#lasalle correspondence
thehussargeneral · 10 days
SALUT GENERAL! great to see a rascal like you around! heard you bit it soon after i did which is a shame but i hope you went out in style!
a lil bird keeps tellin me who appears in this bizarre afterlife so let me take it on myself to welcome ya to this place!
if youre still up for fightin we could sure use a man like you! otherwise enjoy your afterlife retirement
— Marshal Lannes, @armagnac-army
Monsieur le Maréchal, what a pleasure to hear from you and know I am not alone in this place! I had been in a state of believing that there is nothing outside of this encampment. Yes, my death was just the valiant end suitable for a cavalryman like me; there could have been none better than the death I got at the head of a charge.
As for matters of fighting, it would be simply ridiculous to suggest that I would be unwilling to return to war, Monsieur! Return to me my brave division and I shall be the most eager to charge at its head just as in life! I am at your service, whatever the threat and whoever the enemy.
- General Lasalle
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joachimnapoleon · 1 year
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We can’t let Marshal Davout get all the love today—it’s Lasalle’s birthday too (10 May 1775). And I like him more than Davout anyway. Ahem. Here’s a little tribute to him I translated from an old French book.
The name of Lasalle has remained legendary in the French cavalry. His military life, so short and full of glory, his extraordinary acts of vigor and bravery during the Egyptian campaign recalling the prowess of a Richard the Lionheart, his audacity always crowned with success in Italy, Prussia, Spain, the surrender of the fort of Stettin immortalized by a portrait by Gros in which we see Lasalle awaiting, with a proud attitude, the Prussian governor who brought him the keys of the town, his death in full triumph at the age of thirty-four years while leading the final charges which would decide the victory of Wagram, have surrounded his memory with an unequalled prestige. He died on time. He did not know the reverses in the face of which so many characters have weakened.
Count of the Empire in 1808, provided with rich dotations in Hanover and Westphalia, he rejected the selfish thoughts to which the dignitaries of the First Empire had too often yielded. His compatriot Roederer, having met him in Spain, recounted a conversation he had had with him on 28 April 1809, several weeks before his death. Roederer had told him: “One must take care of his life when it can be useful.” – “Me,” replied Lasalle, “I have lived enough by now. What does one want to live for? To bring himself honor, to make his way, his fortune; ah well! I’m thirty-three years old, I am a general of division. –Do you know that the Emperor gave me a pension of fifty thousand livres last year? That is immense!” –And as Roederer observed to him that in order to enjoy all of this he should avoid useless and inglorious dangers: “No! Not at all,” he cried; “one rejoices in welcoming all of that, one rejoices in waging war. It is already a great enough pleasure to wage war; one is in the noise, in the smoke, in the movement; and then, when one has made his name, he has enjoyed the pleasure of making it; when one has made his fortune, one is sure that his wife, his children will want for nothing. All of this, is enough: me, I could die tomorrow.”
Source: D'Essling à Wagram. Lasalle: correspondence recueillie par Robinet de Clery. 1891. Pages 1-2.
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dddillondd · 1 month
CTS A | Week 1 | Critical Thinking
Q1. Describe your understanding of critical thinking that you had before the class, and reflect on what you may have learned.
I knew critical thinking is a term that is about analysing the situation, but it was a good reminder for me to know more about it. When it comes to understanding the situation before taking action, empathise with other people’s strengths and weaknesses, to learn about other’s boundaries, what they're comfortable about. It’s more about others than the topic you’re learning, it’s to capture and take notes of those who you’re working with. I believe that that session made me more interested in critical thinking.
Q2. What have you learned about Mindfulness?
Originally I thought it was about respecting people’s boundaries but there was a layer to it with meditation. I always thought meditation and mindfulness were two completely different topics but they both have a corresponding meaning to it. It’s about taking a breather when you’re stressed or when the stakes are high during work. I never really paid attention to that detail so it was a surprisingly good thing I learned about mindfulness.
Q3. Describe an eventual moment you have experienced in this class.
The eventful part of that session was our CTS lecturer, Sean, who really made us feel welcomed and comfortable in that session. We got to express what we want to do in the future which was the first step to get to know each other better by interest and what we’re planning to do for our career. I really enjoyed it because it was the first session that I didn't have to be anxious about intense work or assignments. So therefore in the end, personally for me that was the first session I enjoyed the most in LaSalle.
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Word Count - 254 words
References - What Is Critical Thinking By MACAT, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnJ1bqXUnIM&t=3s
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wanna-be-bold · 4 years
I love the fact that in NCIS NOLA 5x01 See You Soon when LaSalle is talking to Gibbs he asks how Vance is doing which corresponds to NCIS 16x01 Destiny's Child where Vance has been kidnapped (NOLA aired after NCIS then)
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darwinforthewin · 4 years
The ‘ANIMO’ spirit in times of crisis
When COVID-19 landed in the Philippines, everything was forced to stop. All restaurants, parks, schools, malls, and other establishments have been closed, people stopped working, and everybody is stuck in their houses. However, it did not stop De Lasalle University from working on its progress towards achieving its goals despite unfortunate circumstances brought by the virus contagion. The institution made an immediate and flexible response to the needs of its students and became one of the first to adopt online learning and led the way for the future of education. More so, De La Salle University created further developed strategies to combat the foreseen obstacles of the pandemic. These strategies come along with not just the abbreviation but the meaning of their long-lived battle cry and spirit, the “Animo La Salle!”
 As a shift towards the new normal, De La Salle University came up with ANIMO with which each letter corresponds to a specific strategy. These strategies stand for accompaniment, niches, impact, ministry, and opening. The first strategy, accompaniment, talks about a commitment of the institution to enhancing faculty-student engagement, practical assessment, and comprehensive support for all its stakeholders. Niches emphasize the support for graduates and faculty to have augmented toolkits for pandemic proof research methods to ensure minimum destruction to pipelines and increase social engagement towards a shared future. Impact gears towards the expansion of industry networks to further professionalize advancement and provide challenge-based learning programs in the transition to digital platforms. Ministry aims for the institution to build projects that promote sustainability, resiliency, security, and evidence-based approaches to improve service amidst the pandemic. Lastly, opening focuses on DLSU’s long-term planning and developing protocols for safe study and work, planning for disaster, recovery,  mission continuity, and migration of key online services.
 These strategies serve as weapons of De La Salle University to help students and the community fight and survive the repercussions in the face of the pandemic. Each of the well-developed strategies of De La Salle University focuses on a particular aspect of the community's needs. Nevertheless, one of the strategies contributes to maintaining DLSU’s position as a top university in the Philippines. This strategy is accompaniment. One of the big factors that put DLSU in the world rankings is the quality of its curriculum or the academic reputation and employer reputation. As aforementioned, accompaniment helps the students of DLSU acquire meaningful and valuable blended curriculum by maximizing faculty-student interaction as well as providing evidence-based assessments that strengthen students’ self-learning and independence. Not only that, according to, the constant element for the school is its faculty and their contributions that made it to the world ranking. With this, accompaniment is what differentiates DLSU from other institutions and it is what will push the university’s quality of education further to the betterment.
