#largely snape-centric recs
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ashesandhackles · 2 years ago
Fic recs
Other Women and of Purer Blood by @saintsenara
Summary: Narcissa is adrift, rattling around Malfoy Manor, when an equally lonely man comes into her lonely life.
Thoughts: I have been wanting a story that contextualises the sexual charge and familiarity we see between Snape and Narcissa in Spinner's End for ages (canon compliant, that is) and this story is a lovely backstory to that. It also captures Snape in transition: Snape still ironing out his northern accent, how his movements are still spider-like. He is in the process of becoming the adult Snape we see in canon: whose speeches are a performance, and how he irons out the awkwardness of his movements in adulthood.
Snape looks completely wrong in the flowery bower where Dobby has set out tea. His sallow awkwardness seems to repel the summer, even though Narcissa suspects he must be baking in his layers of shabby black robes. 
He doesn’t have the fine manners of the sort of person who normally comes to tea with the Malfoys. He eats quickly, and slurps his tea, and looks at the cakes with the greedy eyes of a boy who isn’t used to treats. Lucius would be disgusted, to have a greasy half-blood at his table spraying crumbs everywhere. She imagines the expression of horrified confusion on his pointy face and giggles.
Snape immediately goes scarlet and puts down his tea-cup.
In Infinite Remorse of Soul by @perverse-idyll
Summary: Albus Dumbledore never makes the same mistake twice. Certainly not in love.
Thoughts: My very first Snumbledore, which is a frightening meditation on the very vast power dynamics between Snape and Dumbledore from the hilltop scene in Deathly Hallows and expanding the very personal reaction Dumbledore had towards the wayward young Death Eater. Perverse Idyll is among the best writers in the fandom, brimming with words and fantastic imagery that just stays with you.
"My boy," Albus says almost kindly, because kindness is something that mystifies his young servant. Severus' eyes dart upwards, apprehensive, accusing, and Albus can see the darkness inside the boy clawing to reach him. Guilt calling to guilt.
The moment quivers and thins until he judges that Severus has had enough and is about to rebel. A harsh rasp draws his attention. He looks down at the bruised, blackened fingernail scraping across stone.
"My boy," he sighs. "You never fail to disgust me."
The ritual word strikes Severus down. His obstinate body shrinks, wings of hair flapping forward to shut his scowling face from view.
To Build A Home by @mblematic
Summary: 1978-1981: Sirius stumbles on something in the woods, Sirius and Remus stumble into each other, everyone stumbles into the war.
Thoughts: First War hijinks, dysfunctional Wolfstar - I was fed! I cannot rave enough about the gorgeous, subtle writing of relationships (the author really captures this raw, visceral vulnerability between two friends who are attracted to each other and how it explodes in heightened tension of war) and there is some fantastic world building and mirroring. Excerpt: Later, Sirius would remember almost everything from this night with crystal clarity except the sky, which in reality was clouded but in his memory would be open, star-studded, expansive and unknowable as the future. He’d remember, correctly, that the wolf was different than it had been at Hogwarts. He’d remember the restless, brutal, snarling fury, all of it undercut with a fear so intense it had its own meaty weight. The night took Sirius by surprise and he spent the whole long stretch of it trying to put himself back on track, trying to reacquaint himself with the wolf, and trying to convince them both that they remembered each other. At one point he found himself literally between Remus’ jaws, helpless and pliant, mewling like a supplicant. This, too, he would remember for the rest of his life. 
Second Life by Cassandra, nwhiker Summary: What happens when two men are given a second chance.
Thoughts: I finally got around to reading one of the most recommended Snirius fics out there. Beautiful, understated, deeply emotional - the authors take you on a journey with the two of them post war. It also feels....old?? As in, the kind of perspective this fic has is the perspective of someone in late 30s (which both Snape and Sirius are in this fic, post war). There is a fragile, "who else will understand what our generation went through?" running through the vein of this fic.
It was like walking into a tiny garden in the tropics, and he was reminded of some of the places he'd visited while on the run after his escape from Azkaban. There were hundreds of plants, most of them unfamiliar, and a large table was filled with orchids. There was a tree, which turned out to be a frangipani, its white flowers soft and sweet. A delicate white flower with an exquisite fragrance that Snape said was bouvardia. Along one wall were plants Sirius recognised from Potions classes, wolfsbane and asphodel, wormwood and sopohorous, a shrivelfig tree, and others he'd seen but didn't know the names of.
"I'm not supposed to have them," Snape said.
Sirius turned to him. Snape was staring down an orchid, brushing planting mix from the edge of its pot.
