prozacpark · 11 years
ladysaviours replied to your post: Top 6 books (as of right now!)
I kind of want to see you read Song of Achilles just to watch you discover how terrible it is. :P
Oh gods.  People actually kept reccing that to me based on the fact that I tend to read everything with Achilles, and even so, I just looked at the summary and predicted that it would really piss me off.  Like, Achilles is both bisexual and poly, which is SUCH an essential part of his godlike nature, that everyone CONSTANTLY tries to fit into the Western narratives of monogamy, AND IT DOES NOT WORK LIKE THAT.   Achilles has numerous relationships with numerous people, and they're all incredibly complex (and I possibly ship him with too many people), and the only thing they have in common is that, um, Achilles is consistently drawn to dying or dead people.  Because his whole fucking life is one big love affair with death, because that's the only thing that he has any CHOICE in.  So if there's an OTP, it's Achilles/Death.  (Achilles/Hades? ;)
Also, I am always in favor of consuming things for crack value, but I am incredibly attached to the women of these narratives, and I think that Song of Achilles would just...make me incredibly ragey. 
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autoluminescence · 11 years
ok, tumblr, advice:
i've been hearing lots of awesome things about hannibal from all y'all, esp w/r/t its mirror characters and portrayal of autism/neuroatypicality (GOOD THINGS!).
however! i am *bad* at visual/cinematic horror, and if i get too freaked out/uncomfortable/itchy-squirmy, i'm definitely not going to be able to focus on any of the awesome.
is this going to be a show i can do?
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lesbiandeancas · 12 years
Rule 1: always post the rules.
Rule 2: answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write 11 new ones.
Rule 3: tag 11 new people and link them to your post.
Rule 4: let them know you’ve tagged them
1.  What’s your favorite museum?
I dunno... hmm.  I've only been to a few museums but I guess my favorite of those was the Crocker Art museum, just cos I really like art ^^
2. What’s the best gift you’ve given someone?
I'm actually terrible at giving gifts, lol.  I got my brother a book of H.P. Lovecraft stories this year and he really liked it??
3. Greek, Roman, Egyptian, or Norse mythology? Or another?
I'm not as brushed up on my mythology as when I was a kid (I was really into that stuff) but the 11 year old me would definitely say Greek
4. What’s something/someone you love that everyone else should know about? Could be a food, a place, a movie, a ship, an author, a tv show, a band… Anything!
Hmm I think everyone should listen to Locksley they're a band originally from Wisconsin and they are p cute, even though they need to come out with a new album with actual new songs (and some of their lyrics are questionable and make me go "rly locksley rly" but I still like them idk it's weird ok)
you might have heard them in that awful remake of friday the 13th or in a lot of commercials last year
5. Give me one random fact about yourself. Yes, I’m getting lazy, but I make the questions so I’m allowed to.
I hate Jell-o
6. Cold shower or hot bath?
Cold shower all the way I hate baths omg
7. What’s the last thing you watched on Netflix (or Hulu or somewhere online or on TV or however you visually consume media)? What’s next?
Last thing I watched on my computer was a bootleg of the Les Mis stage show.  Next: probably more X-Files ^^
8. If you could know when and how you were going to die, would you want to know? Explain.
Well I'd want to know if anyone else was going to be in danger?  Like if I died in some sort of accident or disaster or something?  If that makes sense?
9. How did you ring in the New Year?
Trying to avoid my douchey little brother
10. Speaking of New Years, what do you hope happens/to accomplish in 2013?
Well I tried to make a resolution with my family that we would make less trash in our house
11. What were your favorite bed sheets and/or pajamas as a child?
I think I had just regular sheets and hand-me-down pajamas but I'll tell ya I did have a Lion King blanket and a Harry Potter pillowcase that I really liked
Here are my questions ^^
1. Did you ever have an imaginary friend when you were a kid?
2. If you won an all-expense-paid trip to space would you go?
3. Do you remember your dreams?  Care to share a recent/memorable one (totally optional!)?
4. Do you prefer to do things routinely or mix it up?
5. Do you drive?  Do you like going on long road trips?
6. Do you like sports?  Watching or participating?  Do you have a favorite?
7. What was the last thing you read (books, newspapers, magazines, fanfic, cereal boxes, it all counts)?
8. Who was your most recent "celebrity crush" (or something similar)?
9. What is your favorite genre of film? Is it different for TV shows? Books?
10. What was the first (music) concert you ever attended?
11. Have you ever been on the radio or TV?  Tell us about it (also optional!)?
I'm tagging.....
sherierenescott, princessbutterspock, ladysaviors, luceateis, buttsexington, kirkbonesspock, annaharvelle, amorremanet, haveademon, misandrypls, glitterandgrit
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