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postcard-from-the-past · 1 year ago
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Pilgrimage site Sanctuary of Our Lady of Laghet in La Trinité, Provence region of France
French vintage postcard
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gracie-bird · 8 months ago
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Princess Grace and her son Prince Albert in Lourdes Sanctuary in July 1979.
Princess Grace was indeed very committed to humanitarian causes, in the name of an ardent Christian faith which was expressed in particular during personal pilgrimages to the Marian shrine of Laghet, in the diocese of Nice, or more officially in Lourdes (our photo: during the Eucharistic procession, in the company of Prince Albert, in July 1979). “We have few photos of Princess Grace in prayer because she wanted to blend in with the pilgrims, immerse herself in intimacy with the Virgin in the heart of the Trinity, without ostentation, humbly, far from the curious,” recalls the Canon César Penzo, chaplain of the Palace, who had the privilege of accompanying him to the grotto of Lourdes.
Today very old and faithful to the memory of the princess, Father Penzo testifies to the attachment of Grace of Monaco to the sanctuary of Laghet, where she went "in secret", "seeking not to be noticed in order to be able to live his faith freely, like any Christian, concerned only with remaining under the gaze of God.” There, in silence and discretion, the princess entrusted to the intercession of the Mother of God all the people in her care, particularly within the framework of the World Association of Friends of Childhood, founded by her in 1963. She also prayed for her own children, Caroline, Albert and Stéphanie.
“We have no photos of her at the sanctuary, but we know well that she came there privately, especially since Prince Albert did his retreat in preparation for the profession of faith in Laghet and the princely family is very spiritually attached to this holy place,” confides Father Jean-Marie Tschann, former rector of the sanctuary located only a dozen kilometres from Monaco. He remembers the inauguration of the new sanctuary organ, in the presence of Prince Albert II. Father Tschann also points out that Princess Charlène, wife of Prince Albert, having given birth to twins, a year and a half after her pilgrimage to Lourdes in May 2012, went to Laghet to light two candles, in thanksgiving.
“The origins of the Laghet sanctuary are also historically linked to Monaco due to two miracles that occurred in 1652, attributed to the intercession of the Virgin, whose statue enthroned in a small chapel which was subsequently restored and transformed into a church around 1656,” says the former rector, referring to the case of a person cured of leprosy and that of another freed after being captured by Barbary pirates. Monegasques have continued to frequent Laghet since then, in particular during the diocesan pilgrimage organized each year with which the soul of Princess Grace is certainly associated.
Pilgrims also flock from Piedmont, led by members of the royal family of Savoy, from the regent Christine of France, sister of Louis XIII, with her young son Charles-Emmanuel II, in the 17th century, to Prince Victor-Emmanuel, current pretender to the throne of Italy, and his son Emmanuel-Philibert, also devotees of Our Lady of Laghet, like Princess Grace.
Source: https://francois-vayne.com/grace-de-monaco-et-notre-dame
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martinwilliammichael · 7 months ago
France's "small Lourdes" near Nice
Situated at an altitude of over 300 meters, the Shrine of Our Lady of Laghet, in the diocese of Nice (southern France), has a rich history. A chapel existed in the 15th century, and probably as early as the 11th century. The chapel became a place of miracles when, for more than 25 years, a priest from Eze, Don Jacques Figuiera, lovingly cared for it. 
One after another, in the early days of 1652, “prodigies” took place:
- Casanova, suffering from leprosy, was cured by asking the Virgin Mary's intercession as soon as he heard about the chapel;
- Shortly afterwards, also in Monaco, a widow decided, on the advice of a maid from La Turbie, to go to Laghet for nine consecutive days, to ask for the release of her only son who had fallen into the hands of pirates. Warned in a dream, on the second day she actually saw her son return even before the end of her novena;
- the beneficiary of the 3rd miracle was a family from the nearby village of La Turbie. Jacques Aicard had a daughter, Marie, who was mentally disturbed, epileptic and possessed. He begged Don Fighiera to come and pray for her in Laghet. The priest came and immediately the little girl was cured.
