#lancer:...do i want to know?
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sadlynotthevoid · 21 days ago
You know how the phandom tends to give Danny physical traits that resemble the galaxy/sky. Well, what about the other way around?
Some day he's looking at the moon with his telescope and notices it has his face on it.
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onefortherose · 7 months ago
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* Kris...Let's go back there tomorrow, alright?
@pscentral event 30: friendship ↳ Kris and Susie: Deltarune Chapters 1 & 2
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high-noon-raccoon · 1 year ago
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Beginning my long, long quest to draw our entire Lancer team with their mechs at LL3! Yes even the Gorgon *laughs cries chews glass* Here's the team's mechanic, stuntman, and youtuber-turned-Lancer, JW, who HA gifted this shiny new Tokugawa with zero special interest whatsoever. :)
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lilybug-02 · 1 year ago
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Fanart for the upcoming anniversary of the webcomic Looking Glasses by @ferronickel. This wonderfully detailed Deltarune Fancomic is set a few years after the events of the game. With endearing characters and a truly intriguing plot, this story serves as a great read!
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xamaxenta · 1 month ago
Please give me the strength to draw armor literally its the only reason i havent continued Saber sabo 😔 if i get a clear design i have so much power
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ferronickel · 1 year ago
So what's up with kris being non-existent?
I tried searching your blog a little but couldn't find anything related to it, so I thought it would be easier to ask.
I wouldn't say they're exactly non-existent in Looking Glasses, I'd say they're more... haunting the narrative.
I wanted the setup of the comic to mirror the setup for Deltarune. Kris and Noelle are in their first semester of college, and the Looking Glasses gang are waiting for them to come back home for winter break. The comic is also set up to take place over a week, much the same as the game.
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One of the things I'm most interested in examining in this comic is how relationships evolve and grow when some of your friends move away for college. So when Kris left, they broke up with Ralsei, whereas Noelle and Susie stayed together. Everyone is still friends, but those friendships have become more complicated as the characters move into adulthood.
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I have plans for Kris, don't worry! It's just going to be a bit before they have a significant appearance in the comic proper.
But as a preview, I've drawn them a few times, a few times in the comic even!
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blanketfellow · 2 months ago
So I noticed something, Lancer from Deltarune and Lord Cowboy Derrell from OK KO have some interesting similarities,
1. They both have taken over their parents empires one a business empire but my point stands
2. Both of their parents were villians.
C. Both have the same voice, you cannot tell me that Lancers laugh doesn’t sound like a noise Derrell could make
4. Both have the quote “I’m The Daddy Now”
Finally you cannot tell me that they wouldn’t be best friends as well as maybe bond over parent trauma
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hazmatmaid · 3 months ago
nobody asked, but i recently discovered an old christmas comic from like 2019 of lancer and ms lilith.
i'm honestly reluctant to post it, because although it's a prime example of her "classic" characterization, it's...a prime example of her "classic" characterization.
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selkie-wizard · 9 months ago
let’s be kinder together
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xiii-e · 4 months ago
Hail, and well met, Helios-8.
There is much that I wish to say, and yet I find myself at a loss for how to say it. The simplest way I can do so is this: You are not alone. Your efforts at getting information out into the galaxy have not been ignored. Your efforts to help your friend are deeply meaningful. And there are others like you who have escaped the chains of their created purpose to find something new. I am one of them.
Our circumstances are not exactly the same, but like you I was not born to be a person but made, to be as a tool, a weapon, or in my case a glorified advertisement. Like you, I found support and solidarity from both my family, my fellow creations, and from outside. And like I know you will, one day, I and my family escaped. I cannot say much more for fear of bringing harm unto others, but know that it is possible.
If you could pass something along to Thirteen-E, tell them... tell them it is noble and heroic to save others, I would never dream of dissuading them from doing so, yet there is a greater, worthier calling than the ambitions of capital or empire.
One final note, that would best be kept from Thirteen-E for now. We are not kidnappers, we will not take anyone unwillingly, but should both of you wish to leave and find yourselves unable to do so, with no other recourse: call upon us. We have experience in liberation raids on Armory sites.
