#land sailing worked as a search term
DAMMIT google, I SAID what I SAID.
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I was looking for these:
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(Photo by Brian MacIntosh)
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wraithdance · 1 month
I'm sure it's just because of reading your fic and watching "Caped Crusader", but had a vision of Gaz as Batman/Bruce Wayne - no clue how that AU would work, but it's nice to ponder!
Ohohoho My friend, I don't think you know what you’ve just done! I moonlight as an amateur comic artist/writer so I saw this notification at five in the morning and shot out of bed. I have not known a moment of respite since then you big brained evil genius!!!
Give me a couple hours and I’ll tag you in something else I got cooking for this lil brain worm 🐛💖
CW: AFAB!Reader but no gendered terms used, non-con ( I think the first bit counts as slight non-con?), Mentions of extreme violence, reader being mugged, I have a potty mouth so lots of F-bombs, MDNI there's a bit of nsfw because I’m a slut and blacked out at the end there.
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[the 5 Year Plan Gotham City AU] 
How could you be so Stupid. 
The man making a mess of your purse is taking his time scattering things out into the alley carelessly. Your Fenty lipgloss, tossed near the dumpster with your phone. The knock off Gucci shades you’d found at a swap meet, sailing in the air and landing with a definitive crack on the wet blacktop. 
When he ignores your wallet to continue his violating search through your belongings you protest. Thrashing your body in an attempt to escape the hands that clutch you in a vice grip.
Blunt nails dig into the fleshy fat of your upper arms hard enough to leave indentations that burn. The whimper you let out echoes in the darkened alley before you can bite it back.
Stupid, Siggy. Unbelievably STUPID!
“Oh? I think I liked the sound of that moan sweet bird. Why don’t you do it again?” He’s squeezing tighter and it takes all of your reserves to not give him the satisfaction of another single sound.
His partner lets out a laugh, pausing from his searching to watch you squirm.
“I think you’ve got a tough one there Charlie.”
“Yeah, think so, sweet birds got some nerve.” The one named Charlie hums in your ear, huffing out a throaty laugh. 
The stench of tepid beer and old meat on his breath is foul. He nuzzles his unkempt beard against the skin of your throat, the sensation makes angry tears cascade down your face without reprieve. 
You send an elbow into his gut, yelping when he presses his hard cock against your plump ass in return. 
“Be nice, soft thing,” He whispers, hot breath sending shivers down your spine “What about I keep you, hm? Come home with me and Brucie boy and you won’t have to walk so late at night, wot about that?”
You think there’s no fucking way in any planet or alternate universe where you’d agree to that and you say so.
“Let me go you stinking bastard! Just take my money and leave me alone for fucks sake!”
In a flash there’s a big hand letting go of your arm to grip your jaw painfully. Your head is pulled back to meet the unfocused rheumy blue eyes of Charlie. With a glare your lip curls back in visible disgust, refusing to back down.
It was probably the cherry on top of the stupid sundae you’d made, but you can’t bring yourself to be submissive against this unwanted violation. You’d been followed from the office by the two drunken louts. 
One had distracted you with his catcalls, you’d been focused on staying steps ahead of him before you realized you’d been corralled into the darkened alley. The other man had materialized at the other end of the narrow space before you’d had the chance to weigh out if running in heels would be a fruitless endeavor.
The one named Bruce had wrestled your bag from you when you’d turned to run the other way. There’s slight satisfaction when you look at the already discolored skin beneath his eye from where you’d decked him. 
Bruce notices your attention and sneers at you. “Little bitch is more trouble than it’s worth to carry ‘em home.” 
His hands stop digging into your bag and you know the second he’s got his hands on the satchel tucked deep into the inner lining.
“Oh wots this?” Bruce opens the velvet pouch and his eyes widen at the sight of your boss's diamond necklace and earrings.
You really do hate yourself for being so senselessly dumb.
Should have taken the damn taxi instead of being a cheapskate.  ‘It’s only a couple blocks to the jewelers’ you’d thought, ‘be there in a jiffy and home in no time, no need to spend the £7.60!’
An absolute dumb arse of a decision to make.
You’re about to beg that they at least put you out of your misery when they leave. Anything better than the impending death of your career and livelihood if you make it out of this preventable situation alive, when you see something dark flash at the mouth of the alley.
Charlie sees it too and stiffens behind you.  “Who’s there!” He barks out into the night, pulling you back against him tighter. Bruce looks up too, jewels in hand, searching. There's silence before you hear the sound of a bottle clattering. Charlie hisses out a low ‘fuck’ before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a switchblade with a flick of his wrist. 
Your eyes widen like saucers because you had just been joking about dying! 
“Come out!” Charlie shouts “Or I’ll stick the bird right between the ribs.”
You make a strangled noise in the back of your throat, struggling against the arm that now bands across your chest. What the fuck happened to taking you home?! Creeping Jesus all the men in London were sweet talking, lying sacks of SHIT and you were so fucked!
After a moment Charlie shifts, looking at Bruce and jerking his head to the side. Bruce nods and spirits his own knife in hand from his jacket. Much to your indignation he stuffs the jewels into his pocket as well. 
Bruce shuffles to the other end of the alley slowly, Charlie and you watch on with bated breath. The fattest rat you’ve ever seen darts out from out of the shadows and Bruce yelps.
“Fockin’ hell!” Bruce jumps back as it races between his legs, squeaking in terror. He looks back to you and Charlie with a laugh. “Just a fockin’ mouse-”
The kick to his chest is sudden and loud, the crack of his ribs writs the air with a sickening pop. 
“What the fuck!” you cry out.
A masked man in blue-black spandex steps out into the dim light, standing over Bruce’s gasping body. He’s absolutely massive. At his hips is a cache of indistinguishable weapons including a small metal rod. You watch as he lifts a powerful thigh up and rams his boot covered foot into Bruce’s nose, sharp and definitive.
Screw this.
There's no fucking way you were sticking around for whatever this had become, you think as you watch the blood arch from Bruce’s broken nose. 
Charlie yells out when you stomp his foot with a stiletto of your heels. You don’t make it far from his grasp when he snakes a hand out and clutches your arm, whirling you around. He’s dropped the knife in your pursuit of escape, it leaves his hand open to strike across your cheek in a slap that leaves you dazed.
He shoves you down to the ground harshly and your hands shoot out in front of you to break your fall. Hissing at the stinging pain in your palms, you can only try to scoot back as you watch Charlie reach for the discarded knife at his feet. 
He doesn’t make it. 
You can’t look away from the masked hero raining blows like thunder over Charlie's face and body. Charlie tries to fight back but is overwhelmed by the barrage of attacks that come in rapid fire succession. When Charlie finally goes down you’re torn between shock and relief before it turns into worry about whether the newcomer means you his own form of harm. 
You get your answer when the masked man extends a hand to help you to your feet. He doesn’t make a sound at the effort to pull you up. His hand rests across your back for support as you wobble unsteadily on your heels.
He doesn’t let you go when you’ve caught your balance. You tilt your head up to look at him, one hand placed on his covered bicep and the other resting on his chest. You can feel his heart beat in a staccato through the thick material of his suit. 
“Close your eyes.” He says after a moment.
Your brow furrows in confusion thinking you misheard. 
The masked man crowds you in until you’re up against the brick wall of the alley, his solid chest millimeters from your own. You can feel the heat from his body emanating from beneath the spandex suit. He smells like smoke and hearth. You think there's something else beneath, familiar and it causes your brain to buzz with energy. You inhale deep.
Bergamot and notes of Cedar wood. 
Your brows furrow trying to place the niggling memory that comes up when his gloved hand makes contact with your cheek. The touch is soft and light, fingers trail along the place you’d been slapped by Charlie. You can’t see his eyes from behind the flat black holes of his mask but you can feel him search your face. 
“Said, close your eyes luv.” 
He tilts his head and watches your lips when you dart a tongue to wet them. After a moment you do as he asks and shutting your eyes.
Your gasp is wheezy to your own ears, jerking at the feel of his breath on your cheeks. You are squeezing your eyelids shut so as not to open them. When his lips brush against yours, you gasp once more, belly swimming with butterflies. He takes the opportunity to deepen the kiss, sucking your tongue and stroking with his own in tandem. Mind finally catching up, you chase after the foreign intrusion with a demand for more, always taking a mile when given an inch.
The pressure of the mask where it’s been pushed up against the bridge of his nose, tethers you to reality before you're swept away in the taste of him. Your senses are bombarded with the roll of his tongue and you give as good as you get, fighting him for dominance.
His hand rests at your throat, firm but relenting. He squeezes once when he nips your bottom lip and you shudder when he pulls away with an anguished groan.
You peek beneath your lashes and see the brown skin at his adam's apple before he can cover his face again. You know he’s smiling beneath the mask when he calls you a cheeky thing. He cups a hand over his cock pressing down as if to relieve the ache. 
Your thighs clench together. ‘Fuck.’
“What's your name?” You ask when you’ve finally caught your breath.
He hesitates and you think he’ll deny you. 
“You can call me Rook.”
You thank him for saving you, saying his name softy. He swipes his gloved thumb across your lips before he taps your chin twice with an index finger. 
“Go straight home, I’ll be watching.” The low timbre of his voice is an aphrodisiac. The promise of his watching is supposed to ease your frazzled nerves but instead sends heat flushing through your body in other ways. Your core is throbbing and slick against your undergarments when you shiver.
Stupid and horny, you think sadly as you watch him back away into the shadows. You don’t leave the alley until you can’t see him anymore. You turn to glance at Charlie and Bruce’s prone bodies and shake your head.
Stupid, stupid decisions Siggy.
When you wake the next morning you make eye contact with your boss’s diamond jewels on the side table next to a note. He’d been inside your home when you were sleeping. 
Your concern for your mental sanity is only a side thought when you're reaching beneath the covers to slide your fingers against the slick pooled inside your cunt. One digit, then two gliding over your clit and then past the knuckle into your soaking sex.
