#lancelot and gwaine come back alongside arthur and the rest of the round table
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aventuras-de-andre · 3 days ago
my favourite post canon merlin/leon dynamic is friend-of-a-friend -> best friends
you know when you have a close friend and that close friend has another close friend but you and them aren’t close at all? you like each other well enough but you never hang out without the mutual friend. that’s. leon and merlin to me.
don’t get me wrong i think they respected and cared for each other but they were not close-close. which is why the immortal!leon headcanons are hysterical to me. leon and merlin in the year of our lord 2025 being like oh my god actually he kind of gets me. they were never able to bond over swords and battle in their time, but now they have reality tv, taxes and a third, terrible roomate. they haver never been more understood by someone and they have never been more isolated
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generallynerdy · 6 years ago
Our Little Secret Part 4 (Merlin & Child!Reader)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Summary: Morgana’s betrayal is revealed when Cenred wages war on Camelot. Between escaping her own home and betraying old friends, (Y/N) comes to realise what her purpose in Camelot is beyond learning magic.
Key: (Y/N) - your name
Warnings: violence, imprisonment, executions, some good old fashioned murder
Word Count: 1,839
Note: i big want to die i’m at a competition with @coolestuncle (gay uncle korbyn)
(Y/N) prided herself on being able to hide her magic from the most powerful and brightest people in Camelot. It was times like these, however, that she questioned whether hiding her magic was a good thing.
She was not yet a woman when Cenred’s men threatened the walls of Camelot. In fact, she was barely a child, though nearing her teenage years. She had gained years of knowledge from Merlin and Gaius as she aged, becoming more confident in her magical abilities. As it turned out, she had a knack for it. She was getting so used to having her abilities that it took every ounce of self control not to try defending Camelot with them.
(Y/N) was in Morgana’s chambers with Gwen the night before. She stared anxiously out the window while Spot whimpered at her feet. Reaching down to pet him, she heard Morgana enter.
Dread filled her at the sight of the king’s ward. Merlin had warned the girl all about how wicked Morgana truly was, how she tried to take the throne at every turn. This was no doubt one of her plans with Morgause. Unfortunately, this one seemed to be working.
She spoke as she entered. “Gwen?”
“Is it true they attack at dawn?” Said woman asked shakily.
“I’m afraid so,” Morgana said, faking anguish.
Spite filled (Y/N) at her words. Barely a girl with only magic and a hidden dagger in her ragged dress, she wanted to rip the lady of Camelot to pieces.
Yet, at the thought, she grew sorrowful. Morgana had been her friend once. She had taken care of her, given her quarters in the palace. She spent days alongside the girl, doing everything and nothing at all-- whatever they pleased. When had Morgana changed? (Y/N) couldn’t remember the exact moment.
“And no word from Arthur?”
Gwen shook her head. “Then all is lost. We will be massacred, every last one of us.”
“Not everyone has to die,” Morgana almost scoffed.
(Y/N) raised her head, eyes wide. Morgana was perhaps revealing herself to Gwen at this very moment.
Gwen also seemed to process the strange words. “What do you mean not everyone?”
“Those that defy them,” Morgana said as she walked toward Gwen. “Those that choose to fight, they will surely die. Those who do not resist, those that choose to welcome change, they will have a future here. Everyone has a choice, Gwen.”
The servant girl looked almost terrified and (Y/N) couldn’t blame her. However, she managed to swallow back shock and nodded. “You know I have always been loyal to you, Morgana. And I always will be.”
“Then have no fear,” Morgana said, taking her hands in hers with a smile. “No harm will come to you. I can promise you that.”
They embraced and out of Morgana’s eyesight, Gwen glanced at (Y/N), who shook her head violently. They shared a knowing look, one that made a silent promise that they were not loyal to Morgana from that moment on. Gwen was just keeping the both of them safe. (Y/N) knew that.
Gazing out the window, (Y/N) pet her mutt calmingly. When a shooting star careened from the sky, she closed her eyes and wished more than anything that Merlin and Arthur would return soon to save them.
(Y/N) watched from the balcony in terror from behind Gwen. The servant girl had tried to shove her back so she couldn’t see, but the girl refused to heed her instruction. She could not draw her eyes away from Sir Leon and the other knights in the square, all lined up with crossbows pointed at their chests.
“I will give you one more chance to pledge your allegiance to me!” Morgana cried from the very balcony (Y/N) and Gwen stood upon.
Looking up, Sir Leon gave her a sickly stubborn smile. He glanced left and saw (Y/N), likely noticing the redness of her face and the wetness of her eyes, which could be seen from miles away. He gave her a small nod, turning the smile into a genuinely proud one.
(Y/N) let out a sob, which Gwen coughed over to keep Morgana and her guards from hearing, before burying her face in Guinevere’s dress.
“Long live the king!” Sir Leon shouted. The other knights echoed his cry.
“Perhaps this will help you change your mind,” Morgana spat, raising and dropping her hand to motion for the crossbows.
(Y/N) looked away, but had to raise her head again when she heard the screams of innocent people. As she looked out upon the square, she soon realised that Morgana had turned the crossbows against the citizens of Camelot, not Sir Leon and the knights.
Sir Leon’s scream echoed against the walls of the buildings surrounding the square, reaching the ears of (Y/N) and making her shake.
Please, she begged whatever god was out there. Save us.
