The Last Drop, close to her family).
AU Ekko seems to be overcompensating with his inventions, focusing on (academic?) success and productivity. Between his fancier clothes (even fancier than the others, who all have newer outfits, but stick more to zaunite dressing sensibilities than him) and his AU friendship with Heimerdinger it's reasonable to assume that he's involved with the academy in some way, maybe gunning to become a student if he isn't one already. That's a lot of pressure for a kid from the undercity, nevermind that academia itself is pretty competitive even if the deck isn't staked against him.
That all is to say, I don't think the AU is all sunshine and roses, for either of them. AU Ekko and Powder are both way less extreme versions of their canon verses, but especially AU Ekko is apparently way more quiet, withdrawn and insecure (and not at all active within his community?? I'm gonna be honest, I'm a bit mad the Firelights weren't even mentioned that episode, they've been Ekko's main family for the better part of a decade now, they deserve some focus, damn it).
So yeah, I don't think AU Ekko is doing too hot.
(And now I want a fic of him waking up in canon Ekko's body, lmao).
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robinsnest2111 ยท 8 months ago
it is so late already and i should sleep in preparation for meeting up with my dnd friends in a couple hours but damn do I wanna work out and knit and draw some lewd polycrue shenanigans........
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butcharyastark ยท 2 years ago
i still literally do not understand the trend of enmasse weather report fuckers. like its not that he isnt attractive. hes fine. hes alright. hes okay. i can see the appeal from a personal standpoint even if im not into him. i can see why someone else theoretically thinks hes hot. hes not UGLY and hes not a horrible person. sure, weather report sexy. whatever.
but the MOVEMENT the MASS THIRSTING .... as far as jojo goes, he's literally just some guy???? he's not special, he's not particularly beefy or twinkish or bearlike or very strongly fem or masc in a way ppl get attached to he doesn't have shirtless scenes and he's not really exceptionally heroic and he isn't even the protag. i can't think of anything special except that he has rainbow snail powers which, while impressive, do not make me want to throw my panties at the guy.
yall are thirstposting over weather report but pucci, repressed messiah evil priest is right there. jolyne and hermes, bold and moral bad girl prison gang protags are right there. dilf jotaro is right there. hell, even fucking anasui if you're just going on looks, he's got the fishnets and slut energy. weather report is just EXISTING.
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maykitz ยท 1 year ago
the "irreversible damage" book cover is still perhaps the most succinct demonstration of how the laserfocus the detranxiety movement has on muh poor little girls is fundamentally an outgrowth of the general terror about declining (white) birth rates and white woman fertility as a dwindling resource. like, what's actually wrong with the kitschy smiling little girl in that picture? she looks pretty content for someone "mutilated." is she missing her head, brain, heart, limbs or what? anything that would obstruct her in living out her 8 decades on this earth? hell no, it's much worse than that. it's something that actually matters. she's missing her ability to produce White Babies. you're telling me we've spent decades working to overturn roe or at least make it as difficult as possible and now that we succeeded they've found a way to weasel out of being a reproductive resource anyway? that just won't do.
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ludinusdaleth ยท 7 months ago
i think the thing about campaign 3 is that it very purposely shattered the suspension of disbelief in fantasy, and so everyones individual interpretation is caught in that.
if you solely watch campaign 1, you can engage with it as a mostly basic fantasy story, and accept what it has to say at mostly face value. campaign 3, however, could not more clearly be matt evaluating & reevaluating his work. therefore, if you look at cr through c3's lens, all the things that are easy to brush over are now asking to be analyzed. if you are a diehard c1 fan, watching c3, it may fundamentally bother you that this campaign is picking up strings of the gods acting as typical gods in dnd, and treating that as a questionable thing. if you are more interested in a throughline experience of all the campaigns, then your eyes are going to laserfocus on every past problematic element when they are called into question.
for example, when i first watched c1, the raven queen did deeply disturb me, and i never trusted her; sure, death is unfair, but she kept making contradictory, tiny moves to that belief system, that made my eye twitch. but because matt intended the gods as simply gods, and did not intend more than what they were in a typical dnd mythos, i didnt really pry at that. the raven queen was a metaphor for liam's abovegame grief, okay, fine. however, when campaign 3 rolled around, and the story is now prodding at the infinite grey of the gods, i can look back and see that matt clearly saw some of what i did, enough to find something worth questioning. and so, i can question without death of the authoring. and i will. (obviously you dont need an authors permission to critique their work; but if they are critiquing their own work.... it means theres something there to analyze.)
i think both the intent of current canon and the intent of past will always coexist; someone can watch just one campaign, take its themes, and never engage with anothers. i do think, however, 90% of discourse for c3 arises with a subtle hatred that the tenents for past campaigns are completely & purposely shattered, and anyone watching the story as a whole cant go back. to me, that is deeply exciting, and shows that cr can grow with respect & critique of its past. for others this is stupid when their story was perfect to them as is.
