#large locking dog door
silverskye13 · 3 months
The church thing wasn't supposed to be too ominous! @_@ It was meant to be a "Hey, online safety heads up! Are you sure about this?" I'm sorry! Didn't mean to freak you out ._.
I'm sure you had the best intentions anon. I don't hold it against you. However, it's also true that there are few things scarier than an anonymous message in your inbox saying, "Hey, I'm pretty sure I know where you live."
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fishgirl514 · 2 months
we just got a dog😭😭 im so freaked out about it ahahahhaaa
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yeyinde · 1 month
stalker!Simon decides to have a little fun with his favourite camgirl.
the message comes up halfway into your "show."
it's a boring night. slow. you wear a lingerie set one of your viewers sent in beneath a silk robe, all in a pretty pastel pink—cliche, but it works; an uncomfortably disgusting version of hair theory unfolding in front of your eyes—and discreetly chug wine when you twist away to grab a new toy. a series of pale pink vibrators, nipple clamps. mundane depravity for what's shaping up to be a lacklustre night.
but the money that pours in from these little shows (adult version of classic party games—hide and seek, would you rather, truth or dare) is one step closer to erasing your debts. student loans. car payments. rent. you smile so wide it aches, and put your best face on when you blink, coquettish and coy, at the camera where nameless, faceless men throw money in a ring for a scrap of your attention.
tonight's game is Simon Says. and it's supposed to be normal. boring.
but a message from a viewer named Simon (in a sea of many who cheekily changed their usernames to match the theme of the game) stands out.
Simon says... go lock your door.
you blink. between all of the Simon Says touch yourself for me baby, pull your shirt down, lemme fuck you for real it sticks out. a change in the routine.
you huff, pouting. "already did that, Simon. c'mon, gimme something else to do, honey."
another one pops up. Simon says... you shouldda got a dog.
your brows furrow. "that's not part of the game, Simon. i'm gonna move on—"
Simon says... open your door.
he's paying you handsomely. dropping coins, large amounts of money, for each message to shoot to the top. little superchats. why he isn't taking advantage of it and paying you to do something sexy, something lewd, unnerves you. your heart starts to race, thudding against your ribs almost painfully.
it's fine, you think. he's just a creep. a loser. "uh huh, not part of the game, Simon. i'm afraid i'm gonna have to cut you off—"
you block him. they don't normally get under your skin like this. ever. at all. even when they throw random names in your dms, hoping one of them happens to be yours, and try to blackmail you to your fake friends and family. it doesn't bother you as much as this. as him. get a dog. how absurd.
the next series of chats pass without the same odd comments. take your bra off, but leave the robe on. act coy, like you don't want to—
creeps, you think, in their own right. but. paying ones. so, you smile. stiff. uncomfortable. grinning so wide it hurts. pretending to ignore the strange unease growing in your guts. your eyes sliding back to the superchats saved in a glowing log. let me in. a troll. whatever. it's nothing. nothing. you'll drink wine after this, scrub your skin raw in the shower and buy yourself something pretty with the money these greasy losers threw your way—
Simon says... let me in.
you feel your heart in your throat. it can't be him. you blocked him. you have mods to keep trolls out of your chats, but wonder—hopefully—if maybe it failed. maybe they found your stream are just being weird. strange. but when you check, the filters are on. he's a registered user. paid the premium to watch you. to get an invite to your special game nights. it makes it worse, you think, that he paid to be here. to do this.
your hand shakes. you block this user, too, ignoring the discomfort churning inside your chest. the fear spiking along the nape of your neck. hair raising. there's a prickle on your skin. the feeling of being watched
no. it's fine. you're fine—
"ah, what else should i do, Simon?" you ask your viewers, pulling on another smile. one that hurts. aches. wobbles around the edges. you'll end the stream in a few minutes. order Thai food. drink yourself stupid. take the day off tomorrow. use this creeps money and waste it. blow it on something stupid. dumb. laugh about it with your friends.
your shoulders dip. the tension easing. you're fine. you're at home. the door—
you locked it. right? you definitely, absolutely, locked it when you brought in the package from the delivery driver. the massive, hulking man who loomed in your doorway, too wide, even, to fit inside, and growled out in a low, brassy timbre: sign 'ere. you took the pen, pretending he wasn't drilling holes into you with his gaze, eyes liquid in the dark. intense. wanting. and then scurried inside—
back pressed against the door, hands wrapped around the lingerie set.
you glance at the chat. "which Simon bought me this cute set? i'd like to thank them personally," you murmur, forcing your shoulders to drop. it's fine. you live in the middle of nowhere. no one is coming to your door.
there's no takers in the chat. you shift on the chair, licking your lips. "it's really cute, Simon. a perfect size, too, and i just—"
something catches your eye in the corner of the monitor. a movement. a slight shift. a whisper of fabric. you tilt your chin, peering into the hazy black reflection.
what you're looking at doesn't make any sense. your bedroom door is open. a curtain of black drapes over the wall where the pale strip of light doesn't reach.
the washroom light is still on, a yellow spill illuminating the hallway, but nothing is there. no one is in the hall. but you know you closed your door. you always do when you stream. your heart trips over itself. leaps to your throat. you almost choke on it—
another bubble pops up. Simon says... hey. uh, who is that guy behind you?
there's a ringing in your ears. your hair stands on end. something moves again. the black mass wasn't a shadow. it moves. takes shape. the covered head nearly reaches your ceiling, body filling the entirely of your room. massive. a mountain you remember thinking. a fucking mountain, you texted your friend. thighs the size of tree trunks—
a hand reaches out, grabs hold of your power bar. thick gloved fingers curling over the button. in the bluegreen glow of your computer screen, a man steps out.
"glad y'liked it, pet." the deep, brassy drawl sends shivers down your spine. you try to scream, mouth opening wide to choke it out, yell for help—
your chat bubbles up, feverish in their excitement. you skin through the messages, stomaching churning as it clicks in your head. their rabidness isn't about saving you, but—
(omg he's gonna fuck her pron??? we're getting pron????? no fucking wayyyyy god i wish it were me—)
this isn't a fucking bit, you morons, you want to howl. call the fucking police—
but he gets there first. two strides. it happens in a blink. the screen goes back and he's on you in seconds.
you're not even sure how someone so big, so heavy, could move that quietly—
"ah-ah, none o'tha' now," his hand curls around your neck, tight. choking. you try to fight but he just huffs, breathing in deep, chest expanding across your spine as his other hand snakes around your waist, trapping you against a corded forearm. he bends down, nuzzles his jaw into your crown. coos:
"Simon says... turn around for me pretty girl, an' be good, now. went through all this trouble t'find you. think i deserve a little reward—"
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tortiefrancis · 5 months
I doubt anyone seeing my posts is southern brazilian but it's worth a shot:
1) Stay inside. Even if your city is okay, there's more rain coming, and you could end up stuck somewhere with nowhere else to go. Only leave for necessary things or if you need to evacuate.
2) If you need to evacuate and have pets, get dogs and cats on a leash or a travel box. You can also carry cats on large boxes or pillow cases to be safe. Small pets, try to carry with you, preferably in a proper box so you don't risk them escaping somehow. If you have farm animals, don't lock them in anywhere, open all doors and let them loose, they have a better chance of surviving this way.
3) Again, if you need to evacuate, worry only about getting your documents and medicine. If your area might be asked to evacuate next, already get those things in a bag close to your door for if you need to leave in a hurry. But only worry about the essentials.
4) Get a radio. Yes, the small ones that are battery powered. Yes, those. No matter where you are, there are huge risks of power blackouts and you might not have access to the TV or your phone. The radio is how you'll have access to the news if shit happens.
And most importantly: stay safe and keep watching the news!
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baelarys · 1 month
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Aemond targaryen x Reader wife Velaryon
Word count: 1779
Warning: Fluff
Pt2 pt3 pt4
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"Mommy! Vaera has my dress," little Vaerys complained, clinging to your skirt with the determination of someone seeking justice in her small, childish world.
"That's not true," Vaera retorted, her tone indignant, her voice reflecting the restlessness she also showed in her constant fidgeting as you tried to braid her hair.
"Vaera, stay still," you ordered her softly but firmly, your skilled hands deftly moving through her golden locks. Despite her agitation, your skill did not waver, and soon an impeccable braid began to form.
"Sweetheart, what you're wearing is very pretty too," you tried to negotiate with the little platinum-haired girl who was still clutching your dress.
"But I want it to be pink," insisted Vaerys, her lower lip trembling in a pout you knew all too well.
You sighed, knowing there would be no peace until the little one's wishes were fulfilled. "Alright," you relented, gesturing to one of your ladies-in-waiting. She hurried to tend to the twins, swapping their dresses with the efficiency born of routine. Meanwhile, your hands briefly rested on your swollen belly, caressing it with deep, protective love.
The sound of the doors opening behind you interrupted the moment, and you turned just in time to see Aerion, your only son, standing in the doorway. "Mommy," he called softly, almost hesitantly.
A gasp escaped your lips at the sight of your son. Your hands flew to your mouth, trying to contain the shock. The beautiful platinum and golden hair that used to fall in soft waves to Aerion's shoulders had disappeared, crudely cut. His face was smeared with smoke and dirt, as if he had been in the midst of a battle.
“Aerion, for the love of the gods, what happened?” you exclaimed, crossing the distance between you in an instant. You took your son by the shoulders, examining his face with concern as you searched for answers in his eyes.
One of the knights who had escorted Aerion to the room remained silent, his gaze fixed on the floor as if the shame was a weight he could not bear.
“What happened?” you insisted, your voice firm, seeking answers in the knight’s face.
The knight cleared his throat before responding, his voice full of a mixture of respect and concern. “Prince Aerion decided to escape from his training and ventured into the pit where Vhagar and Silverwing rest. We managed to pull him out of there before the dragon’s fire consumed him, but his hair caught fire in the process, and the maester decided to cut it to prevent further damage.”
He finished speaking with his gaze once again fixed on the ground, as if each word added more weight to his shoulders.
Before you could respond, Aerion quickly intervened, noticing the displeasure forming on your face. “But the maester said it will grow back!” he exclaimed with the desperation of a child seeking absolution, his large, anxious eyes searching yours.
You gestured for the guard to leave, and he obeyed with a bow before exiting the room. Then, you pressed your lips together, trying to stay calm as a storm of fear and anger swirled within you. The danger Aerion had exposed himself to was no small matter; the fact that he had emerged practically unscathed was a miracle. However, his recklessness could not be ignored or overlooked.
You took Aerion’s face in your hands, gently wiping the dirt from his cheeks, your gaze firm and worried. “Aerion,” you began, trying not to let your voice tremble with emotion, “we’ve talked about this before. Dragons are not pets. You cannot approach them as if they were dogs.”
“But I just wanted to see them,” your son responded in a whisper, his eyes fixed on the ground. Guilt weighed in his voice, and yet there was still a trace of his childish stubbornness. “I’m sorry, really,” he added, stepping forward and wrapping his small arms around your waist, seeking comfort and perhaps a way to avoid the punishment he feared.
