#lance sacrificing himself
bottomlangst · 3 months
do you guys ever think about how lance died and it was never addressed? that could’ve been such an interesting plot point with lance feeling different afterwards.
teen wolf had their protagonists die and come back and on the show they described having a darkness around their hearts, like a scar.
imagine that with lance, how not only does no one care he died but now he has this black hole in his chest and head that swallows him from the inside and the team has to acknowledge his sacrifice in order to help him get better.
would’ve been such a heartfelt plot point, if only they didn’t hate lance.
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kismetconstellations · 3 months
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i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart) x.
#Takashi Shirogane#Shiro#You're nothingness but shining and everywhere at once.#Allura#The Silver-Haired Princess and Her Silver-Haired Paladin.#Voltron: Legendary Defender#Mine.#I have so many many many thoughts regarding these two.#How both of them were directly victimized by the Galra Empire#and Zarkon#himself#and find themselves in positions of leadership at the forefront of an intergalactic war despite the fact that Allura is a teenaged genocide#survivor who still misses her father and Shiro is a deeply scarred and traumatized pilot-turned-gladiator-against-his-will and neither one#of them have had the space or time to process either of these things.#How differently they handle the immense grief the Galra have caused them.#And that even though they find themselves diametrically opposed to each other's beliefs concerning Ulaz and the Blades they still trust#one another implicitly.#That Shiro looks so much like Alfor it's actually crazy.#How Allura unknowingly made Shiro relive the trauma of losing his crew when she allowed herself to be captured because they're both#inherently self-sacrificing and all-too willing to martyr themselves for the sake of others.#Allura carrying Shiro's essence inside of her before magically transferring it into the clone's body#and how it not only bleached Shiro's hair but is implied to have altered his DNA given his later interactions with the Balmeran crystals#used to power his arm and the Atlas.#That the new arm was Allura's idea and she willingly sacrificed a piece of her heritage for it and for Shiro.#The way they play off of each other when given a moment of levity and all of the potential that was wasted because the writing on this show#is an unbelievably frustrating mess.#In a perfect world where the notorious Season Eight doesn't exist or was competently handled#Shiro is part of Allura's bridal party and the godfather of her and Lance's children.#And he never attempts to dye or change his hair because he loves having a reminder of everything that Allura has done for him and their#importance to and connection with each other readily apparent every time he sees himself in the mirror.
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sockdooe · 4 months
Every time someone edits Keith in the black paladin armor an angel loses its wings.
#keith kogane#listen I understand that he needs to be the black paladin but he should be there temporarily#it’s worse when people do it with lance#I’m sorry but Keith cannot be the black paladin in my mind heart and soul#that spot is RESERVED for SHIRO DAMMIT#HE FAUGHT SO HARD TO BE WITH THE BLACK LION AND YOUR TELLING ME HE DOESNT EVEN GET TO SIT IN HER SEAT ANYMORE????#IM SORRY?? ARE THE LIONS NOT COUNCIOUS??? DID BLACK JUST NOT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT SHIRO AFTERWARDS???#it’s some fucking horse shit#and Lance should’ve stayed in blue and allura should’ve gotten red#allura dead ass does not fit within the blue lion#I love her but that woman is a red paladin#I mean even the fucking show jokes about it#lance being in blue fit his character far more and I believe would’ve led to far more growth#I hate how much people argue about who the better black paladin would be whether it be for Lance or Keith#its shiro#through and through#he ran so Keith could walk bitch#also yes Keith being with the blades is cool and it makes people realize just how much of a pain it is to not have a lion to protect you#to show the true stuggle of those who are still actively fighting against space nazis#that don’t rely on a giant robot#but here’s my thing#I don’t like that Keith separated#because I feel like his character goes backwards#I would’ve preferred Keith actually being there for his teammates and family then almost sacrificing himself over and over again#I also don’t think ryou should ever be in the black lion#like piloting#cause he’s not shiro and I think the black lion would know that#I just wish there was more shiro appreciation within the fandom#like how do people not understand that shiro is an amazing leader???#why does he have to get replaced???
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theglamorousferal · 4 months
Persephone's Binding Part 3
Anger Management/Hardcover ship Sacrificial Bride au
AO3 Prompt Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
As Jason was engrossed in the collection of Infinite Realms lore, a knock sounded at the door. "Come in." Jason said absentmindedly finding a stopping point and placing his finger in between the pages to mark his spot. Jeeves let himself in.
"Yes sir, it is dinnertime, I have been sent to escort you to the dining room." He said as he patiently floated.
"Right yeah, let me just find a bookmark-"
"Here you are sir." Jeeves held out a silver feather shaped bookmark from apparently the aether.
"Awesome, thanks." He placed the bookmark in his spot and set it on the side table next to the bed. "Okay, lead the way please."
Once more Jason was led throughout the dark, yet glowing, halls of the High Queen's castle. They passed many different entities, all of which were obviously not human and Jason hadn't seen this diversity of different fashions since he was last at a costume party. There were actual knights with swords and lances, some yeti's with arms full of scrolls, and eight foot tall women with bright blue skin and Amazonian armor, some with multiple arms. There was what appeared to be a wolf-man talking with the knights, in some language that seemed to have some roots in Latin, though other words he could hear were from other areas. Eventually, they arrived at a set of carved wooden doors.
"Here you are sir, the royal family awaits you inside." Jeeves said prepared to open the door.
"Wait, the whole family? I thought it was just Jazz?" Jason was suddenly nervous, he thought he'd have more time before meeting the family.
"It's quite alright sir, tonight it is only the High Queen Regent and High Prince Danny in attendance. I believe she thought the entire family would be a bit much, but the High Prince has a habit of showing up anyway. He is quite protective of his sister." With that bit of advice, Jeeves opened the door.
The room was ornate, though not as large as he was expecting, clearly this was the smaller dining room. Sat at the head of the table in a seat that in some countries would be considered a throne, was Jazz, she still had her helm-crown, but now she was just in the teal toga with clasps shaped like a sun at both shoulders. She still had her arm bracers on, which he expected, if she was trained by an Amazon, then those would likely stay on always.
Sat to her right was a young man, perhaps around 19 years old, with jet black hair and piercing blue eyes. He had been talking animatedly with Jazz when he heard the door open and his eyes snapped to Jason. He was in clothing far more similar to the yeti Frostbite, though in different colors and with a white peasant shirt on. Where Frostbite had gold, Danny had silver, where the yeti had blue, Danny had black.
"So, you're the sacrifice huh?" Danny looked unimpressed at Jason's entire existence. "How'd you manage to get sacrificed? You look like you'd be hard to take down for cultists."
Jason took a moment to process what was said and then made his way to the seat to the left of Jazz. He cleared his throat. "They got me while I was distracted helping a little girl get her stuffie that was stuck on her rusty fire escape. When she was walking away with her mom, I got clocked on the back of the head. Now I'm here." He splayed out his hands as if to say 'what can you do?'
"Hmmm, okay that's fair. At least I know you're not a cretin. What are your opinions on the undead?" He slouched back into his chair with his arms crossed, a critical eye on Jason.
"Danny! I thought I told you no twenty-questions! He hasn't even been here a day, and since I was dealing with paperwork all afternoon, I haven't been able to talk with him yet either." She scolded before she turned to Jason. "I am so sorry about him, I had one bad boyfriend years ago and now he thinks any guy that comes near me has unsavory intentions." She turned back to Danny. "Jason didn't choose to be here, remember? I'm sure the whole sacrificing to an unknown being in an unknown dimension has got to be somewhat traumatic and I don't want to make him relive that if we can help it."
