sherale-writes · 8 days
I swear I'm still working on "Searching for our Missing Piece" and "Sunflowers and Lavender"
I would tend to write at work, in free/down time when I didn't write at home. But work has just been hella busy and I haven't had much time to work on it between life and getting distracted with... Fields of Misteria... (hella good game by the way totes recommend it).
I just need like another week or two and I should hopefully have one if not both out. And one of the reasons it is taking me a bit is that the S&L fic has a fic posting alongside it at the same time, as I want them to go together. So I had to make sure the secret in-the-works fic was up to snuff.
Do keep an ear and eye out in a few weeks for updated chapters! One for love, and the other for misery. Both involving Lance lol
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sherale-writes · 1 month
The second and final chapter is now out!
It wraps up everything and puts a conclusion to it all and Lance's little sudden ability.
Enjoy <3
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Title: All the Thoughts That Led to Me Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender - VLD Ship: Keith/Lance - Klance Tags: Mind Reading, Pining, Developing Feelings, Prompt Fic, Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Pining Keith (Voltron), Fluff
Made this based on a prompt idea that Moonloveskl on twitter made. Couldn't get it out of my head, so I wrote it instead lol.
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sherale-writes · 1 month
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Title: All the Thoughts That Led to Me Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender - VLD Ship: Keith/Lance - Klance Tags: Mind Reading, Pining, Developing Feelings, Prompt Fic, Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Pining Keith (Voltron), Fluff
Made this based on a prompt idea that Moonloveskl on twitter made. Couldn't get it out of my head, so I wrote it instead lol.
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sherale-writes · 2 months
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Getting closer to the end of the whole thing. Only a few more chapters to go before the conclusion!
Title: Searching for our Missing Piece (previously titled Looking for our Other Piece) Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender - VLD Ship: Keith/Lance/Shiro Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Omegaverse, Psychological Torture, Blood, Langst, Depictions of Death, Death
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sherale-writes · 2 months
some people think writers are so eloquent and good with words, but the reality is that we can sit there with our fingers on the keyboard going, “what’s the word for non-sunlight lighting? Like, fake lighting?” and for ten minutes, all our brain will supply is “unofficial”, and we know that’s not the right word, but it’s the only word we can come up with…until finally it’s like our face got smashed into a brick wall and we remember the word we want is “artificial”.
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sherale-writes · 2 months
Meant to post about it, forgot lol
Chapter two and three are now up for this!!
I believe there should only be one more chapter then it'll be all done.
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New fic!
A work dedicated to klance__dreams for a prompt they made about this scenario. I was just so in love with it, I had to write it! It shouldn't be more than 4/5 chapters and most of it is currently written. Just finishing up scenes and proof reading.
Title: Sunflowers and Lavender Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender Ship: Keith/Lance - Klance Tags: Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Pining, Madly in Love vs Innocently Oblivious, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Small Mentions of Past Relationship Abuse, Fic is mostly in Keith's POV
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sherale-writes · 2 months
Betrothal AU where Keith is being promised to another for the prosperity of his family & land.
The deal now finalized.
So in his curiosity, Keith asks people about who it is, who the hell even Lance was, as they had never met before. But everyone keeps telling him stories of how dumb, egotistical, vain, foolish, self-centered, a bit of a leech, etc. the other is. There's comments that Lance isn't bad looking, and seems kind, but he's always making jokes or being in the way.
Keith feels dread.
He can't believe he's about to be married off to some big dumb fool who will likely be nothing but a jerk and cheat on him and just make the marriage what it is: political with nothing to support it.
So on the day they're to meet, the papers signed, the trade off done, he's ready to fight. Keith is ready to be nothing but trouble. Then he meets Lance. And all those rumors seem so... wildly off base.
Yeah, he's a bit dumb, but in the silly kind of way. Maybe Lance is a bit vain, but he cares about his appearance as any sane person would be. And Keith realizes that Lance makes jokes because he's trying to make people happy, to keep the mood up. Lance is self-sacrificing.
Keith's betrothed is nothing but a person who tries to think of others first, to uplift them, even if it makes him look stupid or an outcast. Suddenly Keith is no longer worried about what their marriage could be. Keith's worried that his betrothed will sacrifice himself for others before they could have a happy marriage.
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sherale-writes · 2 months
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Chapter 14 posted! This chapter darkens in theme and is the real start to the "torture in later chapters" tag that is on the fic.
