#lala lee
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ladyelainehilfur · 1 year ago
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everyone shut up, it's the girlies
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voidnoidoid · 2 years ago
even MORE stupid weak hero headcanons: WOMEN!!!!!
featuring mostly lily and Julia, with some Lala, and Eugene's aunt and the pool hall lady!
Lily is a member of her school's art club! How do you think she draws Gray so well?
Julia is a tsundere.
Lily is deceptively strong in a way that reflects her emotional and mental strength, also she could totally solo the entire Union including Donald if she wanted to. But she's too nice.
Julia listens to Paramore, and does emo makeup, to Lala's chagrin.
Eugene's aunt is close with her nephew and enjoys listening to him talk about his friends. She reminisces about her school days.
Julia has a motorcycle and is a really good rider.
Lily wears makeup to hide her freckles, but Julia thinks she's prettier with them exposed.
Lala is toxic af and keeps changing boyfriends so much that she became well known for being unstable. Also bc her personality SUCKS.
Lily and Julia met in middle school while Lily and Lala knew each other since elementary. Lala was always jealous of how Lily and Julia got along better and became closer.
The pool hall lady is fond of ben, Alex, Gerard, gray, Eugene etc bc she finds their antics amusing. She is aware that Ben and Alex find her attractive and sees them as younger brothers due to how much they show up there.
After the dropout gang karaoke incident, Lily and Julia started hanging out more. Lily invited Julia to a sleepover too. (Future fanfic idea???)
Weak Hero would be 100 eps shorter if we gave lily a gun.
Eugene's aunt specialised in treating cats. The weirdest animal she had to treat was an isopod.
Julia is a great singer, she would obliterate everyone in karaoke. She's shy about it though.
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wooziloves · 1 month ago
so I’m watching nana tour and HIS LITTLE BYE BYE I AM SO GONE FOR THIS MAN
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demaparbat-hp · 8 days ago
For your Dandadan AU. Are we in a "Modern Setting" (e.i. No bending)? Or you are having their "supernatural powers" be homages to their bending powers?
Something tells me that Aang is going to get the Jiji role. Only Aang to be that goofy, and do the thing that will happen in Season 2.
Are you also having Kanna as the stand-in for Seiko?
Hi, and thanks for asking!
I'll be leaving this over here and the rest of the lore under the cut.
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The Dandadan AU takes place in a modern setting, much like the anime/manga does. There are legends about people who could control the elements in ancient times, but those are just tales—humans can't bend.
Spirits and Yokai, however, are a different story.
Each character's supernatural abilities reflect their original bending prowess! Zuko is a bit of an exception, since I'm leaning towards the shadow and stealth aspect of the Blue Spirit. Fire is still there, just in a different form.
Katara has natural bloodbending powers which the Painted Lady enhances. Whenever Katara taps into the yokai's curse on her, she becomes able to control water as well. Azula (in Aira's role!) will get lightning, illusion, and deception powers from a Kemurikage yokai.
Seiko's role gets passed on to Hama and Iroh. They're both part of the White Lotus, a society of mediums and yokai hunters from all nations.
Hama is Katara's Gran Gran, a stern and rather intense old woman who has made several deals with the Gods of the Land. She delivers corrupted souls to them in exchange for strength, protection, and an emergency tap into the bloodbending powers that she wouldn't be able to harness otherwise.
Meanwhile, Iroh becomes spiritually enlightened after his son's death. He's a beacon for corrupted spirits and bloodthirsty yokai—mostly because of his unnatural ability to rehabilitate said beings. The Painted Lady is one such yokai, and isn't it ironic that Iroh's own nephew is now one of his patients?
Hama sends most of the yokai she hunts down to Iroh due to his ability for dealing with them. If Iroh can't help a yokai move on peacefully, she finishes the job. Not because he can't do it, but Hama is the one who does what she considers to be "the fucking bulk of the iceberg" and Iroh can't take all the credit for it, damn it.
As for Aang...
The Avatar State is terrifying, which makes it the perfect stand in for the thing. Aang has such an outstanding amount of spiritual energy that he's a beacon for all spirits and yokai out there. Which...isn't good. Especially when one of the most ancient and powerful spirits out there wants to possess him.
Which leads us to the Avatar State.
I made the choice to remove his power over the four elements to focus instead on something much more interesting and fitting for this AU: energybending.
The Avatar is able to manipulate all vital and spiritual energy around him, as well as give or take everyone else's powers at will. This makes him pretty much the most dangerous being to ever exist, since he can make everyone powerless by simply willing it so.
As for the Avatar's motivation? He's a protective yet ruthless spirit that has laid dormant for thousands of years, but a certain event woke him up to a world in disarray. His purpose has always been to keep balance in the world, but the concept itself of balance can be easily corrupted.
The Avatar comes from a world that doesn't exist anymore—a far better place that he wishes to recreate and bring to life once more. Even if he must destroy this version of earth to birth it anew.
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drpoisonoaky · 1 year ago
When you realize you have a new weapon to make fun of your sister, you have to use it even though for you it isn't a weapon. At least that's how Zuko thinks about it.
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Azula: I’m going to kill your friends and my brother.
Katara: Your brother is also my friend.
