#lars loud x reader
heinouscolette · 3 months
Study Muffin
Genderbent!Loud Siblings x Reader
Linka groans from the sight of her paper. Her test was marked with an F. She rests her head on the desk, defeated. “I don't get it, Claudia. Usually, I'm a good student but lately it's been all C's and D's and now an F.”
Claudia grabbed Linka’s test paper and grimaced at it. “Ugh, and a frowny face too. Girl, I cannot.” Claudia’s reply made Linka groan even more, disturbing others around them. “If I don't turn this around, I could fail fifth grade!”
“Linka, you can't! If I go to middle school without you, I could fall in with the wrong social group, and get frosted lips, and start being into bubble nails." Claudia shivered.
Linka just stared at her best friend blankly almost lost hope but she remembered she knew someone who could get her to tutor.
That is… no other than Levi!
“No.” Levi refused while staring blankly at his sister. The two siblings are at home. Linka approached her brother the first thing after she came home from school.
“But, Levi!” Linka whined, Levi is the only one who could help her right now as he is the prodigy intellectually among her brothers. With no way out, she tried to do puppy dog eyes at him to try and persuade her younger brother to give in and help her.
“Cute, but you really thought that would work on me? Sorry, Link. Unfortunately I am completely booked. I got math with Lars on Mondays, geology with Lynn on Tuesdays, finger painting with Leon on Wednesdays, et cetera et cetera." He showed Linka his schedule for the rest of the month which made the girl sigh.
“Oh, since you did the puppy eye thing, I’ll give you an advice. I've heard through the tutoring grapevine that some high school students tutor for extra credit.” With that, Levi turned to walk away from Linka.
“Hey, you said the puppy eye thing didn’t work!”
“Oh, pish-posh.” Levi grinned and left. At a distance, he could be heard yelling at Loni about being tardy with the Pre-Cal tutoring session.
Your phone dinged as someone sent you a message about being interested of booking you as a tutor. Finally, the time has come! You’ve been growing anxious about being a tutor. Although this isn’t the first time teaching another student, it’s still nerve-wracking since it’s a stranger this time.
It really wasn’t your idea to offer tutoring sessions but your friend suggested that it might be a good idea to build an image for college applications in the future.
You opened the message and found that you would be tutoring a fifth grader since she’s bound to flunk if she continues to fail the remedial. Your body relaxed a little knowing the lessons would be a bit easier to teach and nothing could go wrong.
You ringed the door bell to what you assumed the Loud Residence as this was the address the tutee gave you. Within a minute, a young girl with striking white hair opened the door for you and gave you a welcoming smile. “Hello, is this the Loud Residence?” you gave her your professional smile you practiced prior.
Her eyes glimmered and gave you an affirming nod. “Yep! You must be my tutor. I am Linka.”
After introducing yourself, she led you to their dining table and set up her textbooks. “I really appreciate this, (Y/n). I have a big multi-subject test coming up, and I need to ace it.”
You smiled at her, “I’m sure you’ll be able to ace it, but after thorough assessments from our sessions of course. So, I’ll do my best to help you.”
“And I thought that angels only exist in heaven.” Linka dramatically says while clenching her fist on top of her chest. You only laughed at her.
“So, I'm like, if you literally don't know the difference between rugby and football— Oh, Linka brought a new girl friend around.” A male voice spoke which caught both of your attention. His tone was a bit playful.
“Loki, get out! Can’t you see we’re studying here?” Linka hissed but the boy never faltered. “Oh really? This is our kitchen, Link. I can do whatever I want.” You turned to look at him as you can feel his presence between you and Linka. He ruffled Linka’s hair, satisfied at annoying his sister.
Must be a family of blondes. Loki has a common blonde hair compared to Linka. He also has a light stubble that complimented that growing smirk of his. He suddenly turned his head and made eye contact with you. “Don’t ogle too much, it’ll be harder to concentrate.” He grinned at you, but instead of being flustered, his comment only irked you.
“Wipe that smirk off your face before I do it for you.” You undoubtedly replied not thinking it through. You only came to your senses when it suddenly became quiet and Loki looked at you dumbfounded. Your cheeks became flushed and felt embarrassed. What were you doing in your first day of tutoring?!
You hanged your head low, mentally facepalming yourself. You’re sure Loki caught on about your reply. “Yeah, right! Give him an uppercut!” Linka instigated.
Yeah… an uppercut…
While looking down, you saw that Loki dropped his phone and handed it to him. “Loki, you dropped your phone.” However, when you looked up, you’re sure that his cheeks were tinted pink or maybe your eyes were just playing with you.
His silence broke Linka from her uppercut suggestions. “Loki, are you okay?”
Loki rubs the nape of his neck and trying to build “I uh… I am… I’m fi—“
“I heard a goose! I call dibs!" A young blonde came into view holding a net, however upon seeing you, he was a bit confused. “What’s a pretty stranger doing in this house?!”
“A what?” Another boy came into the kitchen. He’s wearing a clay mask and has cucumber slices in his eyes. He removes the slices and made eye contact with you. “AAH! MY FACE!”
Yep, a family of blondes. Your claim was disproven immediately when the rest of the siblings came into the kitchen probably curious about the commotion.
Ah… there are lots of them.
All of them started talking at the same time. Unfortunately, you can’t comprehend any of this as their voices became inaudible. You just stared at them amused of how this family caters a lot of siblings.
The one who cleansed his on-going skincare came back and greeted you. “Hey, guys. Oh, Linka, I didn't know you were entertaining. Hi. I'm Loni.” Is this guy for real? He acted as if he wasn't here minutes ago. You can’t help but let out a laugh about his silliness which caught the siblings’ attention.
You became self-conscious when they all stared at you. Their stares made you a bit shy. “Oh, I’m sorry. I’m Linka’s tutor, (Y/n). It’s nice to meet you all.” You nervously laugh.
“Ugh, could all of you please get out? We’re trying to study!” Linka snapped at them but the sibling with a crown pushed a chair between Linka and I, and sat, "It's a free country, Linka. We can go where we want to."
"I'm standing here!" The boy with the net stood next to you while smiling ear to ear. You're now trapped between these cuties. They resemble each other, must be twins.
"The heck you are!" The princely twin retorted, but before any punches were thrown you immediately disputed it. "Boys, I know you're interested in joining Linka and I, but she can't concentrate if eyes are observing her." You grabbed something from your purse
"And mouths yapping" Linka raised an eyebrow at his brothers.
"Yes- wait-, what I mean is she can't focus if there are distractions." You grabbed something from your purse. "Here, I'll give these to you since I'm hoping you'll behave accordingly." You handed each twin a lollipop and gave them a wink.
Their smiles grew wide and immediately shoved it in their mouths. "Roger that!" They saluted and walked away with puffed chests. You turned to the remaining brothers. "We'll just occupy the space for a couple of hours, if you don't mind."
"No problem, Love." A brunette with a faux hawk leaned his arm on your chair gave you a boyish smile. "You can be here anytime of the day. You can even join me on my rock sessions upstair-- Ow! Lane!" On instinct, you leaned your head away when a brunette with braces karate chopped his head. "No, you're not, you just want both of your strings to get attached. Haha! Get it? Strings!"
"Come on, (Y/n)! Let's go somewhere a little less crowded." Linka dragged you away from her swarming brothers. She's clearly annoyed with her brows furrowed.
She led the both of you to the living room and settled on the couch. When she was opening the textbooks, voices were heard outside the house. "The one who catches Geo wins!" The younger brothers were playing in competition with each other, and Linka could see that they were showing off to impress her tutor.
"What are they doing?! They're literally disturbing you. I'm sorry, (Y/n)." Loki sat next to you on the couch and started typing on his phone. His presence made you a bit shy, being this close made you notice his arms' lean muscles, and his full eyebrows. You instantly looked away as he might caught on that you were staring. "Ooh, Linka, you have so many books. What's the story about?" You were caught off guard by a voice coming from behind you. When you turned your head, you saw Loni peeking his head behind the couch. He emits a clean and sweet scent, and he also looks neat.
"I think it'll be better if we went to my room instead." Linka gathered her books and gave the stink eye to her older brothers while escorting you to her room. They only responded with a smirk. Living with ten brothers her whole life, Linka knew what her brothers' antics are all about. They can't even hide that their expressions are living subtitles of their intensions.
After entering upstairs, you saw a brother with an eyeglass interrupting Linka for dragging you to her room, “I need to borrow (Y/n) for a second. I'm tutoring Lexx.” She only gave him a questioning look. You look your tutee with worry, but maybe it wouldn’t hurt to help a little.
“Okay, but I can’t stay for more than 5 minutes. I’ll just explain an specific topic they’re having a hard time with.” Levi stared at you with a creepy smile and made a creepy giggle to go along with it.
“This is called a gluteus maximus, otherwise known as the butt.” Levi pointed his pointing stick at the side of your ass cheek. "Wait, what?!" You jerked away from Levi face flushed from embarrassment. You held your hands up to the level of your bust and backed away. "I'm so sorry, I know it's educational but I think I'm not the the best model-- Oof!" Your back bumped into someone's torso. Before you could apologize you were interrupted, "Don't worry about it, (Y/n). These boys are just getting cheeky." Lane came in and pinched both Levi and Lexx's ears which earned a yelp from each sibling. "Wait, I just made a pun! Get it? Cheeky?" Lane laughed to himself.
"All right, all right, CLASS DISMISSED!" Linka grabs your arm and dragged you away from the scene.
"I'm sorry about that, (Y/n)." Linka opened her door and got scared when a goth kid started talking "I wrote a poem about you. (Y/n). Pretty face. Mysterious eyes. Pretty cool for a living girl. (Y/n)."
"Everybody out!" Lexx screamed at Linka's door. "It's time for The Knight, The Princess and The Dragon. You're the Princess, (Y/n). You don't have to do anything your beauty is enough." Lexx giggled. "Lexx, what did we agree on earlier?" You raised a questioning eyebrow at him. "Oopsies." Lexx nervously laughed and bowed before leaving Linka's room.
"Finally, we can get down to business." Linka rejoiced and set her books on bed. "I'm so sorry about my brothers, (Y/n)."
"I'm sorry too, Linka. I should've been more stern with your brothers because tutoring you is my priority." You apologized too. "It's okay, you just met us. I'm sure you just wanted to help." Linka is so cute and can't help but hug her at being understanding. You girls laughed and continued studying.
Hours later, Linka completed the assessments you provided for her. Surprisingly, she got good marks. "Linka, you're spot-on in all of your lessons. Even surrealist art." Linka looked at her assessment scores in confusion, "It's weird. I thought I needed so much help."
"May I ask what happened the day you failed your test?"
"Well, Mr. DiMartino became the substitute for the day--" "Wait Mr. DiMartino? The hunk teacher in elementary?" You laughed at Linka but she only gave you a questioning look. "Girl, no wonder why you're getting distracted and failing your test. Mr. DiMartino is so hot that girls ogle at him and lost their focus."
"Oh my god, you are so right." Linka must've went through a flashback while you're yapping about Mr. DiMartino "I almost failed too because of him. A piece of advice, try not to look too much and you won't worry about failing fifth grade." You winked at Linka and patted her back.
You arranged your things and Linka escorted you downstairs. "It's all in your head, Link. There's no reason you shouldn't be getting top marks on your exam. Well, I guess you won't be needing me anymore." You gave her a hug.
You could hear the whining from the younger brothers about you leaving while the older ones frowned. "Thanks for having me guys!"
Linka tapped your arm just before you left the door. "Can we still hang out after this?" She looked at you with that puppy dog eyes. you only grinned aat her, "You really thought that's gonna work on me? I am a professionally at that, but since you tried, we can 'literally' hang out." You peeked behind Linka and see the guys smile a little.
I guess these dudes needed a playmate.