Jason snorted. "Honestly, not even in my top ten most traumatic experiences. This one ranks so far a solid 3/10."
"Really?" Danny quirked an eyebrow. He stared longer at Jason and his eyes flashed that Lazarus green. "Ancients dude, what the hell happened to you?"
Jason sighed heavily. "I mean, Jazz already knows some of it, but," he swallowed heavily, "I died." He took a deep breath. "And then I came back. It hasn't been great since then." He said with a tone of finality, indicating he was done with this line of questioning. Danny's look of judgement turned more understanding.
"Okay, let's say we start dinner then? I'm sure you have some questions for us too." Jazz clapped her hands and skeletons came in with carts full of food. They placed plates in front of each of them and refilled the glasses of water before exiting the room. Upon the plate was a cut of salmon, some roasted asparagus and mashed potatoes. Okay, so they at least have a similar diet to humans. He dug in, and was reminded of Alfred's cooking.
"Would it be possible to get a message to my family somehow? To let them know that I'm alright?" He asked a little desperately.
The siblings traded glances. "It might take a while to pin down the correct dimension, but we should have a record of your time here in the archives, and that should have your dimensional code. You mentioned heroes, maybe we can pin down which one it might be if we can figure out which ones have those heroes?"
"There are heroes in your universe?" Danny perked up at the mention of heroes. Seems like the kid is intrigued by them.
"Yeah, there's a bunch, I don't even know all of them. The big three started an organization called the Justice League. Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman founded it to help protect the Earth."
"What's their deal? What are their powers? Do you know any of them?"
"Danny! What did I say about the twenty questions?"
Jason narrowed his eyes momentarily, thinking. Do I tell them? I did show up in armor with a domino on. "It's alright Jazz, I'm used to being interrogated by younger siblings. It comes with having the Batman as a father and all his birds and bats as siblings." He looked a little smug, bragging about his family where they would never hear him.
Both siblings looked blankly at him. Right.
He blew out a breath. "I forgot you don't know who that is." He took a bite and thought how to describe his family. "So, B is the world's greatest detective, and every one of his kids ended up becoming heroes in their own right. All of us are human, one of us has meta abilities, but we mostly rely on our minds, bodies and tech. Superman is from the planet Krypton, but it was destroyed just after he was born and his parents shipped him off to Earth. He's got a laundry list of powers, but the big ones are super strength, flight, enhanced senses and laser and x-ray vision. Wonder Woman is an Amazon Warrior Princess from Themyscira, she was molded from clay by her mother Hippolyta and trained as the strongest warrior of her people. She's got flight, super strength and the Golden Lasso of Truth." Jazz grasped her bracers when it was mentioned that Wonder Woman was an Amazon. Jason looks directly at her. "I noticed you have similar bracers and armor to her, as well as some of the people I've seen around the castle. Were you trained by an Amazon?"
Jazz looked up with wide eyes, not expecting the connection. She quickly recovered and took a bite of food before responding. "Yes, I was trained by Lady Pandora here in the Realms. When I completed my training, I received these." Jason nodded.
"Wait, Pandora? Like the Box Pandora?"
"Yeah, she's nice, but strict. She's the Ancient of Peace, and trained me in quite a lot before I took the throne. I found I quite enjoy sword fighting."
"Maybe we can spar sometime? Lord knows I get enough practice from the Demon Brat demanding fights all the time." Jason and Jazz shared a smile with each other.
"Demon Brat? Do you have a demon sibling?" Danny asked, startling Jason and Jazz and causing them both to blush lightly. He smirked at breaking up the moment.
"No, I just call him that. He's the only one of us that's biologically B's, but he was kinda raised in a murder cult. When he first came to us, he tried to murder every one of us to gain his 'rightful place as blood son'. Obviously it didn't work, but it was not for lack of trying. Replacement got the worst of it honestly, and the Brat seems to mellow out around Dickwing."
"How many siblings do you have?" Danny asked shocked.
"Uh, that's a good question. Are we talking legal adoption or emotional adoption?"
"What's the difference?"
"Oh probably at lease six people."
"I think your dad has a problem."
"Trust me, you aren't the first to say that and you definitely aren't the last." They all dug into their dinner and there was several minutes of quiet. "So, I guess the biggest thing about my universe would be finding one that has the League and meta-humans. Then find whichever one is missing me that should have me in it."
"Yeah, that's probably a good start, I'll get some of my aides to scour the archives. One team to locate the file about the time you spent here when you were, you know," Jazz hesitated, "Yeah, and then I'll have a team looking for the files on which universes have those heroes you mentioned. If there's any other details you can think of to help us narrow it down, that'd be great." She looked at him earnestly.
He smiled softly at her. "Yeah, I'll let you know. I guess another big one is probably that in that universe, I am known as the Red Hood."
"Oh, is that your hero name?" Danny asked.
"Uh, kinda kid. My methods are often frowned upon by the majority of the hero community, they also don't like that I use guns most of the time." He cleared his throat. "Some people consider me a hero, most just see me as a nuisance crime lord of Crime Alley. Which, I get, I do technically run drugs, but it's just to keep it outta the hands of kids and make sure it's all clean so nobody's dying from contaminated product. It's gonna get sold anyway, I might as well make it as safe as I can. I'm just trying to clean up my city as best I can." He carefully wasn't looking at either of them, they seemed like decent people, they probably would agree with the majority on this particular topic.
Jazz placed a hand over his. "I get it. There are some decisions I have had to make since taking rule that seemed counter-productive to my goal, but any little thing helps. You do what you need, those people are just gonna try and get it elsewhere that's not as safe if you don't provide the service, I'm sure some people are thankful for you." Jason looked at her as though seeing her for the first time. That is, his mind stuttered at how regal she held herself as she was comforting him, leader to leader.
Danny cleared his throat breaking the moment again. Jazz was wide-eyed for a moment before collecting herself and Jason blushed to the tips of his ears. Dinner was cleared by the same skeletons from earlier and dessert was placed before them. It appeared to be a chocolate fudge sundae with hand-churned vanilla ice cream.
"So you mentioned sparring, You gotta spar with me before you can spar with Jazz." Danny pointed at him with his spoon.
Jazz sighed, exasperated. "Danny."
"Nope! You have meetings all day tomorrow, I call first dibs."
"Come on Jazz, I haven't been able to spar with anyone new in so long. Please please please?"
Jazz rolled her eyes and looked over to Jason. "If it's alright with you? He's right, I'm busy all day tomorrow so I wasn't going to be able to entertain you anyway, and it's probably better than being cooped up in the guest room all day."
Jason shrugged his shoulders. "I don't see why not? It'll be fun, I usually spar with an alternate version of Superman named Bizarro, so I'll go easy on you." Jason smirked, but was startled to find Danny already smirking at him with fanged teeth.
"Oh, you'll regret that." There was a bright flash of white light and suddenly floating there was a color-inverted version of Danny with bright Lazarus green eyes. He winked and flew out one of the windows near the ceiling.
There were a couple awkward moments before either of them spoke. "So, I didn't want to be insensitive at all, but uh, are you guys human? I know you said you were from Earth, but I've met all sorts of different types of beings too." Jazz sighed heavily.
"That's a complicated answer." She closed her eyes and folded her hands on the table. "Let's move to the library, we can discuss more details there." They rose and he followed her out the door and down the corridor.