 Impact also comes vital when it comes to establishing DLSU’s international reputation and prestige. This is for the reason that Impact enables the university to expand its network of industry partners. The bigger the network is, the more people De La Salle University is connected to; hence, the more established the name of the university becomes. More so, it is aimed towards working for a shared goal and interests with partners so, in effect, it increases the university’s social value and reputation. If De La Salle university gives importance and value to its people, so do its people care about it. The impacts of DLSU to the community also represent its legacies; therefore, they not only make the university gain prestige but they also leave a trail for other institutions or other people to follow and to continue their journey in the future.
  Despite all these, do these strategies really help an individual become a true Lasallian Business Leader? There are three broad business objectives embodied in "The Vocation of the Business Leader”: Good Goods (contribute to the common good), Good Work (dignity of human work), and Good Wealth (stewardship and just). The DLSU strategic plan promotes all these three objectives. DLSU offers a high quality of education and fosters character formation, professional development, culture, and support which satisfies the objective of contributing to the common good (Good goods). The fact that DLSU continues to expand its research and to connect with partners and industry to localize UN Sustainable Development Goals is a manifestation of human dignity in work (Good Work). The formation of BITUIN and the building of other projects to promote sustainability, resiliency, security and evidence-based approaches for the benefit of the community, students and other stakeholders is proof of just distribution of wealth; thus, satisfying the objective of stewardship and just (Good Wealth).
 Below is the SWOT analysis of De La Salle University in the face of the pandemic. De La Salle University plays its chances of around 85% of success in realizing the key strategies of the plan. As shown in the table, De La Salle University may have strengths and opportunities that it can use as leverage but it also has considerable weaknesses and threats that may hinder the institution from achieving its goals at minimum effort. Moreover, the pandemic limitations have resulted in a significant decline in the welfare and economy of the country and it is continuously causing more complications and risks for all sectors of the society. For De La Salle University to effectively execute the key strategies of its plan, the institution must be able to eliminate or improve on them. This may take a long road for DLSU but it will surely be all worth the journey in the end.
●         Human Resource Management (Value Chain Analysis) – Based  on the ranking criteria for top universities, DLSU rates 26.9 in employee  reputation which is relatively high compared to other Philippines  universities (QS TopUniversities, 2020).
●         Technology Development (Value Chain Analysis) – DLSU’s  constant development and publication of science and research makes the  university one of the country’s most productive research institutions  (BMPlus, 2020).  
●         Marketing and Sales (Value Chain Analysis) – DLSU  uses evidence-based approach to provide high quality of education so as to  enhance character and professional development.
●         Service (Value Chain Analysis) – All  DLSU degrees programs are designed to be modern, future-proof, and rooted in  the best tradition of Lasallian education (Times Higher Education, 2020).
●         Service (Value Chain Analysis) – DLSU’s  use of internet platforms promotes remote learning where users can access  education and be able to communicate with each other anytime and anywhere or  even at the comfort of their houses.
●         Technology Development (Value Chain Analysis) – DLSU often takes time fixing  occurring technical issues over its systems (Animospace, MyLaSalle) regarding  enlistment, enrollment, payment and many more that cause some conflicts among  students.
●         Service (Value Chain Analysis) –  The administration does not quickly respond to students’ concerns over  electronic emails which dissatisfies effective faculty-student engagement and  customer service.
●         Technology Development (Value Chain Analysis) –  DLSU is still new to utilizing online learning platforms and is still in the  process of making adjustments to further enhance education for all students.
●         Human Resource  Management (Value Chain Analysis) – There are some aged professors and  faculty staff who are not inclined to using advanced technologies.
●         Buyer Power (Porters)  – DLSU has its name established and renowned as a top university in the  Philippines next to UP; thus, more students are willing to pursue degree  programs in DLSU than in other universities (Top Universities, 2020).
●         Technological (Pestle)  – DLSU opens door to cross enrollees through the Lasallian Open  Online-learning Program where students from partner schools, state colleges,  and other education institutions are allowed to take DLSU courses that are  not available at their home school amidst the pandemic (GMA News Online,  2020).
●         Threat of New  Entry (Pestle) – Since the country is currently experiencing an economic  crisis plus the mobility limitations as a result of the pandemic, it becomes  more difficult to build schools as how difficult it is to reopen some.
●         Social  (Pestle) – DLSU cares about students who are having emotional stress and  cannot comply with requirements amidst the pandemic thus, they are not given  any failing grade but a deferred grade or a retake of the course.
●         Threat of  Substitutes (Porters) - When it comes to learning, especially in a  pandemic, there are hardly any alternatives or substitutes for acquiring  education aside from online learning. The shutting down of schools, and other  establishments have forced people to shift from physical classroom to  technological interactive learning platforms to ensure safety and convenience  (Contreras, 2020).
●         Competitive Rivalry (Porters) – The competition in this  industry is high in terms of providing education amidst the pandemic as most  educational institutions are already starting to adopt online learning  platforms to engage with students (Mocon-Ciriaco, 2020).
●         Social  (Porters) – As virus contagion continues to grow in the country, an  increasing number of people get physically and mentally sick which causes a  loss of focus to many students during online classes (Malindog-Uy, 2020).
●         Economical (Pestle)  – Due to the country’s lockdown, many people have lost their jobs and are  struggling to gain resources to sustain their family’s needs. Thus, many  students may be forced to stop from their school to help their families save  money and provide the necessities to survive (Torres, 2020).
●         Environmental (Pestle)  – The pandemic quarantine limitations prohibit DLSU and other universities  from performing physical learning and forces them to gear towards online  platforms (Magsambol, 2020).  
●         Technological (Pestle)  – a large percentage of students in the Philippines do not have reliable  internet connection; hence, a large number of students are not able to access  online education as efficiently and effective as can be (Philippine Daily  Inquirer, 2020).
 One of the objectives of the DLSU strategic plan focuses on being able to support and provide support to vulnerable members of the community. This is being able to form meaningful relationships among students and create a meaningful and valuable blended curriculum during these times of crisis. With this formation of culture and support environment present in DLSU, it allows us to grow into becoming good business leaders for the future. One of the RVRCOB Code of Ethics is to be able to promote a humane and enabling the work community within the organization. This correlates with growing up in a community wherein we can create meaningful relationships that support one another as it also follows by focusing on helping others beyond my interests.