Your moans are stuttering, keening things, as you chase your orgasm. It’s dangling at the precipice of where your fingertips roll across the textured nerves of your G-spot. Back and forth you stroke until you’re cumming with a broken cry, mind going white with the force of your orgasm.  
‘I need to see him again’ you think as you lie in bed boneless. Your thighs are still shaking, cunt still clenching around nothing when you reread the note.
Don’t walk home in the dark anymore. I’ll know - Rook
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Worse things happen at sea: Art in the Paris 2024 Olympic Opening Ceremony
So everyone has been sounding off about the Paris' Olympic Opening Ceremony. Mainly about the supposed 'insult to Christians everywhere' with the recreation of Di Vinci's 'The Last Supper'.
(I'd like to go on the record that 1. you pose any group of folk in a line facing the viewer with a barrier at hip height and it's gonna look a little 'The Last Supper'-y, 2. clearly the hand wringers had forgotten that the artist was Di Vinci. The man would be pointing and laughing at them and be living it up on that bridge between Nicky Doll and DJ Butch, and 3. Da Vinci painted enough portraits of Bacchus, he would have known what's up.)
Anyway, a lot of art was incorporated and celebrated but there's one piece that did featured that had me performing a mental emergency stop and NO ONE ELSE is talking about it so I need to know I wasn't the only one to spot this.
So, opening ceremony, we're following our mysterious torch bearer as they race through the the Louvre to the strains of 'Danse macabre', (French composer Camille Saint-Saëns). The eyes of the paintings occupants follow their progress until we see frames with empty back drops, the paintings' subjects having come alive to watch the festivities from the windows. But the last empty frame... my people...
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Our mystery guide stands in front of this for nearly 3 seconds, at the 1hr 42min 11sec mark in the BBC coverage. Now, I can't make out the plaque at the bottom of the frame, but I am prepared to place good money that this is Théodore Géricault's 'Le Radeau de la Méduse', or 'The Raft of the Medusa'.
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Completed in 1819, this piece is considered the best work of its' French artist and an icon of the French Romanticism movement. It's chuffing huge, over 16ft by 23ft, and it is stunning.
It also depicts one of the worst events in French maritime history.
In June of 1816, the French frigate The Medusa left France for Senegal on the west coast of Africa. At her helm was a captain who had not sailed in 20 odd years and got the post through connections and political clout. And he fucked it up royally. The Medusa drifted 100 miles off course and ran aground off Mauritania. After 3 days of failing to shift the boat, the 400 or so people aboard has choices to make. They were 30 miles from land and there were 6 boats, room for 250 people. Some stayed aboard the stranded vessel but at least 146 men and one woman boarded a jerry-rigged raft. The plan was for it to be towed by some of the boats, but after only a few miles it was turned loose.
For 13 days, exposure, mutiny, disease, dehydration and starvation ravaged the survivors, whittling nearly 150 down to 15. It was in my fact checking for this that I learnt the lovely little term ‘a custom of the sea’. In layman’s terms, cannibalising your crew mates to survive. They were spotted by chance, no search effort had been made by the French. A further 5 died in the days following rescue. British naval officers helped the survivors to return to France because aid from the French government didn’t appear and the captain, who had made it to land fine, was more interested in recovering the gold on board the Medusa. He was court marshalled and should have been executed, but in the end served 3 years in prison. He was the inciting incident for a law to passed that ensured that promotions in the French military would thereafter be based on merit.
Now all this came hurtling into my head because I remember reading a book called 'Severed' by Frances Larson, all about the cultural and historical fascination with decapitation. There's a section in the chapter of severed heads in art about how Géricault went hard on the research for this painting; visited morgues and hospitals, brought home specimens to watch decay rate, y'know, stuff that absolutely wouldn't blow your safety deposit. But yeah, I'm there with dawning horror and ice in my blood as we look at a very French painting, of a French maritime tragedy, brought about by the hubris and arrogance and incompetence of the higher ups who had no right being there, where comrades and crew turn on each other in a horrific fight for survival, with the spooky dancing bones classical piece playing in the background...
And not 20 seconds later we are rejoining the action of the flotilla on the Seine, 'Fraternité' writ large over the boat with Cyprus, Columbia and Comoros waving excitedly and soggily at us.
Thomas Jolly, opening ceremony artistic director, I need to buy you a drink and we need to chat. I need to study you. I have been turning this over in my brain for a week, what are you trying to say?! Was I the only one to hear it?!
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solis-pyr-nola · 8 months
LFRP - Solis Nola [PAUSED 6/19/24]
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I feel I'm at capacity with RP at this time, so I'm currently paused on taking new rp partners. However if you want to do some casual OOC screaming/OC talk don't hesitate to reach out!
Name: Solis viator Nola, formerly Solis pyr Nola
Age: ~23 ish
Race: Garlean
Hair: Pale pink
Eyes: Green
Height: 177.8cm / 5'10"
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual, male-leaning
Physique: Fit, more muscular than your average Midlander
Marital Status: Shipped
Notable Marks: Scar down the right eye, one across the bridge of his nose, and another running diagonally from shoulder blade to hip
Skills: Marksmanship/shooting, piloting aircraft, boxing Hobbies: Piano and reading, eventually horticulture Employment: Previously an optio in the Garlean military, now a defector and on the run
Permanent Debuffs: None (yet) Religion: None
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
The only son of a prominent pureblooded Garlean family and now a defector. His childhood consisted of integrating and learning to manipulate high society while perfecting every extra-curricular deemed strategic by his parents. He lived his privileged young life buying into the empire's propaganda, attended college for political science and economics, then enlisted in the military to be stationed in Doma. The inhumane treatment of Domans witnessed there shook Solis, but he spent several months in cowardly silence until family ties elevated him to the position of optio. Taking advantage of this new position, Solis began to relentlessly file reports of the war crimes his fellows committed. His naivety and whistle-blowing eventually resulted in being dragged from his bed and beaten until he instinctively retaliated by shooting one of his aggressors through the face. Fleeing in the tumultuous aftermath, he landed in Ishgard where he strives to hide his identity and become someone he can be proud of.
Setting Sail: Are you a pirate, sailor, or otherwise have a reason to be on a ship? You just might find Solis stowing away amongst the cargo as he escapes his homeland in search of refuge An Eye for a Third Eye: Have a vendetta against Garleans? Get his ass Birds of a Feather: Are you Garlean or were/are you involved with them? Feel free to help Solis as he struggles with the realization of what his home really was, or give him some tough love so he can get back on his feet Other: I'm open to ideas! Solis will be in the midst of a lot of confusion as he sorts through the propaganda fed to him throughout his young life and the betrayal suffered at the hands of his people. This boy has a lot of room to grow, and since he's on the run he can be found just about anywhere OOC: Hello, I'm Dom, and this is a side blog for @captainqster . I'm located in the southwestern United States. I prefer long-term, multi-para rp, most likely on Discord for organizational purposes. I'm happy to meet up in game sometimes but I don't typically rp there. I enjoy dark content BUT I also enjoy wholesome things. Whether you're looking for enemies, friends, romance or other, I like all kinds of dynamics and stories. I'm also very open to OOC chat so feel free to hit me with a million questions and ideas. Message me here, I can provide my discord name for chat/planning!
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knifechased · 7 months
hc + DOCTORS :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
          【 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐄 𝐇𝐂 + 𝐀 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃. 】                     @medicus-felini     
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     The island Killer was born and raised on bore an extremely high criminal population. Refuge, an island shrouded in misinformation and hidden under the blanket of heavy perpetual storms, was officially unnamed and without government protection. For this reason, it became the topic of rumors spoken in hushed tones in bars from surrounding islands throughout the South Blue. Supposedly, it was a lawless land where criminals could escape the watchful eyes of the World Government and escape the immediate threat of being hunted by the marines. It was said to be a criminal haven; a land so free and prosperous, that no man who sailed to her docks would ever wish to leave.      In reality, very little of this was actually true. Though Refuge was indeed a lawless land and was void of government intervention, it was far from the awe-inspiring and magnificent isle that it was believed to be. It was a desolate island, and those who were unlucky enough to survive being shipwrecked on her shores would find themselves trapped by the carnivorous Sea Kings and tumultuous storms. There was inadequate food to sustain a fraction of the total population, and only those able to trample on anyone weaker than themselves would be able to survive. Refuge was built from scraps and debris; there was no room for benevolence nor generosity when your best chance of success was to take it away from another.
     For these reasons, medical practices on Refuge were few and hard to come by. True professionals in the field were rare, and were often snatched up by independent gang members, kidnapped, and forced to work only for them. Alternatively, many doctors would charge so highly for their time that very few would ever be able to afford to see one. Even so, there was little in terms of modern medicine available on the island to begin with. Most remedies came either from the herbs harvest in Kimor Forest, or were imported at extortionate prices by Lochlan; something only the extremely wealthy could afford. A diagnosis was only helpful to a certain extent, as treatment would not always be available nor attainable for the majority of people. If someone was badly sick already, it was likely they would be too weak to search for the remedy they would need for their ailment anyway.           People began to invade Kimor in search of herbs, which lead to bloodied fights for territory and resources. In the end, this lead to Kimor Forest becoming a restricted area, guarded by the district leaders in order to protect what limited vegetation was able to grow on the island, lest it not be harvested to extinction.
There were many charlatans on the island — people who would lie about their status as a doctor, and sell snake oil to cure serious medical conditions. As a consequence, there was a particular attitude most people of the island felt towards doctors. Generally, they were assumed to either be con artists, or rich bastards who would swindle you of every last possession you owned in order to diagnosis you with a condition that could not be treated.
Being seen by a doctor was either considered a true luxury, or an act of optimistic ignorance. It was something only the truly desperate would seek. If you were sick enough to request their aid, your fate was probably already sealed.