Azula: But it’s a different crime. And is that what you are worried about in the whole sentence?
Katara: You want to kill them a lot. Nothing new. But don’t.
Azula: Ugh.
Azula: At least you could ask why.
Katara: Fine. Why do you want to kill them this time sweetheart?
Azula: I’m going to ignore your tone. They discovered the “Lala”.
Katara: Is another weird tradition of the Fire Nation or..?
Azula: It’s Zuko’s Zuzu.
Katara: Oh that Lala. I think it is cute. But isn’t new, right? Zuko calls you that a lot.
Azula: To them it is. And Zuko is enjoying it.
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Sokka: When you come back to the Southern Water Tribe I’m going to force you to do penguin sledding.
Azula: Why would I eve-
Zuko: Hey buddies.
Azula: Don’t call me buddy ever again.
Zuko: Ok Lala.
Sokka: We were-
Sokka: Wait what, Lala? What is a Lala?
Zuko: You know Zuzu?
Sokka: Are you asking me if I know you? Did you hit your head or something?
Zuko: Not dumbass, the nickname. Azula calls me that all of the time.
Azula: We know, Zuzu. So penguin sledding?
Sokka: Forget that. Did he just call you Lala? Can I call you Lala? Oh god the mighty Azula, princess of the Fire Nation…AND WE CAN CALL YOU LALA.
[Azula proceeds to electrocute Sokka]
Zuko: That was unnecessary.
Azula, getting ready to throw another lightning:
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Aang: Azula really did a great job in the meeting.
Zuko: She’s actually really good but she’s really mean.
Aang: Yeah, although I was thankful when she made all of those councilors shut up.
Azula: My pleasure Avatar. I always love to make a grown up man cry. Ask Zuzu.
Zuko: She certainly does. Especially when I’m in that group.
Aang: Anyway thanks for today. Right?
Zuko: Yes, thanks to Lala now we only have like 5 boring meetings to go.
Aang: Wait.
Zuko: There’s more?!
Azula: Oh no.
Aang, grinning: Did he just call you Lala? That’s so cute.
Zuko: See Azula, that's so cute. You should appreciate it.
Azula: I will deal with Zuzu later but if you want to use that word again Avatar let me remind you I already killed you once.
Zuko: If you kill him now Katara would break up with you.
Azula: SHUT UP DUMB DUMB *goes away*
Zuko: That’s worse than Lala. But at least she’s angry for the next meeting.
Aang: The next meeting it’s going to be awesome.
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Suki: All of my warriors are spread inside the festival so we are protected.
Zuko: Great. All set then.
Azula: Wait, what about the harbor?
Suki: We are protecting a festival inside the city.
Azula: If I want to attack a festival I would do it through the harbor cause nobody would be there. You bring a few water benders or a Katara and break it all in like 5 minutes.
Suki: I hate to say this but you’re right. Let’s relocate some of the girls.
Zuko: Good job Lala.
Azula: I’m honestly more angry by the fact you just praise me like a dog than the nickname.
Suki: Yeah Zuko. We’re grown ups.
Zuko: But-
Zuko: Suki, I am giving you a chance to laugh at Azula’s expenses.
Azula: And she’s a grown woman who is doing her job. Shush.
Suki: Yeah Zuko I’m busy now. When I finish I can laugh and use the Lala.
Zuko: It doesn’t feel like a victory.
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[After sparring time with Azula]
Toph: I needed that. Being police is awful.
Azula: Well you are a gun for the government.
Toph: You are part of the government.
Azula: Not the government that has you as chief.
Toph: You and I? In the same government? We will have to stop a coup like every day.
Zuko: But unfortunately you both will stop them.
Azula: Of course we will, Zuzu.
Toph: What are you doing here, Zuzu?
Zuko: Came to see why we were hearing two people fight to death on a Wednesday afternoon.
Toph: I was beating a princess’ ass.
Zuko: And also Lala, can you look at these scrolls? I need a second opinion.
Azula: Sure let’s me clea-
Toph: LALA.
Azula: Shit.
[Toph is rolling while she’s laughing]
Zuko: For once, I didn’t say it to bother you.
Azula: For once, I believe you.
Zuko: I think she can’t breathe.
Azula: Whether she dies because she can’t breathe or she feels more relaxed after a good laugh, she deserves it.
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Azula: I swear to Agni.
Mai: Don’t be dramatic.
Ty lee: Why are you so angry? It never bothered you so much before, Zuko has been calling you Lala for years. It’s cute.
Azula: I mean it doesn’t bother me if Zuko calls me that. But them. Feels like I’m a joke.
Mai: Lala sounds like a joke.
Ty lee: I think what’s bothering you so much is the exclusivity.
Azula: Explain yourself.
Ty lee: When he calls you Lala it comes from your “bond”. When any other person calls you Lala they are probably trying to laugh at your cost.
Mai: That’s deeply complicated with only having 2 lines of information.
Ty lee: I manage all the feelings in this group. I’m well trained.
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(many years ago)
Zuko: Why can’t you stop calling me that stupid name?!
Azula: Zuzu, it's cute. Nobody calls you Zuzu. I’m the only one who does it.