Pilgrims flocked from Nice, Monaco, Ventimiglia, San Remo and Oneille. The local bishop, Msgr de Palletis, faithful to the Council of Trent (1545-1663), asked a commission of theologians, assisted by a lawyer and a doctor, to investigate the “facts of Laghet”. Twenty-two of the 36 allegations made over 18 months were found to be true, with neither undesirable agitation nor questionable practices. The devotion was officially approved on December 26, 1653.
Today, diocesan priests and a community of Benedictine nuns of the Sacred Heart of Montmartre run the shrine, which continues to attract visitors from all backgrounds. It offers customized retreats, stays, and personal accompaniment, in a sunny setting pervaded by great Marian peace.
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notrebellefrance · 2 years ago
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Les plus anciennes traces d’occupation des sols sur la commune remontent au néolithique vers 2000 ans avant J.-C. au Mont Bastide. A l’âge du fer les Celto-Ligures , populations pastorales de la région, élèvent de nombreux castellaras. Ces enceintes en blocs de pierres sèches étaient généralement construites sur des hauteurs comme à l’emplacement du village ou du Mont Bastide qui domine, à 567 m. d’altitude, la mer et la voie héracléenne. La commune et ses alentours seront aussi occupés par les Romains et les Gallo-Romains.
Le nom d’Eze viendrait soit du port d’Avisio, situé dans la baie de Saint-Laurent d’Eze mentionné dans l’itinéraire maritime d’Antonin, soit comme le rapporte la tradition orale, de la déesse Isis que les Phéniciens auraient vénérée sur le rocher.
Avec la fin de l’Empire romain, la région est traversée par des vagues d’invasions barbares qui obligent les populations à réoccuper ces sites. Eze acquiert vite son caractère défensif.
Peu après l’établissement du village, les Ezasques subissent au Xe siècle l’occupation des Maures. Pendant près de quatre-vingts ans ces derniers, établis au Fraxinet derrière Saint-Tropez, rançonnent les populations du Sud-Est. Guillaume de Provence et ses alliés mettent fin à leurs exactions vers 973. Au milieu du Moyen Age, Eze s’étend de la mer jusqu’à la rive droite du Paillon, comprend le prieuré de Saint-Laurent d’Eze ainsi que les localités de La Trinité et de Laghet qui seront détachées en 1818 par décret du comte de Savoie, Victor Emmanuel Ier.
A partir de 1388, Eze appartient à la Maison de Savoie. Dès lors sa destinée sera liée à la politique de ce petit royaume souvent opposé à la France. Conscients de l’intérêt stratégique du Comté de Nice, leur seule ouverture maritime, les comtes de Savoie améliorent les fortifications d’Eze et protègent la cité d’une double porte fortifiée, « la Poterne ».
Ils apportent aussi de nombreuses modifications au Château, bâti dans le courant du XIIe siècle, afin de l’adapter aux progrès de l’artillerie.
Cet édifice a toujours relevé de l’autorité supérieure quelle soit de Provence ou de Savoie.
En 1543 La flotte turque et son allié français commandés par Barberousse dans leur lutte contre Charles Quint, s’emparent du village.
En 1706, Louis XIV porte un coup décisif à la cité pendant la guerre de Succession d’Espagne en ordonnant la destruction des remparts et du château afin de supprimer un éventuel point de résistance entre Villefranche et Monaco.
Des vestiges de lignes fortifiées en pierres sèches témoignent aussi de la présence sur la commune de troupes françaises, alliées cette fois, pendant la guerre de Succession d’Autriche au milieu du XVIIIe siècle.
Entre la Révolution française et la fin du Ier Empire la commune est annexée à la France et y est définitivement rattachée après le vote à l’unanimité des Ezasques les 15 et 16 avril 1860.
En dépit des aléas de l’histoire, la vie des habitants, rythmée par le cours des saisons, a peu évolué jusqu’à l’époque moderne. Pendant une partie du Moyen Age la commune est aux mains de quelques familles seigneuriales dont les noms résonnent toujours dans les ruelles : Riquier, d’Eze, Badat, Blacas… Avant le Xe siècle, Eze, comme Nice et une quinzaine villages, appartenaient à une seule famille apparentée au comte de Provence.
Au fil des ans, donations, mariages et legs mirent fin à l’indivis des communes.
Ces seigneurs, puis les comtes de Savoie eurent régulièrement des heurts, parfois violents, avec la Communauté au sujet des droits de moyenne ou de haute justice.