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loudhousewriting · 8 months
Omg!!! Im so glad I found someone who writes the male version!!!!!!! Can I please ask for Lars (Lucy's male counterpart) aged up to like sixteen with just some headcanons of him with a cherry girlfriend that likes to play with his hair and cuddle up to him please!!!! ❤️ (Loni's was so cute 😍)
Oh? Hmmm I'm glad you liked Loni's :) [Content: Y/n likes the color red and cherries] [I kind of want cherries now]
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To go with his 'black' aesthetic, I imagine he'd date a girl that wears lots of red [Dark red, bloody red, etc]
His hair practically consumes his face with the curls and thickness, so you can stick your hand in it and it'll disappear
He's still very shy and liked you from afar
He was to nervous to approach you and had to get help from both Linka and his friends
Tries using [Fake] blood to impress you, because... Well, it's blood [Plus it's a red color you seem to love so much]
Would peel your orange for you [Look up orange peeling theory]
Always has a bowl of cherries for you
Love how it stains the lips. Practically a natural lipstick
Kiss marks all over his pale face
Probably tries using cherries in his fake blood so he can get that dark red color
He gets really annoyed with his family when they embarrass him [Though, thankfully most of them are out of the house by now]
Pretty good with first aid. If you ever cut yourself or get hurt, he'll patch you up
He loves reading you poetry or to read it with you
Also loves writing poetry [Especially the ones where you're the muse :)]
Put snap clips in his hair to pull it back and show his eyes
Always has annoyed look on his face, so you pull at his cheeks to make it look like he's smiling. It always makes you start laughing
With the little of his face that you can see, it's always a RBF
You were probably kind of scared of him when you first met him and when you tell him it's because of his RBF, he's surprised
He really is a sweet guy, alas a little creepy
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readinglistfics · 11 months
thrawn angst about his identity and how the ascendancy and empire has treated him for being different ??? thrawn girlies, what do we think about this
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ladyxskywalker · 27 days
In Exile
Anakin Skywalker x F!Reader/OFC
after his battle with obi wan, anakin is spared & is instead banished to a remote farm world. there is no darth vader, no suit, no extensive injuries. only inner turmoil. he must find peace & healing. but what he didn't expect, was to find a kind lady there who just wants to be loved & help him.
part two
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a choose your own outcome story ! weekly story polls posted at the end of each chapter ! hope you enjoy ! 💌
Sunflowers, part one
It is an unusual time of day.
The sky has already become a softened shade of violet, the wind whispering quietly as it passes by - the suns, still felt to be the warmest right before setting.
Anakin looks up towards the haze. It is the later part of Summer on this planet. A forgotten place with no name that he calls home now. His farm, still needing tending to, even though things are sparse and the people are few here. 
He keeps to himself often because he likes it that way, burying himself in his work, trying to forget things on repeat. Striking thoughts and vivid memories appearing to him in his headspace, never seeming just to go away. 
anakin, this isn't you...
you're going down a path I can not follow...
It’s as if he doesn’t truly want them to disappear. As though he needs to remember, just to keep going in some sick and twisted way. 
this isn’t living.
I’m only just existing…
Closing his eyes for a moment, Anakin lets out a calming exhale of breath, standing solemnly amongst the grass, as he becomes lost inside their gentle stream of swaying. It is the only thing he can allow of himself now. Something simple to ground himself in so that he can not feel anymore pain. Those insufferable feelings will happen later. At night, when sleeping is a luxury for him and he isn’t so busy. He doesn’t get much rest these days, consumed by every ounce of remembering. Wishing he could just turn everything off if only he had willed it to be so. To truly be emotionless. A thread of left behind humanity, constantly reeling him back in again. 
goodbye, old friend…
may the force be with you…
Anakin scoffs, adjusting his tunic before kneeling down into one of the plant beds, examining the delicate leaves taking shape on his now flowering vegetables. They’ll be ready to harvest very soon - he thinks. Which means, he’ll get to be proud of something for a change. Happy to have watched something grow, even if it had been on the outskirts of nowhere, in the middle of this strange and quiet town...
But then, he starts to think of his unborn children. Feeling as though he’d blown his only chance in life of watching them live, breathe, and thrive in the world. Considering the possibility of being a good father, teaching them what it means to be…
or even … good.
“I’m none of those things. Not anymore…” he says.
This time, not completely realizing that he’s said something to himself out loud, looking away from his dirt ridden hands to make sure that no one else had been there to notice.
But you had.
You always did. Even when you'd tried not to.
So beautiful, and smiling at him in the last remains of daylight.
Holding a freshly picked bunch of sunflowers in your arms, struggling a bit to hold onto all the stems.
“Here. Let me…”
He begins, brushing the palms of his hands onto the front of his pants, before making his way over to your small patch of land. 
I better help her before she loses them all…
don’t need anyone laughing at her.
no one. laughs. at. her…
“Oh…thank you so much Lars, you didn’t have to do that…”
Taking the flowers from her slightly shaken hands, he carefully begins to place them one by one into one of his garden baskets. Forgetting for a moment that he is no longer Vader, and no longer Anakin, either. That Lars is the only name now that he can go by. However misguided. It’s the only thing salvaged from his old life that he can have again. 
“Yes I did…better in here than on the ground. Don’t you have one of these things?” he says gruffly, focused on the task at hand. 
“I did…”
“What do you mean, you did?”
“Another farmer stole my only basket from me…among other things…they were upset, it was my fault anyway, and…”
“Upset? No matter of disagreement should ever warrant thievery.”
they don’t know the meaning of upset.
stealing from a lady…
“They were angry when I didn’t return their affections. Now he’s trying to sabotage my business. Breaking things, poisoning my rose bushes... Spreading falsehoods about me and my family around the village…”
“Who. Is. He.?”
Anakin pauses deliberately between words, feeling a familiar heat inside himself rising to the surface.
Pointing to a house on the farthest side of town, he recognizes it immediately. 
Right opposite the lake.
The man is no farmer.
He's a vagrant fisherman.
Doing his own stretch of time on this desolate unlikely safe haven.
He must have escaped from someplace...
Avoiding a bounty...perhaps.
She's silent now. Perhaps he's frightened her with all of his wordless brooding.
Or...maybe it had something to do with the tightened closing of his fists.
I'm going to kill him.
“Go home. This will all be settled in the morning.”
He nods, having a hard time with being gentle. Trying his best to be reassuring.
But then, she smiles, her shoulders falling - relieved, before taking his hand. A metallic wonder resting in the palm of her own. She wishes that he can feel her, but somehow - strangely, she can almost sense that he does there.
“Thank you. I've been so afraid.”
Anakin hums, nodding in understanding.
If only she knew who was standing before her…
would she be in fear of me too here…?
doesn't matter…
But then...
Completely surprising him, she presses a kiss to his cheek.
Waves of unruly hair, almost getting in the way of it...
Leaving him standing there, contemplating a fight to be had in her honor at sunrise the next morning.
a/n - thanks so much for reading ! 💫 I've been inspired to write a story again, & what better way to do it than to get everyone involved in the writing process too 😊 this idea has been swirling around in my mind (& drafts folder) for a while now, so it's been really exciting to see it come back to life in a whole new way. each part of the story will be cross posted to ao3, & will be tagged on tumblr with 'sky lady story time 💌' hope you enjoyed this first installment ! I'm excited to see what you guys want to see happen next 🌼☕📖 xo A
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that1geek06 · 1 month
Hi, how are you? Could you write Harry Hook and male reader? The reader is Audrey's brother and super shy, and he meets Harry when the group of VKs went to save Ben.
HOWDY THERE, I'm alright thank you for asking :D I hope your doing good as well, but I can DEFINITELY do this, I'm so happy that my descendents work has been liked by the fandom and its time for the FIRST ROMANTIC FIC YAYYY so I apologize if its not amazing, lmk if there's anything I can do betterr
Harry Hook x Male!Reader
Warnings: None (lmk if that's wrong)
Audrey Rose, the most popular and recognizable child of Aurora and Phillip. But not many people know or realize that she has a twin brother, Y/N.
He doesn't blame people for not knowing his lineage, he was the complete opposite of his sister. He preferred comfort over style, singularity instead of popularity, and quiet rather than loud. The only one Y/N really talked to was Ben, who would often hang out with the twin when he courted his sister. But even when the VK'S came and he got with Mal, Ben still showed his friendship and even introduced him to the darker group.
And Y/N loved the VK'S.
They just didn't care, and he admired that, without having to talk to much he became close to the small group. They almost took him under their wing and looked out for him. Basically, he never had any issues with Chad once the VK'S started hanging out with him.
So when he heard about Mal running back to the isle and the plan to get her back. He begged to go along. Ben disagreed at first but with some convincing Y/N was allowed to go with.
He had never been so excited for something before, as Evie dressed him and Ben up the clothes felt so nice, the darker tones of red and grey felt suiting, she even made his outfit to be incorporated as a hoodie which he loved.
And then finally they were off.
Ben was very nervous about being there, but with some guidance from Evie, Jay, and Carlos, they got the ways down quite quickly.
They finally made it to Mal's hideout, and Ben went up to talk to her. Y/N waiting for him to return at the bottom of the steps with the others. Though the stomping of his footsteps proved their conversation didn't go to well.
"She's not coming." Ben said annoyed and stomped off through the streets. The others paced and tried to get the attention of Mal. But Y/N ran off to catch up with Ben.
After a small jog he's back at his side, "T-try not to worry to much Ben. Mal's going through a lot, I'm sure she'll come around here soon." He said in a soft tone, trying to comfort the soon to be king.
But Ben just sighs and shakes his head, "I doubt she will, I pushed her to far.."
The two turn a corner, when suddenly they see 2 other shadows, with a low chuckle one spoke. "Well ain't this just perfect, Uma will be please with this catch. A king and a prince, aye now that's somthin' special."
They step into the light, the taller one had a kind smile on his face surprisingly, his eyes set on Ben. "I knew I recognized you Ben! My dad wishes yours would rot in the underworld by the way." Y/N was confused by the guys happiness, and turned to look at the one the spoke earlier, only to find his eyes already on him.
The boy in the red coat smirked, twirling the handheld hook in his hand. "That you did Lad. Now, lets get this crown an' beauty to Uma." And then everything went black. But Y/N wasn't scared, he only thought one thing.
Did that VK really recognize him?
Y/N slowly opens his eyes, the smell of salt water stinging his nose. He squinted and looked around, eyes adjusting to the light, he tries to move, but he finds himself tied up to a pole.
A light chuckle makes him look up, "Welcome back sleepin' beauty, sorry ya didn't geta kiss like your mum." The boy from earlier smirked, but instead of feeling threatened, Y/N's heart skipped a beat, cheeks turn a light shade of red.
"...w-who are you?" He asks in a small voice, earning a large smile from the other boy. "How rude of me, tha names Harry, and I'm sure this piece o' metal can help ya fill in the rest." He answers, twirling it around once again.
He just nods, putting together he was Captain Hooks son. "Your a quiet one aint ya. Never really talkin' much at those fancy meetings up there." Harry comments, a teasing smirk on his face as he looks him up and down.
Y/N's eyes widened at that, "You've.. noticed me? You know who I am?" He asks in such a quiet voice it was barely a whisper. And he watches as Harry's face falls for a second. He goes to answer when Ben starts to wake up. And that crazed facade comes back as he turns his attention onto the young king.
After a few minutes though the other boy who helped capture him who he learned to be Gil announced Mal and the groups arrival. They had actually brought the wand. But when she pretended to use it on dude, Y/N knew that something wasn't right.
But Uma believed it.
Harry cuts the ropes off of Ben and Y/N, complaining about how his fun was ruined, though it felt almost as if his touched lingered a little longer than normal when he cut the ropes off of Y/N.
Then Mal and Uma trade, and the two royals were back with their group.
Mal starts trying to rush Ben away as Uma attempts to use the wand, and like he suspected, it didn't work. And then a big fight breaks lose.
Y/N fights, but nothing to harm anyone, he couldn't do any such thing. Finally they get space between them and the pirates and are getting ready to make an escape, until-
"BEAUTY!!" Y/N hears Harry yell, he looks back and makes eye contact with him, the pirate smirks, still dripping wet from grabbing his hook out of the water, clothes clinging to his body.
"I always noticed ya!" He yells again, answering Y/N's question from before.
He felt is face flare up and his heart drop as he stare into the other boys eyes. Only for the contact to be broken by Jay pulling him to follow out.
In a daze Y/N followed, mind and heart hooked on the pirate that had noticed him..
YAYY I loved this sm I hope you do tooo, and anon I hope this makes your day dreams a little easier to imagine <3
-Also, if anyone's interested, I'd be willing to make this a part two?? Tell me if I shouldd-
Lmk if there's anything I can do to improve I welcome any and all help, also, PAUSE. RN. GET A SNACK. Reading is so fun on a full stomach, but anyways, HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT MY GOOBERS, happy readingg 👾
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universellie · 1 year
What if you got hurt and died, and Steven had to revive you but it was taking longer than expected?
[Steven x f!reader imagine]
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He’d watch helplessly as you were thrown across the ground, frozen in place as he watched you crash into the sand.
It would feel like everything was in slow motion, like he was moving to fast for the world to catch up. He’s watching your chest rise and fall with weak breaths while he sprints towards you.
He’d take you in his arms, holding you gently while shielding you within a bubble from whatever horrors you had been fighting.
He’d be scared, holding your weakening body close to his chest and whispering in your ear, begging for you to hold on for him. Pleading with you to not let go. Repeatedly sputtering I love you’s.
You’d try and say something, but there’s no air in your lungs to speak. Steven would start to hyperventilate. Brushing your hair out of your face.