Title: Looking for our Other Piece Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender Ship: Keith/Lance/Shiro Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Omegaverse, Torture, Blood, Langst, Psychological Torture
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sherale-writes · 2 months
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New fic!
A work dedicated to klance__dreams for a prompt they made about this scenario. I was just so in love with it, I had to write it! It shouldn't be more than 4/5 chapters and most of it is currently written. Just finishing up scenes and proof reading.
Title: Sunflowers and Lavender Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender Ship: Keith/Lance - Klance Tags: Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Pining, Madly in Love vs Innocently Oblivious, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Small Mentions of Past Relationship Abuse, Fic is mostly in Keith's POV
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sherale-writes · 2 months
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Decided to make the julance prompts this year since I noticed the usual prompt people are off living their best lives (happy for them Fr they deserve it) so here's one for the fandom to utilize for our boy lance during July 💪
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sherale-writes · 2 months
Chapter 13 is up!
I forgot to post about it here lol It's the longest chapter by far! Building towards the last so many chapters. It'll be over before I know it. ;;
Title: Looking for our Other Piece Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender Ship: Keith/Lance/Shiro Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Omegaverse, Torture, Blood, BG Character Death, Langst
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sherale-writes · 3 months
Just posted Ch. 12. Might be another two weeks before I post another chapter as work and life is getting busier. But this is the second half of the logs and gearing up to focus more on Lance and his situation!
Title: Looking for our Other Piece Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender Ship: Keith/Lance/Shiro Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Omegaverse, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Torture in later chapters, etc.
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sherale-writes · 3 months
Just posted Chapter 11!
This one follows more of Shiro and Keith, and will be in two parts, the second part posted next week <3
Title: Looking for our Other Piece Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender Ship: Keith/Lance/Shiro Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Omegaverse, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Torture in later chapters
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sherale-writes · 3 months
Keith woke to a calm morning, one of the first in awhile where his alarm wasn’t going off or he wasn’t dragging himself out of bed for a task. This time it was on his choice, and as he laid there in the comfort of his bed and warmth of his sheets, he also acknowledged how aching a certain part of him was.
Most times lately he had been ignoring the effects of waking with a male body. There was too much to do or he didn’t want to deal with the mess. But… today felt different.
The tingling sense of a dream sat on his mind like a fog. Something he dreamt last night brought a fire to his body. And with a morning like this, for Keith to be able to relax for once, he figured he'd lean into the desire.
His right hand moved down, sliding under the waistband of his sleep pants and boxers, his left grabbing the bedsheets then the clothing to push them down at least to his legs, letting his cock spring free and fall into his awaiting hand.
“Nngh…” Keith’s lashes fluttered. His head turned, teeth making a short bite at his bottom lip before he let it go, hand stroking over himself.
There was never usually a fantasy Keith would think about when doing this. He might lean into the memory of a dream he had that left him needing, or recall a picture or video he once had seen years back. Usually though, Keith handled himself just fine without all the extra fluffing. This time would be no different.
His right hand squeezed around his base, pulling a shudder and a gasp from him. After a few lazy strokes, Keith would speed his hand up then slow it down at times to rub or pinch at his leaking tip, smearing precum over his fingers and palm. His left hand moved between his legs, fingertips ghosting over or rubbing his balls in time with his stroking.
“Haa... haaa ah…”
As he was losing himself to the pleasure of it all, head burrowing back into his pillow, the image of beautiful blue eyes came to mind.
Keith’s hands made a small jerk before speeding up.
Bright blue eyes like oceans, skin the color of mocha, so warm and inviting, a sharp chin and kissable lips, Slim fingers and a tall frame…Keith moaned, chest rising and falling with quick breaths, that coiling heat building faster in his gut. A fantasy Keith hadn’t taken note of built in his mind until he imagined it was a different hand or a pair of lips wrapped around his cock.
It was one familiar voice calling his name like a melody and he was done for.
Keith came with a startled moan, legs shaking as wetness shot into his hand, making a mess between his fingers.
He laid there, chest heaving, body thrumming with the energy of his orgasm, the pleasure of that small fantasy caressing across his mind.
As the pleasurable sensation of his orgasm ebbed away, piece by piece, the image of his fantasy was soon clearer, more recognizable\\. A cold realization hit him then, Keith’s eyes snapping open as he looked up at his ceiling.