Si le rôle des juges préoccupait peu les Ezasques, il n’en était pas de même de celui du bayle chargé de la basse justice . Ce personnage choisi par le comte veillait en effet à l’application des lois, constatait les infractions telles le non paiement des tasques sur les productions agricoles, la production de chaux, ou le non respect des bandites ou bandita, ces pâturages réservés à des propriétaires de troupeaux.
Jusqu’à la fin de la première guerre mondiale, les Ezasques vivaient surtout du revenu de leur terre complété par l’élevage de quelques chèvres, brebis et, dans une moindre mesure, du vers à soie. La culture sur « planches », ces parcelles soutenues de murets en pierres sèches nécessitait de nombreux efforts. L’hiver était essentiellement consacré à leur remise en état. Sur ces reliefs escarpés, l’âne, cet animal à tout faire, fournissait une aide appréciable. Il n’était pas rare d’en croiser chargés de légumes ou de fruits, fèves, pois chiches, courges, noix, amandes… sur le chemin du village ou d’un marché voisin. Parmi les arbres fruitiers, certains étaient plus précieux que d’autres, le figuier (la figuiera), le caroubier, la vigne (la souca), l’olivier et les agrumes, cédrats, orangers ou citronniers. Rien d’étonnant donc que l’on ait très tôt cherché à les mettre sous la protection de saints.
Dans le comté de Nice on invoquait volontiers saint Grat contre les maladies des végétaux. Son portrait figure sur un des retables de l’église aux côtés de saint Sébastien que l’on priait pour se protéger de la peste. Peu à peu, les cultures vivrières ont cédé la place à celle des fleurs, des œillets en particulier.
Avec l’arrivée dans le village du Prince Guillaume de Suède et des musiciens Balokovic et Barlow dans les années folles, tous séduits après George Sand et Friedrich Nietzsche, par la luminosité et la majesté du lieu, la commune s’ouvre timidement au tourisme.
Eze Bord de Mer, desservi par le chemin de fer, se développe à l’abri d’une pinède. Artistes et artisans s’installent dans le village
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eeti-of-home-cove · 8 years ago
Code Yellow [pt 4]
Laghet looped the hanging cord tighter around his broad hand as the transport trembled with the effort of taking off. The lights dimmed somewhat and it became more apparent that there was a faint circular green glow through the clothes hanging over his front. He squinted at the small, hovering robot; his curiosity won over his standoffishness. 
“What is that?” he grunted. “A strange thing for a human like yourself to have, it is.”
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falcemartello · 4 years ago
Se ci fossero ancora aperti i canali vinciani nel centro di Milano (chiusi negli anni ‘30), scaricherebbero il meglio appena dietro del Duomo (Post Laghet 1850)
Un nuovo Einstein non si sa ma certamente un nuovo assassino si!
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vegiamilan · 5 years ago
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La Martesana 3
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sen-solaan · 8 years ago
Yellow Alert [Part 6]
For once appearing sheepish - the slightest bit sheepish - Solaan listened to reason and stayed behind the shields. The battle raged well enough even behind the shields. He danced about Laghet and Nova, taking shots at the nearest enemies just beyond the shield... though the amount of times he danced behind Laghet and Nova suggested his proximity was out of self-preservation. Apparently, even with shield cover, he did not want a repetition of his last two near-injuries.
Not as though his outer confidence was diminished that much, though. He still let out a wild whoop when his left gun somehow managed to target one of the enemies and blast them straight in the chest. The assailant staggered backward, protected by their armor, but still noticeably knocked back by Solaan’s shot. “Whooooooot! Didja see that? Right in the center!” he shrieked, then tried to follow that up with a blast from his right hand. It shot off clear to the side, blasting a hole in a distant wall.
Sand puffed upwards and glass shattered in sudden bursts as shots rained down from their enemies. Lights flashed, shields shimmered as they absorbed enemy fire, and the noise of battle grew to great intensity. Solaan could see beyond the shields the trading base their attackers had overrun: an outpost of square sides and blocky shapes and uninspired architecture. Across raised platforms and on top of roofs, he could see more of their enemies - though their appearance still remained unclear in the havoc.