Most people learned how to treat their own injuries and sicknesses, or they simply died from them. The people of Refuge were self sufficient in that regard, attaining just enough medical knowledge to survive each day, or ending up as another body littering the streets.
Killer was no exception to this mentality in his youth. It was how he was raised, and all he had ever known. The concept of there being a world outside of Refuge where doctors would want to aid others solely due to the goodness of their hearts was a fairytale to him. Like many, he simply could not afford to be seen by one even if he wanted to, and he learned the same bitter resentment towards those who were able to help him, but refused to do so without first receiving payment.
After Killer became the district leader of Barlea at age thirteen, he eventually gained access to being seen by Lochlan's personal doctor, yet he was still reluctant to do so. There was a feeling of being exposed that he did not care for. Lochlan would surely be told of any condition he had developed, and Killer did not feel safe having his weaknesses or injuries being known. It felt dangerous; he didn't doubt that this information would later be used against him, so he learned to hide any sickness or injury he could until he recovered on his own.
When Killer eventually left the island and began sailing the seas under the Kid Pirate flag, it still took a while for him to learn to trust fully trust doctors. He would continue to hide his injuries even after they appointed their first doctor, though admittedly, House was a doctor in name only, and his own medical knowledge was no better than anyone else on that ship at the time.
The crew was very aware that they could not enter the New World without a certified doctor. When Linn was finally appointed to take on the role, Killer considered her expertise to be more for the benefit of his nakama, rather than something he should need for himself. He respected her intelligence and her training, but he had trouble shaking off the feeling that she was not going to find a way to blackmail him, as all the previous doctors he had ever known would be inclined to do.
He did learn to trust her, admittedly much more easily than Kid. He now attends check ups with only minor resistance, which mainly stems from him not really enjoying how long they take. When he is sick or injured, he will make an appointment with her when he feels it is necessary, but it's still in his personality to try and tough most things out whenever he can.
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westandsons · 4 months
Building Your Dream in Auckland: A Guide to Finding the Right Builder
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Auckland, the City of Sails, is a vibrant metropolis with a growing population. This translates to a booming construction industry, with many Aucklanders seeking to build their dream homes. But with so many builders vying for your attention, how do you choose the right one to transform your vision into reality?
This guide explores the essential steps involved in finding the perfect builder for your Auckland home building project. We'll delve into the key considerations, from understanding the different types of builders to navigating the initial consultation.
Know Your Options: Home Builders vs. Building Contractors
The terms "home builder" and "building contractor" are often used interchangeably, but there can be subtle distinctions. Home builders typically specialise in residential projects, particularly new builds and custom homes. They may offer a more comprehensive service, including design assistance and project management. Building contractors, on the other hand, can handle a broader range of projects, including renovations, additions, and even commercial construction. They might focus more on the technical aspects of construction.
Understanding Your Needs & Budget
Before embarking on your builder search, take some time to clearly define your needs and budget. What kind of home are you envisioning? Single-story, multi-story, modern, or traditional? Consider the number of bedrooms and bathrooms you require, as well as any specific features you desire, such as a swimming pool or a home theater.
Equally important is establishing a realistic budget for your project. Factor in not just the construction costs but also the cost of the land (if you haven't purchased it yet), permits, architectural plans, and any unforeseen expenses. Having a clear budget will help you find builders who specialise in your desired price range.
Research & Recommendations
The internet is a powerful tool for researching potential builders in Auckland. Look for companies with established websites showcasing their previous projects and outlining their services. Online review platforms can offer valuable insights from past clients, providing honest feedback on a builder's quality of work, communication style, and overall customer service.
Recommendations from friends, family, and colleagues who have recently built homes in Auckland can also be invaluable. Their firsthand experiences can provide a unique perspective on the builder's performance.
The Initial Consultation
Once you have shortlisted a few builders, it's time to schedule initial consultations. This is your opportunity to get to know the builder, assess their approach, and determine if they are a good fit for your project. Some key questions to ask during the consultation include:
Experience: How many years of experience do they have building homes in Auckland? Do they have experience with projects similar to yours?
Licenses & Insurance: Are they fully licensed and insured? It's crucial to ensure they have the necessary certifications and liability coverage to protect your investment.
References: Can they provide references from past clients? Talking to satisfied customers can give you peace of mind.
Communication Style: How will they communicate with you throughout the project? Do they prioritise open communication and regular updates?
Project Timeline & Budget: Can they provide a realistic timeline for completion and a detailed estimate of the costs involved?
Contract Review: Don't be afraid to ask questions about the contract and ensure you understand all the terms and conditions before signing.
Building a Collaborative Partnership
Finding the right builder is akin to finding the right partner for a significant life event. Look for a builder who listens attentively to your vision, offers creative solutions, and respects your budget. Remember, a good builder will be transparent, reliable, and committed to exceeding your expectations.
West & Sons Construction: Building Your Dreams in Auckland
At West & Sons Construction, we are passionate about building exceptional homes in Auckland. We understand that building a home is a personal journey, and we are dedicated to guiding you every step of the way. With years of experience, a team of skilled craftsmen, and a commitment to quality, we can help you transform your dream home into a reality.
Contact West & Sons Construction today for a free consultation and let's discuss your vision!
Follow us on our social media pages: Facebook, Instagram & Linkedin.
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Dr. Stone S3 Episode 1: New World Map
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Looks like science is back on the menu boys! Dr. Stone returns with its third season (which is 2 cours once more!), with the goal of creating a ship to cross the ocean. An ambitious goal considering the technology of their time, but one that come Heaven or Hell Senku will complete. Though every dream that aims for the stars starts with a humble beginning, this one starting with a search for oil and the beginnings of agriculture.
It's been a while since I've really watched or paid attention to Dr. Stone stuff, so I've been reminded of how enjoyable the art and designs are for this series. They're incredibly tight and creative, and plenty vibrant without being overly contrasty or excessive in terms of color design. It's a really great balance that puts the focus on stranding out, and being strong.
And one last thing before I get into it, the direction for Dr. Stone has never really stood out to me. It's one of those things that just focuses on not getting in the way of the story and its characters. It leans perfectly into the comedy and excessive nature, but doesn't attempt to try and put a spin on things or really do anything crazy with it. Not exactly bog standard, but not something that you point out and talk about.
So with that in mind, I'm jumping right into science!
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I thought this blueprint was rather fun, not really accurate in any way, but something and interesting to younger audiences for sure. The cross section is a solid idea for showing how it's supposed to look, and there's even measurements just poking their head out from the bottom of the image. But ultimately, it's slightly more than a glorified drawing of a cross section of a ship.
Now, two little tidbits here, not really important but just stuff I found fun. The first is Yuzuriha being put to work, considering her sewing skill it makes sense, but if it weren't clear to others she's the one that's putting together the sails for the ship which was a fun little background detail to add. Similarly, Kinro and Ginro are working together to plane the various logs into workable lumber. They weren't using it, but was fun to see them show off a planer (and helps remind you of the level of technology available to Team Science).
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Now, I'm not 100% certain on what sort of tool Ukyou is using here. My immediate thought was a sextant, but that's used for celestial navigation and they're in the daytime and are surveying land. So, due to lack of knowledge I'm chalking it up to "funky telescope for charting topography".
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So, maybe not science, but I really enjoyed this piece as a bit of logic behind the crew's search in the skies. Rysui points out the existence of a herd of wild animals. Now, for a herd to support itself, there must be sufficient food in the area, which Team Science also happens to be after. Sort of a two birds with one stone moment that works out quite well for them as they stumble upon wheat, of all things.
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So, on the topic of wheat, I was kind of sad that they didn't explain this little piece here. It's a fun and interesting little thing that helps with an overall mundane task. Threshing is the stage where you separate the stalk/straw that holds all the wheat together, and the more traditional way to separate the two is, essentially, to smack it against something. Because of that, seeing it done in a much more refined and controlled manner was interesting, so I was kind of disappointed they didn't add any dialogue to the scene.
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And the last real science-y thing of the episode was a litmus test. A really fun and simple example of the importance of stuff that you might have thought random when in high school. Litmus paper (and acid-base testing in general), is applied in all manner of facets of modern human life. Seeing it as such a simple yet important example was really fun and inspiring, and a cool way to casually teach people about the challenges of agriculture.
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Of course, Dr. Stone isn't purely about scientific advancement, so they throw in some sentimental moments as well. In the smaller dosages that we see them in, they serve the story perfectly to allow for the characters to develop, and to help frame the importance and magnitude of the advancements that color human history.
Though you'd be kidding yourself if comedy didn't reign supreme after science. The sort of chibi style that appears just helps accentuate the ridiculous nature of the comedy, while separating it comfortably from the more scientific or sincere sides. It's basically a textbook approach that's executed incredibly well.
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And lastly, Minecraft is in an anime. Yeah. Weird, yet awesome decision to have some of the exposition scenes appear as something styled after Minecraft, given the similarities. Great fun, and a cheap and easy solution to those moments, which can allow them to put more focus elsewhere.
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flyingflosser09 · 2 years
Cursed / Armando Salazar x OC / Chapter 26
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“Here you go, miss.”
This time, I’m fully prepared when the two dimwitted pirates dump a bucket of salt water on me. However, not before contemplating whether or not it will actually work, considering my injuries are internal – a broken back. In those five minutes, I’ve finally learned their names. Murtogg and Mullroy.
But like all the times the ocean healed my wounds, it did the trick and I found myself sitting up a few minutes later.
That was one of the worst injuries I’ve had so far, and that says a lot. It’s not the pain of hitting the deck that left me traumatized, but rather the feeling of not being able to feel anything below my neck. I was completely paralyzed and vulnerable, unable to run to Armando and forced to watch him leave.
And he took Henry with him.
For leverage perhaps? I don’t know, but I hope he won’t hurt him. He knows that I care for Henry.
All I know is, the Trident is the only thing that can save us all now, the Spanish officers, Armando, Henry, even the pirates. And we have to find it quick.
