#laplaces angel my beloved
synthshenanigans · 6 months
[Warning for bright colors]
"Thank you, God, you fool"
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It do be a small world after all, don't it?
[Alt versions & background below :} ]
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skhardwarevers1 · 6 months
oh yeah did I say I fully jashified my friend because I did and I’m not sure how it happened
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
"The only ones in need of love are those who don’t receive enough. So evil ones should get a little more" - Laplace's Angel (Hurt people? Hurt people!)
Gifting this edit to my wonderful and beloved mootie (and favorite artist, but don't tell them I said that) @the-orion-inexpirience 🩷
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whosthere54 · 1 month
Song stream notes time
Aesthetic of C!sherb is up until 2 birds
Just kind of vibes for C!sherb (up until maybe brass goggles)
Songs with themes of loneliness potions bleeding - almost magic but more interdimensional stuffs (the beloved)
Brothers starts at 2 birds :)
(family jewels isla coded wait hold on just a minute there)
(When the day met the night Rae and Caspian as well as the fable isla marriage to —> Isla/Enderian to —> alone.)
S1 starts at Fine
Corruption I think starts mainly at Laplace’s Angel
WhisperDuo is secret and Hawk in the night
When the world caves in as the finale
Start of s2 as new life
Next section starts at Brutus and it’s the prison
Ends prison arc in Rock in gods shoe
S2 —>3 break starts as is there anybody here (Icarus in the worldport)
S3 starts with Maybe man
Chasing you - The emptiness of not knowing what to do after Haley’s been brought back, it having been their main goal before (very Ic + Haley coded song)
The garden - getting sick of quixis changes. I cannot get the changes to stop, I don’t know what to do, nothing is helping. (whenever talking about crows is talking about chat)
New eyes - Stream where sherb goes to Ulysses and finding out there eyes not their own and then the raft :)
(Two samples I think it’s called?)
Birds - “I just want to sit here and feed my birds” energy
Look who’s inside again - father isolation
Let me make you proud - self explanatory Icarus wanting to make him proud and earn their fathers love
The fruits - Part of them isn’t them so they can’t be what their father wants them to be
Down the river - Athena and Icarus making potions and they argue about corruption a lil but I care “the dust never settles when you’re around” WHACK
Hero - them spiraling about Centross’s death before fable starts talking I’ll sob
When Centross saves them. Me when. I’ll cry about it.
Can’t catch me now - oh it’s me hallucinating wait he’s actually there rarararara they aren’t coping well but violets watching them
Paid in exposure - Coworkers
Natural - also coworkers
Burning pile - CMV
Try to change - Icarus spiraling by themself - I can only do what I’m told I can only repeat history
Lima bean man - killing momboo :d
Shots - why do I kill everything I love?
Prodigal ^^ spiraling and I’m really his son
Solitary confinement - I LOVE THIS SONG FIRST OF ALL
No longer you - (EPIC THE BELOVED) Up to interpretation????
Monster - Penelope Centross - Telemachus (idk spelling) momboo
No children - singing about fable - Rae coming with Vanda
Mr author - Icarus to quixis other half Sherbert to rina
The bad guy + in my blood - OH MY GOD I WAS SO WRONG (the lyrics in in my blood I yell I rarara)
Daniel in the den - Fable is dead we did it we can move on!
Ruin - female voice is Icarus male voice is Midas (ME WHEN THIS SONG AND THE AMAZING DEVIL) getting ready to jump and die (mainly talking to quixis or the things)
“Nothing quite prepares you for when they don’t come back-“ AGH I LOVE THAT SONG ITS SO THEM AND I CARE SO MUCH ABOUT ICARUS AND MIDAS
Icarus and Apollo - ME WHEN ICARUS AND MIDAS
Show yourself - ASCENTION and Midas welcoming them
Who you are - Midas welcoming Icarus
Still feel - If fable had a bow this is the song when bowing I love it
epilogue things then Icarus
Then the next section is specifically Icarixus times
Today today being years of time passing in the worldport I yell
Last section (after today today) is group songs :)
The cave below hero
Ahhhh I love that playlist sm I had THOGUGHTS I was yelling in chat
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astriiformes · 1 year
I'm sure someone else will ask you for Hunter, so I'll pick...hmm, Harrow.
