#lan masterposts
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Propaganda for Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian (The Untamed/Mo Dao Zu Shi)
They're badass separately and as a team! They're both excellent fighters, with Lan Wangji being the best in their world canonically and Wei Wuxian being more of a wild card and depending on circumstances bc the body he's in isn't his own and isn't ideal. He's very good at making the best of things with limited resources and adjusting to new developments though. Pretty much nothing can faze them when they're together because a) they're crushing hard/in love w each other and b) they know no one really has a chance against them as together.
wwx and lwj are THE power couple of the cultivation world. one of them a legendary visionary who made groundbreaking strides in necromancy and was widely reviled and scorned by the cultivation world despite his best intentions, and the other a powerhouse lauded for his tireless efforts in calming ghosts and saving the common people. both have titles bestowed out of honor or fear - wwx is called the yiling patriarch, and lwj is hanguang-jun (translated to light-bearing lord). by the end of the story, they're an unbeatable gay power couple made up of THE two most badass and powerful characters in the story, weaving seamlessly around each other in battle and trusting each other to have their backs. their love story is censored in the live action and donghua but its heavily implied, and they get married in the book!
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eleanorfenyxwrites · 6 months ago
The Waves Are Rising and Rising Series - MASTERPOST
Main fic on AO3: The Waves Are Rising and Rising
Read it on tumblr: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]
“My doctor thinks dual cultivation would help. Sexual dual cultivation.” Nie Mingjue puffs out his now reddened cheeks, “Specifically as the party being penetrated. It — it helps for the energy exchange to be closer to the golden core, apparently.” He clears his throat. “More efficient that way. Theoretically it would have better and faster results than Song of Cleansing.” Jin Guangyao’s ears are ringing. He’s distantly aware that his mouth is hanging open. He stares at Nie Mingjue, trying to process if he really just said what he thought he said. Slowly, he turns his head to look at Lan Xichen who — yes, Nie Mingjue definitely just said that, because Lan Xichen’s ears are bright red and he’s blinking rapidly, his own jaw dropped. Nie Mingjue is asking to be fucked in the ass. For medical reasons.
Three virgins with communication issues attempt to do sex magic. It goes about as well as you might expect.
Pre-fic Extras:
The Thing You're Dealing: Wen Qing, struggling to survive and maintain some shred of dignity on the streets of Lanling, receives an offer she's not foolish enough to refuse. (Read it on tumblr: X)
Fic Timeline Extras:
Sexual Healing: The Extended Edition Director's Cut of 3zun's first night having good sex together (follows the fade to black at the end of chapter 12). (Read it on tumblr: X)
Til You Come Back Home: The Jiang siblings have a cathatric and honest conversation about Wei Wuxian's golden core. (Read it on tumblr: X)
The Love You Give To Me Will Free Me: After Jin Guangshan's death, Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue have a heart-to-heart about their feelings for each other and for Jin Guangyao. (Read it on tumblr: X)
Post-Fic Extras:
Open Up And Let Me In: Nie Mingjue and Jin Guangyao begin navigating their relationship together and what loving each other means for the unresolved disagreements that soured their relationship in the first place. (Read it on tumblr: X X)
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kanene-yaaay · 7 months ago
Lan Xichen Tickle Scenarios (Because why not <3 teheee)
Quer saber, danesse. Ler!Lan Xichen + cosquinhas + felicidade + em português pq eu tirei isso da conversa que eu tenho com a maravilhosa, divosa, incrível @/squeaky-n-blushy e estou com preguiça de traduzir (I'll rb later w the english version)
1º Cenário (Jiang Cheng x Lan Xichen)
Essa primeira parte foi 100% inspirada nessa fic fabulosa aki.
Jiang Cheng estando totalmente estabanado e confuso durante essa nova amizade pq as únicas pessoas com que ele já foi bobo e brincalhão foram os seus irmãos e periodicamente o Huaisang quando ele estava de bom humor em sua estadia no Recanto das Nuvens e, bem, depois de todos os acontecimentos, depois daqueles 13 anos, não é como se ele tivesse muitos amigos para comparar suas interações com o Líder da Seita Lan.
Não é surpresa, então como ele fica todo sem reação todas as vezes que o Lan Xichen se aproxima mais e mais dele, abrindo mão de um pouco de sua compostura só pra fazer ele soltar um sorriso, mesmo que seja a sua mais pequena ou irritada versão.
Nesses pequenos momentos, não importa o quão bobo Lan Xichen se pareça, ele continua firme em sua missão de puxar sorrisos e risadas de seu companheiro de pavio curto.
Se eles estão no meio de uma reunião ele vai se inclinar para perto e soltar comentários sarcásticos hilários que ninguém esperaria que o famoso Zewu Jun fosse capaz de fazer.
Se estão em uma caçada noturna, depois de lidar com o inimigo e cuidar de seus juniors, ele vai puxar o outro líder de seita para acompanhá-lo em alguma bebida ou passeio noturno, com seu sorriso brilhante, inquebrável e alegre, mantendo sua leveza mesmo quando o Jiang Cheng dá esporro nele por ter bebido demais e saído adoidado pelos telhados da cidade tocando o seu xiao e forçado o outro a persegui-lo e dançar com ele quando ele finalmente consegue alcança-lo
Pelo o outro lado da moeda, temos Lan Xichen, que viu uma (1) única unidade de sorriso do Jiang Cheng quando ele estava cuidando do Jin Ling, com uma postura relaxada e um brilho diferente - frágil e gentil - no olhar e decidiu que ele simplesmente PRECISAVA ver mais desses no futuro
Temos Lan Xichen que, após anos e anos se espremendo por entre as barreiras de Jiang Cheng até conseguir se aproximar mais do seu coração de tofu, percebeu o quão alto o seu amigo pulou quando Lan Xichen acidentalmente deu uma leve apertada em seus lados e o encarou alarmado com um fantasma de um sorriso no rosto, imediatamente saindo correndo quando viu o tipo de brilho que Xichen agora tinha no olhar.
Assim, não é surpresa que Xichen tomou como sua tarefa mapear cada um dos pontos sensíveis da melhor forma possível, observando o jeito que esse seu precioso sorriso aumentava e seu corpo se contorcia involuntariamente, sem se importar com os protestos e risadas de Jiang Cheng, sob o passear divertido de seus dedos.
Como apenas algumas cutucadas em suas axilas já puxavam os gritinhos mais fofos e fino de seus lábios e o ataque de suas coxas fazia com que sua voz diminuísse de tom, mas aumentasse em volume, como ataques furtivos primeiro fazia com que todos os seus músculos congelassem em tensão e Zidian lançasse feixes de eletricidade em alarme.
Mas, a partir do ponto em que ele percebesse que era Lan Xichen o único responsável pelas mãos curiosas desviando habilmente de suas defesas e distribuindo as mais enlouquecedoras cosquinhas em todo e qualquer lugar, toda a tensão desaparecia e ele se derretia em seus braços, em meio de protestos e xingamentos que perderam a sua força anos atrás.
Portanto, Lan Xichen tomou como seu trabalho decorar o jeito que atacar qualquer ponto sensível de suas pernas com cosquinhas fazia com que ele chutasse e se remexesse sem parar
E como os seus olhos se arregalavam em surpresa cada vez que Lan Xichen se aproveitava sua distração durante as raras tarde tediosa e quietas, normalmente aproveitadas com ambos deles dividindo uma mesa em seu escritório cuidando da enorme correspondência que persegue todos os líderes de seita, para passar sorrateiramente um pincel em seu pulso.
Dessa forma ele estava livre para para assistir de novo e de novo o jeito que o outro imediatamente tentava puxar sua mão para longe com uma risadinha e lhe encarava em falsa irritação quando Lan Xichen segurava delicadamente o seu pulso e sorria livremente, voltando à sua caligrafia enquanto Jiang Cheng tentava decidir se iria segurar as suas risadas ou pular imediatamente para a sua doce vingança.
Ele gravou o quão alto suas risadinhas podiam chegar com apenas algumas provocações e o jeito que Jiang Cheng corava por inteiro, resultando em explosões de rosa e vermelho seguindo seus dedos saltitantes e suas palavras serelepes quando o líder de seita Lan focava em algum ponto específico.
Ele decorou o jeito que seus olhos se iluminavam e seu sorriso se tornava predatório quando Lan Xichen, por fim e sempre, ia ao chão, perdido em risadas e inebriado pelo sentimento de adrenalina e alegria correndo livre em seus meridianos, rendido totalmente indefeso no momento que um leve arranhar tocou o seu pescoço e puxou uma reação alta e incontrolável de seus lábios.
E então foi a vez de Jiang Cheng colocar sua memória em prática. O temível Sandu Shengshou decorou que o mais velho das jóias gêmeas de Jade tem como primeira reação tampar sua boca para esconder as suas reações, mas que os seus olhos - transformados em meia luas - sempre confessavam o tamanho de seu sorriso
Jiang Cheng percebeu o jeito que o seu olhar pula entre o seu rosto e mãos, sem saber ao certo no que focar.
