joanna-lannister · 3 years
🐄 moo
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send me a 🐄 and i’ll reply with a random picture i have saved
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sunshinechay · 3 years
your url!
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Send me handwriting prompts
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bvthcassidy-archive · 5 years
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how to save a life—the fray
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octaviadblake · 5 years
You could drown in those eyes
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It feels like it’s been eons since they’ve really seen each other. He knows he’s found her and lost her so many times in the past…how long has it been? he thinks, but it feels like right here, right now, is the first time he’s truly seen her since that night in the woods when she offered him forgiveness.
Bellamy knows he’s been drifting. He got swept up in this nonsense with the mountain, was tortured possibly beyond repair, and he’s lost track of everything that ever meant anything. But he’s never lost track of her.
They have options here, he knows they do, and she knows it, too, but Monty’s already got the system rigged to irradiate the entire mountain and at this point, well. It’s either the mountain or the not-quite-100. These people clinging to survival just as fiercely as they are and they’re not about to let go. Us or them.
The weight of the world is resting on Clarke’s shoulders, and her indecision, her fear, her heartache, her guilt, is palpable. Her hand is heavy on the lever and some part of him feels how terrified she is to make this call. 
Blanketing her hand with his own isn’t a conscious decision, but it feels right. Her skin is cold to the touch where he can feel it poke out under her thick gloves, and it feels wrong, yet fitting.
Clarke turns to catch his eyes and his breath sticks in his throat. He still hasn’t seen the ocean up close, but he’s seen a spring, clear as the sky at noon, and it’s the only thing he can think of when her gaze searches desperately for something like reassurance. Something like forgiveness.
He almost chokes around the regret and the guilt he knows he’ll feel years from now, and it feels like drowning in a puddle and falling to his death, face up, an expanse of baby blue holding him close. 
He’s terrified, but he won’t show it. He needs to be strong for her. When she looks down, he can feel the muscles in her hand flex, but he knows she can’t do this alone.
Bellamy’s grip tightens, and he moves their hands, gives her the strength to do something horrible, to do something noble. He can’t breathe and his lungs are full of waves and salt air, but her hand is warming under his.
Maybe he’s drowning. Maybe they both are. But if there’s an anchor tied to his legs and his parachute won’t open, well. At least he’s not alone.
send me a prompt+ship and if you want a ficlet or poem!
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historyofshipping · 5 years
What do you want out of season 7? (Your q goes to @captainwilldameron)
shit hit enter too soon. editing.
So I don’t know. Honestly, I just want at least one episode where they’re not fighting for their lives. I want Madi to go to fucking school. I want them to laugh.
I know more what I don’t want: for the love of all tha is good, no time travel plz
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So I might’ve uhhhhh done a thing??? You should check it out, that’d be rad
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bottoms-movie · 5 years
favorite quote?
it’s honestly probably “if you need forgiveness, I’ll give that to you.” This quote was not only directly paralleled in s2, but the show has showed us time and time again that Bellamy and Clarke are willing to forgive each other over anything. Bell forgave Clarke for staying in Polis, Clarke forgave Bell for giving the flame to Madi, Bell forgave Clarke for leaving him in the pit, and it just goes on and on. Even in season 1, when they didn’t have the relationship that was developed later, Clarke was willing to forgive Bellamy because she knew that’s what he needed and Bell has done the same over and over. 
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talistheintrovert · 5 years
talis as soon as i saw the cody tweet on your crack post i knew it was you asdfgh
listen, that’s my cyber bullying, sick bar dropping, hilarious short king
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ragnarssons · 5 years
the fact that e really thought finding bellamy in a cage that happened to be right next to her was romantic? i have to laugh
the fact that the person who wrote the episode (drew lindo... who wrote 6x09 too... but also wrote 6x03 which had the dog and the bellamy looking back at teary clarke while leaving, sooo? chaotic good?) thought this was romantic...
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grahamslecters · 5 years
🎨-do you consider yourself artistic?
I do not. I used to be a HUGELY creative person when I was younger. Like, I used to make things and draw and write stories but now.... yeah, nope. I think high school sucked away the creativity but who knows?
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daenerya · 5 years
Alinea/Ali whichever name seems like a nicer colour to you lol
kind of a pastel green / spring green
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joanna-lannister · 5 years
US! jk my real answer is eleanor/jasper
Let's be real, we are the true OTP! But yeah, jaspenor! 💖
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sunshinechay · 5 years
what are your thoughts on how the next episode will play out?
I know it’s going to be a really Clarke heavy episode. It’s so heavy I’m wondering if any other conflicts going at all. I think probably but I think it would be really interesting if it was just Clarke attempting to figure out what was going on. 
