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GHALLOWEEN 2024 8/9 - M3GAN AKA Beli-K 🔪🩸👱🏻♀️🎀✨
Dicen que soy la mala, reputa ción
#Art #Arte #Artist #Artwork #Design #Diseño #Illustration #Ilustración #Belinda #BeliK #Megan #BelindaFans #BelindaArt #BelindaFanArt #BelindaFanart #Belindapop #Muñeca #M3GAN #LaMala #JackPot #HalloweenCostume #HappyHalloween #HalloweenArt #Ghalloween #Beliween #Latina #GreatArt #BestArt #DigitalArt #genuine #gnuinart
#belinda#belindapop#lamala#mala#megan#halloween inspo#happy halloween#halloween#genuine#art#artwork#gnuinart
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Sí, sí, yo fui la mala.
Ya cállense, agarrasen de la mano y chinguen todos a su madre poco de malagradecidos
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Michelle Obama Speach at 2024 Democratic National Convention
Former Republican Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan spoke out in favor of Kamala Harris at the Democratic National Convention. Mesa GOP Mayor cites John McCain’s motto urging Republican voters to vote for Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz for President and Vice President in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election. It is time to do the right thing. Democracy in the USA depends upon…
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#2024#Cemocratic National Convention#DMC#Former Republican Lt Governor Geoff Duncan#Geoff Duncan#Governor Tim Walz#John McCain#Lamala Harria#MESA GOP Mayor#Michelle Obama#RNC#Tim Walz
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Keep having dream in which I kill people. Like, bad people. Couple days ago I had a dream that I killed my best friend from school's abusive ex boyfriend who had once pointed a shotgun at her. Strangled!
Last night I dreamt that I was in prison with someone who I will not name bc I don't want my posy being flagged but whose name rhymes with Ronald Stump and I beat the shit out of him and then strangled him too! Lamala was also there and I killed her too for some reason.
Having pain in so many places lately I can't hardly do anything but lay around and sleep. Planted my kid in front of the TV almost 4 hours ago and then had dreams where I woke up on the couch and got up and went and ate and then I woke up on the couch again. Couldn't get my eyes open. Struggled to sat up. Made it to the kitchen. Opened the fridge. Realized I was still trapped on the couch. Over and over until I finally did wake up for real. Didn't get up. Still haven't eaten yet today. Am I really awake? I think so.
Couldn't eat anything yesterday. Nothing sounded good. Couldn't have any caffeine. It all sounded like it would make me sick. My husband was home and really understanding though. I appreciated that. Eventually decided that I could eat salmon. It was OK.
I was watching a video yesterday that usually wouldn't affect me much, it had to do with a military family and how they tried to stay emotionally connected to their dad overseas. I was completely fine until I suddenly burst into tears.
I think I could eat ice cream right now?
I hope I don't fall asleep again before I eat.
Glad my son knows how to work the TV.
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Dominio de Atauta 2019. Embotellado por Bodegas Dominio de Atauta. Atauta-Soria. Ribera del Duero (D.O.). 14.5% España 🇪🇸
Tinto Fino 100%
Cepas Prefiloxéricas del Valle de Atauta, Soria.
Rojo picota, oscuro. Brillante. Potente. Recuerdos de frutos rojos, cerezas, frambuesas. Frutos negros, ciruelas. Frutos de bosque, blacberries. Té verde. Toque mineral. En boca elegante, frutos rojos, mineral. Retrogusto largo.
Mi Puntuación 95/100
#lamala #dominiodeatauta
#valledeatauta #singlevineyards
#riberadelduero #tintofino
#riberadelduerowines #docabocard #docaboca #lapenadelquijote #lapeñadelquijote #vino #vinos #wine #goodwines #instawine
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Lamala 🐑L'Agneau de Pâques 🐑
Ces Agneaux pour Pâques et de les offrir aux personnes que l'on aime🐑
Délice 🐑
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Cia LaMala apresenta BLOOM – caminhos e encontros
Contemplado pela Lei Paulo Gustavo, o espetáculo circense será apresentado em São Paulo, Joanópolis, Araras, Mauá e Bragança Paulista
Anotem na agenda: nos dias 24 e 31 de agosto, o público poderá prestigiar gratuitamente o espetáculo BLOOM – caminhos e encontros, da Cia LaMala. O espetáculo será apresentado às 17h no Mundo do Circo ( Av. Cruzeiro do Sul, 2630 - Carandiru). Em cena um coletivo de 7 acrobatas que carregam suas ancestralidades, histórias pessoais, repertório de gestos, movimentos e acrobacias. A partir de um "alfabeto acrobático", os artistas brincam com o risco, ritmos, surpresa, com as combinações e aliterações, aproximando-nos mais de um processo poético do que um trama narrativa linear. BLOOM – caminhos e encontros atravessa diferentes nuances e temperaturas, criando uma partitura emocional que tem como referência os ciclos da natureza, onde o florescer (bloom) da primavera concentra toda a potência do encontro em forma de movimentos, cores e sonoridades, empreendidos para um exercício de valorização identitária brasileira e atual.