Zuko: Oh. That’s…okay you can call me Zuzu but
Azula: What?
Zuko, grinning: I’m calling you Lala cause nobody would call you that.
Azula: WHAT! NO! ZUZU.
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lalajsn · 2 years ago
BANDIDINHO - mrk.l !
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avisos: mark lee bandido marrentinho de 2 baddies, dirty talk, sexo desprotegido, leitora!virgem, corruption kink, sexo em lugar público, uso do adjetivo “puta” “princesinha” “bebê”, mark um pouco fluffy, mark!fumante, a leitora é muito sensível (igual um bebê chorão), um pouquinho de daddy issues
gênero: br!au, smut
notinhas da lala: foi o que eu consegui distinguir que provavelmente tenha nesse cenário aqui, espero que gostem, beijo. Lembrando que não foi revisado, então talvez tenha algum errinho
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Você caminha lentamente pela rua, uma rua escura com faróis que brilham em suas mãos, uma das ruas mais perigosas do morro, ela parece um pouco assustada, mas sua curiosidade é maior do que seu medo, você segue em frente, até finalmente encontrar o portão da favela, onde está seu Mark Lee, o cara que seu pai julgava como um “bandido que só queria te comer”. Você não achou que seu pai fosse o julgar tanto só por ter crescido na comunidade, quando você o apresentou como seu namorado, seu pai surtou. Falou um monte de asneiras, disse que jamais deixaria a filha dele namorar um “bandidinho” sem futuro.
Usando uma sainha rosinha, que voava no ar, aquela saia que Mark amava, vocês estava usando essa saia quando ele se encontraram na semana passada. Está com uma blusa curta, mostrando um pouco da barriguinha. Também usando sapatos de salto alto brancos.
Ela olhou para Mark, que estava fumando um cigarro. “Tsc, tsc, tsc” estala a língua. “Teu papai tá sabendo que tu veio? E ainda com essa sainha curta que dá pra ver sua bunda toda?” Ele deu uma tragada no cigarro, fumaça indo em seu rosto. Fazendo-a tossir um pouco.
“N-Não, Mark. Meu pai não sabe nada sobre isso. Ele pensa que eu estou na casa da minha amiga…”, ela respondeu, olhando para baixo.
Mark olha para você e ri alto. “Na casa da sua amiga? Deixa só ele descobrir que você só veio aqui pra mim meter nesse teu..” Ele mesmo se interrompe e logo depois te finta com um olhar e um sorrisinho malicioso.
“Você nunca deu, né?”
Você fica com uma cara de espanto, com a pergunta e o sorrisinho malicioso do cara. Você não sabe o que dizer. Você não está preparada para essa pergunta, e não pode acreditar que o cara está perguntando isso para ti. Ela começa a chorar, e está começando a ficar sem ar.
Mark acena para você, e depois lhe acolhe em um abraço, acariciando-lhe o cabelo.
“Eu só estava zoando, bebê. Não precisa ficar tão chorona assim. Eu sei que você é sensível, não precisa chorar”
Você tinha um certo problema com essa frase. “Tu já deu?” Seu pai te dizia isso sempre, só que a diferença era que ele afirmava.
Sempre que te via com uma garoto, te puxava para longe e começava a reclamar e te criticar, falando que você dava pra todos e usava frequentemente a frase citada “você já deu pra ele também?”
Talvez não faça muito sentido, mas pra você, pra você fazia muito sentido, e você não conseguia se segurar quando ouvia algo que lembrava de todas as vezes que o seu pai reclamou no seu ouvido.
Ele segura teu queixo, analisa o rostinho delicado. A sobrancelha arqueando de leve, os olhos grandes correm até seus lábios.
“Fala sério, nunca sentiu vontade?” Pergunta, ainda com os olhos focados nos seus lábios fofinhos, com o batom rosinha o tornando mais bonito ainda.
Murmura um “já” baixinho, a voz fininha parece deixar Mark cada vez mais excitado.
“Aaahh.. Por isso você tava toda acabada quando saiu do banheiro daquele dia.. Como você é suja, garota.”
Diz, irônico, ao lembrar do dia em que vocês estavam juntos e você foi no banheiro, saiu de lá ofegante e com as pernas trêmulas. Ele preferiu fingir que você não tinha se tocado no banheiro feminino da festinha que estavam.
“Você vai se sentir melhor assim que eu colocar meu pau na sua buceta” Mark espreita, as mãos indo até sua bunda e apertando-a, não ia ser difícil te foder ali mesmo, já que usava aquela sainha minúscula.
“N-Não Markie.. Nunca fiz isso..”
“Não se faça de inocente agora, sua puta.”
Disse com raiva, você achava que enganava ele, mas só ele sabia que você não era a garotinha inocente que seu pai criou, ele sabia que você não era a menininha perfeita do papai, porque ele já tinha de corrompido.
E ele faria isso novamente.
Estaria mentindo se dissesse que não gostava quando ele a chamava por esses apelidos sujos, te deixava encharcada, e era verdade, você era pura.. Porém não era tão inocente assim.
“deixe-me provar você." ele pediu, pressionando os dedos em sua calcinha por baixo da saia.
