#lancaster appreciation
nientedal · 2 years
Oct. 10 meeting minutes — made public today shortly after a request from WITF — show council member Paul Swangren, Jr. “requested a line-item review” of the library’s finances to make sure each item reflected “conservative values.”
“He was not comfortable with monies going towards Women Health class because it was related to sexual matters.”
355 notes · View notes
razorblade180 · 4 months
9 days of Lancaster Day 9: Firsts
Ruby:(Don’t over complicate this. Don’t do it. Just relax… relax…)
Jaune:Uh Rubes?
Jaune:Are you gonna hit retry or…
She turns her head and notices they’re on they’re on the ranking screen. When did the match end!? Ruby finally hits continue. Jaune can’t help but chuckle a little as he leans back against Blake’s bed.
Ruby:What’s so funny?
Jaune:You seem a little lost in thought. Thinking of a way of outplaying me?
Ruby:I introduced you to this game. I know your skills.
Jaune:And yet I out rank you.
Ruby:Because you’re such a try hard! I’ve been busy on missions.
Jaune:Yeah that’s fair. It’s nice that you finally have time off. I would’ve thought your team would be knocked out for days. I was little shocked when you said you planned an all day video game date.
Ruby:I begged a little. Also called in a few favors. Weiss just needed a nice place to sleep, Blake is flexible and I became a pouty little sister for Yang.
Jaune:Qualities of a true leader.
Ruby:Shut up! I’m just happy you didn’t procrastinate on any assignments.
Jaune:Pyrrha said she’d add Nora to my training if I did.
Ruby:Yeah that would get me moving too. Soooo you’re really free ?
Jaune:Yep, I’m all yours for the day. Any game you need a partner in, I’ll help you see credits.
Ruby:…And if we get tired of games?
Jaune:We got movies. There’s a couple good ones that came while you were away. Or ones you’ll force me to watch.
Ruby:Stop acting like you don’t like horror.
Jaune:It really isn’t an act. But you planned all this and who am I to not appreciate that.
Ruby:So you’re done for anything?
Ruby:*red* Even…oh I don’t know, sleeping together?
Jaune’s hands stopped pressing buttons and Ruby managed to send him to the loser screen. It wasn’t intentional but a small boost of confidence as she turned her head right to see him looking at her with a flushed red face.
Ruby:Don’t make it weird!
Jaune:Me!? What!? You just- context please! Was that a ploy to win!?
Ruby:I’m not that petty! Look I just…. *plays with hair* thought maybe we should discuss that idea. We’ve been together for almost five months and it’s been really great! It’s felt a little weird though that you never seemed to make a move or bring up “that”
Jaune: Do I really give off that sorta vibe? I had no idea.
Ruby:I’m not saying you do, but between how you used to try flirting with Weiss and our casual conversations, it didn’t feel like you weren’t into more intimate things. Ugh, I really don’t know what I’m saying at this point! I guess a part of me felt a little confused and worried if you weren’t interested in me in that way at all.
Jaune:Oh I have had thoughts, but i know how to keep them to myself.
Jaune:*blushing* That’s normal and decent behavior! Why, are you interested?
Ruby:Of course! I organized I room date to give you the opportunity to-
Saying it aloud made it sound way more embarrassing and forward than Ruby meant for it to be. And pulled her hood over her head and huffed in defeat as she stared down at her lap.
Jaune:….Does your team know about this?
Ruby:Blake does. She said her bed is fair game. Those are actually my sheets right now. As far as Yang is concerned, I asked for privacy so we can have our first kiss.
Jaune:We’ve made out a bunch of times.
Ruby:I’m very sneaky when I want to be. Look, I get this is a lot I’m dropping on you and we don’t have to do anything today. I just…really wanted to know where I stand with you and to let you know that…I’m okay with going further with you. *crimson* I really like you. A lot.
Jaune:…This question may sound a little dumb all things considering, but I have to hear it. I get that you’re okay with it, but do you want to have sex with me? As in your are looking forward to it?
Ruby:…Very much, yeah.
Jaune:….Hold on just one moment.
He took her scroll and walked out of the room. Ruby wanted to scream until she passed out. Why did she start this conversation!? Was it too forward!? They were having such a good time before this moment. Why did he leave!?
So many thoughts bombarded her brain and they didn’t stop when she heard the door unlock again. Her scroll flew into her lap so she knew it was him. Seconds later, a box of condoms fell into her lap. Her brain took a moment to process what she was looking at then her head immediately jerked up to see Jaune bright red and also avoiding her gaze.
Jaune: Nora may have helped me find female ones too, as well as emergency pills.
Ruby:Ah, I see. How proactive. Well…*twiddles fingers* Weiss may have helped me find a pay for some quality meds awhile go.
Jaune:Huh, imagine that.
Ruby:Yeeeep. Jaune, can you look at me?
Jaune:*makes eye contact*
Ruby:Soooo are we…still playing video games right now?
Blake:*eating noodles*
Yang:You think the date is going well?
Weiss:Yes. *eating cake*
Yang:Really think she’ll go for a kiss?
Blake:Ruby can dive into a Nevermore’s mouth. She’ll find the willpower to kiss a boy.
Yang:….Maybe I should call t-
Weiss:Yang, as a younger sister myself, I appreciate my older sister. However, if she interrupted me on a date with a call or coming home early, I’m going to be mad for a very long time. Eat your burger and relax. Ruby will be fine.
Yang: I know, ugh! It’s like I’m antsy for her. Gods, if I’m like this now then I don’t know if I can handle her asking about sex.
Blake and Weiss:Don’t worry about that now.
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blurredcolour · 3 months
What If We Just Fall?
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Oh my goodness @supervalcsi this has been the hardest secret to keep! 'Tis I, your summer exchange gift writer! Thank you for all your hard work as the moderator of HBO War Daily, we deeply appreciate you!! It's been a pleasure getting to know you and I hope you enjoy your summer as well as this lovely interlude with sweet Rosie!!!
Robert "Rosie" Rosenthal x ATA!Female Reader
Flying with the Air Transport Auxiliary has taught you many lessons – including the importance of guarding your heart carefully. It seems fate, however, has much more to teach you when you are forced to make an emergency landing in East Anglia.
Warnings: Language, Era Typical Sexism, Fear, Crying, Kissing, Inevitable Historical and Military Inaccuracies, Rating - T.
Author's note: No descriptions of reader other than the fact that she is not British. This is a work of fiction based off the portrayal by the actors in the Apple TV+ series. I hold nothing but respect for the real life individuals referenced within.
Word Count: 5729
October 1944
Meeting a man like Robert “Rosie” Rosenthal was not something you had expected when you volunteered for the Air Transport Auxiliary. In fact, you were not even supposed to land at Thorpe Abbotts Airfield until fate, or more accurately faulty wiring, intervened. Ferrying a Wellington bomber from its repair depot back to the RAF in Norfolk for use in their nighttime bombing runs, you were piloting the five-man aircraft alone – standard practice in the ATA. There was no radio, no navigator, and most definitely no guns. You were a civilian non-combatant and if any Luftwaffe fighter pilots happened to get onto your tail, you simply had to outfly them.
This was not your first Wellington, not by a long stretch, and while you preferred Spitfires for their speed and manoeuverability, these mid-sized bombers were usually fairly docile once they got off the ground. This particular aircraft, however, had been displaying a bad attitude from the moment it took to the air. How it had passed quality control inspection was beyond you. The wonders the mechanics were able to work in short turn arounds were usually feats of precision and skill, but almost immediately you noticed the rudder seemed reluctant to obey your steering commands.
A cascade of instrumentation issues followed before the left engine quit. There was a reason, however, that the ‘Wimpy’ as it was affectionately called by the boys who took the aircraft into combat, was still relied upon by the RAF despite the arrival of four-engine heavies like the Halifax and Lancaster. The Wellington could take a great deal of punishment; lose great chunks of its aluminium and linen airframe, be down one engine, and still get the crew to its destination. It was this reputation you were banking on as you pressed forward to your assigned airfield, hoping the ground crew there would treat this plane better than whomever had done it such a disservice at the repair depot.
