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king-of-men · 6 months ago
If I invented a new dark colour I wouldn't mess about, I would call it 'Lalott'. And my copyright terms would require everyone to refer to mixtures of it as a 'Shady of Lalott'.
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h0lyhandgrenade · 6 years ago
Professor Layton or any other Layton game?
I played the first, I had fun! And the art was cute too.
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batherik · 6 years ago
lalottered replied to your post: Streaming later tonight!
Okay how do I find you tho
I’ll reblog this evening with a link but my room url should be https://www.rabb.it/batherik if you want to save it early!
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dorkshadows · 7 years ago
@lalottered said: what do you mean #remember when kuro was good? What parts of it make you not like it anymore? I'd like to know your view about it.
Well, since you asked so politely, I’ll share :)
Disclaimer: Sorry if it comes off as too sour. And feel free to disagree- my opinion is just mine (and a few of my buddies’ haha). 
For me, Kuro started dragging towards the end of the Green Witch arc- that plot twist with the German military was 1) obvious and 2) dumb, full of plot convenience, I can’t believe these so-called “scientists” are supposed to be smart.
They spent all these funds on tricking a little into thinking she was a witch so she could do math equations for them. Like ?? Couldn’t they have done it themselves? Wouldn’t it be easier to just raise Sieglinde with their ideology? Or in a remote summer home, instead of wasting all that time/money. And they get taken down by a 13yo and his servants anyway- they shouldn’t be surprised.
We also supposedly saw a turning point in Sebastian and Ciel’s relationship, with Ciel trusting Sebastian less, but we really didn’t see that for a while. But all of this, including the military crap could have been forgiven out of loyalty to the story.
The story lost my loyalty with the current arc. They had a good premise, and then it started dragging again with the boybands (which was so boring OMG), then Agni died really cheaply imo, and to make matters worse, Yana decided to overshadow Agni’s death with the 2CT. 
BUT Real!Ciel alone kept me in the story. He was cool and really unexpected- I actually like the twins plot twist thanks to him. If we’d kept the focus on real!Ciel, things would still be good for me. But then we got that 10 million year flashback and I got bored again. A lot of it felt like filler to me, the twins act nothing like real siblings, and Yana was trying so hard to make us feel sorry for Our!Ciel, it felt like she was forcing his tragedy in the reader’s face. I’m pretty sure anyone with a heart already felt sorry for OC at this point- she didn’t have to throw all that at us.
And Yana put so much effort into this 2 Ciels, heir and spare, flashback, that it bothers me to know she didn’t care for anyone else enough to give them 3,000 chapters of flashbacks. Even Sebastian’s flashback was only like, 3 chapters. Hell, Agni and Soma never even got 1 full chapter of flashback. Lizzie got like, half.
I know Yana LOVES Ciel more than everyone else in the series, but this is just too much. There were times when Ciel was my favorite character, but all this is making me tired of him. He comes off as more and more of a helpless victim with each new reveal of the flashback, and that’s not who Ciel Phantomhive was to me. It feels like Yana’s going back in time to “correct” him, and that leaves me bitter.
Again, I’d be fine with this being the Ciel show if Ciel was the protagonist. Except he’s not. Believe it or not, Yana actually thinks the protagonist is Sebastian. And this is the the last straw for me. Like how Yana went back to ruin Ciel’s agency, I feel like she’s going back to make Sebastian even more unlikable and flat than he already was. She seems determined to make sure nobody likes the guy she deemed her main character (she succeeded! I don’t care for him anymore lol).
Sebastian’s been a background character for the majority of this arc, hasn’t developed at all (maybe he has, but it’s way too subtle and small for the protag), and the biggest reveal about him from OC’s flashback is that apparently he’s the villain of his own manga. It doesn’t help that Yana doesn’t want to reveal anything about Sebastian that has nothing to do with Ciel. I’ve seen literal aliens with more backstory and development than Sebastian, so no, I don’t consider the ‘he’s a demon” thing an excuse for his complete lack of audience sympathy. This is just bad writing. 
He’s not a likable protagonist, not an interesting villain, not a complex character. He’s plot convenience- he’s useful and “heroic” when the plot needs him to solve its problems, he’s its token villain and scapegoat when the plot needs to blame someone for everything else but can’t bear to accuse one of its precious tragic cinnamon rolls.
Lastly, we haven’t seen the shinigami since forever. I miss Grell, William, Ronald, Underdicker, etc. They’re the ones with all the info but they haven’t had good screentime in so long. Ex. Grell was an amazing villain in Jack the Ripper and just gains more depth the more we know more about her. And everything’s pointing at UT being behind all of this arc’s problems, but he’s nowhere to be found- when is he going to start answering questions instead of raising them?