The sun is slowly rising, its golden rays leaking over the rocky hills and revealing the true nature of the island we sailed on. My jaw drops when the light reflects on millions and millions of crystals and gemstones littered all over the land, glittering like the stars in the night sky. It’s a perfect reflection of the heavens.
The pirates around me have gone silent in awe of what they see. Even Murtogg and Mullroy don’t ruin the moment with some dim question or comment.
But the moment ends when Carina, Jack, and Barbosa make their way to the deck. The former two begins climbing down the Pearl to start the search for the Trident, however, the latter stops at me.
“Ready to receive your heritage, Miss Samira?”
I know what he really wants to ask: Am I ready to give him what’s rightfully mine?
But the situation now is more dire than my concern over a power-hungry captain. Fed up with his constant pressure, I decide to make a deal of my own. “How about an accord?”
Oh, how they love that word.
Barbosa’s eyes – blue like Carina’s underneath all that redness – narrow at me. “I’m listening.”
“I will give you everything you asked for on two conditions. One; we break all the curses of the ocean first, and two, you promise to take Henry and Carina to Port Royal, alive and in one piece.” As I doubt either of them would want to sail with a crew of former cursed Spanish officers. I can formerly introduce Armando to my best friend another time.
Barbosa goes silent as he considers my conditions, almost making me roll my eyes. Honestly, it’s two, very simple terms with no grey areas. A yes or no would suffice.
At last, he says, “We have an accord, missy.”
“Then what are we waiting for?” Without waiting for him, I begin the climb down the Pearl to catch up with Jack and Carina.
The four of us make our way across the rocky surface of the island. There are no trees or any other plant in sight, only hills encrusted with shiny rocks and gems. Sapphires, diamonds, emerald, every gem under the sun is right here. I’m glad no one has found this place yet. Imagine the damage they’d do if they see all this.
Carina walks ahead with her journal in hand, heading for a rocky pedestal with a ruby at its top. Unlike the other stones, it’s dim and lifeless, and I hardly would’ve seen it if Carina didn’t know to look for it.
We stop at the pedestal and study the stone.
“Why is it not glowing?” Carina wonders out loud, searching her journal for answers.
Barbosa opens his hand to reveal a ruby fragment in his palm. “Finish it, Carina.”
“The missing star,” she mutters as he hands it to her. “For my father.”
“Aye, do it for him.”
In that brief exchange between them, I thought I saw the captain’s demeanor change. Gone is the greedy glint in his eyes when he thinks about the Trident and gone is the hard exterior he carries on his expression. I’m baffled to find him looking at Carina with the softest look I’ve ever seen in his eyes – the same blue and Carina’s.
And that’s when I realize, he is her father.
I’ve said it many times before, I’m not daft. They both know a lot about the stars, they’re both driven to their goals, and their eyes…they’re a dead giveaway.
However, I choose not to say anything for now as Carina places the fragment onto the ruby. The moment it’s become whole again, it lights up and a line of red, glowy light connects it with four other stars a few yards off. To my surprise, the form the same constellation we’ve been following through the storm earlier.
But as soon as the pattern is complete, I feel a force expanding within me, stirring in my chest before spreading to the rest of my body. I gasp as every inch of me comes alive, filling me with so much power and clarity, I can almost see the horizon up close and feel every living creature swimming beneath the waters.
“Samira are you –” Carina begins to ask but never finishes that sentence.
The next thing we know, the island is quaking and shaking beneath our feet. Behind us, the ocean rumbles as waves roll sideways instead of toward the land. My breath hitch in my throat when the sea begins to part, watery walls forming left and right to clear a path to the bottom of the ocean.
But when I look down, the ground beneath us is cracking.
“Brace yourselves!” I cry just before the land gives away, sending us falling.
I only have enough time to shove Barbosa backwards before following Jack and Carina down the steep slope – not because he wants the power of the ocean for himself, but rather because he’s Carina’s father and clearly, she doesn’t know it. If we survive this, there will be a chance for him to tell her.
The slide downward is anything but enjoyable. My arms enclose my face to protect it from damage as rocks and corals grate the back of my attire to shreds, eventually even scraping by shoulders and back.
Below me, Jack and Carina are screaming all the way down, not having the best of luck either on the journey. Even worse, Carina is wearing a dress that keeps getting caught on every obstacle in the way. Despite the agonizing pain I’m experiencing, I’m grateful that I’m still wearing the cabin boy clothes I used to sword fight in.
When we reach the end of the slope, I’m relived to feel myself falling onto the cool, soft sand at the ocean floor. But it doesn’t help to muffle the agonizing gasp that escapes me when I try standing up. I imagine my back is probably scraped raw and red, no doubt bleeding like my elbows and hands.
Come to think about it, ever since this journey started, I’m either constantly falling to my death, or getting myself grated like cheese.
Pushing myself up, I take a moment to gawk at our surroundings. We are literally at the bottom of the ocean. Watery walls tower far above us to the surface, where the sky is turning orange in the early dawn. I slowly turn in circles to admire the coral and reef, ranging from every color under the sun, to the schools of fish passing by in the wall.
It’s so beautiful, I can’t help but laugh.
Reaching out, I dip my hand into the wall and feel the saltwater travel up my arm to heal the wounds in my back. A few curious fish swim up to me and against my hand, and, to my shock, even a whale passes by elegantly, its fin poking through the wall right above my head.
“Amazing,” I breathe, smiling uncontrollably as I run my hand over the fish’s spine.
By now, Carina and Jack have found their feet and are also drinking in the magnificence of this place.
“Poseidon’s tomb,” Jack says as we face the path through the corals and rocks.
“The Trident is here,” I say to no one in particular as a certain pull tells me to venture deeper. “I can feel it. Follow me.”
Above the tomb, the Silent Mary keeps close to the island.
The whole crew is gathered on the deck with Henry in Magda’s hold, as Salazar paces in rage.
Why didn’t Samira return to the Mary when he told her to. That way, she’d be here right now and not in the hands of the pirates still.
There are no words to explain what the Capitán  felt when he saw her fall from the mast. He could feel the impact she made with the deck all the way from the helm and hear the sickening crack that came after it. And when she didn’t come running at him right away, he knew. He knew.
She was badly hurt this time.
Now, he knows water can heal her, but seeing that happen to the woman he loves, he can’t forget it. What if something like that happens to her after her curse is broken? Water won’t heal her anymore. She’ll be vulnerable to everything.
And this fills him with even more anger. He blames Jack Sparrow from the very start, cursing the day he was born. He will have his revenge and kill the Sparrow for everything he’s taken from him, and once the pirate is dead, he will be free to pursue life with Samira.
And that’s where the boy comes in.
Ghosts can’t walk on land, but the boy can. The plan is simple: he will possess the boy, enter the tomb of Poseidon, and kill Jack Sparrow. And once he’s mortal once more, he will personally walk up that island to take what’s his: Samira. And he won’t leave a single man – pirate – alive to tell the tale, this time.
“Capitán , you know the danger. Don’t do it,” Lesaro tries changing his mind about possessing Henry.
“We have no choice,” says Santos as Salazar keeps pacing, “Jack is on land going for the Trident. The pirates have Samira. Both are on land.”
Lesaro nearly flinches at the mentioning of Samira’s name, admitting to himself that he’d too possess a living soul to get her back. But this is madness, and Salazar knows it. “Capitán , there must be another way. Once you possess the living, there is no coming back. You will be trapped in his body forever.”
Henry’s eyes widen at the mentioning of that.
“The Trident will set me free!” Armando barks at the Lieutenant, losing more patience by the second.
“But what if it kills Samira?”
As soon as he said that, Salazar, along with every officer on the Mary, stills. Turning around slowly to face Lesaro, he says gravely, “What makes you think breaking the curse will kill her?”
“Because…” Lesaro hesitates, “…she is the daughter of Poseidon.”
“You believe the lies the pirate told?” He is fuming by now. But Armando has to admit, even he pondered that possibility the day before. He just can’t believe it coming from a pirate.
“Capitán , think about it,” the Lieutenant remains calm despite Salazar’s fury, “the Trident controls the ocean and its curses. If she is indeed the daughter of Poseidon, won’t she lose her power at the cost of our freedom? And I don’t even want to think it but…what if we lose her.”
The conflict between Armando’s head and heart makes it impossible to think rationally. Unable to make a decision, he finds himself trapped between the outcomes of each scenario.
Risk the woman he love’s life for his freedom, or spend an eternity cursed for her live.
Love or freedom?
Freedom or love?
The more conflict he feels, the angrier he gets. But as the rage begins clouding his judgement, it all just…disappears. He knows what he has to do.
Turning to the boy, he says darkly, “Time to kill a sparrow.”
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denialbrian · 4 months
Mistakes to Avoid When Investing in Real Estate
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The Cayman Islands are a series of beautiful islands in the Caribbean Sea. Their inviting turquoise waters, pristine beaches, and lavish lifestyles are tempting. Therefore, it is no surprise that many people dream of buying real estate in the Cayman Islands as an excellent investment, one that can be rented out or used as a personal getaway.
Just like any other business investment, real estate investing requires proper planning and an understanding of possible pitfalls. This blog explores ten mistakes to avoid to ensure your journey through the Cayman Islands real estate market is smooth sailing.
1.  Diving In Without a Plan
When it comes to real estate sales, impulsive buying does not work, especially in places such as the Cayman Islands, where we live now.  Do not plunge headlong into Cayman Islands real estate market listings without a clear investment strategy. Consider these questions before planning:
- Are you looking for vacation rentals or long-term properties?
- Do you have specific budgetary constraints, and what incomes do you expect?
Depending on what you aim at achieving, search for properties accordingly. Beachfront condominiums are ideal for rent, while big houses give ultimate privacy.
2. Skimping on Research
Having beachfront villas to cute condos, you can find different property variants in the Cayman Islands real estate market.  Beware of pretty pictures –– you need to study the location with its amenities, rental potential, and restrictions, by visiting the location!