Al Aaraaf by eldritcher
Summary: There is a place between heaven and hell.
Thoughts: An unsettling, poetic horror fic featuring a grieving Walburga Black. The whole fic is structured like a poem, with rhythm and repetition and metaphor shining through.
He had her face. He had her scowl. He had her loathsome, loathing heart that mourned and loved. Hell dwelled in him, as a warm and heartful thing calved of mother.
The last of earth's make she held was son. His hands were placed in prayerful clasp over her belly.
The lamb in her was of Tartary, born of son fed and killed with milk and honey, birthed of widow's mourning.
"It is all right," Sirius said, and held her to him as if she weren't damned.
Runaway Boys by Delphi
Summary: Severus dreams of pirates, and Lily closes the nursery window. Thoughts: I'm not sure if I have recommended this fic before, but I am recommending it again, just in case. This is a wonderfully strange coming of age, a tale of puberty told in dreams/ fantasies featuring Snape and Captain Hook. Excerpt:
"Severus S—" He cuts himself off and then tentatively amends: "Prince. Severus Prince."
It's a better name, he's decided. His new friends at school know the Princes, but they've never heard of any Snapes.
"That is a fine name, Mr. Prince," the man says. "As for me, I am Captain James Hook."
A large hand extends into the branches, and after a moment, Severus carefully leans down and shakes it.
"Pleased to meet you," Severus says.
"Are those friends of yours?" the captain asks, nodding towards the neighbouring island, where the boys are now riding wild ponies bareback, jousting with each other using lances made of hollow reeds.
Severus shrugs. Of course, he thinks, the man would rather know them.
Note: Please check the pairings and tags in each of these fics and keep in mind your own triggers :)
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bluebellefox · 4 years ago
Severitus Recs
(for @hayalee8)
Now I should probably say that when I say Severitus, I really don’t mean stories in which Snape is Harry’s biological parent, but ones that they develop some sort of guardian/ward, mentor/student relationship. Now that’s out of the way, here we go! 
(If I didn’t link some of the author’s tumblrs, they don’t to my knowledge have one) 
1.  That Awful Boy series by @paracosim
TAB is probably my favorite Snape-centric fic of all time, it’s so fucking amazing. As in I reread it every month or two, literally cannot recommend it enough! If you read it and enjoy, send the author some love, he more than deserves it! 
The first part is completed and the sequel is currently being written (if you have preferences about that sort of thing). Word count: 168k+ 
TAB takes place during the summer before OoTP. Because of the failing blood wards around the Dursleys, Harry is sent to Spinner’s End to spend a few weeks with Snape learning occlumency. 
TAB can also be found on ffnet, if you have a site preference. 
2. Crime and Punishment by mlocatis 
This one’s another of my favorites! Currently ongoing and housed on ffnet and ao3. Word count: 170k+ 
Also set during the summer before Harry’s fifth year. Dudley sets up Harry to be arrested for a burglary he didn’t commit. With his relatives content to let him be left exposed to Death Eaters in a muggle holding cell, Dumbledore sends Snape to go pick him up and house him until his hearing. 
Honestly, I normally prefer my Snape to be a little less put together and a little more feral than he’s portrayed in this story but it’s wonderfully well-written and compelling. Harry and Snape develop a very sweet relationship over the course of the plot so I’m willing to let loose on a few rules. 
The author’s other stories, the ongoing Snape’s Promise (or here on ffnet) and the completed Mors Certa, Hora Incerta are also Severitus (or at least, Severitus-adjacent) and very good! I believe they also have a Snily story with a Severitus sub-plot as well, but I really can’t speak for it as I haven’t read it. (Personally, I don’t read Snily but you do you!) 
3. O Mine Enemy by Kirby Lane 
Currently ongoing but nearing the end of the story and it updates biweekly. I do believe you can only find it on ffnet. Word count: 403k+
OME is a post OoTP fic but largely ignore HBP and DH, it takes place during the summer after fifth year. When an injured Professor Snape shows up on the Dursleys doorstep with a warning of impending Death Eater activity, Harry must keep him out of sight of the rest of the house. 
There’s some really interesting magic-system and world building in this one. OME has it all, tender Harry and Snape moments and some gut wrenching angsty bits too, what more can you ask for!  
4. Far Beyond a Promise Kept by oliversnape
It was very hard to just pick one of their Severitus fics so I went with the first one I ever read by them.  It’s completed and can by found on ao3 and ffnet. Word count: 140k+ 
FBaPK starts off in the summer before third year but continues until the end of fourth year. After running away from Privet Drive after blowing up his aunt, Harry is found by Snape who then takes him for the summer and begins to help him prepare to take down Voldemort. 