Harrow my beloved incredibly messed-up girl <3
A New Brain - I Fight Dragons
Laplace's Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People!) - Will Wood
Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes - Fall Out Boy
Deliverance - CHVRCHES
Third Eye - Florence + the Machine
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chambers003 · 1 month
frothing at the mouth song reccs???
uhhh. i dont know what you usually listen to but i can give you an assortment of what i listen to
drive45 (pretty much all albums i love them all. except system format. d45 i love you but that album was incredibly mid)
will wood/will wood and the tapeworms (normal album my beloved)
the crane wives
lemon demon
the happy fits
ghost and pals (its been a hot minute since i listened to their music but it dominated my braincells for a hot minute)
kikuo (hatsune miku supreme)
ajr (some people hate them, some people love them, im kinda in the middle)
rabbitology (they have like 5 songs total but i love all of them)
jack stauber/jack stauber's micropop
cavetown (its. been a WHILE)
omori soundtrack
minecraft soundtrack
specific songs: (i put 'japanese' so that if you search for these, you dont get jumpscared by song names in a language you cant read ripp)
rollin girl by wowaka (iconic)/(japanese)
do your worst by the happy fits
juliet by cavetown
99 luftballons by nena (sorta old song but good)
2econd 2ight 2eer by will wood
road to nowhere by the talking heads
digital silence by peter mcpoland
nothing's working out by meiyo (japanese)
bitter chocolate decoration by syudou (japanese)
cicada days by will wood
curses by the crane wives (this is prolly a given but. oh well)
fine by lemon demon
tongues and teeth by the crane wives (another given LMAO)
a mask of my own face by lemon demon
candleburn by rabbitology
buzzcut season by lorde
the dumb song by ajr
fighting with the melody by jimmy urine
partner in crime by madilyn mei (if theres any here i recc the most its this one)
november by sparkbird
avenues by drive45
puppet boy by devo
hansel by sodikken
mary by the happy fits
little one by the happy fits
bernadette by iamx
aurora borealis by lemon demon
dramaturgy by eve (japanese)
brutus by the buttress
im at the beach today by drive45
do it all the time by idkhbtfm
suburbia overture by will wood
laplace's angel by will wood
blackboxwarrior by will wood
mr capgras by will wood and the tapeworms
hand me my shovel im going in by will wood and the tapeworms
the cave by siames
the wolf by siames
canary in a coal mine by the crane wives
ground vision by drive45
special eggs by drive45
f ck you im going underground by grand commander
waterloo by abba
deceptacon by le tigre
wrow ok this got super long man im sorry 😭😭
i. if i could put a 'read more' cut in an ask i would (in all honesty if you end up liking one(1) song from this list ill feel achieved. if youre living off your parent's music tastes this might be a leap LMAOO)
OHHH MY GOD this is a treasure trove thank you
AND i see artists and songs on here that i do actually know!! and some that i even listen to!! i will make my way through these… thank you so much…
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spotaus · 3 months
I WANNA KNOW WHAT YOUR OC’s VOICES SOUND LIKE!!! No pressure to answer ofc PLEASE THOUGH because I just wanna absorb your little guys. TELL ME ALL ABOUT THEM
Haha... I have a sneaking suspicion I know who you are, beloved anon. Regardless, I shall answer this gift of a request!!! (Most of these will be in song form btw-)
He's got a funky accent, and I like to think he's like a strange little bard of a man by voice. (He talks a bit deeper than the singing voice, but holds onto the accent). As a God of Death(Punishment) he tends to be imagined by his followers as soft-spoken and having a deep rumbling voice that shakes ur chest. Not the case! He's just A Guy abd he likes it a lot :)
Pretender vibes!! Almost forgot to add him, so here's the silly guy's voice vibes. That's uhhh. All my commentary on this 👍
N (Persona):
N is just built different. I don't really have a reasoning for this one?
Teddy and Haphazard:
This has always kinda been their song together as Sister and Brother in my mind. Teddy is the feminine voice, Hap the masculine. Again, not much explanation?
This one came to me in a Vision, but I think that by the time a voice-claim is relevant this is Reset's vibe. A bit more of a talking intonation to his singing voice, very theatric when he's talking.
He has a shockingly beautiful and deep voice. A lot of the time it goes over people's heads, but when he stops stuttering and manages his words well, his voice is powerful and smooth.
Orchid has a deeper and more solid voice. (Deep enough to be mistaken for a man on occasion) and when she sings she mumbles a bit. (I love her immensely)
Higher pitched naturally in tone than the others, he talks like he's always smiling, but can still deepen his voice when he needs to. His voice also has a slight mechanical overtone for all his speech. (He can also sound like Hatsune Miku if he alters his settings.)