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torveiglyart · 24 days
Due to my inability to post a comic page today, I have some more fleshing out of the Avicorians… and a Lance AU.
Due to the unique materials that many Avicorian’s body parts are made of, this race has been poached to extinction. The feathers, bones, teeth, claws, and eyes of an avicorian are held in high regard on the black market. Although they are universally known as extinct, there was a rather large group of Avicorians that escaped the mass poaching epidemic by fleeing to a small outer-rim planet known as Earth, and hiding there.
As generations came and went, the degree of chameleonisation rose, making it impossible to tell an Avicorian from a human, 2,000 years after the genocide. The only indicator that a person could be Avicorian or of that descent is heterochromia, yet even that genetic factor happens in regular humans, so there is no sure way to identify them.
Like Alteans, Avicorians have a unique connection to quintessence. The light markings on their wings indicate a person’s connection, or “power”, to the quintessence they feel strongest. for Avicorians, the composition of quintessence differs based on the colour: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Teal, Blue, Violet, and White. Coincidentally, this colour action works similarly to Earthling’s “Auras” in that personalities can be identified by the quintessence colour. Unlike Alteans, Avicorians cannot “wield” quintessence or manipulate it in the way alchemists can. They can react to and with it, like recharging a Balmera, but cannot utilise it, like Oriande shows. Avicorians require quintessence usage to shape-shift (to morph, not sustain), while Alteans do not.
Quintessence and meaning
Red: Passion, agression, impulsion, heart
Orange: Energetic, creative, impatient, skittish
Yellow: Stubborn, support, compassion, caution
Green: Inquisitive, petty, productive, amicable
Blue: Fluid, thoughtful, trust, fawning
Violet: Decisive, level-head, weary, calm
White: “Purity” White quintessence does not normally appear naturally as it is a refined version. There are no traits, as there are none with a connection to white.
Teal: “Raw Quintessence” Balmeran crystals are the easiest example of quintessence in a raw form. Curiosity, kindness, flexibility, empathy
And now the Lance AU:
Unknown to Lance McClain, he is half Avicorian. His parents, who were actually a full-blood Avicorian and his “aunt” Rosa, were killed in a car accident when he was only 2, and so he was taken in by his aunt Sophia, who he knows as his mom. He was never told of his true parentage, as no one felt it was important for him to know. He was a McClain anyways.
Lance always had heterochromatic eyes, brown on bottom, blue on top, but preferred to wear coloured contacts to hide the unusual colouration, especially after a bad spout of bullying when he first moved to America.
Years later, when Voltron went to aid an Empire outpost with broken shields, Lance sacrificed himself to save Allura from a beam of electricity and was revived by her newfound knowledge of Altean alchemy. Upon revival, he began to have strange pains in his back and nails, yet continuously brushed them off as battle scars or “the whole dying thing”. Months later, when they fight Lotor in the quintessence field, Lance passes out after their victory and wakes up in Red, his armor broken on the ground in front of him and eyes burning. He doesn’t actually take note of the changes until Red is packed with his things and the castle is gone. No one ran into him during the packing trips, but now that things have settled, Pidge is the first to point out Lance’s silence. It is then that Lance freaks out about the wings, blue sclera, and claws.
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kerorinart · 4 months
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This's Ush based on my headcanon, I'm going to explain everything about this Ush. I'll comment on the IDEA, I will explain the CONCEPT of the entire design and finally I'll tell you the LORE of this Ush (it will be a brief lore since it's not fully developed yet)
Let's goooo!!👇
🔺The idea
Basically, the idea comes from a dream I had a few days ago haha. I dreamed about a heroic Ush that for some reason the Ush in my dream had white spots on his fur.
I thought it was so cool that I wanted to draw the Ush from my dream, But cooler would be to give him a lore and a reason. And something quite interesting occurred to me 👀 (when it comes to my favorite characters I put a lot of effort into it hahaha)
The white spots reminded me of when Ush in the Remington comic suffered very serious burns. After sacrificing himself to save Bonta from a fearsome monster, he was reincarnated into a kitten, who in the comic kept those stains from the burns. I thought it would be cool to keep those burns in the form of white spots as a symbol of his sacrifice for the nation 🫡
As for him outfit, I was inspired by traditional oriental clothing, since Ush looks that type of clothing. This Ush is wearing a blue haori* ( *a traditional Japanese jacket) , very representative color of Bonta, with a silver headdress around the edges of the garment. He wears his uniform somewhat sloppy and more comfortable for combat. The red ropes on his legs are woolen threads.
As for the weapon, I opted for a lance because I liked one of first designs of Ush that had a lance, in that design, the lance had a bell hanging and I decided to add it as a reference. This spear isn't just any spear, I was inspired by the niginatas! a Japanese weapon. And of course i wasn't going to forget that he's an Ecaflip, therefore his weapon on the upper blade represents a ♠️, on the lower blade a ♦️, like playing cards, and because the original Ush carries two swords which also represents these symbols. I should also mention that the upper blade is also inspired by the tips of French spears.
With this design I wanted to make something neither so detailed nor so simple.
🔺The lore
This's the story of a different Ush, who after the threat of a terrible monster in the nation of Bonta, sacrificed himself putting an end to the monster and reincarnated into a new life
In addition to preserving his nobility, he was named as a hero of Bonta, Ush would continue to live up to this name and find the admiration he so desired to have, or that's what his lackeys told him, because Ush... He doesn't remember anything about his previous life.
He doesn't know who the Brotherhood of the Forgotten/The Siblings are, and they didn't go looking for him again either because his priorities changed. Although he isn't involved in these canonical events, who knows if he may meet the little eliatrope again 👀
~ The end ~
Thank you for reading :)💕
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shatterinseconds · 1 year
Healing Pods
based on a piece from @coolnonsenseworld's 52 Weeks of KICK 2021 PDF
“Why are you staring at me like that?” Lance sits on the top step leading to the healing pods. He stares up at Keith, caught by his dark gaze. Ever since he came back to consciousness, Keith hasn‘t spoken a word, just continues to look at him as if afraid Lance will vanish the second he blinks. And considering the state of Lance after that battle, it’s understandable.
“You almost died,” Keith says, crossing his arms. “I think I have that right.”
“You gonna lecture me?”
Leaning in, Keith asks, “Will it work?” Fresh out of the healing pod, Lance is still clothed in that white bodysuit, and Keith starts to trace all the angles it reveals, the cut of his shoulders and swell of his biceps. Memorizing him in case he loses the chance to do so again.
Lance shakes his head, getting lost to that touch. “I think it’ll have the same effect that my lectures about self-sacrificing have on you,” he says in complete honesty. 
Keith’s mouth twists at the answer, but he reluctantly accepts it with a sigh. He moves his hand back up to the side of Lance’s face. His fingers bury in Lance’s hair and his thumb rests under Lance’ chin. Keith tilts Lance’s head up as he leans down, kissing him, open mouthed and careful, tentative. Lance releases a soft gasp. He draws Keith in closer by the waist, knee sliding between Keith’s legs, trapping him between his thighs.
“You almost died,” he whispers again, as if making it a running chant in his head to remind himself of what didn’t happen. He breaks from the kiss with silent tears slide down his cheeks.
Lance reaches up to wipe them away, smearing them across the pad of his thumb. “I survived.”
“You did.” Keith’s voice hitches in his throat. “Thank you.”