You sighed, feeling the warmth of his embrace, but not letting it distract you from what needed to be said. “I know, my love, and I believe you. But you must understand that you cannot do this again. Dragons are powerful and dangerous creatures. I don’t want to lose you to a mistake.” With tenderness, you tilted your head and placed a gentle kiss on his head.
With the same softness, you pulled away slightly from him. “Now, go clean yourself up,” you ordered in a tone that left little room for objections.
One of your ladies-in-waiting approached and took Aerion’s hand with the usual deference, guiding him to the bath to prepare him for cleaning. As you watched them leave, you let out a slight groan of pain as you felt the baby in your womb give small kicks, reminding you of their presence with an energy that could not be ignored.
The door opened again, and as you looked up, you saw your husband, Aemond, who gave you a warm smile upon seeing you. There was a familiarity and affection in his gaze that always managed to calm your spirit. Carefully, he placed his sword on the table before approaching you, his presence filling the room with a tranquility only he could offer.
“Daddy!” Vaerys exclaimed with excitement, breaking the brief moment of silence. Without hesitation, the little girl jumped into her father’s arms, wrapping her tiny arms around his neck with the absolute confidence of a child who knows they will always be received with love.
Aemond lifted her effortlessly, holding her against his chest as his face softened even more. “And how is my little warrior today?” he asked playfully, as Vaerys laughed, delighted by her father’s attention.
Meanwhile, Vaera, who had remained silent, looked at her sister with bright eyes, waiting her turn to be hugged. With a gesture that showed Aemond’s natural skill in handling the dynamics between his children, he extended his other arm to draw Vaera to his side as well.
“Look at my dress,” Vaerys exclaimed, raising her arms to proudly show off her pink dress, waiting for her father's approval.
Aemond, always attentive to the details that mattered to his daughters, smiled and nodded appreciatively. “It’s a beautiful dress, Vaerys,” he commented with warmth that made the little girl’s eyes shine.
Not wanting to be left out, Vaera quickly interjected, spreading the folds of her own dress. “Look at mine too!” she proclaimed, her voice filled with a mix of enthusiasm and expectation.
Aemond placed a loving kiss on Vaerys’s cheek, then another on Vaera’s cheek, making sure both felt his affection equally. The twins, satisfied with their father’s attention, moved away with playful laughter, their pink dresses fluttering as they disappeared into their own world of games and giggles.
Your husband approached you with a tenderness he only showed during the most intimate moments. Gently, he placed his hand on your swollen belly, caressing it with the same devotion he showed each day, as if already attuned to the new family member who was about to arrive.
“You look worried,” he murmured, his voice filled with concern as he pressed his forehead against yours, a gesture you shared when seeking comfort in each other’s closeness. “What’s wrong?”
The warmth of his skin and the familiarity of his touch reassured you, but the emotions you had been holding back began to surface. You closed your eyes for a moment, letting his presence calm your thoughts before you responded.
“It’s Aerion,” you confessed in a whisper, feeling the worry still weighing on your heart. “Today, he ran off and got too close to Vhagar and Silverwing. He almost… I can’t bear to think about what could have happened.”
“He’s a brave boy,” Aemond said, his voice soft but with the firmness of someone who understands the complex nature of his son. “I’ll talk to him.”
You nodded, knowing that Aemond, with his patience and wisdom, was the best person to guide Aerion in these moments. As the weight of your worry began to lift, you allowed yourself a moment of vulnerability, resting your head against Aemond’s chest. The steady beat of his heart beneath your ear was a reassuring reminder of the strength and stability you always found in him.
Sensing your need for closeness, Aemond wrapped you in a warm embrace, his arms surrounding you with a tenderness that always surprised you, contrasting with his usual sternness. In that moment, the outside world, with all its worries and challenges, seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you, connected in a silence full of understanding.
“You need to relax,” Aemond murmured, his voice caressing the air as gently as his hand moved up and down your back. The gesture was comforting, almost hypnotic, as if he wanted to erase the accumulated tension from every muscle in your body, leading you to a state of deep calm.
The warmth of his touch and the firmness with which he held you sent a wave of tranquility through you. You rested your head against his chest, letting yourself be carried by the steady rhythm of his breathing, which slowly synchronized with yours. You could feel his strength and protection enveloping you, offering you a refuge where you could rest without reservations.
“I’m here,” Aemond continued, his voice low, almost a whisper, resonating in your ear like an unbreakable promise. “You don’t have to carry all this weight alone. Together, we can handle anything.”
His words, laden with a love that didn’t need to be expressed with grand gestures, comforted you in a way that few things could. It was a reminder that, despite everything you faced, you weren’t alone in this journey. Aemond was by your side, sharing not only the joys but also the burdens that life imposed on you.
You felt his fingers tracing gentle circles on your back, a simple gesture that spoke of his desire to see you relaxed and at peace. Each caress seemed to take away a bit of the tension you had accumulated, and in response, you held onto him a little tighter, letting his presence envelop you completely.
“Thank you,” you murmured, barely a whisper, but enough for him to hear. You lifted your gaze to meet his eyes, those eyes that always offered you the certainty that, no matter what came your way, you would face it together.
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vanteguccir · 6 months
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── ୨୧ ! 𝗬𝗢𝗨'𝗥𝗘 𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗘
       𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
SUMMARY: Where Y/N is a ray of sunshine, and Matt is her dose of grumpness.
REQUESTED?: Yes, by @httpsm4tti
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
   ༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
"Get out."
Y/N smiled as she heard Matt's short and authoritative voice echo through the walls of their shared room.
"Hi baby, are you okay?"
Matt lifted his head instantly, pulling his attention away from the computer screen in front of him and toward the door, where his girlfriend was standing.
A tray was resting securely in her open palms as a teasing gaze looked back at him.
A sigh escaped his lips, and Y/N knew it wasn't because he was stressed about seeing her but rather completely relieved. His tense posture gradually eased, and his frown dissolved, giving way to a calming stance.
"What are you doing here, petal?" Matt's tone came out soft, his hands leaving the keyboard and resting on his gray sweatpants covered thighs.
"You've been locked in here for hours. I haven't seen you get out to eat or drink anything until now..." Y/N began, starting her quick steps towards the brunette. "And since I know you're on a task to answer every email sent to the channel, I decided to bring you some snacks and drinks." A big smile spread across her face, her hands working on resting the tray on the empty space of his desk.
Matt glanced briefly at the contents on the wooden surface, fighting back a smile as he noticed all of his favorite snacks, plus a handmade sandwich and a can of rootbeer.
"You didn't need to do all this, sweetheart." The boy brought his blue orbs back to his girlfriend, his right hand coming up and resting on her hip lightly, gently stroking the covered skin.
"Anything for you, my love."
The sound of the door to his shared room with Y/N opening ​​echoed through Matt's ears. The boy was in the kitchen preparing breakfast for himself and his girlfriend, the sun's rays streaming through the living room's large windows serving as his only source of lighting.
Y/N's muffled and quick footsteps sounded through the small hallway that led to where he was.
The boy didn't need to turn around to know that she was now standing behind him, probably just the large wooden table separating them.
"Good morning, baby!" Y/N's voice was like music to his ears, and Matt found himself wondering how she could be so happy at this time of the day, a small "morning" escaping his lips in response. "You won't believe the dream I had."
A smile almost imperceptibly appeared on the right corner of Matt's lips, the kind of smile that only Y/N was capable of eliciting from him.
The boy turned around with Y/N's favorite mug in one hand and a small plate with flowers drawn on it in the other, both containing coffee with a dash of milk and waffles with honey, just the way his girl liked.
The brunette placed them both on the surface in front of the seat that Y/N had already designated as hers, picking up his own plate and mug before sitting down in front of her.
"Nick and I were at this different theater, and we were going to watch a horror movie, which already started out weird because we know how much he hates horror movies..." Y/N started quickly, pausing momentarily to take a bite of her waffle, a hint of honey smearing the corner of her mouth. "But the weirdest thing was that the movie wasn't horror. It only had two main characters, and they rode horses the whole time. And then, out of nowhere, they adopted a mute dog and a blind cat, which were the cutest little things I've ever seen..."
The girl kept going, her voice changing intonation with each word while her expressions moved quickly, her free hand gesturing while her other hand held her waffle tightly, taking bites from time to time.
Matt remained silent, a serious - but relaxed - expression took over his face, while his mouth slowly chewed the pieces of his own toast, nodding his head every now and then, showing to her that he was paying attention, just like everyday.
To outsiders, the scene unfolding there seemed to be amusing.
Y/N, with a big smile on her face and yellow flowing dress surrounding her, was quickly pulling a serious-looking Matt with completely black clothes, which covered almost his entire body.
"Come on, baby! There's an ice cream cart right there." The girl repeated the information that had already been given previously, pointing enthusiastically with the index finger of her free hand at the small pastel-colored cart on the other side of the street.
"I can see that." Matt muttered, feigning annoyance, but everyone who knew them knew how much he was loving it.
"Can I get a strawberry one? Please! Oh, and which flavor will you want? I know you love the chocolate one, but it's so nice to change things up sometimes." Y/N rambled, finally approaching the cart, smiling big at the salesperson in greeting. "So?"
"You can order anything you want for me." Matt surrendered, catching the intense gleam in his girl's eyes with his response before averting his own, fishing his wallet out of his pocket, ready to just make the payment and seat on a random wooden bench, looking forward to hearing her ramble about her week.
"Good afternoon! Can I have a strawberry one and a cream one, please?"
"Baby, can you get me a Diet Coke? Please." Y/N briefly interrupted her conversation with Tara, looking at her boyfriend.
Matt was sitting next to Y/N on one of the couches at Tara's big 1 million party, his arms were crossed and his expression was serious - almost angry -, his eyes carried a steady gaze that circled around the people in the room, ignoring the screams and loud music, only his girl's voice echoing in his ears.
The brunette looked at her momentarily, nodding and leaning down slightly, sealing his lips on the side of her head gently before standing up, walking with firm steps towards the nearest bar.
It didn't take long, and soon the boy was returning to his previous spot, his hands balancing a can of Diet Coke and a can of Rootbeer.
His blue eyes almost instantly found the figure of his girlfriend, who was still talking to Tara, but now Nick was with them as well.
A small smile appeared on his lips as he watched her speak with so much passion, gesturing too much and changing her expressions too quickly.
But his own smile quickly fell when he saw a strange guy sitting in his previous seat, wrapping his arm over the back of the couch right behind Y/N's head and bringing his body closer to his girlfriend's, too close for his liking.
It was obvious that the guy knew Tara, as he immediately started talking to her, but his body language showed his interest in Y/N.
"Move. Now." Matt's serious and rude voice suddenly sounded as soon as he approached them, startling the small group. His eyes were fixed on the unknown boy, glaring at him.
His action brought small reactions from the others; Nick rolled his eyes, already used to his brother and his way of acting with everyone - except his girl. Tara raised her right eyebrow, her eyes traveling from the boy to Matt and back again.