Last but not least, the beloved emo. Not a lot of context. (He tried to sing like an emo boy for a bit and fake an accent, but it wasn't working.) Just a Guy
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madwhenyrdreaming · 1 year
laplaces angel live my beloved
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veradragonjedi · 2 years
For the ask game! 12, 24, 28 and 38!
12 — already answered this one so I’ll copy-paste :3
“What’s some good advice you’d like to share?” Okay so I’m almost definitely not the best person to ask this but here goes anyway — and this is super cliche and generic BUT !! Drink water!! Go on walks outside (if you’re able — just experience fresh air in your garden or by an open window if you aren’t) and finally do things you enjoy! Play video games for a bit, paint and cook just do something that you know will make you happy! :D
24 - “what’s something you’re proud of yourself for and why?” JSJDJJSN. >:(( this is dumb and a stupid answer but Blood 😩✨ it started out as a dumb little self project where I wrote what I saw at the end of The Mandalorian S2 — then it escalated and I posted it.. soon enough I had created Blood, Blindfolds and Butterflies — and people were reading it,!?? Wtf — I thought to myself. So I made cover art and people liked that too?!?! And I posted the next chapter and I got COMMINTS.. ugh beloved writing fanfiction has brought me closer to people AND shown me who will let me infodump about my interests and who just doesn’t care. So uh. Yeah I’m super proud of myself for writing that I’ll never not be.
28 — “do you collect anything?” YES!!! Feathers, shiny/smooth rocks, pressed plants, shells, and trinkets!! :D
38 — “fave song at the moment?” Okay so uh ADHD mindset is like ��you will love this song for a week and move on it’s simple stop wait why are you getting attach-?’ And right at this moment it’s probably a tie between: ‘Laplace’s Angel …’ and ‘well, better than the alternative’ — both by Will Wood — @deviltownresident got me addicted ffs 😭
Tysm Choco <3333
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orchid, daffodil, edelweiss for the asks! :)
Thanks so much!! Great picks btw <3
orchid: what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
I've been thinking about this lately, and I love so much music it's a difficult question, but I'm going to say Human by The Killers. Maybe that's a basic answer but it hits right. I also really love Will Wood, so Laplace's Angel is worth a mention here too. Oh, and No God by The Dear Hunter. Just a few of many :)
daffodil: do you have siblings? if yes, in what ways do you think you’re similar to or different from them?
I do have siblings! I have two older sisters and a younger brother. Similarities and differences...oh man. I'm the Quiet Weird Academic One TM whereas they're all more outgoing, but honestly I'm super close to my sisters and we are all like our mom more than we admit.
edelweiss: how’d you think of your url/username? what’s it associated with to you?
Filodox, my beloved url, is a misspelling of philodoxe -- an obscure French word that made its way into English that technically means "lover of glory / opinion" (from the Greek) but is really (derogatory) for someone who loves their own opinion too much lmao. I figured what better name for my silly little blog full of my amazing opinions? I went with the f instead of the ph and dropped the e for sleekness (and so I wouldn't be stuck fighting for the url or accidentally using a brand name or something). It also reminds me of things like sci-fi and lo-fi now so bonus! Not to be a 2012 era tumblrina on main but The Philodoxe would be my renegade timelord name asdfghjkl. Funnily enough, I don't remember how I found the word in the first place!
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jackiebrackettt · 2 years
thoughts on scu!grizzly?
LITERALLYYYY SO BELOVED okay.. okay... he's everything to me.... i think fallen grizzly was right o(-( and also SO INTERESTING that like.. i think a lot of people get him wrong -> i think they assume because he tried to kill the others he's very "violence kill death murder everything's mine!" saw someone say revived is a fallen grizzly song and i disagree (personally). there's not enough regret/hesitance in revived. revived is like.. what he Tried to present himself as ig but he's a lot more mournful. he believes very strongly that he's been wronged but he gives them a second chance. and even after they screw that up and he Does try to kill them he actively can't bring himself to!
i think a really good song for his headspace is laplace's angel by will wood -> just combines all those conflicting emotions etc etc. in terms of vibes but not necessarily lyrics mama by mcr works too (again the lyrics Barely match up but in terms of vibes etc etc)
also my guy was literally doomed by the narrative 3 times over but that's another post
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salorade · 6 months
Mask, bound, break
THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!!! Asks of tumblr are/were always my favorite most indulgent thing online. >:D
I have NOT done a good job info-dumping (if any at all!) on tumblr about my OCs-- and i have too many to tell-- so I'll use this time to answer about Maso since he and gang are the OCs i havev spent a considerable amount of brainpower thinking about(he is a deepseaprisoner fan oc) -- and also do a double and do Blorbo, who has nothign to do with maso and friends but he is a guy in my icon.
mask: Does your OC wear a mask, literally or figuratively? What goes on beneath it? Is there anyone in their life who gets to see who they are under the mask?
