#lance is short for Lancelot
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once-and-future-loser · 3 months ago
Lance help me process this 🫨
☺️ Hey! Fantastic ask! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I am not processing it at all if I'm being perfectly honest, but if the human heart and mind were more properly connected I would say:
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I think just witnessing the genuine relationship these two have had being brought to light this weekend, has brought me some peace. Especially after Vegas I think it was so easy to forget that they are truly a special pair in the history of the sport, as Carlos himself said.
It certainly hurts knowing that that context of their friendship is over... But it's a long shot to say that he wasn't valued at that team, and they put forth such a heartfelt effort to thank him and send him off.
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Carlos had a cry, picked himself up, dusted off, and got on with it! Him and his merry band of boyfriends worshipers bros are like "BLUE CAR TIME.". He's got an amazing personal team behind him and I'm thrilled to think he'll be a priority in Grove. You know he's already got notes from the few laps today. I NEED a Disney Channel style montage of him fixing up the factory and pointing at diagrams that say things like "Car" and "Wheel" and "engine" while the Williams team furiously takes notes. He's showing them how to keep inventory in other ways than Microsoft Excel.
As a fellow lover of "a project" I think he's excited.
And... Girl (GN)... 👀
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Sometimes those dolla dolla bills will cheer you up. Those Spanish finance Bros are loyal. Making it rain.
I'm definitely a wreck, and I believe nothing I just said, but he had a beautiful time in the red car, I think he was loved there despite the narrative, and now maybe he'll finally find his home.
And hopefully he and Charles will work together to remain members of good standing in the VistaJet chapter of the Mile High Club. 🙂‍↕️
Don't know if that helps OR if it's what you're asking, but there it is! ILYSM!!!!
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ace-race-ace · 18 days ago
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Prince Lancelot and Advisor Alonso discuss the imminent war
Drawing by @dzala-va , writing by me @ace-race-ace
More details under writing
Prince Lancelot scrapes up the last bites of food onto his fork. The freshly baked bread, wild berries picked from the fields, and the wonderful golden honey harvested from the hives this morning all paired beautifully in his belly. Only the eggs were a bit too salty for his liking - he’ll mention it to the cook. He delicately lifts the monogrammed napkin to his mouth, wiping off any remaining crumbs as he looks out the bay window at the lush green gardens. The birds chatter lightly as a cool breeze disturbs the trees, slowly swaying them back and forth.
His peace is shattered by the door wrenching open behind him. Heavy metallic footfalls cause the prince’s gaze to whip around to the intruder.
“Fernando? Back so soon? I thought you said it would take a few more days.”
Advisor Alonso slides off his helmet, the wings glinting in the light from the window. The older man’s expression is sunken, as he grits his teeth and scrunches his nose.
“Lance, we have to talk.”
Lance tilts his head in confusion, reading a slight uneasiness on the older man’s face—an expression he’d rarely seen before. Lance sits up straighter as his level of concern rises
“What is going on?”
Advisor Alonso thumps his helmet on the table with a heavy thud. The silver cutlery jumps and clatters on the floor.
“War is brewing in the south” he spits out.
The prince’s eyes widen at his words. He drops his napkin and quickly stands up from his chair. This was not the news he hoped for when Fernando left the castle a few days ago. Far from it.
“Let us go to the map chamber to discuss this further.”
They leave the room and pass through the blooming flower banks to reach the other tower. Yet Lance cannot bring himself to appreciate the beautiful display. He opens the oak door, Fernando following closely behind. The walls of the chamber are covered in shelves pilled high with scrolls in various stages of aging, surrounding a grand table in the center. The map of the continent lay flat on its surface with its edges curling up. Advisor Alonso takes a seat there, resting his chin on his crossed hands while the prince paces around behind him.
“Fernando. What happened?”
“Nothing yet” he sighs “but I went to the coast and received some concerning intel.”
A few small complaints were made about the port structures on the east coast of the island. This should have been a standard check-in to ensure the workers hired by the king were working on fixing them. But obviously, something had come up. Something big enough to garner the Advisor to cut his trip short.
“I was working on the accounts for the project when I was approached by Hawkmaster Drugovich” he starts calmly.
“I thought we sent him far enough he wouldn’t annoy us anymore” Lance rolls his eyes.
“Yes, yes… Well, he’s been stationed in Ferrari for a while and he came to me with shocking news” he pauses “King Schumacher is missing.”
Lance frowns at him. In the years King Schumacher has reigned over Ferrari, many attempts against him were organized but never successful. The kingdom of Ferrari is heavily reliant on its sovereign – without him, the nation would struggle to hold itself together.
“Since when do you believe anything Drugovich says? You always say you don’t believe anything without proof” Lance crosses his arms.
Advisor Fernando thins his lips as he pulls out a letter from his cuirass, handing it to the prince. He opens the envelope, pulling out the pages stamped with the Aston Martin seal.
“As unreliable as that damn scout is, it seems the whispers hold truth. Hawkins and her apprentice Hausmann reported similar concerns”
Lance skims the words from Lady Hawkins, detailing how unorganized and skittish the Ferarri court has been for the past few months. The king’s public appearances were far and few. It's now been two months he hasn’t been seen at all. Another concerning section details the young prince Mick Schumacher being sent away to an unknown location and hasn’t returned since.
“All of this happening so soon after the Mercedes royal challenge…It cannot be coincidence” Fernando grumbles.
Lance and Fernando attended the royal challenge a few months back. What should have been a standard repetition of King Hamilton making a show of defeating his opponent, turned into quite the opposite. Instead of facing off against Lord Bottas, Lord Russell came to challenge. Still, everyone expected the younger man to yield to his king, but after a hard battle, King Hamilton found himself on his knees. Lord Russell thus became King Russell of Mercedes. The young monarch isn’t like his predecessor – he craves conflict. But could he be capable of orchestrating such an affair? Would he really risk a war with Ferrari?
“So, King Schumacher is gone, King Hamilton is gone, why does it matter to us? Business as usual. We sell them the weapons, the armor, and the horses, they hash it out on the continent, and then things level out” Lance speaks plainly.
Aston Martin’s main business venture is trade and conflict. The island’s positioning between the two continents helped monopolize the trade routes between nations. This means when conflicts break out, they end up supplying and selling to both sides. In the end, no matter the outcome, they get a return on their investments. While war is never something to rejoice over, it usually just means a bit more paperwork and organization on their part.
“This time is different. The Red Bulls might be implicated” Advisor Alonso points to the west continent on the map.
“The Red Bulls? Why in the world would they be dragged into this?” Lance leans over Fernando’s shoulder frowning.
Having an entire continent to themselves, the Red Bulls rarely involved themselves in the conflict of the other nations. They already had enough to deal with on their side, constantly breaking up various small rebellions.
“Without a king, Ferrari is significantly weakened - there is no doubt they will go looking for allies. Stronger than Haas and Sauber.”
“But what does Red Bull get from an alliance? They have no threats since Renault was eradicated.”
A small flash of grief passes over Advisor Alonso’s face. Lance knew this wasn’t a subject to push on but he only brings it up now for some explanation.
“Their people are dying. More revolts are starting. After the harsh winter, their resources were heavily depleted. Allying with Ferrari would give them access to imports” Fernando traces his finger towards the south “They could undercut our trade routes. Halving our profits if they agreed on the exchanges”.
While Aston Martin laid claim to most of the archipelago in the sea between the two continents, there were still gaps in their control. These usually didn’t matter as the other nations could never agree on a standardized rule for trade and passage, relying instead on their relationship with Aston Martin to facilitate movement. But if the Red Bulls and Ferrari built up closer relations, it wouldn’t take much to completely cut out Aston Martin as the middleman.
“Our trade monopoly would be ruined. If Ferrari could trade across the sea with Red Bull, the land trade between Mercedes and Ferarri would connect the three kingdoms.”
“You are starting to see…” Fernando nods at his observations “This is why this war cannot happen. We need to start discussing how to prevent it. We must find out what happened to the Schumachers, and ensure Lord Hamilton regains his throne.”
Lance huffs a laugh. Advisor Alonso raises his brow at his reaction.
“It’s probably the first time in Aston Martin’s history that we are trying to stop a war…” He sights lifting off from the table “I’ll get things going. We’ll have to convince my father of all this.”
Lawrence Stroll is famously mistrustful, and it only worsens with age. Convincing him to use the needed funds for their missions wasn’t going to be easy.
“Actually, about that…” Fernando gets up to stand at the prince’s side, squeezing the juncture between his neck and shoulder “What do you think about a coronation? Specifically, your coronation?”