I’m also thinking (hoping really) it’s going to happen in a linear fashion. Starting with Clarke waking up in the skybox with all of her memories and then going out from there through the events of the show. I’m not sure if her fight with Josie in the skybox is going to happen at the beginning or the end of the episode but I’m wondering if the magical vanishing Raven means that as the drawing on the walls disappear, if that means that Clarke is losing that memories and her journey through the events of the show are her regaining her memory. It could start with her father, or it could end with her father. I’m almost hoping it ends with him. A symbol of how far Clarke has come and a reminder of where she started. Clarke began her journey with her father as the most important figure in her life. She wants to do him proud and I think that Clarke going through this journey only to encounter her memories of her father at the end would be really bittersweet, but an interesting reminder of what Monty wanted and what I think her father would have wanted if he had lived. For them all to do better than what they have done before. It would be an excellent symmetry I think. As a side note, I mentioned it somewhere else, but if it is this one, I think Bellamy’s line from the trailer about the fighting pits will be here. Clarke finally remembering Bellamy and he is instead saying all of the things she believes he should be saying to her, being angry at her in a way that real life Bellamy will never be (another meta for another day haha) 
The other option I think might happen would be Josie and Clarke fight right at the beginning of the episode and the rest of the episode is one or the other forcing each other to relive Clarke’s memories. Let’s face it, this episode is Clarke ‘face your demons’ episode so she is going to have to relive all of them and be forced to come to terms with exactly what she has done. Clarke has done some f*cked up shit and she should be guilty for them. Even if they were justified, it is still bad things that she did and Clarke wouldn’t be Clarke if she didn’t regret and face them. Either way, I honestly think reliving the memories is going to break Josie, at least temporary. Clarke had to live through everything that happened. She may feel guilty over them, but many of the choices she has had to make, it has been made clear that she would make them again, which I’m not sure Josie really knows or if she does, she’ll probably underestimate it all. It’s going to break her, to feel all of Clarke’s guilt and self hatred and yet her determination to keep going. It might be what shows everyone that Clarke is still alive, what finally, fully convinces Russell that his daughter is not the person she used to be or that he has convinced himself she still is. I think it might also break Russell to realize that the host doesn’t actually die, the raised hosts just give up because they are brain washed. If Russell doesn’t die by the end of the season, this is what is going to convince him that this will be his last body. I think it will also give Ryker the freedom to finally say that this will be his last body as well (or at least I hope so, because while the body snatching is a bad wrong, I actually can sympathize a little with how Ryker feels, but again that’s another meta for another time).
As for cameos, we know Jake is in the episode and there have rumours that the actors for both Maya and Pike have been spotted on set so I’m hoping for cameos from them (though I’m not entirely sure about Pike because he would suit a memory storyline for Bellamy rather than Clarke, but if Lexa isn’t going to come back, than Pike might be a good sub and plus I love his actor). There have also been rumours that Titus might make an appearance. As well, the pictures with Monty’s jacket, I would love if Monty came back. I would love for Wells to come back as well (and part of me refuses to give up hope that Eli Goree will agree to come back). I’ve also heard rumours about Atom being around and while I won’t rule any of them out, I’m also not sure about just how many people they will try to bring back (please bring Wells back, please being Wells back)
Maybe it’s an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think Lexa is going to be in the next episode, or at least, not with new content. While I think it would be good for her to come back, her being mentioned last season seemed like good closure to me and it doesn’t seem like ADC is particularly open to coming back to the show (I also don’t pay much attention to actors outside of their answers to questions I care about so I could be wrong). A small part of me also hopes Finn might come back as well, or at least gets mentioned because while we as a fandom remember about as fondly as we remember Ross from Friends, he was an incredibly important part of Clarke’s early storyline and deserves to be remembered, even if it is only briefly. 
If there is an outside storyline, I think it might be similar to what I said about Russel above, with Josie not being able to wake up and everyone freaking out about it. I also wouldn’t rule about a furthering of Madi’s storyline (maybe even with Clarke waking up and telling her not to do it) or Octavia and co’s storyline. I am also finding myself liking Xavier more and more so I’m hoping we find out more about him.  
Since this episode is officially the halfway point, I’m hoping for us meeting Gabriel, even if it’s just a cameo at the end of the episode and us getting further with him in 6x08. There still seems like there is so much ground to cover and we are moving towards 6B at a good rate. I think this will be when everyone will face their demons.
ask me about my fandoms
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viviansternwood · 5 years
if reading this before your exam: GOOD LUCK BB!! YOU CAN DO IT!! if reading this after your exam: YEAY! YOU DID IT!! IT's OVER!!
lkjahldkjhasjdh ALI 
Reading this after exam, and thank you so much babey!!!!
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octaviadblake · 5 years
what does the d stand for? i like it
nothing lol it was just the closest i could get to octaviablake 😂 like in the way some ppl use s’s (octaviasblake) a ‘d’ seemed more normal than like an ‘m’ or whatever
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mllersjoel · 5 years
Happy Birthday May!!!! I hope you have a great day with no horses (I know how much you hate them lol) 🎈🎉🎂🎁
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