Lance pulls Keith towards him until their bodies are flushed and they fall back onto the ground, holding each other, never letting go.
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As my rewatch of Voltron season 6 comes to a close, here are my thoughts on it. Mind you, as I'm writing this, it is past midnight. I took my medication, and one of the pills I take makes me a bit sleepy. I wholeheartedly apologize for any repeated sentences, nonsensical phrases, poor spelling of certain words, and poor grammar.
Keith and Krolia's adventure to the area where the other Alteans are should have been at least two episodes - there are moments that should have been more fleshed out, but were unfortunately cut short by production, and possibly absences of Steven Yuen since he is a popular actor in both America and South Korea
Season 6 was ordered, it started production with a certain number of episodes, then one of the suits decided to cut down on the number of episodes - that explains the weird montages
Monsters and Mana, while the best episode of the season (and I stand by it) was definitely written as either a needed filler episode (which is fine) or a special episode to release between season 6 and season 7
Anything that I said about Lotor, in terms of how he ruined Allura's character, is wrong. Allura is just not a good character in this season. I can understand that she needs that connection to her people, and Lotor is able to help her. But I genuinely stand with Lance when comes to not trusting Lotor, since he could not shut the ever loving fuck up about their fathers being friends. My brother in Christ, Lotor, we fucking get it. Your dad and her dad rubbed elbows.
The kiss shared between Lotor and Allura still makes me gag. Nothing against the shippers of this specific ship. I just hate Lotor and how he manipulated Allura. I've been through my own kind of manipulation, so I can't seem to like the character as a person.
I am still right in the theory that Lance and Shiro's relationship was supposed to be important. As much as I adore the fight that Keith has with Kuron, and he tries to being Shiro back and Keith says "I love you", shocking the clone enough for Keith to get the final blow... Lance was given the shaft once again. I could try to work with this in my fix it fic, despite sacrificing my favorite moment in the finale. I'm still outlining my fic, and still on chapter 1, so only time will tell.
That Galra robot that was programmed to have fun was amazing and the scene of it being tied to a rocket getting shot into space as Amazing Grace played in the background is iconic and I wish people talked about it more. Because it was insanely funny and I loved it too much. Fly high, random robot. I will always love you.
Despite me bashing Lotor for all that he is, I will still say that he is a well written character that I would love to punch in the face. Unfortunately he is like 7ft tall, and I am the same height as Krillin from DBZ. So I'm either going to have to learn how to do a Shoryuken a la Street Fighter.
As much as I love the finale of Season 6, I genuinely have to say that Keith's inclusion after being away from Team Voltron just seems convenient.
The Black Lion is the most disloyal bitch I have ever seen. I love the Black Lion's design, as I should. I'm a basic Voltron: Legendary Defender fan. But the Black Lion instantly took Keith back after leaving the team to be with the Blade of Marmora. Also the Black Lion had no problem with Kuron after a certain point, which is stupid. How dare it not be a continuous struggle for Kuron to gain its trust. Then again, this is the same lion that was still loyal to Zarkon despite the fact that Zarkon was evil. Never understood why Zarkon's bond with the Black Lion was so strong when Shiro proved himself to be the better paladin, but that's none of my business at this time.
I personally felt like the Blade of Marmora overstayed their welcome after a certain point. This could just be a me problem, and I am wholeheartedly willing to be the only person on this hill.
Coran is consistently amazing.
I don't know when the writers started making Hunk more of a tech savy character (I genuinely have no idea), but it's quite eye opening when you notice the change in archetypes.
Matt is still an okay character to me. When he was revealed, a good chunk of the fanbase was madly in love with him, which I understand, but I just look at him and shrug.
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sherale-writes · 2 months
Betrothal AU where Keith is being promised to another for the prosperity of his family & land.
The deal now finalized.
So in his curiosity, Keith asks people about who it is, who the hell even Lance was, as they had never met before. But everyone keeps telling him stories of how dumb, egotistical, vain, foolish, self-centered, a bit of a leech, etc. the other is. There's comments that Lance isn't bad looking, and seems kind, but he's always making jokes or being in the way.
Keith feels dread.
He can't believe he's about to be married off to some big dumb fool who will likely be nothing but a jerk and cheat on him and just make the marriage what it is: political with nothing to support it.
So on the day they're to meet, the papers signed, the trade off done, he's ready to fight. Keith is ready to be nothing but trouble. Then he meets Lance. And all those rumors seem so... wildly off base.
Yeah, he's a bit dumb, but in the silly kind of way. Maybe Lance is a bit vain, but he cares about his appearance as any sane person would be. And Keith realizes that Lance makes jokes because he's trying to make people happy, to keep the mood up. Lance is self-sacrificing.
Keith's betrothed is nothing but a person who tries to think of others first, to uplift them, even if it makes him look stupid or an outcast. Suddenly Keith is no longer worried about what their marriage could be. Keith's worried that his betrothed will sacrifice himself for others before they could have a happy marriage.
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lanshappycorner · 4 months
Some type of analysis
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I reread the landot vs epidem chapter and I came to a really mortifying realization (that was probably really obvious but) .....Lance/Dot and Orter/Alex parallels..........
Lance = Orter
Dot = Alex
To start with the obvious, personality-wise they're similar. Orter and Lance are both pretty cool and detached, they work in their own self interest (or Orter does Pre-Alex Incident). Dot and Alex are hotheaded, but kindhearted people who do their best
Appearance-wise, Alex and Dot are similar (spiky hair, similar lines on their faces). Lance and Orter have similar hairstyles too and a default resting bitch face I'm afraid </3 Orter and Lance are both older siblings, while Alex and Dot are younger siblings
The difference is where the interesting stuff comes in
Orter and Wirth do not have a good relationship, whereas Lance and Anna have a great relationship. Alex's brother died, while Dot's older sister is....alive as far as I know 💀 so the circumstances are different
I guess this somewhat builds a foundation for their relationship going forward and I know this is gonna sound crazy but please bear with me Aleorter is like Landot if they were doomed yaoi. Trust me
The foundation of their relationships already kind of builds the vibe for their stories, and aleorter are basically set to be doomed
Orter works in his own interest, doing whatever he wants. He meets Alex, who he becomes fond of despite their contrasting ideals (and how Orter doesn't show affection lmao).
Eventually, Alex gets fatally injured and Orter comes too late to save him, only able to watch him die. Alex tells Orter that despite everything, Orter still came, asserting that Orter still cares. He also says that to prevent deaths like his brother's, he's willing to give up his life.
Now with Dot and Lance, Lance initially starts off working in his own interest too, not caring about others and doing what he wants to achieve his goal.
Unlike Orter, however, he was able to make friends and had a support system (with his friends and also with his sister growing up, unlike Orter who did not seem to rely on anyone, even his own brother. Very important to know that lance+anna and orter+wirth have similar age gaps in between them, being 4-5 years).
It's similar to the scene where Alex implies that Orter still cares. But unlike Alex, Dot is much more upfront about the fact that they're friends, and that he cares for Lance. Lance then changes his attitude to work together with Dot to defeat Epidem.