  As I continue to study at De La Salle University, I am confident that I have learned a variety of lessons and values both in life and academics. There are also more things that I know am yet to discover in the university. DLSU has enabled me to gain memorable experiences with friends and classmates. Moreover, I enjoyed the challenges and opportunities provided by diverse organizations and cultures. By joining events of organizations, I was able to help raise funds for the marginalized, especially for partner public schools. DLSU has pushed me to go beyond my comfort zone and molded me into becoming a potential leader to represent the school in sharing the values and knowledge with other people. DLSU has taught me to love the people around me regardless of gender, race, culture, religion, etc. Being able to learn the culture and values of De La Salle University is what I consider to be my unique contribution to its success in achieving its objectives. Because of these experiences, I have become a potential inheritor of what DLSU taught me. As a DLSU student, I am contributing not only as a messenger, spreading all the knowledge and values but also as a catalyst for change.
BMPlus. (2020, March 5). DLSU is most productive Philippine university in research: BMPlus. Business Mirror. https://businessmirror.com.ph/2020/03/05/dlsu-is-most-productive-philippine-university-in-research/.
Contreras, A. (2020, April 18). Online Learning is the future of education and DLSU is learning the way. The Manila Times. https://www.manilatimes.net/2020/04/18/opinion/columnists/topanalysis/online-learning-is-the-future-of-education-and-dlsu-is-leading-the-way/715275/
De La Salle University. (2020, September 18). Times Higher Education (THE). https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/de-la-salle-university.
De La Salle University. (2020, November 9). Top Universities. https://www.topuniversities.com/universities/de-la-salle-university/undergrad.
Magsino, D. (2020, June 17). COVID-19 shows need for Philippines to invest more in science, technology, says expert. GMA News Online. https://www.gmanetwork.com/news/news/nation/743072/covid-19-shows-need-for-philippines-to-invest-more-on-science-technology-says-expert/story/.
Philippine Daily Inquirer. (2020, May 1). Students worry about online learning due to slow PH internet. Philippine Inquirer. https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1267743/students-worry-about-online-learning-due-to-slow-ph-internet
Magsambol, B. (2020, June 8). DepEd postpones face-to-face classes until COVID-19 vaccines is available. Rappler. https://www.rappler.com/nation/deped-postpones-face-to-face-classes-covid-19-vaccine-available
Torres, J. (2020, August 17). Millions suffer job loss in Philippines due to pandemic, survey says. Licas News.  https://www.licas.news/2020/08/17/millions-suffer-job-loss-in-philippines-due-to-pandemic-survey-says/
Malindog-Uy, A. (2020, July 19). COVID-19 Impact on Mental Health of Filipinos. The ASEAN Post.  https://theaseanpost.com/article/covid-19-impact-mental-health-filipinos
Mocon-Ciriaco, C. (2020, October 8). The impossible is possible: Covid shut down schools, but learning goes on. Business Mirror.  https://businessmirror.com.ph/2020/10/08/the-impossible-is-possible-covid-shut-down-schools-but-learning-goes-on/
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liunaticfringe · 6 years
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(via The Art Angel | PORTFOLIO Magazine)
The Art Angel
by Mei Anne Foo Art collector Mr. Ryan Su puts together a headlining exhibition featuring works by Charlie’s Angels star Ms. Lucy Liu to kickstart the Singapore Arts Calendar in 2019, all while working as a litigator, concurrently pursuing a PhD in Art Law
It is no surprise why Mr. Ryan Su would take to Ms. Lucy Liu. Both are multi-hyphenate advocates, straddling dual roles. The former practices law by profession and collects-slash-exhibits art by passion; while the latter is a Hollywood A-lister and surprisingly successful visual artist, who boldly bares her talent on screen and on canvas.
The Singaporean lawyer and Queens-born actress first met in the United States. Mr. Su recalls, “My relationship with Ms. Liu started over dinner in New York. I think she wanted to meet us as much as we wanted to meet her. We had a mutual friend who, over several years, talked about us to her and vice versa. Dinner then evolved into a studio visit, where we realized the scale of her artistic practice and her immense thought processes and dedication to her work, which was deeply personal. I felt that her work would really resonate with audiences in Singapore.”
Thus, the founder of The Ryan Foundation, a non-profit arts entity that aims to increase art awareness in Singapore and the world, decided to mount a contemporary art exhibition, which will be headlining next year’s Singapore art calendar in January 2019, featuring works by Ms. Liu. Singaporean female artist and winner of the Juror’s Choice Award at the recent APB Signature Art Prize, Ms. Shubigi Rao, will also be showcasing her oeuvre at the exhibition entitled Lucy Liu and Shubigi Rao: Unhomed Belongings, co-presented by the National Museum of Singapore.
Mr. Su says of Ms. Rao’s eventual involvement: “Both artists corresponded and discovered a cerebral and personal chemistry between their works.” Incidental or not, the Hollywood star and Lasalle lecturer share an interest in examining and dissecting cultures, histories, identities and relationships through objects and became the perfect artist pairing, which also suited Mr. Su’s vision of promoting cultural and physical exchange around art.
In Unhomed Belongings, Ms. Liu presents an installation of around 200 hand-made books, each containing discarded objects she picked up on her travels, such as wires, crushed cans and fishing lures. These discarded objects, now re-contextualized as ‘art’ that is in itself abstract, as opposed to literal, challenge the viewer to make sense of them. Ms. Liu calls this installation, which took her several years to create, Lost & Found.”
Another common theme in the exhibitions put together by the Foundation and its avid art collector-custodian is interactivity. Mr. Su, a big Andy Warhol fan, held his first exhibition in 2016, Andy Warhol: Social Circus, encompassing the largest collection of Andy Warhol Polaroids to be shown in Asia — with most Polaroid pieces displayed from his own collection. But beyond a look at the Pop Art icon’s selfie pioneering skills, Mr. Su also brought in live silk-screening sessions and even photo shoots with his pet parrots, emulating his own social circus at Singapore’s Gillman Barracks two years ago. “I am all for artworks viewers can interact with,” he says, “The more posts on social media, the better!” Asked if he has any concerns that these shows have become platforms for Instagram fodder rather than genuine interest in the art itself, Mr. Su replies, “Our exhibitions have been criticized for being too mass market and for being pitched at too low a level, but that is what we at the Foundation have set out to do, at least for now. White walls in galleries are intimidating and we need to get young people interested and talking about art first, before trying to do anything else. We have had some very successful exhibitions in the past years which really impacted young people in Singapore, adding much needed vibrancy to the local art scene.” Besides bringing pop art to the masses, Mr. Su also helps artists, curators, galleries and even institutions navigate the legal aspects of the art world — often with commercially minded outcomes that only someone with industry knowledge can provide. He is currently pursuing his PhD in Art Law to deepen his knowledge and further grow in this field. Not just a mere collector, Mr. Su makes sure he patronizes art and that has truly made him an angel to the art world. He concludes, “At some point, it became meaningless to collect more and more artworks only to have them hidden away in storage. Art should be seen and shared. Thus, developing exhibitions came naturally [for me]. I am lucky to have been guided by some of the best people in the art world, and see our role not as a curator, but as a cultural producer, developing and enabling exhibitions and interventions involving art in Singapore and internationally.”