Ele descobriu que Xichen perde toda a sua coordenação com as cosquinhas de um jeito totalmente diferente de si (que normalmente tenta se contorcer e rolar sem parar) e simplesmente fica totalmente derretido no chão, uma poça de soluços e pequenos e silenciosos risos, e só tenta se defender quando as cócegas atingem um ponto extremamente sensível (normalmente na parte de trás de seus joelhos ou suas axilas).
Ele descobriu que, até mesmo sendo reduzido a uma bagunça das mais incontroláveis gargalhadas, Lan Xichen ainda vai puxar suas provocações até estar rindo demais para falar e que, para fazê-lo descobrir seu rosto e mostrar suas reações do mesmo exato modo que o Líder da Seita Lan sempre o obriga a fazer quando é Jiang Cheng em seu lugar, basta apenas algumas leves cutucadas bem localizadas, mas que isso só pode acontecer depois de alguns minutos do ataque ou Jiang Cheng ficará distraído e acabará sendo aquele que está rindo sem controle no chão.
Eles não são amigos. Jiang Cheng sempre empurra o outro (discretamente) quando ele vai sentar ao seu lado em reuniões porque aparentemente Lan Xichen não tem um pingo de auto controle e toda a sua seriedade só lhe cabe quando mais lhe convém e portanto ele passa a reunião inteira pegando os momentos mais distraídos do outro para lhe atacar com leves cosquinhas e pequenos sussurros que fazem Jiang Cheng querer empurrar ele no chão e o atacar de uma vez antes que o Xichen o faça.
Eles não são amigos e Jiang Cheng foge - seja entre resmungos ou altas reclamações - da presença de Lan Xichen. Em caçadas noturnas ele o encara com o cenho franzido e a boca firmemente fechada em >:[ toda vez que o outro se aproxima (pela centésima vez) de si com seus toques quentes e aconchegantes e sorrisos gentis e olhos brilhantes.
Eles não são amigos e Jiang Cheng só o convida anualmente para os festivais de verão de YummengJiang porque Jin Ling ficaria triste, emburrado e impossível de se lidar se seus amigos não fossem e a festividade são uma perfeita oportunidade para reforçar os laços políticos entre as seitas. Além disso, ele não vai conseguir lidar com Wei Lan Zhan! Wuxian e Lan Tudo O Que Vc Quiser Wei Ying Wangji sozinho.
Eles não são amigos e Lan Xichen continua enviando pequenos presentes e lembranças que Jiang Cheng acumula em seu quarto e finge que jogou tudo fora quando o outro vem lhe visitar, ignorando o olhar que consegue lê-lo tão bem até que ele por fim se irrite e vai embora, com Lan Xichen - como sempre - o seguindo em passos serelepes e um conversa fácil de se acompanhar, propositalmente andando em sua frente e fazendo-o encarar seus olhos de meia lua e sorriso bobo que promete alguma brincadeira logo mais
Eles não são amigos e Jiang Cheng ás vezes tem que empurrar o outro em alguma superfície e beijá-lo só pra parar suas cutucadas brincalhonas e a sua postura calma constante, o que backfires em mais ou menos 50% das vezes, mas que nos outros 50%, deixa o outro com um corar que pinta suas orelhas de vermelho incrível e seus olhos se arregalarem em uma surpresa que fazem valer a pena os riscos
2º Cenário (Lan Xichen)
Lan Xichen, eu imagino, é alguém que ataca com as cosquinhas mais leves e serelepes, que segue o seu rosto no importa o quão bem você tente escondê-lo até que você seja obrigado a encarar a sua cara de pura felicidade e perversidade, que mistura provocações com elogios e pretende que não está fazendo nada demais fazendo perguntas e esperando respostas, não se importando se todas as suas palavras estão sendo totalmente soterradas pelas suas reações sorridentes e risadinhas estridentes. Suas perguntas, no começo, parecem ser inocentes o bastante, mas, no momento que você for responder - ele vai aproveitar para ATACAR e de repente seu cérebro vai estar correndo para todos os lados em busca de coerência, mas vai apenas encontrar as mais fofas risadinhas e o sentimento de que está fazendo muitas cócegas.
Então, ele vai começar a alterar suas perguntas, inicialmente mudando uma coisa aqui e ali, adicionando as palavras "cosquinhas" e "risadinhas" aqui e ali, mas logo depois ele estará perguntando coisas do estilo "o que é pior? Quando eu faço isso ou isso" e de repente você estará perdido demais em suas reações delirantes para responder.
Ás vezes, quando Lan Xichen encontra um bom desafio - talvez uma pessoa que tente esconder suas risadinhas ou alguém que continua tentando virar a mesa e fazer cócegas nele - e então seus olhos vão brilhar de um jeito diferente e seu sorriso vai ficar mais afiado, sua voz vai se tornando sussurros perigosos que, conforme ele ataca a vítima com as mais leves cócegas e promessas, fazem com que a pessoa congele e se sinta cada vez mais coseguenta, olhos abertos em alarme, encarando o jeito que a voz do líder da seita rapidamente volta a ser brincalhona mais uma vez e seu sorriso inocente brilha como se nada tivesse acontecido.
E então, imaginando que aquele momento foi apenas um lapso, um fruto de sua imaginação, a pessoa tenta a sorte e toma a sua chance de atacá-lo com cócegas mais uma vez.
enfim, rip, foi ótimo te conhecer, pessoinha anônima. Rip rip
3º Cenário (Lan Xichen + Jin Guangyao)
[Essa parte é totalmente culpa da minha mana @/squeaky-n-blushy que simplesmente me mandou o: imagina o Lan Xichen e o Jin Guangyao juntos]
Eu consigo ver eles puxando algo do tipo "policial bom e policial mau", mas acho que eles revezam pq eu consigo ver os dois jogando perfeitamente os dois papéis
A-yao chegando no ouvido da pessoa, enquanto seus dedos passeiam levemente pelos seus lados em cosquinhas tão leves e calmas, como se ele estivesse sem nenhuma pressa, como se tivesse todo o tempo do mundo para ficar ali e dizimar a pessoa com cosquinhas, dizendo algo do tipo:
"Se você me falar qual é o seu ponto de cócegas mais sensível, eu posso convencer o Er-ge a ser mais piedoso, sabe? Ele não alguém cabeça dura, difícil de ver o seu lado. Muito pelo contrário, o clã Lan é conhecido pela sua paciência e meticulosidade na busca de justiça e eu posso lhe garantir que ele é a jade mais preciosa de lá. Nós somos bons amigos e você terá mais chances se ficar do meu lado, você entende isso, certo? Porque eu tenho certeza que você já sabe o que vai acontecer se decidir esconder esse segredinho da gente... Ainda assim, eu posso te lembrar. Se você não falar, ele vai descobrir de qualquer jeito. Mas não sem antes explorar cada ponto sensível, cada lugar que puxe a mais quieta das suas risadinhas ou a mais alta das gargalhadas, e então, depois que ele encontrar o local, ele vai continuar fazendo mais e mais cócegas, de novo e de novo, até ele conseguir o que ele quer."
Enquanto isso, o Lan Xichen está logo atrás dele, com um sorriso sereno no rosto e as mãos em forma de garra se aproximando pouco a pouco do torso indefeso da pessoa. E Jin Guangyao continua.
"Viu? Ele está ficando inquieto. Só mais um momento, er-gege, tenho certeza que posso encontrar um entendimento para vocês dois. Se você falar logo para mim onde é, eu posso conversar com ele. Eu sei que er-ge vai me ouvir, independente do que eu diga. Seja coisas boas ou... Ah, você não precisa se preocupar com isso. Você não vai me dar nenhum motivo para falar outras coisas além de boas para ele, certo?"
Aí fica a dúvida né, confiar no A-yao e dizer o local acreditando que ele vai cumprir sua promessa ou tentar a sorte com esses dois.
Ou, quem sabe, mentir para eles e descobrir no que isso pode levar.
Em outras ocasiões, vai ser o Lan Xichen que tentará ser gentil e puxar mais informações com suas provocações, se aproximando da pessoa e cobrindo quase que seu campo de visão por inteiro até que A-yao esteja totalmente escondido, o que lhe traz a oportunidade perfeita para deixar rápidas cutucadas e leves cosquinhas por todo e qualquer lugar, aproveitando-se do elemento da surpresa e fazendo com que a expressão de Lan Xichen fique cada vez mais carinhosa e focada em preservar as doces reações e divertidas risadas da pessoinha fluindo para todo o sempre.