Lance whips his head to gape at him…
[to be expanded upon]
This wonderful piece was commissioned to @dzala-va a few months back because I was simply obsessed with their F1 Medieval AU. As a writer, it’s been so fun to expand and explore the lore behind their work! I’m so thankful for our DM exchanges where we’ve been bouncing off ideas - it’s just so fun
For this commission I specifically wanted the Aston Martin boys so I could write a lil something about their part in the lore :) part of which is included in the post above…it’s only the smallest slice of a much larger overarching story, which the OG creator will hopefully continue to share with everyone
I will probably make another post specifically about the drawing, showing off all the details bc I love em so much…
Anyways, what a perfect time to get this back in time for the Lance Love Fest. Thanks again to @no00000000 for setting it up!!
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keitorin3 · 24 days ago
Short: Never Leave us Merlin!
Merlin: Ok, so I assigned Edward to be your servant for the week. And I had-
Arthur: Really Merlin, Camelot won't fall apart if you're gone for a few days.
Merlin: 🤨 *Sceptical but finishing cleaning up Arthur's bed*
Merlin: *Rolls eyes* Well, if that is all. Take care of yourself and I'll be back in the week.
Arthur: *Nods* Be sure to tell Hunith my regards.
Merlin: *Smiles*
Arthur: *Blushes*
Merlin: Lancelot, I'm heading to Ealdor. Finally got the Prat to let me have my days off. But I hate to ask this, can you please keep an eye on Arthur for me?
Lancelot: Of course my friend. You can count on me.
Merlin: No seriously Lance, this is Arthur we're talking about. With him you'll need to keep constant vigilance.
Lancelot: It'll be OK Merlin. I promise, nothing will happen to Arthur while you're away.
Merlin: *Deeply sceptical but seriously needs a vacation*
Merlin: OK.
Lancelot: 😊 Have faith. How much trouble can Arthur get into within a week?
Merlin: *Back from Ealdor*
Camelot: MERLIN'S BACK! *Cue cries of relief*
Leon: Thank the gods! *Grabs Merlin before he could protest and informs him of the others*
Merlin: 😑 Arthur...
Arthur: *Looks away*
Merlin: 💢 Arthur James Pendragon, tell me why Gwaine and half of your council are in the dungeons, and why Lance is in the corner crying and- IS THAT AN ARROW IN YOUR ARM?!!! ‼️😠🗯️
Arthur: *Sweats* 💦
Lancelot: *Mumbling* It all happened so fast... The first day was fine it was normal.. Then.. Then.. 😭😭
Leon the only Sane One left: Then Arthur didn't like the servant serving him, firing them on the spot. Next came Gwaine commenting on Arthur looks without Merlin around. Then they started arguing and Gwaine went into the dungeons to prove some point about something.
Arthur: *Mutters* He said I wouldn't last a day. Told him he can't last sober.
Merlin: 🤨
Leon: *Sighs long suffering* Then a sorcerer, no more then a young boy came trying to kill Arthur and failed. He fell over Arthur's messy room and knocked himself unconscious.
Merlin: 😦
Leon: Next the council wanted to burn the boy but Arthur wouldn't have it and tossed half of them in the dungeons.
Merlin: 😑
Arthur: 😅
Leon: And today, when training, An assassin tried to kill Arthur and would have succeeded if not for the sorcerer boy who was again attempting to kill Arthur but moved him out of the way slightly instead.
Merlin: 😓 And where is Gaius?
Leon: There is a birth happening in the lower town.
Merlin: ... Get my Medical Bag and I'll take care of the wound. *Sighs* I was only gone for a week...
Lancelot: And Never again.
Arthur and Leon: *Nods*
Camelot: Never Leave us Merlin!
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solarissttee · 5 months ago
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summary ; boyfriend!lancelot headcannons.
request ; “ lancelot bf headcannons plsss he’s so underrated. ” — anon
pairing ; lancelot / black gn!reader
tags ; fluff, established relationship.
notes ; another lancelot request for the lancelot fans!! it’s pretty short tho.
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lancelot is the type of boyfriend who teases his partner a lot to the point that people wonder if he even loves them, but he’s really protective. like, if someone else teases them or makes fun of them, someone’s family will be planning a funeral and it won’t be his or his partner’s.
lancelot is the type of boyfriend who has no clue on how to express himself with words and sticks to acts of service, gift giving and quality time to convey to his partner how much they mean to him. he gets little trinkets that remind him of them or makes poems for them; as corny as it sounds. he’s better putting his words down on paper than saying them outloud.
lancelot is the type of boyfriend to leave little reminders around his partner’s living spaces because he knows just how forgetful they are. he’ll leave little notes like ‘don’t forget to do the laundry,’ ‘you still need to restock on salt,’ ‘drink water or you’ll pass out from dehydration.’ he even signs them off with little hearts next to his name like: ‘lance <3’.
lancelot is the type of boyfriend that’s comfortable with certain types of pda. obviously he’s not going to have a full on make-out session in public, but he’s going to let everyone knows that he’s in a relationship and he’s proud of his partner. hand holding, forehead kisses, chaste kisses to the lips, an arm around the waist. all the small touches convey just how affection he holds for his partner. he’s not a shy guy when it comes to making them feel loved.
adding onto my point above, lancelot is extremely cuddly in private. you damn near have to pry him off you when you need to pee. if you’re cooking something, he’s hugging you from behind and watching you cook, if you’re doing the laundry or restocking up on food, he’s going to be there, to lend a hand of course, but mostly to be near you. and when you guys are having your midday naps? god, he has a vice grip on you that you actually have to use magic to get him off. he still ends up following you to the bathroom, demanding that you hurry up so he can get his cuddles.
lancelot lets his partner dote over him when he’s ‘sin’. he basks in their attention and loves it when they brush his fur or bathe him or pamper him in general. he’s almost always in his fox form unless he wants to actually get attention from them when he’s not in that form. head scratches are his favourite all around, though. the minute their nails are scratching his scalp, that man is gone.
lancelot is the type of boyfriend to indulge in all his partner’s tomfoolery. he’ll play pranks on anyone and everyone with them if it makes them happy. he’s also very naturally mischievous, so a win is a win.
lancelot is the type of boyfriend to talk about the most random shit at the most unholy hours just because he can’t sleep. if he can’t get his beauty rest, then neither can his partner. they both end up talking about the dumbest things ‘till the wee hours of the morning.
lancelot is the type of boyfriend to let his partner cuntify him. they want to do his hair? sure. they want to dress him up all slutty and what not? he’s down. they want to paint his nails while talking shit about people they hate? get the nail polish, bitch, he’s all ears.
lancelot is the most unserious mf ever to date. he’ll literally read your mind and embarrass you. better go to elaine and get her to teach you how to conceal your thoughts because her son loves to air out dirty laundry. trickass bitch.
lancelot is a protective boyfriend but not overbearing. he just wants to know what you’re doing, where you’re going and who you’ll be with. all of this is good for him. he can’t go without knowing if you’re safe where you are or what you’re doing.
lancelot is a great boyfriend overall. 10/10 would date <3
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omega-e123 · 6 months ago
hear me out..
lancelot shadow & princess! reader or nymph! reader with forbidden love trope
love Lance!Shadow sm, but this was SO HARD to think about because of the “og” tales. My brain likes to stick close to canon as possible. With it being 2 different universes smashed into 1, brain does not like and therefore hurts. BUT THE IDEA OF HIM…. MMH.
Galahad!Silver had to be born somehow…
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With that being said, loyalty to the king and upholding his duties always came first. Of course, because you are a spawn of the king, his loyalties also lie with you. When the realization of being smitten first arose Lancelot swallowed his feelings and held them down as long as he could, fully convinced they’ll pass.
Alas, Lancelot was proven wrong.
Everyone knew Lancelot was the kings most trusted knight. Of course he would assign him to protect his daughter. No one was better suited other than Lance.
Your own heart only grew fonder for the knight now that more time is spent together. Much like the moon chased the sun, Lancelot was there. Following and standing firm by your side.
It didn’t take long before both realized the pining was mutual. Best efforts were taken to ensure that nothing happened between you and him. All the short brush of physical touches. The midnight talks under the stars. Little quiet snarky comments whispered to Lance, getting him to hide his laugh via cough—. So many little things added fuel to the fire.
Pain of having to keep it professional was unbearable. How else to heal a hurting longing heart other than to give it what it wants?
Now, depending on the iteration.. Lancelot gets banished upon the affair being found out or the king approves of the relationship. I’d say a good chunk of the story goes with the former, because King Arthur felt betrayed.
Because this is SATBK, we now have King!Sonic who would probably be chill about the whole thing. LOL!
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vilevenom · 14 days ago
This idea has been sitting in my drafts forever, and I finally wrote it today because a fan animatic made me sad.