But Y/N just smiled sincerely, ignoring the rudeness of his tone. Her eyes instantly lit up upon meeting her boyfriend and even more so upon seeing him holding her order.
"I won't repeat myself." Matt demanded, keeping his gaze steady on the guy, who quickly understood the message and got up from the couch, raising his hands in surrender before leaving.
Matt sat back down in the now empty space, handing his girl the Diet Coke before placing his arm right where the other boy's was, his fingertips caressing the exposed skin of her right shoulder.
He took advantage of Tara and Nick starting a new topic and brought his head closer to Y/N's, pressing his lips against her ear.
"You're mine, babe. Only mine."
"Are you ready, honey?" Y/N asked as she finished fastening her necklace around her neck, her eyes fixed on the mirror next to their closet in the room she shared with Matt.
"I just... I don't know which sneakers to wear." Matt's voice sounded tired, his brow furrowed as his eyes traveled over the extensive row of sneakers he owned.
The girl turned around, approaching him while throwing her hair over her shoulders, running her hands over the light pink dress that hugged her body just right.
The two were getting ready to go to the Snapchat event that would take place in a few hours, and as usual Matt always asked his girlfriend for some tips on one of the pieces he would wear for the day.
"Wear the white and blue Jordans. I like how they look on you." Y/N opined, pointing to the indicated pair, caressing his right bicep before turning around, crossing the already open bedroom door to check if Nick and Chris were ready.
The duo was lying on the sofa, both ready and using their respective phones, just waiting for the couple.
"Finally! If I knew how to drive, I would have left you two behind." Chris grumbled, adjusting his posture on the upholstery and putting his cell in his pants pocket.
"You still didn't learn to drive properly because you're lazy and too comfortable with me just driving your ass around." Matt's voice echoed behind Y/N, his figure leaving their room and closing the door behind him, his expression straight and his eyes carrying a serious gaze.
"Oh my God, you look handsome, baby! I knew Jordan would work out just fine." Y/N ignored the small fight between them, her eyes traveling over Matt's body, admiring his clothes despite them being simple and black - as always.
Matt rolled his eyes, feigning annoyance, but the traces of an almost non-existent smile appearing on the right corner of his lips while his cheeks took on a red hue said otherwise.
"Oh, how handsome you are, Matt." Nick joked, imitating Y/N's voice and fawning his right hand over his face, blinking his eyes repeatedly, earning a loud laugh from Chris and an amused smile from Y/N.
"Shut the fuck up. Get moving. Now!" Matt barked back, glaring at his brothers before finally approaching his girl.
He placed his left hand on the small of her back, gently guiding her to the stairs that led them to the garage, ready to go.
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thelaisydazy · 7 months
Firefighter!Simon Riley x Reader - Locked Out Pt. 2
Johnny drags you inside the station, ignoring the confused looks he gets from the other men inside. He walks you over to the oldest of them, a man with a beard sporting a hat, and introduces you. 
“This is oor captain, Price,” Johnny says, his arm still over your shoulder. “Cap, bonnie ‘ere lost their keys doon th’ drain. Can we gi’ them a hand?”
“I’m sure Gary could get to them,” Price says, offering a warm smile and his hand to shake, which you do. “You rest here mux.” He turned to the couch where a man with dark, curly hair sat. “Kyle, keep our guest company, we’ll be back.” He pats Johnny on the shoulder and the two leave to find Gary and retrieve your keys. 
Kyle stands from the couch and walks over. He’s handsome, pretty you think. He definitely knows it too as he catches you staring, giving you a smile. “Hungry?” he asks.
Simon emerged from the showers, wearing only a pair of sweatpants, his damp towel slung over his broad shoulders as his blond hair was still dripping wet. The station house was quiet. Johnny must still be out walking Riley. 
A quiet laugh broke that silence though. One that made his stony heart skip a beat. Simon made his way towards the common area, finding the one thing he never expected. You. 
Kyle was sitting with one arm on the couch behind you, the other on his leg. You hadn’t noticed Simon yet, too engrossed in Kyle’s story about the time Riley climbed into the open window of a cop car to get into a bag of treats the officer had hidden under his seat.
“So Riley was hanging halfway out this cop’s car, an’ Johnny’s trying to get him out before the cop gets back,” Kyle said. “Turns out, the cop had a bag of treats in the car. Found out when Simon called Riley over. Rascal had the bag hanging out his mouth.” 
The sound of your laugh makes Simon’s heart race and he finds himself jealous of the way your fingers gently scratched behind Riley’s ear as the dog’s head lays in your lap. 
Simon can’t help but stare. He’d always known how pretty you were, but seeing you here in the station.. He only wished he was the one you were sitting with. That he was the one making you laugh so easily. 
“Bonnie! We got yer keys!” Johnny calls, coming up behind Simon. 
Your head whips around, catching a glimpse of Simon as he turns on his heels and retreats deeper into the station. 
In his room, Simon’s heart pounds in his chest. He runs a large hand through his blond hair, his mind racing. All he’d wanted these past few months was to know you better, though he’d never been able to bring himself to speak more than a few words to you. Never had he thought he’d see you in the firehouse, much less cozied up on their couch. What were you even doing here? 
A knock on his door brought his answer. Simon quickly pulled on his privacy mask, some part of him hoping it was you. Instead he saw Johnny. 
“Aye, Si, did ye see we git a guest?” Johnny asked with that cheeky grin of his. Ah. That was it. Johnny brought you here. 
“I saw..” Simon said, keeping his voice measured despite his urge to to tear Johnny in half for getting up the nerve to talk to you before he could. 
“Ye never told me tha’ wee thing wis so cuit,” Johnny pressed. “S’already git Kyle wrapped ‘round their wee finger.”
Simon’s dark eyes sharpened. Johnny always knew just how to get under his thick skin. 
“Am sure they’d lek t’ see ye,” Johnny continued. “Looked a might fash when ye stormed off.”
“Didn’t ‘ave m’ mask,” Simon muttered. “Wasn’t expecting them..”
“Aye, ha t’ git Gary t’ rescue their keys,” Johnny explained. His blue eyes briefly looked Simon up and down. “Y’should say ‘ello. Am sure they’d lek t’ see ye.”
Johnny was dense but he wasn’t stupid. He knew Simon could get anyone he wanted, he had the looks to make just about anyone, including Johnny himself, melt. If only Simon had the confidence to actually talk to anyone. 
When Simon didn’t budge, Johnny decided to push further. “Aye wis think’n, LT,” he started. “I might ask ‘em oot fer coffee.” Johnny shrugged as he watched Simon tense. 
Simon shoved past Johnny, making his way to the common area again. Leaving Johnny grinning at his door.
Simon’s gruff voice startles you. You hadn’t seen him enter the room, much less hear him walk up behind where you were sitting on the couch. 
You blink those pretty eyes up at him. “What?”
“With me.” He doesn’t seem to be asking by his tone, but his eyes are almost pleading. 
“Uh.. sure,” you say, unable to keep the smile from your lips. 
The tension in Simon’s shoulders melted away. If he had a tail, it would be wagging.
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cregnstark · 12 days
hiiii so this is a little tidbit from a much larger cregan stark fic i’ve been slaving away at. not sure where exactly this scene will ultimately end up in the finished piece but i just wanted to share since i’ve been promising my writing and thus far neglecting you all. lmk what you think! ‹𝟹 ― cregnstark
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“Is this what has become of our great house? Whoring our women out to flea-ridden dogs in The North?” Aemond’s intrusion came with no knock or announcement, simply pushing his way through the grand oak door, letting it slam against the wall before a guard rushed to close it behind the prince.
The queen and her lord father, The Hand, jumped at the sudden bang upon the prince’s entrance into the otherwise peaceful and empty room.
“Aemond. We were just fashioning to summon you.” Alicent stood quickly to greet her son, reaching forth to him as his mother, as she had dozens of times throughout their shared life together.
He did not reciprocate the gesture.
“For naught. The whole of the keep is bustling with the thrilling news,” He locked eyes with his grandsire, Otto Hightower, but only for a moment before moving past his mother towards the balcony at the window. “Why has this been allowed? Why has she who was promised to me being sanctioned to wed the Lord Stark?”
“It was not of our control, Aemond,” Otto answered for the queen, looking to quell his grandson’s anger before it turned violent, as it was likely to since claiming Vhagar some years prior. “The King has dwelled upon the histories and legacies for many a year. There has been no Targaryen and Stark marriage in recorded time. Viserys was more than delighted to bless this match; the first of its kind.”
Otto Hightower looking to be the optimist amongst them. Otto Hightower looking to take control of the situation.
“And what happens when his offspring attempt to lay claim to our birthright? We just allow wolves to become dragonlords, hm?” Prince Aemond turned on his heel, taking large strides toward his mother and grandfather where they stood at the small council’s table.
His shouldered were squared and his firsts curled in on themselves at his side, knuckles almost white. He looked ever the force of fury as he often was these days. Alicent’s babe, her boy ― now a man grown, with his own achievements and attitude; driven by a powerful energy she did not always understand.
“The King has led no indication that any children they have would be given dragon eggs to cradle. Nor is there a reason to believe they would hatch either.” She attempted to soothe her son’s concerns, unsuccessfully.
“She was promised to me, mother. It is the principle.” Aemond sneered, almost hissing like the dragon his blood made him to be. This was more than just anger at a Targaryen women marrying outside their own house, as was very uncommon to begin with; no, this was a personal matter. Aemond One-Eye had been personally slighted. What was once promised his to stake claim to was now that of another man’s.
“We will make a good match for you, my love. Forge a strong alliance for our house and the realm.”
“Our children would have been the true Targaryens, like Aegon and Helaena’s. Purest blood of the dragon. Now that of Old Valyria is to be gifted to a Northman under silver cloche. Viserys has long been weak against the wishes of his daughters and it is repugnant that he not only granted her this wish but is celebrating it.”
In that, Alicent could not disagree.
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owenspets · 5 days
Pet Carriers for Dogs: Combining Comfort and Convenience for Your Furry Companion
Pet carriers for dogs are essential tools for ensuring your canine's safety and comfort during travel. Designed with both pet and owner in mind, these carriers come in various styles, including soft-sided, hard-sided, and backpack options, to suit different needs and preferences. They feature well-ventilated interiors, durable materials, and secure closures to keep your dog safe and comfortable on the go. Whether you're heading to the vet, taking a road trip, or flying with your furry friend, a high-quality pet carrier provides peace of mind and convenience, making travel stress-free for both you and your dog. With options that cater to different sizes and breeds, finding the perfect carrier is easy to ensure your pet travels in style and comfort. For more details visit our website www.ownpets.com
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frogchiro · 3 months
Are we ever gonna see Captain Mactavish again because I REALLY miss that hunky man 😩🩷🩷🩷🩷
Captain Mactavish who would bully you even on a mission, a stealth mission at that :((
It was supposed to be small, silent and quick, in and out, just to gather more intel and the Captain was supposedly there just to guard you as you hacked into the Konni servers, downloaded what was necessary and got the fuck out of there...Well if only it was that easy.