Com cada uma delas, não importa se seja a mais quieta reação ou a mais alta gargalhada, Lan Xichen vai tomar o seu tempo para analisá-la e guardá-la em suas mem[orias com cuidado, como se estivesse coletando mais uma preciosidade para a sua coleção. Suas falas não são tão longas quanto a de A-yao, que foca mais na antecipação e ele prefere comentar mais as reações, e ele não promete nenhuma saída para o futuro cheio de risadas e cócegas que a pessoa terá, mas mesmo assim ele tenta entrar no personagem, como falas como:
"Não há muito o que eu possa dizer, realmente. Você sabe a apreciação que o Clã Jin tem por pedras preciosas e riquezas brilhantes, e eu devo dizer que a riqueza da sua risada e o brilho de seu sorriso são realmente jóias raras difíceis de se superar e ainda mais impossíveis de se abrir mão. Não consigo pensar em uma proposta melhor que o consiga fazer desistir de seus planos, de fato. Eu estaria mais que feliz, na verdade, se eu pudesse acompanhá-lo em sua descoberta."
"A-yao, A-yao, me diga, eu deveria pegar meu xiao e tentar acompanhar essa melodia? Ah, mas não há nenhuma música que consiga boa o bastante para se comparar, infelizmente. Devemos continuar com ela, então, para que eu consiga decorar cada uma das notas dessa melodia. Tenho certeza que se um dia recriada, ela será capaz de curar e expulsar toda e qualquer maldição e ressentimento. Você não se importa, se nós continuarmos com as nossas cosquinhas para sempre e sempre, certo? Para fins educativos, claro."
O tanto que os irmãos Nie foram DIZIMADOS nas mãos desses dois é brincadeira, tá.
MAS, eu acho que o Mingjue conseguiria virar a mesa algumas vezes, atacando com todas as cosquinhas possíveis o A-yao e IMEDIATEMENTE virando as mesas porque faz tanto tempo que Lan Xichen seu não aprecia ver o precioso A-yao rir desse jeito, sabe, ele estava quase com medo de esquecer esse maravilhoso som. Ás vezes, no entanto, o ataque acaba não dando certo e a vingança tanto de Lan Xichen quanto A-Yao é algo a ser temido, então é sempre uma situação de 50/50.
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bi-the-wei · 2 years ago
AU Master Post!
I realized I have LOTs of little AU's floating around on this blog. SO I thought it was a good idea to collect all the ones I find and make a master post!
Half for you guys and half for me. Because sometimes I come across them again and go OH YEAH and start adding to them again! :D I've organized these as best I can for now. Some of the tags are just for general AU's without any specific story. Those AU's I'll leave with just the tag and link. Some may only have 1 post in the tag at the moment. Others will have more story or detail to them. I'll make sure to include a summary of what to expect on this post as well for those cases.
SO! Check out the AU list under the cut! Let me know if anything seems broken or if there's an AU I missed!
Mermaid AUs:
#Mermaid AU This is a catch all for any post relating to mermaids or undersea creatures. (You can also look for the tag #not sssf related to find the mermaid AU stuff that is not related to that LARGE AU)
#Sun Stone and Seafoam This is my largest AU on this blog. It is an ongoing story about the love between Wei Wuxian and the merman he found one day. You can also find these under the #Merji tag.
A loose Little Mermaid AU. Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji fall in love only to be separated for 3 years due to fate and a wicked curse. The cost of magic is indeed high, but if it grants him his own legs, is it worth it? This story has its own masterpost as well
#Eelxian This is a smaller mermaid AU featuring Dragon Lan Wanji and Eel Merman Wei Wuxian.
#Pirate AU #Diver AU #Angel AU
Creature AUs:
#Foxji AU Lan Wangji is a white fox who tries desperately to fight his mischievous nature. One day he meets a crafty dragon who is determined to bring out Lan Zhan's playful spirit. As time goes by, Wei Wuxian is cast away from the noble dragons, his horns shattered in disgrace before he sadly loses his life. Time passes and one day a strangely familiar crow appears in Lan Wangji's life. Could it be?
#Bunxian AU Wei Wuxian is turned into a rabbit by a stray curse while a teenager in the Cloud Recesses.
#Ghost Au #Potatoji AU #Muppet AU #Animal AU
Modern AUs:
#Modern AU This is a catch-all tag for all modern au's.
#Skater AU Comes with a fic! (complete) Also known as the Honey Buns AU. I wrote this with my fiancee. This is a modern AU that is 80% fluff with a crime drama going on in the background. But since it's told from the protagonists perspective, it doesn't really come to light until the end.
#Flight Attendant AU Also seen under the Travel AU tag. Lan Wangji has to unwillingly go on a business trip and he hates it. That is until a rather attractive flight attendant catches his eye! Too bad they'll never meet each other again... or will they?
#East Side AU It's a fic! (incomplete) Finally cracking under the pressure of being perfect, Lan Zhan decides to run away from home. He takes the bus to the end of the line, not knowing where he's going to go next. He wanders to the river where he finds a homeless boy, an orphan like him, who changes his life. After convincing him to go back home, the two stay in touch and together they change each other's lives.
#Ice Skater AU #Ballet AU #Vacation AU
Fantasy AUs:
#SoE It's a fic! (incomplete) After years of hiding and running after the war Wei Wuxian, the Demon of Yiling, is finally found and captured. Sentenced to death, he is saved at the last moment by claim on his hand. In order to repay a life debt, Lan Wangji offers to marry Wei Wuxian in exchange for his life. Knowing that Lan Wangji does not love him, Wei Wuxian accepts the offer.
#Princeji AU #Sleeping Beauty AU #Howl AU #Witch AU
Canon Adjacent AUs
#Drowning AU Lan Wangji does not notice in time to avoid Wei Wuxian tipping his boat, and ends up falling into the depths of Biling Lake
#Feelings AU This is a catch-all tag for any AU where Wei Wuxian realizes either Lan Wangji's or his own feelings earlier than in the original story
#Adoption AU #Time Travel AU #Da Ge Lives AU #New Baby AU #Killer JC AU #Tinyji AU #Childhood Friends AU
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worldsneverfilled · 1 year ago
Brewer's Cafe Verse Legend of Lan - Masterpost
Tumblr media
Wiki Playlist Current Overview World Anvil
Locations: Cities/Towns/Villages - Luhren, Demsin, Fellville, The Wastes Misc. - The Herald's Sea, Felled Tyrant Road, Pianes Mountains, Freysher Islands
Locations: Cities/Towns/Villages - Odret, Lith, Morleth Misc. - Carrowine Forest (Southern), Death's Door Desert, The Great Night Lake, Pianes Mountains
Locations: Cities/Towns/Villages - Carthin, Hadlen's Rest, Garlan, Garlan Dams, Thrall's Nest, Upper and Lower Dresnic, Nestle Hills, Bartlen Fields (farmland), Lantern Isles Misc. - Lanew Decay, Carrowine Forest (Northern), Pianes Climb Road, Pianes Mountains, Ruins of the Lan, Lake Garlan
Locations: Unknown
World Map // Luhren, Luhren City/National Maps: Ruins of the Lan Lantern Isles Source of the Decay in Lanew (WIP)
Lanew, the Legend of the Lan (Prologue), Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 Pantheon Legends and Myths Overview
Characters: (asterisk for MCs)
King Metrin (Carthin, Garthspire) King Rephael (Luhren, Luhren) Haralt Dreadclaw (Hadlen's Rest, Garthspire) Wemont Boultair (Odret, Noctre) Shreed Zad (Carthin, Garthspire) Lotren Kaksh (Hadlen's Rest, Garthspire) Lord Walter Speartongue (Hadlen's Rest, Garthspire) Bonnie Bonson (Carthin, Garthspire) Kraven Drew (Carthin, Garthspire) Torm Drew (Carthin, Garthspire) Rutle (Carthin, Garthspire) *Jas (Carthin, Garthspire) Marlon Farspeak (Carthin, Garthspire) Beslie Drew (Carthin, Garthspire) Granny Pearl (Demsin, Luhren) Calrot Farseer (Luhren, Luhren) Mellan Bohr (Fellville, Luhren) "Lord" Handel Smorle (The Wastes, Luhren) Constable Ke'vril Jen (The Wastes, Luhren) Yew Fargrove (The Wastes, Luhren) Fredrick Miller (The Wastes, Luhren) *Dee Jayford (Renfalls/Carthin, Garthspire) Marcus Vamhorn (Thrall's Nest, Garthspire) Jellef Sharpe (Thrall's Nest, Garthspire) Cigam Miller (The Wastes, Luhren) Kondred Mauritania (Odret, Noctre) Lucy Mauritania (Odret, Noctre) Cindy Miller (The Wastes, Luhren) Thistle Flowery (Luhren, Luhren) Charlotte Fellwater (Luhren, Luhren) Gerfeld Cleareth (Demsin, Lurhren) Merhren the Seer (Demsin, Luhren) Beral (Luhren, Luhren) Veshrun (Carthin, Garthspire) Jellef Sharpe (Thrall's Nest, Garthspire) *Janon the Walker (Demsin, Luhren) Jesek (Demsin, Luhren) Valti Mitwood (Odret, Noctre) *Kithen Frest (Carthin, Garthspire) *Sanjen Miller (Carthin, Garthspire)
Harbrer Enclave (Mage Guild) The Prowlers (Thieves Guild) Guareths (rich people's thieves "guild") Assassin's Guild Wrights (workers union) Merchant's Guild Organization for the Practice of White Magic (Mage Guild, Wastes only)
Historical Events:
The Fall of Lanew The Dragon's War The Carrowine Invasion Annexation of Thrall's Nest Northern Expedition The Turn of Pianes
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lazycranberrydoodles · 9 months ago
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I am now opening custom Ace Attorney sprite commissions!