“Ou melhor.. Deixe-me ver se sua bucetinha delicada foi feita pra mim, bebê?”
“Por favor.. Você quer tanto quanto eu, eu sei disso..”
“Mesmo se eu quiser.. Não podemos fazer isso aqui..”
“Podemos sim, os caras vão voltar daqui a alguns minutos, e é tempo suficiente pra mim destruir sua buceta.”
Disse antes de atacar seus lábios, já metendo a língua molhada lá dentro, as mãos segurando seus pulsos, prensando-a cada vez mais contra o chapisco.
Explorando cada cantinho da sua boca, línguas se entrelaçando, ereção pressionando cada vez mais contra a sua buceta.
Ainda te beijando, começa a desabotoar a calça baggy que usava, deixando seu pau duro saltar para fora, encostando em seu estômago.
Arrancou sua calcinha fininha, aquele pano vagabundo que quase se rasgou quando ele tirou de ti.
Ele agarra um punhado de sua bunda levantando você em sua grossura. ele não percebe o calor em cascata da sua boceta, suas dobras escovando seu pau duro. Desliza para dentro com certa dificuldade.
“Ah... que apertadinha...” a voz gostosinha de Mark Lee graceja, enquanto ele mete com força no seu canalzinho molhado fazendo você gemer alto, ficou ali parado por um tempo, até sentir sua buceta obscena pulsar ao redor do pau gordo de Mark.
Parece que a mente de Mark ficou em branco, estava louco por você, totalmente selvagem, se inclina para afundar os dentes no seu pescoço e agarra seus quadris com força para mover seus quadris com mais força nele, “nunca vou foder você com mais nada além da meu pau, minha princesinha, você é perfeita pra mim, só pra mim”
Você chora e geme contra ele, mal se continhando.
“M-Markie.. Ah.. Mais devagar..” seus gemidos ficaram tão baixos aos ouvidos de Mark, era como se ele não escutasse, Mark eleva seu nível de visão de volta ao seu rosto desalinhado.
“Não posso evitar princesa, sua buceta é tão boa pra mim” ele joga a cabeça para trás, os quadris desleixados estocando sua buceta. Ele está pensando no quão molhado e quente seu canalzinho será quando ele despejar carga após carga dentro de você.
“Porra!” Seus ouvidos vibram contra o gemido estridente que ele ecoa pelo beco silencioso e frio, Mark arrasta seu corpo de volta para baixo sem pensar fodendo em você.
Mark sente sua buceta se apertar ao redor dele e é aí que tudo fica entorpecido. Um arrepio que começa na parte de trás do pescoço, rastejando até o pau e ele finalmente pinta sua boceta com seu creme claro até a borda, ofegando quando é rápido para sair. Ele está hipnotizado com sua carga escorrendo do seu canalzinho molhado e bagunçado e Mark já está empurrando sua porra de volta com seu pau.
Empurrando com toda a sua força. A ponta dele atingindo o ponto mais sensível do seu corpo fazendo você gemer alto, você estava resmungando, babando e se tornou basicamente bêbada.
Mark bombeou em ti mais algumas vezes antes de te encher novamente, e então, sua porra se misturou com a dele, você estava arruinada.
Nem sabe como que iria voltar pra casa destruída.
Mark desliza para fora de você, vestindo suas calças novamente e deixando um selar na sua boquinha, que agora estava babada e levemente aberta.
Estava mole, as pernas tremiam e com toda certeza já teria caído se não fosse por Mark te segurando.
“Meu bebê ficou cansadinho, foi?”
Diz irônico, sem um pingo de dó.
“Vamos te ajeitar de novo, você tem que voltar igual uma bonequinha pra casa, pro seu papai ver que você se comportou muito bem na casa da sua amiga.”
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notinhas da lala: gostou? se sim, considere deixar um like, um reblog, uma crítica ou algum feedback na minha caixa de perguntas.
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laalaaangel · 5 months ago
i’m currently watching superstore for the first time (i’m at season 4) and as the show progresses, i hate more and more of the characters
i liked cheyenne until she attended that seminar with amy and acted exactly like my ex friends (the reason they’re my ex friends is because they acted like cheyenne in that episode)
carol is a fucking psychopath
sandra is an attention seeking pushover
and mateo is the absolute WORST, don’t even get me started on his behaviour
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waterfire1848 · 2 years ago
Avatar headcanon - The Gaang called Zuko ‘Zuzu’ for the first week he was with them as a joke. They called Azula ‘lala’ for the first week she was with them.
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zeviyer · 2 years ago
𝓜𝓮𝓽 𝓖𝓪𝓵𝓪 𝓜𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓲𝓷 (2/2)
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Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY (2023)
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realhousewives-fan · 2 years ago
The Sick and Twisted Lies of Scandoval
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We can see and feel how this deceit has devastated the whole friend group. 
Tom Sandoval was on a pity party and Raquel Leviss disappeared from the face of the earth.
It’s clear to everybody that this affair was due to Sandoval’s midlife crisis. 
But that is no excuse for the sick and twisted deceit he has been doing for 7 freaking months!
He and Tom Schwartz has tried to paint the picture of Ariana Madix being mean to Sandoval, as if that’s an excuse for him sleeping around.