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keeshacurley75-blog · 6 years
José Romussi was born in Chile (1979) where he analyzed garden architecture. Visitors may check out the Alexandria Zoological Park, which houses more than 500 animals, featuring white leopards, black bears, African cougars and large Alexandria Holocaust Memorial, developed to hallow the six thousand Jews that were killed in the Holocaust, is a magnificent view also. And also the initial significant wellness afraid through which the web played a critical part in shaping popular opinion was actually the extreme serious respiratory system disorder (SARS) outbreak - the very first flu pandemic of the 21st century. Your Customer Content and also Provider's use thereof as pondered by this Deal and webagd.Info also the Service will certainly certainly not infringe any sort of rights of any third party, consisting of however certainly not restricted to any kind of Intellectual Property Civil liberties, privacy rights as well as civil rights of attention. It appears from the riches of insightful as well as quality write-ups posted about that this is the Number One area for article writers and writers to release their works to obtain better direct exposure and to position themselves as experts in their corresponding industries, as well as for authors to analysis and reprint quality write-ups on their sites, ezines, weblogs as well as publications.
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In 2016, Seat's mayor declared that the metropolitan area would certainly cut associations along with its primarily outdated, mostly white, extremely NIMBY district councils as well as set up an area engagement commission." The name is actually terrible, definitely, yet the required is groundbreaking: Consist of lessees, the poor, indigenous minorities-- as well as everyone else not able to participate in an appointment at 2 p.m. on a Wednesday-- in building and construction decisions. You have merely 5 cities, so 1 of them needs to be a CS metropolitan area and also helping make 2 defensive (BMs and also Property Defense) are going to leave you along with simply 2 aggressive cities, which will definitely decrease you down a great deal.
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Particular Washington politicians decide on to combat for overseas nations, however President Trump are going to constantly defend the American folks," White House main replacement press secretary Raj Shah claimed in a statement eventually that day. Sonoma Area Distilling Co., Rohnert Playground, CA. This micro-micro distillery in Sonoma Region creates 2nd Possibility Wheat Bourbon, Sonoma Rye as well as West of Kentucky Bourbon No. 1. Their initial release was actually 1512 Hair salon Rye, an unaged rye scotch which they are no more creating. , St. Louis, MO. Luxco sells whiskey and rye under numerous brand names, including Ezra Brooks Bourbon & Rye (the bourbon is actually from Kentucky, the rye from Indiana), Old Ezra, Old Dan Tucker, Rebel Scream, Revolutionist Book, Paramount, Yellowstone, Calvert Woodley, Bellows, David Nicholson 1843, Old Gilson, Fro, Blood Vow, Mulligan's and also Daviess County; mixed whiskey under the labels Wall Street, Paramount, Kappy's, Calvert, Gold Award, LaSalle, Rainforest Moods and also Blanchard's; and corn scotch under the Everclear Lightnin' tag. Oregon Spirit Distillers, Bend, OR. Manufacturers of CW Irwin Bourbon, Addict's Corn Whiskey, Rook's Rye, Finn's Rye, J. Becher Rye, Woody's Wheat Scotch, Oregon Spirit Bourbon, Rye as well as Wheat Bourbon as well as Ottis Webber Oregon Wheat Or Grain Scotch.
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( taking note significant voids in between casing and also building and construction prices in Boston, New York, Newport Information, Salt Lake Metropolitan Area, Washington, D.C., and also a variety of metropolitan areas in The golden state); Edward Glaeser & Joseph Gyourko, Zoning's Steep Price, REGULATION, Fall 2002, at 24, 26 hereinafter Glaeser & Gyourko, Zoning's Steep Cost (same).In the last handful of years, having said that, the ideas of load economics have been worked with through a few intellectuals, particularly Clay Gillette, Steven Eagle, Rick Hills, Daniel Rodriguez, Richard Schragger, and also me. View, e.g., GILLETTE, supra details 37, at 72-105 (talking about how the increases from heap economics enable local governments to participate in redistribution); Steven J. Eagle, Community Use in the Dirigiste Heritage: Personal and also Community Perk in an Age of Agglomeration, 38 FORDHAM URB.
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pakistanmediabureau · 3 years
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Asher Rafique (born 01 April) in Sahiwal Pakistan. After shifting Sargodha he completed primary classes from P.A.F (Pakistan Air Force) school due his father posting he shifted Faisalabad and completed middle and high classes from LaSalle High School Faisalabad.
He done Bachelor in Marketing & Management from Ghango University China, BS Honors( Mass Communication) from Arcadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada Graduated(Journalism)–Concordia University,  Montreal, QC, Canada, Diploma Course (International Affairs / Relations)– Arcadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada, Graduate Diploma (Media Studies ) from Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada. He is a Pakistani journalist, terrorism expert, security and Crime analyst (Completed his study in Criminology and Investigation). Started his carrier from British Broadcasting (BBC News U.K) and after then joined International News Agency in Pakistan.  He joined Lahore Flying Club for Commercial Pilot License (CPL) and done 64 hours flying. Done jobs in Urdu, and English newspapers as a Reporter / Correspondent and also got 6 (six) months training for Special Services Group (SSG) to done duty with President Perveez Mushraf Squad and done his duty day and night and got special appreciation latter from Government of Pakistan. Asher Rafique went to North Wizerstan for special interview of AL - Quida's head for Sky News (U.K) after that he received written and telephonic death threats from Al Qaeda and the Taliban Movement of Pakistan. He has accordingly been provided 24 hour armed security by the government of Pakistan. He has disregarded the advice of the authorities to leave the country and continues to edit his English Magazine independently. The May 2010 Lahore attacks also referred as Lahore Massacre occurred on May 28, 2010, in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan, during Friday prayers. 94 people were killed and more than 120 were injured in nearly simultaneous attacks against two mosques of the minority Ahmadiyya Community. After the initial attack, a hostage situation lasted for hours. Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, as well as their Punjab wing, claimed responsibility for the attacks and were also blamed by the Pakistani Police. Asher Rafique was the first Journalist who entered in to save peoples after that Mr. Ijaz Ul Haq (Citi 42) correspondent entered and shooted by terrorists. Ahmadiyya Community gave appreciation latter to him. Now he rejoined U. K based News Agency He joined different Pakistani and international satellite television channels .And also running his own English / Urdu magazine Monthly "Cornerstone" Islamabad, Resident Editor “Daily Jamhoori Taqat” Lahore, President “Pakistan Media Bureau Networks (PMB NETWORKS) Senior Investigative and Crime Reporter / Anchor / Director / Producer in Groups of Channels (U.K Based) Pakistan Office Lahore. After a while then Asher joined Dm Digital group of channels as investigative journalists also doing program “BAAT SY HAQQIT TAK”. He is currently one of the best and bravest investigative journalists in South Asia, because he received PKR: 10 Billions legal notice for the result of investigation of different case of " BAAT SY HAQEQT Amir Naseer KY SATH" and also faced FIR according to Pakistan Panel Court session 506 and 25-D. Mentioned FIR was done by the orders of ex. Chief minister of Punjab Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif (PMLN) and ex. Law minister of Punjab Rana Sanaullah Khan (PMLN).