He’d watch as the light faded from your eyes, he’d scream so loud the ground would crack beneath him.
He’d kiss you, over and over again. Begging for his healing powers to work. His tears would fall on your cheeks, your eyes, your neck. Feverishly he’d rub them into your skin. Begging the stars for you to wake up.
Minutes later you still wouldn’t wake and Steven was hysterical. Why wasn’t his magic working? It worked on Lars!
It would grow quiet, only the gentle breeze of the ocean bouncing uselessly off of the bubble. Steven would be curled over you, clinging onto you. Crushing you into his chest.
Just as he began to accept it and conjure ways to save you, you’d take a gentle shivering breath.
He’d jump back and stare at you as your skin and hair turned pink. He’d kiss you again, hug you and dance with you.
He’d cry tears of joy and swing you around, all because he’d have his Y/N back.
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hayatoseyepatch · 2 months
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Description: A birthday confession with Hajime Umemiya ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡ Character:Hajime Umemiya Word Count:1K Contains: Fem!Reader x Hajime Umemiya. Fluff.
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Authors Note: This is just a little belated birthday drabble for @littleplantfreak I hope you had an amazing day!! Also, again congrats on 100 followers Mari, that's such a big milestone and I'm so proud of you!! So please have some Ume to celebrate
(❀ •̀ᴗ•́ )♡
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Umemiya could remember the first birthday of yours you had both spent together vividly. He had spent the better part of the morning scrubbing every viable surface in his apartment in preparation for your arrival. Umemiya was acutely aware of his feelings for you. His heart raced and cheeks flushed in your presence. He knew exactly what that meant. He would never admit it out loud to anyone, but he knew. Umemiya wasn’t the best cook, not by any means. He could grow just about any plant you could think of, however, preparing it? He was hopeless. When you had mentioned your love for cooking while perusing the garden shop you both often frequented, he had jumped at the opportunity to invite you over so you could both cook together to celebrate your day.
The mere domesticity of the action leading to him daydreaming about coming home to you after a long day. The two of you next to each other cooking in your kitchen after a long day. Or dancing in the sunlight, your flourishing garden in the backdrop where he would pull you by your wrist, twirling you and gliding along to an invisible song, looking into your eyes before dropping to one kn-
He jumped at the sound of your raps on his door, called back to reality. Clearing his throat to shake the nervousness, he makes his way to the door, impossible to keep the grin from his face upon seeing you. He returns the hug you give him relishing in your touch, eyes closed as he takes in the warmth of your embrace, fighting back the whine that had bubbled in his throat at the loss of you when you pull away. He had ushered you into his apartment, leading you to the kitchen where the groceries sat. “I double and triple-checked the list you sent me, so hopefully everything is there!” He beamed, watching as you hopped up on the counter to pull up the recipe. Sending him that smile that makes his heart beat in his ears as you returned the expression. Teasing him with a “Look we are the same height now pretty boy.”
“I still think I still have some height on ya, sunflower.” His face had been so hot at the petname, he was sweating at this point. Trying not imagine being between your legs, resisting the urge to walk over there and rest his hands on your hips, to pull you towards him and do everything he had ached to do for the better part of the last year since he had met you. Little did he know that was just the beginning of the cracks forming in his resolve. He tried desperately to pay attention to the words coming from those glossy lips of yours. Not even noticing he had begin to inch closer and closer to you. Simply humming every now and then as you spoke.
Umemiya was strong, both physically and mentally, though he was a hairline away from placing a large hand on the small of you back, dipping you romantically with one hand on the back of your neck to keep you steady as he finally, finally placed his lips over yours. As he had said before, he often found himself dazing off, daydreaming these scenarios while in your presence. But it wasn’t until your hands moved to grip the soft material of his sweater that he had realized he was no longer daydreaming. He was feeling the plush of your soft lips against his own, a feeling he had craved from the moment he had first laid his eyes on you. He sighs through his nose in contentment, the boundary had already been crossed, and you weren’t pulling away so he was going to enjoy this while he could. He would deal with the repercussions of his actions after the fact. His lips do try chasing yours when you pull away, though looking down at you with large hopeful eyes at the delicate touch you graced him with when cupping his cheek. Looking down at the surprised expression that dawned you beautiful features when he opened his eyes. Smiling sheepishly as he takes your hand in his own. Kissing your knuckles as he begins to speak.
“I know that may have seemed sudden, but I want you to know it was anything but spontaneous. I have been thinking and dreaming of doing that from the moment I first heard your laughter fill my ears. From the second I saw you smile at me for the first time.” He smiles, his eyes softened with adoration as he presses his forehead against yours. “Sunflower, you mean more to me than words could ever possibly say. If you don’t feel the same I’ll understand but I need you to know. You are the first thing on my mind when I open my eyes every morning and the very last thing I think of before falling asleep. You run circles in my mind constantly. I’m surprised Hiragi hasn’t strangled me for having to listen to me speak of you endlessly.” He laughs delicately, kissing your knuckle once more as his eyes gaze longingly into your own.
“So, honeybee, I know I’ve gotten a bit ahead of myself.. but would you consider being mine?” The look In his eyes was hopeful, heart racing in his ears as he waited with bated breath for your response. It was his turn to be surprised when you surged forward lips captured his own. He couldn’t help but smile into the kiss as he felt you nod, relaxing into your embrace. And as his arms wrapped around your smaller form, mentally cursing himself for how long it had taken him to make this jump. Hajime Umemiya had finally found his home, and that was right here in your arms. And years later he would find himself in a similar position, gazing lovingly in your eyes as you both celebrated yet another one of your birthdays. His heart racing in his chest as he thumbed the small velvet box in his pocket.
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Dividers by saradika-graphics. Writing & character banner by me.
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foxaftershocks · 6 months
In the Field (Lars Pinfield x f!Reader)
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Synopsis: You finally get the chance to go into the field and meet a ghost in the wild.
Words: 2.9k
Be warned, there will be much discussion of slime inside
It wasn’t often you were allowed in the field. You were much more used to sitting behind a desk, tinkering away with the new tech. You only ever saw ghosts in a safe, contained environment. Lars had made it perfectly clear that you were to stay behind and run interference from the lab. Someone needed to be able to do the remote stuff for him according to him.
But this time the Ghostbusters were a man down and they needed some backup. You suited up, strapped on your proton pack, and hopped in the van with the rest of the equipment. Sitting shotgun beside Lars, you watched the city zoom past, the siren loud in your ears. You were smiling to yourself, ignoring the way Lars eyes kept darting over to you.
“Just remember, this isn’t about having fun,” he said.
“Yeah, but it’s a bit fun though, right?” you asked, smiling over at him.
His eyes darted you for a moment, looking less than impressed before returning to rad. Your grin settled more deeply on your face and you could feel yourself bouncing in your seat. You watched him instead, his sure movements making you feel a little hot under the collar. His eyes flicked back to you then quickly away again when he noticed you watching him.
“Be careful,” he said as he pulled up curb side, “it could be dangerous in there.”
“Aw, are you worried about my safety?” you asked, turning towards him.
He didn’t answer, climbing from the van and slamming the door. you laughed to yourself, joining him on the street with the rest of the team. Lars was already handing out the new tech, leaving you looking up at the old hotel towering above you.
“Hey Pheebs,” you said, getting the teenager’s attention.
“Yeah?” she asked.
“What kind of dog does a chemist have?” you asked.
“I don’t know. What kind of dog does a chemist have?” she asked, playing along.
“A lab…radore,” you replied, grinning over at her.
Her lips quirked up into a small smile and you nudged her with your shoulder, smiling down at her.
“Hey, nice to see you out of the lab,” Gary said, joining the two of you considering the building.
“Thanks. I didn’t know fresh air could smell so fresh,” you replied.
“That’s why it’s called fresh air,” he replied.
“No way,” you said, pretending to sound amazed.
“Alright, everyone know the plan?” Callie asked before he could say anything else.
The general agreement was enough for the group to surge the entrance, proton packs at the ready. From there, you split off, peeling away from one another. You and Lars took the stairs to the higher levels, leaving the basement to the professionals.
The long hallways began to blend together as you walked behind Lars, looking at the readouts from your equipment. He had his headphones on, swiping the microphone past the doors. You found yourself watching him more then the equipment. It was probably for the best you didn’t spend much time with him in the field.
He was always a distraction to you.
The minutes stretched out, leaving the two of you in silence. You knew he said it wouldn’t be fun, but you didn’t think it would be this boring. Some excitement would have been nice.
“Hey, Lars?” you asked, jogging to walk beside him.
“I can’t listen if you talk,” he said.
“Why don’t you ever let me join you in the field?” you asked, looking up at him
He glanced down at you, looking less than impressed by your question.
“You know why,” he replied, “we need you doing the remote work. Will you let me listen now?”
“Why can’t you be the one doing the remote work sometimes?” you asked.
He sighed, barely containing a roll of his eyes. You snorted, looking down at the PKE meter in your hand, raising an eyebrow at the reading.
“Hey, Lars?” you said.
“I need silence to listen,” he said.
“Yeah, but Lars-“
“If you’re not going to take this seriously you can go stay in the van,” he interrupted.
“Okay but-“
He sighed, stopping as he turned to look at you. You froze, looking up from the PKE meter readings. He pulled the headphones from his ears leaving them hanging around his neck and if you weren’t so worried about the readings, the fierce look on his face might have been unspeakably attractive. As it was, you found your gaze drifting to something over his shoulder.
“We’re not here to mess around with ghosts. This is serious work. You can’t be messing around like you do in the lab,” he was saying but your attention was so focused on what was going on down the hall.
Phasing through the far wall, blue light was reaching out towards the two of you. Fog curled along the carpet, the air growing cold where it touched your bare skin. Lars hadn’t noticed yet, so focused on telling you off he was missing it. the ghost itself was tall, almost skeletal. It took slow steps down the hall, stretching above Lars, hair brushing the ceiling.
“Lars,” you said, interrupting him.
“What?” he snapped.
You pointed over his shoulder. He turned, slow to look up into the grinning face of the ghost. Its lips had pulled back, almost too far, exposing more teeth than anyone should show. One translucent hand reached out towards Lars, fingers curling as if threatening to squeeze his body once it had him in his hold. He took a stumbling step back.
You dropped the PKE meter, pulling your proton gun into your hands. You held it up, waiting to see what Lars would do. He told you to let him take lead, and you were trying but he seemed to be fumbling to pull his own proton gun free.
The ghost bent down until it was eye to eye with Lars. You watched as he froze, holding up both hands to it, trying to placate it. You held your breath.
“We don’t want to hurt you,” Lars said.
That was the wrong thing to say. The air grew colder and the ghost screamed in his face. Ectoplasm splashed into his body, coating him with enough force he went flying backwards. You managed to jump out of the way just in time, slamming into the wall. The ghost advanced, grinning down at Lars. He struggled, trying to wipe the slime from his glasses.
“Oi, chuckle brother. Look over here,” you shouted.
Lars’ eyes turned towards you as the ghost turned its head to look down at you. You steadied yourself for a moment, bracing yourself against the wall before letting the proton stream go free. It burst from the nozzle, red light and sizzling electricity slamming into the wall across from you. Making a worried noise, you turned it towards the ghost. The stream wrapped around its body, holding it in place.
“Hey, Lars,” you called down to him.
“What?” he demanded, still wiping at the slime on his glasses.
“Trap,” you shouted to him.
With a surprisingly practiced motion, he slid the trap he’d been holding along the carpeted floor until it was positioned under the ghost. You slammed your foot down on the pedal. It opened with a loud beep. Struggling with the gun, you forced the ghost down until it got caught in the vacuum of the trap, sucking down into it. You shut your gun off, taking your foot off the pedal, closing the trap and containing the ghost.
“What were you talking about? That was totally fun,” you said, looking down at the still smoking trap.
“Maybe for you.”
You turned. Lars was finally climbing to his feet, slime dripping from his body. You couldn’t help the giggle that came from you. You bit down on your lower lip, trying to stifle it but not managing very well.
“Come here,” you said.
He took a trudging step towards you. You met him half way, still giggling. Reaching up, you gently took his glasses from his face, wiping away the slime on your uniform. You were careful as you placed them back on his nose. He’d pushed his hair out of his face and although he was dripping, he’d done his best to wipe his face clean.
“There you go,” you said, voice low, as if the moment was private.
“Thanks,” he said.
“We make a good team,” you said.
He glanced over your shoulder at the trap. He stepped around you, picking it up and if you checked out his ass as he bent over that was no one’s business but your own.
“Let’s see if the others have captured any specimens,” he said, the moment you’d shared now broken.
You followed behind him again, avoiding the dripping slime he left in his wake. The rest of the team was clustered in the foyer of the hotel, looking a little worse for wear.