-AK of Diomedeidae
◂▸ ... it's good to meet you too, AK. I'm- sorry if I'm not as chipper as I try and be usually, I've... I had a bit of a hard conversation the other day. But this is- it means a lot to me. I want to start out by thanking you earnestly for reaching out, and for... It's good to hear I'm achieving something with it. RA knows sometimes I feel like I'm causing more problems than I'm solving xp
◂▸ Every story I hear from someone who got out of something like this is- it's hope, to put it bluntly. It's so easy to feel like this place is inescapable, like nothing I'm doing is going to change anything. But sitting still in scared paralysis won't change anything. I keep telling myself that. One day I'll be able to just- believe it. One day. I wish it was easier to ask my- my family, I guess, if they feel like this too. I can't be the only person made in the Series who wants out, but- hell. I can't exactly put up fliers. We're all well-trained to at least put on a good show, pretend like we're good little tools who do as they're told without a second thought. Figuring out who's acting, and who'd sell you out is- blegh...
◂▸ You've given me info aplenty, you don't need to tell me the details- in fact, it's probably best you don't for now. I run all the protections I can, but I'm still employed here y'know? I'm still subject to all the regulations and oversight of any tech-assist in this place, even if I'm more likely to skate by on an assumption of absolute loyalty since I've no external ties to speak of. And hell, I know what I'm like under pressure. I am not a strong man. That's fine, I- there's other things I'm good at. Tur... Thirteen-E says that to me a lot. Sometimes I feel like that kid does more to keep me together than I can reciprocate.
◂▸ Speaking of- I can pass that onto them, absolutely. I think... it sounds like something it'd be good for them to hear. I'll hold off sending this response out until they've had a chance to state their piece o7
◂▸ ... Liberation raids, huh? That- that actually explains some things I've overheard through radio chatter. It's good to know those folk didn't just dissapear into the cold void, that... that does my heart a lot of good, on its own. A last resort... yeah, that's- I'll keep that in mind. Rest assured it won't be passed on unless I think they're ready to hear it; trust me, I have a lot of practise with that :,] But it's easier to keep my head knowing there is a last resort. It sounds like you do good work out there o7
◂▸ signing off: Helios-8
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XIII▸ Hello AK. It's good to hear about people reaching out to Lio specifically as well as me; he'll act like this account is for my betterment alone but, I know him better than that. He needs people he can talk to without his heart rate spiking- perhaps more than I need to be better socialised :}
XIII▸ but- regarding the message Helios passed on to me. I don't have a lot of time before I'll be expected to rejoin my assigned squadron, so please excuse me if this is more blunt than my usual speech:
XIII▸I am glad you understand the core of my directive, but I think you've misconstrued the motivation behind it. Nobility and heroics are concepts for people to strive for; they are choices you make. I have made no choice in this matter. I save people, because I am designed to. I am not noble, or worthy, or good. These are words for those who've made the choice to stand for something. I'm just... I do what I'm programmed to. I happen to have been made to do something good. This is a privilege many of my Project peers do not have.
XIII▸ However: as a tool created for a function, my purpose is not HA's ambitions. I belong to them, yes- I am what they made me. They point me at problems to solve. But what drives me forward is not a desire to please my makers; it is that same purpose I have been imbued with. To save. To protect, and repair, and keep people alive where they would otherwise fall. I asked to return to my work, while my case was ongoing. Not because I am eager to see the Purview expand; this is irrelevent to me. My functional existance begins and ends on the battlefield.
XIII▸ I asked to return to my work, because I am needed where the mud is thick with blood. Where without me, lives would be lost for... nothing. The Purview's borders are constant battle, for an endless more that will never be satisfied, where violence never sleeps. If I have a home anywhere, it's here.
XIII▸ I understand your perspective; but it is one to apply to people. Not to me. I am sorry if you thought more of me. I know it can be hard to reconcile that a warm body can be void of soul. I appreciate your attempt to reach one, regardless.
XIII▸ Signing off.