You were, by your best guess of the landscape and quick glance at your maps, roughly twenty minutes out when the right engine began to choke and sputter.
“Shit.” You hissed under your breath, pleased no one could overhear you, and dropped your altitude to scan for a safe place to land.
During your pre-flight preparations, you had noted this area was dotted with American airfields as well as RAF; surely you could find a stretch of tarmac to keep both you and this precious piece of war material in one piece. The telltale ‘V’ of concrete, surrounded by still-lush grass waving in the autumn breeze, could not have come into view at a better time. Exhaling in relief as the indicator lights confirmed the wheels had descended at your command, you checked visually that the left was down and had to trust the right and rear were also – with no co-pilot to look for you, there was most definitely no way you could release the yoke and glance out the window yourself.
Hoping the allies would recognize you for a friendly, you lined up to make your landing, the right engine quitting on you as you decreased your speed. Holding your eyes open wide with focus, you leaned forward in your seat, gripping the yoke almost painfully, willing the aircraft to stay aloft to meet the first few inches of runway. The silence in the cockpit was agonizing, a tense ringing in your ears replacing the normal, companionable thrum of the engines, sweat stinging at your eyes and prickling in your armpits. Seconds drew out into hours until at last your tires – all three of them – bumped down to land on the runway.
With a sigh of relief, you quickly pulled up on the flaps, frowning deeply as, with no engines to throw into reverse, the large object in motion seemed reluctant to come to a stop. Mortifyingly, you overshot the end of the runway, skidding to a halt some one hundred meters in the grass like a wet-behind-the-ears trainee, and yet…and yet both you and the plane that you had been charged with delivering were still in one piece. Not at all where you were intended to be, but landed safely, for now.
The sound of several vehicles approaching from down the runway refocused your attention and you pulled off your leather flying helmet, smoothing your hair before gathering your things into your flight bag. Climbing from the dead aircraft, you were greeted by a host of astonished male faces.
“Jesus Christ, she’s a dame!” One of the younger men exclaimed, not so quietly, from the back of the crowd and you did your best to keep a straight face.
“I’m so sorry to intrude on your airfield, gentlemen, ran into a little trouble during my flight. I appreciated the safe place to land.”
Several eyebrows shot up at your distinct lack of British accent, at least one astute gaze dropping to the gold wire weave badge bearing the name of your home country just below your shoulders.
“Well, we’re just glad you’re alright, ma’am. We got very nervous when we couldn’t raise you on the radio.” The owner of said astute, piercing blue gaze spoke, a hint of…New York, was it?...colouring his tone.
“Ah, of course, we aren’t connected to radio in the Air Transport Auxiliary, sorry for the confusion that must have caused.” Stepping forward you offered your hand as you introduced yourself. “Second Officer, ATA.”
“Robert Rosental, Major, United States Army Air Force. What happened up there?”
It took a moment to register that he had asked you a question, the feel of his palm pressing against yours as he shook your hand in greeting more than a little distracting. Inhaling sharply, you turned back to look at the troublesome aircraft.
“Rudder was slow to respond, then I started losing my instruments one-by-one before the left engine cut out. I was hoping to make it on the right, but when it started to go, I knew I had no choice to put it down as soon as possible.”
“You flew that all by yourself?” Another member of the crowd piped up and you nodded patiently.
“Standard practice in the ATA, just me.”
“Maybe that was the real problem.” It was hard to tell where exactly the snide comment, spoken under some ignorant boy’s breath, had originated from.
You noted a flash of anger in Major Rosenthal’s eyes before he started to scan the crowd for the source of it, but this sort of response was something you had certainly encountered before.
“I’m sorry I didn’t quite catch that, could whoever said that please repeat it? I’d really appreciate the opportunity to improve on the over seven hundred ferry flights I’ve made since 1941, including one hundred with this very type of plane, so please, speak up.” A sort of stunned silence overtook the group, several of the men wearing bemused smiles, others a look of shock, while the rest shuffled their feet awkwardly in the grass. “Hn. My loss, I suppose.”
“I’m assuming you’re a long ways from where you ought to be?” Major Rosenthal chimed in, the luscious thatch of hair of his upper lip highlighting the way his mouth hitched up at the corner in amusement.
“You would be correct, Major, might I impose upon you for the use of a telephone?”
Some directions were shouted to tow your aircraft to a spare hardstand as it seemed there were replacements planes of their own expected in a few hours and you turned to address the same man Rosenthal was giving orders to – Lemmons, you believed.
“Please be careful, its not a metal skin, it’s linen.”
The look of shock on the boy’s cherubic face framed by copious curls spilling from beneath his knit cap finally broke your control, a small grin sneaking onto your lips as Major Rosenthal led you over to his jeep. Unclipping your parachute from your waist, you tossed it and your flight bag into the back, sliding into your passenger’s seat and finally feeling the ability to relax somewhat.
“Over seven hundred flights?” He glanced at you as he drove, and you nodded softly.
“There are a lot of planes needing to be moved around this island.”
“And here I thought my boys had it rough needing to hit thirty…” He shook his head, driving past the control toward a sea of the all-too-familiar Nissen huts that populated every airfield you had ever visited.
“Ferry flights and combat missions are in no way comparable, Major, the worst thing I face up there is usually English weather.”
The pair of you shared a laugh as he pulled up in front of a long row of buildings. “My CO will want to talk with you, unexpected guest and all.”
“Of course, caused quite the ruckus didn’t I.” You laughed ruefully, sliding from the jeep to collect your gear, startled as he beat you to it.
“Follow me.” He nodded warmly, holding open the door to lead you inside.
After a brief meeting with a very busy Colonel Jeffrey where he put ‘Rosie’ at your disposal, you were ushered into an empty office to use the telephone and contact your superiors. Providing a detailed report of your flight, you were instructed to sit tight pending further directions – most likely an RAF repair crew would be dispatched to try and get the plane operational, but they were also loathe to keep you grounded and out of the rotation for too long. Providing them with Jeffrey’s secretary’s number as the point of contact, you stepped out of the office to find Major Rosenthal waiting patiently in the hallway.
“You must be starving…”
“I would not say no to some food, by any means.” You smirked and followed him back out to the jeep for the short drive to the officer’s mess. “You sure its alright for me to eat in here? RAF doesn’t usually…”
“I insist.” He nodded and opened the door for you once more.
With a grateful nod, you stepped into the space flooded with natural light where row on row of tables covered in crisp white linens stood empty. Given that it was an odd hour for a meal, somewhere between breakfast and lunch, it was no surprise that you were practically alone in there. A server in a white coat quickly approached and Major Rosenthal looked to you to place your order from the choices on offer before requesting just a coffee for himself, pulling out a chair for you to sit before setting your kit in the empty chair beside you.
“This is really quite civilized, thank you again. I apologize that I’m not really dressed for the occasion…”
He chuckled warmly and shook his head. “You look prettier than me after I fly, though I’m quite confident you start out that way, too.” He winked and you smiled shyly, busying yourself with laying your napkin across your lap.
Major Rosenthal was not the first handsome airman to cross your path in your line of work, there had been countless men who had either jeered or flattered you. But after opening your heart to several early on and promptly losing them to a ruthless enemy, you had learned better than to let yourself fall for such girlish stupidity again.
“Having a second breakfast Rosie? Oh…oh I’m sorry I didn’t see you were entertaining…”
“No apologies Croz, one of the lovely ladies of the Air Transport Auxiliary dropped in for a visit.” He grinned and introduced you properly to his friend and Group Navigator Harry Crosby who was apparently only finishing his breakfast now.
“A pleasure, well I’ll leave you two to it. Make sure Rosie tells you about his love of jazz.” His knowing grin at his friend drew an exasperated exhale from Rosenthal, but before he could protest, the server was returning with food and hot beverages that were fit to make your mouth water and Crosby had disappeared.
“I don’t think I realized quite how hungry I was…” You murmured, fixing your drink to your liking before seizing your utensils to dive in.