Also ex Palimony secretary Tariq Gill (PMLN) met him personally at Gloria Jeans and offers him money. He also received thread telephonic calls and physical torture but that GROUP OF CHANNELS kept silent. As the journalist he stood alone. Sorry to say that GROUP OF CHANNELS step back and did not give him any moral support too . He stood and fight alone against corruption.  At the result of this he left that GROUP OF CHANNELS. That was the point he thought and decided to do work for the sake of journalists besides gathering news in PAKISTAN MEDIA BUREAU NETWORKS (PMB) which deals Electronic and Print media both. Asher Rafique is President of PMB. Journalists are often sold out or suppressed by so called channels all over the world. Recently he joined ON NEWS (Satellite Channel) as a Head of Investigation department. Here also once again he faced previous situation, Again he had to leave the channel. At least he decided to start his own group of channels naming PAKISTAN MEDIA BUREAU NETWORKS (PMB NETWORK)
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thehussargeneral · 6 days
"Where have I ended up?"
This is the question Lasalle wishes to investigate today: since landing in this strange place, he has yet to find out where he is, who is with him, and what is beyond that cold mist that covers the rest of the forest.
The men of the encampment are all those who fell while under his command in life. A few familiar faces present themselves from his own regiment, but many are unknown. Lasalle chooses not to ask where they fell, assuming this to be a sensitive subject, but is civil with them as he wanders around this camp he has ended up in.
He notices that when he rides, a specific group follows him and acts as a sort of bodyguard, allowing nobody to get too close. Eventually he asks who they are and why they do this; they reply that they are the dead of Wagram, but give no reason for their fierce protection of their general. He also notices that the sentries never change, and yet they seem immune to fatigue and carry on with their duties as if they were freshly placed there. This he again receives no explanation for, but observes that the blood on their uniforms shows they must have died from wounds received from behind.
Then there's the matter of that damned mist. It is cold but leaves no frost or other residue, and it seems to distort one's form while walking through it. It has prevented several of his letters from reaching their destinations, but no one knows why. And something always makes him turn back when he tries to walk all the way through, as if an omen is warning him to do so.
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joachimnapoleon · 4 years
Murat Correspondence Masterpost
I’ve been posting quite a bit of Murat-related correspondence since starting up this account, so I thought I’d put together a post compiling all the links to the various letters & excerpts in one place. I’ll try to keep this updated regularly as I post more. (This will just be a list of the Murat correspondence I’ve posted to my Tumblr; my much-neglected other blog that I really need to start updating again has a lot more.)
***Edit (1 Nov 2020)*** So I’ve decided to go and add links to all the letters I’ve posted on my other blog as well, to have all the letters I’ve translated and typed up linked in one place. There are forty total letters from Murat to his daughter Letitia. The Letitia letters make up the bulk of the post-1810 correspondence I’ve translated so far. Paul Le Breton’s published Murat correspondence stops in the summer of 1810, so almost everything I have from after that point, with very few exceptions, comes from the series of letters to Letitia published separately, and the small number of letters published in Louise Murat’s memoirs. 
***Edit (22 Feb 2021)*** Updated with links to Dec 1813/Jan 1814 letters from Murat to Napoleon; July 1805 letters between Murat & Eugène; and Caroline’s letter to Fouché from 1820. 
28 Jul 1799 -- Murat to his father [Excerpt]
19 Feb 1801 -- Murat to Napoleon [Excerpt]
1 Mar 1801 -- Murat to Napoleon [Excerpt]
15 Apr 1801 -- Murat to Napoleon [Excerpt]
16 May 1801 -- Murat to his mother
5 Jul 1805 -- Fouché to Murat [Excerpt]
17 Jul 1805 -- Murat to Eugène de Beauharnais
28 Jul 1805 -- Eugène de Beauharnais to Murat
1 Nov 1806 -- Lannes to Murat
1 Dec 1806 -- Lannes to Murat [Excerpt]
4 Dec 1806 -- Lannes to Murat
[day/month not given] 1807 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
26 Mar 1807 -- Lannes to Murat
26 Mar 1807 -- Caroline Murat to Joachim Murat
3 Apr 1807 -- Murat his daughter Letitia
1 May 1807 -- Lasalle to Murat
[?] May 1807 -- Poniatowski to Murat
14 May 1807 -- Murat to Louis Bonaparte
20 May 1807 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
18 Jul 1808 -- Murat to Lannes
14 Aug 1808 -- Jerome Bonaparte to Murat
31 Oct 1808 -- Murat to Lannes
28 Jan 1809 -- Pauline Bonaparte to Murat
21 Oct 1809 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
26 Jan 1810 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
24 Mar 1810 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
24 Mar 1810 -- Caroline Murat to Joachim Murat
24 Mar 1810 -- Murat to Napoleon
15 Apr 1810 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
11 May 1810 -- Caroline Murat to Joachim Murat [Excerpt]
11 Jun 1810 -- Murat to Napoleon
11 Jul 1810 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
20 Jul 1810 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
5 Aug 1810 -- Caroline Murat to Joachim Murat
12 Sep 1810 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
[day/month not given, likely Sep] 1810 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