It wasn't a secret that the good captain fancied you, making all the other men jealous when they saw the older man cornering you, herding you possessively away from other men or monopolizing you during training etc. And you liked the attention! Your really did! Especially since Captain MacTavish was so big and masculine and experienced...You loved his large, calloused hands manhandling you during training and how his pupils would blow out when he'd hear you squeal when his clothed cock brushed against you when he had you pinned down.
However now, when he pressed against you from behind as you bend over the console and roughly grabbed your poor hips to jerk you back against his straining cock as he rutted against you, you didn't really need his attention :((
You tried hissing at him, batting at John and yowling that this was literally enemy territory, that he'll get you and him killed because he's thinking only with his cock but the burly man would just snuff at you like an amused dog, growl out that the doors are locked shut and no one would be coming, and even if they did he'd put a bullet through the skull of anyone who'd try to pull him from inside of you :((
Just a nasty, old, perverted dick </3
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simplyholl · 10 months
Frozen Stiff
Summary: Captured by the Frost Giants, your time on Jotunheim gets interesting.
Pairing: Jotun Loki x F. Reader
Warnings: Smut. 18+ ONLY. Minors DNI. Loss of virginity. Size kink. Somnophilia.
See my Masterlist here
You really did it this time. Your father instructed everyone stay in their homes this night. Loki, king of the Frost Giants had warned your father, King Erik, king of the elves that he would be coming through Alfheim. If anyone was caught outside, they would be considered an enemy, and taken prisoner.
Your father’s royal decree had went in one ear and out the other. You were considered a trouble maker. Not because of anything you had done consciously. Trouble seemed to follow wherever you went. You were so unlike your sister, the future queen of Alfheim, and no one let you forget that.
She was tucked away safely in her chambers with the door locked. Here you were, hiding in the bushes outside the palace. You wanted to get a good look at the Frost Giants. You had never seen one in person, and you didn’t think the view from your chambers would do them any justice.
Loud footsteps echoed throughout the forest as they stomped through. The trees were shaking with each step they took, the force of their large bodies leaving holes in the ground where they walked. They were approaching quickly. You really should run back in the palace, but you were frozen. The first few Jotuns walk by and you’re stunned.
They are even bigger than you imagined. Then you see him, King Loki. He struts through and a wild thought comes to you. He’s beautiful. You had always been taught that the Frost Giants were ugly beasts that would take misbehaving children in the night. They seemed nice enough. King Loki had even given your father warning before passing through. He and the last three giants walk passed you and you count the seconds before you can run back inside.
You look beside you terrified. Your sister’s dog, Arnie, pants beside you, tail wagging.
He barks again. You grab him, trying your best to shush him. But it’s too late. He’s gained their attention. They turn back around, looking toward the bushes you are hiding in. You sink lower to the ground, trying to shove your body under the bush. You close your eyes, hoping if you can’t see them, they can’t see you.
But their footsteps shake the ground as they come closer. “What have we here?” One of them growls, picking you up with one hand. “We found a spy, your highness.”
“Bring him to me.” King Loki demands. You squeak as you are dropped from one huge hand into another. You shiver, the temperature of his skin is colder than you could have imagined. “Not a he, but a she.” He says amused, as he looks closely at you.
“What are you doing out here, little mouse? I warned your king that we would take anyone we found outside prisoner.” You swallow, trying to seem braver than you felt. “My father, King Erik, he did command the whole village to stay inside, your highness. I was simply curious and I wanted to see you for myself.”
Loki looks at you in the palm of his hand, amusement dancing on his features. “Your father, the king? So that makes you a princess? Are you the heir to the throne?” You shake your head. “No, your highness, that would be my sister.” You introduce yourself hoping it will get you out of this situation.
“A princess for a prisoner. What an interesting day it’s turning out to be.” He sneers. “No, wait!” You protest. He closes his hand around you, silencing you. When you arrive in Jotunheim, you are brought to a room with a giant bed, huge fluffy pillows, and a roaring fireplace. King Loki places you on the bed.
“This isn’t normally how I treat my prisoners, but you are still a princess. As long as you obey me, you may stay in this room and avoid the dungeon. You are free to walk around, and I will let everyone know that no harm is to come to you. Am I understood?”
“Yyyyesss” You stutter, you had been freezing the entire trip. You run to the fireplace, rubbing your hands together in an effort to get warm. Loki studies you, his red eyes lingering on your sheer nightgown. You really didn’t plan on getting captured when you went out, so you didn’t bother with putting on a proper dress.
You regret that decision now as his gaze lands on your breasts, heaving on your shaking form. He could see everything through the nightgown, and he was already looking, so you didn’t bother with attempting to cover yourself. “I’ll have someone make you proper clothing. In the meantime, there are extra blankets in the closet.” He walks out, leaving you with your thoughts.
Months had passed and you were settling into your new home. No one treated you like a prisoner, and you decided for once in your life to stay out of trouble. You had been given a job in the palace kitchen and you were making new friends. You were actually starting to like it here.
You giggle as your closest friend Marta, asks about your sex life. As a princess, you had to save yourself for whoever your father chose for you. You knew very little about the act itself. But Marta filled you in. She answered every question you had without judging you, and she even gave you some tips. The most shocking part was learning that a male might want to kiss you between your thighs. Marta told you there was nothing like it, so you couldn’t help fantasizing about it the rest of the day. When you laid your head down to rest, your tried to think of more questions for Marta.
The door to your room squeaked open. King Loki walked in, shutting it behind him. He gently removed the blankets from your sleeping form. You were wearing the nightgown from the first night you met him. He reaches out, his long finger grazing your nipple. The chill from his skin causing it to harden under his touch. You sigh from his attention, but don’t wake up. He carefully spreads your legs, laying down between them. His cold tongue meets your center, and you buck your hips toward him. He takes this as an invitation, long tongue lapping between your thighs.
You jump up, searching your room for him, but he’s not there. It was all a dream. You confide in Marta about it and she says it must be your conversation. It made its way into your subconscious. But you didn’t talk to Marta about it the next night when you had it or the next night. Weeks had passed and still, you had the same dream every night. It made it awkward for you when you had to serve King Loki his meals.
“King Loki has requested you serve his dessert in his chambers.” Marta told you, handing you the tray piled high with pastries, cakes, and fruit. You knock on his door, waiting for his instruction to enter. When he calls for you to come in, you bow to him. “My king, I’ve brought your dessert.” He’s propped up on his bed, gesturing for you to place it on a table by the window.
He’s so big, he nearly takes up all the room on the large bed. His muscled blue form has been the object of your fantasies for a while now. “Remove your dress, and get on the bed.” He demands. You drop the metal tray on the table. “Excuse me, your highness. I must have misheard you.”
He pats the bed, “You heard correctly, little mouse. I know you desire me. You dream of me every night. I’m only rewarding your good behavior.” You fight the urge to pinch yourself. You must be dreaming. “How did you know about that?” You manage to mumble. “I know all, little one. You can hide nothing from me.”
He beckons you with his thick finger. You do as he instructed, removing your dress and getting on the bed with him. He lifts you with one hand, hovering you above his face. “Wha- what are you doing?” You stammer. “I’m having my dessert.” He quips placing you on his mouth. His long, cold tongue covers your center. You shiver from the chill. His velvety muscle curls beneath your clit, flicking it.
He treats you like a porcelain doll, holding you as if you might break. He could easily crush you without trying. You really were like his own personal doll. He enters your untouched flesh with his tongue, rocking you back and forth on it. Your small hands wrap around his fingers, trying to ground yourself. He drinks you like it’s water, the icy muscle tipping you over the edge, making your toes curl.
He suddenly tosses you on your back, his bulky form trapping you beneath him. He settles between your thighs. They start aching as he spreads them as wide as he can. It’s still not wide enough to accommodate him. So he pushes your knees to your chest, his gigantic cock nudging your center.
The thought of ruining such a small, delicate woman driving him mad with lust. “I’ll split you in half, little mouse. You would like that wouldn’t you?” Your still dazed from your orgasm, so you only hum in response. “My sweet princess is cock drunk and she hasn’t had any cock yet.” You nod, reaching for him. “I am the first to touch you, correct?” Another hum to confirm.
You gasp when he dips a large finger inside you, curling it upwards. “I have to get you ready.” He explains. As he works his skilled finger inside you, you rock your hips, hungry for more. You whine as he removes his digit from you, but you’re not left wanting for long. He thrusts into you, and you scream. He stretches you, and you try to adjust to his size. You feel him bottom out and you wiggle to get more comfortable.
Tears fall down your cheeks, the stinging not subsiding. “My poor princess. I’m too much for her. It’s only the tip, my sweet girl.” He gently traces the outline of his cock bulging in your stomach. Loki presses on it. “I can see myself protruding out of your stomach, little one. Do you know how feral that makes me? Such a small creature struggling to take the head of my cock.”
He tilts his hips, hitting that spot that makes you see stars. Goosebumps line your arms when you feel his breath on your ear. “You’re doing so good for me, my little princess. You feel incredible. I’ll keep you forever, my little plaything.” You whimper at his words, a gush of arousal soaking him. He moans, looking at your fucked out expression. He wraps his enormous hand around your waist, thrusting you down on him, faster.
Loki roars as he releases inside you. He pulls out, spreading your now limp legs. “I want to see me dripping out of you.” He lowers his head, black tresses covering your stomach as his icy tongue laps at you once more. “What a delicious mess you made.” He coos.
@fictive-sl0th @lokisgoodgirl @lokidbadguy @ozymdias @cindylynn @cakesandtom @eleniblue @marygoddessofmischief @coldnique @mochie85 @goblingirlsarah @lokisninerealms @wheredafandomat @peaches1958 @freegardenbanananeck @chantsdemarins @lokidokieokie @l0ki3000 @anukulee @multifandom-worlds @alexakeyloveloki @ladymischief11 @kats72 @mischief2sarawr @lamentis-10 @loz-3 @litaloni @lulubelle814 @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @avengersfan25 @silver-tongue-taken-to-bed @xorpsbane @mybugabomlb @bunny24sstuff @luthien-elvenia-asher @gruftiela @itsybitchylittlewitchy @asgards-princess-of-mischief @weirdothatwritess
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mystellenia · 4 months
first kiss with abby ୨ৎ
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summary: after the romantic tension between you and abby reaches a peak, you two finally share a sweet kiss.
content: answer to this req and part two to this!! fluffyfluffyfluffy! ehehehehehe. i love fluff i love writing fluff. nothing nsfw. just lowk domesticity with abby and then super cutesy pie origami stuff and then a kiss 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 ok toodles enjoy
notes: three weeks of no post i’m sorry my children. i am back!!! classes just finished and now i have summer break so i just had to soak in my freedom from my fuckass med teacher. he can choke fr 💯
(wc 1.6k)
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a series of vibrations from your phone rudely pulls you out of your sleep and you swipe your hand across the bed to silence the notifications. you find your phone connected to abby's charger on her vacant side of the bed, the sheets cold without the warmth from her skin to heat them up. she always ran hot—especially during the night—which usually resulted in her yelping at your cold feet pressed to her thighs and trying to absorb her warmth in the hours of the night. 
you raise your phone to your face and are met with four notifications from abby on your home screen. 
abby :p otw back with our loot  
abby :p two berry pastries for the missus and one cream cheese puff pastry for me 
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abby :p and nadia gave us two chocolate croissants bc we're super cool 
swiping to unlock your phone, you head to messages and reply to her. 
you YAY thanks you're the best 
you we gotta get nadia a gift card or somethin
you or a bottle of liquor 
you head to the bathroom to brush your teeth with your toothbrush abby got for you for her apartment since you slept over so often. while you load your brush with toothpaste, your phone lights up with a notice from messages: "abby :p loved 'or a bottle of liquor.' " sticking the toothbrush in your mouth, you smile around the minty foam and continue freshening up before abby returns. 
around ten minutes later, you hear the jingle of her keys at the front door and practically skip to the living room to retrieve your pastries. 
abby unlocks the door and pushes it open, a brown bag with a cafe logo printed on it in one hand and a drink carrier with two coffee cups hanging from her ring and pinky fingers in her other. with her few remaining fingers grasping onto her car keys to not drop them, she nudges the door back shut with her hip and locks it. 
her blonde head donns a blue and white trucker hat, the brim of it blocking her from seeing you standing and sheepishly smiling a few strides away. she calls out to you to signal her return. 