“Well then, please, enjoy.” He leaned back, cradling his cup in his hands to allow you to enjoy your meal.
After a few bites, once you were feeling somewhat less ravenous, you tilted your head. “Artie Shaw or Benny Goodman?”
He raised an eyebrow slowly before huffing an incredulous laugh. “Artie Shaw, if I must.”
You nodded thoughtfully as you took a deep sip of your beverage.
“What other planes have you flown in your seven hundred ferry flights?” He parried with a question of his own.
“Oh, all sorts - Tiger Moths, Hurricanes, Mosquitos, Spitfires.”
He nodded thoughtfully, smoothing the edge of his moustache with his forefinger. “Favorite plane to fly?” He inquired.
“To fly? Spitfire, without a doubt.” You answered easily, licking a bit of food from your upper lip. “That plane knows what I want it to do before I even think it. Landing however…one the test pilots famously said, ‘she’s a lady in the air but a bi–’” you quickly cut yourself off with a rueful twist of your lips “she’s something else ‘on the ground.’” You finished the quote with more appropriate language inserted.
Rosenthal’s eyes danced with mirth as he enjoyed a hearty laugh at that and you could not help but notice the reddish hue to the whiskers on his upper lip, highlighted by the sunlight streaming in the windows. You wondered if that was where he had gotten the nickname ‘Rosie.’ Jarring yourself from such dangerous thoughts, you quickly turned back to your meal and peppered him with more questions about American jazz greats, enjoying the way he enthusiastically and engagingly spoke about the various band leaders he preferred and why before turning back to you with further questions about your service in the ATA and life before that. Conversation came dangerously easy between the two of you, an undeniable overlap of interests and motivation to contribute.
You were admittedly attracted to the man as well, but for the sake of your sanity, that was something you were going to have to set aside for as long as he continued his brave yet perilous missions over enemy territory. The mess gradually began to fill as true lunch time arrived, your meal and his coffee long finished, and you were about to get up and find somewhere else to wait out the repair crew when one of the servers approached with a message that they had already arrived and were looking for you.
A short drive to the hardstand revealed the four RAF men hard at work on the Wellington under the curious eye of Lemmons and others who were occasionally drifting by.
“When I get my hands on whatever git did this to this poor Wimpy…” You could hear the threats and grumblings emanating from inside the fuselage and pressed your lips together, hoping it was the previous repairperson they had it out for and not you.
“Gentlemen?” You popped your head into the bomber and were greeted by several flustered men.
“Ah there you are Ma’am, how on earth did you keep this lobotomized plane in the air for so long?!”
“Well you know, a good old Wimpy can always get you home…or at least a friendly field.”
“We’ve got…a good few hours ahead of us but then I think you’ll be able to finish the last leg of the journey.”
“Thank you very much, I’m sorry to take you away from your more pressing work. Can I get you anything?”
“Crew Chief Lemmons has been very helpful, Ma’am, but thank you.”
You offered the young man a smile of thanks over your shoulder before shuffling over to set your belongings on the grass. The afternoon was fair, the weather still warm, so you figured it was as good a place as any to wait it out. To your surprise and pleasure, Rosenthal settled onto the ground beside you, picking up your conversation right where you left off as you listened to the men work through the thin skin of the aircraft, watching the sun make its way to the western sky to sink toward the horizon.
“You know, Major, you really ought to come visit London some time. We may not have Artie Shaw or Benny Goodman live in concert but there’s still a great deal of jazz to be enjoyed.”
“Please, you can call me Rosie if you’d like.” He smiled softly and you nodded in response, not wanting to have been so bold without his permission. “You stationed that close that you can just pop into the jazz clubs?”
You nodded quickly. “White Waltham, near Windsor Castle. Very short train ride. Used to fly with the Spitfire girls out of Southampton but I wanted a chance to fly the twin engines…maybe even someday I’ll get inside a Halifax or a Lanc…but that was definitely not going to happen in a ferry pool right next to the Spitfire factory flying only short-range flights.”
“These four engine beasts are definitely a whole other ball game,” He gestured with a thumb over his shoulder towards a B-17 looming behind him, dwarfing the Wellington with is height and breadth “would you still be alone?”
“ATA sends a flight engineer on four engine flights, but no co-pilot.”
He nodded thoughtfully, looking about to add something when the RAF repair crew suddenly emerged, grinning in satisfaction.
“Should be all set Ma’am, care to give it a whirl?”
Nodding quickly, you looked to your companion softly. “Thank you very much for an unexpectedly pleasant standby, Rosie.”
“My pleasure.” He responded with a grin, sliding to his feet and holding out his hand to pull you to yours.
Clipping your parachute in place on the back of your thighs, you slid on your helmet before climbing into the aircraft to try starting the engines. Running through an extended pre-flight check with one of the maintenance crew, they cleared you for take off, Rosie waving to you before driving off in the direction of the control tower. Beginning to taxi out, you could not help the grin as he returned to guide you down the runway, pulling off into the grass and waving once again from where he stood in the driver’s seat of his jeep.
Opening the cockpit window you shouted down to him, “See you in London, Rosie!” before taking off to the sound of his laughter.
To your delight, Rosie heeded your suggestion and made the trip to London – several times in fact, over the course of the winter, otherwise keeping in touch with you via letter. Despite the logical, cautious part of your brain demanding that you keep your feelings for him at bay, feelings that constantly threatened to swell and overwhelm you with each passing meeting and letter, you still found yourself constantly fretting for his safety. Awaiting his next contact, the next proof of life, with bated breath and firmly denied distraction whenever a friend or colleague would tease you about it.
How utterly rude it was of fate to throw such a perfect specimen in your path. Particularly one that could so very easily be taken away with the same rapidity. For not only was he breathtakingly handsome, but his understated confidence and capability in all things so far encountered simply made you yearn to discover his more hidden talents. To have survived so long in an occupation where the life expectancy was six-weeks, just forty-two days, and then sign up for a second tour after meeting his mission quota – yes, he’d had luck on his side thus far, but you had seen luck abandon far too many in the last few years.
The driving pace of your own worked helped distract you, undertaking training in the four engine Halifax bomber in December before the calendar turned to January 1945, and then onto February. Your commanding officer soon indicated you had nearly accumulated enough hours to begin flying Lancasters – much to your delight and eager anticipation. The pace of the production and demand on the frontlines required more ferry pilots for the British answer to the B-17 and you were more than ready to meet the challenge head on.
Not far into the month, however, you found yourself stranded near Diss on a weather delay, unable to fly back to White Waltham. With no trains until the next morning, you decided to hitch a ride to Thorpe Abbotts to take Rosie up on his standing offer to ‘drop by anytime.’ What greeted you, however, was a very concerned looking Crosby and no Rosie in sight. Sitting you down in the same spare office you had used to call in your emergency landing last October, the obviously under-slept man seemed to be having some difficulty getting down to the point.
“Major Crosby, I can assure you I am no stranger to the variety of outcomes of aerial combat, would you mind telling me as much as you are able before you asphyxiate from lack of oxygen?” You coaxed firmly, quite certain he had not taken a breath in over a minute as he paced anxiously in front of you.
His head jerked up at the sound of your voice and he nodded once before sinking heavily into the chair opposite you before taking a deep breath, to your minor relief, and beginning to speak.
“Rosie went up on a mission on the 3rd and we’ve had no news of him since he dropped out of formation.”
Your spine went completely rigid, snapping you almost painfully upright in your chair as you nodded in a cool, detached manner at the news. This. This was precisely the reason why you had been guarding your heart and fighting your feelings and putting every moment of wonderment and each smile of adoration you felt for the man in a small internal box for safe keeping. Because this very situation had seemed so very inevitable.
So why did it still hurt so damn much.
“No news is, is usually good news in these cases but it takes a while for us to hear…. well anything.”
You gulped once, twice in rapid succession as you nodded again before clearing your throat forcefully. “Well, Major, I have to go but,” grabbing a piece of paper from the desk, you scrawled the contact number for Ferry Pool No. 1, rapidly blinking as your eyes threatened to cloud over with tears “will you call if you hear anything? That you can share of course.”