Research other similar homes within the range to learn market prices. Never forget that location matters most in the Cayman Islands, like the value of beachside luxury estates’ strongly depends on proximity to Seven Mile Beach.
3. Going Solo and Don’t Consider Local Realtor
The Cayman Islands property market operates differently from anywhere else, so getting help from reliable local brokers will be priceless! They will know everything about the market peculiarities, help with legal issues, and recommend trustworthy property managers if you rent your investment property. Thus, a good realtor can find hidden gems for you and work on favorable terms, reducing time, money, and stress.
4. Sticking to Numbers
Still, it’s worth remembering that love at first sight may not be practical because buying land in the Cayman Islands should be guided by rational thinking.  Always stick to a pre-determined budget and return on investment (ROI) expectations.
Do not forget that no matter how beautiful an estate looks, the most important thing is whether this property can generate income as expected or bring valuable capital gains.
5. Forgetting the Hidden Costs
Compared to some other areas, they have a high standard of living, resulting in higher property taxes, maintenance costs, and insurance charges, among other things.
All these additional costs must be included in future profit calculations for possible returns from such investments. Furthermore, international investors must recognize their exposure to a single currency.
6. Underestimating Due Diligence
Before making any purchase decision, make sure there is a comprehensive house inspection done by experts who will check things like structural errors or termites, among others, which might not meet the required standards.
In case of any non-compliance of anything else, like design flaws within specifications, then it should go back home with deeds showing titles evidencing no residual liabilities or other encumbrances over land.
7. Ignoring Market Trends
Like any other market, the Cayman Islands real estate market also experiences fluctuations. Keep up with what’s currently happening –tourism data and upcoming property development projects that could affect prices within your area!
This assists you when buying and selling by making informed choices regarding this process based on knowledge rather than speculation of one person only. Besides, it could also prove wrong at times, leading you astray while making such decisions.
8.  Misjudging rental potentials
If you are looking forward to earning some rental income, check the rental potential of your selected property. Consider things such as seasonality, tourist demographics, and competition in the area. Research how much similar properties are being rented for so that you can have realistic expectations.
9.  Failing to Recognize Legal and Tax Implications
Owning foreign property in the Cayman Islands involves several legal and tax issues. Consult with a qualified attorney or tax advisor to learn about residency requirements, possible taxes that can be paid or not, and restrictions on foreign ownership.
10.  Failure to Think about Exit Strategies
Although the Cayman Islands have a solid real estate market, clear-cut exit strategies are essential. Consider how you will sell your property later and any possible taxes on capital gains incurred.
You can turn your luxury real estate Cayman Islands dream into an investment by avoiding these common pitfalls and doing thorough research. Consider the diverse opportunities available in the Cayman Islands property market, ranging from luxury real estate Cayman Islands down to more humble options. If you plan well and are guided accordingly, you may find the perfect slice of paradise, which comes with financial gain and idyllic Caribbean living.
Look out for Cayman Islands Real Estate for Sale  
The Cayman Islands offer stunning beachfront properties, lavish condos, and quaint residences. There are various vacation rentals or personal sanctuaries for those who prefer them all in-between for sale in the Cayman Islands real estate section, whether holiday letting heaven or truly mine alone.
This includes exclusive estates by water bodies and small apartments within Seven Mile Beach, among other places, located at strategic points around this place yet hidden from many people’s knowledge.
Walk along with a local agent who knows everything about it so that when you get there, you can buy the perfect piece of land for your own Cayman Islands paradise. Turn your Caribbean fantasy into a reality and invest in Cayman Islands real estate for sale today.
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crackyourknowledge10 · 11 months
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Crack Your Knowledge: Illuminating the Path of Video Marketing Mastery
Welcome back to Crack Your Knowledge, where we're setting sail on the digital seas, exploring the fascinating world of Search Engine Marketing (SEM). In this blog post, we'll embark on a journey to decode the intricacies of SEM, guiding you through its significance, strategies, and the keys to unlocking success.
The Essence of SEM: What Sets It Apart?
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a dynamic and potent approach to digital marketing that revolves around paid advertising on search engines. Unlike Search Engine Optimization (SEO), which focuses on organic strategies to improve visibility, SEM involves investing in paid advertising to elevate your online presence swiftly.
Cracking the SEM Code: How It Works
Imagine SEM as a treasure map leading directly to your digital chest of offerings. The journey begins with crafting compelling ads and bidding on specific keywords relevant to your business. When users conduct searches using those keywords, your ads have the chance to appear prominently in the sponsored sections of search engine results pages (SERPs). Cracking the SEM code involves strategic keyword selection, engaging ad copy, and efficient bid management with crack your knowledge.
Keywords: The Crown Jewels of SEM Success
At the heart of SEM lies the treasure trove of keywords. These are the terms and phrases your potential customers are typing into search engines. Successful SEM requires meticulous keyword research to identify the gems that align with your business objectives. By bidding on these keywords, you ensure your ads are showcased to users actively seeking products or services like yours.
Ad Copy: Crafting the Message that Sells
The success of your SEM campaign isn't just about being seen; it's about captivating your audience. Crafting compelling ad copy is the art of conveying your unique value proposition in a concise and persuasive manner. Your ad should not only match the user's search intent but also entice them to click, explore, and ultimately convert.
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Bid Management: Maximizing ROI on the High Seas
In the world of SEM, strategic bid management is your compass. Bids determine how much you're pay for your ad. Effective bid management involves finding the sweet spot – bidding enough to secure prominent ad placements while ensuring a positive return on investment (ROI). It's like navigating the high seas, adjusting your course based on currents and winds.
Landing Pages: The Destination of Conversions
As your audience clicks on your enticing ads, they set sail to the destination of your landing pages. Optimized landing pages are vital for converting clicks into valuable actions – be it a purchase, sign-up, or any other desired outcome. with the help of crack your knowledge Cracking the SEM code includes ensuring your landing pages align seamlessly with the promises made in your ads.
Analytics: Navigating with Data Compass
Just as sailors rely on compasses to navigate, SEM marketers rely on analytics. Tracking and analyzing data provide insights into the performance of your campaigns. Metrics like click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost per conversion act as your data compass, guiding you to make informed decisions and optimize your strategy for better results.
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Conclusion: Charting Your Course to SEM Success
As we anchor our SEM exploration, remember that success in the world of SEM involves continuous navigation, adjustment, and optimization. At Crack Your Knowledge, we're committed to guiding you through the dynamic waters of digital marketing. Stay tuned for more insights, strategies, and success stories as we continue our journey through the vast ocean of knowledge.
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calihomez · 11 months
How to Find the Best Eastvale Homes for Sale in CA
Do you dream of owning a dream house in the Golden State? Eastvale is one of the places worth paying attention to, it will be interesting for you! The secret town of Eastvale is renowned for its great community and beautiful landscapes, among other real estate in California.
In a location-centric world, Homes for Sale in Eastvale CA has something for everyone. You will find so many opportunities, whether it is your first home, upgrading your needs, or even investment property.
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  Therefore, let us explore the ways you can go about finding the best Eastvale Homes for Sale CA for your wish list.
Know What You Want
The first thing you have to do in your search for your dream home is identify what it is that you need and want. A mansion or a cosy three-bedroom home; which are you looking for? Residential Properties in Eastvale cater for all tastes and budgets. List the things that are not open for negotiation, like school districts, number of bedrooms, or closeness to work. This not only makes it easier for you to search, but your realtor will also get properties that fit all aspects of your requirements.
The Importance of a Good Realtor
It is important to note that finding the best realtor in Eastvale can be the difference between a smooth or horrible home-buying experience. Besides, a realtor who knows the industry is aware of potential properties set for sale and these may not be available on the public domain yet. They can assist you about the legal and money issues, to ensure that you are paid fairly. Note that a good realtor will always be guided by your interests, helping you to sail your way through the property purchasing process.
Location, Location, Location
The location aspect of real estate is undoubtedly, one of the most essential. Eastvale California Real Estate includes a number of neighbourhoods that are each unique to themselves. Research the areas which best match your lifestyle. Would you prefer living in a low-key residential area or near shopping centres and schools? Your life quality and the overall price for your property can be influenced by your choice of location.
Financing Options
You will probably need to finance to buy a home unless you are paying in cash. Many Complete Real Estate Solutions can finance your business but always keep shopping. It is just a half-point difference in your mortgage rate, but it can save you tens of thousands of dollars over the life of the loan. Ensure you understand all the conditions and terms before you commit.
Inspections and Due Diligence
Last but not least, never fail to undertake a home inspection. An inspection will reveal hidden things like faulty wiring, plumbing issues, or structural damage, even if the houses for sale in Eastvale look perfect. Rather, paying a little more initially than having expensive repairs. The due diligence process will be thorough help you negotiate better and even give you an edge in a competitive market.
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Although searching to Eastvale Homes for Sale CA might sound as a difficult task, it can become very enjoyable with a careful approach. Every step from understanding what you want and selecting a seasoned Realtor in Eastvale to determining a good location and arranging the finances is of great importance in landing your dream home. Ready to leap? Make sure you visit CaliHomez for a smooth and rewarding home-buying expedition in Eastvale, California. It takes only a click to have your dream home.
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drsonnet · 1 year
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لم تكن ماري تعلم أن سعيها من أجل الحرية والمساواة سيأخذها إلى أربع دول وثلاث قارات على مدار حياتها.
Mary Perth (1740 — after 1813)
Mary Perth (1740 — after 1813)
Mary Perth arrived in Freetown, Sierra Leone, in search of freedom and self-government after she left behind slavery in the Unites States and discrimination in Nova Scotia (Canada). Mary was one of thousands of other black settlers whose dreams of self-determination did not materialize in Freetown in their lifetime.