“Did something explode?” you asked, joining their group.
“Yeah, it was awesome,” Gary said, wearing the vestiges of of the smoke on his face.
“Lars got slimed,” you said, “I had to save him. It was pretty awesome too.”
The two of you shared a high five.
“So we’re done? We won?” Lars asked.
“Got a couple of bad boys right here,” Callie said, holding up some traps.
You took them from her, doing your best to avoid the smoke coming from them.
“Nice haul,” you said, “these are gonna be fun to study later. I can just feel it.”
“We should get these into the containment unit,” Lars said, taking the traps from you. He left a slime residue on your finger.
“Good work, guys,” you said over your shoulder as you followed Lars back to the van.
You climbed into the passenger seat, lying down some towels on the driver’s seat for when Lars joined you. He pulled open the door, traps stored safely in the back, and looked down at the towels.
“Protection,” you said at his questioning look.
He climbed in beside you, his flight suit stripped down, arms tied around his waist. Your teeth dug into your bottom lip, surprised at how much that look was working for you. He glanced at you before starting the van.
The drive back to the lab was quiet. You weren’t quite sure what to say to him and he didn’t even attempt to say anything to you. You kept stealing glances at him, missing the fact he was doing the same to you.
When you arrived back at the lab you split from him, taking the traps to the containment units while he cleaned up. The slime had begun to harden and flake off his body as he scratched at it. It was like he had a horrible skin condition. That wasn’t working for you so much.
You stripped out of your flight suit, getting back into your jeans and tank top. A bruise was beginning to bloom on your shoulder, presumably from where you hit the wall avoiding the slime. After depositing the ghosts into the containment unit you wandered back to your bench, wanting to note down the exact experience with the one you’d caught.
“I really don’t like ectoplasm.”
You startled, looking up. Lars had approached your bench, blond hair still wet, dressed in a t-shirt and some sweatpants. Your mouth went dry and you knew you were staring but you couldn’t help it. Usually dressed in a button up shirt and a tie, this casual look was making you feel feral, like you wanted to sink your teeth into him. He was rubbing a towel through his hair, doing his best to dry it.
“Does anyone?” you managed to ask.
He looked up at you, his glasses askew and a small smile curling up the corners of his lips. You loved this small shared moments in the lab, right when you were the last two there, the lights dimmed, the dark pushing in from the outside.
“You did well today,” he said, surprising you.
“You think? Maybe I could start coming out more often,” you said.
“You’re hurt,” he said.
His fingers brushed over the bruise on your shoulder. You shivered under his touch and he snatched his hand back.
“Sorry,” he said, “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“You didn’t,” you said, shaking your head, surprised by how much you wanted his fingers back on your skin.
“This is why you can’t come out into the field,” he said, voice hardening, turning away from you.
“Why? You just said I did well today.” You couldn’t keep up with him and his changing moods.
“You got hurt,” he said, voice tight.
“So? The others get hurt all the time and you don’t ban them from busting,” you said.
“Because they’re not you,” he said, whirling to face you again.
“What?” It felt as if the air had been forced from your lungs.
“I can’t see you hurt. It.. I’m not…” he thrust his fingers into his hair, clenching in his frustration, “I won’t see you hurt again.”
“Lars,” you said softly, standing from your stool, reaching a hand out to him.
“I can’t concentrate if I’m worrying about you being hurt. That’s why I tell you to do the remote work. That’s why you can’t do any more field work,” he said.
Your hand landed on his shoulder, index finger running along the collar of the t-shirt. You saw him shudder but didn’t stop, even when you brushed against the skin of his neck. You took a half step closer, staring up into his frustrated face, your other hand clutching the soft cotton of the shirt closer to bellybutton.
“And how do you think when you’re out there and I’m stuck behind a screen? You go out and I’ve seen you come back with all kinds of injuries and sometimes I think one day you won’t come back and there’s nothing I can do about it,” you said, dragging him closer, “I care about you, Lars, and it kills me that I can’t be out there with you watching your back.”
He looked stunned, as if you’d just told him something groundbreaking, but for you it was the simple truth. Sure, you’d had fun in the field, but you only ever wanted to be there to make sure he was okay. You wanted to protect him, as much as he seemed to want to protect you.
“I’m always going to come back,” he said, voice softer now, full of wonder.
“Egon Spengler didn’t,” you said.
He considered you for a moment, eyes darting over your face. You realised your hands were still on him but his warmth was comforting after the chill of the ghost.
“I’ll always come back to you,” he all but whispered, forehead falling forward until it rested against yours.
His hands came up, resting on your waist, towel dropped to the floor in a crumpled heap. Your breath caught and you couldn’t even be embarrassed by it when it felt so good to be touched by him. You surged up, lips pressing to his. His hands slid further, pressing into the small of your back, pulling you closer. You sighed into his mouth, melting against him, your every dream coming true.
The heat of his skin seeped into your, warming you up until you thought you might catch fire. He kissed you deeper, more intensely, tongue sweeping into your mouth. You squeaked as he pressed you back, lifting you until you were sitting atop the bench, your legs either side of his hips. You hauled him closer, leaning down, enjoying being taller than him for once. You moaned and the hands that had fallen to your hips tightened before he tore himself away.
Chest heaving, lips kiss stung, flush high on his cheeks, he never looked better to you. He stared at you and you stared back, heart thumping hard in your chest.
“We’re at work,” he said.
“We are,” you agreed.
“We have more work to do.”
“We do.”
He took one step closer, then another and you could touch him again. Like a magnet, you were drawn to him, your hands reaching for him without conscious thought. He allowed you to pull him closer again but you didn’t try to kiss him, just needing to feel him under the palms of your hands.
“I suppose I can suffer through you being in the field some more,” he said, “after all, we seem to make a good team.”
You laughed, curling your body around his in a hug. He froze for a moment before his arms curled around you, holding you close. You buried your face in the space where his neck met his shoulder, his skin smelling of soap.
“Thank you,” you whispered.
He pressed a kiss to your temple and you drew back, looking into those blue eyes that had haunted your dreams.
“We should get back to work,” he said.
“Must we?” you asked.
A small smile flirted with his lips and you found yourself smiling back. He pressed a slow kiss to your lips, keeping it chaste lest you get carried away.
“To be continued later,” he murmured against your lips.
“Fine,” you sighed, sliding from the bench, your body brushing against his the entire way down.
You might have agreed but you’d never promised to fight fair. And from the look he gave you, you thought you might be able to change his mind pretty quickly.
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 2 months
could you write subby lars x dom reader? LIKE the reader is taking care of lars while lars is just whiny and shit yk KSJSKSJSJSSN 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
A/n: There was no need for the Lars slander in this but I think it adds spice.
Warnings: Smut, hand job, Lars being a bitch idk, if you think I missed anything let me know otherwise enjoy!
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Lars was a whiny little bitch to everyone and anyone who happened to be around him, and you were no exception. However, you found a way to deal with him.
Usually when Lars was being Lars people just had to except or fight back, but it worked a little different for you two, especially when it came to being behind closed doors.
Lars had been particularly pleasant the past week or so, he'd make you food, tell you about his day and listen when you spoke about yours, set up movie nights, etc.
Until today. Apparently him and James had gotten into it but then you had to deal with listening to it. Truthfully, you had a higher tolerance to his complaints and ramblings but everyone has their limits and their way of dealing with it.
Yours just so happened to be tying Lars' wrists behind his back and jerking him off at such a painfully slow pace, his boxers shoved in his mouth to keep him quiet. At least, to keep him from talking.
Lars was no quieter in the bedroom, whining and crying and begging for you to go faster, to let him cum, crying about how it hurt and he was sorry.
He was twitching and whining in front of you, hips bucking up into your hand, looking for any more friction he could find. "You don't ever shut up, do you?" You asked when he let out a particularly loud whine.
He huffed and shook his head, tears falling from his puffy, red eyes down his wet cheeks. He mumbled something but you couldn't hear him so you begrudgingly took the boxers from his mouth. "Please-please, m'so sorry, jus'lemme cum." He babbled, a pout tugging at his bottom lip. "I-I'll be good, I'll be quiet, promise."
You chewed your cheek. "Really?" You asked, to which he nodded enthusiastically. You thought for a moment, not stopping your slow pace on his leaky and throbbing cock.
You decided he'd had enough. He cried a lot but this seemed excessive, meaning you might've been over doing it. Though he didn't complain, for once.
You moved your hand faster and he gasped, back arching and his eyes rolling back. "Fuck! Fuck, yes, yes, please! So close, m'so close!" He moaned, sobs seeping into his words.
Hot, thick spurts of cum shot from his tip, his mouth fell open in a near silent moan at how good he felt. You kept stroking him, milking him of everything he had until he was begging for you to stop because he was too sensitive.
He fell onto his side, still crying but he smiled, finally satisfied. You undid his wrists and let him lay his head on your lap.
"You know," you started, playing with his hair, "usually, when someone does something nice they get something nice in return." He looked up at you with beady eyes, quickly scrambled to be between your legs, determined to make you feel as good as you made him feel. No, better, you deserved better.
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k111lemall · 2 months
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// 88’ James Hetfield x Fem!Reader
warnings ⚠︎︎: smut!!
(btw this is a remake of the first story that i wrote on this account :))
The cold nighttime breeze blew my hair into my face, I held onto my cigarette between my pointer and middle finger while I used my thumb and other three fingers to tuck my hair behind my ear.
I looked into the practically empty parking lot in front of me. It was a small town so there was no Hyatt or Hilton, just one small motel that had seen better days. The paint was chipping off of the railing that I was standing over and the illuminated sign in front of the motel had a couple of letters not shining.
It was only for one night. It’s a funny story on how we ended up here - James and Lars were arguing over where the band should make a pit stop so they could sleep in a bed for one night, and not on a bus or a plane. So, James comes up with the idea to just throw a dart on a map and wherever it lands that’s where they will do the rest stop. Sure enough, it lands on a tiny little square on the east coast, and when we look at the name none of us had ever even heard of this fuckin place.
But I guess the band's tour manager grew up around there, so we thought one good thing for us one good thing for someone else. The guy would get to see his family and friends, and James and his bandmates wouldn’t have to sleep in cramped bunks or small airplane seats.
Since we were stopping here for the night, the guys all decided “Why not play a show?” and so they found a little bar and decided to play there that night. They sold 350 tickets in a bar with a capacity of 250. I could only imagine how crazy that place must’ve been. I would have gone, honestly, it’s just that I'm claustrophobic, and being in a small space with a bunch of drunk metalheads doesn’t exactly sound… safe, to me.
But, I promised James that I would stay up and wait for him to get back. It was a little past midnight and I assumed that the show was either over or close to being over. I took another drag from my cigarette, in hopes of warming myself and also I had nothing else to do out here. I blew the smoke out and it was quickly swept away by the breeze.
As I watched the smoke move with the air, I heard the faint sound of a car and looked out in front of me. White headlights moved across the road, eventually lighting up the trees as the van turned into the parking lot.
I put my cigarette out on the floor and watched as the back door of the van opened. Jason hopped out first, he yawned and rubbed his eyes before looking up at me and waving. I waved back and then brought my attention back to the car. Lars hopped out next, followed by Kirk right behind him. The two stumbled over to Jason, clearly drunk. I laughed a little at their antics and then looked back at the car.
James was out, staring up at me. Even in the dark, I could see his blue eyes, I smirked at him and turned around to walk back into the room. I closed the door behind me, not locking it, and walked over to the bed. I sat down on the edge of it, watching the late-night news coverage playing on the TV. In seconds, James opened the door and walked in. “How was the show?” I asked, “Good, for a little town they are loud as hell.” he replied as he walked over to me. He sat behind me on the bed, kicking off his shoes and pulling his shirt over his head.
“I’m gonna shower, then I’m coming straight to bed,” he said as he got up and walked into the bathroom. I shot up from the bed and walked behind him into the bathroom. I leaned against the doorframe as I watched him turn the water on and begin to unbutton the top button on his jeans.
James turned to look at me, “You want some company?” I asked, James smirked “If you’re offering.” he replied and grabbed my arm, bringing me closer to him.
The water was warm, it hit my chest and ran down my stomach. I turned around so that I could wet my hair, my eyes met James’. He had a shit-eating grin on his face and his arms were crossed, “What?” I asked, “Nothin, I just can’t remember the last time we showered together.” James replied, shrugging. “Wasn’t that long ago I don’t think,” I replied, James brought his hands up and wrapped them around my waist pulling me closer to him. I brought my arms up and wrapped them around his neck before kissing him.