"hey, i'm back! and i come bearing gifts. i got-" it's then that abby takes her hat off and notices you inching ever closer. "oh, hi. i got you herbal tea. there weirdly was a lot of traffic today, even though it's, like, seven." 
she continues on as she unpacks everything that she got for you. "then again, i guess kids have school. man, i hated that about high school—waking up early and getting to class on tim- you know what? you're not listening anyway with your food right in front of you," she chuckles. "go on. release! free!" she pokes, using command words for a dog. 
you kiss your teeth and scowl at her, mumbling a "whatever" before tearing into the paper bag. you're met with your two fruit pastries first, then you spot the chocolate croissants abby mentioned under them. 
the two of you stand and eat in comfortable silence in the kitchen, you sipping on your tea and abby picking at her puff pastry. when you finish, you clean both of your spots and abby throws away the paper bag and pastry wrappers, washing her hands after.
after breakfast, you guys ping pong around her apartment, moving from her bed to the couch to the floor and then back to her bed again, all just to talk or scroll on your phones.
hours pass, and after a brief joint nap in her bedroom, you guys now sat on the floor of her living room, light filtering in from her large windows and warming your skin. the floor was littered in origami squares of all different sizes and colors, the origami book abby had gotten for you split open between you two. 
there was a village of origami figures surrounding you, from hearts to frogs to ladybugs to cranes. the book was flipped to a particularly challenging page of an elephant, and you looked over at abby in confusion. 
she was just as confused as you, if not more. her hair was tied in a messy golden knot at the nape of her neck, loose strands crazy and framing her face. her brows were pulled tight on her face, her eyes bewildered and looking at the same piece of paper in her hands as if she'd never seen it before. 
"what step are you on?" she asks, looking at the square in front of you that you were working on. 
"twelve. out of..." you flip the page twice. "god. thirty." you sit up straight to stretch your back out. "i get it, though. kinda." 
"what? show me. i’m on, like, seven. i swear they skipped a step. or forgot to add a picture. just something is wrong." 
you scoot over to sit next to her, pulling your leg to your body and propping your cheek on it. abby places her piece in front of you puts her hands in her crossed lap, her eyes wide and waiting for you to make sense of her issue. 
"okay, let's see." you pull the book closer to you to confirm the step she's on. "step seven is... rotating and folding the back of the elephant." 
"which i did," abby verifies. 
you rotate the piece and immediately find her mistake. "which you did not." 
"what?! where?" 
"here." you trace your finger along the missing crease. "you see how on mine, this part is creased and pointed? like a peak?" 
"and yours doesn't do that." 
she simply hums, so you look over at her to confirm that she's listening. her eyes are unfocused and locked on your face. they flit between your own and then drop to your lips for a second. the single second feels quite long, though, when she looks so deeply at you in the way that she does, or when her baby hairs draw attention to her blonde lashes, long and very slightly curled around her sapphire eyes. 
she seems to snap out it—whatever it was—and she deeply inhales, licking her lips and refocusing on the task at hand. 
"can you repeat that?" she asks. "sorry, i... i zoned out." 
it was your turn, now, to lose focus and examine her. you stare at her lips, rosy and still glossy from her just licking them. you stare at the corners of them and the ever so slight frown her mouth always pulls into when she's focused. you stare at the little creases in them, the dozens of lines that- 
"are you looking at my lips?" she questions, interrogative and almost paranoid. 
"oh, um, sorry. i was-" 
"why were you looking at them?" she interrupts again, her eyes wild and demanding an answer from you. 
"because, i- well, you just licked them, so- i don't know. because." you swallow, mumbling, "what, can i not look at them or something?" 
her stone stare softens after noticing your flustered state, and the two of you exchange a long and quiet look. 
abby held her breath nearly the entire time. she didn't want to assume anything or read the situation wrong, but your eyes were dilated. they were dilated from looking at her, and just from that. 
as if it were out of your control—like you were magnets—you started moving closer to her. abby could not seem to remember how to control a single muscle in her body, so she just sat and watched you move closer as her cheeks grew pinker and pinker. 
you stop right in front of her face, the tips of your noses kissing and your breaths shared. after a few seconds, you realized abby wouldn't initiate anything, so you leaned in and pressed your lips to hers, short and sweet. when you pulled away, abby's eyes remained closed for a few seconds before they slowly fluttered open. 
"you just kissed me," abby whispers in disbelief, pointing out the obvious. 
"i just kissed you," you echo back. 
it's abby who leans in for the second kiss, thick and intense with emotion, her hand sliding up your arm. her hand reaches the back of your neck, and she pulls you closer and deepens the kiss. 
you press your forehead to hers and stop kissing her, an infectious smile taking up your features instead. 
"are you.. are you seriously smiling right now?" abby gasps theatrically with mock offense. 
your smile breaks out into giggles and you press your face into her cheek to hide. 
"wow, i cannot believe this. you are laughing at our kiss!" she teases. 
"stop, no i’m not!" you plead, still laughing. 
"whatever you say." she grabs your chin between her fingers and pulls your face back to look at you. peppering kisses on your cheeks, she relents on her taunting.  
"are you gonna show me what i did wrong, or what?" she says, referring to the initial topic of her paper elephant. 
you smile back at her. "yeah, i will." 
"okay." she presses one last kiss to your temple and then waits for your instruction. 
"i was saying, there's supposed to be a crease here, on what'll be the back of the elephant." 
abby nods and hums like she's listening, but really, she smiles at your profile as you continue to speak. 
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@abbysbug @abbyonmars @abigails-gf @picklesarenice69
heheheh all done!!!! this was so cute to write especially the end like i was talking to @abbyonmars while i wrote the end and we were fangirling over typed words and pixels. but what else is tumblr dot com for if not to fangirl!!!!
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bwambiee · 11 months
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❤︎ — isagi yoichi x f! reader ꒰ nsfw ノ fem! reader ノprofanity ノ dirty talk ノ face-sitting ノ fingerin’ ノ oral sex (fem received) ノ spitting ノ mentions of oral sex (male received) ノ lots of nicknames <3 (slut is one of em’! lil’ warnin’) ノ slight dumbification ノ mocking <3 ノ wc (2.5k). ꒱
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the only exception would obviously be you, and your pretty eyes and pink lips smiling like a daisy when he wins the match. his face brightens up into a big grin like a kid getting ice cream on a sunny day, growing bashful when he sees you run into his arms and giving him a big hug, ignoring the sweat he’s dripping off and the glances you two get. of course, isagi sneakily hides the coy smile he has on his face by burying it in the junction of your neck and shoulder, inhaling your sweet scent as he twirls you around and lifts you up effortlessly like a princess while his teammates all look at him with jealous, beady eyes.
his teammates were filled with the evil green-eyed monster of jealousy because isagi was such a lucky bastard for having such a pretty girlfriend. someone who runs up to him with the prettiest smile, small hands pawing at his chest, perfectly manicured nails grazing against the tautness of his bicep as she nuzzles into his neck so that she can whisper praises about how much of a star he is.
but after those sweet little praises that make his heart swell with happiness, you start to whisper challenges, trying to rile him up to prolong the high he’d procured from winning the match. oh sweet girl, you're challenging him? the pride and joy of blue lock, who’s never one to back down from a challenge? he can’t help but let his signature smirk form, canines peeking out when she traces his jawline and mutters about how she’d love to see a supercilious egoist on his knees.
your little tease is fleeting of course, like the flap of a butterfly’s wings as you switch gears and go back to showing off that sweet smile of yours that mirrors the sweetness of the cherry lollipop you were sucking on earlier.
“awh c’mon doll face you don’t have to pretend that you don’t want it don’t you? if you want me on my knees then let’s make it happen. better yet,” his teeth grazes the shell of your ear, trailing down to the pulse of your neck as he whispers, careful to not let his teammates hear his sin-coated words, “i’ll let you ride my tongue so I can see what that pussy looks like from heaven.”
it gives him a big rush of pride when he thinks about what he can do with you behind closed doors, holding onto the underside of your thighs when he twirls you around again and your pretty little mini skirt billows and ripples with every twirl, almost teasingly giving his teammates a tiny little peek of the baby blue panties you’re wearing just for him.
shit sweetheart, don’t you know you’re killin’ him here? it all fed his devilish ego so good especially since he knows he’s the only one who gets to bury himself between your legs, your sweet moans echoing in the air like a hymn as he laps at your pussy like a dog in heat, trying to push you closer to his face, bambi eyes filled with tears of overstimulation and it gives him such a rush because where was that confidence from earlier?
so forgive him for being rough with you, guiding you through his apartment door and hastily locking it, shoving you into his room as you two can barely get a word in, hushed whispers and moans as you two kiss messily, large hands urgently pushing you against the light blue duvet of his mattress and smooths a pathway to the hem of your skirt, calloused fingers leaving featherlight touches against the backs of your thighs so he can grip the plush flesh of your ass.
“sit on my face, c’mon,” he urges, smacking your ass lightly as his hands move to the back of your thighs to gently push you to his awaiting mouth. you feel your breath get caught in your throat when you see how serious he’s being right now. it was simply just a joke! at least… it had started out that way. was her bashful yoichi really demanding her to sit on his face right now?
“you’re a little too eager for this y’know? don’ wanna hurt you,” you whisper shakily, voice soft as silk when you hesitantly sink down onto Isagi’s mouth and his face breaks out into a boyish grin. “ ‘ichi!” you cry out, body jerking in surprise as you hold onto the headboard for support when his tongue darts out to lap up your dripping honey.