Again, oliversnape has some amazing Severitus stories and it was hard to just pick one but To Recollect the Future (ao3 and ffnet), The Redefining Life series (ao3 and ffnet), and Keep Your Enemies Closer (ao3 and ffnet) are all wonderful works. They have a very particular way of writing Snape that really highlights all the little ways that make him human, and Harry is written in a very believable teenage way. All these stories have a really nice mash-up of angst and fluff. 
5. Never Say Remember by Malora 
Completed and can be found on ao3 and ffent. Word count: 93k+
NSR is a PoA AU that involves cannon Harry switching places with a different iteration of himself from a different timeline where Lily lived and marries Snape, who has adopted Harry as his own son. The story follows both Harrys and their relationships with their opposite Snapes. 
I don’t normally read Snily if that puts how good this fic is in perspective for you. It’s a beautiful story that broke my heart a little, very bittersweet ending. 
6. Where the Heart Is by @kohakhearts
Completed one-shot and I do believe it’s only available on ao3. Word Count: 15k+
This one takes place the summer before sixth year. Harry spends his summer days at the park, writing Sirius letters he can no longer answer. He finds help in an unlikely source. 
This hurts in all the right places, some angst with a hopeful ending. The dialogue in this one is what keeps drawing me back to it, Harry and Snape have some pretty heartfelt conversations. 
While sifting through the author’s ao3 page for this one, I saw some other Snape & Harry fics that seemed very promising! Be sure to check out their other stuff if you enjoy this one, it’s what I’m headed off to do!
If you’ve read all of this, thanks for letting my ramble on about some of my favorite Severitus fics. Hope everyone is staying healthy and happy! 
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monsieur-hadrien · 4 years ago
Harry Potter Fanfic Recommendations continued...
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I did one of these lists back in June, and y’all KNOW! that I have even more to share with the world.
This list is a mix between crossovers and single-fandom fics, and are drarry or rarepair-centric, but either way I’ll mark which are which when I get to it.
If you want to see what I’ve been enjoying lately, check out my bookmarks on the Archive
Man of Iron, Child of Magic by zathara001
Harry Potter and MCU, no slash, 107k word count, 32 chapters, completed, teen
In the aftermath of the Chitauri invasion, Tony Stark sorts out his priorities - including one he didn't think he had.
Okay I followed this one from the beginning as a WIP because this is exactly the fic that I was looking for. Tony being Irondad for Harry is the most wholesome thing ever, and Uncle Steve is also 20/10. I will say, this fic is not as dark as a lot of this hp/mcu fics of this trope because it happens in Harry’s younger Hogwarts years and his childhood isn’t too ruined just yet. It focuses a lot on Tony’s growth as a father rather than working through Harry’s trauma (which, don’t get me wrong, that happens as well). Harry still has the naive outlook on life that a child should have and it just makes my heart swell.
Although this fic is done, the sequel has not been uploaded yet, as this fic was just completed late August, but don’t let that deter you. The author is a sweetheart to interact with on new updates (which were quite frequent).
Golden Boy’s Dance by Madriddler
Harry Potter, Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy/Blaise Zabini, 57k word count, 13 chapters, completed, explicit
Two years after the defeat of Voldemort and Harry is feeling useless. Jobless and suffering from PTSD, Harry spent his days going from horrible interview to horrible interview hopelessly looking for a job. Feeling completely useless, Harry, with the help of George, turns to a new profession that Harry never even thought of : being a camboy. Pleasuring himself for money and people's entertainment, Harry hopes to find a use for the Savior of the Wizarding World in this Peaceful Era.
Yeah so uh,,, this is a total guilty pleasure kink fic and I’m not at all ashamed for putting this fic on here. I won’t even lie, sometimes it felt a bit cheesey, but the porn was so well written it didn’t even matter. I swear to you this is porn with plot and lots of it. Harry works through his post traumatic stress disorder in ways that may or may not be slightly unhealthy, but beyond the porn, it’s really about Harry being okay in his own skin, as someone with mental health issues and as a sex worker. It was a hell of a good time to read and I definitely cried for Harry a time or two.
A Dented Old Street Sign by orphanghost
Harry Potter, Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, 27k word count, one-shot, completed, mature
Draco knows they aren't the only students who will be completing their NEWTs this year, but they are the only ones whose home fireplaces were disconnected from the floo network by the ministry.
