solaraurora · 17 days
I haven't seen Magic Knight Rayearth in so long & I was finally able to watch it again! this is the most beautiful anime ever & my absolute favorite! I feel like it's so underrated it really deserves so much love. ❤️💙💚 
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I loved everything about this anime. the characters were absolutely the heart of the show. they were so wonderful, a lot of them were so fun, & some of them had so much depth being more complex than others. the fantasy world was beautiful. the overall story was beautiful & fun, but also so depressing. 
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Lantis was always my favorite character. he was so beautiful & perfect. he carried so much sadness but was still always so kind. all he wanted was to spare someone else from the suffering & sacrifice of being the new pillar. he never wanted anyone else ending up like Emeraude & his brother. 🖤
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the romance aspect of the anime is what really drew me in. love is portrayed as something so precious that can save the world but also brought so much heartache & sorrow. the tragic romance with Zagato & Princess Emeraude was so heartbreaking. when it was revealed they were in love & Zagato only wanted to save her from the burden of being the pillar I was almost in tears. it took death for them to finally be together in love. they really deserved better. 💔 
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I loved watching Lantis & Hikaru slowly fall in love with each other but having such a hard time admitting their feelings for each other, Hikaru especially being afraid of her feelings for him. Lantis was always so soft & gentle with her. their relationship was written so beautifully. I was so happy when they confessed their love but so frustrated with how it ended. I really wanted to see them together. I need a continuation of this anime with the girls back in Cephiro, & Hikaru & Lantis reunited! 
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also I loved Eagle so much! his death completely devastated me! he was such a good friend to Hikaru & Lantis despite being on the other side of war. he was a kind heart & a pure soul. I miss him. 💔
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sublimepizzastarfish · 2 months
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he handsome af 😍
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The original post is by  コトブキ*通販中アカイズアンソロ@yunchatta2
I happened to see an artwork of the under appreciated Lafarga.  The devoted sword master who protects Cephiro without magic. He is also a true warrior.
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Paco LaFarga
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As long as there is love, there will be grief. The grief of time passing, of life moving on half-finished, of empty spaces that were once bursting with the laughter and energy of people we loved. As long as there is love there will be grief because grief is love's natural continuation.
It shows up in the aisles of stores we once frequented, in the half-finished bottle of wine we pour out, in the whiff of cologne we get two years after they've been gone.
Grief is a giant neon sign, protruding through everything, pointing everywhere, broadcasting loudly, "Love was here." In the finer print, quietly, "Love still is."
- Heidi Priebe
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youreaclownnow · 7 months
There's something really funny about inouva being a gift to zagato by emeraude. Like you'd think she'd give him something cute or sweet but no. Here my high priest please have this giant and dangerous elemental btw he's also a faggot
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d-criss-news · 2 years
Via Nina Lafarga's Instagram Story (December 11th, 2022)
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paco lafarga
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gaypixelfakes · 11 months
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-Claudio Lafarga
All my fakes uncensored on: gaypixelfakes.blogspot.com
Follow me on twitter: Gaypixelfakes
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medium-observation · 4 months
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Hadestown - Broadway
May 29, 2024 - Medium Observation
Jordan Fisher (Orpheus), Isa Briones (Eurydice), Phillip Boykin (Hades), Ani DiFranco (Persephone), Jon Jon Briones (Hermes), Jessie Shelton (Fate), Kay Trinidad (Fate), Brit West (Fate), Malcolm Armwood (Worker), Say Oni (Worker), Emily Afton (Worker), Alex Puette (Worker), Grace Yoo (Worker)
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near perfect capture of this incredible cast. there is a brief 30 second blackout at the end of road to hell. some readjusting and shakiness is seen throughout. includes we raise our cups.
NFT Date: December 1st, 2024
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Video is $20
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Wicked - Second US National Tour (Munchkinland)
February 4, 2024 - Medium Observation
Olivia Valli (Elphaba), Celia Hottenstein (Glinda), Christian Thompson (Fiyero), Timothy Shew (The Wizard), Kathy Fitzgerald (Madame Morrible), Tara Kostmayer (Nessarose), Kyle McArthur (Boq), David Kaverman (u/s Doctor Dillamond), Mitchell Tobin (Chistery), Jane Brockman (Midwife), Alexia Acebo (Witch's Mother), Wayne Schroder (Witch's Father/Ozian Official), Colin LeMoine (Ensemble), Marie Eife (Ensemble), Anthony Lee Bryant (s/w Ensemble), Jenny Florkowski (s/w Ensemble), Kelly Lafarga (s/w Ensemble), Marina Lazzaretto (s/w Ensemble), Ben Susak (s/w Ensemble)
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fantastic video of Christian's last fiyero on tour. there can be a head seen the bottom of the screen but it never takes away from the video. there is some shakiness and readjusting throughout.
NFT Date: December 1st, 2024
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Video is $20
Videos can be purchased through me at
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lodisenso · 7 months
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Paco Lafarga
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boymagicalgirl · 2 years
The names in Magic Knight Rayearth are so funny to me. Like how are you gonna think Hikaru is a weird name when your name is Clef and you know a mf named Zagato or Lafarga like ??