For though she wished it beyond measure, she could not rescue Camelot all on her own.
“We haven’t got time to waste,” Gwen said, letting Sir Leon into the house. She passed him one of her dresses and motioned for (Y/N) to get Spot.
Sir Leon took one look at the dress and flushed red. “You-- you can’t be serious.”
“Just hurry,” she huffed. “Every guard in Camelot will be looking for you. They won’t be looking for two women courtiers, a little girl, and a dog.”
(Y/N) could not help giggling at Leon’s dilemma as she wrapped a leash of rope around Spot’s neck in order to keep him close. Gwen had suggested he stay, but (Y/N) was worried Morgana would take revenge on the mutt when she discovered their betrayal.
Once Sir Leon was ready, they rushed out of Camelot and into the woods, following his directions to where he thought Arthur would be hiding.
When they finally made it to the hidden entrance, they were greeted by two swords out of nowhere. A man in armour grabbed Guinevere while two others appeared out of a nook in the side of the natural wall. She gasped, but the man let go of her for a split second.
“Guinevere!” He exclaimed, taking her in his embrace.
It was Arthur, Merlin, and Gwaine, (Y/N) realised.
“(Y/N), thank God,” Merlin sighed and crushed the girl in a hug, making her laugh slightly. “And Spot,” he added, glancing at the dog and giving him a pat on the head.
As soon as Merlin let her go, (Y/N) was greeted by Gwaine, who tilted his head at her. “Is that (Y/N)?”
“Gwaine!” She exclaimed, grinning up at him.
“No, it can’t be,” he said instantly, using his hand to measure her height. “You’re too old to be (Y/N).”
She huffed. “You’re too old to be alive.”
He gave a hearty laugh and hugged her, lifting her into the air as Spot barked at them joyfully. It had been a good while since (Y/N) had seen good old Gwaine. In fact, she barely remembered what he looked like outside of his silky long hair that she always loved to braid.
In the distance, a voice interrupted their little reunion. “We’ve been found! They’re almost upon us!”
Despite being joyful to see Elyan, (Y/N) rushed to help the others gather their things and get out. Though it seemed for a second they would be saved, Morgana’s men were right behind them. If things didn’t change soon, they wouldn’t live to see tomorrow.
Sprinting through a small ravine in the rock formation, (Y/N) was almost dragged along by Gwaine, who dutifully took her hand to keep her close.
A massive boulder fell from above, blocking Morgana’s men off from them, though none of them knew where it came from. A voice shouted for them to look out, but no one recognised who it was.
“Who’s that?” Arthur asked, bewildered.
“Don’t know,” Gwaine grinned devilishly. “But I’m liking him already.”
Two figures appeared over the edge of the rock formation and (Y/N) gasped at the sight of one. “Lancelot!”
They regrouped away from the rocks, where they came face to face with Lancelot and a new friend, who looked like a giant compared to the rest of them. (Y/N) let go of Gwaine’s hand to hug Lancelot, who took her affection gladly.
“(Y/N)! You’ve grown,” he noted.
Just quiet enough so only the two of them could hear, she whispered; “So has my magic!”
“I believe it,” he laughed. He then gestured to the giant beside him. “This is Percival. Percival, this is (Y/N).”
Percival waved awkwardly at the girl, who smiled up at him sweetly. She gestured to her dog, who had followed her from Gwaine’s side. “That’s Spot.”
“Nice to meet you, Spot,” Percival said, looking down at the dog, who barked in response.
(Y/N) laughed and looked at Lancelot. “I like him already!”
The journey to the castle Arthur spoke of was a long one, but it was worth it for a safe place to stay. (Y/N) sat by the fire with Spot and Gaius, watching curiously as the others surveyed the area.
However, Arthur soon beckoned them all to join him at a round table in the middle of the room. He gave a beautiful speech as they all looked up at him with shining eyes before standing, offering to join in his quest to save his father. Each spoke a word, making goosebumps appear on (Y/N)’s arms as she realised how valuable each person at this table was to her.
“If you need an old man…” Gaius said.
“Or a girl and her dog!” (Y/N) spoke cheerily from her own chair they had given her. Spot barked loyally.
They all laughed and once Merlin, the last man to stand, was on his feet, Arthur thanked them in his own special way.
As (Y/N) watched his sword touch each of the men’s shoulders, knighting them, she felt her heart swell. It was then that she knew what she wanted to do with her life outside of learning magic. She wanted to fight for Camelot, for Arthur, for Merlin, and all their friends. She wanted to be a knight.
“Ew,” (Y/N) whined, looking toward the other side of the dusty old castle room.
“Hm?” Gwaine hummed at her disgust.
She pointed a finger toward where she was looking. The newly knighted man followed her gaze, eyes landing on Arthur and Gwen, whose lips were interlocked passionately.
Gwaine faked a gag. “Ew is right.”
“I think it’s sweet,” Percival muttered mutinously.
“No, they’re right,” Elyan piped up. “It’s disgusting.”
Leon scoffed. “You’re biased.”
“Oh, you’re all so negative,” Gaius tsked. “It’s very sweet.”
Spot whined at them, probably disappointed at the lack of attention towards him.
“HAH! Spot says it’s gross!” (Y/N) announced, pointing repeatedly at her dog. “That’s majority!”
Merlin Tags: @pearlll09
Part 5
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