#laridian crafts
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the-laridian · 1 year ago
Overencumbered: The Final Chapter
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Overencumbered: the last item is added, the mini nuke! At one point Willow had the Fat Man launcher and so many of these and that was how he spent his entire Fasnacht, just launching these things everywhere. 
With the mini nuke completed, that means all of the base stitching is also complete. What's left now is the backstitching. Here it is:
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Backstitching always make everything really pop, and is wonderful for little details like the fan cage.
Thank you for following along on this cross stitch progress! :D
Next up: The Nuclear Winter cross stitch.
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@rosespacesingout @the-lastcall @pvttwinkletoes @ajdkn @k-peasants @30-th-century-man @b1adelight @ss-bullseye @weewooitssmeb @darkfire1177 @funkylittlepenguin @molliehaswords @valentineenjoyer @typosandtea-reblogs @bleumanouche @sassenashsworld @violavpurple @holorifle @tindotexe @falloutuniverse
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damejudyhench · 4 years ago
This tags game is from @the-writers-bookshelf
Words to find:
Duty, complain, legend, dressing
From “I’ll Take Your Confession Now”, my sparring as foreplay epic:
��I believe duty compels me to assist you, Captain,” Max said gravely. “I could offer you some physical distraction.”
From The Shape Of Edgewater, a pirate/merman AU (based on beautiful Mermax art by @jackalgirl:
The only one missing was the bosun. She spent most of her days belowdecks, keeping the Unreliable in good repair, and cleaning and tuning the big cannon she’d nicknamed Sam. But a treasure hunt meant resupply, and that meant parlay with Captain Tennyson, so Pretty Parvati wasn’t likely to complain.
Turns out the word legend doesn’t appear in any of my drafts? So here’s the first paragraph of Legend Of The Sprat (it’s a working title):
Max lay gazing out at the stars, each one a bright pinpoint smudged by a soft iridescent haze. He kept his side of the window spotlessly clean, but there was no accounting for the dust and detritus that clung to the outside of the hull.
From Tartarus Penitentiary Blues, aka The One Where Max Dies:
Medical care on Tartarus had been as desperate as the rest of the place. Max was lucky; he’d never needed more than a dressing or a few stitches, a shot of adrenatime and then back to work. But all the inmates knew about the infirmary. It was clean and clinical and the stuff of nightmares. The corporations tested their products, surgeons learned their craft, and people who went in were never seen again.
Thanks so much for the tag @the-laridian , this was a fun one! Im late playing cause of work hours, so I think nearly everyone’s been tagged? I tag @jumpship90 @strangefable @kourumi and @corancoranthemagicalman and anyone else who’s like to play
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jackalgirl · 4 years ago
I'm It!
Thanks to @the-writers-bookshelf for tagging me - it's the "last line of the WIP" game, coming 'round again. Here is the last line of the section I'm rewriting/reviewing/prepping for post right now, from The Journeyman:
I just need her to do the job, and make Edgewater whole again.
So that's, what, thirteen words? Laws. Okay, here goes: @kourumi, @damejudyhench, @chibikinesis, @kirjanikv6ilill, @antoncrane, @the-laridian, @thedashingcaptainweird, @jumpship90, @lamiahypnosia, @ladyoriza, @mediocre-life-span, @captastra, @thisisrigged4!
Forgive me if you've already been tagged, and don't feel like you have to play (you don't), and forgive me if I missed you on this round (I don't always thing straight and didn't miss you on purpose) -- just jump in if you want to, please! I will expand this to include illustrations, comics, crafts, sewing, jewelry -- BECAUSE I WANT TO -- what are you working on that's creative? Give us a sneak peek, please!
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the-laridian · 3 years ago
I'm a man who enjoys quilting, particularly assembling the quilt tops. "Have you sold any?" Uh, a couple? "Have you put them on Etsy?" People won't buy them. I just like making things with my hands.
I like writing. "Do you have a novel to sell?" No, the market is saturated, and anyway I just like writing and creating my stories. "Well what if you wrote about X, that would sell, right?"
I used to draw in college, for fun. "If you'd kept drawing after college, you'd be really good now." Yes, that's true. "I bet you could pick it back up real fast." You know, you're probably right, and certainly if I put time and practice in, I'd get a lot better. "And then you could sell commissions."
I really just want to make things for the sake of making them and having my friends go ooh and aah :/ Selling some of it would be nice but I don't expect it and certainly have no intention of making a career from it. Then it wouldn't be fun anymore.
everyone posting that “my generation lost hobbies” post is so stupid like no you fuckwits hobbies were stolen from you by a system that demands you work 8 hours a day to earn a tiny percentage of the profit you generate, leaving you too exhausted and brainwashed to enjoy exercising passion without financial incentive
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the-laridian · 1 year ago
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I forgot to post these before! The last three of the Caesar's Legion miniatures. A legionary, a centurion, and a vexillarius (standardbearer version).
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the-laridian · 1 year ago
Fallout Mojave cross stitch
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The next Fallout cross stitch project is "Mojave", and those of you familiar with FNV will know exactly what phrase is being stitched here! (Fallout fans who haven't played FNV are just as likely to know it via osmosis and exposure.)
Another dyed Aida fabric to look aged and appropriate to the Fallout setting. The fabrics I'm using are wonderfully soft, compared to most off the shelf Aida that is stiff as a board, but that does make it trickier to keep taut in the frame. Still, there are some nice effects on these dyed fabrics.