Sandoval’s complaints are so freaking random and minor, it made me scream to the TV screen “so you bang her friend as a solution?!”.
Sandoval comes off as he is more upset with how he’s getting perceived by the group and the viewers than sorry for hurting Ariana.
The way he was crying at Villa Rosa kind of sealed that impression for me.
Lisa Vanderpump didn’t give him a warm welcome, and when he broke down in tears, she started to comfort him. 
I guess he got his wish. Sandoval wanted to look like the victim in this episode. All we got was silly excuses from him.
And Raquel… Don’t even get me started on the scene he filmed with her.
Sandoval claimed that he has a deep connection with Raquel, but that doesn’t come off on the screen. They’re not on the same page!
It’s very likely that Raquel is in love with him, and he’s taking advantage of that. She thought he said that he loved her… Yikes!
Lala Kent suspect that Raquel isn’t the first time he cheated on Ariana, and she was suspicious of his friendship with Billie Lee!
“We need to open that case back up again. It went cold and I don’t think it need to be cold no more.”
And James Kennedy’s phone call to Raquel on speaker was something else. 
It gives a little bit of kicking someone while they’re down, but they’re understandably upset.
It must have been shocking for them that little sweet and innocent Raquel was capable of such deceit.
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dark-mnjiro · 2 years ago
for @alucrds your matchups are
…bachira meguru & ulquiorra cifer
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For you & Ulquiorra
For you & Bachira
You couldn’t help but crack a smile as you watched Bachira struggle with another word in Spanish. You weren’t sure why you didn’t expect him to struggle, he could barely pass english in school. But the amusement alone, was pretty worth it.
“…try again,” you urged before Bachira flashed a playful grin.
“Whyyyyy?” he complained loudly. “It’s not like I need it. I have these handy translation ear pieces from Mikage!”
A frustrated sigh fell from your lips before shaking your head. “Babe, I—"
“Words are hard,” Bachira countered before his lips curled into a playful smirk. “I know something much more fun to practice if you you just come over here!”
“….you’re the worst.”
“I love you!”
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wooziloves · 1 month ago
Guys I WILL actually lose my mind. DO YOU HEAR THIS?? And not a single breath taken in between, the breath control???? SIR??? I am speechless
Vid from R0sieM00n on twt
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draculovemp3 · 2 years ago
LALA RI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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laumier · 6 months ago
𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫. ⋆ 엔하이픈 hyung line.
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: enha x fem!reader
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: pwp-ish ?? , swearing , pet names, riding in jake’s, dirty talk, mentions of being in pain, suggestive in hoon’s hc, praises, hickeys, missionary
lala’s note. definitely doing this for atz. also, i got carried away with jake’s.. whoops :p.
the sun peeked through the beige colored curtains, signaling that it was well past 8am. you and heeseung remained in bed, bodies tangled together under the white sheets along with subtle touches from each other.
he was propped up on his elbow, leaning over you with his lips attached to yours. his hands roaming your body underneath the sheets. the sound of breathing and small moans filled the bedroom as the two of you still had a bit of adrenaline from the night before.
you threw your leg over his, pressing your body closer to his as he deepened the kiss.
“baby,” he whispered against your lips, leaning into your touch.
you hummed in response, somewhat distracted by the way he touched you.
“i need it..” his kisses traveled down to your neck, nibbling here and there. you hissed quietly, trying not to give into him seeing as this would’ve been the 5th time you both went at it.
“hee.. again? can we at least start the day first?” your laugh was cut short with a moan as heeseung found your sensitive spot, sucking a hickey there.
“can’t start the day without my daily honey..” he mumbled. you rolled your eyes when he mentioned the ‘honey’. it was a little name he had given your pussy. you remembered him saying that it was sweet and how sticky in between your legs would get whenever you were aroused.
“hee,” you whined, trying to push him away so you could climb out of bed.
“unhunh,” he protested with a grumble, his arm coming to lock around your waist so that you couldn’t move. he began shuffling his way under the thick duvet, giving you a mischievous smile. you squirmed around until he grabbed ahold of your thighs, holding them in his larger hands.
“just one more taste, baby..”
your back arched off of the bed as jay thrusted into you slow and deep, his length dragging against your soft walls. your moans were soft, but the sound bounced off of the walls making them seem much louder. jay grunted into your neck quietly, rocking his hips at a torturous pace.
the two of you couldn’t seem to get enough of each other, even with how many times you came the night before. jay was infatuated with you, just as you were with him. he wanted to show you that love all over again.
your nails clawed at his back, your legs wrapping around his waist as the stickiness between you both became messier.
“jay,” you gasped as his hips suddenly sped up, brushing against your g-spot. your mouth created an ‘O’ shape as you struggled to get any word out.
jay groaned, shivering when you clenched around him.
“fuck, i love you so much..”
you placed your hands on each side of his face as he picked his head up to look you in the eyes. you leaned in, pressing your lips against his in a quick, rough kiss.
jay found himself now pounding into you at a way quicker pace than before. the bed slightly creaked as the headboard hit the wall softly. if he had any self control before, it was definitely all gone now. you were just too irresistible to him.
your hand came down to where you and jay were connected, spreading your folds so jay could have more access. the squelching from your pussy became louder as jay dug deeper and you inched closer to the edge.