(If you wanna see an amazing animatic you should go watch it here. It has nothing to do with the fic, it's just good)
There'll be Good Times Again
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog (video games)
Pairing: Sonic/Lancelot, implied Sonic/Shadow
Summary: Everyone else thought it was just a dream, but it had all felt so real. The way Sonic's heart felt like it was going to break in two certainly was.
Sonic sighed happily as he leaned into his companions side as they sat on the grassy hilltop, closing his eyes as the soft, warm spring breeze swept through his quills. The enticing scent of freshly bloomed flowers danced around them on the wind as his companions fingers slid between his own, pulling a quiet, pleased hum from Sonic.
"My lord…"
"How many times do I gotta tell you, Lance," Sonic chuckled, sitting up to shoot the knight an amused grin, "It's just Sonic."
"Ah," Lancelot let his gaze slip away from the blue hedgehog's face, his muzzle betraying his embarrassment with a soft pink flush, "Sonic."
"Yes, Lance?"
"I just…wanted to tell you. Should anything happen-"
"Hey! It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining, birds are singing, and Camelot is rebuilding! I don't wanna hear any doom and gloom out of you, mister!"
"Sonic, please," Lancelot tightened his hold minutely on Sonic's hand, shifting his position to fully face the other hedgehog, "allow me this one moment? It will set my heart at ease to say it."
Sonic let a long, slow breath out his nose before giving a short nod, a crooked little smile on his face as he reached out to pluck a stray piece of grass from Lancelot's quills. "Fine. But only one, so you better make it good."
Lance returned the smile with a soft one of his own, bringing Sonic's hand up to press a gentle kiss to his knuckles. "A challenge I am more than willing to take on," he chuckled. He then took a deep breath, crimson meeting emerald as he began to speak. "I simply need you to know…should anything happen to tear us apart from each other, whether that be an attack on the kingdom, or the force which brought you to this world sweeping you away again, I shall forever be your most loyal knight, and I will aways love you. No matter what form I may take, in any world you may find yourself in, your soul and mine are most surely intertwined and meant to be together."
"Lance, that's-" Sonic puffed out a breath, quickly wiping at his eyes and shaking his head with a light laugh, "That's beautiful, but we both heard Merlina. She figured out how to summon me here, but she has no idea how to send me back. And! There's nothing that could attack Camelot that we can't handle. You really don't need to be so dramatic. Even if it is incredibly sweet." He lifted his free hand to cup the side of Lancelot's muzzle, smile turning soft as Lance tilted his cheek into the hold.
"Even if that may be the case," the knight sighed, turning his head to press a brief kiss to the palm of Sonic's hand, "I just wanted you to know."
"Hmm…moment well spent," Sonic chuckled, drawing Lance in close to sweep a feather light kiss over his lips, "I love you, too."
Sonic woke with a start, his arms and legs flailing, only serving to tangle himself further in the blankets already wrapped around him like a cocoon. He gasped as his squirming nudged him over the edge of his bed, letting out a loud yelp as he hit the floor, the tangle of blankets falling over him gently to bury him in bedding. He thrashed as footsteps approach the door, loath to allow any of the knights to find him in such an embarrassing situation as being trapped by his own blankets.
"Sonic? I heard a loud noise! Are you okay?" The bedroom door opened just as Sonic managed to free his upper body from the tangle, shooting a reassuring grin at the door, only to falter at being confronted with the decor of a bedroom he didn't think he'd see again and Tails' worried face.
"Uh…ah, yeah!" Sonic forced a laugh, waving his little brother off as he used his now free hands to pull the blankets free from his legs, "Just had a weird dream and fell off the bed! Nothing to worry about, keed!"
Tails looked skeptical, eyeing Sonic for a moment, before shrugging, obviously assessing that nothing in the room had been damaged and Sonic wasn't grievously injured in some way. "Alright. Well, Amy said she'd come by a bit later this morning, so get up soon, okay?"
"Sure, bud! No problem!"
With that Tails slipped back out of the room, closing the door with a soft click as he went. Sonic rubbed at his head, confused and off kilter as his brain tried to catch up with the fact that he was apparently back home, without any rhyme or reason. He then noticed a book that had obviously fallen when he was flailing around, pages bent at odd angles from the way it had landed on the floor. He gently picked it up, his heart giving a painful lurch in his chest as his eyes scanned over the title; 'The Once and Future King'. Had it all been nothing but a dream?
Sonic tilted his head as he heard footsteps approaching the spot where he sat on the grassy hillside, knees to his chest, watching the world below go idly by, fully expecting Tails or Amy. It had been a week since he'd woken up from his 'dream', and the two had been a bit overbearing the past few days, constantly checking in on him, siting his uncharacteristic melancholy mood as the source for their worry. He supposed it couldn't be helped, really. As much as he'd wanted to come home, and as much as he loved his friends and his life on Mobius, he'd just gotten used to the idea of living in Camelot for the foreseeable future. With Lancelot.
No conceivable time had passed while he'd been in Camelot, so even when he'd told his friends of his adventure they'd been skeptical of him, at best. He'd quickly laughed it off with them when he realized that as much love and support his friends would always give him, there was just no convincing them of his time spent away. He'd begun avoiding them to try and get his thoughts together, hoping that a little bit of solitude would help make the unsettled, twisting feeling in his chest go away. All it had done was afford him time to reread through his book of legends and lament unintentionally leaving Lancelot behind without a word.
The blue hero did not expect to find Shadow walking towards him with a nearly unreadable expression on his face when he fully turned to see who was approaching. He blinked a couple of times in surprise, before plastering a smile on his face, hoping it was convincing. He'd been hoping to put off seeing Shadow for as long as possible, given the rather unfortunate fact that the hybrid shared a face with his knight. But, unfortunately, not his heart.
"Ah! Hey, Shads! What brings you out here?" Sonic asked, uncurling his legs and leaning back on his hands casually as Shadow came to a stop next to him.
"Rose has been messaging Rouge nearly non-stop since you disappeared, and so I was sent out to find you," Shadow grunted, arms folded across his chest as he stared out across the town beneath the hill.
"Oh. Uh, sorry about that," the hero laughed, running absent fingers through his quills, "I just needed some time to think."
"You? Think? That's laughable," Shadow snorted, earning a bitten off laugh of surprise from Sonic. The hybrid seemed to dither for a moment, before gracefully settling himself next to Sonic in the grass. He sighed heavily, crossing his legs while folding his hands in his lap. They sat in silence for a moment before he spoke again. "What's been bothering you?"
"Bothering me? C'mon, Shads. You know nothing bothers me," Sonic snorted, playfully shoving at the hybrid's shoulder to little avail, as he did little more than shoot a glare at the hero. He tried to keep up the grin he'd plastered on his face, only to finally wilt at Shadows unrelenting stare. "…It's nothing. Honest," he finally offered, turning back to look at the town, "It was…just a dream."
"A dream?" Shadow echoed, tone curious.
"Yeah. A really vivid dream," Sonic shrugged, tucking a knee against his chest to lean his chin on, "It just…it messed me up a bit, is all. I'll be okay in a little while. Nothing to worry about."
A grunt was his only response for a long time, the two sitting in companionable silence as the world continued to turn around them.
"…Rose told Rouge that you think it was real," Shadow finally murmured, plucking at the grass. Sonic simply snorted, turning his face away from Shadow. This whole scene felt far too familiar and raw, but also wrong. It made Sonic's skin itch.
"Yeah, well," the hero shrugged, "I said it was vivid, didn't I?"
"Tell me about it."
Sonic turned sharply towards Shadow, who was simply watching him with a neutral expression."…What?"
"Your dream. Tell me about it," Shadow reiterated, tossing a piece of grass into the wind, "I've been told it helps."
Sonic contemplated Shadow for a long beat, before he let out a breath and slowly began to talk. He spoke of the knights, misguided by a dark hearted king, and magic tainted and corrupt. He weaved a tale of heroism, with just a dash of lightheartedness sprinkled in, where good ultimately triumphed over evil, and the heroes got their just rewards in a happy ending. He carefully avoided speaking directly of Lancelot.
When Sonic was done, he almost felt winded, a smile on his face as he trailed off, before letting his hands fall into his lap, a sudden and harsh pang in his chest as he recalled the last night he'd spent in Camelot, curled together with Lancelot, happily discussing their plans for the future; both for themselves and the kingdom. He sucked in a sharp breath to try and ground himself, offering Shadow a strained smile. "And that's it."
The sharp stare he received in return was only somewhat off putting, given that it held no malice, but it still felt to Sonic like Shadow was staring into his very soul. He swallowed thickly, his smile wobbling at the corners. "What?"
"That's not 'it'," Shadow stated bluntly, scrunching his nose and narrowing his eyes at Sonic, "What aren't you telling me?"
