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ronnydeschepper · 2 years ago
Het Evangelie volgens de Lukas (22): kakkerlakken
Tijdens de volkerenmoord in Rwanda verantwoordden ekstremistische Hoetoes hun moordpartijen met de overspannen haatkreten van Radio Mille Collines: dood aan de kakkerlakken! Roei dat ongedierte uit. Anderhalf miljoen doden later krijgt de Vlaamse animatiefilm Cafard van Jan Bultheel dezelfde titel mee. Wellicht heeft Bultheel niet aan Rwanda gedacht, maar de zinloze slachtpartij van de Groote…
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brookstonalmanac · 7 months ago
Events 8.18 (after 1940)
1940 – World War II: The Hardest Day air battle, part of the Battle of Britain, takes place. At that point, it is the largest aerial engagement in history with heavy losses sustained on both sides. 1945 – Sukarno takes office as the first president of Indonesia, following the country's declaration of independence the previous day. 1945 – Soviet-Japanese War: Battle of Shumshu: Soviet forces land at Takeda Beach on Shumshu Island and launch the Battle of Shumshu; the Soviet Union’s Invasion of the Kuril Islands commences. 1949 – Kemi Bloody Thursday: Two protesters die in the scuffle between the police and the strikers' protest procession in Kemi, Finland. 1950 – Julien Lahaut, the chairman of the Communist Party of Belgium, is assassinated. The Party newspaper blames royalists and Rexists. 1958 – Vladimir Nabokov's controversial novel Lolita is published in the United States. 1958 – Brojen Das from Bangladesh swims across the English Channel in a competition as the first Bengali and the first Asian to do so, placing first among the 39 competitors. 1963 – Civil rights movement: James Meredith becomes the first African American to graduate from the University of Mississippi. 1965 – Vietnam War: Operation Starlite begins: United States Marines destroy a Viet Cong stronghold on the Van Tuong peninsula in the first major American ground battle of the war. 1966 – Vietnam War: The Battle of Long Tan ensues after a patrol from the 6th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment clashes with a Viet Cong force in Phước Tuy Province. 1971 – Vietnam War: Australia and New Zealand decide to withdraw their troops from Vietnam. 1973 – Aeroflot Flight A-13 crashes after takeoff from Baku-Bina International Airport in Azerbaijan, killing 56 people and injuring eight. 1976 – The Korean axe murder incident in Panmunjom results in the deaths of two US Army officers. 1976 – The Soviet Union’s robotic probe Luna 24 successfully lands on the Moon. 1977 – Steve Biko is arrested at a police roadblock under Terrorism Act No. 83 of 1967 in King William's Town, South Africa. He later dies from injuries sustained during this arrest, bringing attention to South Africa's apartheid policies. 1983 – Hurricane Alicia hits the Texas coast, killing 21 people and causing over US$1 billion in damage (1983 dollars). 1989 – Leading presidential hopeful Luis Carlos Galán is assassinated near Bogotá in Colombia. 1993 – American International Airways Flight 808 crashes at Leeward Point Field at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, injuring the three crew members. 2003 – One-year-old Zachary Turner is murdered in Newfoundland by his mother, who was awarded custody despite facing trial for the murder of Zachary's father. The case was documented in the film Dear Zachary and led to reform of Canada's bail laws. 2005 – A massive power blackout hits the Indonesian island of Java; affecting almost 100 million people, it is one of the largest and most widespread power outages in history. 2008 – The President of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf, resigns under threat of impeachment. 2008 – War of Afghanistan: The Uzbin Valley ambush occurs. 2011 – A terrorist attack on Israel's Highway 12 near the Egyptian border kills 16 and injures 40. 2017 – The first terrorist attack ever sentenced as a crime in Finland kills two and injures eight. 2019 – One hundred activists, officials, and other concerned citizens in Iceland hold a funeral for Okjökull glacier, which has completely melted after having once covered six square miles (15.5 km2).