“deeper, babe, deeper..” you moaned out, unraveling your legs so you could spread them.
your high pitched whines only fueled jay, his hips now moving like they had a mind of their own.
you both wouldn’t be leaving the bed anytime soon.
“fuuck, you feel too good,” jake threw his head back, his hands finding their way onto your hips. his long brown strands stuck to his forehead as his sweat dripped.
you lifted your hips up once more, his length sliding out of you, covered with cum and your juices. you took him back inside you, a hoarse moan escaping your mouth as you leaned down, pressing your chest against jake’s.
his hands traveled past your hips, gripping the soft flesh while guiding you up and down on him.
“mhm.. ride that dick like you need it, mama.” he hissed, landing a slap on your ass. you bit your lip, whining as he began thrusting his hips up to help you.
jake stared up at you in awe, eyes lidded and filled with love. he was addicted to you. you were almost like a drug to him. he was hooked.
“ja..jake,” you mewled. he didn’t respond at first, distracted by the way you moved against him. he shuttered, a whiny moan escaping his plump lips.
“jake.. i have… t-to get ready..”
he panted, shaking his head. he picked up the pace, your ass now slapping his thighs.
“nah.. just need you here with me..”
you began to slouch against him as you continued to whine. you tried to protest but your body still gave into him. your hips instinctively moved against his, giving you more pleasure.
he landed another harsh slap against your ass, earning a whimper from you.
“need you to cum all over me, baby.. keep putting that pretty pussy on me,”
jake’s words seemed to give you a sudden rush of adrenaline, making you forget about the shift you had in an hour.
you opened your eyes to see sunghoon’s back facing you as he sat on his side of the bed, probably still trying to wake himself up. you reached out, running your hand up his back, causing him to jump a bit.
you ran your nails down his back lightly, watching the goosebumps appear on his skin. he licked his lips, your touch bringing memories back from the sleepless night that you both had.
you sat up, the blanket falling of of your body as you moved to sit behind him. your hands traveled from his back to in front of him, sliding them down his chest slowly.
“g’morning..” your voice came out in a raspy whisper as you placed your lips right by his ear. you planted a kiss behind it, making your way down to his neck and shoulder.
he tilted his head to the side, giving you more access. your hands continued their actions, their movements causing sunghoon’s face to heat up. he was enjoying this too much.
“mornin’,” he mumbled, quietly hissing after, your kisses and nibbles making him weak.
your continued your wet kisses, making his breath hitch. he would’ve turned around and laid you out on the bed right then and there but he had things planned for the day. ‘things’ meaning his very demanding job.
“what’s planned for today?” you asked, your voice low and seductive.
sunghoon’s hand came to grab yours from his chest, bringing it to his lips, pressing gentle kisses to it.
“the usual. whatever the mangers have on the schedule.”
you hummed in response, hardly listening to whatever he said. you only wanted him and his body against yours so it was hard for you to focus on anything else.
“stay home, baby..”
“what?” he chuckled lightly.
“tell them you can’t make it..” you began kissing down his neck again, this time in all his weakest spots. your hands wandered all over him, making it hard for him to say no.
“please, hoonie? just want you to myself today.” your whiny tone was starting to turn sunghoon on. he exhaled, reaching for his phone on the nightstand.
“you’re lucky i love you.”
⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘ ⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘
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throughthebluesea · 1 year ago
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The Duplicate.
pairing: bada lee x 1million member!reader
word count: 1.6k
genre: just... idk. humor-ish, then fluff? sulky jealous bada, reader is utterly whipped since she sees her girl bada on kingbada so much. this is too cute. moment with 1million crew
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The second season of Street Woman Fighter 2 has been the talk of the town since its premiere, alongside the show's fame is its parody counterpart, which is Street Gagwoman Fighter 2, where a group of Korea's highly respected comediennes come together and do parodies of the actual show's highlights by enjoycouple on Youtube.
As a surprise to the comediennes, Lala, one of the channel's owners, and the one who played as 1MILLION leader Lia Kim's counterpart decides to invite the whole group. Lala and Lia agreed to prank them by switching up during the 'Leader Gagwoman Class'.
You are a huge fan of the said content creators (you watched the first season of the gag show, after all), and you're especially hyped with the cameo you will take part on. The crew instructed not to spoil everything yet until the upload of the said episode. While they were on their way, your phone pings, and as you opened it, it was a message from your girlfriend, Bada.
bada: are you gonna tell me where you guys are off to?
y/n: i wish i could, cutie. :( but it's a surprise!! lia unnie will scold me!
bada: i can convince her to not scold you tho. unnie and i are close.
y/n: ey, don't do that! i'll tell you after it aired. you're gonna love it, i promise. hehe.
Redy then snatches your phone and then sends a picture of the two of you sitting together, posing for fun.
y/n: [image attachment]
y/n: okay love bird, trust y/n-ie. we'll return her to you after - pretty soobin
bada: >:(
"Don't tease her, Binnie! You know how sulky she is when she gets jealous."