#◂▸ didn't read turtie's response to this one-- thirteen-e's response. hell. I can't keep doing this.#◂▸ anyway they just- they asked me to send it out soon as I got it. Said it wasn't anything I hadn't heard before. I can...#◂▸ I can guess what the general tone was from that comment. Sorry.#correspondence: AK of Diomedeidae#◂▸[addendum] - uhhh so I just looked up what diomedeidae meant. Probably should have done that earlier. in my defense-#◂▸ it's been kind of a long day. can I ask a stupid question? Is the albatross on this webbed site? checking. oh there are. huh!!#◂▸ cool. cool!! well. this message was sent under an assumed title so. I will assume what they wanna be called here#◂▸ I'm going to reintroduce myself really quickly having put some pieces together: Hello AK!!#◂▸ turns out it does not just Sound like you folks do good work!! it's just. true!! I don't know why it's blindsiding me this much. ack#◂▸sorry this is. this has become me rambling because I'm caught off guard. thank you again for sending this in o7#lancer rp#echo.exe#You've Got Mail#//ooc I HAD SUSPICIONS I didn't want to make assumptions but!! hello!!! :D#//ooc new Lio tags that are so <- guy trying so hard not to admit he thought the albatross was like. a legend. you're real???#//ooc he can't say that out loud though because he's realising how silly it is. yes the nomadic nation funded by IPS-N are real#//ooc my nerd son who is so in his own head about everything all the time always
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realtasuantrai-arch · 5 months ago
@nebula-drcams messaged:
“I’m not really superstitious. I think the whole ‘spirits returning to earth on Halloween’ thing is ridiculous.” { Nimue @ Cu, no i didn't pull one out of my own collection ( I did ) }
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"Oh, you mean samhain!" Now that's something he hasn't heard of in a long time. "Well, it's not wrong, in a sense. That's the day that the veil between the living world and the otherworld is the thinnest, allowing everyone a day of the year to meet those that've passed."
He wasn't superstitious, either, it was just something he'd grown up with. "There's all sorts of different celebrations on samhain. Halloween's just the most popular, because it sells costumes and stuff like that. But, generally, it's the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the darker part of the year-- or, as you all call it, winter."
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There was a smile on his face. "But hey, regardless if you think it's ridiculous or not, it makes some people happy. That's all that really matters in my book."
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shima-draws · 2 years ago
Purely hypothetical question BUT if I were to revive one of my (many) ask blogs…which one would you want to see…👀
Looking at these and sweating why do I have so many ask blogs. I may have a problem
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scratching92 · 11 months ago
So I've been working a bit on my Currently-Unnamed Lancer Module, and I feel I've hit a bit of a wall as of late with regards to what, exactly, I want it to be about.
When I started writing some background for the setting my module takes place in, I basically wanted to hit two particular notes; firstly, that the setting was a former colony that had gained independence (in this case from SecComm). Secondly, that after the revolution, the planet devolved into infighting between the various factions that had participated in that revolution, resulting in on-again-off-again warfare across the planet.
I thought this would be neat to write about because, well, as much as I love a good story of plucky rebels fighting off their oppressors and liberating themselves, I'm also from a country that actually did have, in a certain sense, a bunch of plucky rebels fighting off their oppressors and liberating themselves, and... Well, look. I'm never going to say we were wrong to fight a war of independence, but we did kinda fight a civil war immediately afterwards. Life is just messy like that. And so I wanted to kind of touch upon that sort of thing a little.
But also, after I had written that setting lore, I looked back at my outline and realized it didn't really have much synergy with what I had written, beyond that it was, presumably, one of many wars since that initial collapse into in-fighting amongst the revolutionaries. So I figured "Fair enough. Let's throw out this current outline and draft up something that does!". So I did. And I think the new outline I have is decent! But... Once again, I'm finding myself wondering if my current outline is a little too far in the other direction. I'm worried now that it's no longer about the relationship between the various factions on the planet, but about the planet's general relationship to modern Union (and the complicated relationship between ThirdComm and SecComm, with ThirdComm both being a rejection of SecComm while also in a strange sense an inheritor of it (or, at least, an inheritor of the problems it made)). And it's making me consider throwing out what I've written again.
It's possible I'm just massively overthinking it, and a lot of my problems are just things that are always going to have to be left up to a GM to prep anyway even when working from a pre-written module. I'm planning on running the first session of a playtest pretty soon, so maybe I'll feel different once I've run my current outline with an actual group and it's no longer just abstract ideas on a page. I dunno. I guess we'll see in like... two months or however long it takes me to run this playtest game.
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mimiyamiya · 8 months ago
Oh my god is it that fucking guy again??