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@rosespacesingout @the-lastcall @pvttwinkletoes @ajdkn @k-peasants @30-th-century-man @b1adelight @ss-bullseye @weewooitssmeb @darkfire1177 @funkylittlepenguin @molliehaswords @valentineenjoyer @typosandtea-reblogs @bleumanouche @sassenashsworld @violavpurple @holorifle @tindotexe @falloutuniverse @sirmanmister
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the-laridian · 1 year ago
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This week: a Medex dose (right above the word "overencumbered"). Like the stimpack, it'll look better with backstitching. Which is getting pretty close!
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@rosespacesingout @the-lastcall @pvttwinkletoes @ajdkn @k-peasants @30-th-century-man @b1adelight @ss-bullseye @weewooitssmeb @darkfire1177 @funkylittlepenguin @molliehaswords @valentineenjoyer @typosandtea-reblogs @bleumanouche @sassenashsworld @violavpurple
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the-laridian · 1 year ago
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Overencumbered update: This week's update is the pocket watch, useful for gears and springs. Yes, when the backstitching is applied it'll look more like a watch (and have the time on it). 
Only a couple more items to go, and then the backstitching! 
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@rosespacesingout @the-lastcall @pvttwinkletoes @ajdkn @k-peasants @30-th-century-man @b1adelight @ss-bullseye @weewooitssmeb @darkfire1177 @funkylittlepenguin @molliehaswords @valentineenjoyer @typosandtea-reblogs @bleumanouche @sassenashsworld @violavpurple
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the-laridian · 1 year ago
Overencumbered update
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Oops, photo is crooked. Anyway! This week it's one of the most sought after scrap objects in the game... the desk fan! Source of tiny screws for scrappers everywhere!
There's only one item left to go and then it's backstitching!
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@rosespacesingout @the-lastcall @pvttwinkletoes @ajdkn @k-peasants @30-th-century-man @b1adelight @ss-bullseye @weewooitssmeb @darkfire1177 @funkylittlepenguin @molliehaswords @valentineenjoyer @typosandtea-reblogs @bleumanouche @sassenashsworld @violavpurple @holorifle
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the-laridian · 1 year ago
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This week's Overencumbered update feels like a Where's Waldo or "find the difference" picture to me, lol. To the right of the holotape and the duct tape is an inhaler. Jet, I guess? I never use those chems in game so I don't know which one it might be. I know y'all will be more than willing to tell me which one it is ;)
Can you guess which popular items remain to be added?
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the-laridian · 1 year ago
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Some of the Fallout New Vegas Caesar's Legion miniatures painted at the end of 2023
Faces are hard
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the-laridian · 1 year ago
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Don't wish for a nuclear winter, you might get one...
I'm very proud of how Leo came out! Yes, I consider this one Leo Wood from "On Opposite Sides". Background is some of my yellow-orange batik fabric. 
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the-laridian · 1 year ago
Spools quilt update
I did goof up somewhere; I have extra of one block and not enough of another (and I can see how it happened for both) and haven't made *any* of the 80 pcs I need for the last block.
That said, all the existing blocks look great. And it won't be too hard to put together that last one. That'll be a "this week" project and I'll work on layout next weekend (since it will take up quite a bit of the floor).
This is going to look very cool when it's done, just have to, y'know, get it done. 
Miniatures update
3 are done! I took pix but have to see if the pix are actually in focus (it was outdoors for better light). One more has finished curing and next week I'll work on painting that one. The rest of the set, eh, I probably won't bother :P
OCKiss Art Update
I kinda forgot about it for a week (oops) so tonight I'll look over the 3 finished ones and the one that I'm pretty sure needs to be finished. 
Cross stitch update
Moving right along!
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the-laridian · 1 year ago
Wordcount 4 Feb 2024
C&A: 404
Art Therapy: 950
Fallbrook AU: 595
FNV Stolen Heir: 376
VNV editing: 3391
3E Plague: 674
Also today: Went birding, got a dozen new species but there might be a couple more (looked like 2 different sparrows, but might be 3). 
Glued a couple of NCR miniatures from the new box. The remaining two, the pieces just won't go together right... though that was from the 'bad box' with the problems that required getting a whole new box, so maybe I need to make the ones from the new box. But Leo's mini (from On Opposite Sides) finally looks pretty good! Maybe next weekend I can start painting.
I got some more scrap fabric cut, too. I have 4-5 patterns for scrap fabrics that I want to do, so if anything, my problem now is getting enough fabric cut for them :P I should pick one pattern and work toward that one first. OTOH there are a lot of scrap fabrics still to render down...
I got some cross stitch done, and spent far too much time searching for a missing FO76 Willow fic that I wrote but never posted. I want to look at it again and use some of the elements for Art Therapy. And for the life of me, I can't find the fic. It's not in Scrivener, it's not in my Word documents, and I wouldn't have it in anything else. Other documents from that time period are here, what happened to this one?
So I finally said the heck with it, I remember how the fic went... I just would've rather edited it than have to write the whole thing all over again. It is what it is. 
Total for today: 6390
Total for February: 33,656
Total for 2024: 283,658
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the-laridian · 1 year ago
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More Caesar's Legion minis completed at the tail end of 2023. 
Part One
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the-laridian · 1 year ago
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I coffee dyed some Hardanger today, which turned out great, except that the fold lines are seriously baked into the fabric even after washing and attempting to iron them out. OTOH the mottling came out great. The photo shows some moire because it's Hardanger.
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