Yet, Mary’s life would have been very different if she had remained in the United States or Nova Scotia. In Freetown, Mary Perth was able to operate a business and vote, a privilege not extended to women in the United States until 1920. In Freetown’s legal system, Mary had the right to be judged by a jury of her peers, unlike her counterparts in North America. In addition, interracial marriages were legal, centuries before the United States Supreme Court declared such marriages legal in the mid-twentieth century. Little did Mary know that her quest for freedom and equality would take her to four countries and three continents over the course of her lifetime.
Born in 1740, Mary was enslaved by John Willoughby of Norfolk, Virginia. Willoughby’s wife gave Mary a copy of the New Testament. It is unknown how or when Mary learned to read, but it is possible that she read the New Testament to her fellow slaves during secret meetings in her Norfolk neighborhood.
In 1775, the thirteen North American colonies were on the verge of a war for independence from Britain. Virginia Governor Lord Dunmore ordered martial law and issued a proclamation offering freedom to those slaves willing to join the British cause—but only if their masters were rebels (American patriots). The Willoughbys were Tories, loyal to the British, therefore the offer of freedom to slaves did not apply to Mary and her daughter, Patience.
In early 1776, American forces mounted an attack on the British position in Norfolk. As Dunmore’s naval fleet began to retreat from the city, the Willoughby family and their slaves sought refuge aboard British ships. Dunmore’s naval fleet retreated north to Gwynn’s Island, where a severe smallpox epidemic spread throughout the encampment. After quarantine, Mary and Patience survived the scourge. The American Patriots’ relentless bombardment of the British encampment forced Dunmore’s naval fleet to retreat from Virginia and sail north to New York in the spring of 1776.
In New York, even though Mary was separated from the Willoughby family during the chaos of war, she legally remained a slave. For several years, Mary lived on Manhattan Island where she likely worked as a domestic laborer for the British Army. There she met and married Caesar Perth, who was from Norfolk, Virginia.
News arrived in New York in 1781 that the British surrendered in Yorktown, effectively ending the war. This event caused the Perth family to confront two new crises. The first crisis was the terms of the peace treaty; the British agreed to return fugitive slaves to the victorious Americans. The Perth family’s fears were relieved when British General Guy Carlton declared that all of the blacks who had joined the British before 1782 would be freed. The second crisis centered on the fact that Mary needed to find a means to evacuate New York before she was discovered by the Willoughby family or the authorities. Mary and Caesar were able to acquire certificates of freedom, which effectively served as passports to the northern British territory of Nova Scotia.
For the first time in their lives, they were legally free. On July 31, 1783, when the Perth family boarded the ship L’Abondance, Mary was pregnant with her second child, Susan. They arrived in Nova Scotia and settled in Birchtown.
Building a settlement in Birchtown meant confronting numerous obstacles. Acclimating to the blistering cold northern climate and finding land useful for farming was a challenge. The Perth family escaped neither discrimination nor the practice of slavery. Some of the white Tories brought their slaves with them to Nova Scotia. A hostile reception from the white population and government officials delayed or denied promises of land grants to black immigrants. Shortage of work and land created economic hardships and opportunities for white Nova Scotians to exploit the labor of the black immigrants.
Disappointed by broken promises and the hardships of life in Nova Scotia, the Perth family was attracted to another opportunity to seek a promised land. Representatives from the Sierra Leone Company promised a better life, land, education, self-government, equality with whites, and Christian missions in Africa. In January 1792, the Perth family and hundreds of others boarded the Sierra Leone Company fleet of ships as they sailed across the Atlantic to the settlement of Freetown, Sierra Leone, West Africa.
When the settlers arrived in March, they discovered the promise of a new settlement included risks. Enduring the dry and rainy seasons and suspicious reception of the indigenous African people was a challenge for the Nova Scotian settlers. On arrival, they were surprised to discover that the Sierra Leone Company’s board members reneged on many of their promises, including self-government. Preachers and others in leadership within the black community protested and petitioned the Sierra Leone Company to fulfill its original promises.
When land was allocated to the settlers, Caesar Perth built a two-story house and farm on Waters Street. Unfortunately, after establishing a home for his family, Caesar died. Saddened by the loss of her husband, Mary sold the farm and converted her home into a boarding house for travelers arriving in Freetown.
Without warning in 1794, a French fleet attacked and raided Freetown, forcing many settlers to take flight. After the French departed, the governor recognized Mary’s loyalty and heroic acts during the crisis. The governor offered Mary a paid position as the governor’s housekeeper, which required her to care for and teach African-born children in the governor’s residence. Later, Mary accepted the governor’s offer to travel with him to London as his housekeeper. Susan died in England, and six years after arriving in London, Mary returned to Nova Scotia alone. Mary Perth likely died after 1813.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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IMAGES: Indian Navy MiG-29K makes inaugural night landing at INS Vikrant
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 06/04/2023 - 18:26 in Military
On May 26, an important milestone was reached in the Indian Navy when one of its MiG-29K fighters successfully made the first night landing aboard the INS Vikrant aircraft carrier.
Officers of the Indian Navy stated that this achievement represents a significant step towards the full operationalization of the warship, along with its air wing, by the end of the year.
INS Vikrant, commissioned in the navy last September, is currently sailing in the Arabian Sea. Its implementation symbolizes a crucial moment in the search for India's self-sufficiency in the defense manufacturing sector. Navy spokesman, Commander Vivek Madhwal, praised the crew and naval pilots, highlighting their determination, skill and professionalism in conducting the challenging night landing test.
This achievement follows the previous conquest of a MiG-29K and a prototype of the naval version of the indigenous light combat aircraft (LCA) successfully landing and taking off from the aircraft carrier for the first time during the day in February. Currently, INS Vikrant is undergoing aerial certification tests and flight integration with rotary and fixed-wing aircraft to reach a combat-ready state as quickly as possible.
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Ongoing flight tests involve the use of MiG-29K fighters of Russian origin, which employ takeoffs with ski jumps and are recovered by hooked landings, also known as STOBAR (short takeoff, but interrupted recovery) in naval terminology. Twelve MiG-29Ks are expected to be deployed in Vikrant, while the navy seeks to acquire a new deck-based fighter Officials estimate that the first TEDBF prototype could carry out its maiden flight by 2026 and go into production by 2031.
In terms of on-board fighter competition, the French fighter Rafale M was selected to the detriment of the American F/A-18 Super Hornet to equip the navy with 26 new aircraft for the INS Vikrant, as previously reported. The Vikrant, with 76% native content, will operate an air wing consisting of 30 aircraft, including the new fighters, MiG-29Ks, Kamov Ka-31 helicopters, MH-60R multifunctional helicopters and advanced light helicopters.
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The 45,000-ton INS Vikrant was built at the Cochin Shipyard. Only the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, France and China have the capacity to build aircraft carriers of this magnitude. It was named after the previous aircraft carrier INS Vikrant, which was in service in the navy from 1961 to 1997.
Officials indicated that the navy is also considering the construction of a second national aircraft carrier to increase India's maritime power in distant seas. INS Vikramaditya, bought second-hand from Russia for US$ 2.33 billion, led the navy to defend the need for three of these floating airfields, given its extensive area of interest.
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The Vikrant is the fourth aircraft carrier operated by the Indian Navy, following the first Vikrant (of British origin) from 1961 to 1997, the INS Viraat (of British origin) from 1987 to 2016 and the INS Vikramaditya since 2013.
With dimensions of 262 meters in length, 61 meters high from keel to mast and a flight deck of 12,500 square meters (equivalent to 10 Olympic swimming pools), the Vikrant has a resistance of 7,500 nautical miles, a maximum speed of 28 knots, 2,300 compartments and the capacity to carry 1,600 crew members.
Tags: Military AviationINS VikrantIndian NavyMikoyan MiG-29Kaircraft carriers
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Daytona Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work around the world of aviation.
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I moved my city back down along the coast, toward a more defensible area with mountains at my back. Then, 150 turns later, with my Deep Space Telescope sailing through the stars, I prepped my civilization for the final stages of a Contact victory. But as the years passed and my people developed new technologies, I moved it up along the coast, where clusters of Firaxite deposits increased my naval unit production. My first floating city, for example, landed in the center of a great lake. While continental settlements still grow out from the center, forming clean circles of multicolored tiles, oceanic territories take on a snaking, amorphous shape in their search for better resources.Īnd because citizens can still only work tiles within three spaces of the nearest city, building a seafaring province can mean dealing with loss: short term gains are far more valuable at sea, where resources are ephemeral, and cities might abandon farms, generators, and academies in an instant.įloating metropolises can travel across water, one hexagonal tile at a time, in any direction you choose. The result is a dichotomy between your thinking on land and your approach at sea. It takes a few turns, depending on the city's production rating, but these floating metropolises can travel across water, one hexagonal tile at a time, in any direction you choose. This feature would be novel enough on its own, but Firaxis wasn't content to duplicate land tactics in a maritime setting. The Chungsu faction is one of the few that can land on water immediately. So while naval combat and exploration are still key factors in any smart ruler's strategy, this expansion brings cities-complete with all their commerce, resources, and hardworking people-into the waves. For the first time, Rising Tide lets you colonize the seas. There's a sense of otherworldliness here that earlier Civilizations don't contain.Īlthough there are still five paths to victory, both peaceful and otherwise, the methods of reaching them have changed. This is a world of exo suits, plasma weapons, and sterile, bulbous architecture. The chariots and compound bows of human history are absent. Now Playing: Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth - Rising Tide - Video ReviewĪs in Beyond Earth, Rising Tide puts you in the throne-or council chamber, depending on the leader you choose to be-as you guide your civilization to victory on alien planets in the distant future.
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packedwithpackards · 2 years
A "social and professional role": the story of Captain Samuel Packard
There are many subjects I could write about here. Either looking at vital records for Abington, Massachusetts to see where Packards pop up, results on Family Search for the surname of Packard, or mentions in a "Genealogical Dictionary" seemingly. [1] What I am inquiring here about is a man named Captain Samuel Packard painted by an American painter named James Earl, in the last years of his life, in circa 1794. The oil on canvas painting, which measures 35 by 29 1/4 inches, is of a prominent man in New England, begging the question: who is this man?