At least, Draco assumes as much until he sees the light falling out from the front door of one of the other rickety old houses in front of them and the three figures cast in its warm glow. For a moment they look like some sort of strange, many legged creature. An acromantula, or a particularly massive Blast-Ended Skrewt. Then Draco hears Pansy make a disgusted sound beside him and the light falls in a less blinding way, and Draco can see that it is actually Potter and the Weasel carrying a large couch between them, and Granger fluttering around them with her wand out, seeming concerned.
I don’t think I’ve laughed this much reading a fic in a long time. The golden trio and the Slytherin gang live in the same neighborhood while attending their 8th year at Hogwarts and i swear to fucking god, the amount of mutual pining and angst between Harry and Draco is fucking ridiculous, but you can’t help but love them anyway. Sometimes I wanted to throttle them and then shove them into a closet together so they would just t a l k but like in a good way. also the Christmastime atmosphere is something I just live for.
Words Unread, Things Unsaid by PinkCrupps
Harry Potter, no slash Harry & Snape, 18k word count, 7 chapters, completed, teen
What if the Dursley’s were a little crueler, and a little smarter? What if they didn’t want Harry going to school because they didn’t want anyone to see the bruises?
What if Harry had to leave for Hogwarts, carrying a shameful secret? One that Severus Snape is determined to discover.
When I say this one hurt, I mean it h u r t. I feel so bad because when I first read the tags I laughed when I saw the illiterate tag because I make the “I can’t read” jokes often but then I read the fic and i felt SO BAD OMG.
I am no fan of Snape, let it be known, but this fic, I think made me feel like he actually deserved a bit of a redemption arc (even if it’s fanon). This whole time, all I could think of is giving harry a big hug and never letting him go.
I said this in the notes of my bookmark, and I stand by it: “
I feel like the hurt/comfort tag on this one is also meant for the reader”
What Happens to the Heart by Mossycoat
Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, 33k word count, 18 chapters, completed, mature
With no girlfriend, no job, and no idea what he wants, Harry has decided to let life go on without him. If only prophetic dreams, demanding ghosts, and Draco Malfoy would let him.
If you need a pick-me-up after the sadness for the prior fic, may i recommend this one. Seer!Harry is a headcanon that I had never seen before this fic, and I was not let down whatsoever. We love a fic where the OCs are wonderful and the writing style is immaculate. The incorporation of tarot and divination into the chapter names and plot also makes my babywitch heart s i n g!!
Wrong Place, Wrong Time by Relevant_Peach
Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, 70k word count, 15 chapters, completed, no rating specified, but probably teen/ mature for mental health tingz
Draco Malfoy would do anything to find a cure for his son's life-threatening disease. When he crosses paths with an old acquaintance, it unleashes a string of events that will uncover secrets and deceptions. Will Draco be able to look past the misdeeds of his old lover's past? Will Harry ever find the family he longs for?
Ah yes, who knew that pain could feel so good. Everything seems to be fine until it isn’t with this one.
Turn by Saras_Girl
Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, 306k word count, 14  chapters, completed, explicit
One good turn always deserves another. Apparently.
oh my goD yes a classic we love to see it. This is one of those fics that is long but doesn’t reallly feel like it is? This is definitely another feel-good fic, even if it doesn’t seem that way in the beginning. Not only does it focus on Harry and Draco’s relationship, but also their relationships with their family, specifically their children. It’s just really heartwarming whenever Harry get’s all fatherly with his kids. ugh I swear I don’t want any but this is just SO ADORABLE! Plus Blaise Zabini rights thank you very much.
Also Boris can suck my left toe.
There’s a Pureblood Custom For That by Lomonaaeren
Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, 105k word count, 36 chapters, completed, mature
The day that Harry stops Draco Malfoy and his son from being bothered in the middle of Diagon Alley starts a strange series of interactions between him and Malfoy. Who knew there was a pure-blood custom for every situation?
This is another fluffier one, and I have absolutely no shame. Draco is just trying so hard to get through Harry’s thick, clueless skull and Harry is just trying to understand. They’re just so adorable I can’t. And Harry defending Draco’s and his relationship after people are like fuck naw just warms my heart. Like yes Harry, protect ur mans you adorable himbo you.
Our Own Demons by Emmalie22
Harry Potter, MCU, Harry Potter & Tony Stark, Harry Potter/Peter Parker, 119k word count, 24 chapters, WIP, teen/mature
Tony Stark. Genius. Billionaire. Philanthropist. Ironman. (Reckless. Lonely. Father.)