The hero opened his mouth to weave another tale, only to deflate as Shadow continued to stare him down, his mouth closing with a quiet click of his teeth. He cast his gaze out towards the horizon, chewing on the inside of his cheek for a moment before finally relenting. "…There was a knight," he began, flicking his gaze to the hybrid briefly, only receiving a flick of Shadow's wrist as if telling him to continue. "He-we…He was the most loyal knight. First to the black king, and then to me. He was steadfast by my side, and we got close. Really close. Uhm," he cleared his throat, feeling a flush creep up his neck for speaking to Shadow about this, of all people, "Once the king was defeated, he confessed his feelings to me, and…yeah."
"So, you're not sad about leaving Camelot. You're sad about leaving him," Shadow rather astutely observed, arching a brow at the hero, who could feel his cheeks burn.
"I mean-!" Sonic started off sounding offended, only to click his tongue and nod slightly, his shoulders slumping, "Yeah. It feels like I abandoned him, y'know? Like I abandoned all of them, after promising I would help them. I know Tails and Amy are fully convinced it was just a dream, and I probably sound crazy, but I was starting to plan a life for myself there! It was…it was going to be good."
"Even if it was just a dream, it still meant something to you," Shadow murmured, his head tilted back to watch the clouds as the floated across the sky, "Your brain can't always tell what's real and what's not in dreams. Even if everything you told me was some fantasy your mind conjured up, it still made you feel something. That's irrefutably true." He tipped his head to regard Sonic from the corner of his eye. "Tell me about him. Your knight."
"Are you sure? It's…well, it's sappy, mostly. Doesn't really seem like something you'd want to hear."
"Just tell me, hedgehog. Before I change my mind."
"Alright, alright," Sonic chuckled, curling his arms around his knees and resting his chin on them again. "Well…he was brave, obviously. And strong. I think I already said it, but he was the strongest knight in the entire kingdom. He was smart as a whip, too. Called me on my bullshit and kept everyone in line. But he was also kind, and sweet. He had a big heart. He was handsome, too…"
"…you loved him."
Sonic contemplated skirting the question or outright lying, but he couldn't bring himself to do so. "With my whole heart."
Silence hung between the two hedgehogs after that simple statement, though it wasn't uncomfortable or strained. The gentle spring wind swirled around them, carrying the smell of freshly bloomed flowers. Sonic's heart gave a hard thump in his chest as tears threatened to gather in his eyes. He buried his face in his knees, taking a deep, shuddering breath to try and keep them at bay. With a shaky voice, he murmured into quietly into his knees, "His name was Lancelot."
"I'm sorry."
Sonic sniffed, wiping at his face as he lifted it from his knees. "What for?"
Shadow tilted his head this way and that, before lying back in the grass to properly stare up at the clouds, hands folded over his belly. "Isn't that what you say to someone when they've lost someone they love?"
Sonic flopped back into the grass next to Shadow, finally allowing a couple of tears to escape from his eyes, "I suppose so, yeah." He startled when he felt fingers intertwine with his own in the grass, turning his head to find Shadow still staring up at the clouds. He let a tiny, lopsided smile curl his lips, before turning back to the sky, Lance's words speaking of souls intertwined echoing in his mind.
Maybe, just maybe, the future he had been planning with Lancelot wasn't completely lost. That thought lifted at least a little bit of the weight from his grieving heart as he shifted a bit closer to Shadow in the grass. His smile grew as the hybrid lifted a hand to point out a cloud.
"That one looks like a rabbit."
"Yeah. It kinda does."
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gawrkin · 5 months ago
The Superhuman Feats of the Knights of the Round Table (And it's not even all of their feats!)
Arthur: (The Overall Strongest)
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Historia Brittonum
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Culwch and Olwen
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Historia Regum Britannia (Geoffrey nerfs Arthur)
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Torec (From King Arthur in the Medieval Low Countries)
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Le Morte D'Arthur (Arthur nerfed again)
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Idylls of the King
Kay and Bedivere (Both from Pa Gur)
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Kay (Note: this doesn't take into account his superpowers)
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Lancelot (focusing mostly on Vulgate, as Lance has a TON of feats everywhere that it would take an entire post)
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Vulgate Cycle - Lancelot in Val Sans Retour, killing Morgan's Dragons
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Vulgate Cycle - Lancelot fighting for Bagdemagus
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Vulgate Cycle - A knight's POV of Lancelot fighting for Bagdemagus
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Vulgate Cycle - Lancelot as the Red Knight
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Vulgate Cycle - Gawain's POV on Lancelot disguised as The Red Knight
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Tavola Ritonda
Gawain (not accounting for his Solar-based strength)
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De Ortuu Waluuanii
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Diu Crone
Tristan (Another character with superpowers and magic, but we'll keep it short)
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Tavola Ritonda Bonus: Tristan can JUMP really, really high while injured:
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Le Morte D'Arthur
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kikiwooo · 7 months ago
i’m the anon that asked about xavier and fredrinn tag teaming me and i haven’t been brainrotting about fredrinn lately but i’ve been thinking about xavier as a camboy alot 😭 idk the idea just appeals to me. and i’ve been trying to think of other characters that would fit this trope, like i could totally see lancelot, yin and gusion as camboys HAHAHA
MANNN GODDAM Y'ALL HAVE SOME QUITE INTERESTING FANTASIES 💀😭 I kinda didn't liked what I wrote and some parts might be short because I died
notes; gn! reader, camboy! mlbb boys
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lmao gus after his brother didn't give him enough money or overall he doesn't have enough money for himself, quite pitiful indeed. Let's jump straight into it cuz if I ever go into detail that would be an essay +he's paxley so probably there's like lot who knows him and his ego just wouldn't allow him
He probably does challenges about how big and deep he can take in and people just following cuz he's not only a new face but a pretty one too+he's also stubborn. He reads every donation out loud, also those shitty and troll ones too, he's that gullible but he learns it after it happens a few times. his eyes does go wide and his system stops for a few seconds after receiving big ass donation (while having a big ass dildo up his ass, his challenge not mine) will also smirk if the person who donated him challenge to another thing and says they'll pay him even more if he does this and that, Gus will do it no matter how impossible it is. (is that dragon di-
Will frequently invite you to his streams or videos if you guys are in relationship irl, but if you only watch and donate and maybe sing in membership(he has the silliest emotions of himself) he'll favor that one person(it's you)
INEXPERIENCEDDD I TELL YOU, but somewhat he's pretty good with those dildos, bro's born for it. Lieh is tired of hearing Yin's sloppy whimpers and half moans which he tries so hard to hide.( They're twins) most of the people favor him and only him cuz he's cute.
He recording videos cuz he heard it from Lieh that one makes so much money from it and only it. Yin was insecure at first so he first talked it with one of his very very close friend(you), but like super duper close, he can't handle anyone else other than you so you're his go to. He's pretty vanilla but from time to time he doesn't skip to try new things (𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂), also somehow gets lots of donations even if he does literally nothing and just sits in front of the camera (you know the deal shh)
But if you're one of his viewers, and probably the nicer one than those of the perverts and just keep him in his ground and offer him to do new things to not lose the attention+also keeping him updated about literally everything going around, somehow Yin even offered you a private video just for you- or just a simple invite (lieh didn't liked that)
ALRIGHTTT, lance is experienced and probably has been in this camboy things for years, he's pretty proud of his own body and shamelessly shows it into the camera without any hesitation maybe that's why he's so popular.
Though he's open to the camera, you can never get anything from him real life, he shuts the topic really fast that you can't even argue back. If you're one of his viewers+have membership probably the earliest one, yeah lance over here has a VIP room for y'all like the first seats of the cinema. Lance cares about what his viewers want because that's where the money comes from, no?
Lancelot is actually fond of tight clothes/gears?? Like how they squeeze is skin so deliciously(he knows his chat loves it, he also himself likes them so win?)
Everyone's literally there for his girly moans what are you talking about.
Y'all how we got him on here, 's like we won the lottery???? despite being quiet both irl and in front of the camera, we can hear soft grunts and gasps whilst he's taking it hard(I'm not the one salivating no it's you) AHHHH HE'S JUST, PERFECT??? the way his waist and they way he turns around to check, the way his muscles mmhmmmmhmhmhm. Though he likes you interrupting his streams when you come behind him to tease, he scolds you from after the stream (damn). if one of his viewers with membership, he quietly thanks those people (he whispers, asmr fr) at the beginning of the video/stream, doesn't show much of a reaction at the donates, he's doing it for it anyway, but his eyes will visibly widen whenever reaching such lot donations with cute messages(his fandom is 🎀yes both genders),
He's always sore after the streams and videos, no matter how he took it from low, he always ends up sore which he complains about it, but does he make money? yes so so much and he doesn't thinking about giving it up any time soon.