“Of course I will, did you need a ride somewhere?”
You shook your head almost violently, looking forward to the walk to the pub in Diss, a good roadside cry would fix everything surely, before you had to show your face in public. Practically dashing out of there and off the base, you barely made it out of earshot of the gatehouse before your tears bubbled over. Fine lot of good all your cautious and careful planning had done you – you had been half a person in Rosie’s presence only to have the very emotions you willfully denied snap back at you tenfold now that he might very well be…and you never once got to see how his eyes might light up if you had told him how you really felt. Feel.
All the logic in the world could not save you now as you blindly sobbed your way towards town, stubbornly wiping at your nose with your handkerchief. If you had really lost him, a very real possibility that twisted your gut painfully and drew an extremely dramatic series of hitching sobs from your breast, he had deserved better. He had deserved to know that he was cherished and admired rather than just a friend to you, and on that front, you had failed so miserably you just might never forgive yourself.
The weeks of watchful waiting were long and painful. No news came, no messages awaited you at Pool Headquarters, no gossip on the bases you visited. Until the morning of the 26th when, to your great relief, and amusement, you learned that the man was alive and well, enjoying a hero’s stay in Moscow, of all places. The newspaper article quoting the absurd volume of vodka he had endured consuming brought a long-absent smile to your face and lightness to your chest, the news beating Major Crosby’s phone call by, at most, thirty minutes. All as you were on your way with your flight engineer to your first routine Lancaster ferry flight.
Climbing into the cockpit, you took the brief moment of solitude to close your eyes, inhaling deeply as you whispered words of gratitude to whatever higher entities had clearly been watching over him. Perhaps luck was never going to run out for Robert Rosenthal. Clearly you were a fool for thinking that was the eventuality here.
“Ma’am?” The timid voice of your flight engineer, Naylor – though everyone called him Tiny Tim for the young man hardly ever spoke above a whisper, pierced through your thoughts and you jolted back to reality quickly, offering him a reassuring smile.
“Let’s pop over to Wales and deliver this bird, shall we?” You did your best to display nothing but confidence in the task before you.
He smiled back with a nod, just as eager as you to get this great beast of a plane into the air. To say that heavies became the primary planes on your delivery roster would have been an overstatement, but they were most definitely a constant. As was the ever-present thought that someday soon you would find yourself face-to-face with Rosie once again and just how to handle that day of reckoning was certainly something you found impossible to decide upon.
Should you confess and apologize on sight? Wait for a few weeks for him to settle back into life on base before unloading your feelings onto him? Or continue on as you had before? The way your stomach plummeted like a wounded bird at the last option was a clear illustration of how impossible it would be to pretend you simply regarded him as a friend. But there was a growing fear as well. For all of your focus on concealing and compartmentalizing your own feelings, you had not once allowed yourself to consider how he might feel for you. Aside from some flattering comments that may have been construed as flirtatious, he had never displayed anything but the highest calibre of warmth and social graces towards you. But you found yourself constantly pondering just how Rosie might react to a confession of what had flickered into an irrepressible blaze in your chest.
In the end, you spent more time sitting with those concerns than those for his very well being, the unseasonable warmth of February continuing on into March, with more sunny days than you had grown accustomed to after living in England for so long. April was only a few days away on the calendar when your next ferry run took to you St. Mawgan to deliver a Lancaster to the RAF Overseas Aircraft Despatch Unit. Where exactly the aircraft’s journey would end was a point of mystery and you were admittedly envious of the pilot who would sit in the lefthand seat next and take it beyond the relative safety of England’s shores – territory that was strictly off limits to you as both a civilian and especially as a woman.
Parting with your flight Engineer Martens in the all-female WAAF mess, the girl avidly ensconced in a conversation comparing beaus with the girls stationed in Cornwall, you headed back out to pick up a damaged Spitfire that had just arrived from France, desperately in need of a visit to the repair depot. In the process of inspecting the aircraft, to ensure you knew precisely what damage you would be needing to overcome, a remarkably familiar voice broke through your concentration.
“She certainly still looks like a lady on the ground…rather mistreated, but definitely a lady nonetheless.”
Straightening and turning far too quickly, you cracked your head on the underside of the fuselage, earning a look of sympathy as his hands cupped your shoulders to pull you closer, out of danger of inflicting further harm to yourself.
“Rosie…” You whispered, staring at him, unable to stop your fingers from reaching out to brush his cheek, to confirm he was real.
The muscles of his face crinkled beneath your touch as he broke out into a smile, an expression you immediately echoed despite the unbidden prick of tears in the corners of your eyes.
“Hi there.” His throat bobbed as he swallowed sharply, face growing slightly solemn as he lay his hand atop yours, pressing your palm fully against his warm skin. “I’ve been a complete fool, and I’m not sure if you can forgive me.” You tilted your head, brows furrowing in bewilderment. “The world out there is dead set on tearing itself apart and I…” His tongue darted out to wet his lips nervously, an emotion you were quite confident you had never seen overcome him before. “The entire time I was struggling to get back here just to tell you. To tell you how much I care for you. You are much more than just a friend to me, and I was an idiot to think I was okay with putting this off until the war was over.”
Eyes widening as the man seemed to be stealing the very thoughts from your head and putting them into words before you even had the chance, you sniffled playful and wiped at a stray tear that had managed to sneak down your cheek. “Don’t you go taking all the credit now, Robert.” You chided warmly, earning a stunned look from him in return. “It has taken two complete fools to deny what we’ve become, wouldn’t you say?”
Huffing a soft laugh, Rosie conceded your point with a nod as he grasped the unbuckled ends of your leather flying helmet, tugging your face closer. “I love you, you incredible woman.”
Taking a notably shaky inhale, you nodded quickly, a few more tears spilling over. “I love you, too, Rosie.” You struggled to speak around the knot of emotions in your throat, fully intending to reciprocate with some sweet term of endearment, not quite certain you could manage.
Mercifully, his lips had the grace to press against yours and save you from trying to say anything more. Grasping the fleece collar of his bomber jacket, you pressed closer in the shadow of the plane you ought to be inspecting, but the Spitfire was doing a fine job of shielding you from prying eyes and five more minutes in the arms of the man you loved – yes, it was love – and had been separated from could easily be made up courtesy of the stiff tail wind you expected on your flight to Southampton.
The rasp of his facial hair made you shiver at the slightly ticklish sensation as he maintained a firm grip on your straps, delivering kiss after kiss as if to make up for lost time. An uncontrollable grin stretched across your lips, making it nearly impossible for him to continue and so he shifted to focus on erasing any trace of tears from your cheeks, only encouraging your grin to curl wider until you were simultaneously giggling and trembling at the feel of his moustache against your jaw.
“Someday, we’ll have a lot more time, and I’m going to spend every second of it kissing you…” His eyes were filled with a fiery intensity that made it awfully difficult to draw breath and you shifted forward to press your lips to his flushed cheek in turn.
“I’m going to hold you to that, Robert Rosenthal.” You nodded firmly as you pulled back, arching sharply as his hands slid to rest against your shoulder blades, his mouth landing on yours fiercely.
“First Officer, are you quite ready?!” The shrill bark of an encroaching member of St. Mawgan’s ground crew wrenched the pair of you apart as effectively as a physical intervention, a shared look of reluctance passing between you as you quickly straightened your clothing.
You noticed his eyes flick to your shoulders to admire your new rank badges.
“You’ve been busy.” He murmured and you smiled with quiet pride.
“Fly Lancasters now, too.” You nodded and pointed over his shoulder to the plane you had flown in that morning before turning to address your intruder as he called your name once more. “Nearly ready, thank you so much for your patience!” You poured on the sweetness in your tone, noting the way Rosie’s eyes narrowed slightly as they returned to your face.
Biting back a giggle you blew him a kiss before emerging around the nose to greet the harried RAF man. “Major Rosenthal of the USAAF has never seen a Spitfire before, he asked me to show him around.”