At that moment an unfamiliar voice cracked through Solaan’s channel. It took him a moment to register what he had heard. In the midst of battle, he could barely make out the mayday on the other end. “...assailants overpo...er us... ...n’t hold... much lo...ger... ...at the central building... near top of tower... help...”
Solaan’s eyes could not widen - he had no eyelids - but he stared toward the base with an expression no one could mistake for anything else other than surprise. He could fill in the missing words of the transmission fairly clearly, at least to an accurate extent: The assailants overpowering us. We can’t hold on much longer. We’re at the central building near the top of the tower. Please help us.
“There’s still some civilians inside!” he screeched, forgetting he was in the middle of danger and jumping out from behind Laghet’s cover. He almost stumbled beyond the shields yet again. But at this point, Solaan could not care. “Come on come on come on come on, we have to go to the center of the outpost now! I know what they said - I know what you all said - stay behind the shields, fire at them from here - but we need to go in there! We need to save them!”
He looked to Laghet, and Nova, and Josh, and Blasto, and the tall tree-like being which had called itself Kroot. “Are you with me? Are you with me??? We need to go there now! I’m going now whether you come with me or not!!!”
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welcometothecollective · 8 years ago
Yellow Alert [Conclusion]
Stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop.... err..//
initialize quarantine 3329-55839
soft reset......
Too many variables, conflict must end. Chance of collateral damage/friendly fire calculating...
3.78447% chance with a 0.00003% margin of error
Inform Kyrdar all units are beyond firing zone. Account for sensor disarray if allies are damaged. 
Kyrdar, all friendlies are beyond the safe zone, Ichaival array is initializing final firing sequence, awaiting your go ahead.
The Sangheili general only gave a slight not in response before ordering the rear guard to begin retreating to transport ships. 
Initializing fast response and rescue mode drones... maintain mobile shield over 2 combatants within firing radius... further reduce chance of collateral. 
 4 small hovering drones whisked out one of the Hub transports bay doors beyond the line of skirmish, each carrying a blue sphere that refracted and distorted light at odd angles. They flew to the two volunteers, Laghet and “proxy,” each drone dropping it’s payload in a square surrounding the two as they fended off fire from a raider attack.
Remain where you are, this area is about to be cleansed. 
The orbs began flaring up with even more light, giving off an illusion of warping the world around them. A singular aura flared up above them, resolving itself into a small hemisphere above the two volunteers. 
The remaining militia behind the main shield batteries eyed the sky, the field commanders waiting and watching expectantly. This in turn caused everyone else to look up as the EIA drones adjusted the shield directional control slightly skyward, the hue changing from a blue to a golden white. 
In orbit around the planet was a three armed satellite, positioned directly above the trading outpost. It had a central ring of metal, surrounding more concentric rings each sprouting off antennas and dishes all pointed towards the planet. The three arms bent off at acute angles, the insides of them facing the rings were glowing orange. Emblazoned along one of the arms was the word “Ichaival.”
A small red mote of light began to form in the sky as the Ichaival Array fired, small pinpoint dots scattered about the outpost from the Arrays central canon. As it charged the dots grew in size, smoke and ash rose into the sky and the metal and sand below them grew molten. Within the course of a minute the city was leveled and most of it had turned to slag. The glowing barrier inside housing the two volunteers was the only spot that remained uncharred. The four hovering drones offered them assistance back to the transport ships. 
There was a bustling chatter on the ships as they returned through the jump pads to the Hub, for many this was their first actual experience with combat. The seasoned veterans recounted their kills, going over the most tense moments with each other. The raider Joshua had apprehended was being restrained by a plethora of EIA drone variants, each subjecting it to a different battery of physical tests. They were awaiting the return to the Hub before beginning the actual interrogation. 
The 13 ships landed in the Hub main docks around the equator of the artificial moon without issue and the volunteers were able to return to their daily routines. They were informed of a mandatory debriefing from the Collective in their personal quarters at their leisure but were otherwise back to normal, whatever “normal” happened to be on the Hub.  