O espetáculo marca um importante passo da Cia Lamala ao agregar novos artistas ao seu elenco a partir das ações de formação e difusão da técnica de mão a mão, que realizou ao longo dos seus anos de atuação. A dramaturgia do espetáculo relaciona os caminhos dos encontros com a energia cíclica da natureza, em sua impermanência e atmosfera própria de cada fase. O espetáculo é tecido a partir da conexão entre individualidades, que se relacionam para compor um espaço de várias dimensões. Verticalidade, horizontalidade e subjetividade, por meio da linguagem do circo e das acrobacias, permeiam transformações, onde a essência de cada indivíduo está preservada e conectada com o todo para o florescer dos encontros.
Ficha Técnica:
Concepção: Cia LaMala
Dramaturgia: Marina Bombachini
Direção: Carlos Cosmai
Elenco: Carlos Cosmai / Jaqueline Macedo / Jorge Olivares / Julias Reis / Marina Bombachini / Victor de Angelo / Wesley Peixinho
Onde: Mundo do Circo - Av. Cruzeiro do Sul, 2630 - Carandiru
Quando: 24 e 31 de agosto, às 17h
Para quem: Livre
Quanto: Grátis
Sobre a Cia La Mala
Fundada em 2005 a partir do encontro entre Marina Bombachini e Carlos Cosmai, a Cia LaMala tem como disparadora da sua pesquisa cênica a técnica circense a acrobacia de mão a mão. Nestes anos de atuação, tem participado de importantes ações culturais e festivais nacionais e internacionais de Circo, como Fira Trapeze de Reus, na Catalunya, Espanha, CIRCOS do SESC, Festival Mundial de Circo de BH, Festival de Circo do Brasil em Recife.
A Cia que se formou exclusivamente em território nacional, busca referências de matrizes brasileiras no corpo circense, promovendo uma pesquisa cênica guiada pela valorização do acúmulo de saberes em diversas áreas, se dedicando a depurar seu olhar crítico às influências eurocêntricas no sentido de afirmar uma identidade criativa brasileira e atual para o seu fazer na linguagem circense. Atualmente tem em seu repertório 6 espetáculos, sendo estes dirigidos por diferentes diretores como Domingos Montagner, Fernando Sampaio, Lu Lopes, Marcelo Lujan, Ronaldo Aguiar e Bruno Rudolf. -------------------
Imprensa // André Moretti 11-98269 6704
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0896-5297-9519 (WA), Supplier Interlock Futsal Kelumpang Selatan
0896-5297-9519 (WA), Supplier Interlock Futsal Kelumpang Selatan
Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6289652979519 , Supplier Interlock Futsal Kelumpang Selatan, Pabrik Interlock Badminton Barumun, Pabrik Interlock Basket Lalan, Produsen Interlock Badminton Lamala, Supplier Interlock Voly Lamandau, Pabrik Lantai Interlock Futsal Lamasi, Produsen Lantai Interlock Basket Lamasi Timur, Supplier Lantai Interlock Badminton Lambitu, Pabrik Lantai Interlock Voly Lambu
Kami adalah Supplier langsung tangan pertama Produsen Interlock Floring Lapangan.
Kami memproduksi Interlock Lapangan Futsal, Interlock Lapangan Badminton, Interlock Lapangan Basket, dan Interlock Lapangan Voly.