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I have 3 open slots.
Depending on how the initial slots go, I may or may not offer more. DMs also welcome.
>> Commission form! <<
What exactly will you receive for $60?
Two 12fps looping .gif files in an Ace Attorney style, one talking and one idle, of the character of your choice from the waist up. They can be in pretty much any still position, but I get final say on whether something is too difficult or too complex. I will work to make the sprite as accurate as possible while adhering to the style.
What will you receive for $20?
Either a short 12fps animation of your character or another two looping gifs (talking and idling) in a different pose/emotion. An animation can be combined with talking. For example, this Wei Wuxian MDZS would be $80: $60 as a base price (standing still and talking) with $20 added for his hand gesture.
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This set of Lan Wangji MDZSs would be $100: $60 (base price, neutral animation) + $20 (happy) + $20 (displeased).
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What counts as a "slot"?
Art of one character, no matter how many pieces I was commissioned for.
For more examples of my Ace Attorney-style work, here is the masterpost for my MDZS x Ace Attorney crossover series, which I have been adding to for a while now. Here are Kabru, Miku, and Hela Vitrum (my most recent commission). They are a good example of the base commission -- a looped talking gif and a looped idle/blinking gif.
Policies (read this before filling out the form!)
I am not affiliated with objection.lol. The sprites *can* be used in the program to great success. However, I will not guide you through creating a case in objection.lol. There are a lot of tutorials available. I am selling animated illustrations of your character and nothing else.
I am not affiliated with Capcom or Ace Attorney. My work copies the style of original games. In many cases, I have referenced pre-existing animations or sprites.
Just in case, I'm limiting the max number of pieces for a single character to 3 poses and 1 animation ($120) (so I don't get bored drawing them over and over again). One person can commission me for multiple characters but they will count as different slots (i.e., you may commission the max amount of work for Blorbo Bingus ($120) and also commission two poses for Dworbo Dingus ($80) for a total of $200, counting as two slots).
It is my privilege to take or refuse commissions at my discretion.
Depending on demand, I may adopt a first-come first-served waitlist system, but I really can't know at this point.
Payment depends on the price of the commission, but in general I will not start the piece until I am paid via Paypal. Venmo is a secondary option. My prices are in USD.
Once I get started, I work quickly, so any changes should be requested at the sketch stage. I will work with you to get it right. Once I have started work a piece (once planning is finished) I will not give refunds. Finished piece(s) should be done within a month of finalization (you giving me the go-ahead to start).
Filling out the form does not mean I have accepted the commission, but it does mean that I will contact you in a routine way about it.
These commissions are intended for personal use. The pricing reflects that. Tell me if you wish to use a commission in a monetized way, as that will require renegotiation.
If you wish to communicate with me about commission work without filling out the form, my email is [email protected]. I am not planning to offer commissions other than Ace Attorney sprites at this time. I will reply within the week.
Communication via tumblr DMs, asks, or comments is welcome!
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allpiesforourown · 3 months ago
Okay here's my Lan Qiren apologist masterpost
"He had Lan Wangji whipped! He's an abuser!"
That was Lan Wangji's punishment for injuring 33 Lan elders while defending a demonic cultivator who caused innumerable deaths in the cultivation community. You need to remember the setting of this story: Madame Yu whipped Wei Ying half to death just because she went "you didn't do anything wrong, your general existence is just mildly annoying to me." Lan Qiren deciding Lan Wangji get one lash for every person he hurt is NOTHING in comparison to the punishment he would have gotten if anyone else was in charge and it was the only way to clear his name.
2. "The Lan sect rules he enforces are too strict."
First of all, Lan Qiren is an old Asian person. I feel like that would be enough to make my point, but I will continue regardless.
The Lans have so many rules because they have extreme self-regulation issues when it comes to their emotions. We've seen Lan Wangji's dad ruin his life by trying to atticwife his lover, but Lan Wangji wasn't any better. If you've read the incense burner extra you know he got his first crush at 15 and his brain immediately went to fantasizing about violently assaulting Wei Ying in the library. Their hundreds of rules are stifling because they're supposed to be. If the Lans don't try to contain themselves they will ruin their lives and the lives of people they care about.
Is "don't talk while you're eating" even that extreme of a household rule? Like every family has some variation of "don't do ____ at the dinner table" and the Lans having their own version is not that insane.
3. "He was against Lan Wangji loving Wei Wuxian."
I need you to spend like. 2 minutes putting yourself in Lan Qiren's shoes.
Imagine you are Lan Qiren. Imagine you find out your brother broke his family apart by forcing his wife to stay with him. Lan Qiren was just a man who was thrust into not only taking care of the Lan clan, one of the biggest cultivation sects you can think of, but also his two traumatized nephews. Imagine cleaning up the mess your brother left you while having to raise two children that aren't yours.
Then you see your nephew, who you have raised like your own son, helplessly pining after the infamous demonic cultivator who has rejected him and teased him. You watch him turn against and injure his own family members to protect a literal criminal.
Then he comes home holding the child of the man he loves and you let him keep that baby and raise him. Because you see yourself in him. You see someone who just lost a loved one who was not a good person but someone you loved regardless. How many times do you think he saw Lan Wangji raising Lan Yuan and remembered himself raising someone else's children because their father was no longer there?
And then after all that Lan Qiren had been through, he didn't even try to keep Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian apart once he found out the truth. When Wei Ying explained how he'd been set up, he was one of the first elders in the cultivation community to give him a chance to explain himself. And after that even if he was cold to Wei Ying, he didn't say shit about the two of them having nasty loud gay sex in gusu every night.
I don't care. Lan Qiren hate will always be forced to me, he did literally nothing wrong and if I was in his shoes I would not have been able to handle it
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canary3d-obsessed · 3 months ago
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 41, part three
(Masterpost) (Pinboard)  (whole thing on AO3)
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Warning! Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
Brotherhood of Man
Somehow, after the multi-layered shit sandwich of betrayal that happened in Nightless City, Lan Xichen manages to convince his two besties to swear brotherhood with him and each other. Lan Xichen's Polyamory 101 class apparently didn't tell him that forcing a vee to become a three-for-all is a bad idea. Nie Mingjue and Jin Guangyao are bonded by only two things: 1. loving Lan Xichen 2. hating each other.
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Nie Mingjue is great at letting bygones be bygones, as we can tell as he glares all the way through Jin Guangyao's skull.
Next we jump to Lan Xichen and Jin Guangyao playing the song of clarity for Nie Mingjue, with Lan Xichen in a particularly sexy set of ultra-fancy robes.
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NMJ keeps his eyes shut so he won't have to see the extreme eye fucking that's going on right in front of his salad.
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Check out his cool candle holders, by the way.
I can't help but think...is this how Lan Xichen is spending his time while Lan Wangji is in forced seclusion? Lan Xichen didn't attack any elders, so there's no reason he shouldn't be enjoying himself, but he's gone all in on the fuckboy life while his brother is seriously struggling. The Lan brothers seem a lot less close after Wei Wuxian's death interlude and I wonder if this is part of the reason.
(More behind the cut!)
We take a tiny break from empathy during this section so that Lan Wangji can check Wei Wuxian's qi.
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He does, and goes to play healing for him. He does not react like WWX is lacking a core, despite doing the magic wrist check that would tip him off if that were the case, so I add this to the pile of evidence that WWX 2.0 does have a (shitty) core in his new body.
I like this little scene because Lan Wangji is clearly worried, emotional, upset - he's doing his little sour-lemon frown and he's intensely focused on Wei Wuxian while he plays healing - but he's not trying to wake him, and he doesn't say anything about his own concerns once Wei Wuxian is awake.
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Grown-up Lan Wangji is still not a fan of these unorthodox cultivation activities, but he respects WWX's choices and focuses on supporting him, not stopping him.
Play Misty For Me
Next, empathy shows us Jin Guangyao playing for Nie Mingjue in a 1-on-1 session in JinLintai. I guess this is like dialysis, where Nie Mingjue has to waste a shit ton of time going back and forth between home and JinLinTai to get cleansed.
It seems like Lan Xichen could have picked a better person to train in playing the song of clarity. I know Nie Huaisang's wussy core might make him a poor candidate, but surely there's someone in Qinghe who could do the job? Or send a series of Lan disciples in an exchange student arrangement? But Lan Xichen would rather force these guys to hang out together.