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adrianomaini · 7 years ago
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L'immagine dei primi '900 raffigura un gruppo di allieve dell'Istituto femminile di Maria Ausiliatrice della cittadina ligure di Vallecrosia (IM) in occasione (sfruttando la nuova Strada Costiera, la "Strada della Cornice" iniziata da Napoleone I...) di un viaggio [ su "piccola" ma importante parte della linea turistica fascinosa di quel Grand Tour scoperto per primi dagli stranieri...]  al "Santuario di N. S. del Laghetto (Notre Dame du Laghet)",  località sita nel retroterra transalpino alle spalle di Monaco e La Turbie...
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lukebadcoe · 7 years ago
1900 FRANCE Our Lady of Laghet Sanctuary Christian Antique Medal Pendant i63530
1900 FRANCE Our Lady of Laghet Sanctuary Christian Antique Medal Pendant i63530
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See it here here: http://www.ebay.com/itm/1900-FRANCE-Our-Lady-of-Laghet-Sanctuary-Christian-Antique-Medal-Pendant-i63530-/232484811492?hash=item36212cb2e4:g:lUkAAOSwEWtZtq7F
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POST BY: Mr. Ilya Zlobin, world-renowned expert numismatist, enthusiast, author and dealer of authentic ancient Greek, ancient Roman, ancient Byzantine, biblical world coins & more.
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September 11, 2017 at 06:39AM from Ancient Coin Investing and Collecting www.trustedcoins.com - Feed http://www.ancientcoininvesting.com/2017/09/11/1900-france-our-lady-of-laghet-sanctuary-christian-antique-medal-pendant-i63530/ via http://www.ancientcoininvesting.com http://fastchariotcoins.blogspot.com/2017/09/1900-france-our-lady-of-laghet.html from Blogger http://lukebadcoe.blogspot.com/2017/09/1900-france-our-lady-of-laghet.html
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bailleymckelvey · 7 years ago
1900 FRANCE Our Lady of Laghet Sanctuary Christian Antique Medal Pendant i63530
1900 FRANCE Our Lady of Laghet Sanctuary Christian Antique Medal Pendant i63530
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See it here here: http://www.ebay.com/itm/1900-FRANCE-Our-Lady-of-Laghet-Sanctuary-Christian-Antique-Medal-Pendant-i63530-/232484811492?hash=item36212cb2e4:g:lUkAAOSwEWtZtq7F
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POST BY: Mr. Ilya Zlobin, world-renowned expert numismatist, enthusiast, author and dealer of authentic ancient Greek, ancient Roman, ancient Byzantine, biblical world coins & more.
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September 11, 2017 at 11:39AM
1900 FRANCE Our Lady of Laghet Sanctuary Christian Antique Medal Pendant i63530 See more on: Ancient Coins I Just Listed on eBay
from Ancient Greek Roman Coins - Feed http://www.ancientgreekromancoins.com/2017/09/11/1900-france-our-lady-of-laghet-sanctuary-christian-antique-medal-pendant-i63530/ via http://www.ancientgreekromancoins.com http://raregoldancientcointrader.blogspot.com/2017/09/1900-france-our-lady-of-laghet.html from Blogger http://bailleymckelvey.blogspot.com/2017/09/1900-france-our-lady-of-laghet.html
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fastchariotcoins · 7 years ago
1900 FRANCE Our Lady of Laghet Sanctuary Christian Antique Medal Pendant i63530
1900 FRANCE Our Lady of Laghet Sanctuary Christian Antique Medal Pendant i63530
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See it here here: http://www.ebay.com/itm/1900-FRANCE-Our-Lady-of-Laghet-Sanctuary-Christian-Antique-Medal-Pendant-i63530-/232484811492?hash=item36212cb2e4:g:lUkAAOSwEWtZtq7F
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POST BY: Mr. Ilya Zlobin, world-renowned expert numismatist, enthusiast, author and dealer of authentic ancient Greek, ancient Roman, ancient Byzantine, biblical world coins & more.
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September 11, 2017 at 06:39AM from Ancient Coin Investing and Collecting www.trustedcoins.com - Feed http://www.ancientcoininvesting.com/2017/09/11/1900-france-our-lady-of-laghet-sanctuary-christian-antique-medal-pendant-i63530/ via http://www.ancientcoininvesting.com
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missmelancholya · 4 years ago
Ti piacciono le stronze?! Bene, posso essere quello che vuoi tesoro.