Anyway Lance was able to divert himself from whatever path Orter was on with the power of love and friendship I guess (<very deep analysis)
During the battle with Epidem, however, he temporarily switches to his old mindset, causing Dot to punch his lights out and remind him that they're friends and that of course he would help Lance, and that Lance doesn't have to carry these burdens by himself
Orter...did change his attitude after Alex's speech, but Alex was no longer with him, and his words became twisted. Not that Alex said anything bad, but Orter's interpretation of it sucked😭😭 so theres that
So where Alex and Orter's story ends, Lance and Dot's story continue. In the heat of the moment, when it seems like Dot is about to be killed, Lance throws himself in front of the attack, and "dies"
(We know he doesn't die, but in the moment, Dot doesn't. He genuinely thinks Lance died). This is a direct parallel to Alex's death scene imo, and we can hypothesize that in a world where Orter was able to come in time, he would've done the same thing and sacrificed himself for Alex.
When Lance is "dying" in Dot's arms, Dot tells Lance that his sister still needs him and he still has a lot left to do for her :( whereas Alex has no sibling left to live for. He admits he's willing to die to prevent anyone else from dying like his brother, and in that moment, there was nothing Orter could say or do in response to that
In the scene where Lance "dies" protecting Dot, Epidem says that saving Dot wasn't very logical. Lance asserts that maybe he is foolish, but he found himself acting despite everything
This can eventually be tied back to the scene where Orter eventually sacrifices himself for landot, Mash and co, he's told that he's being irrational. This time, although Orter does call himself irrational for placing his trust in others, he asserts that this is the most logical decision he could make....to sacrifice himself :(((
When Alex died, the scene took place in the rain. We can assume Orter was crying but due to the rain, we can't really...tell. In this case, where Lance sacrificed himself to save Dot, we see how pained Dot is, but his expression is hidden for a moment.
In the next scene, we see a frame of just Lance's face, "dead" in Dot's arms, and Lance has Dot's tears on his face, implying that Dot was, very obviously, crying (hence, his tears landed on Lance's cheek).
Those are some of the parallels I could find, but the fact that Dot is a parallel to Alex makes sense, considering out of Orter's 2 students, Dot is clearly the one who is more attached to Orter too
In one official art, Dot is drawn next to Orter, while Lance is stood somewhere else. In a lot of panels where Orter is looking at landot, Dot seems to be the bigger focus, and Dot also seems to be more visibly frustrated/devastated at seeing Orter in danger
This doesn't necessarily mean Lance and Orter aren't close, or Lance cares about Orter any less, but the fact that Orter and Dot's closeness is more emphasized does seem to be pretty deliberate and even more so if Dot is supposed to be Alex's parallel
Lance, on the other hand, is Orter's parallel. This would give his win against Wirth and acknowledgement of Wirth's efforts a deeper meaning, considering Wirth has always seeked the approval of his family.
Orter does eventually praise landot, but he never praises Wirth (or at least on screen), so it's rly interesting to me that Orter's parallel in specific is the one to defeat Wirth and praise him for his efforts.
I have no clue how to conclude this but basically landot aleorter parallels real
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keithsautism · 10 months
Lance is the space nerd trying to impress his crush, Allura, by finding an alien. They're like, Totally Real, btw.
Keith is the Area 51 escapee living in a shack trying to cover up his tracker and hide from the government agents sent to recapture him, Lotor's generals.
With Pidge and Hunk's help, Lance gets a doohickey that finds him the frequency of Keith's tracker, and catches him before the generals do...
Keith thinks lance is insufferable and just wants him to leave him alone. Lance thinks this alien boy is a pain in the ass and is trying to get them both killed. Why won't Keith just do him a solid and prove to his friends and crush that he's not crazy and aliens exist after all? They have no choice but to stick together for the time being.. and on the run, trying to track down the missing tech from Keith's crash landing, there's plenty of close calls evading the generals who want them dead or alive. Plenty of close encounters of a.. certain kind.
As the plan to get Keith home nears completion, lance starts to realise that Keith has captured him too. At first Lance thought he got what he wanted by finding Keith, but now he realises he got so much more. How is he supposed to say goodbye to the alien that proved him right; who was supposed to be his ticket to getting with Allura; who showed him he can do great things?
How is he supposed to say goodbye to the first time he's truly felt discovered by someone else? Keith, from a completely different world who managed to see right into his being and get him to believe in himself?
Who would've thought that here on Earth where he's been captured, interrogated and now hunted, lightyears away from his own planet, Keith finally feels at home in the arms of Lance, the human who managed to make Keith feel like he finally belonged?
//anyway there's fight scenes, huddling for warmth, only one bed, roadtrip, search and rescue, bamf!lance, lance learning to believe in himself, s1&2 klance dynamics that become brothers in arms, overcoming internalised biphobia, found family, garrison trio are the best team, autistic!Keith, first love, action adventure becomes romance, they are so gay and angsty, lance self sacrificing and then hurt/comfort, trying to teach keith cards, pidge frothing at the mouth over alien tech, hunk loving his best friend
After a heartbreaking farewell, Keith departs and lance goes back to his life at the garrison with Pidge and hunk. No longer interested in Allura, unable to let Keith go. If Hunk and Pidge weren't there to help with the spaceship recovery mission.. to back up that Keith really existed, Lance would feel totally lost.
Then Keith finds him again. He comes back, after finding out how to remove the government tracker on him at home. Under an alias, he joins the garrison for the final year, a prodigal pilot (no more crashes this time) and then they live happily ever after. (Tracking down and rescuing other alien lifeforms on earth with Hunk and Pidge's help).
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buddiesmutslut · 3 months
Somebody write Green Arrow Buddie bc my brain won’t STFU about it but I don’t have the time 😭🤣
Buck - Oliver Queen (bc I want Chris in this universe, & don’t see a way to do that with Eddie as Oliver)
Eddie - I really want Eddie to be his bodyguard, even if that’s not how they do it in the show. I feel like Oliver Queen/Eddie & Felicity Smoke/Buck could work, but idk, I don’t see Eddie “Technophobe” Diaz working in IT 🤣
Obviously Athena is the cop, Maddie is Thea.
I have no idea who Laurel or Sarah are bc Sarah & Thea are my FAVORITE people in that show & I don’t feel like I connected with any of the female LI’s in the way necessary to cast them as Sarah Lance, White Canary & leader of the Time Gang 😩
Get that confusing divorced/estranged relationship that Diggle & his wife had with Eddie & Shannon (without them getting together again tho, bc this is a Buddie fic & Eddie & Shannon were not meant to stay married in any universe 🙅🏻‍♀️)
Connor can be Tommy & die in the 2nd episode or whatever it was, idc.
Margaret Buckley will never be Moira Queen, & I can honestly see Philip Buckley trying to save his own ass instead of sacrificing himself for Buck, so maybe Buck comes back & is all vigilante because of his shitty dad, instead of for him, ykwim? So obviously Bobby is around somehow & he and Athena are the parents Buck deserves. (Nobody dies tho, that’s very important to me 🤣)
Idk. I haven’t seen Arrow in forever, but my brain was yelling about it this morning. I feel like it would only work for the first season or two, before they start doing crossovers & fighting aliens and shit bc then it would just be too complicated 😅
Tumblr writers, pls take this from me 🙏🙏
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“Damn,” Lance mutters to himself, craning his neck as he takes in the building in front of him. The tall, beautiful building. The expensive building, Lordie. They’ve come a long way since they were bunked up in their piece of shit studio apartment, 19 years old and stressed and completely unsure about what they were doing in life.
Lance snorts. Well. Maybe they haven’t changed that much.
Reminding himself how excited he is to see Hunk’s new place, he heads through the sleek glass doors, nodding at the doorman — an actual doorman, what the fuck — and hauling ass to make the elevator. He rides up to the twentieth floor, which seems to take a thousand years. That probably has less to do with the actual elevator and more to do with the fact that there are six other people in this elevator and five of them are wearing fancy suits, but whatever.