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Lan Xichen may seem like he's being wilfully blind, or plain stupid, but I don't think that's what he's about. He's aware that both of these guys are, from a certain point of view, bad people. Nie Mingjue is driven by rage and a rigid sense of justice and social hierarchy; Jin Guangyao is consumed with self-interest and will use any means to achieve his ends.
Good guys Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji will also use any means to achieve their ends - attacking elders, raising the dead, and whatnot. What all four of these not-Lan Xichen people have in common is that they go to extremes, too high or too low, there ain't no in-betweens.
Out of the darkness, into the light Leaving the scene of the crime Either I'm wrong or I'm perfectly right Every time
Sorry, but Billy Joel is part of my cultural heritage as a Gen X person.
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Lan Xichen embodies a combination of Confucian and Buddhist values, I think; he wants the people he cares about to chill the fuck out and find the middle way, and also to be truly brotherly toward each other. He tries to achieve this through gentle nagging and also by modeling the behavior he wants to see, creating opportunities for peace and balance. Unfortunately at the time Empathy is showing us, he's unware how extreme and unbalanced his own feelings for Jin Guangyao really are.
At some point, Jin Guangyao starts playing the altered version of the music, and we have a series of kind of weird cuts where 1. the Song of Fuck You is playing on the soundtrack while Lan Xichen is teaching Jin Guangyao 2. NMJ starts to hork up some blood in the 1-on-1 session but finishes horking in the trio session. I think this is meant to show that it was a progression.
Meet Me Outside
Empathy jumps ahead to Lan Xichen trying to warn Jin Guangyao about Nie Mingjue's declining temperament, saying that if it wasn't for JGY playing for him every day, it would be super bad, or words to that effect. He is interrupted by Nie Mingjue showing up to yell at Jin Guangyao. Was Nie Mingjue eavesdropping so that his head could recall this later in Empathy?
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I'm inclined to see the dynamic among the three of them at this point through a lens of domestic violence. Lan Xichen stands by helplessly while Nie Mingjue makes it clear that he's in a rage and wants to take it out on Jin Guangyao; JGY calmly tells Lan Xichen to stay behind while he goes outside to take a beating. That's not just optics; Nie Mingjue attacks him the moment they're alone. The fact that NMJ is drunk on resentment is only partly the fault of Jin Guangyao's musical poison; a lot of it is his own choice to do saber cultivation.
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Lan Xichen may remember similar interactions with his parents. He's certainly having a trauma reaction instead of stepping into this situation from a place of strength. He's protected Jin Guangyao from NMJ before without any difficulty, but the changes in NMJ's temperament and possibly the loss of Lan Wangji's companionship have put him in a weaker state of mind, it seems. And he himself may have been the target of Nie Mingjue's anger at times, too.
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The Ragening
After dodging the first swing from Nie Mingjue, Jin Guangyao asks him why he's mad. The gist of NMJ's beef is this: Xue Yang escaped from the unclean realm. NMJ (correctly) blames JGY. Now Xue Yang is imprisoned by Jin Guangshan after a trial or something, in which Chang Ping retracted his earlier accusation. So they can't execute Xue Yang because there's no evidence against him. (Why can they imprison him for life with no evidence, then? Seems sketchy).
Nie Mingjue says that Xue Yang has a piece of Yin metal, and that's why Jin Guangshan is keeping him alive. JGY doesn't affirm or deny this, but he has to obey his dad, so he can't kill Xue Yang just to please Nie Mingjue.
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Nie Mingjue tells him to stop doing that thing he does.
You Doing that thing you do Breakin' my heart into a million pieces Like you always do And you Don't mean to be cruel You never even knew about the heartache I've been going through
Jin Guangyao has to intuit what Nie Mingjue is talking about, which is apparently that JGY is being calculating and manipulative.
He proceeds to rip NMJ a new one for believing that everyone can be as rigteous as him when he has his noble birth and high cultivation to depend on. JGY points out that he himself doesn't have early cultivation training or a good family background to draw on. He also gives us a little bit of specific info about his position in the clan, saying that Jin Zixuan's death didn't give him a clear path; Jin Guangshan would rather bring back another bastard son than allow Jin Guangyao to succeed him.
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Presumably he's talking about Mo Xuanyu. Before you feel sorry for JGY, remember that he caused Jin Zixuan's death specifically so he could claim his place in the line of succession.
Nie Mingjue says, dismissively, that he's only refusing to kill Xue Yang because he doesn't want to risk his position in the clan. Nie Mingjue says this like it's a bad thing: like Jin Guangyao, who he fired quite a while ago and totally doesn't work for him, should go against his father's express orders and kill a guy, without evidence, because Nie Mingjue thinks that would be more righteous. I gotta say, Nie Mingjue is a real piece of work.
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Nie Mingjue acknowledges that he himself has killed a fuckton of people, but never for his own advancement. Jin Guangyao challenges him with words that have a little flavor of Wei Wuxian's way of thinking: did everyone you've killed deserve it? Are your standards fair?
Then he heads firmly back into villain territory by saying "sacrifices must be made for greatness" which has Nie Mingjue asking why he doesn't sacrifice himself, instead of killing other people? (Shades of WWX challenging Wen Zhuliu) Jin Guangyao replies with an emphatic nope, which inspires Nie Mingjue to kick him down the stairs and attribute his poor character to his mom's line of work, for not the first time. If I was in charge of Jinlintai, I would put a safety gate up there.
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The bottom of these stairs is kind of an important place for Jin Guangyao; he's been kicked down them twice (that we know of) and each time he stood up 100% ready to kill the guy at the top of the stairs. Although he took a super long time to actually do it in the case of his dad, I'm pretty sure JGS's fate was sealed in that moment....just like Nie Mingjue's is sealed here.
Side note: In the show, JGY starts musically poisoning NMJ while they are still ostensibly getting along fine, whereas in the book he waits until NMJ has kicked him down the stairs and insulted his mom. CQL Jin Guangyao is just more forward-thinking, I guess.
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After fixing his hat, Jin Guangyao walks up the stairs calmly explaining to Nie Mingjue how he fucked with the song of cleansing. This causes Nie Mingjue to qi deviate while the Department of Questionable Visual Effects messes around with extra copies of Jin Guangyao in AfterFX.
Not to be outdone, the Department of Questionable Practical Effects has loaded up the front of Nie Mingjue's torso with exploding blood squibs, because apparently that is how they interpret "all his meridians were broken." (We won't talk about the various non-cultivation-aware translations that say "all his veins were broken.")
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Nie Huaisang shows up - running up all of the steps at Jinlintai. From where? Did he run from Qinghe? How did he know Nie Mingjue was in trouble? If Lan Xichen told him, why isn't he here too? Presumably he is still busy checking the guest list for the next conference, per JGY's request.
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Jin Guangyao grabs Nie Huaisang and holds him out of harms way while vigorously pretending to be upset while Nie Mingjue points his saber at them. Nie Huaisang interprets this as NMJ not recognizing him (and if you've seen Fatal Journey, you know this is a fair interpretation) but it might be that he's pointing it at JGY to encourage him to let NHS go.
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This Is The End
Next we see NMJ all tied up on a table in Jinlintai, with corpse poisoning marks on his neck. Someday I will learn exactly when these happen, what they mean, and how everyone who has them gets them, but today is not that day. (Remember when Wen Qing got them while WWX was playing angry flute at the rocks behind Qinghe, and then they went away when he stopped playing? And how this was never explained?) Xue Yang is walking around him with Baxia and half of the yin tiger seal. He can't control him without the whole seal so JGY says to kill him.
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In case all of Xue Yang's behavior seems super random, it's actually not; his project is turning high-level cultivators into controllable fierce corpses. Where Wei Wuxian controlled his fierce corpse Wen Ning with kindness and turnips, Xue Yang uses fancy brain nails. With Nie Mingjue, he presumably hadn't developed the technique yet, which is why they can't subdue him to use him. And he failed to get the nails into Xiao Xingchen or Wei Wuxian's heads. So basically the entire project was a bust, given that he didn't deploy Wen Ning for anything, and Song Lan just followed him around an empty town. This is what happens when you get too attached to a particular creative vision.
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Camera Operator: hey now!
Xue Yang uses Baxia to chop Nie Mingjue's head off, which has to piss Baxia off. Xue Yang says Nie Mingjue is finally obedient, which is only sort of true, since he'll be coming back for revenge in sword-spirit form in the live action, or in naked dismembered corpse form in every other version of the story.
Friendly Neighborhood Paperman
This murder causes Wei Wuxian to snap out of empathy back into his paperman body, and accidentally pull NMJ's head's eye covers off, revealing eyes that don't look a goddamn thing like actor Wang Yizhou's eyes, but this head has had a rough few years.
Jin Guangyao is right there in the storeroom with him; it's a good thing he didn't think to have one of his chats with NMJ's head during the 30 minutes WWX spent communing with it. He chases Paperman around slashing his sword through the furniture and knocking shit over.