“Thank you again for your indulgence, Ma’am, they are definitely fine planes. But I will let you get on with it.” Rosie played his part admirably, the set of the intruder’s shoulders easing somewhat.
“Yes, yes, well we need you out of here in five.” He turned to look at the clipboard in his hand and your gaze met Rosie’s once more.
“It was my pleasure, Major. I’d best be off.”
“Of course.” He nodded firmly, eyes remaining locked on yours as he mouthed ‘love you’ making your heart lurch erratically for a few beats as you mouthed it back. “Safe flight.” You spoke aloud.
“You as well.”
Noting the RAF man was once again paying attention to his surroundings, you turned to finish your quick once over of the plane before stepping up onto the wing and slotting into the narrow cockpit before pulling the side flap closed and starting the engine. Once the coast was clear, you blew one last kiss to Rosie, laughing brightly as he made quite a show of catching it and tucking it into his pocket.
“Until next time!” He shouted and you nodded brightly, pulling the canopy closed.
Because there most definitely would be a next time for you and your man of endless luck, and that was something that you no longer wished to deny.
Masters of the Air Masterlist
Postscript - thank you ever so much to @precious-little-scoundrel for proofreading this for me!!
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nexility-sims · 9 months
𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐫 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲.
i, frankly, haven't had the energy or positive mindset to sit down and write anything extensive out for this gratitude day, which is is a shame. however, i wanted to post something, with promises to outpour more love next year !
at this moment, i believe it's fair to say i'm most grateful for the folks in my simblr writing group. i've told you all multiple times how happy being in a group together makes me but, damn it, everyone else needs to know, too !!!! it's only been two months, but it feels like so much longer because everyone has been so enthusiastic and earnest—in general, but also with embracing each other's stories, getting to know one another, providing support and assistance. that was all i wanted. this little community's establishment has coincided with a terrible loss and truly awful time in my life, and i just can't adequately express how appreciative i am for everyone. i want to shoutout @300yearschallenge, @bridgeportbritt, @crownsofesha, @daniigh0ul, @greensleeves101066, @lynzishell, @madebysimblr, @rebouks, @simming-in-the-rain, @simstrashkingdom, @sirianasims, @saerelia, and @hannahssimblr in particular for so many insightful, instructive, funny conversations. it's so wild to me that i just met most of you and yet am excited every day to see what you've got to say. that's to say nothing of the storytelling itself !!!!! i'm grateful as well for @digital-deluxe @earthmoonz @funkyllama @housekonig @igglemouse @moonfromearth @simabloom @simeaz @simmysunset @stillgotme @the-lancasters @theroyalthornoliachronicles @trentonsimblr @warwickroyals @saerelia @xldkx i still have lots of catching up to do, but i'm happy to say i've started and am enjoying several, finally. i'm taking notes, whether it's on family dynamics or compelling prose or friendship or the importance of backgrounds and settings or whatever else. lastly, perhaps predictably: i haven’t kept up with too many stories this year for various reasons, but i have been @armoricaroyalty's biggest fan for the last two years. i’m grateful that gabe and i had such a truly epic, ridiculously fun collaborative project this year (almost entirely gabe’s doing, which makes me even more determined to repay the favor). i’m also so proud and happy that gabe’s story has really hit its stride and garnered a lot of well-deserved praise this year.
the big reason why i love gabe’s story is because there are so many interesting characters, all doing something, all woven together in ways that feel realistic and suspenseful and dramatic and hilarious and romantic … it takes a little bit of talent, a lot of skill, and a boatload of discipline to pull that off. gabe has all of it, and i’m so grateful to have been allowed to join in—whether as an enthusiastic sounding board, a partner in plotting, or just someone to agree heartily that, yes, that freddy poll had one (1) correct answer. i'm so excited to see the story continue now that this phenomenal chapter is ending, i have and will continue to learn a lot about the craft from gabe, and my own storytelling has improved immensely just by association (you know, plus the fact that my current project wouldn’t exist without him). oh, and: simblr is also about making friends, and our friendship is hands-down the best thing i've gotten out of this whole endeavor.
all of this makes me believe, in conclusion, that 2024 is going to be full of more delightful conversation, more delightful stories to read, and more friendship ♥️
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doberbutts · 2 years
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So a friend of mine HILARIOUSLY bought raw dog food from this company based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania aka my hometown, and this is just part of the absolutely unhinged contract they sent her "in order to buy the food". It's like 18 pages and just gets worse and worse as you go but I wanted to pull specifically this part out because of something I mentioned a little while ago.
This contract is *incredibly* Mennonite but I mentioned before that Mennonites love to take pieces of Jewish culture and religion and just. Use it whenever they want. And this sort of exemplifies what I'm talking about. They went out of their way to learn Hebrew and to learn what it means and study the Torah and Jewish law and then immediately conflate it with their own personal [read: CHRISTIAN] understanding of the concept.
Need I remind you this is a company that sells raw meat to feed to dogs.
Anyway I got to this part of the contract and was like "oh, they're Mennonite, they're using Hebrew to talk about God in the Christian sense" because that was such a normal fucking sight in Lancaster that it took me moving out of that area to realize that no, most other Christian sects do not do this. It's so fucking bizarre and I figured y'all would appreciate the peek into what my life was like for 20 years because you couldn't escape it even after I'd left the church
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todaysdocument · 1 month
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Letter from H. R. Boving to the Secretary of the Treasury
Record Group 87: Records of the U.S. Secret ServiceSeries: General Correspondence
Jeweler and Optician
Cameras and Photographic Lancaster, Ohio Aug 19" 1909
The Hon Secretary U.S. Treasury
Washington D.C.
Dear Sir:-
Would like very much to have your
opinion on mutilation of coins.
Do you consider it permissible to make a scarf
pin out of a coin by soft soldering a pin on it
or making a pendant or charm by gold soldering
a ring on?
And how about gold plating a copper or silver
We are repeatedly requested to do such work since
the Lincoln penny came out and would like
your opinion in the matter before going ahead
A reply at your earliest convenience would
be greatly appreciated by
Yours most respectfully
H R Boving
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howlingday · 6 months
Ruby: Hey, guys! Check out our cool, new Lancaster merch! But don't just take my word for it! Just listen to these reviews from our friends, who we gave them to!
Pyrrha: Hello, Ruby! And thank you again for the Lancaster shirt. It's very comfortable. But, uh, I do have a question. There was a... It- It looks like someone had... soiled themselves on my front porch. Could you tell me when you noticed it so I can narrow down who might have-
Ruby: Ahahaha! She's- She's so funny! Such a funny, funny, funny... funny gal. But that's not all! We also got a message from Ren!
Ren: Hello, Ruby, and thank you again for the jacket. I appreciate it. What I don't appreciate is you pooping on my porch. I see you on the cameras every time and I keep asking you to stop-
Ruby: Kah... hahahaha! Oh, man, Ren is such a... He's such a jokester. Oh, and we also got one from Nora!
Nora: Thanks again for the hoodie! But, uh... Did you shit on my porch-
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I’m now halfway through The Magnus Archives’ 1st season, so I thought it would be cool to just post my thoughts on each episode so far :). (Spoilers, I like all of them, and this podcast is going to be all I care about for a while.) Also NO SPOILERS PLEASE!!!
Link to Masterpost (contains all of these thought posts)
- Episode 1, Anglerfish 🚬
Statement of Nathan Watts, regarding an encounter on Old Fishmarket Close, Edinburgh.
Really strong start, not the scariest episode so far but definitely unnerving, and it gives a good first impression and layer of intrigue. While the story is simple in comparison to the later ones, it was still enjoyable, and I was just appreciating the atmosphere and framing device of the episode as well.
- Episode 2, Do Not Open ⚰️
Statement of Joshua Gillespie, regarding his time in the possession of an apparently empty wooden casket.
This is still one of my favorites. The whole time I was on edge, and this was the first episode that really kept me up at night. I went from wanting to know what was inside the coffin desperately, to wanting to stay away from it as much as possible. Joshua’s insuring dread and creative solution to his problems was fantastic, and it ends with some intriguing plot threads being set up.