He steps out onto the quiet, carpeted hallway, looking for apartment 2014. He finds it quickly, peeking under the welcome mat like Hunk said, beyond relieved to see the silver key. He slides it through the lock, opening it easily, and pokes his head through the door.
“Dandelion?” he calls softly. He’s expecting the excited howling of Hunk’s big dumb cat, then the sound of his little paws clambering on the floor as he speeds down the hallway, but there’s nothing. Lance shrugs, stepping all the way into the apartment and locking the door behind him. Hunk must have taken Dandelion with him to see Shay.
Humming to himself, Lance heads for the kitchen. He ate before he got on the train, but that was almost two hours ago, and besides — Hunk’s fridge is always stocked. At best there will be leftovers of whatever genius Hunk has cooked up in the past couple days, and at worst there’ll be fifteen dollar exotic strawberries that Lance will steal shamelessly.
Hunk is so lucky to have Lance as a best friend, honestly.
Opening the fridge, however, is a massive disappointment. There’s not a single fancy schmancy ingredient in sight, and certainly no delicious leftovers. In fact the fridge is almost completely barren, only a carton of eggs, random condiments, and a bunch of veggies. The veggies make sense, but the fridge still feels off, somehow. But there are ingredients enough to make a killer sandwich, so Lance helps himself.
Ignoring the countless warnings Hunk has given him over the years to not eat and walk so he doesn’t get crumbs everywhere, Lance decides to give himself a tour of the apartment. It’s leagues better than anything either of them have every lived in before, which is nice. Lance is unbelievably proud of Hunk for his promotion — he deserves it and more. He most definitely deserves the sick view, 20 storeys in the air, the crown moulded ceilings, the general cleanliness. The sparseness of the place is definitely a little odd for Hunk, because he’s more of a knickknack guy, but he’s only been at this place for a couple months. Makes sense that he hasn’t unpacked yet.
Lance perks up at the sound of the key in the lock. It’s a little early, yet, almost a half hour before Hunk said he’d be here, but hey — the earlier the better! Lance has missed living near his best friend.
Quickly scarfing down his sandwich — he was so bullshitting before and if Hunk catches him red handed he’s going to die and he knows it — he sprints to the kitchen, hiding just behind the bend of the wall. He snickers quietly for himself, tense in wait. He’s going to scare the shit out of Hunk, and it’s going to be great.
“— yeah, yeah, I know, but I’ve got shit to do tonight, Shiro. I don’t have time.”
Lance freezes.
That’s not Hunk.
“What? No! I’m not sacrificing Survivor to go to some bar, dude! Why the hell would I trade chilling out with Kosmo on the couch and watching people be fools in the wilderness for dodging drunk people?”
Maybe Hunk brought a friend over, Lance thinks to himself. Hunk’s a friendly guy. It’s possible.
“Yeah, yeah.” The mystery man’s voice goes high pitched, mocking. “I have no friends and need to get out more, blah blah blah. hear you, Shiro.”
Lance’s heart pounds. So much for that theory. He peeks around the corner, expecting some dude in a ski mask and dressed in black, holding a gun and a duffel bag. Instead he sees a guy, dressed in a white t-shirt — a tight white tee, may Lance add — and basketball shorts, maybe a couple inches taller than Lance, sporting what Lance can only call an honest-to-God mullet.
Well, at least Lance got the duffel bag part right.
The man’s voice turns exasperated. “I am taking you seriously, Shiro. Promise. I’ll go — I’ll do something social tomorrow, okay?” The man turns slightly, so Lance has full view of his profile, and the arm holding up his phone.
The, uh, fairly toned arm.
“Yeah. I will. Love you, too.”
Oh no.
This intruder is hot.
The hot intruder hangs up, shoving his phone in his pocket. Then, faster than Lance can react (look, no one prepares you for a burglar that looks like a Greek god, okay? Lance is a little stupefied and he feels that it’s justified. This man’s jawline alone is affecting his heart worse than the fear that he’s gonna get murdered for witnessing a crime), the man turns into the kitchen.
Face to face with Lance.
For a moment neither of them say anything, completely frozen, wide-eyed and slack-jawed. And then the hot intruder blinks, says “Shit!” loudly enough to echo, and reaches for his pocket.
Lance, fearing the worst, screeches at the top of his lungs, and sprints for the bedroom, shoving past the intruder.
“Get out!” he screams, slamming and locking the door behind him. “Get out get out get out!”
“What the — you get out!” the intruder screams back. He slams into the door, banging on it as he juggles the handle. “Why are you here?”
“Dear God, please help me.” Lance isn’t much of a religious person, really, but all those boring years of Easter Mass growing up must have affected him in some way, because he’s halfway ready to start praying for real. Obviously, this man had quietly observed how smart and handsome and awesome Hunk looks, and assumed he’s a rich supergenius, and has now come to rob him blind as he’s out of the house. What this horrible criminal didn’t expect was Lance, here to visit his friend at his new place. And now that Lance has witnessed him, bare-faced and red-handed, he is going to murder Lance — to death — to cover his crime.
“I’m calling the police!” Lance screeches. He doesn’t have a whole lot of faith in the fuckers, but at this point they’re better than nothing. Maybe they’ll bring a forensic team to help solve the crime of Leandro Agustín Nuñez Carmen Esposita-McClain, far too young and beautiful to die, murdered tragically.
There’s a pause from the other side of the door, almost shocked.
“Why the fuck would you be calling the cops?” demands the man, half incredulous. “I’m calling the cops, you trespassing weirdo!”
Something like cold realization begins to build up in Lance’s gut. “I’m calling the cops because you’re trying to rob this apartment and maybe murder me?” he suggests.
“Rob the — murder you?” the man sputters. “This is my fucking apartment!”
Before he can talk himself out of it, Lance unlocks the door and yanks it open, face to face with Mr Tall, Mulleted, and Handsome.
“Do you,” he says nervously, face a little red, “happen to have a neighbour named Hunk Garrett?”
The man blinks at him. “Yeah. He’s across the hall. 2041.”
A long, agonizing moment of silence. Both of them just look at each other in pure bewilderment. (Well, Lance will admit that his bewilderment is not quite so pure. There might be some healthy admiration and lust swimming around there somewhere. This man is very attractive, and Lance has a thing for people who are angry with him. It’s a complex.)
“In my defense,” Lance says eventually, “I’m dyslexic.”
Luckily for Lance, Keith — the hot not-intruder — is very understanding of the entire ideal.
By that, Lance means he laughs himself to tears, right there on the hallway floor.
“There’s no way this is happening in real life,” Keith wheezes. “There’s no way you could fuck up this bad.”
Lance scowls. “Oh, piss off. I flipped two measly digits, and you’re the dumbass who keeps your house key under your welcome mat! Who even does that!”
It takes Keith several tries to calm himself down. The first few times he seems like he’s normal, but then he looks at Lance’s grouchy face and loses it all over again. The worst part is that he has a fucking gorgeous laugh, so Lance is having a really hard time staying angry.
“I’m —” Keith takes a deep, shuddering breath — “I’m sorry, dude. Lance. Really. I don’t mean to laugh at you. It’s just — I was just telling my brother that nothing happens here, you know? And then this.”