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Among JGY's many evil traits, perhaps the worst is the way he wastes storage space. Look at all these shelves with 2 or 3 books on them.
Paperman makes his way over to Suibian where it's displayed on a shelf, and hops onto its hilt while JGY watches. He smirks at WWX's failure to draw the sword, but eventually Paper WWX does draw it, surprising JGY. Suibian fights him remotely for a bit while WWX gets away and makes his way back to Lan Wangji.
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji trade arm clasps while Wei Wuxian gives him a sitrep, and then they run off to find Nie Mingjue's head.
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Because there is no limit to Wei Wuxian's sex appeal, Lan Wangji instantly beats up everyone who gets in his sweetie's way. Lan Xichen shows up, a little alarmed at the attacks on the guards but still on board with their plan.
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Lan Xichen deploys his most dramatic stair-climbing flourish to show that he means business.
Eventually Jin Guangyao shows up, and they ask to see his secret chamber. Jin Guangyao tries to explain that it's not, like, a secret chamber any more if you let people come in and look at it.
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Apparently there IS a limit to Jin Guangyao's sex appeal, because Lan Xichen puts his foot down for the very first time and tells him, not asks him, to open the room.
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...while Wei Wuxian smirks like a kid whose sibling is the one getting yelled at for a change.
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Before Jin Guangyao can answer, Su She shows up, saying it's not cool to demand entry to a clan leader's bed chamber, as if Lan Xichen didn't have his own embroidered bathrobe alredy hanging on a hook in there.
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Lan Wangji and Su She greet each other nastily, and Wei Wuxian calls him out for copying Lan Wangji, which ends the episode.
Soundtrack: I Go To Extremes by Billy Joel, That Thing You Do from the movie That Thing You Do
Bonus: Liu Haikuan's beautiful hand
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sasukimimochi · 2 years ago
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The sound of low, raspy humming of a familiar tune took his attention away, lifting his head to gaze into the nearby forest of Yiling. “Wei Ying?”
Following his siren song, Lan Wangji shook as he brought himself to his feet. He grimaced in pain, taking a few shallow breaths but never able to breathe too deeply. The ache in his back forced him to stop routinely, but he couldn’t give up now… The melody was so close.
He pushed forward, stumbling into dense foliage and pushing it aside painfully. “Wei Ying…?” His body froze, pupils shrinking in shock.
Sitting upright against a tree in the distance was a corpse holding a young child, and not just any corpse and child. It was Wei Wuxian with Wen Yuan. Calmly drifting around the corpse was a thick resentment, moving like a living thing protecting its young. The moment the two were stumbled upon though, the humming came to an abrupt halt and the resentment curled around the two protectively.
Despite Wei Wuxian not turning his head nearly as quickly as he usually would to figure out who had stumbled upon them, the resentment reared itself almost like a feral animal in defense, giving the two a wide berth from the Lan.
“...Wei Ying…A-Yuan?” Lan Wangji managed, his heart falling to his feet.
He was too late.
this first art for TDKW! What do you guys think? v//w//v i rly like this one im proud of it
See More for TDKW below the line!
“The Dead Keep Walking” / TDKW - General rating* *maybe Teen if gross things are described, tbh more likely to be teen but not sure.
TDKW is a short project I have planned centered around LWJ finding the dead body of WWX and A-Yuan is with him- but WWX is undead and walking. WWX may be a corpse, but he is conscious- a bit more like TGCF in that sense for plot reasons, but I may provide a sort of "as canon as possible" answer to fit more into mdzs properly. maybe something like a tag he attached to his skin or something before death combined with resentment from his living body.
WWX is not completely right in the head; he repeats things a lot, has lost the ability partially to actually debate with people (he will just repeat himself when he knows he's correct or wants something) has an uncharacteristically flat expression because of his state and his movements aren't always too fluid. he is however still good at protecting, as his resentment still resides with him in death. he has become more unapologetically feral as a result.
There's not a lot of information I can share yet for this fic, but I wanted to share it since I have been thinking about it for quite some time!
A R T:
Broken Lullaby Sparkles and fretting
Music Playlist!
Find more MDZS art/projects on my masterpost! ❤
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ticket-exe · 1 month ago
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you did it Lan, you found null. Now Tickets going to send your ass to jail
null belongs to @ijuuin-pet-company
navigation under the cut!
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wangxianficrecs · 1 year ago
Rewind 2023 - Part IV
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WangxianFicRecs - Rewind 2023
It's time for the last post of our Rewind 2023. There are still a few stories left that were published this year that deserve a shout-out and I hope you will shower them with love as well. I'll also make sure to make a Masterpost for all Rewind 2023 posts, so that it's more convenient to find them.
Part I
Part II
Part III
watch your anger
by loosingletters (@loosingmoreletters)
T, 1k, Cangse Sanren | Kay's Rec
Summary: Watch your anger, her master used to say, never reprimanding Cangse Sanren for her temper tantrums, mainly reminding her of what she stood to lose if she gave in. Cangse Sanren survives. Wei Changze does not.
Day 1: Dad!Xian
by UseMyMuse (@museywrites)
G, 1k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Part of Xiantober 2023
Summary: Wei Ying is a tired single parent, but a good cup of coffee and a handsome, flirty stranger leads to a happy future
Day 4: Ghost!Xian
by UseMyMuse (@museywrites)
T, 5k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Part of Xiantober 2023
Summary: Wei Ying died at the age of 10, but miraculously the little boy Lan Wangji from down the street was able to see him. They become an unlikely pair and form an unbreakable friendship. Things seem fine until a hostile presence shakes Wei Ying to his ghostly core.
waiting for us
by sunflowersfield
T, 3k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: Wei Ying is in the middle of cooking dinner when Lan Zhan walks into the apartment on Friday night. As soon as the door opens, Wei Ying drops his knife onto the counter with a clatter, abandoning his recipe so that he can throw his arms around Lan Zhan and pull him close. “You’re here!” he exclaims, grinning when he feels Lan Zhan’s arms curl around his waist. “I am here,” Lan Zhan replies in his steady, calming voice, and Wei Ying’s smile grows wider. Or: Wei Ying and Lan Zhan attend different colleges, but they spend every weekend together.
Snapping The Banjo
by Anonymous
M, 8k, Wangxian & Xuanli | Kay's Rec
Summary: “A-Jie…” Jiang Cheng pushes. “I broke my husband’s penis during sex.” One quick in-out breath as Yanli raises her chin high, pivots sharply on her heel and marches back off towards the building. Wei Ying opens his mouth. Jiang Cheng slowly raises a hand to silence him, expression on his face as if he had been slapped with a wet fish. Wei Ying and Lan Zhan's date night has gone wrong. Then, Jiang Yanli calls to ask her brothers for a ride to the hospital. Jiang Yanli's date night has gone very wrong.
Just a Little Wound
by meyari
T, 4k, Wangxian | Mojo's Rec
Summary: Raising a child is sometimes a challenge, especially when you’re confronted with a little boy who has no idea whatsoever why it’s not appropriate to stab people who are rude.
a better world
by ilip13 (@ilip13)
G, 1k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: It’s been a year, today. A year of wearing a borrowed body, and all of a sudden, Wei Wuxian doesn’t feel like getting up and getting on with his day. * Some days are not great and that's okay.
At the end of all things
by Entityx
M, 6k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Part of the MDZS Mini Remix for Tired Adults™
Summary: Lan Wangji is aware that he is not the only one who is left haunted by constant bloodshed. Everyone has changed over the course of the Sunshot Campaign. However the one who underwent the most drastic change was undeniable. It's subtle- he's still friendly and boisterous with members of his sect. But he is not truly open anymore. Gone is the optimistic boy who radiated sincerity with every word. Instead he is replaced with a hollow imitation, with a smile cracked at the edges, and a laugh that is too hollow to fool anyone.
What Lies Beneath These Hallowed Woods
by meekome (@meekkome)
M, WIP, 19k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: The shadows are alive. Writhing and twisting around him, creeping over him, between his fingers, around his throat, curious and hungry. The dirt beneath is black like dried blood, which makes the shards and fragments of bones half-buried around him easy to see, white and glimmering unnaturally bright in the gloom. Then something looks at him, from behind the shadows, and Wei Wuxian flinches at the weight of its attention. “Who are you?” Wei Wuxian says, voice echoing strangely as the silence stretches and the resentment nips at his skin, held back by this thing he cannot see. You do not have a name for what I am, it finally says. Wei Wuxian sucks in a slow breath. “What are you, then?” The trees bend and snap in a sudden breeze and the ghosts around him spin and whine, and Wei Wuxian is horrified to realize it is laughing. Shall I let you see, little cultivator? Doing so has driven more humans mad than the number of bones that sleep beneath your feet. But Wei Wuxian has never been good at ignoring knowledge, no matter the consequences, and he does not look away.
an inch away from more (than just friends)
by occultings (microcomets) (@microcomets)
E, 15k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Part of WLW Wangxian Week 2023
Summary: “What do you think about,” Wei Ying said aloud, before she could stop herself, before she could even think twice about the repercussions. “When you.” She finally found Lan Zhan’s eyes, molten in the low light, and swallowed in a tiny, audible gulp. “You know.” On Wei Ying, Lan Zhan’s gaze didn’t waver even a fraction. “Giving head,” she said. Wei Ying was certain she’d misheard. “Getting head?” “No,” said Lan Zhan. — After a surprise party gone awry, Wei Ying surprises herself.