Redy then laughs at the older female's remark, then decided to tease you more, "Omo, look at how protective Y/N unnie is to her pretty girlfriend~"
You just huffed in response and then snatched your phone back.
After being escorted inside, they were instructed to wait at one of the rooms with a monitor on where they can watch all the cameras pointing at the comediennes. Their crew were amazed how they all look almost similar to their competitors.
Harimu was laughing over her counterpart, Haribo, as she got almost all of her features, especially the mole on her nose. Amy and Dohee were gushing over your gagwoman counterpart, which is way taller than you and how she had captured your cutesy antics in a funny way.
But your focus is on her girlfriend's gagwoman counterpart, KingBADA, and was shocked by how Bada's counterpart studied her gestures, even the facial expressions and the clothing and hair style that she had during the show.
"Y/N-ah. You need to take a picture with KingBADA after the shoot. She looks exactly like Bada!" Debby said as she clung onto you.
Before even Debby told you that, you already planned on taking a selfie with her as you've become KingBADA's fan instantly.
The comediennes joked and did the mission dances as per usual, and finally, the time came. It was the Leader's Class Mission.
Lala did the signal for her and Lia Kim to switch when she was about to dance, explaining that something happened to her leg braces and need to check for a few minutes. The rest of the 1MILLION crew followed behind their leader after that and stopped just by the backstage so they could wait for their leader's signal to come in.
The switch happened, Smoke plays in the background. Just by hearing the screams of the gagwomen, they already knew that the prank worked, and they all are living for it. They had a huge respect on those who danced to Smoke, because they got the point dances well even though they interpreted it in their own funny way.
They were laughing when the other gagwomen cornered KingBADA after they surround their leader.
"Is it Bada or Mijin?!"
The shoot continued, KingBADA was chosen just like how Bada was chosed as the main dancer for the Leaders' Class. Lia has to act that she's not agreeing with the judge's decision.
"I'll call you out." Lia said after that, it was their cue to enter the scene, surprising the comediennes more. They received cheers as they entered, and their gagwoman counterparts screamed more as they finally saw the real ones.
The rest of 1MILLION settled in the middle of their 'fight zone', and as Smoke plays, all six of you started to dance. You already knew you have to dance well since this is Bada's choreography, and you knew the process of how the routine is made, the details Bada added to the steps, and the overall vibe of the dance.
After the crew dance, they were surrounded by them and hugged them all. 1MILLION also played with their counterparts during the shoot. Harimu posing with Haribo, Redy with AlreadyColLedy, and of course you with your own counterpart. Of course, Lia Kim and NuilLiLia Kim had their own moment, as well.
They gave them gifts, and right after the shoot, they hang out with their counterparts before the finally leave the scene. The members went back to take pictures with them, praising them. You even get to take pictures with KingBADA as well, your crew members tease you more.
"Y/N and KingBADA is the new thang~~"
"Couple of the month???"
You began laughing at your members' feedback, although this doesn't stop her from shifting her attention towards the comedienne, praising her for the almost accurate appearance. Mijin, her real name, thanked your praises and even asked you to send her apologies towards Bada herself. This made you laugh, as well.
When the episode aired, you and Bada decided to watch it together. She was confused as to why you decided to drag her into watching the show. She thought that this is so random, but since it was their free time after SWF2 shoot and activities, she went on with it.
Plus, she can’t resist you. She may be older than you, but she knew you got her wrapped around your finger.
You were both snuggling against each other, and laughed at each scene appearing on the screen. Bada is in awe of how her counterpart got most of her gestures right. “See? Even in Street Gagwoman Fighter 2, I am the main character.” She said with a smug grin.
You squinted your eyes at her playfully but just snuggled up against her while she waited for the switch thing.
The older one had the same reaction when it was revealed that Lia Kim is the one in the middle. She was pretty reactive, and you can’t help but laugh at her. “So this is what Lia unnie said in the Leader’s groupchat…”
Her reactions grew bigger when the rest of 1MILLION entered and danced to Smoke. “HEY, THAT’S MY BABY! SO SEXY!”
“Shush, baby. You’re too loud!”
“Can I not hype my girlfriend? It’s my first time watching you dance to my choreography!”
You looked over at her, seeing her puppy eyes and plump lips formed to a pout. You let out a sigh and just let her do it. You’re just messing with her, anyway. Of course, you’re enjoying when your girlfriend hypes you up. You just hate admitting to it because Bada will never stop teasing you until you begged her to stop.
The special section of the video started when her phone pinged, and you paused the video first since it might be an important message that Bada has received.
It was only a photo tag from Debby, though she checked it because it might be important. There, she saw the pics you guys took during the SGF2 . She swiped at the photo sets and stopped when it’s your picture with KingBADA making a heart sign.
You nervously watched the older look at the picture. Bada then double tapped the post and scoots towards the screen to play the video.
Nervousness kicked inside you since, at first, she was so reactive. But now? Dead silent, especially since there are some scenes in the special video in the end, were yours and KingBADA with the other younger members.
The video ended, and both of you didn't say a thing. You called for her name, but she just turned around, back facing you.
It's back again, her sulk mode. You already knew it when she turned her back at you and no words came out of her after. You let out a sigh and wrapped your arms around her slim waist. Your chin rests just a shy away from her cheek and gazed at her. She was pouting already.