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ankh-morporkianpostalworker ยท 1 year ago
I really, really wish older sci-fi was more discussed in online spaces. It feels like (with rare, notable exceptions) sci-fi discussion focuses on Star Wars, (New) Star Trek and Marvel. Like, yeah, those have their moments, but where are the discussions of the post-9/11 paranoia of the Battlestar Galactica reboot, Farscape's use of Aeryn Sun to explore the idea of letting go of your past sins to find happiness in your present, of Slider's masterful use of its premise, of Babylon 5's laserfocus on serialized storytelling?
When I'm not shitposting about Farscape or liveblogging reading The Wheel of Time, I try to use this blog to do that, but I wish there was more of that kind of discussion.
If y'all know of any blogs that do that kind of stuff, or places on here I can go to get that kind of analysis and discussion, let me know.
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cloudmancy ยท 2 years ago
Hot take maybe but ruehobb isnโ€™t even all that without Wuvy as a character interacting with the couple. like maybe itโ€™s my wuvy deserves everything mindset but wuvy is the spice and reason ruehobb is successful bc everything hobb is wuvy does the same aside from one thing and that one thing makes the entire dynamic of wuvy+ruehobb more interesting! But especially wuvy feelings for rue even worse bc wuvy and hobb are so similar it would be funny but itโ€™s sad
^ opinions that would literally get you shot and killed in the main acofaf tag because people are also really into the concept of ruehob as a queer coming of age story aside from the regency romance thing ๐Ÿ˜ญ speak your truth though anon. I know that I was definitely watching the show with a wuvvy laserfocus
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motivationshala ยท 6 months ago
๐ŸŽฏ Multitasking is out, focus is in! ๐ŸŽฏ Choose one task and finish it all the way. ๐Ÿ”ฅ This will transform your productivity and boost your confidence. ๐Ÿ’ฅ Letโ€™s leave unfinished tasks in the past! Whatโ€™s your task for today? ๐Ÿ’ฌ #FocusAndFinish #OneTaskAtATime #ProductivityBoost #StopMultitasking #GetItDone #LaserFocus #MotivationShala #TaskCompletion #ProductivityHacks #MindsetShift #FocusOnGoals
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tench ยท 2 years ago
I only wish I could laserfocus with the same power on my stories like I do on some randomass idea with one particular turtle grandpa
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newtafterdark ยท 2 years ago
In reference to my earlier post - Beauty gets a lot from his mom. Both him and her are thankful for that too, as his father was never in the picture for various reasons.
His hair, nose, eye-shape, general bodyshape and chest size 100% come from Julietta, but specific aspects of his personality were heavily influenced/copied from his mom as well:
Running himself thin for the people around him even if they don't appreciate him (or do but didn't ask for this), punch first - ask questions later, avoids confronting romantic feelings as long as he can (current record: 20+ years, until Gorgeous literally cornered him about them.) ... and honestly his laserfocus for handing sniper riffles also comes from her.
Knowledge about farm work is second nature to him, as he grew up on a farm & only really left to work at Black Mesa.
That being said, while Julietta's main focus is on livestock, Beauty is most knowledgable about plants, especially vegetables.
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tooteadoo ยท 3 months ago
I like jayvik as a ship but the think peices on twitter are offensively stupid to me. LET ME PREFACE THIS BY SAYING THAT THERE IS ROMANTIC LOVE BETWEEN THEM but these "analysts" feel the need to downplay the real platonic love that shines and is just as prevalent- infact exists WITH their romantic love.
What prompted this mini rant is someone saying that Jayce saying "admired" instead of "loved" makes it less platonic and more romantic when its absolutely both. Im being nitpicky but jayvik analyst do that a lot and it just makes their argument weaker.
I can understand the laserfocus on the romantic aspect of their relationship especially with one of the writers trying to erase it but these analysis arent for him or any none shippers. Do it for yourselves and you dont have to try to convince yourself that its real.
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welpnotagain ยท 5 months ago
sometimes I can't help myself and I look at youtube comments and my eyes laserfocus on that one comment that is sure to piss me off. they are searching those comments and my brain isn't even reading yet and they already found someone saying something like "surely the scientists had this very clear and easy mistake in their methodology that the expert (from the video) just didn't notice. as such we have to throw out the entire paper. silly scientists." and its like. wow. you. yea. i.
do you only say those things and then completely dismiss what you are seeing or do you then actually go and check? because if you don't go and check and potentially find out, that you were wrong you just dismissed a perfectly good paper that is relevant for the issue at hand. I encourage you to be sceptical of scientific papers and all that jazz but if you don't trust the expert on this, now You have to go and check. Did you go and check the research paper for that frankly very obvious problem and see if they accounted for that in their methodology? did you?
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