Maso: Not quite figuratively-- as in, he puts on an act but at the same time he doesn't really put an act on. I wouldn't call him genuine, but I wouldn't say he's hiding a truer self. When he's sad, he'll try to escape it with substances and jokes. The two people who do see under his pretense would be his right-hand demon whom he has spent a considerable amount of time with (unhealthy coping mechanism), and his god whom he used to be in love with (they're a bit of the 'two sides of the same coin' in a very metaphorical way, they can't stand each other anymore but without the other all would perish)
Blorbo: A mask hiding a mask hiding a mask hiding a mask hiding a mask. Figuratively, though if you'd cut his face open there would probably be a hole instead of a skull.
bound: Has your OC ever been imprisoned or captured? What happened? How did they get out? Did the experience leave any scars?
Maso: No. He wouldn't be unkind to it though. In the canonical universe, he and his good god broke up because (NoT quite because, more like it was what broke the camels back) maso's demon named Laplace ate sado's head and most beloved angel (laplace had. social anxiety and he wanted to be friends). Sado punished Laplace by putting him into a deep slumber / dream. and so on and so on, maso gets mad at that's almost about it. -- In An Alternative Universe, if Sado were to kill Laplace instead of sleep, Maso would be violent. He would attempt at some point to imprison his god in fits of broken revenge. Sado would say nothing during this time, and would be let go only when maso breaks down further to realize what he is doing.
Blorbo: Ok. I've never really thought about it, but a guy who looks like anyone's favorite character must have been captured at least more than once. Have you seen those One Direction wattpad fics? I didn't but I'm pretty sure one would include kidnapping. Blorbo can probablly receive some damage in slapstick senses, but I don't think he can truly get wounded. When he dies, he teleports all brand-new to another part of the world/universe/whatever. What a guy.
break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
Maso: If his god would get beaten up he'd be really upset. Similarly, he often gets genuinely upset at the words of his god even if sado says something anyone else would say and wouldn't be a problem. I'm blanking out on the exact specifics of how you could get him to break down completely. he has things that gets him mad but they get him mad in a passive aggressive way where he still has control over the situation. I think it really is all reliant on his god, for something like a complete breakdown. I know in a Roleplay , Maso fed his heart to someone. I dont remember why but I do remember Sado almost died due to getting beaten up (IN RP, where these guys interact with outsiders -- they're so weak compared to others. roleplay isnt really canon for their universes except some times). Uhmm has anyone ever seen him at his lowest... yes the same as the mask question, good Othello and dear Sado would be the only confidants to know. I do think Maso (and mr. Sado too in fact) would hate being in his lowest or showing real weakness.
Blorbo: I think if you would push him to have his own identity or strip him of what he is, he would break down because he is in fact nothing outside of his looks (sexyman) -- OR that is how he would feel, adding this as i think about it more. I think he would also get frustrated if the pressure rises about how he's doing. I wonder if he would glitch like a video game! maybe somehow has seen him at his lowest. He'd probably explode and revive somewhere else.
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the-acid-pear · 2 years
I got tagged by my beloved bestie @eyerolls-the-view so let's do this!!
Last Song: According to my spotify the last song i heard to is Laplace's Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People!) by Will Wood
Last Movie: Shrek 2 :]] absolute masterpiece <33
Currently Watching: Our Flag Means death!! Got halfway thru it, still gotta retake it.
Currently Reading: TWO (2) things currently reading both w beloved eye boy, one is Giggles and Company which deserves way more attention it's so good, and the other is Flowey is not a Good Life Coach.
Currently Listening: the voices Oh man I'm listening to so much stuff. Ryan Hollinger and SpookyRice for silly little horror movie reviews; Yoshimitsu Caleon, Lazy Masquerade, Plagued Moth and Disturban for fucked up real shit; Charlie aka Cr1tikal for fun. The list goes on.