As we pulled away from each other, I looked into James’ eyes. He had a look that he had never had before. He moved his hands to my hips and gripped them hard pulling the lower half of my body closer to his. His lips pressed onto mine again and one of his hands moved from my hip and down the side of my leg, where he grabbed the back of my knee and brought my leg up.
His kisses moved from my lips to down my jawline and my neck. My head fell back and James let go of my leg, his hand moving up my inner thigh and cupping my pussy. I gasped as I felt him slide two fingers into me, I quickly shot my head up and just as quickly James’ hand covered my mouth. “Shh baby, Lars is next door.. gotta stay quiet,” he said as he began to pump his fingers in and out of me. I nodded and James uncovered my mouth, his hand moved to the back of my neck where he kept it as he moved his face down to kiss me.
His tongue pushed its way into my mouth and I let out a soft moan. I grabbed onto James’ upper arm to try and support myself against the slippery tile of the shower floor. I felt myself reaching the end, and by the look on my face, I think James could tell I was too.
He quickly pulled his fingers out of me, and with a look of disappointment on my face I opened my mouth to speak about my dissatisfaction but I quickly bit my tongue when I felt James pushing his tip through my folds. I bit my lip and prepared myself as James pushed into me, a soft grunt coming from him. I fell into James, chest to chest with him and my head resting on his shoulder he grabbed both of my legs and picked me up allowing him easier access to pound into me harder.
He turned his body so I was up against the wall, his grip was tight on the underside of my legs as he used his strength to pick me up and slam me back down on his hard cock. I tried my best to muffle the sound of pure ecstasy coming from me, but my hand over my mouth could only do so much. “Fuck, harder James please,” I begged, and James listened- the shower was filled with the sounds of water hitting the shower floor and me and James’ skin contacting as he pounded into me mercilessly.
“What do you think baby, should I cum in you?” James asked, “Yes! Please!” I moaned out, James chuckled and began to slow down his pace. James grunted and I felt him twitch inside of me, soon enough he came inside me and I followed shortly behind him leaving me seeing white.
James slowly brought me down and held onto the side of my arms while I took a second to figure out how to use my legs again. James brought his hand up from my arms and used his thumb to hold my face up, “You’re so beautiful.” he said “So perfect.” he added before leaning down and kissing me.
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poortw1stedme · 2 months
7 Minutes In Heaven || J.H.||
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Fem!Reader x James Hetfield
Warnings: Smut
"Do I have to go?" I asked my best friend, Cliff as I brushed through my knotted hair. We both were going to some party with 3 of his other friends. I tried my best to look nice because to be honest, I really liked one of his friends. His name was James. "Yeah, 'ya do." Cliff answered, taking a drag from his cigarette. I put some makeup on just because I felt like I needed it. I got up from my small vanity and walked towards my bedroom door. "We should go there now, right?" I asked Cliff again, looking back at him. "Yeah, do you want me to drive?" He asked back, getting up and walking towards me. I nodded and walked down the stairs and out to my car.
We soon arrived and we walked up to where Cliff's other friends were. I knew all of them already, obviously, because Cliff talked to me about any problems or just something good that's happening. Immediately Lars and I started talking because out of the four he's the only other one I'm really close with. I was so deep into me and Lars's conversation that I didn't notice the other boys went to go sit down somewhere. "Should we go find the others?" I asked him motioning inside. He nodded and led the way until we soon found the others.
We sat down and I was sitting in the middle, in between Cliff and Kirk. Cliff and I were sharing a cigarette while everyone talked to each other. "Do you guys wanna play seven minutes in heaven?" James asked, smirking. There were two other girls who got really excited and started squealing. I looked at them and scrunched my nose a bit. After a bit everyone agreed, and we had started playing. James had spun the bottle and it landed on me, I immediately began to get nervous. I could feel myself blushing uncontrollably. He had a small smile on his face and motioned for me to follow him.
I got up and looked back at Cliff who just winked at me. James and I walked into the small, empty, room and stood in silence for a few seconds. "We only have seven minutes, what do you want to do?" I asked him, leaning onto one of my legs. He didn't answer me. Instead, he grabbed my face and kissed me. My first thought was to pull away but then I realized this was probably going to be the only time I could do this. I kissed him back as he lifts me up and pushes me against the wall. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we began making out. "You know how long I've been wanting to do this..." he said, setting me down so he could get his pants off. I smiled and slowly took mine off as well. He pinned me against the wall again and lined his dick up to my entrance.
"Are you ready?" he asked, looking up at me. "Yeah." I said quietly while nodding. He pushes himself in and I let out a sharp breath. "Go faster already." I whispered in his ear as I clung to his neck. He began going faster and started letting out quiet noises which turned me on even more. My hands were tangled in his hair as his hands were gripping onto my waist.
"Are you close, baby?" he asked me, digging his face into my neck, wanting to leave marks. I nodded - not being able to speak. "I wanna hear you say it, darling." James said, lifting his head to look at me. "Yes." I said quietly. Just then we hear loud knocks on the door to the room and Lars' voice. "Come on times up!" he said, trying to open the door. James tried his best to go faster to speed up the process. We both came at the same time and hurried to get our clothes back on.
"Wait." James interrupted before I could open and unlock the door. I looked over at him and he softly kissed me. I smiled at him and opened the door to walk out. "I told you they'd do something." Cliff said to kirk, shrugging. I looked over at him with a confused look. He pointed to the side of his neck then at mine. My eyes quickly widened and I looked over at James who was laughing to himself.
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mustainegf · 3 months
Ello^^ - I saw your posts and I’d like to a request:) with James Hetfield
I was thinking more of a kill em all era James x the reader - James is embarrassed about liking the reader and everyone knows but he denies ever liking them and they over hear. The reader stops showing interest in James until they went out to celebrate after a concert and the reader was being harassed by a man. James gets jealous, angry and then everything escalates? With a bit of fluff, angst and if you feel up to it maybe some smut?
I love your stories :)
THIS IS SO CUTE kill em all James has my heart forever, he’s so bf
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I've always known there was something different about James Hetfield.
From the moment I first laid eyes on him, his persona shot electric energy into every nook and cranny, which one could hardly ignore. The way he played, the way he laughed, the way he demanded your attention without trying.
But the thing that really got to me was his smile, that real candid grin that skips a beat in my heart every time that I see it.
From day one I had a crush on him, who wouldn't? I tried to keep it subtle, small acts of kindness, peals of laughter at his jokes, extra attentions here and there.
I thought maybe, just maybe, he feels the same way. But every time I looked at him, he seemed distant, almost like he was avoiding me. I couldn't get to the bottom of it, but I wasn't going to let it get to me. Not right then, at least.
Then one day, everything flipped.
I was backstage, waiting for the show to start, when without realizing it, I began to hear James conversation with the guys flowing into my ears. I could feel my pulse because I knew they were talking about me. I went a little closer, just enough to pick up the conversation.
"Come on, man," Kirk goaded. "We all know you like her. Why don't you just admit it?"
James laughed nervously. "What? No, I don't like her. You're crazy. I mean she's cool, but I don't see her that way."
My heart sank. The words hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt my face flush with embarrassment and hurt. What a stupid me it was, thinking maybe he would actually like me back.
I felt the sting of the tears in my eyes but blotted them, forcing myself to remain calm. I quickly got out of the backstage area, not wanting anyone to see just how upset I was over something so stupid.
From that day forward, I withdrew from James. I no longer made special efforts to talk to him, stopped laughing at his jokes, and ceased to scan crowds for his pretty golden hair.
It was hard, but I could not stand the idea of continuing to hold on to something that obviously was not going to happen. I threw myself into whatever I could, trying to forget about him, but an ache in my heart just wouldn't go away.
Weeks later, when yet another concert ended, the band wanted to go out and party, like always. I didn't want to go, but Lars persuaded me. "Come on, you need to loosen up a bit. you've had a stick up your ass the last while!" He dragged me along.
We wound up at some crowded bar, way too loud music and the drinks too strong. I tried to have a good time, but my heart wasn't in it. There I sat at the bartop, watching everybody else have all the fun, laughing and dancing.
A drunk man, someone I didn't recognize, lurched over to me. His breath smelled of beer, and his eyes were sort of glassy. "Hey there, pretty lady," he slurred, swaying a little too close for comfort. "What's a girl like you doing here all alone?"
I tried to blow him off politely. "I'm just here with friends," I said, hoping he'd take the hint and leave me alone. But he didn't.
His hands dug into my thigh. "Come on, don't be that way, doll. Let's have some fun." The low, mean voice itself started my heart beating in fear.
"I'm alright, sorry." I shooed, begging with everything in me that he would just go away.
That's when his hand, if not already pushing the limits, began to creep under the hem of my denim shorts
I looked everywhere for help, but everyone was too caught up in their own world to observe.
That was when I saw James. He stood some feet away, talking to Kirk. His eyes met mine, and for a second, I saw a flicker of concern in them. My eyes pleaded with him, pleaded fir him to help me.
Then his expression turned cold, and he started towards us. His jaw was clenched and set at the fists.
"Hey!" James yelled across the noise of the bar. "Fuck off!"
The guy turned, a sneer on his face. "And who the hell are you?"
James didn't bother to reply. He reached out and jerked the guy's arm, pushing him away from me. The guy stumbled but caught his balance quickly. "You think you're tough, huh?" he spat, his face red with anger.
"Keep your dirty fuckin' hands off of her." James didn't back off an inch. "If you don't leave her alone, I'll make you regret it," he said, his voice dangerous enough to slit any throat.
I was shocked and thankful for James defending me like this, with how shy and introverted he was, it showed me that on some level, he actually did care.
The guy took one more step closer. For a second, everything seemed explosive. I couldn't let this happen. I couldn't let James get hurt because of me.
I reacted before thinking, reaching out to take James's wrist in mine. "James, stop," I said, my voice vibrating. "Please, let's just go..."
His eyes were steamed with anger as he turned his gaze on me. He remained there for a little, and I was scared that he wouldn't back off after all. But he slowly cooled down. He gave the guy one last fuming look and then turned back onto me. "Alright," he said softly. "Let's get out of here. I'll take you home."
James walked me to my car, his hand sat lightly at my back, making my cheeks pink. But I was still shaken from the whole experience earlier. I could feel the stress oozing from his body, anger wound up and simmering like a pot ready to spill over.
At my car, I turned to him. "Thank you," I said, my words just barely a whisper.
His eyes didn't leave mine as he nodded. "I couldn't just stand by and watch it happen." He turned to me slowly. "Are you okay?"
I nodded, but the truth was that I wasn't. At least, not really. And it had nothing to do with the man in the bar.
The hurt from before still lingered. I didn't want to be alone tonight. I needed him, even if he didn't feel the same way.
"James," I caught his attetion. "Would you stay with me? Just for tonight... I don't want to be alone."
He looked at me for so long, his face practically unreadable. Then he nodded. "Of course," he said softly. "I'll stay."
The drive to my house was dead silent, the air thick. We finally pulled up to my apartment, and I got out, leading him inside. With how nervous I was, I wasn't quite sure what to say or do. But looking at him, all I saw was that boy with whom I had fallen in love, who just saved me without a single hesitation.
We stood in the living room. "James," I started softly, "I- I just want to fall asleep with you. Can you to hold me..?"
His eyes softened as he moved a little closer toward me and took my hand in his which instantly made me flush. "I can do that," he spoke very softly. "Come on, let's go to bed."
We walked to my room. Something about having him here with me felt right. We lay down on the bed, and James wrapped his arms around me, holding me close like it was the only thing he'd ever wanted.
I could feel his breathing, strong and comfortable as we lay there intertwined. Closing my eyes, his warmth, the rising and falling of his chest, was soothing. And in that moment, I realized just how much I cared about him, how much I loved him.
"James," I whispered, my voice hardly audible. "I… I heard what you said. Backstage. That you don't like me."
He tensed a bit more, his grip on me tightening. "I'm sorry," he said, pained. "I was scared. I lied..."
I looked up at him; our eyes met, breath so close. "You don't have to be scared. I love you, James. I have a long time..."
James took a very long pause as he soaked in my words, eyes never leaving mine, not even for a second. "I love you too," he admitted, just enough for me to hear from only inches away. "I guess I've been too scared to tell you."
I smiled, he loved me. James loved me.
"You don't need to be scared," I told him. "I'm right here."
He bent down, pressing a light kiss against my forehead. "Me too..." he whispered. "I promise." to matter.
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xhoneygirlxx · 1 year
Life Sized
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Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
summary: After a spell gone wrong, Eddie Munson is stuck with a real life Lucky Lucy doll.
warnings: fluff. slight angst. grump x sunshine reader. cussing. mentions of Eddie dealing. strangers to friends. Reader is a doll, "Lucky Lucy", however because she's made up skin tone, body type, and ethnicity is not mentioned. Eddie calls reader doll/Luce/Lucy Reader does wear Eddie's clothes. Reader and Eddie are around 20 (even though reader is a doll, she's been out for about 20 something years). 90s era.