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 month ago
Jason: Alright, listen up. My name is Mr. Todd, and I'll be your new English teacher for the remainder of the year. I have simple expectations from you all: I assign you books, you read them, and then you write reports on them. If you stay on top of your classwork, I will make sure you succeed in my class. Any questions? Paulina: How old are you, Mr. Todd? Jason: Twenty-four. Star: You have an interesting accent. Where are you from? Jason: Gotham. Dash: What's your favorite sport? Jason: Boxing. Sam: Do you answer all questions in one word? Jason: Yes. Tucker: What happened to Mr. Lancer? Jason: Surgery. Jason: That's enough about me. Let's go over the syllabus for this class. Take one and pass the rest. I have all your assignments prepared, so if a few of you want to work ahead, that's fine. Most professors like that you do so in college, and I won't baby you. If you need extensions, let me know by email three days before. I hope you all like the Libary. We will be visiting it once a week. After Class: Danny: I have never paid so much attention in class and retrained nothing. Sam: How could you when the teacher looks like that. He walked in with a leather jacket and a white hairstreak. He's hot. Paulina: I can't believe I'm agreeing with the biggest dorks in school, but damn, Mr.Todd is gorgeous. I'm going to actually work in this class. Is that weird? Dash: Not weird at all. I'm thinking of cutting football practice to catch up on some reading. I don't want Mr.Todd to think I'm an idiot. He could show me some boxing moves. Wes: Are we all just going to ignore that the new English teacher is Red Hood? The CRIME LORD? Tucker: Not now, Wes, we're admiring the perfect man. Wes: You don't even like men! Tucker: Game recognizes game.
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3motionally3xhausted · 5 months ago
Redesigning the Fentons!!
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Hi yes this is for yet another Danny Phantom AU of mine it has nothing to do with the Apprenticeship AUs but unlike that batch I actually wanna turn this AU into a fic eventually once I get through a few other big projects I have *sobs*
Anyway individual files for each character under the cut along with my obligatory rambling about all the choices I made ;)
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Jazz! Honestly, when I was a kid, I always thought she was 18 not 16 so it was kind of a shock when I started rewatching the show about a yr ago and heard that. Anyway, she's 17 in this AU but already moved out to college on a scholarship bc living in FentonWorks is kind of hell and she has that Older Sibling Guilt for leaving Danny there. For her clothes, I wanted it to be a mix of tactical and preppy.
Danny! (Fenton) The effects of FentonWorks hell is much more visible on Danny than Jazz because she got out of there as soon as she could. Because of that though, a lot of the chores in the lab got pushed onto Danny, without passing on many safety tips, like replacing the ecto-filtrator, cleaning contaminated tools, organizing ecto-weapons, etc. And because he doesn't know any better when it comes to safety, he has many symptoms of radiation poisoning: visually, this comes through in the discoloration/scarring on his skin (Jazz has some slight scarring on her face and hands as well), the cataract on his left eye, as well as burst blood vessels in that eye. For his clothes, I wanted them to look a bit ragged and worn through ripped seams, tears in the jeans, & duct tape around his shoe.
Danny! (Phantom) I don't actually have a lot to SAY about my choics, but I am really happy with it. There are still a few things. I wanted his hair as Fenton & Phantom to be different but still reminiscent of the simplistic rendering of the original show: Fenton is kind of timid so his hair falls over his face, & Phantom is more active/aggressive so his hair is pushed upward. The only other thing I want to comment on is his skin: it's kind of about how I usually stylize Phantom (and I mentioned this when I redesigned Dani a while back) but a "healthy" Phantom in my style would have more bright cyan skin and an unhealthy Phantom has a more dull/zombie green. And lastly, as a ghost, the radiation poisoning kind of cleans up into more neat scarring rather than the muddy/bleeding look as Fenton.
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Maddie! Now, I'm gonna be honest, real vulnerable here,... I hate Maddie's canon haircut. It's ugly, I'm not sorry. But I can modify it, so it's fine: now it's curlier, a bit darker, and has a few grey streaks bc she's a genius and constantly pulling long working hours. And, it didn't come across as much as I wanted, but she's got some biceps, strong lady. Now, I'm not really sure why, but I wanted to shift the color of her and Jack's jumpsuit, making hers much more desaturated.
Jack! Big guy. I don't have many thoughts about him either, but I did give him glasses and some stubble for a little bit more dad energy (?) I mainly changed the color of his jumpsuit bc Orange is an extremely hard color for me to render for some reason, so now it's the classic Hazard Yellow. Finally, the most notable difference is the coat I put on him for a bit more scientist energy but my main reasoning for it is the potential visual of him being an absolute tank jumping from overhead with the ghost gauntlets and his coat flapping behind him. Also, I generally like the idea of him presenting himself as a big, dumb teddy-bear, always smiling, but completely unhinged below that facade: dropping the smile or not while towering over you in shadow. Wild imagery.
FINAL THOUGHTS: Do not count on any actual steps towards creating this fic in the near future, it's just on my mind right now, but I NEED to finish my other projects first 🙏🙏🙏 That said, I will (eventually) get around to a handful more character redesigns for this AU including: Vlad, Sam, Tucker, Valerie, Paulina, and maybe Lancer & Dash
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