5 May 1811 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
1 May 1812 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
7 May 1812 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
15 May 1812 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
24 May 1812 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
29 May 1812 -- Murat to Belliard [Excerpt]
13 Jun 1812 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
4 Jul 1812 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
18 Jul 1812 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
1 Aug 1812 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
11 Aug 1812 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
19 Aug 1812 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
3 Sep 1812 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
7 Sep 1812 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
3 Dec 1812 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
9 Dec 1812 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
23 Dec 1812 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
18 Apr 1813 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
21 Apr 1813 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
11 May 1813 -- Murat to Empress Marie-Louise
4 Jul 1813 -- Murat to Napoleon
14 Aug 1813 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
29 Aug 1813 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
3 Sep 1813 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
19 Sep 1813 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
28 Sep 1813 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
13 Nov 1813 -- Murat to Napoleon
23 Nov 1813 -- Murat to Napoleon
3 Dec 1813 -- Murat to Napoleon
16 Dec 1813 -- Murat to Napoleon
25 Dec 1813 -- Murat to Napoleon
1 Jan 1814 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
3 Jan 1814 -- Murat to Napoleon
14 Jan 1814 -- Murat to Napoleon
28 Jan 1814 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
6 Feb 1814 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
8 Mar 1814 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
[day not given] Mar 1814 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
15 Feb 1814 -- Murat to Pauline Bonaparte
21 Apr 1814 -- Murat to his daughter Letitia
28 Sep 1815 -- Murat to Francis Macirone
20 Aug 1820 -- Caroline Murat to Joseph Fouché
36 notes · View notes
choixdavenir · 4 years
Entrevue cégépienne
1.  Comment se déroule votre expérience au Cégep ? Est-ce que vous faites un préuniversitaire ou une technique ?  
   Je suis présentement en train de terminer un DEC en sciences humaines dans le profil individu, qui correspond à un DEC de base avec une concentration en psychologie et en sociologie, au Cégep André-Laurendeau situé à LaSalle. C’est un programme préuniversitaire, alors mon expérience au Cégep aura été de courte durée puisque, si tout va bien, je l’aurai terminé en 2 ans, c’est-à-dire en juin 2021. Dans le contexte de la pandémie, je n’ai eu qu’une session en présentiel à l’école (automne 2019), mais je peux t’affirmer que ces 3 mois ont été parmi les meilleurs de ma vie ! Chaque Cégep a une réputation différente. En ce qui concerne le mien, il est surtout reconnu pour être tranquille et favoriser une énorme socialisation, ce qui s’est avéré être très vrai. Il y a une grande ouverture d’esprit et une très grande diversité parmi les étudiants, alors tu ne te sens jamais délaissé, peu importe tes passions ou ton origine. À chaque pause commune (période de pause générale pour tous les étudiants, peu importe leur programme/leurs cours), il y avait des activités à la cafétéria, de la musique, bref c’était super vivant ! J’ai adoré l’ambiance, presque familiale, et cela me manque beaucoup depuis que l’enseignement se déroule en ligne. Cependant, les enseignants sont compréhensifs et à l’écoute des élèves, et c’est en ayant de l’enseignement à distance que j’ai réellement compris l’importance de ces qualités chez les professeurs, pour lesquelles je suis vraiment reconnaissante. J’ai eu la chance d’aller au Cégep avec mes amis du secondaire, mais cela ne m’a pas empêché de me faire de nouveaux amis, avec qui je suis toujours en contact malgré la pandémie, grâce aux réseaux sociaux. Cela a été un coup de foudre du point de vue amical ! 😊  
2.  Est-ce que vos attentes avant d’entrer au Cégep concordent avec votre réalité académique actuelle ? Ex. : charge de travail, cours.  
   J’ai réalisé mes études secondaires dans un programme d’éducation internationale (PEI) au Collège Saint-Louis, école secondaire semi-privée axée énormément sur la performance académique, alors, pour être honnête, mes attentes envers la charge académique étaient un peu plus élevées que ce à quoi j’ai réellement eu à faire face. Personnellement, pour moi, la charge de travail académique n’a pas été augmentée de façon significative entre le secondaire et le cégep. Puisque j’ai eu enfin l’opportunité de choisir d’étudier ce que j’aimais réellement, je me suis rapidement adaptée à la nouvelle matière. Je me souviens d’avoir compris, dès les premières semaines, que ce n’est pas la matière de mon programme qui allait être difficile, mais plutôt l’organisation de ma nouvelle vie sociale et de mon futur, ce que je n’avais pas prévu comme difficulté au départ. J’ai eu à faire beaucoup de compromis et de changements dans ma vie, mais la clé, selon moi, c’est surtout d’avoir une bonne organisation. J’ai essayé au maximum d’avoir un équilibre dans toutes les sphères de ma vie, entre l’école, mon entourage social et familial et mon emploi. C’est l’unique outil qui me permet de rester saine mentalement et physiquement, tout en ayant 8 cours à temps plein et tout en travaillant dans une pharmacie en pleine pandémie 20 h par semaine à temps partiel ! Toutefois, je peux te confirmer que je ne t’aurais pas donné la même réponse si j’avais fait mon secondaire dans une autre école que celle-là. Je suis consciente que pour beaucoup c’est complètement différent, mais c’est important de ne pas oublier que chaque programme comporte des difficultés académiques et que ça ne vaut pas la peine de se rendre malade juste pour 0,2 point de plus à la cote R. Au Cégep, ça va10x plus vite qu’au secondaire, alors on se met à questionner absolument chacun de nos choix, en espérant de ne pas le regretter plus tard, mais il faut faire attention parce que ça peut rapidement devenir toxique comme comportement.  
3.  Avez-vous dérogé de l’idée de carrière que vous aviez en entrant au Cégep ?  
   Oui ! Déjà, il faut savoir que tout mon secondaire 4 j’avais prévu aller en sciences de la nature/de la santé, car j’adore les mathématiques et la biologie et j’ai toujours rêvé d’être psychiatre. Mes plans ont rapidement changé quand j’ai eu un cours de chimie en secondaire 5 et j’ai compris que ça, par exemple, je n’aimais pas du tout et que ça allait être impossible que j’en suive 3 autres. J’ai changé mon choix de programme au SRAM pour le programme de sciences humaines-individu, 24 h avant la date finale d’inscription, sans le dire à personne, et c’est la meilleure décision que j’aurais pu prendre ! À ce moment-là, j’avais comme objectif de devenir criminologue ou avocate, puis j’ai eu une énorme période de questionnements pendant l’été. J’ai vu que j’allais terminer mon DEC dans les temps prescrits et deux ans, c’est extrêmement court comme période pour décider de ma carrière pour les 50 prochaines années… J’ai eu peur de ne pas pouvoir être assez objective dans ces domaines, alors je me suis réorientée vers ce qui m’a toujours passionnée à la base : la psychologie.  
4.  Comment avez-vous vécu la transition entre votre école secondaire et votre Cégep ? Ex. : établissement plus grand, cours spécialisés, responsabilités générales, déplacements, etc.  
   Pour moi, la transition s’est bien faite, mais de façon brusque, car tous les changements sont arrivés en même temps. J’ai toujours habité très proche de mes écoles (primaires et secondaires), alors je n’ai jamais eu à utiliser l’autobus ou la voiture pour m’y rendre, ce qui n’a pas été le cas pour le Cégep. Ma routine des 11 dernières années a été bouleversée ; maintenant, il fallait que je me réveille à 5 h 30, pour pouvoir prendre le bus à 6 h 40, pour arriver à temps à 8 h à l’école parce que je n’avais pas encore mon permis de conduite. C’était très fatigant et maintenant je comprends mes amis du secondaire qui habitaient loin qui étaient toujours fatigués le matin ! Aussi, ayant été environ 900 étudiants au complet dans mon école secondaire, je n’étais pas habituée à une grande école comme André, où on est plus de 5000 ! J’ai traversé une petite période d’anxiété les premières semaines en voyant la cafétéria toujours remplie à craquer de personnes, en étant souvent dans une ambiance bruyante et en étant entourée de nouveaux visages à chaque 10 secondes, mais, avec le temps, je m’y suis habituée et maintenant l’école me paraît presque petite ! :)    
5.  Pensez-vous continuer dans le même domaine d’études ?  
   Oui ! Je vais continuer dans le domaine des sciences sociales à l’université. J’ai arrêté mon choix de façon définitive sur la neuropsychologie qui est une spécialisation clinique de la psychologie. Je vais appliquer en mars à l’Université de Montréal dans le programme de neurosciences cognitives et à McGill, en Psychology Honors, puis après je choisirai l’université dans laquelle je voudrais poursuivre. Mon rêve serait d’enseigner les neurosciences au niveau universitaire et de travailler en pédiatrie, dans les hôpitaux publics, où il y a, en ce moment, un grand manque de psychologues et de neuropsychologues.  