- Episode 3, Across The Street 📓
Statement of Amy Patel, regarding the alleged disappearance of her acquaintance Graham Folger.
I think I share a common sentiment when I say that Amy stalking Graham was almost as creepy as the actual horror lmao. Overall I don’t have that much to say about this one, but it was very enjoyable, and I feel really bad for Graham in retrospect :(.
- Episode 4, Pageturner 📕
Statement of Dominic Swain, regarding a book briefly in his possession in the winter of 2012.
I…feel like I should hold off on talking about this one for now. While it was definitely well written and creepy, it just seems to be so full of setup for future plot lines that I almost don’t feel like I can form a concise opinion on it until I really get what’s going on. Honestly, my only complaint with this episode is that maybe it’s setting up TOO much in one go, but I still had a good time with it overall.
- Episode 5, Thrown Away 🗑️
Statement of Kieran Woodward, regarding items recovered from the refuse of 93 Lancaster Road, Walthamstowe.
This one actually did a pretty good job at getting me to think about waste disposal workers lmao, I never really thought about them like that before. This one was just really creepy, but also kind of fun in a weird twisted way. It did a great job keeping me on edge as well.
- Episode 6, Squirm 🪱
Statement of Timothy Hodge, regarding his sexual encounter with Harriet Lee and her subsequent death.
I am simultaneously horrified, and unfortunately aroused by what happened here.
- Episode 7, The Piper 🔫
Statement of Staff Sgt. Clarence Berry, regarding his time serving with Wilfred Owen in the Great War.
Having an episode set nearly 100 years ago is a really fun idea, and it’s executed perfectly here. It was interesting how it also featured a real person, and I liked how the paranormal activity felt more metaphorical here, it really did feel like it was showcasing the horror of war.
- Episode 8, Burned Out 🌳
Statement of Ivo Lensik, regarding his experiences during the construction of a house on Hill Top Road, Oxford.
I found this one to be very nerve-wracking, since not only was the whole scenario with the tree just, like…three creepy things happening at once, but the fact that the statement was given by someone with schizophrenia did a good job making me question it’s validity, even though I’m certain it’s true after listening to a later statement. I also hope that I get to see how the history of the house is unveiled in the future.
- Episode 9, A Father’s Love 💡
Statement of Julia Montauk, regarding the actions and motivations of her father, the serial killer Robert Montauk.
This one made me feel really sad :(. I really felt Julia’s despair in this one (Jonathan Sims does such great voice acting for every statement btw, both the character and the actual person), and I was even more saddened by the implications of why Robert did what he did. If my assumptions are correct, then…SCREW THE MOTHER! It was also the first one that got me thinking about where exactly all of the paranormal stuff comes from, and later episodes only add to my theory that it’s all due to demons/cults/higher powers.
- Episode 10, Vampire Killer 🧛🏻
Statement of Trevor Herbert, regarding his life as a self-proclaimed vampire hunter.
Much like Episode 8, this one did a really good job at making me question the validity of the statement, although I became more sure of its truth a bit earlier. I also just love how nonchalant Trevor comes off as, compared to all of the other traumatized horror victims. (Also, I’m guessing that the name Trevor and the episode title are meant to be a Castlevania reference?) While vampires aren’t the most creative thing for an episode, at least in comparison to everything else, the beast-like execution here more than made up for it in my opinion.
- Episode 11, Dreamer 💭
Statement of Antonio Blake, regarding his recent dreams about Gertrude Robinson, previous Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute.
Yeah…Gertrude Robinson did not die a normal death. My guess is that she was caught by ✨the horrors✨, but I’ll wait and see. This was another very tense episode, with the prophetic dream world being really, REALLY creepy. I do hope we get to see more of “Antonio” in the future, as I think he could be quite important. (I also hope he gets punched for DUMPING GRAHAM IN HIS TIME OF NEED-)
- Episode 12, First Aid 🏥
Statement of Lesere Saraki, regarding a recent night-shift at St. Thomas Hospital, London.
OMG GERARD KEAY HI HI HI HI HOW ARE YOU!!! Yeah I audibly gasped when he showed up again, it was such a cool moment. Anyways, hospitals already creep me the fuck out so this was pretty effective. Definitely some great setup here, and it helped to make a bit more sense of Pageturner, now that I have a better idea of what Gerard’s whole deal is. It also added some good fuel to the whole cult idea, and my god this poor nurse. Having to deal with all of this in a single night sounds like hell.
- Episode 13, Alone 🌫️
Statement of Naomi Herne, regarding the events following the funeral of her fiancé, Evan Lukas. Statement taken direct from subject.
Having a new voice in this episode was really cool, and Katie Davison did an excellent job as Naomi! It was also cool to see how Jon interacts with other people, he was…nicer than expected. This episode honestly felt like it was calling me out, as I am also someone who’s confident in my independence, but if I was in Naomi’s place I would also probably be scared shitless. I really hope she’ll get a happy ending :(. Also, The Lukas family is quite intriguing, especially since we now know they have a connection to The Institute…
- Episode 14, Piecemeal 👆
Statement of Lee Rentoul, regarding the murder of his associate Paul Noriega.
Firstly, this is probably my favorite of Jon’s vocal deliveries. His performance of Lee Rentoul just feels perfect. (Once again, this applies to both the writer and the character, I’m genuinely convinced the latter is an ex-theatre kid.) Outside of that, THIS ONE CREEPED ME OUT. The body horror was very effective, with the only thing holding it back being the fact that Lee isn’t the most likable protagonist in the podcast, but if this happened to someone else I’d be even more upset. Still though, it was a very creative concept, and the whole vibe and execution of the episode made it great.
- Episode 15, Lost Johns’ Cave 🕯️
Statement of Laura Popham, regarding her experience exploring the Three Counties System of caves with her sister Alena Sanderson.
What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fu-
- Episode 16, Arachnophobia 🕷️
Statement of Carlos Vittery, regarding his arachnophobia and its manifestations.
The way they tackled the concept in the title was really well done. Arachnophobia is seen as an irrational fear by a lot of people, so having it portrayed as an effect of childhood trauma was a good call. And as someone who is not arachnophobic, this episode got me close to feeling that way. What ever force was making Carlos relive his trauma is a sick fuck. Also the cat was a real one, glad he survived the whole situation. (Also THE WORMS, HOLY SHIT IT’S THE SEX WORMS!!!)
- Episode 17, The Boneturner’s Tale 🦴
Statement of Sebastian Adekoya, regarding a new acquisition at Chiswick Library.
This episode really compelled me to get out the rubber bands connecting images lmao. I really liked all of the connections to past statements here, like the presence of another book from the library of Jurgen Leitner, to the mention of Micheal Crew. The body horror here was once again very creepy, (outside of the flat rat, that was morbidly funny), but my favorite part of the episode was the introduction of Elias, which was a humorous, but also very intriguing scene. Also, the themes of books containing power was great as well. Great stuff all around.
- Episode 18, The Man Upstairs 🥩
Statement of Christof Rudenko, regarding his interactions with a first floor resident of Welbeck House, Wandsworth.
…ew. Ok in all seriousness, this is probably my least favorite episode so far. Still very far from bad, but after all of the extremely interesting themes and plot threads, having an episode where the idea was just “What if a guy had a house covered in meat? Wouldn’t that be fucked up?”, felt just a little bit underwhelming. Which like, the fact that my least favorite episode’s biggest problem is that I find it slightly pales in comparison to previous ones is just a testament to how much I’ve been enjoying the podcast. Still though, there were definitely a few things I really liked. The reveal of the room was creepy (especially considering the meat that seemed…alive…), and as someone who has had to deal with upstairs neighbors making noise for hours during construction, this episode definitely scared me.
- Episode 19, Confession, and Episode 20, Desecrated Host ✝️
Statement of Father Edwin Burroughs, regarding his claimed demonic possession.