“princess sounds so pretty when I eat her pretty pussy.” he spits, spreading his saliva on your swollen pearl, pushing it into your core shamelessly while smacking your hip with a low growl, unsatisfied that all of your weight isn’t on his face yet. he manages to get you to place all of your weight down, smothered under your pussy with his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he eats you out more frantically, practically using the same energy he has on the field but instead of scoring a goal, he was determined to taste your blissful arousal after weeks of endless training.
“wait yoichi… f-fuck,” you whimper out, thighs shaking as you struggle to hold your balance, knees pressed into the mattress while holding onto the headboard for dear life as you desperately try to keep yourself still. but it was so hard. so, so hard to not bounce down onto the tongue that was assaulting your core so relentlessly. “o-oh…nnh—! so good ‘ichi!”
he starts to pant loudly when he hears the oh, so wonderful little whines he adores so much, telling you that you taste like bliss, that soccer hasn’t got shit on this cute little pussy of hers. it was all just too much for you, heart jumping in adoration at the praises, voice drawled out in a sweet, pitchy mewl as you try hard not to grind back against his tongue.
he lets his hands wander up from your thighs so he can cup your tits, soft, perfect globes that fit into his hand like the last piece of a puzzle, working quickly to push up your soft cashmere top, the one that’s baby pink and shows off your dainty shoulders and defined collarbones. fuuck he loves this top, loves the bra you chose to wear today since it’s easy to push up so that he can feel your nipples pebble into his hand. he can’t help but groan into your pussy, briefly pushing you up so that he can talk to you as he feels you, cupping the heavy mounds, thumb rolling over your buds as he worships you.
“fucking perfect,” he whispers into your thigh and you whine slightly when you feel his other hand trailing closer to the comforting warmth of your centre. “you need somethin’ from me baby?”
“fingers—your fingers please ‘ichi!” you whispers tearfully. you want it, you want him.
he chuckles, the deep, rich sound that makes your toes curl so delightfully as you feel the vibrations on his chest. “i’ll give it you… oh ‘m gonna fuckin’ give it to you.”
you’ve never have nodded so fast in your life. yesyesyesyes that’s exactly what you want, to have isagi give you everything he has to offer while you helplessly paw at his headboard.
you honestly don’t know why you’re this desperate. despite initially refusing his offer to sit on his face even though you had teased the idea into his head, you didn’t think he’d actually go through with it! now here you are writhing in ecstasy from his tongue as his nose nudges your clit, hips wiggling slightly as you want your boyfriend to have unrestricted access to your aching cunt, to want him to bring you to absolute completion right on his face.
rough hands pet your pretty pussy, thumb rubbing the sensitive pearl and already the heat of his large palm has you gasping for air from the sheer thought of his fingers and tongue working inside you in tandem. his hands work like he wants to claim ownership, hungry and greedy to already stake some sort of claim on your body and it turns you on even more. to be desired this much, oh it makes your heart weep.
“what a little slut,” he hums the dirty words against your thigh again, “begging for my fingers and actin’ all innocent in front of my teammates earlier.” he knows what she was doing when she teased him, he’s immune to her little innocent act when she shyly tells him she was joking when he knows she wanted it more than him.
you’re, oh so sensitive and he works slow, his hands are careful and precise as he works you up rubbing and tracing your slit softly and he hears the soft sigh parting from your lips when he lets his index finger move to part your delicate petals, just barely slipping inside and it’s just too much.
his finger thrusts slowly and you’re thankful for that, giving you time to adjust to the familiar feeling but it’s been forever since he last fingered you. his finger was much longer and thicker than your own, your warm wet walls sucking him in right up to his knuckle and he grunts.
“y’re so fuckin’ responsive… must’ve wanted me real bad, hm?”
a whine gets caught in your throat as he moves his finger inside of you, curling it at just the right angle and ohh—there’s that spot, the one you always have trouble finding yourself. you moan involuntarily as he massages your velvety walls, fingers fucking you open in the dim light of his bedroom as he whispers sweet praises. he thumbs at your clit once more and his finger starts to pick up the pace, cunt clenching around his digit and you feel like you’re stuck in a euphoric high.
“can you handle one more pretty? hm? can my princess take another one?”
was that even a question? she doesn’t even process his words but she’s nodding as he doesn’t even bother to give her a warning, his middle finger being tucked away into the confines of your wet walls. once there’s two of his digits in you it’s all over, finger fucking you with harsh thrusts as he gives you everything. all of this pleasure was for you, and only you.
“I feel— huuagh! n-no ‘ichi! wanna cum from your tongue! wanna do it on your face!”
you sob helplessly as your senses short circuit, one hand is working your tits while the other finger fucks you into the stars. isagi is quick to oblige though as he pulls his fingers out, quickly grabbing the delicious curve of your ass so he can push you to his mouth again. the orgasm forming up your spine and spilling all the way down to your tummy was about to unravel, and it was coming fast if he continues his sweet bullying of fucking you open with his tongue, messy slurps and moaning coming from below you as he your warm, velvety walls pulse around his tongue, greedily suckling and slurping your pussy like a man starved for your attention and he wasn’t going to stop until you give it to him. do it pretty, cum all over his face.
“h-haah— yoichi ‘m gonna cuum! g-gonna cum ‘ichiii!”
brainless babbles are pulled from your lips as you wail out to him, voice akin to a siren who’s luring him to his sweet demise because that’s what you are to him, captivating his very being. pretty girl can’t you see you’ve ruined him? tore him apart and stole his heart right out of his chest while he digs tiny moons into your thighs, working his tongue in and out of your drooling cunt as your sweet cream trickles down to his face, soaking the ruby red of his jersey when you buck and thrash against his tongue, a white-hot heat spreading throughout your body that leaves you breathless.
“ ‘g-gonna cum ‘ichiii’, fuckin’ do it then angel. look so pretty goin’ dumb from my tongue.”
you can feel his lips form a lazy grin when he mocks your mewls, hearing how much of a wreck you are right now. a writhing, moaning, shaking wreck that you don’t even need to look at his face to see how arrogant he is right now. cockiness oozes from his body as broad shoulders bounce, clearly laughing at the fact that if he wasn’t holding your entire body with his mouth, you’d have toppled over by now.
“see the score baby? it’s 3-1, you helped me score that goal jus’ as much as hiori did. pussy’s the real mvp here—she’s my good luck charm.”
a small shaky huff escapes from your lips from the playfulness he’s exuding to you, little tremors racking your body as your boyfriend finally eases you off of his mouth, a thin string of your slick connecting your sensitive cunt to his tongue like a string of fate. see? even your pussy was missing him.
he can’t help but offer you a lopsided smile, licking off the remnants of your cream from his lips with the smuggest expression you’ve ever seen from him, not once breaking eye contact with your glassy ones.
fuuck now it’s his turn now.
“nngh… wan’ it yoichi. wan’ you inside really badly…!”
“yeah? wan’ my cock sweet thing? wan’ me to fuck you dumb ‘n make your pretty little head think of my cock?”
he’s condescending, the way his low, saccharine voice mocks your babyish babbles, hazy doe eyes staring up at him with such want that he can’t help but indulge in your request. but he’s not gonna give it to you so easily. you’ve been spoiled rotten so it’s high time you go and do some work for a change.
that’s what good girls do.
so with a swift tug he frees his cock from the confines of his shorts, holding his heavy cock in his hand as he uses his thumb to spread the pre-cum oozing from the flushed tip and tightens his fist around the base and pumps himself a few times. he looks at you with a narrowed gaze, piercing baby blues look into your teary eyes as his lips curl up into a grin, sitting up on his knees while you obediently position yourself onto all fours, moving your head to his groin and nuzzle his cock, no words or commands needed.
“look at you—so eager for your boyfriend’s dick. you ready to make a mess all over me? bet having my cock in your mouth is gonna taste better than any of those fucking cherry lollipops you always suck on.”
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alnilaem · 4 months
you lose your way on the pastures of a hidden farmstead. however, upon meeting the husky owner, being lost quickly becomes the least of your problems.
cw for noncon/dubcon, forced lifestyle puppy play, kidnapping
read on ao3
John sees you coming from over the horizon.
He heard the sputter of your van before seeing it. The plume of smoke that follows in your wake, orange and ashy, as you drive down the pebbled road.
He was rounding the house after letting the cattle out when he noticed you. He tips the brim of his hat back and watches, grinding his teeth into the wad of tobacco folded into his cheek, his hackles raised because you’ve decided to ignore the splintery No Trespassing sign in big, black letters pounded into the front of his farmstead.
He wraps a hand around his belt, watching as your camper van slows to a stop in front of him.
The hinges in John’s jaw lock. He’s ready to throw out an expletive, threaten you with the bare metal of his pistol, browned with age, and throw you into the back of his rust-bridled truck. He’d drive you into town and toss you onto the porch of the sheriff’s office, maybe teach you a thing or two about trespassing.
But your engine cuts, and your door swings open, and John’s tobacco turns heavy in his mouth.
He sees your shoes first, pressing tracks into the dirty road as you step out. Frilly socks that end below your knees. You’re wearing tight little denim shorts and a gauzy top that sticks to your chest, knotting your nipples in the summer heat.
You smile.
It’s a little sweet, dewy-eyed. It makes John’s cock chub up, makes him swallow his tobacco on accident, sticking to the spine of his throat.
“Hi mister,” you say. Light and wispy like the breeze that whorls through your ropes of hair. “Sorry to be a bother.”
John perks up. He crosses his arms over his heavily built chest, the hair on his forearms bristling with his newfound flush.
“Just trying to find my way here–“ you unfurl a map and point towards a little dot. “Mind helping a girl out?”
You giggle. It’s coy, John tells himself, just like the flutter of your eyelashes as you hoist your neck up at him, preening.
“Um… sure,” John takes off his cowboy hat and runs a hand through his sweat-matted hair. “Four hours. East. You jus’ follow the road.”
Gooseflesh creeps down John’s skin as you turn around and toss your map into the van, your ass spilling from the bottom of your shorts.
You turn back around and John coughs, averts his eyes to the cattle in the distance. He tightens the reel of his lasso around his knuckles, squirming.
“Thanks, mister,” you grin. “Know anywhere I can top up on gas?”
He gives you another look.
His eyes sweep a trail of flames over your body, making your blood churn. He keens at your nipples and the grain of your denim shorts digging into your cute pussy. He can see the barest outline of it winking back at him. Making his cock pulse.
He decides not to tell you about the gas station a kilometre west of here. Decides that would be too much trouble for a pretty lady like you.
“I’ve got plenty,” John says. Gruff, grizzled, like a bear that’s been in torpor too long. “Follow me.”
All John has to do is snap his tongue against the roof of his mouth to get you to follow him. He takes you into his rustic farmhouse, the place sparse in a red-blooded way, and leads you to the kitchen.
You don’t expect the dog, large with mud-felted paws, that pounces and almost knocks you to the floor.
Its tongue is rough and wet and gnarled against your cheek. You squeal, trying to push it away. It probably thinks you’re playing because it wags its tail, nipping at the divot in your shoulder.