"Baby... Talk to me~"
"Nope. Go talk to that KingBADA of yours..." It came out of her softly. You whined in response and showered her cheeks with light kisses.
"Why would I talk to her when I havethe OG? Hm?" You cooed softly while poking her cheek. "Plus... The OG has my heart, don't you agree? I am hers and hers alone."
She stopped with her whining, and glances at you, her lips still pouting. "You mean that?" She asks softly.
Your gaze softens at your girlfriend, and then nodded firmly before she continued. "Also, the OG can get lots of snuggles and kisses that she deserves. I wonder who that OG was, baby?"
You know that she likes hearing those things from you. Bada may look strong on the outside, but in your presence, she's just a baby. Your baby.
"Me... I'm the OG..." She mumbles softly, and finally turned around to face you and buried her face on your chest. You finally sighed in relief and hugged her body tight. "Good girl."
Bada pulls away slightly to look at you. "I'm sorry if I got jealous..."
"Hey, it's okay. I enjoyed it, though. You looked cute when you get all sulky and jealous."
"Don't tell Lusher and the girls, though. The last time you snitched me on them when I got sulky over your collab choreo with one of the JustJerk members, they didn't stop teasing me for weeks."
You grinned at her playfully, and then you shrugged your shoulders. "I can't promise that, baby. I enjoyed that you're being teased."
- fin.
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den's notes: got this idea from a post of @acebarbziee! i hoped i did justice to the ideaaaaa. also, this is my first time writing a one-shot au in a while, my grammar skills are rusty and this is not proofread. ♡ comments are highly appreciated! ♡ read the special chapter here!
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fairytwles · 12 days ago
kinda out of order and all over the place but SEASON THREE EP 1 AND 2 THOUGHTS:
the scene right after that where everyone is just having a good time is so cutesy and i adored it, it was so nice to see them all so happy because i knew they're gonna get into some fuck shit this season
speaking of cutesy, AKILAHHHHHH
the beef between mari and shauna this season is so fucking funny
I'm overall liking mari a lot more this season too (though it is only the first two episodes so that could change)
"get off of me gaywad!" ok prophet mari
callie and adult shauna my beloved's
she is my baby, my beloved, my pookie, my princess (both teen and adult lottie)
nat looking hot as ever, serving face in the wilderness like its no ones business
three jackie mentions, I'm simply winning
one of those jackie mentions being in an interaction with nat??? jackienat truthers win once again
speaking of nat, her funeral scene made me so :( natalies mom when i fucking catch you
natalie liking swings when she was younger MADE ME SOB FOR SOME REASON
she was just a little girl :((
also nats mugshot had me oh lalaing the entire time
"keep going mar I'll make it two weeks!" made me lol, like ok mom
the thing they had for jackie, javi and wilderness baby :((
also that fucking screaching noise??? what the fuck was that??
natalie, van, gen, and tai having a fucking HOA meeting was hilarious bc yeah, what the hell sure
cutting to coach ben right after natalie said he's def dead was silly
COACH BEN FINDING T H E PIT??? (we're pretty sure)
i need to know rn what else dead cabin guy hid in those woods bc damn they coulda used that shit awhile ago
adult misty made me :((( the entire time
the scene where she just fucking breaks down in walters arms because of nat.... her saying she LOVES HER??? basically mistynat confirmation for me
i feel so bad for her
adult taivan restaurant dine and dash was so silly
except for the part where u know... the waiter fucking died???
he didn't have to be doing all of that though, no way he gets paid enough to chase after people
rip the waiter tho i guess
man with no eyes appearance!!! i honestly forgot abt him
she has done no wrong,
the scenes of her, misty, and callie were one of my favs
i haven't stopped thinking about her in that fucking panda face mask
speaking of callie, mf girlboss, i always believed in you girl
the guts thing?? iconic
out mistying misty herself?? incredible!! who knew it could be done!
adult shauna and jeff at the restaurant with those hotel guys
her calling them out for being nepo babies LMAO adult shauna ily
the bathroom scene was crazy
at first i for sure thought we were getting ghost jackie, but like a different scene from the trailer bc shauna wasn't wearing the same outfit
but then after the phone thing i knew it prob had to do with hillary swank
adult shauna funniest character in the show its true
the whole mari and ben subplot was so silly to me
both of them hobbling away 😭
ben practically put mari on a child leash and that will never not be funny to me
the hot chocolate scene??? eerily similar to jackie's dream sequence 🤔
ben going fucking crazy in the background, god mari is screwed i fear
melissa kissing shauna when she had a knife to her throat was so real, girl would do anything for some lez activity
now with that knowledge i def think hillary swank is adult melissa
cause like?? the cuts between adult shauna trying to figure out who left the phone and young shauna and melissa making out??
it was def melissa who left that phone
im still kinda weary about hillary swank being adult melissa because of the scene in the trailer where she said "wow you guys are really fucking crazy" cause why would melissa say that??
it would have to be someone who wasn't there
so i think melissas sister is prob hillary swank BUT, this episode made me much more confident
plus that imdb thing said hillary swank is melissa but i think I'll have to see it first
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