Lance softens, finally allowing himself a small smile. He offers a hand to Keith, who takes it and pulls himself up. “Yeah, I guess it’s kind of a one-in-a-lifetime thing, huh?”
Keith hums. “Yeah.”
Keith’s hand is calloused, along the heel and flex of his palm. His hand is also very warm, like Lance has his own personal hand-heater. But Lance is, if he’s being entirely honest, paying way more attention to his eyes — they’re the most peculiar shade of indigo, so dark that Lance thought they were black, at first. But no, the darkest shade of blue-purple Lance has ever seen. He has freckles too, though barely. Just a couple spattered on the bridge of his nose. And the —
The sound of the Swedish chef from the Muppets over trap music startles Lance out of his reverie — Hunk’s ringtone. He pulls away from Keith’s hand, from his very close personal space, God, and hurriedly answers.
“Yeah, Hunk?”
His voice cracks seven times. He’s not proud of it.
“Where are you, dude? You were supposed to get here earlier than me but I’ve been here for twenty minutes. Did you get lost?”
Lance looks at his watch, then curses loudly. Has he really been in Keith’s apartment for nearly an hour? Fuck!
“I didn’t get — I just lost track of time — I’m not — I’ll be right there,” he rushes out. “See you in five, okay?”
He hangs up before Hunk has the chance to respond, still cursing endlessly.
“Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He grips his hair with one hand, other clenching his phone. He flicks his eyes back to Keith, who looks way more amused than he has any right to. “I have — I’ve gotta go. Now.”
“To the right apartment this time,” Keith surmises, grinning.
Lance flushes. “That would be correct, yes. I’m meeting my friend for dinner.”
“Hunk Garrett. Chef extraordinaire. You mentioned.”
Like a dumbass and before he can stop himself, Lance blurts: “You should come with me.”
Keith raises an amused eyebrow. “I’m not an expert in social cues or anything, but I don’t think you can invite me over to other people’s houses.” He chuckles. “Although you don’t seem to have a problem showing up to places randomly, huh?”
“Shut up!”Lance checks his watch again, then bites his lip. “I really have to go.” There’s nothing stopping him. He has no reason to stay, really. But for some reason he doesn’t want to go.
“Hey, give me your number,” Keith says after a moment.
“Why?” Lance asks on reflex. Very quickly he wants to smack himself for being a fool.
Keith smiles wryly. “Well, I dunno. Once I emotionally recover from you breaking and entering into my apartment, I might decide I want to press charges. Better get your number just in case.”
Lance laughs. He takes the offered phone, punching in his number and contact, putting a heart after his name after only a beat of hesitation.
“I’ll text you,” Keith says, walking Lance to the door. For the first time since he discovered Lance hiding in his kitchen, he looks slightly nervous. “If, um. If that’s okay.”
“I’d like that,” Lance says softly. Keith’s gentle look makes something hot brew in his belly, butterflies fluttering and making his arms and legs tingle. He’s had crushes before, and he’s absolutely no stranger to finding someone hot, but this feels…different. Almost —
“Lance?” For the second time, Hunk’s voice startles Lance out of making goo-goo eyes at Keith, poking his head out of his actual apartment, right across the door. “I thought I heard you out here — wait.” Hunk’s dark eyes narrow, and he looks Lance up and down. He holds his gaze for a second, then bursts out laughing. “Keith, pal,” he wheezes, “please tell me my dumbass best friend didn’t break into your house.”
Keith grins. “He did!”
“No fuckin’ way! Lance, dude, oh my God —”
“Easy and reasonable mistake! Fuck off!”
Hours later, cozy on Hunk’s couch, he gets a text from an unknown number.
from: unknown
i’ve decided i won’t press charges for breaking and entering.
Lance laughs, quickly adding the number to his contacts.
to: keith <3
thank you, oh merciful one.
Lance is left on read for long enough that he’s almost offended, but luckily a text pops in before he can get really mad.
from: keith <3
don’t get too relieved yet, lance.
from: keith <3
there are other charges i’m going to press.
A real stab of fear pierces Lance’s heart.
to: keith <3
u best be joking it was an ACCIDENT
to: keith <3
to: keith <3
Before Lance can really work himself up, though, Keith finishes his thought.
from: keith <3
i have to report you for theft
from: keith <3
cus aside from sandwich ingredients, i think you stole my heart
Lance couldn’t stop his giggle if he tried. It’s besotted and stupid and halfway-drunk, Jesus. Lance is embarrassed for himself.
from: keith <3
oh my god that is the most embarrassing thing i’ve ever typed and sent
from: keith <3
i’m begging you to purge it from your memory
to: keith <3
i’ll make you a deal
Lance takes a deep breath, steeling himself before sending. It feels strange to be on the other end of a pickup line — Lance can’t say he minds.
to: keith <3
you go out with me, and i’ll never mention how embarrassing you are to another soul
from: keith <3
from: keith <3
i’ve only known you for a day, and i know you’re lying to me
Lance snorts. That’s a fair assumption. Lance was lying. He’s actually debating waking Hunk up to show him these texts instead of waiting until tomorrow morning, but Keith doesn’t need to know that.
from: keith <3
but, yeah. i’ll go out with you.
from: keith <3
Lance grins. He has a good feeling about this.
to: keith <3
see you then, hot not-intruder :)
based on this video
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queer-ragnelle · 10 days
Quite a few modern retellings like to situate the Arthurian stuff in its "historical" time period of Post-Roman Britain. Do you prefer that or the more nebulous "clearly High Middle Ages but in no particular historical period"? Or are they both cool for you?
I like them both! I wrote my books in the era of Sassanid Persia/Post-Roman Britain. :^) I like historical fiction in general so very early Middle Ages works for me. I do love the look of Late Middle Ages or even the in between era of Chrétien de Troyes, but honestly? I have no preference one way or the other so long as the “historical” angle isn’t used as an excuse for excessive violence toward women or grungy boring color palette.
My one demand is magic. The exception that proves the rule is Warlord Chronicles by Bernard Cornwell. Derfel is just a guy, a normal foot soldier, so he himself can’t say whether magic is real or not as he doesn’t perform it. But it’s as if he experiences it all the time. Are Merlin and Nimuë actually magic? Or is it a superstition and coincidence their rituals play out like magic? This mystery is so exciting and abundant throughout the narrative that the ambiguity actually heightens the story. I also don’t hate King Arthur (2004) but Merlin as a random Pictish Druid priest was kind of a waste of the character. He didn’t feel like Merlin. Would’ve been cooler if he exploded the Saxon army or something. Maybe instead of Dagonet sacrificing himself to break the ice and drown their pursuers, Merlin could have “made” it crack with his staff. Is it just Merlin’s knowledge of physics helping him or is he a legit wizard? Who knows!
I do think if the story is going to include Lancelot, then it has to have jousting. So a later era or that one glaring anachronism. Who is Lancey without his lance?!
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thecrimsonribbon · 5 months
My SVE OC lores and stuffs
Ignore my typo and grammar mistakes 🤧
Let’s talk about my sve comic first. I was going to draw series based on Stardew Valley Expanded but since I don’t have much information about Castle Village, I temporarily cancelled it until 2.0 is released.
The SVE comic took place mostly in Stardew Valley, and will be told through Isaac’s POV. (Ridgeside Village is also mentioned)
Summary: Isaac happened met the Pelican Town’s florist, Myra, who looked exactly like his deceased lover, Elaine. After that fateful encounter, strange things started to happen in both the town and Castle Village, and Isaac find himself in a mission where he has to discover the mystery behind Myra’s pressence.