Current Obsession: Well, atm truly nothing, i'm in sort of a grey area rn, not obsessing big over nothing in particular but obsessing little over many things <3 but lowkey i guess The Quarry 😳
For the 5 people i gotta tag i will go with: @caramel-mousse @leelee-con @feed-the-roses @ms-funky-autumn and @atlcscp :]] And yknow what? fuck it, anyone else who wants to do this has my full on permission, even if not tagged in 😤
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florenceisfalling · 3 years
for spotify wrapped do 12, 13, 45, 78, 83, and 100
12 - unwed henry by american murder song (my fucking beloved)
13 - laplace's angel (hurt people? hurt people!) by will wood and the tapeworms (I KNOW THIS ONE BECAUSE OF YOU. ARENT YOU HONORED)
45 - ruler of everything by tally hall
78 - baby hotline by jack stauber
83 - dread in my heart by mother mother (fisti-fuckin'-cuffin' is my fave word btw)
100 - modern love by mother mother
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choco-style · 3 years
ignore this, just some will wood lyrics that butter my bread
tws and cws of sorts(don’t account for the full songs): small/slightly religious terms, death, memory loss, dissociation, s////c1d4l thoughts/implications, nods at physical 4bus3 
yeah a lot of them are edgy cry about it
“culture’s not your friend [...] it’s only culture and it’s more afraid of you than you’re of it”
“it doesn’t take a killer to murder, it only takes the reason to kill”
“the only ones in need of love are those who don’t receive enough so ~ evil ones should get a little more ~”
“glory be satori but it’s hallucinatory”
“and if dreams can come true, what does that say about nightmares? i’ll stay awake tonight”
“cry my name remind my brain of my identity- well i’m not gonna listen, i’m not my volition-”
“it’s times like this that make me wish that i wished that i were dead, i don’t wish i were dead but somebody’s got to go”+the counterpart??that one specifically
“check in the mirror to see how i look, i look different in different ways - you do the math, who’s looking back [...] that’s not me !”
“i'm not a flower, not a solar-powered calculator, damn my eyes for seeing what’s not there”
“you’re trying to replace yourself”
“levitating off the ground is another man wearing your face”
“what you feel and what you do, are those things really you - and if not, then what is?”
“ My soul was crushed like a tall boy Underneath the boots on the curb And I’m still picking up my molars And putting them back in my face “
“it’s not profound to know that you can never know“
“What is “is?” What is not? What is “what?” What’s up, party people? What? What I wonder? Why I’m not “whatever” What the fuck?”
“it’s good enough but not enough to be good enough for me”
all of front street bc fuck r@p3 culture
all of cotard’s solution mwah relatable comfort content my beloved
honorary first place: “sha na na na na na na na free will”, the last “toniiiiaiaiiaiaiaiiiaiaiaight” in cotard’s solution+ the instrumental drop right after HHH THATS MY  SHIT!!, “never never never”, “you’ll never take me ali-hahaha-ive”, “you could, you could”
“-blood, didn’t they want your blood?” and tbh everything in suburbia&vampire culture is just so satisfying to my ears
“is it bad/am i bad, am i bad, am i bad, am i really that bad?”
“with my head up in the clouds i can see so much ground, and from here you look like ants in a row”
“it’s whether you’re singing [oooh]” tbh the entire chorus(es) of laplace’s angel esp the “yeah”s towards the end
“i don’t remember- wow the whole year’s a blur”
“i heard the world would turn to hell, compared to that i’m doing well”(2012)
“when i can(’t?) hardly see”
“i’m not scaaAAAAAAred”
“the staaaaaate you’re iiiiiiin”
“well who should i be then”
“a fall from grace”
“Bottle, well, or barrel? All are empty Dug, or drank, or poured it out “
“if it kills me”
“In your head, in your head, in your head And yet you believe it’s true, well you do Like you knew anything ever“
“give me that old time religion”
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crashstanding · 2 years
Well, I think it’s time for me to share my Volo playlist and have a giant thing under the cut of why each song is there
Playlist (Youtube):
And the Song list, complete with some lyrics and reasonings:
1) The Hell of It
This one is here because I think it’s both Volo at himself ( Nothing matters anyway, And that's the hell of it ) and also people who are pissed at him ( And though your music lingers on All of us are glad you're gone )
2) Kafuka
Who was it that opened this rift? Who was it that opened this wound? The god of all that is clean[2] speaks, ”You’re filthy. There’s no hope for you.”
3) Patchwork Eden
Destroy to start anew, destroy to start anew; dispose of the children unfavorable to us The dreams we dreamt, the kindled "ideals," they're given a seed - "Thank you kindly."