“Aye,” John barks. “Off of ‘er, Dog. Git! Git on out of here.”
John shepherds the dog—aptly named Dog—into his crate by tossing a threadbare toy into it. The golden-haired mutt chases after it, following the toy into his cage.
“No way to treat a damn lady…” John mumbles under his breath. He smiles apologetically at you, his soft wrinkles puckering. He puts his hands on his hips, digging his fingers into his moth-eaten jeans and his sun-bleached flannel. He cocks his head to the side, squints.
“So, sweetheart, how about that gas?”
John brings you to a barn out back.
He leads you with a hand split on your lower back, past the stables and the paddocks and the roaming cattle beneath the blaring sun.
He pulls open the large barn doors, his arms flexing with the exertion, and puts his hands on his belt.
It’s an abandoned building. There’s no chicken, no stallions. It’s clear that the barn has been delegated to a storage space of sorts, going by the hay-bales strewn around and the miscellaneous staples of ranch equipment.
John smiles. It offsets his rugged look, makes you disarm a bit.
“Apologies for the mess,” he says, starting to tear through the supplies. “Just wasn’t expectin’ a pretty lady on my doorstep today.”
You stifle a giggle just to be nice, but John, in his time-honoured ways, reads it as coy again. It makes his cock stir against the metal teeth of his jeans, makes his mustache turn hot and wiry against the damp skin above his lip.
John rummages some more. Pretends to nick his finger on a metal steeple. Expels a heavy breath. His stomach paunchy and his chest strong, the hairs pressing against the gauze of his flannel as he rises to his feet and shrugs, hands set on his belt.
“Sorry sweetie,” John grumbles. “No gas here. How do you feel about dinner though?”
The change happens so quick you almost get hit with whiplash.
Your lips pop around stutters, and John’s balls turn heavy. He can imagine your lips parting around his cockhead, all the way down to his pubic bone which is stale with sweat and musky, steel-wooled. It makes him grip his belt tighter, white-knuckled, and undo the first few buttons of his flannel.
“Sir… I really should be getting out of your hair.”
“Nonsense,” John chuckles. “It’s the least I can do for havin’ no gas. I can go into town tomorrow and get some.”
You’re already impaired by the burning, penetrative summer heat. It doesn’t help the way John is looking at you, like a stray predator that made its way onto his ranch and forces him to lock up his animals for safety.
John senses the rumination written into your pretty features. He tacks on, “An old man like me never gets any visitors. None as sweet as you, surely.”
You have to nod, still a little hesitant. You say yes only because there’s a bulky rancher here keen on filling your belly and the sun is beginning to set.
John chuckles and claps his large hands together. He leads you back to the main house and ends up feeding you shepherd’s pie and a cold can of Cola. He pours himself a glass of whiskey and that makes you indignant, as if he sees you as a kid.
Dog stirs at your feet while you eat. Nosing at your ankles and nudging your legs for some food. John flares. He snaps his fingers and snarls, and Dog, moulded by his Pavlovian response, ambles into his crate.
“That’s where naughty dogs go,” John tells him. “You’ll stay there ‘til we’re done.”
You finish not long after that. John gives Dog the plates to lick before soaking them in soap water and shows you your room for the night. His room, actually, but he says he’ll sleep on the couch because he’s a gentleman.
That makes you smile.
But when you wake up the next morning, you’re choking.
Your throat is cinched with nylon webbing. The collar cuts into your windpipe, hindering your sprinting breaths, causing panic to lick up your spine. You sweat and the collar soaks it all up. Makes your skin itchy, flaring, as you chisel at your flesh to try peeling it off you.
You stumble out of John’s bed and hurry outside. He’s herding the cattle when you run towards him for help. Your mind is too scattered to realize he’s the only other person on this farmstead. He’s the one who did this.
“Mister, mister–“ your words come out stifled, cramped against the tight ruck of your throat. “Mister, I dunno what’s happened. Help-“
John puts a hand up and tuts like you’re nothing but a strident, misbehaving mutt.
“Easy,” he grunts around a cigar. “Jus’ calm down, will you? You’re hootin’ and hollerin’ and scarin’ the cattle.”
You choke around your tears. You hang your head, still trying to wrestle the collar off you, your fear ripening into panoramic horror when you look down and see golden fur embroiled into the collar. A bone-shaped tag engraved with a word that makes your blood run cold.
It’s John’s name for his pet, but on you, it’s derogatory. Degrades you to a four-legged pup that laps water out of a basin and squats to piss, that needs a handler as rough as John to keep you in check.
He cups your cheek, passes his thumb over your fat tears.
“You don’t like it?” He asks, his voice distorted with a hint of disappointment that, despite you, makes you feel bad. “I took it off Dog. Now he’s runnin’ around the ranch with no collar. I thought you’d appreciate it.”
He curls his fingers under the collar and tugs you close. Your face puckers as he expels a plume of cigar smoke over your face, softly squeezing your bum.
“Good dogs say thank you though. Are you a good dog?” John asks. His eyes darken, eclipsed by something dusky. “Or are y’naughty?”
John forestalls your begging reply, squashing it against your throat as he grips your collar and drags you behind him. Taking his puppy on a walk.
You bridle at the deep-seated embarrassment. John’s other animals seem to have more freedom than you, watching from their pens and pastures as you kick and scream behind him. He pulls you into the main house and takes you to the kitchen. Bullies you to your knees in front of the crate.
He grips the scruff of your neck and forces your head inside. It smells stuffy, stale. The dog bed is moth-eaten and covered in fur.
John pats your ass. He rubs your pussy through your shorts, slowly pulls them off. Kisses your slick clit which is outlined by the dewy gusset of your panties.
“Y’gonna keep cryin’?”
A long cry quivers past your lips.
John’s fingers, although jaded, a testament to working with his hands, make you feel delirious. Makes you curl your pert ass into him, your cunt begging for more.
“Go on, girl,” he grunts. “Go on in. Git.”
He takes you by the collar and shoves you inside the dog cage, since–
“You wanna keep cryin’. I’ll give you somethin’ to cry about.”
There’s barely enough space inside to move around. Dog is a big dog, so you’re able to spin around and face John, but that’s all. You tuck yourself into a fetus position, resting on your knees, the metal grating pressing tracks into your hot skin.
“I don’t reward bad behaviour,” John says. “So for that you’ll spend the night here.”
John clicks his teeth each time you misbehave—clawing at the door, begging him to let you out—his kissing teeth bully the sound of your pleas, until eventually, you quieten, responsive to his clicking tongue.
“That’s it,” John says. There’s a thread of praise in his voice that makes you squirm. “You stay there an’ think about what you’ve done.”
He stands up and prepares his lunch. Eggs on bread and a beer to wash it down. John eats slowly, as if he’s teasing you. Disciplining you further. You don’t think he’s going to feed you, another component of his punishment, until he’s rising from his chair and squatting in front of you, his empty plate in his hands.
Well, almost empty.
Veins of leftover egg yolk are smeared around the ceramic. You look at it, and then at John. He passes his fingers over the yolk and sticks his arm in your crate because the gaps are big enough, waggling his coated fingers.
You’re shaking. Hesitantly unfurling your tongue, working it around John’s thick fingers, swallowing whatever dregs of food he’ll let you. You become more eager as it goes on—lapping at his yolk-covered fingers as well as the mud and mire crusted into his nails. Sucking at his swollen knuckles, nibbling on his finger hair.
He belly laughs before pulling his fingers out of your cage. John stands up and soaks his plate in sudsy water, turning to look at you.
“Busy day today,” he says. “I’ll see you tonight, pup.”
You find yourself whimpering—not talking—as he turns to leave.
That night, you’re woken with a scuffle and John clicking his tongue.
It rouses you immediately. That, and the thin sound of his belt unbuckling.
Sweat sticks to your skin, dewy, when John prods through the crate and gropes you. You can’t see him but you can feel him. Rubbing your puffy cunt, thumbing your clit. Flattening his tongue against your pussy and pulling your lips into his mouth.
“So fuckin’ sweet,” he mumbles against your clit. “Knew you were a sweet girl.”
John’s tongue travels up and wets your asshole. It makes you jerk against the metal, makes the cage rattle.
He pulls away and you moan, thinking it’s another punishment. You push your ass against the gratings, presenting yourself, the metal gridwall rubbing against your swollen clit and making you shiver.
John mumbles something about patience. It seems that he doesn’t have any patience either, soft-soaped by your pussy, because he’s pressing his tip against your opening and feeding you his cock.
John fucks you through the holes of your cage.
Your lungs barely have space to stretch. Your knees are folded into your chest and your collar is still biting into your neck. You’re being split open on John’s cock, your arousal turning your thighs sticky. Drool trickling from your mouth and sticking to your cheek.
You don’t know when it ends. When you come, thighs trembling, or when John paints your walls. You also don’t know when it starts again.
All you know is that it becomes a daily thing, lapsing into a weekly thing. You go to bed in your cage but, sometimes, when you behave, John will let you sleep on the foot of his bed. He’ll clip your nails for you and keep you well-groomed. Brushing your hair, cutting it for you. Bathing you in a galvanized tub out back.
Unlike with Dog, John will even let you eat while he eats dinner. He’ll unzip his jeans and let you slobber at his fat cock while he sips away at his blended whiskey and polishes off his meal with his full belly and his soon-to-be empty balls, mumbling all the while about how much of a perfect pet you are, how he’ll never let you go.
Not that he was planning to, anyhow.
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biolumien · 4 months
hello!! I loved your rooftop smoke fic so much oh my goodness could I ask for literally anything hoshina I would love to read more of your works... It would make my day if hoshina fell first/if he was the one hopelessly in love but anything that is easier to write for you I would love to read
notes: bwahhhh omg… thank you for liking my first work…  i havent written hoshina before… but uh. i hope this is good. same reader-insert from last time for this one too!
hoshina falls first (or tries not to, because to love is to be known)
soshiro hoshina x gn!reader i turned it into kind of a character study, forgive me word count: 1103
let’s get this right off the bat, to clear any misconceptions. hoshina’s not a romantic. he doesn’t fall for anyone first. he’s built up the demeanor of a sly, wily little fox not because he wanted to, but because he had to. tread lightly around others, and they will never know what lies in your heart, the insecurities that bubble and eat at you alive. never let them know how you feel, because as soon as your inherent, weak-willed intent is shown, you’ll be devoured alive.
that’s what hoshina tells himself, anyway. 
it’s what he has to remind himself of constantly when he sees you.
you’re not allowed, he reminds himself, to get under his skin. not in any mean way, not in the way where you play up his insecurities–except you do, don’t you? you don’t mean to, but he gets the impression that if he were conventionally stronger, more impressive, that he’d deserve your attention, the small smile that crosses your lips and lights up your eyes when you see him, the faint exhale of breath when you see him–he’d deserve that if he were better. if he were just simply better, he’d deserve it. he’d feel worthy of it.
hoshina’s not a romantic.
he signed up for a line of very dangerous, practically suicidal work knowing it might mean the death of him.
all to prove that he was worth something.
he’s not the ashes you throw away, he’s a brilliant ball of fire, can’t you see–but he needed to prove that he could shine alone, under his own merit. he didn’t need anyone, except he needed mina to get him into the third division anyway. 
he didn’t need you, except he kept making excuses to get close to you, and not even in any particular suave way. hoshina practically pines for your affections and attention, but the key thing about it is that he refuses, in a way that’s either very cute or insanely frustrating, to make it seem like he’s making the first move. fleeting kisses he shared with you, he never properly initiated himself–he’d stand there, make a big show of leaving, and you’d pulled him by the collar to kiss him. 
but at the very least you seem to be accommodating about it, in any case. you sometimes end up preparing him a cup of tea when you go on break, as if instinctually expecting him.
hoshina wonders if he’s pavlov’s dog in this case–drawn by you, trained to behave around you.
he doesn’t know how he feels about it.