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villefrancois · 4 years ago
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Le héros de Là-haut, par Axel à 7 ans #dessin #drawing #kid #enfant #lahaut #up #pixar https://www.instagram.com/p/CS_B8A7Kv1V/?utm_medium=tumblr
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stluciataxiandtours · 6 years ago
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Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax! St Lucia is the perfect destination for a getaway. We can assure you that your only regret will be, not being able to stay longer. Your experience will be A1! Tag someone you would love to be in St lucia with. 📸@seancogan86 #stlucia #travel #vacation #luxurytravel #getaway #resort #lahaut #pitons #infinitypool #sunset #wanderlust #soufriere #saintlucia #stluciaa1taxiandtours #a1experience (at Soufrière, Saint Lucia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw0NTK5hpDc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1r79a1vjg9m0n
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cyrax-peintures · 3 years ago
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Film La Haut - Toile 50x40 Film à regarder vraiment sympa Quand Carl, un grincheux de 78 ans, décide de réaliser le rêve de sa vie en attachant des milliers de ballons à sa maison pour s'envoler vers l'Amérique du Sud, il ne s'attendait pas à embarquer avec lui Russell, un jeune explorateur de neuf ans, toujours très enthousiaste et assez envahissant… #carl #disneylandparis #disneyland #disney #lahaut #film #mood #moovie #cinema #ballon #acrylique #peinture #cyrax #cyraxpeintures # (à Disney Village) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc1_7_MMMSB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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laboiteameme · 3 years ago
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krystopheoff · 3 years ago
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✨[365 histoires Disney] 10 septembre 2021 Là-haut "La collerette de la honte" @disney @disneyfr #Disney #instadisney #lahaut #up https://www.instagram.com/p/CToSiJpI2Um/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kravicfree · 4 years ago
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Ampoule du ciel - - - #lahaut #gonflable #montgolfière #ibelieveicanfly #poésiedusoir (à Côtes d'Armor) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE2EkySi8r0/?igshid=1fd7o99nb49p7
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loreentattoo · 7 years ago
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doug (là haut), écureuil 🐿. #toulouse #dessin #draw #tattoodraw #flash #sketchtattoo #sketch #sketchbooks #flashtattoo #illustration #disney #pixar #up #lahaut #doug #dug #mp
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monica82movies · 7 years ago
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#up #lahaut #Ellie #carl #ellieandcarladventures #carlandelliefredricksen #elliefredricksen #carlfredricksen #ellieandcarl #carlandellie #trueloveneverdies
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years ago
Events 8.18 (after 1900)
1903 – German engineer Karl Jatho allegedly flies his self-made, motored gliding airplane four months before the first flight of the Wright brothers. 1917 – A Great Fire in Thessaloniki, Greece, destroys 32% of the city leaving 70,000 individuals homeless. 1920 – The Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution is ratified, guaranteeing women's suffrage. 1923 – The first British Track and Field championships for women are held in London, Great Britain. 1933 – The Volksempfänger is first presented to the German public at a radio exhibition; the presiding Nazi Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, delivers an accompanying speech heralding the radio as the ‘eighth great power’. 1937 – A lightning strike starts the Blackwater Fire of 1937 in Shoshone National Forest, killing 15 firefighters within three days and prompting the United States Forest Service to develop their smokejumper program. 1938 – The Thousand Islands Bridge, connecting New York, United States, with Ontario, Canada, over the Saint Lawrence River, is dedicated by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. 1940 – World War II: The Hardest Day air battle, part of the Battle of Britain, takes place. At that point, it is the largest aerial engagement in history with heavy losses sustained on both sides. 1945 – Sukarno takes office as the first president of Indonesia, following the country's declaration of independence the previous day. 1945 – Soviet-Japanese War: Battle of Shumshu: Soviet forces land at Takeda Beach on Shumshu Island and launch the Battle of Shumshu; the Soviet Union’s Invasion of the Kuril Islands commences. 1949 – Kemi Bloody Thursday: two protesters die in the scuffle between the police and the strikers' protest procession in Kemi, Finland. 