The sleepless city, the sorrowful rain; what do they wait for? A pseudomiracle The unending nights, the dazzling past; what do they seek? A pseudomiracle 
4) Arandano
Okay I probably have a better reason for this somewhere, but it’s here because I felt it in my jellies and also “Child who is tortured into murdering“ is Volo Core in my heart
“Keep playing all the way to the end“ A sprouting future Murder
5) Spider Thread Monopoly
This is another Jellies song, combined with the story the song is based on... Also Sasakure.uk is a Volo Artist. It sounds like him!!
Whoever you are, even if you are a helpless idiot, I had already collected ”love” akin to a die that was about to be torn into a thousand pieces I shouted, “This thread is my aim!” to the cloud(spider)’s treasonable intent (thread) that I rejected, ah —I could do nothing but to cling onto it
6) People Eater
My fave interpretation of Volo is “He’s always meant to use the Protag and yet felt bad because he started to care“ and this feels like it
I think there's something wrong with me Why can't I just live happily?
Why do you still believe in me? And I'm baffled why you choose to stay with me You're completely free, yet you refuse to leave
7) Toes
I'm a man, I'm a twisted fool My hands are twisted, too Five fingers, two black hooves
8) Praise
A song that’s praising a false life and happiness in death. This is my personal favorite translation
9) The Fallen
I think Volo deserves a little ferality, as a treat
So they say you're troubled, boy Just because you like to destroy All the things that bring the idiots joy Well, what's wrong with a little destruction?
10) Laplace’s Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People!)
Have you ever died in a nightmare? Woke up surprised you hadn’t earned your fate?
11) Mercy Down
Yea-ah, it’s getting biblical now You better pick your weapons up And throw your mercy down
12) Bloody Mary
Okay listen, this is mostly here because this song fucks most severely. But also “Turn the top of the food chain into the prey“ gives me some sort of “Volo’s the last of the Sinnoh people p much and wants to tear out the throats of the clans“
13) Lower One’s Eyes
This has similar vibes to the one above for why it’s here. But also the Lesbian Jesus/Judas fanfiction song really does suit Volo. Especially his vibes towards the Protag, Giratina, and Arceus
Curtain call, the final act, so say your prayers So long to you beloved traitor Innocence has died, Wilted by your lies "Let's break you from this cage", But you never came to set me free I'm whispering, still standing in the rain, Nothing will change, I'm praying the same thing every day I've lost my faith and myself all the same, It's too late to be saved
14) Silver Platters
I've seen this before As you try to mitigate your fear of being normal Just step through the portal No need to be cordial You could be immortal If you take the risk Could you take the risk?
15) Salt
Volo trans, next song
16) Credits Song for my Death (Orchestral Cover)
It’s about the vibes
17) Gira Gira
Volo redemption arc does live in my heart, even if it takes him a century. I think he deserves to love himself and the world
Give love, the flowers bloom in mud But not a soul is exactly  how they seem, never be, never see Ah, how pretty is the world I don’t belong But still I’m shining on
18) An Unaware Drunkard
Yeah, but before that redemption arc, he needs a flop arc
19) Envy Baby
Hi! I wanna people save. ...all right? Out of the way, love
20) Outer Science
Okay listen, Maniacal villain Volo is a fun idea sometimes, that’s what this is here for. He gets to go a little apeshit as a TREAT... he also gets to break the fourth wall :)
How pitiful to live and die
Time and again you all defy
Though it will end the same, you keep resetting the game
Remiss and pain all aflame
Crying, howling, ever writhing
21) Rebirth
Okay listen, this song is probably only ever going to make sense for Volo in my head and in the capacity of Lagtrain. But I think it works, self despairing and hatred, a little bit of hope...
A strangely pleasant feeling from cutting off connections and losing my own safety,    the next victim appears in a room that can't be unlocked and I open my heart of all melancholic words.    I wonder if I make sense of these feelings, could I understand the things of this world?    Once I'm able to make sense of this pain, will I understand what comes after?     It's better to let your tears dry,    and then will you travel on without wavering?    Or be reborn once again?    Then like that, you'll be happy    as you'll have done nothing wrong.    (Probably).
22) Mitsubachi
Also about the vibes
C’est l’esprit de la ruche (It’s the spirit of the hive) Let the flowers bloom Avec une puissance terrible (With tremendous power) Transforming the scenery with vivid colours Le goût du bonheur (The taste of happiness) But the world we live in Tu ne veux même pas y croire (You just won’t believe in it) Doesn’t even try to believe in us
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