This, alongside Lost Johns’ Cave, was one (or I guess, two…) of those episodes that seriously fucked me up. While I am not religious, I have always had fears of how religion can negatively affect me and the people around me, despite the good that it seems to do for so many people. So seeing Edwin be charged for every “sin” he committed by a higher power that wishes to steal its faith, and then not get judged by it, but by the people around him for his one true sin, was absolutely haunting, and I hope he turns out ok in the end. Outside of the horror, the episodes were fantastic. Listening to the events of Episode 8 from Edwin’s perspective, and seeing how Ivo’s actions saved him, was really cool, and solidifies in my mind that Ivo’s experience was real. The connections to demonic magic and Latin script thickened, and it was overall just a great mid-season finale. In conclusion, I hope that Martin feels better soon, and if he isn’t actually sick and is being plagued by ✨the horrors✨, well then I hope he survives :).
Thank you for reading my silly little thoughts if you’ve made it this far, it really means a lot to me :). I’ll probably update this every time I finish half of a season, so hopefully my thoughts on episodes 21-40 will be here in the Reblogs soon. :)
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briansastro10 · 4 months
Day 1: Training 9 Days Of Lancaster
Take place after Ever after and in a secluded training area in the woods, where Jaune is practicing with his sword. The sound of his movements and occasional grunts fill the air. Ruby approaches quietly, observing from a distance before finally stepping forward.
Ruby: Hi.
Jaune stops mid-swing, turning to face Ruby with a startled expression.
Jaune: Ruby! I didn't see you there. How long have you been staring?
Ruby: Well, not long… Actually, that's a lie. I've been watching since we left Beacon.
Jaune looks down, a bit embarrassed, and he looked at his sword.
Jaune: You must think I'm pathetic, don't you? Practicing from a command from an old recording…
Ruby: No, I think it's great.
Jaune pauses, looking at Ruby curiously.
Ruby: I think it's awesome that you actually try to improve yourself and train hard. I admire your determination.
Jaune looks touched but unsure.
Jaune: Thanks, Ruby. I just… I want to get better, you know? For everyone.
Ruby: (Nodding) I get it. That's why I wanted to ask… would you like some company while you train? It's good to have someone there to spot errors and add some variation to your routine.
Jaune hesitates, glancing over at his scroll on the ground, which is playing an old recording of Pyrrha training him.
Ruby notices and hesitates, not wanting to overstep.
Ruby: Not that you won't be training from the recording anymore. It's just that I would like to offer to train with you from time to time. (She starts to stammers). I didn't mean to intrude on your time with… (pauses, then nervously continues) Pyrrha.
Ruby says nervously, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.
Jaune looks back at Ruby, seeing her nervousness and understanding her intent. He smiles warmly.
Jaune: I would like that.
his expression softening with gratitude and relief.
Jaune: Actually, I would really appreciate it if you could train with me more often. I think Pyrrha would be happy to know I'm still trying to improve. And having a friend to train with sounds nice.
Ruby's face lights up with a relieved smile.*
Ruby: Really? That’s great! I promise I won't overstep.
Jaune: (Nodding) I'd like that. Training alone can get pretty lonely. Plus, I could use someone to help me with my form.
Ruby: (Excitedly) Awesome!
Jaune picks up his sword again, and Ruby readies Crescent Rose. They begin training together, Ruby offering tips and corrections while they spar, the camaraderie between them growing stronger with each swing.
Jaune: (After a while) You know, Ruby, this is really helpful. Thanks for stepping in.
Ruby: Anytime, Jaune. We’re a team, right?
Jaune: (Smiling) Right. How about we make this a regular thing?
Ruby: (Grinning) You got it.
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isaterriblebore · 11 days
Stex Appreciation Month Day 14: Dustin
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Favourite Actor?
Ben Lancaster, Geoffrey Stevens, Jamie Landmann, Jay Le Marrec.
Favourite Song/Scenes?
I love his little dance with Flat Top in Freight... also the scene with Rusty after the Starlight Sequence.
Favourite Costumes?
I love the post 2018 Bochum costume!
Favourite Ships/Friendships?
Ships: I like Flat Top/Dustin and Rusty/Dustin Friendships: He's really close with Flat Top and Rusty. He's also friends with the coaches, especially Ashley!
He tends to eat when he's stressed! When I saw Jay Le Marrec, who covered Dustin, he would snack whenever he felt upset or anxious.
Unpopular Opinion?
None <3
Photo 1: Chris Andrew Mellon - Bochum 1994. Photo 2: Ron Morgan - Broadway 1987. Photo 3: Jamie Capewell - London 1995-97. Photo 4: Ben Lancaster - Bochum 2022. Photo 5: Geoffrey Stevens - Japan/Australia Tour 1987-88.
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Naughty: Martial Arc Edition
White Knight
RWBYJNR Are tied to a cartoonishly large bomb
Nora: Can't! Break! Out!
Ruby: This might be it guys! I always loved you all!
Weiss: I regret all the mean things I said in our days at beacon! You're all lovely people!
Ren: I suppose if we have anything to admit, this would be the time.
Yang: Ruby, I once cut a sandwich in half with Crescent Rose!
Ruby: I know! I once sold a lock of your hair for a new Scope!
Blake: I'm a pervert!
RW_YJNR: We know Blake!
Blake: Wait really?
Jaune: Yes! And I have to say, Ren! You're the hottest one of our group! And I think your health shakes are actually alright! They aren't as bad as we make them out to be!
Jaune: Ren?
Ren: (out the Ropes) I deeply appreciate that Jaune. If you'd like I could make you one later. Perhaps while we're on a date?
Jaune: Sure! Yes! Please! Just untie the ropes first?
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green-planets · 11 days
StEx Appreciation Month Day 14: Dustin!
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Face Claim: Gavin Ashbarry (Shout out to Ben Lancaster, he also made a really cute Dustin!)
Favourite Song/Scenes: Freight (Aggregates are really great!! :D), Momma/Poppa's Blues, OLC album Rap when he stands up for Rusty, when he stays behind with Flat Top to give Rusty his helmet back, and his little moment with Rusty after the Starlight Sequence! He's such a loyal friend 🥺
Favourite Costumes: Broadway/Bochum! I really like Jesse Adams' makeup for Dustin. It's got heavier detailing but doesn't read as evil clown like some other Dustins...
Favourite Ships/Friendships: Dustin x Flat Top, Dustin x Rusty. Best friends with Flat Top and Rusty!!! He's friends with the freight crew, Poppa/Momma, and the coaches-- he pretty much gets along well with everyone in the yard (although I think it would be kind of funny if he secretly gets a little jealous when Rusty hangs out with Hydra)
Headcanons: Dustin taught the rest of the freight crew how to play the mouth organ so they can take turns playing while Momma/Poppa sing
Unpopular Opinion: Out of all the characters cut from the revival, I miss Dustin the most :’(
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housekonig · 10 months
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Her Majesty's Garden Party a Delight at the R4 Conference
World leaders took a break from their normal briefings, meetings, and seminars to attend a Her Majesty's Garden Party, hosted in honor of the R4 Conference. The former palace at Chandler Park in City-Center provided the perfect backdrop for an afternoon of laughter and conversations. Delegates and leaders were seen chatting away, sharing lighthearted banter, and discussing initiatives for a better and stronger region.
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[Heads of State and world leaders pose in front of their respective national flags]
The palace even released a photos, via the Royal Circulate and SiennaImages.
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The party was not just an opportunity for world leaders to come together—it was also an occasion to appreciate the arts, with live music and performances that kept guests entertained. However, their day isn't over since the conference continues this evening, where leaders will attend a "State of the Region" dinner, set to engage in further discussions on the most pressing regional challenges and opportunities.