TLDR; I’m out of patience for a lot of things and Yana’s treatement of Sebastian  and Ciel disappointed me. Every arc was great until now (campania is still my favorite of all time, and reminds me that Yana has so much potential), Murder/Weston were OK. The Midfords and shinigami got shafted for Yana’s bizarre love for the 2CT, and as it stands now, Kuro isn’t the kind of story with the kind of protagonists I’m interested in.
But I’m not dropping because I’m waiting for Lau and Claudia. Also, I genuinely like Real!Ciel and want to see his story more than Our!Ciel’s. 
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who ARE you??
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batherik · 6 years ago
lalottered replied to your post “@divineemiline divineemiline replied to your post “I’m unwell curled...”
Because a banana is behind all of this?
This is kind of a short version, but I had dinner with my friend the other night, and the owner gave us dessert on the house: deep fried bananas with ice cream! Not wanted to be rude, we ate it despite the fact that both my friend and myself suspected we had digestive problems with bananas. We both got sick.
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abybweisse · 6 years ago
@lalottered it would be absolutely mind-blowing if she confirms it, and then Black Butler ends up being the impetus that finally gets Nintendo to make a worldwide release for Mother3....
I feel like this is relevant again
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lolaloveschampagne · 2 years ago
Leuke adresjes in de buurt van Gent: LALOTTE.
Leuke adresjes in de buurt van Gent: LALOTTE.
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mercuriobsas · 4 years ago
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The first 4 cards of de Lalott, the new cards of adivination. The indigenal spirits of the all four elements in their humanoid forms and beast forms.
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kristinespinasse · 6 years ago
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Took Mom to Les Halles, I think it's called (an indoor farmer's market here in La Ciotat). She loved it! (listen to her words in the next slide, "You can just drive me over and drop me off here for a few hours." We ordered tea for two and sat back and people watched. Brought home some #monkfish for lunch. #lalotte #fishmarket #france #fish #frenchcuisine #poissonnerie https://www.instagram.com/p/BtHNMGYFqM1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=r3kt132a7o4
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doktorzank · 6 years ago
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#lalotte #quappe. (๑•͈ᴗ•͈)◞✏~ #illustration #comic #cartoon https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs2et4_nC1y/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vxcv1xopx65v
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chibimyumi · 6 years ago
Toboso Sensei tweets about the catastrophic fire of the Notre Dame.
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“France is a country that has a lot of fans who truly love and support Kuroshitsuji. I have received a lot of letters and mails from there too. I hope that everybody will be able to find peace again very soon. 【Toboso】”
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“Good luck to everyone in France. I hope that your hearts and the Notre Dame will be healed as soon as possible. Yana Toboso”
DISCLAIMER: My French is about non-existent, so any French speaker, DO CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG, PLEASE!!
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Thank you, @lalottered!
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abybweisse · 6 years ago
I’m gonna say it’s gibberish and just looks good for the art. It’s a mix of Futhark runes and stylized letters, and the arrangement of consonants to vowels makes no sense. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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batherik · 6 years ago
@divineemiline divineemiline replied to your post “I'm unwell curled up under a blanket n quilt on my couch but for...”
Aww! I hope you Feel better soon and I will be on the look out for these amazing works!!!
@lalottered replied to your post “I'm unwell curled up under a blanket n quilt on my couch but for...”
Relatable. Don't worry you'll get to the point where you'll draw it
@epwhales replied to your post “I'm unwell curled up under a blanket n quilt on my couch but for...”
eyeing all of these and will be waiting very very patiently
Thank you guys, I’m at least sitting upright more. I’m never eating another fucking banana again in my life
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hannibalcatharsis-zero · 6 years ago
Get to know me tag - tagged by @nohrianxscum
Rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know more
Relationship status: Peace
Favorite color: blackwhitered
Top 3 ships: Currently it’s all The Walking Dead related, 
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Last songs: Suffer in Silence by So Much for Nothing, Deadspace album and DSBM stuff 
Last movie: Ice Age 5
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tagging if you want to @dorkwolf-nightmare @salting-the-earth @lalottered
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aby-off-topic · 6 years ago
Red Wine Brownies
@lalottered The same bakery that has that deep dish chocolate pecan pie also has this recipe for red wine brownies: https://bromabakery.com/2017/01/red-wine-brownies-recipe.html
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