“you keep coming here,” you say to him one day in the lab. at your desk is a wide variety of papers–notes on chemical formulas for bullets, the blueprints for one of mina’s new absurdly-large guns shoved haphazardly under a stack of notebooks, a coffee cup clasped between your hands, and you blow some of the fresh steam off. “i’m starting to think the captain’s going to find you slacking off.”
there’s a sardonic smile on your lips, but hoshina’s gotten better at reading you. you’re happy to see him–he can see it in the tiny way you fidget a little bit when he takes the spare coffee mug from your desk, finding it full of coffee already. does he feel his face softening, his drawn-up shoulders relaxing? no, surely not. he’s better than that. he won’t be influenced by you–and yet. and yet. 
“you have a lock on your door if you don’t want to be disturbed,” hoshina says simply, taking a sip of the coffee. black with a single spoonful of sugar in it, because as much as it was impressive to drink your coffee purely black, hoshina quite frankly couldn’t take it. and he’d built as much a complex around that, too, as if a simple coffee preference might define how worthy he is of love. respect. the works. he watches you, sees dark under-eyes from days of restless work and the writer’s bump on your middle finger, and feels his heart squeeze.
god, he hates it. does he? does he hate it? is he insecure about that? does he hate that he doesn’t hate it? does he hate that by pining for you, by forcing his way into your life, that he’s created the rumblings of his own downfall? no. the worst part of it all is that he can’t hate you. can’t hate the way you watch him, and he wonders if you’re watching him the same way he observes you–like a prey animal, almost, twitchy and nervous, in an attempt to grasp at feeble understanding. 
“if you keep coming back here, i’m going to assume you’re in love with me,” you say.
and you have no idea what those words do to him, really. you don’t know, because hoshina has learned to obscure most of his emotions, at the very least. 
so why does his face feel so hot?
he can’t even come up with a proper retort. you’re staring at him expectantly, as if waiting for the classic hoshina quip–a cackle or giggle, a casual slap on the table with a you wish! attached to it. but it doesn’t come. hoshina stands there, gagged for a moment–and suddenly his grip on his coffee cup feels a little weak.
he wishes the smile on your lips didn’t trigger some gut instinct of delight in him.
he’s better than this, damn it. he’s better than this.
your smile quirks up the corners of your cheeks, and there’s something like a shy flush across your skin. and–
“i wish i could take a picture of your face right now,” you say. “you look like you’re coming down with something.”
hoshina scoffs, the sound a little more high-pitched than he’d like for it to be.
“you wish,” he says. 
“so are you?” you press. “in love with me?”
hoshina stares at you–there’s a sudden tightness in your shoulders that wasn’t there before–you’re worried about his answer. and despite it all–his bravado, his hatred of the mere idea that he might rely on someone else–that he would ever need someone to know his heart, that he might be cowed and tamed like a dog–
he loves you.
he doesn’t want you to be worried about the surety of his answer.
“yeah,” he says. “i love you.” and when that sudden tightness in your body language disappears, he finally finds the strength to quip, “just don’t faint over me, alright?” 
and when you reach out to hit his shoulder, he grasps you by the wrist and pulls you in to kiss you.
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rebelliousstories · 1 month
Walking Tropes
Relationship: Logan Howlett/ Wolverine x Reader
Fandom: X-Men
Request: Yes by Anon
Warnings: Fluff, Brief Angst, Brief Strong Language, Brief Suggestive Themes
Word Count: 1,495
Main Masterlist: Here
X-Men Masterlist: Here
Summary: Being introduced to the merc’s friend and finding that she is just as annoying? Absolutely believable. Liking said annoying friend of even more annoying red suited anti-hero? No way.
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In celebration of saving the multiverse, and returning home, Wade proposed holding another party. A do-over for his birthday celebration that was cut short because of the TVA. For the time being, Logan and Laura had taken to living in an apartment that was across the hall from them since it was all they could get on such short notice. Just about everyone was at the party, and Logan was having a surprisingly good time, considering some of the company.
He held the weird little dog-like creature named Mary Puppins while Laura fiddled with her little Mohawk. The girl took the dog from him, which allowed the man to grab his beer from the table and sit back to enjoy a drink. A knock sounded at the door, and he got nervous. Looking to Wade, he did not share in the nervousness, but rather looked excited. The merc got up from where he had been chatting with Vanessa to answer the door.
After some brief conversation, Wade brought in what could only be described as a ray of sunshine. Her clothing was muted, but her smile was not. Logan knew that his eyes were glued to her figure, as much as he tried to pull them away. A nudge at his side brought him out of his staring only to be met with Laura’s impish smirk. He rolled his eyes and took another swig of his beer.
“Peanut, mini-peanut, I want you to meet my friend that introduced me to all the good things in life.” Wade supplied her name, but Logan was not listening. He was only focused on the way she beamed and stuck out her hand.
“Logan.” Short and sweet, and he listened as she rolled his name off of the tip of her tongue.
“Hi. I’m Laura,” she jutted in, sticking her hand in. The woman turned and was happily engaging with the young lady.
“I’m so happy to finally meet you guys. Wade has said nothing but good things about you.” Her chipper voice made it rather difficult for Logan to try and not like her.
Over the course of the party, the mutant was faced with a dilemma. His gruff exterior refused to allow him to do much else except sip his beer and engage quietly with Laura and Al. But he so desperately wanted to talk with this newcomer that Wade had brought. His eyes silently watched her during the evening, and it was confusing for him.
This woman was so happy, so full of life, and held so much sunshine in her. But just could not help himself. She was in the kitchen, fixing herself a drink and a small plate of snack foods. The lukewarm and empty bottle in his hands gave him the perfect excuse to get up and go into the kitchen where she was. Making his way in, she began to make her way out with her drink and plate, but a collision changed everything.
Turning, her body collided with a thick chest. Food spilled across the floor, and her cup fell from her hands, and she was about to join her food. Except, large warm hands spanned across her back and held her close. She let out a squeak. Looking with wide eyes, she was smiling as she gazed up at her savior.
“Hi Logan,” she breathed out.
“Hey bub. You alright?” His voice was soft, and caring as he assessed how she was.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m good. Thank you.” Their eyes were locked together, but after a brief moment she had to peal away to grab the contents of her plate from the floor. She was soon joined by Logan, who came down and began to help.
“You don’t have to clean up my mess, you know?” She quipped, putting a nacho on the plate bound for the garbage.
“Kind of is my fault though. Should at least help you clean up.” He replied, picking up a cookie that looked disgusting now.
“Thank you, then.”
“You’re welcome.”
From that point on, it seemed like she was everywhere he was. Logan did not believe in fate, and he did not want to ever admit to that out loud. And yet, he was starting to feel like something was dong this in the universe. It also probably did to help that she lived on the same floor of the apartment building as Wade and Logan.
All this to say, Logan was seeing her everywhere. At the store, at the mailboxes on the first floor, around town at her favorite coffee shop. She had even invaded his dreams. But the most frustrating part of it all, was that she had no clue how she affected him. Maybe he was not on his game like he had been in his long youth, but he was sure that he was giving her hints as to his feelings.
The stories he had heard through his time around her never ceased to amaze him as well. Somehow this clumsy cutie had almost gotten involved with the mob. She had to be saved by Wade who just came in and got her from getting deeper into the trouble that was brewing. Or the time that she was pulled over in a random search of her car driving home one night with a box of puppies someone had dumped on the side of the road. You would not expect it, but she had led an interesting life.
“Whatcha lookin’ at, peanut?” Logan was brought out of his thoughts by the annoying man he had begrudgingly befriended.
“Nothing.” He grumbled, but that answer would not suffice Wade. Following the older man’s eye line, he was met with the image of the woman of his affections talking with Laura and Vanessa while holding Mary Puppins.
“Oh, I see. Listen, peanut,” he began, “you’ve just gotta tell her you want to put some balls in holes for a ring. She won’t respond well to subtle hints.”
“What are you talking about?”
“All I’m saying is that you’ve got to spell it out for her. She’s a little absent upstairs. Like, the wheel is spinning but the hamster is dead most of the time. And especially being around a hunk like you; that hamster died, came back to life, got off on your image, and then died again.” Now, Logan had turned to face the merc, who was maintaining an almost innocent expression on his face.
“She just doesn’t want me. And I don’t blame her.” They both turned back to the women who were now laughing loudly at their best impressions of the pup.
“I know I make everything a punch line, but listen, Logan. She does. I’ve known that woman a long time, and she has never looked at everyone the way that she looks at you. Now I’m going to get the dog, you go talk to the girl.” Patting him twice on the back, Wade shot the older man a wink before stalking off and taking the three ladies away from his friend.
She made an excuse about needing another drink and went off into the kitchen by herself. Logan followed her with his eyes, and looked nervously back to the wrinkled man. He was mouthing what he only hoped was words of encouragement that looked oddly like, “go get the fucking girl.” Logan pulled a face, but went off in the same direction of the woman that had captivated him. Much like the first time they first properly talked, she was fixing herself a drink and a small plate of food.
“Hey.” A low rumble sounded through the kitchen. The girl at the drink station got spooked by hm, but did not drop everything this time around.
“Hey, Lo. How are you felling today?” She asked, genuinely turning to him.
“I’m doing alright. You good?”
“Yeah, I am.” There was a beat of awkward silence in the room while they both made their drinks.
“Hey, um, would you maybe-” Logan tried to start, but was struggling to find the words. She was just patiently waiting for him to finish his sentence.
“I want to go on a date with you.” He blurted out finally.
“Me? Really?” Her eyes were wide as she looked up at him. There was an adoration that he had not noticed before.
“Yeah,” Logan breathed out, “yeah. I want to take you out. If you’d like.”
“I didn’t think that you liked me like that. I’d love to go out on a date with you, Logan.” Sweet words tumbled out of her, and they sent the man into a state of euphoria. Logan chuckled, and smiled wide enough that he could have split his face. With his arms open, she took that opportunity to throw herself into them which threw Logan off balance. He quickly regained it, but squeezed his arms around her still.
Safe to say, Logan was glad that he saved this timeline.
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