6.  Sentez-vous la pression de votre entourage concernant votre formation actuelle ?  
   Je ne ressens pas de la pression venant de mon entourage, mais plutôt, parfois, un manque de respect envers mes intérêts. Les personnes plus âgées ont souvent tendance à discréditer les sciences humaines au profit des sciences dites pures, en croyant que les sciences humaines ne sont pas de véritables sciences et que les seules sciences valables sont la chimie, la physique et la biologie. D’où je viens, en Europe de l’Est, la santé mentale est toujours un tabou et le métier de psychologue n’est pas une fierté parce la croyance populaire prétend qu’on soigne « les fous ». Je trouve ça vraiment dommage comme mentalité et quand j’y pense trop longtemps, ça me rend triste. Au début, lorsque je recevais des moqueries de membres de ma famille éloignée ou des amis de mes parents, je ripostais en défendant mes intérêts, mais j’ai compris que ça ne servait à rien que leurs idées étaient préconçues et figées, et maintenant je ne fais qu’ignorer les commentaires de ce genre. Je me dis que l’important c’est que je fais ce que j’aime, que je le fais en ayant de bonnes intentions, que cela respecte mes valeurs et qu’à la fin de la journée, je suis fière de moi. Le reste m’importe peu maintenant !  
7.  Est-ce que vous ressentez de la pression concernant votre performance académique ?  
   Oui définitivement et même beaucoup plus que nécessaire. La cote de rendement (cote R) qui nous départage au Cégep et qui nous donne le résultat supposé de nos capacités n’est ni réaliste ni adéquate. Pour te donner une idée, deux personnes inscrites au dans le même programme d’études pourraient avoir exactement les mêmes résultats, mais avoir des cotes R complètement différentes, dû à un indice de force différent, selon leur groupe et leur cégep. La cote R en deuxième année rend fou et engendre une quantité de stress tellement grande que ça devient problématique pour beaucoup d’entre nous, moi y comprise. Les gens sont avares avec leurs notes et certains refusent même de l’entraide par peur que ça fasse remonter la moyenne du groupe et finisse par les désavantager. Je n’ai jamais compris cette mentalité et c’est une autre des raisons pour lesquelles je ne suis pas allée en sciences de la nature, qui est le programme le plus compétitif puisqu’il mène à la médecine. Les parents qui n’ont pas été au Cégep ici, dont les miens, ne comprennent pas cette réalité et croient qu’au contraire, puisque j’ai de plus longues pauses qu’au secondaire, ça me permet d’étudier davantage alors que pas du tout. J’ai toujours été studieuse et pris mes études avec beaucoup de sérieux, alors mes parents ont été habitués à ce que j’aie des notes très hautes et me le font clairement comprendre lorsque ce n’est pas suffisamment haut à leur goût. Combiné à tous les autres facteurs et problèmes de ma vie, ça devient en effet rapidement un important poids sur mes épaules.  
8.  Sentez-vous de la pression de la part de la société concernant votre choix de carrière ?  
   Malheureusement, oui. Il y a beaucoup de stéréotypes et de préjugés encore présents au Cégep, qui peuvent influencer négativement le parcours scolaire. La société et les gens se contredisent sur plusieurs aspects et en tant qu’étudiante, j’essaie de me conformer à la majorité, mais c’est compliqué. Par exemple, tout le monde s’entend pour dire que c’est normal de ne pas savoir dans quoi poursuivre ses études après seulement 2 ans, mais, d’un autre côté, rester trop longtemps au cégep c’est mal vu. J’aurais le droit d’être indécise, mais pas trop non plus. Je peux prendre une pause si je n’ai vraiment aucune idée, au lieu de gaspiller de l’argent sur un programme universitaire que je sais que je vais abandonner, mais je dois travailler entre temps sinon c’est comme si j’étais paresseuse. C’est correct de couler un cours ou d’en abandonner un avant la date limite, mais il ne faudrait pas que je le dise trop haut parce que c’est gênant. Les autres vont croire que je suis incapable. L’étudiant qui a un rêve en tête, mais qui n’a pas d’emploi afin de se concentrer sur ses études pour avoir de bonnes notes, mais il va se faire montrer du doigt par celui ayant de mauvaises notes, mais qui a déjà un emploi étudiant. Malgré toutes les campagnes, les publicités et les beaux discours, selon moi, la société ne valorise pas l’intelligence collective, l’entraide et le dépassement, mais plutôt la persévérance académique dans le seul objectif de faire le plus d’argent possible. Plus ton métier est reconnu comme « nécessaire » à la société, plus elle va mettre la lumière sur celui-ci en vantant ses mérites. Si ta carrière est plutôt quelque chose d’abstrait, d’indéfini, alors tu es laissé à toi-même. Être médecin, notaire, avocat, enseignant, c’est génial, mais éboueur, travailleur de la construction, mécanicien, préposé aux bénéficiaires, c’est moins intéressant. Bref, c’est pourquoi j’aime voir la société comme un cercle et non comme une pyramide, car dans le cercle tout le monde est interdépendant et tout le monde a la même position, tandis que dans une pyramide ce n’est qu’une faible proportion de gens qui profitent de tous les bénéfices et de la lumière des projecteurs.  
0 notes
freesuitwhispers · 4 years
Global  Facility Management (FM) Services Market CAGR, Volume and Value 2020-2025
Summary – A new market study, “Global Facility Management (FM) Services Market Growth (Status and Outlook) 2020-2025”has been featured on WiseGuyReports.
According to this study, over the next five years the Facility Management (FM) Services market will register a 5.0%% CAGR in terms of revenue, the global market size will reach $ 42620 million by 2025, from $ 35090 million in 2019. In particular, this report presents the global revenue market share of key companies in Facility Management (FM) Services business, shared in Chapter 3.
 This report presents a comprehensive overview, market shares, and growth opportunities of Facility Management (FM) Services market by product type, application, key manufacturers and key regions and countries.
Also Read: https://marketersmedia.com/facility-management-fm-services-market-2020-global-industry-analysis-by-key-players-segmentation-trends-and-forecast-by-2026/88977373
 This study specially analyses the impact of Covid-19 outbreak on the Facility Management (FM) Services, covering the supply chain analysis, impact assessment to the Facility Management (FM) Services market size growth rate in several scenarios, and the measures to be undertaken by Facility Management (FM) Services companies in response to the COVID-19 epidemic.