*if I missed anything please let me know!
a/n: hi my loves! I'm so sorry for the wait but life was hectic for the past few days with schedule changes and birthday plans. I want to let you guys know I am slightly hung over so this might now be the best. Anyway, thank you guys for joining me on this birthday adventure! Love you guys :)
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Cause we are living in a material world
And I am a material girl
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“Woah woah woah woah woah,” Eddie waves hand back and forth, eyes closed as he tries to process what he just heard, “You did what?” 
Sighing heavily, Dustin stands up from the well loved couch that sits in the Munson’s trailer. “If you listened the first time you would have heard me. I said, I went to the crazy lady’s store in the hopes of bringing Chews back from the dead because I can’t watch my mom cry anymore. Before I created a monster out of a dead cat, we decided to practice on Mike’s sister’s doll,” Turning his body slightly, Dustin points to the pretty girl that sits in the recliner. 
“It didn’t work but when we woke up this morning she was sitting there.” The curly haired boy stares at the older boy in front of him, semi out of breath from his fast speaking. 
“Let me get this straight, you went to the one place that is off limits to everyone in Hawkins, bought a book of spells, and then brought a doll to life, only to bring said doll to my house?” His voice is loud enough to ricochet off the thin walls. 
“Well you said everything I just said, but yeah pretty much.” The young boy nods causing the curls of his hair to bounce. 
“Nuh uh, no, I don’t want any parts of this.” Shaking his head, Eddie begins to push the younger boy towards the door. 
“Eddie please,”  Will begs from his spot on the couch, “We have no one else to turn to.” 
“Yeah, come on Eddie, we need our dungeon master.” Lucas adds, knocking his shoulder into Mike who stays quiet on the arm of the sofa. 
“Hey don’t bring me into this, I didn’t want to do it.” Mike throws his hands up defensively, only to change his answer when the other two boys give him a stern look. 
“I-I mean, Eddie, we need your help.” It comes out more like a question than a plea but it’s the best they're going to get out of the black haired boy. 
Locking eyes with the older man who still has a hand on his shoulder, Dustin does his best to give the world's cutest puppy dog eyes. 
“Please, Eddie. I need you.” It’s quiet and sincere, and because it’s coming from Dustin it goes straight to Eddie’s heart, tugging tightly on the strings. 
Fuck why did he have to have such a soft spot for the kid. 
“I swear to Ozzy himself, if you don’t fix this in twenty four hours, your ass is grass.” A ringed finger is pointed at Dustin, his eyes going semi cross eyed from watching it wag in his face. 
Turning his body quickly, Eddie points his finger to the other three boys who sit wide eyed on the couch. “And that goes for you three. Your asses will be hanging right next to Wayne’s mugs if it doesn’t get fixed. Capiche?” 
When all four heads nod vigorously, Eddie straightens his posture and releases a sigh so loud it sounds like all the air from his lungs came out.
"Can I just say, you remind me of Lucky Lars! He has cool tattoos and long hair like you too!" You're looking right at him, eyes sparkling with happiness.
"Jesus H. Christ, there's really a talking doll in my house." Eddie's voice sounds like a whining child as he pinches the bridge of his nose.
"Alright it seems like everything is fine here, so we're gonna go ahead and leave." Before Eddie can stop Dustin or the rest of the younger boys, they're already out the door and gone.
"Great, just fucking great." Slapping a hand down to his thigh, Eddie spins on his heel and heads to the kitchen. He needs a fucking beer, or maybe six, either way he needs something to get him through this nightmare.
Opening the fridge, he grabs a cold can of pbr and gulps it right down without taking one breath. The liquid goes down so smooth and for a minute Eddie seems to forget the predicament he's in. Then you speak and he's instantly brought back to reality.
"Um, excuse me sir," It comes out so graceful and sweet and he hates it.
Without moving his head in your direction, he spits an angry "what" at you - teeth gritting and fist clenching. A part of him regrets being mean with you, it's not your fault this whole shitshow happened.
"I um, just wanted to ask if everything was okay." He hates that your pretty face is scrunched up with so much sadness and that he's the cause of it.
Deep breath in. Deep breath out.
"Yeah, just peachy." It's forced through his tight lip smile.
"Oh well that's great!" You annoyingly clap your hands together and he winces at the sound. "When can we go shopping?"
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Eddie didn't know who he wanted to kill more, you, Dustin, or himself. Why he even agreed to taking you to Starcourt was beyond him, but God was the whole experience horrible. You commented on every single thing, stopped and looked at mundane objects, and ooh'd and awee'd every time you stepped in a new store.
Every store you walked into, you left with multiple bags, which Eddie had to carry. To make matters worse he had to pay for everything, burning a hole right through his drug dealing money. You're a doll for heaven sake, why the hell would you have money?
On the way home you would not stop talking about the whole experience, comparing everything to Lucy's Lucky Land. To make matters worse, you wouldn't stop touching the radio until you landed on the most ear bleeding pop song.
The moment the two of you arrived back at the trailer, Eddie realized he couldn't escape this nightmare. He was stuck with you until those little shit heads could come up with a solution to the problem.
"Alright, just uh.. put your bags somewhere in the corner." Eddie instructs, pointing in the cleanest corner of his bedroom.
Pink heels step on the brown shag carpet of his room, eyes traveling around as you take everything in. It was completely different from what you were used to, clothes scattered everywhere, cups and dishes stacked up, and posters with names you've never heard of.
It amazes you just like everything else you've seen today. You've never seen a room like this, not even the boy's back home had rooms like this. With wide eyes and agape mouth, you spin around with open arms, just like you did when you walked into the mall.
"Oh, Eddie! This is so beautiful!" With your bags still in hand, you sit down on the mess that is his bed.
"Oh my lucky stars!" You gasp, "Your bed is so soft!" Proving your point, you bounce on your butt causing the springs to creak with every movement.
Eddie watches from the doorway, unamused by your entertainment.
"Ugh yeah, it's a bed. Don't you have those in Lucky Land of Lucy or whatever it's called." Crossing his arms over his chest, raising an eyebrow in questioning.
"It's Lucy's Lucky Land," you correct him, still smiling ear to ear, "and yes we do have beds! Our beds are made of plastic though, not bouncy like this one!" Sliding the bags from your arms, you continue to bounce but now you use your arms to make yourself go higher.
"Right, I should've known." He drawls.
Crossing into the room, Eddie starts taking off his vest and leather jacket, followed by his heavy boots. He doesn't realize that you've stopped bouncing, now honed in on his movements.
Turning around from where he stands by his dresser, he's met with the sight of you trying to take your shirt off.
"H-hey now, let's not do that." Turning his head to the side so he doesn't see anything he's not supposed to, he stretches his arms out to stop your hands from moving.
"Did I do something wrong?" You're so sincere when you say it, innocence dripping off of you like raindrops on a flower's petals.
"You can't just start taking your clothes off, Luce." His eyes are still to the floor, cheeks glowing red from the flush that's creeped it's way there.
"But I thought that's what you were doing." It sounds dejected and Eddie chances a look at you and he instantly regrets it.
There you sit on his messy, old, stain ridden bed, glossy pout on your lips and eyes glassy with tears. In that moment he sees you, the girl that's been nothing but sunshine and rainbows all day, the girl that's taken every indirect insult he threw with a smile on your face, now reduced to tears because of him.
"No, sweetheart, I was just taking off my shoes and jacket. When it's ready to change I'll let you do it in privacy." He tried his best to explain to you not wanting to upset you anymore.
"Are you mad at me?" You sniffle.
His eyes study your face, watching the tears roll down the plush skin of your cheeks. The more he looks, the worse his frown gets. "Why would I be mad at you?"
"B-because you d-don't want m-me here. I-I didn't mean to r-ruin your life Eddie." Tears now fall like a stream of water and words are being choked out through hiccups.
Eddie can feel all the blood drain from his body, cemented to the floor of his room. You're reduced to tears and snot because you think he hates you. He made you feel this way through constant eye rolls and loud huffs. You've been nothing but kind to him, trying everything in your power to get him to have one decent conversation with you. Yeah, there were some things he couldn't wrap his mind around when it came to you, especially when you tried to chase down a squirrel in pure curiosity, but you were trying.
Just this afternoon were you dropped off in a stranger's home, new to everything in the world, with not one single clue about life outside of your little playland. You didn't ask to be brought to life, you didn't ask for any of this but Eddie made it your problem the minute you opened your mouth.
He doesn't know what to do or say, he just stands there completely silent watching your shiny exterior crumble to nothing.
"I j-just wanted to be y-your friend b-but you hate me." Your small palms catch your face, your sobs now echoed in the curve of your hands.
"Lucy," Eddie walks over to you, dropping to his knees in front of you, "I don't hate you, okay?"
Separating two of your fingers, you peek at him from the comfort of your hiding spot and quickly retreat when brown eyes peer into yours.
"Lucy,” He calls but you don't move.
"Luuuccy," This time it's sung but still no movement from you.
Releasing a deep breath, he tries to think of something that will make you happy.
"I guess I'll just have to find someone else to play with my hair." Shagging his shoulders, Eddie sighs sadly and drops his head.
"I can play with your hair?" You sniffle, face still shining with the wetness of your tears.
Craning his head back to you, he smiles softly and nods his head. In an instant your jumping up from the bed, clapping your hands together in happiness.
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"So what kind of jobs do they have in Lucy Land?" Eddie asks, wincing slightly from your finger untangling a knot in his hair.
"Oh we have so many! I've been a fashion designer, model, singer, baker, doctor, and a ballerina!" Your fingers continue to intertwine sections of the curly brown hair, trying to be as delicate as possible.
"Then there's Lars, the one you remind me of, and he's an action star. Then there's Lance who is a race car drive. Linda is a teacher, Lorelai is a painter, Lily is a florist, and then there's Larry, he doesn't have a job."
"Why doesn't Larry have a job?" He asks, flinching slightly when you pull a little too hard for his liking.
"Cause he's Larry." You say nonchalantly.
Pulling the scrunchie from Eddie's wrist, you tie off the first braid before moving on to the next one.
"What's your job?" It's an innocent question but it still makes him choke on his drink.
"I ugh, I uh work in sales?" It's the best answer he can come up with, not wanting to explain what drug dealing means to your innocent ears.
You continue to tug on his hair, pulling and twisting strands. "What's that?"
"I sell things." Blood rushes to the tips of his ears and apples of his cheeks.
"Like what?"
Eddie would rather deal with the yanking of his hair than answer this question. He racks his brain for an answer, letting a small pause settle over the conversation.
"I sell brownies to people." Doing his best to shrug, embarrassment sinking to the pit of his stomach.
"Oh my golly!!! I love making brownies," You gasp and then pause for a moment, "but in my world our ovens and food are fake, so I wouldn't know how to do it in your world."
"Wait, so what do you eat?" Eyebrows are pinched together in confusion.
"Oh Eddie, you're so silly." You giggle, reaching for his other wrist that adorns the pink scrunchie.
Tying the end of his braid, you pat his shoulders gently, "All done."
The lanky boy stretches from his position on the floor, knees creaking from the movements. Walking over to his mirror, calloused fingers run over the french braids, shocked by how neat they are.
"Wow," he whispers, "They look really good, doll." Eyes still trailing over his hair, head moving side to side making sure to see every angle.
"They look so good because I had such a pretty model." Your lips are sprawled out into a smile.
Eddie finds himself blushing again, bats swarming around in his tummy and heart skipping multiple beats. Trying his best to shake it off, he claps his hands together and spins to face you.
"How about I make you my famous mac and cheese for payment?"
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"Who knew food could be so good?" A satisfied sigh falls from your lips.
"Yeah, who would've thought?" Eddie snorts, sarcasm soaking his words.
Leaning back onto the couch, your eyes flutter shut in contentment. Your hands sit folded on top of your belly, shoeless feet propped up on the coffee table in front of you.
Eddie lets you enjoy your food coma, picking up the empty bowls and walking them to the sink. He decides it would be better if he washes them now, not wanting Wayne to get home and bitch him out for having a full sink.
Once the dishes are done and dried, he walks back into the small living room and is met with the sight of you sleeping. Long eyelashes fall on the tops of your cheeks, your permanent smile still sits on your pretty glossed lips, and small snores falling from your nose.
For a moment he just looks at you, eyes following the lines of your features for the first time all day. When you first showed up, he could see that you were pretty and during the mall trip he'd find little details he hadn't noticed before, but right now he's really taking his time to admire you.