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milkyblocky · 3 months ago
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heres lancelots human and fairy civilian forms! his wardrobe is comfy and easy to move in but he likes to accessorize here and there
lancelot's character profile:
👑 lancelot auberon gaster du lac, or lance for short, is a dragonfly fairy and the crown prince of avalon, who will become the successor to his mother, the queen regnant viviane. he and the rulers of avalon before him are the descendants of the founder queen of avalon and the legendary warrior, morgana.
👑 from a very young age, lancelot was trained rigorously to be the future king. this includes various lessons in diplomacy, swordplay, magic arts, and so forth. every other aspect of his life is also strictly monitored, from what hes eating to when hes going to bed. this aggravates him greatly, and the nigh-unreachable standards imposed upon him really does not help.
👑 however, lancelot has quite the rich secret life. every once in a while, he leaves a water mirage in his place and sneaks out of the golden pavillion to play with the commoner fairies, returning just before he gets caught. hes an absolute monster at blitzkicks (pretty much a fully aerial sepak takraw) and one of the fastest fliers around. hes also surprisingly good with his hands, as he catches on quickly when guinevere teaches him and iori how to make bead jewelry.
👑 lancelots relationship with his parents, queen viviane and king pelleas, is... tumultuous, to say the least. hes especially sick of his mothers micromanaging and short temper, and the more restrictions she gives him, the better he gets at skirting on it. lancelots relationship with his father is quite a bit better, as they have a similarly carefree nature and love of the outdoors, but he is still frustrated with his tendency to go with the flow. even so, he still loves them, and he always wishes to truly make them proud.
👑 lancelot is cheerful, curious, and friendly, easily getting along with most people he meets. but underneath his smile, he has a severely low self esteem and often beats himself up when he feels like hes not good enough. he also tends to run away from his problems. but with the help of his newfound friends, he eventually builds up his confidence and sense of responsibility.
👑 one day after an argument with his mother, he decided to open a portal to go the human world. he forgot to close the portal though, and when everyone found out he was missing and iori found him later on, he begged her to not give him away.
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xjulixred45x · 8 months ago
Hi! Can I request a Lancelot x Depressed Luz! Reader? Lancelot can’t read her thoughts and wants to help but reader is too traumatized. It’s like angst with fluff? Poor girl needs a rest
Request of 4kota! Yey!
Lancelot x Depressed Luz! Reader
reader had a somewhat...rocky start from the beginning.
Living in a time where the holy war had left havoc in all kingdoms, but especially in humans, it made the segregation and isolation of humans common, especially if you did not share the most supremasist ideas of...some people.
reader was lucky and was able to live in a quiet village, near Betweek. but she was not so lucky in the area of ideas.
A reader since she was young, she was a dreamer, distracted and very stubborn. So having a kingdom so close to the Fairies within such short reach generated a certain interest in the girl.
Even though her family tried to prevent this interest from taking a greater role in her life, it was too late. Reader was a social butterfly, so it was not only easy for her to talk with other humans, but also with other species.
This caused those in her village to begin to isolate her, considering her a danger, after all, what was she thinking when interacting with those creatures? After everything she had done?
Going with the Fairies became a kind of escape for the reader, where she could not only go to a much more interesting world like the fairy forest, but also escape from human prejudices.
Probably by the time he meets Lancelot, they have a somewhat similar dynamic to Lumity at the beginning, Lancelot precisely not wanting a human to get in his way when he has important things to do and a reader DETERMINED to get along with him.
Obviously at first this didn't go very well (I can see Lancelot even threatening to shoot her with an arrow😅) but reader is anything but someone who gives up easily.
Probably one way they had to do bonding was through glyphs, precisely based on fairy magic + reader magic, thus both being more on par, reader being able to have the opportunity to progress as a magician with some help from Lance .
And so, slowly but surely, Lancelot stops seeing the reader as someone naive and annoying, and more as someone genuinely and strangely endearing.
Lancelot is able to show his "silly" side around the reader because 1- he knows she's the real idiot of the two and 2- he's starting to feel comfortable enough to let go of his usual serious self. Being close to the reader makes him feel...young, youthful even, without problems or worries.
but then, something happens.
It may be related to the reader's village, her family, or everything together, but one day the reader simply...turns off.
The next time Lancelot sees her, instead of seeing her characteristic energetic and lively self, he finds a distressed and nervous reader.
which in itself is worrying, but coming from a reader, it is even terrifying, Lancelot is already thinking about everything that could have gone wrong or that could have happened that is distressing her so much.
and of course, if it has to do with someone specific, certain ways of... retribution.
Regardless of what happened, the reader is emotionally destroyed, and since she didn't really have a support network in the village, she went to the fairies (especially if the situation gave her no other option...).
Lancelot does his best to comfort the reader even if she is clumsy, he does it mainly physically or by directly asking if she wants him to do something (wink wink).
If it is something related to someone, Lancelot will kill them. If it's related to the people in Reader's village, she can stay at betweek if she wants, if it's related to her family, she can talk to him, he can relate to a certain extent...
But what stresses Lancelot is that the reader does not immediately return to herself. She is no longer distressed, yes, but she is constantly sad, depressed.
and he can't fix that, he can't get her sadness out in a conventional way, he can't even read her mind and know exactly how she feels and thus be more useful, he feels helpless.
and it honestly breaks his heart that he can't do anything about it.
He is supposed to be the CAPABLE one, the STRONG one, the one she CAN RELY ON and he doesn't even understand basic human emotions well. or how to "fix" this.
In general, Lance gives me vibes as that type of friend (and later partner), if he doesn't fix a problem of yours, he's a failure in his book.
and he is NOT having that.
I think he would eventually ask his family for advice as he no longer had the resources to get ideas from, and he considers this an URGENT matter so he needs support NOW.
and he gets two pieces of advice, totally opposite, from his parents.
Ban says that (if the reader likes alcohol) go drink and relax in a bar and just let things come out, vent without filters, completely honest.
Elaine, on the other hand, believes that it is perhaps better to go to the source of the problem by talking about it privately and completely sober.
Lancelot tries a little of both.
Lancelot invites the reader out for a drink (with the excuse that she needs to get out of the forest before it damages her lungs) and on the way he tries to talk about...it.
And no matter how much the reader tries to reassure him by telling him that he is "getting better," he doesn't even need to read her mind to know that that is a big lie. so he insists and insists--
And reader doesn't understand why, before he used to complain about how she talked non-stop and follow him around, shouldn't he be happy to have some peace and quiet? Why is HE now doing it?
Lancelot at this point is about to burst a vein and with a twitch. responding that he WORRIES ABOUT HER BECAUSE HE LOVES HER, he hates seeing her in pain, he hates seeing how she is not like before and he can't fix it, he hates not knowing what she thinks so he can do SOMETHING, ANYTHING for her to get better.
That would probably be the biggest silence that both of them have in all the time they have known each other.
and also, the reader is the one who breaks it, but fortunately (or unfortunately) to break down in tears, for all the repressed emotions, for finally feeling that she can open up about what happened, out of relief...
They both just stay there...they let everything out...
(If they went for beer, rest assured that the reader was a sticky drunk while Lance drove them home. One would like his resistance to alcohol).
At least the night ended much better than expected, Lancelot felt much lighter despite having the reader on top of him, hiccuping and talking nonsense, but at least you could see some of that constant glow on his face again. It's a good start.
(It was definitely weird for Lancelot to be the ""extrovert"" of the relationship for an indefinite amount of time, but it probably just made him better at his sarcastic humor to cheer up the reader. His effort was appreciated. Now he's going to be away from society for at least least one month).
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
Have time and energy to do a Request and i go with this one! Thanks for the Request ❤️
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hopelessromantic5 · 8 months ago
Pride Month somehow went by in a fucking flash.
Here’s a short Merthur clip inspired by a conversation between Sherlock and Molly Hooper on BBC’s Sherlock.
“You’re a bit like my dad. Even after he got sick, he was cheerful and lovely, always. Except when he thought no one could see.” A pause. “I saw him once. He looked sad.”
“You look sad.” Another pause.
“You look sad, when you think he can’t see you.”
Arthur stopped his approach on the tattered practice dummy. Flicking his eyes over to where she gestured with her own.
Merlin was polishing armor in the grass.
Arthur didn’t really think before he murmured
“What of it?” And shrugged as if this is something he could just dismiss in one perfectly executed move, just like any foe. But this is an enemy he’s faced many times and lost countless battles. His own stupid incessant bleeding feelings.
This time felt different though. They seemed to be wrapping vines around his heart and lungs. Making it hard to breathe, sometimes he could hear nothing but blood in his ears and the sound of his heart shattering over and over again.