Kami juga menyediakan interlock lapangan untuk di gunakan di Indoor & Outdoor.
untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang detail serta pembelian interlock bisa menghubungi kontak kami di sini
Nomor Hp Bu Diana: 0896-5297-9519 (Nomor Whatsapp)
Nomor Hp Bu Diana: 0896-5297-9519 (Nomor Whatsapp)
#SupplierInterlockFutsalKelumpangSelatan, #PabrikInterlockBadmintonBarumun, #PabrikInterlockBasketLalan, #ProdusenInterlockBadmintonLamala, #SupplierInterlockVolyLamandau, #PabrikLantaiInterlockFutsalLamasi, #ProdusenLantaiInterlockBasketLamasiTimur, #SupplierLantaiInterlockBadmintonLambitu, #PabrikLantaiInterlockVolyLambu
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0896-5297-9519 (WA), Pabrik Interlock Badminton Barumun
0896-5297-9519 (WA), Pabrik Interlock Badminton Barumun
Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6289652979519 , Pabrik Interlock Badminton Barumun, Pabrik Interlock Badminton Barumun, Pabrik Interlock Basket Lalan, Produsen Interlock Badminton Lamala, Supplier Interlock Voly Lamandau, Pabrik Lantai Interlock Futsal Lamasi, Produsen Lantai Interlock Basket Lamasi Timur, Supplier Lantai Interlock Badminton Lambitu, Pabrik Lantai Interlock Voly Lambu
Kami adalah Supplier langsung tangan pertama Produsen Interlock Floring Lapangan.
Kami memproduksi Interlock Lapangan Futsal, Interlock Lapangan Badminton, Interlock Lapangan Basket, dan Interlock Lapangan Voly.
Kami juga menyediakan interlock lapangan untuk di gunakan di Indoor & Outdoor.
untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang detail serta pembelian interlock bisa menghubungi kontak kami di sini
Nomor Hp Bu Diana: 0896-5297-9519 (Nomor Whatsapp)
Nomor Hp Bu Diana: 0896-5297-9519 (Nomor Whatsapp)
#PabrikInterlockBadmintonBarumun, #PabrikInterlockBadmintonBarumun, #PabrikInterlockBasketLalan, #ProdusenInterlockBadmintonLamala, #SupplierInterlockVolyLamandau, #PabrikLantaiInterlockFutsalLamasi, #ProdusenLantaiInterlockBasketLamasiTimur, #SupplierLantaiInterlockBadmintonLambitu, #PabrikLantaiInterlockVolyLambu
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Tanzania Safari 2024, Part 10.
Sadly we leave Lamala Ndutu camp today, everyone showed up to say goodbye even Chef Chris on the far right.
Dana checking out the knife our evening guards carry. As we load up into the jeep, the staff breaks out into the “Jumbo Bawana” song. Really going to miss this camp and it’s staff.
Look at these beauties. These are Marabou Storks they can reach almost 5 feet tall.
Here are two young male Impalas practicing fighting for the day they get to rule a harem. These are very abundant animals, when you see them from the rear the black lines on their rump and tail resemble an “M.” They are known to hunters as the “McDonalds of the bush.” Guess they make tasty burgers.
The black marks above their ankle is their musk glands for marking their territory. Notice how so many things here mark their territory?
This is a mating pair of Fischer’s love birds. They mate for life. Their bond is so strong that if they become separated the health of each bird suffers. They are only found in Tanzania.
Three giraffe at Lake Ndutu.
Raffy with us at the official gate to the Serengeti. We travel 18 klicks through the low savanna to the park headquarters for lunch. The road to the headquarters is dirt and in pretty good condition. The speed limit is 50 Kilometers per hour.
Disposable box lunches were provided by the Lamala Ndutu camp. The lunch boxes were a work of art made out of banana leaves. They always give us more than we can eat. So we pack any leftovers into a single box for some local person who would appreciate a “free lunch.”
Good thing we did. It had rained the night before and roads in the park were one muddy mess. We came upon these three guys who had not eaten in 3 days. Their truck was buried up above its axles for two weeks.
We had been driving every day for five days and needed fuel. This was the only gas station we saw after leaving the last paved road, five days ago. Guess what, they were out of fuel. Maybe a delivery tomorrow.
Raffy seems to know everyone. One phone call and twenty minutes later, he is getting about 20 gallons delivered from some camp's stock for their generator.
We get to our new camp, Lamala Serena, close to sunset. John is the manager, he welcomes us with the rules, layout, and eating times. While he is talking I spot a troop of Baboons crossing the savanna behind him. This is an absolutely beautiful camp tucked up into the mawe rocks. Rocks here are a favorite place for big cats to hang out. The rule here is we are not allowed to walk at ANY TIME without an armed Maasai escort.
We have a phone in our room to call for an escort. Just dial 444.
I think it should be 1-800-call-Maasai.
This is a permanent camp and the buildings are part tent part building. Large sliding glass doors to the deck that has a miniature pool, and several lounge chairs to view the wildlife walking by.
Water pressure made the indoor and outdoor showers a real treat.