You're so beautiful, flawless really, and man did he get lucky having you crash into his life. You're a doll, something that's made of plastic, but nothing about you screams fake. You're so sweet and kind, always quick to accept whatever apology he gives you when he's been shitty.
Your spirit and energy shines brightly through you, bringing light to the darkness of his reality like the sun coming out on a cloudy day. You're all pink and sparkles, glitter and fluff, while he's black and spikes. For all the bad in the world, you remind Eddie of all the good.
He doesn't hate you, in fact he likes you and he wants to have you around for a bit longer. He wants to be friends with you, teach you about the real world and everything it has to offer. For the first time today Eddie realizes that this might not be so bad, not when he gets to relive all the cool things in life with you by his side.
Stalking over to you, he gently shakes your shoulder. "Luce, hey Lucy. Come on, s'time to wake up."
Squinting from the harsh yellow lighting of the room, your lips pout slightly from the rude intrusion of your slumber.
"Come on, Luce. We're gonna go to bed now." Holding out a hand to you, Eddie helps you stand up from the couch.
"I don't have jammies." You sound like a small child, voice quiet and hushed from how tired you are.
"What did you get at the mall then?" Leading you to the edge of the bed, he helps you sit down.
"I bought cute clothes to wear during the day." You shrug, rubbing your eye with the back of your hand.
"Of course you did." It's quiet enough so you can't hear, fingers rubbing hard over his forehead. "Alright, well I have something you can wear."
Digging through his drawers, Eddie finds an old Hellfire shirt and a pair of sweatpants from high school he doesn't wear anymore. Walking back over to you, he hands you the clothes and instructs you to change when he leaves the room and to call for him when you're done.
When your groggy voice echoes from behind the closed door, he slowly creeps in. You're still sitting in the same spot now wearing his clothes.
"Everything fit okay?" You nod, eyes growing heavier the longer you're up.
"Good, good. Well let me help you," Eddie leans over you, trying to fluff up the pillows the best that he can. Pulling the covers back, he tucks you into place.
"I'll be sleeping on the couch, so if you need anything just call my name and I'll be back." Giving you a tight lipped smile, he turns to shut the bedside lamp off.
"Eds?" Your voice cuts off his actions. "Can you sleep in here with me?" You blink up at him tiredly, still as beautiful as ever.
"How about I sleep on the floor next to you? Is that okay?" Eddie offers and you quickly accept with a sleepy smile and a lazy nod.
"Okay let me grab some extra blankets from the closet and change, then I'll be in." He reassures and you wiggle around in a tiny dance making his chuckle.
"Hey Eddie," Again you cut his movements short, "Thanks for being my best friend. I like being here with you." Your smile is shy, fingers nervously picking at the frayed edges of the blanket.
"I like being with you too. Thanks for being my best friend." The two of you beam at one another, letting the warmth of your budding friendship sink into both of you.
Leaving the room Eddie makes sure to shut the door behind him. Before he digs for any kind of blanket, he moves to the phone that sits on the wall. Punching the numbers fast, he looks back to make sure you haven't left your spot.
After a few rings, the other line finally picks up to his relief.
"I know it's late but ugh," He checks the door one more time just in case, "Forget what I said earlier. Yeah, she's gonna be staying here for a bit longer."
After hanging up the phone and grabbing whatever he needed, he heads back into the room where you're now sound asleep. Throwing a pillow to the floor, he shuts off the light and lays down.
For a moment it's quiet, the darkness of the room lulling him to sleep quickly. Before his eyes slam shut, your arm snakes out from under the blanket, your awaiting palms sitting there for him. Without hesitation, he grabs on and holds it for dear life.
Yeah, having you around won't be so bad.
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Thank you guys for reading! love you all <3
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readinglistfics · 1 year
pictures of lars mikkelsen that made me audibly moan (1/?)
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he is one long bitch (6 ft 4), our grand admiral is TOWERING over anyone and everyone
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and he looks so young here, young thrawn my beloved
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me seeing these pictures:
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ken-dom · 2 months
Lay With Me, I’ll Lay With You
afab!Lars Lindstrom x afab!reader
∘₊✧ 2.4k words
∘₊✧ Summary: Lars follows your directions when he’s desperately turned on but can’t take any more touching
∘₊✧ Authors notes: I wrote thoughts on eating Lars’s pussy and it led onto the idea for this fic, encouraged by my friends on goosecord — thank you! An extra special thank you to my partner in crime @heresthestorymorningglory who not only beta reads everything I write, but encourages my obsession with Lars’s fingers so much that I finally wrote this! And I enjoyed the heck out of it! And I wanna make Lars feel good!!
Title from Toothpaste Kisses by The Maccabees
∘₊✧ Warnings/content: NSFW, making out, masturbation, fingering, instructions/dirty talk, praise, touch therapy but make it sexy
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Lars rocked into your thigh and shuddered against you.
He wanted more, despite his kiss-swollen lips beginning to tingle with that frustratingly familiar burn he was working on losing.
This was not your first kiss with him, of course; you’d lost count over the weeks, and each time Lars was growing more confident. With every kiss, the burning took longer to come on and he craved your lips, daydreamed about them locked with his when he was alone.
He whined, disappointed that he had to pull away from you. He’d recently been craving more than just your lips, no matter how he tried to fight it.
The layers between your bodies helped prolong the closeness he could manage with you, but he wanted to feel your skin on his, warm in the cool air, making him shiver hot and cold.
He had wondered if tonight he could try it, until he felt his lips hurt again.
‘I’m sorry,’ he breathed, eyes watery as they met yours. He pinched the bridge of his nose as he steadied himself, sucking in a shaky breath.
Your legs were still tangled together with his, his heat pressed against your thigh, and yours against his. He ached to chase it, but Dagmar had warned him not to move too fast, to listen to his body.
But what did that mean exactly? His body was pulling him in two vastly different directions — he needed a breather to quell the burning on his lips and tongue, while an altogether different sort of heat pooled low in his gut and spread between his legs, simmering right where your thigh was jammed deliciously against his arousal.
He whined again. Needy this time.
Instinct told you to cup his cheek in your palm, wipe away the solitary tear that had trickled down over it, ground him in your safety. But you knew that more touching wasn’t going to help, no matter how much either of you wanted it.
‘Lars, baby, what is it?’
‘I- I don’t know,’ he sniffled.
‘Is it the burning? You’re doing so well, it’s getting longer every time. And hotter,’ you smirked, knowing he would blush at that, ‘you’re such a good kisser.’
He did blush, face turning a pretty shade of pink.
‘It’s not that, it’s-’ he quickly gave up trying to decipher what bis body was trying to tell him and sighed, squeezing his eyes shut as he gestured vaguely to where your legs were interlocked.
‘Oh! Oh, Lars I’m sorry, let me give you some space-’
Rather than letting you make space, his legs clamped around yours to keep you in place, hands grasping frantically at your shoulders, and without meaning to, he moaned. Loud and unrestrained. The friction as you moved against him was just so delicious he couldn’t stop himself. 
He groaned in frustrated embarrassment, hoping you didn’t notice.
Your eyes widened.
‘Oh… you mean it feels good?’
‘Yeah.’ He whimpered, biting his lips tight together. There was no hiding it now. You might not be able to feel the way his core was throbbing, but you’d heard him moan. He’d given himself away too easily.
‘Do you… do you want me to touch you?’
Lars’s skin prickled all of a sudden and Dagmar’s advice made sense. Yes, he wanted you to touch him. More than anything he wanted your hands everywhere all at once, especially between his thighs. But his body was warning him that if you did it right now, it might hurt. He would break that barrier eventually, just like he was with kissing, but he wanted his first time with you to be pleasant and memorable for all the right reasons. Better work on holding hands and kissing for a while longer first, then.
‘Yeah, I do. Oh I really do, but-’ he trailed off, unsure how to put it into words.
‘It’s too much right now?’ you helped him.
Lars was forever thankful that you understood his needs enough that he rarely had to explain himself.
He nodded but his soft features were pained. It made your chest ache.
‘It’s too much, but you need it?’
He nodded again.
‘You know, I might just have a solution,’ you smiled, and he dared make eye contact with you again even though his cheeks were still very much ablaze.
‘What’s the solution?’ he asked, hopeful, and you paused for a moment, enjoying the way his pupils had blown, sparkling blues turned dark, begging you for what he needed. 
‘I’ve given this quite a lot of thought, actually,’ you smirked. 
‘Mmhm. It doesn’t hurt when you touch your own skin, right?’
‘No, never.’
A heavy pause fell between you. Lars could hear blood rushing in his ears as he waited for your answer.
‘So touch yourself for me.’
Lars’s whole body turned to jelly. His eyes widened, his jaw turned slack. Were you suggesting what he thought you were suggesting? With you right here, watching him? He wasn’t even sure if he did it properly when he was alone, never mind whether he could do it with eyes on him.
‘Don’t worry, I’ll tell you what I’d do, y’know? Describe exactly how I’d touch you. And you just have to follow my directions. Okay?’
Lars’s heart slammed in his chest. His immediate reaction, Yes, a thousand times, yes, screamed inside his head but came out as a shaky, ‘Okay, sure.’ He could do that. Couldn’t he?
‘Are you sure you want to?’ you said, quiet and even.
‘Yes.’ He was much more confident this time, a little dizzy at the prospect of what you’d proposed, but absolutely certain he wanted to do this with you.
Carefully, you slid yourself from within the grip of his thighs and settled at the foot of the bed while Lars rolled onto his back, propped up on his pillows, watching you, patiently waiting for you to give him his first instruction.
‘Alright,’ you began, ‘I’d start by teasing my fingers under the hem of your sweater. Just grazing your skin slightly, tucking inside your trousers a little, y’know, to test the waters.’
You watched as he did just that, fingers exploring the soft skin of his lower belly carefully. He trembled under your gaze, all kinds of thrills running through his body.
‘And when I’m sure you’d want me to go on, I’d unfasten those trousers. But not before dragging my palm over you. To feel you. And to get a reaction. Because I’d want to hear you.’
Lars cupped his clothed cunt and pulled his palm upwards, head tilting back as a spark shot through him and a little, ‘Ah!’ escaped from between his parted lips.
‘That’s it, baby, you’re doing so well for me.’
Lars groaned quietly at your praise, low and drawn out. He never took this much time with himself when he was alone. When the grasp of arousal became too much to bear and even chopping wood didn’t help to burn off the energy, he got straight to it and hurried to his orgasm, feeling dirty and more than a little guilty when the brief pleasure subsided. But this felt good. Really good.
‘Once your trousers were undone,’ you went on ‘I’d slide a hand slowly inside your underwear, feel how turned on you are for me. How silky and wet you’ve gotten.’
Impatiently, Lars’s fingers made their way inside his underwear and pushed lower. His folds did feel silky. He’d never really thought about it before, but it felt kind of nice against his fingertips, warm and slippery over soft, puffy skin.
‘Does that feel good?’ you breathed.
Lars nodded, his own breath heavy, fingers exploring over his opening slowly, like you’d asked.
‘I’d drag my fingers through your swollen folds, spread your slick around and get you whining for more.’
Lars’s breath hitched as he felt through his folds just like you said you would, hitting every nerve along the way until he reached his clit and his body jolted. He couldn’t remember even being this sensitive.
He couldn’t wait until you could really do this to him, but this felt incredible enough for now.
‘I’d take my fingers away completely next. Leave you wanting. Because I’ve got you so worked up, you’ve forgotten your trousers are still on, but I’d want to see you. I’d want you to see what I’m doing to you, too.’
Brow furrowed in protest at the instruction to stop touching, Lars reluctantly followed your instructions, removing his hand from inside his underwear, clenching his thighs together in their absence.
His fingers were coated in his arousal and the sight of it made your own core clench.
‘I wouldn’t want to make a mess of your trousers, and I most definitely would want to taste you. So I’d lick my fingers clean.’
Lars’s eyes widened again, but without question, he brought his fingers to his lips and pushed them inside, sucking lightly, moaning around them as he tasted himself. He’d never tried that before. He imagined you tasting him, and it made his stomach do flips. He imagined tasting you and felt like he almost passed out.
‘Then, I’d finally take those trousers off. And your underwear with them. Like unwrapping a present made just for me...’
Fumbling a little, Lars slipped everything he was wearing on his bottom half off and dropped it all unceremoniously to the floor beside the bed, pressing his legs together now he was exposed.
‘I’d tease my fingers up and down your thighs to loosen you up, then I’d grip them tight, squeeze them… and spread them wide.’
Swallowing hard, Lars followed, shivering again as his fingertips raked over untouched flesh, dug his fingers in, kneading at his own flesh, and then spread himself open for you to see.
Instinctively, you licked your lips. You longed to dive between those thick thighs and eat him out for hours, lap up every drop of his juices, make him cum over and over until he could barely remember his own name.