Different people stood behind the knife each time it landed, people he thought he could trust. People he thought loved him as much as he loved them in return.
And each time, he sank to a newer low. One he thought he would never reach.
The lot of them turned out to hate him for no other reason than being born to the parents that he was. Gwen and Lance may be excluded from this, but their treachery was less to Prince Arthur and closer to the real Arthur. The one that sits beneath the skin of this, now, King.
And then, there was Merlin.
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isacksteban · 11 months ago
First Kiss (Race 4)
A strollonso AU where 18 year old rookie Lance Stroll falls helplessly in love with the notoriously mean world champion. (1k words, no warnings) [@v3lnys @biancathecool] {this took way longer than i wanted to finish but i literally had no idea what to put,, next chapter will be longer}
last part - masterlist - next part
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They had another two weeks off but this time Lance had to spend it on race related things instead of having fun with Fernando, to the Spaniards disappointment.
He didn't mind it for the most part, until he had to start doing media training. He got he wasn't the best with interviews and tired to make them as short as possible but Nico was great so that made up for it, right? (no)
Lance made it to the paddock, this time with Nico who was making sure he was ready for interviews this time
"How many interviews are you gonna do?"
"As many as possible" Lance groaned, having been asked that for the past two weeks by everyone around him
"Good" Nico laughed, patting the Canadian on the back as they made their way to the cameras (that just happened to be not far from the front of the Renault grage)
"Lance, Lance Stroll!" He heard people calling, he locked eyes with one of them and flashed a smile before walking closer
"Hello, Lance"
"Hello" He nodded slightly, trying his hardest to put what he learned to work
"This is your fourth formula one race, how are you feeling? hoping to do better than last week?"
He held eye contact, taking in what he was being asked "Yeah, yeah this is my fourth race. I'm feeling great so far, hoping to get into the points this weekend but i'd be fine with just finishing the race"
Both him and the interviewer laughed a bit before she asked the next question
"Not race related but the fans can't help but wonder about your friendship with Fernando Alonso, anything to say regarding that?"
"Uhm.." He thought about the question, unable to hide the smile on his face as the world champion was mentioned "Yeah, I mean i hope he considers us friends." Lance laughed a bit, glancing over to the Renault garage just to lock eyes with the Spaniard who'd been watching closely "Him, Mark, and I have gotten really close over the last few weeks."
The interview continued for a little longer and then Lance did a few more, glad when Nico came over to steal him back
"You did good, a lot better than before" Nico teased, patting his back once more
Lance laughed, nodding as he walked back to the Racing Point garage with Nico "Guess suffering for two weeks was worth it"
Once Lance got back to his side he felt his phone vibrate, pulling out just to be greeted by a certain Spaniards name on the screen
"A lot of interviews today, you don't usually like them, no?"
"I don't, but I spent the past two weeks training"
"I'm a media world champ now"
"Good job, champ"
Lance smiled, being called to get ready for quali as the older man did the same a few garages over
Quali went good, Fernando secured p2 and he secured p6. He was glad to qualify so high, hoping it was a sign he'd actually finish the Grand Prix this week.
"Lancito" He heard someone say and he automatically turned his head, it was like a second name to him.
"Nando, Good job today" He smiled, finally beating Fernando to it, the shorter man smiled back
"Thank you, mi sol," Fernando replied with a smile, and Lance felt a flutter of excitement at the affectionate nickname.
As they wandered around the paddock together, Lance couldn't help but feel safe. Despite the pressures of the sport and what he'd hear about himself, moments like these, spent with the world champion, made it all worth it.
The next day was fairly uneventful and so was the race (even though 6 people dnf, none of them were hurt or Fernando so it didnt matter in his mind,) the most eventful part was when Brad spoke to him after he sped past the chequered flag
"P6, Lance, that's P6"
"SIX?" he shouted, making sure he heard his engineer correctly
"Yes, Lancelot, P6! Well done out there today"
"Fuck yeah!" He said excitedly, hurrying his way back to the garage where the team was waiting to congratulate him, he had been the only one on the team to score points so it was a big deal, even though it was only three.
After the podium finished Fernando came over, having gotten p2. He reached the racing point garage and all the engineers knew who he was looking for, telling him Lance was in his drivers room.
Brad headed back there to retrieve the Canadian, watching as his face lit up when he was told who was looking for him
Fernando waited patiently outside of the garage, eyes wandering as he heard footsteps coming his way
"Nando!" An excited voice shouted, the Spaniard looked his way and smiled, seeing how much better Lance was doing after todays race compared to the last one.
"Lancito, good job mi sol" Fernando praised, wrapping an arm around Lance's shoulder, it had become their norm, just as it seemed the nickname 'mi sol' was becoming.
"Y'know, I didn't even realize I was P6 until i crossed the line?" He laughed, not being able to wipe the smile of his face (mostly because of the points he scored but also because of the older mans presence)
"That's how you know you did good, eh?" Fernando flashed a quick smile back to him, patting his shoulder as he directed the taller man to start walking "Did so good you did not notice, are a natural"
"You better watch your back then, I'm coming for your title next" Lance teased, eyes refusing to leave the Spaniard even as they walked
"We'll see about that" Fernando looked away, leaving the Canadian staring longingly at the side of his face. It was nice, talking about the race, as long as they did it together nothing was ever too serious.
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ikeromantic · 13 days ago
Wayward Princess
Anonymous asked:
Hi! Happy New Year! Seeing that the requests are open I decided to try to write to you. I would really like to read a fanfic with Lancelot Kingsley. The scenario is as follows: the MC goes somewhere for a while leaving their daughter to Lancelot. Except their child is an extremely inquisitive troublemaker. When the MC leaves, the girl goes on a spree, causing trouble for the people in the Red Army (including Jonah, Edgar, Kyle, and Zero). For example, she can burn or cut someone's hair, draw a wall or a person's face, break a window. In general, all at your discretion and imagination. I want to read some fun fluff.
Oh nonny! I think Tumblr ate your ask! I'm glad I had it copied over to get it written. Approx. 800 words of Red Army Princess cuteness.
“Where is she,” Jonah panted, one hand held tight to the back of his head. His face was a mask of outrage. 
Lancelot raised a quizzical eyebrow. “My daughter?”
“I can’t believe that - that spawn is any child of yours!” Jonah spat.
The King stood, his expression still one of confusion. “She said she wanted to play in the garden. I let her go out since Zero is there to keep an eye on her.” He appraised his Queen. “What happened?”
Jonah’s face reddened. “I - I was working! Obviously. And . . . she crept up behind me and cut my hair. I woke to the feeling of those hairs sliding down my shirt.”
“You woke?” The other eyebrow lifted. 
“Th-that’s not important right now.” He dropped his hand from his head, revealing a spot of hair cut so short that his scalp was visible. “She needs to answer for this - this atrocity!”
Lancelot nodded. “She knows not to play with scissors. Come on then.” 
The two men left to look for the princess. They didn’t get far when they ran into Kyle. He was sweating heavily, his hair stuck to his forehead. “Did she come this way?”
“Who?” Lance and Jonah asked together.
“That little brat. She said I drink too much and then she dumped my beer on top of my head!” 
Jonah smirked. “Well, you do. Who can blame the girl for being honest?”
Lancelot hid his own smile behind his hand. “Regardless, she knows better than to pour a drink on someone.” He glanced behind them. “She didn’t come this way so she must be the other way.”
“I’ll help you find her,” Kyle offered. “She owes me a beer.”
Now three men strong, they continued down the hall, looking for the little girl. Downstairs, they ran into Edgar. He had a hand to his face, and a wild look in his normally calm eyes. 
“Lance, have you seen your daughter? I’d like a word with her,” Edgar asked, stopping in front of them.
“We haven’t,” Jonah answered for the King. “We’re looking for her ourselves.” He showed the missing hunk of his hair.
Edgar’s hand fell away from his face. Above his lip, someone had drawn a giant, curling moustache in some dark ink. “I see I’m not her only victim. She’s moustached every picture in my room. And me. Worse, I can’t get it to come off. She used my archival ink on it!”
Kyle chuckled. “Well, the moustache suits you, Edgar.” 
The look the Jack threw him would have curdled milk. 
“I believe,” Lancelot intervened, “that she has gone to the garden.”
“Then let’s go get her,” Edgar grinned. His smile was more threatening than his frown. 
The four men made their way to the garden. There, they found Zero weeding a rose bed. He was humming to himself, and seemed completely unperturbed. 
“Zero,” Edgar spoke up, “you haven’t seen the princess, have you?”
“Of course I have.” Zero straightened, taking a moment to stretch. “Lorelei came by and asked if she could help. So, I gave her a trowel and sent her over to dig a hole for a rosebush.” 