Con gli altri lo sono e non è una recita, e tu che mi dici “sono così con tutti”. Forse dovrei essere anche io così con te come con tutti.
Non so perché con te ho sempre portato così tanto rispetto. Sei un umano, pieno di problemi. Mediamente sfigato. Perso. Perso nel nulla cazzo. E mentre lo dico ti amo con ogni parte di me... ma così non funziona. Non mi piace perdere. Vuoi vedere l’altra facciata della luna?! Te la farò vedere.
L’unica cosa che volevo era essere considerata non solo “ogni tanto”, ti avevo messo su un piedistallo. Ho aspettato ore, una notte intera di ritardo. Giorni in cui non rispondi, momenti in cui non saluti e poi dal nulla “ehi come stai?!” Ma come sto cosa?! Ma vaffanculo. Sto che ti penso sempre. So che sono stata carina... che ho cercato sempre di evitare di farti sentire a disagio. Ti ho trattato come nessuno mai. Nessuno. Nessuno cazzo. Speciale?! A dir poco, trattamento di lusso super vip e tu non hai minimamente voluto degnarmi manco di conoscermi come persona, mai domande su di me, mai un interesse... quando volevo saltarti addosso (perché cazzo, la cosa che forse più mi tiene ancora legata è quel feeling sessuale allucinante, che ... in realtà è anche troppo breve. Breve ma intenso. Poi scompari. Riassume te come persona.) mi son sempre tirata indietro, e ho aspettato di farlo in un momento opportuno. In giro non solo ti lascio i tuoi spazi, mi levo proprio dalle palle. Forse ho sbagliato. Forse ho proprio sbagliato a darti rispetto. Sei uno di quelli da relazione laghet probabilmente, mega insicuro e pieno di paranoie. In pratica mi tocca sempre mettere i pantaloni. Ho sempre rifiutato di partecipare a questa partita ridicola di potere, ora accetto il gioco. Tanto non ho nulla da perdere io, tu si. Perché se gioco, quando ho vinto, per me resta un gioco. Ho il mio trofeo e basta. Io ci avevo messo il cuore, ma non ti è mai interessato. Non conosci certi lati di me perché ho scelto di non mostrarteli. Ho voluto essere vera, sincera e a te non va bene così. Te vuoi farti del male cazzo. Non vuoi sistemarti la testa. Te lo faccio io il male. Ma giuro che sarò delicata, solo perché in realtà è proprio l unica cosa che avrei voluto evitare e sella quale avresti bisogno. Maledetto. Mi hai trattato come un giochino insignificante, ora io giocherò con te. Che ti sia di lezione, mi dissero che alle volte per far capire le cose a qualcuno sono necessarie per forza le maniera forti se no non capiscono. Credo tu sia uno di quelli.
Quando vincerò, prima di andarmene dalla tua vita, con il mio cuore spezzato in mano (si farà male anche a me) ti spiegherò il perché, ti farò capire che facendo così hai perso una bella persona e hai guadagnato una stronza falsa che vuole solo scoparti. La mia maschera tesoro. Ma neanche così tanto maschera, di base sono così se non c’è cuore. Spero che imparerai così la prossima ragazza sincera che incontrerai potrà averti e potrai essere felice. Vaffanculo pure quando sono stronza alla fine sono solo giusta: un cuore di panna acido.
Sei nei miei riflettori.
Inizia la sfida.
Play a game.
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vekkvlog · 5 years ago
Come facilitare il cambio acqua in acquario con Hygger - pompa da laghet...
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eeti-of-home-cove · 8 years ago
Code Yellow [pt 2]
“You won’t like it,” a voice grumbled from down the hallway, coming from a rather sizeable dark-furred being entering the room with a thick half cloak and a very wide, flat hat shading his face, head roughly level with his shoulders. He tipped his head up from the infographic displayed on the dirty, scuffed screen he was holding, and his far-spread black eyes glinted with foreboding. “These monsters...I know them, no more than this Collective does. I have seen them...” He came to a stop in front of the duo at the head of the very small group that had gathered in front of the hologram. He was a good two heads taller than any of them. His broad jaw twisted slightly, showing disapproval. “The Hub does not like putting their life on the line, it seems,” he huffed, tucking the screen away into the draping gray folds of his clothing. “Shame...”
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