We were really surprised to find two “bush babies” in our bed, after returning from dinner.
A “bush baby” is a hot water bottle. Above Dana getting an escort from a Maasai warrior. Notice Dana is staying real close to the guy with a spear!
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👜✨ ¡Conoce LAMALA MOOD! La perfecta fusión de estilos urbanos y sofisticados en bolsos de piel. Descubre la apasionante historia de Carmen y Rocío aquí
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0852-6681-6345 (PRODUK TERLARIS), agen milagros Seunuddon
0852-6681-6345 (PRODUK TERLARIS), agen milagros SeunuddonLangsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6285266816345 , agen milagros Seunuddon, agen milagros Seunuddon, agen milagros Batui, agen milagros Batui Selatan, agen milagros Bualemo, agen milagros Bunta, agen milagros Kintom, agen milagros Lamala, agen milagros Lobu PENGIRIMAN MILAGROS KE SELURUH INDONESIA Milagros bermanfaat u mengobati berbagai macam penyakit (Stroke, Jantung, Kanker, Miom, Kista, Maagh, Batu ginjal, Masalah haid, kesuburan, masalah kulit, Demam berdarah, Thypus, mslah mata, penggunaan dalam dan luar, Osteoporosis, darah tinggi, Asam urat, Kolesterol, Vertigo, mengatasi strees, Masalah hati dan empedu, penyembuhan luka dll).Bapak Moh MasykurFacebook : https://www.facebook.com/stokismilagrosjambi?mibextid=LQQJ4dTelp/WA 0852-6681-6345#agenmilagrosSeunuddon, #agenmilagrosSeunuddon, #agenmilagrosBatui, #agenmilagrosBatuiSelatan, #agenmilagrosBualemo, #agenmilagrosBunta, #agenmilagrosKintom, #agenmilagrosLamala, #agenmilagrosLobu
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Me lance con el paracaídas puesto, previniendo cualquier situación, luego lo solté porque me apetecía la caída… cargo con la responsabilidad de esas decisiones porque siempre fueron mias, pero lo que si se, es que la verdad de lo que me ha dolido solo la sé yo, él no porque ha minimizado todo, ha hecho pequeños los momentos en los que me ha hecho sentir mal, ha dejado pasar su falta de tacto y su poca empatía, y yo he tratado de pensar que son nimiedades cosas que no lo son, porque, ¿porqué podría yo sin derecho, explotar?.
Pero la mala; la mala, la loca, siempre he sido yo.
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Dominio de Atauta 2019. Embotellado por Bodegas Dominio de Atauta. Atauta-Soria. Ribera del Duero (D.O.). 14.5% España 🇪🇸
Tinto Fino 100%
Cepas Prefiloxéricas del Valle de Atauta, Soria.
Rojo picota, oscuro. Brillante. Potente. Recuerdos de frutos rojos, cerezas, frambuesas. Frutos negros, ciruelas. Frutos de bosque, blacberries. Té verde. Toque mineral. En boca elegante, frutos rojos, mineral. Retrogusto largo.
Mi Puntuación 95/100
#lamala #dominiodeatauta
#valledeatauta #singlevineyards
#riberadelduero #tintofino
#riberadelduerowines #docabocard #docaboca #lapenadelquijote #lapeñadelquijote #vino #vinos #wine #goodwines #instawine
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Será mejor empezar otra vez, pero se me hace que no se puede. Vas a decirme que es imposible, pero por lo menos déjame que lo intente. Si, me di cuenta demasiado tarde, sé que aun podemos arreglarlo. Aprendí a sacarle jugo a mis defectos y me va mejor desde que dejé de odiarlo. Caminando yo en tus labios. Por la noche por en medio de la calle estoy pensando si me quieres, no me falles. Soy de tierra con el agua. Llego al cielo, no me cuelgo y hoy deseo decirte todo lo que yo siento. Ya deja de pensar que deja de pensar. Bueno, raiz cuardrada y la mitad eleva' y dividia, por la razón de los cosenos, mi materia gris frente a ti se convierte en potente veneno. Este calor profundo derrite el sol aaa! Dame una señal ya y pon freno a todas las injusticias en el mundo de Alicia, por no tener claro porqué vamonos en este carro sin freno🎵🎶 #me #julietavenegas #LaMala #malarodriguez #EresParaMi (en Maipú, Chile) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFDs8Q_hN9kTCNcHF6BIDAKJvEMMIh6GyXGY800/?igshid=1f8by4xry0z3c
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