But that was for another time. For now, you would enjoy the sight. And what a sight it was.
His pussy looked as thick and delicious as the rest of him, soft hair surrounding it in the same shade as his mustache. He was glistening, entrance dripping and big juicy clit swollen and visibly throbbing, standing to attention, just begging to be touched. You turned lightheaded.
‘I’d… I’d pause for a moment,’ you stalled, ‘just to take your beauty in. To think about all the ways I’d want to make you scream my name. About how much I want to touch you. But I’d need to pace myself because more than anything I’d want to enjoy making you feel good.’
Lars’s fingers were digging painfully into his thighs where he’d gripped them now. If they weren’t, they’d already be between his legs, relentlessly rubbing his clit and desperately fucking himself until he found his release, but you hadn’t given the instruction for that. So he waited obediently no matter how impossible it was becoming to wait.
‘And then… I’d drag my fingers-’ you held your hand up to demonstrate, still absolutely hypnotised, ‘-from your entrance to your clit. And I’d stay there a while, rubbing slow, precise little circles into you, feeling you tremble against me.’
Lars shakily moved his fingers to collect his wetness and spread it up to massage his clit the way you’d told him to do it. It was torture. Incredible, frustrating, electric torture.
He threw his head back into the pillow, groaning low and guttural as he worked firm, slow circles into his bundle of nerves, alight in a way they’d never been.
‘I’m not-’ he panted, writhing against the mattress, ‘I’m n-not gonna- oughh- last-’
‘I’d relish in how sensitive you are, but give you mercy, plunging a finger inside and curling it upward, beckoning slowly at first — but when I feel you tightening around my finger, I’d fuck you on it without any mercy at all-’
Lars shook as he slid his middle finger lower and pushed it inside, filling himself. 
You watched how he dragged it in and out and god how you wanted those thick fingers inside you, too.
‘I’d press the heel of my palm against your clit so every thrust of my finger rubbed you there too until you’d unravel for me-’
Lars’s tried to ease himself toward his climax, but he was fucking himself hard and fast now, the lewd sloshing of his arousal echoing around the room along with his heavy breath, laced with a desperate grunt each time he drew out and slammed his finger back in.
‘Cum for me, Lars,’ you moaned, watching as he clenched around his own finger, dreaming of the way he’d feel contracting around yours.
His back arched off the bed as his peak wracked through his body, and his free hand bunched the sheets into a tight fist as he came undone, your name falling from his lips.
‘I’d slow my finger as the aftershocks subside, still moving it inside you, but gentler now, easing you down from your high,’ you panted, gripping the sheets in your own fists, now too.
‘And then I’d hold you. Tell you how good you were for me, how warm you felt and how delicious you tasted. How I can’t wait to make you cum for me like that again. And again. And again.’
Lars turned to bury his face into his pillow, overwhelmed by his orgasm, and by your words. He wanted that. So much. He imagined he was burying his face into your shoulder, taking in your scent, intoxicating himself on you.
‘Are you alright, Lars?’
He nodded into the pillow and reached out toward you, and you wasted no time crawling back up to lay beside him. He dropped an arm around your middle and you stayed there in silence until he caught his breath.
‘Did that feel good?’
‘Yeah,’ he mumbled against your shoulder, ‘really good. Thank you.’
‘I can’t wait to have those fingers inside me,’ you said, quiet and seductive. ‘I might have been telling you what to do, but those things work magic. I can tell.’
Lars flushed again, an idea breaking through the dissipating haze of arousal.
‘Until then, do you want to… could I- could I tell you how I’d do it? To- to you?’
You smiled. ‘I’d love you to.’
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distorted59 · 1 year
A Week In San Francisco
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summary: Where she’s Kirk's younger sister and her parents are on vacation. So, she’s forced to live with her brother and his bandmates for a week.
pairing: Kill 'Em All!James x fem!reader
warnings: none, just kissing, y/n is around 19
word count: 1699
A/N: Actually one of my first requests! hope you enjoy! sorry if there are some mistakes! xo (this was beta read like once or twice idk)
Y/n sighs and drops her baggage to the floor and knocks on the door. She is sweating, but not just because of the heat. Nervousness kicking in as she knocks on the door again.
“Open up, asshole.” She murmurs.
It’s a warm summer night, August of 1983. Nice time for a holiday, right? Well, that’s exactly what her parents thought. Leaving her to live with her brother Kirk and his bandmates for a week. Their first album “Kill ‘Em All” had just come out and they already felt on top of the world. 
She’d met them a couple times and even saw one of their shows. They’re fun guys to hang out with, for like a day… And she has to live with them for a week no less. Knowing how messy they can be, she's a bit on edge, certainly not 'cause she thinks they're cute…
“Hey, baby sis!” Kirk opens the door with a wide smile on his face. 
“Hey.” She gives him a slight smirk. “Please let me in, I’m dying in this heat.” 
"Yeah! Of course!” He lets out a short laugh and grabs her bags, letting her in. With a big, welcoming hug, he squeezes the air out of her lungs, as if the girl wasn't feeling hot enough. “So, how was the trip?” He puts the bags down and guides her to the kitchen. 
“It was alright.” She shrugs. “The AC on the bus was terrible, but it was better than nothing.” 
Kirk rummages around in the fridge and holds up an ice cold beer bottle. His eyes travel from his sister to the space behind her. 
“You want a beer? Oh, hey James!” He grins.
Y/n turns around and smiles at the blonde boy, “Hey James, nice to see you again.” 
James doesn’t know where to look and smiles back, blushing tremendously. “Hey! Uh, hey.” He clears his throat. “Good to see you again too, y/n. How uhh-“ he walks to the fridge and grabs a beer himself. “How have you been?” He almost gulps half the bottle down. 
“Fine, you?” 
“Go-“ James starts.
“Oh! He's great now since you’re here!” Kirk interrupts James. “He hasn’t shut up about you since we last saw you.” 
“Dude!” James exclaims.
Y/n opens the beer and takes a sip, eying James down. He does the same and the silence almost turns awkward.
“Ahhh, there she is!” A loud voice beams out. “The cuter-looking Hammett!” 
“Lars…” She smiles and puts her beer on the counter before being engulfed with a tight hug from the drummer. 
“It’s so nice to finally have you here!” Lars boasts excitedly. “Come on, I’ll show you your room!” 
“I can take her!” Kirk frowns and grabs her bags. “I got her bags, see? Besides, she’s my sister. I should give her the tour!” He pouts.
James snatches one of her bags out of Kirk’s hand. “Shut up, Hammett.” He walks down the hall, smirking at Kirk.
Y/n looks at her brother with a questioning look and Kirk just returns a defeated one. “Just…” he sighs. “Follow them.” 
“It’s okay.” She giggles. “You’re still my favorite member, big brother.” She kisses his cheek and Kirk groans, over-exaggerating being grossed out.
“Eww! y/n!” He whines. 
“Don’t be such a baby!” y/n taunts.
“You two coming?” Lars yells from around the corner of one of the rooms.
“Yeah!” They both answer in unison. 
 “Me and Lars share rooms and James shares with Cliff.” Kirk explains while they’re walking down the hall.
“Where’s Cliff anyway?” She asks. 
They stop at a room where both Lars and James are waiting for them. She peaks her head inside the room and sees Cliff sitting on a mattress on the floor, plucking at his bass and a cigarette hanging loosely from his lips. 
“Sup, y/n!” Cliff smiles. “Sorry for sitting on your bed here.” He crawls up and flashes her a boyish grin.
Cliff walks up to her and gives her a tight hug, she holds onto him tightly. He smells like smoke and beer, but so does the entire house. She’s not complaining, though. 
“My bed? But this is your rehearsal room, right?” She looks around at the guys. 
The room is covered in posters and pictures from magazines. From Motörhead, Black Sabbath and Misfits to Led Zeppelin, Diamond Head and Iron Maiden. Lars’s drum-set is in the corner and around the room are some amp’s. 
Kirk and James’s guitars against the wall, some torn notes on the floor. Probably forgotten lyrics. She notices a notebook laying on one of the amps, but her attention is also taken away from it as the floor is littered with empty beer cans. 
“Yeah, the only spare room we had.” Lars explains.
“We all agreed on giving you some privacy.” James smiles politely as a slight blush creeps on his face again.
“Sorry for not tidying up.” Cliff grabs some cans. “We try to stay civil here.” 
“Says you!” James laughs. 
“Yeah? Whadda ya gonna do?” Cliff taunts and throws an empty beer can towards James’s head. 
James dodges it and laughs while flipping him off. Cliff wiggles his brows and flips him off as well. Y/n chuckles and grins at the scene in front of them. Yeah, she’ll survive them. 
“Look, I know it’s not like home…” Kirk walks towards her. “But, this is all we had and we all sleep on mattresses too!” 
“It’s fine, man!” She reassures them. “It’s generous enough for you guys to give me my own room!” 
“Okay, good!” Kirk smiles and she sees all the boys sighing with relief, almost like a weight fell off their shoulders. 
“What? You’d thought I’d get mad?” She smirks. 
“Maybe, we could’ve handled you though.” James teases and gives her a playful nudge. 
After spending some time around her, James is looking at her with an excited twinkle in his eyes, and his confidence is rising again. He hasn't stopped thinking about her since he last saw her and made a promise not to get nervous or shy. It's time to work on that part because he's already failed it.
“I bet you would.” She tilts her head and shoves him back, laughing while doing it. 
“Listen, guys. I’m sorry if you still wanted to jam tonight.” She puts her bags next to the mattress. “But, I would really love to get some sleep. I’m beat.” 
“Oh, that’s fine, y/n!” Kirk smiles. “We’ll be out of your hair, goodnight!” 
“Goodnight, boys! Thanks again!” 
While y/n gets ready for bed and is in the bathroom, brushing her teeth. James is pacing around in his room. He forgot his notepad in the rehearsal room, now temporarily y/n’s room. 
“I can’t just walk in now.” He murmurs to himself. “She’ll think I’m a creep, prancing around her stuff or something like that.” 
He grunts and starts pulling his hair slightly. “Fuck it.” He decides. “I’ll just wait and knock.”
James walks out of his room as he goes over what to say to her. He’s too deep in his own thoughts and looking at the floor when he bumps into someone. 
“Oh, shit!” The voice says. 
“Fuck! Sorry, y/n!” James apologizes. 
They look into each other’s eyes until both of them start laughing awkwardly. James scratches the back of his neck and clears his throat. 
“Uhm, my notepad is still in your room.” He explains. “I didn’t want to just walk in without you knowing.” 
“Oh, don’t worry about it!” She assures. “Go ahead and grab it.” 
“Great, thanks.” James nods and smiles back.
Both of them walk into her room and James starts looking for his notebook. “You see, I left it somewhere here.” He motions around with his hands. 
“Was it the one with a blue cover?” She asks. 
“Yeah? Did you see it?” His face whitens. “Did you read it?” 
“I didn’t, don’t worry.” y/n grins. “I saw it when I walked in, it’s on the amp near the drums.” 
James looks over at the amp and lets out a relieved sigh. “Awesome, thank you!” He smiles, shoving the notepad in his pocket. 
He walks back to the door ready to walk out, but he turns to her before leaving. “We’re uh, going to the… the beach tomorrow.” He says. “Hope you brought a bikini.” He mentally face palms himself and his face reddens. 
“Or… or a bathing suit! Just… as we're going to the beach. Just… forget I said that.” 
She giggles and walks towards him, leaning against the wall and crossing her arms. Biting her bottom slightly and it doesn’t go unnoticed by James. 
“Don’t worry, I brought it.” She assures. 
“Good…. Good.” He mumbles as his eyes travel down her neck and to the hem of her shirt. “Nice shirt.” He compliments when his eyes linger over the print “Motörhead”. 
“Thanks.” She smirks. “Goodnight, James.” 
Y/n turns around, but before she can walk away, James grabs her wrist.
“Yes?” She turns around, the slightest amount of hope in her eyes. Wondering what he still wants from her. 
“Goodnight…” he looks down at her lips before looking back up into her eyes. Y/n does the same, biting her own bottom lip again. 
“You wanna kiss me, don’t you?” He smirks. 
“Maybe, do you want to kiss me too?” She smiles playfully.
“More than anything right now.” He whispers and leans in, kissing her. Carefully at first, but it turns into a slow and passionate kiss. His hands loosely on her hips as he pulls her body closer to his. 
“Fuck…” he murmurs in between kisses. “Want you…” 
She breaks the kiss and gives him one final peck before shoving him out of her room softly. He looks at her in defeat, his lips are pink and swollen and his blonde hair messy and in front of his needy eyes. 
“We got the whole week, baby.” She winks at him and closes the door. 
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