 Segmentation by type: breakdown data from 2015 to 2020 in Section 2.3; and forecast to 2025 in section 10.7.
Soft Services
Hard Services
 Segmentation by application: breakdown data from 2015 to 2020, in Section 2.4; and forecast to 2025 in section 10.8.
Commercial Buildings
Residential Buildings
Government Buildings
 This report also splits the market by region: Breakdown data in Chapter 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.
United States
Southeast Asia
Middle East & Africa
South Africa
GCC Countries
 The report also presents the market competition landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the major vendor/manufacturers in the market. The key manufacturers covered in this report: Breakdown data in in Chapter 3.
Compass Group
Cushman & Wakefield
CB Richard Ellis
Apleona HSG
Cofely Besix
Veranova Properties
Global Facility Management and Construction
Brookfield Global Integrated Solutions
OCS Group
Jones Lang LaSalle
Continuum Services
Updater Services
Camelot Facility Solutions
NG&G Facility Services
 In addition, this report discusses the key drivers influencing market growth, opportunities, the challenges and the risks faced by key players and the market as a whole. It also analyzes key emerging trends and their impact on present and future development.
 Research objectives
To study and analyze the global Facility Management (FM) Services market size by key regions/countries, type and application, history data from 2015 to 2019, and forecast to 2025.
To understand the structure of Facility Management (FM) Services market by identifying its various subsegments.
Focuses on the key global Facility Management (FM) Services players, to define, describe and analyze the value, market share, market competition landscape, SWOT analysis and development plans in next few years.
To analyze the Facility Management (FM) Services with respect to individual growth trends, future prospects, and their contribution to the total market.
To share detailed information about the key factors influencing the growth of the market (growth potential, opportunities, drivers, industry-specific challenges and risks).
To project the size of Facility Management (FM) Services submarkets, with respect to key regions (along with their respective key countries).
To analyze competitive developments such as expansions, agreements, new product launches and acquisitions in the market.
To strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their growth strategies.
FOR MORE DETAILS :  https://www.wiseguyreports.com/reports/4873834-global-facility-management-fm-services-market-growth-status-and-outlook-2020-2025
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Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Research Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe.                
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thehussargeneral · 4 days
The Damned Mist
What is this infernal rebellious air to stop General Lasalle himself? The cheek of it to contain him to this field! But no longer, for another expedition is taken into the mist today.
This time Lasalle and his insistent bodyguards enter the mist at a flat-out gallop, sabres drawn as in a charge, allowing themselves no time to think or have whatever haunts this place convince them to turn back. And besides, who's to know what is beyond the mist, if anything, and if it is safe?
Their forms distort as they charge through, limbs and horses appearing to flow like water despite causing no unusual sensation. It goes on like this for several minutes, the horses pushing on into the endless white on all sides of them, one man hardly able to see the other even in close order, even the noise from jingling belts and hooves ripping up the ground dampened by whatever this stuff was made of. Now an overwhelming smell fills their nostrils, the unmistakeable stench of black powder that coats the field of battle, and it only becomes more intense as they continue.
And then at last they emerge from the mist. The same smell of powder remains, and the expedition into the mist finally finds what is beyond the border of their camp: a place known well by these men, all of whom had died here, for the aftermath of the Battle of Wagram unfolds before them now. It is no different from the aftermath of any other battle: a few wounded being picked up and carried off, the dead men noted as such, a few figures wandering around lost and confused, and of course the unforgettable stink of death that coats everything touched by what happened here.
It seems they are invisible here, as nobody comments on their dead General appearing, and no one even looks in their direction.
Do you remember this place, General Lasalle?
The General will not be commanded by some disembodied voice! And yet the question is repeated, over and over again, more distorted and annoyed each time it is ignored. But it is doomed to be ignored forever, for Lasalle and his band now turn around and charge back into the mist.
The journey back is shorter, but as the smell of powder fades away and the forest reappears before them, it almost feels like they are returning from a dream.
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loriebouffard · 4 years
séance #07 - Est-ce vraiment toi?
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L’identité en ligne est un sujet qui a fait les manchettes dans les derniers temps, surtout en lien avec les vols d’identité chez Desjardins. Mais l’identité peut prendre plusieurs formes grâce au numérique. Il n’a jamais été aussi facile de se faire passer pour quelqu’un d’autre sur les différentes plateformes en ligne.
Depuis l’apparition des médias sociaux comme, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter et les plateformes de rencontre, il est devenu extrêmement simple de se créer la vie dont on rêve. Si vous êtes un utilisateur de médias sociaux, vous avez surement déjà remarqué que la plupart des publications personnelles des gens les montrent à leur avantage et dans de bons moments de leur vie. Il est assez rare de voir quelqu’un photographié de façon peut avantageuse.  
Mais pourquoi ne sommes-nous pas complètement authentique sur nos réseaux sociaux? Certains ont tendance à dire que c’est parce que nous nous comparons aux autres et que nous essayons de prouver que nos aussi nous avons une vie palpitante (Lasalle, 2019). Malgré le fait que nous modelons notre vie en ligne en y publiant nos exploits, certains vont beaucoup plus loin.
Il y a de cela quelques années, une série populaire a été diffusée sur MTV et sur les ondes de Musique Plus au Québec. Celle-ci se nomme Catfish. Cette émission américaine avait comme but d’aider les gens qui font des rencontres en ligne à découvrir si leur correspondant était vraiment celui qu’ils pensaient. Malheureusement, il s’agissait souvent de personnes qui avaient utilisé les photos de d’autres afin de se rendre attirant.  
Quand on s’intéresse un peu plus aux raisons qui poussent les gens à agir comme tel, on se rend compte que la plupart des gens le font car ils se sentent seuls, ils veulent être plus populaires ou ils désirent avoir plus de succès en amour, car lorsqu’ils utilisent leurs vraies photos, les gens ne s’intéressent pas à eux (Vanman, 2018).
En fréquentant quelques sites, il m’est souvent arrivé d’apercevoir des photos de gens connus associées avec un nom différent. De plus, quelqu’un a déjà pris les photos de mon amie sans consentement afin de créer un profil Tinder et de saboter sa réputation. Malheureusement, elle n’a pas pu faire grand-chose et cela aurait pu avoir des répercussions sur sa vie. Et vous, êtes-vous toujours certain que la personne avec qui vous clavardez est vraiment celle qu’elle prétend être?
Lasalle, G. (2019, 7 septembre). L’image que vous projetez en ligne est-elle authentique? Radio-Canada. https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1286604/fake-instagram-reseaux-sociaux-influenceurs-facebook-snapchat
Vanman, E. (2018, 25 juillet). It’s not about money: we asked catfish why they trick people online. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/its-not-about-money-we-asked-catfish-why-they-trick-people-online-100381
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news-monda · 4 years
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