1950 – Julien Lahaut, the chairman of the Communist Party of Belgium, is assassinated. The Party newspaper blames royalists and Rexists. 1958 – Vladimir Nabokov's controversial novel Lolita is published in the United States. 1958 – Brojen Das from Bangladesh swims across the English Channel in a competition as the first Bengali and the first Asian to do so, placing first among the 39 competitors. 1963 – Civil rights movement: James Meredith becomes the first African American to graduate from the University of Mississippi. 1965 – Vietnam War: Operation Starlite begins: United States Marines destroy a Viet Cong stronghold on the Van Tuong peninsula in the first major American ground battle of the war. 1966 – Vietnam War: The Battle of Long Tan ensues after a patrol from the 6th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment clashes with a Viet Cong force in Phước Tuy Province. 1971 – Vietnam War: Australia and New Zealand decide to withdraw their troops from Vietnam. 1973 – Aeroflot Flight A-13 crashes after takeoff from Baku-Bina International Airport in Azerbaijan, killing 56 people and injuring eight. 1976 – The Korean axe murder incident in Panmunjom results in the deaths of two US Army officers. 1976 – The Soviet Union’s robotic probe Luna 24 successfully lands on the Moon. 1977 – Steve Biko is arrested at a police roadblock under Terrorism Act No. 83 of 1967 in King William's Town, South Africa. He later dies from injuries sustained during this arrest, bringing attention to South Africa's apartheid policies. 1983 – Hurricane Alicia hits the Texas coast, killing 21 people and causing over US$1 billion in damage (1983 dollars). 1989 – Leading presidential hopeful Luis Carlos Galán is assassinated near Bogotá in Colombia. 2003 – One-year-old Zachary Turner is murdered in Newfoundland by his mother, who was awarded custody despite facing trial for the murder of Zachary's father. The case was documented in the film Dear Zachary and led to reform of Canada's bail laws. 2008 – The President of Pakistan, Pervez Musharra, resigns under threat of impeachment. 2008 – War of Afghanistan: The Uzbin Valley ambush occurs. 2011 – A terrorist attack on Israel's Highway 12 near the Egyptian border kills 16 and injures 40. 2017 – The first terrorist attack ever sentenced as a crime in Finland kills two and injures eight.
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guillaumernx · 5 years ago
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Bac de Duclair, vu du clocher de son église... #guillaumernx #duclair #instaduclair #igersrouen #igersfrance #seinemaritime #seine #instanormandy #instanormandie #samsungj7 #lahaut #patrimoinefrancais #sauvegardedupatrimoine #patrimoinenormand #bouclesdelaseine #hautenormandie #happy #jemmerdelespuristes #jemmerdelesrageux #sempiternelphotography #imfinesaveme (à Duclair) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2WE7IOoUBD/?igshid=y68ogaiwqty9
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aforismidiunpazzo · 6 years ago
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Accadde Oggi: 18 Agosto 1950
Julien Lahaut, presidente del Partito Comunista del Belgio, viene assassinato da alcuni esponenti di estrema destra.
Continua su Aforismi di un pazzo.
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krystopheoff · 3 years ago
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✨[365 histoires Disney] 8 septembre 2021 Là-haut "Une drôle de rencontre" @disney @disneyfr #Disney #instadisney #lahaut #up https://www.instagram.com/p/CTjKeWOHy7p/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cinaraslan · 2 years ago
📗Julien Lahaut (6 Eylül 1884, Seraing - 18 Ağustos 1950, Seraing Belçikalı komünist parlamenter, Belçika Komünist Partisi başkanı ve II. Dünya Savaşı sırasında faşizme karşı direniş kahramanı
Lahaut direniş sırasında Naziler tarafından tutuklandı, yoğun işkence gördü ve Mauthausen toplama kampında kaldı. Savaştan sonra Belçika'ya döndü ve komünist partisinin başına geçti. 11 Ağustos 1950'de I. Baudouin'in parlamentoda Belçika kralı olacağını duyurmasından sonra bir komünist parlamenter "Vive la République!" (Yaşasın Cumhuriyet!) diye bağırmış bunu Lahaut izlemişti. Bundan birkaç gün önce Belçika'ya monarşinin, özellikle de Nazilerle iş birliği yapan kral III. Léopold'ün geri dönmemesi için 500.000 kişinin katıldığı bir grev yapılmıştı. Bundan bir hafta sonra Lahaut evinin önünde iki kişi tarafından vurularak öldürüldü. Belçikalı bir kralcı olan François Goossens daha sonra suikastı yapanlardan biri olarak yakalandı. Suikastın üzerine bütün ülkede grevler yapıldı ve cenaze törenine 150.000 kişi katıldı
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monica82movies · 8 years ago
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#lahaut #up #trueloveneverdies #Disney
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