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A photo of the above painting, held by the RISD Museum, is reposted here from the RISD website based on the Creative Commons license used for all RISD Museum works, which lets "others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms." This post is a non-commercial work as it is intended purely for educational purposes about the Packard family.
In their description of the above painting, [2] the RISD Museum writes that
Seated casually in a Windsor chair, Samuel Packard signals his social and professional role in the new republic. The plush drapery, the decorative column, Packard’s fashionable bright-hued waistcoat all suggest that is a man of wealth. The ship in the distance and the spyglass refer to his interests in maritime trade. A merchant and talented mariner, Packard owned 39 vessels that sailed from Providence. Around the time of this portrait, Packard had completed missions abroad for George Washington, so the ships may also allude to Packard’s diplomatic travels.
He was married to a woman named Abigail Congdon and had a daughter with her which had the same name (Abigail). They were married on December 13, 1789 in Saint Pauls Church, Narragansett, Washington, Rhode Island as the record shows:
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Page 345 of Vital record of Rhode Island, 1636-1850, Vol 10, within the section "St. Paul's Church marriages"
In January 1942, the Rhode Island Historical Society displayed the painting of Samuel Packard on the cover of their historical magazine. One article titled "A Rhode Islander Goes West to Indiana" by George A. White, Jr. explained more about Capt. Samuel Packard's role in the early United States. He wrote on pages 21-22 that
Captain Samuel Packard was the son of Nathaniel Packard and was born in Providence, October 17, 1760. His father owned land bordering North Main, Howard, and Try Streets. Captain Samuel Packard's life followed a similar pattern...he was a mariner, ship master, ship--owner, and merchant. He owned 39 ships, sailing from Providence to all ports of the world...an ardent admirer of George Washington...Captain Packard acted for him in secret work [during the revolutionary war]...[after 1797] Captain Packard and his family lived in a mansion [in Providence] built of wood and brick, measuring 25 feet on the street and 60 feet deep. It was three stories high...On December 13, 1789, Captain Packard had married Abigail Congdon...in 1798, Abigail (Congdon) Packard inherited a portion of the Congdon homestead farm on Boston Neck...in the early 1800's Captain Packard purchased the remainder of the farm...Captain Packard owned land in Cranston, R.I., and in Illinois. Captain Packard furnished his Providence and North Kingston homes with fine furniture, china, and silver
Mr. White continues by quoting letters from Captain Packard's son, John Congdon Packard, describing his experiences "out West" which are addressed to Captain Packard's residence in North Kingston, Rhode Island.
Note: This was originally posted on Mar. 9, 2018 on the main Packed with Packards WordPress blog (it can also be found on the Wayback Machine here). My research is still ongoing, so some conclusions in this piece may change in the future.
Apart from the confusion of Samuel Packard who arrived in 1638 with Captain Samuel Packard (as noted here and here), some got it right. It is evident that Captain Packard was a "revolutionary patriot," which was also recognized by William Shaw Bowen who gave some of the Captain's belongings to the Redwood Library in 1878. He may have commanded a company during the war with the British from 1812-1815 as well, although this be a confusion with another Packard.
There is no doubt that Captain Packard was renowned as a master of ships, while transporting important financial papers. While it would seem, reportedly, was pointed to the spot where Roger Williams, Rhode Island's founder, was buried, with one book saying that, this is actually referencing Nathaniel Packard who married a woman named Nabby. He was, however, one of the original members of the Providence Marine Corps of Artillery and, later on, the Providence Marine Society.
Captain Packard clearly had a role in the revolutionary war in moving supplies past the British blockade as Vol 4 of Naval Documents in the American Revolution reports:
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These events happened in April 1776
I still question whether this is the right Packard, however.
Captain Packard went beyond the owning of slaves by Zachariah Packard as noted in my family history. He sailed a ship to the coast of Africa looking for Black Africans to enslave in 1797 contrary to Rhode Island law. As the University Publications of America noted in a guide to certain Rhode Island Historical Society records,
Moreover, Moses Brown’s letters reveal not only the Abolition Society’s formal legal stratagems but also its traditional policy of intense but informal negotiating with slave traders who often yielded to the group’s demands without a court fight. Cyprian Sterry, for example, the principal slave trader in Providence during the 1790s with fifteen voyages to the African coast in 1794 alone, fully succumbed to the society’s persistent pressure. He escaped prosecution (along with his captain, Samuel Packard) for an African voyage involving the ship Ann by signing a written pledge to leave the slave trade forever.
Captain Packard was seemingly related to a Capt. Nathaniel Packard who was also in Rhode Island. Other books sadly only exist as snippets and hence do not give much information about his life. However, there is no doubt that he lived in Providence, Rhode Island near houses that nowadays are called historic (see pages 16 and 17 of this PDF).
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Page 17 excerpt
You would be able to look at the deed books either by going to the Rhode Island State Archives, as noted here, or being at a Family Search Library.
He was alive and well in Providence in September 1794 when a ship, Hope, came into the harbor:
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Courtesy of Chronicling America.
Thanks to Family Search, I have also discovered:
Captain Packard (called Samuel Packard in record) living in Providence, Providence, RI in 1790 and in 1800, as summarized also in an article later on on this blog, using the original records.
Captain Packard (called Samuel Packard in record) living in Providence RI's West District in 1810.
Captain Packard and Abigail's daughter died in 1860 (no publicly available image is available)
Abigail, Captain Packard's wife, died in 1854 (no publicly available image is available)
As it was noted, in one of the books I found, that a Captain Packard died at age 80 in 1809. There is a Samuel Packard who died in 1824 at sea with a tombstone in Rhode Island along with a Samuel Packard Jr who died in Providence in 1799. His tombstone makes it clear that he was born in Oct 1760 and died on July 17, 1760. This is clear from the following transcription:
In the memory of
Samuel Packard
Who Died
July 17, 1820
59 Years & 9 Months
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Via page 382 of Vital record of Rhode Island, 1636-1850, Vol 10, shows deaths of varying Packards in Rhode Island.
[1] Also it is worth noting that no Packard popped up here, meaning that there is nothing in Family Search's Massachusetts, Town Clerk...Town Records, 1626-2001 specifically for  Norfolk,  Weymouth or  Land records 1642-1644. Packards could be on this page, but is also questionable. Additionally, I could look at online records of Hingham to see if the Packards appear, possible Packards on pages such as this one or this. But I have already done that in the past and future searches at this time are a waste.
[2] The Rhode Island Medical Journal writes that "several other portraits by James Earl in the RISD show bear a strong stylistic similarity [to the one of Dr. Amos Thoop], particularly that of Capt. Samuel Packard of Providence, a successful ship captain, merchant, and ship owner of Throop’s era." The painting is in the Smithsonian's Art Inventories Catalog but resides at RISD. As one person writes about the collections in Rhode Island, "Postwar Windsor production at Providence for domestic use is indicated in the accounts of the Proud brothers and in a circa-1795 portrait of Capt. Samuel Packard seated in a sack-back Windsor."
© 2018-2022 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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maaruin · 2 years
I don’t think the captain of the Demeter was a good captain
The Captain of Demeter did something heroic at the wheel. But I think he failed at his job as a leader. The Captain’s job is to get the ship to its destination, to ensure the safety of the people aboard, and to prevent the ship from becoming a danger. I will take a look at the different log entries and tell what I think of his leadership.
Written 18 July, things so strange happening, that I shall keep accurate note henceforth till we land.
On 6 July we finished taking in cargo, silver sand and boxes of earth. At noon set sail. East wind, fresh. Crew, five hands . . . two mates, cook, and myself, (captain).
On 11 July at dawn entered Bosphorus. Boarded by Turkish Customs officers. Backsheesh. All correct. Under way at 4 p. m.
On 12 July through Dardanelles. More Customs officers and flagboat of guarding squadron. Backsheesh again. Work of officers thorough, but quick. Want us off soon. At dark passed into Archipelago.
On 13 July passed Cape Matapan. Crew dissatisfied about something. Seemed scared, but would not speak out.
On 14 July was somewhat anxious about crew. Men all steady fellows, who sailed with me before. Mate could not make out what was wrong. They only told him there was something, and crossed themselves. Mate lost temper with one of them that day and struck him. Expected fierce quarrel, but all was quiet.
On 16 July mate reported in the morning that one of the crew, Petrofsky, was missing. Could not account for it.Took larboard watch eight bells last night, was relieved by Amramoff, but did not go to bunk. Men more downcast than ever. All said they expected something of the kind, but would not say more than there was SOMETHING aboard. Mate getting very impatient with them. Feared some trouble ahead.
So far so good. Petrofsky goes missing but this could have been an accident (even today sometimes people fall overboard, and if this isn’t noticed immediately there is almost nothing that can be done). He also apparently talks to the men about their fear, even if he doesn’t manage to get them to say what they are worried about.
On 17 July, yesterday, one of the men, Olgaren, came to my cabin, and in an awestruck way confided to me that he thought there was a strange man aboard the ship. He said that in his watch he had been sheltering behind the deckhouse, as there was a rain storm, when he saw a tall, thin man, who was not like any of the crew, come up the companionway, and go along the deck forward and disappear. He followed cautiously, but when he got to bows found no one, and the hatchways were all closed. He was in a panic of superstitious fear, and I am afraid the panic may spread. To allay it, I shall today search the entire ship carefully from stem to stern.
Later in the day I got together the whole crew,and told them, as they evidently thought there was some one in the ship, we would search from stem to stern. First mate angry, said it was folly, and to yield to such foolish ideas would demoralise the men, said he would engage to keep them out of trouble with the handspike. I let him take the helm, while the rest began a thorough search, all keeping abreast, with lanterns. We left no corner unsearched. As there were only the big wooden boxes, there were no odd corners where a man could hide. Men much relieved when search over, and went back to work cheerfully. First mate scowled, but said nothing.