“You . . . gave her a little shovel?” Kyle asked, eyes widening. 
“She could do anything with a weapon like that,” Edgar sighed.
“Imagine the damage,” Jonah fretted.
Lancelot frowned. “Which way?”
Zero pointed to the right. “Do you want me to come along?”
“Of course. You’ll be responsible if she’s destroyed the roses.” Edgar’s thin smile widened. 
The five men tromped through the garden, casting their gazes about nervously as if expecting an ambush at any moment. 
It was Lancelot that spotted his little princess. She lay sprawled on a bed of flower petals. Her light blonde hair curled around her head like a golden halo. Her eyes were closed, and her lips were turned up at the corners in a sweet, sleeping smile. 
“She’s . . . she’s so cute,” Jonah gasped. “It’s not fair!”
“I can’t even stay mad,” Kyle sighed. 
“I can,” Edgar huffed, but his gaze was soft and his smile wistful. 
Lancelot knelt down and gathered his daughter into his arms. She snuggled against his chest with an adorable murmur that might have been ‘daddy’. “She’s tired herself out. I’m going to put her down for a nap.”
“I’ll get her a fluffy pillow,” Jonah offered. “She needs her beauty sleep.”
Kyle nodded. “I’ll put a glass of water by her bed. It’s important to stay hydrated.”
“I know where she put her favorite plushie. I’ll fetch it for her to cuddle,” Edgar added.
Lancelot took his wicked little princess to her room, and settled her in bed for a much needed nap. She’d had a very big day, after all. Causing chaos was an exhausting job.
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the-pen-pot · 22 days ago
Hello BF! I've been reading your new fic, King&Court and obviously I'm loving it- it's not even a question anymore for me, you publish and i read it right away BUT! ANYWAY! I digress. The reason I'm in your inbox rambling is because of the following question: have you ever thought of writing a short(?) Merlance?.
It's just that you're sooo good at writing them as friends and then make Arthur misunderstand their relationship that it makes me wonder (every single time) how it would be, in a fic written by you, if Arthur were with Gwen like in canon but Merlin with Lancelot. How would you write Arthur- his reactions to them being in love (watching as they slowly fall in love) but without him feeling any sort of romantic feelings towards Merlin. And then how would their every other interaction be? Would Lance be somehow jealous? Would Merlin still be completely devoted to Arthur? And if it were to come down between Lance vs Arthur for some political or perilous quest, what would he do? What would Lance, do? And ..what if Merlin is in love with Arthur, a type of love that's lawless, universal, souldeep, fated- mean to be- but not really of romantic origins, would Lance understand? Know that he loves someone who's half soul (heart?) will always be with/for another? And what about Gwen? If it's like this for Merlin then maybe it's the same for Arthur.
That's it. Apparently it's more than one question. Sorry about that. You can completely ignore this message too.
Thank you for "agreeing" to this interview BF, it's been an honour to have you here.
Hey nonny!
Thanks for the questions. I am a Merthur girly through and through, so I doubt I will ever write Mercelot. That's said I adore their friendship and utterly ignore what happened to Lancelot in canon.
If I were to write Arthur's platonic reaction to such a relationship, I feel like it would be quite protective, just because Arthur thinks Merlin is a soft hearted man and he would hate the idea of him getting hurt (this would apply to any relationship Merlin had, I feel)
I don't think Lancelot would be jealous from what we have seen in canon. That man turns "honourable" into a character flaw and probably has some deep seated self esteem issues, when you get right down to it. I think he would tolerate Merlin's devotion to Arthur, but I don't think it would be good for him, if that makes sense.
(All this is obviously just how I see Mercelot. It is by no means a critique of the ship itself, which can be interpreted and portrayed in a dozen brilliant ways ❤️)
Thanks for the question question, and I'm glad you're enjoying Kimg & Court
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solarissttee · 4 months ago
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summary ; baking with lancelot might seem fun, but you know what isn’t? not being able to bake. luckily, lancelot is a great teacher.
request ; “ HI HIII !!! can i please request a lancelot x reader where reader and him try baking some cookies but reader absolutely sucks at it so he teaches her how to bake and the ending is just lots of fluff 🙏🏼🙏🏼 thank you and i hope u have a great day ilysm :33 ” — @svpremedeity
pairing ; lancelot / black fem!reader
wc ; 966
tags ; fluff, established relationship, brutal honesty from lancelot, lancelot is a kitchen whizz like his dad!?? reader absolutely sucks at baking.
notes ; ahhhh!! ilyt!! i'm so so so sorry this took so long :((( i've been in a bit of a slump :cccc
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it’s a rainy saturday morning in the middle of autumn, the leaves have changed their colours and fall gracefully to floor, the drag of the wind sways the trees whilst the gentle pitter-patter of rain chills the air, creating an incredibly soothing atmosphere.
you’re home alone at the moment, taking that as an opportunity to satisfy the endless cravings of a homemade treat. padding down the hallway to your kitchen, you contemplate what you’ll be baking and how much of it.
you rummage through your cabinets, digging through for the ingredients, and once everything is set out on the table, you begin the preparations. it’s just cookies, how hard could it be to make them?
you get out two different bowls, one for the dry ingredients and the other for the wet. considering the past failures in your cooking endeavours, you make it a point to follow a recipe that your mother frequently uses. nothing can go wrong as long as you follow a recipe, right?
elsewhere, lancelot feels a shiver run down his spine, making him rub his shoulders in discomfort. noticing him shiver, tristan, who he’d just flung to the side like a ragdoll, sends him a nasty side-eye. “getting sick, lance? don’t tell me you’re bothered by a little rain.”
“shut up and worry about yourself, moron. i’m not the one who’s been sneezing non stop despite suggesting to train in this weather. besides, that idiot is probably in the kitchen.”
tristan scoffs and rolls his eyes. he doesn’t need to be told who ‘that idiot’ is; he knows it you. he finds it odd that lancelot refers to you in such a condescending way despite his apparent fondness of you. he guesses that’s just how he is.
lancelot cuts their sparring session short and quickly heads over to your house. to his dismay, he does see you cooking from the window. sighing, he opens the front door, and with no warning, a metal mixing bowl is thrown straight at him. he ducks, whipping his head to you with a flabbergasted look as the bowl lands outside with a loud clatter.
“dammit, woman, what the fuck was that for?”
“i thought you were an intruder…” you mutter apologetically. “why’re you here anyway? weren’t you supposed to be busy training today?” you usher him inside, going to get a spare towel to dry him off.
“i got the feeling you were doing something stupid.”
“what? the only thing i’m doing is literally just baking. what the hell are you talking about?”
“exactly my point. you’re shit at cooking and baking.”
“am not!”
“are too.”
“am not– oh, shit, the cookies!”
he shakes his head in disbelief. seriously, could you not go a day without almost burning down something? this is why he’s banned you from the kitchen.
he watches as you frantically hurry about looking for your oven mitts and when you do find them and pull out the cookies, they’re a little charred. “see what i mean? you’re shit at this.”
your bottom lip juts out in a pout. “it doesn’t look that bad.. besides, i followed the recipe, so it should be fine.”
lancelot takes one cookie and examines it. he bites into it and shakes his head again. “it’s over stirred and way too salty. the chocolate chips didn’t melt well either. you wasted a lot of ingredients.”
your shoulders slump. despite the truth in his words, his blunt dismissal of your hard work causes you to feel bad. you’d made a lot of cookies to take to him.
lancelot notices the drop in your mood and sighs lowly. he walks closer to you, patting your back. “hey, it’s fine. not everyone is good in the kitchen.”
his attempts to lift your spirits are futile, and he smacks himself internally. “hey, c’mon, i didn’t mean to hurt your feelings,” his arm wraps around your waist. “you know i didn’t mean it that way.”
you’re slightly appeased by the physical contact, but still down. lancelot breaks away from the hug and goes to wash up the bowls that you’d used, and also retrieved the one that was still laying outside in the rain from your earlier assault. he looks the recipe and gets out the necessary ingredients.
“c’mere, sweet girl,” he beckons you over and you begrudgingly oblige.
“i’ll teach you how to bake these in exchange for your forgiveness. how does that sound?”
you sniffle but nod anyway. lancelot pats your hip and the both of you get to baking. he makes sure to walk you through the steps and aides you in stirring the batter, making sure that it’sthe right consistency.
“chocolate chip or plain?”
“..chocolate chip..”
lancelot can’t help but smile at your mumbled response. while he puts the cookies in the oven, you decide to make hot chocolate for the both of you. you add in minimal sugar but a lot of milk with just a few marshmallows, just the way he likes it.
whilst waiting for the cookies, the both of you clean up in silence and occasionally take a sip from your beverages. and about twenty five minutes later when the cookies are golden brown and crispy, lancelot takes out the cookies, leaving them to cool off for a bit.