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patmlz · 5 months
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Fotografías de Sandra Jimena Bolaños Lafarga
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sociedadnoticias · 7 months
Nombra BBVA Allianz a Pablo Lafarga como nuevo Director de Negocio
Lafarga se incorpora a la entidad en sustitución de Carles Alsina, a quien relevará también en el Comité de Dirección de la joint venture. Por Verónica Estrada | Reportera BBVA Allianz, la "joint venture" de bancaseguros de BBVA y Allianz, ha nombrado a Pablo Lafarga como su nuevo Director de Negocio (CBO), en sustitución de Carles Alsina. Lafarga, cuenta con una amplia experiencia en el sector…
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duartejrtrd · 1 year
El día de hoy les hablaré sobre el significado de la canción de Lamberto Quintero escrita y cantada por Antonio Aguilar
El nombre de este narcotraficante se hizo viral debido a que un día como hoy, de hace algunas décadas, fue asesinado.
Es una historia basada en hechos reales de narcotraficante hecha para un narcocorrido interpretado por Antonio Aguilar, sobre el día en que murió. En el narcocorrido se describe que un 28 de enero, a Lamberto Quintero lo seguía una camioneta. Posteriormente, menciona que muy cerca de un lugar llamado El Salado, culiacan cerca de las salidas se escucharon dos metralletas R-15. “A un muerto enemigo de Lamberto quisiera que fuera cuento, pero señores es cierto.
Cada año, Lamberto es recordado por el famoso narcocorrido que habla sobre el día en que fue asesinado, interpretado por Antonio Aguilar, quien fue uno de los máximos representantes del género ranchero en México. En el corrido también se narra la manera en la que fue asesinado el narcotraficante, por una familia, considerada su enemiga.
Quintero Payán fue considerado uno de los narcotraficantes más famosos en México, durante su época, en todo el país. Además, fue tío de Rafael Caro Quintero, otro de los narcotraficantes más sonados en México, y quien más tarde fundaría el Cártel de Guadalajara
Lamberto Quintero fue tan famoso, que incluso se filmaron dos películas en su honor, en las que se narra que era una persona muy importante en su localidad, y cómo todas las personas recurrían a él, buscando ayuda. En el corrido también se narra la enemistad que existía entre Lamberto y los agresores que lograron su muerte. Murió asesinado en una balacera el 28 de enero de 1976. Cabe destacar que en la misma, también pereció “El Chito” Lafarga, uno de sus principales adversarios.
El cuerpo de Quintero Payán fue trasladado a la Clínica Santa María, en el centro de Culiacán, Sinaloa, sin embargo, no resistió y murió al poco tiempo. Sus restos se encuentra descansando en el Panteón Jardines de Humaya, en Culiacán, Sinaloa.
Cómo último dato Lamberto Quintero fue el que inicio la dinastía del narcotráfico y narcocorridos. Cada 28 de enero es recordado.
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wotakugo · 1 year
Magic Knight Raryearth quotes taken from characters: Mokona. Umi Ryuuzaki. Fuu Hououji. Hikaru Shidou. Presea. Master Mage Clef. Eagle. Rayearth. Princess Emeraude. Alcyone. Ascot. Caldina. Zagato. Lafarga. Ferio. Primera. Zazu. Magic Knight Rayearth is an old school, classic series from the 1990s. It was one of the original influences for the Isekai genre, with the plot taking place in another world where 3 girls become magic knights. Hikaru Shidou is fiery, passionate, caring, a tomboy, and knows how to fight. Fuu is empathetic, gentle, feminine, and intelligent. Umi is the “big sister” type who wants to lead by example and is easily offended. These magic knight rayearh quotes reflect these personalities, plus other characters’ personalities, and the critical moments in this anime series that makes each quote relevant and even inspiring. Here’s a list! Magic Knight Rayearth Quotes: “We are the Magic Knights, chosen by fate to save this world.” – Hikaru Shidou “Even in the darkest of times, hope will never fade.” – Fuu Hououji “If you don’t try to make your dreams come true, they’ll remain dreams forever.” – Umi Ryuuzaki “We cannot change the past, but we can change the future.” – Clef “The most valuable treasure is not gold or jewels, but the people we hold dear to our hearts.” – Clef “The power to change the world lies within each and every one of us.” – Presea “Strength comes not from physical capacity, but from an indomitable will.” – Zagato “There is no such thing as a coincidence in this world, only inevitability.” – Princess Emeraude “Remember this… No matter where you go, the strength of your mind and spirit is the most powerful magic of all.” – Princess Emeraude “Sometimes, the most important battles are the ones fought within ourselves.” – Princess Emeraude “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Lantis “A heart that believes in love will never be defeated.” – Ascot “Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.” – Caldina “You’d risk your life for a couple chicks you just met? You nuts?!” – Caldina “The beauty of life lies in the journey, not just the destination.” – Eagle “If we can face our fears and confront our inner demons, we can overcome any obstacle.” – Alcyone “There is no limit to what we can accomplish when we work together.” – Rayearth “The true power of magic lies not in its spells, but in the love and friendship that it creates.” – Mokona “We must learn to accept our flaws and embrace our strengths.” – Lafarga “There is no greater strength than the love and support of our friends.” – Ferio “The road to success is never easy, but it’s always worth it in the end.” – Zazu “The power of magic is not in its ability to conquer, but in its ability to bring peace.” – Primera – Recommended: 14+ Best Anime Quotes About Being Grateful You Can Learn From! After: AnimeMotitavion
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filtythoughts · 1 year
Kids Are Fine - Limbo [[Capelo Records]] from Luis O'Hara on Vimeo.
Kids Are Fine es un proyecto impulsado por Chris Lafarga y Mauricio André, compañeros músicos de Guadalajara, México. Influenciados por el rock psicodélico y el pop barroco. Esta presentación que se llevo a cabo en #Capelorecords el 28 de julio de 2023, en este video la canción "Limbo" parte de su primer EP, buscalos en redes y en cualquier plataforma como #KidsAreFine
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