The person his mind was lusting for, the very real person that had brought him to climax, the very roommate that had been pushed onto him….
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sherale-writes · 3 months
I don't know who needs to hear this
But if you go into the comments section on AO3
And type
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Then replace image url (keep the " marks) with the url of a picture
You can leave fan art in the comments of a fic
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sherale-writes · 3 months
For Keith, life was so frustrating.
He had been living alone after Shiro moved out a year ago to go live with Adam. It was quiet and simple. He even got himself a dog, which, still to Shiro's exasperations, went "unnamed". Except Keith did name his new companion, settling on naming him 'dog'.
Plain and simple.
But he stood in his now shared bathroom, tiredly staring at the amount of products on not just the shelf that had been empty before, but the brand new shelf that had been installed above it.
Face cream, oils, cleanser, exfoliation items, masks, moisturizers, sun screen, lotions, and more. So much more that it all made Keith's head spin with questions on how one person could need so much, let alone how a guy could need so many beauty products.
His eyes drifted over to the shower and its pulled curtain, seeing the products that lined inside of it on the newly installed shower wall caddy, including a hanging loofa, and he couldn't tell what else.
Keith sighed.
Shiro had come to him, saying an old acquaintance of theirs needed a place to stay and quick. They would need a place at least until the end of the school term where they would be trying to look for a new roommate or living situation. Only a few months, Shiro had said, face hopeful Keith would agree.
When he asked why they couldn't just find a new roommate now, Shiro made a smile that seemed to be apologizing to Keith for something Keith knew Shiro didn't cause, a whole situation out of his control but still weirdly felt responsible for. And later Keith understood why Shiro smiled like that, in that quiet beg of forgiveness.
For the person who was needing a roommate desperately was someone Keith had tried forgetting about time and again.
And like a rash, somehow that person always came back.
That's how Lance landed back up in his life; how an old classmate from his youth was now rooming with him in college.
Lance was originally rooming with Hunk. But when Hunk and his girlfriend Shae went fully official, the pair had been debating on moving her in or the two moving out to a new place. Keith didn't know the full story, but Shiro told him that Hunk and Shae eventually decided to move out. Which then left Lance a few months trying to find a roommate himself to help support the rent or someone else to move into with. With no luck, it seemed, until Lance ran into Shiro on campus and told him his woes.
Shiro, always the good samaritan, and knowing Keith was roommateless, thought pairing them together would be a good plan… And Shiro believed it would be a good chance for Keith, to keep someone around and keep Keith from isolating himself from the world and activities as he usually would.
Shiro thought it was a good plan.
Lance was just happy to not be homeless or drowning in debt.
Keith was unhappy to lose his peace and quiet.
He looked at himself in the mirror, his inner voice scoffing at his 'despair' for his lost peace.
As much as Keith would never vocalize it, maybe, for a short moment, he could admit quietly to himself that having Lance living with him was nice... and maybe... for a short second, he... liked having the brunet's presence around.
Of course he wouldn't say that, or admit it aloud.
Lance didn't seem to like him any better than when they were kids. Their animosity just... seemed to grow a bit, their bickering almost daily now.
So there was no reason to lean into any emotions for the other.
"Come on mullet!" Lance knocked on the bathroom door, startling Keith from his thoughts. "How much longer are you going to be?"
Keith sighed.
So much for peace and quiet.
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sherale-writes · 3 months
Ship: Keith/Lance/Shiro Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Sex in later chapters, Bent Canon Slightly to Make This, Omegaverse, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, I'm basically like that dog frisbee meme "Breed. No impregnate! Only breed!", Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Torture in later chapters, Chapters will have author note tags for any adult/triggering themes when needed
Just posted chapter 10 of my current work!
Since I made this side-blog so late into the release, I'll give a quick summary.
Lance and the crew have finished fighting a Galra fleet and were doing last rounds to confirm all was good. In the mix of victory, a portal opens and pulls Lance and the blue lion through, separating him from the team. Now the rest of Voltron must work fast to recover Lance before he ends up in situations that might leave him injured, or worst, dead.
It's A/B/O but like ABO Lite. I use the themes of a bond/mate marks, knotting, and those "special" scents that those in the ABO AU can smell. But I don't use the idea that an O is weak or pitiful, nor that an A is overwhelming possessive or dominating. They're themselves, with love tying them together.
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