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Bonus photos:
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The Kingdom of Vernick (@housekonig)
United States of Simerica (NPC Nation Version)
The Kingdom of SimDonia (@bridgeportbritt_
The Empire of Pierreland (@officalroyalsofpierreland)
The Trentallia Union (@trentonsimblr)
The Kingdom of Uspana (@nexility-sims)
The Ionian Union (@funkyllama)
Empire of Francesim (@empiredesimparte)
The Kingdom of Illyria (@the-lancasters)
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etinceelle · 6 months
I notice you like a lot of the same ships I do. :) What are your thoughts on Whiteknight? It has taken over my brain for years since V8 (and especially V9)
I'm pretty neutral about Whiteknight, it's a cute ship but it's more like, I don't feel anything special about it, I just liked the tiny moment Weiss got in V9 when she discovered the Rusted Knight but outside of that, nothing special. It's still cool you enjoy it tho :]
I think there are just a few ships I really appreciate, the top 1 being obviously Nuts and Dolts, I also love Bumbleby, and I like Freezerburn and Rosebird as well ! I can see Coco and Velvet being a thing but Velvet and Yatsu are also super cute. Winter and Robyn are interesting as well, and this might be surprising maybe but I appreciate Lancaster (Ruby and Jaune)
But yeah Jaune and Weiss can be cool together o/
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squivulous · 1 year
My Podcast Masterlist
I have a long commute, giving me two hours a day to listen to podcasts. Here is my documentation of all the audio dramas I’ve consumed plus a little blurb. I just wanted to organize them in a list and also (selfishly) get recommendations if anyone would be so kind. Or maybe you’ll see something that’ll interest you. Enjoy!
Podcasts I’m Caught Up With
The Penumbra Podcast: I’ve made an animatic for this one. I’m down bad. This is the one that sucked me into this podcast world.
Malevolent: Arthur dating sim when??? Everyone wants him. Also it took me way too long to find out it was an actual play podcast.
Red Valley: Gordon fan all the way. Normally I do like the Sad Boy but Gordon is that type of dorky that makes me want to protect him.
Caravan: Interesting world and love a main character that makes questionable decisions. Everything is going to be fine :)
WOE.BEGONE: I’m obsessed. It happened slowly but now I think about it every day… And the music is so good! Mike Walters is cringefail, bbygurl, easy to manipulate, and saws his left arm off at the shoulder.
The Cellar Letters: Legit gets me spooked at times. Steve and Nate are good vibes. I’m sure glad nothing ever happens to them.
Harbor: Love that Sam being a malewife ruined his life.
Rifted: Aurora, another Sad Boy to add to my collection. Daniel should give him a kiss to make him feel better.
Heroics: Pls come back some day… I need more Josh. He’s in his slay era.
Second Fiddles: Max is owning being a bbygurl. Also there are a lot of poop jokes which is weird but I’ll look past it.
Hand in Glove: idk anything about baseball but these baseball players are smoochinggg.
Find Us Alive: Lancaster in booty jorts. It's canon. Don't look it up. I'm right. ALSO HE NEEDS TO TALK ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM PLS. C
The Kingmaker Histories: The kiss is still the subject of much historical debate. Eisen <3
The Viridian Wild: It hasn’t been updated since 2021 but I still have hope.
Dos: After You: Ghosting GONE WRONG
Brimstone Valley Mall: SEASON TWO IS COMING. 90’s mall setting is really fun and I’m here for the thing Asmoraius and Trent have going on.
Levian: It starts off with a bang! Well not quite since his sister walks in oops. Excited to see where this pirate tale takes us.
Midnight Burger: Each episode is a delight and as someone who is bad at science, I appreciate Gloria and Caspar. Caspar pls stay forever and also Brodie <3
Return Home: I’m really listening to it for Buddy and DW.
Raythe Reign: Sometimes you need a yaoi.
The White Vault: At this point, I know what I’m getting into and yet still decide to get attached to these characters
The Amelia Project: Please don’t hurt the Interviewer! He’s too goofy for all this drama. I’m scared!
Fawx & Stallion: James Stallion being canonically hot in any situation is such a win
Victoriocity: Inspector Fleet has had a long week and needs some days off
Yokai Detective Agency: I’m always a sucker for detective stories and I’m looking forward to where this one is going
The Grotto: the music is so good but also please help. The emotional turmoil is torrential.
Camlann: Yo…. Dai, for real???
The Strange Case of Starship Iris: Idk how they’re still alive
Podcasts I’ve Completed
Dash: This might not be completed? This is actually the first audio drama I finished. Classic noir but supernatural and boys are smooching!
The Two Princes: This was wholesome and had good vibes. I prefer the first season but it was still a fun time.
The Magnus Archives: Arrived late to the party on this one, but I love all the fanart. Awakened my interest in pathetic men.
EOS 10: I also am not 100% sure this is done but I enjoyed the shenanigans!
Wolf 359: Eiffel, my beloved. I liked the silly and dramatic parts of this story. It hurt my soul but it was worth it :)
Time:Bombs: noahdeaart's fanart made me think this was going in a different direction... Still a fun one!
Valence: Love this one WAAAAHHH! Pls listen. I love Nico. Sad Boy but hides it under their chaos energy.
The Bright Sessions: I would 1005% listen to a spin-off just about Mark. This Sad Boy keeps collecting trauma and I need to see him and Oliver maybe go on adventures or something. ANYTHING.
Roommates: I, too, had a pandemic college experience. It's kinda bizarre that there's already a story about that and I love it!
Look Up: Wholesome. Briggon Snow kept me fed.
Moonface: Appreciate having an audio drama from an Asian American perspective. Didn’t realize how much I needed that.
Murray Mysteries: Must protect Jonathan.
Kaleidotrope: More wholesome content. I got more into it by the second half. The hosts have a fun dynamic!
Re: Dracula: Still thinking about Inside You.
Wooden Overcoats: Rudyard is my fav. Chapman deserves the hate.
The Vanishing Act: this Rudyard wasn’t my fav. I was happy to listen to him suffer but also happy when he fell in love. A win for Griffson!
Greater Boston: Michael Tate <3
Ars Paradoxica: Nikhil Sharma <3
Podcasts I’m Catching Up On
Life with Althaar: I knew that plant lady was sus
Love and Luck: I’m on ep 87 now some magical things are going down
Going Lowbrow: I wasn’t expecting a musical but I’m not complaining.
SAYER: There are no bees on Typhon :)
WTNV: I got behind during high school and now I’m too scared to get caught up… one day. It's been so long at this point I think I'd need to start over.
BRASS: I fell behind on episodes :(
Not Quite Dead: If there are vampires, I'm automatically interested. Only a few eps in.
Hi Nay: I’m listening to Murphy respectfully.
Unwell: I just listened to the Christmas episode and cried
Podcasts I’ve Dropped
Moonbase Theta Out
Archive 81
The Sheridan Tapes
Jar of Rebuke
I’ll keep this updated every so often. Most of these I’ve found either from scouring rec lists or seeing nice fanart.
Please let me know of any recommendations you may have! Thanks for reading if you got this far. Mad respect.
Last updated: 06/08/24
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infoglitch · 13 days
hi! would you answer some questions if you don't mind? (i'm doing some research)
1) i saw you mentioned relating to jaune, could you elaborate on that?
2) if jaune didn't exist, is there any other character you would relate to and why?
3) besides whiteknight and lancaster, what other jaune ships do you like? do you like any jaune ships with other guys?
i hope this doesn't come across as annoying! again, i'm doing some research. i would appreciate a lot if you could answer!
Ah my friend I see you've come with good intentions, welcome and I shall speak of my obsession care for Jaune.
To begin
1) I relate to jaune heavily due to me seeing a tinge (well more of a lot) of self hatred in him and i myself struggle with my own confidence.. also i like him because he wasn't ashamed of wearing a dress and he was a man of his word. I respect that.
2) I mean.. yang exists and she's my favorite character. I only speak of jaune because he is a lot easier to discuss.. somehow.
3) god I have tons, let's see there's martial arc's, Dragonslayer, knightshade, arculus rift, knightfall, and a lot of other jaune ships.. except jaunes harem
Also obviously arc-cest because.. no.
I unfortunately haven't seen a lot of gay jaune ships which.. god thats sad. You see a bunch of people shipping the female characters with other female characters but no MLM.. that just sucks.
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