Character’s backstory (mostly headcanon and has nothing to do with the canon lore in the game/mod):
- Isaac:
Isaac is a skilled monster hunter at Castle Village, he is skilled in combat and swordsmanship, therefore he had earn the position as a monster hunter in Castle Village, this is where he also met his lover, Elaine.
Isaac had longed for a family with Elaine and planned to marry in the future. Isaac proposed to Elaine in Crimson Badlands, seconds after she took her last breath. Isaac still kept some of Elaine’s keepsakes such as the red ribbon she always used to tied up her hair, and her cloak. He has been mourning for her for 6 years, he shows no interest in finding somebody else to love.
- Lance:
This man kept everything about him a mystery. All we know that he was born from a noble family and he knows magic. Lance’s handsome face always has the smug look on it as if he knows something, a secret perhaps? He will never tells you.
- Elaine:
Elaine was born in Pelican Town with her grandparents, while her parent lived and worked at Suzu city. Elaine soon became a member at the Adventure Guild after she finds joy in keeping the valley safe from monsters.
She then moved to to Castle Village at the age of 23, and met the monster hunter Isaac. Elaine and Isaac soon got closer and started dating, they had been dreaming of having their own house in Ginger Island to start a new life as a farmer, but their dream was shattered not long after.
Elaine passed away at the age of 25, after sacrificed herself to kill Apophis completely, leaving Isaac to mourn for her passing for 6 years. Isaac has build her a headstone and scattered her ashes around Ginger Island.
- Myra:
Myrams origin is still a mystery, nobody knows where she came from, who’s her family and where is her old home. She came to Pelican Town on a stormy night and then begin her life there ever since, even doctor Harvey is unsure who is the mysterious man that brought her to his clinic that night.
Myra is seen as a very friendly, kind and generous young lady, it is impossible for her to make any enemies. Although the villagers feel uneasy whenever they visit her farm, as it’s always filled with void animals and creepy things, they always talk highly of Myra.
Lore heavy stuffs:
Apophis can’t die, when Elaine finally put an end to the monster, its soul morphed with Elaine after she passed away. Therefore, Elaine’s soul was trapped in Crimson Badlands. The Minister of Magic noticed, if Elaine soul fell into the hand of those who have ill intentions, Apophis will be reborn again.
Lance at the time happened to did research on resurrection spell, he then started to experiment on Elaine’s corrupted soul and successfully resurrected her with the help of the witches, wizards and the Ridgeside Mountain deity, Raeriyala.
However, Elaine’s memory was completely wiped out and Apophis’ soul still imprinted on her (explain why Elaine / Myra loves void stuffs) so she was given a new name and was brought back to Pelican Town, under Magnus’ watch in case something bad happened. (They kept this a secret from Isaac because Isaac would try to throw hands with them as he believedthey were using Elaine as a lab rat.)
In my sve comic, there’s a cult where people worship Apophis as their god and would do anything to bring back Apophis. If they had their hands on Elaine and her corrupted soul, she could be a vessel for Apophis’ reborn and cause chaos again.
Secrets and other stuffs:
In this sve universe, the color red holds an important part of the story as it’s held a lot of meaning and metaphors.
- red is the color of love and blood.
- it’s Elaine’s/Myra’s favorite color on clothes and flowers (Roses)
- red is the color of the butterfly that often flies around Isaac’s home the first 2 weeks.
- red is the color of the leaves, the Fall season where Elaine and Isaac met (Isaac met Myra during Fall too)
- red is the color of Apophis’ eyes.
Myra’s current appearance is what Elaine wanted herself to look like if she’s not a Monster Hunter.
Elaine is pregnant with Isaac’s son but neither did she or Isaac knows about it.
Elaine’s bloodline has connection with both Pelican Town and Ridgeside Village, which explains why Raeriyala helped Lance with his resurrection experiment.
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houserosaire · 6 months
Baron Silvaineaux de Rosaire
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Name: Silvaineaux Elouan Valère de Rosaire Nicknames: Silvain Age: 29 Summers Nameday: 17th Sun of the Fourth Astral Moon Race: Ishgardian Elezen Gender: Cis Male. Orientation: Homosexual Profession: Baron, Knight-Captain, Captain at Priarch Enterprises.
—𝒑𝒉𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝒂𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒔
Hair: Jet black, hip length. Eyes: The right is golden, the left sapphire blue. Skin: Golden brown Tattoos/scars: The most visible ones are the one on his right cheek and the small day to day scars on his hands. Under armor and clothing he wears the numerous heavy marks of a life spent in combat. Armor and clothing also hide a tattoo in black ink in the shape of a striking hawk on his right shoulder and in blue and white on the left side of his chest the design of a droplet breaking free of a wave.
Parents: Baron Severin and Baroness Athenais de Rosaire (both deceased) Siblings: Older brother Seraphin de Rosaire (deceased*), Older sister Felicienne de Beauchene, and adopted brother Honore. Grandparents: Paternal: Baron Ghyslain and Baroness Mailys de Rosaire (both deceased) Maternal: Baron Évrard de Solepine and Baroness Geneviève de Solepine (both deceased) In-laws and Other: Numerous cousins and cousins by marriage as are typical of large old noble houses. Notable still living close relations include: A great Uncle: Ser Judicael de Rosaire, A Paternal Aunt: Dowager Viscountess Kasmae Sanguemont. Cousin once removed: Ser Gaheriet de Rosaire. Maternal first cousin: Baron Vaelanys de Solepine. Brother-in-law: Baron Gratien de Beauchene. Pets: Tempête, a hunting hawk as well as several other birds of prey.
Abilities: Silvaineaux is extremely skilled in sword and shield combat, both mounted and unmounted. He is proficient with the jousting lance and passably versed in spear fighting. He is competent with a bow. He is also extensively schooled in military tactics and the commanding of men, since he was raised to serve as an officer. His family has raised and trained chocobos for some five centuries and he is very good at understanding and handling birds. From his mother's family he inherited the peculiar aethersight that comes with his odd hued eyes, as a side effect of this he can see ghosts, though he does not have any particular skills with the dead beyond this ability to perceive them.
Most Positive Trait: A strong sense of justice and a very fixed moral compass. Most Negative Trait: Stubborn and self-sacrificing.
Colors: Blue, black, gold. Smells: Sandalwood, leather, whiskey, oranges, clean straw. Textures: Metal, fur, leather, polished wood. Drinks: Whiskey, Ishgardian tea, Thavnairian chai.
—𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒅𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒔
Smokes: Never. Smoke aggravates his lungs and makes him cough. Drinks: Excessively. Mostly whiskey. Drugs: Never. Mount Issuance: Silvaineaux's beloved Joyeux was bred out of his family's own stables. He chose the birds for the cross and sat with the egg while it hatched. He trained Joyeux for combat himself and counts him as one of his most loyal and dependable friends and comrades. (Joyeux is short for his full pedigreed name which means Joyous in Battle.) Been Arrested: No. Tagged by: @shroudkeeper Thank you so very much! Tagging: @bookbornexiv @dawning-star @thedarknesssings @blisteringstar @roses-and-grimoires @iron-roots @reddevil-xiv @liminal-storage @gorgagne-viperidae @tea-and-conspiracy @punches-and-cream-puffs @hiraethwyl @mimble-sparklepudding @avampyone and whoever else would like to do it and blame me. (please do tag, I would love to see)
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