💙 The loudest silence
by barisan (@barisan-no)
T, 15k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Part of the MDZS Mini Remix for Tired Adults™
Summary: In almost two decades of peace and with a whole generation who has not known differently, it is hard for those who sit above such dangers to fear a banal death. In a lifetime of not knowing what it means to be truly and utterly alone in such a world, it is hard to understand it is often a sentence. Or, a remix of our beloved post-cql WWX whump
The lavender handkerchief
by barisan (@barisan-no)
Not rated, 1k, Lan Qiren & Wei Wuxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: Wei Wuxian’s time on the streets left a deeper wound on his mind. Lan Qiren finds him having a panic attack after being triggered during his punishment.
Song of the River Rain
by MajiLovePrincess
E, 9k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Part of the MDZS Reverse Big Bang: 2023
Summary: “Jiaoren,” the man breathes, his voice soft and his golden eyes wide. Those strange eyes dart over Wei Wuxian’s sharp ears and nails before lingering on the bloody red of his tail. “Human,” Wei Wuxian sneers. “You should have fled when you had the chance.” ... When he wakes from his winter sleep, Wei Wuxian attempts to drive a farmer from his territory. He falls in love, instead. Lan Zhan's mysterious past does not do them the courtesy of staying buried.
Fit for Purpose
by Deastar (@youhideastar)
E, 18k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: Wei Wuxian is given clean clothes, and as much food as he wants, and a blanket. He still doesn’t know what a beta is. But he knows he is one, now. And he knows that that’s the reason he has these wonderful things. When Wei Wuxian was a little boy, Jiang Fengmian brought him home to Lotus Pier; when Yu Ziyuan learned the boy was a beta, she allowed him to stay. 30 years later, a resurrected Wei Wuxian hangs around Cloud Recesses and waits to wear out his welcome.
💙 all is bright
by sunflowersfield
T, 4k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: Wei Ying has slept in many different places. He has curled up on a park bench or a tiny cot in a room full of strangers. But somehow, he has never shared a bed with someone he cares about. He is realizing, now, as the sound machine fills his room with the pitter-patter of gentle rain, that he cares about Lan Zhan. Or: Wei Ying moves into his first apartment. His new neighbor helps him turn it into a home.
Your Shelter
by cosmicmilktea
T, WIP, 2k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Part of the MDZS Mini Remix for Tired Adults™
Summary: “There is no need for sorry,” Lan-gege had told him, what seemed like such a long time ago, “Robes can be cleaned.” But a soiled robe in Lotus Pier means lashes on his back and a night of kneeling in the ancestral hall, even if Jiang Cheng and all the other disciples also came back with mud and reeds painting their robes. A soiled robe means hearing baba and mama's names spoken in malice and ridicule. It means a gentle chiding from shijie as she pats his head and offers him a bowl of warm soup, which only made him miss the warmth of Xian-gege's safe embrace. His back hurts, and his knees ache from kneeling so long. Beneath his robes, Lan-gege's ribbon presses close to his heart, and it reminds him how he had felt so safe with the two men. How baba and mama had also made him feel safe even without the shelter of gilded walls and roofs. He longs to be that safe again, the longing building and building in the too-small confines of his chest until Wei Ying can not hold it in any longer. He runs.
We Meet at the Thousandth Step
by Admiranda (@ladypfenix), Rynne (@rynne)
T, WIP, 142k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: As they both go wherever the chaos might be, Lan Wangji and rogue cultivator Wei Wuxian, eldest child of the famous Cangse-sanren, find their paths converging. Soon they'll discover in each other the perfect partner for night hunting...and beyond.
12 Hours In Hell and Paradise (Or: Lan Zhan’s Distinguished Guide to Seasonal Depression)
by demonicsalad (@santonali)
T, 4k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: Wei Ying (1:01PM): brb putting lobotomy on my 2024 goals list Lan Zhan (1:02PM): Wei Ying. Wei Ying (1:02PM): [screenshot attached] Wei Ying (1:03PM): did i fucking stutter Or: of tears, tea, rotting, and long-overdue realizations
pale shadows of forgotten names
by Chrononautical (@chrononautintraining)
T, 56k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: To protect the Wen, Wei Wuxian throws himself on the mercy of the Lan Sect. To protect Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji marries him. To protect them all, Lan Xichen orders the Yiling Laozu's seclusion in the Jingshi. But the Jingshi had another occupant in the past. One who lingers on, furious to think that history might repeat.
Cuties and Questions
by WiseDawn13 (@wisedawn13)
T, 6k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: “Suibian?” a deep voice says suddenly, catching his attention. Wei Ying opens his eyes to look at who approached and promptly finds himself without breath at the sight of the man in front of him. After all these years he shouldn’t recognize him so easily, but Wei Ying would never be able to forget those eyes. “Oh!” Wen Ning squeaks. “You are familiar with Suibian?” Wei Ying watches as Lan Zhan nods to Wen Ning. “I am. Are you the creator of Yiling Cuties?” “Ah? Oh, no. No, that would be him,” Wen Ning replies, somewhat flustered. It takes far too long for Wei Ying to realize that Wen Ning just diverted Lan Zhan’s attention to him because suddenly those golden brown eyes are staring directly into his soul and it hurts more than he would have expected. OR Wei Ying and Lan Zhan lost touch when Wei Ying's family moved away when they were kids. Wei Ying moves back to his hometown years later, meeting the man he once knew as his best friend.
💙 A New Dynasty
by One_eyed_God (@oneeyedoctogod)
T, Series, WIP, 76k, Background Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: Wei Wuxian is well-known as a trouble-maker, someone who likes jokes and chaos. He promptly proves this by disappearing without a trace from the Cloud Recesses, in the middle of the Lectures. But when war is on the horizon and tensions boil over, can his actions really be summarized as a simple prank? Or, the unbelievable story of Wei Wuxian, time traveller, told from everyone's point of view but his.
Christmas Eve at Number 16
by liulans (@liulans)
T, 9k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: Lan Wangji considers that for a moment, squaring Wei Wuxian up. And then he says, “You are asking– if I would like to spend Christmas with you?” “It doesn't have to be, like, Christmassy,” he reminds him. “We can just hang out. Maybe you can come over tomorrow evening, and I'll have you back in your apartment before midnight. And then on Christmas day, I'll bring you an apple for luck, and that can be that.” “Okay.” Lan Wangji says, after a moment of brow-furrowing contemplation. “...Okay?” “I will see you tomorrow. I will– spend Christmas with you.” --- [Prompt: Character A can’t travel to see their family on Christmas, so they invite their grumpy loner neighbour Character B.]
Cleaning & Courtship
by Winxhelina (@winxhelina)
T, 13k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: It all started with some offhand comment Jin Zixun had made about Wei Wuxian's father having been a servant. About how he should stick to that and not aim for places not meant for him. Wei Wuxian had been at a party at the time with Nie Huaisang and unlikely as it had been, Lan Wangji had been there too. Wei Wuxian had complained about money and that had seemingly inspired the comment from a man, who, Wei Wuxian was sure, had never worked a day in his life. Lan Wangji had stared at Jin Zixun so hard Wei Wuxian thought he might actually drop dead. Somehow, two months later, Wei Wuxian actually finds himself cleaning rich people’s houses. There are very few cultivators wiling to clean houses for other cultivators, but there is demand for it. You can't hire a regular maid to dust and clean your ancient artefacts, even just sword maintenance is a whole area of expertise that civilians aren't qualified to do. In which Wei Wuxian accidentally ends up cleaning his long-time friend's house and Lan Zhan's room harbours a secret.
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for these hard-working authors if you like – or think others might like – these stories.)
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stiltonbasket · 1 year ago
Wen!Wei Wuxian AU: Chapter Masterpost
Hi everyone! This is a masterpost for the Wen!Wei Wuxian AU, where Wei Wuxian was brought up in Qishan by Wen Ruohan and Wen Zhuliu after his parents died.
I'm currently accepting prompts for this AU! I also plan to post a long-ish oneshot covering the timespan between Lan Wangji's imprisonment at the Nightless City and his marriage to Wei Wuxian.
For all posts related to this AU, click the "wrh raises wwx au" tag.