Harry Potter. The Boy Who Lived. The Chosen One. Wizard. (The Master of Death. Survivor. Breaking.)
Tony Stark never thought he would be a father. But when a lawyer comes knocking and truths become evident, he realizes that he can’t let his son walk out of his life. For Harry, acknowledging his relationship with Tony is a last-ditch effort to gain freedom and control over his life. Although the journey might not be easy, Tony and Harry learn to heal and become a family, facing trials and tribulations on the way such as a scheming Death, a Mad Titian, Dark Wizards, dangerous Doctors, and living Wards.
I’m so sorry to give you a WIP that hasn’t been updated in 10 months, but I couldn’t let this one slide. I’m so attached to these characters it’s unhealthy. I’m not gonna lie, this fic was the product of a very hyperspecific filtered search on AO3 but I’m not even mad at it. Tony is Harry’s father but unlike the other fic on this rec list, Harry is a bit more grown up and bears a lot of the scars of 5th year (y’all don’t need me to specify with that one). It’s a lovely family dynamic and super fluffy Peter and Harry wow we love to see it. Harry is also super fucking smart AS HE IS! I will never get over people calling him stupid ugh Harry rights. But yes, author friend, if you see this, update when you can I’m so in love with this.
If anybody wants me to do more specific lists, I will totally do so. Just reblog or private message me. And if you have any other fic recs, please do so too because I’m always looking for something else to read.
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scarletjedi · 7 years ago
I am looking for long, plotty fic recs
I’m looking for something large to sink my teeth into, something that’s well plotted and well written with good characterization. Specifically, Canon AUs. 
I’ve been reading a lot of Harry Potter recently, so something Snape-centric would be *amazing* (I’ve read @deadcatwithaflamethrower‘s fics, but something on that scale would be *lovely*), but no Snarry, please. I’m also a Percy Weasley fan, so I’m always looking for good Percy fic. 
I’ve also been reading (and writing!) a lot of Star Wars in the last few years, so I’m all about Star Wars fics - fics that change one little thing with large repercussions. I just read Shifting Sands, and I adore Re-Entry, so something along those lines.  
I’ve also been all about Marvel since I saw Ragnarok/Black Panther/Infinity War, so anything Ragnarok compliant (I don’t really read thorki, but it’s not necessarily a deal breaker), Shuri Centric, or Stucky centric would be *amazing* (I’ve read all of @cesperanza‘s fic, but I’m looking for fics of that caliber). 
These are the three that I’ve been focused on, but I’m I’ll read other stuff, too. I like SGA, Due South, Tolkien, Star Trek, Batfam -- I’ve been in Merlin and Supernatural, so while I’m not looking for recs, I wouldn’t turn them away, either. 
Help me, Internet Peeps! All fics recced to me will end up on a permanent rec page!
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ashesandhackles · 2 years ago
Hello ashes! Read any interesting fanfic of late? Looking for recs!
Hello! Sorry, I'm late to this ask. I've read a lot of interesting stuff of late, but I'm not sure it will be what you are looking for. Still putting it here though: 1. By the Grace by lettered
I dipped my toes into the Drarry fandom with this fic. This was recommended to me long ago by couple of friends. I'm really enjoying how much care is being given to Harry and the network of his relationships - the trio, Teddy, Luna. It gives us a full picture of who he is, and it recognises that Draco was his bully. Which I really appreciate. I haven't finished it yet, but I've liked what I've read so far. Away Childish Things by the same author has also been recommended to me. 2. Man-eaters of Kumaon by ignipes Lost years of Remus Lupin. I love the mood and atmosphere of this fic, and it made me ridiculously happy that author got mountain villages' names right lol. The author takes care to show a Remus with a very vibrant inner life that he guards - and I appreciate that so much. 3. Ashes, Ashes, All fall down by neeblack
Canon compliant journey of the Black family - Bellatrix, Andromeda, Narcissa, Sirius and Regulus. Largely Bellatrix centric, and still in very early years of their journey - but this is an ambitious fic, and I've enjoyed every chapter so far. 4. Till We have Faces by TeddieJean
Andromeda/ Rodolphus one shot. My obsession with twin imagery led me to a one shot that can be accurately summarised as a picture of a negative space.
5. Turmoil by Metalomagnetic
Sirius Black/ Severus Snape, set during 7th year in Hogwarts. Probably my first reading this ship when both of them were teenagers. Metalo's Sirius (although darker than mine, which is saying something because I tend to lean dark) is magnetic. The author captures that ferocious quality about him that you sense in final pages in POA.
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