“they smell good..” you murmur. lancelot chuckles, pecking your cheek. “i’m glad you think so. here, try one.”
he holds a cookie up to your lips and when you take a bite, you can’t help but melt.
“good, huh?” he grins smugly.
the rest of the day is spent with the both of you cuddled up by the window, fast asleep. the cookies and your hot chocolate are gone. maybe you should bake more often– with lancelot’s help of course.
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catiecat1320 · 5 months ago
Sonadowtober Prompt 14: Prank
Arthur decides to have a little fun… with consequences unforeseen
Technically Arthurlot and not Sonadow but shush. I’m having fun
Read Below 🔽
Being stuffed in a dress wasn’t exactly a goal of Arthur’s. By his most trusted knight, no less!
It wasn’t unpleasant, per se, but it was definitely unexpected. It was his fault it happened, he had to admit. A war of pranks, with him disguised as a new knight of their table while he pretended to be away for foreign affairs.
Its beginning sat in a joke.
“Gawain,” Arthur— well disguised with a pinch of magic as Sir Dinadan— chirped at the dinner table. “Your eating habits are despicable.”
Everyone goes silent. The Knight of the Sun stared at him, an entire bunch of grapes in his hand. He had the audacity to look surprised. Perhaps his manners were only for show when the king was present. “They are not.”
“Sure,” Arthur shoots, thoroughly amused by his knights’ habits when he was supposedly not around. It wouldn’t hurt to poke fun at them. “For a wolf. Were you perhaps raised by them?”
“Watch your place.” Lancelot! He’d know that voice anywhere. Coming to Gawain’s defense was something of a surprise; the two were well known rivals. Perhaps their bond went deeper than that. “Just because His Majesty isn’t present does not mean you can be brash.”
Arthur hides a smirk at the mention of the king. If only they knew… but this anonymity was too fun to give up so soon. “Gawain can speak for himself.” The echidna glares at him, but doesn’t say a word. “See! He agrees.” 
Lancelot stands, slamming his hands on the table. “You’ve got a big mouth for a small guy.” But before he can do anything, Gawain gives him a wave of dismissal.
“Stand down, Lancelot. I don’t need you to defend me.”
And that was that. Or so Arthur thought.
Lancelot fumed at the audacity of this new knight. To insult his comrade! He needed to be taught a lesson. 
But how to do such when Gawain refused his help, and brushed it off as if it were alright? He usually held his honor at the highest regard, but perhaps this knave has damaged his ego.
He mulls over his options for a long time, unable to let it go. A brilliant idea suddenly nests itself in his mind when he sees Sir Dinadan’s name on the participants list in the next day’s jousting event.
It was just a fun show, a series of challenges aimed to connect the people. The king himself had proposed it; it was a pity that he wasn’t there to witness its happenings. Lancelot himself would be participating in a swordsmanship contest later, but…
He smiles to himself as he signs up for jousting under a false name. In all hopes, revenge would be swift.
Arthur pulls up his visor, smiling as the folks cheer for his victory. He hasn’t had this much fun in years. Perhaps when he’s seated on the throne again, he’d request his knights joust with him.
After a short break, he’s up against his newest opponent. They’re… anything but expected. Wearing a dress and a few pieces of armor, there’s a lady on the opposite charge.
He has to admit, she’s as beautiful as she’s daring. 
His opponent’s face is covered by a simple visor, leaving him unable to identify her. Arthur knows many people, but he’s never seen her before… She mounts her horse with practiced swiftness, despite the unconventional dress. Amazing. Not even the ladies of the Round Table wore dresses in combat…
The announcer’s voice casts over the crowd and immediately, the jousters spur their horses into a charge.
Perhaps Arthur had underestimated this lady. Perhaps it was the usual chivalry weakening his fight. He doesn’t know, but as his opponent’s lance crashes into his chest at full force, he’s really, really glad he has armor on.
That hurt.
A lot.
Even more when she takes the chance to knock his own weapon out of his hands, then comes around for round two. He’s torn off his horse in an instant.
Black flashes in his vision for all of a second, ringing filling his ears along with the roar of the spectators. He finds it hard to breathe all of a sudden. 
Arthur’s vision clears to see his opponent standing over him, staring ruby eyes somehow familiar. But he doesn’t have a chance to ponder over it before he’s whisked off the list field, his consciousness slipping.
The last thing he remembers thinking is how impressive of a feat that was.
Lancelot stood by the bed in which Dinadan rested. Perhaps he’d used a little too much force in unhorsing him. The rookie had been unconscious for quite a bit now, and Lancelot couldn’t help but worry for him despite his grievance against his fellow knights.
The worry was unfounded, however. The medic had declared him a heavy sleeper, nothing more.
He could move on to part two of his plan. Was it a bit much? Maybe. But defeat was something suffered by many, and Lancelot couldn’t help but be petty enough to wish for more. Gawain had suffered embarrassment, it was only fair for Dinadan to do the same.
It was with that logic that he took Dinadan into the dining hall, rightfully in a princess carry with the dress he’d put the knight in. Everyone looked up the instant the door opened— for they were late; after all, a dress was a finicky thing to wear for someone inexperienced, even more so when that someone is unconscious.
Gawain was the first to speak. Rather, try to speak. It was a bit of a challenge when he was struggling to breathe from suppressed laughter at the same time. “I-Is that…?”
“Sir Dinadan,” Lancelot affirmed, deadpan. “Or perhaps he’d be Lady Dinadan now?”
That did it. The table erupted with laughter, and though some tried to hold it in and be respectful to their unconscious comrade, they lost to the crowd. Laughter was contagious, and it was only supplemented by the rarity of seeing Lancelot attempt a joke of any kind. It was truly perfect.
The knights took to posing with Dinadan, who was soon awoken by the rabble. 
“He awakens!” Gawain lifts him above his head as if celebrating a victor. Cheers rang all around, leaving Dinadan looking around in bewilderment as he’s passed around, before landing in Lancelot’s arms and seeing him smirk.
He opens his mouth, but before he could say a word, the door swings open to reveal the royal wizard, likely come to investigate the noise, who quickly takes on as surprised of an expression as Dinadan wore as her eyes lock on the gowned figure. “Your Majesty!”
Everyone freezes instantly, eyes wide with shock… with the exception of Dinadan, who pouts.
“Must you ruin my charade so soon, Merlina?”
Her brows furrowed in confusion as she dips into a small curtsey. “I figured you were in trouble, sire.”
All of the knights tense as the truth sets, frantic thoughts practically bouncing off one another. They’d just been making fun of the king. But no other is more afraid than Lancelot, who uses all the willpower he has to set Dinad— Arthur on the ground gently before dropping to his knees.
“Sincerest apologies, Your Majesty,” he blurts immediately, words spilling out like a waterfall before he could think about their effect. “I… I take full blame and punishment for our actions against you, I provoked such out of spite and should not have done it. Regardless if they were you or a fellow knight or anyone at all. I… don’t know what I was thinking. I-I’m so sorry, sire.” He touches his head to the floor while the rest of the knights shuffle amongst themselves and bow theirs in shame.
He flinches at his name, preparing for what came next. But Arthur just lays a hand on his head, dress splaying on the floor with his crouch. Lancelot resists the urge to look at him.
But that was the wrong choice. “Get up.”
He rises, slowly, careful not to take his gaze off the ground. But Arthur puts a hand to his chin and forces him to look at his face. Whatever magic that disguised the king has either worn off or been removed by Merlina, leaving him struggling to meet emerald eyes. “You’re not in trouble. No one is.”
There’s not a hint of malice in his voice, yet Lancelot bites his lip to keep from protesting. To parade the king around like a fool was worthy of death, it… it wasn’t just, to let him off.
“I know what you’re thinking,” Arthur says, interrupting his thoughts. “But this was a harmless joke. There’s nothing wrong with that. I see no need to punish you, nor anyone else involved. Do you understand?” 
“Yes, Your Majesty,” Lancelot replies, because what else could he say to that? His king was so kind…
“If it makes you all feel any better, I find this terribly amusing,” Arthur smiles, twirling around. As everyone resumes their activities, he takes the time to tell all the knights what he noticed while undercover, coaxing quite a few laughs out of the table.
At the end of the night, the king pulls Lancelot aside, an innocent request to help him remove the dress. It’s a tedious process. 
As Arthur stands in his bed clothes, he holds up the gown in the lamp light with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. “I have to say, Lancelot, you wear this better than I. If you weren’t my knight, I’d consider making you my queen.”
That comment leaves Lancelot awake that night.
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