Apparently Olgaran trusts the Captain enough to go to him with this observation. Good. He doesn’t believe it, but he tries to calm the men down with the search. Looking out for crew moral is important. The boxes are nailed shut on the outside with no sign anything left them, so it is understandable that he doesn’t let the men check in them. He also starts writing the log, which turns out a very good choice.
22 July.--Rough weather last three days, and all hands busy with sails, no time to be frightened. Men seem to have forgotten their dread. Mate cheerful again, and all on good terms. Praised men for work in bad weather. Passed Gibraltar and out through Straits. All well.
So far so good.
24 July.--There seems some doom over this ship. Already a hand short, and entering the Bay of Biscay with wild weather ahead, and yet last night another man lost, disappeared. Like the first, he came off his watch and was not seen again. Men all in a panic of fear, sent a round robin, asking to have double watch, as they fear to be alone. Mate angry. Fear there will be some trouble, as either he or the men will do some violence.
Here he goes wrong, I think. Another person disappears. This means these two disappearances are likely the result of murder. Since they searched the entire ship, the most logical assumption is that the murderer is part of the crew. The fact that both disappeared right after the end of their watch supports this. The captain needs to investigate this.
“There seems some doom over this ship.” seems to indicate that he instead thinks that they were very unlucky with two accidents on the same voyage. But even if he thinks that, I think he has a duty to investigate.
Maybe the storm mentioned in the next entry struck before he could do anything. But he doesn’t even mention that he plans to investigate.
28 July.--Four days in hell, knocking about in a sort of malestrom, and the wind a tempest. No sleep for any one. Men all worn out. Hardly know how to set a watch, since no one fit to go on. Second mate volunteered to steer and watch, and let men snatch a few hours sleep. Wind abating, seas still terrific, but feel them less, as ship is steadier.
At this point the captain should insist on double watches. The second person doesn’t even need to do full duty, just watch the first person. Remember, for all they know there might still a murderer among the crew.
29 July.--Another tragedy. Had single watch tonight, as crew too tired to double. When morning watch came on deck could find no one except steersman. Raised outcry, and all came on deck. Thorough search, but no one found. Are now without second mate, and crew in a panic. Mate and I agreed to go armed henceforth and wait for any sign of cause.
Here is the big mistake the Captain makes. What will the “sign of cause” be? Another murder, probably. No, at this point waiting for “sign of cause” is not enough. Question everyone on board if they can account for each other. Do I understand this right that there was a second person with the second mate? A steersman is mentioned, I thought the second mate was steering. Anyways, what did the steersman see? Is he perhaps a suspect? Was he present at the other disappearances? Does he have an alibi during these? If he doesn’t, it is better to lock him up just to be safe.
Arming yourself and waiting is not enough. As captain you need to do more.
Also, you need to keep the ship functional. How many men do you need for this? We know that after three more men disappear they can’t work the sails anymore. If only two had disappeared, would that have been different? What if only one disappeared? If the ship is in danger of becoming unable to maneuver, you can’t wait for a “sign of cause”. I think at this point the ship should be close to the western coast of France. Going into port is an option at this point.
30 July.--Last night. Rejoiced we are nearing England. Weather fine, all sails set. Retired worn out, slept soundly, awakened by mate telling me that both man of watch and steersman missing. Only self and mate and two hands left to work ship.
At this point, I can only repeat: try to figure out who is responsible. Here the first mate seems most suspicious.
1 August.--Two days of fog, and not a sail sighted. Had hoped when in the English Channel to be able to signal for help or get in somewhere. Not having power to work sails, have to run before wind. Dare not lower, as could not raise them again. We seem to be drifting to some terrible doom. Mate now more demoralised than either of men. His stronger nature seems to have worked inwardly against himself. Men are beyond fear, working stolidly and patiently, with minds made up to worst. They are Russian, he Roumanian.
So, what does the captain think at that point? Apparently he doesn’t assume that one of the remaining people is the murderer. So what does he think? Nothing, it seems. He just goes on and tries to get somewhere. And if we look back, this has been what he has been doing since he started the log. Things happend and he just tried to go on on the usual journey as best as he could.
There might even be a solution here to no ship being close to signal in the fog: The Demeter probably has a lifeboat (only one). Send it out with two men to go north or south until it reaches the coast. Send the mate with one person in the lifeboat, stay on the ship with the other person. You and the mate are armed, so if the man with one of you should be the murderer, you still have a good chance.
Also, try to figure out why the mate is suddenly so demoralized. Either to encourage him, or to, perhaps, gain vital information.
2 August, midnight.--Woke up from few minutes sleep by hearing a cry, seemingly outside my port. Could see nothing in fog. Rushed on deck, and ran against mate. Tells me he heard cry and ran, but no sign of man on watch. One more gone. Lord, help us! Mate says we must be past Straits of Dover, as in a moment of fog lifting he saw North Foreland, just as he heard the man cry out. If so we are now off in the North Sea, and only God can guide us in the fog, which seems to move with us, and God seems to have deserted us.
Why was there no double watch? The two watches at this point should be: Captain+1 Crew and Mate+1 Crew. I mean, in the past it seems the murderer managed to kill three people who were on watch together, but this time you and the mate are armed.
3 August.--At midnight I went to relieve the man at the wheel and when I got to it found no one there. The wind was steady, and as we ran before it there was no yawing. I dared not leave it, so shouted for the mate. After a few seconds, he rushed up on deck in his flannels. He looked wild-eyed and haggard, and I greatly fear his reason has given way. He came close to me and whispered hoarsely, with his mouth to my ear, as though fearing the very air might hear. "It is here. I know it now. On the watch last night I saw It, like a man, tall and thin, and ghastly pale. It was in the bows, and looking out. I crept behind It, and gave it my knife, but the knife went through It, empty as the air." And as he spoke he took the knife and drove it savagely into space. Then he went on, "But It is here, and I'll find It. It is in the hold, perhaps in one of those boxes. I'll unscrew them one by one and see. You work the helm." And with a warning look and his finger on his lip, he went below. There was springing up a choppy wind, and I could not leave the helm. I saw him come out on deck again with a tool chest and lantern, and go down the forward hatchway. He is mad, stark, raving mad, and it's no use my trying to stop him. He can't hurt those big boxes, they are invoiced as clay, and to pull them about is as harmless a thing as he can do. So here I stay and mind the helm, and write these notes. I can only trust in God and wait till the fog clears. Then, if I can't steer to any harbour with the wind that is, I shall cut down sails, and lie by, and signal for help . . .
It is nearly all over now. Just as I was beginning to hope that the mate would come out calmer, for I heard him knocking away at something in the hold, and work is good for him, there came up the hatchway a sudden, startled scream, which made my blood run cold, and up on the deck he came as if shot from a gun, a raging madman, with his eyes rolling and his face convulsed with fear. "Save me! Save me!" he cried, and then looked round on the blanket of fog. His horror turned to despair, and in a steady voice he said,"You had better come too, captain, before it is too late. He is there! I know the secret now. The sea will save me from Him, and it is all that is left!" Before I could say a word, or move forward to seize him, he sprang on the bulwark and deliberately threw himself into the sea. I suppose I know the secret too, now. It was this madman who had got rid of the men one by one, and now he has followed them himself. God help me! How am I to account for all these horrors when I get to port? When I get to port! Will that ever be?
And now, after the mate jumps overboard, the captain immediately jumps to the explanation most convenient for him. Did you think the mate was capable of such murders earlier? How do the very delibrate murders fit with his madness? Did you listen to anything he said?
4 August.--Still fog, which the sunrise cannot pierce, I know there is sunrise because I am a sailor, why else I know not. I dared not go below, I dared not leave the helm, so here all night I stayed, and in the dimness of the night I saw it, Him! God, forgive me, but the mate was right to jump overboard. It was better to die like a man. To die like a sailor in blue water, no man can object. But I am captain, and I must not leave my ship. But I shall baffle this fiend or monster, for I shall tie my hands to the wheel when my strength begins to fail, and along with them I shall tie that which He, It, dare not touch. And then, come good wind or foul, I shall save my soul, and my honour as a captain. I am growing weaker, and the night is coming on. If He can look me in the face again, I may not have time to act . . .If we are wrecked, mayhap this bottle may be found, and those who find it may understand. If not . . . well, then all men shall know that I have been true to my trust. God and the Blessed Virgin and the Saints help a poor ignorant soul trying to do his duty . . .
Tying yourself to the wheel with rosary in hand is a good idea. Putting the log in a bottle is also a good idea. But what is the captain’s plan here? What does he want to accomplish by denying Dracula control of the ship? Does he hope it will at some point sink, and Dracula with it? Does he still want to go to port when the fog clears? Does he have any clear plan. I suppose it is forgivable to not think things through at this state.
But the fact is, Dracula is a danger to everyone, and the captain must know that. The first thing to do because of this is to put up a signal that says: DANGEROUS CARGO, DO NOT APPROACH! A flag for this exists and did exist back then. The next step would be to try and destroy the ship. He is too afraid to go down into the ship to sink it, I suppose, but he could burn it. Sailing ships burn easy, IIRC, and he could grab one of the lanterns and throw it on deck. But well, at this point of the story I can understand him not doing more. The fact that he even comes up with the wheel idea is good enough. However, in many of the earlier entires, he could have done much more. He should have done more. Sure, we know that trying to investigate the crew members for murder wouldn’t solve the problem. But the captain didn’t know that, and that is why I say he failed as a leader. He did not do the best he could in his situation.
(I think it would have served the horror of the story if he did more. If every suspect he detained turns out to be wrong. If after he discusses the idea with the lifeboat, the lifeboat is suddenly missing. Stuff like that.)
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