Wangxian's first meeting at the Cloud Recesses
Lan Jingyi, on the matter of Lan Wangji's capture
Wen Ruohan delivers Wei Wuxian's marriage edict
Wen Zhuliu's last meeting with Wei Wuxian
Wen Sizhui, on the matter of his father's concubines
Lan Wangji, on the matter of Sizhui's conscription order
Lan Wangji, on the birth of Wei Wuxian's daughter
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eleanorfenyxwrites · 2 years ago
Lan Qiren raises Lan Jingyi - MASTERPOST
Fic on AO3: Why Not Me?
Read it on tumblr: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
Inspired by a meta post by korpikorppi
Lan Jingyi knows that he's a Lan by blood. He wears the Lan family headband, with its special embroidery and everything. He's a disciple like everyone else, even though he's not so good at sitting through his classes, and he's racked up more punishments than anyone else in his age group twice over already. He's trying, so why is it none of his family want to raise him? Maybe they don't know he's here, in the children's home. Maybe they just need to learn who he is and they'll take in their orphaned cousin with open arms. If he could only learn to behave and earn their approval then he'd be set with a new family to take over for the parents he doesn't really remember, but why is behaving so hard?!
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poomphuripan · 1 year ago
Professional Body Double // My Stand In - a Masterpost
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Series Title: My Stand-In (ตัวนาย ตัวแทน)
Director: Pepzi Banchorn Vorasataree (KinnPorsche The Series)
Action Director: Khom Kongkiat Khomsiri (KinnPorsche The Series)
Producer: Yuan Wan Thabkrajang (I Feel You Linger In The Air)
Executive Producer: Poppy Parnsuk Thongrob
Episodes: 12
Aired: Apr 26, 2024 - Jul 12, 2024. Every Friday 8.00 PM.
Original Network: iQIYI
Original Novel Title: Professional Body Double (职业替身)
Author: Shui Qian Cheng (水千丞)
Genres: Adult, Drama, Mature, Romance, Supernatural, Tragedy, Showbiz, Angst
Content warnings: Abusive lover, noncon, house arrest
Official Synopsis
Joe, the stunt man of famous actor Tong, happened to meet Ming. Having developed a deep relationship, Joe didn’t realise that Ming had always seen him as Tong’s replacement. When the truth is revealed, Joe has to take work on a foreign set where an accident takes his life. When he wakes, Joe’s in the body of a young man named Joe who’d met with an accident on the same day. With help, he’s soon living the same life as he was before—with the same people—and he meets Ming once more. In this life, Ming wants Joe back at his side as before and Joe doesn’t know why. Ming, who’s kept all memories of the old Joe, tries to find the truth about Joe’s continued life in order to return Joe to his side and give him the explanation he never had the chance to.
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Main characters
Joe (Zhou Xiang/周翔)
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Height: 181 cm
Birthday: October 20
Age: 29
Zodiac: Libra
Occupation: Actor, Stuntman, Martial Arts Body Double, Martial Arts Instructor
Personality: Gentle and generous, optimistic and open-hearted, mature and considerate. Independent. Easy going, not very ambitious, caring towards people around him. His parents and sibling passed away when he was 8 years old.
Ming (Yan MingXiu/晏明修)
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Height: 188 cm
Birthday: September 6
Age: 24
Zodiac: Virgo
Occupation: Actor, President of a Mechanized Heavy Industry Company
Personality: Haughty, selfish, lacking in patience, stubborn and persistent towards things he has decided upon. Extremely attractive, cold, indifferent. Youngest of the three Yan siblings. Comes from a wealthy, prestigious family with millitary background.
Supporting characters
Sol (Lan Xi Rong): Young attractive popular actor who was once close to Joe. Sol likes Joe. Played by Porsche Tanathorn.
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Tong (Wang Yu Dong): A popular action movie star. Tong is Ming’s crush. Tong is dating Ming's sister, May. Tong eventually marries May and becomes Ming's brother-in-law. Played by Mek Jirakit.
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Wut (Paradorn Vesurai): Joe's brother-like close friend, who's also his boss.
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Jim (Jiang Yuan): Ming's personal secretary and right hand man. Played by Billy Possathorn.
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Mike (Yan Mingsu): Ming’s older brother. Played by Inntouch Naphat.
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May (Yan Ming Mei): Ming’s older sister. May eventually becomes Tong's wife later on. Played by Shu Nunnicha.
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Where to read the novel
Chinese raw
English translation
Indonesian translation
Vietnamese translation
Where to listen to the audio drama adaptation
Season 1
Season 2
Season 1 & 2 on YT with Vietnamese subtitles (Note: OP gonna private this video once the series has finished filming, so if anyone wishes to grab a copy/listen to it, now's the time 🤗)
Director Pepzi and Executive Producer Yuan first posted a photo captioned "Our new series project" hashtagging the Chinese novel title on 16 February 2023 so pre-production starts around February 2023. Yuan tweeted that My Stand In is the series that took longest to cast (8 months). 6 October 2023 was the fitting for My Stand In. Production begins filming on 16 October 2023.
For latest updates on My Stand In series, you can follow YYDS Entertainment on Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, IG, Tiktok.
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mdzsxperience · 7 months ago
☾ Welcome to MDZS Xperience
Hi! This blog dedicated to the C-drama The Untamed 陈情令; its novel The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation - Mo Dao Zu Shi (MDZS), and other related content.
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🎧 — Alaska ; 22 ; they/them second blog @cherry-zip
🎏 — Masterlist ask & submission open ; .ᐟ
🩵 — Lan Wangji masterpost
❤️ — Wei Wuxian masterpost
find all my posts under the tag #mdzsxperience .ᐟ # of asks in my inbox: 0
[ 1st published ; 10/07/2024 ] & [ last edited ; 19/01/2025 ]
★ ⁺. ໒꒰ྀི。- ˕ -。꒱ྀི১ ૮꒰˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶꒱ა ˖⁺‧₊˚
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sirenofthegreenbanks · 3 months ago
👽 a fic that isn’t prose (poetry, text fic, etc.)
woahg what a cool question 0:
rhymesswith‘s WOH modern setting Cat!ZZS AU comic strips
rhymesswith's WOH Ladyhawke AU specifically this part of it! (masterpost with context in chronogical order)
you already know this but annannjay's iwtw WOH republican era shanghai AU that still has me be wildly insane
bardorable's WOH canon compliant introspective wen kexing poem Entropic Notions
megafaunatic's modern TYK setting comic of zzs throwing a birthday party!
😊 a fic that made you smile on a bad day
this wouldve been much harder to answer but fOrtUnaTely [at the time of writing this] im having a bad mental health month .. phase ,, time! (laughcrysob) [it's been a few i'm fine now!]
i‘d always been rigid before you by thehoundisdead. The Untamed modern au, wangxian, gender changes, wlw, identity shenanigans, texting, food as a gateway for love, university, light angst, misunderstandings, G. wei ying flirts with the driver who delivers her food orders via text, not knowing who they are, and it has no connection at all to lan zhan, her classmate! i love this little fic. its fun and silly and sweet and makes me go all warm inside, its exactly what i need when im down. i remember that u dont prefer school fics but maybe u like this??? there is not much serious school stuff happening there aside from the opportunity for wei ying to flirt with lan zhan since theyre classmates
no one understands the chemistry we have by livinginaworldofnoise. WOH, wenzhou, modern au, story told in posts, G. wen kexing tries to woe the most handsome man in the world. zhou zishu needs advice to get rid of a weird creep. these things are not at all related, why would u think that! its been a few weeks but i read this when i was having an extremely bad night and it lifted my spirits!!!!!! livinginaworldofnoise is one of my fav fandom authors, theyre so good at balancing rawness with humour. and i like how this fic transplants wkx from canon to a modern setting and shifts into an outsider‘s pov (the reddit community, this is told in posts), which automatically removes any context that would explain his Behaviour and Attitudes. i mean, wkx is actually disturbing! if u dont know why he is the way he is agdgdgdg
🥰 a fic that gives you warm fuzzy feelings!!
hey girl (you are what i've been looking for) by detectorist. The Untamed, MDZS, modern au, wangxian, background niehuan. gender changes (EVERYONE is a lesbian except for jiang cheng, who is the token gay man), wlw, house parties, drunk kissing, chaotic friend groups, casual queerness, T. wei ying and lan zhan meet on a house party the jins are hosting. sparks fly. highly recommend to read this together with its sequel!
the only place you wanna be by aiyexayen. WOH canon divergence/fix-it, gu xiang/wen kexing/zhou zishu, background wenzhou, four seasons manor arc, multiple pov, gu xiang-centric, introspection, non-sexual intimacy, hurt/comfort, angst, found family, rarepairings, polyships, M. zhou zishu has a problem, and its just as annoying and confusing as wen kexing. gu xiang realizes that the lao bing gui her zhuren keeps following around might be a little bit good-looking. wen kexing rearranges his perspective of what it means to him to care for his silly little girl. while they all live at four seasons manor, things develop. this fic single-handledly changed my brain chemistry! and the dynamics are so warm and so gah!!!! also aiyex shared a little of the bts process of working on it here!!!!!
ask me for a fic rec meme <3
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